#top universities degree
panncakes · 7 months
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"If you look closely, you'll see that Latte is the only being Ongsa talks to."
23.5 (2024)
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boatemboys · 2 months
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can i come over and pretend to be a normal human being except neither of us know what a normal human being is meant to look like
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okay to those of you who saw my last rb and care about my stupid guilty gear au. i NEED to rant right now. Massive long winded about bedkari (aka bedman x hikari, my stupid ship that’s part of reverie of rebirth) under the cut. Be warned they’re so toxic yuri
i just realized. The cornered pray analogy exactly how the dynamic between Romeo and Hikari is. The lamb preparing for their slaughter specifically is. Exactly them. But the thing is… The roles are swapped in a way.
Romeo, of course, has sheep elements. Those are a huge part of his design- Even in his canon story as well. He’s a lamb being led by a shepherd. He’s naively being led along by Ariels, she calms him when he rebels or lashes out against her, and she led him all the way to his eventual slaughter. He’s the lamb.
But with Hikari, he gets to be the shepherd.
Hikari is a yokai. She’s powerful. I wrote her to be powerful on purpose. She could be fatally wounded and survive, not even batting an eye due to her lack of pain receptors. Which she does. Right when she first meets Romeo. He tries to kill her, and yet she’s unfazed. She doesn’t care. She didn’t feel anything, and she knows she wants to be near him no matter what. All that’s important is pleasing him.
Basically all Hikari knows is Romeo. When she first met him and emotionally latched onto him, she had only recently awoken and still had all her emotions. All her emotions were developed around Romeo’s guidance and treatment of her, which basically just meant being his little assistant, aiding in his war crimes, and associating joy with his slightly harsh treatment.
All Hikari knows is showing her neck and stomach to Romeo.
When comparing the specific animal motifs of both Romeo and Hikari, it’s really fun to see the contrast. Hikari has the designs element of the predator animal, while Romeo has motifs of the prey. However, those roles are swapped in terms of their behavior. Romeo is abrasive and only begins to show care towards his yokai companion after months in his presence, while said companion innocently follows his commands and accepts anything he throws her way- Naively believing every word he says like it’s gospel. A little cat blindly loving the cruel shepherd. It’s a beautiful parallel that honestly was not intentional.
The sheep bares its teeth and bites into the neck of the two-tailed cat.
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greatbigbellies · 4 months
What do the ads for McPreggo's look like? As much as I would like it to be gravid women seductively eating cheeseburgers, I don't think that would fly on daytime tv.
YOU SAY THAT but Carls Jr was KNOWN for their ads featuring supermodels eating burgers in what was a "sex sells" approach so blatant they did a follow up ad campaign about how they were ending that last campaign, because it was so infamous. And they just.. aired that on broad fucking daylight like it was nothing so like... McPreggo would likely get away with it if they wanted to.
TBH I'm not sure what McPreggo ads would entail because it has such a niche target demographic that like... honestly if you just showed us that the food WORKED, that'd probably get the attention of the people who would want that...
The big brain play is to run ads that feature lots of pregnant women super prominently not because it'll inform people on the product, but because it'll end up in youtube "pregnant tv ad compilation" videos that nervous/early pregnancy kinksters would peruse sometimes... thus reaching the core demographic.
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killjoygem · 4 months
I just found out I've got first class honours in my degree and literally burst into tears when I saw the email. I didnt think I even cared that much but oh my god
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woodentrain · 1 year
Observe: this is the face of a man who does not want to spend his day selling/changing/collecting money for water filters
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For the love of god woman just give me my money and stop with the water filter crap
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scarletcomet · 5 months
completed my first community college course!
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slashfuhrer · 6 months
the problem with having WIPs in two different languages is you forget how to write in either of them
having to check the dictionary every 0.003 secs because no matter what language you're now writing in the good thoughts always come in the other language feels like:
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panncakes · 7 months
listen i would've supported 23.5 no matter how terrible it might've been and i will continue to support it no matter which route it takes; but i am incredibly happy that it starts sweet and gentle and goofy as all queer high school romances deserve to be 🥰
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magentagalaxies · 1 year
sometimes i'm just awake in the middle of the night and it suddenly hits me all over again that i'm literally only halfway through college and already i'm making a film with my number one comedy hero????? like what the hell that's the type of goal i expected to be chasing for my entire career but it's happening now!!!
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andromedasummer · 1 year
about to burst into tears at the bus stop because its finally over. i just had to quickly spend 2 hrs doing a guest lecture summary i didnt know we even had/was required to pass but i DID IT. i DID IT. it took 5 and a bit years for me to get my undergraduate but i did it! a double major in media and english! i spent my first year on a degree i would end up switching for another, another year too mentally and physically sick to function, the year after that to go through many tests and diagnoses to get therapy and then treatment for my illnesses, my first years of study for my new degree in the middle of a pandemic, the third (last year) growing increasingly sick again as a new health issue arose and postponed my graduation, hospitalization at the start of this year because of the illness and finally finished this trimester despite some weird half-diagnosed still not treated internal infection bleeding!! and i still did it! i still did it!
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rosaaeles · 9 months
everything will be going fine and then i remember the sheer amount of uni work i have due in january that i haven’t started yet and i actually feel like i’m going to throw up
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kingofthewilderwest · 2 years
One of the greatest woes of tumblr is when you vehemently disagree with a viral post and know it’s based on a really flawed premise and you keep seeing it reblogged over and over and over again with all the people you’re following and all your mutuals.
yeah yeah yeah I do block posts but sometimes I get lazy, and before I get around to it, dear holy cheese wiz does it drive one batty
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docholligay · 2 years
Come on Doc, the 32 fouettes from Swan Lake can't be that hard if Yuzuriha can also do them on a whim in ballet class!
It's one of those hyper specific things that just smacks of complete fucking weirdness to me. Why bring it up? She can do really nice ballet things without having to do "This very specific difficult frequently noted as a sign of virtuoso performance" thing. I JUST DECIDED TO CASUALLY REPLACE THIS WITH THE FOUETTES FROM SWAN LAKE okay, professional dancers have failed out of it. But yeah, you going to a Catholic boarding school in Japan, you can do it.
It's the Revue Starlight acceptance percentages all over again! You don't have to be so specific about shit unless your character can back it up! Unless it's really worth it narratively.
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notasapleasure · 2 years
Sometimes I am reminded that doing (well, mainly finishing) a PhD left me realllllllly fucked up! Today is one of those days! Everything I write must be Wrong and I am an Idiot for not understanding media! How fucking weird to feel too inadequate to watch a TV show I don't even want to watch because the smart people understand the lore it's fucking up while I'm just grubbing around in the dirt with my blorbos and my plastic shovel.
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dpathshala · 2 years
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The answer is a BBA distance education course. In a distance learning course, you do not have to visit the college to study because the college comes to you in the form of online lectures and studies. BBA distance education in Delhi is extremely popular. This is because there is a lot of flexibility because you can attend these online classes from anywhere. You save a lot of time. And so, you can invest this precious time of yours to gain experience. 
One of the best ways is to pursue a job-oriented short-term course simultaneously with your online BBA course. There are several good distance learning universities in Delhi NCR from where you can pursue your online BBA degree. You can go for a relevant certificate or diploma course. After completing this course, you can look for a job in a relevant field. And you can do all of this while completing your BBA degree in online mode at the same time. With this, you are earning a bachelor’s degree and work experience at the same time. 
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