#tommy carson
barbielore · 6 months
It's hard to overstate how much of a phenomenon Spongebob Squarepants was. I have in my mind that it was a latecomer to the golden years of Nickelodeon animation, following highlights like Rugrats, but I can't really argue with the fifteen seasons, three feature films, the Braodway musical, and whatever else Spongebob there is that I don't know about.
And the Barbie.
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Barbie Loves Spongebob was a 2002 Barbie featuring the lady herself in a Spongebob shirt and trousers featuring Spongebob jellyfishing.
But sorry, did I say Barbie? I meant Barbies.
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Spongebob Squarepants bobble buddy Barbie is a surfing Barbie in a Spongebob-themed swimsuit, with her pal Spongebob and a cardboard cutout of Patrick Star.
Two Barbies was not enough for the sponge though.
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Spongebob Squarepants Barbie has a third different Spongebob themed outfit, with a different Spongebob top and plain yellow pants. She also features a Spongebob keychain.
Not to mention the Kelly and Tommy Spongebob and Patrick.
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Which are adorable, but really puzzling.
They're more unsettling the more you zoom in.
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caljordan · 1 year
I would be fun if the Barbie movie addressed the whole Kelly/Shelly/Chelsea thing and also discontinued Tommy
Barbie: wait... my sister Chelsea used to be called Kelly? When did that change?
*she turns to Ken*: and you used to have a brother, what happened to him? did he die?
Ken *trying to remember*: Tommy? I don't think so?
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cantevenbeachhere · 3 months
Wait you have a brother?
I do! Yeah yeah yeah, I’ve got a little brother who looks pretty similar to me. His name is Tommy, and he’s like supposed to be six or seven.
He’s pretty great. I love that kid. He’s fun and adventurous and adorable and so funny.
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And he’s as good a dancer as I am if not better.
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racerchix21 · 3 months
Shovel Talk: Harbor Edition
Summary: “Thomas Jude Kinard, I know for a fact that your friends didn’t threaten to kill me if I hurt you just for you to leave me,” Buck growls out standing next to Tommy’s hospital bed. “I love you dammit and I need you to always come home to me. Got it Kinard? You can’t leave me. Not now, not ever.”
Aka 3 times Buck met one of Tommy’s friends and an ex boyfriend and they threatened him without Tommy knowing and 1 time Buck finally tells Tommy what his friend are doing and says those 3 little words.
He’d been standing just outside the hangar talking to one of Tommy’s coworkers when they’d heard the crash and when he’d turned around he was greeted with the sight of a downed chopper and Tommy trying to drag Lucy out. What followed led them here to this moment in a hospital room.
Now he doesn’t mean to blurt out that Lucy, Carson and Sal had threatened him when they’d run into them or met up with in Sal’s case. What makes him finally say something is because he can’t stand to see Tommy’s little frown when he comes to and realizes that Evan’s the only one who seems to care that he’s potentially injured. Not that Lucy’s in any position to be there even if she wanted to be not with a broken ankle and a concussion.
“Thomas Jude Kinard, I know for a fact that your friends didn’t threaten to kill me if I hurt you just for you to leave me,” Buck growls out standing next to Tommy’s hospital bed. “I love you dammit and I need you to always come home to me. Got it Kinard? You can’t leave me. Not now, not ever.”
“They did? I didnt think anyone really cared,” Tommy says in disbelief. “I’m sorry if I scared you baby. It was literally supposed to be a routine test flight for the new chopper and instead we wrecked it trying to take off. I don’t have any plans of leaving you anytime soon and I’m sorry you had to watch us wreck.”
“I know Tommy and I’m glad that you and Lucy weren’t more seriously injured. Doesn’t mean it didn’t scare the shit out of me though. Now I’m gonna go see about getting your discharge papers and then we’ll go home and relax.”
“Evan, wait… I love you,” Tommy calls as Buck starts to walk out the door. He never says ‘I love you too’ it’s always ‘I love you’ and today isn’t gonna be any different. He needs Evan to know that he’s choosing him everyday.
“I know honey. Now hang tight and I’ll be right back. I’m gonna go ahead and see if Sal can’t go ahead and pick us up okay?”
Buck doesn’t wanna think about how terrified he was seeing Tommy and Lucy’s chopper hit the ground as soon as they’d tried to take off but he’s grateful no one was killed. He walks out to find a nurse and to make sure that Tommy won’t see him cry again. As he makes his way down the hall he also sends out a mass text to update everyone and to ask Sal to come pick them up since he’s only in town one more night. They’d been planning dinner which is why he’d been at Harbor when the crash happened.
When he walks back into Tommy’s room with a nurse they find him trying to get dressed and failing spectacularly. The laugh he lets out and the nurse’s horrified “Mr. Kinard!” startle Tommy bad enough that he falls backwards onto the bed sending Buck into another round of laughter.
“It’s not what it looks like, I swear,” Tommy whines. “I just wanna get outta here and because this gown really doesn’t close in the back.”
“T, I don’t see an issue with it not closing in the back,” Buck says shrugging “sorry Alesia.”
“I’ve heard worse believe me Buckley,” Alesia says before glaring at Tommy again. “Now Mr. Kinard I don’t mind you wanting to get out of here but at least let your man help you get dressed. You’ve got a dislocated shoulder and I really don’t wanna have to keep you for longer because you got impatient. I’m gonna go grab the last of your papers and then we can get you to your ride.”
Now he’s laying in Evan’s arms as he’s regaled with how Tommy’s people how threatened him over the last couple of months.
1. Lucy Donato his co-pilot
Two months ago
Lucy likes Buck, don’t get her wrong. She drunkenly kissed the guy for gods sake but the idea of Evan Buckley being all in on this new exciting relationship with her partner is hard to believe as quickly as he had. In the 2 years she’s been Tommy’s co-pilot she knows the guy puts his heart into everything he does from rescues to falling in love. She’d possibly claim that Tommy Kinard was a close friend but it’s hard not to be given the fact she spends more time with him than her own fiancée.
She was only apart of the 118 for a few weeks before she got hurt and then transferred to Harbor but in the time she was there she got to see many versions of Evan Buckley.
Lucy’d saw his recklessness, his love and protectiveness of his family, she saw the way he lit up around kids and how he’d bounce around like the golden retriever Hen was always accusing him of being.
What she’d never seen before was how settled Evan Buckley was when he came to see Tommy at work. He was the polar opposite of everything she’d ever experienced as his work partner and she had to admit that this version of him even had her endeared.
But it wasn’t just Buck that seemed to be more settled and happy, Tommy was just as smitten. She could’ve sworn that she heard him humming once in the break room but as soon as the guy saw she was walking in it had stopped.
She runs into Buck one morning going on her morning run and decides she’s gonna warn him about what’s gonna happen if he breaks Tommy’s heart. She doesn’t even give him a chance to say anything as she runs up beside him, “Buckley, if you even think about hurting Tommy I will find you and I will murder you. Then I’ll hide your body so well that even Athena won’t be able to find it.”
2. Carson Hayes his ex boyfriend
Carson met Tommy at the scene of a car accident. His accident to be more specific. The roof of his truck was caved in a way that he couldn’t move more than a few inches and he’d begun to panic until a handsome firefighter with the prettiest eyes he’d ever seen walked up and started asking him questions. He doesn’t wanna say it was love at first sight because it was more gratitude for surviving the wreck but he did ask the guy what his name was once he’d been treated and then he asked Tommy on a date.
They’d lasted exactly 4 months before Tommy’s job got to be too much and Carson had gotten scared. They’d been out to dinner when a man walked up to thank Tommy for saving him from a huge fire a few days before. The guy had regaled Carson with Tommy’s reckless disregard for his own safety when he’d taken off his helmet in order to get a young girl to trust him. The idea of his boyfriend running into burning buildings and taking the chance of being killed scared the shit out of him so when they’d gotten back to Tommy’s place Carson had gently tried to break up with him.
He was never gonna make Tommy choose between his job and them so he’d done what he had to. Besides it had been pretty obvious that none of Tommy’s friends had liked him much and if he was being honest he wasn’t sure if he and Tommy were truly “in love” or if they were just fucking around for the hell of it.
Now looking back he’s glad they did because he met the love of his life and Tommy very apparently had met his if the dirty blonde on his arm is anything to go by. He’s trying to pull Josh to the other side of the bar when his husband lets go of his hand to make his way over to where Tommy and his date are sitting.
“Babe? Babe, where the hell are you going,” Carson asks scrambling to catch up.
“That’s Maddie’s little brother Buck,” Josh answers slowing down enough Carson can grab his hand again. “I figured we could go say hi real quick then we can go. Besides Maddie mentioned that Buck was really happy now and I wanted to officially meet his new guy.”
“It’s funny because I could’ve sworn I saw my ex boyfriend over here. It looked like he was on a date though.”
“What are the chances that they’re here together? Well regardless let’s go say hi and then we can go home, okay?”
Approaching the table, Carson’s shocked to see Tommy sitting there with Buck. He’s not surprised though at the fact that Tommy quickly excuses himself. They hadn’t ended on fantastic terms no matter how gentle he’d tried to end things. He’d made eye contact with Tommy before he’d run off and now he feels bad about interrupting.
“Buck you said your name was,” and at Buck’s nod he continues “try not to break his heart. He’s one of the good ones and he deserves nothing short of the best. I dated him a few months and I’ll admit that I got scared of his job and broke his heart so please be careful with it.”
Carson doesn’t even wait for Buck to say anything before he’s grabbing Josh’s hand to drag him out to their car.
3. Sal Deluca his best friend and the final boss
Sal’ll admit that he wasn’t the greatest guy when he worked for the 118 but in the years since he talked himself out of a job and got transferred he’s grown as a person. Getting married, having a couple kids and moving to Idaho to become an arson investigator can do that for a man. Add in the fact that his best friend from his time in LA with the 118 had come out to him 5 years ago and suddenly he was seeing things in a different light. Gone was the man making homophobic and racist jokes and comments at every opportunity and in his place stood a man who was learning how harmful those words could be.
The idea that Tommy Kinard, one of the best firefighters he’d ever worked with, was gay wasn’t not something Sal expected. He was just happy that Tommy was finally getting to be the most authentic version of himself. A version of Tommy who was finally comfortable in his own skin was all he’d ever wanted for the man.
When he heard about the cruise ship disaster and his old crews role in the rescue he was a little shocked. Finding out about who’d voluntarily flown them into the hurricane was what had thrown him for the biggest loop but it also made him laugh because of course Kinard with his too big heart of gold would do something like that. The man was loyal to a fault if all the stars aligned properly and he’d do anything to protect the people he cared about even if he hadn’t been apart of the 118 in years.
He’s not expecting Tommy to call him especially since they hadn’t talked much Sal had moved but he’s curious about the insanity of the rescue so he answers.
“Thomas. What had you calling me on this lovely morning,” Sal asks as soon as he answers.
“Salvatore, I know that your day is going great with that huge fire in Blackfoot and all those casualties,” Tommy sarcastically says. “I called to check in but mostly I needed to tell someone about this cute guy I met. I don’t have anyone that I’m super close with anymore here in LA and I figured you’re far enough away to not know who he is.”
“Wait you met a guy? Like an actual living breathing human,” he teases. “What this pretty man’s name?”
“Evan. Evan Buckley. Sal he’s really new to this whole dating a man thing but he’s so sweet and eager to learn,” Tommy says with dreamy airy quality to his voice. “He’s a firefighter so he gets that the job is dangerous and that I might not be able to always answer my phone at work.”
“You’re dating Evan Buckley as in the same Evan Buckley who got struck by lightning and died before they brought him back?”
“Yes the same one if you must know.”
“So tell me more about this Evan Buckley guy,” Sal encourages as leans back in his chair and kicks his feet up on the desk. Look no one’s ever accused him of not being a gossip about anything and he was kind of intrigued by the excitement in Tommy’s voice as he rambled on for 20 minutes. He hates to cut his friend off but he’s up to his neck in paperwork and other investigation requirements that need his immediate attention so he quickly tells Tommy they’ll have to get together for drinks when he’s in LA again and hangs up.
He calls his wife as he walks out to his truck to head to the first scene and plans a quick trip to visit old friends back home and texts Tommy a date to hang out again.
Walking into a badge and ladder bar in downtown LA is not how Sal pictured his first day back in the city going but he was eager to meet Tommy’s new boyfriend. He wanted to make sure that Evan was good enough for his best friend but that he also knew the consequences of breaking Tommy’s heart.
Sitting at a high top table he spots Tommy and another guy long before Tommy clocks him. He has to admit that the man who walks behind his best friend is hot as hell and the closer they get the more Sal finds himself admiring the guy. Hell who’s he kidding Tommy’s looking bigger and hotter than he did when they were both still working together. He’s so lost in his haze and internal monologue that he completely misses them walking up until Tommy shakes his shoulder and he startled so hard he manages to slosh half of his beer across the table.
“Sal, I know Evan’s hotter than the sun but I didn’t realize you’d be freak enough to waste beer,” Tommy jokingly says wrapping an arm around his boyfriends waist. “Babe, this is Sal Deluca an old friend from my 118 days. He and I were both terrorized by Maurice the chicken back around the time Bobby started out as our Captain. Sal, this is my boyfriend Evan Buckley.”
“So you’re Deluca, huh,” Buck says in lieu of a greeting. “I’ve heard a lot about you since I started working with Bobby, Hen and Chim. This guy has told me a few things about you too but I’m eager to see how much is true.”
“All good things I hope,” Sal laughs nervously because what if they’ve told Evan how shitty of a person he was back then? He’s a changed man dammit and he really shouldn’t care this much whether or not this guy like him. Regardless he holds eye contact with the blonde and hopes to god he looks more confident than he feels.
“Most of them have been yes. I’ve heard some not so flattering things about a younger you but don’t worry Tommy’s told me how great of a friend you are and how good a man you’ve become since Bobby fired you,” Buck says looking back just as intensely. “Don’t worry man I don’t have anything against you. I trust their judgement about who you were before versus who you are now.”
Tommy hates to break up their little staring contest but he’d really like to spend time with both his boyfriend and his best friend so he presses a kiss to the side of Evan’s temple to get his attention. “Babe, I��m gonna go get us drinks so I’ll be right back. I’ll get you the regular and for you Salvatore I’ll buy you the sweetest fruitiest cocktail they have. I know much you love the sweet stuff buddy.”
“Thomas I swear to god,” Sal growls playfully as Tommy walks away laughing. When he sees that Tommy’s far enough away to not overhear him he turns his attention to Buck again. “Evan I just want you to know how much it means to me to see Tommy happy again. The man deserves the world and I trust that you’ll treat his heart with all the love and care you can. He seems to be more comfortable with being himself when you’re around and he talks about you all the time. You’re already significantly better than most of his exes which looking back isn’t all that difficult. With that being said though I need you to know that I can and will make your life a living hell if you break his heart. I also know how to make an arson look like an accident so if you hurt him or make him cry I can also make your death look like a freak accident, do I make myself clear?”
“Wonderful then so tell me more about what the 118’s been getting into recently.”
Tagging: @tommykinard6 @emilybahu @scknight05 @buck348 @betterkeepmewetterthanabayou @ohlookitsthearkhamknight @princesseddiediaz @all-da-fandoms @mymistakewriting @hummelinski @fandomiseveryth1ng @i-am-married-to-my-fandom @ballistari22 @obsessivebisexual4tevan
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two-martians · 27 days
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i AM the #1 green ranger defender and no one can say otherwise
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disastardly · 1 year
Every Green Ranger is at least a little bit queer. This is both true and non-negotiable.
Except Joel. Joel Rawlings, Sky Cowboy, is thoroughly and unwaveringly heterosexual. In fact, he's the only straight person on his team.
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oldshowbiz · 9 months
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Johnny Carson was visibly annoyed when the Smothers Brothers appeared on the Tonight Show in 1976 and did ten-minutes of Yo Yo Man instead of their normal act.
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nathsketch · 2 years
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Some lovelies from the past 3 years 💗
More goodies on my Etsy (nathsketch.etsy.com) and nathannaerica.com/shop
Happy Friday! 🥰
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fantastickkay · 1 month
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From Teen Machine, 1999 Annual.
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capnmachete · 1 month
RANDOM STUPID PEAKY BLINDERS HC No. 847 Alfie: I'll take care of you
Tommy: it’s rotten work
Alfie: Welcome to the fuckin' club then, treacle, I ain't no picnic either
Tommy: ...I guess we're both in the shit then, eh? Alfie <perfectly content with that>: Right-o, exactly. Tommy: Alright then.... <pause> Alfie: Wanna bang? Tommy: Thought you'd never ask. <pause> Tommy: ....keep the hat on? Alfie <fondly>: Fucking pervert.
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barbielore · 1 month
Elvis Presley was enough of an icon that it was not simply enough for Mattel to produce Barbies and Kens themed after him.
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Ken's little brother Tommy Carson has also appeared as an Elvis. In fact, he has appeared as three Elvises at once.
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I have to really draw attention to the promotional photos of these Tommys, because I find them unsettling in some strange way. What is up with these little guys.
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greenmoons · 3 months
Power rangers writing prompts
I decided to do a post to ideas and prompts I have or recieved of Power Rangers, so people might decide to write them. Feel free to use them. It would be nice to get credit or message if you do use them but it's not necessary. If you have other ideas write me in the comments or in a message and I might add them to this list.
Some of the ideas are solid and some are very general.
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers:
Tommy Oliver struggling in school (can also be written as ADHD or learning disability character)
Autisic Billy Cranston
Civilians figuring out the rangers identities because they always stay to fight against the putties even without morphing.
2X08, the tape recorded the rangers morph and their identities revealed (by the news company or because Bulk and Skull screen it to everyone before the rangers were able to stop them)
2X09: Rocky, Adam and Aisha are coming to Angel Grove to the Broomball Tournament.
Sylvia, Kelly, Jeremy, Curtis finding out their cousins are power rangers.
There are many episodes with a child who hang out with the rangers so write fanfics from their point of view about the rangers, maybe what would have happened if they figured out their identities or what happened to them in the future because they appeared only once (Maria, Willy, Sylvia, Kelly, Jeremy, Cameron, Roger, Hallie)
Power Rangers Lost Galaxy:
Cassie became the pink ranger after Kendrix's death
Power Rangers Dino Thunder:
Rewrite of the season with Kat as Tommy's wife/girlfriend and the pink dino thunder ranger
Power Rangers SPD:
Sky, Bridge and Syd as red, blue and green, and starting as a team of three.
Cruger thoughts on why not giving Sky the red suit.
Z growing up in the streets.
Jack and Z first meeting.
Autistic Bridge Carson. Fic 1.
Cruger finding someone to take care of Z, Jack and Sam instead of letting them be alone in the streets.
Jack and Z experiences in the streets.
The rangers are doing Jack a birthday party since he never had one before.
E14: Bridge tries to read S.O.P.I.E's aura and figuring out she is a cyborg.
E17: Bridge reads Sky's aura and find out the alien switched bodies with him.
Sky handles differently with the whole Mirloc situation.
E30: Bridge thoughts after he got kidnapped.
E31: SPD calls Tommy Oliver of the future for help after the Dino Thunder rangers appeared.
Post series: Jack Landors/Ally Samuels
The other rangers team come to help defeat gruumm.
Z and Syd also got promotion in the colors.
Power Rangers Jungle Fury:
RJ journey to find in himself the wolf spirit and how he became a master.
Why RJ openned a pizza parlour.
Dominic journey when he was alone.
Power Rangers Samurai:
Lauren is the leader of the team instead of Jayden
Serena a ranger instead of Emily
Terry a ranger instead of Mia
General (comics related stuff, crossovers and dynamics between characters from different seasons):
The morphin grid bless the rangers and help them to succeed in life after they finished being rangers
One of the rangers get hurt badly.
The rangers deals with chronic pains from injuries they got in duties.
Power Rangers Mighty Morphin X Power Rangers SPD:
Billy Cranston and Bridge Carson meet and being autistic together. (Ideas for the meeting: Bridge will go to a mission in Aquitar and meet Billy there. Billy is on earth and SPD asking him for help in some tech. Billy meet younger Bridge before he is a ranger because he came to an internship in his company.)
Power rangers overdrive X Mighty Morphin the return:
Thrax and Selena meet
Thrax and Selena grow up as siblings
Kira and Adam talks more about Tommy
Power Rangers SPD X Soul of the Dragon:
Conner, Ethan and Kira meeting Dr. Oliver in the future
Conner, Ethan and Kira meeting JJ Oliver
JJ Oliver is part of the plot of the season (maybe in D-squad or E-squad)
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jazzdailyblog · 7 months
Jimmy Dorsey: The Legacy of a Jazz Icon
Introduction: Jimmy Dorsey, a luminary in American jazz, distinguished himself as a virtuosic clarinetist, saxophonist, composer, and prominent big band leader. His partnership with his brother Tommy Dorsey catapulted them to stardom during the illustrious big band era, imprinting an enduring legacy on the annals of jazz music. This article delves into the life, musical contributions, and…
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infinitysgrace · 2 years
Bridge Carson ��� Tommy Oliver
people go like "EXCUSE ME HE'S HOW OLD?" whenever I casually mention how old they are in the seasons they're in
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augment-techs · 2 years
Playlist 100: Dr. K
Early look at this for the birthday girl~ @skyland2703
Eighty-seven pounds.
 Eighty-seven pounds and still alive at over six feet tall and without the aid of sunlight for over two years in captivity made up of repetitive torture and only speaking with someone whose skills at being a human were wildly hindered by isolation and total bodily confinement.
 And still he'd managed to coax three fellow prisoners out of their cells, half-carrying one and holding the other's metal-bound hand like a pre-school teacher leading a five year old into class for the first time while the other followed at an agonizing lope from the hardware in his back giving him trouble.
 "Life finds a way," was what Dr. Sterling had said to K after their examination of the prisoner on the moon that the other sentries had undone the locks of the entire prison for before the rescue attempts by the other Rangers took place. The one that greeted the Ranger Slayer with a friendly, "Hi, Kim," once Terra Venture found itself cut off from the Grid and the sentries (former?) that had been protectively circling him and the other wounded finally let up and let Grace and the others with some form of medical understanding take them to the medical bay. The Tommy Oliver that seemed much older and wiser (probably, if the Red Ranger McKnight who kept calling him Dr. O was anything to go by) than the one that had gone off the rails in an effort to bend reality to his will was actually rather helpful in walking Dr. K through the process of ignoring the impressions and reactions of everyone that saw them on the way to the medical bay; reinforcing that some things could wait and some things couldn't. The spy-turned-prisoner-turned-rescue that the Ranger Slayer and a dozen other people were worried about, with his fractured shoulder from half-carrying Dr. Oliver with his emaciated form that shouldn't have even been able to walk, could not wait after passing out. The Jason Scott in the metal bindings that was having an onset of PTSD at the sight of sentries--even ones that weren't making to advance on him and mostly remained in a corner like feral animals--could not wait. He had to be subdued by half a dozen Rangers without their suits and sedated, but they were doing their best to get the gear off of him and then deciding whether or not it was worth the chance of setting him into a panic with hand restraints in a medical bed. The eldest version of Tommy Oliver seen by the crew so far, with facial hair, and grey, and metal works bound to his spine from an injury the others could only guess at, could not wait as he kept grinding his teeth at the little shocks and tweaks from the hardware that Drakkon had personally tampered with just to be a bastard. Terona was good enough to offer a shoulder and a smile, but not much else as Andrea had to open up the whole thing just to attempt to mitigate the damage. The worried doctor with slightly cracked glasses and a considerable number of bruises and contusions and possible head trauma-- "This really can wait until after we've got the results in on Jason and Skull." Dr. K huffed and, without counting down or giving the slightest bit of warning, gave the signal for the Astro Ranger T.J. to pop Dr. Oliver's shoulder back into place as Conner and Dr. K held the man still. Neither of them letting go when he cursed and went limp, teeth biting into his already bleeding bottom lip. "Just like the other Ranger series. Even with old age, so impatient," Dr. K grumbled, Conner giving her a dirty look and smoothing hands along his mentor's back to ease some of the tension out of his shoulders. Dr. O gave his Red a side hug at the sight of tears trying to make themselves known, despite his blinking them back. "He's not that old," Conner defended, leaning into that hug most appreciated as the doctor that couldn't be older than himself rolled her eyes and made her way back over to the small cluster of Sentries.  All of them had been a little miffed at being asked to remove their armor, but had consented when informed that it was the only way they would be allowed to stay in the medical wing with their captain.  Without the reds and yellows and blacks of stolen Grid Energy, without the weapons and without any idea of their fate, they looked much like the other Rangers out on deck, tensed up and worried and knowingly afraid. It was strange that a lot of them bore reflections of some of the Rangers they were cut off from, as well as faces that looked in to check on the wounded and got spooked by seeing their alters with different life experience. The Blue Astro Ranger especially kept sneaking a look over at the Red Sentry that shared his face, but could not be more different, had made it perfectly clear that he and the Yellow Sentry Aisha were in charge of their little group of outcasts, and that he had never heard of the Space or Turbo Rangers. Not Dr. K's problem for the moment, but it was interesting.
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