#took me about 3 hours woa !!!
heleizition · 8 months
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sohin-ace · 3 years
Abbachio - Hangover
You walked inside the headquarters that you titled your home.
It was half past 3 A.M and you knew fair well everybody in the team was staying here for the night, and were most likely sleeping soundly like babies at this hour.
And so, with velvety steps and calculated slow movements, you entered the porch and quietly closed the door, moving in the dark as silently as possible.
You had just finished a tiring mission and the one thing you desired most at the moment was to crash into bed, maybe marry it since you were at it, barely thinking about the sticky blood, sweat and dried river water that stained you during your mission.
You huffed and kicked your shoes off, liberating your aching and swollen feet from them, directing yourself towards the kitchen to fetch some well-deserved water that your throat was oh-so desperately screaming for.
You were shocked to find the room lit at this hour. Your first thought was that Bruno was probably still awake and having a small break from his neverending pile of work.
Your expression completely fell, however, upon seeing that Bruno was not the one occupying the kitchen but someone else, greeting you with a heart breaking sight.
"... Leone?"
The male was slumped over the table, his head buried in his arms with one hand holding onto a spilling wine bottle, burgundy liquid running everywhere onto the wooden surface, the floor, and onto the male's clothes. Even some strands of his splayed out hair drank up the alcohol, dying them from silver to violet.
You gasped at the mess but was even more shocked by the implications behind said mess. He didn't even bother taking a glass, prefering downing the wine directly from the bottle. He wasn't planning on holding back tonight and it alarmed you.
You knew of Abbachio's tendency of alchoholism, but he was never so drunk as to black out this way and you weren't sure he would even be able to work tomorrow, or do anything else, for that matter.
"Leone..." You slowly approached his hunched over form and gently shook him. "Caro, wake up."
No response.
With you being all alone in the middle of the night, there weren't much you could do. But there were no way you'd ever leave him in this state.
Shaken with worry, you only did what your heart told you and moved the bottle away from his grip. It was almost empty at this point anyway.
You brushed his long hair to the side to let some fresh air cool his face down while you cleaned and mopped the tiled floor and table. Oh you'd make sure to lecture him about that later.
You thought about him, sitting next to you as you cleaned up. How tormented he was and how, just like the wine bottle, he spilled himself out in secrecy.
You bit back your tears. He was so alone. Tortured. It hurt you that your Leone, whom you loved so much, had to go through a trauma you could never heal for him. Or even soothed in the slightest. You were grateful that he even remotely accepted your affection, but still.
It wasn't enough, for you.
"I wish I could help you, Leone..." You murmured and caressed his soft hair, revealing more of his peaceful face, his smeared makeup not tainting any of his beauty.
Your heart clenched, he looked so calm, so sweet. How did he manage to make grief look so gentle, you would never know. You almost didn't want to move him and disturb him, but you had to.
Carefully holding his shoulders, you pulled him up, his weight much heavier than you'd have expected, even thought it should be no surprise. Abbachio was a burly man.
You craddled his head and placed him in a proper up-sitting position and he groaned.
"Uugh... Hhmmm..."
"Leone, wake up, love." You still held his face against your chest and patted his cheek to wake him, scared that he'd sway and tumble over if you let go of him. "You gotta go to bed. Come on."
"Hmmm.... Sssuuuree...." He mumbled, words slurred.
He was surprisingly compliant, you thought. When you were certain he could hold his own head up, you let go and grabbed his wrist, still drenched in wine.
You hooked his arm around your shoulders and wrapped your own around his torso. He made the effort to stay in balance while you hoisted him up to his feet, not without struggle and effort on your part.
You stumbled a bit, but managed to get him up, at least, holding onto him for dear life as you maneuvered his much heavier body around the kitchen.
He counted on you for support and was close to falling sleeping on you as he snored against your hair, the stench of alcohol reaching your nostrils. Man, why did he have to be the heaviest male of the group?
You brushed your exhaustion from the preceeding mission to the side and dedicated yourself to helping Leone. Rest could wait.
Thanks to the help of your Stand, you ended the course safely back to his room and opened the door, having more hands to do so.
You let him down to sit onto his bed as gently as you could and you felt he was about collapse again.
You instantly wrapped your arms around his shoulders and let him slump over your chest.
"Woa- Don't lay down just yet! I need to get your clothes off."
He only purred some low nonsense, as if to show his annoyance to you. Well, maybe he desperately wanted to sleep, but so did you.
"Don't 'brrr' at me, boy. You're the one who spilled wine all over your pants and top!" You scolded to deaf, or rather drunk ears. Not like he was listening to you, but still.
Huffing a bit, you took hold of the lace on his top and untied it, letting you slide the rest off his broad shoulders and back. It was much easier to slip the sleeves off afterwards, and you were almost proud of yourself.
"I'm gonna be such a good mom." You joked to yourself as you caringly held onto Leone's warm back and head to gently place him down on his bed before taking his shoes and pants off.
Once this was done and not without a pause to catch your breath, you went to the bathroom to grab a towel, dampening it in warm water before you came back to him and sat by his side. He had already fallen fast asleep, and was looking awfully adorable, if you were honest.
" 'Clumsy brat'," You chuckled with a whisper as you wiped the wine off his skin and the sweat and tears off his neck and chest. "That's what you always called me. Ironic."
You looked fondly over at him as you finished your self-assigned task, closing off by wiping his left hand. You thought over your options.
Maybe it was the fatigue blurring your moral code. Or maybe you were just blinded by this crazy thing called love. Perhaps he was just an enticing wizard who cast a spell on you with his lips. Whatever it was, you foolishly decided you would kiss him after you removed his make up, and so you did.
You gently removed what remained of his make up that wasn't washed out by the crying and the drinking. You sighed at your good job and leaned over, running your fingers delicately over his skin.
"This is probably wrong." You hesitated, questioning your choices, yet feeling brave. "But I think I can at least have that, right...? Pardon me for this, Leone."
You closed the distance between you both to press your lips ever-so-sweetly on his own, wanting to linger, but not quite feeling deserving enough either. It was short-lived but precious and tingly. You felt your heart flutter and you swore you also felt his hand twitch slightly next to you.
You sighed. You yearned for more. You wished you could just collapse and fall asleep by him. Your responsibilities thankfully got the best of you.
"I love you. Please love yourself too, we all want to see you better. I know I do. Depend on me sometimes too, okay?" You breathed out to him, secretely hoping he heard you in his dreams and maybe accepted your selfish and heartfelt request.
You were tired. You needed to sleep and you were afraid you'd act more and more foolishly if you stayed with him any longer.
You reluctantly leaned away from him and got up, making sure to tuck him in thoroughly inside the blankets before you left.
You'd leave a note to Bruno to not wake him up in the morning.
When Abbachio woke up in the morning, much later than he usually did, he was disappointed, yet not surprised to be struck with a splitting headache.
"Fuck..." He groaned, holding his heavy head in his hands, "Not again..."
He inhaled deeply only to realise he was strangely met by a sweet familiar scent mixed with the stinging wine he drowned himself in.
Out of doubt, he looked over the bedside table and found a water bottle and some aspirin as well as a small note.
He grabbed the note and squinted at it, trying to read it with his still hazy eyes.
'Water helps with hangover headaches. Tablets too, obviously :P . Take it easy, Bruno gave you the day off.'
Was that you? That was most definitely you, he thought. And that fruity scent on his face and hands must be you too. There were no doubt now.
It didn't take him long to put two and two together. He would have been much quicker-witted if he wasn't so hungover. He remembered you had a mission last night, you probably went home by then and helped him to bed out of sheer empathy, sweet as you were.
Abbachio sighed and rubbed his face. He was both ashamed and extremely grateful towards you. It must have been so draining to come take care of him after you risked your life out there.
God he felt like shit. Again, he was being a burden on the people he loved, all because of his selfish choices. But knowing you, you'd probably hate him thinking that of himself, and tell him you were fine with it and happy to help. You had such a kind heart.
"... How did she even get me upstairs...? This tiny dwarf."
He groaned and sat up, smoothing his fingers over his lips. He blushed at his own thoughts. He swore he dreamt of you kissing him as he was asleep, and the feeling was still pretty vivid.
But he couldn't be sure. Drunken dreams were weird sometimes.
Thinking of making it up to you, he took the medicine and downed it with water, his mind filled with thoughts of you only.
He deserved at least that.
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androgynousblackbox · 2 years
What did vaush do this time?
Oh, boy. Okay, so this the timeline of events as far I could gather: 1. Vaush made a tweet in which he said that Joane Karen could have stayed quiet and she would have been revered for years to come. That is true. Then he added "women should apoligize and stay quiet more challenge." If that were all nobody would have cared that much. 2. Joanne Karen, making honor of her second name, screenshot his tweet though, doing the usual "see, see?? this is what pro-trans activists are all like! They all just hate women! And I am the most suffered victim of all! Woa is me!" bullshit everytime she gets a papercut. 3. The whole online left was then divided on people who said Vaush did nothing wrong and people who, very correctly, pointed out that weaponizing misogyny against a very powerful TERF is only going to hurt trans people and especially trans women on the long run, directly feeding into the victim narratives that they use to explain why trans woman can't use the bathroom. 4. Enters Kat Blaque and Contrapoints, both trans women. Contrapoints didn't liked the joke and I think that was literally all she did? I think some patreon post too but I didn't saw much of that so meh. Kat Blaque took another screenshot of the original tweet of Vaush, censored his identity and asked other trans women if they agree with people using misogyny against transphobes. 5. Vaush, in a incredible display of manchild behaviour that I frankly didn't expect from him, decides to then DM Kat and "debate" with her about how he was actually right and she is wrong, using a weird ass hypothetical about a black rapper using misogyny on his lyrics and then being criticizing by Shapiro? Kat answered essentially "no, I wouldn't defend misogyny from him but also it's not the same? you are not a trans person on this situation" and Vaush kept ignoring that to keep demanding a yes or not answer. When she keeps saying that she didn't care about his content that much in the first place and just wanted to have a conversation with other trans women, Vaush insists that he is better to advocate for the trans community than she is, that he is "concerned" for Kat and other dismissive misogynistic bullshit that I am honestly amazed that she could tolerate as well as she did. 6. After this conversation, Vaush did what I think was a 7 hour stream about the whole issue and somewhere on it he talked about how Kat "yell at white men but in private fetishize them" and how obssesed she was with him. 7. Following this, Kat released sexting messages (no pics, though) that she and Vaush exchanged years ago where Vaush approached her first. Somewhere she tweets again that she will settle for white dick sometimes but find it overall "underwhelming." 8. Because of this, a fucking legion of people are now calling what Kat did the same as sexual assault/abuse/rvenge porn and how Vaush, again, "might" have done something wrong, "maybe", but really it was Kat and Contra the true villains for not agreeing with Vaush because, what, do you want to defend a terf??? 9. For the record, Kat admits and recognizes that she shouldn't have said that or released those messages. I agree that she shouldn't have said that either. Does anyone of the Vaush defenders cares? No. The worst I have seen people say about Vaush comments on Kat fetishizing white men is that they were "spicy" and nothing else. Vaush now uses a old tweet where Kat was admitidly awful to a trans suicidal kid as for reason as to why she isn't good for the trans community, unlike him, the cis guy, which is fucking priceless coming from the guy who is constantly clipped out of context and has every awful accusation flown his way. Kat apoligized for that old tweet, again admits it was an awful mistake on her part, but Vaush doesn't care because she didn't played his debate game. So now people keep making videos about how Vaush did nothing wrong, Kat is a monster, Contra is a hypocrite and I just want to scream.
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aphrodites-law · 5 years
My Favorite
Trope: Soulmate marks.
Twist: Lexa doesn’t have one. Clarke does.
5/? - (Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4)
Clarke 🙊
You didn’t miss much at the party- so much dancing and then it rained!
Maybe I can show you another part of town next Friday?
The days went by slowly. Lexa had deconstructed the routine she’d enjoyed the last few weeks, her chest still aching from the decision she'd made. She liked Clarke - there was no denying that. She’d gravitated toward her while she peacefully read in an armchair and the attraction had only grown since. Cutting her out completely wasn’t the solution. Now that Lexa knew Clarke had a soulmate, all she needed to do was swallow back those feelings. Lexa knew they could be friends afterward - there was no reason not to be. Clarke’s qualities hadn’t suddenly disappeared because they didn’t have a romantic future. 
Maybe one day they would even laugh about this. About how they’d flirted over pool and old fashioned cocktails and gelatos. Clarke would be with her soulmate and Lexa-
Lexa would have someone too. Someone she’d be free to love with her entire soul without a limited timeline looming over them. Someone she would be enough for. 
On Friday, Lexa had driven from the school to Coffee on the Moon. She missed  the drinks and food, but mostly she knew she couldn’t lock herself in her apartment forever. If she wanted her future in this city, she needed to work for it. Driving from the school to her place every day was no way to live. More than that, it wasn’t how Lexa wanted to live. She didn’t know how she’d gotten to be so morose. On some days it was harder to fight than others. But she’d picked herself up before and she could do it again. 
“Look who the shitty weather finally dragged in,” Raven announced when she saw her.
 It was said jokingly, which Lexa wasn’t sure what to make of. Maybe Clarke hadn’t told her anything about her unanswered texts. Lexa had stared at them a long time, drafting and erasing an apology dozens of times. But what could she say that didn’t sound like the most selfish of excuses? Sorry that I need time to squash my feelings before I can be your friend? Sorry that I would never be enough for you? It wasn’t like Clarke had led her on. She’d probably thought Lexa knew about her mark. And it’d been her mistake not to double-check with the registry. 
“Rain and quizzes to evaluate,” she told Raven.
“Quizzes on your second week? Harsh.”
Lexa shook her head while closing her umbrella. What an odd summer this was. “They’re not graded. I’m just trying to get a sense of where everyone is at.”
“You want a regular?” Raven asked as she went to the coffee machine.
“Please. And a turkey and cheese.”
Raven rung her up and then walked with her to the corner table, where Lexa sat after doing a quick glance around. It was moderately busy for a rainy Friday afternoon.
“So how d’you like the job?” Raven asked her.
“It’s good. Great. The kids are already in the rhythm of things.”
“Kids adapt fast. What about the teachers? Did you meet Octavia?”
“Is she a substitute? I heard about her, but I don’t think she’s been around yet.”
“She might’ve been. O can be a bit of a ninja. I’ll tell her to keep an eye out for you.”
“Oh that’s not-“
“What about that bald bitch Titus?”
Lexa pressed her lips together. “Well... that’s one way to describe him.”
“Titus was my history teacher. Been around for as long as dinosaurs roamed the earth, I swear.”
“I noticed the antiquated belief system he has, yes.”
Raven frowned. “Is he giving you trouble?”
“Not really. If anything he’s made it clear we won’t be having any discussions at all.”
“Don’t feel bad, it might not even be a mark thing - he’s a famous grouch.”
Lexa wrapped her hands around her coffee cup. “It’s always a mark thing, Raven.”
“Well color me shocked he’s still a dick,” Raven sighed. “I’ll leave you to it, but let me know if you need anything.”
Lexa ate a few bites of her sandwich before she finally took out the quizzes from her briefcase.
An hour later, just as Lexa thought to finish at home, she felt herself tense and looked up. She saw Clarke through the window of the shop and clutched the paper she was holding tightly. Clarke was closing her umbrella and ran a hand through her hair before pushing open the door to the shop. She brightened at the warmth of the place and then stopped when her eyes caught Lexa.
Lexa knew she should have looked away, or maybe even gotten up, but she was frozen in place and the past few days seemed to have gone straight down the drain. Her feelings had escaped their carefully constructed cage and her heart had joined in.
Clarke walked toward her with a small smile, not quite the grin Lexa had memorized, but... tender nevertheless. 
Hi, Clarke signed. 
Lexa smiled back but felt sudden despair. She couldn’t do this - not yet. Clearly she needed more time before she could even look at Clarke without wanting to gift her the goddamn moon. No, she couldn’t go back on what she’d insisted was the right decision. 
She mouthed a weak Hey in return until she finally had to look away. A few seconds later, her phone lit up with a notification. 
Can we chat?
Clarke pointed at the chair in front of hers, sending Lexa into a panic.
“I actually- I need to finish some work,” she answered. 
She briefly looked up and saw Clarke mouth, ‘Tomorrow?’
“I can’t. I was... I was planning on building this bookshelf I got."
Clarke bit her lip, then texted something quickly. She gave Lexa a hopeful look.
I can help. I'm handy with tools.
Lexa couldn’t stand it anymore. “I just need to be alone, Clarke.”
Clarke's smile slowly fell as she understood it wasn't a time constraint that kept Lexa from hanging out with her. She put her phone in her pocket before nodding weakly and turning away. She didn’t say goodbye to Raven as she left the shop, pulling the door closed behind her with a harsh click. 
Lexa watched as she opened her umbrella and rushed away. Furious at her own self, Lexa quickly put the rest of the quizzes in her briefcase and got up.
“Woa wait, what was that about?” Raven asked as she walked by.
“Nothing. I - there was a misunderstanding.”
“Really? So you didn’t go out with her and then completely ignore her?”
Lexa stopped in her tracks. She hadn’t expected Raven to be so friendly before if she’d known all along. “I didn’t know she... Anya told me she didn’t have a mark and I-“
“Oh again with the mark.”
“You wouldn’t get it.”
“Try me.”
Lea frowned. “You know how it feels to be the layover.”
“Yeah it fucking sucks, so what? She’s crazy about you.”
Lexa swallowed hard. “She’ll get over me. Everyone does.”
Raven stepped closer to her. “You like her, too.”
“I'm working on that.”
“No, I think you’re in deep.”
“You barely even know me.”
Raven didn’t seem impressed by the sharp rebuttal. “You express ordered like 10 books on ASL.”
Lexa struggled to close her briefcase with how shaky her hands had gotten in her haste. “I’m going to kill Anya.”
“Save your energy. You know, for someone who hates the mark so much, you sure obsess over it a lot.”
Lexa’s head snapped up. “I’m trying to protect myself.”
Raven laughed. “From who? That woman who just walked out looking like you already broke her heart? She’s been asking to be with you ever since you met and you’re going to sweep that under the rug because of a mark that - by the way? Might as well not even exist anymore at the rate it’s disappearing. But you wouldn’t know that since you ran before using your own damn words.”
Lexa exhaled, bottom lip trembling as she realized she’d effectively pushed Clarke away without an explanation.
“You don’t understand. I put myself out there and... for a while it works, I’m happy, but then someone else says something or... or it just peters out and I don’t even know why. I don’t know but the world is convinced that it’s because there’s something so wrong with me that I don’t have the ability to be with someone, let alone someone with a mark. So what if it’s true? How can I be with Clarke when I know there’s someone out there who- who could give her better?"
"You know I’m not the one you should be telling this, right?”
Lexa stopped fighting the welling of tears in her eyes. She was so tired of it all. 
“Hey, Lexa?” Raven asked quietly. “It seems to me like your idea of protecting yourself is just hurting you a whole lot more.”
Part 6
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uno-reverse-fic · 4 years
Part 2 Chapter 5
Bakugo could feel your tiny body trembling in his hands. He could barely hear your voice, "Please..." Was all you said, over and over, lowering to a whisper, dying down with each breath. He couldn't take you with him, he couldn't do that to you, and so he stood up and began making his way towards the common area.
"Hey bro! Have you seen Surō? She's been gone for like 20 minutes." Kirshima asked Bakugo as he walked in the room. All he responded with was a glance towards his hands that had been cupped against his chest.
"Oh seriously?!" Kaminari exclaimed,
"She couldn't have waited five more minutes?!"
"Bro, she can't control it, its not even her quirk." Kirshima told him, before turning back to Bakugo,
"You found her so you can keep her I guess."
"Huh? But I thought you—"
"No." Bakugo repeated his response.
"She's terrified. I can feel her shaking, she doesn't want to stay with me. Not after what I did last time." Bakugo forced his hand towards Kirshima, who quickly took you into his own hands and slid you into his pocket. You could hear a few muffled whispers from the two of them, but you couldn’t make out much of what they were saying. Bakugo walked off a few moments later, and the second he turned the corner Kaminari began pestering Kirshima.
"C'mon dude lemme see her!"
"No. Not right now. I'm heading up to my room anyway." Kirshima didn't bother asking you first, he figured you'd probably want some alone time today. As he walked up the stairs to his dorm he slid his hand into his pocket and cradled you. His thumb rested firmly against your chest, and you were pressed into his fingers. You could feel him sit down on the bed as he pulled you out of his pocket. He held you in his hands, with his thumb still resting on your chest. He turned you over with his eyes, examining your small features. An awkward silence fell over the room, Kirshima didn't seem to notice it, but you sure as heck did. You looked around the room, impatient, and slightly flustered from the silence. You moved your hand to his thumb, and his eyes immediately lit up with wonder and awe. Sure you trusted Kirshima, but you hated when he looked at you like that. You guessed he figured out that you were uncomfortable because he snapped out of his trance,
"Oh sorry, that was awkward. Uh, do you want something to eat? I can go get some lunch." He asked, you nodded in response. He started standing up but stopped himself,
"Oh, uh. Do you want to come with me and eat downstairs or do you wanna stay up here and I can bring the food up to my room?"
"I'd rather stay here, I guess." You said, your voice timid.
"Alright, here," Kirshima set you on the bed next to him before getting up to leave,
"Don't go anywhere, I'll be right back." He told you before shutting the door and walking downstairs.
A couple minutes later a knock sounded on the door.
"Hey, hair-for-brains. Open up." You recognized that voice, it was Bakugo. The panic immediately began seeping in, and you began searching around for a good place to hide. You decided to slide in between the pillows on the bed, praying that Kirshima had locked the door on his way out. Another knock,
"Come on idiot. Open up," your heart pounded wildly in your chest. You really didn't want to go back with Bakugo, and you were 90% sure thats what he was here for. He spoke again,
"You left your sweatshirt downstairs. I don't have time to deal with your crap, I'm tired." Bakugo stood silently, outside the door for a few more minutes, and you were almost sure he had left, until he spoke again,
"I'm just gonna leave this outside the door." He said, and you finally heard his footsteps trudge away down the hall. You stayed hidden for a few more seconds in case he came back, and to let your trembling body calm down a bit.
You stepped out from behind the pillows just in time to see Kirshima open the door with the sweatshirt in his hand.
"Do you know who dropped this off?" You shook your head, you didn't want him to get worried over nothing.
"Huh. guess I'll just have to ask Kaminari if he knows. Oh, here's your lunch." He said placing a small bowl with some ramen in it next to you, before sitting down on the opposite side of the bed with is own lunch. The bowl was about 3 times your height, in length, and it reached just above your chest in height. You were ecstatic, for a couple reasons, one being you had a lot of ramen to eat, and two being you weren't going to be eating the same thing for a week straight.
"OH! Wait I almost forgot!" Kirshima said, quickly pulling a broken toothpick from his pocket.
"Its not the best, but look! Mini chopsticks!" He said handing them to you. The only problem was that each piece was about half your size, so they were a bit hard to use as chopsticks. Instead you decided that stabbing and fishing out, a noodle with one of them was a better approach. Kirshima laughed,
"Or that works too!" He said as you shoved one end of a noodle in your mouth, and looking at him with wide eyes. You bit off part of the noodle and continued eating. The two of you began talking a bit while you ate, swapping jokes and stories. Not even five minutes into the conversation and Kirshima was already snorting ramen broth up his nose with euphoria, and you had almost choked a few times while laughing.
"That all your gonna eat?" He asked after you finished, you nodded in response.
"Wow, you really don't eat much at that size do you." He mused. You looked the other way in embarrassment.
Kirshima didn't notice your change in demeanor as he grabbed the dishes and set off downstairs. About 20 minutes later he came back upstairs with a few movies in his hand.
"Hey so I know you've probably already watched a ton of movies and stuff today, but its a good way to pass the time, so I grabbed a few that I thought you'd like." He said, a nervous look crossing his face. He walked over and spread the moves out on the bed, before sitting down cross legged on the other side. There were about ten movies, most of them being Disney films, you ended up settling on one of the newer Disney movies.
"Thats funny, I was actually hoping you'd lean more towards that one." Kirshima commented, gathering up the rest of the movies and tossing them on his bedside table. He popped the CD in the side of the mini TV in front of his bed, and pushed play. He slid back onto the bed next to you, and lowered his hand down, gesturing for you to climb on.
"C'mon, I wont hurt you or anything, I just figured you'd get a better view on my shoulder or something." He reassured you. For a moment you hesitated, but eventually you climbed slowly onto the palm of his hand. You felt the force of gravity push down on you as Kirshima's hand ascended towards his shoulder. You slid off his hand, which hovered around you until you settled down next to his neck. You grew tired throughout the movie and found yourself slumped against Kirshima's neck in exhaustion by the end of the movie. You completely missed the way he tensed up with every movement you made. He decided to put another movie in, this time of his choice. He didn't want to bother you too much so carefully he stood up and replaced the CD in the movie player, all while you laid slumped against his neck. By the time the second movie was over, about three hours had passed.
Kirishima nudged you awake,
"Ok, so as much as I would love to watch movies all day, we have to do something else, I was thinking of hanging out downstairs with everyone else until dinner. Sound good?" He asked.
"Mhm." You replied tiredly. All drowsiness was quickly swept away when you felt giant fingers wrapping carefully around your body. You let out a small yelp in surprise, as Kirshima lifted you away from his shoulder and slid you into his sweatshirt pocket. You could feel his movements as he walked downstairs. Almost as if he was waiting for it Kaminari ran up to him.
“Hey bro! How’s Surō?! Is she here?! Can I see her?!” He word-vomited.
“Not right now, she’s a bit tired, and I don’t think she wants to be bombarded with questions.” Kirshima replied.
“What are you? Her personal voice box?” Kaminari quipped.
“Wha— no! I just don’t think— never mind .” Kirshima stuttered.
“Fine. Can we at least talk about memes?” Kaminari asked.
“Heck yes bro!” Kirshima enthused. The two of them sat and talked for a while, you listened to every word, and laughed along quietly with a few of the jokes. You would have loved to participate in that conversation, but just like Kirshima, you didn’t completely trust Kaminari.
“Ill be right back dude, gonna get a drink of water.” Kirshima said.
“Get one for me too!” Kaminari shouted. You felt Kirshima take his sweatshirt off, and could heater his footsteps retreating. Not even a second after he turned the corner did Kaminari quickly reach into his sweatshirt pocket and pull you out. You let out a small cry of fear, as he brought you up to his massive face.
“Woa, your so small!” He exclaimed, but his astonishment was short lived, because as soon as Kirshima walked back into the room he quickly ran over towards you.
“C’mon dude, I leave for two minutes and this is what I come back to?” Kirshima said.
“Well I figured she was probably more awake by now.” Kaminari replied.
“Whatever just give her back.”
“Aww cant I hold her for a little longer?! She’s so cute!” Kaminari pleaded
“Yea, she is, but she’s still a person.” Kirshima told him.
“I know! I’ll be careful! Its not like I’m gonna hurt her or anything.”
“Fine, but not long.” Kirshima said, giving into Kaminari’s begging. You really didn’t like the way they talked about you like you weren’t there, but it couldn’t be helped. Kaminari was careful not to hurt you, and for that you were grateful. Soon you found yourself settling closer into his hands, as the two if them talked.
Dinner came and went quickly, and soon you found yourself waiting for Kirshima to return to his dorm from showering. You heard chatter outside the door, but couldn’t make out any words or specific voices. And when Kirshima finally opened the door you caught a glimpse of Bakugo walking the other way. Kirshima took note of your tense demeanor when he picked you up.
“Oh I was just thanking him for getting my sweatshirt earlier, he told me he found out on the couch in the common area, and recognized that it was mine. Nothing to worry about.” He reassured you. He didn’t put you down until he was sure you had calmed down. A few more hours passed where the two of you talked, before the two of you finally grew tired.
“I’m gonna go to sleep now. If you need anything just wake me.” Kirshima said with a yawn. You nodded and watched as he laid down on the pillow next to you, his hand coming up to rest against your back. You tried your best to fall asleep but you were freezing, and after a few minutes you decided you couldn’t take it. You stood up and slowly stumbled over to his face, but in your tired clumsiness, you ended up tripping and falling into him.
“You good?” He asked. You steadied yourself against the bridge of his nose before stammering out an answer.
“I-I was just c-cold.”
“Oh, here.” He said, his fingers wrapping around you and pulling you downward. He pressed you into the base of his neck, and you felt the warmth flood around you.
“Geez you’re shivering, sorry bout that, guess I didn’t think you’d get so cold.” His voice vibrated and flowed through you, and soon enough you were drifting off to sleep.
I GOT THIS DONE ALMOST ON TIME!!! Good for me I guess. Well i broke my arm so thats why this chapter came out on Thursday instead of Wednesday. But thats fine I guess. Also!! I’m trying my best to make an update schedule!! I will try to update every 2-3 weeks on Wednesdays! With that said have a beautiful day you beautiful person.
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apexart-journal · 5 years
Elizabeth Velazquez in Jerusalem Day 8 (7.10.19)
“Satanás está suelto !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”
(Satan is loose)
The words my dad would invoke when he had inconsolable anger- the kind of anger that comes from the deepest, most bottom part of the soul- where hell is, a kind of sunken place.
It’s a scary thing to watch, so scary, it’s paralyzing. Maybe if one doesn’t move or breathe it can make one invisible.
Things went a different way than I expected- but it was all good in the end, only extremely difficult to deal with the unexpected in the moments they occurred.
First, I witnessed a scuffle between the train personnel and a man. I was on the train heading up to Giv’at Ha-Mivtar. I didn’t know that they go around checking passes to see if people scanned their RavKav. When the two women got to this man his card was not swiped. They argued with him seeming to reprimand him. He seemed to be saying that he did scan it. Getting close to the stop he snatched the card back from the woman’s hand, they wrestled, he got loose, scanned his card, ran out the door and kept running.
I got off at the stop and realized my phone was not charged, my battery charger was also dead but luckily I decided to bring my outlet charger, although there wasn’t anywhere I could plug it into yet. My old fashioned map was back at the apartment but the night before I drew my own map of where I needed to go. Things are always different in the moment. The internet didn’t seem to be working normally and the map was doing strange things. I swear internet access is blocked or limited. My fear was increasing and my frustration level was rising.  I asked several helpful people for directions, including one guy who almost got run over by the train ten feet in front of me! He was wearing his earbuds and had been working 14 hours straight. Everyone I asked, including him had no idea about Brigham University- a Mormon university. 
I got back on the train and according to one person there was a bus #48 two stops back in the direction I came from that would take me there. I thought it sounded easy enough but it wasn’t. I got on a bus and asked the driver, he said, “No,” and motioned that he didn’t know or go there. I decided to walk. With the little battery life I had left I managed to draw myself another map. I stopped to ask another man after asking several women- everyone’s not sure, but this man seemed sure, “Hadassah! Yes, go… bus 234.” He gives me specific directions. I take a deep breath and move forward. 
The sun is blazing and there are no trees lining the sidewalk to give a little shade of relief. When I arrive at the bus stop I ask a woman wearing a hijab if I am at the right place. The white bus with blue stripes, #234, arrives and the writing is in Arabic. My ignorant self gets on the coach bus style bus and I hold up my RavKav looking for the swipe but there is none. It doesn’t work on this bus. I ask how much and the driver says, “Uh… 3 shekels.” After a few miles I noticed the bus is going in the opposite direction. The driver says “Hadassah!” I’m really confused and invoking my father’s phrase consistently by now. I end up holding up the bus for 1-2 minutes trying to communicate with the bus driver, who wants to help but is also on a schedule. I say thank you many times and get off the bus. I’m raising and waving my arms up to the sky and clenching my teeth, “Why!? Ayyyy!”
Once again I ask another helpful person, “University there- 5 minutes.” Ok, I know it’s not the one but I keep walking. There were students and a cafe! I ask a student wearing a hijab who is very kind and helpful but doesn’t know where it is. I decide to enter the cafe and order an alfajor with an iced tea in the spoiled American way- “Is it sweetened? What kind of sugar? Can I have it non sweetened? And can you blah blah blah.” Anyway, the kind young man ends up making me a special iced tea that ends up being one of the best iced teas ever. I’m relieved and am able to charge my phone enough to keep it moving once again. 
It’s hot but luckily there are some scattered trees on the Hebrew University campus. I end up walking the length of it- Mt. Scopus and arrive at an amazing view leaving the campus- it’s facing in the direction of the Dead Sea. My breath is taken away as I observe the view. I sure wouldn’t have experienced this by riding a bus. I know that I’m getting closer but I’m still not sure, so I go into what seems like a park/overlook area with a sign that reads Temple Mount Sifting Project. I was just going in to see and use the bathroom but someone eagerly says hello invites me to participate. I had about an hour until the next tour time- 2pm, being that I missed my 10am tour (a 4 hour detour) plus they knew about the Mormon university. 
I finally arrived for my tour, although it took me some time to get to the gate because I was still doubting that is was the way. There was a guard that invited me in and someone already waiting at the gate. It felt like the setting for the beginning of a horror film. The place was a palace. The tour was structured and everything about it felt scripted. I watched a propaganda film about the university and then moved onto the organ playing session. I felt strange, uncomfortable and nauseous. The windows were humongous- overlooking the Old City. The view was spectacular. It felt similar to the lavishness of the cathedral I had visited. Wood, glass, stone and artwork were everywhere. Huge vault-like doors and air conditioning on high! My level of discomfort set off internal alarms- I really wanted to get away- run.
I had entered on the 8th floor. We- a guy visiting from France and I, were only allowed on the top 2 or 3 floors and outside through the lookout and garden. There was time for a few questions, so I asked “Do you have students from different parts of the world? Central, South America? Africa? Black?” She said “Yes- we have a diverse student body.” I asked, “ Are they all Mormon? Who are the students this semester?” to which she answered, “This semester they’re all Mormon.” Many of her responses were “Good question! I’ll have to ask about that.” 
When it was time to go, I asked for directions and got to see the high tech security system on which the security personnel showed me the roads I should take. We could actually see the wall of the museum. I walked on and noticed Arabic writing. The road was steep, dusty and garbage was everywhere. In West Jerusalem I saw that they actually wash the stones on the ground in the mornings and everything seems clean but I was now in East Jerusalem.
At the top of the hill I asked for directions from an elderly man that was sitting outside of a large building chatting with another man. He offered me a sweet cake square with an almond in the center- I accepted and it was delicious. We ate and walked towards the museum as he told me the name of the cake.
The museum was guarded heavily with security and barbed wire. The guard stopped me and told me to enter from the front of the museum and to walk around again- he advised me to go the same way I came and not the other way. I wondered why but decided to follow the same path around only to find out the museum was closed- I thought I had another hour! 
All these words to say that after this experience I could see in real life just a little bit of the stark difference between East Jerusalem and West. The buses are segregated and now I notice them all the time. It’s such a complicated story that includes severe injustices being committed against Palestinian people.
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it was the 80s, what can i say and this was him. ha, so dig them shorts an,yway, when i FIRST met him as a bar customer i found him obnoxious and i wouldn't go in the bar if he was there but then one night everything changed. there was a party at the bar. i was off but came in for the party. he was there with his latest GF i still found him repulsive at the time she bought me a drink (diet pepsi...i didn't drink) after a while they got up to leave. he leaned over to me and asked how long i was going to be there. i said i was gonna finish my pop and go. he said he was coming back.  haha...i thought "good for you buddy." i did not give the slightest shit. so he took his GF home (i guess she lived close cause he was back in like 5 minutes). so  i was still there. anyway, i have NO IDEA what made me sit down to talk to him...but i did.  we talked like for 3 hours, and at the end o.f the 3 hours..I KNEW THAT I HAD TO SPEND THE REST OF MY LIFE WITH HIM! it was like lightening had hit me. i KNEW as i drove home that night, that my life was forever changed...that every moment after that was going to be about adjusting my life to be with him i always took it for granted that he felt the same thing that night for almost 30 years i thought he had felt the same magic he came to, but he did not that night. it was quite the shock to me. ((( "pop" lol !! woa! )) i was smitten in love...like thunderstruck...like LIFE ALTERING and he just wanted in my pants after that first night i KNEW i was going to end a marriage and he really felt nothing...other than horney i mean, we became an item quickly and his feelings became more serious fuck Surely not nothing
conversation between me and Heidi
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