sunny-sketches · 1 year
Finally posting once again. Whoo! Today's topic: Transformers. More specifically, Rescue Bots.
I love this one character, Blades. He's the helicopter, and he's amazing. His official descriptor is "An autobot that loves to love" and that is so genuinely amazing?
idk, I'm a sucker for characters that unabashedly feel their emotions, and more importantly EXPRESS them. It's such a small thing but it's importance in media is understated. Especially male identified characters. I understand that in Transformers gender is a fucky subject, (Kudos to my friends Jae & Morgan who have taught me all I know about Transformers), however that's not exactly relevant to this specific continuity.
Rescue Bots is a show for younger children, so the mere concept of having a character who is referred to with he/him Pronouns and male identifiers be known for his emotional side and more importantly, having those feelings VALIDATED at every turn (even when characters might pick on him or disagree with how he feels, he's still treated with respect and dignity. characters like Heatwave who often pick on him are openly told that the behavior is unnecessarily cruel.)
The important part is that male identified characters don't often get to have emotional behaviors that aren't picked on, bullied, seen as weak, or feminine. This has been changing in recent years and I'm very happy about it! This is just a reminder that we can always improve our views and behavior towards people, and that everyone (even autobots) need compassion!
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Here’s the abandoned Bartimaeus AU
((Please keep in mind that this was written as a first draft and under pressure from The Most Dangerous Writing App))
The temperature in the room instantly dropped, causing Stephen to shiver. His bottom lip began to tremble, for nerves or the cold, he could not tell. Loose tendrils of smoke began to pour from the pentagram. Stephen's voice shook as he called out. "What is your name?"
The demon's voice sounded like chocolate, smooth and rich. "You dare ask me my name?"
"Answer me." It was Stephen's first time summoning and he would not play any games. He shouldn't even be summoning any demons at his level and he could only hope that his master would not find out.
"I am Stark," the demon answered, the voice seeming to come from behind Stephen, breathing in his ear. He knew their tricks. Anything to get him to leave the safety of his circle so they could devour him and be free. He wouldn't fall for them.
"I have a task for you, Stark," he called. The smoke began to clear and he could now make out the outline of the demon. He looked very close to a man, short and toned, with a goatee of facial hair and small horns poking out of his chestnut hair. His eyes were large, round, nothing like the demons Stephen had seen so far. These almost looked... innocent yet sensual. Stephen looked the demon in the eyes as he spoke. "You will break into the home of Loki and steal the Amulet of Samarkand for me."
There was a pause before the demon looked a bit taken aback and muttered "What?" with a tilt of its head.
"You will break into the home of -"
"No, no, I *heard* you, but you can't be serious." The demon's demeanor seemed to change, more relaxed now in his confusion.
"I am serious, and I've summoned you so you will obey." Stephen narrowed his eyes as he gave the demon an icy look.
"Do you realize what kind of demon I am?" Stark arched a brow.
Stephen knew there were different types of demons, of course, but he didn't know what kind Stark was. He was only able to have a brief glance at the page in the book before his master had come in and almost caught him. That was not a book for him, or for someone of his level. But he could never reveal that to a demon. He could never show them any weakness. "Of course, and I have heard of your achievements. Are you not the Stark that has helped win wars and settle bets?"
"I am," tension returned to the demon's posture.
"Then this will be a simple matter for you."
"Look, I may not quite know how long its been since I've last been summoned, but I can tell you this. You're new to this, wet behind the years. And this Loki guy? He must be bad news and way above you if he's got something as precious as the Amulet of Samarkand. So my suggestion to you would be to forget about it. Unsummon me and go eat some lunch, maybe read a book, but forget about this."
Stephen's fist shook with anger. "I have summoned you and you will listen to me. You will not play any tricks and you will not try to bargin with me. I will not make any deal with your kind," he practically spat out the last word, disgust heavy in his voice.
The demon sighed in a way that seemed to fill the entire room. "Very well. As you wish." He gave a bow and then was gone.
The house of Loki could have better been described as a fortress. Sentries roamed the perimeter in pairs and a barrier extended about fifty feet into the air, glowing shiny and green on the higher plains but invisible to the naked eye of humans.
Stark sat upon a perch in the form of a raven, a bird that seemed to fit in with the time and the landscape. He had seen them most times that he had been summoned. They must have been resourceful and resilient little things. He could admire that.
What he could not admire was the stupid wizard that had just put him up to the task of penetrating the fortress that he saw before him now. He was not a demon made for tasks such as these, and for him to be picked over others showed the wizard's lack of research and expertise.
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lovinmullen · 4 years
4am is for those with a smile on their faces but a sadness in their eyes and heart
Buck stirs to find a cold emptiness in their bed where Eddie should be, he has done for the past week now but has refused to question Eddie's whereabouts in case the prying would cause his boyfriend to share even less than he already does. Sometimes Buck wishes the man could wear his heart on his sleeve like himself, so he could reiterate the love and care Eddie so generously and easily gives to him, as it's the least he deserves. But at the same time how much power words and actions have over him. How easily he is acquainted with pain. He wouldn’t wish that feeling on anyone let alone the man he loves.
or Eddie is struggling with nightmares that drag him back to Afghanistan and picks up old habits from before he enlisted in an attempt to find comfort and return to a state of naive joy. Buck just wants to help.
so i did a thing... its my first work i’m sorry if it’s bad :/
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simonjamesgreen · 2 years
RT @tommywrites: Just finished Gay Club! by @simonjamesgreen in one sitting. I mean his work is always amazing, but this one? This one is so freaking important and powerful and just...every school should have a copy or ten in their school library.
RT @tommywrites: Just finished Gay Club! by @simonjamesgreen in one sitting. I mean his work is always amazing, but this one? This one is so freaking important and powerful and just...every school should have a copy or ten in their school library.
— Simon James Green (@simonjamesgreen) May 31, 2022
from Twitter https://twitter.com/simonjamesgreen
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sunny-sketches · 2 years
Finally, original content from yours truly.
Let's talk about Po3, Yeah? Funky Robot?
Let's talk about how utterly human he feels compared to many of the others. How his frustration with your deck and his annoyance at your losses feels real. Let's talk about how his joy at outwitting you and his quips humanize him in a way thar is very hard to pull off.
Let's talk about how, even as a stoat, his personality was consistent and provocative. While Gimora (Stinkbug) coddled you and praised your movement, joy in her timely demise fueling her longing for an end, And Magnificus (Stunted Wolf) gave you blind faith, submitting himself to your perceived superiority, Po3 (Stoat) *defied* you. He questioned your choices and pushed you to think harder. Be better. Do better.
And even when he pushed you, he also helped you in his stubborn, sly way. Pop that mule, watch out for that hook.
Let's talk about how even at the end, when Po3 was the scybe we knew the least about, shrouded in his carefully crafted mystery and prickly demeanor, we find glimpses of Po3 as he truly was.
He was helpful, and stubborn, and scared.
"Don't let me die."
He was scared of dying.
Let's talk about Po3.
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