#toph's kuvira rambling
marvelatthismess · 1 year
Thinking about how easily Kuvira dodges airbending while fighting Korra outside of Zaofu
That stuff is invisible in universe and yet she's just straight vibing the entire time
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wilcze-kudly · 3 months
Do you guys ever think about the fact that Su said we're blood, Lin and Lin was definitely bleeding awfully after getting scarred and that hearts pump blood and that hearing hearts is a part of seismic sense and seismic sense is very closely tied to the Beifongs to the point where only one person outside the family is known to possess the skill and it's a person Su considered family and
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What I'm sayin is we're lacking in blood/heart/heartbeat symbolism with the Beifongs I'm disappointed in this community.
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Heyo! For my fifth character ask fill... tell me about Suyin Beifong!
@alpaca-clouds So, now it's the Metal Matriarch’s turn for the character ask game, so here we go!
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1: sexuality headcanon 
I’ve seen this one pop up in the fandom and I’ve found myself agreeing, and it is that Su is poly and I'll add my own headcanon that she’s pansexual. I believe she did her fair share of experimentation during her circus and pirate years (including a fling with fellow free spirited soul Kya) before settling with certified cinnamon bun Baatar Sr. 
2. otp
Who other than Baatar Sr? The woman is completely smitten over her husband, and the pride she feels for him and for the family they have together is evident. Zaofu is as much a brainchild of Suyin as it is of Baatar.
3. brotp
I believe her brotp to be Kya, filling the older sibling role vacated by Lin after the accident. Kya must’ve listened to her ramblings about her mom Toph and sister Lin and she kept her on the loop on what was happening in Republic City throughout the years since Su never got Lin to answer her letters.
4. notp
Kuvira. Period. I’m not crazy about Su/Korra or Su/Asami either but I can’t stomach Su/Kuvira at all.
5. first headcanon that pops into my head 
I can picture Suyin tagging along with the older kids on Air Temple Island (for her it was tagging along, for them it was babysitting 😆), something that Bumi and Kya used to their advantage for their pranks since she would end up unwittingly serving as an accomplice, being the usual target to those pranks Tenzin and Lin. 😂
6: favorite line from this character 
Suyin has the self-promo thing down to an art 😆
“Dancer. Leader. Wife. Mother. Collector of rare meteorites.”
Book 3 Ep. 5 The Metal Clan
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character 
I wonder if she ever realized the implications of having a walking and talking surveillance unit in the form of her truth seer Aiwei to keep her utopia in check, and we know how well that ended up being 😬
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Like The Fandomentals said in their article, Su’s the worst and therefore the best, so she falls between that thin line between cinnamon roll and problematic fave. 
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Pictured above: Some of the most powerful earthbender women ever gathered in one place. 🤩
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chaoticallysapphic · 4 years
just a scratch
summary: You were always the hero, always the one protecting those around you. So who could be surprised by your honorable death?
a/n: I woke up this morning literally thinking "why not write a death fic," so here you guys go. Here's your Lin fic. I came up with this idea like two days into having this blog and it’s inspired by this art. 
word count: 3k
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When you were little your favorite books were those of heroes. Of great adventures and love so profound it would be talked about for centuries to come. The ones now collecting dust on the third to last shelf on your bookcase, the mahogany one situated between your desk and cedar bookcase, is where you place your favorites. 
A recurring theme in them all is self-sacrifice. Loving someone sometimes requires that and you knew if the time ever came, you'd do it all for her. A life without her is not one you could live through, a world without her is dark and full of monsters and crime. Not only would you do it for your own selfish reasons but because she was so important to other people as well. The death of Lin Beifong is the day the heart of Republic City stops beating. 
If you had to choose a way to go, it would be protecting those you love. And if Lin's life was on the line, then you knew it had to be you.
There are a million scares that have happened in the last few years, ever since Korra arrived the number of times you were jumping in front of her was too many to count. After the fourth, after you pushed her aside so Amon would take your bending, she'd all but screamed at you for hours while holding you, scared to let you go. Despite the emptiness seeming to fill you up like a ship sinking, it was worth it. 
After you got it back Lin didn't let you out of her sight for weeks, suddenly you were trailing after her like a lost puppy. You understand her need to have you nearby and you didn't mind, who could mind the company of Lin? 
One night sometime after the eighth time, Lin notices those books on the third to last shelf. She's read one or two and casually asks you how the others end. In your hands is a new one just as heartbreaking and morbid as the others. You don't realize the dots connecting for her whilst you happily ramble on about them, mentioning how you read your first one in the library at the age of seven. 
“I mean it's what you do for love and it's so-” 
“No you stay alive for love so you can live out the rest of your life with them,” her voice is firm as she grips one of those favorites of yours. You frown, slowly closing the one you're currently reading. 
“Well it's not like you'd just do it for anything, it's to protect the one you love.” 
Over the next few years, Lin's heart almost stops a million times as you keep protecting her. She tries to get you to stay in Republic City when she goes off to protect Korra but your stubbornness somehow beats Lin's. 
That break-in at Zaofu solidifies it for you. Lin slips off with Suyin, so they can propel from the ceiling to save Korra. She makes sure you're distracted before sneakily racing off. When you turn around to check on Lin she's gone. She's gone and as you whip your head around to look for her there isn't a trace of where she went. 
You know you're being selfish, that you should push this panic and fear down to help save Korra but you can't. You need to know where she is, people are yelling at you as you continuously turn, hoping to spot her. You don't notice how the combustion bender has turned to you. Your vision is blurring, you need to find her, and little do you know she's watching from above with her heart in her throat as P'li smirks before taking aim. 
The sound her bending makes has you whipping around. Your eyes widen at the bolt of fire shooting towards you, frozen in place. This is not how you want to go down, you’ve had an unhealthy obsession with how you’d leave this world from a young age and this was not it. In the last second before your life ends two arms wrap around your waist as a body slams into you. You fall to the floor with a loud thud and a pained moan as your head smacks against the concrete. The bolt of fire whizzes past the two of you as it burns through a bush. 
The woman above you isn’t Lin. It’s some guard with black hair and a mole under her eye and you can only half make out what she's saying, partially due to the concussion you now suffer from but also from the icy fear that has encased you. Little do either of you know that by Kuvira saving you, your fate has been placed in her hands for another day.
She’s asking if you're okay, by now Lin has saved Korra and the intruders have vanished. She knows your importance to the Beifong family. Kuvira helps pull you up into a sitting position, she watches you wince from the pain, your eyes squeezed shut. There’s a small spot of blood on the ground, and so she checks behind your head and finds a small cut. 
Lin has given Korra to Suyin, bolting to where she sees you hunched over while Kuvira cleans the cut for you. You don’t hear or notice her coming, the only indication is when her arms slip around you as she pulls you against her body so tight it feels like the air is being squeezed out of you. 
“What the fuck was that?” She chokes out between sobs. You slowly wrap your arms around your lover as you suddenly begin to feel tired. 
“I couldn’t find you.” 
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After Zaheer when your life quiets down just a smidgen, Lin proposes. She found the ring at a jewelry store in Zaofu the day after you almost died and knew. You become a blubbering mess, it’s entirely unattractive as there’s snot mixing with tears but you rapidly nod as you choke out “yes.” 
A year later you get married and the day is nothing short of a fairy tale. Everything is perfect as you sway to the song with your wife's arms wrapped around your waist. Everyone watches as you both lovingly stare into each other's eyes. Lin thinks that it’ll be calmer now and you’ll be safe. You're her wife and you love her and you're safe. 
You think back on that day often with a fond smile, the cake you smeared across her face and the scowl she sported directly after. How she then cupped your cheeks in her hands, so she could rub the cake off onto you. There are two photo albums worth of photographs from that day and in almost every single one you both stare at each other in this way that feels so intimate. If a stranger took a look they’d be able to tell just how much you loved one another. 
Lin’s been given her happily ever after, those two years that follow are blissful. You open up a bookstore near your apartment, and she forces herself to come home at a reasonable time every night, so she can enjoy your company before you head off to bed. You settle into a routine that neither of you mind, all Lin cares about is that you're safe and you're happy. 
Some people (like Suyin) say it’s almost sickening how much you two love each other but Lin just thinks that’s because she's jealous of not having this kind of heartwarming, never-ending love. Everyone knows her marriage has dulled into one of convenience, and she’s never almost lost the love of her life as Lin has. It makes you cherish every moment in case it’s your last. 
That peace breaks when Kuvira comes to Republic City, her change in demeanor is shocking and her inability to hand over the Earth Kingdom saddens you. She saved your life and the woman in front of you is not the same one who pushed you out of the way all those years ago. Something in her eyes has twisted, she’s become jaded over time and you seem to be the only one who holds out hope. Even Suyin gives up on her. 
When Toph meets you she's nothing short of surprised. “Hi, I’m your daughter's wife, Y/n.” In the background, Bolin can see Lin rolling her eyes as she begins to walk away. You guys are on a mission, and she really doesn’t want you to make nice with her mother. 
But you do because you're you and when Lin snaps while everyone is quietly eating their flameo noodles you softly calm her down. Still, you look over your shoulder at the first metal bender and say “you may have raised the love of my life but you’ve done nothing for her since the day you left Republic City. If she doesn’t want to forgive you for abandoning her then that’s perfectly fine by me.” 
Your words remind Lin of the first time you met, how she was floored by your ability to bite back despite your otherwise quiet demeanor. You’d been this shy woman who bumped into her on your way out of a bookstore and when she went to scold you for not paying attention you stopped her in her tracks with one look alone. It may seem childish and stupid, cringe-worthy even, but she knew she had to marry you one day just with that look. 
The next morning you save the Beifongs along with Zhu Li, you can’t help but watch Kuvira twist around as she continues to try and take Suyin down. If you go up there, will she do the same? She probably doesn’t remember you but as your savior, you remember her. Lin pulls you onto Juicy and wraps her arms around you, she thought the action was over, that her fear of losing you would lessen but it’s back in full force. 
She tries to make you evacuate with the rest of Republic City and that stubbornness she loves rears its head as you put your foot down, claiming that you go wherever she does. 
It’s all a blur really, there’s so much to do and such little time as you all try and try again to take her down when finally a reprieve comes in the form of Hiroshi’s sacrifice. Inside you stick with the Beifong sisters as you all work to destroy the weapon whilst Korra tries to distract Kuvira. 
It’s a split second filled with too much to process. One second you succeed and destroy the ammunition and then the arm in which you're all in is being flung across the city. You push Lin and Suyin towards the wall, your wife bends metal around the two of them and tries to do the same for you but it’s flimsy as you're so far away and everything is moving so fast. The force of impact successfully knocks you out.
When you come to there're three things you notice. 
Number one: You are so cold and yet you can feel sweat beading down your forehead. 
Number Two: The metal wrapped around you is gone, it must have broken off from the impact. 
Number three: It feels like you can’t breathe, there’s something inside you and when you try to move a pained scream scraps up your throat, it sounds gurgled and wet as something warm drips from your lips. 
When you finally manage to open your eyes you notice that you aren’t in the arm anymore, with your blurry vision you can make out the faint shape of it against a broken building. There’s so much distorted noise around you. You can faintly make out your name being shouted and when you try to speak nothing comes out. 
You make a mistake in your painful haze, you try to move. It’s then you finally look down as another scream rips out of you, this one slightly quieter, and notice the steel rod sticking out of the upper half of your stomach. You know it’s stupid but the only thing you can manage to think of is ‘that’s not meant to be there.’
Lifting your arm up you try to find a source of water, maybe you can heal what's around you as you slowly pull yourself off, but your call goes unanswered. Your arm gives out and falls onto the jagged pieces of concrete that cut into your skin but your brain is too focused on the pain in your stomach. 
Where is she? Is she okay? Will this pain have been worth it? You don’t know, you're alone and you know what’s about to happen and you're alone. In all the visions you had of saving her, the last thing you saw was her. But now it’s the dilapidated storefront that must have been broken in the collision as you lay where a wall once used to stand. The ceiling is moldy and only half of it is still intact. You don’t even get to see the sun at the end. 
Just as you're about to close your eyes to try and think of happy memories to go out on, you faintly hear someone say in a voice full of sorrow and desperation “No… No, no, no!” 
This site right here is Lin’s worst nightmares all wrapped into one. There’s so much blood pooling underneath you as it drips down the broken concrete of the building. You're pale, so pale she thinks you almost look like a ghost and blood drips from your mouth. 
She surges forward and falls to her knees, the bricks and rocks cut into her pants as pain sears through her legs, but she doesn’t care nor notice. All she notices is how your eyes are closed and how you're shivering in the middle of summer. Two warm hands cup your cheek, bringing you out of your pleasant memory of your wedding day as you open your eyes. A pair of bright green eyes stare down at you, she looks so scared. 
“Lin…” You wheeze out. She shakes her head as she begins to sob. You feel so tired, so weak and if you had the energy it’d anger you but you can’t find it in you to care anymore. She’s here and you can see her eyes, her beautiful face and you know that what you’ve just done to protect her and Suyin was worth it. If not for you pushing her out of the way she would have fallen out of the arm and you’d be the to find her amongst the rubble. 
“No you're fine, we’re gonna get you a heal- Korra can heal you it’s fi-” she’s stumbling over her words as she tries to wipe the blood off your face, it just smears the red liquid down your cheek and onto your neck. You shake your head. 
“I love you…” 
“Stop it, don’t say that you’ll be fine. You are going to live.” 
“Please say it back…” You know you won’t live, no one will find you in time and you’ve lost too much blood. It’ll happen any second now and you want to hear it one more time. 
“I’m not ready for this… You’re meant to grow old with me…” She sobs out. “You’re meant to live.” 
“Please Lin…” you stop as you cough up more blood. It’s close. “I’m scared, please jus-” 
“I love you, I-” she gently rests her forehead against your own, your skin is like ice now, “love you.” Lin feels so warm and comforting, you want to lean forward to wrap yourself around her but you can’t. 
 Tragedy struck within a matter of seconds. Life deemed her unworthy of a happy ending. 
The shivering that let her know you were still there stops. She’s too scared to open her eyes afraid of what she might find. Maybe if she keeps them closed you’ll come back. You were like a cat with nine lives and surely you had one left. She doesn’t know how long she sits there leaning over your lifeless body with her hands cradling your face and forehead against your own, her back begins to hurt from the position, but she does not move an inch.
Everyone is looking for the two of you. They’ve won, victory is finally theirs and everyone can rest easy now with the great uniter being dragged by Suyin and Korra. Lin left the second the blast had cleared, screw victory all she cared about was you and Suyin was worried by the quietness of the streets, by the fact that neither of you came stumbling out of an alley with your hands all over each other as relief radiates from you. 
It’s eerily silent as they turn down that fateful street Suyin and Lin woke up in, and she spots something out of the corner of her eye. A broken storefront that was slightly concealed by a large chunk of concrete. She sees the black of Lin’s suit and hears the faint whisper of someone murmuring something. 
Tossing the injured Kuvira towards Korra to fully support her, she races over to her sister. Everyone stops as they see what's transpiring. No one says a thing, breath being held as they make out Lin leaning over something. Even Kuvira watches because what else is there for her to do? 
Suyin stops a few feet behind her sister, her shoulders dropping when she sees a sight so tragic, so heartbreaking that even she begins to sob. Lin is too focused on you, she doesn’t even realize that she’s repeating something like a mantra, like some kind of prayer that will go unanswered. 
“You're going to be okay.” It’s all Lin can say, eyes still squeezed shut. Hesitantly, Suyin takes a step as she tries to stifle her cries. 
She stills at her sister's voice, those same four words dying in her throat. Suyin braves another step and then one more before placing her hand on her sister's shoulder. She can see the blood now and there’s so much of it. It reminds her of the rushing river right outside of Zaofu. Lin tenses at the touch. 
“She’s fine.” Lin spits out and spirits it is such a useless lie. “She’s going to be fine.” Suyin grips her shoulder and pulls, in that moment of panic at being ripped from you her eyes finally open. You're so limp and without her hands to hold you, your face lulls to the side. Suyin finally spots the cause of your death with the detachment of Lin. Nothing could have saved you from that, not even if they found you immediately. Only spirit water could have fixed that and it’s too far away. 
“Lin…” Suyin starts as she continues to pull her away. Fear grips her so tightly she can’t control herself as she whips around to push her away. Her younger sister catches her arms before she can try to bend her away and Lin struggles to break free. Everyone sees you now.  
“Get off of me!” She screams, her voice cuts through the air like a knife and neither of the sisters notices the display of grief behind them as every person who knows you understands the gravity of the situation. You were like a second mother to Korra, you made sure Mako was fed and healthy during his brief time staying at the station. When Bolin doubted his bending in Zaofu you cheered him on. 
You were everyone's ray of sunshine. No one knows what to do when the sun finally goes out. 
“She’s fine!” Suyin just nods as she pulls Lin into a tight hug. The chief wails as she finally begins to realize that you aren’t fine, that you won’t wake up. It settles into her bones and drags her down until she’s collapsing. Suyin struggles to hold her sister as she gently kneels for them. 
In her defeated, injured state, Kuvira remembers you. She remembers cleaning up the bit of blood from the back of your head, and she thinks ‘that’s too much for me to clean.’  The great uniter remembers the sob that left Lin when she barreled into you. The sound of her voice as she choked out “What the fuck was that?”
Lin can’t breathe, she feels her heart die with you as she wails into her sisters shoulder. The icy cold grips of grief latch onto her like a parasite and make itself a nest inside her now empty chest cavity.
That day victory is not what anyone on that street feels. The sunshine has vanished from this world and replaced it with darkness that’ll loom over everyone’s life for the rest of time.
That day is the day Lin Beifong truly dies.
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whattheflameo · 4 years
Lin healing the bonds with her family hc?
Ohhhhhhhhhh anon you have opened up a WHOLE can of worms I have extremely strong feelings on this topic and most of them can be summed up with Lin Beifong is the Epitome of the older sibling parent trope. RANT INCOMING
Lin choosing to forgive Suyin has almost nothing to do with Suyin’s “apology” (or lack thereof). It occurs solely because Lin actively decides to be the better person in their relationship. She decides that having her sister and her niblings in her life is worth more to her than her grudge and her hurt. Which is saying something, because damn can Lin hold a grudge.
Su isn’t going to apologize; its not in her nature at all. She genuinely doesn’t recognize the need for apologies in anything. She doesn’t give them and never expects them from others. Lin knows this and decides to move on anyway.
Su did write Lin a letter asking her to come talk. Actually, she wrote several. Lin never opened a single one, determined to keep herself from getting hurt again. Its easier, especially when Su isn’t in front of her, to convince herself she doesn’t care.
Despite everything, Lin still hopes the best of her sister. Finding out that she changed her ways after being sent away, stopped with the petty crime and actually made something of herself, built an entire city and raised a pretty great family, comes with a level of relief- even if it wasn’t her to help Su see the error of her ways, at least Su was able to do so.
Lin doesn’t trust Su as far as she could throw her, especially after Su lies to her face to send Korra after Aiwei. She doesn’t trust Su to choose her to save over literally anyone else, and to be honest she has the older sibling complex that she just doesn’t have as much faith in Su’s bending skills as her own. That’s why her “I love you,” before drawing P’li’s fire sounds so much like a goodbye.
Speaking of differences in skill level, that fight between Lin and Su? Buckle your seatbelts motherfuckers I have THOUGHTS. Yes, its one of the most badass fights in the entire series, imo, but I’m gonna be real here. Su was winning. She had Lin on the defensive almost the whole time. But Lin was also at about 40% health- run down, emotionally strained, off-kilter from acupuncture treatment (which I agree with @dont-blame-it-on-the-kids was DEFINITELY not in Lin’s best interest that doctor was 100% paid off by the red lotus), and Su is taking advantage of it. If Lin had been at 100%, even like 60%, she would have WIPED THE FLOOR with Su and Su’s dancy-ass bending style. But she still held her own, even though she was literally breaths from passing the fuck out. Did you SEE some of those hits? There’s one in particular where Su hits her in the gut with a rock mid-air that physically couldn’t not have broken several of her ribs. Su’s behavior in this fight absolutely incenses me like how dare she fucking do that I JUST
All this being said I do really love Su as a character I promise.
Su’s base character hasn’t changed, but after going through the Red Lotus and Kuvira together, Lin does recognize that she’s changed in some important ways. She’s still self-oriented, but she’s not the selfish, bratty teen she was when she scarred Lin for life.
Likewise, after seeing the permanence of Lin’s scars and spending more time with her sister, Su realizes that she’s really hurt Lin. She sees how terrible she’s been to this woman who is willing to give her own life to protect everyone around her, Su especially, and actively tries to make up for it. Like I said, she doesn’t apologize with words, but tries to prove to Lin through her actions that she is going to be there for her. And the fact that Lin’s arm flickers toward her weapons whenever Su loses her temper? Su is so disgusted with herself over it that she nearly throws up the first time she thinks about it.
They’re not best friends, but they do become close. Both of their personalities mellow out with age, and they’re more understanding of each other. Su becomes someone Lin is able to talk to about some personal things, if not the extremely deep stuff. They have wine nights and Su sometimes sleeps over if she gets too tipsy. They both act a lot younger with each other, and Su is one of the only people who can snuggle up to Lin and get away with it.
Unless one of them is actively concealing their emotions (its usually Lin), they can read each other like an open book.
Lin remembers all of Su’s favorite foods and colors and activities and songs from childhood. Su realizes that she hardly remembers any of Lin’s and has a guilty meltdown to Bataar over it. He suggests that she pay really close attention to remember them now, and Su makes it her personal mission. 
Despite having confronted her feelings of abandonment by Toph ages ago, Su can see that Lin not only feels abandoned but also feels like she’s the one who let their mother down, that the break in their relationship is her fault, not Su’s or Toph’s. She knows how glad she was to have Toph back in her life, even if inconsistently, and sees how much Lin wants their mother’s approval and marches into the swamp (and that’s saying something for Su, who isn’t exactly fond of gross swampy things) and drags Toph out to force her to some of Lin’s award ceremonies or other events, including her wedding to Kya. Lin doesn’t know it was Su’s doing.
“Mother Lin may have said she doesn’t hate you but she deserves more from you and spirits help me you are going to say the words “I am so proud of you” to her or I WILL tell Wing and Wei where to find you-”
Basically, Su’s main apology to Lin for all the years of pain and hurt she’s caused is to kick Toph’s ass into repairing at least some of their relationship. Its the most truly selfless thing she’s done in possibly her entire life, because she never tells Lin.
To be clear: NONE OF THIS WOULD HAVE HAPPENED IF LIN HAD NOT ACTIVELY CHOSEN TO SET ASIDE HER PRIDE AND HURT AND FORGIVE HER SISTER. LIN WAS THE CATALYST- SU WOULD NOT HAVE PUT IN WORK TO EARN HER FORGIVENESS IF LIN HADN’T GIVEN IT TO START WITH. Su’s behavior in Zaofu was utter bullshit, it was not worthy of Lin’s forgiveness. She literally showed up and immediately drove a wedge between Lin and some of the most important people in her life, said horribly mean things to Lin, and used Lin’s illness as an advantage to beat the shit out of her. But Lin, strong, selfless, badass, incredible Lin who is so much more empathetic than anyone in that show gives her credit for, looks at all of that and forgives Su anyway. Its not unconditional, like I said the level of trust isn’t bone deep, but she does the legwork. And you know what, Lin deserves to have family that cares about her in her life. Her niblings adore her, and she eventually believes that Su is genuinely there for her. I will die on this hill.
I know this probably came across as incredibly disorganized and rambly. I’ll talk more about Lin’s relationship with the metal clan kids and/or Toph in another post because I recognize that I’ve gone down a fuckin rabbit hole but I have extremely strong opinions on Lin’s relationship with her sister.
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um no nuance november: atla edition?
this was all over tiktok and ive seen some people do it here so...here we go...some of these are probably hot takes, you have been warned.
most of the fandom seems to forget that katara is a young girl with deep-seated trauma that she never truly dealt with. cut the racism and misogyny. shes not the “token straight,” shes not annoying, shes not technically the “mom friend,” she deserves a better life (and life partner) than she was given in canon.
katara’s comment to sokka during the southern raiders was harsh don’t get me wrong, but it was justified 
most of my issues with characters fall on their writing...not the characters themselves if that makes any sense
bakoda should have been canon
why didn’t katara, toph and zuko reunite in korra (they’re literally my three faves i was robbed, plus they all just seem sad...)
mako is hot
if we are talking combat, earth is the strongest element...toph can genuinely just drop a rock on someone and its over
republic city is absolutely unnecessary and frankly, stupid. capitalist propaganda :) why would you american-ize this series? im baffled
i just hope that azula got therapy and some love...her actions were outrageous but as far as we know she was conditioned by ozai to just be a pawn
katoph = best duo (friendship and fighting) in the whole show
katara is not a sister to zuko...that role is for toph
(as much as i love firelord zuko) zuko should have waited at least a few years to actually assume the position but even then i truly think he would hate it and institute a democracy
the humor did not land in for me in lok (list of tried and failed for me is meelo, bumi, bolin, varrick, eska...)
i truly did not feel any strong emotional attachment to any lok character (causing me to be pretty indifferent to most of the entirely new editions to the show)
(i think the large cast did not allow for much development for really anyone, save for korra tenzin and maybe lin?, leaving them all to be pretty two dimensional.)
more rambling under the cut (its more shippy you have been warned...)
the fanon portrayal of aang is a glorified version of the canon (you can criticize your faves!)
aang being a “bad” father in canon fits his (poorly written) character 
TAANG IS GENIUS (it makes me like aang more :)
i dont think maiko is healthy...at all (same for bolin and eska and zhu li and varrick) - bottom line: bryke cant write relationships
building on that it felt weird for zuko to change throughout book 3 for him only to revert back to his old life in the finale by staying with mai
sokka and suki are the only valid canon couple
also why is everyone so quick to be “oh suki is bi!!” but so much of this fandom feels the need to say “no, katara is the token straight she can’t be bi...” it seems so silly to say but katara hatred is so normalized in this fandom and it makes me so upset. literally everyone would be fucking dead if it werent for her i love my queen fuck y’all
kanna would not have gone back to pakku
why are most zukka shippers women...food for thought
peace by taylor swift is a zutara song...zukkas dont even try to claim that
zutara works...it just seems like antis forget that these two characters (even if it is not explicitly romantic in atla) have such a strong bond. they listen, care, and look out for one another...and bottom line they see each other as equals. (also watch the second half of tsr again...they play off each other and work so well together)
this fandom demonizes zutara shippers for absolutely no reason while completely disregarding actual problematic issues that occur throughout the rest of the fandom
suki in the comics is practically a katara stand in
makorra felt like an attempt to appease the zutara shippers (it failed immensely)
should we love kuvira as much as we do? should we be shipping her with korra...?
in canon it does make sense that sokka could have been suyin’s father, but where did suki go? were they hinting that zuko and suki had izumi, meaning that sokka and suki broke up? but WHY? they were literally perfect with absolutely no complication in canon...tldr: post-atla is so ridiculous
i think this feels salty...and i went on for too long...i needed to get that out...um...
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Oohh I love ur headcanons about baavira and their kids! Do u have any thoughts on what Kuvira would be like as a mom??
Bless this ask! And thank you for reading my ramblings!
Kuvira has always wanted children. During the Earth Empire days, she actually marked dates on a calendar for when the political situation might be stable enough for her to start trying. Despite this, when she’s pregnant with her first child, she sort of has this crisis of confidence, and is terrified by the idea of being a bad mother and messing her kids up emotionally (i.e. ”What am I going to do? Even Toph fucked up her kids”). 
But as soon as she has the baby in her arms, she sort of clears her mind and dives into the work of parenting, the same way she would with a battle or a tax bill. 
Kuvira’s parenting style is mostly defined by patience (more patience than she would ever extend to an adult) and a good sense of humor. When she was a kid her biological parents would get furious with her over the most insignificant things, and she vowed that she was never going to be that way with her own children. 
 Once, her son Jae (age 7 at the time) took apart all the radios in the house and turned them into dance battle robots. When she saw it, Kuvira just laughed (A LOT) and then said, “Well, I didn’t want to call the King of Omashu back, anyway.”
While she and Baatar were raising the children, Kuvira was deeply involved in the politics of the Earth Republic. In fact, she ended up serving three terms as governor of Ba Sing Se during their formative years. However, even though she was always very busy, most of the kids never felt too distant from her. 
Once, when she was in the middle of a meeting with Korra and Wu and a handful of ministers, her three year old daughter (Avani) just busted into the room like, “Mommy, I moved the rock!” Naturally, both Korra and Wu were then fully distracted by the tiny human’s tiny displays of earthbending for the next fifteen minutes. Eventually, Kuvira just had the child sit on her lap and practice bending little meteorites while she finished the meeting. 
Kuvira cannot cook at all and only cleans when she’s stressed out, but she can really do some hair! She can pretty much finesse any type of braid or updo. But then she’d upgrade the styles by bending small sheets of silver into little barrettes and hair ornaments—flowers and animals and celestial bodies—and weaving them into the hair. All the girls’ classmates at the Upper Ring Institute were always super jealous. The only downside was that it basically took a master metalbender to undo these styles once they were in, and if Kuvira happened to work late (as governors are wont to do), they were shit out of luck until whenever she got home. 
Her kids would also love her bedtime stories. Kuvira has most of the old Earth Kingdom myths and legends committed to memory, and with her talents for language and rhetoric, she really brings them to life. (Baatar notes, wryly, that she had always been a performer at heart)
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princepondincherry · 4 years
Wish RWBY was better? Try ATLA
To start: Yes, I’m aware ATLA and even LoK probably have much larger fandoms than RWBY already. I think they also have more content and were produced with a larger budget, which means we have to give RWBY some slack. It doesn’t mean criticism isn’t valid.
Since Avatar came out on Netflix, I watched both shows, and I can’t help drawing parallels with RWBY since they’re both animated shows I’ve loved about badass kids/teens with magic powers. And Avatar is SO MUCH better. For instance, inter-party conflict. The Gaang argue ALL THE TIME, and it’s just presented as the normal state of affairs, not some dramatic, crazy detail when one sibling has a slight disagreement with the other sibling. And as much flak as the Mako relationship drama gets in Legend of Korra, at least it had substance to it. We still don’t really know what the problem is with Ren and Nora. Oh, and The Last Airbender handled an unwanted kiss forced on someone who didn’t think it was the right time for romance SO MUCH better, with an immediate, “I SAID I was confused!” and the instigator having a scene right after where they called themselves an idiot, instead of the Renora kiss being presented as romantic or something.
Now I kinda want to write a list of things I feel Avatar does better. There’s a poorly-argued word vomit below the cut:
- The dead mother thing--Salem mentions Summer once with no details, and Ruby completely breaks down? What? Like, grief is fine, but this has literally no foreshadowing since the songs don’t count as full canon, and it made no sense given Ruby’s established (ha) character and the situation. Katara would have flown into a rage, and it would have been so much better.
- Arguments with adults on your side--Pakku was set up as an asshole teacher from the start, and he when confronted with the consequences of his misogyny, he changed his ways for the better. Zuko arguing with Iroh is never intended to have Zuko be in the right. Korra argues with Tenzin all the time, and usually they’re both right, but have to come to a better understanding of each other’s perspective that helps them grow as people. In fact, this conflict drives a lot of the story for the first two books of LoK. Unfortunately, RWBY seems incapable of this sort of nuance. Qrow is just drunk until he isn’t, but then later gets Clover killed, and Ozpin is supposedly just awful.
- Arguments with adults who should be on your side but aren’t--Long Feng SHOULD be on the same side as the heroes, defending the Earth Kingdom, but he isn’t for pretty stupid reasons. But, unlike Ironwood shooting people like a maniac, Long Feng is against the heroes for stupid reasons that (mostly) make sense in-universe: he wants to remain in power. (I still don’t understand why he didn’t just quietly explain that he had the real power in the city, not the king, and shuffle the kids off to whoever was running the military defenses that allowed him to pretend there was no war. I guess he thought if he just gave them the cold shoulder long enough, they’d go away?) Whatever problems there were with Long Feng’s storyline, at least he was consistently written as a bad guy. In contrast, Ironwood is inconsistently written as a good guy who has all the trappings of a tyrant but doesn’t act like it AT ALL, except when he occasionally does something extreme like shoot Oscar. He’s written (I guess unintentionally?) as a subversion of the military tyrant, except when he suddenly acts like one again. It’s like they were shooting for a Tarrlok (sketchy government official who’s both bad for the obvious reasons AND worse than he appears beneath the surface, even though he often works for the side of good) but actually wrote Suyin (someone who could easily be a totalitarian dictator, but decided not to be because of her moral principles, and is actually nice), except occasionally she attacks her allies for disagreeing with her.
- Costume design--I loved Ruby’s, Weiss’s, Ozpin’s, Qrow’s, and a few other original costumes, and Ruby’s had some very solid costumes. However, Volume 7 was terrible. The animation looked weird on Weiss’s braid, Jaune’s hair was awful, and a bunch of them weren’t really dressed for the weather. In contrast, the Avatar characters change outfits whenever it’s appropriate. You know, like real people. (If this is a “3D animation makes outfit changes harder than 2D animation” thing, then maybe 2D animation is just a superior art form when you’re on a budget.)
- Consistent power levels--Katara starts weak and gets stronger. Aang starts as only an airbender and consistently gets better at everything else. Toph invents metalbending and gradually gets more proficient with it. In contrast, RWBY’s Volume 1-3 feats are often better than their later feats, and Aura strength blatantly depends on plot. Yang’s gotten *slightly* better at fighting, Weiss learned a new skill and promptly got her butt kicked by focusing on it too much, Ruby supposedly learned hand-to-hand combat but really just did a headbutt, and RWBY SOMEHOW beat the most premiere team in Atlas after training with them for a few weeks. Sure, Toph, Katara, Azula, Aang, and Sokka are all ridiculous prodigies, but they’re established as such from the beginning. Katara still loses soundly to Pakku before he trains her. (Despite the memes about her kicking the ass of the patriarchy, he’s obviously going easy on her and still crushes her.) Aang gets beaten by Ozai without his OP special ability. Azula gets beaten easily the one time we see her go up against an adult (Iroh, on the ship in the beginning of book 2). And Toph is more like Pyrrha than anyone on Team RWBY. Honestly, this is one of my weaker points, but I still stand by the fact that the Avatar kids’ victories felt much more earned.
- Bad Fights--Yes, I know, heresy. I actually think the best of RWBY’s fights (RWBY vs. Torchwick’s mech, Ozpin vs. Cinder, Pyrrha vs. Cinder, RWBY vs. the Nevermore, Qrow vs. Tyrian) are somewhat more exciting, visually interesting, and (sometimes) emotionally charged than even the best of Avatar’s fights (Aang vs. Ozai, Zuko vs. Azula, Kya vs. Zaheer, Korra vs. Zaheer, Tenzin and his siblings vs. Red Lotus, Suyin vs. Kuvira). But my actual point is that RWBY’s bad fights are BAD, whereas I can’t even think of what the worst Avatar fights are. Sokka vs. Zuko in episode 1 was pretty bad, but that was more of a gag than a fight. Umm...Big Glowy Korra vs. Unavaatu was kinda cheesy, but I still liked it. Meelo fartbending vs. the Equalists? Idk. Meanwhile, RWBY has the Scuffle of Haven, that time Ilia seriously hurt Sun somehow, Qrow vs. Tyrian vs. Clover (visually impressive, but made NO FUCKING SENSE), Oscar landing a massively-telegraphed blow on Neo...well, okay. Maybe there weren’t that many awful fights. I still think I came away from more RWBY fights disappointed, but I can’t really argue my case very well.
- LGBT representation, normalized to the time period--Yes, Korrasami never got past handholding in the finale, but somehow Yang and Blake haven’t either? Even though it’s 2020? Actually, this is a symptom of a larger problem:
- Romantic relationships being ignored--Why won’t RWBY explicitly confirm anything? The RWBY cast are closer in age to the LoK cast than the ATLA cast, but it feels the other way around. Kataang was both heavily present in ATLA the whole time and by no means taking over the plot. And, okay, there was Jaune/Pyrrha, but she’s dead now, so the most-developed ship is Renora. Who held hands, then didn’t talk about their relationship at all for a full volume, and then had a nonconsensual kiss handled worse than the Kataang kiss in Ember Island Players. I’m glad there haven’t been any Romantic Plot Tumors in RWBY, but something would be nice. Or just don’t bring it up at all if you’re never going to develop the relationships.
- Sibling relationships--Yang and Ruby were great as sisters in the early volumes, but lately it’s just been Yang deciding to yoke herself to Ruby’s judgement, until suddenly she’s not anymore. I feel like they barely talked in Volume 7.
- Villains--If Salem wants to kill everyone and collect the Relics, why hasn’t she? She’s invincible! Ozai at least was still human, but he left to handle things himself as soon as he got a power-up. More vaguely, I just find Avatar’s villains more interesting than RWBY’s most of the time.
I’m aware that some/most of these are unfair. It’s more intended as an incoherent rambling to get my views out of my head than as any sort of persuasive argument.
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anghraine · 4 years
I’ve gotten some 25 followers in the last few days and have no idea why, so ... um, hi? Anyway, a general overview of The Blog:
My name is Elizabeth, and I’m a suffering PhD student who occasionally writes fanfic/ original fic/meta on the side. I’m also in my thirties and got into fandom around 2003 via livejournal and forums, so ... I don’t mind young people following me, but I’m an adult and I think of my audience as adults. I tend towards a) determinedly enthusiastic or b) grumpy and salty, with little in between. 
I’m mainly a Star Wars/Austen/Tolkien/ATLA+LOK fan, among other things. I should probably say that for me, SW = the films, Austen = her writing, Tolkien = his writing, ATLA+LOK = the shows, and I reallyyyy don’t care for “well, actually, in the expanded universe” and the like. Otherwise, (civil) comments and asks are fine!
Tags for all this stuff:
General self-explanatory organization: #anghraine babbles, #anghraine whines, #anghraine’s meta, #anghraine rants, #anghraine’s fic, #anghraine’s blogkeeping. Replies to people are under #respuestas.
I tag specific fanfic posts by their titles, though I have a few tags for more general verses (#lucy skywalker for my f!Luke Skywalker universe, #pemberley and such for my canon-compliant P&P fic, etc). Discussions of fic rather than fic posts themselves are under #fic talk. Original fic angst etc is under #original fic rambles.
SW: general tag is #star wars (you can probably see that I’m a very original person), while the tag for wank is #sw fanwank. The only ship I really care about at this point is Jyn/Cassian from Rogue One: #otp: welcome home. Apart from them, I’m mostly interested in Luke and Leia (#the skywalker twins), Anakin and Luke (#cleft chins psychotic rage and cyborg hands), and all three (#the skywalkers).
Austen: general tag is #austen blogging and the grumpy tag is #austen fanwank. I tag the adaptations by date, but am aggressively indifferent to nearly all of them. Like a lot of people, I mostly care about Elizabeth (#elizabeth bennet), Darcy (#fitzwilliam darcy in general and #lady anne blogging for extra stanning), and Darcy/Elizabeth (#otp of otps).
Tolkien: general tag is #legendarium blogging and the wank tag is #legendarium fanwank. I’m primarily a LOTR fan and specifically a Gondor fan (#ondonórë blogging) and Stewardist fan (#húrinionath). My favourite character is Faramir (#faramir, #jewel of the seashore). My main Tolkien ships are Aragorn/Faramir (#otp: love was kindled), Faramir/Éowyn (#otp: and the sun shone), and Andreth/Aegnor (#otp: nirnaeth arnoediad), with a side of Finrod/Andreth/Aegnor (#ot3: await us there).
ATLA/LOK: general tags are #avatar: the last airbender and #avatar: the legend of korra. The wank tag for both is #lok fanwank (I was in LOK fandom first). I like a lot of ships, but the one I have the most ~emotions about is Korra/Kuvira: #otp: i see myself in you. I also have very strong feelings about Noatak/Amon and Tarrlok (#the bloodbending brothers). For ATLA, I like Toph/Aang and Zuko/Aang, but don’t really have strong feelings about any of the ships—I just love the show.
Non-fandom specific grumbling/wank: #general fanwank.
Academia stuff: #ivory tower blogging.
Lesbian stuff: #a treeful of monkeys on nitrous oxide.
Brain stuff (I’m bipolar, autistic, and have anxiety): #rare breed of attack unicorn.
General shallowness: #deep blogging.
I have a few sideblogs. The main one is cesarborjas, for Borgias stuff (exclusively The Borgias + history), but I also have hurinionath, for Stewardist stuff, andreth-and-aegnor for Andreth/Aegnor stuff, and andacielos, for Skywalker stuff.
I have other standardized tags, so just let me know if you want to know other ones! Anyway, welcome :)
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marvelatthismess · 2 years
Tags Masterlist
Platonic Relationships: #toph's emotional support found family dynamics
Romantic Relationships: #toph's gay rambling (most of my ships are wlw/mlm but i'll alter the tag or add another if i start writting enough about any straight ships)
Incorrect Quotes: #toph's incorrect quote bank (every incorrect quote post I've made)
Asks: #toph's ask box
Apex Legends
Main: #toph's apex/titanfall rambling
Ash: #toph's ash rambling
Horizon: #toph's horizon rambling
Wattson: #toph's wattson rambling
Main: #toph's arcane rambling
Analysis: #toph's arcane analysis
Grayson: #toph's grayson rambling
Caitlyn Kiramman: #toph's caitlyn rambling
The Kirammans: #toph's kiramman rambling
Cassandra/Grayson: #toph's cassgray rambling
Caitlyn/Vi: #toph's caitvi rambling
Avatar: the Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra
Main: #toph's atla & tlok rambling
Lin Beifong: #toph's lin rambling
Kuvira: #toph's kuvira rambling
Kya/lin: #toph's kyalin rambling
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wilcze-kudly · 9 months
I'm sure i could squeeze the beifongs into a the sound of music AU. somehow
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acfan120 · 4 years
Alright, the final Korra Season done. Time to Do The Thing.
I actually kinda liked Season 4. It was disheartening to see Korra still so low at the start, but I liked seeing her rise up and truly become a great Avatar. Plus, I liked seeing how everyone else grew, and how everyone came together in the end to help save the day; even some of the villains in their own way. I even felt sad that Hayao Miyazaki Hiroshi went out how he did.
I even like Kuvira as a villain in this season, even if she was just a Metal Bending Nazi. She was, more or less, realistic in her quest for power and control, and I thought was a good example of how fascistic people get what they want, (with empty promises, and power-move threats disguised as feats of strength). Plus there’s the manipulation of good-hearted people to work towards terrible goals. I still prefer Amon out of the 4/5 villains of the series, since I thought he had a bit of a more interesting premise to him, plus he has the cooler design. But otherwise, I’d say she’d be my second favorite.
I will say, I didn’t care for Prince Wu. Probably not much of a surprise, since I doubt most could tolerate him, but yeah. Also didn’t like how much of an ass Toph was. I’m happy she made up with her daughters in the end and helped out them plus Korra, but she seemed a touch too grumpy/mean than she probably should have been. Plus it is a bit messed up that she just fucked off to a swamp without telling anyone where she was.
Ultimately I’m happy to see Korra grow so much during this season. She was pretty much at her lowest point at the start, and we see her improve so much during it, from seeing her rid herself of the rest of the poison, to confronting the nightmares that still haunt her, and finally realizing herself. It’s truly fantastic. Hell, it even made me appreciate Zaheer to an extent, given how he was still a problem to her after all that time. I also sorta liked how he was still willing to help her when she came to him. I still hate how stupid he is with how powers and abilities, but I genuinely thought that part was intriguing.
However, there is one complaint that’s been prevalent in all of these ramblings: Korrasami. I am not at all against them being a thing, but christ did they not do a DAMN thing to set them up at all. Like, I knew about them prior to watching. With the initial backlash, it was hard to not know about it. But I went into this show trying to see if I could see hints of it that others couldnt, given I could watch it all very quickly. And yeah, no. It’s disappointing, ‘cause there were times where they could have set things up, like their capture on the Air Ship over the desert, or during their time together in the restaurant when Wu gets captured. It just unfortunately feels so very last minute, when it could have been set up a long time ago, even subtly.
But, that bit of disappointment aside, I’d say I do ultimately like Legend of Korra in the end. It’s unfortunately plagued with a lot more problems than TLA, but I thought it was worth it in the end.
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craftypeaceturtle · 3 years
We finished watching Legend of Korra and you know it’s frustrating when we’ve been loudly ranting about what a missed opportunity all the different plots are. 
Rambling below!
Like the villains only really got interesting in the later two seasons but never really went into detail. Like Zaheer just wanting to do his own philosophy and helping Korra in season 4. That’s such a cool concept. It would’ve been cool to see him and Korra talk more. Maybe Korra would agree to some noble sacrifice and the others have to race to help her (and then team avatar could actually do something in this series). And Kuvira was super cool but just no personality. Fine whatever. But I would’ve loved to see the damage she caused instead of just telling us. Like a village of people being turned to slavery. Or the reeducation camps! Just show me more evilness so I can feel the pressure to stop her.
Team Avatar just sucked. Korra was a fun character. Bolin was just comic relief. Asami was there to be the “get out of this plot point quick” trope. Mako was forgotten about after season 1. 
What was the point in really having the older Avatar The Last Airbender characters! I got Toph. Toph was done really fun. But what was the point in old Zuko? He never did anything. The one scene when he was giving advice to Korra didn’t impact anything. Katara was literally just an easter egg! You could have done something cool with these people but it was just Toph. You could’ve had Zuko turn into the Iroh figure. Katara could be determined that the avatar travels with people since much of her character was surrounded by the idea that friends are important. 
My roomie mentioned this and I agree. There should’ve been more filler episodes. You almost need episodes where nothing really happens so we can see these characters interact and what dynamics they bring. It was clear that Korra and Mako were both a bit hot headed and impulsive and it would’ve been fun to see this played out. Maybe Mako deliberately arguing with her so she would be more fired up. To see them constantly ribbing each other. How does Asami and Korra function together? Is Asami the quiet one that lets Korra breathe? Is Korra the one to sit in silence and enjoy her company as Asami works? 
I’m fine with a show not really focusing on characters and rather on the plot but there must be some focus on characters! You don’t have to develop the characters any further than they did if they really didn’t want to! But Korra felt so wishy washy. She was traumatised at the end and it wasn’t really delved into as much as it could’ve. And it was also weird that they would simply state these characters backgrounds but their backstories never influenced them. Like Mako and Bolin being homeless together. Mako and Bolin don’t really act like brothers than select instances. Mako doesn’t really care about his backstory since he joined the police. He’s not overly protective of Bolin. It’s just so weird!
I could literally go on and on. I know a lot of these had been character stuff but I feel like that was the biggest missed opportunity. Maybe the show didn’t want to care about characters. Fair enough but I had to get this out before I exploded, haha!
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wilcze-kudly · 9 months
Random things for my Weilin Selkie AU:
Every Selkie is born with a connection to the Song of the Sea, which connects them to the sea, their respective coats and one another. This allows selkies to find their way to their coats if lost and binds them to the person who takes their coat. They also can feel when someone is touching their coats.
The song is blocked by inanimate objects, ergo if a selkie's coat is locked in a chest or hidden under floorboards, the selkie can't hear the coat's song. This of course usually causes severe distress
Toph is still blind, but uses the song to maneuver her way around the sea.
When Su and Lin were young, Lin got captured by seal hunters, who skinned her, therefore cutting her off from the song and the sea. She now lives in the town as a constable. Her family thinks she's dead.
Kuvira is a deep sea mermaid that the family adopted. She has deep sea gigantism which makes her bigger than her adopted siblings. She also can't go on land like the selkies, so the others will often bring her back things.
I'm mixing and matching selkie lore, of course, so it's not fully accurate to the real folklore.
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wilcze-kudly · 2 months
A barely coherent ramble on the Beifongs being a family of people with an incredibly high ability to feel things
I think a lot of people really misinterpret Toph. They see her for her role as powerhouse. However, one of her key abilities is actually her ability to sense her surroundings with earthbending.
But that's not all. Toph is able to sense people's heartrates and tell when they are lying or not.
In fact, Toph is a surprisingly empathetic person. Despite her abrasive and harsh personality, she's surprisingly good at reading people and seems to have very high emotional intelligence. She's extremely good at identifying people's strengths and their weak points. Multiple times, she's able to successfully get under people's skin very efficiently.
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Girl is using her empathy to bully people good for her.
Sure, she often uses a tough love approach, however I would argue that it's a self defence mechanism. Toph doesn't like being vulnerable, probably due to the fact that she was treated as weak and helpless when she was growing up. People with higher empathy or sensitivity tend to be percieved as weaker or more delicate, which is something Toph desperately wants to avoid. Toph also carried her parents' emotions and expectations of her for a very long time and it could stand to reason that she doesn't wnat to do that with anyone else.
I think I may make a longer post on Toph and her trauma surrounding her parents and how that affects her relationships and behaviours lol.
So... Lin is very similar to her mother in many ways. She also puts up a prickly wall of "tough love" to deal with her high sensitivity. However, she seems to absorb and internalise things that hurt her much more than Toph does.
Lin's emotional maturity is heavily stunted, most likely due to her difficulty with bonding with people. She never really allowed herself to grow past a certain point. She didn't grow into her empathy, therefore she feels things, but doesn't exactly know how to handle them. Repressing these feelings is a band aid solution, and we do see how dangerous them overflowing is.
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However, on rare occasions we do see Lin allow herself to empathise with others. We see this particularly with Opal and Mako. However, with most people, Lin's guard is always up.
Lin is the textbook example of someone very sensitive who pushes people away out of the fear of getting hurt.
I can see some people arguing that Suyin has pretty low empathy. Looking at her treatment of Lin, Kuvira and Baatar Jr. I think it's true that in her younger years, Suyin struggled with her feelings. I'd argue it is due to very high empathy actually. In the flashbacks, Su seems to mirror Lin's emotions back at her, perhaps unable to distinguish them from her own.
However, unlike Lin, Su grows as a person in her time away from Republic City. When we see her as an adult, she is very in tune with her emotions and also able to deal with other people's outbursts without internalising their feelings.
She has a very gentle way of speaking to people and is able to quickly pinpoint what they need to hear, as she does with a young Kuvira and with Bolin. She can make other's feel comfortable and safe. Perhaps due to her own turbulent upbringing.
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However, Suyin is also heacily driven by her emotions. Her impulsivity can cloud her judgement, such as when she flew into a fit of rage at the idea of a guard betraying her city, or when she risked not only her own life, but that of her sons, and tried to impulsively save Zaofu feom Kuvira. She also still holds a shocking degree of sympathy for Kuvira, despite her initial anger at her ans her children's visible discomfort with Kuvira's presence.
Suyin feels things very strongly, and, despite getting better at managing her feelings, they still often overtake her.
Baatar Jr
It's interesting when a character who is characterised as a more "intellectual" type is driven primarily by their emotions. Despite being a man of science, Baatar Jr has a habit of disregarding logic completely.
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He prioritises his relationship with Kuvira, he has a weird lil rivalry with Varrick, he's incredibly bitter when it comes to his relationship with his family. Baatar Jr is such an underrated character.
I think most artists are inherently sensitive people. And we very much like to express the things we feel.
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Huan seems to use his art to process certain experiences, for example Harmonic Convergence. He's quite sensitive when it comes to his creations. He also values other people's art too and perfers "raw emotional power" over quality.
I think a lot of people pick up on Opal's empathy on the first watch, especially when you see her interact with Lin. Opal is also very quick to notice that Su still has a soft spot for Kuvira. She also sets boundaries with Bolin very quickly and efficiently and I would credit this to Suyin's parenting.
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But Opal is very much like her mother in the sense of having her judgement clouded by her emotions. Especially when it comes to the Kuvira situation. Her strong emotions often act to her detriment, as she almost gets baited into attacking Kuvira and her unchecked anger at Bolin arguably made him retract further into Kuvira's army. This is hardly a new thing for Opal, as we see her lashing out even as a child.
Wei and Wing
Splitting what little screentime the twins have between them yields scarce, but interesting characterisation. Wing seems to be more outwardly emotional, throwing a tantrum when he loses a game and cheering when excited about sparring Korra. While Wei, much like Lin and Toph before him, seems to put up a bit of a prickly wall, for example when he's antagonising Bolin.
The twins are very closely tied to their mother and it wouldn't be a stretch of the imagination to say that they internalise her emotions. Like when Wei yells at Kuvira during the negotiations.
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The twins are also very open about their upset at Opal leaving. It's honestly sweet to se that Suyin raised her children to be able to express their emotions rather healthily.
Uh. Anyway. This post was mainly meant to toss a pattern I've noticed out into the open. I might make some more posts elaborating on particular aspects of it (i also wanna make one on kuvira and how she's quite the opposite of the Beifongs). So uh. If you have any suggestions of topics i should start with,just shoot lol.
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wilcze-kudly · 3 months
The parallels between Lin and Opal
Young Opal was more like Lin than Su. And theres actually a lot of similarities between Lin and Opal as an adult, too!
The greatest value for both Lin and Opal is loyalty. They're willing to disregard their own moral codes to defend those they see themselves as caring/ responsible for.
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very weird that Opal wanting to break the oath to save her family from a ruthless dictator is seen as a bad thing while Lin breaking the law to save her subordinates from an insane cultist is cheered on but oh well we don't have time for the double standard rn
The parallels between Lin and Suyin's relationship and that of Opal and Kuvira have interested me for a while and I'm sure I've rambled about it many times already. And they're so obvious, but for some reason I only see people comparing Kuvira to Lin, which feels very surface level all things considered. Kuvira and Lin share their determination, however Opal is also prone to showing strong determination. I think most people just see Kuvira and Lin as "the loners of the family" or base the percieved similarities only off of both Kuvira and Lin being "against" Su.
Opal and Lin, however have very similar arcs.
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Both Lin and Opal dealt with having their needs sidelined and their hurt dismissed by their mothers in favour of the troubled kid who acted out with no consequences. Suyin's 'soft spot' for Kuvira is an interesting parallel between her and Toph which makes sense. Suyin's whole thing is second chances. She jumped at the opportunity of taking Kuvira back in.
Despite both being harmed and neglected by their mothers, Opal and Lin do both strive to please their mothers, believing that this will win them more of the affection they so desperately crave. Here, their paths divide significantly. For Lin, it's a straightforward "I'll be just like my mom, so she'll be proud of me" thing.
Opal, however was born a nonbender, and was unable to fully live up to what her mother might want of her. This also adds to the tension between Opal and Kuvira. It would be easy for a young Opal to see Kuvira, a talented metalbender, getting taken into the family sort of like having a replacement brought in. I'd be mad too.
Opal tries to please her mom in other ways, for example keeping herself from going to the Air Temples, despite this being something she so desperately wants.
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Lin even notices this and talks to her about it. (I adore Lin and Opal's relationship 😊 Lin is so awkward and doing her best Awwww)
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The one huge difference between Lin and Opal is their relation to family. Lin is an outsider, while Opal was very closely tied to her family. I find it interesting that Old Wounds (while not handling the Beifongs the best) has Lin and Opal 'moving' in seperate directions. Lin starts reconnecting with her family, while Opal finally flies the coop. Its fascinating to see how Lin's isolation and Opal's assimilation set them on different paths in life, yet ultimately still allowed them to be incredibly similair personalitywise.
I really like their bond and find it absolutely delicious how Lin and Suyin's unresolved trauma skipped down a generation.
Opal is one of my favourite characters of the legend of korra and I find that the fandom often does her a disservice. I've also never seen her very obvious connection to Lin explored.
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