#tomorrow will hopefully be the last day I meet with my supervisor and she says 'is it done?'
ereborne · 4 months
Song of the Day: May 16
"Peace of Mind” by Boston
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alltooreid · 4 years
Dancing With Our Hands Tied
In order to keep Y/N safe from danger, Spencer vows to keep their relationship a complete secret from everyone they know. However, as their romance gets more serious, Y/N and Reid begin to realize that no matter how in love they are, they may have been doomed from the start.
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A/N: Back at it with a hopefully very angsty fic! This is of course inspired by the Taylor Swift song, but you don’t need to be familiar with the song to read and enjoy! Also I made a playlist for this one shot, which you can find here (its best if you listen to it in order and of course you don’t have to listen as you read, but if you enjoy that kind of thing, I thought it would be fun). Additionally, in order for the timeline of this fic to make the most sense, I’m choosing to ignore the Lauren Reynolds subplot, because trying to incorporate it and explain it would be distracting and unnecessary in my opinion. Thanks for reading!
Pairing: Spencer Reid x Fem! Reader
Type: Angst
Word Count: 3.9K
Content Warnings: Some cursing, general fighting angst, discussion of pregnancy, brief mention of abortion (follow up is left intentionally ambiguous, based on your own desires and beliefs you are allowed to decide where that aspect goes (pro choice tings))
“I, I loved you in spite of Deep fears that the world would divide us So, baby, can we dance Oh, through an avalanche?”
Spencer Reid hated funerals. 
Somehow he felt he was always invited to one, and no matter how hard it was for him to be there, he always made every effort to go. So when Hotch had to plan Haley’s funeral, Spencer knew he had to go, no matter how much he would hate it.
He looked down to the grass as his supervisor cried over his now dead wife, the most emotion he had seen from him ever. He refused to look up and watch, although there were at least a hundred people there to mourn Haley, this moment felt innately private to Hotch. Spencer didn’t think it was his place for his eyes to intrude. 
So he stared at the lawn and got lost in his own mind.
Right then and there he realized he never wanted to go through what Hotch had to go through. No matter how many philosophers described love in the most beautiful, enchanting way, Spencer didn’t want it anymore. 
He didn’t want to go through a heartbreak, because how worth it could it be?
Of course, all information he had in his repertoire pointed to the claim that it was worth it. Yet he couldn’t pay attention to Oscar Wilde, trying to tell him that “hearts are made to be broken,” or E. A. Bucchianeri screaming that “grief is the price we pay for love.”
All he could see at that moment was the most stone-faced man he had ever known, breaking down in front of everyone he knew over the woman he loved. 
At that moment Spencer Reid vowed to completely give up on love. He would become the best profiler to ever live. People would compare him to Jason Gideon, but Spencer Reid would win every time. Spencer wouldn’t let himself be like Gideon and get so hung up over a person that he couldn’t ever work anymore.
So when Spencer left the funeral and went to bed that night, he was confident that he would sleep alone like that forever. It was comfortable like that and he was happy. Who needs to be in love?
Not Spencer Reid that’s for sure.
Well, until three months later, when Spencer Reid met Y/N Y/L/N. 
She was beautiful, and Spencer knew he wanted to get to know her the first time he laid eyes on her. 
But he was doing such a good job recently…. Even Hotch was impressed with his work ethic. The only one who had talked to him about his lack of emotion was Penelope, she seemed concerned when Spencer told her he didn’t want to meet let alone go on a date with the cute nerdy barista from her go to coffee shop. Spencer refused to reason with her, he was too focused on proving himself to Hotch and the rest of the team. 
Even though in the back of his mind, Spencer knew he had already proven himself to the rest of the team, now he just needed to be good enough for himself.
A truly impossible task.
But he was still trying to do it, so he didn’t talk to the barista at the new coffee shop he was trying.  
He wasn’t expecting her to try and talk to him. Maybe that’s why he was so willing to give up his own reasoning.  
“That’s a lot of sugar, sugar. Are you as sweet as your coffee?” she said, giggling as she did it. She knew the line was cheesy and stupid but she had been eyeing Spencer Reid since he came in and knew she needed to get his attention. Luckily, he couldn’t help but laugh.
Their first date was right then and there. They got distracted and talked till closing, Y/N’s coworkers noticing she was actually putting herself out there and deciding to pick up her slack so she could continue. 
“So are you going to call me Dr. Reid or were you just leading me on for 3 hours?”
“Of course I’ll call you, how else am I going to get you to watch Doctor Who?”
Y/N smiled, “Well I know this is kind of forward, but I have this art exhibit tomorrow, I would love to see you there. But don’t over think that! I’ve invited pretty much everyone I know. I have a bet to win amongst the other art students, whoever has the most people come to see them wins one of those giant Costco sheet cakes. I need that sheet cake Spencer.”
Spencer smiled, “Well, I am from Vegas . . . Maybe I could help push the odds in your favor.”
“Well I can’t wait to see you there. Tomorrow, 6 pm, I’ll text you the details.”
It was only when he laid down to sleep that Spencer remembered his philosophy on love, but strangely, he did not care. 
He may have been trying to freeze his heart, but Y/N was coming in with a blowtorch.
And he didn’t mind. In fact he unlocked the door to let her in.
So when he arrived at work the next morning, he fully intended on going to her art show. He thought about what flowers to bring her. . . was this a date? Was last night a date? Were roses too strong a message? He couldn’t do anything red, it was too forward. Pink? What if she saw it as stereotypical because she’s a woman, maybe she hates pink?! Yellow Tulips were safe, but if he got her yellow tulips then she would think they were just friends and Spencer didn’t want to be just friends.
His internal debate was interrupted by none other than Penelope Garcia, but not to interrupt their paperwork day with a case, but to make an announcement to the bullpen.
“Hello my loves! I have an interesting idea for some team bonding tonight, my favorite barista and dear friend has invited me to her school art show. Of course she needs the most support humanly possible, so you all need to come with me and look at cool art!”
“Who’s this friend of yours Penelope?” JJ asked.
“Oh Jayge you’ve met Y/N! She’s lovely and I’m sure an incredible artist. You guys will all love her!”
Suddenly Spencer remembered Hotch and his broken down faces at Haley’s funeral. He remembered his philosophy on love and his fear of heartbreak.
But he also remembered how alive he felt with Y/N. How the way she laughed like a little kid and how that made him feel giddy. He remembered how she was always so interested in what he had to say. He remembered that he really liked her.
And at that moment, Spencer realized that he did not have to choose between being in love and keeping his heart safe from the devastating heartbreak of seeing his true love die. He realized that the reaper could only find Haley because Hotch let people know they were together Because everyone knew of Hotch’s wife, she was in constant danger.
Maybe if he kept Y/N secret he could still be with her.
“Spencer! Did you hear me?”
“No, um sorry Garcia what did you say?”
“I asked if you were going to come to Y/N’s art show, you know you too would make such a cute couple! You should totally come.”
“I actually can’t, I’m not feeling well.”
She sighed, “That’s what you said last time I tried to get you two together 187 . . . Do you want to talk about anything Spencer? You haven’t been yourself lately.”
“I’m fine, I just have a headache. I don’t want to go out tonight.”
She rested her hand on his shoulder for a second, before following Morgan to the kitchen. Spencer knew she was going to say something to him, but he didn’t care. He had found the perfect solution to his conundrum.
And he knew exactly what flowers to send to Y/N.
Y/N texted him thirteen times, and waited an extra hour after the open house closed in case he showed. So although she went home empty handed, one person away from enough cake to feed fifty, she received a call from Spencer Reid.
“Hey, where were you tonight? I was looking forward to seeing you.”
“I’m sorry Y/N, something came up, but I have something for you! Are you still there?”
“Oh no, I just got to my apartment. I can send you the address.”
“I’ll be over as soon as I can.”
And five minutes later Spencer was at Y/N’s door, with Chinese take out and white peonies, a flower known for its apologetic symbolism.
Y/N blushed, “You didn’t have to bring me flowers Spencer . . .”
“Well I wanted to bring some to your show, but I figured this could be the next best thing . . . And maybe we could eat some of your Costco sheet cake afterwards. Sounds like a balanced meal to me.”
“Although I love that idea, I unfortunately came home tonight sheet cake-less.”
Reid frowned, “How close were you? Would I have made any difference?”
“Oh no!” Y/N lied, “I was way off, don’t even worry about it.” She smiled, “I’m just excited that you're here right now.”
Spencer blushed and looked down at his feet, “Well I’m excited to be here.”
Four months after that night, Y/N asked Spencer a seemingly stupid question while they were eating take out at her apartment. “Spencer, I love takeout and all but we haven’t gone out in public together since the first time we met. . . Call me stupid but I’m starting to wonder if you don’t want to be seen with me.”
Spencer sighed, “Y/N, it’s not that it’s just . . . complicated.”
“I just don’t get it. Am I the second woman or something?”
“No! Absolutely not! You are my one and only flower,” he said, smiling and then leaning in to kiss her nose. She giggled in response, but quickly remembered the serious nature of their conversation. “Y/N, you know what I do for a living.”
“I don’t understand what that has to do with anything.”
“Not too long ago, my boss was targeted by a serial killer who made it his mission to make his life miserable. In doing so he killed his wife. I just . . .  I don’t want that to happen to you Y/N. I think I’m falling in love with you, and I can’t put you through that.”
“Spencer . . . I love you too.”
So no matter how badly Y/N wanted to tell her family, or update her Facebook status, she respected Spencer, and although she didn’t completely understand his concerns, she wanted him to be happy.
So she spent ten more months like that, catering to Spencer Reid’s peace of mind. Pretending to smile as he told her stories of all the funny things his team members did, all about their partners, and their love lives.
A couple times now, Y/N asked Spencer if she could meet them, but Spencer always shot it down. When he first mentioned the idea of keeping their relationship a secret, Y/N had secretly hoped it would be one of those things that was forgotten about within a week or two. But no. It had been many, many weeks, and Spencer still didn’t want to be seen in public with her.
And by now that was all she wanted. To go on a real date, to introduce him to her friends, to actually be able to tell her coworkers that something did come from that guy she hit it off with.
Everyday, Y/N felt she did the same exact thing, she went to work, would come home and if Spencer was still in Quantico, she would convince him to come over. (They had been dating for over a year now, and Y/N had never been to his apartment. She didn’t even know where it was). If Spencer did come over, he would usually bring some kind of dessert with him, and they would talk and be merry in their own little secret oasis. A couple weeks ago, Y/N started to get this uncomfortable, uneasy feeling that encompassed her whole body, her whole being. Every part of her was trying to tell her that Spencer Reid was not the man for her. And even though she was still very much in love with him, she agreed.
Although she loved Spencer for the person he was, the man who brought her every different flavor of cheesecake from the bakery across town (one a day for fifty nine days straight), the man who begged her to make him a painting for valentines day instead of buying him a present, the man who cried when she did and laughed when she did and-
There were a lot of things to love about Spencer Reid, but there were a lot of things to hate about their relationship.
She hated the time she bought a gold locket in the shape of a heart, and put a picture of them in it so she could keep him with her all day long, and he made her return it because it could fly open and someone could recognize him. She hated the day she came home with a little beige kitten named Betsy and Spencer made her give Betsy to her sister so that he wouldn’t get cat hair on his clothes and have to answer a million questions. She hated the time Spencer missed her birthday weekend because he had a case and couldn’t give an excuse to why he couldn’t go. She hated that Spencer was her entire life, while she seemed like just an inconvenience to his.
And most of all, she hated that she loved him so much. Because deep down she knew that she could never leave Spencer Reid, but she also knew that there was no way they could last if nothing changed.
Just then Spencer knocked on her door, she had offered him his own key many times, but he declined because he didn’t want anyone to see it on his key ring and ask what it was for. She let him in, and right away his fun perky smile dropped. “You’ve been crying. I can tell.”
“Is that the kind of thing they teach you in FBI school?”
“Yes actually, but that’s not the point,” he said, dropping his bouquet of red chrysanthemums on Y/N’s coffee table and grabbing one of her hands with both of his. “Talk to me Y/N.”
She sighed, “I love you Spencer, but I just don’t know if we can do this anymore.”
“What do you mean flower?”
“Spencer we’ve been together for over a year-”
“One year, two months and five days,” he corrected.
“Yes, yes that. We’ve been together for one year, two months and five days but no one except us knows that.”
“Y/N I thought you were okay with that, I just want you to be safe.”
“I thought I was okay with it but,” she paused, afraid of what she wanted to say, “I’m not Spencer, I don’t want to live like this anymore. I love you, and I want to be with you. To really be with you. What happens if we ever get married, do we have to get eloped, would you even let us get married because you need someone else to watch? When do I get to tell my mom I’m in a relationship? What if you get hurt out in the field, and no one has heard of me, let alone knows to call me, and we never get to say goodbye? How far do you plan on taking this?”
Spencer grew flustered, “Um, I- I don’t know? I didn’t know you were even thinking about those things.”
“Do you think about those things? Things like getting married?”
“You’re the love of my life Y/N, of course I do.”
“Well then something needs to change. We can’t live like this anymore.”
“Things will get better Y/N, I promise you, we’ll start small but I’m going to make this better for you. Actually, um we can start right now,” he started digging through his messenger bag. After a minute, he pulled out a smaller gold heart locket than the one you had originally purchased for yourself. “I, um I was going to give it to you for your birthday, but I feel like now is the best time. I couldn’t find the same one, but it’s the same picture inside.”
She teared up, “I love it. It’s perfect. Here, put it on me.” She turned around and pushed her hair to one side so that Spencer could clasp the delicate chain around her neck.
They kissed, and afterward Spencer spoke, “I hate to ruin this moment, but I’ve had to use the bathroom ever since I got here.”
Y/N laughed, “Ok go, I’ll be waiting.”
While waiting for her love to come back, Y/N admired her flowers. Ever since Spencer began to get her different flowers to symbolize different things she had developed an abnormal botany fascination. She would always beat Spencer to explaining the symbolism of her latest bouquet, so she already knew the red chrysanthemum was a symbol of prosperous, passionate love in most countries. However she also knew that in Italy, chrysanthemums were a death flower, given only at funerals.
Part of her couldn’t help but wonder if some unconscious part of Spencer’s genius brain was beginning to feel the same way she did. Three weeks later nothing much had changed in the state of Y/N and Spencer’s romance. She was still unheard of in the eyes of the BAU and two nights prior Spencer had stopped her from calling her mother to tell her about him.
And then Y/N discovered her sick, uneasy, all over body feeling was not just her incredible intuition.
She was pregnant.
She had taken a couple of tests a while prior and could just now get into the doctor to get it confirmed. But it was official. She was pregnant.
As soon as the nurse confirmed it she broke down crying. And when she asked her a couple more questions, she broke down even further. “Are you currently in a relationship?”
“No,” she sniffed.
“Do you know who the father is?”
“I don’t know,” she sobbed.
“Sweetheart, I don’t know where you want to go from here, but there’s a lot more options that you may think. Everything will be okay.”
Y/N still cried the whole way home.
She spent the rest of the day thinking about how to tell Spencer, and then overthinking what he would say.
She knew Spencer loved children, but he couldn’t even manage to tell people she existed, how was he going to explain a long term relationship and a baby?
It would have taken decades for Y/N to prepare to deliver this news, but Spencer showed up at 8:19 pm.
“Hi flower! How are you today?”
“I’m pregnant.” She blurted out, she was not planning to do it exactly like that, but she panicked.
“I’m pregnant Spencer.”
He sighed and ran one of his hands through his hair, “You could get an abortion?”
Y/N lost it. “Are you kidding me? Are you fucking kidding me Spencer?”
“I don’t think a baby is going to be very easy to keep a secret Y/N.”
“Is this how far you’re willing to go Spencer? You want to keep me hidden so bad that you want me to get an abortion? Are you insane?”
“You’re right, Y/N, I’m sorry, we’ll figure something out.”
“No, you’re wrong there Spencer. I’ll figure something out.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I can’t do this anymore. I’m done. I love you but, please just get out of my apartment.”
“Y/N please don’t do this, I love you, we can make this work. I know I haven’t been doing the best job for these three weeks, but just give me a little time and I promise we can do this.”
Y/N wiped tears from her eyes, then reached her thumb up to Spencer’s face, wiping his cheek. “Spencer, it’s not a matter of how much I love you or you love me. Sometimes, things just aren’t made to work out. We gave it a good run, but no matter how hard we love each other, I don’t think either of us is happy.”
“But I don’t know how to live in a world without you in it, flower.”
“I’ve never been in your world Spencer, after tonight, nothing in your life will drastically change. You don’t have to worry about living in a universe without me because you’ve already been doing that for 15 months.”
“Please don’t do this, can we just give it another try?”
Y/N wrapped her arms around him, “That’s all we’ve been doing.”
The couple stayed in silence like that for a couple of minutes before Spencer spoke. “Can we just stay here for one night. I can’t believe I never got to do it.” Spencer had never spent the full night at Y/N’s place because he always worried that he would forget to answer his phone and the team would try to come to his apartment to tell him they had a case.
“You know we can’t do that Spencer,” she sighed, knowing she had to stay strong and act on her own best interest, but she also loved Spencer. “But you can stay here, if you want.”
He thought for a moment. “Okay, um do I need that key you always offered me? To lock up when I leave?”
“No, the front door locks automatically when you close it, you just have to make sure you have everything before you go.”
And so Spencer slept in Y/N’s bed, for the first time, without her in it.
And Y/N called the one person she knew Spencer would never try to track her down to to avoid exposing himself.
Penelope Garcia.
She of course let Y/N stay with her for the night, and although she would eventually, Garcia did not pry when Y/N said she didn’t want to talk about what was going on. So Y/N walked to her apartment with peace of mind, she knew that although she had a lot to think about, for the time being everything was going to be just fine.
On the way to Penelope’s apartment, Y/N saw a flower vendor. She couldn’t help but stop by and pick up a bouquet for Penelope, but more so for the symbolic meaning.
Daffodils and daisies.
The flowers of new beginnings.
“I'd kiss you as the lights went out Swaying as the room burned down I'd hold you as the water rushes in If I could dance with you again”
- Thank you for reading! Please reblog and let me know what you think :))
holly’s tiny taglist: @reidingmelodies​ @hercleverboy​
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melismaticmadness · 4 years
Request: “Something in the lines of reader playing reggies gf on the shows s2 and she becomes bffs with charlie but people keep shipping them. Something in like interview style or so....”
Description: FLUFF
1811 Words
Warnings: one curse word!
Charlie x Reader, Featuring Jeremy
Hope you like it!!
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Press was always an exciting time as an actor, but even more so with this cast because of what happened before press events for season one. Their virtual press was great, but you can tell how excited they all were to experience it together this time around. Julie and the Phantoms was the best job I had gotten since moving out to LA. Honestly, it could be my big break. I was playing opposite Jeremy as his love interest, but our off-screen relationship was strictly platonic. Obviously, he and Carolynn are married and she is the sweetest. Jeremy is more of a mentor to me.
I sat in between Charlie and Jeremy for our first interview of the day when a production assistant came in and prepped us for the topics for this interview. Each interview has a slightly different focus, so it’s helpful that we know before we get started. The soft-spoken man raddled off some talking points: Charlie’s sleeves, Jeremy’s new character arc, my relationships/experience joining the cast, and then all of us would have time to add in stories of our choice if there was time. Easy. This cast makes it really easy to connect and bond. They are a family and I am so lucky to be a member of it now.
What I didn’t expect was to get so close to Charlie during rehearsals and filming in Vancouver. The two of us were instantly inseparable. He came to watch my film on set, I came to watch him. We rehearsed our lines together almost every night after long days, and Owen even considered me his other roommate because of all the nights I was asleep on their couch. Hanging out with Charlie felt like we had known each other our entire lives, but it had only been about a year.
Interviewer: “So, y/n, you seem really well connected to this cast, even though you’re sort of the new kid in the group. Would you mind telling me how you felt about joining this project?”
Y/N: “Oh I definitely felt welcomed right into the group. I remember my first night in Vancouver, Charlie came to check out my apartment, Owen came too, and I remember Charlie and I trying to prank Owen when he fell asleep on the couch but it was an epic fail. We had water and shaving cream all over the floor and ourselves, oh my god it was a mess, but that’s kinda the proof of how fast I became part of the group. Night one and they were already including me in their fun. The same goes with the girls, Jadah, Madi, Sav, Tori- we immediately were meeting for breakfast before filming together and having movie nights. It was the best welcome I could have imagined, knowing how close they all were from last season.”
Interviewer: “Jeremy, what was it like having this new energy come in, especially to shake things up for your character Reggie, who really was much of the comedic relief last season, but now has this mutually flirty relationship with y/n’s character?”
Jeremy: “Well, it was great having y/n come in and it allowed us all to explore Reggie outside of his quirky one-liners. It’s not that hard acting opposite, y/n, the talent they bring in was insane and we got along really well so it made it a lot of fun exploring Reggie as somewhat of a ‘ladies man’.”
Interviewer: “Yes it was fun getting to see more of who Reggie is, or was? Spoiler alert if you haven’t seen season one, Reggie is dead. All the boys are dead. Anyway, speaking of seeing more of something- Charlie, I noticed the sleeves on all your shirts this season were barely there. Is this a Charlie characteristic that just carried over to show off or was this specifically written for Luke?”
Charlie: “Oh gosh, haha. I think it’s a little bit of both. I definitely bring a lot of myself to Luke, but even in season one, Soyon, our amazing costume and wardrobe supervisor, was cutting the sleeves off Luke’s shirts. I think it played into his 1995 bad boy persona, and now it’s just him.”
Y/N: “and you just like showing off...hahaha!”
Charlie: “If you got it, flaunt it!” With that, all three of us and the interviewer were cracking up laughing and Charlie was flexing which kept us going a minute longer.
Interviewer: “AH,” they sighed, “Y/N, the internet is freaking out about you, truly, because of some photos of you with Mr. Gillespie over here. Let me read some things for you - ‘my heart is broken because I can’t have Charlie, but at least y/n can. I ship it,’ under an Instagram photo of you two the caption reads ‘ship it so hard it’s like the Titanic,’ which is my favorite. It’s too funny. So my question is, what is going on here? Is there a secret showmance that you’re hiding behind Reggie?”
Charlie and I are now laughing hysterically again. I don’t think the interviewer realizes how nervous our laughing sounds compared to before, but hopefully, it’s not noticeable to fans or the rest of the cast. I wasn’t expecting to get questions about Charlie and my relationship when I was supposed to be talking about my character, the whole experience, and all my scenes with Jeremy.
Y/N: “Oh no, no, no. We are friends! Nothing is going on,” I looked over at Charlie who had his eyes locked on me most admiringly. He was going to let me handle this however I wanted. “Charlie and I just happened to click right away during rehearsals and now I feel like he’s the older brother I never had!”
Charlie looked a little hurt at that ‘brother’ comment, but he jumped in to echo what I had said.
Charlie: “Ya know, the fans are so great. They love to keep up with our lives and find little hidden clues in the show about the backstory, and I think that’s just what happened with our friendship. We’re best friends, we have so many inside jokes, we hang out a LOT. But, Nah, nothing is going on here. It’s cute though that they ship us! Look out, Jere! I’m stealing your girl!.”
Interviewer: “You heard it here first everyone, Mr. Gillespie isn’t off the market! Thank you all for your time today. Everyone make sure to check out season two of Julie and the Phantoms, now on Netflix!”
After a long first day of press, I was finally walking back into my hotel room in New York when my phone went off.
I tossed my stuff on the couch and plopped down to see what I had missed all day. Charlie had just texted me asking to meet him on the roof.
“The roof?!” I grunted, “How did he even get on the roof?” Back out the door, I followed signs to the roof. Swinging the door open once I got up there, my breath was taken away. New York City right at dusk, with the cool breeze hitting me, was so beautiful.
“Gillespie, are we allowed to be up here?”
“Kenny said we’re less likely to be followed or have our picture taken together if we were up here and came up separately. So, if we get in trouble, it’s on Kenny...”
“The view is amazing. Not surprised Kenny knew about it.” I said as I went to look out over the glass barrier at the edge of the building. We looked out in silence for a minute or so when I heard Charlie exhale.
“Y/n, what was that today?” he said running his hands through his hair.
“What was what today?”
“That whole ‘Charlie is my brother’ thing,” he made his voice go up in pitch to mimic my voice when he said it and I could tell it was bugging him, but I didn’t know why.
“I was caught off guard...I mean we’re friends.. but I figured no one would believe that if I didn’t squash the rumors right there. Sorry if it was like, emasculating, or made it seem like you don’t have any game, lol.” I playfully hip bumped him to get him to laugh a little and it worked but there was still something on his mind.
“Char, is your manager upset with what I said? I can fix it tomorrow, I’ll figure something out-” I said tilting my head in front of his so he was looking at me instead of the view.
“No, y/n, no, it’s okay..” he hesitated, “but is that really what’s going on?”
It felt like the wind was knocked out of me at that moment and all I could do was slide my back down the glass and sit on the roof. My head was in my hands and I didn’t want to say the wrong thing next.
“Hey, hey, I’m sorry if I caught you off guard,” Charlie said squatting down to my level. “I just thought..maybe you felt something, anything, telling you this was more than a friend to friend relationship..” Now he was rubbing my back. Damn, this boy is my best friend.
“Charlie, I- I don’t want to lose my job. I love working with you and with everyone,” I took a deep breath, “but I can’t say I never thought about it. I have definitely thought about it.”
“Okay, so what are you thinking in that head of yours?”
“I’m thinking that I care about you and that I have for a while but didn’t want to admit it to myself until now,” looking up at Charlie I could tell he was fighting to hold back a smile.
“Kenny, won’t fire you. I talked to him in LA before we went up to Vancouver because I didn’t want him to be disappointed in me because of how I felt.”
“You told him in LA?! He’s probably been watching us and laughing at us for MONTHS. Oh my god.”
“No, it’s cool. He just warned me to make sure I wanted to be more than friends because he didn’t want to lose you.”
“Wow. Okay.” The weight I didn’t even know I was holding, had been lifted off my shoulders. “The fans really do know us better than we know ourselves.”
We both laughed and Charlie finally settled down right next to me.
“Look, I’m not saying we rush into anything. I knew I had to say something before the opportunity was gone. Now that the show’s out, you’re going to have guys banging down your door for a date.”
“I guess it’s a good thing the only guy I am looking for is you then, hmm?”
“Thank god for that interview…” Charlie said under his breath.
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softbiker · 4 years
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Pairing: Steve x Reader, Bucky x Reader (not Stucky)
Word count: 3k
Warnings: maybe a couple curse words? I don’t remember. Lots of coffee
Summary: Steve is fond of a particular barista. Bucky has a favorite customer. Let’s see where this goes! 
A/N: Somewhat inspired by real life events, this is (hopefully) going to turn into a new series! No idea where I’m going with it or how often it will update, but let’s have fun and see where it goes! As always, let me know what you think and thanks for reading <3
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It’s July - early morning and already hot - and the door squeaks loudly somewhere over her shoulder as she preps a fresh batch of coffee to brew. She doesn’t look up or turn around, intent on her task, but she calls a distracted “good morning”, along with her coworkers. The humid morning air has left a sticky fog on the windows and doors, on skin and clothes, and it follows them inside, in spite of the air conditioning. She’s already regretting the long-sleeved shirt she plucked from her laundry pile, though it was the only passable shirt she could find and still be in dress code.
“Hey, you got front?” Bea, her supervisor, pipes up over the headset. Her head bobs over the open door of her bar fridge, where she’s counting milk.
With a nod, she turns back around from the brewing machine, putting on her customer service smile as she sees-
“Oh, morning, Steve,” she laughs, her smile blooming genuine. “I barely heard you come in, sorry.”
“No worries,” Steve smiles. His eyes look tired, but she knows hers are as well - it’s 6:30 in the morning and they’re already into their work day. He ducks his head, leaning a hip against the front counter. “I’m quiet, I guess.”
“What can I get for you?” she asks, tapping away at the screen to open her till. “Just the americano with stevia and almond milk?”
Steve chuckles and blushes under the dark stubble on his cheeks, rubbing the back of his neck with one hand. It strains the seams of his plain white t-shirt, stretched too tight already across his broad shoulders.
“I’m predictable, huh?” his nose scrunches as he asks, and she drops her eyes back down to the screen in front of her, displaying his order as she rings it up.
“Nothing wrong with that,” she shrugs, pursing her lips in an effort to contain her smile. “Anything else for you?”
“Uh, yeah actually, can I get an iced coffee, too? With a little bit of cream?”
“Sure thing,” with a couple of swipes at the screen she’s got the order rung up. She pushes it through, prompts him to swipe his card, and glances down towards the bar, wondering where her coworkers have suddenly disappeared to.
“Well - I guess I’ll get those ready for you,” she quirks an eyebrow at him as she makes her way down towards the espresso machines, with Steve following along, separated by the counter between them. He watches, her head down, labeling a cup and pulling espresso shots, turning for a stevia packet.
“So,” he clears his throat. “How you been?”
“Oh, you know,” she shrugs. “I’m here - and it’s 6:30. And hot.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he laughs. “Tell me about it. I’m already sweating.”
“Same here!” Her face disappears as she bends down to dig in the fridge for a tetra of almond milk. “I mean, I really played myself today - wearing long sleeves. I don’t know what I was thinking.”
“Wow, rookie mistake,” Steve shakes his head.
She slides the americano out at the end of the bar, after adding a cardboard sleeve to protect against the scalding heat of the water. Their eyes meet over the drink, his fingers just slightly brushing hers even as she spins away and grabs the cup for his iced coffee. Conversation lulls; he clears his throat, takes a small sip of the drink and enjoys the slight burn on the tip of his tongue. She’s fast and smooth, never quite looking at him but never turning completely away from him; he’s in the corner of her vision and she’s the center of his. The cream swirls downward into the iced coffee, softening the color and the taste - though Steve has never been a fan of cold coffees, but he knows how Sam takes it.
“Here you go,” she holds out the iced coffee with a polite smile, plucking a straw from the caddy next to her and extending it in her other hand.
“Thank you-” he trips over whether or not to say her name; he wants to say it, and it’s written right there on her apron, offered on the tip of his tongue. He’d like to taste it. But the leap of familiarity scares him, as it has the last two months he’s been coming in here, and he swallows down the letters. Settles for an answering smile.
“Guess I’ll see ya tomorrow?” he half-jokes, coffees in hand, backing towards the door one step at a time. He watches her head bob as she ducks down to grab a rag out of her sanitizing bucket; she wrings it out and wipes down the counter, sparing him a lifted eyebrow, a sly sideways glance.
“Maybe-” she smirks, swiping an already clean spot on the counter before dropping her rag back in the bucket. “I might be off tomorrow.”
“Might be?” Steve’s head quirks to one side. “You don’t know?”
“Well…I asked someone to trade shifts with me so I could have the weekend off…” she sighs and crosses her arms. “But I haven’t heard back from her, so it’s probably not happening.” Her wry smile is accompanied by a one-shouldered shrug. “It’s just as well, though. This place would probably fall apart without me.”
“Oh, definitely,” he chuckles. “So I guess, maybe I’ll see you in the morning.”
“Have a good one, Steve!” she waves as he ducks out the door, bell jingling overhead at his departure. It really is hot today - her cheeks feel warm. Her whole body does, actually; but the cafe is quiet and empty now, the sun just rising over the buildings outside, and she gets a sip of water from the cup she keeps stashed under the front register.
“So how’s your man today?” Bea jokes over the headset. Looking over, she can see Bea’s mirthful expression peeking around the corner from the back of house where she’d been washing whip canisters.
“Yeah, when are you and Steve gonna go out?” Ally’s voice joins in the teasing, innocently sarcastic in her trademark way.
“Come on, guys,” she huffs, glad that neither of them is out front on the floor, where she was unable to hide her smile. “Steve is just a customer. He’s just another nice regular, that’s all.”
“Uh huh. That’s why you giggle every time we bring him up?”
“I do not!”
“Well, you just keep telling yourself that,” Bea smirks, banging through the back of house door with an armload of milk. “But you should know that store is taking bets on when he’ll finally ask you out.”
She chooses not to answer, just rolls her eyes and heads out the front door to set up the patio umbrellas. It’s July, early morning and already hot, but at least there’s a breeze out here - enough to cool the blazing in her cheeks even as she wrestles the umbrellas open to shade the outdoor tables. Her mind drifts away, to Steve’s easy smile and Steve’s breathtaking eyes, and the way he always dropped a dollar or two in the tip jar. Not to mention, the stretch of his white tees across those ridiculous shoulders.
Well, anyway. He is a nice regular. That’s why she enjoys him coming in every day, that’s all.
“She there today?” Sam smirks as he eagerly plunges the straw into his iced coffee, swirling the cream into its depths. He waggles his eyebrows at Steve’s flushed cheeks while he takes the first satisfying sip.
“Yes.” Steve clears his throat, keeping his eyes down on his own drink. They’re sitting in Steve’s office - well, Steve is sitting, safely behind his desk. Sam posts himself in the doorway, leaning against the frame with his feet crossed. He watches his friend’s flustered fluttering behind the desk - Steve shuffles papers, taps on the keyboard of his computer to open his email, moves his coffee to one side of the laptop and then the other.
“Well?” Sam prompts, gleefully swirling his iced coffee, listening to the ice rattle before taking another loud slurp. “You ask her out yet? Give her your number at least?”
Steve scowls up at his buddy over his laptop screen.
“Sam you don’t get it-” he huffs. “This girl…she’s - God, she’s so beautiful, Sam. You know how many guys must hit on her every day? In a town like this?” He shakes his head. “I’d just be another asshole to her; she’d file my number away with all the other guys she’s not gonna call.”
“Whatever, dude,” Sam rolls his eyes. “That’s just an excuse for you to not take a chance on it. You just gonna keep going in there early in the morning and wasting money on coffee you used to brew at home?”
Steve doesn’t dignify that particular dig with a response, instead choosing to take a large swig from his coffee - he had to admit, she made a damn good cup. Simple as it was. But he knew, as many excuses as he made, he was addicted to more than just the espresso; her sweet smile perked him up in the mornings the way caffeine just couldn’t quite cut it.
He’d been going into the cafe at the crack of dawn for at least a month now. Sam practically begged him once to go out for an iced coffee, an early morning at the end of May, and with a sigh he’d agreed, though he complained loudly about wasting money on expensive coffee shop brews when he preferred to make his own in the coffee pot sitting three feet away from his desk.
The bell dinged over the door, the sun already streaming through the windows at the early hour, summer flushing full and bright. Familiar coffee shop sounds and smells carried across the empty cafe as he strolled in, hands in his pockets, taking in the quaint tables and mismatched chairs, an overstuffed sofa invitingly empty in one corner. Cute. He shuffled towards the counter, not really looking, till he heard a voice welcoming him in and-
She turned around from the brewing machine behind her, smiling soft and brilliant, her eyes a 6 am combination of sleepy brightness, caffeine buzzing in her own veins already.
One hit. That’s all it took to get him hooked.
Her shift couldn’t have ended soon enough. The bright sun and gorgeous summer weather had her itching under her apron, aching to get outdoors in spite of the heat. Every few minutes it seemed she turned to the register to check the time, or slipped her phone from her pocket. Never quite time, never quite close enough. Until-
“Okay, if you’ll just wipe down the bar, you’re good to go,” Nat sighs as she ties her apron, looping the strings around her waist and knotting it in the front. Nat usually takes afternoon and evening shifts, so they haven’t gotten to know each other well, but there’s something about the redhead that she both likes and fears.
With a little whoop of joy, she whirls around to her bucket and grabs the rag for the last time (today at least) and wipes away the splashes of syrup, coffee, and milk that have accumulated over the course of her shift. The counter is a little sticky, but a little elbow grease dissolves the tacky syrup puddle, and with a flourish she stows her carton of coconut milk in the fridge under the counter, tosses her rag back in the bucket, and flashes a peace sign to the other baristas on the floor.
“Alright, I’m out you guys!” she calls, already tugging her apron over her head. Her tote bag hangs on a hook in the back of house, and she rolls the apron up into it before stepping over to the computer to clock out.
“Whatcha doin’ this afternoon?” Bea is off now as well, having handed off the keys to Nat, and was tucking her own apron into her backpack, her Juul sticking out of one corner of her mouth.
“Mm. It’s such a beautiful day…” she sighs. “I think I’m going to go read at that new place I like, get a cold brew, maybe sit outside.”
“Leaving this coffee shop and going to another one?” Bea laughs, taking a hit off her vape, a little cloud puffing in front of her face. She’s not supposed to have it inside the building, definitely not supposed to use it inside at least, but the current manager hasn’t quite worked up the nerve to tell her to stop, so she carries on as she pleases.
“Gotta support local business.” She swings her tote bag up on her shoulder, regretting her habit of stuffing it so full that it’s uncomfortably heavy, and then she’s on her way out the door. “See ya later!”
Besides being a proud supporter of local businesses, she’s also totally addicted to the Garage - the other café and pub she frequents whenever she gets the chance. Their cold brew? Smooth and chocolatey. Their patio? Perfectly shaded and comfortable. Their vibe? Grunge-y without being dirty, hipster without being pretentious. She’d loved it from the first moment she stepped inside on her afternoon off, looking for an iced drink and a cozy spot that wasn’t her own home. What she found? A near-perfect coffee shop with amazing sweet potato fries.
“Oh, hey welcome in!”
Well. And there’s that, too.
“Hi, Bucky - how’s it going?” she smiles at the barista and bartender behind the counter, who is currently stocking the pastry case with an assortment of mouthwatering scones. His hair is swept up in its usual bun, and his mechanic’s shirt is tucked into a pair of black jeans, the short sleeves rolled over his biceps to reveal one flesh arm bearing a full sleeve of tattoos, and one gleaming polished prosthetic.
“Oh, it’s going,” he shrugs, a little bashful. He wills his eyes back down the the pastries at hand, though it’s hard with the way she smiles, hands in the back pockets of her shorts as she approaches the counter.
“Been busy today?” she asks, giving the menu a customary glance, though she’s too far gone on their cold brew to ever order anything else.
“Not too bad, no,” he shakes his head, sliding the glass panel behind the pastry case shut and tossing paper box from the bakery in the trash bin. “Little bit of a rush earlier around lunch, but nothing like what you guys get in the mornings.”
“Oof, for your sake I hope not,” she shudders. “The morning rush is wild, you’ve got no idea.”
“Oh, I’ve got some idea, I’ve seen that drive thru line,” he smirks, leaning his elbows on the counter. Unconsciously she takes a step closer, leaning against the other side of the wood, a mere couple of feet between them.
“I’m literally triggered by the words ‘drive thru’,” she says, with an exaggerated eye twitch that makes him laugh.
“Alright, alright, I won’t bring it up again, my bad,” he raises his hands in supplication, an almost prayer, watching her nose wrinkle and rearrange the pattern of the freckles there.
“Well, anyways, can I get a cold brew, please?” she sighs, looking at him under her lashes.
“You got it,” he nods, tapping the counter. “Perfect day for it, too.” They both glance out the wide front windows of the café, where the patio furniture is arranged under a well-shaded awning strung with criss-crossed globe lights. In the midsummer afternoon, it’s a perfect place to be lazy in public, to sip a drink and read, to pretend to be the sort of person who gets to do those things in the middle of the day.
“It is,” she sighs, looking wistfully at the patio.
“You can go on and get a seat,” he lowers his voice as a couple new customers shuffle into the café. “I’ll bring it out to you.”
“Oh, you sure?” She glances around, noticing that he seems to be the only staff member here. Their shop is laughably less busy than hers, able to survive on a single barista for any length of time during the day, but she still doesn’t want to make more work for him. “I don’t mind waiting.”
“Nah, it’s no problem,” he smiles, dimpling his scruffy cheeks. “I’ll have it out in a minute.”
She’s back out the door and at her favorite table; he can see her from his place behind the bar, with her feet tucked up on the sturdy outdoor ottoman, her bag stuffed under her chair and book already cracked open in her lap. She’s not looking at the page, though - the beautiful day seems to distract her, as she lifts her face into the breeze and stretches her legs out further across the ottoman, spreading out to catch even more of the sunlight.
Wanda hip checks him as she breezes through from the kitchen, having come in through the back door.
“Your girl here today?” she teases, raising one brow suggestively. Bucky scowls at her, embarrassed and flustered and a little guilty.
“She’s not my girl, Wanda,” he corrects her. “She’s just a customer.”
“Pretty regular customer,” Wanda shrugs.
“Doesn’t mean anything. We’ve got plenty of regulars.”
“No other regulars that you look at like that.”
He doesn’t respond. Turning his back on her, he takes a straw from the condiment bar and grabs the cup of cold brew he just poured, and stalks around the counter towards the door.
Wanda stands in the kitchen door, a bin full of dirty dishes under her arm, and watches as he crosses the patio, tucking one hair behind his ear and smiling at the sweet girl with the book in her lap. The girl smiles back, squinting in the bright summer sun, and laughs at something Bucky says, while Buck ducks his head and shoves his hands in his front pockets. He lingers, lingers far longer than required for delivering a single cup of cold brew.
Yeah, sure. She’s just a regular, alright.
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bubbyleh · 4 years
Do I Know You? - Chapter 1
Chapter 1: Black Mesa Research Facility
“Hey boss? I got a bit of an issue when it comes to filling that position in Anomalous Materials.”
“Seriously? You’re coming to me for a simple hiring problem?”
“Well, I figured I should run this by you, first. We got this great applicant, yeah? Perfect, could do great things in the field, blah blah blah, stuff like that. Anmat seemed real excited about him.”
“So why are you here?”
“See, as a precaution, I run potential hires through the system. And I can’t fathom why, but this guy is on our blacklist.”
“And Anmat wants to hire him anyway?”
“I’d be lying if I said he wouldn’t be a valuable asset to the company.”
“Let me check. What’s his name?”
“Isaac Kleiner.”
“Alright… Kleiner… Isaac… Oh.”
“What is it?”
“Yeah, this is old. He got a pre-emptive blacklisting almost forty years ago due to a project in Biological Research, but that’s been pretty much abandoned by now. You can give Anomalous Materials the go-ahead to hire him.”
“Thanks, boss. I’ll let them know immediately.”
- ○ -
Working at Black Mesa is, honestly, not at all what Isaac Kleiner was expecting.
The entire facility is a shoddy mess of occupational hazards and shoddy wiring, to the point where a single disaster could honestly take down a whole building. Kleiner’s been on more than one shaky tram ride that he was convinced would end with him and the other passengers falling to the ground below. It’s only thanks to the hundreds of lengthy NDAs and thousands of dollars of hush money that Black Mesa hasn’t been taken to court.
Also, the supervisors here are terrible. They push their workers to their breaking points, just trying to wring as much productivity out of them as they can before they have to spend all their vacation days for a break. It’s not an unheard of practice in research facilities, but still, Kleiner thinks they’re way more extreme than anywhere else.
But the people… the people at Black Mesa are something else. And in a break from the trend, that’s not a bad thing.
For example, Harold Coomer! Kleiner met him his first week, which was natural, considering they work in the same department. Anomalous Materials is a bit of a rigid working environment, but despite his clearly robotic arms and legs, Coomer seems friendly enough.
There is one incident, though.
Kleiner is struggling to yank his lab coat from the back of his locker. He’s starting to regret not organizing beforehand, but he supposes he can always do it later.
That’s why he’s a bit distracted when Coomer glances into his locker as he passes. And it’s the reason he’s so startled when he shouts, “Oh, what a lovely pair!”
At first, Kleiner assumes—or rather, hopes—that Coomer is talking about the photo of his parents that he has perched on the upper shelf. It is, after all, the bigger of the two frames he has, so obviously it would draw more attention. But no, when Kleiner turns to face Coomer, he finds that he’s fully focused on the smaller picture, where a small boy sits beaming, holding an infant in his lap.
“Is that of you?” Coomer tilts his head as he asks.
Silently, Kleiner glances between the picture and Coomer. Making a decision, he reaches from the picture, holding it out to Coomer.
He points to the boy, a slight smile on his face as he says, “That’s me. I was around five and a half, here.”
“Really?” Coomer seems to inspect the photo for a moment. “You know what? I think I can see it.” He looks back at the photo. “Who’s the baby, then?”
“Ah, that’s-” Kleiner swallows down a few emotions. “That’s my sister, Bethany. My only sibling.”
“She looks like quite the darling,” Coomer comments, and if that doesn’t bring back the decades of lost time…
“Goodness, no,” Kleiner laughs breathlessly. “She was the crankiest little baby ever. Hated everyone outside of our family, could barely get to sleep…” He remembers late nights, standing by his mother with his hands over his ears as she fruitlessly tried to get Bethany to sleep. In those moments, he used to wish desperately that she would just disappear, so the three of them could finally get some sleep.
Well, half of that wish came true.
“That picture was a bit of a fluke,” Kleiner explains. “She, er… we lost her a few weeks after.”
Coomer’s face drops. “I’m sorry, I wouldn’t have-”
“No, it’s fine.” Kleiner places the picture back in his locker, closing it firmly. “I like to remember her.”
- ○ -
Kleiner meets Coomer’s partner about a week later, though only briefly. He’s sitting in the Anomalous Materials office, Coomer stood in front of him, reading over his equation. He rubs his chin and glares at the mathematics.
“Something’s clearly wrong with it, but I can’t figure out,” Kleiner sighs. “I’ve read the whole thing over ten times.”
“Maybe you should take a break and come back to it later,” Coomer suggests, almost hopefully. “A clear head could help your productivity.”
“I need it done by tomorrow, as well as about ten other things,” Kleiner frowns. “If I don’t finish it now, I might forget it.”
“Well, you could-”
They’re interrupted by the office door bursting open along with a shout of, “HAROLD!”
Standing in a doorway is a lanky figure, taller than either of them. They’re wearing a sweater and jeans and, notably, no lab coat. They’ve got thick glasses, just like Kleiner. They have the same brownish-black hair as him, too, even starting to gray in the same way Kleiner had a few years earlier.
Despite being a stranger, they’re eerily familiar.
Coomer’s reaction shocks Kleiner out of his weird deja vu. “Ah, Bubby! What are you doing here?”
As they approach, Bubby—apparently—produces a brown paper bag. “You left your lunch at home.”
“Oh!” Coomer realizes, taking the bag. “I guess I did. Thank you, darling.”
Bubby mumbles something to themself, but Coomer doesn’t seem to listen as he wraps an arm around their hips, pulling them to his side. “Bubby, this is Isaac Kleiner!” He gestures towards the man. “We work together here.”
Finally, Bubby seems to notice Kleiner. They squint at him, almost appearing confused by his presence. But that barely lasts a few seconds, as they quickly mutter, “Uh, hi,” and look away.
“Kleiner, this is my partner, Bubby,” Coomer explains. “They work in Chemical Engineering, but they’re off for the week since the trams are offline.”
“It’s, uh-” The sense of familiarity returns. “It’s nice to meet you.”
Bubby shifts on their feet. “They said I had to be in and out, so-” They catch sight of the paper in Coomer’s hand. “You wrote x instead of a.”
And after pressing a quick kiss to Coomer’s head, Bubby is gone.
Coomer looks back at the equation. “Well, look at that! They’re right!” He hands it back to Kleiner, pointing out the error.
Almost mindlessly, Kleiner takes his work back. Something about the encounter leaves him unsettled.
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etherealwaifgoddess · 4 years
One In A Million - Chpt.10
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Summary: Now that you’ve made up your mind to stay, you can finally start planning out your future with the guys.
Word Count: 3.8k
Author’s Note: Hello lovelies! This is it, the last chapter! I feel like it’s gone so fast but here we are. The epilogue will be going up next so stay tuned. XOXO - Ash
Chapter Ten
Now that you’ve made up your mind to stay, your job in the typing pool seems just a little more mundane. It was fine for the interim while you were just biding time before going back, but now you can’t possibly see yourself doing this for the next forty years. The only problem is, you don’t have your degree in this time and you most likely won’t be able to get a job in a lab even if you did. Money isn’t a problem compliments of your supposed Sparrow status with the SSR but you don’t want to live off of that forever. You want to do something, anything, to keep busy. You’re daydreaming, walking the quiet early morning streets of Brooklyn when it comes to you. Or rather, you come to it.
Science was your first love and always would be, but your second love was books. When you stumble across the public library you can’t help but go inside. Public libraries are the same no matter what decade you’re in. The long, tall rows of books, the musty scent of paper thick in the air, children and adults alike lost in their reading. It’s comforting and reminds you of your childhood. You approach the harried looking girl at the main desk with a smile. “Excuse me. Hi. I’d like to get a library card, please.” you tell her.
The girl looks up through thick rimmed glasses with a smile of her own. “Sure, I just need you to fill out this slip and I’ll get you set up.” she hands you a three by five card for your name and address and you scrawl your information down for her. It dawns on you that you’ll never get to use your real name again. You’ll forever be Rose Rogers now and while there’s a small pang of loss for your old name, you could do a lot worse than being Mrs. Rogers. Handing your card back to the girl she files it quickly into the rolodex that houses everyone’s information. You stifle your laugh at how archaic it seems compared to the ease of saving information on a computer. 
The girl hands you a card with your name filled out on it and yawns loudly before she can get out a tired, “Here you go.”
“Long day?” you ask sympathetically. 
“The longest. Doreen had her baby and now she’s not coming back so we’re all working doubles trying to pick up the slack. We don’t even have anyone for the children's story time tomorrow now. It’s a mess.” 
“Are you looking to replace her? I used to volunteer at the library in school so I’m familiar with the Dewey Decimal System. I moved here not too long ago and I’m looking for work.” 
“Really? That would be amazing. Can you come back tomorrow to meet with Mr. Cooper? He runs the place and will be the one who has final say, but if you know what the Dewey Decimal is I’m sure he’ll take you. Most girls coming in take forever to train.” 
“Sure, what time?”
The girl, whose name you learn is Lorna, checks the calendar in the back and then gives you a time frame to stop by in. She promises to give her boss a heads up that you’re coming in so hopefully he’s expecting you. Lorna jokes that she’ll put in a good word for you too since you seem a heck of a lot nicer than Doreen ever was.
You want to tell the guys about your potential new job but also don’t want to jinx anything. Your supervisor at the SSR is kind and lets you take an early lunch for a “doctor’s appointment” so that you can run across town to meet Mr. Cooper at the library. After you explain your experience, you really did volunteer at your high school’s library, he hires you on the spot, offering for you to start the following week. You feel guilty going back to the office to put in your notice and wonder if this means the bank account you were given will be retracted when you quit. There’s a gnawing feeling in the pit of your stomach when you wonder if your new job will pay enough to keep you afloat the way you have been. It’ll be tighter for sure but you do the math quickly in your head and think it should all work out. 
You pop into Agent Wilson’s office when you get back to the office, wanting to rip the band-aid off rather than worrying about what if’s. 
“Rose, good to see you again.” Wilson stands to greet you as you step into his office.
“You as well, Agent Wilson.” you reply shaking his hand.
“And to what do I owe this visit? Is the reception pool treating you well?”
“Very well sir, thank you. But about that actually. I’ve found another job that’s more aligned with my career goals. I’ve been given the opportunity to be a librarian and it’s closer to where my husband and I moved. I know I was set up here due to my… status, but I’ll be staying in Brooklyn and would like to set up a real life here. I understand if you’ll need the funds back from the account I was given and I have a personal check here so you can access and close the account. I haven’t used all that much so far.” 
“Rose, Rose, slow down a minute. The SSR takes care of its assets even when they choose to leave the life. You were never obligated to stay here after declaring Sparrow protocol. The account is yours, we cut ties to the funds as soon as identities are handed out, we have no desire to take that security from you. I’m happy for you, that you’ve made a life here. Most girls don’t re-acclimate as easily and it’s a blessing when they do. I hope you’ll stop by from time to time to say hello.” 
“I will, thank you sir. Truly, thank you.” 
“It’s no trouble at all. Just let Marge know you’re moving on, she’ll understand. And take care of yourself.”
“Thank you, you too.” You shake Agent Wilson’s hand once again and head out into the more brightly lit main office. 
Marge and the girls are sad to see you go and you offer to stay on until the end of the week so as not to leave them in the lurch. Marge insists you’re free to go whenever but the girls plan a goodbye party for you for Friday. 
Steve is home when you get back, Bucky will be along in another hour but you can’t wait to share your good news. Steve is over the moon for you, though he does admit he wishes you had told them you weren’t happy in the typing pool. They would have encouraged you to find something new sooner like you and Bucky had done for him when he took the job at the paper. Never one to miss an opportunity to celebrate, Steve goes down the block under the guise of getting a loaf of bread to go with dinner. He comes back with bread and glossy chocolate cake, Congratulations written in cursive on top in bright white lettering. You’re kissing Steve and giggling when Bucky finally comes home, tired and worn out from his day. 
“What’s all this then?” he asks, setting his coat on the hook by the door. 
“Our girl has some really great news, Buck.” Steve tells him, a hand still around your waist.
You hold the cake up to show him the writing on top with a smile. 
Bucky’s face crumples, shock and hope and awe flickering across it as he crosses the room to the two of you. You can’t figure out what has him so moved until he presses his rough palms against your belly. “Rose?” he croaks through a tight throat.
“Oh!” you gasp, realizing what he was thinking. “No, no, not that. I’m sorry for scaring you. We probably should have been clear right off the bat. I got a new job. I’m going to be a librarian starting next week.” 
The light in Bucky’s eyes dims for a second before he can rally himself to be excited for you. “That’s wonderful, darlin’. I’m so proud of you. I always thought you were too smart to be sitting around in a typing pool anyway.” 
“Thanks, baby. Dinner is almost ready, why don’t you go wash up?” 
Bucky gives you a smile that doesn’t quite meet his eyes and heads off to the bedroom to change. 
You look to Steve who looks as thrown off as you are. “He’ll be okay.” Steve assures you, giving you a quick hug, “Let’s go finish up.” he takes your hand and leads you back to the kitchen where you fall back into an easy rhythm preparing dinner for the three of you. 
The celebratory air of dinner is somehow dimmed by Bucky’s reaction to your news. You had never really put much thought into a family of your own. It makes sense that Bucky would want one, he came from a large, loving family after all. And in this era, men are taught to aspire to having a wife and family of their own. Your birth control shot was up to date when you left but it should have run out a month or two ago. Now that you’re thinking about it, it’s sheer luck that you aren’t pregnant by now and you make a mental note to be more careful going forward. You can’t exactly get a Depo booster in the ‘40s and the birth control pill won’t even be invented for another eight years. You’ll just have to time your cycle and be careful going forward. Unless. Unless you don’t want to be. Images of a little boy with floppy blonde hair and bright blue eyes comes to mind, followed by a little girl with chestnut curls and wide grey-blue eyes. You could have that, if you wanted. If they wanted. You’d never thought to ask until now, and now that you have, the questions are burning bright in your chest. 
The three of you are sitting in the living room when you finally can’t stand it anymore. “We need to talk about this.” you announce, setting down your book. Steve looks up from his sketch pad, startled.
“I’m sorry, darlin’.” Bucky sighs setting aside his crossword puzzle. “It was your big night and I’ve ruined it by bein’ dumb.” 
“You’ve done no such thing.” you scold him lightly, “But your face when you thought. Well. When you thought I was pregnant. Baby, is that something you want? Because if it is, we have to talk about this.” 
“It’s not right for me to ask you to-”
“James Buchanan Barnes.” you cut him off, “We are all adults here. You are not asking me for a damn thing. We need to be able to talk about what we want, all of us. That includes you, Steve. If we all want the same thing then great, if we don’t then we need to talk it out and come to an agreement. Now, let’s start over. Bucky, do you want to have a baby with me?”
Bucky’s jaw drops, stunned by your outburst and the frankness of which you’re talking about things. “God,” he sighs, raking a hand through his hair, “Of course I do. The idea of seeing you all full up with a baby, our baby. It kills me, darlin’. I’d have as many little chubby babies runnin’ around here as we could stand. Maybe a few little bratty blonde ones too.” he gives Steve a smirk and Steve visibly pales.
“Stevie, honey, what’s wrong?” you ask, worried.
“No, I can’t. I won’t. You know how often I get sick and how bad it can get. Believe it or not, it was worse when I was a kid. I was on death’s door more times than I can count. Nothing about my body has ever worked the way it should, why would I want to put some poor kid through all that too? Of course I want a little baby with your eyes and my smile, but what kind of life am I setting it up for when it’s half me? I couldn’t bear it.” 
“Stevie, no.” Bucky croaks, rushing over to him and lifting him off of his chair. Bucky slides into his seat, pulling Steve onto his lap so he can hold him tightly, tears shining bright in his eyes. “You would be the most amazing papa to any kid. And our girl is strong, who says your kids would have even one of the problems you had? They might be all her and only get your sass. We can’t know for sure.” 
“He’s right.” you chime in, “We wouldn’t know for sure if a baby of ours would have your health issues. And even if they did, medicine is getting better every day. They wouldn’t necessarily have such a rough time even if they did have issues. Be honest, honey. Do you want a baby with me?”
Steve thinks for a long moment, giving into the warmth radiating from Bucky. “I don’t think I need it to be my own. I want a baby with you, but if it’s Bucky’s I’d be just as happy if it were my own. And then we wouldn’t have to worry about it being sick like me.” 
“You’re always so worried about us, what about you?” Bucky asks you. 
“I never really thought I’d have a family but I think I want one now, with you two. Not saying right now. I’d like to hold off a little while so we can enjoy it just being the three of us for a bit, but someday. Yeah. It might be nice to have a few little kids running around.” 
“Let’s give it a year.” Steve suggests, “We’ll take the time to get you settled at your new job and start saving up. Maybe take a vacation too while it’s just us. Then next year we can decide if we want to try or hold off. I’ll go with you to the doctor’s if you want one of those diaphragms. Or me and Buck could start buying rubbers. Whatever you want. We probably should’a thought of this sooner.” 
“It’s okay, I wasn’t thinking about it either. Condoms are easier and I can track things so we’d only have to use them when I’m fertile.” 
“Whatever you want, doll.” Steve assures you, getting up from his spot on Bucky’s lap and joining you on the sofa to pull you in for a long hug.
“All I want is you. Both of you.” you whisper against his neck. 
Bucky is silent as a ghost as he slips in on your other side so you’re sandwiched between your guys. You can’t help but be relieved that the conversation was easier than you expected. It’s hard to believe Steve is so fearful of his DNA being passed along but it makes sense after everything he’s battled in his life. Maybe someday he’ll change his mind but you’re not going to push him. 
Leaving the girls at the typing pool is bittersweet. You exchange addresses and phone numbers so you can stay in touch and promise to host a girl’s night as soon as you can. You’re surprised to realize that you really had made a few good friends at the SSR and that you’ll miss the community of your little group. 
Your first day of work at the library proves to be easier than you expected. A grey haired woman named Agnes gives you a tour before training you on the rolodex and their filing system. It’s more complicated than scanning things into a computerized system but at least it’s easy to understand. Checking in and out books takes a few minutes of finding people’s cards and logging their books, stamping each with a due date before handing them back. No one seems to mind though, happily chatting with you while you log their books. Agnes explains that Doreen, who apparently no one will miss, used to lead the children’s story time on Monday mornings. Agnes claims her arthritis acts up making it hard to hold the books up for too long so you’re given the task going forward. You can’t really complain, the children are eager and sweet, cheering when you do funny voices and build suspense. 
By the end of the day you’re already planning improvements for the library. You’ve caught on quickly and couldn’t help but notice a few improvements that would help. You worry about rocking the boat, being so new, but Agnes encourages you to have at it. She claims they haven’t changed a thing since Grover Cleveland was in office. You spend your first week making small adjustments to make everyone’s lives easier. It’s not too much, just rearranging the main desk a little, decorating the children’s area to make it more cheery, setting out books to feature on the end caps of isles to draw people in. 
Your second week you decide to start deep cleaning. There’s always two of you there at the same time and the other women, most of them closer to Agnes’ age than yours, are content to sit behind the desk all day while you put books back and tidy up. You run around one Tuesday afternoon with a duster, going over every surface in the whole library. The next morning you attack the tall windows with newspapers and ammonia. You pick up a bottle of Murphy’s oil at the corner drug store and spend two days rubbing down every bit of wood in the place. By the end of that week you’re exhausted but happy and the library has never looked better. The other girls are still chattering the next week about much better it looks and how even the patrons are commenting. Mr. Cooper is apparently fretting that you’re too good for them and won’t last long there. You assure them you’re happy and plan on being there for the long haul. 
Steve and Bucky both notice a difference in you when you come home tired and sweaty at night. Bucky jokes they could use you down at the docks with how hard you work. They both comment on how much happier you seem and you agree with them. Working with books is much more fulfilling than typing all day. You want to expand their children’s program to twice a week, story time on Mondays and a craft time on Thursdays. You spend your free time at work putting together a plan to present to Mr. Cooper for permission. The library as it is now is nice, but it could be so much more. You want it to be a haven for the community, the way yours was growing up. You could coordinate study nights with the local schools and host literacy nights for adults who never had a chance to learn. Bucky and Steve listen as you ramble about the plans you have and exchange knowing smiles. You’re happier now than they’ve ever seen you and it seems your career change was exactly what you needed to really thrive. And you are thriving now, shockingly more than you think you ever did in modern times. You’ve found your place back time with your guys and your community. 
By the time your jump point comes it’s easier than you expected to write the letter to your team. You tell them you’ve found happiness, a new career, and a love that triumphs all. You apologize for disrupting the timeline and explain that you’re certain there’s not steering it back on course. The slight over shooting of the jump date and your suggestions on what adjustments are needed to make the calibrations more precise are included as well. You make a list of everything you think might be useful for the research and let them know where the rest of your notes are kept in your desk. You don’t know what will be helpful to them and if they can’t have you, they can at least have your notes. You whip up a batch of brownies for the typing pool girls, an easy ploy to gain access to the inside of the SSR office so you can get downstairs in time. It’s with a guilty conscience that you chase a mouse around the trash bin out back, needing something to put the note and brooch on. You fashion the poor little field mouse a bow out of one of your ribbons, clipping the brooch to the back and the folded up letter as well. Thankfully the poor thing is too frightened to put up much of a fight and you stash the little guy in your pocketbook. 
The girls at the typing pool are thrilled to see you when you show up with the pan of brownies. The container is quickly emptied and you beg off to go wash it and say hello to one of the receptionists before leaving. You have six minutes to get set up. Quietly as you can, you slip down to the basement, setting up your jump point and counting down softly to the poor little mouse who’s trembling in your hand. You adjust it’s bow, note, and brooch one last time before sitting it down and activating the transport. The gemstone on the brooch flashes, once, twice, and a third time, the mouse holding blessedly still out of fright. You’re scarcely able to breathe until the white glow starts up and in a bright flash the mouse is gone. A few tears slip out despite yourself, silently wishing the little mouse well in the 21st century. You hope your team carries on their work and goes on to do even more great things. A part of you will always miss them but you know you’re where you’re meant to be. 
You wipe your eyes, sniffling back the rest of your tears, and head back upstairs to say goodbye to the girls before you have to get to work across town at the library. It’s craft day for the kids and you’re going to be teaching them how to make hand print flowers. The craft is certain to be messy, creative, and loads of fun. 
The bright early summer sun blinds you as you step outside onto the bustling city sidewalk and it hits you. This is your life now. There is no last chance to take it back anymore. You are permanently living in this time with your guys, and your job, and your new friends. You take a deep breath of balmy city air and know you wouldn’t want it any other way. 
Tag list! @wolfarrowepz​
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canaryatlaw · 3 years
okay, well today was fine I guess. I didn't have court but did have clinic, yet I ended up sleeping most of the morning anyway, though I somehow ended up not getting caught, so I guess that worked out. the rest of the day was spent doing random things and eventually our weekly meeting. I've been stressed out all week about this response that's due tomorrow and putting it off, but I knew I had to get it done today. after finishing my main work stuff, I took a break from that to write up my Batwoman episode notes, then recorded our weekly episode at 7. Once we finished, I worked on the response and finished it up while watching Billions, I hope it turned out alright, I sent it to my supervisor to take a look at, but we'll see what she has to say before I submit it. I'm supposed to be on summer hours tomorrow (half-day) but we'll have to see how things play out as last time I pretty much ended up working the whole day anyway, hopefully it'll be better this time. and yeah, at some point after 10 I switched over to the news and then Jimmy Kimmel to watch for a bit before going to shower and start getting ready for bed and now I'm sleepy despite sleeping in, so I'm going to go to bed now. Goodnight babes. Happy Friday.
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yournewapartment · 4 years
Have you or your followers ever taken work problems to corporate? One of my coworkers is sexually harassing customers and one assistant manager is regularly late (like 3-4 hrs if she shows at all). My manager knows and just... won't reprimand them? Can't even tell my district manager because he won't address it either. Everyone else just accepts it; I'm sick of it but don't wanna lose my job. 😥
I personally have never taken a complaint to corporate, but I have taken a complaint to HR at a large organization. I’m happy to share my experience, but hopefully there are some followers who have dealt with corporate HR. I’m sure there are some differences...
I worked at a very toxic workplace at a college. I was warned multiple times by other people at the college that this particular office was super toxic and that I would likely not do well there. But I needed the money, so I said fuck it! I was bullied, I saw other people bullied, and unfortunately half of the office followed one set of procedures, and the other half followed different procedures. So no matter what I did, I was getting yelled at. The woman who was supposed to train me was relentlessly bullied by the rest of the office. She would teach me a procedure, go on lunch, only for me to have coworkers approach me and tell me that she was “crazy” and to not do what she trained me to do. So then she’d come back and yell at me.  You’d walk in every morning, say “good morning”, and no one would respond! The office next door’s to our’s shared a wall, and they complained to HR about some of the practices that were going on.
Obviously- I wanted to quit. But my fear was that if I quit or complained, it would tarnish my name. I’d been working at different departments around the college since 2012, and I had built up many great relationships. I also didn’t want to ruin my prospects of being hired for another job on campus, because I was primarily a temp worker. I went back and forth about filing a formal complaint with all of my grievances, but ultimately decided that I would not. My job was going to end soon, and I could make up some sort of excuse about not coming back without burning any bridges. 
I was so stressed out that I was losing sleep. I started seeing a massage therapist because I had so much anxiety and dread. Two days before I was scheduled to go on break, there was a lunch party. A coworker of mine who was a plus-sized lady had not been invited to the party because she was working in a different office. When discussion was brought up about someone bringing her a plate of food, my supervisor April literally said: “Yes, we’ve gotta bring the cookie monster a plate.” And then they laughed about it!
Right after work I stormed over to the HR department and just broke down in tears, telling them everything that had happened. They told me (as I had heard before) that there had had multiple complaints about this specific department. I told them that I was going to quit the next day. They told me that they would inquire about this situation. They also said that they would wait until I had left the department to begin the investigation! So that I wouldn’t be uncomfortable at work tomorrow (which was supposed to be my last scheduled day before break). The HR worker told me she would follow up with me after work tomorrow to check in before contacting my boss and supervisor. 
I walked into an ambush at work the next day. My shitty boss and supervisor literally threw me a good bye party. I kid you not! HR went to my supervisor that night, as well as the head of my department. My supervisor and boss then told all my coworkers that I was leaving. And they threw me a party. Before I even had a chance to quit formally or speak to my boss. The HR worker never followed up with me about what happened, BTW. 
When I did finally speak to my boss, she assured me that my supervisor had not said what I reported her as saying. And I politely disagreed. My boss then cried to me in her office, asking why I hadn’t just come to her in the first place. (Because Angela, you literally threw me a surprise going away party and told everyone I was quitting before talking to me and are BFFs with my supervisor you bitch). I’m a fucking Libra, so of course I was like, LOL FAM, no worries! I’m sure it’s just a big misunderstanding!!! I left that night and never came back. 
Anyways- I thought I was ruined. But a month later the HR office called me (because I was a temp worker) and asked me to fill in for one of their workers while they were out. I had to sit in the same building right next to that old office, and all of my old coworkers had to walk by me to use the bathroom. And they clearly saw that I had been brought back to the college and by HR specifically because I was trustworthy enough to fill in for one of the HR people! It was AMAZING. They couldn’t even meet my eyes. 
I still work at the college, and every time I run into one of them they look shocked to see me there. Actually, about three months after I left, I got a call from an old co-worker in that department. She sobbed on the phone to me telling me how Angela had told their entire department what a little liar I was. She assured me that she did not believe them, because they had been treating her like shit as well. She cried that she had cancer and couldn’t deal with the stress. I told her to go to HR! I don’t know if she ever did. 
Anyways... quitting was the best decision I made of my whole life. I’m super proud about standing up for my co-worker (even if she never found out about it). I vow to never again work somewhere so toxic, and that’s that. I still avoid that section of campus when I have to go there for work. But all in all, glad I went to HR and got out of there. It may have not done anything, but I felt better that I had done everything I could do.
Followers- any stories to share?
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starcountesseevee · 3 years
A Rocket Coincidence (Part 29)
Part 28 / Part 30
     *Sorry about this morning.* Kali shot off a text to Cole as she plopped down on the couch. Cliff had left, he had to finish work for the day, but promised he could come back after and Kali had offered to cook dinner - something Cliff readily agreed with. While the food was in the oven she took the moment to relax and hopefully make amends, even if it was only through text. After a few minutes of scrolling through social media Kali began to worry, Cole usually texted back fairly quickly. Maybe he was still upset about earlier? When he did finally answer she was surprised to see how long it was and a sinking feeling began growing in the pit of her stomach as she read.
     *I appreciate the apology but the thing is...I don’t think we can hang out anymore. While I enjoyed training with you knowing that you are...aligned with Team Rocket...that just isn’t the kind of people I want to be around. So I think it’s best if we go our separate ways.* 
     *What? Where is this coming from? I’m not “aligned” with them, I’m not on their team, I just happen to be seeing someone on it.*
     *But isn’t that the same thing? I don’t see how you could...be that close to someone and not share their views. And it’s not just someone, is it? Blanche filled me in on who that was after you left and...don’t you realize they’re the bad guys?* 
     *Bad guys? That’s a bit juvenile, isn’t it? And anyway, how can you say that after the way Blanche treated me yesterday? Bad is subjective and nothing any of the other teams has shown me says that they’re the “good guys”. Not everything is black and white. I thought you were more open minded than that.*
     It was a few more minutes before her Pokegear buzzed again and she had begun to assume that was the end of it. 
     *Look, I really don’t want to fight about it. Especially not over text. And you’re entitled to your own opinions. But...it’s more than just that. I like you. A lot. More than friends. And...I thought we could be just that but I can’t. And knowing everything now...I just can’t keep hanging out with you. I’m sorry. Good luck out there.*
     Kali stared at the message in disbelief, torn between being dumbstruck by the admission and anger that he wanted to end their friendship. She was pulled from her thoughts by the oven timer going off and the front door opening simultaneously. Taking a deep breath Kali tossed her Pokegear on the couch, unsure of whether she even wanted to answer at right now, and got up to take the food out of the oven as Mara greeted her. It didn’t take long for Mara to notice the three place settings and question it so Kali filled her in on the events of the day from making up with Cliff all the way up to her most recent texts with Cole before Mara went to get cleaned up for dinner. 
     When the doorbell rang Kali was still rushing to get everything on the table. At the unexpected sound Nero, Mara’s Houndour, began yipping and circling in the hallway excitedly. 
     “Be right there!” Kali shouted as she set the last dish down on the table while Mara pulled an anxious Nero into her bedroom and shut the door. Wiping her hands on her apron Kali made her way to the door, opening it with a grin. She was glad to see the Team Rocket uniform had been swapped out for a pair of dark jeans with a blue button up made casual with rolled up sleeves and the top couple buttons undone. It was a very good look on him she had to admit as he leaned in to give her a kiss before handing her a wrapped bouquet of pink roses, lilies, and tulips. “Wow, these smell amazing.”
     “Glad you like them.” While they had made up earlier he figured this little extra gesture wouldn’t hurt. 
      “Dinner is ready.” Kali beamed as she led him inside for the second time today. “Why don’t you have a seat at the table while I find something to put these in?” 
     “Oh good, does this mean we can finally eat?” Mara sauntered in from the hallway and Cliff stood to greet her, extending his hand to shake. 
     “Nice to see you again, Mara.” He smiled warmly as she raised a brow, giving him an appraising look before shaking. 
     “Wow, such a gentleman.” 
     “Mar!” Kali called from the kitchen, meeting her best friend’s gaze with a hard look of her own. This was not how she wanted dinner to go.
     “What? It was a compliment.” 
     “Mhm.” She knew Mara well enough to not believe her. Tossing her apron on the counter Kali grabbed a bottle of wine and took a seat at the table as well while Mara began dishing out the main course. A few minutes later everyone had full plates and mouths and the tension that had begun to build was gone. “How was the rest of your day at work?”
     “Fine, nothing too exciting...unlike the morning.” Cliff winked at her and bit back a laugh as Kali’s face tinged red. 
     “So Kali tells me you’re on Team Rocket?” Mara questioned, blatantly ignoring the look Kali shot her. “What do you do there?” 
     “I’m one of three Leaders that report directly to the boss. It’s...like a supervisor.”
     “Wow, sounds like a big deal.” There was definitely more than a bit of snark in Mara’s voice and Kali was half-tempted to kick her friend under the table. 
     “It is.” 
     “Oh?” The look Mara gave Kali said volumes. “Modest as well I see.” 
     “That’s something I’ve never claimed to be.” Cliff joked back, saving Kali from having to scold her best friend for the moment. 
     “More wine? Isn’t this one great?” Kali stood up to refill everyone’s glasses, trying to provide a distraction and hopefully steer the conversation in a different direction but Mara was having none of it.
     “Thanks. So what exactly do you supervise?” 
     “My team of Grunts, day-today operations, makin’ sure what needs to get done gets done.” 
     “Sounds like a lot of responsibility.” 
     “You could say that.” 
     “So what are your intentions with Kali?” 
     “Mara!” This time Kali did kick her under the table. 
     While the two friends bickered Cliff couldn’t help but laugh. “Why do I feel like I’m meeting the parents?” 
     “Kali is like a sister to me and I’m basically the closest thing to family she’s got.” Mara responded before Kali could stop her, giving Cliff a firm look as she did so. “I’ve known her longer than anyone so pardon me if I’m a little protective.” 
     “Mara-” Kali began but Cliff’s hand across hers made her pause. 
     “I understand.” The corner of his mouth twitched up with a half smile. “I would probably be the same with anyone that tries to date my sister. But I can promise you, I care a lot for Kali and would never do anything to hurt her.” 
     “Satisfied now?” Kali practically hissed but Mara continued to hold Cliff’s gaze for a long moment. 
     “For now.” She finally replied nonchalantly before downing the rest of her glass and getting up with her empty plate. 
     As soon as she was back in the kitchen Kali mouthed an ‘I’m sorry’ to Cliff but he just waved it away, instead opting to bring her hand to his lips making her giggle. 
     “Okay, okay you two love birds get a room.” Mara rolled her eyes as she approached the table, grabbing the bottle of wine off it before heading off to her bedroom. “You’ve got shift tomorrow, don’t forget!” 
     Between the two of them cleanup went quickly, Kali found herself stealing many a glance at him as they did. Not only was he good looking but he also helped out with cleaning up? How did she get so lucky? She found herself wondering as he leaned down to load the last plates into the dishwasher. “You know, it’s not that late. And I think that new superhero movie with Galar Gadot is streaming...if you wanted to stay? I know we both have work in the morning but that just means we would both be-” She was cut off by Cliff pressing his fingers across her lips with a smile. 
     “Sure, doll. I’d like that.” 
     Kali grinned against his hand, taking it with her own and pressing kisses into it before leading him back to her bedroom for the second time that day. Snuggling into bed next to him she started the movie but as exciting as it was Kali found it hard to keep her eyes open. With the warm blankets and Cliff gently stroking her hair she quickly drifted off, not even waking when Cliff shut the movie off and pulled her closer before falling asleep himself.
Part 28 / Part 30
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cilldaracailin · 4 years
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So I went for a job interview today for a promotion within the childcare service that I work in. I have only ever worked in a room with the children but since we were back to work after lockdown, I have been in the office as a debute supervisor. A job came up for a debute manager and I decided I would go for it (God loves a trier right?....)
So I thought the interview went terrible when it came to answering questions about office work - (I was literally thrown in the deep end  after lockdown and was kinda floating rather than swimming a lot of the time, along with doing what I could and was shown to do as well as helping out the manager in the second service in the town) - I really didn’t have a great answer for those questions and actually said I don’t know a few times but gave as good an answer as I could from my ten years experience for the others. Went home thinking there is no chance I got that job, especially when the supervisor went for the job too.
Got back to work all the girls were asking how it was. I was like ‘meh it was alright, don’t think I got it’ and I was prepared to go back to my Pre-School room as the supervisor is back tomorrow.
Then was told an hour later by my manager that I GOT THE BLOODY JOB!
I am still in shock. I am now a Debute Manager of the creche I work in as of tomorrow and I am shitting it a little. (Or maybe a lot).
The work I need to do, is what I have been doing since I came back to work after lockdown with some more things so I know I can do it but still there is always that niggle of doubt. But me *points to herself* a debute manager. Never thought I would ever have a manager with my name!
Childcare is the only thing I have ever been good at or ever felt I did well and it feels like that yeah maybe I am doing it right and doing a good job and should finally believe in myself and what I can do.
In honour of this new found revelation (Still in shock) I am going to post some of my favourite pictures I have taken or have from over the last few years so make me smile and hopefully you all too.
(Might take a few posts as Tumblr limits to ten pictures a post.... and I have a lot!)
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This is the Island of Baru of the coast of Colombia in South America. Beautiful Caribbean beach with clear beach water and golden sand.
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Not that you would know, but trust when I say, that is me paragliding off the Andes in Colombia.
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One of those attempts at an arty picture from inside a church in a beautiful little town called Villa De Leyva in Colombia.
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One of my favourite pictures of me and my dog Lilah. Came in after a crappy night out with friends and it was like she knew and gave me a hug.
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When dreams can actually come true. I have loved dolphins since I was a kid and said that I wanted to be a dolphin therapist but I was always told it wasn’t a thing. Well in 2015 I proved it was a thing and went to study to become a dolphin therapist. That’s me in the water with a beautiful dolphin called Misha. It so specialised though so almost impossible to work in the field but I did it anyway.
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More dolphin pictures. Me and Misha have the craic in the water.
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So this was the time I bought a tunnel and going to train my dog to be one of the show dogs that could do amazing agility skills. I trained Lilah to go through the tunnel but that was where it stopped ‘cos she kept getting stuck! hahaha!
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Another one of those claw machine wins.....
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This is Lahinch Beach in Co. Clare in Ireland. Surfers paradise and a stunning beach. Ireland is so beautiful in the sun.
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That time I finally got to meet the lads from Busted and be what’s called the OMFG Zone for their concert. Its basically a much more peaceful mosh pit right in front of the stage in it’s own circular section. Best gig and I ain’t ashamed to admit to my love of Busted. A lot my fanfiction as a teenager were based on Busted.
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That chocolate biscuit cake that comes out every Christmas covered in malteasers.... Yum!
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Those second place white chocolate chip cookies! (If you read Robyn and Taron you know what I am talking about...)
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That one time another dream came true and I meet Ariel and told her that I was a dolphin therapist and had a conversation about the ocean. My ultimate and favourite Disney Princess.
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That one time I made a sugar cookie Christmas tree....
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That time “The Beast from the East” came. Storm Emma covered the place with snow for five days. There were eight foot snow drifts along the road I live on.
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When The Beach Boys came to Dublin and my parents and I went to see them and it was amazing! Such nostalgia!
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I know most people won’t get this reference if you are not Irish but this a tea cosy I knitted based on a children’s television character called Bosco who lived in a box. Huge part of my childhood.
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I ice Christmas cakes every year and this was one of my favourite designs, hand pipped on without a mistake. It’s such a cute tree!
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That time I paid €100 to go and see Hugh Jackman in concert and I was front and centre of the stage and it was bloody amazing!
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The circus theme caked I made with the girls from Pre-School for our Circus themed Graduation last year. Inside was a red and white cake with butter cream and was amazing! So proud of our fondant work!
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That time last year when another dream came through and I got to go and see Winter and Hope and PJ in Clearwater Florida and sat in front of the glass windows for ages just staring at them.
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Sunsets in Clearwater Florida. I don’t think it needs anything else said.
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That time I got to dress as Elsa for work for Halloween and loved every minute of it! ;)
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When I got to sing Somebody to Love with my amazing SuSo Gospel choir in the church in my home town.
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Carne Beach Co. Wexford where I spent nearly ever summer as a kid and it was amazing! Again, Ireland is stunning in the sun.
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When I got to go and see The Foo Fighters (again) in a place called Slane in Co. Meath. It’s a castle with huge ground where concerts are held every year and this gig was amazing. Apart from the horrible weather. It bucketed down with rain but I was prepared with layers, wellies, a giant warm coat and many ponchos. (This was before Dave Grohl fell off the stage in Germany and broke his leg).
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The Eiffel Tower at night.
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I don’t have a caption for this one. It speaks for it’s self and it I love everything about it.
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“How do you get a Pikachu on a bus? You Pokémon...” (Sorry not sorry, it makes me laugh every time!)
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Another one of those claw machine wins. A giant rainbow unicorn!
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The Christmas tree in the lobby of The Plaza Hotel in NYC. Stunning! (As is the afternoon tea! ;) )
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One of favourite pictures that I took in New York at Christmas last year. A beautifully lit tree and the Empire State building in the background.
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And last but not least, this beautiful, humble and wonderful person. I can’t take any credit for this picture but I had to put one in and it is definitely one of my favourites.
And that is them all! They all fitted. Just felt like sharing some picture love while I was still taking in my great news. Hopefully I will be ok in my new position and not bitten off more than I can chew! :)
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yoshiscribbles · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Fleur Delacour/Viktor Krum Characters: Fleur Delacour, Viktor Krum Additional Tags: Enemies to Lovers, Enemies to Friends, i mean they're not really enemies more like rivals i guess, Medical School AU, POV Fleur Delacour Summary:
Fleur meets a terrible miscreant before her first day of Healer school, and is livid when she realises that man is meant to be her partner for the rest of the year. Maybe first impressions aren't the best though, because as time passes it's hard to remember why she dislikes him so much.
This fills square T017 of my @hprarepairbingo card, which was a Prince and Me AU. Seeing as I have never seen the prince and me, a quick wiki search told me it's about a foreign prince who asked a girl to show him her boobs in a bar, only for her to realise that they go to the same med school or something. In here, Viktor is a Bulgarian prince who asked Fleur to teach him how to kiss in a bar and has been feeling mortified since instead. Fic under the cut!
This is the last time she’s going out with friends to celebrate the start of a semester, Fleur thinks as she stomps toward her apartment with that man's dumbfounded expression still lingering in her mind. She takes care nonetheless to be quiet as she opens the door to her room; after all, it is late and her roommate Aurélie does not deserve to bear the brunt of her ire. It seems her efforts have been in vain though, for the light turns out right as Fleur tiptoes to her room and Aurélie appears, standing near their shared dresser.
“Now what kind of trouble has my precious little flower gotten into this time?”
The sound of her native language when she's gotten used to hearing English all the time doesn’t help to lift Fleur mood, and she very pointedly doesn’t roll her eyes. They’re not even dating anymore, but the older girl still hasn’t given up on using that nickname for Fleur, and nothing seems likely to dissuade her at this point. (Fleur doesn’t feel fond of that nickname, she doesn’t. At all!)
“I’ll have you know that I avoided trouble today,” she says instead of protesting the nickname, which was undoubtedly Aurélie’s goal. She drop her purse on her bedside table and lets herself fall over the covers after. “I didn’t even punch that- that-“ Fleur looks for a word good enough to express her utter disdain, but eventually gives up. “That imbecilic slug of a boy!”
With a grunt of rage, Fleur turns over to punch her pillow, immediately feeling better. Maybe she can imagine it is that stranger's face she is punching, the way she had wanted to after he asked her to teach him how to kiss. She drops heavily on the bed, not even bothering to avoid the various clothes piled haphazardly on it.
“You’ve never punched anyone in your life Fleur,” Aurélie points out, the ever unwanted voice of wisdom. “You’d have hurt yourself as much as you’d have hurt him.”
“I’ve kicked plenty of people, and if you continue with your unwelcome commentary you’ll be the next,” Fleur grunts into her pillow instead of dignifying that with a calmer answer.
Fleur hears Aurélie laugh, and thus isn’t surprised to feel a dip in her bed before her friend’s fingers begin running through her hair. “See, this is why we broke up: you’re so violent, little flower.”
Fleur doesn’t protest the nickname only because she is too comfortable with her current position to jeopardise it by running her mouth. She’s proven right when Aurélie’s hands continue their motions. “And you should also focus your energy for more positive things, right? Your healer apprenticeship begins tomorrow and I know you’ll feel livid if you lose sleep and get there at anything less than your best because a stupid boy has you out of sorts.”
Aurélie’s words are right as usual, and Fleur is still level-headed enough to see the wisdom in them. She won’t lose sleep over this unfortunate event and hopefully she won’t have to see that boy ever again.
Of course that uncouth cad is the one in the room when she arrives for her internship assessment the next day.
“Yes, we’ve met already,” Fleur says, with a deliberately cool smile at her fellow student when her supervisor asks, but a polite tone of voice. He might be a cad, but she at least knows how to be professional.
“Oh, but that won’t do,” the Healer interrupts them before the boy can answer. “Healing might be a profession that seems solitary at first glance, but a lot of collaboration is necessary to ensure the adequate running of an institute such as ours. Therefore, the student at your side will become your most trusted confidant and partner for the entire duration of this internship.”
Fleur isn’t certain what her face does, but the other student’s face seems to have frozen in a mask of dread and unease that she feels mirrors her own feelings. He glances at her then quickly looks away, and she huffs, resolving to ignore him as much as possible.
“Go on,” the Healer says again, a wide beaming smile on her face. It's almost aggressively cheerful, and Fleur wonders if she feels relieved at the thought of a good-natured supervisor or exhausted by her enthusiasm. “Introduce yourselves, I’ll start. I am Healer Desrosiers, I like learning and traveling, I dislike lateness and when my cat doesn’t kiss me goodbye before I go to work, and I am here because I would like to impart my knowledge onto the future generation.”
She then gestures towards the two students for them to speak. Fleur does leave ample time for the boy to talk should he wish to, but seeing as he persists in stony silence while avoiding her gaze, she takes charge.
"My name is Fleur Delacour, I like... reading and most people, although I dislike presumptuous people and uncouth behaviour." There she makes sure, not to look at the man at her side, but she's sure he can feel how pointed her words are. With a bit of luck, maybe he'll understand that she doesn't want any further interactions with him. "And I am here because I want to help people recover."
Her supervisor smiles encouragingly, and Fleur likes her already. This would be the perfect assignment, if only... The boy speaks at last, his voice milder and quieter than Fleur had expected. "Viktor Krum. I like sports and family. I dislike being alone."
It's an... abrupt interruption to say the least, and Fleur can't help but expect him to continue. He doesn't, simply staring at Healer Desrosiers, who soon decides to make them visit their new workplace.
Throughout the day and the following week, Fleur keeps observing Krum. She doesn’t know exactly what kind of man she’d expected him to be. Outgoing perhaps, maybe even arrogant considering the abysmal first impression he’d made on her. Instead Krum is just… there. He doesn’t seem to go out of his way to be asocial, but he never approaches anyone first, and doesn’t bring anything to a conversation unless asked either. It takes a few weeks for her to notice, but it really seems like she’s the only one he talks to on a regular basis, and even that is only because they’re partnered for most their work.
He really doesn’t seem to have any friends, and first impressions aside, Fleur doesn’t know how to feel about that. It’s kind of sad after all. He’s quiet as they follow Healer Desrosiers around the hospital, but he’s also serious and diligent, nothing like the man she met so many nights ago. At first, she thinks he’s trying to impress her with his change of attitude, and resolves to not let her guard down. She’s met too many two-faced liars who behave differently in public and in private after all, and won't let herself be tricked by another one...
Working with Krum isn’t as much of a hassle as she expected it to be despite it all. As… uncouth as he’d been in that first meeting, his work ethic is irreproachable. In fact, if she didn’t have that first impression of him running through her head, she would probably find him as lovely as the rest of the staff seems to. It stings a little to see him so taciturn with her when she’s used to being a social butterfly with just about anyone else, but it doesn’t sting enough for her to take additional steps to solve the issue.
It is as she’s working on literature review, slugging through articles with more and more frustration as none of them even approach what she’s looking for that Fleur finally sees another side of him.
“What’s wrong?” Krum asks, and Fleur is too irritated by her research to even think about being irritated with him.
“None of these people knows how to write a good article,” she says, glaring at the book like she could telepathically set those researchers on fire with her mind. As predicted, nothing happens. Not even the thought of her father’s disappointed face at her behaviour will make her regret the attempt however. If they didn’t want people to curse their names, then they shouldn’t have written a misleading abstract.
“Which subject did you pick?” Krum asks again. Fleur turns to him. She hadn’t expected more than a commiserating groan, based on their previous interactions. He seems sincere though as he stands up from his desk to peer at her screen.
Fleur blinks quickly and focuses back on the text in an attempt to try and ignore how close he is to her. It’s a lost cause, for in that moment, the room seems cooler than usual and the heat of his body all too warm in comparison.
“The one about tissue substitutes. I’ve narrowed it down to a few materials, but I need to ensure none of them interact badly with potion ingredients, especially for internal organ linings. Of course, some of these articles are deliberately obtuse about their findings.” By the time she finishes her speech, Fleur’s irritation with those articles has overwritten her hyperawareness of Krum’s closeness.
He simply hums thoughtfully, and Fleur closes her eyes with a sigh as she realises that he probably doesn’t have anything of value to bring to the table. Not that she expected him to, after. It had been generous enough of him to offer a listening ear and she doesn't expect anything more.
“I think I remember reading someone’s research about that. It’s in Bulgarian, but I can translate it for you.”
Fleur is so stunned by the offer that it takes a few moments for it to register. “You what?” She turns to him, not even registering how close the two of them are in her haste to get answers. “But Bulgarian isn’t even within the scope of most translation spells! And this project is due in three days, you can’t possibly have time to do that on top of your own work.”
Fleur doesn’t know why she’s suddenly attempting to dissuade Krum from attempting to help her, but everything she’s said is accurate and there is simply no way what he’s suggesting is possible. Strangely enough, he looks away, the slightest hint of red on his cheeks.
“I’m Bulgarian,” he mutters in the collar of his shirt, so low that Fleur thinks she’s imagined it for a moment. “And I know a spell that bases itself on my own language knowledge as well, so it will work. And it’s no trouble; you’ll have it by tomorrow.”
Then, under her stunned gaze, he turns on his heels and goes right back to his desk. Fleur stares after him, almost wanting to push some more and get answers. But if he really is helping her, now is not the moment to risk antagonising him and risk losing the faint trace of hope that’s started rising in her chest.
The next day, she finds a book and its translated copy on her desk. Attached to it is a folded note, and Fleur opens it carefully.
Sorry for being rude at the bar, it reads simply. There's no signature, no further words, but Fleur doesn't doubt who it's from nor its sincerity. She chances a look at Krum's usual seat and isn't surprised to see it empty. He doesn't seem like the kind of person who'd appreciate effusive gratitude, but she wishes he was there for her to thank him at least.
Putting the note back on the desk, Fleur sits down to open the offered book. She'll have to do something nice for him in return.
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helloalycia · 5 years
crazy australian // alycia debnam-carey
summary: from a prompt I found on @be-au-ties page! "I'm the one who brings mail to your neighborhood, and every day you ask me if the item you ordered online has arrived, and I can't take the dejected look you make every time it happens, so I'm buying you the thing myself'".
warning/s: none.
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          "This is a lovely area," I voiced my opinion aloud as the van rolled into a picturesque neighbourhood.
         "Yeah, the people here are nice," Andy, my supervisor, said as he parked the car on the pavement. "There's this one man, though, and he hates when you play with his dogs. So watch out for him. Number eight, I think."
         I chuckled and nodded my head. The two of us got out the van and headed to the back to get the mail for this neighbourhood. I was an apprentice at my post office, for the past week now, and Andy had been my supervisor since the start. He was teaching me the reigns of delivering mail, which was actually a lot tougher than you'd think, and we'd been assigned a new street to deliver mail to.
         Yeah, I know, you're probably thinking, what's a 21-year-old doing delivering mail? Well, I'd taken a gap year out of university to decide what I actually want to do with my life and my dad practically forced me to take up a part time job. As a post woman. Something about "having the connections", I don't know, but here I was. It wasn't all that bad to be honest.
         "Right, you take the odds, I got the evens," Andy said as he was filling up a bag with the right post for the odd numbers of the street. "I'll take crazy dog guy because I'm so nice."
         He added an eye roll which made me chuckle. I accepted the bag from him, which was a lot heavier than I anticipated. One thing I'd learnt on this job was damn, people could order a lot of junk.
         "Holler if you need help," he said as he shut the van doors.
         I shot him a smile before the two of us went our separate ways. It was a warm day today, the sun shining down and making all the houses on the street look like something out of a story book. A few people were out, probably waiting for mail, and some were checking their front gardens and tending to it accordingly. So, the usual.
         I delivered the first few rounds successfully, and by that I mean there were no annoying people complaining about things that were out of my hands. I hated those people. And it was way too early for that shit.
         Anyway, I was almost done with this street when I found myself walking towards number eleven. I pulled a handful of letters from the few that were left in my bag and double checked to see this was the right address. Someone called Alycia lived here.
         I approached the house and was about to post the letters through the box when the front door suddenly opened. I stepped back in surprise as I was met with a tall brunette. Well, she was tall to me anyway, but probably average height to most. She looked pretty young to live here by herself, probably only a few years older than myself.
         "Erm, good morning...?" I awkwardly started the conversation, not really used to being face to face with excited residents.
         A massive grin was on her lips as her eyes darted to the letters in my hand. "Is that for me?" she asked, her accent definitely not American, but I couldn't quite pinpoint it just yet.
         I chuckled awkwardly as I read the name on the letter. "If you're Alycia Jasmin Debnam-Carey, then yes, I believe so."
         Her grin widened, if possible, and the crinkles by her eyes truly expressed her excitement at this moment. "Do I have any packages?"
         Oh, that's what she was excited about. That made a lot more sense.
         "Only this, sorry," I said, almost feeling guilty for making the smile leave her lips. I held out the letters which she accepted dejectedly.
         "Oh, okay... thanks anyway, I guess," she said, a pout on her lips. Australian, that was it.
         I offered a hopeful smile. "Maybe next time?"
         She forced a small smile. "Yeah, I guess... have a nice day..."
         She closed the door and left me standing there, wondering how it was humanly possible to be that happy then that sad in the space of a minute.
         I finished delivering the rest of the mail that morning and that was my last street for the day. I had a few more days before my apprenticeship was over and I would be assigned different streets to work myself. It was only part-time, so I didn't really mind. I was a morning person anyway.
         The following morning, I found myself back at that same street in L.A. Deliveries went smoothly as usual, until I reached Miss. Debnam-Carey's household. It was a similar experience to yesterday, where I approached her house, about to post her mail through her letterbox, only for her to open the door with excitement.
         "Good morning," she tried to start off small, but I could tell she was bursting to come right out with whatever she wanted to say.
         "Morning, Miss. Debnam-Carey," I greeted, a smile on my lips. "Did you finally get your package?" I figured it may have been an afternoon delivery or something.
         Her smile dropped instantaneously. "You mean you don't have it for me?"
         My smile dropped too. "No...? I only have this." I handed her a single letter and pocketed my empty hands awkwardly.
         She looked down at her letter with a solemn expression, before sighing. "Oh, Okay. Thanks anyway..."
         "Better luck tomorrow," I said, trying to help, but it only seemed to make her sigh heavier.
         She forced a small smile before closing the door in my face. Once again, I felt kind of guilty that whatever she ordered hadn't arrived yet. I know I didn't really know her, but still, she looked like a sad puppy...
         The same routine took place the next morning and as I approached her door, I knew there was no package to be delivered. I felt guilty before her door even opened.
         "Hey!" she greeted with a grin, before noticing my straight face. Her smile faded as she glanced at my hands, seeing the two letters I was holding. "My package hasn't come, has it?"
         I smiled sadly. "I'm afraid not, Miss. Debnam-Carey. Only these."
         I handed her the letters to which she accepted, but with a frown on her lips.
         "Thanks," she said with a sigh, before meeting my gaze with her intense green eyes. "And you can call me Alycia."
         I nodded as she was going to close the door again, but I quickly spoke, stopping her from leaving.
         "Uh, Alycia," I blurted out, not sure what the heck I was doing. She stared at me with confusion, so I continued. "What is it exactly that you're expecting?"
         She ran her hands through her hair and seemed embarrassed as she said, "I ordered this really cool blender a few days ago from Amazon, and they said it would take a day to be delivered. They obviously lied, but I won't lose hope. It has to come, right?"
         I tried to hold in my laughter as she stared down at me hopefully, as if my personal response would change something. I didn't want to see her sad all over again though, so I shot her a small, reassuring smile.
         "Of course," I said, which caused her to smile, quite adorably might I add.
         The next morning, I tried to see if there was a package for Alycia from Amazon, but unfortunately there was nothing in her name. I had to prepare myself for her disappointment, which certainly wouldn't be nice to witness.
         "I can feel it," the Australian announced first thing when opening her door. A hopeful smile was on her lips as she looked at me. "Today is the day. My blender has come, hasn't it?"
         I smiled, hoping it would lessen the blow, but Alycia saw right through me. Her smile slowly faded into a frown as I explained that there was no package, only letters, once again.
         "I guess I'll have to eat my fruits whole like a peasant then," she mumbled sarcastically, which made me crack a smile. She was certainly something.
         I waved goodbye as she closed the door and oddly felt excited for tomorrow morning. It was my last day working this street, but I knew it would be worth it if it meant I could give her the package she'd been waiting for. It just had to come tomorrow, otherwise nothing made sense. Alycia would be over the moon and it made me feel good to know I was going to witness that.
         That thought was tarnished first thing the next morning however, as there was no mail whatsoever for Alycia. Nothing at all. Not even letters. Meaning, technically, I didn't even need to go to her house. However, I couldn't find it in myself to leave her hanging, especially since it would be the last day I could see her, so I found myself approaching her house for what I thought would be the last time.
         The door opened and Alycia was wearing her usual hopeful smile as she watched me. However, as I'd been seeing for the past week, she saw the lack of package in my hand and frowned at the realisation that nothing had come.
         "Morning," I greeted half heartedly.
         She sighed sadly. "I'll just take my letters, please."
         I opened my hands to show there was nothing. "You don't have any mail, I'm afraid. I just wanted you to know that there's nothing for you today so you aren't waiting out here for the mail."
         She pursed her lips and nodded her head. "Oh... well, thanks, I guess. That was nice of you."
         With that, she gave me a forced smile before walking back into her house. As I turned around to finish my deliveries, I realised that even though this adorable Australian woman was kinda (a lot) crazy for waiting a week for her blender, she deserved it. And by the looks of it, she was probably not going to get it. And even if she was slightly out of her mind for being this emotionally attached to a blender, I wanted her to have it.
         That same day, I ended up purchasing a blender for the strange Australian as I couldn't take seeing her dejected expression every morning. And even if I wasn't going to be her postwoman anymore, I still didn't want to have to imagine her excitement as she expected the blender. I questioned my sanity that night when I asked Andy if I could join him in the morning.
         It was a sunny Saturday morning as I found myself approaching the familiar household that was Alycia's. The difference this time however, was that I wasn't wearing my uniform because technically I wasn't working, and I actually had a package in my hands this time.
         I knocked on the front door which felt kind of strange because Alycia usually opened it straight away. Maybe she gave up waiting.
         "Yeah, me knocking is what's strange here," I said to myself with an eye roll.
         It didn't take long for the brunette to open up, and when she did, she was definitely surprised to see me standing at her door, dressed casually with a box in my hands.
         "Look, I know this is kinda weird since we don't really know each other, and I'm not even working so it's kinda weirder than I thought it was, but I just couldn't take watching you look so upset when you realised your blender hadn't come, so here," I rambled out awkwardly, before holding out the box.
         Alycia raised her eyebrows as she looked down at the box and back to me.
         "You can blend your fruits like a queen now," I added with a smile, referring to her comment she made the last time.
         She stifled a smile as she accepted the box from my hands. "Erm, I don't even know what to say..."
         "You literally cannot say anything to make this exchange any less weird," I clarified with a knowing look. "But yeah, enjoy your blender, Alycia."
         Her face flushed pink as she set the box down at her doorstep. "I don't even know your name, but you bought me a blender?"
         I chuckled as I put out my hand. "My name is Y/N Y/L/N and I'm the person who has been watching you get so excited as I came to your door, only for you to look like a sad puppy as I walked away. Nice to meet you."
         Alycia finally laughed and returned my hand shake. Admittedly, it was a melodic sound and I kind of wanted to hear it more often.
         "Now, I highly recommend two things," I said, earning her undivided attention. "First, get a refund from Amazon because darling, you got ripped off."
         Another laugh. Point to me.
         "Secondly, I can see the excitement and eagerness in your eyes as we speak, so go and make your smoothies and enjoy your blender," I finished with a chuckle.
         The grin that was dying to break out finally did and she leaned forward and gave me a quick hug, which left me speechless, before picking up her box.
         "Would you like to come in and have some breakfast smoothies with me?" she offered, biting her lower lip to contain her smile. "It's the least I can do..."
         I mirrored her expression as I nodded. "Sure thing, Alycia."
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blurry-fics · 5 years
Warnings: Nosy little kids, brief mention of people arguing
Word Count: 2445
Author’s Note: Day two! Today’s chapter has plenty of wild antics for y’all to enjoy :)
*     *     *     *     *
Your ears were filled with the ringing of Jenna’s alarm. You slowly sat up and stretched your arms out behind you, releasing some of the tension that had built up after sleeping on the stiff mattress.
“Good morning,” Jenna smiled.
She reached up and brushed her messy hair back from her face. You swiveled your body and rested your feet on the cold wooden floor of the cabin, wincing a bit as you did so.
“We’re supposed to be down at the cafeteria in twenty minutes.”
“Ok, I’ll get ready.”
You pulled on your camp t-shirt, a pair of shorts that were already covered in dirt, and some sneakers that had become your iconic camp shoes. Jenna was nice enough to help you out with your hair, making sure that it was done in such a way that it wouldn’t be constantly falling in your face during activities.
“I can’t wait to meet all the girls today,” Jenna smiled. “They’re always so sweet.”
“That reminds me, I need my name tag.”
You walked over to your bag and dug around until you found the small wooden name tag. It was covered in beads and stickers from previous years; to be honest, you were surprised that you had managed to keep track of it over the years. It had quickly become one of your most prized possessions.
“Y/C/N,” Jenna read. “I have to remember to call you that from now on.”
“And I have to call you Daisy.”
“Only when the kids are around,” she laughed.
She pulled on her name tag, which was covered in its own variety of beads and stickers. You packed up your day bag while Jenna fixed her own hair, making sure that you had a couple snacks and anything else that you might need while you were out. The first day was always the busiest and trying to keep track of twenty excited eight- to ten-year-olds never made it any easier.
“Ready to go?” Jenna asked.
You grabbed your bag and pulled it on over your shoulders, “Let’s do this.”
Jenna grabbed the cabin keys and the two of you walked out into the morning air. The sun had still yet to come up, but the clouds were just beginning to become covered in bits of pink and orange. You could just barely hear a few other counselors exiting their own cabins.
Josh and Tyler were already sitting at a table with Brad and Mark. All four of them looked exhausted, but still managed to smile as you and Jenna took a seat across from them with your bowls of cereal.
“Today is the big day,” Tyler muttered.
“Are you four feeling alright?”
“We stayed up until two in the morning messing around,” Brad explained. “Josh wouldn’t let me into the cabin before then.”
Josh pursed his lips and stirred his cereal around, “There was stuff to explore!”
“And now we only got three hours of sleep because of it!”
“How did you two sleep?” Tyler asked, temporarily putting an end to the debate.
“Pretty good,” Jenna nodded. “It’s a lot quieter out here than it is at home.”
“Agreed, although the mattress isn’t the most comfortable thing in the world.”
“It will be after you’ve been chasing sugar-fueled children around the forest all day,” Mark chimed in.
Josh nodded, “He has a point.”
“Hey, y’all! I need your attention!” one of the camp supervisors called.
The next hour was spent finishing up your breakfast and listening to the supervisors go over the camp rules. It was all information you had heard before, but there was no getting out of going over it. Josh and Tyler passed the time by making snarky comments and thinking of loopholes to the rules, which never failed to make the rest of you laugh.
“Alright, the kids will be getting here in half an hour. Finish up whatever you need to do and be at the top of the hill by then to welcome them! And remember, there are to be absolutely no romantic relationships this week! Keep your pants on.”
“Aye, aye, captain!” Josh yelled, gaining an eye roll from the supervisor.
“Y/N - I mean, Y/C/N, we should go grab our bandanas from the cabin,” Jenna said.
“Agreed, let’s go do that.”
Each year, the cabins were assigned a color for their “team” and got to pick a mascot to represent them throughout the week. Your color this year was yellow, and you and Jenna had decided to go with a cheetah as your mascot.
“Here you are,” Jenna said, passing you a yellow bandana.
You took the bandana and wrapped it around your bicep, figuring that would be the best tactic for keeping it out of your way. Jenna, on the other hand, opted to put it in her hair. It looked nice paired with her braids and blonde hair.
“What else do we need to do?” you asked.
“Well, all the beds are made, our station is set up, and we didn’t get stuck with doing a performance at the bonfire tonight, so I think we’re good to go!”
“Sweet, let’s go wait at the top of the hill then.”
You and Jenna found a nice spot to sit under a tree. Thankfully it wasn’t too warm yet since the sun had barely come up, but you knew that would quickly change as the day went on.
“I’m so excited,” you grinned, happily tapping your fingers against your knees. “This is always my favorite part of the week.”
“Mine too! I love seeing the kids’ faces when they hear that they’re in our cabin.”
“Hopefully they like the mascot we chose.”
“I’m sure they will, kids love cheetahs, right?”
“Definitely,” you smiled. “Hey, do you have our schedule for the week?”
“Yeah, it’s in my folder. One second.”
You watched as Jenna pulled out a bright blue folder covered in stickers. Inside was all the notes that you would need, including the schedule for each day’s activities. She carefully pulled it out and handed it to you.
“Arts and crafts tomorrow, nature walk on Wednesday, music on Thursday, and capture the flag and the bonfire on Friday. Seems like a pretty good schedule, if you ask me.”
“Definitely,” she smiled, taking the schedule back and placing it neatly inside the folder.
You were glad that Jenna was so organized. If it wasn’t for her, you weren’t so sure that you would know what you were doing half the time.
“Well, well, well, if it isn’t Y/N and Jenna,” Tyler said as he walked over to where the two of you were sitting. He was now wearing a bright red bandana around his bicep, just above the tattoo he had gotten the month before. Josh, Mark, and Brad were all trailing behind him, having their own conversation.
“That’s Y/C/N and Daisy to you,” you said, flashing your name tag at him.
“Right, sorry.”
“Come on, Vulture!” Jenna teased.
Tyler threw his hands up in defeat, “Hey, it’s day one! Give me a break.”
The rest of the counselors began to file in, paired up with their cabin partners. Everyone seemed to be getting along, which was a welcome change from last year. The supervisors had been afraid that there would be a physical fight by the end of the week, but they managed to avoid it. Those counselors hadn’t been invited back this year.
“The kids should be arriving any minute,” Josh said.
“Help me up, would you?” you asked, holding a hand out to him.
Josh grabbed your hand and pulled you up to a standing position. You dusted the dirt off your shorts and adjusted your backpack on your shoulders before helping Jenna stand up.
“Hey, y’all! Gather over here! Stand with your cabin partners!”
Jenna grabbed your hand and led you over to where all the counselors were supposed to gather. Tyler and Mark were standing next to you, and Josh and Brad were on the other side of them. Tyler reached over and bumped you with his elbow.
“That obvious?” you giggled.
“Little bit.”
All of the counselors began to cheer as the buses rounded the corner and came into view. They slowly pulled up, kicking up lots of dust. Excited kids were peering through the windows. Those who recognized you from past years were waving excitedly.
The kids slowly filed off the bus and lined up outside of it, holding onto their backpacks tightly. The supervisors were having troubles keeping all of them in a single place, since many of them were trying to run towards their favorite counselor. One little girl that you recognized from the year before kept waving and giggling at you. Poppy, that was her name.
“Alright, y’all, who’s ready for your cabin assignments?”
The kids immediately started to scream, causing Jenna to jump and grab your arm. You laughed and gave her a reassuring pat on the shoulder. Next to you, Tyler was yelling and just generally making the kids rowdier.
You and Jenna stood patiently, waiting for the moment that you would be grouped up with your twenty kids.
“Alright, yellow cabin!”
Jenna linked her arm with yours and turned to you excitedly. You both listened as the names were read out, and the girls came and gathered around you. They all seemed happy, if not a bit shy, as you handed them their bandanas. Jenna helped most of them to put them in their hair, meanwhile you helped all the little girls who wanted them around their arms or wrists.
“Y/C/N!” Poppy called, running over to you and colliding with you in some form of hug.
“Hi, Poppy!” you grinned, giving her a hug.
“I’m so excited to be in your cabin again!”
“I’m excited too! Here, take your bandana.”
As soon as all the cabins were assigned, you led your group to your cabin. A few of the bolder girls grabbed onto your and Jenna’s hands as you walked, bouncing excitedly along the grass. There was still a lot to be done - going over rules, making a buddy system, and assigning bunks, to name a few - but you were looking forward to every minute of it.
*     *     *
“Come on, yellow cabin!” you announced. “Find your buddies!”
All the girls looked around frantically until their hands were linked with their assigned buddy. You took the hand of the nearest girl and began to lead all of them out of the cafeteria. Next to you, Jenna had taken the hands of a couple of the other girls. She smiled at you when she noticed you looking.
“I would say this is going well so far.”
“It’s only day one,” you laughed. “There’s plenty of time for something to go wrong.”
“Shh, don’t jinx it!”
Up ahead, you could see Josh running with one of the boys from his cabin on his shoulders. His hair was pushed back with a pale blue bandana, which proved to be a nice contrast to his dark hair. He stopped running when he noticed your cabin getting closer.
“Hey, Y/C/N!” he called.
“Hi, DJ Spooky.”
“Sing it, Spooky!” the kid on his shoulder yelled.
Josh shook his head and set the kid down before jogging over to join you for a moment. Brad shot him a look, but Josh wasn’t paying enough attention to notice.
“How’s the first day going?”
“Better than expected. How’s your day been?”
“Great,” he smiled. “I love these kids. They’re hilarious.”
“DJ Spooky!” one of them called.
“That’s my cue,” he laughed. “I’ll see you later, though?”
“For sure.”
He turned and ran back to his group, immediately scooping up another one of the kids and throwing them over his shoulder.
“Do you like DJ Spooky?” a young voice asked.
You looked down towards the little girl that had asked, “Huh?”
“I said do you like DJ Spooky? It kinda seems like he likes you.”
“No, we’re just friends,” you answered with a smile, knowing that any other answer would cause trouble.
“Oh, ok.”
You and Jenna led the girls to your assigned spot in the amphitheater. A few of the girls fought over who got the honor of sitting next to the two of you, but you managed to alleviate the conflict by saying they would get a chance to sit next to you at breakfast the next morning. They seemed happy enough with that answer.
The first part of the ceremony was just full of the supervisors going over rules and schedules. They eventually made their way off the stage and gave the counselors their opportunity to perform. Josh and Tyler were one of the last ones to take the stage.
“Alright, I know most of you are tired and want to head to bed, but we have just a quick song for all of you,” Tyler said as he messed with his ukulele. Josh was sitting on top of a box that would serve as his makeshift drum set. “Feel free to sing along if you know it.”
Tyler began to strum and you recognized the beginning of one of your favorite camp songs. It didn’t take long for all the counselors - and a few of the returning kids - to join Tyler in singing the lyrics. Those who didn’t know every word would join in when they could, making the chorus sound that much better. You couldn’t help but smile as you sang.
They finished their song and took a bow before leaving the stage, letting one of the supervisors begin talking again. He went over the schedule for the next morning before letting all of you head back to your cabins to get some sleep.
You bumped into Tyler and his cabin as you headed for the opposite side of camp.
“Hey, Vulture!” you called.
“Nice job tonight.”
You gave him a thumbs up and he did the same in return, “Thanks!”
One of the little girls next to you gasped, “I get it!”
“Get what?”
“You don’t like DJ Spooky, you like Vulture.”
“No, I don’t like Vulture either,” you laughed. Evidently this was a topic that was not going to be dropped anytime soon.
“I know you like one of them.”
“Do not.”
“Do too!”
“Do not!”
“Hey, why don’t we stop bothering Y/C/N about who she likes. It’s none of our business, is it?” Jenna chimed in.
“No, I guess not,” the little girl sighed.
“Thank you.”
You turned to Jenna and mouthed a silent, “Thank you.”
“Alright,” Jenna announced. “Last one to the cabin is a rotten egg!”
*     *     *     *     *
@faceofcontvsions @ohprettyweeper @addictwithaheavydirtycheetah @addictoftwentyone @svintsandghosts @patdsinner33 @gaiatheroyalrabbit
37 notes · View notes
A Little Too Real (14)
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 4.5, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 7.5, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 10.5, Part 11, Part 11.5, Part 12, Part 13
Summary: RealityTV!AU- You are a wardrobe supervisor for a popular TV network. The show is planning a reality TV show like the bachelor and Bucky is the newest contestant. But as the competition starts he realizes that he doesn’t like any of the girls…on the show anyway.
Pairing : Bucky x Reader 
Word Count: 8090
A/N: Well...this is it guys! The very last chapter of A Little too Real. There WILL be an epilogue but I am so sad to see this one go. I want to say a big thank you to everyone who has read and loved this story and I hope you guys stick around to see what I have planned next. I love you guys and enjoy!
P.S. There is a lot of theatre Wardrobe lingo in this chapter, sop if you get confused or have no idea what I’m talking about HERE is a guide that explains everything
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Kissing, Fluff, 
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My flight landed around 1 am and because it was so late and I had no way to get into my apartment until at least tomorrow, I checked into a hotel. I opened the room to a big king size bed and dropped my bags on the floor before collapsing on the bed. I didn’t bother to get changed or anything that involved me getting off the bed, I kicked off my shoes and climbed under the covers. I didn’t have the energy to do much else at this point, so falling asleep was easy.
When the morning came and my alarm went off, I begrudgingly rolled out of bed and got ready for the day. I had two four hour calls with one hour long lunch, which meant that my first call was at nine and still too early considering how little sleep I got last night. 
It wasn’t that I wasn’t tired enough to go to sleep, believe me I was, but the guilt of leaving and the rampant thoughts of Bucky kept me from sleeping peacefully and woke me quite frequently. And of course the time difference kind of messed with my head. 
But I showered, getting the airplane grim off of me, and did a little bit of makeup, wanting to look a little nice for my first day. I also chose something a little nicer to wear, but still comfortable enough to do all of my work. 
According to the Assistant Costume Designer the first fitting for the day started at 9 am which was also the start of my call, unfortunately. So I left my hotel, got in a cab and made it to theatre 30 minutes earlier than the call time, wanting to have a chance to set up the fitting and get a lay of the theatre beforehand. 
Once I got to the theatre I walked around the building until I found the stage door which was already open. Going inside I found one of the security guards who gave me my pass and key card for the theatre and was even nice enough to show me down to the wardrobe room, which he also unlocked for me. Inside the wardrobe room were racks upon racks of clothing and on the table, meant to be my workspace, was a stack of paperwork and keys to the wardrobe room, I was guessing. I grabbed the key off the desk first and grabbed the Roscosmos keychain that Bucky had bought for me, placing the key on the ring before putting it in my bag, where I couldn’t lose it. Then I started to go through the racks of clothing, opting to fill out paperwork after the fittings. 
Not only were these costumes absolutely stunning with the different brocades and laces but also being in the Renaissance fashion made them so much more outstanding. So, knowing that Leah would be the first girl in today, I went ahead and pulled her costumes and put them on the rack inside the fitting room. I also found my notepad for notes and put things out on the table, just in case we would need them, like safety pins, straight pins, measuring tapes, and a few other things that we probably wouldn’t need but I put out anyway.  Hopefully we wouldn’t need too much since these were final fittings. 
So then it just became a waiting game. I was hoping that the assistant would get there before the actress did but sometimes it just depended on the person. From what I had heard I had gotten a good assistant to work with, so despite me always wanting to be early, I’m sure she would be on time for the fitting. 
When I had finished setting up the fitting room, even pulling the next two sets of fittings and setting them closer to the fitting room, I decided to walk around the theatre, get a lay of the land. Depending on the show, the union status, and touring company, how nice the rehearsal space tended to vary. For instance, the first tour I ever worked was a small show with only about 14 performers, it was non-equity, and the touring company couldn’t afford to fly us anywhere so we were on a bus, which meant we were in a rather small theatre for the two months of rehearsals, fittings, and tech. With this show, where there were 22 performers, where this new tour was equity, and where we got hotels and flights, we got a much bigger theatre with space and organization and the ability to do a really good job setting up this tour. 
So I wandered around looking at this beautiful theatre, wondering about what shows had played there, meeting a few people along the way, and eventually circled back to the Wardrobe room before 9:00 came around. I walked into the room, seeing someone looking at the clothing on the rack outside the fitting room, the ones for the two later fittings. 
“They’re absolutely beautiful.” I said, grabbing her attention. 
“Gregg doesn’t do anything but beautiful.” 
“No he doesn’t. You must be Nakia.” 
“And you must be Y/N. It’s nice to finally meet you.” 
“It’s nice to meet you too.” I reached out and shook her hand and then we turned back to the costumes. 
“Well, I guess let me get you caught up on what I’ve done so far before the first actress gets here.”
“Sounds like a good idea.”
“So first, we have two four hour calls today, one for the three fittings and the second for the crew watch. I’ve gone ahead and started the paperwork for the costumes that have already been fitted, made the piecelists and hopefully after the run tonight I can start on the tracking. I also want to start an extra list for this next round of fittings so that we can start buying skins and of course I’ll go back to the actors who’ve already been fitted and ask them what they’ll want. I’ll make a list and have the shopper go pick up those items and extras for our gondola backstock. And I’m not sure if you know or not, but I already sent an email to Gregg asking him if he was using Broadway costumes for swings, since we had one drop out last minute.”
“Yeah, he handed me a stack of costumes this morning, they’re in my car.”
“Great, she’s our third fitting so, if you want I could go and grab them and bring them in?”
“Oh no, I have someone whose helping me out for the day, he’ll bring them in in a bit.”
“Okay. Other than that, the run through starts after the lunch break. You can sit in the house and make note of anything you see and I’m going to be backstage walking through the old supervisor notes and talking to the actors about what they think they’ll need for their quick changes and whether or not anything needs to change.”
“You’re not going to watch the show?”
“I’m going to be on the road with this tour for over a year, I think I’ll know the show front and back in no time.” 
So the two of us started going over some of the other fittings from before, still waiting for our first actress to come in. We got to about 9:15 when I started thinking that she wasn’t coming. 
“You know, in my experience, I’ve never had anyone show up this late to a fitting before.”
“Oh...did I tell you 9?”
“I’m sorry I meant 10. I must have been thinking 9 because we get done at 1 and a four hour call starts at 9. Leah won’t be here until 10 though.”
“Okay, well there’s plenty of stuff to do until she gets here and I’m hoping your assistant will get here before she will.”
“He should be here any second.”
“Well before he gets here I’m going to grab the rest of those shoes. I just got them back from the shop and now that they’re painted the color that Gregg wanted, we can order shoe paint too. It’s as if everything is coming together.”
“Yeah as if.” We both laughed. 
So I went to the back of the room and grabbed as many boxes of shoes as I could, kind of like a juggling act, knowing either way that I would have to take a second trip. I set the boxes down outside the fitting room, on the ground below the costumes, grabbing Nakia’s attention while I put them in the correct order. 
“Hey, did we ever get those other LaDucas in?” 
“I couldn’t tell you the first thing about any LaDucas.” 
That voice made the whole world stop and the only thing I could hear was the erratic beat of my heart. I wasn’t sure when I was going to see him again, I knew I would but I didn’t think it would be today. 
I slowly stood from my crouched position and turned to face him, for a brief second wondering if I had just imagined the voice as him. 
He stood there looking as handsome as ever in a tuxedo, the nicest one I had seen him in to date, and yet he looked absolutely exhausted and like he hadn’t slept in a while. 
“Bucky...what are you doing here?” 
“Well Nakia asked me to bring in those costumes.” He gestured to some costumes wrapped in plastic hanging up on the rack next to the other costumes for the fittings. 
“I meant what are you doing in New York?” 
“I came to be with you.” 
“You flew out here—“ 
“To be with you and to do this.” He stepped forward and placed his hands on either side of my face, pulling me to him and, finally, kissing me. I relished in his kiss, sinking into his embrace, enjoying the moment...even if it was only for a moment. 
I pulled away from him but not too far from his embrace. “You know, just because you show up at my work and sweep me off my feet, doesn’t mean I’m going to quit.” 
“I know.” And again with the kiss...God, his lips...
And yet I pulled away from him again, my breath starting to get a little labored. “And this kiss doesn’t fix everything.” But God did I wish it could. And because it didn’t, I just wanted to be clear with him, despite the fact that he was doing a pretty good job of clouding all rational thought. It was just...when he kissed me it made me feel like I had before, all the times we had spent together before it all blew up in our faces. It was as if every time he brought his lips back to mine, there was something that reminded me of every reason I loved him. 
“I know.” Kissing me again, he held me longer this time not letting me out of his grasp too quickly but letting me pull away anyway.
“There’s a lot that we need to talk about before things can go back to normal, a lot that I’m still confused about.”
“I know.” This time when he kissed me, he moved his arms around my waist, pulling me even closer to him. This time I lingered a little longer with him, pulling away what seemed like forever later, when I was able to think of something else to say. 
“I love you.” He interrupted. 
“You love me?” 
“I love you so much, I have loved you since the second I saw you in that interview. I loved you every time you sassed me, I loved you every time you smiled or laughed, I loved you when you hated me, and I’ve loved you every second in-between. I know that there’s a lot that I need make up for and a lot that I have to explain but I would spend a lifetime getting in your good graces again if it meant that I got to be with you.” 
“You love me?” He smiled and let out a laugh.
 “Is that all you heard?” I tried to say something to him, anything but the shock of hearing those words said to me by him, made things very hard to comprehend. I mean I had heard what he said, all of it, but in my head it was as if there was absolutely nothing there, nothing but those words. “I’ll say it a million more times, if it will convince you of how much I love you.” He moved his hands back up to hold my face. “Because I do, I love you, I love you, I love you and I’ll never stop loving you.”
“I love you too...I have for a while.”
“That is the most heavenly thing I have ever heard you say.” He had this huge smile on his face and I couldn’t help but smile back at him. And this time when we kissed it felt different, I had pushed all the doubts and fears aside for one blissful moment. “Say it again?” He asked when he pulled away. 
“I love you.”
“I will never get tired of hearing that and I love you too.”
“Don’t say anything yet. I know that you probably have a lot going through your mind right now, but if you’re willing, just stick with me a little while longer.”
“Don’t think for a second that I would give up so easily. What we have is worth a lot more than one mistake and two weeks without seeing each other.”
“I’m really glad to hear that. And I know that you’re about to have some fittings, but I would love to take you out for lunch...and maybe explain some things.”
“Anything with food is a win for me.”
“I see how I rank.” I laughed at him and moved out of his embrace for the first time since he walked in. 
“So what are you going to do for the next three hours?”
“Well I was thinking about getting a room in a hotel nearby, take a nap, shower, change.”
“I was about to ask where you were taking me for lunch, you know, considering the fact that you’re wearing a tuxedo.”
“Yeah…” He laughed a bit at his outfit, “I picked it out for you, but then you didn’t come to filming so of course I had to wear it here. And despite the romantic that makes me out to be I do have to admit that I came straight here so I didn’t really think about changing. I really just kind of took advantage of the circumstance.”
This time I laughed at him, this was definitely the man that I loved. “Well, I like it a lot and I love a good romantic gesture. But to give you as much time as possible, you are more than welcome to go to my hotel room and do whatever you need to. I will say though, I need you to be back to the theatre by 1:00 if we’re going to get as much time as possible for lunch.”
“That I think I can do.”
“Good, so go get a nap in because you look exhausted.”
“Your welcome.”
I grabbed my bag and gave him my room key before he left. Nakia came back in and had this smile on her face, I didn’t say anything to her about it, I just spent the time I had left getting ready for the fittings. 
And as fittings usually go, there wasn’t much to say. The three girls who came in today were incredibly nice and took the hour they were allotted to ask questions and to try on their looks for the show. Nakia explained when they would be wearing certain costumes and I made sure to take note of anything that I would need, as well as everything that still needed to be done. The only thing that didn’t settle when I saw Bucky for the first time, was how real the fittings made this feel. I was leaving LA, I was leaving my friends and the worst of all was that I was leaving Bucky. I knew that these three would always be there, but the idea of getting on the road and living out my dream made me torn inside. 
I had taken this job because I thought I was alone, that I could head out and be completely fine, cut myself off from the world and from everyone who had ever left me or done wrong by me. But being with Bucky, no matter how fake the show had been, made my whole world better. He made me want to be happy, he made me push myself, and he gave me everything I had ever dreamed of, even if he didn’t realize it. 
Before the third fitting was done, having luckily caught Bucky before he left the hotel,  I texted him and asked if we could just order lunch from room service and stay in. Of course he was on board with that, but I just didn’t want to have a conversation like this in public. The short walk back to the hotel gave me the confidence to say exactly what I planned to, running everything in my head before stepping into the lobby. 
I took the elevator up to the room and knocked on the door, waiting only a couple of seconds for him to open. 
“Hey.” He said, already looking a lot better after a nap and shower, I could only assume. He was simply wearing jeans and a henley, but it was the way that the henley hugged his muscles that distracted me from what he had just said, my mind completely dropping all of the preparations I had just done moments ago.
He stepped out of the way to let me into the room, still looking at me for some kind of response. “Hi.” I managed to get out as he closed the door behind me and took my things from me. I watched as he did, having to remind myself, after the three hour break from each other, that he was actually here. 
“See something you like?” He asked, when I hadn’t torn my gaze away from him. He just smiled at me, making his way back over to me. 
“You.” I said, feeling relief at the fact that I didn’t need to hide what I felt for him anymore. I could so simply say that I liked him, so simply gawk at how handsome he was, it was a nice feeling. 
“Who else would I look at?” Now standing in front of me he leaned down and kissed me, wrapping his arms around my waist and really distracting me from the actual objective of this lunch. 
I pulled away. “Bucky…” Even though I was smiling, I tried to give him a serious look, letting him know that I meant business.
“What? It was your fault.”
“My fault?”
“Don’t start something you don’t have time to finish.”
“Yes you, you were the one watching me...thinking about me.”
“You were the one who put on the tightest shirt you owned.”
“I see how it is.”
“I’m kidding. But it is noted that you like my shirt.” He winked at me and gave me one of those heart stopping smiles.
“Let’s order lunch before you get me into any more trouble.”
So we climbed up on the bed and grabbed the menu, quickly ordering before things got serious.
“So…” He started. 
“I definitely owe you an explanation.” The happy look on his face had completely disappeared. 
“You know that this isn’t going to change the way that I feel about you.”
“I just don’t want you to be upset again.”
“Believe it or not, I think that putting what happened behind me is the best thing I can do right now.”
“I would like to know what happened though.”
“Okay...the morning after our date, I woke up before you did so that I could make you breakfast. Honestly, the best part of that morning was just how beautiful you looked, how peaceful you were, and just remembering everything about that night, how wonderful it all was. I went downstairs to the kitchen and right as I got there, my phone went off. I kind of figured it was someone from the network so I didn’t answer at first, figuring I could deal with them when I got back, but they kept calling. So I finally answered.
“It was a representative from the legal department and...and they told me that they knew that we were seeing each other and that they had proof. I didn’t know what it was at the time, but they obviously had video from the kiss in the wardrobe trailer. At first I tried to dispute it, but he kept going on about how it was in violation of your contract to date a coworker. Initially I thought that it would be an easy fix, that we would just have to keep us under wraps while at work. It was when he started talking about Jackson that I realized that this was a real problem. 
“He told me that there had been some legal issues right after they arrested him. His lawyer tried to get him released on the grounds that I had assaulted him, that the whole thing had just been a misunderstanding between the two of us. Of course Asa fixed everything, but because I had punched him at work on network property, it was the network’s responsibility to protect me. So there’s the first strike against us.”
“The first?”
“The second one being all the time off you had. With your accident, you not being able to work and there only being the two of you, they had to start paying Wanda overtime for all the extra hours she was coming in. Not to mention they were still paying you because it was an accident you had no control over.”
“Please tell me that that’s it.”
“No...this one is my fault again. The thing with Chloe kind of blew up. First of all the ambulance and medical costs automatically went to the network because you were injured by a coworker on network property. They had planned on suing Chloe at first because she was the one at fault and there were a ton of witnesses that saw what happened. But her lawyer was counter suing because there was a grey area when it came to whether or not you were actually still working for the network or if your paid leave meant that you werent. Then there was the question on whether she actually did anything to you that harmed you or if it was all because you were sick before you came in that morning.”
“God, what a mess.”
“A very big legal mess and really a lot to keep from you, especially after having always told you everything. I understand that you would be upset.”
“I’m more upset that I was kept out of this, not really the fact that you didn’t tell me. I can understand a gag order and the reasons for upholding that. But you shouldn’t have had to handle that on your own.” 
“Strangely enough, there were actually three gag orders.”
“Anything legal that happened with the network was heavily protected because they didn’t want any news outlets to get word of all the legal issues that they had with this show. The first gag order came from Jackson’s lawsuit, the second from Chloe’s, and the third from ours.”
“More or less. The thing with Jackson was my fault, kicking Chloe off the show was my fault—”
“None of this is your fault.”
“I have to take some, that’s kind of why it’s ours and not just yours. That morning, I had to think quick and I obviously made a decision that wasn’t ideal. But after everything that he told me, after everything that you just went through, I couldn’t let the network take what your father had left for you. I had an inkling of what I had to do but I didn’t want to get to that point, so I called a different lawyer, not wanting to take Peggy away from you, and got a professional opinion. 
“He told me that the only way for this to go away was to take away the only thing that they had on us, which was the idea that the reason I did what I did, was for you. And the only way I could think of doing that was to make you really mad at me, so that you wouldn’t talk to me. But he also said that there was no other option than to pick someone on the show and finish the contract.”
“I was going to ask you about that.”
“I chose Ulani.”
“I thought you would.”
“Well her girlfriend was very understanding so that was nice.”
“What?” I was completely shocked. “Are you serious?”
“Yeah. Ulani actually came to me and told me all about Diana and how they were in the exact same situation as we were, she wanted to help out. It was also nice to have someone to talk to about everything, well what I could talk about, but it was also nice because I knew that she wasn’t trying to be with me.”
“Wait, Diana...from props?”
“I would have never thought. When you said that you chose Ulani I felt a little jealous, but I’m really happy to hear that she’s happy with someone else. Not to mention, Diana is a total sweetheart.”
“You’re cute when you’re jealous.” He leaned over and kissed me quickly. “But no need to worry, because I choose you and I’m always going to choose you. I think the question is...are you going to choose me too?”
“Bucky, like I said before I’m not that upset anymore. The truth is I want to be with you, you’ve made me happier than anyone I’ve ever dated and honestly I can’t imagine my life without you. This...us, was always a little too real. In that world of fake words and plastic personalities, I couldn’t even begin to believe that I had met someone as incredible as you. It’s why I never said anything to you, I felt like we were stuck in a fantasy and that at any moment I would wake up and my reality would be without you. I should have known better because you are the most real thing I’ve ever had. But the fantasy is over and this is the real world...and you’re here.” 
“I’m here for good.” 
“But there are things to consider, things that change things, very real things.” 
“No matter what ‘things’ you have going through that head of yours, I’m still not going anywhere.” 
“What are you thinking about?” 
“A lot.” 
“Give me one.” 
“Well...the biggest one, my job. I may have taken this job when I was sad and not in the right headspace, but this is my life and I’m about to go on tour for more than a year. I hate to even think about it, but every relationship I have ever had has fallen apart under the pressure and quite frankly the distance, including mine with you. I mean, no matter what I did or how much I loved  someone... they still left. If you left again...I love you so much that I don’t think I would make it through again.” I was starting to get really emotional. 
“I’m here for every bump and curve, for every good moment and bad. What can I do to convince you that I’m not going anywhere?” 
“I don’t know. I don’t know the first thing about a normal relationship. I don’t know how to quiet this anxiety and worry running through my head and I’m scared that I’ll do something to mess everything up.” 
“Nothing you could do would ever scare me away. It was absolutely amazing to have you so close to me these past couple of months, a dream really. We’ve gone through more together as friends than most couples ever have to deal with and we were by each other’s side the whole time, disregarding the legal stuff. Our relationship is the most real thing I have ever experienced and transitioning into something more will come with its challenges. But just because we aren’t close to each other doesn’t mean that I don’t love you or want to be near you every second of every day. Just because we’ve been through some of the toughest things doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t go through more or even less with you. You are my everything...and you don’t give that up once you find it.” 
“Really. I know it may be tough sometimes and we’ll figure things out as we go but I can’t imagine doing it with anyone else.” 
“Me either.” 
This time when he kissed me there was a relief that hadn’t been there before. No, we didn’t have everything figured out and we didn’t know the answers to every question we had but for the first time none of that seemed to matter, the fact that we loved each other was enough. And that was enough to push the doubts away. 
“So I have a proposal then.” I said between kisses. 
“Did you get me a ring?” He smiled at me and I laughed at him. “I’m kidding. What’s your proposal?”
“Can we just...start over...in a sense?”
“What do you mean?”
“You were my best friend for months and even though we were fighting our feelings for each other, there was something so pure between us. I feel like lately all we’ve had are awkward conversations and the occasional small talk. I never wanted us to get there, I don’t want anything between us to be awkward or tense, we’ve never been that way before.”
“I don’t want to be that way either.”
“Good. But the reason I ask is because of something my dad said. I’ve been thinking about him a lot and…” I paused, trying my best to keep my emotions at bay; he placed his hand on mine, giving me a small but great comfort. “The call that he had made to me, that day of our kiss in the trailer, I asked him about you after you left. He told me that only some people are lucky enough to find the person that they will spend the rest of their life with and honestly I think I got really lucky with you.”
“You got lucky with me? No, I got lucky with you, I never thought that you would love me.”
“Well, I do. And I want to put these last two weeks behind us and I want to have a first date where you’re not forced to disappear in the morning. I want to start fresh on the boyfriend/girlfriend front, so we don’t have to think about what happened.” 
“But that means that you have to come up with an even better first date.” 
“Challenge accepted...I’ve got all of New York for ideas.” 
“I’m off Monday.” I moved closer to him on the bed.
“Perfect.” His face, his lips moved even closer...
“I love you.” 
“I love you.” And our kiss, was one of a new beginning. 
I thought that I was going to have a harder time trying to convince Y/N that I hadn’t completely screwed up. I had already been feeling terrible about everything, doubting if she was ever going to give me a chance again, but getting what happened out in the open seemed to really help things. There was time to figure out the logistics of our relationship, there was time to get answers and time to fix the doubts; that would come with loving each other and diving head first into an actual relationship with Y/N. She had given me a second chance and that’s all I could have asked for. I would spend a lifetime making up to her these past two weeks, but lucky for me it seemed like that was already moving to the past. 
So with the conversation done for the moment, and everything seemingly good between us, we ate our lunch, made some small talk, and she got ready to head back to work. Which meant that I needed to find something to do for the next four hours. 
“I don’t suppose that you would want to come with me? We’re just watching the show and then there will be a production meeting afterwards. You can’t come to that but I’m sure I could sneak you in for the show.” 
Or maybe not. 
“Yeah I would love to go.” 
So we headed back to the theatre and met up with Nakia before heading into the “house” as they call it. We sat in the middle of the orchestra level and Y/N grabbed a notepad, pen, and a huge stack of notes. Nakia had her laptop, a walkie talkie and her own huge stack of notes. 
We didn’t have to wait long for them to start the show, they didn’t want to waste any time, seeing as, according to Y/N, the show was two and a half hours long. The opening number started and the cast came out on stage in there street clothes and though it was underwhelming without the spectacle of costumes and whatnot, they started out strong and sounded great. But let me tell you, for a crew watch there sure was a lot of talking.
It seemed like Nakia and Y/N had something to talk about every time someone walked on or off stage, which was frequent. Not only that but there was a tech table, as Y/N had explained earlier, that was constantly calling cues and talking about something that needed to be fixed. So if I was going to have to listen to people talk amongst the singing I opted to listen to Y/N, at least that way I would be learning something new about her job. 
And tuning in, I definitely had a lot to learn. The lingo was the biggest thing, there were a lot of things I’m sure that didn’t get used outside of a theatre: pit pads, doubles, gondola and gondola village (she couldn't mean a boat right), DeLuca’s, tap mics, wings, ASM, PSM, DSM, Dead clothes, Prop box, on deck, preset baskets, tech week, 10 of 12 day, and more. 
The whole thing seemed pretty confusing to me but I tried my best to catch on to what I could and I made note of things to ask about later. And then we got to intermission. 
“You doing okay?” She asked me when the house lights came back up and I could really see her. 
“Yeah, I find it kind of weird though that you’re supposed to be watching the show and yet everyone is talking.” 
“Unfortunately that’s just how everything works when we’re this close to opening.”
“I was able to hear some of the things you were talking about but I didn’t understand most of it.”
“Yeah, there’s a lot more to theatre than there is to film...at least in Wardrobe.”
“Seems like it.” 
“That and there’s a lot more that goes into a traveling production, we want to make sure that we have whatever we need for anything that could happen.”
So for the next fifteen minutes of intermission I asked Y/N questions about the things that I noticed and then it was on to Act 2. 
This time around I didn’t have nearly as many questions and everyone seemed a little quieter this time around. It was nice to just pay attention to the show and to laugh at all the jokes and smile at the crazy musical number that happened towards the end. One thing's for sure, I was definitely going to get tickets to see this show. 
Sooner than expected this time around, the show finished and the actors all came out on stage. The director quickly went up and started to give notes so that they could leave as soon as he was done, Y/N explained. So while he spoke to the actors, all of the technical crew started to gather around the tech table with notepads and the like. 
“So why don’t you go and wait out in the lobby for me? Maybe find somewhere we can go for dinner.” She said to me.
“That I can do.”
“I’ll be out as soon as I can.”
“Okay.” So I walked out and found a bench to sit on in the lobby, pulled out my phone and started to look around the area for a good place to eat dinner. 
NAKIA: Hey. Just heard from T and it looks like he’s getting off at the same time we are. Double date? 
BUCKY: Sounds good to me. Any places in mind? 
NAKIA: Yeah. I’ll have T make a reservation. 
BUCKY: Great. 
Not having a distraction anymore, certainly did make sitting in the lobby by myself that much longer. And yet somewhere amongst the waiting the actors came out and made their way out of the theatre. 
For some reason I thought I had been in the clear once the show was over. I thought that the world would forget about me and move on to another bachelor. I should have assumed differently. 
Pretty much all of the girls came over to me and started asking me questions about the show and asking to take a photo with me. I didn’t really want to be in any photos, because I knew that once they posted them, someone would have something to say about me being in New York the day after the show ended and not with Ulani. But I did want to be nice to them so that when they found out I was with Y/N they wouldn’t be rude to her or to me when I visited. 
So I took the pictures and answered there questions and hoped that this wouldn’t all explode in my face. But the question that they all seemed to be asking was why I was in New York, let alone a closed rehearsal for a touring show. 
I wasn’t exactly sure what Y/N wanted me to say, so instead of saying something that could possibly get us both in trouble I told them that I was here for work and that a friend of mine was working the tour. I would explain what happened to Y/N later. 
But when that was over and they all left me alone I decided to hide myself from anyone else and play around on my phone until Y/N was done. 
Which was much later. 
I had fallen asleep by that point, laying in the most awkward position on the bench.  Despite having slept earlier, even if it had been really short, I didn’t think that I would pass out waiting for Y/N.
I woke up to the feeling of her lips on mine, even if it was just a peck, and when I opened my eyes, I saw her beautiful face and a smile that stole my heart.
“Hi, Mr. Sleepyhead.” She was sitting on the ground next to me, her fingers running through my hair. 
“I didn’t mean to fall asleep.” I smiled back at her and moved to sit up. 
“I know. Are you ready go?”
“I am if you are.”
I stood up and helped her off the ground and then we made our way back to the hotel to change for dinner. 
“So, I hope you don’t mind but Nakia texted me earlier and asked if we wanted to go to dinner with her and her boyfriend, you know like a double date. She set up a reservation for us at this place, but if you’re not up for it I would understand.”
“No, I’m good for a double date. But I am more curious to know how you know Nakia.”
“I don’t know her, not really, I know her boyfriend. We kind of went to school together.”
“Kind of?”
“Yeah. I went to MIT, he went to Harvard. We met at a bar our Freshman year and then moved in together after that. We lived together until we both graduated and have been friends ever since.”
“Well then I’m excited to meet him.”
“I’m sure you’ll like him.”
We made it back to the hotel and into our room, Y/N going straight into the closet to grab her dress for the night and the iron and board. 
“Why don’t you let me do that?” I asked, taking the board from her hands and setting it up. 
“You want to press my dress for me.”
“You’ve had a long day and you should relax.”
“You fell asleep on a bench earlier, if anyone should relax it should be you.”
“That? That was a power nap. I feel fine…” I took the iron from her hands and moved her back towards the bed. “Let me help, you relax.”
“Ok. But I’m going to go fix my hair first, I wasn’t really in the mood to do anything with it this morning.”
“You look beautiful just the way you are.” I stepped in front of her, blocking her path to the bathroom. 
“Thank you.” She reached up and kissed me...I would never get over that. 
In a moment of sheer distraction she passed by me and went into the bathroom, leaving me with the pressing. So I got to work. 
The dress was a beautiful shade of blue, I could only imagine that it would look amazing on Y/N, but I might of bit off more than expected. The dress was long and there was a lot to the skirt, not to mention near impossible to get the top let alone the sleeves. But I wasn’t going to let Y/N down and I told her that I would get it done, even if it did take me longer than it would have if she had done it. 
She must have been watching me for sometime because I could hear her trying to hold back her laughter when I couldn’t figure out the best way to get the front of the dress pressed with its wrap style. 
“Bucky, please let me help.”
“No, I got it.” Then I felt her hands on top of mine, slowly prying the iron from my hands. 
“We need to leave soon and you still need to get dressed. Thank you for pressing my dress.”
“But I didn’t finish.”
“Just a little advice...I usually do the top first so that the skirt doesn’t get wrinkled. Also it’s a lot easier to go back through when it’s hung up and just let them steam from the iron get the wrinkles out of the top.”
“Good to know.”
So as she finished her dress, I went into the restroom and put my suit on, having already pressed it earlier and took a couple of minutes to fix my hair back into place. 
I walked out into the main room and quickly stopped in my place. I probably should have said something or gone back into the bathroom but I was completely frozen in place. 
Seeing Y/N in her bra and underwear shouldn’t be weird right? I mean I had seen her in less...a lot less and she had definitely seen me the same way. And yet she amazed me. She was just so simply getting dressed, an everyday action, but seeing her in this way, in a way that no one else got to, made me feel a greater love for her. I got to see her scars and imperfections, I saw her past painted on her skin and I saw the insecurities she tried to hide with clothing. Everyone got to see her strength and her confidence, but I was lucky enough to see everything that they didn’t. And knowing that, having finally admitted my love for her, I couldn’t help but stare and become even more entranced by her beauty and just wonder how I had somehow won her heart. 
“See something you like?” She turned around to face me, obviously knowing that I was behind her, still with a glowing smile on her face. 
“You.” I said smiling back at her. 
“Well that is definitely something we should bring up later, but now we have to go.” She winked at me and I couldn’t help but laugh at her. God I was doomed, this woman would be the death of me. 
We both put on our shoes and headed down to our ride to the restaurant. I opened the door for her and slid in right next to her, and as soon as we were settled and on our way, Y/N grabbed my hand and held it in hers. 
We didn’t really talk on the drive. It wasn’t that we didn’t want to talk to each other, it was that there wasn’t anything to say. We had talked about the biggest elephant in the room and despite how complicated I had made things, we had come to an understanding about everything. We weren’t 100% good and we would still have our issues but for now, we were fine, we had each other. Everything else would come with time. 
We pulled up in front of the restaurant and I helped her out of the car, before escorting her into the restaurant. I gave the hostess my name and she showed us to our table which was already occupied by Nakia and T’Challa. I walked over to him first and gave him a big hug, I couldn’t even remember the last time I had seen him. 
“Hey Buck.” 
“Hey T.” I said. “Or is it your highness now?”
“One article called me that and now I can’t seem to escape it.”
“I have to admit that it suits you.”
“Yeah...whatever. How have you been?”
“I’m doing great.” The four of us sat down at the table and our hostess placed menus in front of us before leaving us alone. 
“You know, Nakia and I watched your show.”
“Did you? Well, don’t believe everything you see. I ended up a lot luckier than I did on the show.” I reached out for Y/N’s hand and she placed hers in mine, we both smiled at each other. “But...forgetting about the show, this is Y/N, my girlfriend. Y/N, this is my friend T’Challa, you probably know him as the King of Broadway.” 
“If you want to stay friends, you’ll stop calling me that.”
“I don’t want to be a fangirl but I saw you as Coalhouse in Ragtime and your performance was outstanding, absolutely incredible.” Y/N said to him. 
“Thank you, that was actually my first lead role on broadway, and it was the show where I met Nakia.”
“Yeah, she was the Wardrobe Supervisor and I was the actor—”
“And the rest is history.” Nakia finished. She reached over and grabbed his hand, just like I had with Y/N.
Our waiter came over to our table and took our drink orders and then headed over to the bar. And then Nakia asked the question that I’m sure was on both of their minds. 
“Ever since you called me, I’ve been very curious about the two of you. So I have to know...what’s your story?” She said referring to the two of us. 
“That is a...very complicated question.” I said with a smile on my face. 
I looked over at Y/N and the feeling that I felt looking at her, out to dinner with our friends, and free from everyone holding us back, was the best feeling in the world. I never wanted this feeling to leave, this feeling of complete and utter love for someone else, the feeling that I would do absolutely anything to see that smile on her face or hear her laugh fill a room. I had known before that she would be my world but now there was no doubt that she was my everything, and that was an incredible feeling.
“Our story? Well...it all started with an interview.” She began. 
Tell Me What You Think Here
Tags: @fangirl1802, @seargantbcky, @lust-for-pan, @38leticia, @barnes-and-noble-girl, @karipaleta, @capandbuck, @camillechan, @findacauseandserveit, @audasia25, @kendallefire , @alicerozenju, @snuggleducky, @mell-bell, @lifeasabookbutterfly, @the-red-world-of-jess-chibi, @iamwarrenspeace, @ssweet-empowerment, @chook007 , @juliagolia87, @jjsoccer11, @smol-flower-kiddo, @mrsdaamneron, @isaxhorror, @barnesism, @thatgirlrowan, @linki-locks11, @janeyboo, @vgurl18, @guera31, @bornfortherainydays, @carryonmy-assbutt, @calwitch
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spn-ficfanatic · 7 years
The One Moment- Ch7: The Anniversary
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Chapter Summary: For your one year anniversary you’re headed to… VanCon! The most romantic location on Earth! Complete with screaming fans and cosplay, it’s your one-stop destination for luuurrve.
Genre: Big fluff. Massive fluff. So much fluff it’ll make your teeth rot.
Words: 2903
Warnings: Mild swearing
A/N: This song is featured in the last half of the fic, I highly recommend you check it out. Not only is it a great song, but anyone who knows OK Go will know they make some pretty insane music videos! 
“I’m just… happy. And I love you,” you replied, placing a kiss on his nose. He brushed his hand lightly across your cheek and his face became serious.
“Y/N, I’ve never before loved anyone like I love you. And for what it’s worth, when I look into my future you’re all I see.”
“Dammit Jensen,” you sighed, pulling back from Jared suddenly feeling very self-conscious.
“Don’t be embarrassed babe, you have nothing to be worried about. It was nice to find out you feel the exact same way as me, if it makes you feel better,” he told you, burrowing his head into your neck and resting there.
And it was there he stayed until he was called back to set, each of you feeling like a weight had been lifted from your collective shoulders.
You could hardly believe your 1 year anniversary was already upon you. The time really had completely flown by in a mix of dinners and pranks and weekends away and midnight romps (the latter much to Jensen’s disgust). You had yet to make plans, unfortunately the date fell on a convention so no doubt you’d be celebrating either before or after the event, and while that was a little disappointing you knew that the job came first.
The week before, you were busy doing paperwork when you heard a knock on your office door. You were thrilled when Jared opened the door, and bounded across the room directly into his arms.
“Wow, hi babe! To what do I owe this greeting?” Jared laughed as he gracefully spun you around on the spot.
“A few dozen cups of coffee, give or take. And, you know, the simple pleasure of your company,” you told him, reaching up for a kiss before sighing contently and moving back to your desk. “Most the coffee though,” you added with a wink.
“Man, I should come say hi more often,” he smiled, sitting down at the chair opposite you. “Actually, I wanted to ask you something.”
“Fire away,” you reply, pushing the papers on your desk aside and sitting your pen down, giving him your undivided attention.
“So, I was just wondering if Eric needed you to come to Vancon this year,” Jared began, and you raised a curious eyebrow.
“I wasn’t planning to no. I expected he’d want me to stay here and proofread the new scripts but I haven’t asked yet.”
“Well don’t. Because I was kind of hoping you’d come along this year. With me. As my date.”
“Hun. This is a Con, not a prom.”
“I know I know it’s just, well, it falls right on our anniversary and with Lacey working all the time I just hate the idea of you being alone,” he replied, looking down at his hands to avoid your gaze.
You frowned, and lifted his chin with your hand to force him to look at you.
“Sweety, I promise I would be ok. But if you’re sure you’re alright with my being there that’s fine too, I don’t want to distract you from your work but I DO want to be with you. Usually I get to see the Con’s from the other side; this could be a lot of fun actually,” you replied, liking the idea more and more as you talked about it. “Maybe Lace could even get the time off, she’d totally love cos playing as Sam Winchester,” you teased, which garnered a smile from Jared.
“That would be a lot of fun. See if you can tee it up?” he asked, giving you a kiss before his phone started to ring. “Crap, they need me back.”
“It’s ok hun, I’ll see you at lunch.”
You blew him a kiss as he walked out the door, and spun around in your chair with glee once he was out of sight.
You were thrilled to get to your hotel after what ended up being a fairly stressful week. Jared and Jensen had already headed downstairs to finalise some business with the convention so you took the opportunity to call Lacey. Sprawled out on the bed, you kicked off your shoes and sighed contently.
“Living in the lap of luxury are we?” Lacey greeted you on the other line.
“This bed is made out of clouds or something, I swear,” you replied with a smile.
“Well, you’ll have to give me a demonstration when I get there in the morning. Breakfast in bed!” she whooped with excitement. “I could only get a crappy single on level one… I’m betting my bed is made of razor blades.”
“Nah, they’d spring for hay at least, you’ll be comfy enough. Hell, Mary gave birth in a stable so it can’t be too pricky.”
“If you say so. Worse case scenario I’ll just come up and kick Jared out of the bed. I’m sure he won’t mind.”
“Funny thing is, he’d probably happily take the sofa,” you replied with a smile.
“Yer, dude, what’s with you getting all the good ones?” she whined. “ANYway, I’ll be there around 7:30am ok?”
“Sure, and hey come straight up to our room, we can have breakfast with the cast. Buffett and all,” you told her.
“Food, glorious food,” she started singing down the line. “Shit ok, I better go, my supervisor just walked past. Byies!” she rambled quickly before hanging up, leaving you rolling with laughter on the bed at the image of her singing in the hospital hallway with her boss in earshot. You calmed yourself long enough to hear Jared open the door, followed closely behind by Jensen.
“Hey guys, how’s it all going?” you asked, rolling up into a sitting position on the bed.
“Yep, all the arrangements have been made. What were you laughing at?” Jared asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. You shrugged.
“Just listening to Lace embarrass herself in front of her boss. So you know, nothing new.”
“So, what are you crazy kids gonna get up to tomorrow?” Jensen asked, sitting on the couch opposite you with a bottle of water, while Jared sat next to you on the bed.
“I figure after breakfast we’ll see as many panels as we can, check out some of the costumes. You know, the usual thing.”
“There’s a concert on tomorrow night that you should check out,” Jared added, taking a sip from his water.
“Maybe. Will you guys be there?”
“We might make an appearance,” Jensen replied non-committedly, catching Jared’s eye.
“Well, is it worth going if you won’t be?” you asked. “What actually is this concert?”
“Rob will be playing with his band. They’ll belt out some songs, hopefully the crowd will get into it… sounds like it’ll be a great night, you should definitely check it out,” Jared said, pulling you in to kiss your temple before jumping up and heading for the bathroom to brush his teeth.
“Well yer, ok, I guess we will,” you told him. “Promise me we at least get to have an anniversary dinner on Sunday night babe?” you called out, glad to hear a muffled sound in the affirmative coming from the bathroom between brushes.
The day went by in a complete blur. Jared let Lacey in at 7:30am before hopping in the shower, leaving her to bounce on the bed and wake you up in a frazzle. Once you’d managed to slow your heartrate down you both began excitedly preparing your day. She seemed SUPER excited about the concert and left no room for negotiation on your attendance, so you locked that one in. A few panels, silly photos and shopping for merchandise later you found yourself an hour out from the concert and despite yourself feeling a bit down.
“Hey Y/N, what’s wrong?” Lacey asked you concerned, as you both got ready. You shrugged.
“I dunno, it’s dumb. I just, it’s our anniversary tomorrow and I haven’t seen him all day. Like, properly seen him. If we hadn’t gone to the panels I actually wouldn’t have laid eyes on him since breakfast,” you pouted. “I came so we could try and get some time together but it hasn’t happened at all yet.”
“Awww, come here babe,” Lacey cooed, arms outstretched inviting you in for a hug. You approached and was reaching for the embrace when you instead received a slap on the back of the head.
“HEY! Geez Lace, what was that for?” you cried, rubbing your scalp.
“Dude, I’ve not had sex for like a year so take that whining elsewhere,” she told you in playful annoyance before softening. “You know he’s going to try and meet us at the concert, and you’ve still got your romantic dinner thing tomorrow night. So just come out and have fun and be glad to have him to cuddle up to when you get back, OK?”
You sighed and nodded your head before Lacey pulled you in for a proper hug, pulling away quickly when she remembered her hair straightener was ready for her.
A few hours later you both found yourselves downstairs in the concert hall, hot and sweaty from the continuous dancing. You’d not yet seen Jared and were considering heading up to your room at that point, when Lacey seemed to sense this and grabbed you even harder. She was having the time of her life, and while you were definitely enjoying yourself you knew you’d be just as happy watching a movie with Jared.
“I know what you’re thinking. Just, like, 30 more minutes ok?” Lacey yelled out above the music, giving you her best impression of Sam’s puppy dog eyes knowing you couldn’t resist that.
“You suck, you know that?” you told her dryly before groaning loudly. “OK, I’ll give you 15 more and then I’m out.”
“15 Lace! No negotiating.”
“GAH! OK fine! Here, hold my purse for a sec I better check my phone.”
You continued to watch Rob on stage and move around tiredly to the music while Lacey appeared to be writing a SMS, presumably work.
“Can’t they leave you alone for even one day?” you asked her.
“Work, right?”
“Oh, right. Yes, a doctor’s work is never done babe, you know that,” she replied with a wink before putting her phone away and turning back to the stage. The song was slowing down and you watched as Rob made a concerted effort to listen into his earpiece. Apparently someone was telling him something.
“OK guys, we have a special treat for y’all,” Rob called into the microphone, the last song fading into the background. “Can we all please welcome Jensen Ackles to the stage!!”
You looked around in amusement as the crowd went wild. You had given up expecting them to “make an appearance” as Jensen had suggested the night before, so this was a pleasant surprise. He gave Rob a hug before taking the microphone and moving to the front of the stage.
“HELLO VANCOUVER!” he cried out, like the big dork rock star he thinks he is you thought to yourself with a grin. “So it’s just me for the moment, Paddles should be out soon but there’s something else I wanna do before he does. I understand my best mate Y/N is in the audience with y’all. I mean, she’s also Jared’s girlfriend but you know she likes me better,” he added with a wink.
You brought your hand to your face with a laugh, hiding in embarrassment while a few of the fans turned around and gave you a friendly smile. A few started pointing you out to Jensen and you weakly raised your hand to grab his attention. His face lit up when he saw you and he pointed enthusiastically.
“There she is! Looking all hot and sweaty like the rest of you, good look Y/N/N,” he nodded and you stuck your tongue out at him.
“Alright alright, so we’re gonna do something a little different right now. As some of you might know it’s Y/N and Jared’s anniversary tomorrow and he wanted me to organise a little something special.”
The crowd screamed loudly and clapped in celebration, and you were starting to wonder where this was headed. Was Jared really going to make you celebrate this without him? Almost like he read your mind he answered for you.
“He’ll be out any second but maybe we should we just start, whadda you say Rob?”
He nodded and the band started playing. You looked at them in confusion as you realized the song that was playing, that Jensen was preparing to sing. It wasn’t a Louden Swain song you’d ever heard before, nor a rock song which seemed to be the popular choice of the night. It was your favourite, the one you had danced to the night you met Jared at the bar you recalled. You looked at Lacey in confusion, and your heart skipped a beat as she looked at you with a soft smile and glistening eyes.
“Lace, what the-“
“Just shut up and listen Y/N,” she told you, turning you back to the stage and wrapping her arm around your shoulders.
You relented, still confused but loving the song and swaying to the music, unable to help yourself singing along to the first verse. As the chorus swelled the fans around you got into it as well, holding their phones in the air and swaying them above their heads.
And this will be The one moment that matters And this will be The one thing we remember And this will be The reason to have been here And this will be The one moment that matters at all
As the second verse began, you gasped as an image of yourself and Jared was suddenly projected onto the wall behind the band and fans started screaming around you. Jensen continued to sing and glanced above to see, grinning as he turned back to you to watch your reaction. It was your favourite picture, one taken at the zoo just a few months prior, and your heart started pumping faster at the sight. You barely heard the people around you as you continued to watch the pictures change with each line of the song, each one a different picture of you and Jared doing something together. Feeding each other lasagna, hiding behind a wall ready with a bucket of water to tip on Jensen’s head, piggybacking around set. You turned to Lacey again and she was watching you, tears now falling freely and hugging your side tightly.
“Is this…“
You didn’t finish, and she didn’t answer. She gave you a kiss on the cheek before taking your hand and leading you to the front of the stage in a skip. You followed behind in a daze, still watching the pictures and trying not to trip over anyone in the process. Thankfully you had parked yourselves not too far from the front, but as the moments went on you realized this wasn’t by accident.
And this will be The one moment that matters And this will be The one thing we remember And this will be The reason to have been here And this will be The one moment that matters at all
So won't you stay here with me And we'll build until we've blistered our hands So won't you stay here with me We'll build us some temples We'll build us some castles We'll build us some monuments And burn them all right down
Just then Jared appeared on the stage, dressed to the nines in a suit and tie holding a bunch of roses. You had to hold onto Lacey for fear of your legs giving out, as he walked towards you with purpose. He looked nervous but elated as he strode toward you, the band still playing to your deaf ears at that point. There was literally only one thing you could focus on right at that one moment and that was the man coming toward you. As he reached the front he held out his hand and Lacey made to lift you up. You took your shaky hand and placed it in his, allowing them to get you onto the stage without any effort on your part. Jared took both your hands in his and looked into your eyes contentedly, and as the last chorus started he knelt down onto one knee.
You were the only people in the room at that point, though Lacey would later tell you the noise was deafening. He didn’t say anything as he looked at you from the ground, pulling a ring box from his pocket and opening it to reveal a beautiful opal ring you’d seen and admired several months prior. Never one for tradition, you had commented in passing that you’d happily wear that ring the rest of your life and Jared wisely took the hint. You both just looked into each other’s eyes and had a silent conversation. After a few seconds he mouthed 2 simple words to you, words he knew you couldn’t misread.
“Will you?” he asked, his eyes started to brim with tears.
You at this point however were a sobbing mess. You couldn’t stop the tears flowing and within less than a second you started laughing and nodding furiously. He smiled madly at you as he slipped the ring onto your finger and leapt up to embrace you. You leaned in to kiss him, trying to keep it PG but realizing you were probably failing miserably as loud whooping came from the crowd.
You looked around to find your friends. Jensen had finished singing, leaving the rest of the song with Rob, and had brought Lacey onto the stage while you’d been distracted, watching from a few metres back to give you your privacy. Well, as much as you could get on a stage in front of a few hundred fans and cameras. At your invitation they raced forward and you all hugged as Rob finished the song, none of you caring that the World was watching right at that moment… that one moment.
This will be The one moment that matters And this will be
The one moment that matters at all
BONUS CHAPTER: In Sickness & In Health HERE
“Everything” Tag List - @angelsandwinchesters , @grace-for-sale, @growningupgeek, @nanie5, @iamnotsaneatall
“The One Moment” Tag List - @pansexualmoose, @winchester-writes, @winchester-lover999, @fandomoniumflurry, @oneshoeshort, @ellen-reincarnated1967, @the–real-wombat, @demonic-meatball, @waywardlodging, @lelifesaver, @imaginationisgrowth
If you asked and I forgot to tag you I’m so immensely sorry, don’t be scared to send me an Ask!
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canaryatlaw · 5 years
okay, pretty good day. I woke up at 6:30 after resetting my alarm from 6 because public transits been better lately. this was a mistake, because I didn’t end up getting to work until 8:40, when I was supposed to be there at 8:30 because I was running clinic for the day. it didn’t actually matter because nobody else was there yet anyway, but it bothered me lol. so yeah, running clinic for the day, basically being in charge of all the volunteers and screening cases, reviewing paperwork, all that good stuff. we had two cases come back, one from yesterday and one from last week, which was good because a lot of times they don’t come back and that’s disappointing. I was basically running around all day with pretty much no time to spare lol. without getting into details of the case, I had to walk a client back to the State Attorney’s office and very calmly yet firmly explain that she has a pending criminal case and needs a criminal order of protection from them, which overall went fairly well, nobody fought me too much on it thankfully. then in the afternoon we got a particularly upsetting case in that I’ll just say involved child abuse and had everyone in the office incensed about it. The client definitely wanted to pursue criminal charges but the SA’s office said they needed a supplemental police report, so we were just doing everything we could to make sure charges can be pursued, I know she was meeting with a detective later today which was good, hopefully there will be a felony investigation launched into the incident and charges brought. I swear to god, I was like, shaking with anger when I was screening the case. the situation was particularly convoluted and complicated, so we had to go over the affidavit a few times with my supervisor to make sure it includes all the info we needed but not too many details that could potentially impeded a felony case down the road (it’s easy to get tripped up and mistake details and we don’t want to provide anything that could be used to impeach a witness at a later point). So that case ended up coming down around 4:50, so I spoke with them yolated because based on what we knew of the situation it very much sounded like it might be. so hopefully that will be taken care of well. I then ended up spending like another 40 minutes entering info for the cases into the computer, it’s a LOT of paperwork and keeping track of stuff, though that makes sense. so I ended up heading out at like 5:40, and as I’m on the bus home I realize I had told a guy from the dating app I’d go to dinner with him tonight when I somehow thought it was tomorrow. so I literally got off the bus and walked over to the restaurant and met him there lol, just straight from work. it was a nice dinner, enjoyed talking to him, so I guess we’ll see what happens from here. I went home afterwards and laid on the floor with an ice pack under my back for a solid hour lol because my back was super stiff. and yeah, after that I showered and started getting ready for bed and now I’m here and I am VERY tired, so I am going to sleep now. Goodnight friends. Sweet dreams.
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