beryl-star · 10 years
"There was… an incident…" Teddie looks away. Still in fetal position, huh.
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Incident...? Kumakichi knelt down, resting elbows on his knees.  "....do you wanna talk about it, Kumada-san...?" 
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sabazio · 10 years
" Shirtless type? " he echoes as if vaguely offended. Assuming he had always been this way, which couldn't be farther from the truth. Although ever since he set off on this expedition of sorts, he admits to experiencing a significant drop in female cooing. Could it be his penchant for street brawls?
If anything, he is perturbed mostly at the nickname used too soon. That was reserved for certain people— and of those people Teddie wasn't among them. And what, pray tell, was he going to do with a pen and paper? Was he being interviewed without consent?
" First of all, don't... call me Aki. " It was much too soon for that. " Secondly, those girls were more of a pain than anything. I never asked for that kind of attention. " ...Despite what his peers may have thought at the time, ensuring their misguided prejudices against him. His younger self was much too wrapped up in selfish thoughts to allow others into the equation to begin with.
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" My reasons for training are my own, but... training for anything other than yourself is worthless. It's a matter of self-betterment— not a popularity contest... " he stops as his mind places the two pieces together. " Wait a minute... you think I do this for looks? You've got to be kidding. " 
"Ahhh… So even the scary, often shirtless type can emit the certain charm needed to conquer the female demographic! I see…"
Teddie tapped his finger against his lips, pondering.
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"Hmm… I was always so focused on beauty and mother-instinct, I did not consider the other types of attraction… Oh well, I have already attained my goal of a stable princess! But… this information… it must be perserved for future generations…!"
Teddie started tapping up and down his body, as if he was searching for an item in his four pockets, probably a notepad.
"But, Akky…" he spoke before ever even finding his notepad. "You don’t sound like you liked the attention, hm? So, you probably didn’t train and train in order to make people like you, did you?"
Teddie’s voice sounded slightly puzzled. He had to admit, almost anything he did was in order to make people like him in some way or another, but he knew that that was just ‘his’ thing. Other people might act out of different motivations. He was curious to hear what Akihiko’s was. 
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juniperwoods-blog · 10 years
top-of-the-stairway-to-maturity replied to your post:she’s said like three lines so far but i love mami...
that's the plan :'''''''')
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dimensionslip · 10 years
I find it a pity you quit RPing before we ever could interact, because I always wondered what it would have been like, but I really understand and respect your decision. Especially knowing that you're probably busy at work trying to fit my translated babble into speech baloons :'D
As do I. I blame it majorly on the lack of time I have on my hands. If only I had all the time in the world... I'm glad you understand though, and I'm happy to hear from you--or anyone who cares, really. x3
Ahaha. Speaking of which, I really have to get around to that. But now that I'm no longer stressed over roleplaying, I've felt a lot more... free, in a way. In fact, I managed to get some other scans done earlier, as well as some organizing for some drama CD tracks. It's been a while since I've felt this accomplished and (somewhat) stress-free.
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Teddie stands in front of your door that day, wearing a blue suit and a red tie. "Good day," he greats in an unusually mature Sam Riegel voice. "I am Phoenix Wright, Attorney at Law."
Naruhodou just stares at the door for a while, his mind trying to process the vision before him. After some time of awkard silence, he remembers the date. Of course, today’s April 1st! Well, better honor the bear with some good mood, right?
"Oh, pleasure to meet you once again, Wright-san!" he replied as if he was seeing one of his alternates. "What brings you all the way to Japan?"
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visualiveadachi · 11 years
There's a Yosuke with twigs in his hair and several quickly healing bruises and some remains of what scratch marks once crawling out of the TV in the Electronics department during Teddie's shift. He looks everything other than happy.
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"Yosuke, are you OK? You look like you just came from something rough."
He didn’t like some of the things that Yosuke got himself into sometimes, but even if he tried to talk him out of it, he’d always have a reason to keep doing it.
"You need to be more careful, OK? I’m worried about some of the things you do sometimes."
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luteusluna · 11 years
♤ : Cooking headcanon
Ryoji is actually a pretty good cook and is damned proud of it. He likes to dabble in all sorts of things, so he experiments a lot since he lives alone in his dorm. He would only let people try his dishes if he really wants to impress them or if he really likes them. Food is one of the best ways to the heart, right?
His specialty, right now, is French cuisine. 
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dimensionslip · 11 years
top-of-the-stairway-to-maturity replied to your post:mathgirl277 replied to your post:I finally caught...
((It’s probably still a tactic to appeal to certain types of otaku, to be fair, but good writing can be used to make just about anything acceptable. :-3))
Ahaha, perhaps, but it's definitely nice when fanservice makes sense instead of being just slapped on for itself's sake. Ahh, the beauty of excellent writing. <:
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Everyday's Great at Your Junes! (Closed RP with Top-Of-The-Stairway-To-Maturity)
Naoto never liked buying new things. She had a bad habit of using things until they were absolutely unusable, and then she would just open up the box or bag and take out a new one. 
It was unfortunate that Kotatsu's didn't come in bulk like pens and paper. 
It was for that reason that Naoto found herself at Junes on a Saturday afternoon, searching for a decent kotatsu that would hopefully last her for five years or more. She wandered around the furniture department, looking at various space heaters for her small apartment.
Eventually, she found one that would do the trick, and she took one of the tags from the display, searching for an employee that could go into the back and get the specific space heater for her to purchase. She noticed an employee and approached him, tapping his shoulder. 
"Excuse me...I would like to purchase a kotatsu..." she said.
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beryl-star · 10 years
top-of-the-stairway-to-maturity said: 
"Pretty much, and I will never understand why."
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"I'm a failure! I've stretched myself too far between the realms of human and Kuma! What is to become of me now!?" 
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nee-chan-maya · 11 years
(whispers I'm drawing Maya in High cut armor/Battle panties right now for our thread, please bear with me a little)
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dimensionslip · 11 years
top-of-the-stairway-to-maturity replied to your post:do you hate music players on blogs in general, or do you just hate autoplay?
I have a music player on my RP Blogs because I wanna give people an idea what kind of music I listen to while writing said character’s posts, but Autoplay is stupid. I personally find music players really fun as long as they are not autoplaying.
I could tolerate music players on blogs (I more or less treat them as invisible when they're not autoplaying), but hot damn, autoplay's a real nuisance. Even on official websites of games and such.
I think there is some fun involved in making a playlist for a blog, though when it's forced on others (aka what autoplay does), it's definitely no fun.
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"...now that I think of it....!! My up close and personal plan...!"
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