#toontown swap au
stupidartlover · 3 months
Some Swap! AU doodles
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toonietoon36 · 5 months
Oops toontown swap au
Salty takes Toonie's place as a cog
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gorgugplushie · 1 day
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Swapped deepdiver inspired by @directorofpublicaffairs 's rainmaker and firestarter. I swapped him with plutocrat.
Also some bonus swapped rainmaker . Yes i still think smokemachine is a cool name . And yes . I cant draw rainmaker in any universe
I thought inverted personalitys would also be fun . This is just my own addition tho
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felixstudios · 10 months
Playground Swap AU!
This is an AU that swaps out which playgrounds the 16 managers from 1.3 reside in as well as trying to strike a balance between their own personality and the personality of the Cog they're swapping places with. Additionally, "gimmicks" {usually the cheat or power the manager is most known for} are swapped. Some job titles are swapped, while some are not- and that one was completely random just to add to the chaos of this AU.
Credit to the creation of this AU belongs in part to @peachymunmagenta for giving me the initial idea and I basically took it and ran off with it. They also came up with the TTC/AA swap!
This post is considered the "master list" of this AU. That means over time I will edit it to include links of extra information/lore made in other posts.
31. August, 2023
New Management Changes - Effective Immediately!
It has come to our attention that our newly hired managers have not had the expected outcome of getting rid of the Toons. While progress has been made in slowing them down, that isn't enough. We will be experimenting with new corporate structures that will move some of you to different districts to see if this helps the Toon problem. Some of you have also changed departments- if that is the case, contact your new boss for your new uniform within 24 hours of receiving this notice or else YOU'RE FIRED.
The new assignments are as follows:
1. Toontown Central & Acorn Acres
Swapped pairs: Buck/Chip and Spruce/Brian
Buck Ruffler, Acorn Acres Kudos Manager
Duck Shuffler, level 50 Cashbot
Fight concept
-Gains an override so that his last minute changes to projects become efficient and more beneficial to the company
-A little more serious, but he's still pretty out there.
-Buck's override is triggered if he spins his slots and rolls 777 {and will deactivate with another 777}. Additionally, his other slot outcomes have been changed while the printing stays the same.
-During an override, Buck would be very similar to Chip in canon in that he'd be monotone and incredibly hostile to Toons {but his speech impediment would still be there lol}. I feel like in a battle this would be reflected by Buck doing more damage, his slot outcomes changing to things that are way more negative for Toons {but also WAY more random}, the inability to receive a 'bust' outcome, and/or getting more slot rolls per turn.
Chip Revvington, Toontown Central Street Manager
Chainsaw Consultant, Level 5 Bossbot
-He leaves firing employees more up to chance than anything
-Despite being such a low level, since he's a manager he can fire any non-manager Cog. He just couldn't fire any managers that are above him, which is fine for the company since they don't want layoffs that high up their management chain
-Without his override anymore and also some of Buck's personality, he becomes quite friendly and even slightly outgoing. He even jokes about his chainsaw and how scary it looks when he's nothing like that
-Has WAY less cheats since he's literally the first manager now. It would still operate based on an RPM meter, but it'd be WAY more straightforward and forgiving... Something like +1K/turn regardless of what attacks are used, cheats draining all his RPM regardless of when it was used or how much he has, only having 2-3 cheats {and just one RPM meter}, and each cheat's trigger is easy to figure out or is literally said to players.
Spruce Campbell, Toontown Central Kudos Manager
Treekiller, Level 12 Cashbot
-He strategically steals paper and logs {along with other resources} from the Toons
-Although he still SEEMS to talk and act exactly the same as in canon, this is now just an act he puts on for the Toons so they don't realize how genius he actually is
-Becomes a little full of himself, but not to unreasonable standards. He just likes to boast about himself a lot
-In battle, his cheats would both be annoying like Brian's and use some of the resources he's been stealing
Brian {no last name}, Acorn Acres Street Manager
Prethinker, Level 24 Sellbot
-He just works on more projects than before but becomes a bit more outspoken
-Is now okay with admitting he made mistakes and doesn't hold it against himself very much
-His cheats now reflect the resources around him and have an underlying theme of wood and acorns
-Since he's also later in the game, his cheats are more complex and allow for his strategic prowess to truly shine
-A bit bolder than before, which sometimes backfires on him. This is especially true if he accidentally makes a miscalculation
2. Barnacle Boatyard & Ye Olde Toontowne
Swapped pairs: Misty/Prester and Mary/Holly
Misty Monsoon, Ye Olde Toontown Kudos Manager
Witch Hunter, Level 20 Lawbot
-She convinces large groups of people to have class action lawsuits
-Will send out anonymous letters to Cogs in an attempt to get them riled up against Toons and start a witch hunt against specific Toons {usually whichever one hurt her the most that week}
-Still very quiet, but now it's because she's incredibly bitter and jaded towards everyone and doesn't wanna talk to anyone
-Still has self esteem issues, but she buries this really deep so that way nobody knows about it
-If she does speak, it's usually something really vague. She prefers to do her mob collecting from the shadows so as not to trace it back to her
Prester Virgil, Barnacle Boatyard Kudos Manager
Rainmaker, Level 16 Lawbot
-He gains weather changing abilities, which he uses to cause disasters and convince the company they need to make insurance claims {or sometimes normal Cogs}
-Doesn't use... as many big words
-A bit more soft spoken, but still pretty obnoxious about things
Mary Anna, Ye Olde Toontowne Street Manager
Deep Diver, Level 10 Boardbot
-She's put her defenses up and does her deep searches with more bias and sass
-With bias now comes sometimes overlooking things or having a confirmation bias where things might not get as thoroughly checked
-Mary is now also a perfectionist trying to work through this flaw in her performance because it's causing her a lot of stress
Holly Grayelle, Barnacle Boatyard Street Manager
Gatekeeper, Level 7 Boardbot
-Does extensive research into pretty much anyone she or the company wants to interact with, hire, ETC. to determine if they're allowed to or not
-A little more mellowed out and not so bad of a perfectionist anymore, but she hasn't completely toned it down
-Quieter, but it's because instead of talking so much she's observing. This will inform future judgements she makes about others, for better or for worse
3. Daffodil Gardens & The Brrrgh
Swapped Pairs: Cathal/Flint and Ben/Cosmo
Cathal Bravecog, The Brrrgh Street Manager
Firestarter, Level 20 Bossbot
-He tries to help out his dad from The Brrrgh, but he just seems to always cause problems
-Very chill and laid back manager who outwardly doesn't show much reaction to his mistakes... at first.
-Over time {and in battle this would be reflected by entering different phases}, he becomes more and more insecure about it until he's clearly pretty anxious and worried. This results in more severe mistakes being made and so the cycle goes on and on
-Tries to get praise from his dad, but he's pretty sneaky around the subject
-He will gain Flint's fire abilities, and it does NOT mix well with his anatomy that's not built to take the heat
Flint Bonpyre, Daffodil Gardens Kudos Manager
Multislacker, Level 24 Sellbot
-Flint is 'burnt out' and doesn't have the emotional capacity to do much work. This would be literally represented by the flame on his head always being very weak
-Very quiet since he just doesn't have the energy to speak much
-Spends most of his time kinda staring off into space or only putting in just enough effort to not get fired
Benjamin Biggs, The Brrrgh Kudos Manager
Bellringer, Level 38 Sellbot
-He gets to have a mafia of his own and they go around "convincing" people to buy from COGS, Inc.
-Uses gossip and blackmail to control everything, basically
-Not really much for getting himself into trouble anymore and is WAY more interested on just finding dirt on anyone and everyone in case he encounters them at some point and needs to "persuade" them
-Instead of Satellite Investors, he has Bell Boys... lol
Cosmo Kupier, Daffodil Gardens Street Manager
Plutocrat, Level 13 Cashbot
-He uses the power of his money to create quite a bit of gossip. Money talks for him a lot
-Whether it's starting fake rumors, starting true rumors, or hearing gossip about somebody, he's paying for it
-While they no longer appear in battle, his Satellite Investors still help him out with a lot of stuff
-His cheats would still be ice themed, but they wouldn't be as extreme both due to not having a frozen office and for being earlier in the line
4. Mezzo Melodyland & Drowsy Dreamland
Swapped pairs: Belle/Tawney and Dave/Graham
Belle Dama, Drowsy Dreamland Street Manager
-She delegates her work to other Cogs and has to frequently nap due to her age
Mouthpiece, Level 30 Lawbot
Design concept
-One of her cheats would literally be not attacking for like 2-3 turns but in return she gains like 50-60% of her health back
-But even though she's old and a bit more frail, she's still got hands to throw. AKA she can do a lot of damage!
Tawney Esta, Mezzo Melodyland Street Manager:
Featherbedder, Level 16 Bossbot
-They do their work with less napping and delegation basically I guess
-Maybe more social
-I really didn't know what else to put here
Dave Brubot, Drowsy Dreamland Kudos Manager
Pacesetter, Level 66 Sellbot
-He basically does his show but like... really fast
-As a star performer, he sets ALL the trends, babe! Both in the company and even on social media!
-You thought he didn't slow dance before? Well now he REALLY doesn't slow dance
-Becomes more self-absorbed, leading to a lot of posters of himself being hung up around his lobby and his stage
Graham Payser, Mezzo Melodyland Kudos Manager
Major Player, Level 28 Bossbot
-He's slowed down a bit and replaced it with more drama!
-Think you can take on someone as beautiful, stunning, and perfect as him? Think again!
-Even without his signature speed to help him, he's still quite the formidable opponent who will use his strength and ranking in the company to his advantage
-Also WAY more into performing and showing off. Somehow. Because he wasn't already maxed out here.
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deusvervewrites · 2 years
Other schools attempt the UA Crush in these AUs: Blond Swap, Blue Sky, Brass Knuckles, Chaos for All, Class Vill-A, Double Expulsion, Engineered Solutions, Equivalent Exchange, Expelled, In The West, Knife Fight, Musketeer, Secret Rat Society, Shadow Twins, Toontown, and Young Heroes Camp. What happens in each? For Blond Swap and Expelled, what happens on 1-B's end?
The Crushing of UA would be largely the same as canon: the other schools rush UA and try to overwhelm them only to be taken by surprise by UA's growth and fought back. 1-B canonically passes in their entirety so they'd be fine in Blond Swap and Expelled. In Blond Swap, this would be primarily because their weakest link in their teamwork ran off on his own so they didn't have to worry about him. Anything more specific than that would require actually writing out the whole fight.
The AU with the biggest change is In The West as that puts Midoriya and Uraraka with Shiketsu. I don't know if they'd actually be totally okay with participating in The Crushing, but Midoriya would've analyzed everyone's Quirks making it harder for UA to defend against Shiketsu. They'd also have two other members who I don't know.
Honestly most of the changes to the Provisional License Exam Arc would start after the initial Crushing attempt.
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coco-cups8 · 1 year
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*Drops this Au concept at night and leaves*
President Robert
Laff Meter: 5/5
- Uses all gags
- Has Toon-Up prestige
Laff Meter: 25/25
- Isn’t very skilled in using gags
- Uses mostly level 1-4 gags with a few level 5 gags
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sellbotvp · 3 months
i want there to be toontown servers that get Insane with it. clash is getting there but it's not quite there yet. i want insane levels of canon divergence. i'm talking about going full-blown undertale au with it. gimme the toontown server that swaps the characters around. gimme a Dark and Edgy toontown server. gimme a toontown server with a drastically different art style. gimme gimme more
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marinerainbow · 6 months
Career swap AU
Shiny is a big crime boss in Toontown. She's most renowned for the distribution of illegal substances and prostitution, but she is not above committing other crimes for the right price. She can very easily be cruel- she has to be to keep her power, but those within her inner circle know how playful and soft she can be. She's also known for having ~relations~ with whoever serves as her right hand. She had to 'fire' her latest confidant, and is on the lookout for someone new. Someone who has a good head on their shoulders, and could help out with paperwork (she does admit, that's not her biggest forte), but also has a heart that wouldn't cast her to the sharks the next chance they get... An added bonus would be if they were a cutie pie.
Poppy fell on hard times since Henry left her to Downtown. She wasn't so lucky to find a clean job here, but managed to find one in the entertainment industry... Even if it is a far different kind of entertainment she's not at all used to. She started out as just a pianist for the burlesque club, part of the band. But her boss has been trying to slowly integrate her in stage performances, knowing that she's too desperate to say no despite her stage fright. Right now, she can be seen as either a backup dancer, or will even have a sole singing performance. This has gained her quite a bit of unwanted attention, and Poppy has become far more wary of people now... The pretty weasel lady that comes in sometimes is nice though.
The weasels all still live together. However, they all managed to take a more lawful path. Smartass stayed in school and got his law degree. Greasy worked his way onto the radio and is constantly trying to convince his boss to let him play more risqué songs on his channel. Wheezy, after the war, started working as a dockworker carrying cargo to and from ships. Psycho always had an affinity with electricity and tinkering, and found a nice job with Toontowns electric company. Just be sure to keep an eye on him while he's in your house. And Stupid... It has been difficult for him to keep a steady job, but he does help around the house while the others are away. Someone's gotta take care of the place while everyone else is bust, right?
I kinda like this idea, though I'm not sure where I'm gonna go with it. So I'll just leave it here.
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shortsketches · 4 months
confession: when i first saw sherman (animatronic sherman, specifically, i didnt know he was a regular cog until i went to ur toontown tag) i thought he was this evil creepy guy trying to turn cogs into toons
To be fair, he would not be against swapping another cog over to an animatronic, but only if approached and the other cog seems serious about it.
He'd probably do it at low-or-no-cost too just because he personally enjoyed the process of building The Current Vessel™ and wouldn't mind having an excuse to do it again; the only catch here is that he's -very- hesitant about telling the other party that part of the reason he opted to stay a toon in that au was because he gave up on trying to swap back to the og cog body before realizing it was actually better for him to just live that life. So, it might be a one-way trip, but hey, he does technically give em what they asked for.
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toontowncrazy · 5 years
2018 ToonTownCrazy Fanfics
Before the end of 2018, I checked my fanfic stats for other WFRR fans to enjoy. Read and have fun, everyone.
Most Views and Visitors for 2018
Why Me?
Summary:  Male!Jessica was the first to admit that he has feelings for her. For a rabbit who plays the fool for a living, that's just one of the reasons why Girl!Roger is finding him hard to believe. Cover Image by of @rachelordwayart of CrackpotComics​. M for suggested themes.
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And She Still Doesn’t Get It
Summary: Five one-shots of a Binary Swap universe with Rhoda Rabbit (Roger Rabbit) and Jesse Krupnick (Jessica Rabbit). As a girl, Roger can still be so oblivious.
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Across the Alternate
Summary: Roger Rabbit wakes up in another universe, staring at a barrel of a gun. A red-haired young man glares at him with emerald eyes that seem all-so-familiar. "You have 45 seconds to tell me who you are," he says icily, "and what have you done to my darling Rhoda." Bonus Chapter: Who Framed Roger Rabbit, Binary Swap
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Most Views Only for 2018
The Rabbit Returns to ToonTown
Summary: AU of "Why Me?" 15 years after Rhoda Rabbit saw the patty-cake photos, her children wanted to meet their father. How could she even face Jesse? Cover by @rachelordwayart​ of CrackpotComics. Rated M for suggested themes.
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Going Back to Move Forward
Summary: Sequel to the Binary Swap AU "The Rabbit Returns to Toontown", Rhoda was thinking about their unborn kids when she made the hard decision to leave. Now, she has to pay the price for the person she didn't choose 15 years ago -their father, Jesse. Coverart by @artisticfries Rated M for suggested themes.
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Lights! Camera! Ad-Lib!
Summary: Why Jessica would simply answer "He makes me laugh" to that one question that has always been thrown at her: "Seriously, what do you see in that guy? Cover Image by @darkwingsnark​.
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Most Visitors Only for 2018
The Enticed
Summary: Jessica knew every trick in the book when it comes to seduction. But with Roger, she doesn't pull her punches. Rated M for mild adult themes.
(Sorry, guys. No story image)
When He Comes Home
Summary: The number of times Jesse (male-Jessica Rabbit) only felt truly home is when he comes home to his wife (fem-Roger Rabbit). Rated M for adult themes.
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derpyflowergarden · 7 years
Final paper has been submitted! I AM DONE WITH SCHOOL! (Until July) Now I can do all the stuff I wanted to! Like: -finish fan art for hopeforbagels -do the voice readings (I have one done but I want to redo it, and one more) -finish that one fanfic that I'm halfway through with because I WANTED THAT DONE AND POSTED BACK IN MARCH -play toontown with the gf and a few others -finish and post the series of demon children/danganronpa clothes swap thing -color in half the art I have outlined BUT FIRST I am gonna post a doodle anthology from this semester of all the doodles I did in my notebook and (possibly) another Ishimondo AU idea (like the bartender one, just an idea, not sure I'm actually going to write it...too much to do already)
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stupidartlover · 4 months
Random Chainsaw consultant doodles (+ A cameo from Swap! AU)
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stupidartlover · 3 months
Bellringer from Swap! AU
A modest, cute and slightly unkempt guy
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felixstudios · 10 months
Playground Swap AU, Buck Ruffler Fight Concept
Please read the first concept post so you have context on what's going on here! I will not be explaining anything about the AU here because it's assumed you have prior knowledge.
Up the Ante Casino, Walnut Way
Start Cutscene
[Toons walk into the room to find Buck at a poker table with some other Cogs, dealing cards. They all stop and look up at the toons.]
Buck Ruffler: Well, well, well, lookthieth at whath we hath here!
[Buck laughs with an animation similar to High Roller]
Buck Ruffler: Let me gueth, you thoonth are here thor a thight?
Buck Ruffler: Though... I really wouldn't ith I wath you. I've goth the houthe edge!
[Camera pans to the Toons using the taunt emote]
Buck Ruffler: Tho thath's how it ith, huh?
[Buck gets up and flies so he's in front of the Toons.]
Buck Ruffler: Okay! Leth's make it a bet then...
Buck Ruffler: Ith I win, you leathe and don't come back! Ith I lothe... I clothe thith plathe down forever!
[Buck gestures widely as the other Cogs get up to join him]
Buck Ruffler: Hahahahaha!
Buck Ruffler: Okay everyone, plathe your beths! Who'th gonna come out on top?!
Base Stats
HP: 12,000
Defense: 60
Cogs in fight: 5 {this is only the starting number, and Cogs can only be replaced upon being defeated under special circumstances}
Spin+: Targets 2 Toons, does 35 damage. Applies the 'dizzy' debuff, which gives them -10% accuracy for the next turn. Accuracy: 80.
Quake: Targets all Toons, does 25 damage. Accuracy: 85.
Chomp: Targets 1 Toon, does 40 damage. Accuracy: 80.
Cigar Smoke: Targets 1 Toon, does 25 damage. Accuracy: 95.
Cheats: No Override
Spin+: Spin will target 2 Toons instead of 1 as well as applying the 'dizzy' debuff, which gives -10% accuracy for the next turn. This is used as a normal attack sometimes with no real trigger.
WAGER MANAGEMENT: Buck will use this cheat every turn by spinning his slots. If he rolls 3 in a row of the same picture, the corresponding cheat will occur. He has one of 5 outcomes, which are listed below.
Bust: Nothing happens {no 3 in a row}
777: An override is triggered {see override section for more details}.
Bars: A stack of golden bars are dropped on the Toons, doing 20 damage to every Toon and applying the 'squashed' debuff {represented by giving everyone a flat model}, which makes Toons deal 10% less damage for the next 2 turns.
Ducks: This outcome cannot trigger unless there are 4 or less Cogs in the fight OR at least one Cog who is not Buck is currently lured. Buck will summon a Level 25.exe Magnate OR Legal Eagle that's healed to +10% of its maximum HP. It has no special buffs.
Cherries: Buck earns a lot of Cogbucks, giving him a 20% defense buff for 3 turns.
RIGGED SLOTS: Buck will use this cheat once when he reaches 7,777 health or lower. It's a type of Wager Management that will always roll 777 to trigger an override.
"Tho, you Thoonth think you're gonna win big in MY cathino?"
"I think you're forgething..."
[Buck 'spins' his slots by moving the lever back and forth a couple times, making a few of the slots move a couple places and then actually spinning it]
[His slots land on 777]
Cheats: Override
Spin++: Spin gains a buff so that it targets 3 Toons. It otherwise functions exactly the same.
WAGER MANAGEMENT: Buck will use this cheat every turn by spinning his slots. If he rolls 3 in a row of the same picture, the corresponding cheat will occur. He will have one of 10 outcomes, which are listed below.
777: His override is deactivated. This cannot happen for the first turn after an override is triggered, or not at all if rigged slots has been triggered.
Deactivation dialogue: "Woopthieth! That wathn't thuppothed to happen yeth!"
"Thlot mathine downgraded throm latetht patch."
Bust: Same as no override. Cannot trigger if Rigged Slots has occurred.
Bars: This cheat now does 30 damage.
Ducks: The Cog summoned is now a Level 30.exe with lure resistance {2 turns max}.
Cherries: Buck now gains a 50% defense buff. Additionally, he will deal +5 damage during this time.
Diamonds: Buck will gain the "focused defense" buff until 500 total damage has been dealt to him OR 3 turns have passed, whichever happens first. This cannot occur for 4 turns after it occurs.
Horseshoes: All Toons receive a 10% damage vulnerability for 2 turns. A random Toon will also receive the "horseshoed" debuff, which makes Cogs 50% more likely to attack them for 2 turns. This outcome cannot occur for 5 turns after it occurs.
Acorns: All Toons will receive a random Toon-up IOU buff along with +30 damage to their next non Toon-up gag. If a Toon is Toon-upless, they will instead heal for +7 laff. If a Toon brings no attacking gags, they will instead take 30 damage {LMHO}.
Chainsaws: All Toons will do +10 damage for the rest of the fight. This stacks infinitely.
Trees: All Toons will heal +77 laff points. This has the ability to "overjoy" Toons {healing them past their maximum laff, up to 10% of their maximum laff}. Overjoyed Toons will take 7% less damage until they have less than their maximum laff {they keep the buff at max laff} and cannot be tooned up unless another trees is rolled {same 10% cap applies}. This has a weighted probability to occur significantly less frequently than other outcomes.
WILD CARD {literal cards are the icons}: If three in a row are rolled, a random effect is chosen {but still cannot roll 777 if Rigged Slots has triggered}. If one wild card is drawn along with two matching symbols, then the effect will occur AND Buck will receive a 7% defense buff for a turn, do +7 damage for a turn, spawn a level 20.exe Cog {if spawn conditions are met, otherwise this is ignored}, all Cogs will receive random buffs for 2 turns, and all Toons will take anywhere from 1-25% less damage for a turn {randomly generated per Toon}. If two wild cards in a row are rolled along with a single symbol, the effect will occur as normal with no wild card buffs. Wild cards cannot roll twice in a row in such a way to receive a wild card buff, but otherwise there are no frequency restrictions.
Ending Cutscene
[Buck Ruffler begins to tremble and shake, and if there were any other Cogs in battle they back away and then fly off at this point. His slots spin without any prompting from him and roll 777, forcing away his override]
Buck Ruffler: You... You Thoonth... You won?
Buck Ruffler: You won the beth.
Buck Ruffler: Well, I gueth we thoughth thair and thquare.
Buck Ruffler: Hahaha... haha....
[Buck's slots go a bit haywire and then he collapses to the floor]
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stupidartlover · 6 months
Art for @felixstudios (Swap playground AU) Or the way I imagine Misty as a Witch hunter.
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Bonus: Multiple headcanons
- She now uses her ability to shoot lightning and create a storm more frequently.
- Prester decided to "take a break" in the neighborhood for a while, so he decided to give the job of the main nerve-rattling to the residents of Ye Olde Toontown to his niece, Misty Monsoon. Oh, and then there's my headcanon that Prester is Misty's guardian uncle, yes.
By the way, Felix, is Swap playground AU is dead?
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felixstudios · 10 months
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Belle Dama playground swap AU design concept! She resides in Drowsy Dreamland as the street manager now.
Level 30.mgr
Read about the AU here!
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