#top!steve bottom!bucky are the way to go
khunvegas · 7 years
Stucky Feels!
I’ve always shipped them but it’s recently that I’ve been reading fics in this fandom and they are amazing. This is my collection of amazingness in words. My Stucky fanfic rec.
6:13 AM by @halerogers​
It was routine, getting on the train that early in the morning, and Steve had it down to a damn tee. It was tiring, waking up that early to catch a train to work, but it wasn't so bad.
Especially not after he started showing up.
He was the man with murder eyes and shockingly good looks despite the whole hobo vibe but with a soft center. Steve liked to call him the Human Impersonation of the Grumpy Cat in his head; Grumpy Cat for short when he whined about him to either Natasha or Sam.
OR – in which Steve falls in love with a stranger.
A Christmas Game by @that-girl​
Bucky loses his pet mouse and yells at his very hot neighbour to keep his cat away from his baby. And Natasha regrets the day she met Bucky. It's a fluff fest.
An Accident of Time by Pickitup
Boys weren’t omegas. Not outside of blue movies, or bluer songs, at least, the kind of anecdotes too ribald even for soldiers to tell. Girls were omegas, sometimes, but rarely, even in those days. Dying breeds, he guessed. When he was the asset it had stopped entirely, he had thought it all over: feels sick thinking of what they would have done to exploit him if he had suffered back then. But now, 2014, eating three meals a day, sleeping regularly in a safe bed, the old ghost has come back.
Bite Your Tongue by Avaaricious
AKA the "I work at a department store and if you take out and unfold a shirt and then leave it one more time I'm going to stuff it down your throat" AU
Captain Fantastic and the Pineapple King by @bucky-fucky-barnes
Shit. She hadn't noticed him yet. Maybe he could turn and leave without them noticing – Sam would understand. Sam was the most empathetic person he knew. He wouldn’t scold Steve for coming home spice-less to avoid an awkward encounter with an ex. Surely. They drew closer Fuck Please don't notice me, please don't notice me, please don't notice me... "Steve?" Fuck. In which Steve is saved from his ex in a grocery store, Bucky Barnes is Way Too Chill about absolutely everything, and Sam has had enough of all of these goddamn pineapples in his fucking house. Or: The five times Steve received a pineapple (and one Piña Colada) and the one time he didn't
Come On, Leave Me Breathless by @emphasisonem​
“Shit, I don’t want to talk to him,” Bucky huffs, running a hand through his hair and blurting out the first idea that comes to mind, “I really- would you make out with me real quick?”
“What?” the blond bleats, blue eyes wide as he stares at Bucky.
In which Bucky really doesn't want to talk to his ex and enlists the help of an attractive stranger to avoid him.
Cool Beans by @emphasisonem​
“Guy looks a little like a hobo,” Pietro smirks, and a whoosh of breath leaves the young man as his sister elbows him in the stomach.
“Be kind,” Wanda admonishes him. “He’s very handsome, Steve. He looks strong.”
“Don’t be gettin’ any ideas there, Wanda,” Steve smiles at his friend. “I’m doing just fine on my own. I have the shop to think about. I don’t need any romantic entanglements right now.”
“We’ll see,” Wanda’s lips turn up at the corners, and Steve can’t help but laugh at the mischief sparkling in her eyes.
In which Steve owns a coffee shop and Bucky is a carpenter who buys the property next door.
Did you really just ask....? by Kare
"I just want to sit on the couch with you, watch bad action movies, eat greasy pizza and marry you. Is that really that much to ask?"
Steve can deal with the first three wishes. He isn't really sure if he heard the fourth one correctly...
Well, only one way to find out... maybe...
Enjoy the Silence by neversaydie
Silence used to be peaceful for Bucky. These days it makes him feel like he's waiting for something, like he's listening for the warning sounds of predators approaching.
Now silence means he's waiting for the other shoe to drop.
He lives in a beautiful apartment with his husband-to-be and tells himself that everything is just fine. He doesn't sleep, he's scared of putting a foot wrong in case Brock snaps again, and he's desperately lonely, but he has everything he ever wants and that should be enough. It's not like he can complain about being taken care of, even if parts of it aren't exactly his choice.
Running into his childhood friend (literally) just might change everything. 'Just fine' doesn't seem like enough once Steve walks back into his life. The problem is, Bucky's been stuck in his cage for so long that he's not sure he can leave it on his own.
Filthy Things You Say by Limoncello_Bella
Bucky wanted to kiss him, kiss him and then press him against the wall or desk and do things to him that would leave them both as a pile of sexually sated human mush. Mentally, he swore, he didn’t even have a type, but spitfire twinks more stubborn than a mule were quickly becoming number one on the nonexistent list.
Steve is a cuddle-slut drunk and his latest victim is one Bucky Barnes.
For Who I've Not Yet Become by @thebestpersonherelovesbucky
Bucky Barnes -- powerful Wall Street tycoon -- has everything he needs. Money, good looks, a life in the fast lane. He's living on top of the world in a Park Avenue Penthouse in Manhattan, is the youngest vice president ever over at Stark Industries and might even be named Forbes Man of the Year -- again. Nothing can bring him down.
That is until Bucky has a strange encounter with a young man named Eli on Christmas Eve and wakes up Christmas morning married to his old college sweetheart, Steve Rogers.
With his entire world turned upside down, Bucky must find a way to navigate his way through marriage and fatherhood and suburbia. And maybe find the unique answer to the age old question... What if...?
Heat Wave by HandsAcrossTheSea
Sometimes, you just have to let nature take its course.
Hey, Bartender, Pour ‘Em Hot Tonight by @emphasisonem​
Steve looks down and catches sight of a bright pink drink in a hurricane glass. Moisture is beaded on the outside, and the cool feel of it is nice on Steve’s sweaty hand as he picks up the monstrosity Sam has ordered for him.
“What the hell is this?” Steve asks, a disbelieving smile on his face. “You couldn’t just order me a beer?”
“You said to surprise you,” Sam smirks. “And you made me wait.”
“But what is it?” Steve repeats, and is answered by a deep, unfamiliar voice.
“It’s a Singapore Sling,” the man behind the bar is smiling. “Not what you were expecting?”
In which Bucky is a bartender and Steve is immediately smitten. He's not the only one.
Honestly, I Just Came Out To Have A Good Time by @youngavengersfeels​
The first time Steve met Bucky, Bucky was jumping into a pond only a smidge less polluted than the from The Simpsons, butt naked. Things could really only go up from there.
I Get Knocked Down (But I Get Up Again) by @emphasisonem​
“You sure you’re ok?” the blond asks, and Bucky really appreciates the fact that the guy isn’t laughing, considering his friend can’t seem to help snickering at Sam’s outrageous display.
“I’m fine,” Bucky huffs with a smirk. “Pride’s a little bruised, and I’m guessing I look like a fuckin’ drowned rat, but no permanent damage.”
A slow- and frankly, evil- smile makes its way across the blond’s lips. There’s a flicker of uncertainty in those blue eyes, but it’s replaced with a nearly-predatory look that gives Bucky goosebumps.
“Shame,” the other man teases Bucky. “I’m pretty good at kissin’ things better.”
In which Bucky Barnes is a show off at the beach and pays the price.
I Need Coffee in an I.V. by @emphasisonem​
Bucky points at the counter, pouting. “They took my coffee maker.”
Steve looks like he wants to laugh, but Bucky thinks he does an admirable job of biting it back.
“Good god, how ever will you survive?” Steve asks, and Bucky usually kind of adores that sassy mouth of Steve’s, but he doesn’t fuck around when it comes to his coffee.
In which the office coffee maker breaks and Bucky is forced to rely on the kindness of an unknown coworker.
Is It Pretending If I Already Want You? By @ohcaptainmycaptain1918
Based on prompt: Pretend Boyfriends AU where one of their families is always wondering why they're never in a relationship, so the other offers to pretend to be their boyfriend for some family event"
Basic Steps to Getting Yourself In a Pickle With Both Your Family and The Guy You've Secretly Crushed On For Five Years (A Guide):
STEP 1: After being perpetually single and constantly making up excuses to your family, give in and lie about having a boyfriend. STEP 2: Agree to bring said boyfriend to the family cottage for a week so he can be your date to your parents' wedding anniversary party. STEP 3: Panic. STEP 4: Say 'yes' when your best friend and closet crush - who you're convinced isn't interested in you that way in the least - offers to be your pretend boyfriend. STEP 5: Try your best not to fall in love with them during the trip. STEP 6: Fail miserably.
Kinda Like the Way He Dips by @uhtredthepagan
‘Jesus, Bucky, are you wearing a mesh tank top?’ ‘Like it?’ ‘You look ridiculous.’ ‘Excuse me, this was a serious part of my teenage angst, Nat. I wore these boots to school.’
Let your heart be light by @relenafanel
Bucky looks like he’s had a difficult month, what with the eviction notice and all, but that’s not the reason Steve gives for allowing him to stay on his couch.
“You have somewhere to go?” Steve questioned, crossing his arms and attempting to look casual, not like he was worried for Bucky. He stepped into the apartment, ignoring how bare it was.
Bucky paused and gave him an exasperated look. “I’m not completely hopeless.”
A fic spanning from mid-November to early-February.
Of Broken Dreams and Mended Hearts by @thebestpersonherelovesbucky
When the House of Barnes is left in massive debt after the death of George Barnes, their oldest son and heir, Bucky, is forced to sacrifice his own hopes and dreams by entering an arranged married to Steve Rogers. Steve seems kind enough, has a prominent job in the government, and was even voted Society's Best Catch. But the House Rogers is significantly higher in status than Bucky's family, which means Bucky is marrying up in Society, and marrying up doesn't only come with rewards, it also comes with certain...expectations and losses--some of which Bucky might be willing to do anything to avoid. And those opportunities might come his way.
Unless, of course, he actually starts falling in love with his new husband...
One Way Or Another by @chiyume​ @rogersxbarnesx​
When Steve volunteers to help Tony launch Stark Tech’s new Military Prosthetics Project, the last person he expects to see as he walks into the lab is the same guy who had him shoved up against a wall in the back of a club the weekend before.
Back then he had just been Steve Rogers; a civilian looking for a good time just like everyone. Here, he’s Captain America; hero, justice, and patriotism personified. Bucky, however, is still the flirtatious devil he had been back at the club, and he’s obviously not going to let something as trivial as Steve’s occupation get in the way of what he wants.
Patches of Memory by LokiNeedsHugs1031
What if soldiers hadn't shown up at Bucky's apartment while he was in hiding. What if Steve found him instead and no attack followed. Steve finally gets the chance to trigger Bucky's memories and they re-discover their romantic past.
Slide to Answer by @relenafanel
Note: a series that explain you how a stranger gives you relationships advice and then becomes your boyfriend.
Telluride by @captain-winterdaddy​
Bucky's mom refuses to believe that he has nobody to bring to their annual Christmas family vacation. She also refuses to believe that he's gay, which in turn leads Bucky to tell her some maybe untruthful things.
Shenanigans ensue.
The artist and his coffee shop muse by Little_Lottie (tfwatson)
“Umm…” Steve glances up to find the waiter standing there with a smirk and a raised eyebrow looking expectant and arguably more delicious than the pastry. “I didn’t order this." “No,” the man says through a huff of laughter. “But technically, you didn’t order the coffee either.”
Opposite him, the man slides into the booth, light bouncing off his shirt and drenching his eyes with even more blue.
Steve’s eyes dart left and right, looking for whatever it is he’s missed.
The Proposal by @steves-winter-boobear​
Steve Rogers works as an executive assistant for his demon of a boss James Barnes, at Pierce Publishing. Everyone HATES working with James Barnes, the epitome of Satan himself in every way possible. But when his Visa for immigration is denied, James quickly hatches a plan and drags Steve into a plot to thwart the United States Government into thinking they are engaged to avoid deportation. Thus follows the weekend from your wildest imagination as boss and employee learn about themselves and what it means to be truly happy.
The Super-Dick of Freedom by raeganrolland
Short story of a slight misunderstanding, underwear that doesn't fit, and the gosh darn Super-Dick.
The Winter Soldier vs. Twitter (hashtag BuckRogers) by @galwednesday​
“Remember what I said about internet trolls?”
“Don’t feed the trolls.”
“Exactly. Did I not say the same thing to Barnes?” Tony asked rhetorically. “Were those not my exact words? I could have sworn they were, and yet.”
“Bucky’s feeding the trolls?”
“He’s throwing a goddamn seven-course troll banquet. Every time someone on Twitter asks if your relationship announcement is real, he replies. Colorfully.”
Steve opened his mouth to ask what “colorfully” meant, then caught the gleam in Tony’s eye and put two and two together. He blushed. Colorfully. “Oh.”
(Steve and Bucky announce their relationship in a very dignified press conference. Bucky then replies to every goddamn tweet asking him to confirm it with a different dirty euphemism. Things escalate from there.)
These American Dreams (ain’t no white picket fences left for me) by @kariye
In which Bucky has a house, a dog, an herb garden, and a serious case of insomnia. Welcome to Havensport, Indiana (population 8,294), where Tom’s Neighborhood Grocer stays open all night, little old ladies call the car shop to get their refrigerators repaired, and the heat of summer days and the length of summer nights can make you think that this perfect world will last forever.
Thirty-Eight Days and Counting by @thecommodoresquid​
It didn’t escape him that Steve shared his assumed last name. “Are you gonna be my cousin?” Bucky asked dully.
Steve frowned. “Husband, actually,” he said easily, holding up his left hand to show a typical golden band.
Bucky scowled and closed the door.
AKA An AU in which Bucky is put in the witness protection program and Steve is the agent hired to protect him/pretend to be his husband.
Three Men in a VW by Slenderlock
Steve steps back into the car and closes the door, lips still tingling.
“You don’t like blondes,” Bucky says.
Sam chokes.
Worth It by @lesserknownhero​
While debating on going through with an ill advised hook-up Bucky is caught by his best friend Natasha. Forced to lie about his whereabouts and nightly activities he invents a fake past with a handsome stranger. Little does he know that once the lies begin they will be hard to stop.
Steve is out alone trying to force himself to be social and failing miserably. The only bright spot in his disappointing evening is comes when he inadvertently eavesdrops on the hot guy next to him as he blatantly lies to his nosy friend. The entertainment takes a turn for the bizarre when suddenly he's pulled into the lies and is forced to play along.
Yours for the Taking by @cookie-book-took​
Bucky really should not have got in the car. He shouldn't of stolen the mystery case. He shouldn't of lied about it. He shouldn't of thought he could outsmart everyone. Bucky did all of the above and is firmly on Steve Roger's radar.
But it's exciting and his bland life needs excitement...what's the worse that can happen...
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casdean-jenmish · 2 years
Chapstick • B. Barnes
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Word Count: 1k
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Y/N is a simple girl with a problem that most suffer with, dry lips. In desperate need she begins asking around the compound for the one that can help her. She never expected to a get a question that changes everything.
Warnings: implied smut, sexual tension, sexual situation, spanking, choking, pet names (sargent, princess, doll, cockslut), dom vibes, I think that’s it 🤷🏻‍♀️🤣
All fucking day, my lips have been driving me crazy. With this cold weather, my lips naturally began to dry out. It make them chapped, rough, and honestly? A pain in the ass to deal with. This morning when I woke up, I already knew that I would have issues today. The only issue is that I couldn’t find chapstick anywhere in this god forsaken compound. How is it that none of these assholes deal with a simple problem like chapped lips? Even Peter, the kid who usually has one of everything, didn’t have chapstick. It’s straight bullshit.
I dragged myself into the kitchen to grab a bottle of water in hopes some form hydration would help. As soon as I stepped in I seen Steve, Bucky, and Sam all sitting at the island. Sam was eating something, while Steve and Bucky were going over their last mission. “Morning boys.” I said as I made my way to the fridge. “Morning Y/N.” Came from all three men. As I reached for a bottle of water from the open fridge, I realized I hadn’t asked Bucky yet. He’s a super solider like Steve, why would he need chapstick? I ignored the little voice in my head as I closed the fridge. I set my bottle of water down on the counter before turning to the men.
“Barnes?” I asked cutting off Steve and Bucky’s conversation. Both looked over at me, Steve more agitated than Bucky was. “We’re in the middle of finishing up our report Y/N.” Steve said, but Bucky wasn’t having it. “Don’t be a jerk punk, what do you need doll?” A small smile made it way to my face at the term. Bucky was always kind to me. Usually flirted a little with each conversation. It was nice having the attention of such an adonis of a man. There were many nights that I had spent dreaming of the Sargent.
“I know it’s a long shot, but do you have any chapstick by chance? My lips are really dry today and I need something.” I said almost exasperated. I really didn’t want to have to leave the compound today to buy a simple tube of chapstick. I watched as his eyes light up with something I couldn’t quite place. When a smirk made it way to his face, I knew this was going to end a different way that what I expected. “Which lips pretty girl?”
My mind completely shut down as I watched Steve and Sam almost snap their necks to look at Bucky. No fucking way he just said that to me. Absolutely not. No fucking way. I must have misheard him. “I, uh, I’m, what?” The words left my lips before my brain could even process. It’s like everything had shut off completely in my body. His smirk widened as he looked me over. “I said, which lips? Top?” I watched intently as his eyes dropped down to where I was practically throbbing. “Or bottom?”
A wave of slick rushed out of me as he bit his bottom lip before slowly making eye contact with me. Nothing but pure amusement and lust swirled in his beautiful blue irises. I could feel my throat drying out quickly as he waited for my response, but what do you even say to that? How do you response to something like that? “Which one’s princess?” I clenched around absolutely nothing at the new term of endearment. My body lighting up like a fucking christmas tree. Oh it’s fucking on.
I ran my tongue across my bottom lip, catching his eye. I cleared my throat before meekly saying, “Well both are wet now Sargent.”
Now was Sam and Steve’s turn to snap their heads in my direction. Jaws dropped on both men. I could see the fire in Bucky’s eyes grow as he clenched his jaw. “Bucknasty!” Sam said clapping his hand on Bucky’s shoulder. His laughter filling the now tense space. I gulped as Bucky slowly turned his head towards Sam, almost murderous intent in his eyes. “You and Steve have about five seconds to get out this kitchen before I bend her over the counter.” My breath caught in my throat as he spoke the words with a scarily calm voice.
“Wait what-“ Steve words were cut off as Bucky stood from his seat. I watched with anticipation as he practically stalked his way over to me. Oh fuck, he’s actually going to do it. “Shit, he’s serious.” I heard Sam say as him and Steve hurried their way out the kitchen. As soon as Steve stepped out, Bucky’s hand was wrapped around my throat. His brought his face closer to mine, allowing me to feel his hot breath against my lips.
“You’re going to be a good little princess and bend over for me, understood?” I let out a breathy moan at his words. The result of not answering him only caused his hand to squeeze around my throat for a second. “Is that understood?” He growled out, lips almost meeting mine. I nodded, but it wasn’t good enough for him. “Use your big girl words, princess.” His hand tightened slightly around my throat, making me gasp. “Yes Sargent.” I whined. I was practically soaked, making me very uncomfortable with the lack of attention.
“Then do it.” As he released his grip from around my throat, I turned and followed through with the instructions. “I hope these are replaceable doll.” I raised an eyebrow, questioning what he meant. As soon as I felt hands on me and the sound of ripping, I knew I was in for a good time. He let out a low groan which made me clench yet again. “You and this pretty little pussy are going to be the fucking death of me princess.” I let out a moan as I felt his hand come down on my ass, the slap sending more noise through the room. “Gonna make you my little cockslut.”
I should’ve asked him for chapstick sooner.
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writing-for-marvel · 2 years
The Third Wheel
40’s!Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Summary: When Bucky finally asks you out on a date, the last thing you expect is for his high school crush Connie to also have been invited.
Warnings: angst, shy/insecure reader, Bucky being an idiot, reader doubting that Bucky actually likes her, happy ending
Word count: 2.2k
A/N: this fic was inspired by this ask from my beautiful friend @fluffycutecevans ❤️ banners by @maysdigitalarts
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“C’mon doll, the expo will be fun. Don’t ya wanna see a flyin’ car?” The cheeky grin curved into Bucky’s lips was enough for warmth to start rising in your cheeks, but it wasn’t until his calloused hands encased your own, gently stroking the backs of your hands did you shyly break the intense gaze of his steel blue eyes.
“What do ya say, will you let me take you out? We could even go dancin’ afterwards.” He squeezed your hands fondly, and you couldn’t stop the corners of your mouth twitching into a smile in response.
You had been friends with Bucky since your high school days - you had also been harbouring a pretty intense crush for him since then. Up until now you thought your feelings were unrequited, but a spark of hope glowed warmly in your chest at his invitation.
“You really wanna take me out, Buck? This isn’t some stupid bet you have with Stevie? Cause I’ll never forgive you if it is.” Bucky’s laugh in response to this was music to your soul, though it still didn’t answer your question. Your stomach twisted with anxiety in suspense for his reply.
“No doll, no bets. No jokes” It was only then that his hand let go of yours, moving up to your face to affectionately swipe over your cheek. “I want you to take you out on a date.”
You felt nervous enough to throw up when you met Bucky at the exposition - this date, regardless of a favourable outcome or not, would change the course of your relationship with him forever.
“Hey Buck.” You caught his attention, having spotted his dapper uniform from a mile away. His reaction to your dress brought that familiar heat to your cheeks, and you let out a relieved giggle as he took you in.
“Wow.” Bucky exhaled, his mouth hanging slightly open as his eyes travelled up and down your frame, spending ever so slightly more time on the curves of your waist on the way down and your chest on the way back up. “Doll, you look… just wow.” Confidence surged in your chest at how you had rendered the most gorgeous man you had ever laid eyes on essentially speechless.
“You’re looking very dashing, Buck.” A rosiness developed on the tops of his cheekbones as he thanked you, nervously smoothing the material of his suit down his chest and adjusting his hat.
“Nothing compares to-”
“Bucky!” A familiar feminine voice called from behind you, and Bucky’s signature charming smile bloomed on his features. Turning and following his gaze, you saw the wide doe eyes, elegantly styled hair and perfect toothy smile of Connie Coleman.
It felt as though a heavy stone had plunged through the pit of your stomach.
You hadn’t seen Connie since the day you, Bucky and Steve graduated from high school. Suddenly, all the moments where Bucky remarked how stunning she was and pined after her attention were all you could remember of your high school experience. And though she had never done anything to you personally for you to feel animosity towards her, there was currently a specific scorching jealousy burning a hole in your chest you hadn’t felt since you were eighteen.
However, that flaming jealousy quickly transitioned to a hollow despair at the bottom of your stomach as you watched them reunite. Connie leaned in, giving Bucky a sweet kiss to the cheek and saddled up beside him, interlocking her arm with his as if she wasn’t just saying hello in passing, but had also been invited on the date.
“Connie… hi.” You attempted to keep your composure, though you were fairly sure your disappointment was evident not only in your tone but in the dismayed expression Steve always told you you were terrible at concealing.
“Oh, hi… you.” Connie started, but it was clear in the years since high school she had completely forgotten your name. “How have you been?” She asked with an artificial smile and an overly exaggerated cheerful tone, tightening her hold on Bucky further.
“Fine, Connie. Just fine.” Quietly muttering the last part, you encircled your arms around yourself to provide some comfort, solace which you wished you could find instead in Bucky’s arms. A chill ran down your spine as you awkwardly stood hugging yourself as Bucky conversed with Connie, seemingly in their own little world.
“Here we go, four tickets to the expo.” Steve’s voice broke you out of your tormenting thoughts. Though you also hadn’t expected him to be here, he was a much more welcome intrusion than Connie had been. “It’s starting soon, we should make our way inside.”
“Steve, you remember Connie?” Bucky asked hopefully. Steve gave a tight smile and a shy nod of recognition. After a moment of awkward pause, where Bucky took the opportunity to flash you a sweet, encouraging smile, you all entered the expo together.
Bucky and Connie stayed close to Steve and yourself throughout Howard Stark’s demonstration but once his segment concluded, and you watched the way Bucky whispered closely into Connie’s ear so she could hear him over the noise of the crowd, you knew you had seen enough and wanted to be literally anywhere else in New York at that moment.
“Wanna sneak away and grab ice cream?” You whispered to Steve whose eyes lit up with excitement. Crowds tended to make him uncomfortable and you could tell by the way he hadn’t left your side since stepping foot in the exposition that he was feeling particularly nervous tonight.
As the mob of people herded towards the next exhibit, Bucky and Connie lost in the swarm, you and Steve hung back and managed to slip away out the gate you entered through and onto the street. His favourite ice cream parlour in Brooklyn not even a block away.
It really was a lovely night with Steve, he was always much more open and talkative when he was one on one with someone rather than in a group. But no matter the topic of discussion, nor the size of the sundae he ordered for you to share, could distract you from the thought that Bucky was currently having the time of his life with Connie.
Once you had finished off the sundae, and aired out your grievances about Bucky leading you on to the only other person who knew about your affection for him, you decided to call it a night and to make your way home. Stepping out into the cool night air, laughing at a remark Steve had made, someone called out from you down the street which soured your mood.
“Do you know how long I’ve been looking for you?” Bucky puffed slightly out of breath when he finally reached you, though what captured your attention most was that Connie was nowhere in sight.
There was a tinge of satisfaction in your chest that at a minimum the date hadn’t ended with her in his bed, but your overwhelming feeling towards Bucky was still bitter resentment.
“Stevie, can you walk me home?” You asked, trying your best to ignore how dashingly handsome Bucky looked in his uniform and the intense disheartened look in his eye at your refusal to acknowledge him.
Bucky placed a firm hand on Steve’s shoulder to stop him from walking off with you.
“Steve please, let me walk with her.” After a moment where a knowing look passed between them, Steve gave a silent nod of approval. This was met with an eye roll, a humph, and an abrupt, curt turn as you took off quickly down the dimly lit street in the opposite direction to where Bucky came from.
“Doll, wait up.” Bucky called after you, but your response was to pick up the pace of your steps as you heard his own start at a jog.
“Don’t ‘doll’ me, James.” You commented exasperatedly over your shoulder.
You rounded a corner into the adjoining street and even though you knew it would do nothing to deter Bucky from chasing you, it did allow you a couple seconds to wipe away the errant tears trickling down your cheeks without his notice.
“Would you please just stop and let me explain.” He reached for your hand but you forced yourself to pull away from his touch. Regardless of how much you craved his consistently comforting contact, you were upset at him for leading you on - or perhaps more so at yourself for believing you actually stood a chance with him.
“Barnes, I really don't wanna hear it. Silly me didn’t realise you were setting me up with Steve so he didn’t feel left out while you went on your date. Foolishly I got my hopes up thinking this date was really meant to be for us.” You couldn’t meet his gaze directly as embarrassment settled in your stomach, but in doing so you missed the pure guilt which completely filled his eyes.
“No, you’ve mis-” Bucky began, but you sharply interrupted him.
“I know it’s my own fault for deluding myself into thinking you were actually interested in me James, but please don’t make me feel stupid for it.” You asserted with a slight crack in your voice. Turning away from him, knowing the tears brimming in your eyes would betray you if you continued to look at him any longer, you tried to stalk away but Bucky’s firm grip on your wrist prevented that from happening.
“I know you don’t want to hear excuses, but please let me explain.” His grip wouldn’t budge, not tight enough to cause you any hurt, but to keep you from walking away again. “The date was meant to be for us. Connie was who I invited as Steve’s date.” These words, and the desperation in which he said them with, made you pause, though you were still sceptical given Connie’s closeness to Bucky all night.
“You looked pretty cozy with her given she wasn’t your date.” You argued, but you finally took the opportunity to look him in the eye and noticed the self-blame and regret stirring in his eyes.
“She misunderstood when I asked her to come out with us on a group date, she thought I was asking her to be my date.” There was no deception you could perceive in his words, and if sensing you were convinced enough that you weren’t going to run off again, he let go of your wrist. “She was rather embarrassed when I told her I wasn’t interested.”
“But I saw you together, you didn’t exactly do anything to reject her proximity earlier tonight.” You wrung your hands nervously as you spoke, and it looked like it physically pained Bucky to not reach out and steady them for you.
“I didn’t want to be rude or leave her out, not when she was going out with three people she hadn’t seen since high school and who have all remained good friends.” He sighed, shaking his head as if to curse silently at himself. “I am sorry I didn’t realise sooner, that was my mistake I wish I could take back, but I can’t.”
The street lamp above was bright enough to illuminate Bucky’s entire face, the sorrow and remorse clear as day in his expression as he gazed at you. Though there was still a small part of you annoyed at how he had handled the night's events, mostly you wished to pull him into a tight, consoling hug.
“Doll, I know it might be hard to believe right now, but I genuinely wanted to take you on a date tonight. I wanted to laugh with you at the expo and show you all those amazing exhibits we wouldn’t get to see anywhere else. I wanted to take you dancing afterwards, pull your body as close to mine as possible and just hold you for the first time in my life.” The conviction behind his words had your eyes prickling with tears - that was what you had been hoping for tonight as well.
“There has been nothing I’ve wanted more in my life than I want you, doll. Nothing. And now I fear I have messed up my chances with you beyond repair.” You held your hands out and let him take them as he had done the day he first asked you out. The feeling of his warm skin against yours elicited goosebumps up your arms.
“Bucky, you have not irreparably ruined anything. I have loved you since when we were in high school together, one misunderstanding isn’t going to change the way I feel about you.” You confessed, and the joyous smile he beamed at you made your heart flutter.
Bucky brought your hands up and hooked them around his neck before settling his own on your waist.
“I love you too, doll.” That cheeky grin which made your cheeks heat up had tugged its way back onto his lips as he leaned down and kissed you for the first time. His lips were surprisingly soft, melding into yours perfectly, his hands snaking around to the small of your back and pressing you ever closer to him.
“I promise, next weekend I’ll take you on an amazing second first date.” He pledged before kissing you again. “This time, it’ll be just us.”
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Bucky Barnes taglist: @badassbaker @gitasor @psychoticmason @ajeff855 @rosepetalsinwinter @buggy14 @leyannrae @blackwidownat2814 @honeywithemoney @prettylittlepluviophile @endless-summer-soldier @highlyintelligentblonde @mrsbarnesinmyimagination @kthynes @babybluebuck @twinerd14 @tlcwrites @matchat3a @multi-fandom-s @bxcketbarnes @mimilh @pineprincess @hannahg-thats-me @fluffycutecevans @awaywithtime @thebuckybarnesvault
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buckmepapi · 2 years
“He wouldn’t care where you were or who you were with, he would often come up behind you at the shared kitchen counter and spear himself into you like a rabid dog in heat” PLEWSE IF YOU EVER HAVE THE TIME COULD YOU BLESS US WITH A DRABBLE AND MORE CUM IM OBSESSED
Squirt || Bucky Barnes drabble
Oh, you little horn dog, your wish is my command! ✨🌸
Let’s see what my horn knee™ brain can come up with…
This drabble is intended to be a stand alone not connected to the other one. They have an established relationship, they have a safe word etc.
I’m warning you it’s absolutely filthy and I should go sit in a corner and think about what I’ve done.
Warnings: smut 18+ only, semi public sex, rough sex, squirting, buckys dirty mouth, creampie, breeding, daddy kink.
Pairings: Bucky Barnes x f!avenger!reader
A/N: not proofread.
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Bucky just couldn’t help himself.
Not when you were here in the shared avengers compound living room, wearing a cute little pink tennis skirt and white thigh highs. Bucky thought he might combust right there.
He had just come back from his morning run with Steve, shirtless and glowing with sweat, he turned the corner to the living room / kitchen area of the compound and stopped dead in his tracks.
There you were, leaning over the counter eating a bowl of berries with one hand on the spoon shovelling it into your mouth and another hand holding a book you were reading.
You were so engrossed in your book that you didn’t hear the way Bucky lowly growled as he saw you bend over further into the counter to get more comfortable, unknowingly showing the very bottom of your baby pink lacy panties. Bucky brought his flesh hand down to adjust the raging hardness in his grey sweatpants and staggered over to you with determination in his lust blown eyes.
You looked like the perfect slutty little housewife. That sordid unexpected thought in Bucky’s mind sent a further rush of arousal of precum to dribble from his red and leaking tip, forming an obvious wet patch on the front of his joggers.
God, he couldn’t wait to marry you one day. The thought of being able to come home to this everyday, in your own home? Even the thought of him seeing you naked and cooking for him made him feral with want. The term ‘barefoot and pregnant’ came to mind as he settled behind you wrapping his large palm around your abdomen and growled as he pushed into the pillows of your ass.
You jumped when you felt his unexpected embrace, causing you to push yourself into his clothed cock as he hummed lowly in satisfaction.
“W-what..what are you doing?” You said softly.
You knew fully well what he was doing. You just loved to rile him up by acting all innocent, when he knew you were the furthest thing from it.
“Can’t I hold my beautiful girlfriend?” He said teasingly as he rutted into you painstakingly slow, his hand pressing harder against your abdomen.
“Mmm” you replied dazed, your eyes already fluttered closed as his hypnotic ministrations began to distract you from your surroundings.
“Lookit you” he slurred, already drunk on your scent as he reluctantly leaned back from your warmth to trail his hands up the sides of your thick soft thighs. His hands rested at the top of them, just underneath your hip bone, he pressed them tightly and squeezed, forcing you back against his crotch hard, causing you to let out a pathetic whimpering mewl. “Looking so fuckin’ hot in this lil skirt, babydoll. Fuck, the way your pillowy thighs just fill out those socks mmmmm fuck, makes me wanna take you right here baby, bend you over this counter and watch that fat ass bounce on my cock”
“Oh god..” you moaned louder this time, eyes rolling back into your head as you reached behind you to grab the back of his brown locks.
“Hmm? You want that, sweetheart?” He hummed against your neck, his sharp nose trailing up and down your sweet spot, continuing to roll his hips into your backside as he very tentatively licked and sucked behind your ear. “You wanna be my good little girl? Let me slide right in?”
Gasping for air as you opened your eyes and scanned the room. No one was here but you’d never be able to live it down if one of your friends walked in on you taking Bucky’s abnormally large cock. “We can’t” you said breathlessly. Bucky chuckled at your unconvincing tone.
“Why not, baby?” He said feigning a disappointed tone and a pouty face. He slowly lifted up your skirt and cupped your cheeks, pulling them apart and watching the tight ring of virgin muscle clench and pulsate around nothing in tandem with the pulsing and clenching of your soaking wet tunnel. He nearly fucking drooled at the sight.
“All I have to do” he continued as he pulled your underwear to the side “is push your little panties to the side” he wasted no time in then pulling out his heavy and angry cock from its confines and swiped the sensitive head around the globes of your ass, leaving a trail of sticky precum in its wake. He then slowly meandered down to your desperate cunt teasing your entrance with the tip of his thick member, grabbing his cock harder and swirling the bulbous head around your hole in a circular motion, feeling it catch on the ridges of your opening. He stopped and suddenly filled you all at once without warning “and push right inside that tight pussy. No prep needed huh, baby ?”
You lurched further forwards over the counter as your felt the rest of his thick cock breach you and force it’s way further into your tightness “mmm fuck, babygirl” Bucky whimpered as his head fell to the crook of your neck. “Can’t help myself when I see you, gotta have you full of my fat cock whenever and wherever I see you. But this? This outfit? Y’got me so worked up right now, sweetheart , shit, I don’t even care if someone walks in and sees us , oh fuck baby just like that, I’ll just keep taking you even then, when you beg me to stop, I’ll fucking pound your tight little c-cunt harder and let everyone see how your pussy stretches around me”
“I-I-I’m , Im gonna , I’m gonna fucking cum!” Bucky slapped a hand over your mouth as you screamed
“Dumb stupid baby. Shut the fuck up” he growled thrusting harder and harder with each word “you gonna fucking cum on this cock already? I didn’t even fucking touch you”
The bowl of berries you were snacking on for breakfast tumbled to the floor and smashed as you threw you hands across the counter to drastically search for something to hold on to.
“Ohh fuuuckkkk” Bucky groaned deeply as he felt you clench impossibly hard making his hips stutter as he struggled to move “baby, getting so fucking tight I can hardly move, baby ease up or I’ll hurt you, ease up, shit~”
you had no idea what he was saying, your eyes had found permanent residency in the back of your skull as you drooled through Bucky’s fingers still wrapped around your mouth. Your legs were buckling as you began to reach the precipice of something you’ve never felt before. Intense desire was bubbling below you, tingling through your spine all the way to the top of your head all the way back down to your toes. The toes that of which were now curling , Bucky’s grip on you was causing your feet to lift ever so slightly off the ground.
Your muffled screams behind Bucky’s hands got more frantic as you felt your intense release moments away.
“Fucking cum on me, baby. Give me that fucking cum, cmon sweetheart. Need it. Need it bad. Need you to let go it’s too Damn tight oh shit baby come on!” Bucky sent a particularly hard thrust and the end of his desperate plea and that was all it took for you to go completely silent and stock still as your body released squirts upon endless squirts of your creamy cum onto the kitchen floor below you. You screamed as the full amount of the all over bodily sensation of the orgasm rolled over you a second later and your knees buckled nearly sending you to the floor.
“Fuck, baby! Did you just fucking squirt? Shit you’ve never done that before, oh fucking hell, baby” Bucky continued to pound into you as the embarrassing sounds of your leaking wetness increased with every thrust of his hips inside you. “You fucking squirted and I didn’t even touch you. You’re so fucking perfect babydoll. God, you fucking squirted all over the damn floor” he moaned unabashedly as he glanced at the small puddle beneath you.
“Fuck yeah baby” he growled as he moved his hand from your mouth to press down onto your abdomen again, feeling the bulge of himself inside you “you gotta be quiet, sweetheart. You don’t want anyone to come in here and see you leaking all over the floor like a little whore,do you?”
You whimpered shaking your head “n-n-no”
“No?” He mocked “then be quiet, sweetheart. Stop being a stupid little baby and listen to what daddy tells you”
“Oh god feels so good” you slurred struggling to still hold yourself up.
Bucky let your feet reach for floor as he stopped rutting into you , making you moan in inmparience, he slapped your ass hard “stop being a greedy little whore and work for this fucking cock”
You began to push back on him, Bucky stood there hands ghosting your hips as he let you take control watching the way his cock would disappear inside of you and come out shiny and white.
“There you go, baby. You got it” he moaned and panted as he felt you push back hard on him, slamming your ass into his pelvis over and over again, feeling his bulbous tip kiss the end of your cervix “shit baby, yeah get it get it get it get it” he rambled as he watched the way your ass was bouncing on him “love watching this fat fucking ass bounce on my cock” he growled as he delivered a harsh slap to your right asscheek.
You mewled louder as you began to undulate your hips in a hypnotic movement that caught Bucky off guard and nearly sent him weak at the knees “fuuuuuck”
“You nasty fucking bitch, yeah work that fucking cock, work it baby” you were panting, sweating, shaking and struggling to catch your breath as your own goal was to keep fucking yourself on his impossibly thick cock, wanting to hear him lose it and fill you repeatedly
“Wanna fucking give you my kids baby” he said suddenly as he matched your thrusts, the combination of his words and you thrusting in tandem caused you to jerk forward away from him and scream out in pleasure
Buckys hand immediately slapped over your mouth again “where the fuck you think you’re going, huh?don’t you fucking run from this dick” he roared as he pushed you painfully into the counter forcing you to stay in position and take his onslaught of devastating thrusts
“Don’t you ever fucking run from this cock, take it, take it all, take every fucking inch like the good girl daddy knows you can be”
“D-daddy..c-can’t…c-ant take anymore, please oh god please”
“I don’t give a fuck” he said with a harsh snap of his hips “I don’t give a fuck if you can’t take it, because you fucking will. I’ll make you take this cock till it fucking hurts”
Whimpering was the only thing that could be heard from your small form as you struggled to take him
“You gonna be a good girl and take daddy’s kids, baby? You want me to dump this big fat load into your fertile pussy?”
You nodded, not having the ability to form a coherent sentence
Bucky grabbed you by your hair and yanked you back to his imposing form “I asked you a fucking question” he snarled “I said do you want me to nut in this fucking pussy and make you a mommy?”
“Yes! Yes!” You screamed “want it, daddy” you slurred
“Yeah? How many kids you want baby, fuck”
“As many as you’ll give me, daddy”
“Good fucking answer baby, good fucking answer”
“Daddy’s gonna keep you so fucking full all the time. Don’t think I haven’t fucking noticed that you have your implant out , shit. Know you’ve got, fuuuck..know you’ve got to go back and get a new one but we’re not doing that, are we, baby? I’m not fucking joking, you’re cancelling, shit baby yeah like that, you’re cancelling your appointment and I’m gonna fucking knock you up”
“Fucking cum for me baby, need one more, need you nice and open to take my load, come on baby come on come on” he was chanting now as he began to frantically run two fingers back and forth over your sensitive and swollen bud
“Fuck daddy fuck”
“Yeah baby come on, come on, I’m so close, need my special little princess to cum for me”
“Fuck daddy yes! I’m gonna cum I’m gonna cum!” Your heat clenched Bucky’s cock in a tight grip again that felt oddly familiar and then Bucky knew you were gonna squirt again and it drove him feral as he picked up the pace of his hips and the movements on your bundle of nerves
“Oh shit, you gonna fucking squirt again for me, baby? Yeah fucking do it fucking do it, do it now!” He roared as he forced his hand so hard onto your abdomen that it brought your orgasm to the forefront and squeezed more of your juices on to the floor below
“Daddy…m’cumming..cumming…” Bucky was losing his mind, he’d never heard you so fucked out and far away before, and he’d never acted this feral himself before either.
“Shit baby here it comes, here it comes” grinding against you as he whined into your shoulder, sweat dripping down from him onto your shaking form his spine tingling and his balls tightening against your dripping pussy“gonna fucking cum in you..oh shit oh shit oh shit yes yes yes!” He roared loudly as he stilled his hips burried deep inside you, his moth hung open, knees shaking as the most powerful orgasm he’s ever had overtook him. He slammed his metal hand into the granite counter besides your head as it cracked underneath him, gripping it tight as ropes after ropes of high pressured spurts of sticky white nectar forced its way inside your hole and coated your walls. “Oh shit, still fucking cumming” he whined as he tried to pull out only to realise that it was still overflowing from his tip “god there’s so much fucking cum it won’t stop god why won’t it stop” he said as he moaned and rutted into you gently, hearing you cry and whimper beneath him made him growl again “shh baby” he said soothingly as he rubbed the lower part of your back in gentle circles “it’s almost over baby, just a little more” the squirts of his impossibly large super soldier serum load were starting to dwindle now as he began to soften slightly “that’s it baby that’s it” he said lowly as he reached for your stomach feeling the way your belly had swollen at the amount of cum he had poured into you “there we go baby, took all of daddy’s load” he said as he very slowly pulled out from you making you quietly sob, he adjusted your panties to hold in his load for now until he could get you back into his room.
Bucky left the kitchen in the state it was in, including the puddle by the counter. Nobody would know what it was, they’d assume it came from the bowl since it was dropped on the floor and smashed anyway. He’d come back to it and clean it up and explain it was his fault, but right now he wanted to take you back to your shared room and watch you slowly push his cum out and have himself fuck it back inside of you till you were bursting. And that’s exactly what happened after he scooped you up bridal style and carried you over to the elevators.
A/N: why do I say drabble and then write 1k notes 🤔 my horn kneeness gets me carried away lmao
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themidnightcrimson · 2 years
can i request top!wanda (aou or cw era) being not caple of holding herself close to reader and fucking reader with her rings on? 🥺 (you can work with kinks or whatever else)
your wish is my command! i kind of ventured off from exactly how you requested it, but i hope you still like it!
Rings. | w. maximoff
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summary: in which your crush on wanda proves to be requited when she decides to put a ring on in it.
warnings: top!wanda, fingering (r receiving), fingering with rings on, lots of neck kissing and biting, no plot just smut, don't actually do this in real life it's super unsanitary (speaking from personal experience)
this post is for 18+ only. minors: do not interact.
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"Goddamn, Steve, you're gonna end up killing me yourself one day, you know that?" you groaned as you walked into the living room of the complex, just having come back from your daily full schedule of training. You had been going at it with Steve, Nat, Clint, and Bucky since the break of dawn. Now it was dusk, and you were exhausted.
"Language," Steve called out as he and everyone else went directly to their rooms, ready to take a shower and go to sleep instead of socializing.
"Don't be such a prude, Steve," you heard Nat mock him as you made your way to your room. After a hot shower and some stretching, you somehow felt too awake to go right to sleep. Feeling snackish, you decided to make your way down to the kitchen, wearing your long, oversized pajama shirt and no bottoms since the shirt covered you anyways.
The complex was entirely silent, besides the sound of Clint's loud snoring, as you made your way into the kitchen. Once you came through the door, you stopped short upon seeing someone reaching into the fridge. Recognizing Wanda, you smirked and stayed quiet as she took a tub of ice cream from the freezer and set it down on the counter before opening the cabinets. Seeing that the only bowl left was at the very top shelf, she used her magic to lower it down and set it on the counter.
"No one washes dishes around here," she mumbled as she took a spoon from a drawer and opened the tub of ice cream.
You watched silently, curious as to how she hadn't sensed your presence yet. She must have been too focused on her ice cream, you assumed, as you amusedly watched her scoop the ice cream into the bowl.
Finally, she was about to put the tub back into the freezer until you suddenly spoke, "Want to share?"
To your surprise, Wanda calmly turned around, holding the tub in front of the freezer. Her green eyes met with yours and she smirked. "I thought you were never going to ask."
Your brows furrowed in confusion. "You knew I was here the whole time?"
Wanda set the tub back down on the counter and got another bowl and spoon. "Your aura is very loud," she remarked, standing aside and leaning against the counter as she took her bowl and spooned some of the dessert into her mouth, watching you impishly.
Staring at her with a half-smile and deciding not to ask what she meant by that, you walked beside her and started making your own bowl. "So," you began, feeling bashful as her eyes watched you intensely. You wondered how she had felt knowing you were watching her, if she had felt as bashful as you did. "You think you can skip training just because you have magic?"
Wanda chuckled huskily and looked down at her bowl. "I do train sometimes, but my area of focus is more on controlling my magic, not my muscles."
You remembered Lagos, and you glanced up at her to see she looked slightly morose as she mindlessly spooned her ice cream around. Glancing away, you put the lid back on the tub and put it in the freezer, deciding to change the subject. "Do you usually come in here and eat ice cream alone every night?"
Wanda rolled her eyes and smirked. "Well, that just makes me sound pathetic." She started walking away, and you quickly took your bowl and followed her as she led you into the living room. You saw that on the TV, Bewitched was playing.
"Bewitched," you remarked as she plopped down on the couch. "That's fitting." You sat down on the other end, crossing your legs as Wanda propped hers up on the coffee table.
"It's one of my favorites," she defended with a chuckle, her eyes immediately zoning in on the screen. "I watched it a lot with my parents when I was a child."
You watched her discreetly for a moment, seeing the way her attention was entirely glued on to the screen as she slowly brought the spoon up to her mouth. She licked her dark lips almost too sensually to be natural, and as they formed into another smirk, you realized she probably knew you were staring and quickly looked away to the screen.
By the time the two of you had finished your ice cream, you were on a second episode, and the cold dessert had made you feel a little chilly. Goosebumps rose on your legs, and you crossed your arms over yourself and tried to ignore the cold.
Wanda, on the other hand, could not ignore your occasional shivers and the slight trembling in your knees. Leaning over, she grabbed a blanket resting beside the couch. "Do you want a blanket? You'll have to share."
You smiled at her and nodded in relief, so she unraveled the soft blanket, placing one end on her lap and stretching out the other end to you. You took it and tugged it towards you, but it pulled the other end completely off Wanda. You looked up at her sheepishly, but to your surprise there was a smirk on her face.
Wanda patted the space beside her. "You'll have to come here," she lilted, a glint crossing her eyes. You could feel your cheeks burning. You had always felt strangely shy around Wanda, a feeling you had dismissed as a crush but was becoming harder and harder to brush away. Chewing your lip, you carefully scooted closer to her, leaving a few inches of space between you. Smiling, Wanda draped the blanket over you and then scooted closer, eliminating all space between you.
You tried your hardest to stop your face from turning red as you got comfortable beside her. She laid her arm across the back of the couch behind you, and once she got comfortable you went back to watching the show—or, at least, trying to pay attention through the feeling of her warm body right next to yours.
In the utter silence of the compound besides the show and the distant sound of Clint snoring that the entire team had learned to tune out from their ears, you could occasionally catch the sound of Wanda's breath. She was right next to you, after all, and you could even feel her body inflating and deflating gently against your shoulder.
Your heart was racing ridiculously fast as you tried to pay attention to Bewitched. Apparently, something funny happened that your muddled mind wasn't able to catch, because Wanda started chuckling. Your delayed laugh came nervously next, and Wanda picked up on it.
"Are you okay?" she suddenly questioned, and you turned your head to find that her face was incredibly close to yours.
In fact, it was closer than it had ever been, because from this proximity you could see features of her face you had yet to notice. There was the freckles dotting her cheek, her thick lashes coating her eyes, the perfect curvature of her lips. You found yourself wordless as her eyes caught yours in an absorptive stare.
"Are you still cold?" she asked, proceeding her question by moving her arm off the back of the couch and around you. Her warm hand snaked around your arm and rubbed it softly, and you could feel the metal of her rings against your skin.
Your words finally formed, weakly. "N-No, no. I'm fine," you mumbled, giving a polite smile before snapping your head back to the TV, trying your hardest to stop thinking the million thoughts racing in your brain.
"Are you sure?" she softly prodded, and you felt her other hand gently take yours. You looked down, holding your breath as her fingers entwined with yours. Her hands were so svelte and soft, with her nails polished a perfect black. The many rings around her fingers attracted your eye before it caught the slightly visible veins running down the back of her palm. You followed them like tracking a river, gently squeezing her hand in your own.
"Y/n?" Wanda pressed a little louder, given you hadn't answered her and were zoning out on her hand in yours.
You snapped out of it and looked up at her to see that she was even closer than before. "Sorry, yeah. I'm just tired from all the training, y'know," you fake laughed, hoping she wouldn't see through you.
She did, though, her eyebrow raising curiously. "Your aura is very loud, y/n," she whispered, her eyes roaming your face and landing on your lips. "It always has been."
You looked at her in borderline horror. "What do you mean?"
Her arm around you squeezed you tighter, and whatever was happening on the TV felt a million miles away when her hand on your arm glided up to caress the back of your head, her fingers stroking softly through your hair. The feeling made you shiver, one that was definitely not from the cold.
"I can sense how you react to me," she whispered, a small smile tugging at her lips. "To my touch."
Her hand on the back of your head moved around, her arm unlatching itself from you so she could cradle your face. You felt the ring on her thumb softly scratch your cheek as it rubbed a circle dangerously close to your lips. You were in utter awe as you stared up at the beautiful woman, heart pounding almost painfully.
You were wordless as her hand on yours untangled itself from your fingers and swiftly moved beneath the blanket, resting right above your knee. A chill ran up your spine, and any coldness you had previously felt left immediately and was replaced with pulsing heat.
"Kiss me," Wanda whispered, her thumb reaching your lips and gliding over your lower one.
Your eyes were attached to her own lips set in a devious smirk as you whispered back, "You first."
Her response was quick, for in a millisecond her lips were pressed against yours. Your breath stifled as Wanda kissed you hard, kissed you like she had been starving for your lips for decades. You couldn't help but wonder how long she had dreamed of that moment just like you had as your hand grabbed her shoulder, your entire body leaning into hers as your lips pushed and pulled like waves.
The firm hand on your leg rose to your hip and tugged you closer to her so that your legs were lying across her lap. Her tongue pushed its way through your lips that opened for her, and she groaned into your mouth as her tongue hotly explored it. You could barely breathe through the ferocity of the kiss, your head spinning from the feeling of her hand sliding up your thigh and spreading them open.
Needing to breathe, you tried to pull away from the kiss, but her lips followed yours desperately. You quickly turned your head away and gasped for fresh air as her lips collided with the side of your face. She grunted in frustration against your cheek before deciding to move her mouth to your neck and kiss it. Her hand that wasn't on your thigh moved to your lower back, pressing down so that your body arched into her as she began sucking on your neck, her fast, hot breaths fanning across your ear.
"Wanda, slow down," you breathed with an exasperated chuckle, a gasp quickly emanating from your lips when you felt her hand cup you around your panties. Through the fabric, her fingers pressed against the outline your entrance, and you had to grab onto her shoulder to keep from melting right in her arms.
Delivering a sharp bite to your neck that made you reactively jolt, Wanda's fingers pushed your panties to the side so that they could dive to your clit. You bit your lip so hard that you tasted metallic as she moved her mouth to your lower neck and started sucking harder, her fingers massaging you just right.
"Fuck," you breathed, completely in awe at what was happening. You had never expected Wanda to pay a single ounce of extra attention towards you, let alone have you over her lap with your legs spread.
Her brunette hair was nearly suffocating you as she held you flush against her. Without her hand at your back, you would have fallen back onto the cushions. Your hands were grabbing desperately at her back as she pleasured you, your hips bucking up to meet her touch.
Finally, she stopped torturing your clit and moved her fingers down your core, feeling just how wet you were, which elicited a low, guttural groan right against your ear that brought flurries of warmth to that entire side of your face.
Without warning, two of her fingers began pushing their way into you, your eyes crossing at the feeling. You whined against her as she entered you, but your whines were cut short when you felt cold metal pressing right into your entrance.
"Wanda," you breathed, tapping her shoulder, "Wanda, your rings."
Giving another punishing bite to your sore neck, Wanda continued sliding her fingers inside you. You felt yourself stretch around the bulge of the rings, a slight pain residing in you. You gritted your teeth and waited for more pain, but luckily the rings on those fingers were smooth bands that did not hurt once they were fully emerged in you.
Once her knuckles were flush against you, she began to pull her fingers back out. Your mouth flew open at the feeling of the rings dragging against the inside of your walls, the cold feeling amazing against the contrast of how hot you were inside. She pushed her knuckles flush against you again, and the rings on the fingers not inside you pressed against your skin. She curled inside you, reaching a deep, lovely point that made you buck your hips up against her.
"Fuck, you're amazing," Wanda breathed against the side of your face, finally detaching her mouth from your throbbing neck which undoubtedly had hickeys. She leaned away and looked at you with a dark, glittering smile that would have made you melt if you weren't struggling to keep your eyes open.
"Wanda," you whined as she started fingering you harder, her thumb coming to rub against your clit. Of course, there was a ring there too, but the sensation was shockingly otherworldly. She touched you just right, moving in just the right ways inside of you. Your legs were trembling over her lap as she sat back and watched your flush face as you moaned and squirmed on her lap, hands dragging down her back.
She felt your walls tensing around her, and by the look on your face, she knew you were about to cum. Smirking, she thrust her fingers harder inside you, curling deeply until you were moaning her name so loud that it echoed inside the room. Wanda grinned and looked towards the staircase, knowing that everyone in the complex had to have heard it.
You panted as you came down from your high, hips still slightly rolling against her hand. You looked up at Wanda, feeling suddenly shy under her cocky stare. She smirked as she pulled out of you, raising her hand to see that her fingers and rings were coated in your juices. Turning her eyes darkly to you, she brought the fingers to your mouth, and you instinctively opened, obediently sucking your own cum off her fingers, your tongue swirling around her rings to be sure they were thoroughly cleaned.
Finally, Wanda pulled her fingers out of your mouth and leaned forward to give you a peck on your lips. "I've always wanted to make you scream like that."
You blushed at her words, but then your eyes popped open in realization. "Do you hear that?!" you exclaimed, turning your head towards the staircase and listening intently for Clint's snoring.
"Hear what?"
Mouth parting in fear, you turned back to Wanda. "Clint's not snoring. He must be awake."
Wanda grinned down at you, her tongue sliding across her teeth as she gripped your chin and looked at you adoringly. "Everyone is awake now, detka."
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vxntagedior · 2 years
summary | bucky doesn’t do relationships, until he sees your ass
pairing | college!bucky barnes x fem!reader
warning | fluff, angst, flirty!bucky, playboy!bucky
word count | 2.1k
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Going to the gym has been second nature to you since you started college. It started off as not wanting to gain the freshman 15 and wanting to retain some more muscle since you quit dancing in high school.
It flourished from there, you didn’t worry about your weight, or your defined muscle, you felt happy with yourself going to the gym because it helped you in fit and was a stress reliever at some times.
Like clockwork, you’d come in the mornings on Tuesday and Wednesday, get in a quick workout, maybe do some morning yoga before going back to your room and heading to class.
It was fairly empty in the mornings, no one wanted to be up earlier than they needed to be, but there were a few other students. 
Your headphones were on even before you entered the building, heading into the locker room and quickly getting into the gym because you had woken up a little late this morning.
You started from the top of your body down, starting with your arms, always starting light before adding more weights.
Looking at yourself in the mirror as you did your bicep curls, you noticed someone walking up next to you, grabbing their own set of weights and going on with their business.
Turning your head slightly, you saw Bucky had been the one to occupy the spot next to you. The two of you barely talked to each other, he’s in the same frat as Steve, Natasha, your roommate’s boyfriend and you saw him at parties.
Bucky had a name for himself on campus, total ladies man, always a different girl every party. And you would be an idiot if you thought he was unattractive, you had thought of him occasionally but everyone knew he wasn’t one to have girlfriends and settle down.
“Lookin 'good peach.” Bucky winked at you when you finished, heading over to one of the mats to start your core stretches.
You rolled your eyes, ignoring his comment and continuing on.
Laying on your back, the end of your song coming to an end, you felt someone next to you.
“Are you going to the party tonight?” And there he was again, Bucky had taken the mat next to you while you did your crunches.
You tried pretending not to hear him.
“Come on babydoll, I know you can hear me?” He smirked.
“Maybe.” You said curtly, getting up to start more conditioning. Standing in front of the weight machine, using the little ledge at the bottom to push yourself up so you were able to grab the top, slipping a few times and trying once again.
“You need some help?” Bucky asked, amused on how you still couldn’t get yourself up.
“Please.” You whispered, sighing. Coming up behind you, his hands fitting place on your waist. In any other circumstance you’d probably be red in the face.
Lifting you high enough, letting you grab the bar, he released his hands, stepping back, yet his eyes still lingered down on your body.
“See something you like, Barnes?” It was cheeky when you said it and you didn’t know where the confidence came from.
“I do, Peach.” He gulped.
“Good.” You smirked.
The rest of your day was relatively okay, getting through a lecture and taking a nap before heading out with Natasha.
The second the two of you entered the frat house, she had already been gone, looking around for Steve.
“Peach!” You sighed, turning away from the drink table, seeing Bucky saunter over, his jeans a little too tight, and his shirt buttoned up barely half way. “Ya made it!”
“Yup.” You swallowed a lump in your throat trying to keep your eyes looking at his face.
“Come play with me.” Grabbing your hand pulling you away from the drink table, his arm wrapping around your shoulder, bringing you over to the beer pong table, Sam and Thor already on the other side. 
Both were already plastered and everyone knew Thor is terrible at beer pong. You could keep your own, occasionally missing one every once in a while.
There had only been one cup left for the two of you, Sam and Thor still have three and it was your three again.
Bucky stood behind you, his hands resting on your hips, whispering words of encouragement in your ear.
“Blow on it.” You turned towards him, the two of you were tipsy and sober you would have never even been this close to him.
He smirked, blowing lightly on the ball before you turned back. Focusing your hand, you threw the ball watching it circle against the rim before falling in.
Bucky cheered, his arms now wrapping around your waist, lifting you up off the ground, spinning the two of you around.
Everyone else around you cheered, Natasha and Steve eyeing the two of you, seeing the tension.
You stayed with Bucky for the rest of the night, the two of you taking shots after shots, dancing with your friends, at some point during the party, you remembered dancing on a table.
Staying out until past midnight, you assumed Natasha brought you back to your dorm.
Groaning, your eyes fluttering open, rubbing the rest of the sleep from your eyes, trying to recall anything from last night.
Looking around the room, you noticed how it was much bigger than yours, and none of the decor on the wall was yours.
You stiffened when you felt an arm readjust around your waist, immediately shooting out of the bed.
“Oh my god!” You whispered in shock, seeing Bucky on the bed, your clothes replaced with his shorts and shirt. “Bucky.”
“Hmm.” He grunted, rolling over.
“Bucky!” You said a bit louder, throwing a pillow at his back.
“Jesus, peach!” He shot up. “What’s wrong?”
“What’s wrong, what’s wrong!” You exclaimed. “Why am I in your bed?”
“We didn’t have-” He started, clearing any wrong thoughts in your head.
“Oh my god!” You muttered to yourself, trying to find your clothes. “Where are my clothes?”
“In the washer.” He said. “Calm down, you can get them after class.”
Your eyes widened looking at the time, you wouldn’t make it if you went back to your dorm to change before you went to class.
“You want breakfast?” He scooted out of bed, walking out of the room. “Or a smoothie?”
You followed him out of the room, meeting him in the kitchen with a few other of the brothers already there, trying to keep their laughing down to a minimum.
“And now your brothers think we slept together.” You whispered harshly, slapping his arm.
“Please.” He sighed. “It’s no big deal.”
“To you it isn’t.” You retorted, grabbing the smoothie out of his hand, “and how am I supposed to take notes?”
“Don’t worry bout it. Let’s go.”
Getting to the lecture hall, you saw Natasha standing outside with your backpack, of course she knew.
“Cute outfit.” She smiled, following the two of you inside.
“Shut up.”
Making your way to your seat, close enough to the front so you didn’t need to squint, Bucky still continued to follow you, occupying the seat next to you.
Just as you were about to say something, your professor walked out of their office starting the class.
You distanced yourself from Bucky for the rest of the day, not going to the gym the next morning to make sure you didn’t see him at all.
His clothes were still in your possession, hanging up in your closet, staring you down every single day.
“Not hanging out with your boyfriend today?” Wanda asked, the two of you sitting in the quad, going over notes.
“He’s not my boyfriend?” You looked at her confused.
“That’s not what everyone is saying.” She inquired. Your eyes widened, turning your head around to see him, Steve and a few others hanging out on the other side of the quad. His eyes caught yours, giving you a wink before turning back.
“Of course.” You muttered. “This is just amazing!”
You didn’t know what to think of it, you and Bucky never even talked to each until a few weeks ago when you saw him at the gym.
Continuing your isolation from him, you ignored the boy everytime he was near you.
“You can’t keep ignoring me.” He said one day, sitting next to you once again during the lecture. You saw in the corner eye, him sliding a coffee in the corner of the time. Staring at it, then back at him, taking a sip.
“How’d you know my order?” You whispered. 
“Nat told me.” He shrugged. “Wanted to do something nice for ya.”
 “Just because everyone thinks we’re together doesn’t mean we are.” You quipped.
“Well, what if I want it to be.” He smiled.
“Bucky be serious, when was the last time you had a girlfriend?” You looked at him, he stumbled for an answer knowing he truly couldn't. “Look I think you're great, I really do but I can’t be someone’s hookup that’s not my thing.”
Both of you sat through the rest of the class, your hearts down in your stomach. You imagined yourself to be with Bucky, the guy who brought you coffee, and made sure you were taken of when you were drunk and Bucky just wanted to prove himself to be the perfect person for you.
Another weekend, another party. Natasha split off with you once again, leaving you on your own. You sat off in a corner in an emptier room, mindlessly scrolling through your phone.
“There you are.” You looked up seeing Bucky standing at the arch of the door. “I went looking for you when I saw Nat.”
“Not really in the mood for a party right now, I just came to make sure Nat can get back alright.” You shrugged.
“Are you hungry?” He asked out of the blue.
“I mean a little.” You said.
“Come on, then.” He offered his hand, you had nothing else to do but being with Bucky was still something you wanted to do not caring about the cons.
You let him guide you through campus, heading to his car, the two of you heading out into town. All the bars were lit up, people crowded outside of it.
Stopping as he got to the end of the seat, pulling up to a small Italian place that was still open late.
It was awkward, your hands messing around with your straw, trying not to make eye contact with him.
“You know it doesn’t hurt to look at me.” He laughed, noticing how you were trying to avoid it.
“Um, thanks for ya know, taking me out.” You were awkward, the whole situation was awkward for you. 
“Hey, I’m just doing some special for a special girl.” He smiled.
God, how could someone like him be truly into you for the sole purpose of making a relationship.
Your heart swelled, downcasting your eyes once again. The two of you were quiet while you ate, the occasional glances and small talk which really wasn’t awkward.
Walking out of the restaurant, making your way back to campus, the two of you were quiet still, your eyes looking out your passenger window. Looking at you from his seat, Bucky smiled, watching how your eyes were catching up with which star that he drove by.
Walking back into the party, still as active as it was when the two of you left, you headed back to the empty room, assuming Bucky would hang out with his friends and the group of girls that had been trailing him since he entered the frat house.
“What are you doing?” You looked back at him when you sat down on the couch. “Why aren’t you back out there.”
“Because you aren’t.” He said simply, coming to sit next to you on the couch. The couch was small already, so when Bucky sat down, your thighs had been touching.
“I had fun tonight.” You whispered.
“Good, I’m glad.” He took his chance, pressing his lips on the top of your head.
“Bucky-” You started.
“Please.” He whispered. “Why can’t we just try, I like you, I truly do and I want this to work. If I mess up or make you sad, cry, mad, anything, then it’s over. I’ll leave and we’ll never talk again.”
You hesitated, “Okay. But if you do hurt me, this is over.”
“I promise peach, I can't hurt the best thing in my life.
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revelinwritin · 2 years
A Night In [18+]
summary: y/n planned a night out, but natasha had other plans
warnings: smut, strap-on use, bottom!natasha, top!reader, slight choking, tribadism, slight cursing... anything else?
word count: 3.5k
"Should I be worried about you going out with Tony of all people?" asked Natasha as she watched Y/N fix her collar in their ensuite bathroom mirror.
A look of confusion flashed across Y/N’s face before she turned away from the mirror to look at the concerned redhead. "I've been out with Tony before. Plus Steve, Sam, and Bucky will be there as well." Y/N said as she walked forward and placed her hands on her girlfriend's hips.
Natasha tilted her head up a bit considering the small yet noticeable height difference between the two while she placed her hands on Y/N's forearms. "That was before we were dating. Without me there other women won’t know that you belong to me." Her statement caused Y/N's eyebrows to raise.
"Oh? I belong to you?” A smirk found itself on Natasha’s lips before she nodded.
"Yes. Are you going to entertain those other women or do you know your place?" Natasha raised an eyebrow at her girlfriend before detaching herself from Y/N's hold and walking out of the bathroom.
Y/N followed behind Natasha after checking her appearance once more. She knew Natasha was just trying to get a reaction out of her, but Y/N refused to let the redhead get the best of her. "C'mon on honey, you know me better than that." The pet name caused Natasha to smile a bit before Y/N continued. "I only have my eyes on one woman and that's you alright?"
Before she could respond, the sound of Y/N's phone rang throughout the room. "That's my cue. I love you, Natasha." Y/N said before quickly kissing her girlfriend’s lips then moving to grab her phone and coat.
It always brought a smile to her lips and butterflies to her stomach when Y/N would tell her she love her no matter how long they'd been together.
"I love you too, Y/N." The redhead said as she watched her girlfriend leave.
As soon as the door closed, Natasha quickly got up from the bed and started to decide a way to get Y/N home earlier than her girlfriend anticipated. She knew a way to get her home, but she didn't know if it would backfire into a disaster or she would receive the reaction she wanted. In her mind, Natasha believed that if she was careful enough, she could receive the latter and it would be worth all the trouble she'd get into.
- - - - -
Tony, Y/N, and Sam were the first to arrive at the club where the group was meeting. Once they got let in, the three strolled into the club to pass the time.
"If I'm being honest with you Tony, I didn't expect Pepper to let you out of the house so easily." Y/N chuckled before taking a sip of her fruity drink.
"Me? You're in a relationship with 'Miss. World Class Spy' I'm surprised YOU came. Did she not say anything about being out with a bunch of other idiots?" Y/N nodded at her best friend's words causing both Tony and Sam to laugh.
"She's not that bad, I swear," Y/N said.
Tony shook his head as he sat his whiskey down. "Natasha Romanoff has you on a tight leash and that's the tea."
Y/N scoffed at her friend. "First of all, never say 'that's the tea' again and Natasha does not have me--" before she could finish her sentence, her phone vibrated where it sat on the bar in front of her.
"Speak of Romanoff and she shall appear." Sam joked when he saw the messenger's name on his best friend's phone. Y/N nudged him with her shoulder before picking up her phone and unlocking it.
"She's probably just texting to say goodnight." She took a sip of her fruity drink as she opened the text and as she looked at the message, she began choking on the sip she took. Tony and Sam looked at each other before patting her back.
Natasha sent her a picture and instead of it being a cute selfie that she usually would send Y/N to surprise her, it was a picture of Natasha in front of their full-length mirror with nothing on besides a cute, no scratch, that sexy red lingerie number that she knew Y/N loved on her. The straps of her bra hung low off of her shoulders to where one of her nipples could be seen from the top of the cup.
Her soft plump lips were painted red and had a slight pout to them as if someone had taken her favorite toy away. Y/N stood up from her seat at the bar before excusing herself outside to make a call. Once she found herself out on the curb in front of the club, she dialed her girlfriend's number and placed the phone next to her ear.
Natasha answered the phone as if she didn't try to seduce her girlfriend a couple of minutes ago. "Hello?"
"So you're just going to answer the phone as if you didn't just send that picture?" Y/N asked while shaking her head.
"Baby, I don't know what you're talking about?" Natasha said, a smile placed on her lips.
Her statement caused Y/N to roll her eyes. "Whatever Natasha. I know you. I'm calling because this is your only warning."
A sly smirk presented itself on Natasha’s lips replacing her smile as she teased Y/N. "Or what?" The redhead questioned.
A small laugh left the younger woman’s mouth. "I'll just show you when I get home."
After her last statement, Y/N hung up the phone leaving her girlfriend stuck. She walked back into the club and towards her friends. She paid the bill for the first round of drinks and gave them an excuse that Natasha wasn't feeling too well and she needed to go home and take care of her. She received a few groans of protest and a few noises that sounded like a whip before she apologized and exited the club, hailing a cab.
The ride home wasn't long and during the duration of the short ride, Y/N couldn't help herself as she kept looking at the photo Natasha sent earlier. Thinking of all the things she was going to do to the older woman for interrupting her night. She thanked the cab driver and paid him before stepping out and heading inside the house she shared with Natasha. Once inside, she slipped off her shoes and set her keys on the counter. Natasha wasn't in the living room, the guest bathroom, or the kitchen meaning the only other place Y/N could think about her being was their bedroom.
"Nat?" Y/N questioned as she entered their room. Natasha was sat at the vanity mirror that they kept for the redhead to do her make-up and daily facial routines. Y/N took in her appearance, it looked like her girlfriend abandoned the lingerie set that adorned her body earlier and instead replaced it with one of Y/N's t-shirts and some shorts.
"Oh.. you're home early. I wasn't expecting you to--" Natasha began as she stood up from her seat to face Y/N.
"Cut it out, Tasha." Y/N interrupted. "You sent that photo because you knew I would come home." She wanted to sound intimidating, but with one look at her girlfriend's face, she turned into a melted puddle.
Natasha smirked at Y/N's attempt before she started walking towards her slowly. "I mean, my plan worked didn't it?" She trailed her hands down her girlfriend’s chest before they stopped above her waist. The redhead took in the tent in her girlfriend's pants that she wasn’t surprised to see. She moved her hand to cup it gently. "I went to the closet to find my favorite toy and it was gone. I knew the only way to get it back was if my baby came home. I only wanted to play. Don’t be mad at me, love.”
Y/N groaned at the feeling of Natasha’s hand pressing the strap against her center and her eyelids lowered a tad bit. "I was supposed to be having a good night out with the boys and you know it."
Natasha faked a pout. "Would you rather be out with your little friends or fucking your girlfriend senseless?" At her girlfriend’s words, Y/N's eyes shot open. She tried to muster up a sentence but was cut off by the redhead. "I'll just take a wild guess and say you'd rather be fucking me senseless." With that, she rushed forward and captured Y/N's lips with her own.
Y/N was taken aback a little by Natasha’s aggressiveness before she finally checked into what was happening. She quickly swooped down and picked the shorter woman up. Natasha squealed a little bit before she regained her composure and deepened their kiss. Y/N placed Natasha on the bed, breaking off the kiss and reaching to pull the shirt off that was draped across her girlfriend's slim frame.
To her surprise, Natasha hadn't abandoned the lingerie she had on in the picture. The shirt and shorts that once covered the redhead’s body were now on the floor and Y/N looked at her girlfriend who was spread out on the bed panting for air after their heated exchange.
"So you didn't take it off after taking those pictures?" Y/N asked while she began to loosen her tie and unbutton her shirt. Natasha sat up from her position and reached her hands out to help Y/N only for them to be smacked away. "You don't get to touch me, honey. You were bad tonight and bad girls don't get to touch."
A prominent pout was displayed on the redhead’s face after hearing those words. "B-but, I only was bad because I wanted your attention, baby." Natasha tried to explain.
Y/N shrugged before completely taking off her shirt and tie and placing them at the end of the bed. "I believe you baby, but that doesn't excuse your behavior." She then took off the rest of her clothing leaving herself in her boxers and sports bra. "Maybe now, you'll start being a good girl for me. So, turn around on your knees with your hands on the headboard."
Natasha decided her best bet to being allowed to touch Y/N would be to listen to every command she was given, but that didn't mean she wasn't going to tease her girlfriend just a little bit. She turned onto her knees and crawled up towards the headboard as her hips swayed a little giving Y/N a good look at her round ass. Once she was at the top of the bed, she dropped down onto her elbows arching her back the way she knew her girlfriend liked.
"Good girl," Y/N said as she discarded her boxers before she began to climb on the bed taking her position behind the redhead. She let her hands roam over Natasha’s shoulders down the valley of her back to her hips and finally to her plump ass. Natasha couldn't help, but whimper at the slightest touch from her girlfriend.
Y/N let her hands grip and squeeze at the redhead’s ass before she let her hands wander closer to where she knew Natasha needed her the most.
"Baby, please," Natasha whined when she felt the Y/N’s hands trace over her glistening slit. She knew Y/N liked to be begged when it comes to giving Natasha pleasure.
"What was that?" Y/N asked. She had moved to her hand to continuously trace over Natasha’s slit. Taking her juices and moving her digits to spread them over her clit. At the feeling of a little pressure to her clit, Natasha let out a long low moan and tried pushing herself back onto Y/N's fingers.
A swat to her right ass cheek caused a yelp to escape her lips. "Do that again and I will edge you on all night and then not let you cum at all." Y/N threatened.
"N-no baby. I'll be good, just please- please fuck me." Natasha pleaded. Her thighs were trembling with anticipation as the thought of Y/N pounding her from behind or in any position she pleased crossed her mind. The more she thought about it the wetter she became and her juice began to coat the inside of her thighs.
"What do you want me to use; my fingers, my tongue, or my cock? You're already so wet, I don't think there's any need for foreplay baby, but I'll let you decide since you asked so nicely." Y/N let the tip of her index finger trace around Natasha’s slit before dipping it in slightly causing the redhead to let out a hum of pleasure.
"I- mmm... I want your cock please baby." The redhead pleaded. She refrained from pushing her hips back onto Y/N’s fingers that were teasing her drenched cunt with all the strength she had left in her body.
Y/N bit her lip at Natasha’s words as she stroked her strap, getting it slick with her girlfriend’s juices, before lining herself up with Natasha’s glistening center. She placed one of her hands on Natasha’s hips as she slowly pushed the faux cock deep inside of her girlfriend. Both the women let out moans and groans at the feeling and sight of Natasha's cunt swallowing the thick strap.
Natasha’s hands gripped at the sheets above her to prevent herself from reaching out for her girlfriend. The pleasurable stretch she was feeling at the moment made her want to cum instantly, but she knew she wouldn't hear the end of it if she came that quickly.
On the other hand, Y/N was enjoying the pleasure of her girlfriend's tight pussy. She had fucked plenty of women before she initially dated Natasha, but the redhead’s pussy has always been the tightest she's ever had the pleasure of fucking. She seethed her strap deep into her girlfriend and paused to let the redhead adjust to the length and girth. No matter how many times they fucked or made love, Natasha always needed a minute to get used to the feeling of being stretched open by her girlfriend.
During the time she was letting Natasha adjust Y/N leaned over to where her bra-clad chest was pressed against the redhead’s back with her arms wrapped around her girlfriend's front gently kneading her breast.
Without warning, Y/N started pumping her cock in and out of her girlfriend at a slowly increasing pace. Her fingers pinched and pulled at the redhead’s nipples while she left open-mouthed kisses on the parts of her girlfriend’s neck that her mouth could reach at this angle. After a few kisses, she sat up gripping her girlfriend's hips and began pistoling her cock inside Natasha. Short quick thrusts rather than long and deep strokes. Right now wasn't about seeing how long they could last pleasuring each other, they could do that another time. It was about fucking hard because the redhead couldn't be patient enough to wait for her girlfriend to get home.
"F-fuck Y/N. Fuck me just like that!" Natasha moaned before she lifted her head from between her stretched-out arms to look back at her girlfriend her eyes pleading for Y/N to keep fucking her. Y/N reached forward to gently grab Natasha’s arms and pull her to sit up with her back pressed against her chest. This way her thrust hit deeper in the redhead causing her to cry out in pleasure as the tip of Y/N's cock continued to rub against her g-spot.
Y/N's teeth grazed against a spot on her girlfriend’s neck that she knew would cause a shiver to run down Natasha’s back. "You like the way I fuck you Natty?" Y/N asked as she leaned over to bit gently down her girlfriend's earlobe.
"Yes, baby. I l-love the way you fuck me." Natasha whined as her head fell back onto her girlfriend's shoulders. After a few more thrusts with her g spot being brushed up against, a feeling in the bottom of her stomach that she knew all too well began to rise. Y/N knew Natasha was on the verge of coming because every few seconds her girlfriend's walls would clench around her strap making it hard for her thrusts to move.
"Can I cum? Please can I cum baby?" She turned her head to look Y/N in her eyes as she pleaded.
Y/N pressed a soft kiss against her girlfriend's lips before wrapping her arms around Natasha's waist and neck to hold her up. "Cum for me Natty." The moan she let out was loud and long as Y/N’s hand-applied slight pressure to her neck. Natasha’s body shook instantly at her girlfriend’s command. Her walls clenched tight at the faux cock that started to slow down its thrusts in and out of her soaked heat.
Y/N released her girlfriend from her arms as she came down from her high. Natasha turned around to face her girlfriend on shaky knees before she leaned forward, wrapping one of her arms around her Y/N’s shoulders to pull her into a kiss while the other one moved to reach underneath the younger woman’s sports bra. When they pulled away, her hand continued to tweak her girlfriend’s nipples. For a minute Y/N forgot that she wasn't supposed to give up on controlling Natasha’s actions, but all of that faded away when her girlfriend stated the next few words.
Natasha stopped the gentle tweaks she was using to please her girlfriend and began to undo the straps from around Y/N’s hips. "Use me to get off baby. Let me make it up to you.” The slight pout on her face captivated Y/N and with that Natasha knew she could get her to do anything she wanted. Her signature pout worked no matter the situation.
Y/N slipped the harness off of her legs as she instructed Natasha to lay down. She hooked one of Natasha’s legs over hers before aligning their cunts and pressing her hips forward to feel friction against her swollen clit.
A choked gasp left Natasha’s mouth as one of her hands found purchase on Y/N’s hip, guiding her rocking motions before her hips began their slow movements. Instead of fast hard thrusts like earlier, Y/N took her time with Natasha considering that she was still sensitive from her first orgasm and because Y/N felt kind of bad for going so hard.
Both of their hips rocking and meeting at the center, swollen clits bumping against one another. “That’s it, baby. Just like that.” Natasha moaned, head thrown back in pleasure.
Using Natasha’s flexibility to her advantage, Y/N pushed herself closer to her girlfriend and wrapped a hand around her throat, squeezing lightly. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum. You look so good like this Natty.”
Natasha’s hand gripped the forearm of the hand that was wrapped around her throat as she began pressing her hips harder against her girlfriend as best as she could. "Cum for me. I want your cum spread all over me. Give it to me, love." At her words, Y/N’s grip tightened slightly as her legs shook with a loud moan leaving her mouth. The redhead bit her lip as her orgasm washed over her. She tried her best not to make a sound, wanting to hear nothing but her girlfriend’s moans.
Once Y/N relaxed and let go of Natasha’s throat, she fell backward laying down with her head towards the end of the bed. Natasha climbed over her girlfriend’s body and began peppering small kisses against her neck before she sat up slightly and carefully not to jostle their sensitive bodies. "I love you, Natasha," Y/N spoke while looking into her girlfriend's eyes.
"And I love you." Natasha smiled before leaning up to peck Y/N's lips.
"But next time let me finish my night out with the boys please?" Y/N asked slightly. It was funny had the roles of tonight's events switched. Y/N begging Natasha instead of the other way around.
Natasha giggled lightly at her girlfriend's words and kissed her nose softly. "Fine... I won't intervene next time." Y/N smiled at her words before wrapping her arms around Natasha pulling her close.
Natasha had no reason not to trust Y/N and vice versa. And they both knew that there was never really a problem with Y/N hanging out with her friends, just like there wasn't one when Natasha went out with a group of hers. They trusted each other enough to know that at the end of the night, neither one of them would do anything to jeopardize their relationship because they loved each other that much. Both of them would rather die than lose the other from a dumb mistake. They wanted to spend the rest of their lives together and start a family whenever they had time to. Nothing and nobody could change the way they felt about one another.
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slut4buckysarm · 2 years
— Xenon Lights | B.Barnes
chapter two: the one with the nirvana tee.
disclaimer; you do not need to read part one to read part two.
au; college.
pairing; bucky barnes x inexperienced!reader.
summary; when your laziness gets the best of you and you need clothes that are hoodies to wear, Bucky offers his garments. What you didn't expect was for that to lead to your first time being fingered.
word count; 1.5k.
warnings; smut [fingering, nipple play], reader uses bucky to practice kissing, fluff. 18+. MDNI.
Series Masterlist | Masterlist.
Do NOT copy, repost, translate or rewrite my work.
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— "use me, kiss me, make me yours".
"Steve" you hiss through your teeth as you peek around the corner to make sure the campus security guard, Charles, is still distracted by his usual stop at the food cart.
No answer.
You move your hand across the gravel to collect some rocks and toss them in your hand. "Steve open the fucking window!" you whisper yell, launching the stones at the glass.
Your blond-haired brother finally slides his window open and looks down at you. "Again?" he mouths, unable to believe that you ran out of clean laundry again.
"Yes again. Now help me up before Charles makes another round trip!".
Steve lets out an annoyed groan before he retreats with an almost worn-out rope. The same almost worn-out rope that he threw down to you every time you were too lazy to do your own laundry and needed to borrow clothes for the next two days.
"This is some rapunzel shit, ya know?" he chuckles while hurling the rope down to you.
You let out a laugh as you grip onto the tan fibres. "Fuck you!"
Every ounce of energy you have is used to climb your way to the top and then slip through his window.
Looking down at your palms you see that they’re red and have light scab marks on them, results of the past and present. "My hands burn" you whine observing the room that has more party douches in it than usual. Just as you're about to ask what they’re doing there you spot Bucky Barnes. The man you’ve been thinking about with your hands between your legs every night since the party last week. Bucky Barnes stands in a corner wearing black jeans and a skin-tight tee of the same colour, eyes ice blue with a hint of grey on the outsides, and his bottom lip tucked under his teeth.
"Steve, what's going on?" your eyes are still glued to Bucky's as you ask the question.
"We were just hanging" he mumbles shifting through the clothes in his closet. "Yo, Mark! Get her a beer"!
“With five people?” you ask as you lift your sweater from the bottom to stop it from sticking to your hot sweaty skin. “Alright listen, I just need a t-shirt and before you scold me for not doing my laundry you should know that I did do it” you pause for dramatic effect. “Mostly the hoodies” you finish mumbling.
When the beverage is handed to you, you use the edge of Steve’s work table to pop off the cap, only adding another scuff to his already fully marked table.
Other than your brother, Bucky, and you, there are four other males in the room, and you can't help but feel pity.
"Where are the girls?" you laugh as you turn and nudge Steve.
"Well, it wasn't really that kind of party darling" one guy smirks. By his voice, you can tell it's Devon. Steve instantly turns to face him and gives him a stern look. "Watch your fucking mouth" he warns with a finger in his direction.
"Well, I wasn't really asking you" you retaliate, rolling your eyes.
All of Steve's friends are idiots. They all hit on you when he wasn't around but you never complained to Steve. He already has a lot on his plate trying to pay for his classes and the last thing he needs to know is that his friends are assholes.
All but Bucky.
"I don't have anything Y/N" Steve calls out to you.
"What do you mean you don't have anything?" you let out a nervous laugh as you push him out of the way and move his clothes around. "Steve it’s so fucking hot and I have nothing besides winter clothes. Like zero".
Steve throws his hands in the air and shakes his head slowly. "Next time don't be lazy" he always had a way of being sarcastic and nothing annoyed you more.
"I promise this is the last time".
"I'm all out"!
Mouth hung slightly open you groan in agony. "The laundry rooms don't open for two days" you whine. "Fuck"!
You could borrow some of his friend's clothes but the chance of those weirdos using them to masturbate later that night isn't worth the risks.
"I have some spare clothes in my room." you hear Bucky’s low voice call out to you and you instantaneously spin around to face him again. "In- You hav- what?" you hold your breath as he steps closer to you. As many times as you’ve had a conversation with Bucky, you get the same butterflies you got the first time you talked to him.
"Y/N. Go." you hear your brother speak from behind you. "We wanna party".
Bucky turns to walk out into the hallway and looks back to you not moving. "You coming?" he smiles over his shoulder as he starts making his way upstairs knowing that you’re following.
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You shift your weight from one leg to the next as you wait for Bucky to give you something to wear. "You can sit." he laughs as he notices your pain. Smiling, you gladly take a seat on his bed, and it's unusually comfortable. Most guys on this campus had mattresses that felt like a rock. There was a lump every time you would turn so you eventually got fed up and decided that if a guy wanted to hook up, they would have to sneak into your place.
Bucky finally pulls out a t-shirt and hands it to you. You look at the pile of clothes it came from and then back up at him.
"What? You don't have to do laundry but I have to fold mine?" he jokes.
You try not to laugh at his comment but you can’t help but giggle when you see that contagious smile on his face.
You purse your lips and take the shirt out of his hand. It's an old gray NIRVANA tee with a hole in the side. You poke your finger through it and tilt your head to the side.
"Yeah sorry" he mumbles as he pokes his through too.
"No, I like it! Gives it a sorta vintage look" you say truthfully. Or maybe you just liked it because it was Bucky's shirt.
He moves towards the single window and sits down, back against the plaster wall.
“You can change in my bathroom if you want”.
“Um thanks” you smile. “You think you can lend me a pair of bottoms too? Jeans are really uncomfortable”. Your pants are truthfully uncomfortable and honestly, you wouldn’t mind hopping into one of Bucky’s bottoms too.
"Shit, I don't think I have anything but you're free to check".
You walk over to his pile of clothes and toss some hoodies to the side. Reaching the bottom of the stack you realize that he was being literal and didn't have a single pair of joggers.
You groan as you pull the waistband of your jeans.
That catches Bucky's attention. He grabs a lighter from his nightstand and concentrates on your eyes as he rolls his thumb over the gear.
You pull a pair of his boxers shorts into your hand and toss it to your other. "Mind if I wear these?" you ask with your best puppy eyes.
Bucky is taken by surprise when he sees his underwear in your hand. He wouldn't mind taking you right there. Relishing in your flavours as you squirm under him. He'd be lying if he said he hadn't stayed up most nights with his hand wrapped around his cock, thinking about it. Thinking about how good your lips would taste as he tugs on them with his teeth. Thinking about how good your tight pussy would feel squeezing around his cock. Thinking about how pretty your moans would sound as his roommates wondered who Bucky Barnes was with tonight.
"James?" you wave your hand to catch his attention and finally snap him out of his fantasy.
"What? No yeah go ahead" he points towards the bathroom and you make your way there.
Compared to the other boys in this facility, Bucky's bathroom was rather clean. Not to say that his toilet paper wasn’t in backwards, and there wasn’t loose change and cigarettes out on the sink counter.
You pull your sweater over your body and cup the bottom of your boobs, pushing them upwards. You do a spin and run your hands over your body. For the first time in a while, you feel hot and you’re going to make the best of it.
Arms reaching behind your body, you snap open your bra, letting your breasts bounce a little before landing back in their natural place. You know that Bucky likes you and you like him too so what better to do than tease him?
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“And now, from the female facility, W wing…Y/N Rogers!” you announce as you open the door and step out.
You throw your right hand onto your hip and your left one into the air, striking a dramatic pose. “How do I look”?
Bucky wants nothing more than to tell you that you look absolutely stunning. He would do anything to press his lips onto yours and tell you how long he’s been waiting to touch you like you belonged to no one but him.
Then he sees them.
His eyes wander down to your chest and he licks his lips when his eyes land on your pebbled nipples against his clothes. He’s onto you.
“James?” you wave a hand when you don’t get an answer.
Bucky throws a smile on his face and decides to play your game. “Great”. He nods as he pats the space in between his elongated legs.
You pad over to where he is, making sure to sway your hips a little more than usual. Bending down, you straighten your legs between his and tuck your hair behind your ear. “Hey”.
“Hey” he smiles as he flicks his thumb over the piece in his hand. He sits there for a minute looking at you, watching you watch him in complete awe until he finally breaks.
To Bucky, you look like the prettiest girl in the world. To Bucky, your eyes glimmer with affection and your heart holds space for every single person on Earth. To him, you look perfect.
“James listen. About what I told you at the party? The thing about me not kiss-”
“Use me”.
“I’m sorry”?
“You wanna learn how to kiss? Use me.” he replies without batting an eye.
Bucky tsks to allow you a moment to recover. He hates when you call him ‘Bucky’. The only thing you were allowed to address him as was “James”. It was your name for him and you were the only one allowed to call him it.
“James” you smile sarcastically. “What the fuck are you talking about”?
“What? You’re not attracted to me”? He knows you are but he wants to hear you say it.
“What? No, I am! It’s not that. You’re a very attractive guy but that’s not the point. I’m not going to use you” you scoff.
Bucky reaches his arms out and you grab his hands. He pulls you towards him and wraps your legs around his torso. Butterflies fill your stomach when you feel your cunt press against his clothed cock. Your heart rate speeds up and you can’t seem to look him in his eyes. All your confidence from before deteriorates and heat makes its way to your cheeks.
Bucky sees that you're nervous and places his hands on your face, lifting it up to meet his eyes line. “Hey. Don’t get shy on me now.” he chuckles.
“No it’s not- I don’t want to put you through that”.
“I don’t mind," he says without hesitating.
“I wouldn’t know where to start” you laugh.
“Just put your lips on mine and navigate”.
In a matter of seconds, you lean closer to Bucky's face and press your lips onto his. At first, you feel like an idiot. The way your lips tug onto his and your tongue goes in and out of his mouth way too much makes you think that Bucky wants to stop so you pull away but he's not having any of it. As soon as your lips separate from his, he pulls you back in, this time he takes dominance and in no time you learn the art of making out.
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“James” you breathe out.
“Give me a word”.
“It’s fine just touch me. Please.” you whine wanting to feel him so bad.
He moves your hair behind your ear and you can feel his breath on your neck. “I need a word first doll”.
You groan understanding him but also need him to make you feel good. “Blueberries”.
“Any significance to that” you can feel his smirk on your skin.
“James I swear to-“ you don’t get to complete your threat before Bucky’s fingers make their way under the boxers you're wearing and press up against your cunt. “What was that sweetheart”?
Bucky’s lips attack your neck and his kisses are sure to leave marks.
“You ever been fingered”?
He can’t help but smirk when you shake your head.
“Not even your own”?
His smirk quickly turns into a full grin as you shake your head again. “Can I?” he makes sure you want him to be your first before he puts his fingers where they’re craving to be.
You want nothing more than Bucky to be the first person to finger you.
“James please” you whine leaning against his torso. “So needy aren’t ya doll?” he smiles as he brings his middle and ring fingers to your mouth.
“Open”. You always respond well to authority and Bucky knows it. He shoves his fingers into your mouth as soon as your lips part. Your tongue swirls up and down his digits all while the two of you maintain eye contact.
He slowly slips his fingers away from your mouth and slides them down your stomach leaving a wet stripe that glistens under the golden rays of sunshine.
Bucky’s lips attach to the side of your neck as his fingers spread your wetness around your folds. The saliva on his fingers acts as a lube but you both know that it isn’t needed.
“You want my fingers”? Bucky knows the answer to his question.
You frantically nod your head, eyes fluttering shut when he sucks on your sweet spot.
“How bad?” he whispers, fingertips teasing your hole.
“So bad. Fuck. Please so bad”!
“That's right doll. You want em’ so bad” he mocks, tracing soft circles on your clit.
Your breath hitches and Bucky smirks at your lost composure. You’re greedy for his fingers and he loves it.
“You ready”? Bucky slowly slips his middle finger into your hole when you say 'yes'.
Bucky’s thigh tenses when you smack a hand down on it to help release some of the burning sensations. He gives you a second to adjust before he starts to pump his finger.
“Mmm James” you mumble as he places kisses along your jawline.
"Yes doll?" he asks innocently as you quiver in his arms.
Your chest starts to grow heavy as he brings his thumb back to your clit and draws tight, hard circles, middle finger still pumping in and out of you fast.
He’s hitting your g spot but it still isn’t enough.
"Fuck. Need more James. Please I need more." you beg.
“Yeah you do” he smiles before sliding his ring finger in right next to his middle finger.
You let out a gasp when you feel his fingers curl inside of you, your velvet walls squeezing tight around him.
“You look so beautiful like this sweetheart”. He reaches over to the bottom of your tee and pulls it over your body.
Bucky practically drools at the sight of your tits perking freely. He squeezes your right breast with his unoccupied hand. Kneading your skin softly, he starts to pump his fingers faster making your back arch off of his chest.
The coil in your lower stomach tightens and you don’t know how much longer you're going to last.
You squeeze your thighs together and Bucky finds it hard to keep moving his fingers. He pulls his left thigh over yours and uses it to spread your legs apart.
“Can’t let you do that darling. I can feel you squeeze’n down on my fingers. You’re close aren’t ya’?” he asks kissing your shoulder.
With your right thigh shaking, hands squeezing the muscles of Bucky's thighs, and moans spilling out of your mouth that make you feel like you're now getting everything that you've ever wanted, all you can do is throw your head back onto his shoulder and snap your eyes shut tight in response.
Bucky's mouth continues to attack your neck while the fingers of his right-hand curl inside of you and the palm of his left kneads your breasts.
"James 'm gonna come"!
"Yeah? Alright, come for me, darling. Make a mess all over my hands" he whispers into your ear when you clench down on him.
With a few more curls, your sight starts to blur and your heels dig into the ground under you. Whimpers turn into full-on screams as you buck your hips closer to Bucky's hand and ride out your high. It lasts only a few seconds but you're sure it's the best few seconds you've ever experienced.
"Felt good?" Bucky asks as he pulls his digits out of you and admires the way they sparkle due to your wetness.
"Felt so good," you respond, lips parted, eyelids shut tight, and head resting against Bucky's chest.
You steady your breathing all while thanking Steve's friends for deciding to blast music from where they were downstairs.
please give feedback and reblog if you enjoyed.
Taglist [to be added, please make sure to reblog, follow and comment with an ‘@‘ + your username] [let me know if you want to be removed]:
@missvelvetsstuff @nohuyck @broco8@slut4marvelcharacters @noorreads @giftedyoungster3000 @fictional-l0v3r @lauren0300 @missvelvetsstuff @nohuyck @broco8 @hanahkatexo @darlingimbroke @cassie-buckysbaby @randomlyblue
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thefallennightmare · 2 years
Ménage à Trois-Three
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Pairings: Steve Rogers x Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: SMUT!! 18+ only please, swearing, angst, fluff.
Summary: Bucky has a proposition for Reader, something involving Steve. This trio, however, never expected for their lives to change after that night the way it had.
A/N: y'all I'm sorry but this chapter is straight filth. So be prepared. I don't think there's going to be smut in every chapter because knowing how I write my stories, I have to have some plot and angst, right? Tags are open!
Tags: @matisse030502 @buckystevelove @floral-recs @inlovewithametalarm
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Birds chirping from the outside echoed throughout the apartment as I busied myself tidying up. It was Sunday which meant that after Bucky returned from church with his mom and sister, we would spend the day relaxing in our apartment together. The two of us.
Sometimes I would tag along to church with them but after last night, I didn’t feel exactly all that holy.
Flash images of Steve and I together came to mind, and I could feel myself immediately blush. Once we had finished, Steve slowly got himself dressed while I opted to stay in bed, watching his every movement. I sighed, seeing the small bones protrude from his back when he bent over to tie his shoes, and knew that even after the night we had together, he would continue to doubt his small stature.
“Is this going to make things awkward between us?”
I shrugged my shoulders at his question. “I think if we only allow it to be.”
Bucky offered to walk Steve home, even if he lived around the block from us. He was protective of the people he loved, and he had seen Steve get beat up one too many times in the alley behind our apartment complex.
By the time Bucky had returned home last night, I was fast asleep, the aftermath taking over my body. Even in a dark slumber, I felt Bucky cover my naked body with a blanket and he left a soft kiss on the top of my head. And by the time I woke up this morning, he had already left for church.
Which meant we never had a chance to discuss last night.
With a deep sigh, I began making lunch for us, knowing that Bucky would be hungry the second he walked in the door; he always was.
“Something smells good in here.”
His voice rang through my ears which caused a small smile to pull at the corners of my mouth. Bucky was dressed in his usual expensive suit, and I sucked my bottom lip between my teeth, suddenly filled with desire to take it off.
“It’s only sandwiches,” I giggled.
“Well then, it must be you doll,” Bucky winked before placing a kiss on my cheek.
“How’s your ma and Rebecca doing?”
He nodded while taking the plate I extended towards him. “They’re good. They miss you.”
I smiled at the thought of them. They always welcomed me with open arms the second Bucky and I started dating and I even teased him that they loved me more than him.
With my own plate in my hand, I sat next to him on the couch and we both ate in silence, letting whatever was playing on the television engulf our attention. Truthfully, I was almost dreading the conversation because of what happened last night. Even if Bucky was acting the same around me, I was unsure if it would change when I told him how it was last night.
Once finished, I went to set our plates in the sink, but Bucky’s voice stopped me in my tracks.
“Are we going to talk about last night?”
I placed the plates on the counter with a sigh before turning back towards him. He was leaning against the couch, arm draped over the back of it. His legs were spread wide, an indication that he was relaxed.
I, however, was not.
“Do you want to?” I shrugged.
“I feel as if you’re scared to talk about it so I’m wondering if Steve did something,” Bucky said.
I quickly shook my head. “No, Steve was perfect last night.”
His brow raised. “Really? Perfect?”
“Not like that, well yes. But not better than you. Oh, gosh I’m rambling,” I groaned while covering my face with my hands.
“Y/N, look at me.”
Slowly I lowered my hands but gasped at what I saw. Bucky had shed himself of his jacket and dress shirt, it being tossed into a pile on the ground, and his bare torso glistened in the summer heat. His belt was gone as well, the button and zipper undone on his pants.
He motioned me over with a hook of his finger and I obliged, straddling his hips. His large hands wrapped around my back to pull me closer to him, both of us jerking against one another.
“Bucky,” I whined, suddenly needing to feel him inside of me.
He ignored my pleas.
“Was he good?” He questioned.
I chewed on my lip, afraid to answer.
“I won’t be upset, doll. This was my idea.”
Looking into his eyes, I realized that he was more turned on than upset so I answered with a nod. Bucky hummed, hands gripping my hips.
“Did he do the thing you like?”
Knowing what he meant, I rapidly nodded which seemed to please Bucky because I felt his hand snake up underneath my skirt, fingers slowly ghosting over the now wet spot in my panties. I whined at him.
“Did he cum in this pretty little mouth?” Bucky bit my bottom lip.
“Fuck,” I moaned.
“Did he?” He repeated the question.
I answered with a nod.
He hummed again and I was unsure if that meant he was happy or upset.
I let out a loud moan when I finally felt the pad of his thumb start working on my sweetest spot, rubbing deep slow circles. My head dipped low, wanting to catch his lips in a kiss, but Bucky held back.
“How did he taste?”
“Bucky,” I hesitated to answer.
Which only made his actions on my clit seize.
“If you refuse to answer the questions, I stop pleasing you, understand?” His voice came out low, almost in a growl.
Whatever this moment was between us, it was quickly turning me on so in order to make him continue on, I answered with a nod.
“Good. Steve tasted so fucking good,” I breathed into the crook of his neck.
Bucky resumed his action and I bit at the skin of his neck, hoping he would get the hint to keep going. My release was so close. The head of his cock pressed deep through his briefs onto my soaked panties and I grasped at Bucky’s arms, trying to pull him closer.
“Do you know what I did out here last night?”
I shook my head at his question so he continued. “Hearing you two fuck, I couldn’t help but touch myself. I came all over my hand, I had to use the blanket to clean up.”
I couldn’t even be upset at the fact that he used one of our nice blankets to clean off his cock last night, the mere thought was enough to bring me over the edge. I came hard, spilling myself all over Bucky’s fingers.
“That’s my good girl. I need to taste you,” Bucky mused, bringing his fingers to his lips and slowly licked them clean.
I watched in arousal through my post climax haze and knew that he wasn’t finished with me yet.
“Lay down,” he motioned towards the couch.
With my back now on the couch, Bucky towered over me and quickly shed me of my skirt and shirt. He stared down at my bare breast, licking his lips at the sight, and quickly found my perky mound. His teeth bit down hard before soothing the slight pain with his tongue. I became a mess of moans under his touch.
Bucky hooked a finger into the line of my panties and dragged them down my legs, tossing them to the floor. His middle finger slipped through my folds and I clawed at the muscles on his back.
With his face nuzzled into my neck, he nipped and sucked at my skin to leave a mark; almost proving to anyone who already didn’t know that I was his.
“Bucky,” I whined while pressing my hips into him. “It’s not fair.”
I pulled at his pants that he continued to wear.
“Someone is eager,” he chuckled.
“More like impatient,” I retorted while trying to pull at his pants.
Bucky tsked as he pulled away from my neck and shed his dress pants and briefs. I finally basked in his naked form, letting out a low purr of satisfaction.
He leaned an arm on the arm rest above my head and looked deep into my eyes.
“What do you want?”
“Bucky, please,” I begged.
I was over the talking, I needed to feel his cock inside me; now.
“Tell me what you want,” he demanded, the head of his cock ghosting over my slick folds.
“Oh, fuck me already Barnes,” I groaned.
“Anything for you, doll.”
With a hard snap of his hips, Bucky slipped his cock into me, my walls immediately clamping down around him. The first few thrusts were slow and steady, nothing like what I was used to with him. His lips ghosted over mine and I tried my best to reach them, wanting to devour them.
“Did you not get enough last night, doll?”
Bucky’s question came out in a mess of grunts when I gripped his hips, trying to force him into going faster. With one of his large hands, he pinned both of mine above my head and finally gave me what I wanted. His hips moved at a brutal pace and I huffed along with each hard thrust. The pad of his thumb found my nub and started pressing slow circles against it.
My toes curled at the pleasure I felt spill through me.
“Harder. Faster,” I panted. “Please.”
Bucky’s free hand gripped my throat, forcing me to look up into his eyes; my own almost rolling to the back of my head with how dominant he was. I was climbing closer and closer to the peak of release, it being so close.
“Do I need to have Steve come back to fuck you again? Maybe I should join to give him some more pointers. You’re such a filthy slut that I bet you would love having the both of us.”
The straight filth that spilled from Bucky was exactly what I needed to climb over the awaiting release, euphoria washing over me, and I screamed out his name. My nails crawled at the skin of his arms, trying to hold on to him as I rode out the rest of my second orgasm.
Bucky’s pace didn’t let up even if I had finished. One arm snaked around my back to lift me into his lap, both of our lips attacking each other. I pressed my tongue into his mouth, wanting to taste every single inch. No matter how many times we kissed, he tasted different each time.
This time I tasted the beer he had with his lunch, along with a faint taste of my own juices from when I spilled onto him from my earlier climax.
“Bucky, I can’t,” I moaned.
Sweat caused my hair to stick to my forehand and I tried to move it away but he held my hands behind my back.
“Yes you can, doll. I know you have one more for me,” he praised in my ear, nibbling on my lobe.
I was exhausted, unable to speak, so I shook my head.
Bucky continued to rut up into me, the tip of his cock slamming against my walls. I hissed at slight pain but knew that within seconds, the pain would subside being replaced with sheer desire.
“How can you take both Steve and I if you can’t last more than two?,” Bucky asked. “You need to learn to take it all.”
My head rolled back, exposing the skin of my neck to him, and Bucky attached to it. His teeth left a hard mark but eased the pain with his tongue. With one hand holding mine behind my back still, the other pinched and pulled at my nipple.
Without warning, I washed over him with my third orgasm, my pussy walls clenching around his hard cock. My lips parted, a silent moan fell from them.
“That’s a good girl,” Bucky praised. “Now let me fill you up.”
“No condom,” I muttered with a low voice.
He had heard me, however, because after a spew of curses, Bucky lifted me off of him and back onto the couch. With his large hand over his cock, he milked himself a few times before finally spilling himself all over my stomach.
“Shit,” he groaned, slowly pumping himself now to enjoy every last part of his orgasm.
Once finished, Bucky collapsed on top of me and buried his face in my neck. My fingers quickly found his hair and began running through it. Our breaths filled the now silent apartment as we both eased into each other.
“Hmm?” He hummed, exhaustion clear in his voice.
We both were tired, ready for a long nap, but I needed to know if he had meant what he said about Steve or if it was a tactic he used to get me off.
As I was about to ask, his light snores filled my ears and I couldn’t help but smile at how peaceful he looked. I left a small kiss to his forehead and reached for the blanket that somehow managed to stay on the back of the couch and draped it over both of our naked bodies.
My question could wait till later.
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insomniumstella · 2 years
bucky x reader 
summary: when Bucky, y/n’s ex-boyfriend of 3 years, suddenly proposes to his new girlfriend of just a few months, y/n has no choice, but to abandon her mature ways and release the anger she’s been holding on to. 
warnings: 18 & up only, unspecified age gap (reader is in their 20s), choking, oral (m and f receiving), unprotected sex, edging, overstimulation, reader has fire powers she uses on Bucky (skin marking/scars)
word count: 2,979
author’s note: thank you to the scumbag that is my ex-boyfriend for the inspiration. with all my heart and love, i hope your new girl (or shall I say fiancée) treats you the way you treated me :) also, i don’t believe Bucky would ever act like this, but for the sake of turning my unexplainable rage into something other than a petty act of revenge, this fic needed to be written. if you ever felt as used i did after a relationship, i’m so sorry love. this goes out to all of beautiful babes who got their hearts broken, much love to y’all. part two — bitter end
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All it took was a single picture of his new girl, laying on the same blanket she used to lay on, proudly showing off the engagement ring Bucky got her. It was the last drop in the bucket. If time travel was possible, she, without a doubt, would go back and slap Bucky across the face. She wouldn’t latch onto him, holding the man as tight as possible, because, in her heart, she knew it was the last time she’ll ever get to do that. No, if time travel was possible, she would have been as immature and emotional as she wanted because Bucky didn’t deserve her maturity and composure. Still, even during their breakup, he had such a hold on her, y/n didn’t want to appear crazy or loud as if her response to his actions was unreasonable and petty.
They started dating just a few months after Steve brought Bucky to the compound. She was quite new there too, with each day bringing the pair closer together. His smile and charming demeanor could have made any girl fall in love. The nicer he was, the more y/n’s walls crumbled until no fear of vulnerability was left. As with any relationship, it had its ups and downs. 3 years of it. Some days, y/n would be on top of the world, and the other, well, the other days, she’d be at the very bottom. Bucky had managed to, simultaneously, raise the bar for other men that may come after while also throwing it into the deepest parts of hell. Bucky was a strange man. Every time she thought she had him figured out, he’d do something so unexpected she’d end up at square zero.
She’ll show him petty. Hell, she’ll show him crazy.
Never once did she lose the idea of Bucky Barnes being a good man. Not even when they broke up just a few months ago. Except, the stories she reminisced about started seeming inconsistent. Buried lies started to rise. The man she used to know started acting different. Cold and distant, as if they didn’t ever meet at all. The past 3 years of memories vanished away without a trace. Her desire to play nice disappeared too and all it took was a single picture.
Sam spent an entire week with y/n when Bucky broke her heart because she couldn’t sleep. His face was stuck in her mind like a parasite. His words froze her bones. But then she was right where she was before him. Her appetite returned first, and then her smile followed. Until this stupid picture of the much older girl, one hand covering her face, Bucky holding the other hand, the one with the ring, appeared. She could tell he was on top of her, taking the photo from the same position y/n used to end up in all the time. Oh, Bucky thought y/n was too young and unstable for him before? This new y/n he brought out was about to do much, much worse things than he could ever imagine. The nice girl he once knew was dead.
Bucky had promised y/n they would stay friends, but when she went up to his room for closure, his stuff was gone, and the room was empty. He moved out less than 24 hours after they broke. She briefly remembers crying again because the window was open and even his perfumed no longer lingered in the air. It took a lot to convince Steve into giving up Bucky’s new location. His answer only fuelled her anger further. Of course, Bucky Barnes fucking cheated on her. She was too blind to see it before. Why else would he move into another building? Under different circumstances, her hands would shake as she’d walk into his room. Perhaps, she’d even worry if his new girlfriend was there, but not today.
Besides the shorter hair, Bucky looked the same way he always looked after a workout. Shirtless, with muscles glistening from a thin layer of sweat. Once upon a time, that was quite a sight for y/n.
“Came to say congratulations?”
A harsh slap across his face followed the sentence.
“Getting engaged is your idea of focusing on work?”
Another slap followed her question. She was about to slap him again, but Bucky swiftly caught her arm.
“Stop. Why are you here?”
“Why am I here?” She abruptly removed her arm from his hold. “4 months haven’t passed since our breakup. What the fuck, James?” A third slap landed on Bucky’s face. “What the fuck?” She spoke again when he didn’t answer. “Was I good enough to fuck, but not good enough to keep?” Tears prickled her eyes, but she wiped them away before they could escape. “Why did you leave me? What the fuck did I do?”
Looking down at his toes, Bucky sighed.
“You told me you loved me, remember? A few days before you broke my heart?” She took a step closer and grabbed his chin to make Bucky look up. “It was Steve’s birthday, and we were all dressed up. You couldn’t keep your hands off of me that night. Kept whispering sweet nothings into my ear.” Neither dared to break their eye contact. “Later that night, when I was sucking your dick, you couldn’t stop telling me how much you fucking loved me, or have you forgotten?”
“Loved. I loved you. Not anymore.”
“Don’t you fucking try me, I swear, Barnes.” She hit him in the chest, then hit him in the chest again. “What happened on that mission in Moscow?”
Bucky took a few steps forward. She had to walk backward to avoid him until her back hit the wall, and y/n was trapped between his body and the cement. “I already told you. Nothing happened.”
“A new girl-“ she had to quickly correct herself, “fiancée doesn’t seem like nothing. I gave you everything I had. I gave you everything of me there was. Why was I good enough to fuck, but not good enough to get married to? Why?!” She couldn’t hold back the tears anymore, but hitting Bucky was a bit of relief. “What happened in Moscow?”
Taking the last step left between them, he pinned her hands above her head. “I cheated. Is that what you want to hear?” He tilted his head to the left. “You already know that I cheated. Why the fuck are you here? For me to break your heart further?” A single tear rolled down his face. “I cheated with my new fiancée. It doesn’t matter that you gave me everything of you there is.”
The day after the mission in Moscow, a couple of hours after he cheated, Bucky had already made up his mind to leave y/n. Mila, the girl he was partnered up with, was everything others told him a wife should be. She was of appropriate age, calm and collected, opposed to y/n, who was too often too reckless, when out on the field. Mila was someone Bucky wouldn’t have to worry or fight about because people had mistaken them for a couple many times before. As bad as it sounds, Mila was also mentally stable. Her past was picture perfect, while y/n came from a messed-up background. Mila was easy to have, while y/n was hard to love.
Leaning in so close their lips were almost brushing, “Loving you was too hard,” Bucky whispered.
She wasn’t sure what came upon her in that moment, but she was losing Bucky either way, so without thinking, y/n kissed him. Every ounce of hurt and anger she had, y/n put into the kiss. Except Bucky stood frozen in place, his lips still. His hand let go of her arms, letting them fall to her sides. Bucky could taste y/n’s tears on his lips when she pulled away. Squeezing her lips into a tight line, y/n sneaked out from her place between Bucky and the wall. If she was too hard to love, this wasn’t a fight worth fighting.
She was almost at the door when he grabbed her left arm, spinning the girl around, and placed his lips on hers. His kiss was too familiar as if he never left at all. As if Mila wasn’t in the picture now. God, please forgive me, y/n thought as Bucky placed a hand on the back of her neck, he was mine first. 
Pulling away, she pushed Bucky in the bed’s direction, each step bringing him closer to the edge until he was falling on the same blanket they used to cuddle under. For a moment, y/n considered leaving, but perhaps this was the closure she needed. Even if leaving after the sex was going to break her heart into a million pieces again.
She removed his shorts and then underwear with trembling arms. There he was; the love of her life, naked, ready for her to use him as she pleases. Use him in the same way he used her. “Move back.”
Bucky followed her words without question, scooting until his back rested against the headboard. Her sweater was the first to go. It used to be Bucky’s before he gifted it to y/n because she couldn’t sleep when he was away on missions. Hooking her thumbs on both of her shorts and her thong waistbands, y/n swiftly pulled them down. He took a deep breath once all of her clothes hit the floor. She didn’t move at first, playing with her tits for a while, eyes locked on Bucky. His face was painted with a hunger only she could provoke. Bucky hated the way his body reacted to y/n because he was engaged to someone else; his dick, however, knew who it belonged to, hardening as soon as she placed the first kiss on his thigh. Kiss after kiss, she reached his shaft, softly holding his dick in her hand while leaving light pecks on his lower abdomen. “Tell me you love me.” She said and swirled her tongue around his tip. “Say that I’m the only one you want.” The sentence was followed by y/n taking his full length into her mouth. The taste of him was enough to silence her consciousness.
“I can’t lie.” Bucky moaned out when she bobbed her head on his dick a few times. “I can’t.”
“Sure you can.” She was sucking Bucky’s dick the way he liked, the way only she knew how. A groan left Bucky’s lips when y/n licked a vein on the underside of his length. A second groan came out after she started swirling her tongue around his pink tip again. A bit of pre-cum leaked out, and y/n snickered at how quickly she was able to get him to the edge. “Tell me you love me.” A moment later, she was on her knees, heels digging into her ass as she locked eyes with Bucky. He knew he couldn’t express the frustration that overtook his body when y/n left him on the edge. For that, he’d have to deserve y/n’s lips on him in the first place.
She wrapped her lips around his dick again, one hand pushed against the mattress to support herself, the other on his lower abdomen. Bobbing her head up and down, cheeks hollow, y/n moved her hand down to his pelvic region, right above the shaft. Bucky felt the burning sensation as soon as his orgasm washed over. Except, he couldn’t focus much on it, as y/n kept sucking him until he was so sensitive he kept trying to pull away. Swirling her tongue around him one last time, y/n pulled back, crawling across his body to sit on Bucky’s face. Bucky loved when y/n sat on his face. “Tell me you love me.” She repeated, one hand in his hair, the other gripping the headboard. “Spell it ou-“ a moan left her lips as soon as Bucky’s tongue made contact with her clit. He didn’t spell out I love you, but he did spell out no. Grinding against his face, y/n tightened her hold on his hair. A little pain was good. He should feel as much pain as she did. The sentence he was spelling out she could only make out after the third letter. I am sorry. Sweet pressure started building up by the letter m, and by the letter y, she was cumming on Bucky’s face for the first time since Steve’s birthday. 
Softly pushing y/n off of himself until she was laying on her back, trying to catch her breath, Bucky got on top of the girl. Looking down at his lower abdomen, Bucky noticed two red letters burned into his skin; y/n’s initials. Chuckling, out of anger or amusement, he wasn’t sure, he gave y/n a moment before his lips found their way to her own. Their kisses were always nothing short of pure passion, tongues dancing together, hands roaming around every inch of each other’s skin. The girl could taste herself on his tongue. Bucky broke the kiss only to latch onto her neck, leaving a few small, purple marks in his path before sucking on one of her nipples. He twirled his tongue around the sensitive bud and chuckled again when y/n arched her back off of the bed.
“I’m sure Mila won’t appreciate your name burned into my skin.” He said, pulling away and focusing on her other nipple. The burn was sure to leave a permanent scar of y/n's initials.
His words, however, burned y/n more than her powers could ever burn him. Locking her eyes on his, she wrapped her hand around Bucky’s neck, “Why?” y/n tightened her grip, though she was sure Bucky found her attempt at choking him funny. “Is that a turn-off for the little-“ she moaned out when Bucky slid two fingers into her, his thumb pressing against her sensitive clit. A moment to collect her composure was needed, as Bucky started moving them in such a way that they hit her pleasure spot every time, “bitch?”
“Don’t call her such names.” Bucky answered after a few minutes. She was a sweating, moaning mess; Bucky managed to get a second orgasm out of y/n. Removing his fingers, Bucky made a show of licking each one, until they were fully clean of y/n’s wetness. “She’s nice.”
“I was nice.” She propped herself on her elbows. “I was pretty.” She kissed his jaw, faces barely apart. “I was yours, too. Wasn’t I? Or am I just a distant memory you want to forget?” She fell back on the bed, her head hitting the pillows.
Bucky’s sigh turned into a groan the second he entered her. The stinging burn of Bucky entering her was a welcome feeling, but with the last remaining strength that she had, y/n stopped herself from letting out a moan. “You’re not a distant memory.” He answered and thrusted into her. “You’ll never be.” The thrusts quickened.
She could feel Bucky deep in her guts and the moan she was holding escaped when he pushed on her lower stomach, magnifying each sensation. “That’s b-“ Bucky’s dick hit her g-spot as he wrapped his metal hand around her neck, “-ullshit.”
“I love you.” His words were a distant sound in her pleasure clouded mind. “I,” he said, pulling out and bottoming out again, “love you.” Perhaps this was one of his many twisted lies. The hand around her neck, pushing on the places he knew were most comfortable for the girl, the dick deep inside her, each thrust hitting that sweet spot over and over. They never slowed down either as his head found its way to the crook of her neck. His hot breath against her skin, as if he never left. “You’re my good girl. You always will be.”
You’re my good girl, lies, you always will be, bullshit.  
Pulling out of her, Bucky swiftly moved them, so he could be behind her. Arching her ass high up in the air, y/n stuffed her face into the pillow. “Liar.” She wanted to say more, much more, but his dick kept her deliciously full and deliciously on the edge. Bucky’s thrusts got sloppy, so she knew he was close too. Without a warning, he wrapped his flesh hand around her neck and pulled y/n up. The metal hand he placed on her stomach, half to keep y/n in place, half to feel himself inside her. “Cum on my dick pretty girl, you deserve it.”
And so she did, letting Bucky take the two of them over the edge and into a place of blissful pleasure; his moans the most beautiful sound to her ears. He didn’t let her fall back onto the sheets when she finally rode out her orgasm. Instead, Bucky held her. Perhaps, he knew this was the last time he’ll get to hold her. Perhaps, he missed her too much to let go. “I love you.” He repeated and placed a soft kiss in the crook of her neck. She didn’t answer. In fact, she didn’t talk when he carried her to the bath or when he washed her body clean of his touch. Bucky assured y/n she could stay in his room as his fiancée was away on a mission. He made the bed before they got in because y/n liked to fall asleep in a freshly done bed.
The first and only thing she said to Bucky after his words of I love you was “Goodnight.” 
“Goodnight. Sleep well, doll.” He replied, clinging to y/n as tightly as she was clinging on to Bucky the night he broke her heart. Except this time, she was the one who left, and when Bucky went up to her room for closure the next morning, all of y/n’s stuff was gone. With the open window, even her perfume no longer lingered around. 
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Oversized (Bucky x Reader)
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Summary: Bucky x reader. You order an oversized hoodie in the mail, and your teammates are obsessed with how cozy it feels, especially Bucky.
Word Count: 1.1k
Content Warnings: Pure fluff. Hugging underneath clothes. Avengers tower fic.
A/N: This fic is a request for the lovely @cherry-season. Thank you for all your support and patience these last few weeks, you're a star! And I loved writing this prompt! As always requests are open, just drop me an ask or inbox me if you have an idea 💜
"Oh. My. God." You stifled a laugh as you stepped in front of your bedroom mirror.
You had ordered an oversized hoodie from an online clothing store, but you didn't expect it to be this big. It draped off you like a bed sheet, the sleeves hanging several inches below your wrists, and the bottom falling at your knees like a chunky sweater-dress.
"I mean... the colour is cute I guess?" You chuckled to yourself, gazing over the cherry coloured fabric.
"Y/N! Foods cooking!" Natasha's voice bellowed up the hallway.
"Okay! On my way!" You shouted, still turning your body in the mirror - you looked like a fluffy penguin. But it didn't matter, dinner was almost ready and you needed to head downstairs. Throwing your hair into a quick messy bun, you grabbed your phone and made your way to the living room, dressed in your new attire.
As you approached the lounge, you heard a loud giggle erupt from Natasha, who was perching against the door, drink in her hand.
"What on Earth are you wearing Y/N?"
"Well..." you stuttered, laughing as you went on to explain how you came to be donned in what looked like a red king sized duvet with arm holes.
"You could literally fit a person under there!" Natasha exclaimed as she lowered her head, straightening up against your under layer of a vest top and black leggings as her body seemed engulfed by your hoodie.
You chuckled at her closeness - she was right. Your friend was well and truly wrapped in the fabric.
"Hey guys!" Nat called to the rest of the room. "You gotta try this!"
Turning to face the others, you saw Wanda sitting at the small coffee table, and Tony watching television with Peter seated next to him, phone in hand. To your right, your two best friends Bucky and Steve, sprawled out on the large sofa as they shared the newspaper, catching up on the latest news.
You couldn't help but study Bucky's features as he shifted his gaze to you, following Natasha's words. He was one of your best friends, but you couldn't deny you were falling for him. His dark shoulder length hair framed his face as his piercing blue eyes found yours, goosebumps rising over your body, enamoured with your favourite super soldier.
His brows furrowed as he noticed your breathing hitch. You passed him a soft smile, a small gesture to say I'm fine, as you mentally kicked yourself for being so obviously affected by his company. You were sure he noticed. But it was Bucky, and with you, Bucky always noticed.
"Lemmie try!! It looks super toasty under there!" You broke out of your thoughts at the sound of Peter's voice. Padding over to you, he stuck his head inside your hoodie like an excited puppy. Tony was right, this kid really had no chill. Chortling against your under layer, he wrapped himself like a cocoon, only to emerge after a few seconds with a wide grin.
"Wow, Y/N, you need to wear this more often! You're like a walking radiator!"
Heading over to the last empty space on the sofa, you lay down next to Steve, who curiously peeked over his newspaper to catch a glimpse of the hoodie that had been causing such a ruckus.
"Oh, to be fair Y/N that does look cozy..." he smirked.
You sighed and shook your head with raised eyebrows and a half smile. "Go on then, I know you want too."
The Captain gave a low chuckle, and slid his hand respectfully under the cotton material, careful not to make contact with your skin or under layer. "Woah, it really is like a heated blanket under there."
"Hang on, I gotta try this." Wanda's voice echoed from the other side of the room, as she stepped over to you, squeezing her slim form on the sofa as she moved to face you. In true Wanda style, your friend ducked underneath your hoodie, enveloping you in a tight hug.
"Oh my God Y/N." Her words vibrated against your tank top, causing a giggle to escape your throat. "Tell me I don't have to leave. This is so snuggly."
"Wanda!" You yelled between laughs. "Get out you're making me ticklish!"
As Wanda returned to her seat at the coffee table, Natasha's voice rang out once again.
"Tonyyyy!" She sang. "C'mon you gotta try this."
"Nope. Absolutely not."
"Um..." The sound of someone clearing their throat caught everyone's attention, and all eyes reverted back to... Bucky. "I-I'll try..."
Your heart skipped a beat as your best friend crawled across the couch, positioning himself at the edge of your new hoodie. Looking up at you for confirmation, you nodded sheepishly as he lifted up the material, and nuzzled his head against your torso.
Attempting to remain calm, you focused on taking some deep breaths, knowing full well that if your heart rate increased, Bucky would certainly feel it with his body pressed against yours.
"Mmm" The vibrations of his mouth sent shivers down your lower half. "I could stay here forever doll..."
Unable to contain the smile that crept onto your lips, you sighed in comfort. The look on your teammates faces seemed to share your sentiment, watching you with compassion and smirks of contentment.
"He's like a koala, isn't he?" Wanda whispered delicately, taking in Bucky's beefy physique, gripping to your torso like a baby bear.
Gazing upon the covered brunette with adoration, you began to smooth your fingers over the outer material of your hoodie, placing soft strokes and scratches to the area where his head was underneath.
His breathing began to sound regular and slow - relaxed. Internally cheering, you took it as a sign that he felt comfortable and became more generous with your soothing movements, Bucky's hands now snaked around your waist as he lay consumed in your hoodie.
A few minutes passed, your friends catching your eye with furrowed brows, as Bucky remained still, seemingly rooted to your midsection.
Soft snores escaped the sergeants lips as you felt his grip on you tighten. He was asleep. The man you love had fallen asleep on your chest, and it was even more adorable than you could have imagined.
"Uhhh, shall I wake him up?" Steve offered, concern lacing his tone.
Your gaze drifted to your Bucky, sleeping soundly against your warm form. For once, it seemed like all his trauma, all his fear, had subsided to be replaced by a reassuring, deep embrace. All because of you.
"No, no." You shook your head and smiled. "He can stay here for a while..."
Suddenly, your oversized hoodie didn't seem like such a joke anymore.
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aurumacadicus · 2 years
Anyway! Some horny nonsense:
“It’s just so hard, you know, starting a new relationship and having sex the first time,” Sam complained, taking the drink Tony handed him and slurping it sadly.
Natasha shrugged, not looking up from carefully painting Carol’s toenails. “Just have open communication and it should all turn out okay.”
“Yeah, but it’s always a bit hard at the beginning, you know?” Sam sighed.
Bucky nodded, agreeing. “Right, because you’re so focused on figuring out what they like and cataloguing it for later. You want it to be good for them.”
“Yeah, and then the position changes and you have to start all over for them,” Steve added, sighing. He gave Tony a frown as he walked over to give Natasha and Carol drinks. “It’s worse when your partner has way more experience than you.”
“What’s worse is when you’re on top,” Carol argued. “At least when you’re on the bottom, you have more leverage to do things.” She turned to look up at Tony as he walked back past her. “Tony, back me up.”
Tony blinked at her, frowning, then rolled his eyes. “Come on. All you have to do is the coconut and go from there.”
Everyone stopped and turned to stare at him, even Pepper, who had been so wholly engrossed in a contract she’d been reading that she hadn’t noticed Clint had painted her nails. He blinked back placidly, but the calm soon gave way to discomfort when no one answered him.
“Tony,” Thor said pleasantly. “Would you like to explain?”
“...No,” Tony said slowly, eyes narrowing as he took in all of his friends’ blank expressions. “I sense I have made a mistake of some kind.” He began carefully backing up, clearly planning to make a break for it.
Rhodey clamped a hand around his bicep and towed him back over to the couch, chucking him down beside Steve. “Just tell them about the coconut, Tony.”
“You know about the coconut?!” Carol sputtered, and then stopped, voice going flat. “Actually no. You and Tony go way back. I should have known.”
Tony scowled mulishly as everyone looked at him again, crossing his arms. “You’ll make fun of me.”
“Tony, did... did you do the coconut on me?” Steve asked nervously.
Tony shot him an unimpressed frown, raising his eyebrows as he slowly answered, “Yesss?”
“Tell them what the coconut is,” Rhodey repeated, giving him a very stern frown.
Tony sighed the sigh of the truly put upon and stood back up. “You are on top. You’re too nervous to even really be horny anymore so it’s not like you’re worried about yourself. It’s experiment time. So you spell coconut--” He began swiveling his hips slowly. “--With your hips and you watch for what your partner likes. Print or cursive doesn’t really matter. Steve likes O’s and T’s!” he added cheerfully.
Everyone stared at him a little longer. Then Steve covered his face and groaned. “Oh my god. I do like the O’s and T’s.”
“Did you do that with me?!” Pepper spluttered, and then, “Oh, my god, the N-U’s.”
“So help me, if you get up so you can spell coconut with your hips, I will chuck this drink at you,” Sam told Bucky when he noticed him looking down at his lap thoughtfully.
“You knew what the coconut was,” Carol said to Rhodey accusingly.
Rhodey scowled back at her. “Carol, I was there when he burst into the room and told me he’d solved awkward first-time sex. It was two in the morning. Of course I know what the coconut is.”
“Did you do the coconut on me?!” Carol squawked.
“No, because you always tell me what you want and I follow orders,” Rhodey replied, shrugging.
Natasha grinned smugly. “See? Open communication.”
“Natasha likes C’s,” Tony added helpfully.
“How do you fucking know that?!” Natasha shouted.
Tony just blinked at her, unconcerned. “Bruce was really nervous so I tried to pep him up.”
“I think you say these things just because you like chaos,” Clint said to Tony.
“The chaos is just a bonus, I think,” Thor replied, raising his eyebrows at Tony skeptically. “He’s really just weird and thinks things he says are normal and is absolutely shocked when they aren’t.”
Tony shrugged. Neither of them were wrong.
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evanstanwhore · 2 years
miss you
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pairing: bucky barnes x fem!avenger!reader
summary: you hated it. you hated the 21st century. you hated how different everything was. you hated how different your life was. you missed the brooklyn apartment you shared with him. you missed your life with him and how happy it made you. now you didn't know how to act around each other. you didn't know what to say but you'd had enough. you missed him
warnings: one use of y/n, slight angst and fluff <3
wc: 729
You had good days and bad days. This week had been filled with bad days. You stayed in your room, the only person you allowed in was your brother. He was your only comfort. Everything was different. Everyone - even Natasha and Tony - were terrified of you. I mean, you did make it very difficult for people to get to know you. Opening up was something you didn't want to do. You were still trying to remember who you were. Hydra had taken your past away from you just like they had done with Bucky.
Bucky Barnes. Bucky your brother's best friend. Bucky the boy you had a crush on since you were little. Bucky the man who told you he loved you on your 20th birthday in 1939. Bucky the man you loved more than anything. Bucky the man you no longer know how to talk to. Bucky the man you still love deeply but don't know how to act around.
You missed him. You were sick of him avoiding you. You were sick of avoiding him. Steve had mentioned that he hates it too. He hates not knowing what to say or how to act. He misses you.
In the '40s, on your bad days, you'd go straight to Bucky. He was the only person you wanted to be around. That hadn't changed. The only person you wanted was him. You felt that now, alone in your room, more than ever.
With a sigh, you got up and moved to leave your room, not caring that you were only in a black tank top, no bra and red and black flannel pyjama bottoms. You walked through the living room where the avengers sat. It was Peter's movie night. He'd been talking about it for weeks. He was so excited. "Miss Rogers!" The teenager beamed. "Are you--"
"No" You answered blankly as you passed, walking barefoot down the hall towards his room. Peter's faltered a little as you walked away. "She's had a bad week. Don't take it personally. She's been like that with me for days." Steve reassured him with a sigh, watching his sister leave.
You didn't stop when you reached his door. You just pushed it open. He was sitting on his bed reading. You still got butterflies when he looked up at you. "What are you doing?" Bucky asked, slightly startled as he put his book down beside him.
"I don't know what to say to you or how to act around you but I miss you. I know that. I hate everyone but you. It's always been that way. I still can't remember everything but I can remember that. I hate everyone but you and Steve. I hate everyone but you" You ranted. Bucky opened his mouth to say something but you didn't let him. "I love you, James. That hasn't changed."
It was silent as you moved towards his bed and got in beside him. He said nothing as you pulled the duvet over your head the same way you used to. It's the only way you could sleep. He sat and stared at where you laid, processing everything you had just said. A small smile tugged at his lips as he laid down beside you.
"Doll" He whispered, unsure of if you'd fallen asleep. Slowly, you took the duvet from your face and turned to look at him. Tears filled your eyes when you saw his smile. He was smiling at you in the same way he used to. He was smiling at you in the loving way that was meant only for you. It was Bucky. Your Bucky.
You smiled back as he pulled you into him. You wrapped your arms tightly around him as if he were going to disappear. "I've missed you" He whispered against your hair. "I love you, Y/n. That hasn't changed"
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Double dating
Pairings | Bucky Barnes x Steve Rogers x Natasha romanoff x british!reader
Warnings | smut, foursome, oral (male and female receiving), mlm, wlw, slight dirty talk
Word count | 1.2k
Summary | you, Steve, Bucky and Nat all spend the night together
Masterlist | part two
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It all started when the mission to England got cancelled, once you'd all already arrived of course.
It being your home country and all, the four of you decided to stay so you could spend some time somewhere more familiar again.
You, Steve, Bucky and Natasha had all spent the day hopping between tourist attractions and cafes all over London, trusting your now-limited knowledge of the underground to cart the four of you from place to place.
To be frank, the day was exhausting with all the walking and small talk you and Nat had made with workers and locals. Despite this, Bucky was set on the idea of going out drinking in a pub, so you finally conceded and the three of you agreed to accompany him.
Upon arriving back to your hotel, you hiccuped a laugh - arm slung loosely over Nat's shoulder as you chatted and giggled.
It took you a few attempts, but after a moment you managed to swipe your keycard and get into your shared room.
Bucky and Steve barrelled in behind the two of you, lips locked and hands grabbing at each other desperately.
You and Nat shared a glance before the redhead shrugged, her slim fingers sliding up into your hair to pull you down into a rough kiss.
Her lips were silky soft, pillowy against yours, as she curled her tongue agonisingly slow over your bottom lip.
She hummed into your mouth as your own lips parted, a sigh transferring from yours as Nat tilted her head slightly for better access.
She let her tongue slide into your mouth, exploring you; her free hand kneeled gently over the swell of your breasts, her thumb and pointer finger pinching at your nipples through your dress.
"Oh, Natasha." You moaned, letting your head roll back to give her access to your neck as she simpered.
"You're missing the show, boys." She gloated, pressing a line of kisses down the column of your throat, a trail of red lipstick highlighting your skin.
Steve and Bucky looked over to you two, with Bucky's legs already wrapped around Steve's slim hips. The latter's hands were bound with Bucky's scarf around the back of one of the hotel chairs (which would most definitely be broken by the end of the night).
Upon seeing this, Nat's eyes lit up. She strode slowly, salaciously, over to the boys; her hips swung with every step she took, drawing the three people in the room in to her.
"Mmm, doesn't he look pretty?" Nat mumbled, leaning up on tip-toes to smack a wet kiss go Bucky's lips, which the man took with an equal hunger.
"I think she'd look just as beautiful." Bucky murmured back, raising an eyebrow in your direction. You felt your core clench at the thought of being at the two ex-assassins' mercy.
"You're getting ahead of me baby." Nat flirted playfully, bumping her nose against Bucky's before giving him a final peck on the lips.
She turned back to you, fire in her eyes and the Devil's smirk painted in red on her plump lips.
"What d'you think?" Nat hummed, running her hand along your collar bones to make you shiver. "You want to join your lover?" She murmured into your ear, using the same hand to tilt your chin in Steve's direction.
Bucky was already all over your boyfriend again, his lips and tongue working their way down his bare, flushed chest.
You whined quietly and Nat grinned.
"Let's get you tied up, shall we?" She suggested perkily, and all you could do was nod.
"Shit! Bucky, oh my god!" Steve cried, neck straining as he threw his head back in pleasure. A pink flush branched over your boyfriend's skin, spanning from the tips of his ears to the top of his chest.
Bucky moaned, a mouthful of Steve's cock resting against his tongue as he bobbed his head.
Steve was squirming, trying his hardest not to pull free of his bonds as his legs kicked and his nose scrunched up.
You could feel yourself getting hot at the sight, your pussy getting even wetter as Nat's skilled tongue made its way through your folds.
"Fuck!" You hissed as the tip of her tongue caught on your clit, before her lips were wrapped around the small bud and she was suckling it into her mouth.
"Wanna swap?" Bucky grinned, a string of Steve's precum hanging filthily from his lips.
Natasha pulled away, teeth sunk into her bottom lip as she nodded eagerly.
You and Steve both watched in awe (and possibly slight disappointment) as the two assassins crawled across the hotel room floor, meeting in the middle to share a dirty kiss.
Nat kissed the precum still attached to Bucky's lip away, their tongues mingling whilst their teeth clanked together.
They both pulled away smiling and breathless, clearly content as they resumed their paths.
"Hi, doll." Bucky simpered.
"Hi, Buck." You panted down at him, and Bucky gave you a little salute before surging forwards. "Holy shit!"
He dove straight for your clit, teeth nipping with gentle force as you writhed in your seat.
Nat watched on pridefully, knowing she'd taught her boyfriend exactly how to do that.
Steve was still breathless above her, long cock bobbing in the air and stood to attention - the tip swollen purple by now.
"Need some help, cap?" Nat smirked, and Steve groaned.
"Oh fuck you Romanoff-"
"Language, Captain." Nat snickered and Steve groaned again, letting his head loll back in frustration as Nat's slim fingers wrapped around his length.
"Shit, that's good." Steve sighed.
"Oh yeah?" Nat quirked a brow.
Bucky pulled away from your core, and you took the chance to get your own breath back.
"You still haven't felt her mouth, Stevie." Bucky grinned wolfishly before plunging back towards your pussy.
"Fuckfuckfuckfuck." You chanted, "Bucky! BuckyBuckyBucky!" You could feel the smugness exuding off the super soldier as he brought you to your finish, two fingers buried in your core and his lips around your throbbing clit.
"Shit Stevie, you get to see that all the time?" Bucky pondered, licking his fingers clean. Steve could only hum in acknowledgment as Nat's tongue smoothed over his tip. "Goddamn, might have to visit you more often." Bucky sighed.
Nat raised her hand as if to say, 'no complaints here.'
"Oh my god, Romanoff." Steve moaned, voice growing oddly high pitched - how it sounds when you've got his cock shoved down your throat.
You could help but grin as you watched.
"You like that doll? Watchin' Nat gag on Stevie's dick?" Bucky simpered and you nodded absently.
"I'm coming!" Steve yelled, just as his fidgeting finally wore through the scarf tying his hands, the soft fabric ripping in two as Steve tensed with his orgasm.
Nat pulled away wiping her mouth with the back of her hand.
"Fuck me, that was bloody incredible." You smiled, and Bucky and Nat shared a gleeful look.
"Maybe we should double date more often." Steve suggested, and no one seemed to object.
Taglists: Bucky Barnes One-shots, Drabbles and Headcannons | @buckysgirl101 @quxxnxfhxll @anakinsslag @macylawz @zaphdekota @ihavemajordaddyissues @theoldermanswhore @addriaenne @thegirlwiththeimpala @turkish276 @lilpopizzle @gooseyhouse @ohmy-fandoms @harrysthiccthighss @partiesandblurrypolaroids @prettysbliss @the-surviving-revolutionist @white-wolf1940 @dpaccione @tenaciousperfectionunknown @loveyou5everr @vallerydevora @multihoee @supraveng @cap-n-ce @sebbyxlover @jeremyrennermakesmesmile @veronicapaula @ravenmoore14 @frickin-bats @itstaylorcale @thurstyforholland @jamielovesbucky @stardust-galaxies
Other Marvel Characters One-shots, Drabbles and Headconnons |@buckysgirl101 @quxxnxfhxll @anakinsslag @marvelhoesworld @macylawz @zaphdekota @thegirlwiththeimpala @ohmy-fandoms @prettysbliss @samira_mcd @xxxtwilightaxelxxx @dpaccione @multihoee @natasha-danvers @supraveng @cap-n-ce @sebbyxlover @jeremyrennermakesmesmile @veronicapaula @ravenmoore14 @frickin-bats @itstaylorcale @chasethemoon @stardust-galaxies
Bucky Barnes One-shots, Drabbles and Headcannons | @buckysgirl101 @quxxnxfhxll @anakinsslag @macylawz @Zaphdekota @ihavemajordaddyissues @theoldermanswhore @addriaenne @thegirlwiththeimpala @turkish276 @LilPopizzle @gooseyhouse @ohmy-fandoms @Harrysthiccthighss @partiesandblurrypolaroids @prettysbliss @the-surviving-revolutionist @white-wolf1940 @dpaccione @tenaciousperfectionunknown @Loveyou5everr @vallerydevora @multihoee @supraveng @cap-n-ce @sebbyxlover @JeremyRennermakesmesmile @veronicapaula @ravenmoore14 @Frickin-bats @itstaylorcale @thurstyforholland @jamielovesbucky @stardust-galaxies
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fandoms-writings · 2 years
Something Domestic - Three
Pairing: ex-military amputee!Bucky x fem!Reader
Word count: 4.1K
Summary: Bucky’s been getting better over time, but everyone has their set backs. Luckily, you and Bruno are there to help.
Warnings: ptsd, night terrors, emotional Bucky, anxiety
Series Masterlist || Bucky Masterlist
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"Bucky! Steve's calling!" You called from the bottom of the stairs, laptop balanced in your hand. Steve had been shipped out a couple of weeks ago, headed to Kuwait. You could tell Bucky wanted to say something about it when he'd called before shipping out to let you both know, but he kept his lips in a tight grin and told his best friend to be careful and to come home in one piece. Don't be like me, he'd said, getting a nervous laugh from the blond on the other end. After that, he'd kept to himself for a few hours in his room, and you couldn't blame him. So, you let him be and called him down for dinner that night where he was a little tense, but he did agree to watching a movie with you before heading for bed. 
"Coming!" He shouted from the top of the stairs as you brought the laptop to the dining table, setting it up in front of the two chairs you had so you could both see Steve and he could see you. Bucky quickly stepped down the stairs and slid in next to you right as you clicked the green button, Steve's face taking over the screen. 
"It's about time you answered!" He laughed. He looked good, his smile reaching his eyes as the corners crinkled. He couldn't tell you what he was going out there for, government confidentiality and all, but you just hoped he wasn't getting hurt, and so far he looked okay - that was relief enough for the moment. 
"Sorry, I had to wait for slowpoke here to come down the stairs," You teased as you nudged Bucky with your shoulder, earning a small chuckle from him. 
"Hey, I was getting changed and you know it takes me a little longer than it used to," He laughed, a smile adorning his face at the sight of his friend unharmed. 
You listened as he filled Steve in on what was happening at the house, though it wasn't much. He mentioned how he had started helping you in the barn with the horses, how you were teaching him all that went into caring for them, and how he helped Peter figure out what to say to the girl he likes at school. You chimed in telling him about how he was gonna ask MJ if she wanted to come for a horse ride - you'd offered it to him to try and give him some courage to finally ask her out. Steve had met Peter when the kid was still a kid and not a teenager on his way to graduating highschool and you made it a point to make sure he was here the next time Steve called so he could say hello again. 
After a bit of back and forth, you excused yourself to start on dinner, the facetime call was more or less for Bucky anyways. You always loved talking to Steve, but you knew Bucky needed that one on one time with someone who wasn't you, someone he wasn't around 24/7. You threw in your headphones so that he had some privacy in his conversation and got started with a simple chili for dinner.
You were able to see him from where you stood at the counter, he was just on the other side of the island at the table, smiling as he listened to Steve. As you watched, you couldn't help but smile to yourself. 
Bucky had come pretty far in the two months he'd been with you. Sure, he had plenty more to go, many more obstacles to overcome, but everything takes time. You knew that too well. 
He'd been smiling more, even if it was only when someone cracked a joke or when Peter gushed about MJ, no doubt reminding Bucky of when he was younger. He'd told you about how he used to be a flirt and loved the attention from all the girls in school, though he grew out of that when he joined the Army. 
You watched as he laughed, his smile growing as his shoulders shook and he looked down at the table. His hair was getting longer than when he first showed up at your door. Back then, it still had the shape of his military cut, but had grown out a bit, the top being just a bit longer than the sides. Now, the top was getting to the point where it's length was weighing it down just a bit to lay over his forehead, the slight curl becoming more noticeable as the weeks went by, and the sides were starting to get more and more fluffy. 
His facial hair was getting longer, it had been a short stubble when he moved in, and he hadn't shaved it since. It suited him, though you could tell it bothered him. The way he would scratch at his chin under the hair, a scowl on his face as he did so gave him away. You wondered why he hadn't shaved it, but you didn't want to ask in case it made him self conscious. 
You tore your eyes away from him when you started cutting the onions and the chicken, still thinking about how far he'd come in such a short amount of time. Not only had he started joining you in the barn, helping you get all the daily chores done faster, but he also had gone with you to the grocery store a couple of times. 
He was nervous the first time, wearing a large sweater and a ball cap pulled over his eyes, and constantly looking around at your surroundings, the people and the exits and the children. You had taken Bruno with you, and his only hand was holding the leash in a death grip. But the second time he seemed a bit more relaxed, not constantly looking over his shoulder and flinching a little less at the screaming kids. It only got better the more you got him out of the house. Sure, he still flinched every once in a while or seemed more nervous than normal, but he was getting better. 
A balled up napkin landed in front of you and you looked up to see him waving to get your attention. Setting down the knife and wiping your hands on the towel, you pulled your headphones out of your ears. 
"Steve's gonna hang up," He said with a sad tone that his smile couldn't hide, "he wants to say bye." You smiled and walked over, waving at Steve as you leaned over Bucky's shoulder, wishing Steve good luck and that you hoped to hear from him soon. Bucky ended the call after that and joined you back in the kitchen. 
"Is there anything I can do to help?" You'd grown used to hearing that, him wanting to help out in any way he could. He'd mentioned something about feeling like he wasn't pitching in enough and didn't want to freeload off of you. You'd tried telling him that it was okay, that he indeed wasn't mooching, but he wouldn't accept that. So, the best thing to do was to just welcome the assistance. 
"Of course, if you could get out the chicken broth from the pantry and the bag of corn from the freezer, that'd be awesome," You smiled at him and he nodded, heading to the pantry and the freezer. When he came back, he switched your music from your headphones to the speaker, per his request, which took you by surprise. Usually, he either wanted to talk or just sit in silence - which you didn't mind. You grinned when he turned to the speaker and made a mental note of that being another change in him, another sign that he was getting better. 
After dinner was finished and you both ate your fill, he helped you clean up and load the dishwasher before joining you for a movie. Spending your nights watching a movie had become routine over the past few weeks. You'd take turns picking out what to watch while the other heated up some popcorn or got a bowl of chips. At first, you'd started on opposite ends of the couch, and you still did, but as the weeks went by, you'd end up next to each other with the only thing separating you being the bowl of whatever snack you had that night. And tonight was no different. But neither one of you would move the bowl once it was empty, it would keep it's place between your thighs and his, as if it was a wall you both refused to tear down. 
Once the movie was over, you both headed your separate ways. He went up to do his nightly routine before going to bed and you'd go out and double check the barn, making sure everything was locked properly and that the horses didn't need anything before coming back to the house and doing your own routine. Then you'd crawl into bed, leaving your door cracked enough for Bruno to slip through. He used to spend his nights with you, sleeping at your feet, but ever since he'd started forming a bond with Bucky, he'd switch between the two rooms throughout the night. And you were glad for it. 
You heard Bucky some nights, his muttering and his heavy breathing as his nightmares took a hold of him. You always wanted to help, but that was a boundary you weren't going to cross until you'd either talked about it or until it was absolutely necessary. Bruno crossed it for you. He'd hear Bucky first, getting down from your bed, his collar jingling would wake you and you'd see his tail slip out into the hall. From then on, you couldn't help but focus in on the noises from across the hall. You could always tell when Bucky would wake up, his soft voice in the air as he acknowledged Bruno and let the dog up into his bed. Silence would usually follow and you'd get back to sleep. Not tonight though. 
It started with Bruno's collar, just like most nights, the jingle of his name tag and rabies shot tag clinking together waking you as he jumped down from your bed and made his way out into the hall. You turned over, angling yourself so you could catch a glimpse of his tail as he left the room. Watching the hall, you listened as he tried to wake Bucky and you thought it worked when Bucky's murmurs went quiet, a stillness taking over the house. You closed your eyes to get back to sleep, but a series of thuds had your eyes snapping open and you sat up in bed. Stillness came again, but was broken by the faint noise of Bruno's whine. 
Throwing the covers off of you, you scrambled to get to your feet and swing your door open the rest of the way, revealing a dark hallway with the small light from downstairs flowing up the steps. You left it on every night, just in case one of you needed something from the lower level of your house, but instead of bringing comfort, it only made you uneasy. Slowly, you took the stairs one at a time, careful to be as quiet as you could. 
Bruno came into view as you peaked around the corner into the kitchen, he was sitting, watching something you couldn't see as he whined softly. 
"Brun," You whispered, and his head whipped to you. He whined again before looking back at whatever it was he could see and you slowly stepped next to him, peaking around the island at the floor. A gasp escaped your lips at the sight of Bucky sitting on the floor, eyes wide and sweat on his brow. His chest was rising and falling with a speed and heaviness you'd seen only a handful of times before in your own father or in yourself. 
His wide eyes were flitting about the room, unfocused and dazed. His hand was gripping at the linoleum floor, like he was trying to grab at something that wasn't there, and his feet were sliding on the floor as he tried to push himself further and further into the cupboards even though his back was already pressed up against them. Seeing him in such a state made a lump form in your throat and your stomach sink. You knew trying to wake him could potentially be dangerous, but you couldn't just let him panic on the kitchen floor, not knowing what was happening. You swallowed thickly before kneeling down next to Bruno to make yourself appear as small as you could before you spoke softly, your voice barely above a whisper. 
"Bucky?" His wide eyes snapped to you, still dazed, and he shook his head. 
"I don't know anything, I swear." The rasp in his voice as it broke on his last word made your heart clench. He looked so small, so innocent as he watched you with eyes full of fear. 
"That's okay," You gave him a tiny grin to try and slid yourself just a little closer. He noticed and his breathing quickened as he shook his head, so you froze, raising your hands to show you didn't mean him any harm, "It's okay, it's okay. I'm not here to hurt you." 
He pulled his legs closer to himself as he watched you, trying to figure out if you were telling the truth or not. He didn't say anything more so you put your hands down in your lap, keeping them in his sight.
"Do you know where you are?" You asked, your small grin gone as the worry showed in the pinch of your brows. He looked to the floor and the cabinets as he tried to figure out the answer. He shook his head without looking back to you. 
"I don't know," He muttered, "Isn't that the point though? Being a prisoner? I'm not supposed to know, am I?" You felt your heart break as he revealed something about himself that you were sure he would've preferred to keep a secret for at least a while longer. You couldn't imagine him being a prisoner of war, but he hadn't told you much about what had happened to him during his time in the military, what happened to him. And you didn't want to ask. You wanted him to tell you when he was ready, if he ever would be. This wasn't how you thought it would happen. You sure as hell knew it wasn't how he wanted to tell you either. 
"I suppose not," You whispered, "Can I introduce you to someone?" His eyes snapped to you, that fear taking hold of his blue irises again and you were quick to add, "He won't hurt you, I promise." 
"I can't trust you," He shook his head, "I can't trust anyone here." You sighed. 
"How can I show you that I can be trusted?" His brows pinched as he thought it over. You figured no one had asked him that before, but then you realized that no one would. No one from wherever in his mind that he was stuck in was trustworthy. Everyone was an enemy to him. You took a deep breath before asking, "Do you like dogs?" 
He shrunk in on himself as he nodded shortly, "Yes." You reached to the floor and patted it twice, Bruno stepping up to smell your fingers. Bucky watched him, curiosity taking the fears place in the ocean of his eyes. You reached up to scratch behind his ear. 
"This is Bruno," Bucky's eyes were trained on the dog as you hit his sweet spot and  his leg started kicking, "He's friendly." You saw him clench his jaw as his fingers twitched at his side. "Would you like to pet him?" 
His eyes darted to you before he nodded, a hesitancy in his movements. You pulled your hand away from Bruno's ear and patted the ground twice in front of you, Bucky watching your movements, and then seeing the dog take two steps to follow your fingers. "Your turn," You whispered. His eyes blinked over to the dog and his hand shook as he slightly raised it from the ground, tapping the floor twice like you showed him. Bruno's head whipped to where his hand was on the linoleum and it tilted to the side. He'd heard the pats, but they were so soft, he wasn't sure what to do. 
"Try again, just a little harder. It's okay." You slid from your knees to your butt before crossing your legs in front of you, showing him you weren't planning on moving. He nodded before patting the floor again, a little more weight to his hand this time and Bruno slowly stepped forward. 
Bucky's hand shook as he reached out toward the dog's nose, holding his hand as still as he could as Bruno sniffed it before licking, his tail wagging. The smallest huff of air was forced from Bucky's chest as the corner of his mouth twitched. Bruno leaned in, sniffing his face before licking his cheek and rubbing his head against the beard he was sporting. You saw the tension leave Bucky's body as his shoulders slumped and his legs that were bent up closer to his chest fell back down, his feet kicking out. Bruno sat in between his legs and Bucky leaned forward, wrapping his arm around the animal and burying his face in the fur. 
You smiled to yourself. This is what Bruno was trained for, and watching Bucky hold him as he came back to you reminded you of that. But it also reminded you of the times you'd find your father in a similar situation, when you didn't have Bruno yet to help bring him back out of the depths of his mind, of his memories. It reminded you of yourself after your mother left, the nightmares she left with you. That was why you’d gotten Bruno in the first place. 
He pulled his face from Bruno's fur, eyes now focused as he looked up at you. You gave him a small smile, "Hi." A flush flooded his face before he looked down to the ground and then around the room, gaining his whereabouts. 
"I'm sorry," He mumbled, slouching against the cabinets. You slid across the floor to sit closer, leaning your back against the dishwasher just a few feet away. 
"Don't be," You nudged his leg with your foot as you recrossed your legs. He looked at you, his gaze heavy and you were sure he was thinking about what he had been seeing just moments ago, "Bruno is trained for this." 
He huffed, "I figured, considering the past few weeks of him waking me up in the middle of the night." You smiled at him and shrugged. “Does he have a vest? I never see you put one on him.”
“He does, but the whole town knows he’s a service dog, so they don’t bother me when he’s around,” You answered. He hummed and reached back for Bruno’s ears. 
"Do you wanna talk about it?" You whispered. You would have spoken up, asked at a normal volume, but it was such a sensitive question, it didn't feel right to ask any louder than you did. 
"Not really," He muttered as he looked at the ground, dropping his hand to fiddle with the hem of his sleepshirt. 
"That's okay," You nodded, "I don't usually wanna talk either." He looked at you, his brows furrowed. You knew why he was confused. You'd never told him about the nightmares that plagued your own mind at night, though they showed themselves less often than his. “You’re not the only one with nightmares in this house.” You could tell he wanted to ask about them, to know more about you, and you wanted to tell him. It only seemed right, considering you’d seen such a vulnerable side of him tonight. But that was for another time. "What do you want to do now?" He seemed to catch on to the change in topic and shrugged. 
"I'd like to sleep, but that doesn't really seem possible right now." You nodded at that. It'd always take you forever to fall back asleep after a night like this, your body exhausted, but your mind and heart still racing, unable to calm down. 
"We could watch a show," You suggested, tipping your head towards the living room, "Or we could go for a drive. Or we could go to the diner for cake. I always ate my feelings when I had a rough night." 
"Eating your feelings does sound appealing, but I don't really want to go anywhere," he smiled at you. It didn't quite reach his eyes, but it was a start at him feeling better than just moments ago, "And you don't have to stay up with me, I'll be fine." 
"Well, that's just too bad, cuz I'm up now, and I'm gonna do one of those things whether you join me or not," You pushed his leg with your foot again and he dryly chuckled at your teasing tone while shaking his head. 
"Alright, alright. A show sounds nice. Something light, and quiet." You smiled at him as you nodded before you stood. He took your outstretched hand and you pulled him up, not letting his hand go as you pulled him to the living room, Bruno following close behind and settling on the floor in front of the couch. You let him pick a comedy as you sat beside him, your free hand getting to the title he requested and you turned the volume down. 
He released your hand when you turned to grab the blanket from the arm of the couch, though his hand was still shaking as it rested on the cushion next to him. You unfolded the blanket, throwing it over both of your laps with a small smile, "It gets cold down here most nights." 
He grinned, "I'm sure it does." You noticed his hand gripping the material of the blanket as he watched the show, small breathy laughs leaving his lips every once in a while, and you slid your hand into his, giving it a small squeeze. 
You kept your attention on the TV, even as he looked to you with confusion on his face and you squeezed his hand again, silently telling him it was okay, that you didn't mind and that he didn’t need to ask. To tell him you were there. He looked away from you, back to the show and a moment passed before he squeezed your hand back, releasing a heavy breath through his nose. You knew at that moment that he understood what you were trying to tell him, and with the way he kept his hand in yours the rest of the night, you knew he was thankful for it. 
It didn’t take long for your eyelids to grow heavy and your mind to go quiet as you drowned out the noise of the tv. Your head tipping to the side as sleep overtook you, it landed on Bucky's shoulder, his hand still in your grip. He looked down at your face, the small pout on your lips and the way the tv cast little shadows across your cheeks as it flashed over your lashes. There were moments where he'd wished he still had his other hand. Getting dressed, driving, cooking. They were all there, small moments. But none of them made him wish his left hand was still there as badly as this one.
He wished he could reach over, pull the blanket up over you or even pull you a bit closer so you'd be more comfortable. There was no bowl separating you, no wall to tear down. He settled for slowly scooting his legs closer, an attempt to make it so you weren't leaning so far over, and rested his head on top of yours, the scent of your shampoo flooding his nose. It wasn't overpowering, just lightly there, but it was enough to calm him. Bruno jumped up from his space on the ground in front of the couch and laid his head in Bucky's lap. He smiled down at the dog before his eyes fell closed, the feeling of your soft hand in his keeping him grounded as he gave it one more squeeze before he finally let himself fall asleep. 
He didn't have any dreams the rest of the night, but that also meant he didn't have any nightmares. And in the morning, when he would wake before you, finding you had both slid to lay on the cushions, your head on his chest and his arm wrapped around your back, he would silently thank you.
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As always, thank you for reading! Comments, reblogs, and likes are all appreciated! 
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Taglist: @ginger-swag-rapunzel @spid3rgwen @austynparksandpizza @imjustace @dancer3205 @shadytalementality​ @leosandbuckysgirl @chwlogy @hysteriadarling​ @srhxpci @peaches1958 @historygeekfics
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AN: Hey folks - here it is, the (hopefully) eagerly awaited part 7 to my 'An Artist and an Engineer' series. I do recommend reading the other parts of the series before this one, or at least part six, An Understanding.
Big thanks to @sidepartskinnyjeans for beta-ing this for me.
Divider by @firefly-graphics
This is just filth (like all the previous parts) so, Minors, please make yourself scarce.
Series Master list | Part Six | Part Eight | Full Master list
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Relationship: Artist Steve Rogers x Engineer Bucky Barnes x Reader (Cali)
Word Count: 3.7k
CW: Threesome, Dom & Top Steve Rogers, Switch & Versatile Bucky Barnes, Switch & Bottom Reader, Oral (F receiving), minor bondage play, Vaginal fingering, P in V sex (no condom, established relationship, reader is on birth control), Anal fingering, Anal Sex (M receiving), aftercare, Steve being a menace, pet names.
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Nervous energy thrummed through your body as you stood in the arrival hall of the airport. You clutched Bucky’s hand tightly as you bounced up and down on your toes. Whilst your anxiety was threatening to burst out of your body, Bucky's, in contrast, was much quieter, but his emotional state was still evident by the way he was biting his lower lip. 
Steve’s plane had touched down a few minutes ago, and as he’d only taken a carry on, it wouldn’t take him long to make it to where you both were. People, other passengers poured out through the doors and you craned your neck searching for him, even though it was a pointless thing to do; Steve was so tall he wouldn’t get hidden behind anyone else, anyway.
You felt Bucky tense beside you, a subtle, involuntary clench of his hand around yours and you turned your head slightly.
He was walking through the doors, phone in hand. He hadn’t noticed the pair of you yet, not expecting either of you to meet him here. You broke away from Bucky and ran forward, dodging around other passengers in your rushed approach.
You called his name and his head snapped up, just in time to prepare himself for your weight barrelling into him. 
“Cali! What are you doing here?”
Your hands came up to cup his cheeks, the bristles from his beard rubbing your palms.
“Shut up and kiss me, Steve!”
You drew his face down, catching sight of his raised eyebrows before your lips pressed against his. You kissed him hungrily, and felt his slight surprise before he answered your hunger with his own. As your arms wound around his neck, his pulled you closer, one broad palm flat between your shoulder blades and the other squeezing at your buttocks, pressing your pelvis against his own.
A tentative cough broke through your hazy minds and you broke apart, both turning your heads to lazily blink at Bucky’s amused face.
“Wait until you get home, you horn dogs. You’re in public here.”
A smile twitched at Steve’s lips and he looked in your eyes, conversing silently. You smiled shyly back, giving him a small nod. He dropped a kiss to your nose before he stepped away from you, towards Bucky.
Your boyfriend reached out, snagging his best friend's arm, and pulling a surprised Bucky up against him. Heedless of the totally exposed nature of where you all were, Steve bent his head to get closer to his quarry. His breath fanned across Bucky’s cheek and ear, causing the engineer’s eyes to flutter.
“I think you mean wait until we get home.”
Bucky gulped, a sweet blush rushing up his cheeks.
“Yeah, we. Sounds good, punk. Really good.”
Looking at the two of them, the way they were staring at each other, eyes full of lust and telltale bulges in their trousers you realised you were probably going to have to give your cab driver a large tip…
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The door to Steve’s apartment crashed open, the three of you spilling in, legs tangling around each other and Steve’s roll-along case. You took the handle from your boyfriend and shoved the case impatiently against the wall to be dealt with later. Much later.
By the time you turned back Steve had Bucky backed against the other wall of the hallway, kissing him passionately. You leant back with a smile, happy that these two wonderful men were finally allowing all of their feelings loose.
Bucky whimpered as Steve pulled back but your boyfriend half turned to you, holding his hand out. You skipped your small hand into his large one and he tugged you forwards, giving you a brief, but thorough, kiss, before spinning you into Bucky’s arms.
You laughed as Bucky pulled you against him, and you looked coyly over your shoulder at Steve. He grinned back and gave the pair of you a ‘carry on’ gesture as he divested himself of his scarf and long coat. Turning back to your new lover, you placed your hands on his broad chest and rose up on your toes so you could kiss him. The feel of plump lips, so different to Steve’s, sent tingles through your body, and you opened your own up, inviting him into your mouth. His hands rested on your ass, gently palming your buttocks.
As you kissed him you felt a second pair of arms slide around your waist. Steve was warm and firm against your back, his palms brushing up under your top, resting on your stomach as he pressed bristly kisses behind your ear and down the side of your neck. Bucky’s hands moved to your hips, allowing Steve to press closer.
Bucky broke your kiss, trailing his lips over your jaw, before meeting Steve’s lips on your neck. The two men crowded against you as they kissed each other and your skin. Their erections nestled against you, front and back and you could help but grind against them in turn. Ever the consummate multi-tasker, Steve slid one of his hands up to cup your breast over your bra, rubbing the pad of his thumb over your lace covered nipple, and the other slid down the front of your jeans, tracing the outline of your folds over your underwear.
“Fuck…..” As the epitaph left your mouth, you heard both your boys (your boys!) chuckle. You pressed your hands against Bucky’s chest, creating a sliver of space and slipped out from between them. Looking them over, your core clenched. Bucky’s lips were kiss swollen, Steve’s hair was completely mussed and both pairs of blue eyes were dark with lust. You took a step back and watched their gazes follow your movements, like wolves watching a deer. Your hands gripped the hem of your shirt and you quickly pulled it over your head. You threw the material at Steve, and as they both stood there, watching you, you un-clipped and removed your bra, tossing it at Bucky. Then, with a giggle, you spun on your feet and dashed towards the bedroom. 
A split second passed before you heard their twin footsteps following you. You’d just crossed the threshold when a brawny pair of arms wrapped around you, lifting you up into the air. Steve crashed the pair of you down onto the bed, flipping you onto your back and slotting himself between your thighs. His mouth attached to one of your breasts, and you arched up, your fingers tangling in, and pulling at his dark blond locks. 
Out of the corner of your eye you saw Bucky peel his t-shirt off, and then start to shuck his jeans. Wearing just his straining, black briefs, he made his way over to the bed, perching on the mattress next to you, then bending over and taking your other breast in his mouth. You keened, the sensation bordering on too much. Steve moved up onto his knees and yanked your jeans off your body, and trailed kisses down your stomach. When he reached your panties, he playfully pulled the fabric with his teeth. He loosened his tie, pulling the silk free and threw it at Bucky, who pulled himself off your breast with a pop. 
Bucky picked up Steve’s tie, a mischievous twinkle in his eye, as he drew your arms above your head and tied your wrists together. Meanwhile, Steve flicked open the top two buttons on his shirt and slid down, off the bed, to kneel on the floor. You squeaked as he grasped your calves and dragged you towards him. He peeled your panties down, pushed his shoulders between your legs to keep them open, then used his thumbs to spread your glistening folds.
“Fuck, Cali. Buck, come see how wet our girl is for us.”
Bucky, who had been toying with your nipples, grinned and leaned over your body. You heard him inhale as his face hovered over your core and the next moment you were mewling and bucking up, as he pushed his tongue between your folds, having a quick taste.
“As fucking delicious as it was yesterday.”
“Well, I’ve been starved of it, so you’ll have to wait your turn, jerk.”
As much as you loved their banter, you were getting impatient.
“If you two have finished your discussion, would one of you like to eat my pussy now? God, men. All mouth and no trousers…”
You heard a small growl come from Steve’s throat, before he threw your legs over his shoulders and latched on to your cunt. You shuddered as the air was driven from your body, your wrists straining against the silk tie, and as Steve claimed you between your legs, his tongue curling inside you, Bucky leant back up and claimed your mouth. He cupped both your breasts with his work-roughened hands, his thumbs rubbing back and forth over your sensitive peaks. Steve’s softer hands cupped your buttocks, massaging the soft flesh as he held you in place.
Your body was one ball of overlapping sensations, and you whined into Bucky’s mouth as he and Steve drove you higher. Your boyfriend pulled his lips from your pussy, to latch into your clit, but also so he could push two fingers inside you. Your body arched as he pumped his fingers and flicked his tongue across your bud. You were balanced on the precipice, the tight, tingling sensation inside almost painful in its intensity.
“Cum, darlin’… cum for me an’ Stevie.” Bucky mumbled his gentle command against your lips, but then firmly squeezed your nipples. The pleasure-pain darted through you, down to your cunt, where it set off a chain reaction. Your thighs trembled and Steve pulled you impossibly close as you ground your hips against his fingers and tongue. Bucky pulled away from your mouth, letting your cries of ecstasy fill the apartment, lathing his tongue over your nipples in turn to soothe the burning sensation. Steve eased his movements to a slow drag and gentle lapping, until the twitching of your legs informed him of your need for respite. 
Bucky untied your wrists, rubbing them in turn, and pressing kisses to your tender flesh. You drew in tagged breaths, vision hazy, but you could make out Steve standing up and lazily continue to unbutton his shirt. He moved to perch on the bed behind Bucky, wrapping his arms around him and nipping at the muscles in his shoulders and neck.
“I wanna see you fuck her, Buck. I wanna see you make her cum.”
Bucky’s eyes closed and he shivered. The last time you’d seen them together, Bucky had clearly been in charge, but tonight the tables had turned.
Steve trailed his hands down over Bucky’s chest, one circling a dark nipple, the other diving into the tight briefs and drawing out his friend’s rock hard cock. You couldn’t help but lick your lips, still struck by the beauty of him, despite the number of times you’d indulged yourselves over the weekend.
Bucky’s head fell back onto Steve’s shoulder as your boyfriend firmly slid his hand up and down the dick within his grasp.
“I wanna see what you’ve learned, and I wanna see how beautiful you look together.”
You watched them, and you were sure in your own mind that nothing was more beautiful and erotic than the sight before you. 
A plaintive whimper left Bucky as Steve withdrew from him, pulling up the chair that both you and Bucky had both previously used in order to watch. He toed off his shoes, removed his socks and undid his slacks. He pulled his own cock out, gently pumping it, and inclined his head towards the pair of you. You grinned, and made grabby hands towards Bucky. He smiled back, and rose up onto his knees, peeling away his briefs, somewhat inelegantly. 
You shuffled up the bed, opening your thighs and allowing him to slot between them. Wrapping your legs over his, you pulled him down with your arms for a kiss, his cock pressing against your abdomen where it was trapped between you. Your fingers tangled in his hair as the pair of you kissed, tongues playing with each other in an erotic dance. You groaned and ground against him, feeling your pussy clench around nothing.
“Buckyyyyy…” Your plea came out as a whine and he chuckled. 
“You need me, darlin’?” He shifted his hips back, and taking his cock in hand, teased your entrance with the fat tip. “You need this?”
“Please. Please!”
Your hips jerked, your body desperate to feel him fully. With a teasing smile, he slowly pressed his head just inside your entrance, so you could feel the stretch from the widest part of him. You groaned, your eyes rolling back in your head as Bucky shallowly thrust in and out, the sensations both too much and not enough. He didn’t tease you for long though, sinking himself fully inside you in one long glide, causing you to cry out and shift your legs to wrap around his waist.
He fucked into you at a leisurely pace, a move you recognised as one which allowed him to give you steady stimulation over your g-spot, but allowed him to control himself. He kissed you deeply, and your fingers curled on his back, your nails digging into his strong muscles in the way you knew he liked; Bucky seemed to like a bit of pain with his pleasure, something you couldn’t wait to explore with Steve.
When Bucky broke the kiss, he immediately brought the thumb of his right hand up, rubbing it against your swollen lips and you eagerly sucked it in, covering it in your saliva as you swirled your tongue around it. When he pulled it away, he moved it straight to your clit, rubbing gentle, rhythmical circles on it, bringing your already sensitive body back up to the edge of the precipice. He held you there, balanced tortuously, and you forced your eyes open to look at him, both questioningly and pleadingly. Bucky inclined his head to the side.
“Ask him, Cali. Ask Stevie if you can cum.”
You turned to look at your boyfriend. His expression was intense. At some point he’d shed his slacks and briefs and was sitting, in all his naked glory, stroking his cock as he stared at the pair of you, absorbing the whole tableau with barely restrained hunger. A deep thrust from Bucky punched the air from your lungs and you saw Steve’s dick twitch in his hand.
“Steve… Please… Can I cum? Oh, god! Please…”
He levelled you with a look, dark and feral and beautifully frightening.
“Cum, sweetheart. Cum for us.”
The words had barely left his mouth when Bucky sped up his twin movements, and you let yourself be carried away by the waves of pleasure. It felt as though your orgasm kept going forever. It felt so fucking good!
Awareness crept back in, and you realised you were two in and your boys were yet to have either of theirs. Now, as different as Steve and Bucky were, you knew this about them; both men seemed to make it their mission to thoroughly ruin you before they even considered themselves. It was as though they needed to see you blissed out beneath them, from the pleasure they gave you. The thought of how many orgasms may now be in store for you made your body shudder, although it could have also been the aftershocks.
Bucky was still rock hard inside you, holding himself still, waiting. For a moment you thought he was waiting for you to recover, but then you realised it wasn’t only that. 
Steve got up from the chair, climbing up into the bed like an animal stalking its prey. You could feel Bucky’s nervous energy as Steve moved up behind him. Bucky bit his lower lip as Steve’s hands roamed his body, rubbing over the base of his cock where he was still joined with you. You clenched involuntarily and Bucky moaned. Steve smiled at you over Bucky’s shoulder, and he inclined his head towards the bedside drawer.
Reaching out, you yanked the drawer open, took hold of the small bottle you found there and passed it to Steve’s waiting hand. With his other hand, Steve turned Bucky’s head, kissing him awkwardly over his shoulder, before urging Bucky to lie down over you. He held his weight up on his elbows and looked down at you intensely. You smiled back, brushing his hair out of his eyes and tucking it behind his ears. You kept your legs wrapped around his waist, allowing him to spread his knees apart.
Behind him, Steve was stroking a hand up and down his back, and if the ‘snick’ of the lube bottle didn’t give it away, the groan that left Bucky’s mouth, along with the fluttering of his eyelashes, definitely did. Bucky gently rocked into you as Steve pressed a finger inside him, and you tried your hardest not to bear down on the throbbing cock buried inside you.
Although you couldn’t see, you could tell when Steve added a second, and then third, finger, from the small grunts Bucky let out and the twitching of his facial muscles. You were entranced watching the pair of them, as beautiful this way round as the other. Steve was curled over Bucky’s back, whispering to him in a low voice.
“That’s it, sweetheart. Just relax for me. Love you like this, so sweet, so pliant. You ready to make our girl feel good again, whilst I make you feel good?”
This was the Steve you knew in the bedroom, this gently commanding man, who made you obey him through the knowledge of the pleasure that would come to you if you did. It was something else to watch him act that way with another, and you were definitely enjoying it.
Steve’s eyes met yours over Bucky’s shoulder again, and understanding what he was telling you, you cupped Bucky’s face and drew him in for another kiss. A couple of seconds later he whined as Steve gently removed his fingers and then you were swallowing his cry as Steve breached him. You held yourself as still as possible, aware that Bucky was on the brink of being totally overwhelmed, as you had been when both of them had been touching you, and like Steve had been when you’d joined forces with Bucky.
Steve hissed as he bottomed out, and he stilled for a moment, leaning over and mouthing at Bucky’s neck. In the same way Bucky had done earlier, you broke the kiss with the brunet and craned forward so you could give Steve a kiss as well. It was brief and messy, but it felt so right, having Bucky there too, sandwiched between you.
“Steeeeve… please…” You giggled at Bucky’s plaintive moan, and Steve grinned at you, a break in his usual stoic façade, before he pulled out and then thrust back into Bucky again. The force jolted him into you, and your cries mingled.
“Fuck, Bucky. Missed this ass. Missed how fucking tight you feel around my cock. God you want this so much, don’t you? Show me, be a good boy for me and for Cali.”
Bucky whimpered, but thrust himself backwards, withdrawing from you but impaling himself on Steve, making them both groan. The reverse movement had you crying out, Bucky’s pubic hair roughly sliding over your still engorged clit and his broad cock-head stimulating your g-spot. Bucky’s movements soon became frenzied as he fucked into you, then fucked back onto Steve. 
The bedroom was filled with your and Bucky’s cries, interspersed with Steve’s dirty talk, which now changed to include you.
“You like Bucky’s cock inside you, baby? It’s so good isn’t it? You look beautiful, being fucked by him. And Buck, so good for us. Keep squeezing my dick like that… fuck… keeping fucking Cali, make her cum again. You make her cum, you can cum, yeah? Fill her up and I can fill you. Shit. Come on, Cali. You got another for us, dontcha? Want you to fucking milk him.”
You lost all sense of time as Bucky and Steve fucked, with you being dragged along in their wake. Bucky would alternate between kissing your lips, your neck and your breasts, his eyes wide and glazed as he became some Bacchanalian creature, fully given over to the pleasures of the flesh.
Your third orgasm hit you with little warning, like an express freight train at full speed. Your mounting pleasure suddenly exploded and you shook in Bucky’s hold. You clenched around him as he pistoned into you, driving himself towards his own release. He cried out, flooding you with his hot cum, whilst you were still riding the coattails of your own ecstasy. He collapsed on top of you, his weight grounding and comforting.
You were jostled together by Steve, as he chased his own pleasure, a deep groan and the arching of his back signalling his end. He rolled to the side, collapsed on his back and turned to look at you, a broad smile on his handsome face. You smiled back at him as you petted Bucky’s hair, his face nuzzled into your neck, his breath hot and ragged against your skin.
After a few moments, Steve got up and made his way to the bathroom. Bucky was with it enough to roll off you, into the space Steve had just occupied. Steve sauntered back through, smiling at the pair of you, before heading, unashamedly naked, though to the kitchen. He returned a few moments later, clutching a couple of water bottles, some chopped up fruit and cheese and, of all things, his sketching supplies. He placed the water and food on the bed, where you were able to pick them up and hand feed Bucky, before he settled himself back in the easy chair, pad and pencil in hand.
“Hey, Stevie, how about a washcloth or two here?” 
“Not yet, Cali. I just need to capture you both sated and leaking first.”
You shook your head in amusement and Bucky snorted around his mouthful of apple. Steve - ever the artist. And now he apparently had two erotic muses.
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Tag list: @christywantspizza @jobean12-blog @bucky-bucky-bucky-bucky @tuiccim @beelicious-barnes @yarnforbrains @maladaptivexxdaydreaming @krissy25 @bodeckersdiamonddoll @turbolisedcomet @goldylions
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