#tommy shebly imagine
prettybillycore · 1 year
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Pairing(s): Thomas Shelby x Original Character
Universe: Peaky Blinders / Fantastic Beasts
Summary: Veela and Seer- a powerful combination of traits for one person to have. Edith Lillian Scamander falls in love with a young Thomas Shelby while working in a nurse’s ward during WWI. Will her feelings be requited, or will she be doomed to pine over the man of her dreams for eternity hopelessly?
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 0.8k
Warnings: domestic violence
Read on AO3 or Scroll down to read it right here on Tumblr below the cut!
It was several days before Lilli received that letter from Tommy, but when it came, her whole demeanor shifted. She had been reading in her study, something she did quite often when the mail arrived. One of the house staff, Martha, knocked quietly on her door. Lilli ushered her inside, casting a dull glaze over her eyes. Martha always collected the mail and passed it out among the members of the Malfoy family. She was the only one in the house that even knew of Tommy’s name. She had no idea who he was, but she dared not breathe his name around Lucretius; she knew that would be a death sentence. She smiled a simple gesture in an attempt to brighten Lilli’s somber expression. Lucretius was home this particular day because the letter arrived on a Sunday. He had been ordering Lilli to wait on him, hand and foot, even though the house was bustling with servants. Lucretius was trying to lull Lilli into submission with his orders and sharp tones. It was partially working as she retreated to her only private space and yet, still found herself to be subdued. Martha felt sorry for Lady Edith Lilli, deeply. She was Lilli’s closest confidant outside of her younger brother, Newt. She knew the struggles that Lilli faced and wished for something better for her. Little did she know, something better was burning a hole in her apron pocket. She pulled the letter out, shaking it lightly in front of Lilli’s face. “Another letter addressed to you, Lady Lilli.”
Lilli didn’t have to read the envelope to know that it was from Tommy, his letters all looked the same from the outside, and the writing was unmistakable. She thanked Martha as the color returned to her face, and her cheeks became rosy. She waited until Martha left the room to read the letter. 
A part of my heart has belonged to you since then, my Lilli.
The words on the page didn’t feel real at first. She knew that she harbored feelings for Tommy, but she had a hard time believing that he held such high feelings for her. Her heart felt like it was going to burst as she continued reading. 
Under her advice, we have both agreed that it would be beneficial for you to depart from your fiance in a timely manner. With Grace's absence, a barmaid vacancy exists in my Pub. I'll have a room waiting for you when you arrive.
She had spent many nights dreaming of a moment like this, a moment where Thomas Shelby was going to sweep her away from her life in London. She never expected it to really happen; even when she received visions of it. She knew that her visions would always come true, but still, she could not bring herself to believe them. Now, the opportunity to leave her life behind was right in front of her; she couldn’t let it slip through her fingers. She couldn’t let Tommy slip through her fingers. 
A vision came before her eyes of Lucretius coming to the door. As soon as it stopped, she quickly moved back to her desk, tucking the letter from Tommy where she kept all his letters, in a locked drawer at the bottom of her desk. The key she wore as a necklace never left her body. She kept her heart tucked away in this draw too. 
She placed herself down in her chair and smoothed out the wrinkles in her dress just as Lucretius opened her door. “I’ve been calling for you from the Library. It’s just down the hall, didn’t you hear me?”
Lilli shrugged her shoulders lazily. “No, sorry, Dove. I did not hear you calling. If I had, I would have come to the library,” her reply was mostly true. 
He made a ‘tsk’ sound with his tongue and the back of his teeth. “Be honest, for once, Edith. You do not care about me and my needs.”
Lilli rolled her eyes. “I have tended to your every need all day. Please forgive me for taking a moment for myself.”
“You are to be my wife; you are supposed to tend to my every need. I should not have to come into your study to find you. Your study is for when you are home alone. If I am home, you should be in my presence,” he scolded. 
“We have servants and housemaids who can tend to your whims. I came to have a few minutes to myself because I do not have time during the week. My work as an Auror fills my days. I need some time to breathe on Sundays,” she sternly replied.
“You know how I feel about you having a job outside of our home. How are you going to take care of our children? Will their needs be ignored much like mine? You only take yourself into consideration with your decisions!” Lilli flinched at the loudness of his voice. That only seemed to anger him more. “Do not recoil from me! You cannot fear me. I am your fiance, your one shining star! I am lifting your family up in the world, and you need to respect me as the head of your household. How dare you quiver in front of me.”
Lilli had no time to react before his hand connected with the soft tissue of her cheek. He used the back of said hand, causing his engagement ring to clash with her supple flesh. She felt a small dripline of blood forming. Violence was not usual from Lucretius, but it was not often aimed at Lilli. He usually took his anger out on the walls of their shared home or the pillows that covered their bed, but he could not contain himself every so often. Silence fell over the pair. They stood in this silence until Lilli decided she was ready to move again. “I will be in our quarters. Do not bother me until the morning.”
“No. Enough has been done, Lucretius,” she said. Her tone was flat, and the little bit of love she had left in her heart for him was gone. She left the room, clasping her hand around her key necklace tightly. She was leaving for Birmingham, and she was leaving tonight.
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psycheswritings · 5 years
Nothing’s Fair in Love and War - Four
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Title: Nothing’s Fair in Love and War Fandom: Peaky Blinders Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Daphne Scott (OFC) Warnings: Swearing, I guess. Word Count: 4533 Author's Note: Hello again, hope you are all well. Here's the update, hope you all like it. Thanks for everybody reading and liking it, I really appreciate it. Honorary mentions to @livingmybestfakelife​, @stressedandbandobessed7771​ and @livvtheangel​ for commenting. Tags are at the bottom. As always, this haven’t been proofread, so feel free to report any mistakes back to me; warnings are expecific for each chapter. Also, your feedback is also highly appreciated. I relly hope you like this one. Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author of this story. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any previously copyrighted material. No copyright infringement is intended.
Chapter Summary: Daphne and Tommy share a moment alone at her birthday party and that leads him to get better acquaintance with some of her closest friends. The gangster has some unexpected meetings and receives a rather interesting invitation. Michael wants to take part in the family business, despite his mother’s disapproval. May Carleton goes to Birmingham to get Thomas’s horse and take a look at the betting shop. Aunt Polly has a little talk with her nephew about wanting things he shouldn’t want.
They had sang Happy Birthday to her much to Daphne’s dismay, but it was worth it in the end because Karl had happily “helped” her blown out the candles, giggling all the time. She stayed and socialized with the guests for a bit until she made a very sneaky exit to the balcony on the side of the pub. Usually she would be the one waltzing around, making small talk with people and entertaining the guests, but today she wasn’t really feeling like it. Of course she appreciated Alfie’s gesture - he always tried to cheer her up on her birthday and she loved him for that, truthfully, but one can ignore the day you dread the most just for a certain amount of time.
The cold wind outside made her instantly regret not having grabbed her coat before leaving, but the perspective of going inside again didn’t appeal to her, so she just ignored the goosebumps. She let her eyes wonder to the street, observing a few people stumbling on the sidewalk before her already cold fingers searched for the locket hanging from her neck and nesting against her sternum. Daphne stroked the piece of metal with her thumb a few times, the material was warm against her skin, them she pulled it out of her neck and opened it.
There were two small black and white photographs inside – a young girl and a boy, their features were similar, yet different. You couldn’t tell by the image but they had the same hair color, his face was a little more angular than hers and his eyes from a darker shade of brown instead of the bright hazel of hers. Despite the fact that the photographs were in different sides of the locket, you could tell that they had been cut from the same image because they two seemed to be looking and smiling at each other. Daphne pressed her thumb in the boy’s picture, so absorbed in looking at it that she didn’t noticed she wasn’t alone anymore.
“You seem awfully unhappy for someone who has a whole party in her honor going on just inside.” A warm coat rested against her shoulders, she distinguished the smell of tobacco and whisky, mixed with a musky cologne that she did not quite recognized. Thomas noticed that she closed the locket before turning to face him, adjusting his jacket on her shoulders. The seemingly innocent and simple gesture of her adjusting a piece of clothing that belonged to him on her own body made something stir inside of him – some raw possessiveness that wanted to show the whole world that she belonged to him, even when he knew that it was far from the truth. Daphne seemed like the kind of woman who would never belong to nobody but herself.
“Let’s just say I’m not very prone to celebrate my birthday.” Her fingers rested on the collar of the jacket, the locket securely held between the fabric and her fingers. Thomas noticed that every time he had seen her she was wearing the jewelry. He took a step closer, taking the piece from her, the metal was still warm and weighted very little on his fingers while he twisted it. She did not protest, just observed him with the piece – in the dim light he noticed that the chocolate brown of her irises was almost drowning in a sea of deep forest-green. He didn’t opened it because he felt that whatever was inside it was something she wasn’t willing to share.
“You’re one of those girls who is all worried about getting older?” He asked while parting the chain and passing it through her head, the locket still between his fingers.
“Not exactly.” She smiled but he noticed that it was a forced one because it didn’t reached her eyes. Daphne raised her hand, placing it on top of his, her fingers curling themselves around his own to slip the locket from out of his grasp. He let her take it from him and watched as she adjusted it inside the neckline of her dress. “We better get inside.” Before someone notices, she thought but restrained herself from saying, even when the look in his eyes said that he had guessed it. She should not feel guilty, they weren’t doing nothing wrong, just talking. However, Daphne still felt like this stolen moment was some kind of secret that she had to keep to herself.
He followed her closely, when they stepped out the door she took off his jacket, handing it back to him, their fingers lingering together for a moment before she thanked him and excused herself, going to the opposite direction of the balcony. Thomas stood there, watching her leave, holding the jacket in one of his hands and wondering how this woman could have such a strong effect on him in such a short time. He opened and closed his hand – the one she had just touched - his fingers seeming to tingle from the contact even now.
Nobody in the pub seemed to have noticed the little interaction between the two – nobody except William and Polly, who were observing the couple on opposite sides of the mezzanine, unaware of one another.
William had seen Thomas follow Daphne to the balcony moments before, distracting their friends and preventing them to look that way, trying his best to hide the frown on his face. He had managed to break free from the small group, who continued in deep conversation, and walked to the railing. There was a hint of sadness in his blue eyes as he observed Daphne stepping into the room wrapped in Thomas’s jacket. He clenched his fists, recognizing the all too familiar burn of anger and jealousy that he hated so much.
Polly, on the other hand, was sipping her drink when she saw Tommy and Daphne getting out the door. The older woman smiled to herself – she was right them, there was more than just attraction between his nephew and the girl. She looked around, checking if anybody had noticed the two and saw one of Daphne’s friends - the handsome bachelor who turned many girls heads all night - observing the couple with closed fists. He looked in her direction, a frown on his face, and saw that she had seen the same thing as him, making quick work to ignore it and come back to the group of people he had just left.
Thomas was walking towards his family, intending to leave and go to his hotel room when he heard his name being called.
“It can’t be Sargent Major Thomas M. Shelby!” He turned on his heels and took just a moment to recognize the man talking to him.
“Charles Johnson, I thought I would never see you again.” There was a hint of a smile on the gangster’s face when the man approached him and the two hugged, patting each other on the back.
“Me neither. I was pretty sure that none of us would get out of that hell alive.” Thomas couldn’t stop himself of thinking that a part of him never really came back from the war, but that wasn’t a conversation that he wanted to have.
“And yet, here we are.”
“Here we are, indeed. You should meet my fiancé.” Charles turned to look at the beautiful blonde that had almost knocked Daphne to the ground at the beginning of the night. He made a motion with his head and she approached them. “This is Jane, my fiancé. Jane this is Thomas Shelby, we’ve met in France.”
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mr. Shelby.” They shook hands briefly. She looked like a delicate flower – young and beautiful and full of energy. They were a match made in heaven, because from what Tommy remembered, Charles had that optimistic nature that sometimes got to your nerves, despite some moments of weakness.
“Likewise. Let me ask you how you ended up with this moron?” She laughed and Charles scoffed at him.
“I thought you were better, Shelby.”
“It was actually my brother’s fault. Charles and William have been friends since they were kids.” Jane answered sweetly, looking around to find her brother. “Oh there he is. William, come here.”
“Where’s the fire?”
“There’s no fire, you daft.” Jane smacked her brother on the arm, the action made Tommy remember Ada. “Mr. Shelby was just asking how I and Charles have met. I said that it was all your fault.” Thomas recognized him immediately – it was the man who had hugged Daphne for a little too long earlier. He extended his hand towards him.
“Thomas Shelby.”
“William Weston.” They shook hands, analyzing each other while doing so. “You know Charles?”
“Yes, we’ve met in France.” Charles answered quickly, apparently unaware of the animosity between the two men.
“You certainly have been there too, haven’t you Mr. Weston?” The sarcasm was evident in Tommy’s voice, but only William noticed it.
“Yeah, served there as a doctor. It’s where I’ve met Daph.” If he wasn’t paying close attention, William would certainly have missed the brief twitch of Tommy’s lip and the hint of jealously in his eyes.
“Yeah, only good thing that happened there.” Charles observed. “You’re here because of her birthday too, right, Tommy?”
“Tell me, Mr. Shelby, how do you know our Daphne?” This time Jane noticed that something was going on by the tone her bother used, so she paid close attention to the conversation.
“I’m working with Mr. Solomons.”
“That he is. A pain in my ass, if you ask me, mate.” They all turned to see Alfie arriving with Daphne on his arm, both of them smiling.
“Business partners.” William seemed a little impressed.
“Yeah. Would you believe it?” Alfie joked, making Jane and Charles laugh, William just smiled without humor to avoid suspicion but Daphne noticed it, so did Tommy.
“You should come to the weeding, Mr. Shelby.” Suggested Jane and Charles immediately agreed.
“Yeah, it’s a great idea. You can bring your wife, you certainly are married by now. You were always a heartbreaker.”
“No. No wife” He looked at Daphne for a moment and she tried to ignore the intensity of his gaze.
“That’s a shame, but you can bring anyone you want, really. Alfie will be there too, so you will at least have a familiar face around.”
“Wouldn’t lose William’s speech for nothing.” The Jew smiled, making the others laugh at William rolling his eyes.
“Again with that?”
“Couldn’t let it pass, mate.”
“Daphne will be there too. She will be my maid of honor.” Explained Jane as enthusiastically as is the day she actually made the invitation. All of a sudden, the idea of going to the weeding seemed quite interesting to Tommy.
“Well, why not.”
Thomas sat in his office looking through the file that Campbell had given him earlier when he saw the blood smearing his fingers. He stared at the red staining his skin for a couple of seconds before putting the file in one of the drawers and getting up to take a drink. He cleaned his hand in a napkin while taking the bottle of whisky at the same time a knock could be heard on the door.
“Yes?” Lizzie opened the door, standing there to announce.
“Somebody to see you, Mr Shelby. He says he has come about the position of accounts clerk.”
“Send him in.” Tommy simply said before turning back to pour himself a drink.
“Just through here, sir.”
“Thank you.”
“Michael.” There was a hint of surprise in Tommy’s unreadable face, the boy smiled at him but the head of the Peaky Blinders just turned around to go back to his desk while talking. “Vacancy's been filled.”
“Not according to this morning's paper.” Michael had followed him, throwing said newspaper on his desk, right beside the glass of whiskey he had just placed there. The boy sat down on one of the chairs on the opposite side of the piece of furniture while Tommy stared down at him. “At school, I was top of the class in mathematics and I did a night-school course in accountancy at Worcester College.” Tommy takes the glass from the desk and walks around to lean against the shelf behind his chair, observing his cousin talk. “Mum says you've had six different accountant clerks in the last six months. When respectable men see the other things you do, they leave. But I, like Lizzie out there, already know what you do. Mum says you want to be eighty percent legal within two years.”
“I can help. I know both sides and you know you can trust me. I want to help you, Tommy, become legal. Do the right thing. I want to be proud of this family.” The gangster says nothing as he eyes the boy, glass of whisky still untouched in his hand.
“Does Polly know you're here, Michael?”
“I'm eighteen on Friday, I go where I please.” Tommy step forward to the desk, places the glass on it to take the telephone and put it right in front of Michael.
“You phone your mother.” He takes the glass and starts to leave the room but not before saying. “Good luck.” Michael just observes the telephone for a few moments before making the call.
Esme is at the shop, organizing things to open when a loud knock is heard from the front door.
“We're not open for winnings yet.”
“I'm here to see Thomas Shelby.” A woman says from outside and she rushes to the door to see a beautiful rich woman waiting there. “I have an appointment.”
“Come in.” Esme rushes her inside, taking notice of the car waiting parked on the street. Closing the door behind her and locking it, she hurries up to stop in front of the strange woman that is looking around the shop. After a while, the stranger extends a hand to her, which she does not take.
“May Carleton.”
“Mr. Shelby has his proper meetings in his other office.”
“This was the address that he gave me.”
“He gave you this address?” Esme asked surprised.
“He said it was a gambling den. I told him that I've wanted to see one since I'm always reading about them in the papers. Quite the big scandal in the Telegraph lately.” Rich people, Esme thought, always wanting to see how the peasants live. May noticed that the woman was still analyzing her and became quite uncomfortable. “Anyway, he said that I could come and have a look. And now I feel like a bit of an idiot because I'm early and he's late and I have no idea how to behave.”
“In a gambling den?” There was a hint of mock on her tone, so May decided that the best thing to do was to leave and wait in another place.
“I'll wait in the car.”
“If I open the door again, they'll all want to come in.” Esme made quick work of putting the keys back in her front pocket. “Like flies.” She starts doing her work again before asking to a very uncomfortable May. “So what are you?”
“W-what am I?” May asks, looking around.
“To Thomas?”
“I'm going to train his racehorse for Epsom.” This seemed to take Esme’s attention.
“You know horses?”
“Yes.” May turned to look at the other woman. “You?”
“Born riding. I slept in a manger when I was a baby.”
“I was born riding, too.” May seems almost daydreaming when the door open only for John to come in and slam it shut.
“There's a fucking great Riley parked out there and nobody's watching it.” He seems unaware of the woman’s presence until he stops right in front of her.
“John, this woman says she's training Thomas' horse.” He places the moneybags on the table and take a look at the woman in front of him.
“He's told us a lot about you.”
“Don't know where he is, do you?” May asks, hopeful. There’s a noise coming from the other door and soon Tommy walks in.
“Sorry, I'm late. There was a family matter. Esme, keep it locked up for a minute.”
“Yes, Thomas.”
“I'll show you around.” He says approaching May and nodding for John to leave. “So be my guest.” He leaned into one of the columns, lightening a cigarette while May starts walking around again. “That's my brother Arthur's office. Down there is my brother John's office - that's where we slate the runners and riders.”
“It's so out in the open. What about the police?” She approaches him, curiously.
“What about them?” Tommy answers and May walks to the nearby table, leaning on it and looking directly at him.
“When I drove into Small Heath, I thought I was going to get murdered then I mentioned your name. It was like being escorted to see a king.” The gangster barely acknowledges the comment, changing the subject.
“You came here to get my girl, right?”
“Right.” He walks to the front door and she follows him after taking a last look around.
“She looks in very good condition, considering she's not been out on the gallops.” Acknowledges May as Curly walks to them with the mare.
“Curly's the best horseman in England.” Charlie says, smiling.
“I have a man called Mickey who'd argue the point.” She walks around Curly to inspect the animal.
“Ah, but Curly here is half horse himself.” Tommy says with a hint of a smile on his face as he pets the horse.
“She's blessed. Very blessed.” It’s visible that Curly is agitated when he makes the observation.
“Well, she's from the best stock.” The woman says coming to stop on his side.
“But I'd rather have a colored pony. Mixed blood is stronger.”
“Not to win the Derby, Curly.” Tommy says to the gentle man.
“Don't like them racing, Tommy, not the way they beat them.” Curly gives the reins to May. “She's all yours.”
“Thank you.” Then he leaves, clearly disturbed.
“He gets sad when one leaves.” Explains Charlie.
“What time is your box van coming?” Tommy asks.
“Midday.” She answers more focused on petting the horse.
“Maybe you've got time to take the lady to the Garrison, show her the spa and the tearooms.” Thomas looks at his uncle and see the clear suggestion in his smirk and tone of voice, but just plays along and so does she.
“I'd like that, why not?” May says, looking at Tommy before they head to the pub.
“I just had it done up. There was a fire.” He walks ahead of her, going behind the counter while she looks around.
“Yep.” He throws the keys in the counter and asks her. “What do you drink?”
“So early, but gin.” May takes off her gloves and sits on one of the chairs close to the bar. Tommy walks around, taking the bottle of gin and a glass, which he places in front of the woman and fills with the drink. “Goodness. With something?”
“Like what?” He asks a little annoyed as if she is saying something that doesn’t make sense.
“Tonic water or…” He starts looking around.
“Hum, we have cordial.” As he opens the bottle to pour it for her, Tommy points to the glass and says. “There's not much room in there but…” He turns around, helping himself a glass of whiskey. “You want to fuck me, Mrs. Carleton?” She swallows the alcohol she had just taken, looking at him surprised by his bluntness. “Perhaps because I… Perhaps because I represent something to you? We should have this conversation before the booze starts talking for us.” He says while lightening another cigarette. She may deny it, but the way he treats it like a business transaction brings something in her that May haven’t felt in a long while.
“You have a horse.”
“Yes, I have a horse.”
“The horse is why I'm here, purely that. And because you're paying me a lot of money to train your horse, that's why I'm here, purely that.” May takes another sip of her drink while he observes her frown swallowing the drink.
“Good. Good. Well, a toast, then.” He raises his glass but she hesitates. “To the horse, to the Derby.”
“So is that what you say to women?” She asks placing her glass on the counter and looking at him.
“Only if I don't know what they want.”
“And what if they don't want to fuck?”
“Then life is simpler.”
“You want a simple life?” He scoffs, placing his hands on the counter before answering her, recognizing the real question hidden in her words.
“Do I look like a man who wants a simple life, eh?”
“So what do you want?” May takes the drink and takes a sip. Tommy leans closer to her, resting his elbows into the counter.
“For what I'm paying you, Mrs. Carleton, I want a horse that'll pay out at Epsom on an each-way bet.” She takes the pack of cigars and the matches that he placed on the counter.
“Before I took your account, I did some credit checks on you.” She lights the cigarettes and takes a drag. “Apparently, you don't exist.” Tommy scratches the side of his head with the hand that holds the cigarette.
“My existence is questionable.”
“Gypsies don't like registers.”
“You see, I'm not a Gypsy like you mean.”
“But you did register for France. I also sent your name to the War Office. I have friends there. You won two medals for gallantry.” So he was right, she could be useful to them. Tommy puts his cigarette out on the ashtray before looking at her, seemingly unimpressed.
“Does that really impress you, Mrs. Carleton?”
“Call me May.” The door to the pub opens and Finn comes in, eyeing the woman curiously.
“Charlie says the box van is here.”
“Thank you, Finn.” Tommy says and the boy leaves again.
“You know, I still don't know what you're going to call your horse.” The gangster stops to think for a moment, remembering the little stolen time he had with Daphne a few nights ago - the way she quickly closed the locket when he arrived; the way her hazel eyes analyzed him with the piece between his fingers, never complaining about how he was closer to her than what was considered appropriate; how he still could feel the light pressure of her fingers on his.
“The horse will be called The Secret Locket.”
“The Secret Locket.” May ponders sipping the gin again.
“I told him he definitely can't take the job. He said: "All right, I'll move to London, then.”. I said, I won't give in to blackmail. No is no." Polly is looking at Tommy from the mirror hanging in the wall while she puts her earrings – he was finishing putting his tie.
“Well that settles it, then. I'll give the job to the other candidate. He's much better qualified anyway.” He says as he puts in his shoulder holster.
“Michael did City And Guilds - six months.” The way she talks says clearly that even when she refuses to accept him doing the job, Polly wants Michael’s achievements recognized.
“Yeah, but he doesn't know racing, Poll.” Thomas takes a bottle from the table and serves his aunt a drink. “He knows horses, but he doesn't know racing. This other boy, he knows racing. He's good. He's a fast learner.” She looks at him distressed, when he hands her the glass.
“What if Michael really leaves?” Polly sits down on one of the armchairs, placing the ashtray and her drink on the coffee table.
“You just got to let him go, Poll. He'll get a job in an office in London. I'm sure he'll write to you.” Tommy gets his jacket in the clothes rack, putting it on.
“He made a big speech about wanting to help you build up a respectable business. Oh, he's like his dad, he could make me cry.”
“There are trains to London.”
“So I just let him leave?” Her tone is incredulous.
“Every month or so he'd be back.” Thomas takes the cigarette from the ashtray to take a drag. “Unless of course he meets a girl. Then, who knows?”
“Oh, my God. You want him to do this job.” The older woman looks at him quizzically.
“Polly, I want what you want.” Polly knows him well enough to recognize what he is doing, the tone of his voice, the way he looks at her. It’s not very common for Thomas Shelby don’t get what he wants. She gets up, drink and cigarette in hand.
“What about this other more qualified candidate?”
“Mmm, well, I lied, there isn't one.”
“How much are you paying?” There is a hint of a smile in his face.
“The advertised rate.”
“Like hell.”
“Three bob.”
“Like hell.”
“Three and six.”
“Four.” He gives in.
“Four it is.” She spits on her hand and extends it to him, to seal the deal. Tommy does the same.
“I love him, Tom.” Polly looks at him, her expression serious.
“I know. That's why I'll keep him away from the old business, put him charge of the new. Agreed?”
“Agreed.” He helps her put her coat on and walks to the door but she stops him. “One more thing before we leave.
“What is it?” He asks with a frown.
“The woman.” Polly intentionally throws the bait to see if he is going to bite - and he does.
“What about Daphne?”
“She hides something.” He was not the only one who noticed how she the young woman seemed to have a habit of playing with the locket hanging from her neck when she was distracted or when somebody mentioned family matters. But it wasn’t just that. Polly had seen the hurt in her eyes, like something had been broken inside of her - she was all smiles and pleasantries with everybody but she held a sadness rooted deep down on her, something that she kept from the outside world, something that the gipsy woman was used to see in her own nephew after the war.
“I know. I’m already working on discovering it.”
“Do you want to discover it because of the business or there are other interests at stake?” He scoffs before answering her.
“Thomas. You are a smart man. You’ve already been fooled by love once…”
“It’s not like that.” The way he punctuates every word just confirms her suspicious even more – he is, indeed, falling for the girl.
“Yes, it is. I see it in your eyes and I saw it in hers.” He looks at her them, a little surprised by the revelation. “I said that you had to forget the barmaid, that there would be others. You’ve been sleeping around since them but now you have to have in mind that she’s not some common woman, Thomas. She is under Solomons’s protection and you have to have that in mind before you let your cock take your decisions for you.”
Tags: @stressedandbandobessed7771​
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ughhheragain · 2 years
prompt 37 with john shelby, please? <3
37. “You have 5 seconds to get your hand off my ass.”
"What? I thought we were supposed to act like a couple."
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Tommy had sent you along with Arthur and John to have a chat with the Italians in order to start the negociations while he could figure his shit out.
"I think it'd make it less tense if they thought y/n and I were dating," you looked at John confused, hoping that Tommy would find it as stupid as you did.
"Mh. Could be a good idea, yeah. I suppose that way they wouldn't see this dinner as serious as it really it," Tommy shrugged nonchalantly while a boyish smile appeared on John's face.
"Stop grinning like an idiot, that'll be your only opportunity to get a taste of what it's like to be with me," you scoffed, already annoyed. You quickly bumped into his shoulder on your way out, which led him to turn to Michael, who was leaning against the wall, very entertained. "Ooh, feisty is how I like her," John chuckled.
When the time came, the three of you arrived at the Garrison and were then led to the closed booth which was reserved to the Shelbys' affairs.
There, you were greeted by three Italian men, two of whose eyes widened when they landed on you. This didn't go unnoticed under John's attention, who quickly brought you closer to him with a firm grip on your hip.
"Well, finally we meet. Gentlemen, this is Arthur, my brother and y/n, his lovely woman," John couldn't help but grin proudly, even though he was aware that it was all fake.
He nodded, "Isn't she beautiful," he remarked as his eyes scanned you in one motion and that's when you felt his hand slide down your back only to land on your butt.
Aware of what was at stake at the end of this meeting, you did your best to contain yourself and not ruin it. So, you looked at John — whose cocky smile showed how much fun he was having —, smiled the men and placed your head on his shoulder and your arm went behind his back to circle it.
However, you just couldn't help but squeeze his side a bit too tight which made him jump ever so slightly.
While Arthur told them about Tommy's absence at this encounter, you jumped on the opportunity to turn your head so that only John would hear you and started whispering. "You have 5 seconds to get your hand off my ass," because of course, it was still there.
He looked down at you, "What? I thought we were supposed to act like a couple," joining your silent conversation which made him feel like a kid again.
"Well, that I know but that's not what I was thinking about when Tommy-"
"Well, shall we sit, lovebirds?" asked one of the three men who were already sitting on the booth along with Arthur, which cut off your frustration.
"Right," John sat first at the end so that he'd be in the corner, his favourite spot. He then lifted his arm in your direction and motioned you to join him and only smiled when you sat close enough so that your thigh was touching his.
Under the table, he placed his hand on your thigh but that oddly didn't feel like he was trying to annoy you.
That's when you looked at him, then who he was staring at that you understood. Indeed, the one guy that wasn't talking with Arthur or his own was trying to catch as much glimpses of you as he could which made John's blood boil.
He knew he couldn't shoot the guy — obviously — so the only thing he did to reassure himself was holding your thigh protectively.
Seeing him actually being protective made you realise that John might've actually been serious each time he was flirting with you.
You liked him too but never took him seriously because you knew how he was and how many girls he'd been seen with all across Birmingham.
Though, what you ignored but now suspected, was that they were excuses for him to stop thinking about you since you'd always denied his advances.
So, you decided to do something as to show him that he could, in fact, "have" you for real when the time will be right.
His body immediately relaxed when he felt your hand cover and slide in his before squeezing it reassuringly, making him smile softly and give you a quick wink before finally, talking with Arthur to lead the meeting.
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writersblockedx · 3 years
A Certain Rivalry
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Pairing - Tommy Shelby x Reader Summary - In attempt to get a rival gang to do what he wants them to, Tommy uses one of their daughters as leverage. Over the course of her captivity, he comes to realise she is not what he first believed. Warnings - Mentions of violence Words - 2.7K
Inspired by ‘A Certain Romance’ by the Arctic Monkeys
Y/n wasn't sure where she was. Only that it was cold and slightly damp beneath her. As she shifted out of her unconscious state, she was bombarded with the memorises that came before.
The girl had been walking back home alone. That was the first red flag for danger. Though, for her, it was apart of her daily schedule - thanks to her father's protection. But of course there were always people attempting to break through that certain layer of protection. The Peaky Blinders had always been the most eager. So with a loose plan put in place, Tommy ordered his two brothers, John and Arthur, after the young girl.
Being told it was a women they were after, they assumed it a quick job, John had even argued as to why two of them needed to go. Alas, Tommy dismissed John's argument and sent the two on their way. The two brothers approached nicely - well, nicely for a Peaky Blinder. And their manners were only met with the return of a gun.
Safe to say they had been caught off by surprise. But two men who held much more than just a gun vs a daughter of whose father was nowhere to be seen. You'd be stupid not to put your bets on the men.
And so the last thing Y/n remembered was blacking out after John knocked her head with the back of his gun. Now she sat in the dark of a prison cell.
Fucking Peaky Blinders.
Y/n knew the basics. Everything that anyone who strolled the streets of Birmingham dared to know - plus a few other things she had learnt from overhearing her father's conversations. So when Tommy Shelby was the one to open the cell door, she had an idea as to what was expected to follow.
"Miss Y/l/n," Tommy dragged out his words after taking the cigarette out from his lips and starring at the women in front of him. His two dogs, the same boys Y/n noted which had been her captors, standing guard behind him.
After spending the night in a cell (and a pathetic excuse for a bed), she couldn't say she was looking her best. Her hair stuck out in all different directions, her French-imported lipstick smudged at her chin and her clothes no longer fit in the way they were supposed to. "Is this the part where you read me my rights?" The girl quirked.
"Does he look like a fuckin' copper?" One of the men, the older, rougher-looking one had snapped before Y/n had barely finished her breath.
Tommy didn't fully glance back at the man, only needing to drop his head to the side for him to know his next words were directed at him. "Arthur." It was a warning. A gentle warning that only meant he had been wrong to snap like that.
"Don't worry," Y/n started, bringing Tommy's gaze back to her. "I know exactly what he is." Tommy didn't say anything. His eyes narrowed as he glared at the girl, trying to work her out as he had done to many of his opposers in the past. But when he looked at her, all that stared back was the glimmer of a smug smile.
"Take her to the house." Tommy ordered without the break of eye contact.
"What?" Both brothers had interjected, simultaneously.
The same same half-glance was given. No other words were spoken before Arthur was grabbing at Y/n's upper arm and dragging her out the cell. "Come on, sweetheart." He had encouraged before the two passed by Tommy.
The man had lingered in the cell for a moment before he followed the others out to the house. No one other than Tommy had any idea why he would want the daughter of a rather powerful enemy wondering around their home. Not even Y/n could answer as to why she had been moved from the grimy cell to the comfort of a house. Either way, she supposed she was thankful.
"With me." Tommy had instructed as he nodded to another room where Y/n wouldn't be getting glared at by anyone who wasn't Tommy.
She said nothing in return and followed the man as he shut the door behind him. The girl was hesitant in what she could and couldn't do. While she was one who didn't mind pushing limits, she also liked the way her head was still attached to her body. Still, she gambled them limits by throwing herself into a chair, slouching for comfort as she watched Tommy lean against a beam only a couple of meters from her.
"Are you going to kill me?" She asked first as Tommy stuck a cigarette between his lips.
He didn't answer straight away. He give himself time to one, light his cigarette and then take a long initial drag. "Not unless your father doesn't do the right thing."
"You mean, unless he does whatever it is you want him to." She corrected. Y/n didn't know much between right and wrong, only that there was a man facing her who was known for his lack of legality
"Something like that." It was now Y/n's turn to narrow her eyes and try to work out the man who was placed in front of her.
She leaned forward from her slouched position, "You know, if you do kill me, your death won't come long after my own." She said, watching carefully for any movement which may convey emotion. Something of which Tommy was lacking.
Y/n found no emotion. No matter how hard she looked. "I don't intend to kill you."
"Then what do you intend to do you?"
"Leverage is a powerful thing, Miss Y/l/n."
The girl smiled at a thought that passed. One of which she went on to say aloud, "Didn't realise the Peaky Blinders were ones for empty threats." Then she caught it, a hint of something, a shift in Tommy's demeanour.
"Don't push it." He warned.
And there it was: limit. "Would it be pushing it to ask for a cigarette?" The girl watched with wide, innocent eyes as Tommy wondered over to where she was seated. He slipped her one of the sticks from his metal box that she pushed between her lips. He then followed by lighting another match as she leaned forward, keeping rather deep eye contact with the boy until she felt the smoke enter her lungs. Then she leaned back and the eye contact dropped.
Tommy stuck the box of cigs back into his pocket before glancing down at the girl, "You'll be on watch 24/7." He informed before leaving the room, not giving her any chance to object. "John, Arthur, watch her until I get back." The two brothers had almost acted offended in that their skills had been pushed aside to work as guard dogs.
And as John, so Y/n believed him to be named from what she had gathered in the past hour, titled his head back in a groan, the two caught another's gaze. Y/n only smiled. It was a sick smile in that she was glad that somehow, her simple presence had made their lives harder. "And where are you going?" Arthur questioned as Tommy passed him.
The boy slowed to a stop, as he nodded over to the girl that was still slouched smugly in one of his chairs. "To meet her father." He pointed at Y/n with his fingers which gripped a cigarette between them. With that out in the open, he finally did as intended and slipped out of the house, leaving Y/n in the care of his brothers.
For the most part, the house was settled in a silence. A few comments to and from the two brothers. Nothing of importance. They wouldn't dare say much while an enemy sat in arms length. Whether Tommy was threating her life or not. And so Y/n grew bored. As she was brought up in a rather well-off household, up until recently unaware that was due to her father's deals and such, she was given various sources of entertainment. It was rare she went so long without something in front of her. So it really didn't take many blank walls to get on her nerves.
"You know for men I've heard horror stories about, you're really not living up to expectation." The girl spoke after a long pause of silence that she deemed had needed breaking.
John huffed in the seat he had taken a few chairs down from her own. "We try to be more respectful in front of women." Something of which Y/n had gotten for years since discovering her fathers secret deals and trades.
She hummed in response to John's words before moving on, "What is it that Tommy wants with my dad?"
The two brothers shared a glance, a rather uncertain glance. Another long pause then followed. Though, not too long that suggested there was no answer to follow. No, it was more of a pause for the two to think over their words and their own limits of what they could let slip. "Your father didn't hold up his side of a deal." Arthur finally informed from the wall he had been leaning against.
Y/n smiled to herself; certainly hadn't been the first time for that to happen. "And so Tommy thought that with my capture, he'd be willing to do anything." She went on. "You should know, you're not the first people to threat me to get to my father's business."
"Are you trying to tell us we don't know what we're doing?" John had been quick to snap with just the slither of doubt that was voiced through Y/n's tone.
"I'm just saying, don't be surprised when he still doesn't do what you want him to." She told him. "What is it exactly that you need him to do anyway?" Again, Y/n knew she was pushing her limits. But she went with it anyway.
Maybe had Tommy not walked back in at that very moment, she would have gotten her answer. "That's none of your concern, Miss Y/l/n." He cut in as he swayed into the room.
Suddenly, both John and Arthur straighten their backs and puffed out their chests. "So?" Arthur urged at his brother.
Tommy only gave them a glance, his gaze landing on the women, who had also seemed to jump to attention, seated below him. "Your father agreed to completely his side of the deal. All being well, you will be returned to him later this evening" The boy explained before retreating into his office.
Y/n looked back to the other two brothers. When neither of them followed Tommy, she did. She slipped into his office and watched as a groan slipped from his lips. She really didn't give up as Tommy was beginning to learn. "You're a very curious man, Mr Shelby." The girl spoke as she wondered around the office, her eyes dotting over the décor (or lack there of) which painted the room.
"A very busy man." He added in hopes for Y/n to gather the hint.
While she had certainly gotten the hint, she didn't act on it. "Why bring me here?" Another huff fell from Tommy. For a moment, he almost thought he had been the one kidnapped and now the one being questioned. "You could have left me in that police cell instead of bringing me here. Why?"
Tommy paused, slowly dragging his gaze up from the reading he had been wanting to get through. All to plant his pupils on the girl in front of him. While the boy believed her to be one of the last people he could connect with, Tommy was reminded of how half the people in Birmingham feared him and the other half despised him (even the women). Yet here stood in front of Thomas a girl of which, while he was sure had heard the stories attached to the Shelby name, showed no fear, nor no doubt. All that Tommy could catch was a sort of glint that shinned in the black of her pupil, luring him into conversation.
"Because, believe it or not, I don't think you've done anything to wrong me." Or anything wrong in general, if Tommy were being honest. Though, maybe that was just what that glint in her eyes had told him. Maybe he was stereotyping based solely upon her appearance. "There's no reason for me to punish you. It just so happened that your father cares about you very much." He went on.
Y/n didn't sit in one of chairs that were situated opposite Tommy's desk. Instead, she found it comfortable seated on the desk itself, looking down at the boy. "Well that's nice of you." She quirked.
"Does that surprise you?"
"Honestly?" She raised a brow and Tommy waited patiently for her answer. "Yes."
Nothing followed after that. Other than a long stare of eye contact. Y/n's hand moved first, slipping along the wood of the desk before catching the touch of Tommy's finger tips. A small brush of touch. "Is there-" Tommy had looked up from their hands, ready to move this small brush of touch to something else.
Alas, the door was swung open and the two were quick to pull apart. "Tommy," Arthur called as his eyes jumped between the two.
"What is it Arthur?" The boy asked as he gathered himself back together.
"There's been some news." He started and seemed, with the pause that followed, like Arthur was waiting for something. Something of which neither of the other two could work out. "About one of the pubs."
Another pause as Arthur looked awkwardly between his brother and Y/n. "Go on," Tommy urged.
"I think it's best if we talk privately."
Ah, Y/n soon realised, that was what Arthur was waiting for: a private conversation, some security from the daughter of an enemy. So she did as was wanted. She glanced to Tommy. Tommy nodded as if giving a silent instruction. With that, she was back to waiting, slouched in a chair just outside of Tommy's office.
Half an hour or so later, Arthur wondered out of the office but no Tommy. Y/n was left with nothing but to watch the hand of the cloak tick by. And with every hour that passed, she wondered if that would be the hour where Tommy would emerge out of his office and pull her somewhere private and dark to continue their brush of touch.
When almost the fifth hour came, she had lost all hope for such. She was almost asleep when Tommy finally made an appearance. But with the creak of the door opening, her eyelids jumped open. "Your father did the right thing." Tommy began as Y/n's tired eyes looked up at him. "A couple of his men are outside waiting to take you home." He informed before he reached out his arm with the girl's coat out in offering. The same coat she was sure she lost in the ally when John and Arthur had sought her out.
She took the coat, standing from her chair as she watched Tommy carefully. "And all goes to plan." She said with the tug of a rather forced smile. The girl slipped the coat over her body and lingered in her spot for a moment. She almost hoped maybe Tommy would say something of comfort. But that was never to come from a man like him. So instead, Y/n took matters into her own hands. She leaned forward, placing a gentle kiss to his cheek like it was a friendly greeting before pulling away. "Goodbye, Thomas."
Tommy smiled, despite how hard he had attempted not to. "Goodbye, Miss Y/l/n."
"Y/n," She corrected while she still had the time. "I think considering you let me stay in place of comfort rather than a prison cell during my captivity, you can just call me by my first name."
Another smile. One of which Tommy let tug at his lips. "Well then, Goodbye Y/n."
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picassho-18 · 6 years
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The Eldest Shelby Brothers
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imaginationlover101 · 3 years
Runaway Bride
Tommy Shelby imagine
Summary: Being best friends with the Shebly family means making many sacrifices throughout your life. Unfortunately for you the sacrifice that was made now is a little different.
Inspired by one of my favorites "Runaway Bride"
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One of the consequences that came with being family friends with the Shelbys, was the favors that were made. Being family friends with the Shebly clan and living next door to each other made it very easy to become involved in the Shelby company. From a young age I could remember playing with Ada while both of our family's would talk business, and now instead of sitting and playing with Ada, here I am becoming part of a deal.
It all started about a month ago when Tommy had a new business opponent who happend to have a son named Domenick. Who coincidently was looking to find a wife, and of course Arthur had to put his big mouth in about little ole me. Then of course John, Arthur, and Tommy decided that if Dom and I were to ever wed the feud that once went on between the two companies would end. You can only imagine how much fighting there was at the dinner table that night.
From the minute Tommy brought up the word weding eveything went out the window. From Pollys contents curses at the boys to Adas very loud screaming, I was the only one who remained quiet for my mind was on a train that kept going and going.
After about an 20 minutes the loudness suddenly stopped and the heads were turned toward me. Only then I was in complety shock and the started to scream at the boys.
It finally came to the decision that I would met with this Dom boy and see is he was a decent man. I had to admit I was looking for a parneter but definitely not this way. If I truly liked this boy I would go on with marriage, and if not marriage still with a divorce slowly after, or so I thought.
After meeting Domenick for the first time things were not how I quite expected. He was much nicer that I thought and more respectable than any guy I've ever met. He was smart, witty and not to mention incredibly handsome. But there was just one thing that didn't seem right. One thing that in the back of my head pocked out and wouldnt stop itching. And that itch was named Thomas Shelby.
But the show still went on. From the amazing propasale on the top of a valley. To the gorgeous ginormous engagement ring, the beautiful dress and the church that was finally found. Everything was soonly coming into plan. I would of never thought that this would be the outcome of how I would be getting married but here I am. The day of my wedding standing in front of the mirror panicking.
The past 2 days had started off great. I had made my departure with Domenick 2 days ago because according to old legends it was bad luck to see your bride. So to the old traditions that I so blindly listen to we remained almost unknown to each other.
For 2 whole days before my wedding the boys would go to the farm house and the girls and I would be staying in the city. Besides from the broken heels and the many Martinis that were being passed out through and the nights something didnt seem right. It took quite some time, but Polly ended up being that missing piece.
Whenever anyone ever has a problem, or a vison they go to Polly. But it only ever rare for Polly to come to us. So you could only see the shock on my face when I knew something was wrong when Polly woke up looking in almost fear this moring.
I hadn't fully found out what bad happend to Polly until this moring when Ada came up to me and asked me if Polly told her the vison. Ada already knew she was too late and had to admit what the vison was of I would keep pestering her all afternoon.
Supposedly last night Polly have had a dream that instead of Donenick and I getting married it was me and Tommy, and Dom didnt love me. Well I could definitely say that the news really shocked me, and now I was re thinking everything.
So flashback to now my beautiful wedding day, where the weather and the sun were shinning so brightly and the clouds were evenly parted. Except for the fact that I could be creating a black hole in the sky If i would keep on walking back and forth. How could I possibly marry Domenick now? Did he ever really love me? Was it all a game? Do I even love him?
The endless questions kept me running as I thought of all the possible things that were going wrong, and I knew there was only one family who could stop it. "Ada call for an emergency family meeting now!"
After the 10 minutes of nervously pacing I was faced with the people who I was most scared to talk to. "What was the point of this meeting?" Linda said looking around questionably. "No one asked you Linda did they?" Polly shut her down rather quickly while rolling her eyes.
Just the scene its shelf scared you a bit, which was suprsing seeing as you've done much worse than have a meeting with a family that was close to you almost all your life. The sight of Thomas sitting head at the short squared table rolling a cigar through his mouth, while Arthur rolled his eyes at Polly for insulting his wife. The sight of John looking off into the air just wondering when he could start drinking, Ada, Polly, my mother, and father all sitting in suspense waiting for my next move. But even though the white fuzzy robe I was wearing felt like it was suffocating me, nothing compared to the nerves I was feeling at this moment.
"I cant marry Domenick!" I hastily said fast trying to get the words out of my mouth quickly. Father gets out of his chair faster than light and looks at me. "What do you mean you cant marry him?" "I'm sorry but I cant marry the man who doesnt love me and try to look at him the same?"
"I hate to break it to you but you ARE marrying Domenick Y/N L/N, I dont care if we have to drag you we made a deal with this man." I definitely suspected a diffrent awnser then the one I got, but as weird as it sounds I could almost see a sigh of relive go through Thomas face.
Before I could argue anymore Finn came reusing through the door. "It almost time, the guest are getting impatient." Finn said rushing out of breath. "Alright boys I think that was enough for now, why dont you let Y/N finish." Somehow my mom always knew how to take care of things. "That didn't include you Tommy." The girls all said looking at each other. "Say girls how bout we see how the church looks." Then with those words everyone was gone, leaving me with the one person who I was most scared to face.
"I dont want to go through with this Tommy it isnt fair." I looked at him whispering. "I know I made a deal but if he doesnt love me and made our love out of lies what's the point." I gazed out the window looking at sun finally making its way through the clouds. I was almost waiting for him to say no, to confess his undying love for me and for everything to be alright but it never came. He just stood there looking at me with his big blue eyes in wonder, about to open his mouth until nothing came out.
It felt like a while eternity had gone by before either of of us had said anything. The only sound that could be heard was the church bells and laughter coming from the outside. Fiddling with with the bracelet I had on, Tommy took out a cigarette and began to sigh.
Scolding him for the smoke smell that began to spread through the room he looked at me with a different face then before. One that screamed the cold business man, not the soft Tommy I've had always known.
Standing up from his seat Tommy begins to come closer near me making the window seat I was sitting on alot smaller then before. Exhaling the smoke from out of mouth his mouth he sighs deciding on what to say. "From a business view I would say get on with the wedding. Hes a rich man who would make you very happy and if all goes down bad you could think about it differently in a few months."
Looking at the clock that sat above us I knew that the conversation that Tommy and I were having would be interrupted in quite some time. Speaking up from my state I look at Tommy once again. "Yes, but what do you think from a Tommy view?"
"Well from a Tommy point of view-" Thomas says taking the piece of hair away from my face, "I think you should run." Thomas looks at me questioning what I was going to say next. "Well I get that Tommy but what would happen after I run, what would I do next?" Smiling with the smirk I haven't seen in quite some time Thomas looked as me and smiles. "Well that's simple darling you'd be with me."
From those few words it was safe to say that Y/N and Domenicks Wedding was rather shorter then most expected. After the talk between Thomas and Y/N, Finn came into the bridal rom to say how the guest were waiting and the rest was history. From the minute the music for the bride started instead of walking to Domenick down the aisle Y/N made a detour to the nearest exit of the church. Only to run into the infamous getaway car that belonged to the only and only Thomas Shleby.
It didnt take long for all the guest to notice the two most important people to be missing, and it took quite some time for Polly to fix the pieces that the two adults made.
Placing her hand out the window, Y/N was already in love with the new ring on her finger. The simple gold band was much more preferred then the shiny diamonds that held no love with it. Looking towards the drives seat Y/N was finally happy to see who she'd be with for the rest of her life, and as long as it was Thomas Shelby she would be okay.
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wouldpollyapprove · 4 years
Child’s Play
Summary:  She will only ever be seen as a child in Tommy’s eyes. That’s what she gets for being Finn’s friend. No matter, her feelings for the man refuse to fade. Finn tried to help her, tried to get something out of his brother, but the man was unbreakable. Y/n decides that maybe it’s time to move and the best way to do that is to avoid him. If she can’t see him then he can’t bother her, right? Wrong. You can’t avoid Thomas Shelby.
Request: Helloo can i request an imagine where the reader is way younger than tommy(maybe around finn's age or between him or john)works for him and has a major crush on him but she's vv insecure bc of her age, grace has already died, and because it's very hard to figure out if tommy likes her or not, so she gets sad bc she really wants to be with him and have children other than his own
Thomas Shelby x Reader
Word Count: 3.1k
Warnings: Lanuage, age gap
A/N: I’m pretty happy with how this turned out. Sure, it didn’t turn out exactly how I wanted it to, but it’s pretty good either way. Oneshot requests are still closed and I wish you guys would respect that. It’s not all of you, just some. I want to have all my oneshot requests done before I open requests back up and I can’t do that if people keep sending them in.
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Life was hard.
That was a common fact that everyone knew. Y/n didn’t believe herself to be any the wiser for knowing that one simple thing. It just made life easier to deal with. When the market was out of apples or her seamstress ruined her favorite dress, she simply remembered that life is hard. That meant that not everything was supposed to go her way. She didn’t fret over anything, knowing it wasn’t worth it. Life was hard and if it was meant to happen then it would happen.
However, she was young and naive, and those words didn’t always mean as much as they should have. 
Her life became extremely hard when she started working for Thomas Shelby. Y/n had been a friend of his youngest brother’s, Finn, since they were children. The two would often be found creating havoc throughout the streets of Small Heath along with the other children they’d befriended. Y/n never spent much time at the Shebly household, though. Her mother always wanted her home in time for supper with enough time to get chores done before the table was set. 
Finn and Y/n were close, not as close as Finn and Isiah were, but they were close nonetheless. And Finn cared enough to get her a job at his family’s company when she was old enough. It was a sweet offer that she couldn’t pass up. Her parents didn’t bring in much money and what was brought in her father usually spent on beer. So with shaking hands, she entered Thomas Shelby’s office and accepted the job. 
She wasn’t given an easy job, being one of Tommy’s secretaries, but not for the reason she would have thought.
“Don’t tell me it’s still bothering you,” Finn rolled his eyes, pouring himself a glass of whiskey. The two sat across from each other in his family’s private room at the Garrison. It was one of Y/n’s days off and it had been a slow day for Finn so he decided the two needed a drink. Being early in the day, just around noon, the pub was empty except for them.
Y/n leaned back in her chair, a sigh escaping her lips. “Yeah, I mean I see him every day. What am I supposed to do, forget about him?”
Her friend nodded and handed her a drink.
She scoffed, taking the drink. Looking down at the amber liquid, she said, “You just don’t get it, Finn. I know I don’t stand a chance. Fuck, every woman in fucking Small Heath has fallen for your brother. I’m not special and I know that, but that doesn’t change how I feel.”
“God, you really like him, don’t you?” he shook his head, a smile on his lips.
Y/n nodded, taking a sip of her drink. She hated how she felt. She had always been an emotional person. Not everything made her cry, but it wasn’t hard to have tears prick her eyes. She hated being confronted or yelled at because the tears always showed up and didn’t know when to take their leave. And that didn’t change when she started to feel something towards her employer. Those feelings were always present and could never leave her alone. Y/n tried her best to keep it from interfering with her work, but it was hard when the man was always around her.
Y/n hated that she loved, not liked, Thomas Shelby.
“Yeah, I do,” she mumbled more to herself than Finn.
At first, she hadn’t even realized she was falling for the man. But over time, Finn started to notice something was off. He had known her long enough to know when something was wrong and something was definitely wrong. Y/n would have thought that he would be upset with her for liking his brother, but he simply laughed. Honestly, if she was in his position, she would have to. Since then, Finn went out of his way to tease her about it.
“I could probably talk to him for you,” Finn offered, giving her a small encouraging smile.
Y/n shook her head. “I don’t need you to do that, Finn. It’s my problem, not yours.” There was a short pause while she sipped at her whiskey. “I can barely talk to him on my own, it wouldn’t be worth having you do anything.”
He laughed, “Did you ever think that it’s him and not you? Tommy is shit at communicating with people, doesn’t matter who it is. And have you seen the way he looks at you?”
“He has only ever seen me as a child,” she scoffed. “And he lets me know every day.”
“You know he’s not good with feelings, right?”
Y/n rolled her eyes. Sometimes she wished she was as distant when it came to emotions as the man she loved. It would probably make life miserable, but not as miserable as she was at the moment. “What about Grace, uh? He still loves her. And what about Charlie? Tommy seems to be content with what he has.”
Finn leaned forward, looking his friend dead in the eye. “Grace was everything he was looking for in a woman, but that doesn’t make it love. She betrayed him and didn’t do much for Tommy but give him a son. That’s it. He’s moved on.” He shifted in his seat. “Tommy deserves someone real and Charlie deserves a mother. I hate to say this, but I hope it’d be you. You care a lot about Tommy and his wellbeing and if he can’t see that then fuck him.”
Maybe that was true, maybe it wasn’t. Y/n had no clue, but she hoped that there was truth to what Finn had said. She hoped that something would happen. It was stupid, she felt like a school girl all over again, waiting for her crush to make a move. She just hoped that there was some truth to those words, maybe then she stood a chance.
A few days later, Finn had found himself over at Tommy’s house, helping him look over plans for a new stable. John and Arthur were supposed to be there, but they both had family matters to deal with. It didn’t matter, though, as the work was small and gave more time for drinking. 
Sitting in one of the house’s many sitting rooms, Finn leaned back in his chair while he watched his brother fetch a bottle of whiskey. The conversation he’d had with Y/n days earlier was still at the front of his mind. He felt bad for her, for the position she was stuck in. Finn knew all too well how hard it was to fall for someone and he remembered Y/n telling him almost the same thing he had told her the other day. He wanted to do something for her, help her out any way he could, but what was he to do? There was little that could be done when it came to his cold, distant brother. Few could get through to him and even fewer could read what he was thinking. But Finn was certain of one thing, the way Tommy looked at Y/n. It was more loving than how he had once looked at Grace. It wasn’t lust, it was love. It was more than just one emotion. It was happiness, love, lust. Anything that sparked joy, that is what his eyes showed when he looked at Y/n. Finn knew his brother felt something for his friend and he was going to get him to admit it.
Tommy reappeared with a full bottle of whiskey and poured himself and his brother a glass. He handed one to Finn before taking a seat across from him. “Are you ready to go to the races?”
Finn looked over at him and shrugged. It wasn’t like he hadn’t been before. “I suppose.”
“There shouldn’t be any problems this time,” his brother commented. Mentioning the races gave the youngest Shelby an idea. “Could Y/n come then?”
Tommy raised a brow, sipping at his drink. “Why?” his voice was flat, not exposing anything. 
“Why not? She’s never been and if it’s supposed to be calm then I don’t see why not,” he explained.
Finn frowned and rolled his eyes. “Come on Tommy, why?”
The older brother sighed in frustration. “Because she’s never been and she would just be a distraction for you. Y/n’s practically a child as it is, she’d just get in the way.”
“She the same age as I am! Why can I go but she can’t?”
“Because this is family business and you’re family!” Tommy almost shouted at him. “Y/n probably wouldn’t want to be around a bunch of Peaky Blinders as it is.”
A laugh escaped the younger brother’s lips causing Tommy to frown and set his glass down. “Are you blind or something?” Finn asked, laughing. “Are you? Do you not see that she likes you? It’s very fucking obvious! The fucking king would even notice! Not to mention, you seem to feel the same way. So, why don’t you invite her and make a date out of it?”
Tommy rolled his eyes and decided to stare out the window. He was silent for a long while, Finn sitting restless opposite of him. “She’ll get over it. They always do.”
Finn sighed in defeat. He wasn’t quite sure what he was trying to accomplish but it wasn’t going to happen. Nothing was going to happen. Thomas Shelby was a brick wall, that was how Finn could best describe him. A brick wall that nothing could penetrate. You could throw things over it, but more often than not, everyone fell short. 
Now, what was he going to tell Y/n? He tried, he really did, but there was no breaking Thomas Shelby. He was a selfish bastard that only cared about his own wellbeing. Sure, he’d tell people everything he did was for them, but it was nothing but a lie. He only ever cared about himself.
It had been a few weeks since Finn and Y/n had talked in the Garrison and things with Tommy hadn’t improved at all. In fact, they had somehow gotten worse. She wasn’t sure what had happened, but the man was more distant than normal. But only towards her. He never called her into his office to go over paperwork like he used to, instead asking for Lizzie. And he did his best to keep her out of things. Everything she used to be a part of, she was shut out of.
Y/n tired to think nothing of it at first. Tommy was a strange man and his mood changed with the wind. It wasn’t worth it to read into anything. But then there came a point when she had enough and wanted nothing more than to confront Tommy. She told Finn about it but he simply told her to leave it alone, that it wasn’t worth bringing up to his brother, so she didn’t. 
Instead, with all the newfound time on her hands, she was given time to rethink her life. She no longer wanted to be hung up on a man who would never love her back. Why waste her time when there were plenty of men who wanted her? Y/n laughed thinking about all the times she had refused men’s advances because she thought that Tommy would come around. Foolish. Fucking stupid. She was wasting her life and she just couldn’t do that any longer.
So, she wasn’t going to.
Y/n then started to go on dates, they were boring, but it was better than sitting at home, feeling sorry for herself. Some of them worked in the factories, covering dust, and others were businessmen that wanted nothing to do with Small Heath. It was too poor for them, too dirty, too this, too that. It always made her wonder why they wanted anything to do with her as she was a great example of what came from Small Heath. No matter how many dates she went on, though, she found nothing she liked. But she just had to wait it out, the right one would come.
She was only 19, she had time to find someone and settle down. But there was only one man she wanted to do that with.
In the back of her mind, she still had feelings for Tommy, but if she never spoke of them, then she believed they weren’t real. He no longer caused her problems and was only apart of her work life. And as Tommy started to distance himself from her in the office, she decided to do the same. It would help her move on because being hung up on that man would be the death of her if she didn’t.
Putting her finished paperwork in a file, Y/n placed it in a bin on her desk for Tommy to look at later. She stood from her chair, placing a few files on Lizzie’s desk for her to go over the next day and started to clean her own. The door to Tommy’s office opened, but she didn’t hear it close, telling her he was lurking in the doorway, something he was known to do. 
“You’ve been avoiding me,” he stated.
Y/n shrugged, not bothering to look up at him. “Only because you have.”
He was silent for a second, searching his pockets for his pack of cigarettes. Once found, he dragged it between his lips before placing it between them and liting a match. “It’s nothing personal, Y/n. Just business.”
She scoffed, searching for her bracelet that had fallen off earlier in the day. She thought it landed in one of her drawers, but they were both empty. “Oh, yeah, I figured,” she spat. “Everythings always about business to you.”
Try as he might, Tommy couldn’t fool her. Y/n knew what it was like to not be welcome. To be pushed away. Most of her life, her father wanted nothing to do with her and he often did what Tommy was doing now. Without saying anything, he would just leave her out of things and when she was in the room, he would keep her out of the conversation. The girl was used to it at home, but she didn’t like the treatment at work. And not from someone she cared about.
“I’m glad you understand.”
Y/n rolled her eyes and finally looked up at him. “You’re glad I understand? Understand what? That you’re a fucking arsehole? Yeah, I’m glad I understand that.”
“Y/n I-” he was cut off before he could say anything more.
“I’ve been avoiding you because you’ve been avoiding me. And I know Finn talked to you, I’m not stupid and that boy is shit at keeping secrets! So, how about you just tell me how you feel instead of keeping me from my work? I’d rather know the truth than be treated like shit!”
Tommy didn’t say anything, he just stood there, blank face and all. It was hard to read him, but Y/n didn’t even bother, if he couldn’t give her an answer then she wanted nothing to do with him. 
“Forget it,” she mumbled and grabbed her coat off the hook. Shrugging it on, she headed for the door, leaving Tommy standing in the doorway of his office. 
The man let out a sigh once he saw her slip out the office door. Pushing himself off the door, he went after her. He didn’t know what he was going to say as he wasn’t good at expressing his emotions, but he couldn’t let her leave like that. He’d seen what pushing her away had done, Y/n was miserable yet she pretended to be cheerful and happy. It broke his heart that he had caused that and Finn made sure he knew it. 
“Y/n wait,” he jogged after her once on the street.
She sighed, turning around as he came to a stop. “What now? You want to tell me it’s childish to be upset over this? That it’s just fucking life? What Tommy?”
He shook his head. “No, no. None of that. I just…” He let out a sigh. This was one conversation he should have thought through first. “I like you I do. Fuck, I might even love you, but I can’t risk it. Not with what happened to Grace, not with what’s happened to everyone around me. I can’t do that to you.”
“You can’t do that, but you forget it’s not just your choice. Everyone in your life has chosen to be there no matter what happens,” she told him, crossing her arms over her chest. “I’m Finn’s friend, I work for you, so no matter what I’m at risk. So don’t give me that bullshit.”
“I don’t want to lose you, Y/n,” he sighed, a look of defeat in his eyes. “I would rather see you sitting at your desk, alive, then dying in my arms somewhere down the road.”
Y/n laughed, giving him a small smile. Tommy raised a brow at the action, unsure what caused such a reaction. “Life happens, Tommy. We can’t predict it and we can rarely change it. It’s not worth fretting over especially when you’re not in control. But I know how I feel,” she told him. “I love you and I’ve tried not to, but it doesn’t work like that. I love you, Tommy, and I could see a life with you, but if you can’t see that then fine. Just tell me and you never have to hear about it again.”
Tommy took a drag of his cigarette, processing her words. He looked around, distracting himself with the people on the street. Was he ready to risk it? Was he ready to willingly put his heart on his sleeve for a woman again? He wanted a life with Y/n, she was smart, beautiful, and caring. Tommy could honestly see himself with her and maybe down the road, they would have a few kids. “Come one.” 
He tugged on her arm and started walking away. Y/n quickly fell in step beside him. Looking over at him, she asked, “Where are we going?”
“To dinner and I promise I’ll stop pushing you away if you do the same.”
A smile lite up Y/n’s face. She honestly didn’t think she’d get through to him, but the man was full of surprises. She knew that it would take Tommy time to adjust to being in a relationship, she understood that, but she was willing to wait.
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peakyblinders1919 · 7 years
My friends and I were talking about funny peaky blinders crossovers, and I thought of x men, Tommy would be so shook if Magneto gotta hold of him, Magneto would jam up his guns and Tommy will be fucked, like he ain't got no clout lol
OMG!! The X-Men are definitely my fav super-hero group!! I know Tommy would just be pissed, but I imagine him just standing across from Magneto, guns suspened in air all around him, with the typical Tommy Shebly look of disappointment ™ 
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prettybillycore · 1 year
FOR TOMMY | Letter #3
Sincerely, Your Peaky Blinder
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Pairing(s): Thomas Shelby x Original Character
Universe: Peaky Blinders / Fantastic Beasts
Summary: Veela and Seer- a powerful combination of traits for one person to have. Edith Lillian Scamander falls in love with a young Thomas Shelby while working in a nurse’s ward during WWI. Will her feelings be requited, or will she be doomed to pine over the man of her dreams for eternity hopelessly?
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 0.8k
Warnings: none
Read on AO3 or Scroll down to read it right here on Tumblr below the cut!
Lovely Lilli,
Explorations of the heart and missing pieces are tricky things. Since our time together in France, I have too lost a piece of my heart. That now makes two pieces missing.
The first piece I gave to you that day in September. Do you remember it? Danny and I came to the nurses' station with moderate wounds. I had noticed you before, but this was the first day we spoke. Nurse Martha assigned you to tend my wounds, and you did so with such a gentle touch. When your hand met my shoulder, it was as if you instantly took a piece of my heart. I felt warm for the first time in months. You commented on the redness of the skin on my cheeks. A part of my heart has belonged to you since then, my Lilli. 
The remainder of my heart shriveled at the knowledge that you were engaged. It felt as though God was playing some cruel joke on me. He placed this beautiful woman just out of my reach. I cursed him that night after you left my bedside. I have continued to curse him with every letter you send, as they make the ache in my chest cavity grow larger. I look forward to hearing from you, but in the same capacity, I am still missing the piece of my heart you stole, and the letters only serve as a reminder of such. No one has seen the letters except me; I treasure them like a beautiful, harsh secret. I suppose you do the same with your lovely Fiance Lu-Cretin sleeps beside you every night. Occasionally, one of the boys will mention you over a cup of whiskey at my bar, but I ignore them. Not for any negative reason but because I want to keep you safe; being mentioned in my bar is not always that. 
One day the previous barmaid, Grace, overheard your name spilling from Arthur's drunken lips. I tried to explain you away as an old flame, but a flame isn't old if it's still burning. Grace is a clever one, though. The next time we were alone, she asked about you. I felt torn at the moment because Grace was the person who stole the second piece of my heart that was missing. 
She came into the Pub asking to be a barmaid. I knew there was something special about her, but I did not know what at the time. I hired her, and she put me under a spell, much like you. My heart and mind drifted away from you for a few weeks because there was someone new to pander after. However, when she asked about you, my heart hit the floor. At that moment, I realized just how big of a piece you took. I panicked, but I tried not to let it show. I still wanted to keep you safe, even from Grace. After this past month, I am glad that I did; Grace gave me the piece back that she stole. It was wilted and withered and honestly unfixable. Grace betrayed my trust and the trust of my family by giving details to an out-of-town cop. She no longer works in my bar. She no longer lives in Birmingham.
I received your letter the same day she left a note for me. As I write this, she is waiting for me in a London Hotel room. She wants a life with me away from my family. It turns out that she left a piece of her heart with me, and she wants it back. I am sending her a letter to decline her offer after I mail this letter to you. The remainder of my heart cannot take any more breakage for the time being. 
That said, I return to your last question, the piece of your heart you gave me. You have expressed your disdain for Lucretius many times in our correspondence. So many times, in fact, that I also profoundly loathe him. I am not one for suggesting leaving your spouse, but I went to Aunt Pol. She is the only one who knows about our heart pieces. I cannot hide anything from that woman. Under her advice, we have both agreed that it would be beneficial for you to depart from your fiance in a timely manner. With Grace's absence, a barmaid vacancy exists in my Pub. I'll have a room waiting for you when you arrive. 
Your Peaky Blinder
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prettybillycore · 1 year
FOR TOMMY | Letter #2
All my Love, Lilli Scamander
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Pairing(s): Thomas Shelby x Original Character
Universe: Peaky Blinders / Fantastic Beasts
Summary: Veela and Seer- a powerful combination of traits for one person to have. Edith Lillian Scamander falls in love with a young Thomas Shelby while working in a nurse’s ward during WWI. Will her feelings be requited, or will she be doomed to pine over the man of her dreams for eternity hopelessly?
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 0.2k
Warnings: none
Read on AO3 or Scroll down to read it right here on Tumblr below the cut!
My Dearest, Tommy–
I have let your question sit with me for the past few days. I’ve been thinking about everything you’ve said. I think a part of me has imagined what my life would be like outside of London. Away from the quarrels of all my family, away from Lucretius and his nasty tongue. With you, in a bar, in a town where no one knows my name. I have thought of the possibilities and admitted to myself how much I wish for them to come true, which brings me to the answer to your question. Why do I still write you back after a year? Because I left a small piece of my heart with you, and I’m still waiting for you to return it. 
I will drop the subject if you ask me to. We can never speak of this piece of my heart again if you wish. However, if you find yourself wishing for my presence, say the word, and I will be on my way. 
All my Love, 
Lilli Scamander
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ughhheragain · 4 years
guarded | preferences
summary : how they’d react to you having many rather affectionate friends
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• He’d hate it so much.
• John loved absolutely every single piece of you but if there was one thing he didn’t was how many male friends you had. How you’d let them sometimes touch you in a way John found inappropriate.
• Even though he knew how loyal you were to him, a part of him couldn’t help but to doubt and worry. Worry that one day, a smile you’d give a friend would hold more than friendship in it.
• He also hated how close your friends were, how they hugged you a bit too long to his liking, how they made you laugh in a way that only he usually would. As he often repeated you, "I’m a man, y/n. I know what goes through a man’s head." He knew how annoying it sounded for you to hear but he couldn’t help it.
• It would often end in an argument because both of you were stubborn. John was just convinced that some of your friends wanted more than a friendship and that you were just too "fucking blind and naive" to notice meanwhile nothing you could ever say could make him think otherwise.
• Sometimes you’d have to grab him by the collar and kiss him hard to make him "finally shut up, for God’s sake" and others, you’d storm upstairs, screaming about how stupid he sounded and how much of a prick he was while he’d grab his coat, about to leave the house to get some air.
• After a night at the Garrison spent complaining to his brothers about how naive you were, John would come back home, a bit drunk. Remembering his brother’s words "But you love her, John. You love her. So go on, go home and tell her ‘cause if you keep going about the matter like you do, she’ll pass you by.", John would have a bit of trouble making his way to the door and even more to pass the key through the lock.
• He’d be taking his shoes and coat off, about to climb the stairs with hope to find you peacefully sleeping when he’d jump slightly at the sound of your voice, "It’s almost 3 in the morning."
• He’d turn around to meet your judgmental gaze and would automatically give up on lying, "I know, I was at the pub with the boys."
• "Good," you’d state as you’d close your book and head towards the stairs but John would place himself in front of you, face tilted to the side. "Babe."
• "What," you’d ask coldly but still, curious to hear what he’d say this time. His hands would find their way to your hips, pulling you close and he remained silence for a moment. "I’m not asking you to get rid of your friends. All I want is for you to understand that I don’t like how close you are to them," he’d start but would stop when he’d understand that he had a poor choice of words given the look you were giving him. "Well, how close they are to you. I don’t like that. I don’t like when they touch you for too long because I’m the one supposed to do it. I’m the one supposed to make you laugh till you cry, eh? It’s my job. All I’m asking for is some distance between you and them, can I have that?", he’d ask with a tired voice and you could tell that he was exhausted and only wanted to fall asleep but that he was making efforts and actually trying to talk things out.
• So, you cupped his face with a hand, the other on his torso, "Yes you can have that, Shelby. But, you’ll have to touch me twice more often if you say that you’re the only one allowed to." As those words left your lips, his eyes lit up for a second and he leaned in to leave a lazy but loving kiss on your lips. "Trust me, I will. - Tomorrow." You chuckled along with him and took his arm to place it above your shoulder to help his tired body walk up the stairs and get to bed. 
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• Tommy trusted you. He knew how loyal you were to him so he wouldn’t usually mind.
• Knowing how much you hated it when he’d cause a scene, he learned to only make his point with his eyes. When he’d judge one of your friend to be rather too ‘affectionate', he’d show up, grab you by the waist and just stare at the guy. Him offering his hand saying "Thomas Shelby, and you are?" would be enough for your friend to make up rushed excuses to disappear which would never fail to amuse him.
• During parties in which he knew some of your friends were invited, he would greet them with a firm hand and leave a kiss on your forehead while looking straight in their eyes, "Have fun, doll."
• Then, he’d spend the night with his own, sitting at the other side of the room as he’d discuss business, plans, and sometimes joke around while enjoying a good bottle of whisky. Though, he’d sometimes look for you through the crowd to make sure that no one would bother you.
• Sometimes you were the one missing him and would come find him. He’d gently tap his lap as an invite and you’d finish the party close to him, as a few promising words would be whispered in your ear and the night would end back in your bed, in a steamy, passionate and loving exchange.
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• Jealousy was one of Arthur’s worst demons. It was difficult for him to control it, even more when it’d mix with his fear of abandonment. Arthur would often doubt himself and your love for him despite the countless times you had reassured him about it and proved how dear he was to you.
• When the both of you were spending the night at a pub or a party and that some friends would show up, Arthur’s smile would fade. If he was already standing next to you at the time then he’d get closer and hold your waist a bit tighter.
• If he was sitting with his brothers across the room enjoying a drink, his expression would turn into a frown and his glass would start shaking slightly, alarming Tommy.
• Thomas would call his name once, twice. Arthur wouldn’t react, now deaf as his jealousy would make him grow more and more insecure by the second.
• "Arthur relax, she’s all yours, she’s not going anywhere." Arthur would blink, slowly coming back to his senses before looking at his brother. "She’s always been loyal to you so trust your woman, eh?"
• He would then quickly nod and sit back comfortably in his chair but would still glance at you one last time before coming back into the current conversation.
• From time to time, you’d pass by the table to circle his torso with your hand and leave a kiss on his cheek, all under Tommy’s reassuring and warm smile.
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• Michael wouldn’t like seeing any other male being close to you. At all.
• At the beginning of your relationship, Michael would still be too insecure to say anything and instead would wait for you to notice and come reassure him. But, as he grew older and the both of you closer, he wasn’t hesitant at all anymore about making you understand that he wasn’t playing around.
• It would make him so mad that he’d be unable to focus on anything else. He’d need to excuse himself in order to come find you and bring you close to him and protect but also show what he considered to be his only.
• Between two laughs and a rather friendly touch, you’d feel a strong hand grabbing your arm surprisingly gently. A few seconds later, you’d find yourself in a way less crowded part of the room and Michael standing in front of you, jaw clenched as well as his fists.
• You’d give him a confused look only for him to look at you and quickly glance at your confused friends. "There. What was that?"
"What are you talking about, Michael?"
He’d look at you, offended for a second, thinking that you were taking him for a fool. "Them touching you? You not doing anything about it?"
That’s when you’d understand that your man was being jealous. Amused, a smile would form on your lips but this would only make him even madder. Michael would then get closer to you, breathing a bit louder, "Is it funny to you? You think doing this to me is a game?"
Though, his tone changed throughout the sentence and a bit of sadness could be heard in his voice which is when you weren’t so amused by his little act anymore. Instead, you gently cupped his cheek with a hand in which he leaned in. "I’m sorry it made you upset, Michael, I’ll pay more attention next time," you apologized as your thumb touched his lower lip, making him crack a smile. "Thank you, sweetheart. I’m sorry but I had to let you know, I’m no fan of this kind of show," he’d state before grabbing your face with both hands to kiss the top of your head before letting you go again, not without a light smack on your ass.
• When things like this would happen, you’d be sure that sex would be way more passionate. Michael would leave marks, kiss and touch a bit longer and often mumble "Mine." against your skin.
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ughhheragain · 4 years
Send me all your peaky blinders headcanon requests loves!
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peakyblinders1919 · 7 years
Right, so I spent my WHOLE day basically making my versions of family trees for the Shebly’s and Solomons’ and the PERFECT thing came to me. Call it cliché if you will but Tommy’s oldest and Aflie’s oldest fall in love. Yup. I went there. But it get’s better.
Imagine a grown up Lillian Marie Shelby falling for Samuel Solomons and on their first date telling him about the time when she was 8 and had a tea party with his dad.
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