#tokyo revengers peyan
propertyoftoman · 6 months
Yeah im still in love with Peh yan
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redbluenight · 6 months
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Hey Toman, make some noise!!!
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animekingfans · 9 months
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southside-otaku · 2 years
HOW ARE WE (or at least how am I) SO DUMB?!?!
Mikey’s letter to his future self said that he FOR SURE KNEW what everyone was gonna become and WHY was he 100% correct?!?!
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Everyone but himself (basically)…..
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tokyo-rgifs · 2 years
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Episode 23 -  End Of War • Tokyo Revengers.          
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chiihara · 2 years
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Tokyo Revengers Season 2 “Christmas Showdown Arc”
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sofya-fanfics · 9 months
Je te sauverai
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Fandom : Tokyo Revengers
Relationship : Mikey x Takemichi
Voici ma participation pour le Tropetember 2023 pour le prompt : Major Character Death.
J’espère que ça vous plaira.
Résumé : Mikey se demandait si Takemichi était revenu du passé. Est-ce qu’il essayerait de savoir ce qu’il était devenu ? Il savait qu’il chercherait à le retrouver. C’est pour cela qu’il lui avait laissé cette vidéo dans la capsule temporelle où il lui demandait de ne pas le retrouver. Il savait que Takemichi respecterait sa volonté. Après tout, qu’avait-il a offrir à part un monde de violence et de mort.
Disclaimer : Tokyo Revengers appartient à Ken Wakui.
Mikey regarda au loin et mordit dans un taiyaki. On était le 19 juin. Douze ans jour pour jour que les membres du Toman avaient enterré la capsule temporelle et qu’ils avaient prévu de se retrouver. Mikey redoutait cette date depuis plusieurs jours. Il savait que ses amis seraient présents, se demandant sûrement où il était et s’il viendrait. Mais il ne devait pas se rendre au rendez-vous. S’il avait dissout le Toman et s’il avait brisé tous les liens avec eux, c’était pour les protéger et protéger leur avenir. Il devait les protéger de celui qu’il était devenu.
Il s’était quand même renseigné sur ce qu’ils étaient devenus. C’était plus fort que lui, il devait savoir. Ils avaient été les personnes les plus importante de sa vie et même s’il refusait de se l’avouer, il tenait toujours à eux.
Il avait appris que Draken avait ouvert un atelier motos. Chifuyu avait ouvert une animalerie et Kazutora l’aidait depuis sa sortie de prison. Pachin, qui venait de se marier, avait repris l’entreprise de son père et était secondé par Peyan. Mitsuya était devenu styliste et commençait à se faire un nom dans le milieu de la mode. Hakkai était un mannequin international et sa sœur était son agent. Quant-à Takemichi, il était gérant d’une boutique de DVD et allait bientôt épouser Hinata. Ils étaient tous heureux sans lui et s’était mieux ainsi.
Il se demandait si Takemichi était revenu du passé. Est-ce qu’il essayerait de savoir ce qu’il était devenu ? Mikey savait qu’il chercherait à le retrouver. C’est pour cela qu’il lui avait laissé cette vidéo dans la capsule temporelle où il lui demandait de ne pas le retrouver. Il savait que Takemichi respecterait sa volonté. Après tout, qu’avait-il a offrir à part un monde de violence et de mort.
Il y a douze ans, il savait comment les choses risquaient de finir. Sa pulsion finirait par le rattraper et Takemichi serait une de ses victimes. Il le tuerait, comme il tuait tous ceux qui le gênaient ou qui ne lui étaient plus d’aucune utilité.
Il y a bien longtemps, les seules personnes capable de l’aider à combattre cette pulsion avaient été Shinichiro, Emma et Baji. Mais tous les trois n’étaient plus de ce monde. Puis Takemichi était entré dans sa vie. Il avait cette force et ce courage qui avait donné envie à Mikey de combattre cette pulsion. Avec Takemichi à ses côtés, la noirceur qu’il avait en lui disparaissait. Il était devenu son héro et il l’aimait. Et c’est parce qu’il l’aimait qu’il devait le laisser retourner à son époque. Il savait qu’à l’instant où Takemichi disparaîtrait, sa pulsion noire reprendrait le dessus. Il était plongé bien trop profondément dans les ténèbres et plus personne ne pouvait le sauver. Pas même Takemichi.
Il mordit à nouveau dans son taiyaki lorsqu’il entendit quelqu’un arriver derrière lui. Il savait qu’il s’agissait de Sanzu, son fidèle second.
« Tu es sûr de ne pas vouloir t’y rendre ? Demanda Sanzu.
-Oui, répondit Mikey avec indifférence. »
Cette date faisait partie de son passé et cela devait rester ainsi.
Cela faisait plusieurs jours que Mikey entendait des rumeurs sur un homme qui cherchait des informations sur lui et sur le Bonten. Qui pouvait être cet idiot qui le cherchait alors même que les autorités le craignaient ? Pendant une seconde, le visage de Takemichi lui vint à l’esprit. Mais c’était impossible. Il devait se marier avec Hinata dans quelques jours et il ne risquerait pas de tout perdre pour le retrouver.
Mikey regarda Rindo se débarrasser du cadavre d’un des membres du Bonten qu’il venait d’exécuter. Il l’avait trahi, alors Mikey devait l’éliminer. Il ne ressentait rien. Ni regret, ni peine, ni plaisir comme les membres de son gang. Il était vide. Il vit du coin de l’œil Sanzu arriver. Il l’avait envoyé se renseigner sur cet homme.
« Tu as appris quelque chose ? Demanda Mikey.
-Il s’agit de Takemichi Hanagaki. »
Alors c’était bien lui, pensa Mikey. Il ne l’avait pas écouté et il l’avait recherché. Pourquoi fallait-il qu’il continue à jouer au héro ?
« Tu sais où il se trouve ? »
Sanzu acquiesça. La main de Mikey se crispa sur le pistolet.
« Amène-moi à lui. »
Mikey savait déjà ce qui allait se passer. C’était pour ça qu’il ne voulait pas revoir Takemichi. Pourquoi les choses devaient-elle se terminer ainsi ?
« Je te sauverai ! »
Pourquoi ? Pourquoi alors que Mikey venait de lui tirer dessus et qu’il était sur le point de mourir, Takemichi voulait toujours le sauver ? Il n’avait pas compris qu’il était trop tard pour lui. Cela faisait des années qu’il ne pouvait plus être sauvé. Pourquoi continuait-il d’insister ? Il lui avait dit lui-même qu’il ne pouvait plus retourner dans le passé.
Mikey n’en pouvait plus de cette vie. Il s’avança vers le bord et se laissa tomber dans le vide. C’était enfin terminé. Il sentit sa chute s’arrêter. Takemichi l’avait rattrapé par le bras. Comment était-ce possible ? Avec les balles qu’il lui avait tiré dessus, il devrait être entrain de se vider de son sang, incapable de bouger. Et pourtant, Takemichi refusait de le lâcher. Il continuait d’insister en disant qu’il pouvait encore être sauvé et pour la première fois, il l’appela par son prénom.
Quelque chose dans le cœur de Mikey changea. Il avait envie de croire en Takemichi et croire qu’il méritait d’être sauvé. Il lui attrapa la main et le regard de Takemichi changea. Mikey connaissait ce regard. Il l’avait déjà vu douze ans auparavant quand le Takemichi du futur voyageait dans le passé. Est-ce que c’était ce qui venait de se passer ? Est-ce que Takemichi venait de voyager dans le temps ?
Tout à coup, le corps de Takemichi bascula et tous deux tombèrent dans le vide. Malgré leur chute, Mikey ne voulait pas lui lâcher la main. La chute ne dura que trois secondes, qui semblait lui durer des heures.
Ils s’écrasèrent sur le sol. Le corps de Mikey avait amorti celui de Takemichi. Pourtant, il ne bougeait plus, il ne respirait plus. Mikey comprit qu’il était mort. Lui-même était au plus mal. Tous les os de son corps étaient brisés. Ses poumons devaient être perforés, il avait de plus en plus de mal à respirer. Jamais il n’avait eu aussi mal. Il voulait hurler de douleur, mais il n’y arrivait pas.
Il pouvait entendre un attroupement se former autour d’eux, mais il ne voyait rien. Le choc l’avait rendu aveugle. Sa main qui tenait celle de Takemichi se desserra peu à peu. Il se sentit partir et il comprit qu’il lui restait peu de temps. Il rassembla le peu de force qui lui restait pour lever son bras et le passer autour de Takemichi. Il n’avait jamais eu peur de mourir, mais cette fois, c’était différent.
« Takemitchy, réussit-il à murmurer. »
Takemichi lui offrait une seconde chance et Mikey espérait la passer auprès de celui qu’il aimait. Auprès de son héro, auprès de Takemichi.
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nataliyaoi · 2 years
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Shameless & Insatiable
Shameless & Insatiable
Characters: Shinichiro, Souya, Peyan, Ran, and Wakasa
Warnings; Dom-reader, Reader has a risque type of affection, Public sex, make outs, Reader is kind of mean to Shinichiro and Peyan. Reverse-sexism?
Genre: Smut (m)
{Masterlist 1} {masterlist 2}
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Shinichiro Sano
It took Shinichiro a hot second to get used to someone as shameless as you. But he loved every single moment of how you were, how couldn't he?
On your whim alone you'd dragged him away from Black dragons meeting making Takeomi take over without a moment's notice.
So here he was now, with a tongue shoved down his throat and his hot s/o grinding away on his cock. Your left hand was pushing his face closer to yours while the other was undoing his uniform as he needy grinds back.
fuck he was weak
You finally undone his uniform and quickly shoved it away. Your lips moved to his neck and your hands moved to free his cock from his underwear.
" Aaah fuck!" He moaned as you squeezed his cock. Your thumb massaged the underside of his tip. Your spit began to trail down from his tip to the underside. Every since Shin started getting laid, he stopped all hand action on his own. He preferred your own handjobs you would give him when your mood would strike. The constant pressure and velocity that you going made him want to cum at your order.
"I'm not giving you a hand job this time, you better cum in my mouth before I decide to fuck you."
"y-yes, ma'am!"
Your mouth was warm but your tongue was so wet and slimy. Your throat was so tight and his tip was having the time of his life. You were slurping him, having the time of your life as his thighs trembled.
"OH Fuck! "
"You close already?"
"y-yes! it'ss ssoo good! makin' me feel good!"
"cum then, you nasty-"
"T-thank you! Than-k you baby!"
Shinichiro's eyes go onto the back of his head as he gasps trying to catch his breath. The small whimpering sounds are heard as you lower yourself on his cock. His hands grip your waist as you rock your hips trying to get your rhythm going.
His thighs quiver as you use his cock as your toy. Shinichiro's face struggles to keep quiet but you quickly remedy that.
"be a good boy shin and moan for me."
"b-but i'm nngh!"
"Don't care I want to hear you."
"Shinichiro, Where are you? They're here already!"
You clench around his cock, one of his favorite feelings when you decided to fuck him.
"He's busy Takeomi!" you answer him and you look at Shinirio who's currently losing the will to even have a thought in his brain, "Aren't you baby?"
Shinichiro nods aimlessly, not even processing your words.
"Your so pretty when you go stupid ♡ ."
"He'll be out in 5 minutes!"
"Wtf are you doing?!"
"I'm getting laid!"
"I SAID I'M FUCKING SHINICHIRO." You bite Shinichiro's shoulder playfully " come back later ♡ ! "
"Mmh! Fuck! I'm c-coming!"
"Or now? ♡"
Fucking him before a fight, was the best feeling in the world.
Souya Kawata
When you suddenly get in the mood no one and nothing can stop you. There is nothing in the world that stops you from seeking the sweet release you crave.
There were plenty of times where Nahoya had caught the both of you in compromising positions and you'd still keep going even when caught. Now Nahoya has made it a self implied rule to never go near you when you have that look that locks on his poor baby brother before you completely wreck him.
Going on the train was something that you both didn't do, but you both decided to go to two cities over for a small getaway vacation after working so hard at the shop.
With time to spare and great boredom being the only thing you currently felt you look up to your poor unexpecting victim. Souya always looked so good in whatever he wore but your favorite look on him was when he was completely naked trembling underneath you barely holding on.
Your mouth watered at the thought and you made your mind up after that. You were glad that today of all days you decided to wear a skirt instead and the fact that last night's activities with Souya were really going to help you today. You scroll through your phone till you find just the right app before turning on a certain feature.
Souya's shocked face made you smile before he tried to hide the pleasure he was feeling.
"No, no don't hide pretty. Let me see your lovely face." you were sat on his lap now with your skirt hiked up to your thighs. Your hands undo his pants and bring out Souya's semi-hard cock. you grab your phone again to dial up Souya's torture as you move your panties to the side before sinking down on souya's dick.
"because you look so pretty when I mess with you. "
Peyan's outfits were gaudy, gaudy as hell but damn did he look good in them. Especially when you're pulling them to get him closer to you.
Peyan looked so delicious when he's wearing his gaudy outfits, his motorcycle, and manspreading, it awakens something feral inside of you.
Goddamn, you were going to eat this man alive, if you kept up the pace you were going.
The both of you were basically eating each other's faces (according to Pah-chin, but he's such a hater. So he's biased). Your fingers gripped the material of his shirt as Peyan's fingers gripped the seat of his motorcycle which you were seating at.
"You look so fucking good, Let me fuck you Pey."
"but we just-"
"it's your fault, why are you flashing your skin to me? You know women get distracted by collarbones."
Your lips nibbled onto his earlobe as your hands began to move lower, down to his legs.
"you should've changed before leaving. It's not my fault you got dressed like whore. Now, Take some responsibility you whore,"
"d-damn! w-wait nngh!"
"don't squeeze me right- aaah!"
Your fingers messed with Peyan's cock over his clothes. You pumped his cock over his pants making Peyan's mouth hanging open.
"Look at you precious, already going weak?"
"Oii!" Pah-chin yells for the both of you at a distance disrupting this tug session.
"Fucking cock-blocker."
Ran Haitani
Ran's fingers scramble for the mute as your fingers wrap around his cock but you don't let him.
"fuck!" Ran gasps for air as his flat ass is in the air and his upper body is shoved down onto the bed.
"Are you listening to me?"
"yeah, babe are you listening to Izana?" Your fingers spread his ass cheeks apart before shoving a finger in his ass.
"yes!" but it's as weak as Mikey's will to live.
The finger wiggles around his Ran's hole before you decide to actually thrust it into him trying to find the spot that turns Ran into the prettiest whore anyone has ever seen.
Izana drones on and on, while your fingers in Ran's ass begin to increase until he's almost taking four fingers. Leaving ran in an overstimulated mess. Having his ass and balls fondle was too much for him to take before he face-planted onto the pillow to cum in peace.
" There you, all nice and stretched out for me and strap."
Ran's eyes widen at your words
"huh? I won't be waiting for you or repeating it so whatever you're doing stop. " Izana said angrily
"Or just shut up and take it," you whisper into his ear like the devil you are. Your fingers stop jerking his cock and start teasing his light pink nipples.
Ran grits his teeth as you pinch his nipples. You roll his nips between your fingers as the tip of your strap begins to enter him. You enter slowly inch by inch, stretching his ass out as much as you could.
"look at that Ran your ass is taking it so well."
"no stop he'll hear."
"Then you better keep quiet baby or I'm going to punish you"
"Is y/n there?"
"yes! F-fuck she's here! fuck its deep!"
"Y/n what's wrong with Ran?"
"I'm fucking him at the moment."
"I have needs."
Wakasa was the perfect little doll in your opinion . His bored expression made you work hard to absolutely destroy it.
That's why he was in the bathroom trying to keep his moans down as the special vibrator you stuffed in his ass kept getting deeper inside of him because he kept clenching and sitting in just the right spots so they'd hit him the parts he loves the most. But now he regrets it all. He forgets you love to overstimulate and edge him. but most of all you love to treat him like a doll that you could breed as much as you wanted. You loved calling his ass a pussy pocket.
Your face was stuffed down his chest as you took in his nipple inside your mouth. His chest was filled with love marks, some were fading but others were recent.
"Can't wait till your Lil pussy pocket get so filled with cum, gonna knock you up waka."
"You'll be a pretty little housewife for me won't you."
Waka would just say yes so you'd fuck his hard leaking cock.
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Tagging @propertyoftoman More Peyan content for you honey!
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sukunasbabymama · 3 years
Being insecure because you thought they found someone new and better.
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⌗ Pairing: Yasuhiro Muto “Mucho”, Ryohei Hayashi “Peyan”.
⌗ Warnings: Slight cursing on Peh’s part.
⌗ A/N: Since the requester said toman and tenjiku i took one from each gang and went with it, even though I sometimes I talk about toman!mucho and other times tenjiku!mucho, whatever I just love him guys.
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Yasuhiro Muto Mucho.
He is one hell of an intuitive man and he knows damn right something’s wrong. You have been distancing yourself from him slowly, and if it was another person maybe they wouldn’t see it, but not Yasuhiro. He knows everything about you without you even knowing it.
That’s why now he’s sitting at the cafe you work at, in the section you serve playing shogi with his vice-captain. At first he came alone but you ignored him and sent another person to take his order so he thought it was fine, he would call Sanzu and play some board game and wait till you close the place. He has time.
When it’s closing time he turns the chair to where you are and sits there, watching you with a serious expression, legs open and his hands interlocked on his lap lazily. The others employees that were working with you were cleaning on the other side of the shop on purpose, afraid of him.
“So, we are okay but you’re not going to talk to me?” He says, voice deep and intimidating, making the others flinch.
“Yasuhiro, listen—,”
“Are we okay or not, little one?” He says in the same voice. You sigh and shake your head softly. “Then why aren’t we fixing it?”
You nod at his words and motion him to follow you. Without taking his eyes from your form he starts walking behind you till you are in the small office in the back of the shop.
“What’s the matter?” He asks, his voice now a little bit soft. A little.
“I have been getting really insecure lately…” He is looking at you deadpan so you keep going. “I don’t know why and I’m trying to organize my ideas because I don’t want to bring those bad thoughts to you and—,”
“What are you insecure about?” He asks, walking slowly till he is in front of you. Now you’re between this titan and the desk.
“That you can find a better person, someone who can match better with you…” You whisper. You feel his hand in your throat making you look at him in the eyes slowly. “I was feeling like I was being annoying with all those dates. I’m sorry for distancing myself.”
He leans and kisses you. You know he’s trying with everything he has to be soft but, it’s Yasuhiro Muto that we are talking about, so the kiss is deep, in a second you’re giving him access to your cavity, whimpering at the way he easily dominates the kiss and softly squeeze your throat.
“You think there’s even a possibility of someone new making me feel like this?” You bite your lip at his words. Mucho listens to you a lot so when he talks he always knows what buttons to push. “Tell me.”
“There’s not?”
“You sure?”
“I’m sorry for distancing myself.”
“Don’t do it again.”
“Yes sir.”
“I love you.”
“I love you more.”
“Kiss me then.” He whispers, already leaning to kiss you again, you hum. “You’re the only person I’ll ever want, little one.”
Ryohei Hayashi Peyan.
You woke up from loud knocks on your door. Scared that maybe something happened to your neighbor who is an old man, you run to the door and open it without thinking twice.
There is your boyfriend, looking pissed as hell.
“Can you stop putting your damn phone on silent? Every damn time you’re mad at me I’m worried as fuck because I can’t reach you.” He says in a cold tone. When he’s mad or in an argument he doesn’t shout or scream like he does with his friends. He has never raised his voice at you.
“I’m not mad at you.” You say quietly, opening the door wider for him.
“You’re not? Because you haven’t taken any of my calls for two days straight. I thought you were busy with work so I didn’t want to bother you.” He says the last thing in an undertone. You sigh and follow him to your room, after locking the door.
“When I asked you if I could be your boyfriend I told you that we would never go to bed mad and you’ve been avoiding me for two days.” You look at your feet, embarrassed at the way he said it. He’s right. “Let’s go.”
You shake your head.
“C’mere, gorgeous.” He says, taking off his shirt after his pants, he puts on some pajama pants he has in your apartment.
You follow him and get under your blankets, going straight to straddle him as you always do when he’s staying for the night. His hands go straight to your thighs, kneading them absently while looking at your face with a small smile.
“Talk to me, baby.” He says in a low tone.
“I can’t seem to stop thinking about how you will find someone new and better that, I don’t know, has a better chemistry with you,” You sigh. “Every time we are with your friends and their partners I’m always in a corner or behind you. One of their partners once commented that it’s so weird to see us together since you are loud and I’m like a statue.”
“Look at me.” You lift your eyes from his abs to his eyes, he looks angrier than before. “Do I look like I give a fuck what looks weird for people? Cause I don’t.”
You gulp.
“I don’t care what my friends’ dates think about us, shit baby, I don’t care what my friends think about us. Are you too calm for me? Good, because I love you just like that, am I too loud for you? Good! Because you love me just like that,” He says and you nod. “You love me like that, right?”
“Yes, yes, of course, Ryo I’m sorry,” You mutter, embarrassed to put him in this position.
“Don’t be, my angel.” He hums. “I love you.”
You smile and he frowns.
“Maybe… you want to fight me?” You look at him confused. “I mean, you aren’t saying it back. I said I love you, angel.”
You roll your eyes, leaning to hide your face on his neck.
“I love you more, my baby boy.” You murmur.
You stay there in a comfortable silence when…
“Ryohei Hayashi, get your hands off my ass.”
“Well damn, can’t have shit in this house.” He whines and you giggle.
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🔖: @saturnmitsuya @melaninnntae @milliumizoomi @plutosexc @ccxiia @haitanigigi @keimisan @welkinmoongrab @manjiroarchiviste @dai-tsukki-desu @yunho-leeknow
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propertyoftoman · 2 years
hello world. im still madly in love with Pehyan.
thank you, that is all.
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redbluenight · 2 years
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ᴋᴇɴ ᴡᴀᴋᴜɪ ꜱᴋᴇᴛᴄʜ ꜰᴏʀ ʀʏᴏʜᴇɪ ʜᴀʏᴀꜱʜɪ (ᴘᴇʏᴀɴ) ʙɪʀᴛʜᴅᴀʏ.
ᴛᴏᴍᴀɴ ᴠɪᴄᴇ-ᴄᴀᴘᴛᴀɪɴꜱ❗️
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sxlver-sweet · 3 years
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key ;
fluff — ❀
angst — ♛
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❀ PLATONIC TRIO W/ INTROVERT READER || keisuke baji, kazutora hanemiya || ✉️
❀ S/O W/ SQUISHY CHEEKS || kazutora hanemiya, ran haitani, manjiro sano || ✉️
❀ IDOL!READER NOTICES THEM || chifuyu matsuno, souya kawata || ✉️
❀ S/O WAKING THEM UP FOR KISSES || manjiro sano, mitsuya takashi, keisuke baji || ✉️
❀ BONTEN BOYS KEEP PICTURES OF S/O || hajime kokonoi, kakucho hitto, haruchiyo sanzu || ✉️
❀ NOTICING S/O FASTING || manjiro sano, chifuyu matsuno, inui seishu || ✉️
❀ CHUBBY S/O || ran haitani, nahoya kawata || ✉️
❀ BUBBLEGUM B!TCH S/O || shuji hanma, yasuhiro muto || ✉️
❀ + ♛ ATTRACTIVE S/O RECEIVES LOVE LETTERS || takashi mitsuya, keisuke baji, rindou haitani || ✉️
❀ MUTE S/O || ran haitani, bonten!haruchiyo sanzu, nahoya kawata || ✉️
❀ SLEEPOVER W/ FEM S/O || senju kawaragi || ✉️
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❀ FIRST TIME FOR EVERYTHING, EVEN PLUSHIES ; PT. 1 || keisuke baji, seishu inui, souya kawata || ✉️
❀ FIRST TIME FOR EVERYTHING, EVEN PLUSHIES ; PT. 2 || manjiro sano, hakkai shiba, izana kurokawa || ✉️
❀ + ♛ PRAYERS AND MARRIAGE || manjiro sano || ✉️
❀ IMPROVISED HOME DATE || souya kawata || ✉️
♛ BAJI WORRIES TOO MUCH || keisuke baji || ✉️
♛ YOU WEREN’T SUPPOSED TO BE THERE || chifuyu matsuno || ✉️
♛ WHITE ROSES AND PROMISE RINGS || chifuyu matsuno || ✉️
❀ FOREHEAD KISSES || haitani brothers || ✉️
❀ + ♛ POUR US A DRINK FOR YOUR INSOLENCE || bonten!manjiro sano || ✉️
❀ YOU GOT ME, SO I GOT YOU BACK || ken ryuguji || ✉️
❀ BIRTHDAY SURPRISE || kazutora hanemiya || ✉️
❀ GIRL CRUSH || senju kawaragi || ✉️
❀ + ♛ HEARTBEATS AND PROMISE RINGS || chifuyu matsuno || ✉️
❀ COME LAY ON MY LAP || haitani brothers || ✉️
❀ + ♛ I SWEAR, I DIDN’T MEAN IT || takashi mitsuya || ✉️
♛ OCEAN EYES || chifuyu matsuno || ✉️
❀ DRAW YOUR SWORD || undecided series || ✉️
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❀ CANDY KISS || ran haitani, nahoya kawata, takashi mitsuya || ✉️
❀ MOTHER DEAREST || chifuyu matsuno || ✉️
❀ ZERO RESPECT IN THIS HOUSEHOLD ; PT. 1 || ken ryuguji ft. tokrev boys || ✉️
❀ ZERO RESPECT IN THIS HOUSEHOLD ; PT. 2 || ken ryuguji feat. tokrev boys || ✉️
❀ RELATIONSHIP PREFERENCE || senju kawaragi || ✉️
❀ GOOD OL’ KISAKI SLANDER || tetta kisaki || ✉️
♛ TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE || tokrev boys || ✉️
❀ NO, SHE’S MINE || senju kawaragi, takemichi hanagaki, hinata tachibana || ✉️
♛ GONE TOO SOON || keisuke baji || ✉️
❀ BALD. BALD. BALD. || ken ryuguji || ✉️
❀ BABY PICTURES || keisuke baji || ✉️
❀ MALEWIFE VIBES || chifuyu matsuno || ✉️
❀ HOLD ME GENTLY || izana kurokawa || ✉️
♛ SECRETS AND FUTURE CHANGES || takemichi hanagaki || ✉️
❀ FLIP OF A COIN || keisuke baji || ✉️
♛ WHY NOT ME? || senju kawaragi || ✉️
♛ SUGAR BABY? OR..? || hajime kokonoi || ✉️
❀ SO, I… UH, BROUGHT FLOWERS || chifuyu matsuno || ✉️
♛ TAKE WHAT YOU NEED AND GTFO || haitani brothers || ✉️
❀ JUMPING TO CONCLUSIONS || takashi mitsuya || ✉️
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avbbb77 · 3 years
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Tokyo Revengers | Icons
please like/reblog if you use/save
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tokyo-rgifs · 2 years
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Episode 24 -  A Cry Baby • Tokyo Revengers.              
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chososbxch · 3 years
Tokyo Revengers Vol 3 DVD booklet
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Just them
an underrated trio honestly
mitsuya and pah chin highkey looks scarier to me and peyan looks so cute 😭
sc: S0UY4ZST on TWT I believe
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