#tokoyami fumicage x reader
Under the Mahogany Table- Tokoyami Fumikage
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Words:  2400 Characters: Tokoyami Fumikage & Dark Shadow x Reader Spice:  Spicy AF Warnings: Filthy Language, Smut, NSFW, Voyeurism 
You are in a study group, your long time crush Tokoyami Fumikage sits in front of you- erotic shenanigans ensue.  Shall we count how many times i can use the word ‘core’ in reference to a vagina?  
Characters are aged up. I don’t write often so don’t spell check me-
You stared down at your book, it could be a trashy erotica novel for all you knew, you couldn't read a word of it. 
Your cake sat untouched beside your book, you sat stiffly the elegance of the room setting you on edge.  Even the air smelled crisp and clean.  
Your fingers gripped the table, you felt the eyes of your crush on you and forced yourself to act natural- or as natural as you could be in a chair that likely cost more than what you spend in a year.
U.A finals were coming up and, as usual, Momo Yaoyorozu organized and hosted a class study session at her home.  You didn't need extra study time, but your  crush, Tokoyami Fumikage was attending- and here he was, directly across from you.
Your attraction was pitiful, really.  
You had been in the same class with Fumikage for years now, training to be a hero alongside him but never having been partnered with him.  
Not once.
The way he occupied most of your thoughts- it was almost comical considering only a handful of words were passed between you. 
You had given up pursuing the edgy bird boy, but your desire for him burned as hot as always. 
You glanced up at the boy in question, allowing yourself only a moment to take him in.
Hot damn.
 He had bulked up since you had first seen him but his style remained the same.  
Your eyes ate him up, you felt perverted as you stared at him from across the ridiculously long mahogany table.  
His strong pale hands gripped his book firmly, his thumb stroking the open page back and forth.  How would it feel for him to stroke you like that?
The level of hate you felt for that fucking book was unnatural. 
You leaned back  knowing that you were more than a little obsessed with Fumikage.
Your eyes moved from his hands to his thick arms, over to the buttons on his chest.  
You sighed at how fine he looked in that black vest.  
Your gaze crawled up his torso, past that red choker that you’ve always wanted to touch-
Your hand barley managed to muffle a gasp as Fumikage’s garnet eyes locked you in place.  He conveyed so much with just a look, you felt your skin heat. 
An eternity passed, you could live in his gaze.
“What kind of tea do you all want?”  Momo’s generosity cut the moment short. “I have most every kind, and what I don't I can have a maid run out and get it for you!”  
You pulled your eyes away first. “Doesn’t matter to me, I’ll drink whatever.”
“Same.” Fumikage echoed in a low voice.
Your blush persisted as you returned your eyes to your book, doubting you would have the courage to glance up again. 
You refused to let yourself read into what just happened, content in keeping Tokoyami Fumikage your secret obsession.
Flipping a page you kept up the facade of reading.
The small group seemed engaged as Momo kept up conversation.  You smiled and laughed appropriately when Denki or Mina cracked a joke. 
You tried to focus, you really did, and almost succeeded-  
A feather light touch grazed your knee.
Your body trembled.
You jerked your leg, expecting the touch to disappear- it didn't.
You held your breath as fingers encircled both your legs in a chilly grip.  
The touch was firm but not painful, their hands wide around your upper calves as their thumbs rubbed back and forth over your knees. 
You cautiously glanced around the table.  
Everyone was seated.
Straightening your back, you pressed your thighs together and worried your lower lip.  The hands stilled as well, as if sensing an inner struggle going on inside of you.  
You could yell out- draw attention to the person under the table.  Could it be a perverse maid or manservant of Momo’s? 
You glanced up at Fumikage, his gem toned eyes wholly focused on the notes in front of him.  You had no doubt about him being your first love, but did you want to pine after him forever?  
Loving him from a distance was bittersweet at best, but the time had passed for you to join his inner circle.  
This is the closest I will get to him.  
The cold fingers gripping your calves squeezed, testing or asking you didn't know.  With your untouched body being groped by a stranger while your crush sat not six feet away from you- a sick desire twisted its way around your heart and heated your blood.
Your hands reached under the table cloth, shifting your fingers around the hem of your soft skirt, goosebumps flooded your skin as you eased the fabric up, spreading your knees an inch apart in demur invitation.  
The chilly grasp roamed higher, spreading your trembling legs as they crossed to grip the soft swell of your hips.  Cold fingers brushed the outline of your panties in a loving caress. You glanced at your lap to see two bulges under your skirt where the table cloth fell short.  
Panic bled into pleasure as the fingers dipped under the edges of your underwear to rub the flesh of your hip with a slow back and forth.  You closed your eyes and imagined Fumikage’s fingers as he rubbed his book the same way.  
Your breath hitched as you opened wider to the stranger, picturing your crush under the table as you willed them to do more.
“You okay Y/N?”  Momo turned to you.  “Your trembling.”
Air burst from you in a light sigh as the stranger forced your legs wide.
“I’m just a bit chilly.” Your strained smile put her at ease. Instinct urged you to protect your vulnerable place, you tried to close your legs but the stranger was there- resting between your thighs like it was their new home. 
“Well, I will have the maid turn up the heat for you, and i'm sure some hot tea will work wonders for you as well.”  Warmth seeped from your core as something smooth and chilly nuzzled your inner thigh, tantalizingly close to your center.  
Their cock?  
No, there was no way.   
“Thank you, I- I appreciate that.”  You moved your hand over your plate, brushing a  fancy fork onto the marble floor. 
A clatter echoed across the wide room.
 “I’ve got it!” you rushed before Momo could call a maid.
You leaned down, lifting the table cloth.
Glowing yellow orbs stared back at you over your thigh.
You froze.
Dark Shadow’s obsidian fingers dug into your flesh, he shot you a shit-eating grin before shoving his face into the apex of your thighs.  His eerie gaze held yours as he latched onto your aching core, his cold tongue flicking out to lap at your cunt through your panties. 
You bit your lip to keep from crying out.  Trembling, you lifted back into your seat and did your best portrayal of nonchalant as dark shadow contoured you with his tongue.
You dared a glance at Fumikage, surely he had to know…
His oblivious expression said otherwise.
Could Dark Shadow even be out without him knowing?  
You didn't know.  
Dark Shadow had to be one sneaky little shi- 
A wave of cold air hit your core as Dark Shadow pulled your panties to the side and melded  his mouth to your center.  His eager tongue ran circled around your swollen nub, moving down to trace the seam of your entrance.  
A tea cup clattered over in the distance, masking the sharp sound of Dark Shadow ripping the crotch of your panties.
Tea bled over the tablecloth in a dark stain, your soft whimper went unheard as people bustled  in to clean up the mess.
“I’ll have them change the-”
“No!” Your voice broke as you interupted Momo, “I’m sure it’s fine, it will just get messy again as we eat, we can change it after we study.” You covered. You didn’t want your stranger to get caught, but more than that you didn’t want them to stop.
As if rewarding you Dark shadow brought his mouth back to your soaking pussy. Your swollen clit throbbed as you spread yourself to invite him  back home.
“I suppose your right...” 
What would Fumicage think?  
Your legs tightened around Dark shadow as his tongue teased your entrance, your eyes drifted to Fumikage.  
 Bird Boy looked at you with such concern,  his brow creased with worry as his partner began fucking you with his long cold tongue. All you cared about was the shadowy entity wrecking you under the table.
You bit your lip, nearly drawing blood to compose yourself enough not to moan and alert your classmates. 
When you opened them Fumikage was still staring. Your lips parted as you sent him a silent gesture to look under the table.
Your body jerked as Dark Shadow yanked you to the edge of your seat, his fingers dug into your hips.   Fumicage’s eyes widened with the movement, your body felt more sensitive under his alert watch.
Your core was dripping wet as dark shadow worked a thick cool finger into your hot untried sex.  
Your breath caught with the ache of his invasion, his fingers were thick and stretched you more than you had ever been.  
The state of the fancy chair fleeted through your mind as he allowed you to adjust, when he started languidly pumping inside you, his mouth latching onto your sensitive nub-  
Fuck the chair.
 You rested your head between your arms on the table, no longer able to hide your expression.
The effort to keep quiet was staggering- the effort to keep from grinding onto Dark Shadow for relief was even more so.
“You sure you're okay, Y/N?”  Denki asked from the far end of the long table.
“Yeah.”  You mumbled as Dark Shadow forced another finger into your soaking hole. “I’m just a little tired.” Your voice broke.
The sound of cutlery hitting the floor was unmistakable, you glanced up to find Fumikage with one hand braced on the table as he leaned down.
Fumikage bolted upright in his seat, eyes wide and feathers standing on end as his fingers curled around his book in a death-grip. 
“Everything okay there, Fumikage?”
He nods in silence, his panic filled eyes never leaving yours.  
Your face heats, you feel so deliciously dirty. 
Your long time crush watching as his partner stretches you with his fingers. Dark Shadow is mildly transparent, did Fumicage see him sucking on your bare pussy?
warmth coils in your belly at the thought.
Your body makes light erotic noises in time with Dark Shadows rhythm.
You lick your lips, Fumikage watches your mouth, his eyes taking all of you in as his breathing becomes labored.
You are nearly there, your hand wanders under the table, curling around Dark Shadow’s head, you wrap a leg around his smooth body as you desperately shove him against your core.  
You need more.
Your legs fall open, splayed wide as you imagine Fumikage leaning over you, his cock stretching you as he mercilessly fucks you into oblivion. 
Dark Shadow forces another finger into your eager body.
“Tokoyami.” You gasp.
You glance over  to find Fumikage has torn a section of pages out of his book.  His hands tremble as his breath comes out in gasps. 
His glazed eyes are locked  on yours as dark shadow brings you to peak.
You hear a crash as you tumble over a wave of pleasure. 
Your head drops into your arms on the table, you bite down hard on your school book to stifle your moan of ecstasy, your nails dig into your arms and pain mingles with your orgasm. 
You gasp for air, feeling sated and sticky.  
You couldn't move if you wanted too.  You had no idea how you were going to explain this, and in the afterglow you really couldn't be brought to care..
“I’m going to take her out for some fresh air, she’s not looking well.” You heard Fumikage say, his voice low and shaky. “I need air as well, it's a bit stifling in here. Please excuse us.” 
Momo said something, but in your haze it didn't register.
Fumikage was beside you in an instant.
“I’ve got you now.” He whispered into your ear, his body radiating heat that you missed from Dark Shadow. 
He worked one arm behind your back while the other quickly pulled your panties down your legs and off - to be discreetly tucked into his pocket. 
He lifted you into his arms like a princess, his limbs and dark shadow strategically placed to preserve your modesty.
The light breeze and sunshine were overstimulating, your arms wrapped around Tokoyami’s neck, you nuzzled your face against his, reveling in his close proximity as much as hiding from the too bright sun.
“I-I…”  He sighed, coming to a stop and closing his eyes. “I’m sorry, L/N.”
You stiffened.  
He could be sorry for any number of things.  Sorry that Dark Shadow took advantage of you, sorry that he doesn't like you the way you like him...You waited for him to clarify but he struggled.
You chose your words carefully.
“I can't say that- well, that I wanted my first time to be in front of my classmates.”  your eyes drifted away from his, your voice sounds small even to you. “But I enjoyed it, and I like you. So- I mean…”  You blushed hard, his intense gaze turning your small speech into sand in your mouth. 
“He likes you- has for a long damn time.” Dark shadow opens him mouth for the first time since he was under your skirt..  “I like you too, but I love the taste of your puss-”
“ENOUGH, Dark Shadow!” Dark Shadow withdrew into Fumikage without a word.
“You like me?”
“Yes.” He mumbled, averting his eyes.
A smile broke your face, nothing could dampen this moment.
“Would you want to hang out at my place and watch movies? I’d ask if you want dinner but-”  The idea of a repeat in a restaurant was both terrifying and titillating- but also too soon. 
“I’d love too.” he grinned, his eyes squinting with the force of it.
“What should I say to everyone about…”
“Dark shadow took care of it.”
“He did? I don't see how when his mouth and hands were-”
He coughed, looking thoroughly embarrassed, “Dark shadow can change shape, he likely made another arm to knock all that stuff over..”
“Oh. That explains a lot.”  You didn't elaborate, but now that you knew he liked you, and after this evening, it only felt natural to tease him...
 You shifted in his arms, your face now close to his, so close that your breath ruffled his feathers.  
“So now that you’ve used your quirk to fuck me, do you want to take me home and try it the old fashion way, or am i going to have to play coy and wait for the third date?”
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hizashi-lover193 · 2 years
MHA boys X pagan reader (part one, hopefully!)
A/N: This post includes religious head canons. I do not care what your religion is. However, disrespect is never allowed on this page. If I see any religiously diss respectful comments, they will be deleted and you will be blocked. There are no exceptions or second chances. Phrases such as "Jesus loves you", "read a Bible", "I'll pray for you", or any other degrading Christian phrase, you will also be deleted/blocked. Again, no second chances. These phrases have been used to degrade and shame people who are not Christian for decades. If you do not believe this, well... This is my page. So, you can respectfully leave.
However, if you feel that your religion, or lack thereof, has been misrepresented by me, please tell me in a kind, considerate way. I will make sure to reach out to you and ask how this can be corrected, and fix my head canons accordingly. Thank you to all of the respectful people who will be respectful, regardless of religion!
P.s., I myself am pagan! The deities talked about are darker deities, such as those of death, war, or battle.
Also pagan.
Doesn't have alters set up (you do)
Honors his deities with small things in his daily life instead
You both worked with the same deities, surprisingly
You both pray to the deities every night and morning
Surprisingly also pagan
You honor your deities together, as you work with the same ones
If you get sick and can't honor them, tokoyami will apologize for the both of you.
Pays for mostly everything
Doesn't really give suggestions, but helps put everything together.
Not very artistic, but writes poems for each deity.
Is atheist, but never disrespects you or your deities.
Still buys things when you need, helps but everything together, and helps you to honor your deities.
The deities like him very, very much.
Actually picks up things he thinks they will like, no matter what he thinks they are.
Says that he just wants to make you happy.
In all reality, is questioning his atheism, but won't tell you.
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Class Trip First Kiss
Words: 1000
spice:  Mild
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You are a new transfer student at U.A., stifled by the language barrier between you and your peers. When that barrier comes crashing down your emotions get the better of you and you cant contain yourself-
You had been in class 1-A for several weeks now, but being an American transfer student with a limited knowledge of the Japanese language made connecting with others almost impossible.  Your English-Japanese translation App on your phone had become a staple, as you had to translate nearly every lesson to English before even studying it.  Struggling to communicate with your classmates was not something you really had time for if you wanted to pass your classes, the language barrier turning a moment of speech into a fifteen minute miming session.
That’s why the class training trip came as such a surprise.
You missed Mr.Aizawa’s pre-class lecture announcement, and there was no way for you to pick out keywords from your classmates, who all seemed to speak faster in their excitement. You knew something was going on, but kept to yourself, knowing from experience that you would only embarrass yourself if you tried asking anyone.
You had been pulled aside by your teacher, Mr.Aizawa,only to be explained in halting, thickly accented English that you needed to pack a bag for a class trip, the bus arriving in less than an hour.
The trip to the training camp took nearly a full day by bus.  You sat in the only unoccupied seat, making yourself unnoticeable, you weren't in the mood to try and bumble your way through communication today, too busy worrying about what exactly was going on.
The bus eased to a stop, and your classmates stood quickly, their loud bustle rocking the vehicle as they poured out of it.  You were last out of the bus, but immediately regretted it. The view was breathtaking.   
The mountain range before you was thick with vegetation, the farther peeks painted in various shades of blue against the red and pink hues of the setting sun.  The orange glow from its lingering rays warmed your skin between gusts of crisp pine scented air.  
You startled as Mr.Aizawa drew the attention of the class, a group of colorful pro heroes you never seen before crowded behind him. His firm voice commanded silence as he spoke smoothly in the language you wish you knew even half as well.  
You kept to the back as your classmates drew closer to listen in, there was no point in doing the same when you wouldn't understand a thing.  
“HEY, Y/N!” You sighed in relief as Mr.Yamada’s blond head popped up over the crowd, being one of the few people fluent in the language, he had quickly become your favorite teacher.
He bounded to you with such energy you couldn't help but laugh. You ignored the surprised stares of your classmates as Mr.Yamada draped an arm over your shoulder in a half hug.  “Not even gonna try are ya?”  He leaned over, leveling his gaze with yours, his signature smile plastered on his face while his brows wrinkled in concern.
“I- yeah.” Your ignorance with the language had murdered your confidence, how were you supposed to be yourself or make friends if you couldn't speak to someone on the same level.
“Well, kid.” you nearly bowled over as he slapped your shoulder with an echoing laugh, “time to get over that.”
“What?”  Your eyes widened in horror, what did they have planned? 
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you get saddled with a partner that will look out for you!”  He ruffled your hair, his wild voice getting more boisterous with every second. “Everyone gets a partner, then we are gonna throw each pair in different locations in the woods! Survival is the name of the gaaaaaaame!”
“WHAT?” you grabbed blond the teacher by his collar, pulling him down to face you as you interrogated him.  Your classmates circled you with varying expressions ranging from utter shock to laughter. 
You blushed as you released your teacher only to hide behind him.
You were saved by Mr.Aizawa shout, your classmates fell into line as he began calling out names, pairing students for the impending survival course.
Mr.Yamada took his place beside Mr.Aizawa, his eyes sparkling behind his glasses as he leaned down to whisper into Mr.Aizawa’s ear. You pinked as your classmates side eyed you.
Mr.Aizawa huffed as he marked something down on the clipboard he held in response to his colleagues whispers.
“L/N.”  Mr.Aizawa called out, you made your way outside of the group to stand with the students already paired, so intent on your predicament that you failed to hear the name of your partner being called as well. 
As you pulled out your phone to load up the familiar translation app and set up the usual pleasantries exchanged with greeting, one of the pro heroes from behind Mr.Aizawa made their way to stand in front of you. You tried tapped the screen of your phone in a rush for the hero but they flicked you on the forehead before you could manage it.
“Ow, that hurt!” you cried.
“There, that’s better.”  The masked pro, patted your head. 
“I can speak the la-”
“Oh, you speak English?”
“Nope, not a word of it. But now you wont be needing this.” The pro plucked the phone from your hand to pocket it in their utility belt. “Phones aren't allowed out here anyways.”
“Yep.” The hero snickered and turned on their heels before any thanks could leave your lips. 
A whirlwind of emotions nearly overtook you as you contemplated your new situation.  
This changed everything.  
Your lips pulled up into a bright smile, a weight had been lifted off your shoulders that you hadn't even known you carried until that moment.
A light tap on your shoulder pulled you back into the present.
You turned toward the newcomer, still beaming from the gift the pro had bestowed upon you.  The light chattering around you was finally discernible, you were overwhelmed with joy, 
When the person behind you spoke to you in a language you could finally understand,  you couldn't contain yourself- your emotions burst forth like a tidal wave forcing you into action.
“I know you can't understand what I’m saying, but we are partners-”
You grabbed their face, fingers buried into their hair as your  lips slammed against theirs, cutting their words off with a firm kiss. Their sharp gasp was came out as a muffled hum. You felt their body stiffen against yours, and relax again just as quickly.
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