#top is him getting teleported out of the mouth of a giant haha
emberglowfox · 9 months
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lethal company things i noodled on during rounds where i died
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S3 ep5
Current emotional status: FEAR
Cthulu Max has been on the rampage for a whole week!?
Ew, the narrator
Oh man, are they sending the airforce after him?
I really like Cthulu Max's design
Momma Bosco 💗
Oh hey, Norrington and Papierwaite are alive.
Superball are you saying you tried to send the Maimtrons up Max's--
Also he's acting president while Max is... deposed of.
Superball is only giving Sam until 6am :(
"Wandering around the moleman tunnels is no fun without Max."
"You got it all wrong, we're trying to help Max." "We will help him... to a generous serving of ass whooping."
"That is one rabbit who will be multiplied... into 2,000 smoldering pieces."
Carol ran off with Blustet
"I only want her to be happy, is all." Aw, Curt
Superball just admitted to having separation anxiety from Max
Ok Momma can't come but Papierwaite and Norringron can.
I like Norrington :)
Is it?
It is!
Oh, she is very pregnant
She was a wizard at one point?
She's gonna help!
Superball there's no such thing as acceptable losses
Abe has his body back
"Four score and seven tons of raw power"
Sybil, I love you, but why did you mod someone else's car???
Grandpa Stinky I love you
Oh, he just handed us the recipe for once.
Asdfff the spore maxes swarming Grandpa
They stole Grandpa's hotdogs
"We must feed the host! Piglets and sphinkters make us stronger!" "We regret nothing!"
Grandpa hasn't slept in three years
Sam just casually taking the last of Grandpa's corndogs
The spores are trying to get it
Lol Sam slapped them
Sal's alive!
He's hiding from Sam :(
Lol we can control Cthulu Max with Corndogs
Ew, the cornstarch got mixed in with the giant puddle 🤢 Looks gross
Love how Sybil completely ignores the Flaming Max head
Also the look of disappointment on the spore's face made me laugh
Fifth trimester???
The way the one Max spore by Grandpa's truck is bobbing in circles with his mouth open is making me laugh.
Sam showing concern for Sybil because she’s preggers 🥺
Her being pregnant with Abe's child implies that statues have working genital in this universe
She put a weiner scented airfreshener in the desoto
At least Sam and a Max spore seem to like that (of course they do)
"Sybil you're the best!" Hell yeah she is!
Sam's mind went to the color bar codes to prevent being traumatized by Sybil's oversharing
We drowned the desoto
Asdfgh Sam just botched slapped one of the spores for trying to say "that's none of your damn buisness."
Ew, Max's spine is pointing out
Oh hey, Satan and Jurgen
Why is Jurgen wearing his old fashioned clothes instead of his emo clothes?
Lol Sam snuck into frame to shout "Go Mets! New York rules!"
"--besides it's just a good and noble thing to do." "You're not familiar with my previous work, are you?"
"Sam, what happened to you to make you so cynical?" Gee, Jurgen, I wonder what could have possibly happened.
Oh so the water tower counts as vegetable oil because Momma did something to it
Pfft we can replace Satan's microphone with a corndog
Omg they jumped off the building to avoid Max
Oh, they're fine, and the oil is in the giant puddle.
I'm thankful to Featherly for giving us an egg but I'd have preferred not to watch him lay it. Granted it was just in a cartoon way but he still made weird noises
"I desperately wanted to see that, sir. Ask him if he'll lay another one."
Oh hey, the Flaming Max heads helped heat up the giant desoto corndog
Since I'm playing this in 2021 the Maimtron's song references are super dated, which defeats Superball's efforts
Oooh! A unique opening sequence???
Oh this music is jazzy af
Sam really doesn't like the Max spores
Sam how do you already know what Max's insides look like???
"Even when he's not a collasal monster Max's food comas can last for weeks."
Ok we wake Max up with the coffee beans, right?
The gi Max spore is so sad he doesn't get to come 😢
"But I'm a horrible monster!"
"I suppose Max's brain always looks like a living room?" "Well, Max is host to all kinds of weird parasites, and he likes to he a good host!" WHAT
No really, this brings up so many questions about lagomorphs. Are they some kind of Symbiote or something?
And a previous episode confirmed Max is amphibious
Max has tumors!!!
It shocked Sam!
"Eugh! Get away fake Max!" "Do you find my warmth... alarming, Sam?"
"What do nightmares taste like, anyway?" "Pepsi"
Max wants to be author 💗
He also writes fanfiction about Flint 🤣
I'd unironically read his books.
Tina Belcher voice: Friend fiction
Max has an experimental fusion jazz band???
"He just killed a great white shark--"
Max being completely unable to describe a woman is very gay of him. Good for him.
Max's brain teleported everyone to different parts of the body.
Found Sybil in the gym/legs
The brain is broadcasting Sam's thoughts???
Sam couldn't think of a joke for the medicine balls :(
"Wow Max is looking pretty buff. Would it be too weird if I asked him to turn around?"
Sam! Stop thinking bad things about Sybil's pregnancy she can hear you you putz!
She's upset with him now
"Can you believe this guy?" "I find the entire situation to be very contrived and misogynistic." Same spore Max, same.
Sam stop being so mean omg!
"I changed Sybil, I totally get the whole parenthood thing now." "Really now?" "Tax deductions."
In Max's inventory now
Y'know, I never really thought about it as a storage house
Hit The Road reference :3
Baby roach hatched in
"Pa..papa?" "Now I am little champion, now I am!"
Max has a Maximus shrine
Sam turned into a roomba!
Aw, he named it Sam Jr 🥺
We won Sybil back through his love of Sam Jr
Found the conjoined twins
Huh, Max lost as eye. Does that mean he has a glass one, or do lagomorphs have regenerative abilities?
Pfft we have to play twister to control his arma
The brain is messing with things again
Oh, we need a roach to operate the game because of radiation
Well, let's kidnap Sal
Oh, poor Girl Stinky. She's really going through it
Aw, Sal feels bad
Honey, are alright?
He's dying???
He's not immune to irradiation!?
Oh no, he's gone
I'm so sad 😞
Gotta pick up Sam Jr. Before I control Max
They mad Max do a magical girl pose
Ugh the narrator is back
Wait, what?
He's Max's brain??? SUPEREGO???
"I was always ignored" Yo if my super ego was as pretentious as you I 'd ignore it too 😤
He wants to kill himself and Max???
I know Max had a self loathing complex but holy shit
The super ego is perfectly fine with destroying half the east coast what a jerk
Just noticed Sam's tie is red. Had no idea about this while drawing PI!Sam lol
We have to help Max get his memories back to use the ASTRO projector
Skunkapes has three Sam clones imprisoned
Sam had canon ocd?
Gasp Gordon???
No, it's Sammun Mak
I love him, little child tyrant
Just make him a mobile brain in a jar and let Sam and Max adopt him
Why is Grandpa here?
He isn't talking like Stinky
Too polite
Sam sees it too
He's a space gorilla
They switched brains?
Found the cloning g chamber
Let's go to Momma's first
Superball is "wracked with guilt"
"Keep it together Superball. Sam will be able to save the day. He always does."
Ok, let's go to the cloning facility
I'm still thinking about poor Sal yo
He's punching space apes!
Girl Stinky really playing up the evil Mistress role
The doggleganger has a bomb on him!!!
Wait so Girl really is a mermaid??? I thought that was just her aestetic
God I love Flint
Haha we tricked Skunkape with scooby doo villain tactics
Got the robot
Her water broke... and it was pennies
Max wants to save Sybil! 😭🥺💕
Super Ego is here
Oh now he wants to save Max
The only thing here are those records
Super Ego waved goodbye
Cthulu Max is cute when he cries
Wait What?
His head is on fire!
The maimtron hit him!
He waved goodbye... and teleported away.
He exploaded!!!!
He promised he'd take Sam with him and he didn't!!!!
I thought the dead Max thing was popular angst fanon fic thingy!
We're cloning Max?
It didn't work 😭😭😭😭😭
Superball ran off crying
Oh God the credits are just Sam walking sadly what the hell
He's not even stopping to fight any crime 😢
God the way he's clinging to himself
The elevator???
he's back???
Past Max???
He blew his Sam up???
Wait hold on I'm glad they're together again but this doesn't fix anything
There's so much trauma from this season
All the horrible things that happened during 301-304 happened in like 3 days tops, then Sam had to deal with Max being a monster for a week before watching him die!
And the new (?) Max had BLOW HIS SAM UP!!!
And they left the franchise like that for a decade????
What the hell?
I want to be happy but this shit is going to consume my brain for the next week at least what the hell
Like maybe they really do just brush it off but it feels unlikely
I know Max has a connection with his other selves so it'll be easier for him to adjust but certainly Sam is going to notice the discrepancies since he doesn't get the same deal
Someone told me there were multiple endings hold on
Aw, they walked off into the sunrise together
But still
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Daruk squinted at Impa in confusion.
“Uhhhhh. You’re gonna what now?”
“A! DUEL!” Impa boomed, dramatically, trying to attract as much attention as possible. If anything, her commanding voice put the other scrambling villagers at ease. “A duel...between the darkness and the light! A prattle...B-BATTLE for the soul of Sheikah life!”
Impa checked the red inked notes on her left forearm again. “I’ve waited for this day for many nights. Zavis, your terror dies upon my light!”
Zavis crossed his arms as he stood on top of the hill, tapping his foot.
“You rhymed the word ‘light’ twice...” he mumbled.
“SHUT UP, NERD!” Impa pulled up her sleeve again, and brandished her kodachi. “No one else needs to get hurt, except YOU! If you’re so confident in yourself, you’ll fight me one on one!”
“I tempting offer, but I must decline.” He walked casually across the towering hilltop, back to the forest. “But if you live, you may have what is mine! Find you way up here, dear cousin Asu! For when you tire of these monsters, I may then easily slay you! MWAHAHAHAHA!”
The forest behind him then erupted with another round of red and blue bokoblins, trampling over each other as they walked down the path.
Impa pulled down her sleeve again, reading through her notes, before turning towards to crowd.
“A coward such as he must have no soul! These moments with him free is inexcusable! Why has no one stopped his evil deeds, is no one up for this job except me? No honor to even face me alone, but by my blade, I swear to BREAK HIS BONES.” 
She turned to stare Zavis in the eyes at that last part, but when returning her gaze to the crowd, she saw they were a little put off by it. Impa went to read from her forearm again, but she caught Urbosa in the background waving a hand across her neck intensely in a “cut it” motion, and Daruk was shaking his head back and forth with his lips in a tight frown. Were they not a fan of theater?  Impa wasn’t either, but she didn’t think her acting was that horrible.
“Ahem...Anyway.” She coughed to renew the momentum. “They only reason you haven’t been beat yet, it because your dumb MOM has been protecting your useless ass. You haven’t been able to do anything out of your own merit!”
The crowd gasped and hummed “oooo” at that comment. Impa even heard someone whisper, “Oh shit, she pulled the mommy card.”
“And while her incompetency, along with the old king’s, have allowed for your victory, it won’t be the same story when it comes to me! For I have...” She gestured towards Daruk and Urbosa, “The POWER of friendship!”
Zavis scrunched his eyebrows, obviously a bit annoyed at the change in script. But the crowd, somehow, clapped enthusiastically at Impa’s words. Even Daruk brought his hands up, but Urbosa calmly forced them down. Good call, they need to look as cool as possible right now.
“My treasure Champion companions, Lady Urbosa and Lord Daruk! We were brought together thanks to the leadership of Her Majesty, Queen Mallory! Let us prevail were others have not! Clear the way of monsters, while I take care of that Yiga scum, once and for—yeah ok, let’s just start smacking shit now...”
The initial sentence wasn’t even fully out of her mouth before Urbosa was already rushing towards the group of bokoblins. Daruk gave a polite bow to the applauding crowd, before following in to smash the monsters into the ground.
While the crowd cheered and gasped at the action, Zavis took out a bundle of bananas, and gave it a kiss goodbye, before dropping it down below. The last bunch of bokoblins that were rushing down the trail suddenly stopped charging, and instead went to pick up an eat the surprise snack. But before they even had a chance to peel them properly, Urbosa and Daruk were already taking advantage of the distraction to bash and slash them up.
As the monsters were cut down and the path cleared away, Impa disappeared in a puff of smoke and talismens, and reappeared behind Zavis, who let out a surprised yelp.
“Y-You could have teleported here this whole time?!”
“Yes! But...” Impa projected her voice so the others could hear. “Unlike some people, Zavis, I can prioritize others and their safety over my own ambitions.”
“Still, I feel it would have been faster if you had just—”
“SHUT IT, NERD!” Impa slammed Zavis onto the ground, and he felt the wind get knocked out of him. “Aren’t YOU the one who likes dramatics?” She mumbled after.
Zavis propped himself back up as he sat on the ground, Impa’s kodachi pointed at him. She frowned. “Where’s your sword?”
“Oh! Right, actually...I think I might have left it...” Zavis turned towards the house by the waterfalls, and his eyes suddenly shone with shock and fear. Man, he was a good actor.
“Impa...what the hell—”
“HaHA!” Impa boomed, keeping up the momentum of their dialogue. “It seems that the power of friendship has once again bested you! Champion Revali must have earlier disarmed you! Perfect! Now, prepare to face justice!”
Impa picked up Zavis like he was a puppy.
“You’ll survive if I drop kick you, right?”
“TOO LATE! I MADE UP MY MIND YOU’RE NOT GETTING OUT OF THIS!” Impa chucked him down below.
Impa punted Zavis down back towards the crowd, and before he could make contact with the dirt, Impa summoned a giant frog for good measure, just because she can.
Zavis dramatically fell towards his demise for the second time that day, and the rest of his strength escaped his lungs as he landed sideways on the frog’s back. Daruk immediately ran up to him and held Zavis up like a trophy.
“WOOOO! WE DID IT!!” Daruk yelled. “CHAMP-I-ONS! CHAMP-I-ONS!” The crowded clapped along with him.
Impa folded her fingers together and summoned more talismans from her pocket as she teleported back down with the rest of them.
“Man, that was way too easy! Ok, so bashing Rhoam? Check. Improving our reputation? Check. Fulfilling my lifelong dream? Check.” She walked up beside Urbosa as the crowd continued to cheer with Daruk. “Did I miss anything? I certainly did enough to establish us as heroes, right?”
Urbosa smiled warmly. “Well, I think with the danger out of the way, I think it’s an overall win in my book. You’ve certainly proven to be as capable a leader as Lady Jou.”
“Oh that’s right!” Impa snapped her fingers. “I should do another round of Zavis’ dramatic nerd words to make sure I stay as village leader.”
Lady Jou suddenly strike the ground in front of the crowd.
“Oh! Perfect timing!” Impa strutted over to Jou, who was kneeling in the dirt, and leaning against her sword. “See that everyone? Auntie Jou was so busy with her personal vendettas and dick Rhoam orders, that she even forgot to save her own people from monsters! How could we let—”
Jou started coughing blood, leaning her weight further on her sword.
Impa stopped, cautiously approaching Jou. “A-Aunt Jou?”
Moving closer, she could now see that her white dress, with gold and red trim, had a significant more amount of red than usual.
“WEEEEEEEEELLLLLLL...” a voice suddenly cut through the air, smugly.
Attention suddenly turned towards the end of the main road, where Lady Jou had come from. A Rito descended from the sky, winds whistling before abruptly dying as he landed. When he calmly perk his head up, Impa saw that half his face was devoured by malice, one of his one blue wings was covered with the dark substance completely.
“IMPA!” Zavis gave a desperate shout behind her.
She instinctively dodged back, just in time to avoid a blast of malice from above. All eyes left Revali, and instead focused on the man with a shit-eating grin. He was floating above them, leaning back with his arms behind his head, as if he were sitting in a bar and watching a show.
“WELL! Well! Well.” Assivus said, clapping his hands. “Lookie what we have here...”
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lonelyghosts-stuff · 3 years
Marvel’s What If Episode 7 Reaction
No no this is the opposite of what I wanted. More Loki! Not less!
If they don’t have Thor being an absolute idiot without Loki being his voice of reason I’m gonna be upset
Wait what the hell I saw Seth Green in the opening credits lmao??? Now I’m just thinking about Chris Griffin
Wow they got Jane back too
Soooo how do they know about aliens?
“HOLY MOLY” lmao
Hey thor my life isn’t that dull… okay fine that’s a lie
Sooo Thor is a frat boy?
Soooo in this world, Odin was a good dude and didn’t kidnap Loki and gave him back to Laufey? (Didnt Laufey abandon him tho since he was too small? I guess in this universe they simply… lost their prince? Lmao?)
Thor didn’t have Loki as his voice of reason I called it.
Night night Odin
Lmao Chad Frigga dipping Odin as soon as he’s asleep
I wonder if they got Idris Elba back for Heimdall?
“We are going to the most backward, backwater planet that not even Heimdall pays attention to.” D,: Thor why you gotta do me dirty like that???
Chris Hemsworth is definitely a better voice actor than some others
Oh yo it be Skurge
Darcy into probing huh?
(Romantic Music Playing) lmao
Man I love Darcy
Poor Howard the Duck lmao (oh yea that’s Seth green)
Skrulls huh
Honestly surprised Thor knows all of these planets. Including the grandmaster??? In the sacred timeline he didn’t even know Sakaar existed.
Wait so, are the Asgardians on good terms with Jotunheim then? If so, I wanna see party loki. Or maybe he’s too reserved for that. I wonder how Laufey raised him? IF WE DONT SEE JOTUN LOKI IM GONNA RIOT
Thor destroyed a star. That sounds about right
“Now that was an excellent party. You know, we lost Fandral for three days. Found him in a barn, curled up next to a baby goat. It was classic. Isn’t that right, Fandral?” “I NAMED HIM GARY!” “Yeah, you did.” “YEA GOATS!” Okay. Screw everyone else in the MCU. I love Fandral now. He’s the GOAT, pun intended
Oh not a star, he killed a whole planet.
I thought Asgardians were supposed to be more advanced than earth but making a tablet is so complicated?
Howard and Darcy was not a pair I thought expected
Yo it’s nebula and korg? So where’s Thanos? How is nebula allowed to go partying with Thanos looking for the infinity stones?
Drax too? Isn’t he in prison? And then Valkyrie? Seems like a lot more than just Thor being an only child is different in this universe. Most of these dudes should hypothetically be in prison or on super serious missions. And I just thought, isn’t Howard the duck imprisoned by the Collector? What’s the timeline for this?
Aaaaaand Jane and Thor got magic and science tattoos. Mighty fast character progression.
Oh? Hookups? That took a turn.
Awwwww Fandral snuggling with a bunch of Chinchilla looking animals <3
Unknown caller?
Dammit Rumlow
Acting director??? What happened to Nick???
Damn everyone crashed at Jane’s
I mean, didn’t seem like too much of a threat
Lmao the world isn’t gonna be destroyed by parties?
Oh Carol Danvers?
Okay so…. Lemme get this straight..
Loki and an army of aliens attacking the world? Shield: “nah not a threat.” Robot with robot army threatening to destroy the whole planet “nah Carol has better things to do.” A partying dude from space with no ill intent but just doesn’t seem to understand consequences? “CALL CAPTAIN MARVEL WE NEED HER!!!” Yea okay Shield
Thor loves waffles
See everything would be better without Odin’s interference.
(That’s what she said)
“You’re my brother form another mother man.” YOOOOOO
Loki just sang “Brothers foreveeeeerrrrr!” I can’t—
Aaaaaand fart jokes… “did you boom?” “I never boom. I only boom in private.” Dammit marvel I hoped you were better than this.
White snake? Lmao where did she get that name lol.
What’s wrong with a party tho? Is this really top priority? Yea they destroyed another planet, but you never explained how
Why doesn’t she sound like Brie Larson? She’s still acting for Marvel Studios so it’s interesting they couldn’t get her for it… unless it is her and I just can’t remember how her voice sounds
Was that punch really necessary? Dude wasn’t posing a threat to anyone.
“You know, there’s a Midgardian word for women like you.” THOR NO—
“PARTY POOPER!” Oh thank God
“This ones for fury” but it wasn’t even Thor that hit him? It was korg and on accident! Cmon carol, I had hoped you’d be smarter than this and more reasonable. Not resorting to violence when nothing has even escalated…
Haha hammer to the face
And the back of the head lmao
Dammit Thor
Lmao I love that the countries have their names on them.
Okay just stay and fight here away from civilian population
Marvel really giving us what we want with the most powerful characters fighting
Mary Sue Captain Marvel
Her lipstick has stayed perfect somehow
Fighting in a storm eh? Can’t see how this could go wrong
Haha hammer timeout
Lmao I wanna see Frigga put Thor in a timeout
They’re chanting pooper at her. Is this elementary school again?
Bruh I just realized, Thor is supposed to be acting king while Odin is in Odin sleep lmao. I bet Asgard is going to either be in the best peace ever without Thor or utterly destroyed.
Leave south and north Dakota alone lol
Lmao I love Darcy
Wow Jane used the L word fast
Kicking Jane out of the helicarrier? Yea smart move kicking off the person who actually knows anything about this albeit she is a little blinded by love
Giant Loki holding a tiny phone
BAHAHAAHAHA “hey earth girl, you haven’t got a friend, have you!” YES LOKI ITS ME. MARRY ME
Stop throwing phones lmao
There goes the power grid
Lmao there he goes
Bout time Heimdall popped in
Aaaaaand Jane got abducted by heimdall
Seeing as Heimdall hasn’t said anything, I’m assuming they didn’t get Idris back lol.
How is shield so chill on murdering Thor? Yes he’s destructive but they’re resorting to killing him so fast instead of talking to him! No one has even told him he’s putting the planet at risk! Dudes too dumb to know on his own!
Damn Maria Hill I had higher hopes for you
Lying Thor
Okay so shield trusts Frigga to help, but still irks me that shield was so trigger/nuke happy… seems the opposite of what we’ve seen of them (ugh just gotta ignore it and chock it up to this being an alternate reality)
Ew Drax
Loki calling the other jotuns “ice bros” lmao
It’s also mantis and Yondu!!
wait how did grandmaster just teleport away like the bifrost?
Nice going thor. You big hunky dummy
“MY MOTHER IS COMING.” Good lord is this high school now lmao???
How do they all know Frigga and why are they all afraid?
Damn the bifrost takes a lot longer than I would have expected
No no Thor the tower of pisa is meant to be tilted—oh whatever
Wait, but I don’t see loki helping, is he gonna be up to something last minute to ruin Thor’s cover up lmao?
I don’t believe Frigga would be tricked this easily lmao
Thor you are such a bad liar
Lmao here comes carol
Hahaha how did mjolnir get so trashed
Wow thor is so much taller than Jane
Wow this Jane and Thor seem to have more chemistry than the sacred timeline version ever did
Wait I want resolve for Loki!!
Uh oh
No resolution for that??? Well then. Rip this universe too lmao
Damn I wanted more Loki
There better be a Loki centric episode sometime. If they didn’t it’d a huge missed opportunity from marvel
Okay yea looking at the credits, Carol Danvers wasn’t played by Brie Larson but a lady named Alexandra Daniels. Odd they didn’t get Brie Larson.
Probably my favorite episode so far even with how absurd it was. A lot more upbeat than the past few ones with a better resolve to the story imo.
Also, if anyone can provide me of screenshots of Loki from this episode I would be very grateful
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cutegirlmayra · 4 years
My first GoChi prompt~
Dragon ball AU - Chichi x Goku
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Besides just being a delinquent example to our sons sometimes... I feel Goku really does say some of the most kindest things.
Well, you wouldn’t believe me unless I gave you an example, right? Haha! Guessed right!
It all started on a sunny day when Goku and I went on a drive~
Chichi’s lips are flapping at the wind pressure blasting her back against the passenger’s seat as Goku wildly drives in odd zig-zags that look dangerously close to causing a serious accident.
“Goku! Other way! No, that way!” - “Which way was the lake, Chichi? All this turning is making me dizzy! Haha!” - “You blockhead, watch out for the trees!”
Goku smiled and closed his eyes, exercising his arm in a happy-go-lucky expression as he rotated it to the side of him. “No worries, Chichi! I’ll just knock it out of the way if it comes too close.”
“You’re the one coming close and we will not be punching our neighbors trees!” She gripped the sides of the car, wondering why on earth she spent the last of their savings on getting a car that could retract it’s top down.
In all honesty, she thought that with her boys getting so big, and with Goku consistently wrecking things... she just wanted something less expensive so if he broke it, she wouldn’t worry too much about the cost of fixing it.
“Oh, oh!” she had slacken back down in her seat with a sigh at her poor, grandmother nerves now before excitedly standing up in the car and removing her seatbelt, pointing cheerily to the lakeside. “That’s it! That’s where they saw the giant fish!”
“Ohh, really?” Goku leaned his head to see over her better. “Wow..! I can’t believe our fights created such big craters! And after all so long, they’ve turned into giant lakesides!”
Chichi beamed a grin to him, but kept back her shaky comment with a bead of sweat dripping down her face. “Heh...heheh... yeah... world-destructive battles are just great on a planet that can survive practically extinction.” she muttered to herself, but still leaned her head out as Goku pulled over but braked too hard and she went flying out.
“Ah! Chichi!” He flew out of the car, basically teleporting, and caught a leg as her face still planted against the ground. “Are you okay..?” He pulled her up as she looked a bit exhausted by the endeavor of ever having a ‘nice quiet drive’ with her family.
“I’m fine~” she groaned out, but Goku politely hoisted her up on his shoulder, steadying her there. “Sorry, Chichi. I guess even though I don’t crash anymore, I still gotta work on my aim. Adjusting my power is getting a bit tougher recently with all the special training I’ve been doing. It makes it harder to see and spend time with you too.” He tilted his head with yet another kind smile.
Chichi looked down, some dirt still on her face, but smiling at his sincerity with love.
Don’t think that’s the best he can do, now! My Goku has gotten a lot more sweeter over the years too~ I remember when he first came back from being dead, it was late in the night and I was worried about so many things… Goku didn’t hesitate to give me a sign of his affections though… although I would have rather flowers but giant snapping dragons with ribbons on them were a decent second to say the least!
Well, my memory can be faulty at times. But there’s been many times I’ve felt like the strongest man in the world’s wife! Let’s continue with some of his more, charminger, moments~
Goku set Chichi down as she started setting up a picnic, looking over at him as she spread out the blanket and wondering what he was thinking about, seeing him grip his belt and look out over the water with a serious expression all of a sudden…
He wasn’t one to really contemplate that hard, at least, unless something was seriously wrong. Pricking at her heart strings, she wondered if there was something he wasn’t telling her again… Maybe another giant battle was coming… or maybe he was just hungry?
“If you stare at the lake too long, you’ll never find those fish.” Chichi teased, sitting elegantly on her knees and with her hands in her lap. “Hehe~ You can’t watch a clock either, we’ll bring plenty back for the family dinner! Ah~ It’s been so long since I’ve cooked for everyone! I’m thrilled that unnaturally alien fish have been growing here so we can clean the environment but also have a lovely meal with the family!” She wasn’t expecting that turnout, but if it meant more time to be a ‘normal’ family, she was willing to prepare at whatever cost to make it happen!
Goku just lowered his head, still thinking…
‘Now that is strange,’ Chichi pouted her lips and blinked a few times in confusion, ‘Normally, I can read him pretty well.’ she tilted her head, “Goku? Is something wrong?”
“Emm… Nothing’s wrong, Chichi, just thinking.” Goku looked back at her and gave her yet another open-mouthed, goofy grin. He put his hand behind his head, laughing, “Just thinking about the lake and the sky, is all!”
“Oh? That sounds rather admiring of you.” She wasn’t quite aware that he took time to enjoy the nature and scenery around him. “What’s so special about it? Doesn’t it look just like any lake and sky?”
“...Well… It probably will sound stupid.” He raised his head up, and she knew this was going to be riot. Whatever it was, she giggled sweetly and nodded to him.
“Alright, you big lug, tell me what’s so stupid.” She encouraged, with her own flavor of sweetness. She eyed him tenderly as he looked back at her, and looking into each one of her eyes, lowered his raised hand and itched his nose, as though playing demure.
“Ah, it’s nothing. Really, Chichi.”
“Oh, don’t start that!” Chichi patted the ground by the blanket. “I don’t care what anyone says, you’re not a fool who can’t have his own opinions and thoughts! Even if you aren’t very well educated, you still know the most important lesson in life!”
Her ‘matter-of-factly’ spoken words intrigued him, as he came to hover over to her and then plopped down quite swiftly. His action made wind whirl up and she had to adjust her hair and keep herself seated--”Oh!” she caught herself from being gusted away, but continued to smile like a doting wife.
“But, Chichi… you call me dumb sometimes.” He mentioned innocently.
“I call you a dumb sweetheart.” She stuck her nose up in the air, as though defiant.
“H-how’s that any different?” He looked nervous saying that, but she pinched his cheek and watched him flail a bit in her grasp. “A-ah-wah! Chichi, that hurts!”
“Because I’m your wife, that’s why!” she released her cruel hold on him and then scooted closer to him, cuddling up and leaning on his large, muscled chest. “Now then~” She went back to being her own personal brand of affectionate. “What’s so great about the sky and sea that it takes your attention away from your adorable wife?” she cooed.
“Uhh… the fact that it reminds me of you, I guess.” He relaxed and leaned back, letting her lean on him and holding them both up with his arms keeping them from both falling back. “The sea reflects the sky… or does the sky reflect the blue of the sea?” he wondered, “The lake is so small, kinda like an eyeball.” He then looked down at Chichi, seeing her intently listening to him, her eyes looking up to him. “If I’m the sky, then I can see my reflection in your eyes, Chichi.” He commented, but then looked away as her eyes began to twinkle as though he had swept her off her feet. “But then… doesn’t that mean I reflect you in me? The sky has clouds, which are parts of the sea. Does that mean… even though I don’t know if you can see me in you, that there’s still a piece of you that’s always with me?”
“Oh, Goku!!!~” Chichi charged into him in a tight embrace, almost pushing him back if it weren’t for how his arm was like a steel beam, and wouldn’t knock him over no matter how hard she tried.
“W-woah, Chichi! Are you mad?” he kept one hand extended out and away from her, mostly due to surprise and confusion.
“No, you silly idiot!” she had tears in her eyes, “I just love you so much, you goof!” she tried to hold back her tears but he just blinked down at her.
Then, a smile slowly swept over his face and he sat up, sitting indian-style and embracing her tenderly back, careful to not hold her too tightly.
“I love you too, Chichi.”
And now, you’re all jealous of how good My Goku is!~<3 Well, admit it! He’s the best husband in the world! We did end up catching some giant and ugly alien invading fish, but they and their eggs sure did taste good at our family dinner~
Goku once told me he had thought back to the first day we met… okay, fine, I gave him a friendly knock on the head for him to think harder about that time, and he finally told me how he really was glad he met someone like me. I asked if he had met any other girl he may have married if she had been more adamant about it like I was… I was,... ehem, going through a bit of a phase--but Goku has always held me close, and said the same thing.
“No matter what, I love you, Chichi.”
Now here’s your tissues, cause that’s what love is, people!!! And none of you are ever taking my Goku, or our beautiful family, away from me~
Goku and his family pose for a group picture, and right before the flash and while Goku was leaning down over Chichi’s shoulder to throw up a ‘peace sign’ and grin widely, Chichi jumped up and kissed his cheek.
His face was priceless, a look of innocent surprise, which she framed in her kitchen. Now, whenever she cooks, she opens the window and looks out over the sky… she always gets sad if there aren’t any clouds… but remembers how Goku sees the world… that in her eyes, he’ll always be there, smiling back and saying, “I love you, Chichi.”
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feminaexlux · 4 years
Black Cats are Some Kind of Luck
Oh god this might just be a little bit of a crack fic but I had way too much fun writing this.
Rated M, probably? Iunno. LukaNoire!
In most of the mornings Luka had in his life after toddlerhood he woke up alone in his bed. When Juleka was younger, maybe a toddler herself, she had dragged him out of his bed to hide under a blanket on the floor when she had nightmares. Anarka would find her babies in a tangled nest, since sleeping on the floor meant finding no monsters under the bed to very young imaginative minds.
This morning he woke up with… someone else snuggled next to him. Someone who looked a lot like Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
He hadn't gone to sleep that way. Pretty sure of that. He was and had been sober.
He had no idea what happened.
Gently he pried himself away from her, extricating himself carefully from her grasp. He took a quick look around his room and yep, this was his room in his flat that he shared with his best friend. His guitars were hung up against the walls, his music sheet paper was on his desk in random piles, his hoodie was thrown over his desk covering his laptop.
But it was Marinette. In his bed. Oh god, he thought, HOW was she here? Somewhere deep down inside of him he didn't find the idea of him waking up next to her unwelcome but… there was a natural progression to things. Sure, he'd been in love with her for years but she was Marinette Dupain-Cheng the up-and-coming fashion star and personal designer for Jagged Stone. He was just Luka. He hadn't ever given himself even the slimmest of chances when she was Marinette and she had her eyes on Adrien Agreste, the supermodel and son of Gabriel, who ran the most prominent design house in France. She was probably 2 standard deviations out of his league.
"Shit," he whispered to no one in particular. He checked himself over and double checked that he was sober and dressed (oh god we didn't… did we?). She was wearing her pajamas and it didn't look like they did anything so that wasn't going to cause an immediate meltdown. He should probably wake her up and… figure out what happened. He knelt by the edge of the bed and gently shook her by the shoulder. "Hey. Marinette?"
"Mnnng," she groaned, eyebrows furrowing as she frowned. She grabbed at his blankets and pulled them in toward her, then started opening her eyes. "Hi," she said, lazily smiling up at him. She must still have been waking up, but if she smiled like that to whoever she woke up next to he'd happily have them both go back to sleep just so they'd wake up together again.
"Do you know where you are?" He asked. Maybe there'd been an akuma attack and she got teleported here? He wasn't sure. "You're in my room. Do you remember how you got here?"
"Yeah," she yawned. "I cam--" Her eyes shot wide open mid-word and she slapped her hands over her mouth. "Th-there was an akuma!"
Oh god, she almost said she came here on purpose, and not because she'd been high as a kite on whatever kitty hormones had coursed through her veins while she was Lady Noire.
Well, she couldn't blame it just on the kitty hormones. Regular hormones were bad enough. And if she was even more honest with herself she had wanted to wake up next to Luka Couffaine, the gentleman rocker, ever since she found herself thinking about blues more than greens, distressed more than clean and crisp, shy but warm laughter more than confused smiles.
So basically for a couple of years now.
She should have seen it coming. When she and Mister Bug decided to swap permanently she'd been informed by Plagg that should she choose it, she'd be able to tap into some latent powers with the side effect of being more like the animal the Miraculous represented. She didn't think it'd be a problem so she chose it. Cats just slept all the time. If she didn't have to worry about being Ladybug anymore she could afford more sleep, right?
What she didn't really account for (and she should have after a facepalm worthy moment where she realized Plagg had been teasing it all along) was the heat. Or whatever it was that made her way more… touch-oriented, and way less inhibited than usual.
She'd been alright with napping more often. She'd been alright about unconsciously licking her hands clean. It was convenient that she was the daughter of bakers and helped out making pastries. She was practically covered in flour and sugar all the time anyway (regardless, she always washed her hands after). She didn't have a tail to swish around whenever she was annoyed so nothing about her was more cat-like than usual. Though she was annoyed more often now that she thought about it.
The cat-ness also severely affected her sense of smell.
She wasn't alright with how good some people smelled, especially near her period. When she and Kagami were having a juice date Marinette legitimately drooled at how vibrantly citrusy the fencer was. Alya, Nino, and most of Kitty Section smelled pleasant. Her parents smelled… well, familiar, which was to be expected. Adrien also smelled familiar, which was unexpected.
Luka was the worst. She couldn't place the scent but she kept thinking of blueberries, sea salt, chocolate, ocean waves lapping at her feet, the warmth of a crackling bonfire with the cooling sea breeze, and how badly she wanted to curl herself around him and take in his everything. It wasn't just near her period. It was all the time.
It seemed like after the late-night/early-morning akuma attack she had nearly gone ahead and wrapped herself around him in her kitty hormone addled brain. God, he had smelled so good and her brain had still been fuzzy at the edges when he woke her up, but she had quickly gotten to her senses after he had looked a little panicked and she had noticed that she was detransformed.
She couldn't blame him for being panicked. If the situation was reversed she might have screamed and tossed him across the Seine.
"I'm… I'm so sorry, Luka," she said in her own panic. She looked off to the side and nervously played with the rose-gold ring on her right hand, wondering where Plagg had gone. She looked back at Luka when he blew out a relieved sigh.
"Hey, it was the akuma," he laughed. "You alright? Not hurt anywhere?"
"I'm alright, yeah," she answered, then suddenly frowned. Plagg, that little shit, what the hell was he doing? She found him laying on top of Luka's head, smiling a wide Cheshire cat smile.
"I don't know why the miraculous ladybugs didn't drop you off back home," Luka said, sounding like he was talking more to himself than to her. "Maybe it works differently for Mister Bug?"
Marinette could definitely fudge it and say that the Miraculous Ladybugs kinda… skipped her. "Haha, maybe I was too far from them?" Marinette forced a laugh.
Luka shrugged. "Still, I'm guessing you'd wanna go back home, right?"
Hmm, not really. And well, her ride back home was currently lounging in Luka's hair. She reached out a hand to try to catch Plagg but the kwami slipped out of her grasp. She ended up just… petting Luka. "Oh! S-sorry you had something in your hair," she said quickly, trying to cover up her embarrassment.
"Thanks?" He said, a deep blush rising up to his cheeks. He swept his hair back after Marinette reluctantly drew back her hand and for a long moment Marinette just stared. The younger Couffaines had a mild tendency to hide behind brightly colored bangs when they were feeling shy, but Luka had as much unconventional beauty packed in his features as Juleka did.
And Juleka could very well be a supermodel if she wanted.
"I'll give you a ride back on my bike. Is that alright?" He asked as his blush faded. He still looked a little nervous with his hand on the back of his neck.
"I'd love a ride," she said absently, another yawn overtaking her. Ugh, his bed was so warm and smelled so nice and she would most definitely like to ride him--ride with him, WITH him, WITH him. Yeah, she should go home now before she ruined everything.
At least, that had been the plan. They had gone down to the garage and chatted lightly after getting geared up one after the other, both more than thankful that Luka's roommate was dead asleep in the other room. The ride was smooth and relatively short so she hadn't been thinking about how she wanted to feel him under her the whole time, no, not at all. He parked nearby as her housing complex had like, no available spaces, and walked the block and a half to her apartment with her so she could get out of the borrowed gear without going barefoot in her pajamas.
As he was heading out with the spare gear over his arms, she stopped him. "Thanks for getting me home and… for everything. I'm… I'm glad I didn't end up anywhere else," Marinette said with a shy smile. She got up on her toes and kissed him on the cheek.
"No problem," he said slowly, mostly surprised with a blush creeping over his face. "See you later?"
She had a giant yawn escape her after she closed the door and started walking back to her bedroom. Plagg zipped out of her pajama pants pocket to float in front of her. "Yanno you kissed him on the mouth, right?" he snickered.
Luka slowly leaned forward and rested his head against her door. Had she just kissed him? Had she just kissed him and he said "see you later" like a dumbass? He tried to stifle a groan and pressed his head harder into the door when the door swung open away from him with surprising speed. Three things worked against him as he tried to recover from stumbling forward: being caught off guard, his arms already carrying stuff that made him unbalanced, and gravity.
Good thing Marinette was there to break his fall. The bad thing was Marinette had some really amazing reflexes and honed self-defense skills because she guided his momentum into throwing him onto the floor, landing him on his back. She gasped, covering her mouth with her hands after realizing what she had done. "Oh my god! Luka are you okay?!"
"Don't know," he said, blinking up at the ceiling. He'd been dressed for the slide but definitely felt hit by a truck after she'd kissed him. "Probably," he said after a beat. "Was that an accident?"
"… Yeah, I don't usually throw you to the ground?" Marinette replied, confused.
"No, you kissed me."
She made a couple of noises that sounded like abortive starts at sentences. "I… guess I don't usually do that either," she ultimately sighed, pressing one delicate hand to her very red cheeks. She knelt down next to him and brushed his hair away from his eyes. "Are you sure you're okay?"
"I'll be okay if you kiss me again," he said, thinking he'd be able to get away with ha, just kidding if she wasn't into it but desperately hoping she would be. Something in her expression shifted and he almost felt his soul leave his body. He started propping himself up by his hands looking for the gear that got flung aside when he was pulled up the rest of the way to sitting by his jacket collar.
He got hit by another metaphorical truck. She pressed her lips to his, which was pretty great by itself but then it got more and intense and open and she unbuttoned his collar and zipped down his jacket. The temperature of the room instantly got stifling and he was sure part of his brain melted.
She pulled back a bit and they got a few breaths of air. He should have used that time to ask Can this be an every day thing but then she licked her lips and all coherent thoughts evaporated. He didn't notice that she successfully tugged his jacket off. Didn't feel it when he got pushed back down. Did notice when she sat on his lap and leaned forward to kiss him hard over and over again. He only heard the faintest buzz of his phone that had almost been drowned out by her tiny, breathy moans, and that had only sunk in and registered after she sat back up and growled at it.
She picked it up and nearly threw it against her couch except she caught a glimpse of something and said "Goddamn it."
It wasn't his finest moment. "Huh?"
"Akuma. Sorry, Luka!" She took his hands off of her ass and jumped up. Somehow she hauled him up to his feet and pushed him out the still opened door, pressing his jacket and phone into his hands. "I'll get the rest of the stuff to you later okay? I'm so sorry!"
"Wait. Hold on, what--" She cut him off by kissing him again, which was a surprisingly effective tactic.
"I'll meet you for lunch, but for now I gotta g--hide! Be safe! Sorry!" Then the door slammed shut.
The phone buzzed in his hand and he took a look at the notifications. They were all from his roommate, the bastard.
Just now Di © K: Hope ur ok where ever the fuck u r
One minute ago Di © K: Shit akuma
Two minutes ago Di © K: Oi whered u go
Three minutes ago Di © K: ? Di © K: Lulu Di © K: Heeeeey Di © K: Hey
… Didn't the whole thing with akumas mean he should have stayed indoors? With her?
He wasn't sure he could sit on his bike comfortably for the next little while anyway.
Mister Bug swore almost every other akuma was some damned mind-control wizard. Of course it had to be one of those today, and of course today Lady Noire was especially pissed off so she was slightly more reckless than usual. Which was saying something, as Mister Bug had seen her go on a rampage not 8 hours ago and that had been one of the quickest akuma fights he'd ever seen. Seen and not participated in, as he'd been left nothing but cleanup.
Heatstroke or whatever had literally thrown the akumatized object at Lady Noire's feet after she had beaten and clawed the shit out of him. He was cowering in the relative security of a dumpster bin when Mister Bug found him.
She must have really loved her sleep. It'd been maybe 2am?
This latest akuma called herself the Directator. She'd been managing a movie set and of course something had gone wrong early in the day. So Hawky gave her the power to truly direct everything to her heart's desire or similar bullshit like that. Mister Bug and Lady Noire took maybe a few minutes to try to figure things out when Lady Noire skipped straight to the attack phase, beating Directator with the director's chair.
He should have noticed that she was ready to pounce when Lady Noire's ears were angled back and her electric green tail was whipping back and forth in a threatening fashion. She'd been way more actual-cat-like than he ever was as Chat Noir.
Directator panicked and commanded Lady Noire to 1) stop attacking her, 2) put the director's chair down gently, 3) be a nice kitty, 4) take off and go.
Mister Bug spent the next few minutes chasing after Lady Noire. When he finally caught up with her and stopped her, she put up her hands. He sighed with relief that she still wanted to work with him. He'd been relieved all up until she started slapping him with those hands and he fell back in surprise. She took off again.
It looked like she was heading in a particular direction so, after deciding to stay back a bit, Mister Bug trailed after her to see where she ended up. He didn't have to wait too long until she stopped running across the rooftops and dropped down to street level, where she seemed to chat up a dude in full riding gear next to a motorcycle. The next thing he saw was Lady Noire taking motorcycle guy by the waist and using her baton to propel them both to the roof of the tallest nearby building.
Maybe he should… do something about that? Especially since it seemed like Motorcycle Guy was screaming out a "what the fuuuuck".
Mister Bug went after them and found Motorcycle Guy sitting against the raised ledge of the building with Lady Noire curled up against him, sitting on his lap. Adrien coughed to hide and try to suppress his laughter. Motorcycle Guy raised his visor (oh hey, it was Luka) and asked "What's going on?"
Before Mister Bug could answer Lady Noire leapt up and stamped her foot in front of Adrien. "No! He's mine! Leave us alone!!" she hissed.
"I'm what?" Luka said incredulously.
Mister Bug backed up a few steps to placate her. "Yeah, okay," he chuckled. "You're being a nice kitty, right?"
She huffed and crossed her arms. "I'm always nice."
"You're right. So the nice kitty will let me talk to her friend for a minute, right? 'Cause you're such a nice Lady Noire?"
"Only a minute," she said unhappily. She was pouting.
"Great!" Mister Bug said cheerfully. He walked over to Luka and contemplated what to do on the way.
(Just a bit earlier)
Where had Marinette disappeared to? Luka had knocked several times after she shut him out but she didn't answer. He pressed his ear against the door to see if he could hear anything but it was dead silent on the other side. She wouldn't have made out with him and thrown him out like this and ghosted him… would she? It didn't seem like a Marinette thing. Not that he was an expert in all things Marinette… one day he'd like to see if she'd let him become one though.
He had loitered around her place for probably 20 minutes trying to convince himself to not break in and find out what happened. He'd have to respect her privacy and he did, really, but the last akuma attack magically teleported her to his someone else's bed and his thoughts were slowly spiraling into dangerous territory, where he imagined her ending up in Adrien's bed and her realizing she had better people than Luka to roll around under the bedcovers with.
Be cool, man, he thought at himself. Not going to help anyone if he suffered a mental breakdown. There might be a non-zero chance that she ended up back at his place? Okay that seemed too optimistic but… he should probably let his flatmate know he was fine and that he was heading back anyway.
He walked out to his bike after putting his jacket back on and unlocked the rear seat off to get to his helmet. He'd been ready to get back on the bike and ride off when he heard more than saw someone plunk down next to him. He turned and Lady Noire was looking directly at him. "Hi Luka," she said. "I need you."
"For the akuma?" He asked. Maybe he needed to be Viperion again? "Okay?" She rushed in and threw him over her shoulder, then they were a hundred meters in the air. "What the fuck?!"
He got plopped down against the ledge of the building and then she sat curled up on him. It might have been his imagination but… she was purring? This was… not making any sense at all. Luka saw Mister Bug land on the roof and the spotted hero managed to get Lady Noire off of him for a minute.
Mister Bug walked over and sighed before talking with Luka. That was a bad sign. "I'm sorry to have to ask this, but could you… stay with her until I can deal with this akuma? I just needed to know she's safe and in one place."
"… What?"
"Mind control akuma. Lady Noire's been hit with some weird commands." Mister Bug paused and looked thoughtful. "Hmm, I don't know, actually. Seems like she's just doing whatever she wants to outside of being ordered to leave the scene."
"Can't you fix that? Or… maybe get me out of here?"
"It'll be fixed after I deal with the akuma. I don't know if you noticed but Kitty here has been pretty extreme recently. Might be safer for everyone, including both me and you, if she's here and not ordered to Cataclysm anyone or anything." Mister Bug dropped his voice to a whisper. "Never thought she'd be a loose cannon. She might just attack me again so I'm not going to tempt fate if she just wants to hang out with you." Mister Bug shrugged at Luka. "Hey, greater good and all that. I promise I'll fix this as soon as I can. Take care of her, alright?"
"Hey wait--" "Bug out!"
Mister Bug up and left them. Shit. Lady Noire came walking back and looked over the edge of the building to make sure Mister Bug was gone. She sat back down next to Luka. "Okay, good, it's just us!" she beamed, hugging him.
"Uh," Luka started uncomfortably. "Not… to try to make things any weirder, but… could you get off of me?"
She pulled back, looking hurt. "You don't like me?"
"I… don't know who you are. I mean as a person, not a superhero." Luka tried to say that gently enough to not set her off. "I might like you if I got to know you?" He backtracked, feeling unsure. "But I mean, I'm just not great with the touching. I'm… into someone and it feels wrong to have someone else be this close."
Her ears flattened out to the side. "Who's that?" she asked, half sad and half… bitter? He felt like he just waded into turbulent waters. He didn't want to throw anyone under the Lady Noire murder bus, least of all Marinette.
"I'll tell you if you stay here," he compromised, hoping that he didn't just sign any death warrants. "Besides, you know her already. She usually chases after you."
"Alya?!" Lady Noire was shocked.
"No, Marinette? She always runs out to--"
"But I'm Marinette."
"… You. You're Marinette? Marinette Du--"
"Dupain-Cheng, yeah. That's me."
Oh. "… I thought you weren't supposed to tell anyone who you were?"
She snorted. "I can do whatever I want!" She leaned in closer. "So does this mean I can touch you again?"
It was just a few moments shy of Mister Bug letting the ladybugs set everything back to normal, so he ignored the notification on his yo-yo from Lady Noire. He checked it after and saw one line: "Taking Luka home now! ;)" Oh boy. Well, she should be relatively okay now. Luka would be fine.
Lady Noire started whining and that whine turned into a full blown scream in the middle of dropping from the roof, just as the Miraculous Cure worked its magic over her. Luckily she still landed softly enough while she held onto Luka, so it wasn't that she had lost control or anything. She immediately jumped away from him after setting him on his feet.
"Oh my god I am so, so, so, so sorry Luka," she cried, covering her entirely red face with her hands.
"Thank god you're back to normal," Luka sighed, leaning back against the building.
"Any chance you could forget all that?" Lady Noire asked nervously, dropping her hands back to fiddle with her baton. She looked like she wanted to leave Earth as soon as she possibly could.
All that included him taking his helmet off, her crawling back into his lap and grinding herself against him, her ripping apart his jacket and shirt (they were fixed now), peppering him with kisses and tiny bites everywhere, and doing all of this while she was Marinette Dupain-Cheng underneath it all. He did his best to keep up and reciprocate but she was superpowered. She barely let him breathe but he survived. And he'd enjoyed it. He had enjoyed the hell out of it. But at the same time he had gotten thoroughly overwhelmed.
He didn't want to forget all that, but… "I can if you want me to," he sighed. She'd been mind-controlled, after all. "It was all the akuma, right?" Too bad. "What… about earlier?"
She opened her mouth to reply but inhaled too quickly and started coughing. "Um, I…" She coughed again. "Er. Um…" She bit her lip and looked down, muttering something to herself.
Goddamn it, Plagg. Plagg had mentally kicked her and the voice in her head said "Cat's already outta the bag, toots, you've been wanting to mount that guy for-e-ver. Don't you dare take it back." It startled her enough to cause her to choke on air.
"Um, I… Er. Um…" She kicked at the ground. She wanted this. She wanted this. No mind-influencing akuma had told her to kiss him, that had been completely her. "No, don't… don't forget anything. I wanted all that," she sighed. "It was all me."
He raised his helmet visor to get a better look at her. "Are you sure?"
She nodded and looked back up at him. "I'm sure. I… kinda want to continue, too?"
It sounded like he choked. "I… wouldn't mind that."
She glanced back at her apartment a few blocks away. "See you in a few?"
(Some time later)
Luka hadn't completely gotten used to waking up with someone else in bed. He wasn't sure if he ever would, since every time he woke up next to Marinette it'd been nothing short of amazing and he'd felt like he was dreaming but no, she was actually there.
Occasionally he'd have to deal with waking up in the middle of the night because she'd leave for patrol, or had come back from it to snuggle back into his arms. It wasn't really a problem because they were together in the morning.
He didn't really miss waking up alone.
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acerosu · 5 years
Day 3: Ball/Party - Successful Star Rotation
This is based off a prompt from @sparklingnight02
Yellow, Blue, and White try to throw a birthday party for Steven.
Key word: TRY
Homeworld was in chaos. Peridots ran back and forth barking out orders just given to them by Agates. Between them rushed Rubies and Amethysts carrying boxes and sacks. They tripped over each other, fumbling to pick up anything dropped. Above loomed Yellow and Blue who oversaw everything. Their narrowed gazes did not fail to pick up even one mistake.
 “Get those colored rocks ready! Line them up!”
 “Where’s that cake?”
 “Tie down those balloons!”
 Yellow stopped her shouting, mouth still opened. She turned to Blue. “Balloons are those shiny hats, right?”
 “Oh stars.” Blue blinked a few times. “I’ve forgotten. I think they are the orbs that float in the air?”
 “Ah, of course.” Yellow redirected her orders. “They will be here in less than a cycle! Get the music ready!”
 Blue gave a solemn nod. She had already dealt all morning with her own court trying to organize gifts and entertainment. She stood cold at Yellows side.
 “Cake accounted for and placed, my Diamond!” A head Peridot ran up. She used to be a mechanic now she was a baker. Yellow still did not know what that was.
 “Is that what it is supposed to look like?” Yellow leaned down, inspecting the tower of what appeared to be shiny rocks.
 The Peridot saluted. “I made it just as the picture showed, my Radiance. It’s made out of pure, crystallized sugar.”
 Yellow leaned over to Blue once more. “That’s good, right?”
 “I think so. I only talked to that fusion on Earth. She said something about sugar.”
 “And how are we getting along for the Successful Star Rotation Ball, my Star Shines?”
 Both Blue and Yellow flinched, turning with a bow. “White!”
 “Now now, there’s no need for that anymore.” White tilted each of their heads back up. “This is Era 3 after all.”
 “Sorry.” Yellow stood up straight, trying hard to relax. “It’s a habit.”
 Blue nudged her. “You never reacted like that when I visited!”
 “I thought we were the same rank!” Yellow cut an innocent face. “Or I was higher.”
 White grinned.  “I have just received a communication that they are on their way.” She raised her voice, arms in the air. “Places every one!”
 The gems and their Diamonds had set up a long table with a marble throne at one end, marked for Steven. All around the outside lay a pile of gifts wrapped in wire insulation with tied circuit ribbons on top. The Earth researchers said it was the best match for the strange pictures they were sent.  Along the table were plates as well as a shiny, pointed hat for everyone to wear. These were made from precious metals. They had tried their best at balloons but gave up, in the end hovering a few monitoring drones in strategic places to give the appearance.
 White, Yellow, and Blue had their own thrones, but out of the lime light so as not to interrupt Steven’s celebration. A collection of gems made purposely to play melodic tones all started up at the same time, giving the impression of a song they had heard from Earth but missing the idea of meter and pacing.
 The leg ship came in fast, resulting in a slight impact, cracking the pink landing platform. Yellow bit her lip in worry while Blue cracked a grin. White stared ahead and pretended all was fine.
 “May I announce the great, the radiant, the perfect: Steven!”
 A flash as Steven teleported from the ship with Pearl, Amethyst and Greg. The latter looked very out of place, glancing around as if he was on an alien planet for the first time. Not counting the Zoo Station, this was a shock. He gave a nervous chuckle.
 “Wow, Steevo, they really went all out.” He pointed to the table. “That cake is bigger than the house!”
 “Woah.” All Steven could do was stare. He had been told there was a surprise for his birthday but only before the trip was he informed it would be on Homeworld, thrown by the Diamonds. “Is that wire on the presents?”
 “Ha! They almost got balloons right!” Amethyst ran over to a bunch of drones and poked them. They flitted about before returning to their original positions. “Don’t know about you but these might be better!”
 “Greetings, Steven. It is good to see you.” White bowed in reverence, followed by Blue and Yellow at her side. “We are happy to wish you a Successful Rotation around your Star.” She grinned, her cape sparkling. “We hope there are many more to come.”
 “Hi Steven.” Blue waved.
 Yellow nodded with approval.
 “What did they say?” Steven leaned over to his dad, whispering.
“Oh, Garnet spent hours trying to explain what a Birthday was.” Greg eyed the giant thrones. “I think that is what they settled on.
 “Haha!” Steven smiled up. “Thanks everyone! It all looks amazing!” He waved back at Blue.
 Groups of gems lined the table with more around the outside of the area. They stood ridged, waiting for the guest to make the first move. Steven walked over, with Pearl, Greg, and Amethyst behind him.
 “Remember, Steven.” Pearl spoke low. “Homeworld doesn’t fully understand Earth culture, so this may be a bit-“ She paused to search for the right word. “Different.”
 “That’s fine.” Steven walked over to his seat at the table, struggling to get into the throne. “I’m sure they worked super hard on everything.”
 Amethyst sat the closest, picking up the hat and putting it on her head. “Wow, it’s like they looked at a picture and just copied it.”
 “Amethyst!” Pearl picked up her hat before leaning over to Steven. “You might want to pass on the hats.”
 “Why?” Steven tired to get his but found it rather heavy. It was made of solid gold. “Oh. I see.”
 Greg took his seat and just went with the flow. “Hey, even the forks are gold! Don’t expect me to do the same for your next party.”
 A fanfare of music began. Yellow cleared her throat and stepped forward.
 “With all elegance and radiance, we now start the Successful Star Rotation Ball!”
 All the gems around the table stepped forward in unison and took their seats and hats. They were mixed types from Peridots to Rubies to Citrines. Even the Diamonds had their own hats, with Yellow’s awkwardly sitting on her pointed hair. Blue set hers in her loop and, White’s was ready to fall off at a moment’s notice.
 Steven sat, staring ahead. All that was happening was awkward: droning music playing and stern faces of gems staring at him. He flinched when they all stood at once and circled around their chairs before sitting down. Steven looked at Pearl then Greg. Amethyst was laughing it up, barely able to keep quiet.
 Blue clapped. “Now is the time for the entertainment.” She bowed, giving way for Yellow to step forward. “A grand display of power from all courts in honor of Steven.”
 Yellow put her hands behind her back and gave a curt nod. Gems on the side jumps up onto platforms scattered about. Rubies fused with each other to form giant versions of themselves. Jaspers crushed solid stone between their hands. Amethysts lifted massive crates of raw materials. Topazes cleaved metal in two with their spears. Right before the end, ships flew over; lead by one of the green hands Peridot had taken when she came to Earth with Jasper. With a wave from Yellow, all stopped and posed in their ranks. The Diamond smiled with pride.
 “Yeah! Wooo!” Amethyst was on the table clapping. “Look at them go! Did you see that?”
 Greg stared ahead, tapping his fork on the plate.
 Steven gave a forced smile. “Yes. Very impressive.” He glanced over at Pearl who was giving him wide eyes. “Thank you, Yellow. That was a good show.” Pearl cleared her throat. “I mean demonstration. Of power.” Steven looked up at the Diamond hoping his expression showed he really did enjoy it.
 “Of course, Steven. My forces are at your deposal.” Yellow gave another bow and stepped back in line with the other Diamonds.
 “Hoo boy.” Steven sat back in his chair. “There’s more, huh?”
 Pearl sighed. “Getting an army demonstration is a high honor.”
 Steven glanced back at Yellow who was grinning proudly. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
“And  now for my Court’s part of the entertainment.” Blue stepped forward, her hair falling over her shoulders as she bowed with grace. “The Lapis Lazuli will give an example of their skills.”
 Fifteen Lapis walked up in front for Blue. Eyes closed in concentration, they brought up water from pipes in the ground. The liquid swirled with bits of rock and crystals as it danced in the air. Steven looked awe struck as the water moved before his eyes as if it was alive. Then it rose in the air, forming clouds until the pipes had been drained. The water was rushed away into the sky, disappearing in Homeworld’s atmosphere with barely a drop. Steven glanced over to his dad. Both blinked
 “If you ever need any of my Lapis Lazuli to drain an ocean or reroute a river for you, they are at your call Steven.” Blue bowed with her court, looking up expectantly.
 “Wow!” Steven clapped, wondering where the pretty water disappeared to. “Thanks, Blue.”
The elegant Diamond returned to her throne with the others, content. Both Yellow and Blue exchanged glances, eying White.
 “And for my display to you.” White rose, her cape trailing behind her. “I have been studying Earth culture and learned about Dancing.” She said the last word as if it was the first time she’d spoken it. “Observe.”
 White stood front and center and began to shake her hips. Her arms went up and she moved them rhythmically to not the music but something else entirely. Then she stepped around, the ground shaking as she moved from side to side, head bobbing. It was something alright, but not dancing. All those visiting from Earth struggled to keep a straight face, staring up with smiles about to burst into laughter. White continued, wiggled her hands and shaking her head before holding her arms out in a pose. Behind her. Yellow and Blue here wide eyed, confusion leaving them unable to even clap.
 White glared down.
 “THAT WAS A RIOT!” Amethyst couldn’t hold it in any more. She burst out laughing, hitting the table with her fists. “DID YOU SEE HER?”
 Pearl stayed perfectly still while Greg kept staring as if he witnessed the greatest or worse thing in the history of his existence. Steven tried to cover for all of them.
 “Ha ha!” He rubbed the back of his head. “What Amethyst means to say is that was great, White! Riot is a word we use on Earth to say something is amazing!”
 The answer seemed to work. White bowed with a grin and sauntered back to her throne with a spring in her step.
 Yellow and Blue took her place. They stood towering above.
 “We also included the Earth custom of Gift Giving.” Blue said, nodding.
 Yellow continued. “Each gift was picked out by us. We hope they are useful in your endeavors.”
 Steven looked around at the gifts piled about him. “Um. Can you guys come closer? Maybe sit down over here?” He tilted his head. “It’s kinda hard to open gifts and talk with you so far away.”
 The Diamonds exchanged glances and shrugged, walking over. Yellow awkwardly sat with her knees bent as Blue took more of a relaxed stance with her legs curled behind her. White plopped down with the grace of an overweight puppy.
 “Ok! That works.” Steven waited for the ground to stop shaking before he took the first gift. He struggled to even lift it. “Um, this one is from, I think Blue?”
 Blue nodded, having marked her gifts with her Court’s symbol.
 Steven found he couldn’t rip the wrapping either. “What is this stuff?”
 “Is it not up to Earth protocol?” Yellow asked. “We used the finest silicon materials.”
 “Oh. Well, gifts are supposed to be wrapped in stuff you can easily tear away.” He glanced at the box then back to Yellow. “So you easily get to what’s inside.”
 “Ah. Understood.” She extended a hand and electricity shot out from her fingers. The gift pile was engulfed in energy, reducing the insulation used to wrap it into barely clinging ash.
 “Yellow!” Blue scolded, frowning down at the pile. “You could have damaged something!”
 “I control my powers expertly, Blue.” She massaged her hand. “Everything is intact, more or less.”
 Steven stood with his hair poofed out from the burst of energy. He glanced over to Greg who had the same issue. Amethyst chuckled.
 “Thanks.” Steven coughed, feeling ozone in his throat. He rubbed his hair down before picking the ashes off the gift. “Oh, what’s this? A rock?”
 “It’s a chunk of pure Iron.” Blue beamed. “It can be the start of your forges on Earth!”
 Steven set the iron down with a thunk. “Well, there’s always use for iron. Thanks Blue!”
 She smiled back.
 “Alright, this one is from Yellow!” Steven didn’t even bother to try and move the gift, seeing as it was as big as a car. He brushed the ashes away. “Oh, a computer?”
 “It’s a data entry core, complete with neural link up.” Yellow explained. “It will be very useful in organizing troops and ships.”
 Steven poked at the gem tech computer, barely understanding how to turn it on. “I’m sure it’ll be great for keeping track of all the uncorrupted gems!”
 Yellow opened her mouth to object but stopped herself. “Of course. It’s the best in the line”
 “Thanks, Yellow!”
 “Open one of mine next!” White chimed in.
 Steven walked around the gifts until he found one from White. It was massive. He coughed as the ash fell from it. “Woah!” There was metal inside. As he uncovered it, the mass unfolded itself, forming a ship.
 “It’s a personal roaming eye.” White grinned. “You can spy on anyone you like and even eliminate them with the laser weapon system if need be.”
 Steven took a step back as the eye focused on him. “Uh. Wow. Thanks. You didn’t have to White.”
 ‘Of course I did!” The Great Diamond huffed. “You need protection.”
 “No I mean-“ Steven sighed. “It’s great, White. I love it.”
 More gifts were opened, each one grossly misrepresenting any interest of want Steven had. That didn’t matter. It was all from the heart. So much thought put into each little gesture from the balloons to the music to the entertainment.
 Blue got more raw minerals for Steven along with a personal rock scanner for terraforming purposes.
 Yellow got him mechanical drones and weapon plans she herself had made with the Crystal Gems in mind. Amethyst took particular interest in those.
 White got him war ships, laser weapons, and some type of bomb that would remove all the nitrogen out of an atmosphere. Steven was very careful to make sure that was placed in a safe location.
 “Alright! Time for cake!”
 “Amethyst, please.” Pearl rolled her eyes.
 “Hey, what do you want me to do?” Amethyst pointed to the giant cake. “It’s been sitting there just begging to be eaten.”
 “I suppose it is time for cake.” Blue nodded.
 Everyone looked at Steven. With the odd gifts and decorations, he had to admit he was a bit afraid of the cake. Taking his gold plate, he walked over and looked up. It appeared to be made of ice block. With his fork, he poked at it, confirming that is was in fact, very solid.
 “Uh, guys? How am I supposed to cut this?” He poked at it again, his fork making a clink sound.
 “Cut it?” Yellow tilted her head. “Why ever for?”
 “Well, so everyone gets a piece?” Steven shrugged. He didn’t know how much the Diamonds actually understood about cake or even eating.
 “I thought he was supposed to eat the entire thing.” White mused.
 Blue shook her head. “We didn’t know how much he wanted to we made a large one.”
 “Oh no. No.” Steven cracked a grin, shaking his head. “You make a big cake so everyone at the party gets a piece.” He pointed to the table. “That’s what all the plates are for I thought?”
 “Oh! That’s what those were supposed to be for!” Yellow brought her hand up to her face. “I was wondering.”
 “Well, it’s made of crystallized sugar, so cutting it may be difficult.” Blue bowed her head apologetically.
 “Wait wait.” Steven set his plate down. “Are you telling me this entire thing is made out of rock candy?
 Blue nodded, confused.
 Leaning in, Steven took a lick of a part close to him. His face lit up. “Wow! It is! That’s amazing!”
 “At least they got something right.” Pearl mumbled.
 “I can cut it.” Yellow held up her hand again. It began to glow.
 “NO!” Both Blue and Steven shouted.
 Yellow lowered her hand with a frown. “Well alright, I was just offering.”
 They all laughed. Amethyst ended up climbing onto the cake and making her own tunnel. Yellow was persuaded to break off chunks instead of zapping it so everyone could try a bit. The gathered gems took cautioned licks, in the end confused by the sensation, but soon they all gave in to enjoying the new substance. Even Blue bit into a piece, grimacing at the hardness before chewing. She liked it so much she had more made for her chambers. Yellow and White attempted to eat, but gave up after their first try.
 With the formalities officially over, gems mingled together. Steven hung with the Diamonds as they talked about difficult colonies and the time Blue lost an entire planet. Greg got new know a bunch of Peridots who offered to upgrade his van. Pearl hung with the soldiers as they went over battle techniques. Amethyst made a lair in what was now her cake.
 In the midst of everything, Yellow and Blue sat back. They watched White and Steven talk about plants on other worlds and saw every gem enjoying themselves. Blue took Yellow’s hand.
 “We got a lot of it wrong, didn’t we?” Yellow frowned.
 “Yes.” Blue smiled back. “Most of it.”
 Yellow sighed.
 “But that’s not what is important.” She pointed to Steven who was smiling and laughing along with his friends.
 Yellow nodded. “Mission successful.”
 Blue shook her head. “Do you always have to be so serious?”
 “Not all the time.” Yellow leaned in, grinning. She nuzzled her face against Blue’s cheek and gave her a kiss.
 Blue sat bolt upright, covering her no doubt blushing face. “Yellow!”
 No one had noticed. The two Diamonds continued to sit together, proud of their accomplishment. Maybe they could have their own Successful Star Rotation Day as well.
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ask-the-agencies · 8 years
to whoever wants to answer. 💙❤️💕(if anyone ((and everyone if u wanna)) who has a lover/crush)
Heart Asks- Characters Chosen from Random
💙- A sad memory thatmakes them cry
 I thought I was going mad.
There I sat in my hospital bed, surrounded by the hauntingand monotonous beeps of the machines in the room. My own pulse also added intothe noise, but it was the others that really got to me.
I looked to my side. There, sitting perfectly aligned withmy own bed were three others. Right next to me, Kowalski.
I watched him, seeing the soft rise and fall of his chest ashe breathed. Around his face were bruises and bandages that covered cuts. Hiseyes were completely wrapped all around, hair poking out of the bandages.
I shuddered, thinking back to the blurry memories thattroubled the back of my mind. I hold myself to keep in my emotions. I looked tothe next hospital bed. Rico.
There he was, unconscious in an oversized hospital gown.Under them and the sheets, I could see the bandages that wrapped around hischest. Under them, I knew would be scars and stitches. He was hooked up to amachine that helped him breathe, when the nurses told me his lungs were damagedbeyond repair. When they broke the news to me that he might have to be… boundto…
 “Stop thinking about it! Stop it!” I thought to myself,holding my mouth shut.
I forced myself to move my eyes away from him. There, on thefarthest bed, was little Private.
Oh god, Private.
Just like Kowalski and Rico, he was decorated with bandages.His injuries were too brutal for a five-year old to have to handle- he wasnearly dead when we arrived. He’s only lucky to be in ‘somewhat stableconditions’ now because Nigel was available for a blood transfusion.
But what got to me, somuch was the wrapping on his shoulder.
It wrapped around his shoulder. And only his shoulder.
I began to feel my face heating up, hot tears finallybreaking through the dam. I held my head in my arms, hands grabbing tightlyonto hair as I tried desperately to stop the feelings.
There I sat in my bed, only having been put into the systembecause of a gash on my side. There I sat, awake while my brothers fought fortheir lives. There I sat, the one with the least casualties.
It should have been me.I’m their older brother! I shouldhave been the one to protect, to have kept them safe from the injuries theyhave now! But here I am crying! Because what else can I do?!
I failed my mission as their big brother.
[Skipper] This may not have been a proper memory… but it was something I was forced to believe Ilived through, if you know what I mean. Every once in a while… it comes back tohaunt me as a thought.
 ❤️- A happy memory that makesthem smile
 [Manfredi] A memory that makes me smile? Well… can’t justname one but…
I remember, it was at our base.
It was a stormy night, and the thunder would roar loudlyevery few minutes, a bright light coming along.
Johnson, Nigel and I had just come home from a mission, justrelaxing in front of the warm fireplace.
Now, the reason the others weren’t with us for the missionwas because they were… uh.
They were aged back.
It was an after-effect of an encounter with Dr. Blowhole. Wefigured it should wear off in a few days. And sure, Kowalski’s turned Skipperinto a kid before a while back, but this time, they had no memories other thanthe ones they had when they were that age.
Basically, they were all Private’s age, except Private. He’snow the equivalent to an infant of maybe a few months.
Anyways, the three of us were there, thinking that the fourwere all asleep in their room. Until, we heard a cry, and in a snap, we alljumped out of our seats and were running towards their room.
There, in the room, the four had all moved from their bunksand all gathered onto one. On top of one of the low bunks, was a trembling bumpunder the blanket.
“Guys? Are you okay?” I heard Johnson ask, flicking thelight switch. But no light came. He flicked it again and again, before givingup. “I guess the lightning might have blown a fuse in this room’s electricity.”
Slowly, we walked towards them, Nigel taking the blanket andlifting it to have a head pop out from under it. And then two other heads didso similarly.
“’Fredi!” yelled the middle one.
He yanked the blanket off himself and practically threwhimself into my arms. I yelped, caught off guard from the sudden need to catchthe child.
There, arms clinging tightly around my neck was a youngerSkipper. I glanced at the other two. Private was picked up by Nigel, whocradled him in his arms to stop his crying. Johnson held a hand out to Kowalskiand Rico, who both grabbed it. He ruffled their hairs before scooping them upwith both his arms.
God, they were all so cute! I still couldn’t get over beingable to care for them in their youth again.
A small voice broke out, a bit nervous. “Ca- can we notsleep here tonight? It’s really scary outside and-and-” Kowalski asked,trembling from anxiety.
I couldn’t help but chuckle. I looked down at Skipper, whoalso seemed to have the same question. “Of course,” I stopped, thinking beforeproposing a small solution. “How about sleeping with us on the couch tonight?There’s still light there, and it won’t be as scary,” I grinned, lookingtowards Johnson and Nigel, “especially with your big brothers around to protectyou all. How about it, little soldiers?”
A suddenly rowdy Skipper and Rico nodded, Skipper chimingin, “Sleep over!” a few times.
And just like the plan, we all slept away on the cough, agiant blanket draped over all of us. As well as them. Aside from Private whoslept in Nigel’s arms, Kowalski, Skipper, and Rico were sleeping on us. Skipperwas on my chest, Rico with his head on Johnson’s lap and Kowalski leaning onhis side as he made a small burrow in the couch between Johnson and me.
[Manfredi] If you don’t understand why this memory is one ofmany that makes me smile, I don’t think you know how much I love my brothers,haha!.
 💕- A memory about theirsignificant other
Prancer (Only musethat has a close one lmao)
We were all out for training for the upcoming mission with Santaon Christmas, when suddenly, while leading in the front, Donner was shot with asort of electrifying dart that shocked his body so strongly he fell unconsciousin seconds.
Before Blitzen or I could have gotten to him, we too weredone so similarly. I passed out from the pain too, but I have no doubts thatthe others were also victim to this assaulter.
I woke up. Everything all around was so blurry! But when myeyes finally adjusted, a glance down and I gasped, horrified.
I was pinned onto a metallic bed-like surface, angled tohave me tilted. I struggled against the cold metal that held my arms down, butit was hopeless.
Suddenly, a screen in front of me lit up, showing the faceof a man as he grinned into the camera wickedly.
“Good morning, sunshine! Sonice of you all to finally be awake!” he said.
All? my eyes widened in realization. Are my brothers andsisters also in the same situation as me somewhere else?
He started talking again, and I listened.
“You all may be wondering why you are all here? Hm?” hecontinued. “Well, for years you reindeer have done one main thing in thisworld. Happiness! You are the bringers of joy to the people every Christmas.But you see,” he stopped. He turned around, a button coming onto the screen aswell.
“I don’t like that. So. I need you all to be erased fromthis world and replaced,” he pressedthe red button.
…And I was released? I looked around, walking towards thebars. No one in sight.
I put my finger to the tip of my nose, to teleport a fewfeet outside the bars. Instead, however, my body was met with painful shocks asI was unable to get past an invisible barrier guarding the cell.
I staggered, holding my head in pain.
I looked up quickly. There, coming out from an automateddoor as it hissed up, was a figure.
It was me!
Without a second to lose, it darted towards me, and I pushedmyself off the bars and out of its way. There it stood, battle stance ready asit eyed me down.
“Either lose or fight for your lives, Bells,” the man’s voicespoke one last time, but sounded more like he was interrupted as the sound cutto static.
 I gulped. I don’t knowhow to fight.
 So naturally, my only resort was to dodge. But the plan soonbecame ineffective. After evading hits and punches, it finally caught me. Forwhat seemed like eternity, I endured painful hits, ones that would surelybruise. Finally, I could no longer stand. I stayed on the ground, panting.
It made its way to me, only to pin me to the floor with onearm, the other turning into a sharp blade. And with one swift motion, impaledits left into my stomach.
 I cried out in pain, and with pain finally overrunning me, Ipassed out.
For maybe a second.
In the next moment, I was on the ground, a warm liquidclimbing up my shirt as it spewed out. I opened my eyes, slightly to justbarely see the new scene.
There, in front of me, a new figure had broken into mycell.  He, too, dodged the fast moves ofthe robot. Suddenly, when moving out of the way from a punch to his head, hegot low on the ground, and forcefully swept his leg behind the robot, knockingit to the ground. And in the same moment, before the bot could get up, he heldit down, and punched a fist into its back and pulled out something, and justlike that it was deactivated and motionless.
The man turned his attention to me, and quickly made hisway. He sat me up, back against the cold wall. I could see his face now.
“Are you okay? I’m sorry it took us a while to save youguys, but please just hang in tight until we can get proper medical equipment!”he said to me, hands on my shoulder.
Before I could respond, my tiredness ran over me, and again,I passed out.
When I awoke, I was met with his face again.
“Prancer? Oh, thank goodness, you’re awake!” he said as helooked down at me from the bed I was on.
My mind was numb. I had no desire to think of who he was.“You are…?”
“Oh! I-um, I’m Kowalski! I’m part of the Tux brothers, but Idon’t think you and I have ever properly met,” he explained to me, scratchingthe back of his neck.
“Where are the others?”
He thought for a second. “Your siblings are, for the mostpart, okay. I believe you’re the only one whose droid pulled its knife on you.”
I thought of another question. “How did you know where wewere? That we were in danger?”
“Santa called us for help when you guys never came back toyour home. Upon seeing camera footage, he saw what happened,” answering fully.
I couldn’t help but feel a tang in my chest. Anotherquestion. “You… You saved my life?”
He looked surprised, slightly hurt, but surprised. “Ofcourse, why wouldn’t I?”
“Our families hated each other.”
“They did, but not anymore! Remember last year when wefinally settled the dispute at Madagascar? We’re friends now, and our duty isto protect those on our side from, well, evil,” he explained.
“Yes, friends. I mean, at least from my side, and I hope youwould too,” he answered, tone going a bit sad.
I sat up suddenly to stop his idea that I meant I did nottheir friendship, but then a sharp pain ran through my stomach. I clutched it,wheezing and a pained tear welling up from the corner of my eye.
I felt a pair of hands on my shoulder, gently pushing meback to rest on the pillow. “Please, don’t move like that! You have a woundthere that you can easily rip open again! You don’t want to lose blood again!”he scolded. But to me… it was in an overwhelmingly caring and concerned way.
Later on in the night, my siblings would come in one by one,usually to embrace me tightly as relief came over them that “I was finallyawake.”
However, it was Donner, the first to come in, that gaverapidly spread their rumor.
Before he left the room, leaving me and Kowalski, he winkedat me. Oh god he knows.
And everyone else after that would do the same, or throwhints at Kowalski, but would always go over his head.
I had a crush on the smarty Tux brother, who saved my life,and stayed with me through the night.
[Prancer] Yes, it’s a bit of a dark memory considering whathappened to us, but… that was the  first dayI ever talked to Kowalski, and from then on only grew closer together.
[Donner] And yet, here you two are, and he’s still asclueless as ever. How much closer do you need to be until you two get together?
[Prancer] Donner, please.
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