#torben the fae
ocean-eyeslnrp · 1 year
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Through war and triumph (Torben Hansen) rises, at (170) years old, serving as (smuggler/right hand man to Olivier) residing in (Haven). They are a (werewolf) that resembles (Jake Weary). Upon meeting them, they are (witty) and (comical). Don’t be fooled, they can be (aggressive) and (devious).
FULL NAME: Torben Hansen FACECLAIM: Jake Weary
SEX: Male RACE/SPECIES: Werewolf / Former Guardian Fae AGE(AND HOW OLD THEY LOOK): 170/30 (Turned 30 years ago) ORIENTATION/SEXUAL PREFERENCE: Heterosexual
☆ APPEARANCE ☆ HEIGHT: 5’10” WEIGHT: 165 lbs EYE COLOR(S): Silvery blue BODY BUILD(SLIM, MUSCULAR, ETC.):  Slim Athletic HAIR COLOR(S): Blonde HAIR LENGTH: Shoulder length COMPLEXION: Fair SCARS: His original turn mark along with several other misc scars.
Torben was the first child of Adrik and Svala and made sure to always prove that point. His parents were a lot to live up but never once made him feel he had to live up to any standard, Torben took it upon himself to do so. Once old enough he joined his father in the Emergent Forces and was successful like the man before him. However, one assignment made it where he never returned home.
Thirty years passed since Torben was turned and he has tried his best to remain under the radar. The pack he originally joined proving to be a rambunctious one that saw no one as a potential threat and everything as a fair play lead him into smuggling. Where he ran into Jax and Ace. After watching Jax be ripped and turned as well Torben somewhat disbanded, mostly to take try to take his place in Ace's smuggling group. Once he was discovered though he turned tale and ran.
Running into Olivier was never something he had expected once he had started on his path to turn over a new leaf, it never quite took. This opportunity though taught him more than he had ever expected and raised him up into a friendship and even partnership with Olivier. Now Torben is still avoiding the ever looming thought of accidentally running into his family, or Jax. Though some would describe him as a tortured soul, Torben is far from living a tortured life.
☆ CONNECTIONS ☆ MOTHER: Svala Hansen FATHER: Adrik Hansen SIBLINGS: Etta and Adrienne Hansen MATE: TBD FRIEND: Olivier ENEMY: Jax
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theartofruling · 1 year
Who: Adrik + Torben ( @ocean-eyeslnrp )
Where: Bar in Southland
Adrik had a love-hate relationship with Father's Day. Mainly because he felt like a failure in that sense. For the past few decades since he lost his son, he would take a trip where he claimed he was going to see his own father and mother. Who did end up coming together for him, but it was always because they knew what a shittastic mood he would be in. The day before the day he would be celebrated and showered with love, he always left the forest to drink himself into a stupor alone in a bar.
Perhaps, it was unfair to his own father to spend time with his only son, picking up the pieces of his believed failings. Selfishly, it had become a twisted tradition and one that got his parents together at least for a day. A day of anticipation for the fallout the night would bring. It also wasn't a lie when Adrik told his wife where he was going. Southland to celebrate with his dad at their favorite bar.
This time, before he could even get a proper buzz going, he thought he was hallucinating. Hallucinating a man on the stool a few seats down that looked a lot like his son, but older. Of course he hadn't noticed Adrik because the guardian fae's head was down, studying his bottle.
He tossed it back, draining the beverage before asking for another. Despite his attempts to clear the image from his mind, there his son sat a few seats way as real as could be. Since the hallucination wouldn't budge he spoke. "Benny, this is a new one. You being here. I guess my mind has officially conjured up something that won't fade. Which is probably not a good thing. But I miss you every fucking day. And I wish that you were really here having a drink with your old man. Instead of me talking to myself and the ghost of you."
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kim-monsterlings · 4 years
Torben - M Fae x F Human (Reader)
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The pictures do not belong to me. I only created the mood board. Do not repost my work anywhere.
Content: SFW/Orange, dancing with fae, hinted romance, minor angst, pinned to a wall, throat kissing (if there is anything below which needs to be mentioned here in future, let me know!)
Wordcount: 2588
"I don't have a date."
Reyna lifted a golden tinted eyebrow. The sly smile was warning enough, as were her jewelled fingers lifting towards the soft petals woven into your gown. "Take Torben. He invited you tonight, after all."
Her touch drifted from the blush bell sleeves, her grin too persuasive. The company of fae rushing past you towards the centre of the palace did little to deter her from speaking so loudly about Torben, a high fae, and one of her oldest friends. Reyna being fae, too, had an invite to the Court of Spring by her existence alone. The same didn't apply to you.
"I'm only your plus one," you said quietly, brushing down the dress to distract yourself from her frown. Torben had visited your realm many times by Reyna's invite and after long, he seemed to be there more than not. Once, as Torben had left with a kiss to her crown and to your palm, Reyna's impish features scrunched in thought, her plan to play cupid sprung, and she had persisted since. Her latest attempt, trying to double date; her with any willing partner, and you, of all people, with him. "He must have felt bad, not inviting me."
"He invited you," Reyna said, but the hallway dimmed at the wide, open doors, and a crowd drowned her next words in awe.
Glittering lights like… like stars hung in the room, glowing and dazzling the fae dancing beneath the floating petals. Rich perfumes of wine and fruits teased you forwards, and you nearly lost yourself so soon, had a warm voice not grounded you.
Fae mimicked their courts of birth, and Torben looked every bit a fae of the Court of Spring. From the silver-painted smile marred by crimson wine, the cloak to his suit of vines and lilac blossoms, not forgetting his wings rising above him as they fluttered, catching the light like frosted glass in summer, he put the charmed gardens beyond to shame. In your realm, the flipping of your stomach had been easier to hide but now, entranced by his indigo nails and the shimmer of his rings, the attraction rose to tighten at your throat.
Reyna's elbow caught your ribs. They were watching you, Torben's hand outstretched. His smile rose as he said, likely for the second time, "dance with me."
Music soothed the tension quick to run down your back, but he was stepping closer. Torben bowed his head enough for the thick curls against his ochre ram horns to tickle his forehead.
"You have my word," he began slowly, rising his free arm to press to his heart. "Until you ask to be taken from the dance."
Torben rose when your fingers slid against his palm. Your pulse fluttered at his lips soft on your knuckles, but he was leading you at his side deeper into the throes of drunken fae before drawing your bodies flush. One hand on your neck. One on your low, bare back, a shiver drawing a gasp from the cool touch of rings. His thigh pressed tight between your own and he was nudging you back. Every gentle nudge accompanied a rich laugh only helping to unsteady you further, and a cycle of your dizzying returned when he stroked across your nape and guided you back once more.
Though you tried to look from the dancers, the way from the circle was charmed despite your immunity to glamour tonight. Reyna took great care in providing potions and fruits to ward it off, yet you couldn't see beyond. Already your body was warming and Torben slowed, face close and voice low.
“Trust in me now,” he implored. The music continued and so did you, drawn to lean tighter to his lithe frame by the gentleness of his hold. "Look only at me."
Worries flitted through your mind in a matter of seconds; had he brought you here on Reyna's arm for a game, where fae, royalty above all, were renowned for tricking away a mortal's sanity? Your feet hadn't begun to ache nor your lungs burn short of breath, and his word bound you together.
Torben's thumb traced along your jaw. He drew your face higher until only a hair's breadth was between you and whispered, "dance."
He spun you out into a laugh and when you curled back into his arms, his hands on your ribs and yours clutching his forearms beneath his soft cloak, the fears melted. His grin was one only a pure fae could bless a mortal with, one of power and delight as he gathered you tight and led you deeper into the circle.
Each turn was guided by his slender fingers, a ring pressing to your spine enough for you to lean back, his chest pressing tight to yours. Your heart beat in time with his, hard and fast. Torben's hot breaths fluttered into your neck, a soft brush of lips stealing your ability to draw yourself up. If not for his embrace, your heart along with your body would have given out.
"It's been almost five songs. Come."
Lost, so helplessly lost in the sheen to his bright eyes and the scent of petals where you rested near on chest, the lilt of his gentle voice barely broke the lure of the dance. "Five?"
Torben’s rising lips pressed to your knuckles. He hummed once before twirling you from his chest, though never out of reach. Fingers still tangled together, the high fae led you from the dancers and revellers until the music began to fade. Not for the first time since arriving, Torben held you close and whispered your name - whispered, in the same tenderness you would speak his true name, and waited for your weak nod when the sudden aches in the absence of glamour began to ebb.
“Thank you.”
The high fae tipped your chin higher with his fingertip. “You know better than to give me your thanks,” he said, but warmly, and he was close enough now you could feel the brush of his hair loose on your forehead. The way he drew in a soft breath sent your thoughts spiralling, until his gaze flitted up, beyond you. “Reyna will want to see you. You are beautiful,” he murmured, just as your fingertips began to fall away from his. “Do you like it?”
Warmth drained from your cheeks. Reyna had teased, her touch fluttering at the fabric, but she had never alluded to it being a gift. A gift from Torben. A gift you hadn’t been able to refuse. A gift from a high fae. He was gone before you had the chance to offer a gift in return, to break the debt, and you found yourself unsteady at Reyna’s side.
Her evening thus far had been spent flirting with a nymph, and after almost a torturous quarter hour intruding on them, the absence of warmth from the hall came to weigh in your stomach. The heat of their deliberate, provocative touches was reminiscent of the brush of rings along your hips, the fluttering lips down your soft ear. With Torben out of sight, the following realisation that you had been seeking him became the excuse you needed to justify leaving. As much as you wished for it to, Reyna smirked, and your weak scoff would do nothing to dissuade her from later teasing.
The halls beyond led in mazes. Wisps of music beckoned you into nearly turning back, soon to lose yourself in the revel. Had it not been the itch spurring you on to find an elusive high fae, it might have worked. Torben had tricked you through Reyna. The dress you had gasped at, fretted about wearing for fear of ruining it, had been a gift.
It wasn’t the first gift Torben had presented. Each had been sweet, fleeting moments - a rose plucked and tucked behind your ear while waiting for Reyna’s return, a compliment whispered in a hug, the flower circlet woven carefully into your hair tonight - but each a painful reminder of his deeper nature, a longing to ensnare you. Each had been carefully countered - your small smile in tucking a richer red rose back against his horn, a kiss to his cheek, a glittering blossom broach pinning his cloak together - and at that you had been equal, no debts and no danger.
The itch didn’t cease; it wasn’t only to settle a debt that sent you running after Torben.
Shadows were never just shadows in this realm but you hadn't thought to look beyond them. His melodic call tripped you back into the shadows, weak and regaining your breath as he rose from them.
"Would it be so bad?"
Shimmering jewels woven into his ochre hair caught your eye first, certain his thick horns had been unadorned before he left you. Decorated horns had meaning, an intent, but you could hardly focus long enough to recall it when his slender fingers stroked beneath your chin. Warm, but the cool touch of rings caressed your jaw.
"Would it?"
"Torben..." Reyna would laugh if she saw you so helpless before him now, just like she had always hoped for. You frowned at the thought and reached for his wrist. "Reyna put you up to this, didn't she?"
"No." Gone was the musical lilt, replaced by a sharp edge. Torben caught your hand before you could push him away, fingers entwined as your knuckles scraped the stone wall beside your head. Soft flutters of his delicate wings disarmed you as he ran his thumb higher, teasing your lips to part on a choked gasp. "This is my doing. My question," he prompted, though his eyes remained on your lips, how they flushed under his pressing touch.
On your move to ask for him to repeat it, Torben tsked. His touch rose just a little, enough for your head to tip back, to lean into the wall for support, breath hot and rushing from your lungs as his thumb ran firmer. Rings bit into your fingers when he pressed his hand harder to yours. The bait was there in his eyes, a dare and glowing. His pearly and feathered eyebrow arched. He wanted you to taunt him and goad him. You did nothing of the kind and eventually, Torben hummed, his palm running across to your cheek.
"Would it be so bad," he murmured, "to date me?"
His forearm became your anchor when you trembled. Torben brought himself closer. Though lean, he was taller than you, his deliberate rise and steady touch of his hand lifting your face to his. The embrace now was so different to the dance; he had held you gently there, where he now ensnared you, encompassing you entirely – in a way you couldn’t deny had your body humming for a closer touch. There came another flit of his wings and the same sparkling glow mirrored in his eyes.
"Tell me."
If you hadn't been prepared, the truth would have rushed from you. The allure of glamour tempted you nonetheless, but you felt cold. "How dare you."
Torben's lips curled. "I hoped you would answer regardless." In the breath of pause where you struggled to think, he said, "I'd not glamour you. If not for the certainty of your immunity tonight, I would not have done."
"Then you hoped to trick me?"
The fae recoiled and then, his hold slackened. Torben fell away, bar his hand on your face, stroking beneath your cheekbone in a touch barely there at all. "That's what you think of me? That this is all a cruel trick?" His hand finally rose to his glittering horns as they curled down to his nape. In his muttering, he began to pluck at the thin ribbons and rings. "This has been at my hand, not Reyna's. My apologies. Pardon me."
When he tore a band of thorns from his horn, you lurched forward. Torben continued to force away the ribbons until you snatched his wrists like he had yours. "Let me."
He stilled, then turned his darkened eyes on you. In the silence, slow and thickening, he began to laugh. It grew into a hoarse echo rumbling from his chest against yours. "What a cruel taunt. I understood your rejection just fine, thank you. Do not seek to twist the dagger deeper."
"It's for me?"
Torben scowled. "Is this some petty revenge? Stop it."
With a loose ribbon already snagged on his rings, you carefully unwound it. Torben scoffed but stayed when you curled his arm into your chest, thumbing the soft fabric of the ribbon, the same as the dress Reyna had sent for you; the dress he had gifted you.
His horns hadn't been decorated in the hall. This was a private matter between friends. He had never declared his intent before and- your heart ached, your eyes lifting to where he turned deliberately away from you. Until now, he had attempted to court you as a human would, through dates and gifts; gifts refused for the ulterior debt any other fae would ensnare you on, and dates thwarted because of your nerves.
His pointed ears flushed dark. "You mean to hurt me more?"
"To your question." His hand had curled into a fist but you held him closer, running your free hand up to his elbow to squeeze. "It wouldn't be bad to date you. I'd like to."
"Your pity is insulting-"
"Reyna's teasing always felt like teases, nothing more." Still unconvinced, his frown remained, his eyes heavy-lidded where he watched your thumb trace up to brush along his racing pulse. “For her to say I should a date a fae, one as... as lovely and kind as you, whose home is a different realm, it,” the flatness of your whisper fractured into a deep breath, one Torben noticed too well. His narrowed eyes softened, and his fingers tightened on yours. "It seemed like only teasing. The horns - I wasn't taunting, I promise."
Torben spoke carefully. "Promises hold a lot of weight."
"I promise."
"You promise?"
Your small heels did little, so you tucked the ribbon through his wreath of thorns laid against his hair. Torben bowed his head until you had it tight. Your fingers fell to smooth over the broach at his collarbones. "I promise."
Torben felt closer now than when he'd had you pinned. Like he would sweep you from your feet once more into a dance, his arm fell around your waist and traced down your lower back. "Did you not question the frequency of my returns? How each visit was in your presence?"
"I didn't want to hurt myself by believing it."
"Believe it."
"I do," you said. Torben's lips twitched. "I promise. Promise me something." He hummed quietly, but his focus was already waning. With you now in his arms, he could touch you, hold you and slowly, begin to court you as he had intended. His wings began to shimmer again. "Promise no glamour. No tricks."
"I promise."
Torben caught you and warmth brightened his eyes when you softened against him. "I'd rather it be us for our first date, though."
"I know somewhere we could be alone. Just us, now."
Torben's wings fluttered and he pressed his lips low to your jaw, leaving a silver kiss, you were sure. He led you away from the party into his arms, away from Reyna, where she had known better than to wait for you to return.
This is the first exo fic I’ve finished and posted on my account!! I’m very excited to write more and share it. Let me know what you thought!
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petrichor-musings · 3 years
Now with MUSIC NAMES! (& half a dozen others)
I finally took the time to edit this list & get it in a presentable order. Not alphabetized, because that’s boring, but sorted by what kind of names they are. Hopefully that helps!!
Also I’m sorry if this post is ridiculously long, i have no idea how to make a “Keep Reading” thing. Edit: figured it out! thanks @apolloendymion
I hoard names I like, not necessarily names that I’ll use for myself, but names I think are interesting. Anyone is welcome to take a name for themselves, members of their system, pets, OCs, characters, whatever they need!
Types of names included: Birds, Space, Colors, Trees, Plants, Earth, Word-names, names of gods & legends, names from books & stories, names from my ancestry, & a bunch of other names (mostly old or foreign names) that didn’t fit elsewhere!
Also, if you like these names, check back every few months, as I update this list!
-Birds Corvie/Corvus/Corvid/Corvin Enca Mellori Pinyon/Pinion Steller Tuft Pica Avia/Avian/Vian Tawny Byrd/Byrdie Phoenix Lark, Larks- Jay/Jaye Wren Robyn/Robin
-Space & Physics Messier Cosmo Sterrenacht Altaire Star/Starlight Arcturus Eridanus Lyra Polaris Rigel Orion Sagittarius (Sadge for short) Alcor Fermion (Fermie for short) Lepton/Lepto Meson Anya (short for Anyon or Anion) Lux(e) Nyx/Nox Andromeda/Andromache Castor Wander Luniel Nocturn(e) Selene
-Music Lyric Crescendo Iona Doria/Dorian Lydia/Lydian Aeolia/Aeolian Locria/Locrian
-Colors Indigo Saffron Indigo Vermilion Viridian Cerulean Azure/Azura/Adora/Azul Sapphire Cobalt Skye/Skylar Hue Onyx Violet Ivory
-Trees Aspen Rowan Hazel Alder Willow Acacia Oak
-Plants Sage Cayenne Lichen Moss(y) Orchid Hedera Helix Xylem Sprig Floral/Floran Fern Thistle or Tilly for short Rosemary Violet Thorn Azalea/Azzy
-Earth Taiga Tundra Abyssal Marsh Bog Alpine Fjord Veld Feldspar Agate Heliodor Dune Sphalerie/Sphene (short for Sphalerite) Vitreous/Vitruvius/Vitruveous
-Words Stormy Coda Haven Voidling Absynthe Naissance Puissance Petrichor Vellichor Mimry Nell Jazz Quill August Monday Winter Jinx Autumn Spark Cambrian Fox Nary
-Gods & Legends Freya/Frey/Freye/Freyne Nim/Nym Grimwald/Grimvald Lugh Oberon Herne Aine Aoife/Aoifa Lir/Lyr Morrigan Tuatha Danu Fae/Fay/Faun Woden/Odin Aeneas Gwydion Cade/Caede Bram/Brahm Aoife Asir/Aesir Merlin/Myrrdin Linore/Lenore Alector/Alecto Glydwr Gwynned Leif Arisla Aéron or Aérin
-Books & Stories Bronwyn Antsel/Ansel Abhorsen Clariel Myrdal Virilidaine or Daine for short Yvonne Juno Arlo Kell Jax Geth(e) Jayce Idris Abraxas Aster Asi Emrys Rafferty Emory Alaric Vera Alyss
-Ancestry Arvid Vernik or Wernich Svyde Vanylven Rasmus Bjorn Eloise Magnus Carolius Rangvald Jean-Marie Dagmar Marius Martildus Nekoline
-Other names Asa Beau Elowyn Silv- Nicodemus Johan(nes) Amos Silas Llewellyn/Llywellyn (hloo-ellen) Eoin Leroy Catriona Sullivan/Sulliman Barnaby Theodore Eamon Giuseppe Taryn Cailin (Colleen) Lilly/Lily Felix Taran Fea Finley/Finnegan Raevyn Raelyn Lucienne/Lucianne Alastor or Alistair Ajax Eryx Damon Evander Leander Winona Soren/Sorin/Sorine Lyn/Lin Mellan Rai/Ray Torben Linariel Lyna(e) Lynde Lynnea Leander Embry Enfys Pim/Pym Linden
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sunshine-apprentice · 2 years
Dance Class
(Azul, Torben and Onyx all belong to @azulsartdump)
"Alright class, today we will be learning dancing," Azul exclaimed while clasping her hands. As soon as she finished Torben's hand shot up with a question.
"Miss Azul, you said the other day dancing with the fae is dangerous."
"Ah yes, you remembered," Lilia smiled as he floated around the classroom, "That rule is for two things mostly. They are, intruding on a dance you were not invited to and it's more dangerous to human than you merfolk."
"Merfolk like you two and fae like us are similar, so certain things humans should not do, you two are more safe to do. Such as dancing when invited to do so as well as eating food."
The two first years nodded as their seniors explained to them how some rules might apply differently to them. After the brief explanation there was a knock on the door.
"Ah our guest teacher is here to help with teaching dance today," the bat fae chippered, floating over to open the door. In walked someone very familiar to the shark, they smiled widely at the tall figure of Onyx.
"Uncle Nyx," Carnation exclaimed before they had thought causing the demon to look over to them momentarily shocked. The shark quickly covered their face as it began to glow, they hadn't intended to say something like that directly to him. They were always so excited to see their new family and ever since they accidentally called the Marquis 'grandpa' they had been trying to be careful with how they refer to their family.
"Hey kiddo," the black haired man absolutely beamed at the merfolk's acknowledgement of him. "Azul asked me to come help out with dance class about once a month while you both are in this course." Onyx gestured for both to stand and come over to a cleared area in the classroom. He circled around the two before pausing beside Carnation.
"Flosculus, do you mind following this time?"
"Oh, not at all, I learned a little bit of dancing for the masquerade the school had, so I promise I won't step on your feet," they said with determination earning them a head pat. Then the much taller male turned to the eel and began circling him again. Green eyes appraising Torben for longer than the first year liked, especially since he kept shirnking away from the alumni's gaze.
"Today you will be watching us dance," the demon explained, "Dancing isn't just about music, it's also about heart and confidence, hopefully next time you will be able to practice with our flos." With that he turned from Torben before bowing and offering his hand to the lantern shark. The pink haired student takes his hand with a bright smile.
"I don't think I could put my hand on your shoulder comfortably," they laugh at themself.
"That's fine, when following someone that is much taller then you just put your hand on their upper arm. It may feel a little silly at first, but it will still work the same. You could also wear heeled shoes, but I know you don't like heels." With a few tweaks to their positioning the two began to dance.
"Eyes up here. Remember the leader will show you the way."
"Sorry, I got nervous I would step on your feet."
"Didn't you promise you wouldn't," Onyx quirked an eyebrow playfully which made both of them laugh. The two continued to dance simple steps for a bit before the demon decided that the song had ended.
"You did wonderful for a simple waltz. Most balls you will go to will mainly be waltzing, but we can work up the speed of the steps as well as to other types of ballroom dance."
"Um, Uncle Nyx, could we learn swing dancing as well? I've seen it in some of the movies we've watched and it looks like a lot of fun," Carnation asked timidly not much. Instead the black haired man picked the first year up in a hug and spun around with them excitedly.
"Is our Flosculus interested in dancing? I'd love to teach you any type of dance you'd like," he smiled widely as he held them. After more talking about dance and pointers to both despite Torben having to sit out for the day, class was dismissed. Once the two first years Azul turned to her brother with a sigh.
"Nyx, if you wanted to dance with Carnation so much you could have asked them instead of bullying poor Torben."
"I think Sir Bloodworth said those things for a reason other than what you are thinking. Torben is a bit of a shy boy," Lilia explained, long since standing on the ground.
"That boy needs to strengthen his heart, I hope a little challenge will help him."
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joyffree · 3 years
#NewRelease Tour with #Giveaway
Real Men Romance Season One Multi Author Paranormal Collection by Celia Kyle and Marina Maddix
Welcome to Real Men Romance, a multi-author world created by Celia Kyle and Marina Maddix. You'll find stories that include everything from shifters to fae and any type of paranormal creature in-between... There's sure to be something to satiate your paranormal romance craving within these pages.
Feral Fated Mate Jax lost his mate…or so he thought. Perched on the brink of feral madness, Jax is ready to succumb. Until he’s rescued by his mate—Nicolette. Except…her memories are gone. Can she still be his mate if she never remembers him?
Howl For Me He’s back home and slowly going feral… Torben is a sentry for the Blackwood pack and deputy for Ashtown. He’d be happy in his hometown if one failed relationship after another wasn’t leading him down the path to madness. He’s got one last chance to find his mate…or else.
Howling For You She’s being hunted by a hungry wolf… Wolves? On a hike? It takes one bite for Audrey to realize two things: wolves definitely exist in Georgia, and she might be turning into one. Fever. Dizziness. Fur? It shouldn’t be possible. Even worse, there’s a wolf on her tail.
Sanguine Scent Amaro Casal cares about three things: life, love, and women. And not in that order. He’s as wild as they come, but when he crashes a garden party he discovers the one woman who may be able to tame the wild within.
The Vampire's Pixie Even among Fairies, she’s the black sheep… Nyx Shae-Lynn plays by her own rules—ones her diplomat father and militant mother don’t understand. Since a birth defect means she can’t fly, she’s had to make her own way in the world, rather than becoming a fighter like her mother and brothers
Finding Her Home College sucks—even for the one who would be queen… Maeve Brady may have cool magical powers and a name to put to them now—she’s fae! Da fuq? She thought she was human!—that doesn’t make college any easier for this ex-foster kid turned ward of the fae council.
#Win $25 Amazon #BookTour #Giveaway #BookBoost #Paranormal #Romance #PNR #kindleunlimited @RealMenRomance @SDSXXTours
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kim-monsterlings · 3 years
Which five of your fics are your favourite?
DANON. Without question, Danon is my favourite. I love him. I love him so much.
Second would be Ollie my gnoll, such a sweet boy, I love him, then Torben as the first fic I posted here. Gwynna will always be special to me because I have such a soft spot for firbolgs, and then I think it’s a hard one - maybe Neo or Raynar, because they’re sweeties with anxious readers.
This was such a lovely ask anon thank you <3
Post-posting edit: Luca my monster match, actually. I love him, too.
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kim-monsterlings · 4 years
AH my sweet fae Torben has 100 notes!! I might be in shock I’m so happy people love him <3 more fae will definitely be coming soon, something about their realm just makes me weak I wouldn’t mind being stolen away in the middle of the night
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kim-monsterlings · 4 years
Exophilia Masterlist
Introducing Me // Requests //  My Commissions - CLOSED
Updated: 31/10/2021 - Bucky Barnes ghost AU
Story count: 22
My Ko-Fi
Monster Matches - CLOSED// Monster Match Masterlist
Tropemas Masterlist
Faebruary Masterlist
Mini Kinktober Commissions - Info
Leigh // F Succubus x GN Human (Reader) // NSFW
Idella // F Demon x GN Human (Reader) // SFW
Lars // M Dullahan x M Human (Reader) // NSFW
Torben // M Fae x F Human (Reader) // SFW
Gwynna // F Firbolg x F Human (Reader) // NSFW
Galan // M Gargoyle x F Human (Reader) // NSFW
Bucky Barnes // M Ghost x F Human (Reader) // NSFW - Kinktober Challenge
Ollie // M Gnoll x GN Human (Reader) // SFW
Vardelk // M Goblin x GN Human (Reader) // SFW
Danon //  M Hellhound x F Human (Reader) // NSFW
Cathair // M Kelpie x F Human (Reader) // NSFW
Roan // M Kitsune x F Human (Reader) // NSFW - Kinktober
Brae // M Mer x M Human (Reader) // NSFW
Neo // M Minotaur x F Human (Reader) // SFW
Kaan // M Naga x F Human (Reader) // NSFW
Edel // M Nokken x F Human (Reader) // NSFW
Raynar // M Orc x F Human (Reader) // SFW
Eladan // M Orc x GN Human (Reader) // SFW
Bellamy // GN Cursed x F Human (Reader) // SFW
Enan // M Selkie x F Human (Reader) // NSFW - Kinktober
Trine // F Tiefling x GN Human (Reader) // NSFW - Kinktober
Cane // M Werewolf x GN Human (Reader) // SFW
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sunshine-apprentice · 2 years
Valley of Thorns Classes
(Azul and Torben are @azulsartdump)
The final bell of the day rung, well for some anyways. Since adopting Carnation, Azul had decided it was important for them to start learning the rules and etiquette of Valley of Thorns. Today after school was the first day and the dragonfly faery mentioned that they wouldn't be the only one in the class which made the merfolk feel slightly more at ease.
"We'll be using an actual classroom for this class. It classroom 3-C, don't be late." Azul's words echoed in the shark's mind, only to be snapped out of it when they bump into someone. Carnation was able to catch themself before falling then looked over to make sure who they ran into wasn't hurt.
"Are you okay?" They turned to see Torben, the easiest of the Strand brothers to tell apart because of his bangs. He didn't appear to be hurt and he wasn't knocked over which they were grateful for. "Sorry for running into you," Carnation rubbed the back of their neck, ears glowing slightly.
"It's okay, I'm fine," the eel stuttered slightly.
"Are you also taking the Valley of Thorns class as well?" The lantern shark gestured up to a classroom sign not too far down the hallway with 3-C written on it. The blue haired boy brightens and nods causing them to smile back at him. Excitedly the two walk to the classroom together.
"You both made it in time for class," Lilia greeted them both as they took their seats. The two fae stood at the front of the classroom as the two merfolk sat in the front row.
"Both of you are going to be going to the Valley of Thorns often, for different reasons, but it is important to know the etiquette and rules there, so Lilia and I decided to teach you both this class," Azul explained.
"We will be teaching you proper manners, how to dance, and generally how to interact with the fae. Of course Torben your teaching will go farther with training and possible knight training if that is what you wish to do," the bat fae continued.
"Knight training, that sounds kinda cool," Carnation said softly, hoping to not interrupt.
"Are you interested in becoming a knight?" The dragonfly faery questioned the shark who squeaked.
"Oh, honestly, a head on warrior I don't think I'm cut out for," they sheepishly explain before tilting their head slightly and saying in a joking tone, "a spy however." The merfolk gave a toothy grin as their adoptive mother began to laugh.
"A knight," the electric eel contemplated under his breath, looking down as fiddles with the cuff of his jacket.
"Anyways," Azul clapped her hands, "back to class. Carnation you will be learning additional things in case you wish to join any high society events. Noble society is different than normal society, especially when it comes to the fae. You'll be learning them now so we don't need to crash course you a week or so before the event, okay."
The lantern shark nodded before pulling out a blank notebook. They were excited to learn and hoped to make their new family proud of them by learning everything as best they can.
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kim-monsterlings · 3 years
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I have several stories ready for faebruary, but this is a send your requests - monsters, genders, prompts, etc - post!
For me, there are certain creatures which just seem more fae, and I have tried to find more lore about fae (I’d like to give some credit to @delldarling​ for the vast fae information on their page - like an encyclopedia with amazingly written stories) but to me, these are the monsters I’d think of for faebruary:
Fae (your usual trickster - like my Torben)
Dullahans (like my Lars)
Nymphs are tempting for faebruary, though I wouldn’t class them specifically as fae
Really, I’d write anything for faebruary. This is just my lil list.
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theartofruling · 3 years
Through war and triumph (Adrik Hansen) rises, at (355) years old, serving as (Sergeant Major of the Emergent ) residing in (the Divine Forest). They are a (Guardian Fae) that resembles (Chris Evans). Upon meeting them, they are (fun-loving ) and (caring). Don’t be fooled, they can be (determined) and (intense). 
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Name: Adrik Hansen
Nicknames/Alias: Rik, Riky
Face Claim: Chris Evans
Age: 355 / 40
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Bisexual
Species:Guardian Fae
Rank: Sergeant Major of the Emergent
Adrik is the epitome of a dad. He’s caring, and laid back, often times easy going and flirty but he’s also a warrior. He takes his job seriously, and when he’s working, he’s a force to be reckoned with. There’s no higher priority than guarding the family that he’s come the Divine Forest. Should harm ever befall any of them, he can and will become downright lethal.
Parents: Sacha Hansen( father ) Evelyn Clare (mother )
Relationship Status: open marriage / open relationship
Wife: Svala Hansen 
Girlfriend: Evren Can 
Children: Torben Hansen, Adrienne & Etta Hansen (5 years old)
FWB: Open
Friends: Finnian Ambrose, River Hartwell, Daphne Hale
Adrik was the child of divorce. He’d had missed the good years of his family’s union. They wanted many different things out of their lives. His father a nymph and bladesmith from the divine forest, and his mother a knight and guardian fae in Southland. Their marriage was short lived as she missed Knighthood and her life in Southland far more than she cared to admit, and his father was set in his ways of Divine Forest living. It wasn’t long after Adrik was born that their marriage fell apart. Instead, the child ended up splitting time between realms equally to suit both parents.
Adrik had a unique outlook on life, seeing both cultures. He’d come to know and love both. His parents were civil and they worked together to make this work for their son, even if they couldn’t make their relationship work for the better. They didn’t force their son to choose a side. They didn’t attempt to persuade him that one court was better than the other. They didn’t even attempt to force him to choose a profession.
With a weapons maker for a father, and a knight for a mother, the choice was easy for him to become interested in both the weapons and how to properly use them. Though his interest didn’t manifest in the same way. His interest manifested in the ways of the guards. When he was of age to make his own choices, it had been a difficult one until he laid eyes on a very beautiful young Valkyrie. He had been drawn to her in an instant.
Soon he’d thrown himself much more into The Divine Forest, spending much more time trying to get to know the woman. In doing so, he’d found himself committing more and more time to training, to be a part of the Emergent Force as if the choice had been easy, which it seemed to all fall into place. Adrik had worked his way up the ranks over the years from the bottom. He’d become passionate in his want to protect the Forest’s nobility as they were just as much family as his own.
He’d also grown to get to know the woman, falling hard and fast for Svala. Before long, he was carving out a life with the woman of his dreams. He’d had his dream job, and his dream life. The only thing that had made it better were the kids. Time seemed to pass on quickly. Currently, and three children later, life was still good, but the stakes were higher than ever for the realms and his family. Adrik had so much to lose, and he’d be damned if he allowed anything to happen to his realm, his family or his friends.
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