mugiwara-lucy · 4 months
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Look at all these old faces!!!!!!
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jemichiart · 3 months
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My contribution for the "Friend Shaped" One Piece animals zine @opanimalszine
My illustration features Tonjit and Shelly and some animal friends from the island. 😁
You can download the digital zine for free from: https://opanimalszine.itch.io/friend-shaped-a-one-piece-animals-zine
Working on this for looooooong enough made these proportions look perfectly normal to me. One Piece has a tendency to desensitize you to strange things until you get used to them. xD
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bottlepiecemuses · 4 months
He Must Be Talking About The Effects Of The Mother Flame
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I guess he's talking about what the Mother Flame is so people can be warned of what it can do.
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the-frizzle-fry · 4 months
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Guys he’s safe. LRLL will be important mark my words.
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nocontextonepiece · 2 years
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sanny-chan5 · 2 years
Happy B-day!! 2/10
Main: Uta-chan, Melissa, Chocolove.
Uta-chan, from OP 💗🤍💙
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Melissa Shield, from BNHA
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Others: my grandma, who's 88 now! :)
Chocolove, from SK
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Others: Dorry, Tonjit (OP)
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lobotheduck · 6 months
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"Are you a super idiot?!" Will never not do me in.
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deathmetalunicorn1 · 1 year
I’m glad your back! Can I request Part 11 of the Davy Back Fight? (You can take your time with this and not gonna lie, I thought this arc was Filler until I looked it up 😅)
After escaping from some Sea Monkeys (Reader thought they were cute) they find an island where everything is super long! Meeting the Old Hermit Tonjit and Shelly the Horse (Reader is sparkly eyed by Shelly and feeds her long apples) but end up battling the Foxy Pirates in a Davy Back Fight to get Shelly back
They lost Reader to the Foxy Pirates (The Foxy Pirates know her bounty) but they only want her because she’s adorable, as they’re gushing and coddling her for how cute she is (She’s confused, because even though they’re the enemy, they don’t remind her of ‘That Man’)
Regardless Reader wants to be with the Straw Hats, as she shyly says “I want to be with my Big Brothers, Big Sister Nami and Robin, they’re very special to me, like…like my treasure”, which makes the Foxy Pirates and Straw Hats bawl from how sweet that was (Zoro and Robin are clutching their chests)
The Straw Hats promise Reader that they’ll get her back, so she’s just watching the battles, trying the food and playing a few games (She wasn’t upset when Luffy choose Shelly, Nami and Usopp were beating him black and blue rather she was happy since she was worried about Shelly, and gently says “Of course I’m not upset, this was to get Shelly back, and I know my big brother will save me, he’s like a Superhero, a Cool Pirate Superhero!” Which made Luffy bawl, calling Reader ‘Awesome’) though she was confused about Luffy wearing something called an ‘Afro’ (Thinking it’s a giant puff ball) as she was with Robin and Chopper timidly cheering him on (And was happy when Luffy won)
- Reader didn’t call Robin her sister because she doesn’t feel that’s what Robin is to her (She doesn’t realize that the reason why Robin doesn’t feel like a sister is because she’s a Mother Figure instead *Mama Robin*) I just wanted to add that little tidbit of information (For some future drama)
Phew! Sorry if this was a lot! Some of these Arcs are long or have a lot of information! (A lot of them are longer after the Time Skip though, with a few exceptions *Thriller Bark, Water Seven which continued into 2-3 consecutive arcs and Marineford*) You can also shorten/abridged this arc if you want to as well, since this was a lot of stuff (I wouldn’t blame you)
I’m going to be completely honest- but Foxy is one of the few characters in One Piece that I absolutely can’t stand- not sure why but he pisses me off for some reason. This isn't going to be exactly what you requested for this one, but I hope you enjoy it!
-After leaving the G8 base, the decision was made to head to find someone who could not only fix the ship, but find a shipwright as well for the crew.
-You tugged on Ussop’s pants, “What’s a shipwright?” he kneeled down next to you, putting a hand on your head with a grin, “A shipwright is someone who builds and repairs ships. We’re looking for someone to fix Merry and then travel with us in case if the ship gets damaged again so they can fix it.”
-You nodded, beaming before Robin picked you up, holding you up on her hip, “Time for a nap Y/N.” you nodded softly, “Will you read to me?” Robin smiled softly, adoring your question as she loved to read to you as Zoro called out that there was an island coming up.
-You wanted to stay up because you wanted to see the new island but Robin smiled after she sat you on your bed, “I’ll wake you up if there’s anything interesting to see.” You nodded, agreeing before crawling up to your pillow to lay down and beamed up at Robin who grabbed one of her books.
-You were out within minutes, sleeping quietly as she walked back out to rejoin the rest of the crew as the ship approached this strange island, Long Ring Long Land.
-Robin didn’t wake you back up after the crew was bullied into a Davy Back Challenge by Foxy the Silver Fox and the Foxy Pirates, and they had all silently agreed to try to keep your existence a secret, just in case if Foxy tried to take you.
-You woke up after a loud crashing sound, sitting up with a small whine, rubbing at your eyes as you looked around, wondering what was going on.
-You wandered out, standing on your tip toes to see Usopp putting an afro wig on top of Luffy’s head which made question marks fly around your head as you headed to the gangplank, walking down.
-Porsche saw you and her eyes turned into hearts, “You’re so cute!!” she hugged you close after running over and you were struggling to get free, not knowing her as you began to panic as she shouted at Foxy to win so she could cuddle you and Chopper more.
-You managed to get out and run to hide behind Chopper, peeking out which made her squeal on how shy you were before Robin stepped in front of the two of you, protecting you both which made Porsche glare fiercely, seeing her as a rival for your affections.
-You and Chopper both hugged Robin’s legs who wasn’t bothered as you questioned what was going on as you watched Luffy and Foxy fighting one another.
-Robin explained that the Foxy Pirates challenged the Straw Hats to a Davy Back Challenge, where members of each crew competed against each other, and whatever team won could take a member from the losing crew for their own.
-You were horrified, hugging Chopper, tears welling in your eyes after you learned that he had been lost to the Foxy Pirates, but won back by Zoro and Sanji, and now it was the final battle, with the winning captain taking whatever they wanted, and Foxy wanted the Straw Hat crew as his own.
-You cheered for Luffy as he won, taking Foxy’s flag as payment, painting a new one and you even got to help, putting some glitter on it to make it pretty, something Porsche thanked you for before asking if you wanted to join the Foxy Pirates.
-You were polite in answering her, shaking your head, “I want to stay with my big brothers, my big sister Nami, and Mama Robin.” She pouted, wanting Foxy to issue another Davy Back Challenge, but they just took their new flag and ran off, swearing revenge while you waved bye-bye to them with Sanji. Robin couldn't help but smile, hearing your words, calling her Mama, but it felt nice that you thought of her in that way.
-Luffy beamed, holding onto your hand as he grinned, “I’m going to introduce you to my new friends, one is a really tall horse named Shelley, and the other is a weird old guy called Tonjit."
-Outside the front of the house, there was a very tall man sleeping, who was awoken by your approaching crew, you didn’t know this man but you froze, scared as you saw Robin fall to her rear in fear, introducing this man as Admiral Aokiji, one of the three admirals in the marines at the moment.
-Aokiji yawned loudly, surprising everyone, before he spoke, “I ain’t here to fight with you. I just wanted to see where Nico Robin wound up after Alabasta.” He looked down at you as you were hiding behind Luffy and he smiled, “Aww- you’re a cutie! Want a candy?” he held out a lollipop for you, which surprised you, but you took it after he kneeled down, ruffling your hair gently.
-You were in awe, your eyes sparkling as Aokiji used his ice Devil Fruit to make a path for Tonjit and Shelly to reunite with his tribe and you waved goodbye to them.
-Despite appearing friendly early, Aokiji instantly turns and spoke, deeming the crew as a threat, especially Robin, who can read something called a Poneglyph and that every time Robin joins an organization, she’s always the last survivor.
-Aokiji then looked at you, like he was going to say something before Robin attacked him and he easily blocked her attack with a blade made from frozen grass, going to attack her before Zoro and Sanji blocked the blow before getting thrown back, Sanji’s leg being covered in ice and the same with Zoro’s arm.
-Luffy tried to rush at him, throwing a punch before getting his fist frozen which made you fall to your rear in fear before Robin tried again, only for him to freeze her whole body, making your mouth fall open in fear as you screamed out her name.
-When Aokiji tried to break the frozen Robin, Luffy stopped him before Usopp grabbed her and Nami grabbed you and Chopper and fled back to the ship.
-You cried loudly once on the ship, clutching at Robin as you had used your quirk to unfreeze her, worrying all of them as Robin held you close, worrying for Luffy, Zoro, Sanji, and Usopp who had gone back.
-When you saw your big brother frozen just like Robin you felt like you couldn’t breathe before unfreezing him as well, using your reversal quirk. You only had a minor fever afterwards, nothing too worrisome, but you couldn’t stop crying, even after you gave yourself the hiccups, being held by Luffy who was glaring hard.
-They had all had a harsh reality check on the power of others in this world, realizing they needed to get some strong crew mates if you all were going to survive in this unforgiving world. They had to get stronger so they could protect you, something Robin mentioned after you cried yourself to sleep, “We were lucky that he didn’t take Y/N- if he wanted to, he could have.”
-Elsewhere, riding a bicycle over the ocean on a thin strip of ice, Aokiji sneezed suddenly, “Oh~ I wonder who’s talking about me? I wonder if I forgot something~ hmmm- must have not been important.” Before continuing on his journey.
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uaremyjae · 4 months
Tonjit from Long Ring Long Land comeback making appearance 👀 Is oda finally will make Long Ring Long Land parallel like how he did with Skypie with Wano Act???
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danwhobrowses · 5 months
One Piece Chapter 1114 - Initial Thoughts
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And we are back
TCB uploaded on a Thursday for the first time in yonks, but it had to be midway through my trip back from work
but anyway, GLOBAL WARMING! Vegapunk is pouring the tea, the world is sinking, so what more does he have to say and how will the world react?
Spoilers for the Chapter, Support the Official Release Also!
Yamato's pilgrimage involves taking the long way around Wano to bring Yasuie's sword to the Enma shrine (the god of the underworld not Zoro's sword)
We'll likely encounter a bunch of characters on the trek but it surprises me that he's bringing back Yasuie's sword and not Shusui to Ryuma's grave. Either are still fine but I feel like that had more narrative significance, though if that was the task then Zoro wouldn't have been able to visit his grave off-screen - which should've very much been on-screen!
You know the tea is spilling when the chapter title is 'The wings of Icarus'
Naturally, the world takes in the revelation we left off on
The Navy reacts first, the Vice Admirals in disbelief but Akainu silent
Mock Town of all places is next, filled with nonbelievers of dreams, they mock the smartest man on the planet and deem themselves wise
Water Seven are shocked too, finding it difficult to believe that it's the whole world and not just them
Paulie and Pepe Lulu cameo too (love Franky but in another life I would've liked to have seen Paulie as a Straw Hat, would've been a perfect foil for Sanji too since he's a bashful perv, plus Nami would totally abuse how bad he is with gambling)
Doflamingo of course is revelling in the news, mocking Magellan about how this affects Impel Down
It's so surreal to me how we all know that Doflamingo is a menace, his debut literally involved him pitting marines against one another, but now he's in Impel Down he's just chilling, on his back just vibing with people like Magellan and Tsuru
It seems the Mother Flame's flooding did cause some problems for Impel Down
Doffy predicts that it'll take 5 more meters for most of the world to be flooded
He also implies evacuating 'somewhere high up' - like the Red Line maybe?
Fishman Island also reacts to the news, like everyone else they find it hard to believe
Back at Egghead though, the Buster Call don't care if it's valid, it's coming from Vegapunk so it holds weight but either way it's bringing unrest and discourse
The Gorosei meanwhile are livid, even considering going scorched earth to stop it
York is also annoyed, suck on it
Vegapunk makes a prediction, accurately pointing out the weather effects of Lulusia being wiped out
That for sure has got people more convinced, given how it's pre-recorded
Surprise Smoothie and Mont D'or cameos too!
And another already flooded island is surprised how much to a tee Vegapunk got the prediction right
Damn even Tonjit from Long Ring Long Land is getting a cameo!
Aokiji bandaged up also listens from Fullalead
Vegapunk also calls out that the earthquakes were not natural, which really sets the Gorosei off
The Straw Hats continue to fend off Saturn to protect Robin, with Lilith also in on the fight
Most of them get knocked away though, being caught by Robin's Spider Web
Saturn does still appear to be showing some damage, so still props to the crew for doing the job
Because Saturn has shifted his priority from Robin, making his way to the power station to protect it
Saturn crashes in, as Vegapunk explains his obsession with finding an unlimited energy source
Back to his 'human' form, Saturn basks in the Mother Flame
I was expecting something different, but it is a tiny flame kept in a giant tank
I wonder if the S-108 and the A&Mu stand for something? The latter are not elements on the Periodic Table
Also it's a flame inside liquid, A FLAME INSIDE OF LIQUID!
The Sleeping Giant still is on the move, passing unfazed through fire and flame
Even the Giants are struggling in the flames, still in pursuit by Warcury
Luffy however is back in Gear Fifth, that fermented shark meat must've done the trick
Marejois is stirring though, because Vegapunk has just brought up the void century
Most of the Celestial Dragons are in uproar, blaming the marines and feeling big enough to take on Vegapunk to kill him themselves
Though, interestingly, Saint Shalria - Charloss' sister - seems almost intrigued, it appears not all the Celestial Dragons know about the Void Century
Vegapunk goes on to talk about how the Poneglyphs are key to the void century
In a woodland a giant lounges as he takes in the news, the familiar laugh of Dereshishishi coming from him
I'm still not certain it's Jaguar D. Saul mind you, why hide his face for so long?
Man we're even going as far back as Orange Town!
With the Mayor and Chouchou!
The benefits of having a 20+ year manga is how you can bring back so many minor characters briefly to just show the entire scale of the world that's been built
We also see Margaret from Amazon Lily, her face seems conflicted
Vegapunk however explains that his second sin was trying to decipher the Poneglyphs, using documentation gathered from Ohara
Since Luffy could hear the broadcast I'm sure Robin is hearing it too, I wonder how she feels about Vegapunk about to lore drop a bunch of Poneglyph stuff she didn't get to discover herself
Brook is also calling for Zoro and Jinbe, not sure what their status is, same with Franky, Bonney, Atlas and Sanji vs V. Nusjuro
'History is a story, after all' is a lowkey banger line
But the Labophase is behaving differently, the clouds are stretching
Edison's plan has come into action, making the clouds wider so the Sunny can drop off into the ocean
Credit to Usopp for figuring it out too
Seems like the little tyke isn't making it out, it may end up being just Lilith at this stage
Vegapunk keeps going, stating that he only knows little about the void century, so he'll give the world some of the only facts he knows
Luffy strikes Warcury again with a Gear Fifth big punch, but the result hurts his hand all the same
Meanwhile Vegapunk details the story of a person born 900 years ago to a bountiful and advanced kingdom
Just like Nika, he had an elastic and stretchy body - which the world will very much connect to Luffy - called Joy Boy
Joy Boy was the first man to take to the seas: The First Pirate
But a break again next week, I know last week was a SJ break than an Oda break but c'mon I feel like he does this every year!
Oda sure loves to set a stage huh? What do you mean Joy Boy was the first pirate? That'd imply he's rebelling against something right? Was the advanced kingdom too restrictive maybe? So much still yet to be said
For the most part, what the characters were doing this chapter were secondary to this announcement built up, it's still cool that the Straw Hats deterred Saturn away from Robin - though we are overdue seeing Jinbe and Zoro do something of substance. Ju Peter and Mars are still kinda floating around, Doll and Bluegrass were circling the island last we saw them too. But yeah, lots of unique and surprising cameos, the mystery deepens as the plot continues somehow to thicken.
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lys-n · 1 year
Oda is the goat for these little details.
I’ve been rereading the manga, this is where the crew meets Aokiji at Long Ring Long Land for the first time. Tonjit bumps into him in front of his house, and Nami asks “has he been there all this time?”. So I checked the previous panels, and yes, he has been standing in front of the house!
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ikebanaka · 9 months
Was just scrolling through the next chunk of episodes to figure out how many it was until Water 7, because I'm watching G8 for the first time, and oh my God. Why did nobody tell me they fumbled Aokiji's introduction?? Like, it's not terrible. They still got across that he's the kind of guy that goes out of his way to help civilians. But of all the character intros to change in adaptation they chose the first admiral?? Couldn't y'all have like. Done that filler after resolving the Tonjit problem and staying true to a critical character intro???
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the-frizzle-fry · 5 months
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I fuckin knew it bro! For years I’ve been saying it’s like Wind Waker. It’s flooded!!!! That’s why Water 7 is sinking, why the Celestial Dragons live at the top of the Red Line, and even Noah makes more sense now. So is the EL hole man made to stop flooding? How? Why? Who? Global warming!!!!!?
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Is this part of what Clover was gonna say? I thought we’d get the reveal of Imu n the name of the Ancient Kingdom. Damn Oda what a chapter to break on.
Edit: That’s why CDs dress like that.
Did Imu cause the flooding or is that something he fears too? Is it imus plan to flood the world n remove the “insects?” Is the flood the cleansing?
How much water was there 1000 years ago? Like our earth? Did they even sail because tech was super advanced? Was it like Enel’s Vearth? Still haven’t touched on the moons again nor the sky races.
I’m still worried about Tonjit. Oda is gonna make everything connect I can feel it.
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birthday-hell · 1 year
Happy Birthday
October 2
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all-blue-recipes · 2 years
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// Episode 208 //
I forgot to upload Tonjit’s 10 year old ‘cheese’, that promptly made him very ill!
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op-grand-collection · 2 years
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