#top platform for expert advice
askgenii · 4 months
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Knowledge is Power: Tap into the Expertise You Need with These Platforms
Top Platform For Expert Advice, An expert is someone who specializes in a specific industry or sector and has a deep understanding and competence in terms of knowledge, skill, and experience through practice and education in a particular field.
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pippin-katz · 5 months
Like A Love Song
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Pairing: M/M | Crossover Ship - Marco Peña/Johnnie Blackwell Media: The Kissing Booth 2 (2020), High Strung (2016) Rating: T (for language) Word Count: 2,098
Marco is having a shitty day and goes to the park with his guitar to relax, but ends up having an interesting interaction with the attractive violinist who plays at the same spot.
A/N: I literally wrote this in a fit of inspiration and need for a romcom short story, but it came out pretty nice, so I thought I'd share here! Enjoy!
As the subway slowed to a stop, Marco lifted his wrist up to read his watch. He read 1:26 and heaved out a heavy sigh as he stepped off the subway car onto the platform. His guitar bounced against his back as he made his way up the stairs. The breeze greeted him by playing with the dark curls resting on his forehead, but the sun was nowhere to be found. It seems that it was aware of Marco’s melancholy mood and opted to spend the day behind the clouds in solidarity.
His day had been unpleasant since he woke up twenty minutes late that morning. In his haste to catch the bus to campus and make it to class on time, he hadn’t been able to brew himself a cup of coffee and forgot to put his laptop back into his bag after studying the night before. He ended up being forced to take notes by hand, leaving it cramping and sore afterwards, as well as giving him a wicked headache. Such pain had been a hindrance to practicing for his thesis performance in the following class.
Music and migraines don’t mix well. After only an hour, his professor had noticed his lack of progress and given him a pitying look. Marco couldn’t remember the last time he felt so embarrassed as they suggested he take the rest of the day off.
He had taken the advice, intending to purchase lunch from his favorite food court restaurant, only to discover that it was closed for some reason. He’d settled for a lackluster protein bar from the vending machine.
That’s what led up to where he was now, begrudgingly exiting the subway station. As silly as it was, all the obstacles and inconveniences caused a lump to form in his throat and heat to prickle behind his eyes. Marco was disappointed, exhausted, and hungry, and all he wanted to do was relax, even if it was only for a few hours.
Despite the lack of sun, it was pleasant outside. The subway station he’d gotten off at was next to a park that he often visited when he needed fresh air. Sometimes he brought his guitar with him and played whatever he wanted, not caring about anything, and letting the music take him wherever it led. If he was lucky, occasionally someone would drop some change or bills into his open guitar case. He didn’t play for tips but being a college student with a major in music, he never turned them down. Overall, it was an enjoyable experience.
There was only one problem: Hot Leather Jacket Violin Guy.
He was exactly what he sounded like. He was tall and pale, with dark hair that swooped down to fall just barely over his eyes. His lips were full and looked absurdly soft. He always wore casual alternative clothing that was typically topped off with the leather jacket his nickname implied. The final piece was, of course, the aforementioned violin. It was a dark brown that looked nearly black, and though Marco was certainly no violin expert, he could tell it was one of high quality; it was definitely not bought from an everyday music store. He was good, really good. The sound that came from it was richer than any other he’d heard. Every note seemed to sing with emotion.
Hot Leather Jacket Violin Guy was stunning, incredibly skilled, and Marco fucking hated him. Well… sort of.
There was no logical reason for it. Despite making eye contact a few times, they’d never spoken to each other. It wasn’t as though Violin Guy had done anything to warrant his hatred. All he did was stand in the same spot every day, look unfairly beautiful, and play the violin. Maybe that was all he needed to do for Marco to dislike him; maybe if he stopped and thought about it for a few minutes, he’d be able to chalk it up to projecting his own insecurities onto the handsome stranger.
However, on this particularly shitty day, he couldn’t care less. Marco was not someone who asked for much. He didn’t find himself asking some divine power for favors regularly, but today all he wanted was for Hot Leather Jacket Violin Guy to not be at the park.
Luck was not on his side, as should have been evident to him from the events of the day leading up into this moment. Marco trudged along the sidewalk to his favorite spot in the park; it was a coincidence that it was the same place Hot Leather Jacket Violin Guy played. There was a small fountain with tables around it. The concrete turned into pretty tiles, making it look like a little plaza. It was by far the best part of the park in his opinion, and he wasn’t going to let some brooding violinist with a pretty face ruin that for him.
That was his thought process as he approached the fountain. The soft sound of running water was accompanied by the telltale notes of the violin, allowing him to hear the other man’s presence before he could see him. Marco rounded the fountain and was greeted with the visual of the violinist; he pointedly refused to acknowledge if his heart sped up.
As usual, Violin Guy was wearing some ripped black jeans, a band t-shirt, and his signature leather jacket. His eyes were closed as he let his bow glide across the strings, and there was a barely noticeable sway in his body as he played.
Marco recognized another musician with true passion for their craft easily, which only made him more annoyed. It was harder to justify his distaste for the guy when he shared a musical soul. He sighed as he shook his head and wandered over to sit under a tree.
Marco’s hands were still a bit sore from class that morning, but it wasn’t unbearable, and he wasn’t planning to play anything difficult. He methodically removed his guitar from his back and set the case down in front of himself. He moved slowly as he unzipped it, retrieving the instrument.
The guitar’s wood was familiar and smooth under his fingertips. Its cool surface was soothing. He plucked a few notes experimentally, adjusting the tightness of the strings to find the perfect pitches. Once everything was properly tuned and prepared, Marco closed his eyes and exhaled.
Stress and anxiety had been clinging to him all day like a soaking wet blanket, weighing him down and sticking to him uncomfortably, but when he focused on the cool breeze on his skin and the sounds of nature around him, it slowly melted away. His fingers moved on their own as he strummed and plucked whatever notes called to him. He let his melancholy mood move his music rather than forced himself to play something more upbeat; fighting negative emotion was a waste of time. The improvised melody reflected his mental state perfectly.
Marco sighed as he paused at the end of a phrase, feeling as blue as the cloudy sky overhead. It really had not been a good day.
That’s when he heard the melody echoing back to him through the voice of the violin a few feet away. Marco looked up from his seat on the grass, eyes landing on the Violin Guy, who was standing a little closer than he had been before.
Instinctively, Marco scowled. What? Did this guy think he was better than him? Was he playing the same tune just to demonstrate how much lovelier it sounded when he played it?
As Violin Guy played, he glanced his way, making deliberate eye contact. Marco felt himself freeze under his gaze, unable to look away as he listened to solemn notes come from the other man’s instrument. He captured the same sadness that Marco had originally played with, but then he added to the tune. When he listened very closely, he could hear an almost questioning tone underlying some of the notes.
The man met his gaze again as he paused, his expression neutral but eyes expectant. Tingles ran up and down his spine; it was a question. Marco looked down at the guitar in his hands. He debated for a moment. For some reason, Violin Guy had noticed his negative mood and chose to approach him, speaking a musical language that only they understood. Marco didn’t know why he was doing this, but he would be lying if he wasn’t curious about the man. This was his opportunity. He poised his fingers to answer.
He licked his lips as he concentrated, plucking out a slightly different melody. His disappointment and exhaustion bled into the music. Marco closed his eyes, furrowing his eyebrows as he felt it all flow through the guitar. When he finished the phrase, he turned his head toward the violinist.
Violin Guy gave him a tiny nod, so small that Marco wasn’t sure if it was a nod at all. Then he raised his bow to the strings once more and spoke back. A series of notes floated through the air. They were soft, maintaining a somewhat melancholy feeling, but there was a twist in them. It was something hopeful and kind that made Marco’s chest expand and his eyes grow hot. Against all odds, his lips quirked up just a little bit as he listened to the sweet sound of the violin.
He met the man’s eyes again, his own widening as he received a small smile in return; he didn’t think he had ever seen Violin Guy smile before. He nodded down to the guitar as he continued to play, the tune becoming more hopeful as he continued. It was an invitation.
Marco felt his throat close up as his cheeks warmed, but despite the nerves, he began to play along. He was hesitant at first, but the two instruments blended beautifully as they performed their impromptu duet. There was so much feeling and personality in each sound, but somehow, they came together in just the right ways to create a masterful melody. Marco’s lips grew into a true smile as the frustrations of the day left his mind. His playing grew livelier, brighter, and by the time they finished their little song, he couldn’t even remember why he was so upset to begin with.  
He beamed at the violinist as he lowered his guitar back into his lap, and the other man looked down bashfully, nervously tapping his thigh with his bow. Then he straightened his posture and stuck his chin out a bit. He made eye contact with Marco and walked directly up to him without pausing.
Marco’s eyes widened as he was offered a hand. Uncertainly, he tried to meet him in a handshake, but the violinist grabbed his wrist instead, making him gasp. He tucked his violin under his arm and fished into the pocket of his leather jacket. Marco found himself unable to speak as he pulled out a pen. He opened it with his teeth and quickly scribbled onto his skin.
When he finished, he released Marco’s hand and cleared his throat. His pale cheeks had grown quite red. He opened his mouth to say something but changed his mind. He closed it, and instead nodded to him before turning to walk away, pretending as though he was unbothered when the opposite was obvious. Marco blinked rapidly, frozen for a moment. His skin still tingled from the other man’s touch. He looked down at the writing, his heart leaping as he recognized a phone number.
There was also a note underneath the digits. His cheeks flushed with heat as he grinned shyly to himself. The man had written: “I hear music when you smile. – Johnnie”
Marco looked up to see the violinist, Johnnie, with his violin packed away and posed to leave. He rubbed the back of his neck, figure tense as he kept glancing between him and the ground. Marco flashed him his most dazzling smile, and the tension in his shoulders disappeared as relief washed over his expression. He raised his hand to give him a small wave as he began to walk away. Marco returned it enthusiastically and watched with his grin still in place as he left.
Once Johnnie was gone, he ghosted his fingertips over the ink on his wrist. He pulled out his phone and created a new contact with the number. Marco inputted his name but tapped to add a note. He couldn’t help but laugh to himself as he typed: Hot Leather Jacket Violin Guy <3
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brattyprettysub2 · 5 months
I really want your books to be in Barnes and Noble. Every time I go to that store, there is really nothing interesting. I'm glad to come across one of your novellas online! By the way, what is your advice for newcomers who want to go to the erotica writing route?
Thank you so much! My books are in the online Barnes and Noble store, but that's very different from actually being in a physical shop with paperbacks on the shelf. That's the dream right there <3
That's a great question. If you're talking about doing it professionally, my first piece of advice is probably that just writing a book and self-publishing it as an ebook doesn't work very well; there are so so many ebooks and it's easy for yours to get lost. Having an audience, whether through a blog or instagram or twitter or any other platforms, helps a lot. I've lately been wanting to hire someone to do my marketing for me, because I don't know much about it and I think marketing, especially when done by a professional, can make a big difference.
In terms of just writing erotica -- my top piece of advice is write what you find sexy. It's so hard sometimes to not worry about our fantasies being too intense or too scary or too vanilla or too shameful to share, but my favourite pieces I've ever written are the ones where I felt terrified about sharing them and did it anyway. I can look back at old pieces and I can see exactly where I got scared and shied away, and I think the pieces are weaker for it.
So, if you're safe doing so and you feel okay (because you are the expert on your own safety and comfort and ability to do something), write what scares you. Right now, for me, that's all my gender fucky, transboy stuff; it feels very vulnerable sharing that and it's been so lovely to do so.
Also! Connect with other erotica writers! I first started building an audience on Tumblr (on my old blog, RIP, fuck you porn ban of 2018) when I reached out to authors I admired and they checked out my blogs and reblogged my stuff. I now do that with new authors if they reach out and say they write things; I will always check out their writing.
Best of luck, anon! Thank you for the question <3
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leowithyou · 7 months
Navigating the Code Maze: Unveiling the Top 5 Scala Programming Assignment Help Services
Embarking on the journey of mastering Scala programming can be both thrilling and challenging. As a student, you often find yourself grappling with complex assignments that demand precision and expertise. In this blog, we unveil the top 5 online scala Programming Assignment Help services, tailored specifically for Scala programming. Whether you're seeking programming homework help, assistance from programming assignment experts, or a community-driven approach, we've got you covered.
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Programming Homework Help:
When deadlines loom and your Scala programming assignment seems like an unsolvable puzzle, turning to dedicated programming homework help services can be a game-changer. Websites like [mention the specific service] offer a lifeline for students in need. They provide expert guidance, ensuring your assignments are not only completed on time but also serve as valuable learning resources.
Key Points:
Timely delivery of assignments to meet deadlines.
Expert tutors with proficiency in Scala programming.
Affordable pricing tailored for students' budgets.
Clear communication channels for query resolution.
Programming Assignment Helper:
For a more personalized touch, engaging a programming assignment helper can provide the focused assistance you need. These services pair you with experienced tutors who guide you through the intricacies of Scala programming, offering valuable insights and constructive feedback to enhance your skills.
Key Points:
One-on-one assistance from experienced programming mentors.
Tailored guidance to address your specific challenges.
In-depth explanations to reinforce conceptual understanding.
Feedback for improvement and skill development.
Programming Assignment Experts:
When the complexity of your Scala assignment reaches new heights, seeking help from programming assignment experts becomes imperative. Websites like [mention the specific service] boast a team of seasoned professionals ready to tackle even the most intricate programming challenges.
Key Points:
Access to a pool of experts with extensive Scala programming knowledge.
Solutions crafted to meet the highest academic standards.
Comprehensive and well-documented code explanations.
Plagiarism-free work, ensuring academic integrity.
The programming community's go-to platform for problem-solving, StackOverflow, is an invaluable resource for Scala programming students. The platform hosts a vast community of developers and experts who willingly share their knowledge and insights. Posting your Scala-related queries on StackOverflow can yield diverse solutions and perspectives.
Key Points:
Community-driven support for problem-solving.
Diverse range of solutions and perspectives.
Quick response times for urgent queries.
Opportunities for collaborative learning through discussions.
Reddit, with its myriad of subreddits dedicated to programming, is another goldmine for Scala enthusiasts. Subreddits like r/scala and r/learnscala offer platforms for discussions, sharing resources, and seeking assistance from the global Scala community.
Key Points:
Community engagement through discussions and resource sharing.
Real-world insights and advice from experienced programmers.
Access to a network of students and professionals facing similar challenges.
A dynamic platform for staying updated on Scala trends and news.
Mastering Scala programming requires dedication, practice, and sometimes, a helping hand. Whether you opt for personalized assistance, community-driven solutions, or expert guidance, the key is to leverage the resources available. The top 5 Scala programming assignment help services outlined in this blog aim to be your companions on the journey to programming excellence. So, dive in, embrace the challenges, and let these services be your guide in the fascinating world of Scala programming.
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bitchesgetriches · 11 months
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Only a few more hours to get in on this Bitches Get Riches book give-away!!! Visit our Patreon for details: patreon.com/bitchesgetriches
You ever meet someone and go "Ah... I feel better now"? That's how Kitty and I felt when we first met Jordan Grumet, aka Doc G. He's not only an expert on finance stuff, he's a doctor! A hospice doctor, to be exact. And he brings his experience taking care of people at the end of their lives to bear in his book, "Taking Stock: A Hospice Doctor's Advice on Financial Independence, Building Wealth, and Living a Regret-Free Life."
We first met Doc G. when he interviewed us for his podcast years ago. He then followed up with another interview with me after I lost my job. Now babies... we get interviewed a lot. Mostly it's well-meaning folks asking the same boring questions about how to retire early. But sometimes you get someone like Doc G., who digs deeper. He's not a "let's race to the top and damn the consequences" finance guru. He's much more concerned with the human cost of financial success. 
Which is why I think you should read his book. Most people don't have the strength or platform to share their accumulated wisdom at the end of their lives. But Doc G. has seen that process over and over again. And through his gorgeous book, he shares the wisdom he's learned about not only gaining wealth, but dispensing with regrets. NO REGERTS HERE. 
We have TWO WHOLE PAPERBACK COPIES of Doc G.'s book, so there will be two winners for this give-away. All the usual rules apply. See Patreon for the deets.
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book-my-crop · 1 month
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boltdxbblog · 1 month
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The Ultimate Guide to Cost-Effective Property Maintenance in Dubai
Welcome to the comprehensive guide to cost-effective property maintenance in Dubai. Whether you're a long-standing homeowner or a fresh face in our bustling city, staying on top of property upkeep is essential. In this guide, we'll explore top-tier strategies and insights tailored specifically for property maintenance in Dubai.
Understanding Needs: Before diving into maintenance strategies, assess your property's unique needs. Identify areas that require immediate attention and prioritize tasks accordingly. This proactive approach not only saves time but also prevents potential costly repairs down the line.
Choosing the Right Service Provider: When it comes to property maintenance in Dubai, partnering with the right service provider is key. Look for companies with a track record of excellence, responsive support, and competitive pricing. Customer reviews and testimonials can also offer valuable insights into their service quality.
Efficient Appliances and Fixtures: Investing in energy-efficient appliances and fixtures is a smart way to cut down on maintenance costs in Dubai. Opt for products with high energy ratings, as they not only reduce utility bills but also require less frequent repairs and replacements.
Regular Inspections and Maintenance Checks: Regular inspections and maintenance checks are the backbone of cost-effective property management in Dubai. Schedule routine visits from professionals to assess your property's condition, identify potential issues early on, and perform preventive maintenance tasks.
Budget-Friendly Tips: Not all maintenance tasks require professional assistance. Embrace budget-friendly tips to tackle minor repairs and upkeep tasks around your property. From fixing leaky faucets to repainting walls, a little DIY effort can go a long way in saving costs.
Identifying DIY-Friendly Tasks: Begin by identifying maintenance tasks that you can comfortably handle on your own. Simple tasks such as replacing light fixtures, cleaning gutters, or caulking windows are excellent starting points for DIY enthusiasts.
Maintenance Schedules: Create a maintenance schedule for tasks based on seasonal needs and the condition of your property. Regularly inspecting and maintaining areas like plumbing fixtures, HVAC systems, and outdoor spaces can prevent major issues and costly repairs.
Equipping Your Toolbox: Invest in a basic toolkit with essential tools like a hammer, screwdriver set, pliers, measuring tape, and a utility knife. Having these tools readily available can empower you to tackle various maintenance projects around your property.
Educational Resources: Leverage online tutorials, guides, and instructional videos to enhance your DIY skills. Platforms like YouTube and websites offer step-by-step guides for a wide range of home maintenance tasks, making it easier for you to execute projects efficiently.
Safety First: Prioritize safety when engaging in maintenance. Always wear appropriate safety gear such as gloves, goggles, and masks when handling tools or working on projects that involve chemicals or dust. Familiarize yourself with safety protocols to prevent accidents or injuries.
Community Support: Engage with local communities or forums to exchange tips, seek advice, and share experiences with fellow DIY enthusiasts. Networking with others who have similar interests can provide valuable insights and support for your DIY endeavors.
Mastering cost-effective property maintenance in Dubai is all about proactive planning, smart investments, and regular upkeep. By following the expert tips and tricks outlined in this guide, you can ensure that your property remains in top-notch condition without breaking the bank. Here's to hassle-free maintenance and a thriving property in the dynamic city of Dubai!
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sellfeetpic · 2 months
Feetfinder Story: How We Started and Why We are the Best?
In this article, we will delve into the captivating story of Feetfinder and uncover why we have become the best choice for all your foot-related needs. From our humble beginnings to our current position as industry leaders, we have strived to provide top-notch services and products to our valued customers. Join us on this journey as we explore the essence of Feetfinder and what sets us apart from the rest.
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The Birth of Feetfinder
It all started with a simple idea – to create a platform where people could find the perfect footwear for their unique needs. Our founders, Jane and Mark, both passionate about shoes and foot care, saw a gap in the market for a comprehensive and user-friendly website that catered to all foot sizes and preferences. And thus, Feetfinder was born.
Why Choose Feetfinder?
1. Extensive Selection
One of the key reasons why Feetfinder has earned a stellar reputation is our extensive selection of footwear options. From stylish sneakers to comfortable sandals, we have a diverse range of products to suit every taste and occasion. No matter what style or size you are looking for, you are sure to find it on Feetfinder hacks.
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At Feetfinder, we understand that finding the right pair of shoes can be a daunting task. That is why we have a team of expert shoe-fitters who are dedicated to providing personalized advice and recommendations to our customers. Whether you have wide feet, high arches, or any other specific requirement, our team is here to help you find the perfect fit.
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Quality is at the heart of everything we do at Feetfinder. We handpick each product to ensure that it meets our high standards of comfort, durability, and style. When you shop with us, you can rest assured that you are getting top-quality footwear that will last you for years to come.
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We are constantly innovating and staying ahead of the curve to bring you the latest trends and technologies in the footwear industry. Our team is always on the lookout for new brands and styles to add to our collection, ensuring that you have access to the best products on the market.
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In conclusion, the Feetfinder story is one of passion, innovation, and dedication to customer satisfaction. From our humble beginnings to our current position as industry leaders, we have never wavered in our commitment to providing the best footwear solutions for our customers. So why settle for anything less? Choose Feetfinder the best place to sell feet pics for all your foot-related needs and experience the difference for yourself.
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askgenii · 5 months
How to Find the Right Expert Advice for Your Needs?
Top Website for Expert Advice, Expert advice can be a game-changer in various aspects of life, from personal development to professional success. However, the challenge lies in finding the right expert whose guidance aligns with your unique needs and goals. In this article, we will explore a comprehensive guide on how to navigate this process effectively.For More Information Call: 9839835141 Or VisitUs:https://www.askgenii.com/
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dishachrista · 10 months
Exploring Game-Changing Applications: Your Easy Steps to Learn Machine Learning:
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Machine learning technology has truly transformed multiple industries and continues to hold enormous potential for future development. If you're considering incorporating machine learning into your business or are simply eager to learn more about this transformative field, seeking advice from experts or enrolling in specialized courses is a wise step. For instance, the ACTE Institute offers comprehensive machine learning training programs that equip you with the knowledge and skills necessary for success in this rapidly evolving industry. Recognizing the potential of machine learning can unlock numerous avenues for data analysis, automation, and informed decision-making.
Now, let me share my successful journey in machine learning, which I believe can benefit everyone. These 10 steps have proven to be incredibly effective in helping me become a proficient machine learning practitioner:
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Step 1: Understand the Basics
Develop a strong grasp of fundamental mathematics, particularly linear algebra, calculus, and statistics.
Learn a programming language like Python, which is widely used in machine learning and provides a variety of useful libraries.
Step 2: Learn Machine Learning Concepts
Enroll in online courses from reputable platforms like Coursera, edX, and Udemy. Notably, the ACTE machine learning course is a stellar choice, offering comprehensive education, job placement, and certification.
Supplement your learning with authoritative books such as "Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow" by Aurélien Géron and "Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning" by Christopher Bishop.
Step 3: Hands-On Practice:
Dive into real-world projects using both simple and complex datasets. Practical experience is invaluable for gaining proficiency.
Participate in machine learning competitions on platforms like Kaggle to challenge yourself and learn from peers.
Step 4: Explore Advanced Topics
Delve into deep learning, a critical subset of machine learning that focuses on neural networks. Online resources like the Deep Learning Specialisation on Coursera are incredibly informative.
For those intrigued by language-related applications, explore Natural Language Processing (NLP) using resources like the "Natural Language Processing with Python" book by Steven Bird and Ewan Klein.
Step 5: Learn from the Community
Engage with online communities such as Reddit's r/Machine Learning and Stack Overflow. Participate in discussions, seek answers to queries, and absorb insights from others' experiences.
Follow machine learning blogs and podcasts to stay updated on the latest advancements, case studies, and best practices.
Step 6: Implement Advanced Projects
Challenge yourself with intricate projects that stretch your skills. This might involve tasks like image recognition, building recommendation systems, or even crafting your own AI-powered application.
Step 7: Stay updated
Stay current by reading research papers from renowned conferences like NeurIPS, ICML, and CVPR to stay on top of cutting-edge techniques.
Consider advanced online courses that delve into specialized topics such as reinforcement learning and generative adversarial networks (GANs).
Step 8: Build a Portfolio
Showcase your completed projects on GitHub to demonstrate your expertise to potential employers or collaborators.
Step 9: Network and Explore Career Opportunities
Attend conferences, workshops, and meetups to network with industry professionals and stay connected with the latest trends.
Explore job opportunities in data science and machine learning, leveraging your portfolio and projects to stand out during interviews.
In essence, mastering machine learning involves a step-by-step process encompassing learning core concepts, engaging in hands-on practice, and actively participating in the vibrant machine learning community. Starting from foundational mathematics and programming, progressing through online courses and projects, and eventually venturing into advanced topics like deep learning, this journey equips you with essential skills. Embracing the machine learning community and building a robust portfolio opens doors to promising opportunities in this dynamic and impactful field.
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priyadharshinigamer · 3 months
Mastering the Art of Playing Real Money Ludo
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Mastering the art of playing Ludo for real money has become a fascinating endeavor for gamers worldwide. The traditional board game, known for its simple yet strategic gameplay, has found a new life in the digital age, especially with the opportunity to earn real cash prizes. This blog will guide you through the nuances of playing real money Ludo, from understanding the game to exploring earning opportunities and ensuring your online safety.
The trend of playing Ludo for real money has seen a significant uptick as players seek entertainment and the thrill of earning from their gaming skills. This blog focuses on equipping readers with the knowledge and strategies to excel in real money Ludo, offering insights into maximizing earnings while enjoying this classic game.
Understanding Real Money Ludo
Real money Ludo transcends the traditional board game by allowing players to compete against others for cash prizes. Unlike the classic version played for fun, this digital evolution adds a competitive edge, enticing with the potential for financial rewards. Players can enjoy various features such as live matches, tournaments, and the opportunity to play against competitors from around the globe.
Getting Started with Real Money Ludo
To dive into real money Ludo, players must first download and install a reputable Ludo game app like Zupee. The registration process is typically straightforward, requiring basic information and a payment method to deposit and withdraw winnings. Starting to play is as easy as selecting a game or tournament that matches your skill level and investment preference, paving the way to potentially lucrative earnings.
Gameplay Strategies and Tactics
Winning in real money Ludo is not solely based on luck; it requires strategic thinking and tactical gameplay. Understanding the game's mechanics, anticipating opponents' moves, and making informed decisions about when to be aggressive and play it safe can significantly increase your chances of winning. Mastering these strategies enhances not only your gaming experience but also your earning potential.
However, it would be great if you knew tips & tricks to win Ludo and real money online. 
Exploring Earning Opportunities
Ludo offers various avenues to earn real money, from participating in daily challenges and tournaments to taking advantage of bonuses and referral programs. Tournaments, in particular, can be highly rewarding for skilled players, offering substantial cash prizes for those who reach the top positions.
Safety and Security Considerations
While the prospect of earning real money is enticing, it's crucial to prioritize safety and security. Reputable real-money Ludo platforms implement robust security measures to protect players' personal and financial information. Being vigilant about the platforms you play on and following best practices for online safety can safeguard your earnings and personal data.
Success Stories and Tips from Experts
Many players have found significant success and financial rewards through real Ludo cash. Learning from experienced players who share their strategies, experiences, and achievements can provide valuable insights. These success stories motivate and offer practical advice for navigating the competitive landscape of real money Ludo. You can check videos of these players on Zupee. 
Mastering the art of playing Ludo for real money opens up a world of excitement and potential rewards. This blog has guided you through the essential aspects of real money Ludo, from starting your journey and strategizing your gameplay to exploring earning opportunities and ensuring your safety online. 
The journey to becoming a proficient real money Ludo player is both challenging and rewarding. Embrace the strategies and opportunities outlined here, and you may find yourself enjoying the game and reaping the financial benefits.
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maruf17sstuff · 4 months
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masllp · 4 months
Elevate Your Financial Journey: MAS LLP, Your Trusted CA Firm in Delhi
In the bustling metropolis of Delhi, amidst the flurry of businesses and enterprises, stands MAS LLP, a beacon of financial expertise and excellence. As one of the leading ( Chartered Accountancy ) Ca firm in Delhi, MAS LLP is committed to guiding businesses, entrepreneurs, and individuals on their financial journey with precision, integrity, and innovation. Here's why MAS LLP stands out as the go-to CA firm in Delhi:
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Depth of Expertise: With a team of seasoned Chartered Accountants and financial experts, MAS LLP brings a wealth of expertise across a wide spectrum of services, including audit and assurance, taxation, advisory, compliance, and more. Our professionals possess in-depth knowledge of Indian financial regulations, accounting standards, and industry best practices, enabling us to deliver tailored solutions that address the unique needs and challenges of our clients.
Comprehensive Services: MAS LLP offers a comprehensive suite of financial services designed to meet the diverse needs of businesses and individuals. Whether you're a startup looking to establish robust financial systems, a multinational corporation seeking tax optimization strategies, or an individual taxpayer in need of personalized tax planning advice, MAS LLP has the expertise and resources to deliver results.
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job-stories · 4 months
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enneamage · 1 year
Youtube, counterculture and What The People Want. These are massive topics that really get the noggin joggin’. Tommy delivered a motivational speech (still peppered with a bit of a lack of awareness that the people he looks back on fondly were once criticized for creating low effort trend following content) about how the people are craving a change because of how hollow certain video formats are becoming.
I’ve touched a little bit on Mr.Beastification before, namely how people are using him as a scapegoat to disown their own pull towards the illusion of safety and guaranteed success. The era of algorithm hacks and mind tricks that we’re in now reminds me a bit of the media version of the pickup artist / redpill scene, where self-styled experts try to brute force human behavior and connection through over-focusing on numbers and science of dubious origin. People have always wanted to bottle and redistribute luck and charisma, and the fact that the YouTube game is half human and half machine makes it seem slightly less insane to try and ‘hack.’ 
As an aside, is there anyone checking up on the people who solely and religiously follow all these hacks and advice? Like, are they actually doing well (in a numbers and personal wellbeing sense) when that’s the primary pillar of their content? I feel like even in the case of Mr. Beast, he probably over-reduces his success down to the variables that he can control/measure rather than the unknowable pile of factors outside of them, so it’s probably not as easy to replicate as he makes it sound.
(Dr. Mittens has a good post about how despite the narratives around Dream, Dream did not come up from zero solely because of his tactical brain, although he’s often used as an example of someone who power-gamed his success.)
So two questions come up in the wake of all this, what is the public hunger that Mr. Beastification inspires, and is YouTube really the place that this pushback is actually going to happen? If YouTube the platform is partly to blame for a certain kind of content rising to the top, one of the simplest answers is to get content somewhere else, which sounds like what Tommy is trying to avoid. Youtube has a virtual monopoly on longform public video hosting so they’re not in meaningful competition with other websites doing exactly what they do, so the threat of this is a bit less.
I look in my subscription feed and even my for-you page and I kind of can’t complain—YouTube knows that I’m “The video essay type” and goes from there, and that’s the bit about the algorithm I can appreciate at the end of the day. I have, largely, been insulated from the dumber things out there. This feels like an issue that’s been taking root in areas that are less curated than my corner, and maybe that’s part of the issue—between youtube hiding most of it’s videos unless it already thinks you’re going to like them and the market flooded with nothingburger formula videos (these problems create each other), it’s more rewarding to stay in your corner than actively seek out new stuff.
Something that I think I want from YouTube (but I don’t think I’ll get because if it were to be part of the system itself it would immediately get abused) is a human referral system. Like the actual ability to curate a page/feed of videos, maybe with a comment to give them context / a reason why you like them. This is because I don’t think I’ll ever trust the creator’s desperation (built-in) and the robot overlords (just want more minutes) over another complete rando who is genuinely like “I enjoyed this :D.” Human attention follows the attention of other humans, and while the algorithm follows that logic in a crude way, putting some texture back into that process might be able to do a lot.
On the topic of franchises, most of the fictional content I consume is from a fandom background so I know that repetition and familiar formats/premises have their place. (Call me parasoical but I like knowing who people are.) I understand why people want to talk about creativity and originality in a world obsessed with formula and guarantees, but I would say to not throw the baby out with the bathwater either, because some people can become so obsessed with innovation that they become backhandedly disdainful of people who have more grounded and reliable tastes.   
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learnloner · 6 months
Title: "Discover the Power of Learning with Loner E-Learning: A Comprehensive Review"
Are you on the lookout for an exceptional e-learning platform? Look no further than Loner E-Learning! 🚀
I recently explored the Loner E-Learning website, and I must say, it's a hidden gem in the world of online education. Here's why you should consider this platform for your learning journey:
Diverse Course Catalog: Loner E-Learning boasts a diverse range of courses, spanning from tech and business to arts and languages. Whether you're a beginner or an expert, there's something for everyone.
User-Friendly Interface: The platform's intuitive design ensures a seamless learning experience. Navigating through courses, accessing materials, and tracking your progress is a breeze.
Interactive Learning Tools: Engage in interactive learning with tools such as quizzes, discussion forums, and live sessions. The platform goes beyond traditional lectures, making the learning process dynamic and enjoyable.
Expert Instructors: Learn from industry experts who bring real-world experience to the virtual classroom. The quality of instruction is top-notch, providing valuable insights and practical knowledge.
Flexible Learning Options: Loner E-Learning understands the importance of flexibility. Access your courses anytime, anywhere. Whether you're a busy professional or a student with a hectic schedule, you can tailor your learning journey to fit your lifestyle.
Community Support: Connect with a vibrant community of learners. Share ideas, seek advice, and collaborate on projects. The sense of community adds a social aspect to your online learning experience.
Affordable Pricing Plans: Quality education shouldn't break the bank. Loner E-Learning offers affordable pricing plans, making education accessible to a wide audience.
In conclusion, if you're serious about expanding your knowledge and skills in a user-friendly, interactive, and affordable environment, Loner E-Learning is the platform for you. Give it a try, and unlock the door to a world of limitless learning possibilities!
#OnlineEducation #LearningPlatform #ElearningReview
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