#tore the gelfing
fenth-eiria · 3 years
Comic featuring @thanatasia oc, Tore:
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Yep, Momma saved Austin^^
To clear things up, Austin is the result of a one time thing. And Tore wants nothing to do with Austin, as Austin wants nothing to do with him. Reason behind this is Tore was drunk and insulted Austin’s mother. Hence this.
This happened when Austin is an adult, so Tore is going to have a few wrinkles.
I hope you enjoy this!! And thank you for your support!
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thanatasia · 2 years
I live! Just very busy with a lot of things.
In between a commission, I pieced together this reels for IG. These things usually look neater due to video editing apps buuuut I don't have one of those yet (and don't know how to use them 🥲) hence the shaky video and sound.
There were a few ocs that I heard the voices and knew just who I would put for them. Others I had to choose what sounded close in my head.
I love how no one really likes Tore and he ended up getting the longest part lol
All of these are sketches from many months- about a year ago. If some look nicer than others that's most likely why.
Cha'l gets the lost one because he CANNOT sing to save his life. Only his wife, Shiyoon, can listen to him without covering her ears. It's also funny that the only gelf who can't sing, he also gets a long part.
In the future I want to redo this with better drawings and probably different ocs.
I know myself and I will write a paragraph explaining why I chose who for each part, but I'll save everyone the lecture 😅
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pinestripes · 5 years
Braids (The Dark Crystal)
Jen is at his wit's end with his hair. Luckily, Kira knows more about hair care than he does. Jen/Kira. Oneshot, inspired by The Age of Resistance. Tooth-rotting fluff.
“You seem to know a lot about hair. No wonder yours is so shiny,” Jen says, giving her a shy smile. “Well, my mother says that our people—the gelfling—took a lot of pride in their hair.”
Rating: K
Can also be read here on AO3 and here on FFN.
Author’s Note:
Hi, I'm pinestripes and I'm obsessed with fantasy Muppets. I watched The Dark Crystal for the first time this past September, tore through Age of Resistance immediately after, and absolutely adored both. 
Anyway, the rich worldbuilding of the show really hits home how removed Jen and Kira are from their people and culture, which makes me really sad. I have a headcanon that the podlings who raised Kira knew just a little bit about gelfing culture and shared it with her while she was growing up. On the other hand, the Mystics probably taught Jen very little about such things, so he knows essentially nothing about his roots. This fic was the tooth-achingly sweet result.
As always, dedicated to @thebusytypewriter for being my beta and best friend. Also dedicated to the lovely @artistefish, whose blog and writing have given me many hours of happiness over the last few years. Also, her posts about Age of Resistance were what prompted me to finally go watch the movie! Thank you! You ruined my life (in a good way!).
Jen enjoys watching Kira braid her hair. She always does it in the morning, after brushing through it, usually humming, sometimes doing one braid, sometimes two. The braids sometimes hang loose by her face, and sometimes she has them meet at the back of her head, where she ties them together. Her hair is long and shiny, and it flows through his fingers almost like water (though he only finds that out much, much later—nearly a trine after the Great Conjunction, when he is finally brave enough to ask to touch it).
His hair, on the other hand, is thick and coarse. The brush barely gets through when he tries to untangle it. It grows so quickly that he finds himself chopping at it unevenly almost every unum, when it starts hanging in his eyes. One morning Kira comes into his one-room hut to see him trying to force the brush through it, grumbling under his breath in frustration. Behind him, she giggles and startles him.
"Oh, Kira!" He spins around on his little stool in surprise. He can feel his ears going hot in embarrassment. "I was just—well—"
"What's wrong, Jen?" she interrupts before he can babble any longer, trying to stifle her amused smile.
"It's this old mop of mine." He holds up a lock of hair before letting it rest against his shoulder again. "It's all in knots, and I can't seem to get it sorted out."
Kira walks over and holds her hand out expectantly. "Here, let me try."
He hands over the brush and she gets to work. "You have to brush the ends first. If you start by your head right away it's harder for the brush to get through."
And in another few minutes she's done, having untangled his hair faster than he's ever been able to do. Suddenly he feels her fingers brush the back of his neck as she picks up a lock of his hair. He tries not to jump in surprise, and only half succeeds.
"You know, your hair feels a little dry," she says. "I have an oil you could use."
"An oil?"
"Wait here." She darts out, presumably to the hut she shares with Ydra, before returning with a little bottle in tow. She takes out the stopper and carefully pours a tiny bit into her palm. She then rubs it between her hands, covering them both. "When your hair is dry, you take just a little and smooth it over the ends, like this." She does so, and continues, "When it's wet you can use a bit more."
"I see," Jen manages to respond, as stiff and upright as one of the great trees.
Finally, Kira seems to have decided his hair is sufficiently cared for, as she puts the stopper back in the bottle and sets it on the table. "You can keep that. I have plenty. It's made from a plant that grows near here, and the Podlings don't care for it."
"You seem to know a lot about hair. No wonder yours is so shiny," Jen says, giving her a shy smile.
"Well, my mother says that our people—the gelfling—took a lot of pride in their hair."
Jen is taken aback. "Really?"
Kira nods. "Mm-hmm. They had all sorts of tricks to keep their hair healthy and shiny. They wore really complicated braids too." A hint of sadness creeps into her expression. "Mother doesn't remember most of their styles, though."
Jen frowns. "I see." He thinks for a moment, and then suggests, "Maybe you could come up with some styles of your own?"
"I've tried. It's so difficult when I can't see the back of my head."
The sadness is still in her expression, and Jen, anxious to comfort her, blurts out, "You could practice on me."
Kira lights up and in excitement kneels down to be on level with him. "Oh, Jen! Really?"
The twinkle in her eyes encourages him to agree. "Really. I never know what to do with mine, anyway.""Thank you!" She kisses him on the cheek, rendering him speechless.
In an hour or so, a large portion of Jen's hair is tied back in a series of braids. Strands of hair are falling out. The whole thing is rather uneven. Some of the podlings giggle and tease him when they see it. Yet Kira's cheeks flush and eyes shine with happiness, so he wears his hair with pride.
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tsuncoon · 5 years
Sights to see
....honestly I just wanted to use very flowery language to describe SkekGra, and also wanted to write GraGoh cause that ship is the best. Sadly it is one sided (for now)
So uh have some lost wanderer running into an edgy Conqueror pre-Thra vision.
Where did Urgoh find himself now
He had wandered so far this time, he hadn’t realized just how much distance was between himself and the sanctuary of the Valley of the Standing stones.
This was only intended to be a short trip, from the Valley to the distant mountain, but from the top of the mountain revealed a forest thick with trees and potential discoveries. Upon reaching the forest edge he followed a tranquil stream and the journey continued on and on.
The mystics would not worry, it was not in their nature to be stressed, and urGoh was well known for his efficiency in getting lost.
Urgoh could hear the wafting winds in the trees as the suns painted the sky pink while they dipped below horizon.
Everything sounded peaceful, in rythem. Was this the song those who were apart of Thra could hear? Or was it just the natural patterns of nature in balance.
Off in the distance he could hear the disturbance of water, splashing and wafting as if something large had intruded onto it.
Urgoh curiously walked towards the noise, perhaps it was a Gelfing, Thras finest creation. Or a creature he had never seen. In any case he quickly walked towards the river
On his journey he hummed, eyes drifting into the tree tops, admiring the creatures that perched in the leafy foliage.
When he approached the river line there was a familiar sight. A Skeksis, to be more accurate SkekGra the Conqueror. His other half would not be happy to find him there. Thra had an unheard of way of bringing them together that he knew was not common for the other mystics.
Some of them had never seen their other half since the great division yet the Wonderer and the Conqueror would cross paths annually.
He stared towards the other who had gone shirtless but had a kilt that covered his legs and dragged through the flowing water. The furry mane around his neck was damp and stuck close to his body.
The Conquerors chest was greatly engraved with runic patterns that traveled down his lean but powerful form. His skin was a vibrant blue with streaks of red and white, he did not blend in with the natural rustic colours of Thra, his beauty stood out against all that surrounded him.
SkekGra bent down onto all fours, back arched as he dunked his head in the water, a few moments passed before the Skeksis violently flung his head back up, a large amphibious looking thing in his mouth.
SkekGra stepped up onto the shore line, and with a horrific show of jaw strength crushed the struggling beast to death. With his hands he pulled parts of the animal from his maw, causing flesh to tear as he chewed.
The innards of the animal dripped messily all around him, covering him in blood and other forms of goo. With a webbed tail hanging from his mouth he looked towards the wanderer, his mood worsened.
Urgoh stepped forward, knowing that a Skeksis was unlikely to hurt it’s own mystic in an act of self preservation.
“Conqueror, what brings you so far out?”
The Conqueror grimaced “War. What else"
“Hmmm..” the mystic hummed faking interest.
“I followed the mountains, the forests.. the streams…” Urgoh spoke so highly of these land marks.
“..ow" Urgoh said suddenly, rubbing his hand which had suddenly felt a pinch of pain. “What.. was that.. for"
SkekGra was also rubbing his hand “making sure you were truly my mystic” he explained “you’re nothing like me" SkekGra tore another limb from his prey, tilting his head up to chew.
Urgoh nodded, taking the complement.
“I wonder.. what we.. once were……. Like"
SkekGra stood “I was undervalued" he scoffed and turned his back to the Mystic then walked “you are weakness I am glad to be rid of”
“Where… are…. You… going"
“I don’t like your company" he said bluntly.
Urgoh couldn’t take his eyes off the other while he left, tail flowing mezmerizingly behind him.
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fenth-eiria · 3 years
Eiria beating the crap out of Tore..
The room of Stone hall echoed with the sound of laughter. Eiria came to visit her Uncle, Ordon. As she started talking to him, she saw Tore. She knew Fleur was waiting for him, as she had seen her just moments before. But disgusted her was that Tore was loving another girl. She insulted him, as she yelled for his attention.
“Hey, Juice box!!” The young Stonewood whipped his head around, his eyes narrowed down, as he smiled to the woman that has insulted him.
“Well hello, gorge-“ The young Sifttan smacked him so hard he started crying.
“I don’t want to hear it from you..” She planted another punch in his face, she punched him so hard, that it deformed part of his face.
“So that you can never cheat on Fleur or any other woman you date…” Tore turned around, the moment his friends and girlfriends saw his face, they ran away in fear. His face showed a ton of anger as he turned back to the young Sifttan.
“You.. You MONSTER!!” Eiria laughed, as Ordon looked on in confusion. She proceeded to explain what she was doing in a taunting tone.
“Oh, Tore.. I’m not the monster.. I just showed your true self.” She turned around to walk out the door. But decided to add something to her statement.
“Oh! And Tore.. I’m married..” The young Stonewood stared at her in anger, he decided to ask her a hate question.
“Why should you care about her?” Eiria slightly turned around, giving him a stare as she smiled.
“Because she’s my friend, and we come from mix-clan blood. Now fuck off, and stay away from Fleur. But that apparently won’t be a problem for you since you don’t like being around her anyway..” Tore was terrified, he started to scoot away slowly, but Eiria flung him in the air.
“Ohh.. No. No. No.. You are not sugarcoating this, Mister.. You are coming with me so I can explain to her what you were doing behind her back..“
After getting her uncle to withdraw Tore from the castle, she met up with Fleur, having Tore in tow.
“Hey, Fleur!! I have something important to share with you!!” The Stonesan young girl turned to see her friend dragging her boyfriend, she looked at her confused.
“What is it, Eiria?” The young Sifttan looked at her friend with a devious look.
“I caught Tore cheating on you with a fellow Stonewood girl.” Fleur’s ears went back, her eyes in shock as tears poured out of her eyes. However her friend wasn’t done, as the young Sifttan dropped Tore.
“But.. I did teach him a lesson as you can see on his face. And.. I told him not be around you ever again.”
A rewrite to the original!!
@thanatasia I hope you like this version^^ The insult, Juice box, is from Turbo.
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fenth-eiria · 4 years
Eiria beating the crap out of Tore..
Eiria came to visit her uncle, Ordon, when she saw Tore, Eiria knew Fluer was waiting on him, as she had saw her just moments before. But what disgusted her was that Tore was loving on another girl..
“HEY!!” Tore whipped his head around “Well hello, gorgeous..” *SMACK* “You cheater!! Fluer is waiting for you, you then lie to her face and go behind her back!! What is wrong with you?!?!” He was about to say something but Eiria cut him off “I don’t want to hear it from you!!” And with that Eiria hit him so hard, that it deformed part of his face. “So that you can never cheat on Fluer or any other women you date..” Tore turned around and all the ladies ran away from him. “You monster!!” “Tore, I’m not the monster.. I just showed the true you.” “Oh, and Tore, I’m married..” “Why should you care about a mix-clan Gelfling?!” Eiria slightly turned around, “because I’m mix-clan as well.. Now fuck off, and stay away from Fluer. But that apparently won’t be a problem for you since you don’t like being around her any way..” Tore was speechless, he started to back away slowly, but Eiria made him levitate. “You are not going to sugar coat this, I’m going to tell Fluer what happened..
After Eiria visited her uncle she met up with Fluer, having Tore in tow. “Fluer, I have something to tell you!” “What is it?” “I caught Tore cheating on you with a fellow stonewood, but I taught him a lesson, and I told him not to be near you anymore.”
Tore and Fluer belong to @thanatasia
Eiria belongs to me
But this is how Eiria would have responded, enjoy!!
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