#tommy rose
choices-ceri · 11 days
Thank you to everyone who wished me a happy birthday 🤗🤗🤗
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ily 😊
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aces-and-angels · 5 months
Title: Not My Birthday
A/N: what the hell is up, gang? i've been dying to share this one with y'all for weeks and now it's finally here 🎊🎊🎊 please enjoy the thing that's been plaguing my very being for hours on end 🖤 @choicesficwriterscreations
p.s. a big thank you to @noesapphic for helping me out with some of the spanish dialogue
Characters: Xiomara Calloway (oc: @a-cloud-for-dreams), Ryan Cortazar, Amalia de León (oc: @itlivesproject), Beau McGraw, Enid Mendoza, Cameron Rose, Tommy Rose, Gigi Sinclair, Martin Vanderweil, Wind Velez (oc: @oh-so-youre-a-nerd)
Pairing(s): Martin x Wind (not yet official), Gigi x Xiomara
Summary: Set sometime before Magnus gets hired; Wind does their best to get through another birthday.
Content Warning(s): brief mention of blood, language, childhood trauma
Word Count: 3.9K
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McGraw Byrne, morning…
It’s just a day. A set of numbers written in the margin. Zero three zero two. Yet Wind’s calendar remains flipped to February, its page marked with thick black lines crossing off each date. What they’d give to be able to take a sharpie to the day and scribble it out entirely. But they can’t- not for another 14 hours and 32 minutes. Not like they’re counting or anything. 
Amalia saves them first. 
“Mx. Velez, I know you’re busy with that case for Landon, but can you-”
“Yes,” they say all too quickly. 
Amalia blinks, perplexed by their eagerness. “You don’t even know what I’m about to ask for yet.” 
“Does that matter? You know I’d do anything for one of my favorite paralegals.” Their desperate need for distraction aside, the sentiment was sincere. Without Amalia, completing any case would be nearly impossible. 
“Wasn’t fishing for compliments, but I’ll take it,” she breathes with a hint of a smirk tugging at her lip. “Hopefully, you’ll still hold that sentiment after this conversation.”
“Pretty sure I will. What can I help you with?” 
“It’s a bit… Es una tontería, de verdad,” she warns, absently toying with the hem of her wine red blazer. 
Noticing her nerves, Wind pushes their notebook aside. “Amalia, no te preocupes, puedes decirme lo que pasa.” 
The warmth and reassurance in their tone do something to soothe her nerves, as her hand noticeably stills. “Mr. Vanderweil tasked me with redacting these documents yesterday. Simple, right?”
They nod along to her story. “I’d say so.”
“I thought so too, but then I had an issue with loading the PDFs on my computer, so I…” she pauses, sucking in a breath. “I took an alternative approach.”
“What kind of approach?” 
“Converting all the files to Word docs so I could highlight all the info in black instead of contacting IT like I should have.” Her words fly out of her mouth faster than she can speak, jumbling into a mess of syllables they barely manage to catch. But they do- and oh, how their stomach plummets to the floor. 
Panic cracks through the otherwise calm demeanor they’ve maintained thus far. “Amalia-” 
“I know- I know,” she laments, rushing up to the foot of their desk. “Ryan already told me how wrong that was half an hour ago, which is why I haven’t uploaded anything yet.”
“Oh, thank God,” they sigh, visibly slumping into their chair. “This’ll be easy to fix then.”
“Except it won’t be because Mr. Vanderweil wanted this done before the partner meeting, and he’ll definitely chew me out when he learns that it isn’t.” Whatever nerves were kept at bay came rushing back in full force. Amalia began pacing, her heels scuffing up the floors beneath her with every anxious step. “This is the easiest thing to do, and I found a way to mess it up. It’s no question- I’m gonna get fired. And what respectable law school is going to accept someone who can’t even-” 
Wind jumps from their seat to block her path. Their hands fly to her shoulders, stopping her in place with a firm grip. “Amalia,” they say gently, careful not to agitate her any further. Her dark brown eyes dart around the room, desperate to cling onto something- anything. Wind squeezes her once, steadying her frenzied gaze at them. “Inhala. Exhala.” So that’s what they do. They breathe.
In and out. 
In and out. 
Inhala. Exhala. 
Eventually, the dust settles and Wind’s arms fall back to their sides. “Better?” 
She nods. “Better.”
“Good. Now, how much work do you have left?”
“I managed to fix around half of what Mr. Vanderweil sent me, but there’s still over a hundred pages left to deal with.” 
The wheels in their head spin, formulating a plan. “Okay- here's what we'll do. Forward the files to me. I'll take the first 50 or so, you get the rest. Can Ryan pitch in? That would really speed things up.”
“He’s tied up with logging discovery for Ms. Tanaka. That’s why I came to you,” she grimaces. 
“That's fine. We’ll manage on our own.” 
“Are you sure? Even with help, it'll take some time.” 
The honest answer was that they weren’t. Meetings at McGraw Byrne are notorious for being pushed up at the drop of a hat. There’s no guarantee Martin wouldn’t decide to do just that; he certainly flaunted his authority to do so around the office enough. But Wind knew one thing: they can’t cross today out, but they can redact a few dozen documents. And that was enough. “Positive. Hand the files over- we've got work to do.”
It’s a tricky thing- pretending to be fine. Until it isn’t. Their smile is a reflex. Their lies, sweet little things, mask the bitter truth buried deep inside them. It’s almost scary how easy it’s become. 
Gigi nearly crushes them next. 
It starts with a playful hip check by the break room counter. Nothing more than a soft bump that Wind returns as a greeting. “You avoiding me, Velez?” 
“Of course not,” they reply automatically. Not on purpose. 
“Then why is this the first time I've seen you all day?”
The corners of Wind’s mouth pull upwards. “You’re exaggerating. Our offices are across from each other, glass windows and all.”
Gigi scoffs, a fond yet exasperated look on her face. “You know what I mean. How much work did Martin stick you with?” 
Actually, he didn't. I asked for more. And I would've stayed in my office, but I physically can’t ignore the gurgling in my stomach with paperwork anymore. “Not much, really. Guess it’s just been one of those days.” There’s a part of them- the smallest, stupidest part- that wishes she, or anyone, could see through their cheery disposition. Lift the mask they’ve clutched onto for years. 
It’s a hollow victory when she doesn’t. 
“Tell me about it. Linda roped me into working on this painfully boring property dispute,” she complains. 
“Think of it this way: maybe the land is haunted.” They wiggle their fingers spookily, throwing in a few ‘oo’s and ah’s’ for good measure.  
“That would explain the urge to blow my brains out anytime I redraft these contracts.”
“Poor little Millie. She’s just trying to protect her property from the grave.”
Gigi stifles a laugh. “Millie?” 
“Judging me only angers her spirit,” they retort, their own bout of laughter bubbling to the surface. A moment of silence passes between them before they both lose their resolve, dissolving into a fit of giggles. 
“Whew, I needed that,” Gigi says, still chuckling. 
They take a bow. “I’ll be here all week.” 
“Perfect- just enough time for you to join me for lunch.”
“You’re shameless.” Despite their light ribbing, they still take a seat at the nearest table and begin to unpack their own lunch. A small break can’t hurt, right? 
“I just prefer to have some entertainment with my lasagna,” she corrects in a light, teasing voice. 
“You made lasagna?” 
“Xo made lasagna. She's been cooking a lot more since her show wrapped.” The glow on her face at the mere mention of her wife is undeniable. 
“Seems like you’re enjoying a lot more than her cooking lately,” they grin suggestively. 
Her daze sharpens into a challenging glint in her eye, her smirk unwavering. “So what if I am?” 
They raise their hands in surrender. “Then good for you, boo.” 
“Mm, that’s what I thought,” she hums triumphantly as she walks over to the fridge. “Seriously, you’ve got to try some. It’s- oh damn it.”
“What is it?”
Gigi pulls out a large pink box and sets it on the table, slightly miffed. “Beau’s leftover birthday cake knocked over my containers. I told him no one but him likes coconut.”
Wind’s pulse quickened. It’s fine. You’re fine. “It wasn’t that bad.”
“How would you know? You couldn’t eat any because you’re allergic to coconut.” 
They shrug. “It looked pretty.”
“Last time I let a man plan an event. I don’t care if it’s his birthday,” she mutters, more to herself than at them- too occupied with reconstructing her toppled lasagna with a pair of plastic forks. Wind turns their attention to their own lunch, a heaping portion of arroz con pollo, hoping to swallow down their bout of birthday-induced anxiety with each savory bite. It almost works. 
They’re mid-bite when Gigi unknowingly moves in for the kill. 
“I’ve decided,” she announces, sliding into the seat across from them. 
“Hm?” It’s all they can manage to say with a mouthful of rice. 
“I’m putting myself in charge of all birthday parties at the firm from here on out. Who better to plan a party than a party-lover like moi?” She cuts a piece of her lasagna with the side of her fork, still talking animatedly. “Ooh, I can start a group chat to organize any after-work festivities-”
“Mhm,” they hum along, trying to ignore the lump forming in their throat. It’s fine. You’re fine. Their eyes fixate on the grains of rice stuck to their spoon. Three on the front. Two on the back. Three on the front. Two on the back. Three on- 
“Wind? You still with me, boo?” 
Their head snaps up, only realizing now that they had tuned out their friend. “Sorry- can you repeat that? I zoned out.”
Another smile. Another lie. But it’s enough.
“I asked what kind of cake you like,” Gigi repeats. 
“Oh- uh… I’m fine with anything, really. As long as it’s not coconut for obvious reasons.” 
“C’mon, everyone has a favorite. Lemmie guess, you’re a cheesecake girl, aren’t you? No wait- red velvet.” 
They force out a chuckle. “You got me. I love a good red velvet.” 
Gigi’s eyes narrow, assessing them like she would a witness on trial. “You’re just being nice, aren’t you?”
“I-I’m not! I really love red velvet,” they reassure her, but to no avail. She only shakes her head, leaning back into her chair. 
“I’ll figure you out eventually, Velez. Cake preference is a science. And I just so happen to be a mad scientist.” 
“You really don’t have to put that much effort into this, Gi.”
“The hell I don’t! There’s no way I’m going to plan a subpar birthday party for one of my best friends. When is your birthday anyways? Before you judge me for not knowing, I did try. I just couldn’t find it listed on any of your socials.” 
Her determination in any other context would flood their chest with a friendly warmth. But now it pierces through their ribcage, sending their heart into an unwanted frenzy- its beat pounding in their ears. 
It’s fine. You’re fine. 
It’s fine. You’re fine. 
It’s fine. You’re-
They stand abruptly, the chair behind them screeching against the floorboards. “I need to go.” 
Gigi glances down, concern etching onto her features. “But you’ve barely eaten anything.”
“There’s a call I’m expecting from one of my clients. Can’t miss it,” they explain, hastily packing away their food. “Let’s catch up later, yeah?”
Another smile. Another lie. But this time, they don’t stick around long enough to know if it’s enough. 
Calm. They need to stay calm. Yet the air grows thinner and thinner until Wind is gasping, pulling at their collar in a feeble attempt to ease the tightness coiling around their throat. Everything is too loud. Too bright. Too exposed. 
On their first day at McGraw Byrne, Wind marveled at the grandness of it all. How its name glimmered as rays of golden light shone through the floor to ceiling windows, hitting the platinum just right. How every hallway felt like a brand new world waiting to be explored. But now? Now there is no glimmer. No hallways left to be discovered. Only a crushing weight resting atop their chest.
Forget calm. They need to hide.
Wind shuts the door behind them, then the blinds to their windows. It’s a small shield, so they strengthen their armor. Soft, pillowy cushions cover their ears, silencing the wars raging outside. A dark quiet descends over them. Not quite calm, but numb. Numb lets them breathe. Slow their tired, weary heart from running rampant. Here, underneath a cherry wood desk, they can rest.    
The thing about a closed door is that it can always be opened.
So Martin does just that. 
He strides in without any warning, preoccupied with typing out a quick response to yet another email, all while hoping to find a certain report waiting in his inbox. “Velez, I need an update on Landon.” Three more notifications- nothing of any true significance, but it gains his attention nonetheless. 
Eyes glued to the screen, Martin doesn’t register the empty office chair in front of him. “I don’t have all day,” he huffs out, already bracing himself for whatever teasing remark Wind has in store for him. But none come. To his surprise, instead of a toothy grin, he sees a pair of pink heels carelessly kicked off to the side. 
Martin pockets his phone and takes a cautious step forward. “Velez?” 
A pitiful sniffle, amplified by the stillness of the room, hits his ears, freezing him in place. Part of him weighs the merits behind turning around. Then he hears it again- that sorrowful hitch in Wind’s breath- and before he even realizes it, he is by their side. 
Months of working alongside each other allowed Martin to experience the many sides of Wind. Infuriatingly righteous. Overly-energetic. Perplexingly kind. Wind got under his skin- crept inside and made it impossible to stay away. None of that prepared him to witness them like this- curled up underneath their desk, unwilling to even look at him. 
At a loss, he simply asks, “What are you doing down there?” 
A few harrowing seconds pass before they mumble a reply. “Hiding.”
“From whom?” 
“Just… from today.” 
Martin hums in acknowledgement, unsure how to take that answer. “How long have you been hiding?” They give a weak shrug. “Can you at least tell me why?” He waits, more than he should’ve, then sighs. “Go home, Velez.”
Wind snaps their head up. “W-what?”
“I said go home.”
“Y-you… you can’t do that!” 
“I can and I am. Clearly, you’re incapable of-”
“-I’m plenty capable-”
“-You’re under a table.” He chooses not to mention the redness in their eyes or how they shine with unshed tears.
“I- I can…” Wind sputters, their voice no higher than a whisper, “I can do it.” 
“I’d have an easier time believing that if you weren’t mid-cower.”  
“I’m not-” Martin cocks his eyebrow, effectively killing their argument. “This isn’t any of your concern. So just leave me be.” 
“Not my concern?” he scoffs, almost in disbelief. “As your supervisor, I’d have to firmly disagree. I’m responsible for your successes and your screw ups. And I work very hard to mitigate the latter. So, I’m asking you again. What’s this about?”
“It’s… personal.” Martin folds his arms, indicating them to elaborate. But much to his dismay, they don’t. He peers down at them, searching for something. The infuriatingly righteous. The overly-energetic. The perplexingly kind. Something he can work with. It’s surprisingly disappointing when his search comes up as empty as Wind’s chair. 
“Send whatever you have on Landon to Aislinn. She’ll be taking point for the remainder of this case.” 
“Save your breath, Velez. You can sort out whatever it is you’re dealing with now or never. I don’t care. You just can’t be here.” 
Wind trods through the city past several storefronts and food carts, crestfallen. Their aimless journey eventually leads them to a random dive bar- the perfect location to get good and drunk. Its unassuming exterior paled in comparison to its rich interior. Spacious, yet cozy. 
An unoccupied podium greets them at the entrance. “Hello?” Their voice travels beyond the stacked chairs and strings of exposed lightbulbs casting a golden glow over the room. A few minutes go by before they try calling out again. “Hi, are y’all open?” 
They venture further inside, ignoring the big, bold letters indicating patrons to ‘please wait to be seated.’ A plethora of memories line its walls. Polaroids of patrons captured in various states of inebriation- all in good fun, they figure. Along with those are news clippings throughout the years, most of which feature the NYPD in some capacity.
“I bought every copy of that issue.” Wind yelps, coming face to face with an older man. The faint lines on his bronze skin deepen as his face stretches into a friendly smile. He points at one of the officers pictured. “This one’s my niece, Cameron.”
They take a closer look at the photo. Despite its grainy quality, Wind can see the resemblance between the two. Same brown eyes. Same round nose. Her skin, however, is about three shades darker than her uncle’s. Youthful. “She looks beautiful.”
“I like to think so,” he says, pride beaming from his features. “She’s always begging me to take this one down, but I can’t bring myself to do it. Ya only graduate from the academy once, y’know?”
They nod politely. “Sorry for walkin’ in like this.”
“The sign’s flipped to open, even if we don’t look like it,” he chuckles. “Grab a seat, I’ll be right with ya.” Wind slides into an empty bar stool while he makes his way behind the counter. After rummaging through a few drawers, he pulls out a menu. “Ha! I knew I kept a few back here.”
“Thank you.” They skim through the appetizers, not retaining much. 
“I promise, if ya catch us during our peak hours, we’re more lively. Anyways, welcome to The Drunk Tank. I’m Tommy- owner, bartender, and your server for today. Most of our food items won’t be available till our cook arrives, but I can try to whip up something simple if you’d like.” 
“That’s alright. I only came in for a drink.” 
“Perfect. What’s your poison?”
“Whatever’s strongest. Neat,” they answer flatly.
Understanding flashes through Tommy’s face. He works with silent precision, pouring a long stream of amber liquor into a glass. “Here ya go. Spirits to lift the spirit.” 
Wind raises their drink to him before throwing it back in one gulp. The burn is immediate, slithering down to their chest and warming them from within. “Hah,” they wince, wiping the stray droplets from their chin. “I’ll have another.”
Tommy’s eyebrows jump, unable to conceal his shock, but he complies and slides over another shot. It goes down just as quickly. This process repeats two more times before he finally pulls the plug. “Why don’t we pace ourselves for a bit? Happy hour doesn’t start for another thirty minutes. Save yourself a few bucks.” 
“Money’s not an issue,” they say, their words slightly slurred. 
“Alright, I’ll level with ya. I’m not as concerned about your wallet as I am about any ‘accidents’ I may need to clean up.” 
They huff out a hollow laugh. “I can hold my liquor, promise.” 
“Just indulge me and drink some water.” 
“Fine,” they grumble, taking a tentative sip from a much taller glass.
“Ya wanna talk about it?” 
“Ya wanna talk?”
“About what?”
“Anything. The weather- the Yankees- oh, I can show ya my collection of wine corks.” 
“That’s… okay.” They gulp down the rest of their water, casting a hopeful glance at him, then at their empty shot glass. 
He purses their lips, thinking. “Tell ya what- I’ll pour another shot if ya tell me one thing about yourself.” 
Their eyes narrow at his deal, but his face remains steady. Fine, they can play along for now. “My name’s Wind.”
A quiet grin spreads on his face. “I was hoping to hear about a hobby or something.”
“A deal’s a deal.” 
Tommy raises his hands in surrender. “That it is.” He serves another shot, which doesn’t last very long. “I like baseball, if ya couldn’t tell,” he jokes, gesturing to the several pieces of baseball memorabilia displayed.
“You play?”
His belly shakes with laughter. “Not well, I’m afraid. My ol’ man still put me in Little League, though, right next to my brother. I was one hell of a benchwarmer.” 
“How ‘bout your brother?”
“Oh, that asshole? He was a mini prodigy. Bastard went on to play varsity. Won the state championship and everything.” Despite his light, jovial tone, Wind notices the distant look in his eyes. 
“... And now?”
There’s a brief pause before he answers. “He doesn't play much of anything anymore.”
“What happened?”
His lip twitches upward with a smile that’s not all there. Dimmer than the one he first met them with.  “I’ll need a few drinks before ya pull that story outta me.” 
“Sorry,” they apologize quickly, “I didn’t-”
“No- you’re fine. Just felt like talking ‘s all.” He busies himself by wiping down the bar with a towel. “Ya don’t need to tell me anything, but a word to the wise: it feels a helluva lot better when you finally let it all out.”  
Wind stares at him, their thoughts- all the pain, anger, and confusion threatening to spill out of them like a faucet. Kind brown eyes stare back with a patience that says, ‘Everything’s gonna be alright,’ without uttering a word. “Well, I-” 
“Pop some champagne, Tito. I just got promoted!” They both startle in place. A woman strolls up to the bar, carrying a faint scent of ginger and citrus as she approaches. Wind’s eyes immediately flick to the golden snake adorning her neck, drawn by its intimidating beauty.
“Nini! That’s wonderful,” Tommy rejoices, clapping her on the shoulder like an old friend.
“I know. Now, where’s that champagne?”
“Hold on, I’ve got some in the back.” He moves to grab a bottle, but stops in his tracks when he sees them. “Oh- I’m sorry, Wind. You were about to say something.” 
They shake their head. “No- actually, I should head out.” 
“Stay for the toast at least.”
“Are you serious?” the woman complains.
“Yes,” Tommy hisses at her underneath his breath, which to Wind’s surprise, is all it takes for her to stand down.
“Alright,” she concedes, peering at them through her curled lashes. “Enjoy it, blondie. I’m usually not this generous, but today is a celebration. Consider it an early birthday gift.” 
Their body seizes up. “What?”
“Or a late one. Not like I’d know the difference anyway. It’s no cake, but it’ll do.”
Glass shatters. A cacophony of shrieks and curses follows. Wind registers nothing- lost to fragments from the past. Their senses recall the piercing sound of their baby brother’s inconsolable wails. The desperation in their father’s pleas. They remember the cool tile on their knees- how sticky their tiny fingers became with pink frosting as they tried to push chunks of uneaten cake back together, ignoring the shards of fine china mixed throughout. All the while, their mother’s broken voice pounds within their ears. A haunting chant they can never forget. 
“No puedo más- no puedo más- no puedo más-”
“Ya alright, pal?” Tommy’s worry warbles through their nightmarish haze. 
“This fucking idiot got glass everywhere.”
“Ay, Nini- just grab the broom. It’s in the back. Oh- and the first aid kit.” 
First aid kit? They glance down- mortified by the crimson stains on their sleeves. “Oh God-” 
“Hey, take it easy-”
“NO-” Their sudden outburst sends them back several feet. “I- I need to- I need to go.”
“Hold on-”
Tommy’s words fall on deaf ears, or rather, no ears. They’re gone in a flash. No warning. No goodbye.
Just like Mamá.
tag list: @choicesmc, @win-chan, @brycesgirl, @stars-are-within-me, @inlocusmads
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celebgoldzz · 10 days
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Brittany Furlan
667 notes · View notes
doubletalkingmaeve · 1 year
“My child is completely fine” your child wants to get their back blown by a 60+ year old man with a former addiction problem
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cloverstellar · 4 days
have we finally come far enough as a society to accept that ctommy would not have a kid and even if he somehow did he would not parent it well. he would most definitely teach it slurs and how to build a rock sling so he could recreate david and goliath with his toddler and some poor passerby
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snakepitgunner · 12 days
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cull3nblaze · 3 months
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“I’ve spent most of my life not knowing what right was supposed to feel like. And then I met you and everything changed. You make me feel right."
"I don't know what I'm ready for, but I am ready for something. And-and I think maybe that something could be with you."
David/Patrick (Schitt's Creek) // Buck/Tommy (9-1-1)
391 notes · View notes
eatmyselftodeath · 1 month
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photo creds to berrrrrack on Pinterest
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witchkittymeow · 2 months
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to be honest i had this idea since i started listening to twice i just never did anything about it until now
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justarocknrollclownxd · 4 months
rockstar pics that are my mental support
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260 notes · View notes
choices-ceri · 8 months
Me seeing all the posts theorising that Uncle Tommy will die.
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18 notes · View notes
runnning-outof-time · 5 months
The Joys of Being a Girl Dad | Tommy Shelby & Alfie Solomons (set in Girl Dad series)
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Request: no - written for @justrainandcoffee ‘s 2 year ‘Alfieversary’
Pairing: Tommy Shelby (x Reader mentioned) & Alfie Solomons (x fem!OC & child OC mentioned)
Summary: Tommy stops by Margate to congratulate an old associate…adversary…friend.
Warnings: language (it’s Tommy and Alfie we’re talking about here), a slight bit of Cyril slander
A/N: I’m sorry it took me soooo long to write something for your celebration, Flor!! I guess I could call this a present for Rose’s 1 year anniversary too now, even though she’s not really in it. Thank you for sharing this beautiful au with us!!
A/N 2: I should also say that this story was supposed to be shorter, but I just kinda became invested and ran away with it…I hope you don’t mind. Also it’s been a bit since I’ve written for Alfie, so I hope he’s not too ooc here. Enjoy! :)
Comment/Message me if you’d like to be tagged!
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“Who let you in?” the man who was sitting facing the open balcony door asked.
“How’d you know it was me?” the other man, who was standing at the entrance of the room, responded with his own question.
“Smelt the smoke and horse shit the second you stepped through that archway,” the first man mused, earning a snort from the second. “So I’ll ask again: who let you in?”
“Your wife…”
“Figures she did,” the first man cut the second off, muttering the comment under his breath.
“Your wife’s assistant let me in after she told me to get lost and slammed the door in my face,” the rest of the statement was shared, which made the first man finally spin in his seat to look back towards the archway.
Silence hung in the air for a few moments, the two men staring at each other from several paces away…much like they had on that fated day all those months ago. “So why didn’t ya listen to her?” the first man finally broke the quiet, his quip conjoined with a look of query.
“It’s been a while, hasn’t it, Alfie?” the second man asked, his eyebrows just slightly raised.
“It has,” the first man nodded, pursing his lips together for a moment before he continued, “yet it is still sooner than the day in which I thought I’d see Tommy Shelby again.”
Tommy Shelby just shook his head at the man’s remark, looking at the ground as he pursed his lips. It didn’t faze him in the slightest.
“Why’re you here then?” Alfie asked, still wanting to get to the bottom of the Birmingham man’s presence. However, he interjected again before said man even had the chance to speak: “you’ve come to finish me off, haven’t ya? Since ya couldn’t get it right the first time.”
“I’ve come with something,” Tommy answered, not even bothering to respond to Alfie’s second comment.
He then stepped towards the chair that the other man was sitting in, his hands still behind his back. Anyone else would have wondered if maybe they’d got it right…maybe he was actually there to finish his old adversary off. But Alfie wasn’t bothered in the slightest. No, he could tell from the manner in which Tommy approached him.
“I want to offer a congratulations…on your daughter,” Tommy finished his statement once he was standing in front of Alfie. Alfie looked him over with raised eyebrows, wondering just how a busy, business-minded man like him would have gotten such information. “(Y/N) told me the news. She got word of it from Rose,” Tommy gave the curious man some more information.
“That Rosie…” Alfie mused with a slight shake of his head, “I had a feelin’ that she hadn’t cut off all contact with you Shelbys.” He couldn’t help but smile at the thought of his wife still keeping up a regular correspondence with the wife of the man who’d shot him.
(Y/N) and Rose had hit it off practically from the moment they met each other. Their friendship went beyond their husbands’ business partnership, and so when one disgruntled husband aimed a gun at the other and pulled the trigger, the two women tried hard not to let it come completely between them. There some time where radio silence prevailed…actually most out the time over the course of the last year was filled with radio silence, but it didn’t seem like a beat was missed when Rose contacted (Y/N) to tell her of the newest addition to the Solomons family.
Although Tommy was more hesitant to make amends, he couldn’t deny his wife’s request to deliver something to the newest Solomons.
“She wanted me to give you this,” Tommy then said, finally revealing the tan, stuffed rabbit that he’d brought with him. “To give to her,” he included, making his intentions more clear.
“I knew you weren’t givin’ me a stuffed rabbit,” Alfie quipped, snorting to himself before continuing, “or at least I hope you were plannin’ to.”
“I wasn’t planning on doing that, Alfie, no,” Tommy shook his head, dismissing the comment before it gained any ground. “The rabbit’s for your girl.”
Alfie took a moment to look over the other man again. He was still holding the rabbit out in front of him, waiting for Alfie to take it. Tommy wondered how long Alfie was going to make him stand like this.
Finally he took it. “She’ll like it,” Alfie stated, eyeing over the animal from close up now. He couldn’t deny that it felt soft in his hands. Allie would surely love it. “Thanks, Tommy.”
“My three couldn’t go to bed without it,” Tommy commented, a small smile gracing his lips as he thought of his three daughters and the love they had for that very stuffed rabbit.
A look of realization flashed across Alfie’s face as he heard Tommy’s comment. He brought his hand up to his jaw and ran it down his cheek slowly, stroking his beard as if he was in thought. “Have a seat,” he then said, gesturing to the chair that was set directly across from the one he was sitting in. He waited until the other man was seated before continuing, “three girls, huh?” he mused, sounding like he was talking more so to himself than anything.
“Yeah,” Tommy nodded in response.
“A proper girl dad,” Alfie commented then.
“A what?” Tommy asked with furrowed eyebrows.
“You’re a dad that’s got all girls, hence the fucking term girl dad…stick with it, Tommy,” the response came laden with derision.
Tommy raised his eyebrows at the other man’s comments, looking to the ground as he let the air cool off before he cleared his throat and nodded his head. “Yeah, a girl dad then.” He ran a hand along the back of his head as he spoke, wondering if he was even using the term correctly. Alfie didn’t comment, so he guessed that he didn’t seem to care none.
Instead the newer father continued on with the conversation. “Does it ever get hard?”
“What? Being a girl dad?” Tommy looked over at him again.
“No, not being able to hit your fucking mark when you’re fifteen fucking paces away,” Alfie retorted, “yes, being a girl dad,” he then exaggerated his words.
Tommy bit his tongue yet again. He wasn’t here to get into a fight with Alfie Solomons. The rabbit currently sitting in the other man’s lap was supposed to serve as a sort of olive branch.
“It does,” he finally answered after a moment’s pause.
“Give me some fuckin’ detail, mate,” Alfie asked.
“Fuckin’ hell, Alfie,” Tommy sighed under his breath, pressing the pads of his thumbs against his eyelids. He cleared his throat again as he thought of how he’d answer the question. “It’s been hard from the moment we brought Thea home. A different sort of hard than the ‘hard’ I’ve experienced prior. But it’s also been rewarding...with Thea, then Evie and now Juniper. I’ve learned more from them than from anything else I’ve ever done.”
Alfie took a moment to digest what his confidant had just shared with him. He truly didn’t expect Tommy Shelby to come out with such meaningful statements. I guess even the worst of men can change their tones, he thought to himself. “I didn’t know ya had it in ya, Tommy,” he commented, exuding a breath of a laugh as he shook his head.
Tommy kept his eyes locked on Alfie unsure of how to respond to his comment. He wondered if this was all some sort of game…if Alfie now wanted to toy with him; getting him to open up just to use the information against him.
“Thanks for sharing it though. I, uh…” Alfie paused, the sound of his voice cutting through Tommy’s thoughts and making him focus in again. “I’ll take all of the help I can get with this one. They say that raising a child takes a fucking village, or however that fucking saying goes.”
“There’s a great deal of joy in it too,” Tommy made sure to add, hoping to convey that having daughters, or kids at all for that matter, wasn’t only stressful. “I just know that I wouldn’t be able to do it without (Y/N) though.”
“That’s the same with me and my Rosie. A fuckin’ trooper, that woman is,” Alfie agreed in regards to his wife. Truthfully, he wouldn’t be here right now if it weren’t for Rose Solomons. He genuinely owed his life to her…and he was going to spend the rest of it showing her.
Silence fell between the two men then, both sitting comfortably in their thoughts of the women they had in their lives, and of how much their respective wives meant to them. The silence hung until the sound of small feet came pattering off of the hardwood in the hallway.
“Daddy! Daddy!” a shrill voice of a small girl soon accompanied the hurried footsteps. Said girl quickly appeared in the archway of Alfie office. Along with her frantic demeanor, Alfie was also able to see streaks of tears on her chreks.
“What’s wrong, Allie?” he asked her, his brows furrowing together.
“Cyril chewed on my stuffie, daddy!” she exclaimed, hiccuping as she spoke through her tears. “It was my favorite stuffie!”
“Awe now love, I’m sorry about that,” Alfie began, opening his arms to the child as she came over to him. She quickly fell into them, and he wasted no time in hugging her tightly. “He’s just a brute that knows nothing of favorite stuffies,” he consoled her as she continued to sniffle her tears away.
Tommy watched on as the moment played out in front of him. He laughed to himself as hearing the reason behind the problem at hand took him back to the moments where Cyril had chewed his girls’ stuffies; there had to have been several instances during the dog’s stay at Arrow House.
“I don’t have a stuffie now, daddy,” Allie whimpered, finally lifting her head from her father’s chest. “Mum said it was too covered in slobber to be saved.”
“Well I’ve got just the fix for ya, Allie,” Alfie began, unwrapping one of his arms from her so that he could blindly search for the stuffed rabbit that Tommy had just handed him. He continued when he found the animal, “now I know it’s no bear, and I know that your favorite stuffies have all been bears, but this lovely little lass was just placed upon my lap moments before you came runnin’ in.”
Allie’s eyes immediately found the rabbit, and she had it in her tight embrace within an instant. “This stuffie is so soft! And she has a lovely bow!” she observed, now beaming with excitement. “Thank you so much, daddy!” she smiled at her father.
“Thanks have to go to that man,” Alfie told his daughter, nodding in Tommy’s direction. He bit his tounge and stopped the urge to add ‘the one who shot your father’ because even he knew this wasn’t the time for that. He didn’t want to bring that feud into Allie’s realm.
“What’s his name?” Allie asked in a loud whisper, her shy eyes finding Tommy’s.
“Tell ‘er your name, mate,” Alfie beckoned Tommy to share the information.
“It’s Tommy,” the other man followed suit, smiling as he spoke.
Allie observed him for a moment, surely trying to decide what she felt about him. A few beats of silence passed before a smile formed on her face. “Thank you, Mr. Tommy,” she said in a small voice.
“You’re welcome, Allie,” Tommy nodded, his smile widening.
“Dad you have to yell at Cyril now,” Allie turned back to her dad, a deep frown present on her face.
“I’ll make sure he knows what he’s done,” Alfie assured her, “go play, love.”
With one last smile, Allie hopped off of her father’s lap and exited the room almost as quick as she entered it.
“That fuckin’ dog…” Alfie trailed off, shaking his head, “why’d you give him back?”
“You wanted him back, Alfie,” Tommy answered in a monotone voice.
“You may be right,” Alfie conceded, cracking a smile as he thought about the dog.
“Your daughter’s lovely,” Tommy commented.
“She is, ain’t she?” Alfie answered, “light of my fuckin’ life, that girl…both her and her mum.”
Tommy nodded, his mind going to his wife and daughters. There was no doubt that he shared the same sentiment towards his girls.
Oh, the joys of being a girl dad…even if — or rather when, because it’ll surely happen again — Tommy and Alfie were at odds with each other, they’ll always have the shared title as something they can both relate to.
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The Story of Rose and Alfie
Tagged: @mystcldydrms @the-anxious-youth @cloudofdisney @look-at-the-soul @elenavampire21
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calpalpol · 5 months
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Here are photos of Sebastian Bach being friends with basically the whole glam scene
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motleycrueobsessed · 4 months
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lord have mercy on me
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hi1234hehe · 2 months
People I love
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look-at-the-soul · 6 months
Endless love
(Modern) Tommy Shelby x reader
✨ I wrote this for @justrainandcoffee Alfieversary! My dearest Flor who knew fanfiction and Peaky Blinders would cross our paths! Thank you for always being so kind and generous-and talented!-, becoming mutuals here for a short time and somehow it feels as if we knew each other in person. Cheers to many, many more Alfieversaries!
Summary: Y/N is “forced” to leave her husband and baby for the weekend, so join Tommy to sort parenthood by himself for a couple of days. How will he deal with everything? Including a fussy baby.
Word count: 2.5K
A/N: we know I try to make moodboards right? 🤭
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“Okay, erm so there’s milk storage enough.” Y/N mumbled, taking one more look around the bedroom. “Emma’s nappies are in the first drawer, keep her bunny close to-“
“Her face, I know.” Tommy produced a small chuckle, trying hard not to roll his eyes as he had already heard his wife’s instructions for almost a week. “Love, just leave that there, take a deep breath and have a margarita for me, we’ll be fine.”
Looking down at his six-month old he found her big beautiful eyes staring at him.
Y/N blinked nervously, this was the first trip away from Emma, it’s was a natural thing to be nervous.
“I can’t drink a margarita, remember?” She pointed at her breasts for a clearer message. Although she really wanted one.
This was actually her first real going out in a long time, somehow her life had been turned upside down full of baby trips to the doctor’s appointments, quick trips to get the groceries, restless nights of feedings. Thats why when Tommy insisted she should make the trip with Rose and the girls, she thought it would be a good idea to have a little time to herself.
But suddenly, her phone started ringing and loads of messages arrived simultaneously.
“Are you su-“
Tommy cut his wife’s words. “Yes, now go before Rose comes up to take you.”
Y/N gave Tommy a worried look, she couldn’t help it.
“Say goodbye to mama,” he waved Emma’s little hand. “Buh-bye mam!” He imitated a childish voice.
Y/N felt her heart clenching inside her chest when she kissed her daughter’s chubby cheeks.
“If you need anything just call and I’ll be back.” She rushed to say before kissing Tommy’s lips. Stepping out of their home, she blew them a kiss.
Tommy finally felt confident enough to release the air he had been holding. He was beyond nervous for not having his wife around whilst taking care of their baby, he was actually panicking to do anything wrong.
As Tommy closed the door he saw Emma’s lip quiver and a second later, she let out a big cry.
“Oh no, no darling don’t cry.” Tommy tried to soothe her. Small legs kicking with such force that made him think of a small tornado. “It’s alright, mama will be back in a couple of days…” he mumbled tried to get his daughter to settle.
His phone started buzzing in his pocket, he tried to rock Emma, but her cries became louder. Pressing the green button so fast that he didn’t look at the name on the screen.
“Is Emma alright? I heard her crying.”
Tommy gasped. “Yes, of course, it’s the television… there’s a baby crying.” He lied.
He noticed Y/N’s hesitation so he rushed to assure her everything was fine and encouraged her to have a great time with her friends. Then, Tommy searched the channel with calm music Y/N used to rock Emma to sleep, in an attempt to settle his baby.
“How can a little thing like you cry so loud?” Tommy sighed defeated. He was one step from giving up. “I don’t know how your mama does it.”
He had tried everything, absolutely everything. And nothing seemed to work.
Was his baby sick? Hurting?
“What is it baby girl?” He wiped away the tears from her eyes, long lashes wet, chubby cheeks red from the intensity of her cries.
A sudden flashback appeared on his mind and with long strides, he walked into their bedroom hoping to find Emma’s bunny in its place. It had been a birth gift by Rose, and his daughter didn’t seem to like anything else.
“Look… here’s your bunny.” He tried tickling her cheeks. “And let’s take Mummy’s blanket alright?”
Tommy felt on the brick of desperation, was he really a useless father? One who couldn’t make his daughter stop crying?
His heart was aching.
Tommy wondered how would they survive for the entire weekend without Y/N. He started seriously doubting his parental skills in that moment.
Wrapping his baby in Y/N’s blanket seemed to bring some comfort for his baby. Groaning he covered his face with one of the thin cloths they used to go outside, it was small piece that only covered his features partially but then he heard a small giggle and a raspberry from Emma.
Startled, he removed the sheet from his face and looked down at what was making her giggle.
“You liked your silly daddy?” He asked mimicking a ridiculous voice.
He tried the trick once more.
And to his surprise, Emma giggled again, there was a bit of droll on her chin, big blue eyes sparkling just for him.
“You like Mr. Napkin?!” He asked in disbelief. “Yes you do!”
Getting up, he got a larger napkin from the kitchen and after covering his face again, but he added his glasses.
“Mr. Napkin needs help to see.” He repeated what it seemed like the best acting performance ever. “Oh! I see a beautiful happy little girl.” He turned to face his baby laying in one of his arms.
Emma laughed uncontrollably and kicked her legs happily.
“You know what? Mr. Napkin needs a smoke.” He announced, producing a cigarette from its case. But once he added it to his performance, he noticed a small pout. “Oh no, no… that’s a bad habit, don’t do it.”
Once he got his little girl to settle again, he sighed relieved when he saw the big yawn she offered.
“Mr. Napkin would like a nap too.”
But before he could close his eyes, his phone started ringing and the sound woke his daughter up.
“Shit. Alfie what do you want?”
“Just making sure you’re in one piece still… heard the Misus are having the time of their lives.” Alfie announced.
“I know you’re miserable when Rose is away, but I’m busy here mate.”
“That’s exactly why I was calling, to offer some child support.”
Tommy snorted. “Alfie the last thing I want is you taking care of my daughter.”
Alfie didn’t took that personally, he knew as a matter of fact that he had the opposite effect in Tommy’s daughter. “When will you finally admit your daughter likes me?”
“She likes pulling at you beard and your dog.”
“Look we both know you’re going to make the girls come back earlier from their trip and the least thing I need is having Rosie mad at me at your fault, so meet me and Cyril at the beach.”
“That sounds like an awful idea.”
“See ya.”
The actual plan worked like wonders, Emma was thrilled to spend time with Cyril, because being honest, he got all protective over Emma, and despite his size he acted like a cotton ball, bringing her sticks. But Tommy wasn’t going to admit that out loud.
Of course Alfie teased him endlessly for acting over protective towards the baby just because he made sure his daughter wouldn’t suffer damage from the sun. Or any kind of damage for that matter.
“What are cha gonna do when your little pumpkin starts messing around with boys and-“
Tommy gave him a death stare.
“Wha? You can’t keep her locked mate…” Alfie pointed out as the girl grabbed some sand in her small fist.
“That’s not going to happen.” Tommy answered with a clenched jaw.
Just the mere thought of it, made his insides twist.
And to Alfie, to have the chance to tease Tommy it was like the cherry on top, it was something he wasn’t going to let it pass.
By the time they went back to their apartment, Emma was sound asleep in the back seat.
After changing his baby girl into a pajama set, Tommy walked around the place to set the alarm and taking the remote, he turned off the lights.
To his surprise, he got a message from his wife.
Missing you both like crazy! xx
We missed you too, Emma was thrilled to take a little trip to the beach xx - he replied.
Almost immediately, his phone started ringing and the photo of his wife holding their baby appeared on the screen.
“I know I said I wasn’t going to disturb you, but…” her sweet voice made him smile.
“‘S alright, I was just getting ready to sleep.”
“But it’s still early.” Y/N pointed out turning around to look the hour.
“I am exhausted.” He dragged the words.
Turning the call into video, Y/N noticed the bags under his eyes. The dim light cascading over his cheekbones.
“Looks like someone’s having the time of her life.” He complimented.
“We had a massage and I ordered a virgin cocktail.”
Tommy shook his head. “No booze? What’s the fun in that?”
“Stop temping me.” Y/N pouted. “I’ll let you’ve some rest, tomorrow it’s going to be a long day.”
Tommy yawned and wished his wife a good night.
A babbling sound make him open his eyes asTommy tried to fix his blurred vision.
Groaning, he got up. “Morning, sunshine.” He kissed the top of her head as he pulled her against his chest and went back to bed.
Instinctively, Emma started nibbling his nipple.
“Oh sweetie, you won’t find anything there.” Tommy explained with a chuckle.
But Emma wasn’t in the mood and a round of loud cries started right away.
“I get it, the milk provider is moving right away, give me a sec.” He got up and carried his baby towards the kitchen, to prepare the bottle for her. A few minutes later, Emma was sucking happily.
“Such a drama queen eh?” He stared at her soft features. Wondering what life had in store for her. “What do you wanna do today? We can go to the park, or the pub bet your uncles would love to see you.” He proposed as his baby was focused on her milk. That way he could get some help because everyone in his family adored his daughter.
Despite his wealth, Y/N refused hiring a nanny. She was adamant to be in charge of everything related to their daughter. And being completely honest with himself, he was grateful for being able to spend quality time with his first born, Y/N deserved all the credit for that, she helped him feel comfortable by giving his daughter a warm bath and helping as much as he could, being a present father.
She had already threatened him to include a hairstyle masterclass so he could learn to do braids and pigtails.
After a quick bath for him and another one for his daughter. He felt proud of managing to put an asthetic outfit for Emma, he actually went safe with clear colors God forbid that one time he changed her into a set that didn’t match, Y/N scolded and teased him endlessly. As Tommy was looking in one of the drawers for a clean sheet so he could place his baby on the floor, he found a small box where Y/N kept a bunch of things she said that were useless but you might need some day. The thought made him chuckle, but a sharp movement opened the lid and its content fell to the floor.
That’s when he saw something that caught his attention.
A playful smile spread on his lips and he rushed to the living room to set everything.
It took him a while to carry on with his idea, but once he was finished, he stood there proudly to admire his creation, the smile on his daughter’s face told him he did a good job. Oh, the things he’d do for that little Miss Sunshine. She had him wrapped around her little finger.
Snapping a photo, he pressed a few buttons to send it to his wife.
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“What is that?!” Y/N asked raising her voice, excitement was evident.
Tommy’s chest expanded proudly as he looked at his mini-me in awe. “She’s being giggling nonstop.”
“This is the best idea ever!” Y/N sounded surprised, so he was still able to be one step ahead.
“Cheapest trick to keep her busy.” Tommy added, sending the photo to the Shelby’s chat group.
“I can’t wait to go back home.” He knew being away wasn’t easy for her, specially because she was so attached to Emma.
“The day will fly by and you’ll be back before you know it.” He tried to cheer her up. His eyes darting back to his daughter, still amazed by the balloons.
“Look at you, I leave you for a couple of days and you win the award parent of the year.”
“That’s what you get for abandoning us.” He joked.
“Hey!” Tommy heard Rose’s voice in the background. “Only emergencies! Is Tommy missing an arm?” He heard some weird noise and then she spoke clearly. “I hope you’re taking good care of Emma.”
“Of course.” He wasn’t sure if he should be more scared of his wife or Rose.
“Good, then were stealing your wife for another day and we’re already planning the next trip.” She warned, and this time around, it was Y/N turn in the background saying that she didn’t want to be away from her daughter again.
“Have a fabulous day, I gotta change a stinky nappy.”
Ending the call, he decided to order some food, the last thing on his mind at the moment was to prepare something. At least he got a great deal by keeping his daughter busy with the balloons and that granted him a few minutes to stand outside in the balcony to smoke a cigarette while keeping an eye on his baby.
And the rest of his day went just like that between naps, babbling and the little sounds his daughter made. Later he’d pick a book to read to her.
Sunday finally arrived and after driving for a couple of hours, the girls left her by the apartment lobby first, so she made the trip to her floor quietly and since she didn’t tell Tommy what time they were coming back, she took the chance to surprise him.
He didn’t know, but she had been watching him in the baby monitor app on her phone. As a matter of fact her heart felt full last night when she realized her baby wouldn’t settle and after a couple of minutes, she saw Tommy getting up from the bed and climbing the crib -big enough to fit him-, to sleep with his baby.
She knew he was the best father their daughter could have.
And another proof was that moment while he was feeding Emma and he started singing a Romani song and ever so gently he explained their baby he came from gypsies and she too, had gypsy blood running in her veins. Y/N wanted to bottle the two of them along with those moments that made her confirm her deep love for that man.
But Y/N was the surprised one when she stepped into her apartment and found Tommy sleeping on the couch with Emma lying on his chest fast asleep, his arm wrapped around her back protectively. Her small hand closed in a tight fist over her bunny’s ear.
The image was instantly tattooed in her heart as a lifetime memory.
And she knew, her heart was full and that this was an endless love.
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Master list
Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed this, remember your feedback is always the way to a writer’s heart ♥️✨
Oh! I almost forgot.. Mr Napkin inspiration 👇🏻👇🏻
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