#too vehement with club stanning?
mchiti · 1 year
guys I'm not one who gets mad if I get unfollowed by a mutual -genuinely!! I understand this should be a nice experience and it's alright to follow only who we want to follow. Maybe i get upset but that's normal. Perhaps it just makes me wonder if I'm just too naive or anything cause I'd never do the same idk bruh. Like I think it's a right but I'd never. it's just the internet I suppose
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I don't understand why people think Brian is a homophobe. hes pro LGBTQ+ and a sweet old man who just so happens to also use his platform to raise awareness for climate change and animal rights aswell, I don't know why people hate him 🤔 I would def trust him with my drink tf
It's because of his defense of the movie. The movie sucks ass and he's vehemently defended it, so people assume he must be homophobic. But it doesn't take a whole lot of digging at all to see the pro-LGBT statements he's made over the years, and back when it was still uncommon and unpopular for public figures to do so. He's made the most public pro-gay statements out of the band. Plus, anyone who thinks he didn't accept Freddie is an idiot with no eyes.
I think his defense of the movie boils down to him not understanding the core issues with it, being a man of his situation and generation, and he's incredibly defensive of anything related to Queen. He sees the movie as carrying on Freddie and Queen's legacy, so he doesn't take any criticism regarding it. It's a flaw of his, to get tunnel vision like that, but at the end of the day, he didn't have control over the script, as opposed to what some insta stans may think, so I've kind of let it go. It's also unfair to accuse Brian of homophobia for defending the movie, but not Roger, who's also done so.
I also think people willfully misconstrue things Brian has said about the dangers of the party life they all shared. They see him hint that Freddie was taken advantage of and taken to concerning places and go, "he thinks gay clubs icky!!" but that's a stupid take tbh. Brian is not alarmed by sex lol and he's talked about how he thinks Freddie got overwhelmed by it all in the same way he did, so he's talking about how all the partying fucked them all up. He's never ever blamed Freddie for his death and angrily denied that his behavior led to him getting AIDS, so I think people just get big mad when Brian implies "constant hard partying isn't good, actually" lol.
People in this fandom just have a massive hate boner for Brian, too. He's put his foot in his mouth and done things I don't like, but man, I still remember when he just praised Adam Lambert's new song at the time and people went "fuck you this is so disrespectful to Freddie!!!!" even though it had nothing to do with him. And then Brian will show up at events for his own work, or for things explicitly honoring Freddie like ceremonies or something, and people will think he's some spotlight-hungry famewhore. There's something about him that makes people get terminally online brainworms lol and I don't understand it.
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anxiouslymalicious · 5 years
Losers Club Plus One Part 4
Richie Tozier x daughter!reader series
Read the previous part here or go here for the series Masterlist!
A/N: Thank you guys so much for the lovely support! I have had an amazing weekend in London, but my tumblr app kept on crashing and turned off my whole phone every now and then so I couldn’t reply to everything on time. I hope that I have put everyone on the taglist who wanted to be added, but if I missed you, please message me again! It really wasn’t my intention to do so, it was more tumblr fucking me up big time. 
Anyway, here we go with the fourth part! There is a mention of a panic attack in here, it is kind of descriptive but not fully graphically realised so I just kind of wanted to throw a warning out here.
I hope you enjoy!
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Y/N was stiffly following the adult losers to the Barrens. Richie had already tried to figure out what was going on with his daughter, but she refused to tell him. She was scared, yes, but she knew that the losers had already fought IT – and all of them had come out of that alive – so she assumed that she would be safe with them. With her father. And she didn’t want Richie to freak out even further and actually drag her ass home. His friends needed him, so she would be able to suck it up and sit through all that.
Bill slowed his steps a little and stayed a bit behind with Y/N. All the other losers had tried to get her to talk on their walk into the woods in the Barrens, none of them being successful. Richie, at last, asked Bill to try. He was the unspoken leader, Big Bill, of the losers club. Maybe he had the same kind of effect on her as he had on the other losers. Like they were safe with him and could trust him, his intuition and his usually well-chosen words, even when they were down in the sewers, with only a few matches left to light the way, facing Patrick Hockstetter’s body, stumbling through the disgusting greywater.
“Y-you’re awf-f-fully quiet.” Bill said to the girl, hands in his pocket. His stuttering had come back, it was easier to control when he was talking with his friends but with his friend’s daughter, it was strangely difficult. Bill told himself that it was just because she was practically a stranger and he didn’t trust her like the people he had faced IT with. How could he? Surely, no one would blame Bill if he confessed to feelings this way, but he was too ashamed to do just that.
“And you’re stuttering.” She replied, a smirk on her lips, curious to see whether he could take the joke. Bill scoffed.
“Are you alright? All of this is probably a bit much-“
“I’m fine, okay? Please stop asking me. I’m as good as you can be when you’re meeting friends your father couldn’t remember until a few hours ago, bloody and full of your own vomit because your fortune cookie was bleeding on you and some strange creature keeps threatening you that you’ll float with some Stanley and Georgie.” Y/N stopped walking, growing irritated at the many attempts. She appreciated that they were taking care of her, but she didn’t feel like talking, she felt like she couldn’t talk. Because she couldn’t understand, couldn’t express what was going on.
“G-g-Georgie?” Bill asked, tears suddenly springing to his eyes, a little sting in his chest, his heart. The girl just nodded, her arms crossed as she watched him with great caution and confusion.
“Is everything alright?” Ben asked the two, looking back at them, stopping in his tracks. All eyes were on Bill and Y/N now. Curious, nervous, anxious. 
“Who told you about Georgie? Did you see him?” Bill suddenly seemed much more serious to Y/N, it was almost scary. Scratch that, Y/N felt a shiver run down her spine. And, although she would later tell herself that it was just her ears playing tricks on her, that it was just the wind rustling the leaves of the trees and bushes, but she could swear that she heard the quiet, happy giggles of a child somewhere in the distance.
Y/N took a step back. “I-IT mentioned him. Is he dead?” She now looked from Bill to her father, who looked at her, his face one of confusion, while Bill tried to swallow his tears. The pain of losing Georgie came back to him, the little boy whose teeth never grew back. The little boy whose photo album wouldn’t be filled with more pictures. The little boy who would never walk through the doors of their house again, in his yellow raincoat and with that stupid little boat in his hands as their beloved mother played ‘Für Elise’. The little boy whose death changed Bill’s whole life. And Bill knew that it was necessary for him to move on, to know that he wasn’t the one to blame for George’s death, that it was that stupid clown and him only, but the guilt was overcoming Bill once more.
“Y/N, George was Bill’s little brother. He died when he was 6 years old. He was killed by Pennywise the clown.” Richie said, stepping closer to his daughter to pull her close. “But when did IT tell you? You didn’t mention him in the bathroom.”
Y/N grew nervous, hands growing sweaty as she subtly tried to touch the phone in her jeans pocket to check that it was tucked away safely, out of reach from the losers. She wiped her hands on her jeans, trying not to act suspiciously, but she knew that her father was looking right through her.
“But IT mentioned him. I’m pretty sure I told you.” She said, crossing her arms in front of her chest again, taking a step back to put some distance between them.
“Y/N, did you see IT again? We need to know. We can’t protect you if you don’t work with us. IT is dangerous and will not hesitate to kill you.” Mike said, trying to be the voice of reason, but she shook her head vehemently.
“Y/N, please…” Richie was now pleading with his daughter to just tell him. But she shook her head, trying hard to suppress the tears she already felt welling up in her eyes. “I’m good, don’t worry. Nothing happened. IT is not after me.” She finally said with a small, clearly uncomfortably forced smile before she passed the adults and walked deeper into the Barrens.
“Are you guys coming or what?” Y/N yelled after a few steps, when she noticed that she was the only one walking into the unknown area ahead of her. The losers looked at each other, Richie feeling his heart hurt in his chest. It was obvious to all of the losers that she was lying, they didn’t need to know her to see that she was more antsy than she had been before, always fumbling with something, her hands shaking, and she was nibbling on her fingernails when she thought no one was looking. The last one was especially an exhibit for Richie. He had raised her. He had seen her do that more often than he liked.
He saw her nibbling at her fingernails on her first day of school, before she walked into the classroom for the first time. 
He saw her nibbling her fingernails when she was about to go on stage in a school play. 
When he included one of her jokes in his set for the first time. 
When he watched as she tried to tell him about her crush for the first time. 
When they tried to contact the woman they thought might be her mother. And in all those situations, the girl was open and honest with her father, telling him how she felt, telling him that she was nervous or scared and Richie felt his chest grow warm at how much his daughter trusted him. He felt like he had done something right in his messy life. But now, now that they were in Derry, trying to fight something they weren’t sure how to kill – if they even got that far – she was shutting Richie out. And that scared him just as much as it hurt.
Eddie laid his hand on Richie’s shoulder, mustering up an encouraging smile.
“She is your daughter. Obviously, she inherited some of your stupidity. But I’m sure she’ll come around.” Eddie grinned at the taller man, making Richie scoff playfully.
“At least I have a child, fuckface.” Richie smiled back and the group continues their way. That was, until Ben fell through the door, making everyone shriek, Y/N being the loudest, and, due to the shock, she and Eddie jumped to Richie, holding onto his arms. Eddie glanced at the girl, meeting her gaze before his gaze wandered to Richie for a second, to where Richie’s hands gripped the smaller man’s shirt like he had done many years before when they were children, almost anytime surprised them. Both Eddie and Y/N stepped away from Richie. With a sad sigh, Richie watched as Y/N regained her cold composure.
One after another, the losers climbed down into the clubhouse. The losers were so entranced by the familiar, now dirty and fragile looking place they had spent hours upon hours in, they didn’t even notice that Y/N wasn’t joining them down there. She opted to watch them from above. Something about following them didn’t feel right to her. She wasn’t a loser, she had never been a part of their group and so, she was afraid of interrupting that moment of peace. The sweet nostalgia. The cosy memories.
Y/N was watching from above, sitting at the ladder, legs dangling through the hole, as the losers talked about the paddle board incident. About Stan. What a person he was. And, suddenly, she felt a pang of guilt in her chest. Y/N didn’t feel like she should be there. Stan should be here. Stan should be down there, catching up with his friends, laughing about stupid memories, making a plan on how to kill IT.
 Rustling leaves. Stones shifting against each other. Twigs breaking under the weight of something.
Y/N’s head whipped around, trying to make out whatever pulled her out of her thoughts. Her nails dug into the soil below her. Heart hammering against her ribcage like it wanted to break out, like it was desperate to break out.
It’s that clown, she thought, hoping to spot something between the trees, it’s coming for me again, but why is it always me?
Finally, she registered a movement in the corner of her eye. A bush. Rustling, shaking lightly. Something was in there. Something-
Richie groaned. His glasses landed somewhere in the room, being harshly pulled from his nose. The palms of his hands pressed against his eyes. A burning pain, the burning pain was back. Worse. More real.
Y/N had turned her head back just in time to watch her father’s figure crumble to the ground.
“DAD!” she screamed, pushing herself to fall through the hole, stumbling towards her father. A sharp pain shot through her knees as she dropped to them, but she barely noticed it as she tried to pull Richie’s hands away from his eyes.
“Dad, it’s alright, you’re alright- Breathe. In and out. Like you taught me. Slowly! Slowly! Dad, please!” she tried to calm her father down, voice shaky, mind racing. Painful gasps escaped Richie’s lips as his daughter comfortingly placed a hand on his shoulder, using the other one to hold onto his hand, squeezing it to help him get into a breathing rhythm. Next thing Y/N knew, as she had helped Richie calm down, Mike was down, groaning in pain and pressing his hands to his eyes in hopes to ease it. Richie, still halfway out of it, stumbles towards Mike, who was taken care of by Bill and Beverly. Eddie, meanwhile, was desperate for his inhalator but tried to resist the urge to shove his hand into his pocket and whip it out as Ben was trying to make sure that Eddie wouldn’t pass out any second.
“Mike, do you remember the smoke-hole bullshit? This is it. The turtle, the-the part when we were going crazy and time travelled right here?” Richie asked him, grinning like a maniac. “This is it. The memories are coming back. Holy shit.” Richie said as he leaned against the wall next to Mike, Bill helping him sit up. Y/N was sitting in the dirt, under the hole, just watching as realisation dawned on each of the losers’ faces. All of them subtly tried to rub their eyes, remembering the stinging sensation that most of them couldn’t endure for too long, opting to flee instead.
Y/N could swear that she heard something moving outside, suddenly remembering what had happened before Richie broke down. She sent a look towards the four adults on the ground, seeing that they were busy trying to pierce together the smoke-hole-ritual, then glanced at Eddie and Ben. Eddie was leaning against the unsteady pole, also slightly leaning against Ben in need of support, eyes closed. Ben, feeling like he was being watched, looked up briefly, spotting Y/N climbing up the ladder.
“Where are you going?” his rough voice echoed through the room, breaking the other losers’ focus. Y/N had climbed up far enough to carefully examine the upside world. She was hoping that she would spot the source of the earlier noise, or something she could use as an excuse. A squirrel or bird or something that would give her the opportunity to breathe and not feel hunted for once since she arrived at the hotel. To her utter relief, she heard another sound, this time clearly spotting a fat squirrel climbing up a tree. An involuntary laugh bubbled up deep in her chest, too quickly to suppress, and she smiled at the group as she jumped off the ladder, facing the adults.
“Nowhere. Absolutely nowhere.” She grinned, walking over to her father, helping him get back to his feet as Richie babbled on about a turtle, how IT arrived and whatnot. But Y/N didn’t listen. The relief was too deeply rooted in her. She was thoroughly enjoying the blissful moments of what felt like freedom. Blissful unawareness was a better word though. Because, what Y/N didn’t know, had she stayed up on the ladder just a little longer, had she watched the outside world just a moment longer, she would have spotted a single red balloon rising up into the air, slowly but steadily. To her, it might not be too much of a worry, had she seen it, but each of the losers knew better.
Pennywise was close.
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casimania · 5 years
Lucifer AU where Dan and Chloe made it to their early 40s (or late 30s or watever age they are in the show) so far deep in the closet they barely even acknowledge it to themselves... Until they meet Lucifer and Maze, hot messes from Hell. Lucifer is still 100% a Chloe Decker Stan and they still end up Partners and bff eventually but... he has a HOT ninja bartender friend who does weird things to Chloe’s libido. And Dan’s like “fuck this dude” but also “FUCK, this dude” the minute he meets Lucifer.
Lots of shenanigans with Maze being Chloe’s roommate while being highly inappropriate but also slowly growing to care for both Chloe and Trixie but Chloe barely even notice because she’s too focused on freaking out internally. Every time they have a little moment Chloe chalks it up to her being wishful and Maze being... Maze, like she probably just means she’d shag Chloe. And Maze doesn’t know how to deal with Human Feelings and thinks maybe if they just fuck things would go back to normal? But Chloe seems to be “nope” about it and Maze isn’t even upset about it and so she keeps stomping around the house and feeling weird. Also, they call each other when Maze is away on bounty hunts, Maze shrugs off Chloe’s worry but still talks with her for a while, sometimes she talks until Chloe falls asleep and sits still a few moments just listening to her breathe softly. She also has at least one pretty big fight with Lucifer over Chloe getting hurt while with him. Neither understands why she’s getting so worked up at first, Linda intervenes and tries smoothing things over. Maze goes in denial. Dan probably still beats people up occasionally with Maze and tries breaching the subject while they go for drinks after, Maze nearly suplexes him. She probably starts having lots of Human Feelings in general and tries blaming Chloe for it but she can’t bring herself to properly hate her for it, it does make them both step back a little because she spins out of control for a while because of it, she feels like her very nature is changing, probably leads to a face reveal and Maze running off. She has a drunken night out with Linda too and she basically says the same thing as Dan (a little more tactfully and subtly) and Maze atually starts reflecting on it and realizes she totally blew in Chloe’s face. I wouldn’t object to a little tearful reunion under the rain where Chloe tells Maze whatever she’s going through she’s there with her all the way if Maze will have her, she doesn’t want to see her suffering, if she needs support Chloe will give it to her, even if she doesn’t understand what she’s going on fully (she probs talked with Lucifer while Maze talked with Linda). They walk on eggshells a lot, Maze is worried Chloe is kind of afraid of her and angry for being worried then goes back at being worried. Chloe is also worried that her scared reaction to the face hurt Maze and that if she’s too forward with her feelings she’ll destabilize Maze who’s still having an existential crisis. There’s lot of baby steps. At some point Maze starts doing some adorable digging for information on Chloe with Trixie (trades it with stabbing lessons). Leaves her some probably both cute but also slightly threatening gifts around (army knife in her favourite color, brass knuckles with her name engraved on the inside etc..). Like some sort of courting. Chloe keeps them all in box she goes through sometimes while Maze is away. She then decides to do the same
And Lucifer still pokes and prods a lot at Dan who might be a little into it. Though they probably work out even slower than Chloe and Maze on account of them being... themselves. Also Palmetto and Dan being super shifty and Douchey at first and Lucifer being a bit of a lech if well intentioned with Chloe. Things start to smooth over later. And they don’t even realize they’ve grown to care for each other at first. They have a kind of a “He’s terrible I hate him but don’t you dare lay a finger on him” thing going on. Like Dan starts ranting about Lucifer and talks about all the stuff he hates about him and Chloe is a smart cookie so she just joins in and Dan slowly start unconsciously backpedaling and counters what Chloe is saying with slightly nicer things, or makes excuses until he kind of has this dreamy look in his eyes. After he realizes what’s going on he shoots Chloe the most betrayed look ever but she’s like “You did it all yourself”. Same goes for Lucifer, he rags on Dan and openly makes fun of him but starts getting personally offended when anyone else does it, wouldn’t be able to explain the difference “I just do it right!” he thinks. And he probably joins Dan on cases when Chloe isn’t dealing with one sometimes (the excuse is that paperwork is boring), they both pretend they don’t like it but they’re actually getting along like a house on fucking fire, like they come back to the precing and Lucifer’s shirt is a torn mess and he’s got an arm slung around Dan’s shoulders (he has a split lip) and when they notice Ella and Chloe staring like :)c they awkwardly shuffle away from each other. And then he asks about him to Chloe when they’re on sepate cases (”Is he ok??) and she tells him to use the phone he definitely has to talk to him, so Dan receives criptic emojis while out on cases and after a whole understands it’s Lucifer checking on him, he starts answering half in emojis too.  Also Lucifer talks about Dan a lot with Linda, like among all the Miracle Chloe stuff and self-loathing he just goes absolutely off about Dan. After the Devil Reveal, when Dan knows everything, Lucifer probably makes some joke about both of them being on a path of redemption and Dan vehemently (and aggressively, he probs straight up grabs Lucifer and starts shaking him) insists HE fucked up big time and hurt people and needs to atone, Lucifer doesn’t need redemption and Dan will kick anyone’s ass who tells him anything he went through in the past is something he needs redemption for. He’s probably a little tipsy and says a lot more than kick ass (he makes a lot of colorful and gruesome descriptions, swings his arms around and makes all the motions) the only reason he shuts up is that Lucifer grabs his face and just kisses the shit out of him. Lucifer also does the digging for information stufff with Trixie, except the stabbing lessons are substituted by money.
Also Chloe is the first who opens up to Dan cause she’s got a little more of a grip on her feelings that him. He comes around later and they freak out over their feelings together. Both about Maze and Lucifer and like, what being closeted for so long meant to them, just how much stuff they never talked about while being married a decade, labels and what the fuck is up with the whole Demon/Devil thing?? They bond in a completely new way (cue Lucifer and Maze getting jealous at some point and then nope nope denial time, Linda has a field day in therapy with Lucifer and as friend over drinks with Maze). They also sometimes go to gay clubs and bars in secret and fool around a little when they still think their infatuations with Lucifer and Maze are purely “Those two are hot”. Just hang out there to have fun gush/mope while drinking when they catch the Feels for real.
(Also, since I already have the one weird OT4 going on with Chloe/Dan/Lucifer/Pierce..... smashing them all together too would also be cool. I just love throwing canon storyline to the winds lmao. Starts with Maze/Lucifer who grow apart while they deal with being in contact with humanity so long and suddenly having personal ties and caring for some humans and Dan/Chloe who still divorce because of all the shit around Palmetto but none of them can’t quite let go properly (both relationships). And then their paths also interlock and it’s a big fucking mess. Somehow it works out though).
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tozierpunks · 5 years
Hiya pal, tell me about the she’s all that au- whose who??
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Y’all are some MVP’s, I’ll tell you what. Okay She’s All That Reddie AU, BUCKLE UP! @spacechick666-420
so Richie is our resident Cool Guy, he’s SO funny, he’s the class clown that everyone loves and gets along with so he’s super popular! he’s best chums and plays basketball with Bill, Ben, and Mike (all varsity, got the letterman jackets and everything)
then you have Eddie who is an angry little punk, rumor has it he has a tattoo and a piercing on his... Bits. he hangs out with the foster siblings, Stan and Bev, and rumor has it they’re Weird and poor and probably banging or whatever (which is insensitive but Bill makes the joke and that’s just Billcore)
Richie’s girlfriend (let’s call her Sandy), dumps him and Richie - who’s all up in his feelings - makes the bold claim, “I don’t need her! I could have anyone!”
highkey he’s hurt that he was left, he knew it was only a matter of time but those are big feelings. too big for Richie.
Bill takes advantage of this and says, “Bet.”
so they do!
Bill bets Richie he can’t make his pick prom queen/king by the end of the semester. Richie gags bc KING?!? And Bill gives him that shit eating smirk, “you said anyone.”
he sees Eddie handing out flyers for a concert at some seedy punk venue and clicks his tongue, “Here we are, Richie, your king awaits!” and Richie nearly has a stroke bc EDDIE KASPBRAK? THE KID WHO FILLED THE PRINCIPAL’S GAS TANK WITH SUGAR?
naturally, when he goes up to eddie, his attempt at flirting fails. “you mind if i sit here?” “not at all, i was just leaving.” and bev snorts and stan cracks a smile bc oh hon
Richie takes one of the discarded flyers tho and decides to catch a show and see what he’s working with. He finds Eddie on stage, standing over a small sea of punks, and they’re all charged up and angry about something. As it turns out, the mayor is trying to get away with some seedy shit and close down their club and it’s 100% fueled by homophobia (bc this is a gay punks only event, everyone else go home). Eddie is up there shouting, “fuck you I won’t do what you tell me” bc he’s not straight and he’s not gonna conform to what this stupid little town wants from him, he owes Derry nothing!
That hits Richie right in the honey nut feelios cause it reminds him of his parents, who want him to go to college, marry a nice girl, settle down in Derry. He wants to go to California, love freely, and honestly? College is bullshit in his mind.
Eddie catches him and asks what he’s creeping around for, and Richie says his message was dope. “So what, you’re above Derry’s social politics now?” “I dunno. Maybe I’m curious.”
determining that Richie wants to break free from his mold, Eddie offers to help -- basically punk 101, but also just educating him? like he asks if Richie’s bi, and Richie denies it, which confuses Eddie cause he’s been flirting. Richie insists he just doesn’t care, but when Eddie asks if he’d introduce him to Mr. and Mrs. Tozier, Richie clams up.
but whatever! cue them hanging out more, and Richie begs Eddie to come to a party he’s gonna throw, but Eddie is adamant that no one wants his punk ass there, so Richie asks: “How do we compromise your punk with my party?” and Eddie states he has an idea
Kurt Cobain and RuPaul were best friends; DRAG IS PUNK ROCK. Eddie’s idea is to dress in drag and go as some cute girl on Richie’s arm and they have a great time. Eddie drinks a lil too much tho and almost tries to kiss Richie, but Richie gets him home and tucks him in and that’s that!
also during this time they spend together, Eddie learns that Richie got beat up by some older kid named Henry, after finding out Richie kissed a boy in elementary school, so ever since then, he’s more or less kept that side of him repressed. on the other end, Richie learns that Eddie’s dad died of cancer when he was a baby, and his mom smothered him bc she didn’t wanna lose him too. ofc when he came out, and she was vehemently against it, she lost him anyways.
“I’m sorry.” “For what?” “For letting people talk shit about you. You care about things - important things - and no one else gets it. I like how you...” “How I..?” “I dunno. I just like you.”
ofc that sets off alarms with Eddie, so he tries to distance himself.
unfortunately during the distance, Bill tells Eddie that Richie’s only spending so much time with him cause he has a whole bet going with his circle of friends that he can make him prom king and maybe they can pull some kind of Carrie/pigs blood joke on him
Eddie is DESTROYED. He won’t answer calls, Bev and Stan trash Richie’s locker, and both of them are lovesick fools who are aching every passing day they’re not together
PROM TONIGHT: Eddie decides to go with his friends, and guess who wins prom king and queen? Bev and Stan bc Mike and Ben hacked the votes cause they weren’t happy about this whole bet thing.
When Eddie goes home, he finds Richie waiting and Richie apologizes. “I made that bet before I knew you. Before I really knew me. I don’t like who I was before you.” and Eddie wants to believe that, but he’s afraid, “You could break my heart. Why would I want that?” “Why would I wanna break your heart? I love you.”
Shaken by those three magic words, Eddie finally kisses him, but then has to ask: “What were the terms of the bet, Richie?” “You’ll see.”
Cue graduation - Eddie has two tickets to California in his bag; he and Richie are leaving as soon as this dumb ceremony is over. Richie’s name is called and he crosses the stage, naked af, with only Bill’s basketball to cover his junk. At the last second, as he steps off the stage, he throws the ball to Eddie and the whole class screams with laughter.
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tozierswheelers · 7 years
the losers club’s master plan [r.t.]
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Pairing: Richie Tozier x reader
Summary: Richie realizes just how much of a badass you are one day and realizes that he’s liked you for a long time. He proceeds to ask the losers for help, not knowing that they’ve been waiting for this day to arrive.
(sorry. this was written while I was half asleep.)
That was the only word you could think of as you looked at the boy who stood in front of you, running his mouth at the speed of light. He was talking to you about god knows what but you couldn’t help but stare, nodding your head slightly to make it seem as though you were paying attention.
“(Y/N)!” Richie shouted, snapping his fingers in your face.
You jolted out of your stupor, blinking rapidly as you focused on Richie’s mouth. The words he was saying, that is. Not the way his lips looked chapped yet soft and how your mind couldn’t help but wonder...
You shook your head, snapping yourself out of your thoughts once more.
“Were you listening to anything I said?” Richie asked loudly.
You shook your head sheepishly. “No. But knowing you, you were either talking about your wang, Eddie’s mom’s vagina, or the mullet wearing asshole known as Henry Bowers.”
Richie barked out a laugh before shaking his hair in your face. “Feel that! Feel that shit (Y/N)!”
You rolled your eyes as you ran your hands through his hair, missing the way Richie grinned at your actions. You couldn’t help but notice how soft it was, even though it was all tangled.
“Its wet because he dunked my head in the motherfucking toilet,” Richie spoke, a pleased smirk inching across his face.
“Richie!” you yelped, wiping your hand on his button-down.. “That’s gross!”
“I know rig-”
Richie’s response was cut off as someone plowed into him, throwing him to the ground. You groaned internally as you heard the familiar clicking of a lighter. 
Where there was Patrick, there was most likely Henry.
You were correct. Henry Bowers appeared right in front of you, picking up a strand of hair and twirling it around his finger. 
“Hey (Y/N),” Bowers greeted. “You know, I still don’t understand why you hang out with this loser when I’ve offered you my company various times.”
You sneered in disgust at his words, backing away from him slightly.
“Because, why would she want an almost nonexistent wang when she can just have mine?” Richie’s voice rang out, causing you to snort.
You noticed Henry step towards Richie and intervened, grabbing Richie’s hands and pulling him up to his feet. You proceeded to walk away when you hear Henry mutter something under his breath.
You felt Richie being pulled back and turned to see Henry grabbing him by the collar of his shirt.
“Hey!” Richie cried. “Let go of me you dick-sucking fucker.”
Henry smirked as he pushed Richie up against a wall, holding him still as he pulled his fist back. As Henry moved to hit the curly-haired angel boy, you did the only thing you could think of: intervene.
Everyone went quiet at the dull thud that was heard as Henry’s fist met your face.
“What the fuck,” you heard Richie whisper. 
You felt yourself stumble back, not really thinking about your actions as you imitated Henry, rearing back your fist and letting it fly.
All hell broke loose as Henry crumpled to the ground. Patrick dropped his lighter in shock and you blinked rapidly, trying to make sense of what had just happened.
“What. The. FUCK!” Richie screeched once more, breaking you out of your stupor. In one swift motion, you scooped up Patrick’s lighter and entangled your hand with Richie’s, tugging him along as you sprinted towards the quarry. 
You both made there in record time, with you making sure that you weren’t being followed and Richie sputtering out curses as he tried to make sense of what had happened.
The rest of the Losers sat up straight as they heard Richie’s shouts. They were met with the sight of the two of you breathing heavily, hands intertwined, with Richie staring at you in awe.
The Losers all shared knowing glances as you came to a stop in front of them.
“So guys, anything new?” Beverly asked first, glancing down at your joined hands. 
Richie followed her gaze before looking up at you, a bright blush blooming on his face. You shrugged nonchalantly and let go of his hand, tossing the lighter at Beverly before making your way to the edge of the quarry, ridding yourself of your dress as you did so. “I don’t know, Bev. You tell me.”
The Losers all recognized Patrick’s lighter and stared at you in shock as you dived into the water. Getting no response, they all turned to Richie, who began to ramble about what you had done. 
He enthusiastically told them all about the way you had taken a punch from Bowers before proceeding to deliver an equally devastating one yourself.
“She just reared back her first and BAM! It hit Bowers right in the fucking jaw!” Richie exclaimed. “He went down and she just took Patrick’s lighter like some kind of trophy. Speaking of which, hey Bev, can I have it?”
The rest of the Losers shared knowing smiles as Bev tossed the lighter towards Richie. “Sure Rich. You can have it.”
Richie caught it with a grin before he stuffed it into his pocket and began to strip. ”C’mon guys! What the fuck are we standing around here like a group of dumbasses for?”
The next day found the Losers in the exact same position as the day before. 
Beverly, Ben, Bill, Mike, and Stan had been lounging around the quarry, waiting for you, Eddie, and Richie.
They were soon joined by Eddie & Richie, the curly-haired boy talking non-stop as Eddie groaned loudly.
“For once in your life, shut the fuck up Richie!” Eddie exclaimed, running a hand through his hair.
“What’s g-g-going on guys?” Bill asked, slightly bewildered at Eddie’s actions. 
“He won’t shut up about (Y/N),” Eddie said, glaring slightly at Richie. “He’s obsessed with her!”
Richie flushed as he shook his head, vehemently denying Eddie’s claim. “No I’m not!”
“Richie, do you like (Y/N)?” Ben asked softly, already knowing the answer.
Richie looked down at his shoes. “She’s fucking cool, y’know?”
Hearing no noise, Richie looked up to see each of the Losers handing Ben and Mike fifty cents. 
“Hey!“ Richie shouted. “You fuckers were placing bets on me and my fucking feelings?”
The Losers looked at him, guilty smiles on their faces.
“In our defense,” Beverly started. “We’ve known that you like her for a long time. We were placing bets on how long it’d take for you to figure it out.”
Richie’s anger soon melted away, however, when Patrick’s lighter fell out of his pocket.
“Guys!” he cried. “I still can’t believe she fucking decked Bowers! I mean, is there anything she can’t fucking do?”
“B-b-beep beep R-r-richie,” Bill stuttered when he saw you approach.
Richie twirled around, his cheeks immediately flushing as he noticed you leaving your bike next to his. “Hey (Y/N/N)!”
You flushed slightly, glancing up at Richie’s big brown eyes. “Hey Rich.”
The Losers all rolled their eyes at the interaction, Mike even snorting as he noticed Richie swoon at your nickname for him. 
The rest of the afternoon was spent with Richie cracking jokes and you laughing at every single one while the Losers hatched a plan to try and get you two together.
You groaned as you trudged up the hill, Beverly walking alongside you. The rest of the boys had sprinted up earlier, Richie leading them as he taunted them about their speed.
You smiled as you finally arrived at the top, seeing the boys laying out blankets on the grass.
“I’m so tired, I need to sit down,” you complained loudly, slowing down as you approached the group.
“I got somewhere special you can sit right here doll,” Richie chimed, a shit-eating grin spreading across his face as he patted his lap.
The Losers all stared in shock, jaws dropping as they heard his words. 
“That’s not how you get the girl dumbass.” Eddie hissed in Richie’s ear, causing Richie to smirk even wider.
“Fucking watch me,” he whispered back.
The rest of the day was spent with Richie making suggestive comments and you blushing, as the Losers all exhibited varying degrees of disbelief, Eddie facepalming everytime Richie said or did something inappropriate.
When you were making your way back to the quarry, Richie slowed down a bit before whistling slightly. “Hey (Y/N)! Did you sit in a pile of sugar? Because you got a pretty sweet ass.”
Eddie immediately turned around, mouth open in horror as he punched him, not noticing the way you looked down and blushed before walking off once more.
Once all of you had reached the quarry and jumped into the water, Richie had made yet another comment. “Hey (Y/N/N). Wanna go on a ate with me? I’ll give you the ‘D’ later.”
This time, Eddie had squeaked and pushed him under the water. You, on the other hand, had thrown your head back and basically cackled, causing Beverly’s eyebrow to arch.
You were walking home when you felt someone behind you. You turned to see Bill and Beverly standing behind you, matching smirks on their faces.
“You like Richie!” Beverly exclaimed, walking faster and throwing her arm around your shoulders. You opened your mouth to deny her statement, but you were cut off by Bill.
“D-d-don’t try to deny i-i-it. We s-s-saw you blushing,” a smug smile made its way across his face. 
Your face flushed at his statement, before you began muttering weak protests.
“You know he likes you too right?” Beverly asked you. You quickly shook your head.
“No he doesn’t. Why would he?”
Bill frowned slightly. “W-w-why wouldn’t he? You’re r-r-really pretty.”
You shook your head, causing Bev and Bill to exchange upset glances. 
They were gonna make sure you and Richie ended up together.
You woke up the next morning and headed to the quarry (big surprise). When you got there, Eddie and Richie were already waiting for you.
You walked over to them just in time for Eddie to tumble to the ground.
“Eddie! Are you alright?” you exclaimed.
“I’m alright but do you have a Band-Aid?” he asked. “I think I scraped my knee falling for you.”
You blushed and chuckled slightly, missing the angry look on Richie’s face.
This continued on for a while until the rest of the Losers arrived. By that point, however, Richie was fuming and proceeded to push Eddie into the water. Unfortunately, you were standing too close and got pulled in, shrieking as you and Eddie fell into the water.
You helped Eddie out and you both proceeded to rejoin the rest of the Losers. To your surprise, you were met with a smiling Mike holding a towel out for you. 
He led you over to a rock, wrapping you up in the towel and then joining you, keeping you in the sun to make sure you dried off properly.
Richie pouted as he watched, his bottom lip sticking out more than the Losers thought was possible. He couldn’t help but feel the jealousy bubble as he observed you and Mike.
You threw your head back as you laughed at a cheesy joke Mike had told you, causing Richie’s heart to flutter. His attention, however, was caught by Mike when the young boy proceeded to turn towards him and smirk, a quick wink being directed towards Richie.
Richie clenched his fists as he realized what the Losers were doing. He spun around, facing them.
“You fuckers,” he hissed. “I know exactly what the fuck you’re doing. You know I fucking like her!”
Beverly stared at him, smiling innocently. “Seeing as how you weren’t doing much, Mike decided to try his luck with her. If he fails, then we’ll see how well I do. I mean, look at her Richie. She’s gorgeous. Somebody will come along and scoop her up if none of us do.”
Richie knew. He saw Beverly’s damn smirk. He knew that they were just testing him, trying to see how far they could go before he snapped. Unfortunately, he had never been good at controlling his emotion and as he felt his feet move in your direction, he mentally cursed the Losers in his head.
You were still laughing when Richie approached, a nervous smile on his face.
“Richie, what-” you were interrupted by Richie grabbing your hand and pulling you up. He had underestimated his strength, however, and you were sent sprawling into his chest, his arms coming to wrap themselves around your waist.
In a quick smooth (not really) motion, Richie leant down, tentatively capturing your lips with his. You responded eagerly, your hand shyly coming up and entangling itself in his hair.
You broke apart when you heard some slapping and looked towards the Losers to see Mike high fiving everyone. 
“Well, it looks like my job here is done,” he smirked.
“Hey, what the fuck guys?” Richie cried.
“W-w-we all knew y-y-you were too m-m-much of a p-p-pussy to say anything Rich. S-s-so we decided to s-s-s-speed up the process,” Bill chimed.
You locked eyes with Richie and smiled. “Glad to know you like me too trashmouth.”
Richie grinned stupidly. “Well thank fuck for their dumbass plan.”
Richie took your hand and pulled you in closer, wrapping his arms around you once more as you both tried to ignore the coos of excitement coming from the rest of the Losers.
Tags: @delicrieux
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hanzier · 7 years
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In Beverly Marsh's eyes the summer kicked off with a minor inconvenience. Much like the boys, Bev didn't have any idea what she was getting herself into when she became a part of the losers club. You see, Beverly Marsh had just had one hell of a year. It started off pretty terribly, but she had worked her way up. After painful hours of sewing and measuring and packaging and selling she had managed to save up enough money to move out of one toxic home into another home (though the later was only toxic smelling as her pluming was awful). By the beginning of the summer she had never been in a better place. However, her "minor inconvenience" would soon spiral into something much much more. It would carry on for the rest of the summer, and influence several of her important decisions after the summer ended.
Bev was hoping that her life would carry on rebuilding itself, as it had been for the past year. That was not the case. In fact, by the end of the summer, her life would nearly be in the same disaster mode it had been a year ago. She didn't know what this summer had in store for her. So, she carried on blissfully unaware of the repercussions that her actions would soon have. Beverly Marsh was no fool, it wasn't her fault that she was ignorant to the future. No one could have seen it coming.
Watching the sunset at Paradise Beach was somewhat of a magical thing. At least, thats what Beverly Marsh claimed.
She was sprawled out at the end of Eddie's towel, her heart shaped sunglasses lowered to the very tip of her nose, "God, don't you just love the sky?" she asked breathily.
The three boys around her nodded, not that she would have known, for she didn't so much as glance away from the fading sun.
"I just wish we were on the rooftop." She said finally, as she turned to face Eddie, Stan and Bill.
Stan laughed, taking off his own sunglasses, "You're still on that whole rooftop thing, huh?"
Bill and Eddie both looked mildly confused, but she responded, "Everything is just prettier higher up."
"Are you high, Bev?" Bill asked, sincerely and she laughed in her own bubbly way.
"Not yet. Do you smoke, Eddie? I know Stan hates it, but Bill used to cyph with me... Are you into it?" She was genuinely curious, but Eddie felt mildly embarrassed.
He had only smoked twice and while he had enjoyed the light feeling, he was nowhere near experienced with weed, "I have before. I like it better than drinking to be honest."
This was news to the other boys, "Really?" Stan asked while Bill knitted his brows together, "If I knew that I would score you some weed so that you don't have to sit there sober while the rest of us drink."
Eddie shrugged, it wasn't as if his friends were drunk every day, maybe once or twice a month they would hang out at Bill's house and have a few beers, "I mean... we don't exactly party often, Bill." He didn't know how quickly that would change.
"Well, I plan to full on corrupt you. With your consent, of course." Bev grinned while hooking her sunglasses onto the string of her yellow bikini.
It had taken Eddie about two hours on the beach to realize that Bev wasn't a lifeguard like Mike and Richie. The two boys had walked back and forth from the stand to the towels every hour, alternating breaks, while Bev stayed there, lounging and completely destroying her pale freckled skin through exposure to the harsh sun.
"You boys should swing by the apartment before the bonfire. Plenty of weed for you there, Eddie."
Stan laughed again, and Eddie realized all at once, how much more at ease he seemed to be there, "I'm sure there is."
"You have your own apartment?" Eddie asked and Bev shook her head.
"Not entirely mine. Richie and I moved in earlier this year, Stan helped us set it up, back in October actually." Eddie briefly remembered Stan driving down to his summer house that fall.
Bev gave a solemn sort of smile, "It's pretty crappy, but better than where I used to live. Plus, I can't expect much more from a lifeguards salary and Etsy sales." Bev had explained earlier that she sewed her own clothes and sold them on Etsy and other websites to a pretty decent following of fashion lovers. But for some reason, Bill and Stan shared a look at the last part of her statement.
"I think it's cool that you guys have your own place," Eddie started, but he was cruelly interrupted by Richie Tozier, for what felt like the hundredth time that day, on instinct, he tired to suppress a groan.
It wasn't that Eddie didn't like him. He was just...a lot. Eddie understood fully what Stan and Bill had been talking about when they said most of their friends were easy to get along with. It seemed as if Richie had made it his life mission to make Eddie as uncomfortable as possible in their brief moments together thus far.
"Howdy, y'all." His Hawaiian shirt had been shed off and Eddie was left looking at the light definition of muscle on his torso, "How're you pretty ladies doin'?"
He gave Bev an unceremoniously dramatic kiss on the forehead and made his move to do the same to Stan, who immediately covered his face. Richie shrugged and moved on to Bill instead, who accepted the kiss graciously. He then locked eyes with Eddie, and luged forward, making him his final victim.
The wetness on his forehead made Eddie cringe as he shoved Richie off, hoping his red face could be mistaken for too much sun.
Bev smacked Richie's leg, as Mike joined them once again, "You're going to scare him off, Rich. Some of us want to actually make more friends."
Mike nodded as well, beaming down at all of them, "Yea, Rich, pretty sure Eddie doesn't want your germs."
Richie responded by smacking another wet kiss to Mike's cheek, "You want my germs, right Mikey?"
Mike fake shuddered but ruffled Richie's hair nonetheless, "Of course."
The beach had cleared out, lifeguards were off duty once the sun set. So the group made their move to leave.
Bill unfolded the umbrella while Stan and Eddie folded up towels.
"So boys, you're coming over before the bonfire right?" Bev asked as the six of them walked up the sand towards the boardwalk.
Bill and Eddie nodded, "Great, Stan can show you guys how to get there."
"Inviting people into my home without my permission, Beverly?" Richie earned himself another smack.
Mike, Bev and Richie began teetering off the the left of the boardwalk, while Eddie, Stan and Bill went right.
"Be there at seven, okay? It'll be fun I swear!"
Eddie believed her.
Beverly Marsh hoped this summer would be better than her last.
She was not very good at dealing with serious issues and the previous year had been filled with serious issues.
Things seemed better. She wasn't stuck living with her father. She wasn't stuck lifeguarding. And she wasn't stuck wondering if Bill was okay.
She didn't mind that Bill seemed uninterested in her romantically, she hardly had time for that anyway. She was just glad that he was back at the beach with them, where he belonged.
Bev liked having the extra bodies around, it made everything feel a hell of a lot less lonely. She felt as if there was no such thing as too many friends, another reason why she was glad Eddie had joined them this year.
He was snarky and quick witted. In the hours that they had spent talking, he had challenged her conversations, but not nearly as vehemently as he had challenged Richie's. He was not at all what she had expected when she first laid eyes on his small frame. But, she should have known better than to judge a book by its cover.
Richie seemed to be eager for another friend as well, "I like him. He's feisty, we could definitely use a little more fire around here. Denbrough seemed down to you, right?"
The two of them were lounging on the worn out peach couch that Mike had found on the side of the road. Bev's head was in his lap while they passed a cigarette back and forth.
"I think thats to be expected. When's the last time you saw him?" She spoke solemnly while he ran hand through her hair.
Richie blinked for a long time, "I guess I've only seen him twice after the funeral... I visited him in the fall and he was still pretty off. Then over the winter when he drove down here- that weekend you were looking at schools with Mike. He was a little more himself then."
Bev blew smoke straight into the air, "It fucking sucks."
"He's better than he was then, but still. He's not the old Bill." Richie took the cig with greedy fingers, he always had a hard time controlling himself after not smoking during his shift.
She stood a little too quickly, "He's not gonna be the old Bill. His brother died, Rich."
"I'm well fucking aware of that, Bev." He snapped back, almost shoving the cigarette back intoner hands before he stood.
"I'm gonna hop in the shower before they get here.", in true Richie fashion, he stormed off to the bathroom with a dramatic door slam.
Bev sank back into the couch finishing off the cig before snuffing it on the already ruined couch arm. A fight with Richie wasn't uncommon. It was pretty typical actually, spending so much time with someone lead to lots of bickering, especially with unresolved tension in the air. Bev followed him to the bathroom, hoping they could blow off some steam together.
Mike showed up while Richie and Bev were still in the bathroom, so he let himself in with the spare key they had given him. The apartment was a studio, so he was glad they finally learned to fool around somewhere other than the couch or the mattress that was half hidden behind a black bamboo wall divider. Over the past two years he had grown used to it, but that didn't mean the thought of Richie and Bev together didn't gross him out.
They were both like his siblings and he just couldn't shake the feeling that they only hooked up out of convenience. It happened very infrequently ever since they moved in together, but it still happened. From what Mike had gathered, it was only after they argued over something important.
He sighed and started to clean up a little, he had a feeling Stan would not be happy with the state of their apartment. Halfway through making the bed, Bev exited the bathroom still dressed in her yellow bikini and looking only slightly disheveled, with a new hickey on her collar bone. She jumped when she saw him, "Oh my god!"
"No, it's just me." Mike deadpanned as he finished folding the comforter.
Bev grinned sheepishly, "Not much of a difference there, then." she looked around, "What are you cleaning for?"
Mike shrugged, moving on the the kitchen section, or what he liked to call the real disaster zone. "Stan isn't gonna like this mess."
She made to help him throw out some takeout boxes, "Still crushing on him?" she asked slyly.
Mike scrunched his nose, "Still crushing on Bill?" Bev turned around.
"Hardly." She said bitterly.
"Is that why you're hooking up with Rich again?"
She blushed, "No Mike. I'm not hooking up with Richie because I still like Bill. Thats twisted logic."
Mike ran the sink and started to scrub down the dishes, there weren't too many, Bev and Richie opted for paper plates most days, "You and Richie exclusively use twisted logic."
"You're mad." She stated the obvious, and bumped his hip so that she could do the dishes instead.
He sighed, "Im not mad, just... fed up. I thought it was over with. It's really not helping either of you."
Bev shrugged, feeling much more embarrassed than she had been moments before, "Its just comfortable, ya know? I thought it was over with too, but Richie and I are too needy. Us living together is dangerous. Because neither of us wants to be alone." Mike knew she meant alone on a larger scale. Richie and Bev had both been thrown into the world by themselves in a way, it was only natural that they wanted someone to be with.
It was just easier for them to pretended they should be together.
"So no feelings for Bill?", Mike asked as he tried to wipe ashes off of the couch.
Bev shook her head, honestly.
"And no feelings for Rich?"
She shook her head answering honestly, once again.
Mike sighed, "So then, what are you doing, Bev?" she shrugged, moving over to her closet, which acted a bit more like her hamper.
"Right now I'm getting changed. In five minutes I'll probably be lighting a blunt." she dug through her clothes, pulling out an oversized grey band shirt and some tights.
Mike laughed, the tension in the air was gone. He was just concerned for his friends, Bev knew that. As she pulled on her fishnets she asked, "You never answered about Stan. Still having unresolved feelings?"
Mike shook his head, "Nah, we ended things better than you and Bill did. Tied up all our lose ends. Sure, I care about him, but not like that anymore. Especially seeing him and Bill today...I don't think I'd ever want to get in the way of that."
Bev laughed, "You noticed that too? I thought I was losing my mind."
The bathroom door opened once again. Richie stepped out wearing an all black outfit, save for his short sleeved purple button up covered in a loud 80's pattern.
He rubbed a towel against his wet hair, "Hey Mike."
Mike and Bev shared a look as he threw the towel back into the bathroom and opened up the fridge, pulling out a slice cold pizza and scarfing it down.
"Who's rolling tonight?"
Bev opened the door grinning widely, and Eddie was hit with the overwhelming smell of weed.
He noticed Stan wince to his right, but he entered anyway.
The apartment was almost exactly what Eddie had pictured, small, dark and too loud. A song by The Cure was blasting in the background.
The second the door closed, he felt a slim arm around his shoulder, Richie was beaming down at him. Eddie noticed that there was a purple mark on his neck, which hadn't been there a few hours ago.
Bill noticed it too, "Who's the lucky lady?"
Richie laughed, "Don't assume now, Billy. Mike could have given this to me."
Mike snorted from the other side of the room, "I would have done a better job then that!"
Eddie felt the weight lift from his shoulder and was suddenly colder than he should have been.
"Lets see your masterpiece then, sir. Have at it." Richie had all but flown across the room into Mikes space.
The two play wrested while Bev rolled her eyes, "Okay, who wants what? We have a pretty good selection of drinks and an even better selection of weed."
She lead them to the kitchen, which was only three steps to the left, and Eddie eyed the fridge as she opened it. It was covered in polaroids and drawings that looked vaguely familiar. There was a picture that was sketched to look like a side profile of Bev's face, Eddie saw the messy signature in the bottom corner, it was Bill's. He grinned and she shut the fridge, holding some beers and a bottle of tequila.
"Still your favorite, Stan?" Stan let out a laugh, "As long as you have lime and salt."
Bev winked, "You just so happened to name two out of the three foods Richie and I own."
She reached up to get some shot glasses from the top shelf and the collar of her oversized tee fell off of her shoulder. Eddie noticed she had a mark that matched Richie's.
"Eddie, you want a shot, or should I just roll for you?" Eddie looked at her collar bone and back to Richie, who Mike had thrown over his shoulder. He then looked back at Stan and Bill, who were absolutely standing purposely close enough to touch.
He had a feeling he was going to need a little help to get through this week without Ben, "You can pour me one too. I think I'll see what it feels like to get cross faded."
He heard a cheer from across the room, as Bill clapped him on the bak and Stan looked confused.
Richie and Mike gathered around the counter as well and the six of them licked the salt off of their hands before downing the shot and biting into their own wedges of lime.
Collectively they all let out some sort of a cheer, although Richies sounded more like a laugh. Eddie took it all in, feeling slightly uncomfortable and contented, all the same.
And so, the longest night of Eddie's life kicked off with a bang.
@fuckuris @dewdropseddie @richietoaster @sad-synth
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NHL - Weekly Reader - Ranking all 31 general managers into tiers ahead of the trade deadline
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NHL - Weekly Reader - Ranking all 31 general managers into tiers ahead of the trade deadline
10:42 AM ET
Greg WyshynskiESPN
With due respect to Rick Nash, Evander Kane, Mike Green, Ryan McDonagh and their peers: These are the real superstars at the NHL trade deadline.
Thirty-one men, with ages ranging from 28 to 75. Some of them with championship rings, others that are perpetually chasing them. Some of them are dynamic salesmen, while others would rather have their faces buried in scouting reports as far away from the cameras as possible. A couple of them are named Jim. One is named Jarmo.
Greg Wyshynski and Emily Kaplan give matchmaking a try for free-agents-to-be in the spirit of Valentine’s Day and wonder why no coaches have been fired yet. Plus, they are joined by “Miracle on Ice” captain Mike Eruzione to talk Winter Olympics and Mark Lazerus of the Chicago Sun-Times to cover the Blackhawks’ tough season. Listen »
Loved. Loathed. Respected. Reviled. They are your NHL general managers.
It’s been an interesting week for our front office rock stars. Vancouver Canucks GM Jim Benning was given a contract extension, which was celebrated by some and received with ample skepticism by others. New York Islanders general manager Garth Snow tried to explain the team’s middling record this season; meanwhile, a group of Islanders fans raised around $6,000 in one day to purchase a billboard near Barclays Center to demand his firing.
Like we said, interesting times.
All this general manager attention got us thinking about the current crop of executives, and how we’d go about ranking them.
This is going to be a tiered approach. If you’re interested in some 1-through-31 rankings, we’d recommend Dom Luszczyszyn’s list from The Hockey News last summer and this epic one from Carolyn Wilke and Chris Watkins of Hockey Graphs in 2017, whose methodology can be found here.
But for our purposes, we feel that the NHL’s general managers fall into eight distinct categories. Feel free to agree, disagree or vehemently disagree in the comments.
The Golden Boys
The accepted gold standard for general managers. The cream of the crop. They rise to the top.
Lou Lamoriello, Toronto Maple Leafs Jim Rutherford, Pittsburgh Penguins Steve Yzerman, Tampa Bay Lightning
Rutherford had already won a Stanley Cup when was hired as a short-term fix for the Penguins after Ray Shero was fired, and he ended up building back-to-back Stanley Cup champions with bold moves like the Phil Kessel deal. Lamoriello is a legend for building three Stanley Cup winners in New Jersey, and for finding more fine print in the CBA than a team of Gary Bettman’s finest lawyers. He’s now the head of a management group that has the Leafs on course for their first Stanley Cup since the year The Beatles released “Sgt. Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band.”
Does Yzerman belong here? I think so. He arrived in 2010, and the Bolts have three conference final appearances and one Eastern Conference championship. He’s managed the cap expertly, made two good coaching hires (Guy Boucher, and then knowing when to move on from him for Jon Cooper) and drafted half the roster. He and owner Jeff Vinik have created a gold-standard organization, and hence Stevie Y. is a gold-standard general manager, despite not having the silver Cup in his tenure as GM yet …
The Waiting-For-Silver Boys
General managers with great track records and League-wide respect who are still one Stanley Cup away from getting tiered up.
Doug Armstrong, St. Louis Blues Kevin Cheveldayoff, Winnipeg Jets Ron Francis, Carolina Hurricanes George McPhee, Vegas Golden Knights Bob Murray, Anaheim Ducks David Poile, Nashville Predators Ray Shero, New Jersey Devils Doug Wilson, San Jose Sharks
Poile was the source of much robust debate among those that contributed to this ranking. Some made the case that if Yzerman is in the Gold Club without a Stanley Cup, then Poile should be too, given the enormous respect league-wide for him. But there was also this sentiment: “He’s been a GM for 35 years and been to the Stanley Cup Final once. Is our recency bias so strong that last year trumps decades of teams that underachieved in the postseason?”
Fair point.
Armstrong and Wilson have been chasing a Cup for many, many years with teams that consistently have been playoff-bound. Murray won a Cup as Brian Burke’s lieutenant, but the Ducks haven’t been back on his watch. Shero gets an asterisk to be included in this group, as he won a Cup with the Penguins; only two GMs have won Cups with two different teams, and one of them was the guy who replaced him in Pittsburgh. Cheveldayoff and Francis are both well-respected execs in search of actual accomplishment, but if either of their teams win, buckle up for the lovefest.
As for McPhee … well, the Golden Knights players aren’t the only ones carrying a sizable chip on their shoulders and searching for a redemption narrative.
The Try-Hards
They swing for the fences. Sometimes they connect. Other times, it’s just foul.
Chuck Fletcher, Minnesota Wild Jarmo Kekalainen, Columbus Blue Jackets Jim Nill, Dallas Stars Brian MacLellan, Washington Capitals Don Sweeney, Boston Bruins Dale Tallon, Florida Panthers Brad Treliving, Calgary Flames
These are general managers that have made bold moves to bolster their teams, some that worked and others that didn’t and still others that are TBD. The common thread here is that they all seem to be doing “something,” rather than watching idly. At some point, that action has to get results, but in the meantime, hey, they’re trading for Kevin Shattenkirk or trading Seth Jones or … well, whatever it was Florida did last summer.
The Incompletes
Hey, they just walked in the door, cut them a break.
Rob Blake, Los Angeles Kings Jason Botterill, Buffalo Sabres
Blake looks like a genius for simply having a coach his players like, while Botterill is attempting the unique “rebuild inside of a rebuild” inception in Buffalo. [Insert Hans Zimmer “bwwwwwwammmm” horns.]
The Misunderstood
Maligned general managers that might have this thing figured out at some point, because they do have a plan.
Jim Benning, Vancouver Canucks John Chayka, Arizona Coyotes Pierre Dorion, Ottawa Senators Jeff Gorton, New York Rangers Ron Hextall, Philadelphia Flyers Joe Sakic, Colorado Avalanche
All of these guys have, one way or another, baffled their fan bases with their machinations, whether it’s standing by unpopular coaches or failing to pull off big trades. Then one of them will make a dramatic move, and perceptions will change. It’s no coincidence that two of the three participants in the Matt Duchene trade are here, for example.
The Benning re-signing is a good example of the Misunderstood group. Some people see his work with the Canucks as ineffective and discouraging, because he signed Loui Eriksson that one time. Others see him having undone the mistakes of the previous regime while loading up the rebuild. Someone is misunderstanding “the plan” here, as it were.
For some of these general managers, there are external issues affecting their plans, too: From the Glendale City Council to Eugene Melnyk, a.k.a. the Glendale City Council of NHL owners.
The Garth Snow
Garth Snow has excelled at certain aspects of being GM, such as the draft. Others, not so much. Dave Sandford/NHLI via Getty Images
Garth Snow, New York Islanders
A category unto himself.
Jaromir Jagr has likely played his last NHL game. But the future Hall of Famer entertained hockey fans across 24 seasons, playing an incredible 1,733 games. As Jagr celebrates his 46th birthday on Feb. 15, here are 68 amazing facts about No. 68.
There are pretty clear buyers and sellers in the Pacific Division — and then there are the division-leading Golden Knights. Will they go all-in during their wondrous inaugural season? Here are the key assets, cap space and game plan for all eight teams.
With the cap in place since 2005-06, it’s no longer enough for teams to get the right players, as financial considerations must be kept in mind for that season and down the line. Here are the 10 best examples of teams that have struck the perfect balance.
2 Related
There are only three general managers employed longer than Snow, who was hired in 2006: Poile, Ken Holland and Wilson. All three have had their teams play for the Stanley Cup since Snow was hired. Their teams advanced past the first round 16 times since Snow was hired.
Snow’s teams have never played for a championship. During that span, they advanced past the first round once.
He’s made some really bad moves (bye, Nino Niederreiter) and some really good ones (hello, Oilers draft pick that became Mathew Barzal). Some say he’s simply benefited from the mismanagement of others in acquiring Johnny Boychuk, Nick Leddy and Jordan Eberle. But that deprives him of credit for having acquired them, which in the end, he did.
His drafts look great; his player development, not so much. His free agent dabbling has been complicated by ownership and building issues, but he’s also made some smart decisions on departures that were criticized at the time (like Frans Nielsen). He has the faith of the organization, but little of it from the fans.
Go by the results, and Snow’s in the bottom third of GMs. But he’s not nearly at fault for this as the current criticism would indicate. The whole thing is confounding, Hence, he’s his own tier.
The Votes Of No Confidence
GMs that are feeling the heat because their teams were incredible for like a decade, got old and entered inevitable decline.
Stan Bowman, Chicago Blackhawks Ken Holland, Detroit Red Wings
Bowman’s handled down cycles for the Hawks before, in between Cup wins, but this one seems like a bit of a steeper climb due to the age of the core (and the fact that there are so many no-trade clauses). Holland has somehow crafted a roster that’s kissing the cap ceiling but is a complete also-ran. Does he return next season?
Will these guys?
The Disaster Artists
Marc Bergevin, Montreal Canadiens Peter Chiarelli, Edmonton Oilers
Again, this ranking is as much about perception as it is about results. The Oilers and Canadiens were both humongous disappointments this season. Both have built teams with structural problems, that at one point seemed poised to challenge for the Stanley Cup but now seem withdrawn from contention. Much of this can be drawn directly to the decision made by the general managers, be it the P.K. Subban trade or the Taylor Hall trade.
Of all the GMs on this list, these are the names most frequently in the vicinity of the following question: Can they survive this?
But here’s the beauty of being a general manager: All it takes is one great move or one great season, and perceptions can change on a dime. Bergevin lands John Tavares? Chiarelli’s Oilers rebound with the Cup run? They could be in a completely different tier by New Year’s Eve.
Perceptions are constantly shifting for general managers. Every year, you read stuff like this: “The clock is ticking, and he has some serious work to do this summer to sort this thing out. And if he can’t, then he is next on the chopping block.”
That was Tampa Times columnist Tom Jones in 2013, on Steve Yzerman. Suffice it to say, he sorted it out.
Jersey Foul of the week
From the Vegas (Sweet) Golden Knights:
will the real william karlsson please stand up.
please stand up. pic.twitter.com/nTEuAOYSIe
– Vegas Golden Knights (@GoldenKnights) February 11, 2018
These Swedes were in town to support 30-goal scorer William “Wild Bill” Karlsson. It’s an army of FrankenJerseys! Their hearts are in the right place, but it’s a shame to snip up those gorgeous Swedish national team tre kronors.
How to stop a heckling fan
You go to the penalty box, you feel shame. This is an essential truth of hockey.
But sometimes, you feel even more shame on the road, when some heckling yokel decides to lay into you while you stew for two minutes after a penalty. Such was the case for Washington Capitals forward Devante Smith-Pelly at the Minnesota Wild on Thursday night, who was getting it good from a fan in the front row. But DSP was prepared to deploy countermeasures. Wet, saturating countermeasures:
.@smithpelly23 found the perfect #lifehack to solve your heckler problem 😂 pic.twitter.com/3AR0U6vGTo
— NBC Sports Capitals (@NBCSCapitals) February 16, 2018
Let it never be said that Devante Smith-Pelly doesn’t know how to play his angles. Thanks to RMNB for the video.
Please recall it was a scant eight years ago when the NHL declared war on players squirting water bottles at fans, after Duncan Keith of the Chicago Blackhawks was caught doing so during a playoff game in Nashville. In Sept. 2010, the NHL sent out a video that emphasized some rules for the following season, including: “Any identifiable player who uses obscene, profane or abusive language or gestures directed at any person runs the risk of an unsportsmanlike penalty and possible supplemental discipline.”
Let’s hope the NHL has loosened up a bit since then. Because this was hilarious.
Fun podcast this week, with Mark Lazerus of the Chicago Sun-Times talking about the anger of Chicago Blackhawks fans and “Miracle On Ice” legend Mike Eruzione on the Winter Olympics and his teammates auctioning off their gold medals. Plus, we play Valentine’s Day matchmaker with high-profile trade deadline bait players. Stream here or get us on iTunes. Review and subscribe!
Hall for Hart?
Taylor Hall has 60 points this season, leading the Devils back into the playoff picture. The second highest total on the team? Nico Hischier’s 37. Elsa/Getty Images
The Hart Trophy race has its season-long favorites — Nikita Kucherov of the Tampa Bay Lightning, Alex Ovechkin of the Washington Capitals, John Tavares of the New York Islanders and Nathan MacKinnon of the Colorado Avalanche among them.
But lately, there have been some campaigns springing up for alternative candidates. Like Frederik Andersen of the Toronto Maple Leafs, as advocated here. Or Patrice Bergeron of the Boston Bruins, as advocated here.
And like Taylor Hall of the New Jersey Devils, as advocated … well, here.
Hall has 60 points in 52 games for a 1.15 points-per-game average, seventh-best in the NHL this season for players that have played at least 50 games. But his Hart case is best made when considering what he’s done in context with the rest of the Devils: Hall has 23 more points than the team’s second highest scorer, rookie Nico Hischier (37). He has eight more goals than the second-leading goal scorer, Miles Wood (15). At even strength, he’s eight points (40) better than Hischier (32).
Hall is the best possession forward on the Devils (51.9 Corsi for percentage, 3.72 relative Corsi at 5-on-5). He does get a bit of an offensive advantage with 57.1 percent offensive zone starts, but that’s one of the few metrics that skew against him.
The Devils were 2-3-1 when Hall was out of the lineup; with him, they are 27-17-7. He has 40 points in those wins.
Again, there are ample candidates for the Hart, and Hall isn’t likely to challenge for the Art Ross. But if the Devils make the playoffs, and these numbers hold, it’s hard to imagine Hall won’t make the ballot for a lot of voters considering the incredible impact he’s had on the Devils this season. They’re counting lottery balls without him.
Puck headlines
As we covered player development a bit in today’s column, check out this post that tabulates how many 20-goal scorers teams have drafted outside the first round since 1997. The Detroit Red Wings have had seven; the Philadelphia Flyers and Arizona Coyotes have had zero. [Beer League Heroes]
Jaromie Jagr’s birthday cake was quite a sight. [Instagram]
Great idea from Arthur Staple: Asking some of those who know John Tavares best what they think the Islanders star will choose to do as a free agent. [The Athletic]
Milan Lucic might not be made for these times. In other words, he’s too big for a little man’s lead. [Edmonton Journal]
“Canada as Olympic underdog” is a false narrative but people keep writing about it anyway. [New York Times]
Here’s a fun and informative review of the Olympic hockey jerseys this year. [Hockey by Design]
There’s no NHL team (yet), but hockey is thriving in Houston. [Houston Matters, podcast]
Phil Kessel put hot dogs in the Stanley Cup. Now, they’re immortalized on an Upper Deck card. [PHT]
Finally, as the Blackhawks tumble down the standings, interest in buying Chicago tickets has tumbled, too.
Live interest in #Blackhawks is already waining. Cheapest ticket for each of their next 5 home games has fallen by $15-$25 over the past 2 weeks.
Data from: https://t.co/8NYWcfL2TD pic.twitter.com/pqI0yKYaWu
– TicketIQ (@Ticket_IQ) February 15, 2018
Hockey tl;dr (too long; didn’t read)
An oral history of the Canadian women’s team in the 1998 Winter Olympics, the first time there was a women’s hockey tournament at the Games. [Yahoo Canada]
In case you missed this from your friends at ESPN
Ranking the top trade deadline (or thereabouts) deals of the NHL’s salary cap era.
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