#tony piccolo
auburngods · 26 days
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a little tim/tony for @kaptainandy (and myself) because they're underrated
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seeyoulikeair · 1 year
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summersnow82 · 2 years
Late Night Conversations - Part 2
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Fanfiction _ SeaQuest
Fictober 2022/ Prompt #12: “You’re making my head hurt.”
Summary: The crew debates pick-up lines over breakfast.
Author’s Note: Part 2 of “Late Night Conversations.”
SeaQuest’s mess hall was always pretty scarce during shore leave. A good number of the crew would get hotel rooms or meet up with friends and family. Annabelle was one of the few who liked staying on the ship – the food was good, the room was free, and her conversations weren’t so guarded.
“Okay,” Lucas said, plopping down with Annabelle and Lonnie for breakfast. “So I met this girl.” Lonnie and Annabelle exchanged smiles. “We were doing this long distance flirting thing at the beach, and when she finally came over to say hi I just froze.”
“What did she say, Lucas?” Lonnie asked, going into big sister mode.
“She said, ‘Hi, I’m Sandy.’”
“And you said… ?” Annabelle asked.
Lucas held his hands wide, and cast his eyes towards the ceiling. “I don’t know. It was all a jumble. She went from smile to ‘ugh’ in five seconds flat.” Lucas imitated Sandy’s lip curl.
“You crash and burn, too?” Tim pulled out the last chair at their table. He cast a small smile Annabelle’s way, and she hoped she wasn’t blushing.
“Did you call her vapid, too?” Lonnie asked, her tone light but the snark was there.
“You didn’t,” Annabelle gasped, looking at Tim in shock.
“Oh, he did,” Lonnie laughed, taking a bite of her cantaloupe.
Tim rolled his eyes. “I have apologized for that a dozen times. You ever gonna let it go?”
Lonnie smiled, bopping him on the nose with her fork. “Nope.”
“I just need a really good pick-up line. Something smooth, you know,” Lucas said, ignoring the two lieutenants.
“No, you don’t.” Annabelle shook her head, putting her coffee cup back down. “They’re never as smooth as you think.”
“Sure they are,” Tony dropped down in a chair at the adjacent table where Dagwood had been happily consuming a bowl full of apples. “Dag, I think you’ve hit your fiber count for the day,” he gently teased. Dagwood ignored him, taking a large bite.
“No, they aren’t,” Lonnie said pointedly. She looked at Annabelle. “Worst one?”
Annabelle knew she was blushing now. “I once got asked how much.” All eyes turned her way, except Dagwood who was plowing into a new apple, this one yellow. She raised her hands to ward her friends off. “In his defense, it was the fourteenth century, and I was wearing pants with my forearms exposed. I guess that’s kind of a no-no.”
“Yeah, ignore the time traveler, Luke,” Tony said, nudging the younger man’s shoulder.
“I had one guy who asked me if I had a band-aid,” Lonnie reminisced.
Tim arched an eyebrow. “A band-aid?”
Lonnie grinned, casting her eyes to Annabelle. “Because he scraped his knee falling for me.”
Annabelle tossed her head back, chuckling. “Oh, I like that one. Very cute.”
“I’ll take cute and dopey over overtly crass any day,” Lonnie agreed.
Lucas raked a hand through his blonde hair. “Guys. You’re making my head hurt.”
“I did have a guy tell me he was glad he had his library card on him,” Annabelle mused, lifting a piece of toast.
Lucas and Tim exchanged curious looks before turning in their chairs. “Why?” Tim asked.
“Because he was checking her out!” Lonnie burst into giggles, and Annabelle followed suit.
“It was so bad, but so funny,” she gasped between laughs.
“Okay, you’re killing me,” Tony dragged his chair over to Lucas waving his hands in the air as if to clear the slate. “Look, Lucas, all ya gotta do… .” Annabelle tipped her coffee cup back to get the last sip before standing to go. Lucas was listening intently to Tony, and Lonnie was trying desperately to undermine his advice. She gave Tim a small wave before heading for the exit, patting Dagwood on the shoulder as she passed.
She was halfway to her room when she heard her name; behind her Tim was jogging to catch up. “Hey!” He was only slightly out of breath, but he gave her a broad smile. “I wanted to say thank you again. For last night,” he said, waving a hand. “Gave me some perspective.”
Annabelle smiled, leaning against the wall. “I’m glad, Tim.”
“So, um… what – what do you have planned today?” He asked, leaning a hand on the wall, trying to look nonchalant. It was a normal question, but the way he said it was… odd.
“Uh, well.” Annabelle chewed her lip, thoughtful. “I’ve got a few errands to run, nothing too exciting, but…,” her eyes lit up at the thought, “Wendy told me about this great second-hand bookstore I want to check out, and then I’m gonna get one of those crazy expensive, super indulgent coffees.” She laughed, shaking her head. “Like I said, nothing too exciting.”
Tim’s expression had softened, a soft smile curling his lips to the side. “No, it uh, it actually sounds perfect.” Annabelle smiled, tilting her head down because she knew with certainty she was blushing. “Do you think… do you think maybe you’d like some company?” Annabelle looked up, blinking in surprise. He had his mouth screwed up in a cute half smile, and he shrugged. “Maybe you can teach me some more pick-up lines to avoid.”
“Yeah? Yeah, okay, O’Neill,” she laughed. “Give me thirty?” He nodded in response, his smile as broad as hers.
“Can’t wait.”
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prophetkristy · 2 years
Tonys oversized character is annoying, but in a somehow endearing way. A fine replacement for Krieg the Slimy.
— Dr. Kristy (@prophetkristy) October 5, 2018
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mewmewdoppio · 1 year
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Some scribbles that are unrelated but I think it'd be funny if they were
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isugarmintz · 4 months
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A batch of doodles ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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skepticoyote · 1 year
Chopper’s such a little shit, just look at his face. >:3
The Funimation dub is legit really good and if you disagree then boo to you, you bad taste-haver.
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s-a-f-e-w-o-r-d--2 · 8 months
Zitta, non parlare... Lasciati coccolare... Lo so che sei come un fiore pronto a sbocciare tra le mie mani... Che ti aspetti un nostro domani ma io sono un bastardo e non ti so amare... Voglio solo goderti e farti del male... Piccolo fiore mi piaci da impazzire ma con la mia natura non posso lottare... Ti amo adesso per quello che siamo ma non so se domani noi ci ritroviamo... Prendimi adesso... Così come sono e non fasciarti la testa con il futuro... Sei la mia regina, la mia principessa... Sei l'amante perfetta per questa fiaba dai toni strani... Dove io sono il boia che infrange i tuoi ideali...
~ Virginia ~
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flower1622 · 3 months
Thalia, Percy and Nico:
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Wonder Woman, Superman and Batman:
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Sakura, Naruto and Sasuke:
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Powerpuff girls:
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Nami, Luffy and Zoro:
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The three spidermen:
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Thor, Tony and Steve:
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Goku, Vegeta and Piccolo:
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curiositasmundi · 17 days
Una classe dirigente può esser tale senza avere nessuna delle caratteristiche minime per esercitare dignitosamente questo ruolo? Sicuramente ci si può trovare davanti ad una ruling class inadeguata, ma questo comporta che il Paese disgraziatamente sotto il suo potere sia condannato allo sfacelo. La giornata di ieri ha mostrato un mosaico di avvenimenti che dànno la misura effettiva della nullità – capitalistica, morale, economica, politica, culturale, ecc – di chi controlla questa sfortunata provincia dell’Impero. Andiamo con ordine, prendendo i titoli dal giornale che pretende di essere ancora “il salotto buono della borghesia italiana”. Il quale, fin da ieri mattina, ci invita a spargere lacrime simpatetiche con “il povero” Luciano Benetton, che si è accorto solo ora – 89enne, al momento di ritirarsi in dolce attesa – che il suo gruppo ha registrato perdite choc: «In pochi mesi da 13 a 100 milioni, ora il rosso sarà di 230». E’ appena il caso di ricordare che l’ex “re del maglioncino” è stato a capo di un piccolo impero economico multinazionale, “a gestione familiare”, che ha responsabilità dirette nella repressione dei Mapuche in Patagonia, nel crollo del Ponte Morandi per risparmiare sulla manutenzione (43 morti), accarezzando nel frattempo anche qualche giovane virgulto “democratico” in vena di arrampicate… Il “povero pensionato” accusa naturalmente l’ultimo amministratore delegato da lui stesso scelto con toni entusiatici, e ora se la vedranno con gli avvocati in tribunale. Secondo capitolo. “Morto nel suv con la fascetta al collo Giallo sul marito di FrancescaDonato”. L’eurodeputata un tempo leghista, quando ci istruiva in ogni talk show circa le cirtù salvifiche del neoliberismo condito con privatizzazioni e taglio delle tasse a ricchi ed imprese, nonché del complottismo novax, ha immediatamente sentenziato “Me l’hanno ucciso”. E noi stavolta – l’unica – le crediamo. Angelo Onorato, imprenditore ed ex candidato alle regionali con la Dc di Totò Cuffaro (formazione cui è approdata anche l’eurodeputata) è stato infatti trovato morto strangolato alle tre del pomeriggio dentro la sua auto, sulla parallela dell’autostrada per l’aeroporto di Palermo. Modalità e luogo dell’omicidio lasciano un portone spalancato a ogni ipotesi che riporti alla mafia (anche se I media sono molto cauti, in queste prime ore). Ma la cronaca nera politico-imprenditoriale ci continua a sottoporre i tormenti del “povero Giovanni Toti”, tuttora presidente della Regione Liguria nonostante sia agli arresti domiciliari, descritto con umana compassione dal Corrierone: “Toti, la vita ai domiciliari: l’ansia nella casa di Ameglia con la moglie convalescente e il cane Arold”. Le accuse di corruzione, le intercettazioni, i soldi di Spinelli… Tutto nelle righe dell’articolo, ma è il titolo che deve restare nella testa dei lettori, no?
Ci sarebbe da fare qualche domanda anche sulla morte del rettore dell’università Cattolica di Milano, suicida (ma non viene quasi mai ricordato, tanto meno nei titoli) e senza alcuna spiegazione apparente. Riserbo massimo, nessuna ipotesi, parce sepulto…
Si potrebbe andare avanti a lungo, ma ci sembra più interessante l’unica notizia di critica sociale vero uno degli esponenti peggiori di questa classe dirigente. A Marina di Pietrasanta, titola sempre il Corsera, “Irruzione degli attivisti al Twiga, ombrelloni piantati fra le tende dei vip: «La spiaggia è di tutti»”
Ma chi sono questi attivisti? Di chi è il Twiga?
Bisogna andare a spiluccare nelle pagine interne… E allora si viene a sapere che I primi fanno parte del coordinamento ‘Mare Libero’, che dal 2019 si battono contro la privatizzazione delle spiagge e per “restituire il mare alla collettività”. Hanno montato ombrelloni e sdraio, steso gli asciugamani tra i lettini dello stabilimento, solitamente meta di vip, calciatori e politici. E lì si sono rimasti, tra le proteste di alcuni clienti che hanno rivendicato la “proprietà privata” della spiaggia.
Mal gliene è incolto, però, visto che come spiegano i ragazzi “Piantiamo i nostri ombrelloni in questa spiaggia tornata libera perché le concessioni sono tutte scadute il 31 dicembre 2023. Lo ha deciso il Consiglio di Stato in attesa, come stabilito anche dall’Unione europea, delle gare”.
Quanto ai proprietari del Twiga, beh, sono storicamente gli stranoti Flavio Briatore e Daniela Santanché, ora ministro del turismo. Che è poi a ragione per cui ha venduto le sue quote al socio, anche se un’inchiesta de Il Domani ha verificato che continua a incassare profitti dal Twiga tramite una società creata ad hoc, la Ldd Sas, ditta creata ad aprile 2023 e controllata al 90% da Immobiliare Dani, a sua volta al 95% di Daniela Santanché.
Scatole cinesi, azzeccagarbugli da commercialisti, rapporto osè – mortiferi – con la grande criminalità organizzata, truffe pure e semplici, amministratori pubblici a busta paga…
In mano a questi stanno le nostre vite.
Una “classe dirigente” di impressionante squallore - Via
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dittobtch · 2 months
the wilds high school orchestra au (1/?)
this was supposed to be a fic but it's been sitting idly for a while now. i like it enough though, so this is what i settled on instead
what the girls would play:
fatin - cello (obviously)
dot - percussion (she likes the timpani the most but is forced to play xylophone/ vibraphone because everyone else is shit at it (she is also shit at it, but she is the least shit))
shelby - bassoon (she played the oboe for a bit and clarinet before that. she likes switching instruments after getting good at one. the bassoon is recent - only a couple weeks into playing)
nora - violin (second chair. could've made first but hates the thought of possibly getting a solo. also wanted rachel to have it)
rachel - violin (first chair. what can i say, she works hard. she has pretty shitty ears in terms of pitch though and fatin loves to make fun of her because of it)
toni - trumpet (cannot do theory to save her life, but is surprisingly good at the instrument. also yells at all the guys in the brass section when they take their idgaf attitudes too far)
martha - flute (likes the whimsical feel, tried piccolo once and absolutely hated it. somehow she's always in tune)
leah - is not supposed to be here (she got kicked out of all the other arts but still needs an art credit. she sucks at music but ended up here anyways)
part 2 | part 3 | part 4
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squippy360 · 2 years
Reader dom, sub Peter parker, sub, Tony (I need this artwork to live)
Here ya go
Sub!Peter Parker x Dom!Male reader x Sub!Tony Stark
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Cw:(first time, soft to hard fucking, hella gay, vibrator, spanking, praise, degrading, mentions of getting pregnant, mentions of 'boypussy' but is still male, smut)
Tony Stark had fallen head over heels in love with you. You were his 24/7 bodyguard (cliche I know-) that would constantly be near him. He asked you to be his boyfriend and you happily agreed. You couldn't deny that you loved his cute face too. You loved the way he would melt from just you looking at him. Even a single touch from you could make his legs wobble a tiny bit.  The power you had over him just made you feel warm inside. You made your way to the kitchen where Tony is currently complaining about a headache. 
"Anthony~" I mumbled as I wrapped my arms around his waist. He let out a long and tired groan. I smiled and spun him to face me. I held his legs either side of me and sat in his seat. I gently put his head on my shoulder and rubbed his back. "It's ok, Baby~ Daddy's here to take care of you~" I cooed to him teasingly. He blushed and let out a sigh and relaxed into me. "You better…" He grumbled. 
I hummed and turned to the sound of an elevator opening and saw Tony's newest assistant, Peter Parker, walk in and looked pretty stressed. "Mr. Stark, I need to talk to you- Oh! I-I'm sorry I didn't know you were busy!" He said as he saw us cuddling in the kitchen. 
I waved him off. "It's alright. We were just relaxing a bit. What did you need?" I asked. He squirmed and fiddled with his fingers, his gaze averting to the floor. "Um…N-Nevermind!" He mumbled. I smiled when I heard a little snore come out of Tony. "It's just me now. My bunny here is sleeping~" I cooed softly. Peter came a bit closer, sitting in one of the seats next to me. 
"Well…um…I know you two probably won't feel the same but I just need to get it off my chest, even if you reject me." Peter said quietly as to not wake Tony. I nodded and guestered him to continue. "I-I have a…really big crush on you and Mr. Stark. I can't help it, you two are so attractive and…these weird thoughts keep coming up…" Peter quietly whimpered. 
My eyes widened a bit at his confession. 'Why would this adorable little boy lust after us? He could have picked a younger person…' I thought. "Oh Peter...Are you sure you would want to have a romantic relationship with us? I mean, you're so young. You could get a relationship with someone you deserve." I mumbled to him. 
He looked up at me. "I-I'm sure I want you and Mr. Stark. I can't think about being with anyone else. I love you." He whimpered. I stilled for a bit, thinking for a bit. I lifted the hand that was on Tony's thigh and tilted Peter's face to look up at mine. "Oh my~ How could I refuse a pretty face like yours~" I purred. "Here. Come with me~" I whispered and walked to our bedroom. Peter followed us quietly. I gently laid Tony on the bed. 
"Let's wake our Piccolo Topo(little mouse)~ I'm sure he'll like this present~" I purred and took his clothes off. Peter blushed and got in between Tony's legs. "I-If you say so…" He whimpered and licked the tip of his cock. I smirked and went behind Tony, kissing his neck to wake him up. "Tesoro(darling)~ Come on, My little pudding cup~ Wake up for me~" I whispered in his ear. He whined and bucked against Peter. "What…" He mumbled. 
"Look at your little present here~" I purred and snaked my arms up his shirt and began to play with his nipples. His head fell back on my shoulder and he let out a long and lazy moan. "So fucking cute~" I growled and pinched his nipples. He arched his back and gasped. "Mr. Stark~ My body feels hot for you~" Peter whimpered and bobbed his head up and down Anthony's cock. Tony gasped and his hands came up to Peter's hair. "S-Shit, kid…Your mouth feels so fucking good~" Tony groaned. 
I slowly grinded my cock on his ass. "Ohhh the things I want to do to him~ I want to fuck him right on the bed while is sucking your pretty cock off~ I want to fuck him until he can't think about anything but us~ I want him to scream as loud as he can until he looses his voice~" I growled. I felt his whole body heat up from the statement. "W-What are you waiting for then…" He huffed. 
I smirked. "Oh don't worry, I'm going to make sure that all of those things I said are going to happen~" I murmured and bit his ear. He let out a lewd groan and came into Peter's mouth. I rubbed his tummy, watching him twitch from the intense feeling. I moved over a bit and took my clothes off. "Peter~ Be a good boy and take your clothes off~" Tony purred. 
Tony watched with a hazy look as Peter shimmied his clothes off. He noticed us staring and climbed into the bed, hiding himself in the blankets. "C'mere baby~" I growled and pulled him closer and pinned his arms away from his body. He relaxed a bit and looked up at me with those big, adorable, puppy eyes. I let out a shaky sigh and saw his twitching cock. "P-Please be gentle…I-I'm a virgin…" Peter begged. Virgin…Peter Parker?
All movement around us seemed to stop. Peter shifted uncomfortably under our gaze. "Is that bad…?" Peter whispered. I shook out of my daze and gently rocked my hips against his. "No~ Not at all~ It just means that we are the first ones who get to touch your pretty body, Ragazzo Carino(pretty boy) ~" I growled. I rolled Peter over so that he was on his knees with his face buried into the bed. I quickly snatched the lube from the dresser and poured some on my fingers. "Are you comfortable? Is there something you don't like?" I asked. 
He shook his head. "Please continue!" He begged. My fingers gently danced around his hole before gently plunging inside the warm cavern. "Wow~ you're so tight~" I praised and ran my hand over his smooth thighs. "Così fottutamente carino(So fucking pretty)~" You mumbled. You stuck another finger in, scissoring his hole gently.  
He whimpered and clutched the bed sheets. His thighs were shaking a bit as I nuzzled into them. "No one else is ever going to see this~ only us~" I growled. I pluck my 3rd finger in just to make sure. He looked down at the pre-cum dribbling down his cock. "I'm ready! Please fuck me! I want to know what it feels like~" Peter begged. 
I pulled my fingers out and slowly lubed my cock, edging Tony and Peter at the same time. I got behind Peter and slowly rocked my hips into his, teasing my cock at his entrance. "Ready? Ask nicely." I ordered. "Please, M/n! Please fuck me!" He begged. I held his hips and slowly eased my cock inside of him. He gasped and moaned loudly. 
"Fuck~ Your so tight and warm~" I groaned. "Mr. Stark! Please put your cock in my mouth! I wanna taste you!" He begged out, fisting the sheets. "You're so adorable, Peter~ Here's your reward~" Tony purred and shoved his cock inside of Peter's mouth. 
I slowly moved in and out, careful as to not hurt him. "Your so fucking cute~ I just wanna do this," I said and slapped his ass, moaning when I saw it jiggle. His body jolted at the sudden movement and moaned loudly. "Cute~" You purred and slapped his ass more. You set a medium pace, making sure he was comfortable. Your arm wriggled under his tummy and you jerked his cock off. 
"Mmm!!!" His screams were muffled by Tony's cock. "Peter, Take it easy~ Don't rush it- Ah~" His sentence got cut off by his sudden moan when Peter sucked on his lip. I reached by the side of the bed for a vibrating buttplug in the 'toy box'. "Tesoro~ Spread your legs for us~" I smirked. He spread his thighs apart more and leaned back. I lubed up the plug and slowly eased it in, making sure it reached the base. 
He sat back up and slowly rocked his hips. "Fuck~ Please let me cum this time!" He begged. I smiled and turned it up 2 settings high. Tony's breath hitched and he grabbed onto Peter's hair. I leaned down, my chest resting on his back and I nuzzled into his neck, kissing his neck. 
His whole body was shaking and he came right in my hand. "Did you cum already~ Adorable~" I licked my lips and bit down on the nape of his neck. He shivered and moaned loudly on Tony's cock. "Cumming…!" Tony moaned and pushed Peter's head on the base of his cock. 1I grabbed Tony's wrist. "Be gentle, Tesoro~ It's his first, let's be gentle~" I cooed. "I-I don't mind! Please wreck me!" He cried out. 
"I don't want to hurt you." I whispered in his ear. "Please! Harder! Spank me more, Amore!" He begged. My pupils dilated and at his words and I spread more lube on my cock before pounding him into the bed. "Keep sucking that fucking cock, who told you that you could stoo~" I growled and spanked him harder. He let out a long moan and choked on Tony's cock. 
I turned Tony's setting all the way up as Peter choked on his cock. I could hear it buzzing through his tummy.  Tony groaned loudly and clawed at the bed. "TOO MUCH!!! OH FUCK!!!" He screamed and came again. I jerked Peter's cock faster when my own orgasm neared. I kissed and bit his neck more, admiring the red and purple Mark's I left. 
"Your going to take this fucking cock~ I'm going to stuff your boypussy with~ my cum~ I'm going to breed you so fucking deep that well have children~ Oh~ You like that idea~ Do you like the idea of having a tummy filled with kids? Walking around with a baby in your tummy at such a young age? You fucking slut~" I growled. He pulled off of Tony's cock and screamed out. "YES!!! PLEASE BREED MY BOYPUSSY!!! GET ME PREGNANT!!!" He screamed and came again in my hand. My cock twitched and I came deep inside Peter. Tony let out a broken groan and came on Peter's face. 
I turned the vibrator off and let them rest. Peter went limp and collapsed on the bed, twitching and panting. I went to get a damp towel and wiped Peter's body down, cleaning his face and then his ass. I took the plug out of Tony and let him curl up in the blankets. "Can you put a plug inside…like the people do when they don't want anything to leak." Peter mumbled shyly. I smiled and reached in the box and grabbed a pretty blue buttplug for him. I put some lube on it and gently put it in, making sure it was snug inside of him. 
I wiped Tony's toy down before throwing it in the box lazily and hopped into bed. I wrapped my arms around Peter as he curled into Tony's chest. "Good job, Peter~ You were such a good boy today~" He praised. Peter smiled weakly. "Thank you, Mr. Stark." He mumbled before drifting off to sleep. Me and Tony gave each other one last look before falling asleep as well. "G'night, Tesoro~" I whispered. 
Next up: Tony stark x ??? X male reader
It's a secret :]
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seeyoulikeair · 1 year
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summersnow82 · 2 years
Too High a Cost
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Fanfiction _ SeaQuest
Fictober 2022/ Prompt #11: “Think! For once!”
Summary: The Marauder manipulates Lucas into surrendering himself – but at what cost?
Author’s Note: Just a little ficlet. Hope y’all enjoy!
“Lucas! Think! For once!” Bridger’s voice was harsher than he intended, but he couldn’t help the fear rising through his chest. “Get him back here! Now!” He barked at no one in particular and to everyone around him.
“I am thinking, Captain,” Lucas argued on the Vid Link. He’d taken the Stinger – again. “The Marauder made the trade very simple.” Lucas looked so defeated; it was heart breaking. “The SeaQuest’s safety… for me.”
“Lucas, men like this don’t honor their word,” Wendy Smith tried, stepping closer to Nathan, placing a comforting hand on his elbow. “Once he has what he wants…,” she trailed off, shaking her head. “He’ll always want more. They will always want more.”
Lucas’s brow furrowed, and his eyes narrowed as if he were re-evaluating his choice. “But I… don’t I at least have to try?”
“Captain, we have incoming,” Ortiz called out.
“Fire interceptors,” Bridger replied. “Lucas, please!”
“Interceptors fired.”
“Captain, they’re not just targeting us,” Tim said, looking back at his commanding officer, fear evident on his pale features. “They’re targeting Lucas, too, sir.”
“Lucas! Get back here now!” Bridger cried, the fear swelling inside his chest. This was just like Robert. Just like…
“Captain!” Lucas cried, recognizing the oncoming attack, and realizing he had no time to escape. Wendy’s grasp on Bridger’s elbow tightened as a small cry escaped her. “Captain, I’m sorry! Capt - !” The teen’s cry was cut off by the explosion, the Vid Link communication now just static.
The Bridge was still, as if every crewman were collectively holding their breath, unable to believe what they’d just witnessed. Surely…
Lonnie held a hand to her mouth, hot tears pressing at her lashes while sobs cut at her throat. Tim was visibly shaking, and Tony was staring at the screen, mouth agape. Surely…
“We’re being hailed, sir,” Tim’s voice was strangled as he said the words.
A long pause. “Put them on the screen, Mr. O’Neill.” Bridger knew what shock felt like; he’d been through this before. Just put one foot in front of the other…
“The boy and I had a deal, Nathan.” The Marauder's face filled the screen. Wendy could feel the rage seeping off Brody and Ford, both remaining silent for now. “You shouldn’t have encouraged him to break it.”
Nathan Bridger was not always thankful for the military, but in this moment he was. His training and years of experience kept him cool-headed, and the words he spoke rang out like a death knell. “You attacked an unarmed vessel with a child at the helm. I will find you, and I will take great pleasure in delivering you to the deepest, darkest prison the UEO can find. I suggest,” he looked the Marauder dead in the eye, “that you run, because when I find you – when we find you – you’ll wish you never targeted a trusting soul like Lucas Wolenczak.”
The Marauder didn’t reply, but Nathan could see it in his eyes: fear and doubt. The screen went blank, and Bridger sank in his chair, closing his eyes.
Wendy hadn’t been listening to the Marauder’s taunts or Nathan’s promises. She’d been shoving the emotions of the crew back, back, so far back so she could reach out and try to touch what she hoped was still there. Faint, so hard to hear, but it was there. Her eyes flashed open, and she whirled to the Captain. “Nathan. Nathan!” Bridger reluctantly opened his eyes, catching the look she was giving him. He sat up straighter. “Nathan, he’s alive. Lucas is alive!”
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soulcluster · 2 months
here it is, what no one asked for: my ship bias list under a read more cause oof it's long
main roster
disney hans — anna, kristoff
dragon age blackwall — josie, inquisitor colum cousland — morrigan, anora, zevran fenris — hawke, isabela, bethany kaitlyn hawke — varric, fenris, cullen, alistair, loghain roland gilmore — cousland, bethany
dragon ball z android 18 — krillin bulma briefs — vegeta, goku cell — ....honestly just send me your ideas dende — gohan goku — chi-chi, bulma piccolo — bulma trunks briefs (future) — none yet
final fantasy aerith — cloud, tifa, sephiroth cid highwind — reeve, tifa clive rosfield — jill, cid cloud — aerith yuna — tidus, baralai
fire emblem citrinne — none yet cyril — lysithea eirika — seth, saleh, cormag ephraim — forde, gerik, tethys, marisa, tana frederick — olivia, sumia, cherche gerome — cynthia, lucina, laurent kagetsu — alear nel — none yet olivia — frederick, lon'qu, gregor seteth — jeralt, hanneman
fma: brotherhood ed — winry ling yao — lan fan riza — roy
harvest moon chelsea — vaughn kai — popuri, karen, leia mark (awl) — muffy molly (ap) — candace, phoebe, renee popuri — gray, karen, kai soseki — none yet vaughn — chelsea
the last unicorn amalthea — lir
legend of zelda link — mipha, malon malon — link mipha — link, zelda, revali zelda — ganondorf
marvel 616 adam warlock — gamora drax — mantis gamora — adam warlock, angela, tony stark peter quill — none yet rocket — lylla
mortal kombat fujin — none yet jax — sonja, vera takeda — jacqui
my time gwen/oc — logan, unsuur, owen, qi, heidi logan — fang, grace, builder
persona kotone — shinjiro, akihiko, ryoji ren — yoshizawa, ann, futaba, shiho, ryuji ryuji — joker, ann shiho — ann, joker shinjiro — kotone
resident evil leon — claire rebecca — none yet
star wars briayla/oc — corso, darmas, theron, lana doc — jedi knight kihanda/oc — doc, obi-wan
stardew valley abigail — sam, leah, penny, farmer eris/oc — harvey harvey — farmer
studio ghibli arrietty — spiller baron — baroness kiki — none yet pazu — sheeta
tales of kratos — anna, raine lailah — zaveid
threads of fate rue — none yet
tomb raider jonah — abigaile lara — sam, jaocb sam — lara
request roster
chrono trigger/cross serge — leena magus — none yet
cyberpunk 2077 takemura — none yet v/oc — none yet
DC lucifer — mazikeen soarnik natu — none yet
disney jack skellington — sally jane porter — tarzan, belle
final fantasy basch — none yet fran — balthier penelo — none yet zidane — garnet/dagger
fire emblem byleth — dimitri, claude, hanneman, shamir deirdre — sigurd franz — none yet gregory — none yet marianne — byleth, dimitri mikoto — yukimura, gunter quan — ethlyn rhys — none yet silas — corrin
harvest moon calvin — farmer lyla — basil, louis muffy — farmer, griffin, nami
legend of dragoon dart — shana lavitz — rose
mass effect garrus — shepard jeff/joker — shepard zaeed — shepard
metal gear solid cécile — kaz gray fox — none yet quiet — venom snake solid snake — hal, meryl
my hero academia tenya iida — ochako mina ashido — none yet
once upon a time belle — emma, ruby, ariel, killian, neal emma swan — neal, belle, ruby, graham grace — henry jefferson — belle, graham, robin, ruby milah — graham, robin, killian neal — emma, belle, robin, graham
rune factory felicity — raguna russell — none yet
tales of zaveid — lailah
*note 1: for any oc type characters I have a preference for (inquisitor, hawke, builder, assorted farmers, shepard, etc.), shipping will depend on that muse's character and if it works with my muse.
**note 2: just because a ship isn't on here doesn't mean I wouldn't ship it at all, except in the rare case of a notp
***notps: aerith/zack, cloud/tifa. these are only in a romantic sense, platonic is fine. if you see me shipping these it's because I'm close with the other mun
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arkytiorwrites · 2 years
A Place to Call Home
Tony Stark x Reader
This kind of ties into Cuddles in the Rain, and I know I’ve been posting nothing but Tony for weeks, but in my defense, he’s my husband and I love him a lot, okay?
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Tony hung up after checking in on Peter back in NYC, now that he knew the young webslinger was his son, he was completely determined to make up for sixteen years of lost time.
The host of the party he'd been forced to attend all the was in freaking India approached him with a plastered smile.
“I trust all is well, Mr. Stark ?"
" Perfect,” Tony smiled sliding his phone into his pocket.
“Where is your lovely spouse? " the other asked, causing Tony to sigh.
"We aren't married, and they’ve probably wandered off to explore. They’ll turn up."
“Are you not worried for them?"
"Not really, they can take care of themself, and if they needs me, they knows how to contact me. But one way or another, Y/N Y/L/N always comes home. Excuse me, I need a word with the American ambassador,” the multi-billionaire fibbed, walking away quickly before any protests could be made.
Successfully making it to the bar Tony requested a refill for his whiskey. His host’s words of concern caused him to remember the first time his wanderlust-minded soulmate had disappeared on him.
He had been young and still reeling over the fact he'd found his mate. He’d left them alone for five minutes in Central Park, and they promptly wandered off to go poke around in the trees and actually managed to climb one of them. He'd never felt such direct and soul-crushing terror in his short life. Every awful thing that could happen to a teenager in New York City flashed through his head and he’d nearly had a panic attack.
However, the second they sensed his terror, they ran out of the woods with autumn leaves tangled in their hair like some fey creature of myth and into his arms. In that moment he knew that wherever they may roam, they would always come home.
"Hey, old man.”
Speak of the Devil, and they will appear.
"Meet me on the balcony?”
"Of course, tesoro," he replied, downing his whiskey in one go, then making his way to the abandoned balcony.
It was a hot, balmy night and the indoors were air conditioned, so no one was interested in the view of the night sky and the dark jungle. After a few moments of silence, there was the hushed whoosh of feathered wings and Y/N landed lightly on the railing of the balcony. Giving him a cheeky, almost childish grin, they sat down; folding the huge black and dark green appendages over the rail to keep themself balanced.
“Ehi, piccolo,” (Hey, babe) they greeted, kicking their feet.
“Ciao, mia dolce tesoro,”(Hello, my sweet darling)Tony replied, walking up to them so he could wrap his arms around their waist and pull his soulmate close for a kiss. Feeling their delighted smile against his lips, he made sure they didn't lose their balance as they wrapped their arms around his neck and returned the gesture.
After a moment of their favorite hello, Tony pulled back to rest his forehead on theirs and deliver a swift peck to the tip of their nose .
"Find anything interesting?"
“I found some cool rocks and an epic waterfall-pool thing. We should skinny-dip there,” they answered, giving him his own kiss on the nose.
"As long as there isn’t anything anything interested in nibbly bits,” Tony warned.
"Not while I’m around," they giggled, hugging him. "Merci, bein-amié,” (Thank you, beloved) they whispered in his ear.
“Pour quoi?" (For what?) Tony inquired.
"Pour être la maison où je peux toupurs retourner quand je me lasse de mon errance,” (For being the home I can always return to when I grow weary of my wandering) Y/N explained, nuzzling into his neck.
“Toujourset pour toujours ,ma chérie. Toujours.” (Always and forever, my sweet. Always)
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