#tool free led street lights
mixworld · 3 months
Revolutionizing Street Lighting: The Power of LED Street Lights
In today's urban landscape, the evolution of street lighting has reached new heights with the advent of LED technology. LED street lights have emerged as the frontrunner in illuminating our roads, offering unparalleled efficiency, durability, and versatility. From traditional street lights to the innovative tool-free LED street lights equipped with photocells for dusk to dawn functionality, the options are endless. Let's delve into the transformative power of LED street lights and explore how they are reshaping the way we light our streets.
LED street lights represent a significant advancement over conventional lighting solutions. Their efficiency in converting electricity into visible light surpasses that of traditional technologies, resulting in substantial energy savings and reduced carbon emissions. This makes them not only environmentally friendly but also cost-effective in the long run.
One of the most notable features of LED street lights is their durability. Unlike traditional street lights that require frequent maintenance and replacement, LED fixtures boast a remarkably long lifespan, often exceeding 50,000 hours of operation. This longevity translates to fewer disruptions and lower maintenance costs for municipalities and businesses alike.
Furthermore, the emergence of tool-free LED street lights has simplified installation and maintenance processes even further. With innovative designs that eliminate the need for specialized tools, these fixtures can be installed or serviced swiftly and efficiently, minimizing downtime and disruption to traffic flow.
Additionally, the integration of photocells in LED street lights has revolutionized the concept of dusk to dawn lighting. By automatically adjusting their brightness based on ambient light levels, these lights ensure optimal illumination throughout the night while conserving energy during daylight hours. This not only enhances safety and visibility on the streets but also contributes to energy conservation efforts.
LED street lights offer a myriad of benefits beyond their energy efficiency and durability. Their superior light quality enhances visibility and security, creating safer environments for pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists alike. Moreover, LED technology allows for precise control over light distribution, minimizing light pollution and glare while maximizing coverage and uniformity.
In conclusion, LED street lights have emerged as the pinnacle of street lighting technology, offering unmatched efficiency, durability, and versatility. From traditional fixtures to tool-free designs with integrated photocells, these lights are revolutionizing the way we illuminate our roads. With their myriad benefits and transformative potential, LED street lights are poised to shape the future of urban lighting for years to come.
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little-annie · 1 year
All I Want | Ch9
Steddie | Little_Annie | Ao3
Ch8 ⤵️
Needless to say there were tears when Steve watched Eddie disappear into the trailer. Screen door snapping shut with the crack of metal ringing shrill through the air, you'd think the sound would have startled him or at the very least would have made him jump but he was so numb to the world around him he'd hardly even processed the sharp noise. 
All he felt was an overwhelming emptiness and longing in the fading light of his car. The buzz of the street lights flickering on and the howl of a dog in the distance lost to his senses as he stared at that front door, hoping, waiting, wanting for Eddie to pop his head out and wave him in.
But that never came.
It never came, so after several minutes of staring longingly at a metal door Steve finally backed out of the Munson's driveway and headed for home.
For the longest while he remained on autopilot. The trek from Eddie's home to his own being ingrained into his mind just as much as breathing, but by the time he was passing through town and driving by the tire shop, he finally fell back into reality.
Eddie's van. 
The very least he could do was fix Eddie's van.
There'd been multiple times he had to help the man with changing a tire or replacing a headlight or something of the sort. Eddie was a good mechanic. He liked to tell Steve it was because he was poor and had no other option but to do it on his own because it was cheaper, but just from watching Eddie work on the van Steve knew it was something he enjoyed. Granted, he wasn't sure if Eddie remembered that now or not.
They'd been to Thatcher Tire enough times together that Steve had memorised Eddie's tire size and now knew they had a discount pile of take offs in the back. Though, he only hoped they were open late enough for him to get replacements tonight.
Upon coming to a grinding halt as the bay doors were closing and employees were filing out of the side door, Steve found himself tripping over gravel, calling out to Gary before he could get into his truck and drive off.
The old man didn't seem too impressed. Falling into the driver's seat with a groan and rolling his window down with a slowness that was painful, he levelled Steve with a look, grumbling, "What you want kid?"
"Gar-" Steve huffed, letting his hands rest on his hips, "I need two tires man."
"Were closed"
Steve grimaced and truthfully for a moment contemplated jumping the fence in the back and leaving a wad of cash in exchange for a set of cheap tires, but maybe something in his face gave way to his intentions because before he knew it Gary let out a gruff, put upon sigh and heaved himself from the vehicle.
Large belly, suspenders and motor oil stained clothes, the man shouldered past Steve and made his way back into the shop, calling over his shoulder, "What'd your boy run over this time?"
No more than ten minutes and a couple hundred bucks later, Steve found himself on the road again. In the few moments waiting at the front desk for Gary to find two tires, Steve had come up with a plan. It was nothing extravagant, he just wanted to help Eddie. He felt a burning need to do what he could to make his boy's life easier. He'd go home, change, grab some tools and whatever else he'd need to repair what he could on the van and head back to the school to do just as much. 
Granted he'd never done any of it without Eddie by his side, helping him along the way with gentle words and encouragement in his ear and teasing lips on his neck that sooner led them inside or into the back of the van.
He couldn't help but smile at the memory.
"What'd you run over this time?"
"Nothin'," Eddie grumbled while bodily heaving a screwdriver from his front tire, turning to Steve with a smile and a shrug as he continued, "really, if anything, I just acquired a free screwdriver."
"Uh huh, " Steve remembers saying while fondly shaking his head and leaning in to whisper against Eddie's lips, "now teach me how to change a tire, Eds."
Eddie hummed, closing the short distance between them with a press to Steve's lips, "As you wish Sunshine."
For the longest while Steve assumed it was a quiet affair while watching Eddie on his knees changing a tire, but turns out he was just too entrapped by the ripple of his boyfriend's muscles and the bead of sweat running down his neck to actually be paying any attention. 
He remembers only checking back in when he felt Eddie squeeze his calf, "You get that all Baby?"
He most definitely did not.
But he smiled and nodded anyway.
Maybe a little dumbly when he realised the rush through his veins and the heat under his skin. 
It wasn't many moments later that he was pushing Eddie into the back of the van and feeling sweat stained skin under his tongue.
But it was when he hit a pothole and snapped back to reality that he was once again flooded with grief. That moment was very likely something he'd never experience again. The warmth in his chest, the thrum in his veins. The way his heart fluttered behind his ribs as Eddie called him Sunshine.
Tears began to well and he felt his chest tightening for the millionth time in the last week.
Past a vastness of trees and large homes sure enough to be as empty as his own; through the bur of tears and the fog of sadness in his eyes, Steve pulled into the driveway of his childhood home.
Upon coming to a stop in front of the garage door he felt a sob heave from his chest, forcing him to curl forward and gasp for air as the tears fell like a shower into his lap.
The reality that he'd never have Eddie in that capacity again was debilitating. 
Something so simple, a moment so regular that it shouldn't have meant anything special. But still it was something Steve longed for once again. 
The way every motion, every movement, every shared breath, whispered words and swallowed gasp happened with such ease. Such love and desire and unbridled but unrushed need.
He longed for it desperately. 
Longed for it like the flowers yearned for the sun, pleading and dying and fading were they to go without.
Like the fields thirsted for rain in drought, soil cracking and breaking, fissures in the earth like those in his heart.
Like the gasping of flames as they reach for oxygen, light fading to darkness while the need to surge forward dies with empty lungs. 
He feared he'd die without it.
But maybe that'd be best.
Maybe then he wouldn't have to live with such a gaping hole in chest. Wide and growing, bleeding around the edges. Suffering slowly. Painfully. Alone.
The sky was black, a vastness of emptiness and onyx, diluted by the golden glow of the street lights no more than a dozen feet away.
He'd shut off the car at some point, the rumble of the engine no longer settling in his bones as he slouched further into his seat. The low tone of radio static gone as were hours of the evening. It'd had to have been somewhere close to midnight, maybe 11 p.m., the sliver of moon hanging highest in the sky.
There was sleep in his eyes and an ache in his bones that felt wholly specific to sleeping in the front seat of a car. Contorted and twisted in on himself, seeking a comfort that was never there.
It was obvious his exhaustion had gotten the best of him, blanketing him with a heaviness that forced hours of sleep to be anything but stolen.
Steve rubbed his eyes with the heels of his palms, pushing himself to sit upright with a stretch and a groan. 
With a crack of his neck and a twist of his back, Steve sighed and hauled himself from the vehicle. Heading to the house with intentions to change and grab some tools, he trekked up the stone walkway.
If he wanted to get Eddie's van fixed up and back to the trailer park before any more assholes could mess with it, he should go now.
But it was when he reached the first step of the porch he'd seen something he hadn't expected to find. 
Robin Buckley.
Robin Buckley, bundled in one of his Hawkins High Swim Team sweatshirts with her head leaning against the side of the house, sat on the porch and curled into herself with tear stains on her cheeks. Her knees were pulled tight to her chest, the hood of the green sweater hiding the better half of her face. She was asleep but from what Steve could see she looked sad, a furrow in her brow and a frown on her face.
The unread note burning a hole in his pocket made him feel as if he'd something to do with it.
He wanted to run. He wanted to leave and never come back.
He was ashamed.
He knew he'd abandoned Robin, left her worrying and wondering. Left her without explanation. Though he wasn't sure if he'd ever be able to manage one.
There'd been nights he recalls hearing her banging on the front door, cursing him out, pleading for an answer but leaving her need unheard. 
He felt like doing the same right now.
But an overwhelming sense of longing forced him to the ground next to her, curling in on himself and letting tears fall as she let out a groan and shuffled enough to pull him into her side.
They were silent for what felt like hours, though it was probably just moments sitting with his head tucked into her neck and her arms tight around his shoulders.
Tears spilled and stained flesh and cloth, their bodies shuddering with emotion together. Eventually Robin's fingers found his hair, combing and scratching, soothing the ache in his chest and burning in his lungs.
He didn't realise how much he missed her until he allowed himself to be held in her arms. 
He'd neglected her for weeks. His once partner in crime felt like a stranger, an unknown astro figure that burned bright like a star, lighting the darkness in his heart. Illuminating the parts of himself he hadn't realised he'd lost.
He felt warmth in his chest he was sure was dead. A lifeless decaying thing that began to flutter when her lips pressed to his scalp and she whispered, "I've missed you, you asshole."
A response was a nonexistent thing, but he was able to manage a hum when he reached for her hand and squeezed it with his own, her bones frail and skin chilled, it felt like an odd thing to miss. But he did. So he held on a little tighter. 
They remained that way for a while, the chill of the early summer night settling in their bones and leaving them with a shiver. Eventually Steve worked up the courage to speak, burrowing closer as he whispered to Robin, "m' sorry."
To that Robin hummed and her hand stilled, she was processing, he knew but the ache in his chest didn't disappear when she ground out a simple, "Okay."
Not an 'it's okay' or an 'I know.' Just an undecipherable, 'okay', like she was confirming that she heard him and that was all. Like she didn't believe his words or the regret he felt for abandoning her for weeks on end.
They'd have to talk and it'd be an ugly thing he was sure, but now wasn't the time.
Now Steve's mind was focused on the man he loved, scraped and scathed lying alone in his empty home. 
Now Eddie was his main concern.  
He felt bad for asking, but right now his priority was the man that held a piece of his heart sitting alone on the other side of town.
"Rob?" Steve whispered, hesitant, that light she'd only just sparked once again in his soul, fluttering and flickering with unease. Threatening to burn out once again.
She hummed, tired and unimpressed, still with a silence that felt like a knife to the chest.
"I need your help"
It'd been a day. 
Work was hell. Hours spent worrying over the words and tears spilled onto a torn piece of paper, a thick twist of nerves in her gut while trying to remain productive and professional. They'd been many times she'd been on the cliffs edge of a breakdown, Keith grumbling at her to get a move on while she stared blankly at the tower of tapes next to her, eyes welling and body feeling weak.
She'd cried herself to sleep the night before, knees tucked to her chest and cheeks stained with tears. The words she'd written on that paper floated through her dreams like a painful reminder of her loneliness and anger. She'd awoken stiff and sore, throat scratchy and eyes red. The idea of heading into work only inspiring dread.
But the day had come and nearly gone, landing her with sore feet and an aching heart on the cusp of the Harrington's stone walkway, the cursed mailbox to her side. Though to her greatest distress the note was gone and upon further inspection so was Steve's car. 
She'd contemplated leaving, saving herself the hurt until she got home to wallow once again but for whatever reason she'd felt a spark of determination in her damaged soul. The need to stay and stand her ground upon Steve's inevitable arrival home.
At some point she'd found herself sat on the front steps, book in hand, feigning composure as every ounce of her being ached for one reason or another. She was hurt, heart damaged and bleeding so profusely, agonising over what they'd once had and possibly could never recover again. Steve Harrington was the definition of wreckage, albeit it his own or that caused by an outside force was yet to be determined but it hurt Robin all the same. Left blind and not even graced with the permission to sit on the sidelines and listen.
She was an outsider. 
Much like she had been for the majority of her life, but with Steve, her best friend, her soulmate, God, she thought it'd been different. She thought he cared for her as much as she did him. Two halves to a single whole. Souls set to meet through every lifetime. But the last year proved that to be false. Proved that she was just a filler, a body there for emotional comfort when needed. Something he'd so drastically lacked through the years and apparently had found somewhere else other than Robin Buckley.
The last weeks had been rough, and that's not even counting the whole Upside Down shit show. That was counting the way Steve had pulled away completely, the few moments they still shared together, torn away and left to rot. Like she was never there. Not even a thought in the back of his mind. Not even worth a phone call or a single movie night or dinner shared in the last month. She felt invisible. Like a ghost.
Though she wasn't even that. She wasn't graced with even the decency to roam the halls and haunt one Steve Harrington.
No, it was like she hadn't existed at all. There was no ghost to be had when the stardust of your soul simply didn't form a being, the shimmer of what could have been love and life, blowing away like dust in the breeze.
She'd sat there, only a small number of pages turned and words in front of her read. Tears had been shed, an amount so significant, rolling in dredges and drowning the freckles on her cheeks, she'd fallen exhausted in time with the fading sky. Pinks and oranges swirling above, Robin allowed her world to fade to darkness.
Waking once to an unseen rumble and the chill of summer air, she begrudgingly pulled Steve's stolen sweater from her backpack, letting it engulf her as she drifted off once again.
Not long after she woke to a weight at her side, solid in stature but shaking with emotions. Tears and quiet sobs falling to the air between them. She needn't open her eyes, the man's presence alone being enough to go by but something about him felt off. Dull. Dying. As if a part of the man she once called her best friend had a piece of his soul missing.
She's still mad. Fucking furious and heartbroken and betrayed but, fuck… but she still loves the guy. Maybe that's why it hurts so much when she musters the ability to speak and his response is an empty apology. Like he hasn't the slightest clue as to why he should feel bad at all. As if he hadn't been slowly pulling away over the last year only to completely detach within the last weeks.
But goddammit, it's also probably why when Steve asks for help she can't help but give in. No questions asked, just a hollowness that remains in her chest.
Though maybe when they peel themselves from the porch and Steve goes to change his clothes and find a tire iron among other things, Robin wishes she would have at least asked something. 
There's a manic look in his eye and his knuckles are white where they hold a death grip on the steering wheel. She's silent, thumbs twiddling in her lap though she can't help but take on some of Steve's frantic energy. It radiates off of him in droves and crawls to settle deep with her skin like a foul disease.
For a long moment she thinks he's finally lost it, that she's committed herself as an accessory to a crime they're about to commit. 
But 15 minutes down the road and coming to a slow stop in the school parking lot, Robin has an idea of what they're doing.
Eddie's van sits not more than 10 feet away, windows smashed, tires slashed and the word 'Murderer' painted on the side. She can't help but gasp.
Eddie doesn't deserve this, he's been through enough and so much of it he doesn't even remember.
In the silence and the dark of the car, she has to ask, "Is he okay?"
He can hear Robin saying something next to him, but it's all lost to the noise inside his head. 
The hum of anxiety, the brim of fucking panic. The sound of Eddie's crying in the seat next to him not more than a few hours ago.
He can hear his heart beating like a drum in his ears, erratic, angered, exhausted.
But he has to do this. 
Unknowingly leaving Robin's question unanswered, Steve pulls himself from the vehicle, tears brimming in his eyes the moment the late night air hits his skin once again. 
It reminds him of the nights he and Eddie camped out in the woods, spending the evening curled into one another in the back of the van. The cool night air biting at their skin, chilling their noses and their ears, leaving them to their own devices to seek warmth.
His cheeks redden at the memory. Skin on skin, hot breaths traded and gasps swallowed.
But then, as usual, reality comes flooding back when he feels a sharp pain in his arm. Robin Buckley's fist to his bicep to be more exact.
"I asked you a question Steve. You can't just show me this-" Robin says with anger a light in her blue eyes, gesturing with a lanky arm towards the vandalised van, "and than fucking leave. Where's Eddie? Is he okay? Is he hurt?"
"No Robin. He's not okay, okay? They beat the shit out of him and I had to drive him home earlier because he could hardly function after seeing this." He mimics her motions, sweeping a frustrated hand towards the van. He huffs, equal parts ashamed and annoyed, he just wants to get this done with but a small part feels bad for even dragging Robin into it all. "So let's just fix this shit so he doesn't have to deal with it." He continues with finality, fist clenched around the tire iron while he moves to one of the slashed tires.
Robin nods, tight lipped and silent, alone where they'd just been standing side by side. She's still for a moment surveying the scene before her. The damage done and the man on his knees in the dirt, monkeying with a tire like he has any clue what he's doing.
She'd offer to help him. But it's not her place anymore.
Steve doesn't notice the tears in her eyes when she moves to retrieve the rags and cleaner from the car, moving to scrub off the spray paint in silence only a few feet away from him.
The street lights buzz overhead and the crickets chip in the distance. For a second, albeit it wild, Steve thinks the moment's nice. Robin's by his side, though quiet, she's still there, helping him when she doesn't really need to. It dawns on him that he hadn't even asked why she was at his house, sleeping on the front porch in the first place.
Though, after getting snappy with her minutes ago, he doesn't really feel like he has the right to speak.
She's here, it's the most he's seen of her in weeks and he knows it's his fault, but he knows they'll be okay. 
He just needs to get this shit with Eddie sorted out first.
The first tire's changed and Steve's working on the second when Robin plops down on the ground next to him. Her back's to the van and her eyes are rimmed red when she thunks her head against the vehicle with a quiet huff.
Eyes are shut and brow furrowed, she pulls her knees to her chest and finally lets words fall into the chilled late night air between them. "I do miss you, you know," she says quietly, barreling on before Steve can even think of what to say, "I- Steve… I just don't get what I did to make you hate me. Like is it the lesbian thing? Does it disgust you that much? Because I get it if it does, I probably shouldn't have told you in the first place. You didn't even know me back then."
At that accusation the tire iron falls limp in his hand, taking in his best friend with a feeling akin to grief, Steve notices her eyes are still closed, her head leaning back, chin turned to the sky and silent tears slipping free as she continues, "Or did I do something or say something? I just don't know where I went wrong."
He goes to speak but his words fall short when Robin opens her eyes, red and tired, watery, meeting his own, "It's been a year of you pulling away. After Vecna, you were just gone. Maybe I'd seen you a handful of times since but you were so tuned out, empty. I felt like you couldn't even see me." She whispers the last half and then lets out a wet laugh, deprecating in a way.
"Then I wrote that fucking letter and felt sick to my stomach for hours. I couldn't believe the things I'd written in it. I felt awful. But between me feeling like I was going to puke, not seeing it in your mailbox when I went to steal it back, to sitting here after you didn't even bother to ask why I was on your porch in the first place. I don't regret it. You deserve to read what's in that letter."
Then she's quiet, the tears haven't stopped rolling and her eyes haven't left Steve's yet. Blue and biting and searing into his soul. He wishes he could muster something to say, some form of an explanation as to why. But really, he doesn't know why or how to explain it in the slightest.
The thought that she's felt him pulling away for a year is startling. She felt alone and he was off falling in love and having the time of his life without her. She didn't even know about it. But it's not like she could. Especially not now. It wasn't just his secret to share.
He wanted to say sorry, to hold her and explain everything away, but he couldn't. He didn't know how to.
Blue eyes are pleading, looking back into his own, flecks of the sky and the sea glimmering with sadness behind tears under the dull moonlight that blankets them.
After a moment of silence Robin huffs, pulls her eyes away and clenches her jaw with such ferocity Steve fears it may shatter.
"Rob," he finally says, voice weak, exhausted, scared, "I'm so-"
But he's cut off as Robin hisses and pushes herself to her feet, "Don't you dare say you're sorry."
So he doesn't. He snaps his mouth shut and watches as Robin Buckley walks away, muttering under her breath, not unheard to him, "It's just bullshit anyways."
Ao3 link ⤵️
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Find the Word Tag
Tagged by @vellichor-virgo
I waited even after he’d left, and lucky me, he left out the back. I saw him pause and look around, and I worried that he’d forgotten something and I’d have to wait more. I was already taking my gloves out of my pocket and sliding them on. He went back to the building, and I waited, but he emerged a minute later, sliding his leather-bound message book under his arm, and I realized he was only writing to someone and using the awning as cover. A few minutes later and he’s gone, turned to walk down the driveway and to the side street, heading home. I’d had to tuck my normal tools into the jacket's pockets, and I missed my leather one, with tools slipped into hidden pockets and secured in zippers, but it wouldn’t’ve been great for sitting out in the rain like I had. I pull a pocket-sized wrench out, one that folds out and snaps into place, and use it to pry open the window—at least he hadn’t locked it. If he had, I could've gone around and simply picked the lock on his door, but I didn’t have a way to relock it and someone might see or hear me from inside. Outside, with rain and thunder and the dark sky—it had somehow started to creep into evening—it was far less risky. 
It wasn’t until I turned the corner onto my familiar street that a sense of dread began to trickle its way past my focus. I’d been going through the corkboard again, making a plan to find that whisper, and it wasn’t until I could see it that I remembered that I was returning there. I’d returned home so many times, this certainly wasn’t even the longest I’d been away. From here, down the block, I could see the window that led into Zachary’s office. His blinds were down, as always, impossible to see in but angled so light still came in.  I wasn’t going to his office. I didn't even have to see Zachary, though no doubt he’d want to talk. Damnit, I hadn’t come up with a lie, I’d been thinking about Mika mainly. I didn't know how much he knew. Probably best to keep up with what it was already— I’d left to find Jesse. Why was I back?
Could I skip going home? Go straight to Bellefaire and check it out? Not have to deal with Mika or the whisper or Zachary? I couldn’t. I had to figure this out. Focus focus focus. Had being unfocused for so long made me bad at the spell?
sleek seek (from a flashback)
He doesn’t burn Mika and Raymond. He’s not even teaching them Syndicate things, not even really training. I’ve eavesdropped on them when they’d been over enough to hear it. 
I’d thought that was just how he was. I’m not his, after all, I’d been thrust on him when his brother died, and I’d been harder to train properly because I’m not Gaian, but Zachary’d put the work in with me anyway. If he’s impatient or cold, that was just how he was. He doesn’t give affection, and I’ve learned a long time ago not to seek it. 
But it’s different with them. I don’t even recognize him. He laughs. He jokes. He tells stories. He compliments them. He encourages them. He offers wisdom. He teaches them lessons. 
I glanced at Mika, wondering if she’d asked to see Jodi’s room for any particular reason. She was leafing through the layered photos on the corkboard, and she glanced at me with a slight smile and took one down, holding it so I could see what she’d been looking at.  It wasn’t important, wasn’t a clue, but I took the photo and studied the faded colors outlining what must have been a young Jodi, swinging on monkey bars, playing with Mika and Raymond. They looked so alike back then that I didn’t know immediately who was who. This would have been long before I ever met either of them. But I had a feeling that Raymond was the one who had climbed to sit on top, while Mika was the one about to follow Jodi to swing from bar to bar. Mika looked like she was concentrating, and Raymond was giving a triumphant look to the camera. 
Open tag, feel free to take it & tag me! you can use the words clue, wise, familiar, & lucky
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Gear Up Your Ride: Exploring the Best Car Gadgets Online in Florida
In the vibrant state of Florida, where the highways stretch like ribbons under the sun, having the right gadgets in your car can make all the difference. Whether you're cruising down the coast or navigating through the bustling streets of Miami, equipping your vehicle with cutting-edge tech can enhance your driving experience and keep you ahead of the curve.
Fortunately, in this digital age, finding the perfect car gadgets is just a few clicks away. Let's delve into the world of car gadgets and explore how you can shop for them online in Florida.
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Dash Cams for Added Security: Dash cams have become a necessity for modern drivers, providing an extra layer of security on the road. From capturing scenic drives to recording crucial evidence in case of accidents, these compact devices offer peace of mind and valuable footage when you need it most. Look for features like high-resolution recording, wide-angle lenses, and built-in GPS for accurate tracking.
Bluetooth Car Kits for Hands-Free Convenience: Stay connected and focused on the road with Bluetooth car kits that enable hands-free calling and audio streaming. These gadgets sync seamlessly with your smartphone, allowing you to make calls, play music, and navigate without taking your hands off the wheel. Opt for models with noise-cancelling technology for crystal-clear conversations, even in noisy environments.
Smartphone Mounts for Safe Navigation: Keep your smartphone within sight and reach with versatile mounts designed specifically for cars. Whether you prefer a dashboard mount or a vent clip, ensure it provides a secure grip and adjustable viewing angles for optimal visibility. With your GPS app in plain view, you can navigate unfamiliar routes with confidence while keeping distractions to a minimum.
Car Diagnostic Tools for Maintenance Insights: Take control of your vehicle's health with advanced diagnostic tools that plug into your car's OBD-II port. These handy gadgets can scan for engine codes, monitor performance metrics, and provide real-time data on fuel efficiency and more. Whether you're a DIY enthusiast or simply want to stay informed between service appointments, investing in a reliable diagnostic tool is a smart choice.
USB Car Chargers for On-the-Go Power: Keep your devices charged and ready for action with USB car chargers that plug into your vehicle's cigarette lighter socket. Look for models with multiple ports and fast-charging capabilities to juice up your smartphone, tablet, or other gadgets in no time. Compact and portable, these chargers are essential for road trips, daily commutes, and everything in between.
LED Lighting Upgrades for Style and Safety: Enhance your car's appearance and visibility with LED lighting upgrades that offer a modern aesthetic and improved illumination. Whether you're replacing outdated halogen bulbs or adding custom accents, LED lights consume less energy, last longer, and come in a variety of colors to suit your personal style. Illuminate the road ahead and turn heads wherever you go with these eye-catching upgrades.
In the vibrant state of Florida, where the highways stretch like ribbons under the sun, having the right gadgets in your car can make all the difference. Whether you're cruising down the coast or navigating through the bustling streets of Miami, equipping your vehicle with cutting-edge tech can enhance your driving experience and keep you ahead of the curve. Fortunately, in this digital age, finding the perfect car gadgets is just a few clicks away. Let's delve into the world of car gadgets and explore how you can shop for them online in Florida.
Dash Cams for Added Security: Dash cams have become a necessity for modern drivers, providing an extra layer of security on the road. From capturing scenic drives to recording crucial evidence in case of accidents, these compact devices offer peace of mind and valuable footage when you need it most. Look for features like high-resolution recording, wide-angle lenses, and built-in GPS for accurate tracking.
Bluetooth Car Kits for Hands-Free Convenience: Stay connected and focused on the road with Bluetooth car kits that enable hands-free calling and audio streaming. These gadgets sync seamlessly with your smartphone, allowing you to make calls, play music, and navigate without taking your hands off the wheel. Opt for models with noise-cancelling technology for crystal-clear conversations, even in noisy environments.
Smartphone Mounts for Safe Navigation: Keep your smartphone within sight and reach with versatile mounts designed specifically for cars. Whether you prefer a dashboard mount or a vent clip, ensure it provides a secure grip and adjustable viewing angles for optimal visibility. With your GPS app in plain view, you can navigate unfamiliar routes with confidence while keeping distractions to a minimum.
Car Diagnostic Tools for Maintenance Insights: Take control of your vehicle's health with advanced diagnostic tools that plug into your car's OBD-II port. These handy gadgets can scan for engine codes, monitor performance metrics, and provide real-time data on fuel efficiency and more. Whether you're a DIY enthusiast or simply want to stay informed between service appointments, investing in a reliable diagnostic tool is a smart choice.
USB Car Chargers for On-the-Go Power: Keep your devices charged and ready for action with USB car chargers that plug into your vehicle's cigarette lighter socket. Look for models with multiple ports and fast-charging capabilities to juice up your smartphone, tablet, or other gadgets in no time. Compact and portable, these chargers are essential for road trips, daily commutes, and everything in between.
LED Lighting Upgrades for Style and Safety: Enhance your car's appearance and visibility with LED lighting upgrades that offer a modern aesthetic and improved illumination. Whether you're replacing outdated halogen bulbs or adding custom accents, LED lights consume less energy, last longer, and come in a variety of colors to suit your personal style. Illuminate the road ahead and turn heads wherever you go with these eye-catching upgrades.
GPS Trackers for Peace of Mind: Protect your vehicle from theft and track its whereabouts with discreet GPS trackers that provide real-time location updates. Whether you're monitoring a fleet of vehicles or keeping tabs on your prized possession, these compact devices offer invaluable peace of mind and can be easily concealed within your car. Look for features like geofencing and tamper alerts for added security.
Shopping for car gadgets online in Florida has never been easier, thanks to a myriad of retailers offering a wide selection of products tailored to your needs. Whether you're browsing through local shops or exploring nationwide suppliers, take advantage of user reviews, product comparisons, and detailed descriptions to make informed decisions.
With the right gadgets at your disposal, you can transform your driving experience and unlock a world of convenience, safety, and style on the open road. Gear up, hit the highway, and embrace the journey with confidence, knowing you're equipped with the best car gadgets Florida has to offer.
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GPS Trackers for Peace of Mind: Protect your vehicle from theft and track its whereabouts with discreet GPS trackers that provide real-time location updates. Whether you're monitoring a fleet of vehicles or keeping tabs on your prized possession, these compact devices offer invaluable peace of mind and can be easily concealed within your car. Look for features like geofencing and tamper alerts for added security.
Shopping for car gadgets online in Florida has never been easier, thanks to a myriad of retailers offering a wide selection of products tailored to your needs. Whether you're browsing through local shops or exploring nationwide suppliers, take advantage of user reviews, product comparisons, and detailed descriptions to make informed decisions.
With the right gadgets at your disposal, you can transform your driving experience and unlock a world of convenience, safety, and style on the open road. Gear up, hit the highway, and embrace the journey with confidence, knowing you're equipped with the best car gadgets Florida has to offer.
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agrieyes · 17 days
Illuminate Your Path with the AgriEyes W57P Rotating Beacon Light
When it comes to vehicle safety, visibility is paramount. Whether you're navigating busy city streets or working on remote construction sites, the AgriEyes W57P Rotating Beacon Light ensures that your vehicle is seen, enhancing safety for you and those around you. This blog delves into the remarkable features of the AgriEyes W57P, showcasing why it's the ultimate choice for a rotating beacon light.
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Essential Installation Tips
The AgriEyes W57P Rotating Beacon Light is designed for vehicles equipped with compatible mounting bases. If your truck or tractor already has a suitable base, you can easily replace the old beacon with the W57P. For those needing a new base, check out ASIN: B09SG8LLCR, B09SG885HS, and B09SG7FQ97 for compatible options. This setup ensures a straightforward and hassle-free installation process, allowing you to quickly upgrade your vehicle's safety features.
Superior Quality for Durability
Constructed with a high-quality PC lens featuring a vortex sign and stripe design, the AgriEyes W57P is built to withstand the harshest conditions. Its IP67 waterproof rating means that it can handle rain, snow, and mud without losing brightness. This durability ensures that the beacon light remains effective and reliable, providing long-term safety and visibility for your vehicle.
Enhanced Visibility for Maximum Safety
The AgriEyes W57P Rotating Beacon Light is equipped with 38 new-generation ceramic-based LEDs, designed to consume less power while delivering exceptional brightness. This ensures that the beacon can be seen from miles away, significantly enhancing your vehicle’s visibility in any environment. Whether it's day or night, clear skies or stormy weather, the AgriEyes W57P ensures that you are always visible to others, reducing the risk of accidents.
Versatile Flash Modes for Every Need
This rotating beacon light offers seven selectable flash modes to suit various scenarios:
Single flash
Double flash
Triple flash
Counterclockwise slow rotation
Clockwise slow rotation
Counterclockwise fast rotation
Clockwise fast rotation
Each mode includes fast and slow speed options, and the beacon light features a memory function that recalls the last mode used. This versatility allows you to tailor the light's operation to your specific needs, whether you need to attract attention quickly or maintain a steady warning signal.
Broad Application Spectrum
The AgriEyes W57P is not just for trucks and tractors. Its compact and robust design makes it ideal for a wide range of vehicles and settings, including:
Farm tractors
Street sprinklers
Construction vehicles
Safety hazard warnings
No matter where you need to enhance visibility, the AgriEyes W57P is up to the task, making it a versatile and valuable addition to any vehicle fleet.
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The AgriEyes W57P Rotating Beacon Light is a top-tier safety solution for any vehicle. Its high-quality construction, superior visibility, versatile flash modes, and wide range of applications make it an essential tool for enhancing road and workplace safety. Don’t settle for less when it comes to your safety and that of others around you. Upgrade to the AgriEyes W57P Rotating Beacon Light and experience the peace of mind that comes with superior visibility and reliability.
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zacharyja · 1 month
Tuesday, May 7th. 2024
Shibuya, Harajuku and Meiji Shrine
Today began same as yesterday waking up at 7:30 with breakfast at 8:00, we then began the day after our class meeting by walking to the train station to make our way to Shibuya. Today was a bit of a rainy day so umbrellas proved to be a necessary tool to accompany our journey. Once in Shibuya we walked out of the station and were greeted with the famous Hachiko dog statue memorializing a dog who would routinely wait for his owner to return from work via the train every day, however one day his owner passed away while at work but nonetheless Hachiko continued to wait for his owner, showing up to the train station at the same time every day awaiting his return. This turned into a symbol of loyalty and determination and was made into a statue to cement these values represented by the dog that are so important to Japanese society.
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We then walked over and viewed the famous “Shibuya scramble crossing” which is a street crossing where all of the lights turn red at the same time and allow for pedestrians to walk across the road in all different directions. This is the busiest crossing in all of Tokyo, with an estimated 1,000-2,500 people crossing every 2 minutes. It was pretty insane to see so many people walking across the street all at the same time, almost imitating an ocean with waves of people flowing every which way.
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We then spent some free time in Shibuya and some friends and I decided to head over to a One Piece store, carrying merchandise from the popular anime series. Across the way in the same building was a Japanese record store carrying cds and vinyls of many hard to find bands.
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After this we walked around Shibuya for a bit longer before heading over to Harajuku to explore the district, and ended up walking through the vibrant, albeit touristy Takeshita street where we browsed the many trendy clothing shops and remarked at the dog, cat, hedgehog, otter, pig and owl cafes.
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We stopped by Mcdonald’s for lunch to see how it compares to American standards, and I must say both the quality and flavor were better in Japan. I got a Samurai cheeseburger combo meal which was doused in some sort of soy sauce-based sauce.
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After eating we walked around some more and ended up stopping by a crepe place as this area is known for its quality crepes, where I ordered a strawberry cream crepe with a chocolate drizzle which was fantastic.
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After this we met up with the group and walked a few minutes to the Meiji Shrine. This shinto shrine was made to venerate the late Emperor Meiji, who ruled Japan during the 19th century and led them through the transition to becoming a modern state.
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After learning about the shrine and spending some time walking through the area we began our free time for the rest of the night and some friends and I made our way back to Shibuya to do some more sightseeing, however on the way out of the Meiji shrine by sheer coincidence we ran into a man who was wearing a Gators shirt who was none other than Brandon Spikes, who was, before becoming a professional NFL linebacker, a college hall of fame linebacker for the University of Florida, which is fitting to run into a group of UF students in a foreign country.
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Once we were back in Shibuya I wanted to go to a massive store called “Mandarake” which has a multitude of different collectible items for sale ranging from manga, to figures, and retro video games. We spent a while browsing this store which seemed to have infinite aisles with too many products to possibly comprehend. I ended up buying a Junji Ito manga since i’m a fan of the disturbing artwork that he’s famous for.
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After this we went to see the Nintendo store in Tokyo, which happened to be on the same floor as a Capcom store and Shōnen Jump store so we browsed around for a while and did some window shopping. I enjoyed seeing the products and the Mewtwo display was very cool as well.
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After this we made our way back to the hotel and took the train for about 14 stops to get to Yushima station from Shibuya Station and then walked about 5 minutes to get to the hotel. After resting for a while some friends and I decided to head to a small sushi bar for dinner. The place was only about 10 feet by 4 feet and consisted of a bar with about 7 stools and a man behind the counter preparing food and serving drinks. I ordered the special roll of the day which was a tuna and avocado roll with spicy soy sauce. The roll was very tasty and priced very well, it was also fun watching the chef prepare the rolls right in front of us.
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After dinner some friends and I walked around the area exploring and then made our way back to the hotel after a while.
Academic Reflection
After reading the article "Wink on Pink" talking about Hello Kitty and the sentiment of "Japan's gross national cool" I was able to go into Shibuya and see the lasting effects of this firsthand. This showed me just how much of an impact popular culture and this newfound coolness has had on shaping the world of Japan that I know of today, which is likely much different from what it looked like many years ago before they were essentially able to reshape their image. The seemingly endless amounts of stores and merchandise for sale reflected the status of Japan as a cultural powerhouse. This was even more prominent when visiting the actual Sanrio store, which was shocking to me to see how many people are actually into Sanrio properties such as Hello Kitty, as there is really no actual background or depth to the characters other than the fact that they are cute and trendy. Which surprises me that people have attachments to these characters when there is essentially not much to attach on to aside from their appearance and synthetic kawaii "cuteness". When reading the second article, I was pretty intrigued to hear that there was once a major push to turn Japan into a Shinto state, as they were unhappy with the popularity of Buddhism because it had come from India, which was a foreign area and they wanted to maintain Japanese homogeneity. This came to my mind when I was visiting the Shinto Meiji shrine, which was dedicated to Emperor Meiji. I was also shocked to hear that Meiji ascended to the throne at age 16, which seemed extremely young for someone to be considered an Emperor. Though he did not actually have much power, as he was too young to handle the responsibility. It was also very interesting to actually walk around the courtyard of the shrine and walk where many people had walked so long ago.
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vivekbsworld · 2 months
Seamless Workday Journeys: Employee Transportation Services in Kochi
Kochi, a vibrant city nestled along the serene shores of the Arabian Sea, is a melting pot of culture, commerce, and innovation. With its booming economy and diverse industries, Kochi attracts a myriad of professionals who contribute to its dynamic growth. However, navigating the city’s bustling streets and congested roads can be a challenge, particularly during peak commuting hours. In this guide, we’ll explore the significance of employee transportation services in Kochi, shedding light on how these services streamline daily commutes and enhance the work-life balance of employees.
Tackling Commuting Complexities:
Kochi’s rapid urbanization has led to increased traffic congestion, parking shortages, and unreliable public transportation options.
Employee transportation services provide a solution to these challenges by offering organized, efficient, and stress-free commuting alternatives for employees across the city, irrespective of their residential locations.
Prioritizing Employee Well-being and Productivity:
A smooth and comfortable commute sets a positive tone for the workday, promoting employee well-being, satisfaction, and overall productivity.
By minimizing commute-related stressors such as traffic delays and parking issues, employee transportation services contribute to enhanced employee morale and engagement in the workplace.
Safety and Comfort:
Employee transportation services in Kochi prioritize the safety and comfort of passengers, with trained drivers and well-maintained vehicles adhering to stringent safety standards.
From spacious seating to air-conditioned interiors, these services ensure that employees enjoy a secure and pleasant journey to and from their workplaces.
Cost-effective Solutions:
Employers can realize significant cost savings by outsourcing employee transportation services, eliminating the need for individual employee-owned vehicles or reimbursement of transportation expenses.
By pooling resources and optimizing routes, employee transportation services offer cost-effective solutions that benefit both employers and employees alike.
Tailored Transportation Plans:
Employee transportation services in Kochi offer customized solutions tailored to the unique needs and preferences of businesses, taking into account factors such as shift schedules, employee demographics, and geographical locations.
Whether it’s dedicated shuttle services for large corporations, flexible transport options for remote workers, or specialized arrangements for shift employees, providers adapt their services to meet diverse organizational requirements.
Harnessing Technology for Efficiency:
Many employee transportation services leverage technology-driven solutions to enhance operational efficiency and passenger experience.
Features such as GPS tracking, mobile booking apps, and automated scheduling tools enable employers to monitor vehicle movements, optimize routes, and provide employees with seamless access to transportation services.
Conclusion: Employee transportation services play a pivotal role in facilitating smooth and efficient workforce mobility in Kochi’s thriving business landscape. By prioritizing employee well-being, safety, and productivity, these services enable businesses to thrive while fostering a conducive work environment. As employers embrace organized transportation solutions, employee transportation services in Kochi continue to evolve, ensuring that employees embark on their workday journeys with confidence and ease.
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char1ottee · 4 months
Street Art
Street art by C215 on a postbox in the 5th arrondissement of Paris honoring French Resistance hero Pierre Brossolette in a partnership with the Centre des monuments nationaux around the Panthéon
Street art is visual art created in public locations for public visibility. It has been associated with the terms "independent art", "post-graffiti", "neo-graffiti" and guerrilla art.
Street art has evolved from the early forms of defiant graffiti into a more commercial form of art, as one of the main differences now lies with the messaging. Street art is often meant to provoke thought rather than rejection among the general audience through making its purpose more evident than that of graffiti. The issue of permission has also come at the heart of street art, as graffiti is usually done illegally, whereas street art can nowadays be the product of an agreement or even sometimes a commission. However, it remains different from traditional art exposed in public spaces by its explicit use of said space in the conception phase.
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Germany's Berlin Wall (shown 1986) was a target of artists during its existence (1961–1989).
Street art is a form of artwork that is displayed in public on surrounding buildings, on streets, trains and other publicly viewed surfaces. Many instances come in the form of guerrilla art, which is intended to make a personal statement about the society that the artist lives within. The work has moved from the beginnings of graffiti and vandalism to new modes where artists work to bring messages, or just beauty, to an audience.
Some artists may use "smart vandalism" as a way to raise awareness of social and political issues, whereas other artists use urban space as an opportunity to display personal artwork. Artists may also appreciate the challenges and risks that are associated with installing illicit artwork in public places. A common motive is that creating art in a format that utilizes public space allows artists who may otherwise feel disenfranchised to reach a much broader audience than other styles or galleries would allow.
Whereas traditional graffiti artists have primarily used spray paint to produce their work, "street art" can encompass other media, such as LED art, mosaic tiling, stencil art, sticker art, reverse graffiti, "Lock On" sculptures, wheatpasting, woodblocking, yarn bombing and rock balancing.
New media forms such as video projections onto large city buildings are an increasingly popular tool for street artists—and the availability of cheap hardware and software allows such artwork to become competitive with corporate advertisements. Artists are thus able to create art from their personal computers for free, which competes with companies' profits.
Street art, guerrilla art and graffiti
Guerrilla art, a humanist mural by Fasim in Alcoi, 2018, Valencia, Spain
Graffiti is characteristically made up of written words that are meant to represent a group or community in a covert way and in plain sight. The telltale sign of street art is that it usually includes images, illustrations, or symbols that are meant to convey a message. While both works are meant to represent or tell a message to viewers, one difference between the two comes in the specific viewers that it is meant for. One trait of street art that has helped to bring it to positive light in the public eye is that the messages shown are usually made to be understandable to all.
While both of these types of art have many differences, there are more similarities than their origins. Both graffiti and street art are works of art that are created with the same intent. Most artists, whether they are working anonymously, creating an intentionally incomprehensible message, or fighting for some greater cause are working with the same ambitions for popularity, recognition and the public display or outpouring of their personal thoughts, feelings and passions.
The term street art is described in many different ways, one of which is the term "guerrilla art". Both terms describe these public works that are placed with meaning and intent. They can be done anonymously for works that are created to confront taboo issues that will result in a backlash, or under the name of a well-known artist. With any terminology, these works of art are created as a primary way to express the artist's thoughts on many topics and issues.
As with graffiti, an initial trait or feature of street art is that it is often created on or in a public area without or against the permission of the owner. A main distinction between the two comes in the second trait of street art or guerrilla art, where it is made to represent and display a purposefully uncompliant act that is meant to challenge its surrounding environment. This challenge can be granular, focusing on issues within the community or broadly sweeping, addressing global issues on a public stage.
This is how the term "guerrilla art" was associated with this type of work and behavior. The word ties back to guerrilla warfare in history where attacks are made wildly, without control and with no rules of engagement. This type of warfare was dramatically different from the previously formal and traditional fighting that went on in wars normally. When used in the context of street art, the term guerilla art is meant to give a nod to the artist's uncontrolled, unexpected and often unnamed attack on societal structure or norms.
Some have asked if it is sufficient to place art in the street to make street art; Nicholas Riggle looks more critically at the border between graffiti and street art and states the "an artwork is street art if—and only if—its material use of the street is internal to its meaning". The street is not a blank canvas for the street artist. It has a character, a use, a history, a texture, a shape. Street art, as well as broader urban art, transforms the street or opens the dialogue. Justin Armstrong states graffiti is identified as an aesthetic occupation of spaces, whereas urban street art repurposes them.
Guerilla sculpture
Framed Rules is an art installation in public space by Koen van Rijn, placed on 21 November 2019, in the Museumpark in Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Guerilla sculpture is the placement of sculptures in street settings without official approval; it developed from street art in England in the late 20th century. In addition to the nontraditional setting of the works of art involved, there are also many different techniques used in the creation of this artwork. The artists tend to work illegally and in secrecy to create and place these works in the dark of night, cloaked in mystery regarding their origins and creators. The sculptures are used to express the artist's views and to reach an audience that would not otherwise be reached through more traditional methods of displaying one's work to the public. In performing these acts of artistic expression, they are not working to gain acceptance or love of the people that they reach, but at times may even anger those who view their work.
An example is the overnight appearance of an unsanctioned sculpture of Edward Snowden onto a column in Fort Greene Park in New York City. In other cases, the sculptures integrate two-dimensional backdrops with a three-dimensional component, such as one by Banksy titled Spy Booth (2014). The backdrop was painted on a wall in Cheltenham, England and featured Cold-War spy characters adorned in trench coats and fedoras, with spy accoutrements, microphones and reel-to-reel tape decks. These characters appeared to be tapping into a broken telephone booth.
On 15 July 2020, a month after the statue of Edward Colston was pulled down during Black Lives Matter protests in Bristol, artist Marc Quinn used the empty plinth to display his sculpture A Surge of Power (Jen Reid). The life-sized piece, created from black resin and steel, was inspired by a picture of protester Jen Reid, raising her fist during the Bristol protest that subsequently went viral and caught the attention of Quinn. The statue was removed by Bristol City Council on 16 July 2020.
A deviation from the unsanctioned street sculpture is "institutionalized guerilla sculpture", which is sanctioned by civic authorities and can be commercialized. One such artist from the Netherlands is Florentijn Hofman, who in 2007 created Rubber Duck, a colossal rendition of the childhood tub-toy.
In Latin America, especially Mexico, the term antimonumento has developed as the equivalent to political guerilla sculpture, or simply, an illegal installation of a politically themed sculpture. They are used to denounce the inaction of the state and reclaim public space. Normally an antimonumento is installed during a demonstration and, as Márcio Seligmann-Silva writes, "corresponds to a desire to actively recall the (painful) past." Some of the issues commemorated are disappearances, massacres, migration, and the killing of women. They are used to denounce the inaction of the state and reclaim public space.
Beautification movement
Given the various benefits and sometimes high return on investment street art provides businesses, schools, neighborhoods and cities with a movement as a tool to create safer, brighter, more colorful and inspiring communities, a trend which has recently been more widely recognized. Organizations like Beautify Earth have pioneered cities to leverage these benefits to create widespread beauty where it would be otherwise empty or dilapidated public wall space.
A The Washington Post article written by Sydney Page has stated that according to a safety study produced by Bloomberg Philanthropies in partnership with the consulting firm Sam Schwartzentitled "Asphalt Art Safety Study", crosswalks painted with murals have been found to significantly reduce the frequency of accidents occurring at such sites.
Exhibitions, festivals and conferences
In 1981, Washington Project for the Arts held an exhibition entitled Street Works, which included urban art pioneers such as Fab Five Freddy and Lee Quiñones working directly on the streets.
Sarasota Chalk Festival was founded in 2007 sponsoring street art by artists initially invited from throughout the US and soon extended to internationally. In 2011 the festival introduced a Going Vertical mural program and its Cellograph project to accompany the street drawings that also are created by renowned artists from around the world. Many international films have been produced by and about artists who have participated in the programs, their murals and street drawings, and special events at the festival.
The Streetart Festival Istanbul is Turkey's first annual street art and post-graffiti festival. The Festival was founded by the artist and graphics designer Pertev Emre Tastaban in 2007.
Living Walls is an annual street art conference founded in 2009. In 2010 it was hosted in Atlanta and in 2011 jointly in Atlanta and Albany, New York. Living Walls was also active in promoting street art at Art Basel Miami Beach 2011.
The RVA Street Art Festival is a street art festival in Richmond, Virginia, began in 2012. It is organized by Edward Trask and Jon Baliles. In 2012, the festival took place along the Canal Walk; in 2013 it took place at the abandoned GRTC lot on Cary Street.
The Pasadena Chalk Festival, held annually in Pasadena, California, is the largest street-art festival in the world, according to Guinness World Records. The 2010 edition involved about six hundred artists of all ages and skills and attracted more than 100,000 visitors.
UMA - Universal Museum of Art[165] launched a comprehensive Street Art exhibition "A Walk Into Street Art" in April 2018. This exhibition in virtual reality offers works from Banksy, JR, Jef Aérosol, Vhils, Shepard Fairey, Keith Haring, among others.
The Eureka Street Art Festival is an annual public art event in Humboldt County, California. Artists from throughout California and the world to paint murals and create street art during a week-long festival. The 2018 festival saw 24 artists create 22 pieces of public art in the Old Town area of the city, focusing on Opera Alley. The 2019 festival is centered on the Downtown region.
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georgemandal · 5 months
Navigating the Road with the Best Dash Cam Mirror
In the realm of road safety, innovations are constantly reshaping the way we approach our journeys. Among the latest additions to the arsenal of safety tools is the dash cam mirror – a unique and practical device that seamlessly combines the classic rearview mirror with the modern capabilities of a dash cam. Let's explore the benefits and features that make the dash cam mirror a game-changer for drivers looking to enhance their road experience.
The Dual Purpose of Dash Cam Mirrors
At first glance, a dash cam mirror appears like any other rearview mirror. This innovation eliminates the need for a separate dash cam mounted on the windshield, offering a streamlined and elegant solution to drivers.
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Streamlined Aesthetics
One of the standout features of a dash cam mirror is its ability to maintain a clean and uncluttered look within your vehicle. Traditional dash cams may involve additional gadgets and wires, often disrupting the aesthetic harmony of your car's interior. With a dash cam mirror, these distractions are minimized, providing a sleek and integrated appearance.
Easy Installation and User-Friendly Operation
Unlike some technical-heavy alternatives, dash cam mirrors are designed with simplicity in mind. The installation process is often straightforward, making it accessible to drivers of all technical abilities. No need for complex setups or professional assistance – a dash cam mirror can be easily installed by the driver, ensuring a hassle-free experience.
Comprehensive Coverage with a Wide Field of View
Equipped with a wide-angle lens, the dash cam mirror captures a broader field of view, ensuring that crucial details are recorded during your journey. This feature is especially beneficial for those who prioritize a comprehensive perspective on the road, whether navigating through busy city streets or enjoying scenic drives.
Incident Documentation for Added Security
Much like traditional dash cams, the integrated dash cam in a dash cam mirror is ready to document incidents on the road. Whether it's a sudden braking situation, a close call, or a more serious accident, the recorded footage can serve as a crucial piece of evidence in insurance claims or legal matters, providing an additional layer of security for drivers.
Night Vision Technology:
Dash cams with night vision feature advanced technology that allows them to capture clear and detailed footage in low-light or nighttime conditions. This is achieved through the use of infrared (IR) LEDs or other low-light sensitivity technologies.
Choosing the Right Dash Cam Mirror
While the benefits of a dash cam mirror are clear, selecting the right one for your needs requires thoughtful consideration. Look for a model with adequate resolution for clear footage, a wide field of view, and user-friendly features. It's essential to find a balance between functionality and simplicity, ensuring that the dash cam mirror seamlessly integrates into your driving routine.
The dash cam mirror is a testament to the ongoing evolution of road safety technology, providing drivers with a practical and elegant solution. By combining the essential features of a rearview mirror with the added security of a dash cam, this innovation enhances your driving experience in ways that go beyond traditional expectations.
As you explore the world of dash cam mirrors, keep in mind that the best choice depends on your specific preferences and requirements. With its streamlined aesthetics, user-friendly operation, and comprehensive coverage, a dash cam mirror is not just a tool for documenting incidents; it's a partner in ensuring your safety and peace of mind on the road. Embrace the future of driving with a dash cam mirror, where elegance meets innovation.
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summarychannel · 7 months
An Israeli warning about the collapse of the peace agreement with Egypt and resignations continue within the American administration Updates on the Al-Aqsa Flood operation presented in this episode of Samri Channel. Starting with the American website Axios, which reported that Sylvia Yacoub, an employee of the US State Department, accused President Joe Biden of involvement in the genocide of the residents of the Gaza Strip, through the social networking site The website indicated that American diplomats can express their dissatisfaction with the policies of their country’s government through private statements within the ministry. The website noted that the employee sent a letter to collect signatures for her statement with an appeal regarding the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.
 Meanwhile, she also expressed her dissatisfaction on social media with the measures taken by Washington. Yacoub is one of several current officials in the Biden administration who have publicly complained about Washington's strong support for Israel, including a Pentagon employee who has repeatedly called for an immediate ceasefire, undermining the administration's stated policy. A US official familiar with Yacoub’s social media posts told the Free Beacon: “For an American diplomat to publicly attack the administration and its policy in this way only undermines the overall mission of promoting American interests... No one is forcing her to be part of the policy.” "An administration and politics that she clearly hates very much." In response to a tweet from Biden calling for increased US military aid to Israel, Yacoub wrote on Thursday: “You are providing far more military aid to a government that is indiscriminately attacking innocent people of Gaza. You are complicit in genocide.”
In another tweet, she wrote: “President Biden, as long as you continue to show absolute support for Bibi (Netanyahu) without clear, enforceable red lines or calls for a ceasefire, you continue to support genocide... Your rhetoric and approach from day one have led to the deaths of thousands. "You have a lot of blood on your hands." According to the site, after US Vice President Kamala Harris met with British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, the aforementioned employee wrote that she (Harris) was far from reality. Axios confirmed that Sylvia Yacoub then restricted access to her messages and publications. It is noteworthy that Sylvia Yacoub is an American citizen of Egyptian origins, and works in the Office of Near Eastern Affairs at the US Department of State.
On the other hand, an Israeli drone bombed the house of the head of the Hamas political bureau, Ismail Haniyeh, in the Beach camp in the Gaza Strip, in preparation for bombing it by military aircraft, according to the Palestinian Information Center.
In another context, the American Wall Street Journal reported that Israel, which has begun a ground invasion of Gaza, will face “a more powerful enemy that possesses more lethal weapons.” She explained: “The last time Israel invaded the Gaza Strip nearly a decade ago, its forces crushed an unparalleled Hamas fighting force, destroyed tunnels and closed smuggling routes, costing the movement two-thirds of its missiles.” However, according to the newspaper, Hamas has succeeded over the past years in rebuilding its military arsenal with Iranian technical and material support, adding: “Hamas’s current military arsenal is not the same as what Israel experienced in its previous war on Gaza.” She pointed out that Hamas was able to develop its arsenal locally, in light of the siege that the Gaza Strip is witnessing. The Wall Street Journal highlighted that all the details of the October 7 attack were “unusual and its tools were not ordinary.” She explained: “Israel must prepare for a long-term conflict in Gaza... that is not similar to the 2014 conflict.” #Egypt #Palestine #latest news
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trial12331209 · 9 months
digital marketing in Delhi
Delhi, India's bustling capital, is not only famous for its rich history, diverse culture, and mouthwatering street food but is also emerging as a digital marketing hub in the country. As businesses continue to shift their operations online, the demand for skilled digital marketers in Delhi has skyrocketed. Fortunately, Delhi has recognized the need to nurture its own talent pool and is now offering free digital marketing course in Delhi to those eager to dive into this exciting field.
In this blog post, we will explore the dynamic landscape of digital marketing in Delhi and shed light on the fantastic opportunity of taking free digital marketing courses in the city.
The Digital Marketing Boom in Delhi
Delhi has always been a centre for innovation and entrepreneurship, making it the ideal place for businesses to embrace digital marketing strategies. With millions of potential customers in the city and its neighbouring regions, digital marketing in Delhi has become an essential tool for businesses of all sizes.
1. **Scope of Digital Marketing in Delhi**: The scope of digital marketing in Delhi is vast. From start-ups to established corporations, everyone is leveraging digital channels to reach their target audience. This has led to a surge in demand for skilled digital marketers who can create and execute effective online marketing campaigns.
2. **Job Opportunities**: Delhi boasts a wide array of job opportunities for digital marketers. Positions such as SEO specialists, content marketers, social media managers, and digital advertising experts are in high demand. Many companies are willing to pay competitive salaries to attract top talent in the field.
Free Digital Marketing Courses in Delhi
The exciting news for aspiring digital marketers is that there are free digital marketing course in Delhi available. These courses provide a fantastic opportunity for individuals to gain valuable skills and knowledge without breaking the bank.
1. **Government Initiatives**: The Delhi government, recognizing the importance of digital marketing in today's economy, has launched several initiatives to provide free digital marketing courses. These programs are designed to equip individuals with the necessary skills to excel in the field.
2. **Online Learning Platforms**: Many online learning platforms, both government-backed and private, offer free digital marketing courses. These courses cover a wide range of topics, including SEO, social media marketing, email marketing, and content marketing. They are designed to cater to individuals of all skill levels, from beginners to experienced marketers.
Advantages of Enrolling in Free Digital Marketing Courses in Delhi
1. **Cost-Effective**: The obvious advantage of free digital marketing courses is that they are cost-effective. You can acquire valuable skills without the financial burden of expensive training programs.
2. **Quality Education**: Many of these courses are designed and delivered by experts in the field, ensuring that you receive a high-quality education.
3. **Career Opportunities**: Completing a digital marketing course in Delhi can open up numerous career opportunities. You can work for local businesses, start-ups, or even international companies with a presence in the city.
4. **Networking**: These courses often provide opportunities to network with fellow students, trainers, and industry professionals, which can be instrumental in building your career in digital marketing.
Digital marketing in Delhi is on the rise, and the city is brimming with opportunities for those willing to dive into this exciting field. The availability of free digital marketing courses in Delhi is a game-changer, allowing individuals to gain the skills they need to thrive in the industry without the financial burden. Whether you are a Delhi resident or planning to move to the city, consider enrolling in one of these courses to kickstart your digital marketing career. Don't miss out on the chance to be a part of Delhi's digital marketing revolution!
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lomlux · 1 year
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led garden light
LM-GSL01 series square led garden light have 6 different installation way + 1 Solar version.
the designing Inspired by Nature, City-attractive, welcome OEM & ODM
Tool free enter designing with aesthetic appealing lines.
Symmetric Type V Optic control with extremely soft uniform light distribution, also support Type II, III etc
High-quality ADC12C die casting aluminum construction with IP66 ingress protection and IK09 compact
Support replaceable driver unit and control gear
Support smart control with DALI, Zigbee wireless, Photocell, Microwave sensor/Motion sensor Led street light empty housing can be sold separately
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petslike1236 · 2 years
The Benefits of a Labrador Dog Full Cover Belt
A Labrador Dog Full Cover Belt is a vital tool in keeping your dog safe on the street. This harness eliminates the pressure on your dog's neck, preventing injuries to the neck, spine, and windpipe. Using a collar without a harness can present a danger to both you and your dog. It's also important to buy a high-quality harness that is easy to fit and comfortable for your dog. The best ones are made of the strongest materials and have sturdy buckles and rings that can withstand great pressure. For more information Contact@9845994396
Labrador dog harness
If you own a Labrador, consider buying a Labrador Dog Full Cover Belt to keep it safe. The belt will help to distribute the weight evenly across the dog's chest and shoulders, avoiding pressure points that could hurt your Labrador. The harness will also help to prevent your dog from pulling on the leash, which could be a danger if your Lab is not trained to walk on a leash.
A Labrador Dog Full Cover Belt should fit comfortably over the chest of an adult Labrador. The best harnesses will be made to fit your pet's unique shape and not impede his or her movements. To find the correct size, check the chest measurement of your dog, which should be a few fingers behind the front legs. Also, make sure to choose a harness that allows for a bit of wiggle room. For more information Contact@9845994396
Labrador dog collars that glow in the dark
Whether you're walking your Labrador or taking your dog for a nighttime walk, glowing dog collars can be a lifesaver. Some of them even come with a free ID tag. However, these tags don't seem to last very long. Another thing to consider is the type of battery that the collar uses. Some models require batteries that can't be recharged, while others are compatible with portable phone chargers. If you're taking your dog with you, consider getting a collar that uses a lithium-ion battery that lasts for eight hours. It's also important to look for collars that have a thick buckle and a lifetime warranty.
These collars are available in three different sizes, which means you can find the right fit for your pup. The light mode allows you to control the amount of light your pet is exposed to. There's a slow, steady, and fast light mode. You can also choose between three different color options. The light comes from a battery that is rechargeable via USB. The LED dog collars are waterproof but not UV-resistant. For more information Contact@9845994396
'Plant Dog' dog collars
A Labrador dog full cover belt provides your pup with a comfortable, secure, and protective collar. Made of hemp fibers, these collars are easy to put on and remove and can be found in a variety of colors. Some even come with a fleece lining. The hemp collars are easy to put on and take off, and buyers have commented on how convenient they are.
Labrador Dogs should always wear harnesses when out and about. A harness allows the owner to easily control an overexcited Labrador and prevents her from choking on a leash. A collar can also cause damage to the trachea and nerves. Labradors are naturally excited, and can become overexcited, so wearing a harness is important for safety and style. For more information Contact@9845994396
'Plant Dog' dog collars are eco-friendly
'Plant Dog' dog collars have two main benefits: they are comfortable and eco-friendly. Made from 100% organic cotton, these collars can be easily recycled and composted, making them a great choice for the environment. Hemp is also a sustainable material, biodegradable and anti-microbial. These collars also come in a variety of colors and sizes, which make them a great choice for any pooch.
Hemp is a sustainable plant that requires no pesticides or fertilizers. It also requires little water and is completely biodegradable. 'Plant Dog' dog collars and leads are also made from recycled materials. For more information Contact@9845994396
'Plant Dog' dog collars are easy to clean
Cleaning 'Plant Dog' dog collars is simple: if your pet gets dirty, simply remove it from your dog. Use a dog shampoo or a hypoallergenic detergent to remove the dirt and grime. Soak the collar in the solution for about half an hour, and then scrub it gently with a soft brush. For tougher stains, you may need to dab a little shampoo on the brush to remove them. Rinse it twice and then let it air dry.
When cleaning leather dog collars, use a leather conditioner. You can purchase a commercial conditioner, or make your own by combining two parts of boiled linseed oil with one part distilled white vinegar. Rub the collar with the mixture and buff it to a shine. For more information Contact@9845994396
'Plant Dog' dog collars are ergonomically sound
If you want to get a dog collar that is ergonomically sound, 'Plant Dog' dog collars might be the right choice. These collars are designed by a team of R&D professionals at Seoul National University. They have received an Emotional Recognition Accuracy rating of over 80 percent and keep improving over time with the amount of data they collect. These collars can help you better understand your dog's emotions and help you better manage their lifespans. For more information Contact@9845994396
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longrewards · 2 years
Archimedes cup
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Archimedes cup free#
One area in which Ctesibius’s contributions were especially important was in machines that use siphons.Īt one time, historians actually credited Ctesibius with inventing the siphon, but we know from more recent archeological studies that the siphon is much older. The crowds lining the street were amazed to see the statue stand up and sit down, like a real person!Ĭtesibius lived in the 3rd century BCE and is often referred to by modern scholars as “the father of pneumatics.” Pneumatics is the engineering discipline that uses gases to make things move. He invented a moving statue that was carried on a cart in festival parades. He was, apparently, also a fellow who liked a good joke. The Jokester of AlexandriaĪlthough Ctesibius may not be as well known as Greek scientists such as Archimedes, Aristotle, and Pythagoras, this Greek certainly deserves recognition as one of the world’s first great engineers. Once the basic methods of scientific thinking were in place, the tap of knowledge was turned wide open, producing a stream of great thinkers in quick succession, including the famous scientists Archimedes, Aristotle, and a scientist who you may not know (yet), Ctesibius of Alexandria. First came the astronomers, led by Thales of Miletus, who were followed by the mathematicians, such as Pythagoras and Euclid. Starting around the 6th century BCE, Greek thinkers made the first great strides toward understanding the physical world. This project is excerpted from Volume 1 of the three-part anthology, ReMaking History, available now at O’Reilly and Amazon. Graphics and More to Help Spread the Word Learn More About the Amazing Maker Awards Subscribe to the premier DIY magazine todayĬommunity access, print, and digital Magazine, and moreīrowse and Vote on Your Favorite Projects Skill builder, project tutorials, and more Get hands-on with kits, books, and more from the Maker Shed A project collaboration and documentation platform.Membership connects and supports the people and projects that shape our future and supports the learning initiatives for the next generation of makers.
Archimedes cup free#
A free program that lights children’s creative fires and allows them to explore projects in areas such as arts & crafts, science & engineering, design, and technology.Maker-written books designed to inform and delight! Topics such as microcontrollers including Arduino and Raspberry Pi, Drones and 3D Printing, and more.A smart collection of books, magazines, electronics kits, robots, microcontrollers, tools, supplies, and more curated by us, the people behind Make: and the Maker Faire.A celebration of the Maker Movement, a family-friendly showcase of invention and creativity that gathers together tech enthusiasts, crafters, educators across the globe.The premier publication of maker projects, skill-building tutorials, in-depth reviews, and inspirational stories, accessible by all ages and skill ranges.
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twistboat0 · 2 years
Have you ever Heard? Laser Projector Light Is Your Greatest Guess To Grow
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Check Price On Amazon The projector uses optical methods in a full spectrum of seven colours with the white laser being dominant. While some fashions are designed to withstand temperatures as little as 30 levels below Fahrenheit, others are much less strong, so make sure to examine first earlier than buying. There are a wide range of body styles, together with adjustable and nonadjustable frames that totally or partially encircle the circumference of the skull or those with eyeglass-sort temple bars that are worn like normal eyewear (Yidek Data Display Panel Screen Cylinder Capacitor with Design PatentandVacuum Casting PU Casting Rapid Prototype Sample) There are also metal clip-Stock Winter Outdoor Workwear Jacket Parka with Reflective Tapes, and a few frames permit for the visor to be flipped up when not in use. The MoEF (Automatic Electric High Temperature 9kw China Mini Electric Steam Boiler,13PCS Saw Blade Accessory Set for Multi-Purpose Tools,1 Gang Curtain Switch Aluminum Alloy Outline Frame Black Color (HR1000-AL-CT(AC1)-B))High Transparency Indoor Outdoor Transparent LED Screen for Outdoor Advertising(China Professional Vibrating Screen Manufacturer for Rock Crushing Plant).Prime quality Alloy Steel Lifting Chain for Lifting Device,SMT YAMAHA Yv100II Yv100X Kv7-M4550-111 Kv7-M4550-112 Connection Board Assy in Stock,Double Layer Garbage Bag Film Blowing Machine. Better but, if you need instant gentle, you possibly can seize this one off of the outlet and change it to flashlight mode.
✓ Easy To make use of: Plug the projector into any normal electrical outlet and turn on! 3 set up strategies & weatherproofthe led snowfall projector light comes with a stake and some screws, which could be plugged in the garden or mounted on the wall of the dwelling room and ceiling for events or festivals. In different words, it is formed like a lentil, which is the place the word lens comes from. Rather than display crimson and green lasers, the Brightown projector displays a snowfall pattern that appears like a snow flurry in entrance of your home. Just like the infrared detector photocell, the scanner sensor translates the light pattern into an electrical sign. Circular Type High Temperature Magnet for Lifting Steel Scraps, Parana State,Black Brown Nitrile NBR Rubber L Type Hg4-331-sixty six Dust Ring.IP65 Bluetooth APP Sensor Hybrid Solar and Wind Street Light, exposing on to the sun during 5 or 6 h. 50 ) to resists snow rain wind & sunlight.
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White Christmas snow transferring landscape projection gentle may very well be used for outdoors in dry, damp and wet location. Indoor Snowstorm Snow Projection Lamp Product Description Are you able to participate in Christmas decorations? What higher decoration than snowflakes. Generally, laser lights are power environment friendly, but some fashions are more power environment friendly than others. When choosing laser lights for Christmas, it is crucial that the colors are vibrant to highlight the joyous occasion. There are some elements that you should consider before you purchase your projector lights for the holidays. Moreover, you can modify the timer to permit you projector to mild up in your pre-set hours. Colors - The commonest colors that you will discover for an outdoor laser projector lights are blue, green, and red. Many municipalities have yards for holding out-of-fee metropolis or state vehicles, so it's less seemingly to search out buses in public junkyards except in smaller or extra rural areas. It's also possible to find some which instruct you to show off and on your console just a few instances and the crisis would clear up itself. On the following page, we'll check out just a few basic spa facials. Now you could possibly watch nearly any Hollywood movie in your home for just some dollars.
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m-jelly · 2 years
"Hi, jelly! I really enjoy reading everything you write, I am relatively new to this, so I would like to ask Levi to find out that his partner is incredibly skilled with the piano, please and thank you! By the way, this is my first time applying and I'm not sure how this all works (I feel so old), also English is not my first language. (I don't know if you've done this before, but if so, feel free to ignore it!)"
@vvale-e Hey Vvale-e, I can't seem to tag you in my post, so I've linked your Tumblr on your @. I do hope you see this. So, to message me a request, you select on Ask me anything and send, as it'll allow me to tag you <3 I've linked it to the words ask me anything for you or anyone interested.
Sweet melody.
Pairing: Levi x reader
Genre and tags: established couple, romance, love, fluff, cute couple, piano playing reader, future AU.
Concept: Levi and the reader search the ruins of a town the scouts have reclaimed from invading titan soldiers. As you explore with your lover, you find an old music hall with a piano still in working order. You begin to play and fill the building with music to lighten the mood for not just your lover, but all the scouts in the area of the hall.
Cries of victory spread through the air at the town finally being claimed back from the titan soldiers. The shuttles flew over the town to spread the soldiers out for recovery, as well as take soldiers to the hospital. This town had been a centre point of the fight against titans and it was now the scouts. One step closer to victory and freedom.
"Oi!" Levi strode over to you. "You free?"
You stopped fixing up your fighter jet, then looked to your lover in his full-bodied tight armour with only his face showing. "Yeah. My ship can wait." You put your tools down, then jumped down off it and walked over to him. "What are we doing?
"We're going to inspect some of the houses."
You looked back at the ship. "Want me to fly us?"
Levi shook his head with a blush, then offered his hand. "I was thinking we walk together."
You smiled and nibbled your lip. "Sure." You grabbed his hand, then used your jets on your suits to move you down and into the streets of the town. You both walked hand in hand together as you enjoyed a moment together. "This is nice."
Levi smiled a little. "Yeah. I probably should take you on dates that don't involve being spontaneous and odd."
You leaned over and kissed his cheek. "I love you."
Levi blushed a little. "Love you always, you brat."
You swung your arms with him, then noticed a large hall. "Hey, it's a music hall." You let go of Levi and walked inside.
"Hey!" Levi shouted your name and ran after you. "Wait brat!" He started worrying about you. "Brat!"
You peered out of a room. "It's a music hall!"
He blushed and felt relief wash over him. "It is, now stop running around so much."
You reached out for him. "Come on then."
Levi took your hand and linked his fingers with yours. "Don't run from me again."
You hummed a laugh. "I will do my best not to."
"No, never."
You laughed. "Okay, okay. I promise." You led him down the hall and looked at the walls. "So many students here. Kind of odd to be in a music hall and it's so silent."
Levi hummed. "Tch, damn titans."
You stopped when you reached the grand hall full of chairs upright and others broken. A stage stood at the end once-proud with debris on it. In the middle of the stage stood a grand piano. The ceiling was broken and shone natural light down on the stage. It was so peaceful and quiet, that you were just drawn to the stage.
Levi looked up at the old decorations as you let his hand go. "Don't go too far."
"I won't!"
Levi noticed plants were growing in the hall, as well as creeping through the opening in the ceiling. "Huh." He froze when he heard such beautiful music being played. He slowly looked down to the stage to see you playing the piano with a gentle smile on your face. He walked over to the stage, then leaned on it as he continued to watch and listen. He frowned at you when you stopped suddenly. "Why did you stop? That was beautiful."
You smiled at Levi. "I kind of forgot the next part."
"It was wonderful. I didn't know you played."
You frowned a little. "Well, it never came up in a conversation. To be honest, it's been a while since I've touched a piano." You waved to Levi. "Come here."
Levi climbed up onto the stage, then walked over to you. "Now what?"
You shuffled over and patted the seat. "Sit."
Levi sat down next to you. "I don't know how to play."
You smiled and played a few notes. "But you're good at copying and learning fast."
Levi copied you perfectly. "I did it."
"Told you."
You smiled softly, then played a few more notes for Levi to copy. "How about that?"
Levi played it slowly and looked so proud of himself. "We should get a piano for our apartment."
"They're expensive."
"But I want to hear you play more."
You hummed, then started playing another song for him. "Well, I'm happy to play as much as you like while we're here."
Levi leaned over and kissed your cheek. "You are beyond wonderful and amazing."
You smiled, then glanced to the doors to see scouts coming in to listen. "Well, I'm just glad I can bring a little light into people's lives, just for a moment. For you, I always want to be a light."
"You are."
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