oormithomimus · 1 year
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Their first date
For @toonforcekingkj
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cartoontriper · 1 year
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Toonforce Luffy
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stormsketch · 1 year
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#ToonJune2023 "Day 9. Ink And Paint"
I've always loved the "toonforce" power set for superheroes. I also love to dabble in character design and my friend wanted me to draw a rabbit at some point… So here's MYCK (Mike or Mick), the super inkblot rabbit!
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I got sick so now I’m fucking with this pathetic old man as an act of silent rage
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like having floated around in Power Level DIscussion forums for a bit of my life I think toonforce is an interesting concept but you can't think about it too much
when you start trying to quantify it I start rolling my eyes
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yugogeer012 · 6 months
I know Multiple characters that have the same abilities or are similar to Neutrals, wouldn't that mean that both would be standing there and saying Nuh-uh over and over to each other?And what about Narrative alteration resistance (That is the ability to be immune to the whole shtick Neutral has) how would that interact?Although your weird comments keep making Neutral even more OP than ever, making me question who can beat him, I know at least one person who can - Alpha!Jevil(why - ToonForce)
He can just erase the concept of "ToonForce" and Jevil would be powerless
Or he can just erase the whole concept of Multiverse and those AUs would just poof out of existence.
Even if they're others who are immune to Neutral's ability, he would just erase the concept of immunity or whatever their gimmick is, and then poof! They're gone.
I told y'all Neutral's busted 😭
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So, I’ve noticed 2 things
1. The Toons can be handled/harmed by normal humans, implying their ToonForce is pretty low
2. You have also stated that A toon in their prime is hard to kill, which is why the main method of getting rid of them is the catacombs
So I gotta ask- how much access do they have to the ToonForce? Can they get not use it when they think something’s funny? Cause that would explain a lot.
The what now?
If you're asking how durbable they are at any given time, their "zaniness" I guess is like a muscle. The more they practice it, the more durable they are.
For example, if someone were to hit them with enoug forewarning, if they've practiced enough they could easily just shatter their teeth of summon a dizzy circle over their heads.
However, hit hard enough, especially if it's without warning and you can certainly leave a mark.
Whether it be shattered teeth or a black eye, they will need to be repaired by an artist.
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Ok but like
Imagine if there is 1 spider who can tell the difference, a bestie you had that was perhaps the one who was sent to recruit you in the first place, and/or the one who was the first to go on a mission with you, and the first(outside of Miguel because ofc he had to watch and decide to let you join) to go yandere.
And imagine when YT shows they dont care, actively trying to distance themselves from her in any way they can. And they're the only one who can tell the difference, with just even seeing how they walk being enough to know it's not you.
But when they point out that's not you all the other spiders deny it, saying they'd be able to tell the difference without even trying(they cant lmao).
Then YT decides to make they're life hell because how fucking dare this rando try to out her?! So all the spiders bounce back and forth from treating them like shit to treating them how they normally would depending on which you they talk to.
Then when they nearly or they think they kill you they freaking the fuck out, having to be restrained to stop from helping you. Possibly even being degraded for trying to help 'YT', with some even saying they should kick them out of the society after.
Holy shit- imagine if they're the reason you live taking off their's and throwing it to you because they'll just go back to they're universe unlike you.
Or imagine they leave the society after you 'died', possibly even getting kicked out for attempting to attack 'you' in a fit of rage. Only to once back in they're own universe do their best to try and find a way to bring the real you back.
Queue you at your new home or job and what a looks like a hobo bursts in sobbing they're eyes out and calling your name. Tackling you into a hug, insisting their never letting you go and never letting those monsters near you again.
God love all this drama and heartbreak ♥️💕♥️💅
An idea I had thought of was "what if a Spiderperson Reader had been close to had to go do stuff in their own universe and that made them too busy to come and visit and during all the YouTwo drams they're instrumental in saving your ass"
Like for example Peter Porker and Spider Noir are absent from the second movie so say we've got Miguel and the other relevant Spiders are having their weekly "We Love Reader" power hour when Noir descends from above and shares the findings of his investigation, pure detective style, with pictures and everything, or lil Porker can tap into some toonforce shit and just glance at YouTwo and say "haha OK really funny, but where's the real one?"
Say you're good friends with Hobie and he has to "go underground for a lil while" cause he has to focus on fighting the fascists back home, and then he pops up like two months later, you're glitching out because YouTwo just smashed your bracelet and Miguel and tons and tons of other Spiders watching and facilitating and Hobie takes one look at YT, "who's this slag?"
Or, before he takes his trip, he comes to visit you at your apartment, definitely knowing it's you he's speaking to, and YouTwo is in Nueva York and you're starting to get paranoid and you open up to him about all your worries and the weird shit starting to happen, how you're worries about being replaced and how people are coming up to you about things you didn't say or do, and you even suggest a secret password so that the next time he speaks to you, he can know it's really you, and Hobie can tell you're just, absolutely stressed the fuck out about all of this, probably even passes the word on to Gwen and Pav since they're mutual friends to help keep an eye on you while he's gone, and to watch out for YouTwo
Cue Hobie "I hate fascists and tyrants" Brown coming back and you're just glitching all over the place with your bracelet broken on the ground while Miguel and tons of other Spiders are just WATCHING and you see him and immediately start screaming the password and "hobie, don't let them kill me, this is gonna kill me hobie, please help me, i dont wanna die, please i dont want to die" and, obviously best case scenario is "Hobie convinces them that YT is the fake" or "he opens a portal back home, gives you his bracelet, and both of you immediately fuck off to go flee into his home universe" but of course the more chaotic "you vanish and all hell breaks loose, a full on civil war between 'the Reader Loyalists' vs 'the YouTwo beta cucks' and everyone is scrambling to find you while you're off like, hanging out with Miles as he helps heal your trust by being a good little brother or getting creampied by Miguel 2
But like. Lmao. Imagine some shit happens like Reader was good pals with Sun Spider, told her you thought it was really inspiring to see a disabled Spider (and I mean depending on your preference Reader has problems themself) and like. It's a week after you've been "poofed away" and everyone is hanging out at like a celebration party or something just because, so many of then are convinced YT is you which means they're also still being nice as fuck to YT because you had been starting to become depressed and also the whole elevator incident and, everyone's having drinks and snacks and suddenly YT makes this sort of. Comment. It's either something like "who's the Spider in the wheelchair" or something like. Vaguely or super offensive "it's just kind of, awkward, you know, being around one of THOSE people"
And Pav is there and just kind of chuckles because he's confused and YouTwo continues "I just mean, you know. We're kind of better than them, you know? How did a cripple become a Spider?"
Cue everyone in earshot just, like, all but dropping everything in their hands as the realization sweeps over the room, "oh shit that's a fake, the real you is gone"
I imagine until they got caught that YouTwo is an absolute menace. Could suck up to one of the scientist Spidermen to help make bugs and wiretaps to spy on you in your apartment so YT can better impersonate you, intercepting any social plans and showing up in your place, learning personal info, private mannerisms. YT, to be blunt, using sex to control any Spiders who like you thst way to have them make fake alibis or spread rumors or help YT make other helpful connections (who are all also furious when YT is exposed, because, like, for ones who slept with them, dude that's rape, they all thought they were sleeping with someone else. Could you imagine Miguel fucking YT and that's like the first person he's been with since his wife has died and he had meant it to be with you and it actually be some big impactful like extremely emotional thing for him, and it's this massively personal invasion of his privacy and trust that it turned out to be an imposter. He feels dirty and disgusted and, oh my god he GOT RID OF YOU for this, this evil, selfish, manipulative whore
Reader off trying to mind their own goddamn business in their new home, either on their own or New Miguel, and you bump into someone who you USED to consider a friend and, with good intentions they tell the Spider Society you're alive and, it begins this massive manhunt with the intention of bring you "back home". THEY are all super extremely happy, making preparations to throw one big "We're So Sorry We Kind Of Replaced You And Almost Killed You" party, meanwhile YOU are terrified at the sight of any of them because you can't trust them and the Society as a whole anymore and, what if they tried to kill you again?
Miguel: I can't even express how glad I am that you're still alive. We've been looking everywhere for you because we're sorry and--
Reader, shoving bagels into their purse: sorry I have to go
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gale-gentlepenguin · 7 months
"Superman can beat Goku."
No s***, thats not a milestone. Do you know how many fictional character in Anime can beat Goku?
And you start going into Light Novels? Forget about it. Like you want to talk about Power creep, look no further than Light novels.
And then we go even further with the existence of Toonforce.
Bugs bunny, Spongebob, Popeye? All of these characters TRANSCEND the power scaling and skip rope with it.
But that’s not all, because it’s all based on feats or whatever and even then it doesn’t matter.
The whole who would win argument is also stupid because you want to know the truth.
Stan Lee said it best.
"There's one answer to all of that; it's so simple. Anyone should know this! The person who'd win in a fight is the person that the scriptwriter wants to win!"
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star-dust-comics · 1 month
Give me some comic ideas
i want to make some comics of my OCS, but my head is empty of ideas pls help. The premise of the comics are these works at a bar and some silly stuff happens because magic and toonforce. There's a boss that runs the place and all, and at his free time he doe's some experiments, there's the 2 works that are brother's, one is a master at cards and that kind of stuff, and the other one is a puppet that likes to cook, there is a manager that is a card, and according to his feelings the symbol on the card (his face) changes, like hearts and spades. There's a cyborg that's a cowboy and the has confetti guns. And that's kind of it! If y'all have any ideas for OCS it would also be nice :p (also if there is some misspelling English is not my first language)
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bob-mirum · 1 year
Máfia!Pizzahead may not have the same toonforce as the original (i think) but he's still a freaking *MAFIA BOSS.*
So... yeah, still pretty freaking dangerous.
-asker who collects facts
Hmm, I think yes The problem is that the M!PH is more... insane than the original. His mind works a little differently, forcing him to do not very good, and even crazy things. That is why he is more dangerous. xd
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destinybutterfly · 14 days
Silly Concept Time
OC Crackships. It is exactly what it sounds like. Take an OC character of yours or someone else's (with permission)..and give them like kooky ships with canon characters. Why did I think of this? (Mushluck art by my Buddy Pato)
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Because I ship these two in my mind and I hate that I cannot show it properly in art form.
One is a chaotic neutral man of toonforce who has a kind heart for certain people while the other is a chaotic neutral aunt with magic who has a kind heart for certain people. These two would get along wonderfully
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gengarghast · 1 year
Concepts for a Trevor-Henderson based Dead by Daylight chapter me and my friend came up with together because we're idiot nerds (He came up with the game mechanic stuff and I did the lore stuff lol)
Chapter Name: Hollow Rot Killer: Cartoon Cat Survivor: Trevor Henderson Map: Mayfair Shopping Mall
Hollow Rot
In summary, the canonical explanation for the events of the Chapter would be that the Entity's influence has spread across fictional realities, and has taken root in the town of Mayfair, from the podcast 'The Mayfair Watchers Society', created and directed by Trevor Henderson. This has allowed the Entity to interact directly with the pure concept of the universe, and by creating a small pocket dimension within the abandoned Mayfair Shopping Mall, has allowed it to populate it with the cryptids and entities from the extended Trevor Henderson universe. And choosing between its many, many creatures, it chose one to serve as its minion; The strongest of them all, Cartoon Cat. However, since it is his universe, a metaphysical copy of Trevor manifested itself within the pocket dimension in a process similar to an immune system creating white blood cells in order to combat a disease.
Cartoon Cat
Power 1: Mousetrap Cartoon Cat allows one of its arms to stretch down to the floor and lets it trail behind it as it moves throughout the map. Being in this state will reduce its movement speed slightly. It is visible to Survivors, but will be well-hidden. When a Survivor comes in contact with any part of the arm, it snaps back, dragging the Survivor directly in front of Cartoon Cat. If the Survivor was already in within a 32 foot radius of Cartoon Cat, it would simply bind them in place with an effect of multiple gloved hands grappling onto the Survivor and pulling them down. Cannot be used within 32 meters of a hooked Survivor or a Generator. Survivors can crouch to move over the arm without triggering it.
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Power 2: True Fear After injuring enough Survivors, Cartoon Cat will morph into its 'True Fear' form, becoming bigger and more fearsome. It is activated automatically once you meet the requirements, lasts for 45 seconds, and ends automatically as well. During this time, Survivors that see Cartoon Cat will scream, revealing their location. The cooldown between hits is lowered, and the cooldown between hitting Survivors is nullified. Any pallets dropped on Cartoon Cat will break instantly and don't stun it. However, while in this mode you are unable to pick up Survivors. Attempting to do so will cancel True Fear and return Cartoon Cat back to its normal form.
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Perk 1: Bloodthirsty (Hex) One Totem is Hexed, and as long as it is active, Cartoon Cat can see all injured Survivors through walls.
Perk 2: Cat and Mouse Hitting a Survivor will allow Cartoon Cat to see them through walls for 15 seconds.
Perk 3: Toonforce Activating this Perk will give Cartoon Cat a random status effect (Blindness, Haste, etc.) and may play an animation depending on the status granted. Examples may include: 1. Blindness: Nearby Survivors would be able to see Cartoon Cat's eyes pop out of its head and roll away, leaving dark holes in their place. The eyes will remain gone for the duration of the effect. 2. Bloodlust: No animation, but Cartoon Cat's eyes would point in different directions and become slightly more bloodshot, mirroring the appearance of its True Fear form. 3. Hindered: Nearby Survivors would be able to see a small, rusty ball and chain appear, attached to Cartoon Cat's leg. It would drag behind Cartoon Cat for the duration of the effect. 4. Undetectable: Nearby Survivors would be able to see Cartoon Cat put a finger in front of its mouth and make a 'shhhh' sound. In addition, there is a rare chance that an anvil will appear above Cartoon Cat's head, dropping and hitting them on the head before bouncing off and disappearing. After this, the cooldown until the next time Cartoon Can can use this perk will be shortened.
Additional Notes: Cartoon Cat will have several voice lines, usually short giggles, chuckles, or short words and phrases with a grainy and staticky filter. When it downs a Survivor, a distorted laugh track plays. Cartoon Cat's chase music will be an old, distorted showtune such as 'Sing You Sinners', or alternatively will be a distorted and grainy version of Every Breath You Take by The Police, in reference to this post. Alternatively, WENDGAMEZ on YouTube has created this masterpiece of a track, which has nothing to do with anything, but I still think you should give it a listen.
Trevor Henderson
Perk 1: Artist's Heart (Boon) When Trevor Henderson Blesses a totem, all actions done by Survivors within a 32 meter range of the totem will be sped up.
Perk 2: I See Monsters Trevor will not scream after exposed to horror. Instead, he will be able to see the Killer through walls.
Perk 3: Horror Fanatic While in the Killer's Terror Radius, Trevor will gain Tokens. If Trevor has full Tokens, he gains the ability to stun the Killer for 3 seconds upon contact.
Mayfair Shopping Mall
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The Mayfair Shopping mall is a large, abandoned shopping mall with two floors, which can be accessed via two large, defunct escalators in the middle of the map, and several small spiral staircases tucked away in spots throughout the map. On both floors, there are several empty stores and food places, their signs long gone or rotted away. The mall itself is in a state of extreme disrepair, with rubble and debris scattered across the ground everywhere. Throughout the mall, there are holes in the walls, floor, and ceiling that open to a dark, pitch-black space. Various other Trevor Henderson cryptids (ex: Long Horse, The Lamb, Bridge Worm, etc.) may be spotted lurking within these or even looking through, but they are purely cosmetic and have no effect on the players themselves. In addition, there are several grimy windows to the "outside world" that players can find, and occasionally the silhouettes of large creatures can be seen through the glass. Additional Notes:
When it is quiet enough, players may be able to hear a broken siren wailing from off in the distance, sometimes accompanied by heavy, crashing footfalls.
Several 'Little Nuggets' will spawn in places throughout the map, on top of tables or counters. Interacting with one will cause it to disappear, and for a small Little Nugget to appear on the player's shoulder. An achievement is given the first time you find one ("You're my friend now."), as well as when you win the game while carrying one around ("New pet!"), or if every player in the map has one ("Nugget Infestation"). The Nugget is purely cosmetic and does not grant any buffs or debuffs.
The Offering to travel to the Mayfair Shopping Mall map would be a couple of papers with rough pencil drawings on them, titled 'Trevor's Sketches'.
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just-rainbow-thoughts · 3 months
Thoughts on pizzahead? I think hes silly
The stalkerrrr
Seriously how else did he get the material to make the clones
I think he did die at the end of the second phase and it wasn’t a fakeout. And the ultimate piledrive. And the tower collapse. And the John punch. But he got better every time since the only way to kill a toon and have it last is by the hands of another toon, and he was the only one around. No amount of toonforce given to a person or object will make them able to kill a toon sorry peppino!
Some may take advantage of this fact. Someone will take advantage of this fact. He technically already has, he just hasn’t put too much thought into what he could do with it yet.
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oharas-demon · 2 years
It just dawned on me that Luffy’s gear 5 “toonforce” is just him being rubberhose… Like rubberhose animation ! Rubber … 😳🤔
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touhouweed · 2 years
Ok battle to the death who would win, Rolf or Ed
keep in mind these are both toonforce users so its abt as balanced as its gonna get
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