#tormenting this orb til the end of time
zombiecicada · 4 months
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Asking myself what meme embodies the Kirby Wolfbell AU. It’s this one. This one right here.
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new-tella-us · 17 days
The Mad King
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SO I decided to go back to the "King Endings" idea.
Short recap, the king ending is the ending where the boy of your choice becomes the king. There is only one good king ending and that's Sam, he is the only one meant to become king.
This is Damien's King Ending, a continuation of his worst ending "A Demon Til The Day You Die"
The story is that ten demon years/two human years after he was imprisoned and tortured, the last remnant of Mika's soul possess a guard and forces him to free Damien, finally bringing Mika's soul to rest. This is the final straw that breaks Damien's psyche and madness begins. His only goal is to kill his father and after stealing the energy of multiple staff the brute way, he broke into his father's room and fought him, ultimately winning.
He was then crowned as the new king, dressed in the world's finest and praised as a hero by the same people that condoned his torment mere days ago.
Now Damien isn't a cruel person nor a cruel king, he was surprisingly merciful to the staff and returned all he could that was destroyed or stolen, by all means, he was a good ruler. However, he was also a ticking time bomb, slowly becoming more erratic every day. One day, everyone knew he would become as cruel as his father.
But what about the spiritual orbs near him? Those are his brothers. For the next few months, he thought word would spread to his brothers about his return. He convinced himself that they were still looking for him, unaware that he was pronounced dead years ago. So when he finally decided to visit earth and saw his brothers happily living their lives, his madness flared. It wasn't fair, he asked for that life. The pretty life with a pretty wife, the one he had before his pretty life got taken away and his pretty wife got killed. Now he was ruling the kingdom that all the brother except him were supposed to rule.
They left him behind to live the life he prayed for.
That's. Not. Fair.
The brothers tried to calm him down when his intentions became clear but they couldn't reach him anymore. And while they were getting softer in the human world, he got much MUCH stronger. Like Father like Son, he took away their physical forms and dragged them back to the Abyssal Plains.
A part of him did this to not lose his brother, he's lived most of his life with them. Another part did it out of anger, he refused to lose his happy ending alone. Regardless of the reason, this served as the final nail in the coffin and everyone became convinced that he was losing his mind.
If this was a third game in the series, the main character would be Diana as she tries to overthrow Damien before his madness turns him manic like his father.
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dilemmaontwolegs · 3 years
Liability || loki
Loki x musician!fem!reader
Summary: Loki ended things but that doesn't stop him from reminding you of what you lost and that you will always belong to him. Warnings: 18+ only, smut, angst WC: 1404
Inspired by Liability by Lorde
|| Main Masterlist || Loki Masterlist ||
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The ivory felt cold beneath your fingers, the tendons in your pinky straining to reach the elusive key that you needed to complete the note. It would be your first time playing for a live audience, but your room no longer gave you the sense of release when you played alone so you were in search of something more. The dim lights of the club were only broken by a single spotlight that flooded the small stage. It was like many New York clubs that offered an old piano and small audience, an amuse-bouche for unknown artists to taste life in the limelight. You only hoped this morsel would fill the emptiness in your soul, at least for a little while.
“Any day now.” A woman whispered loudly to her friends with a round of giggles.
You cleared your throat as you finished testing the keys, satisfied they were in tune, and shifted in your seat so most of the audience were out of your line of sight. The opening notes turned the last of your attention away from the crowd and you focused on remembering the lyrics that suddenly seemed slippery in your mind.
“Baby really hurt me, crying in the taxi He don't wanna know me Says he made the big mistake of dancing in my storm Says it was poison.”
You could feel his presence like a cold hand caressing the back of your neck and your eyes searched for him in the shadows of the bar. You found him behind the spotlight, an alluring umbra that cloaked his silhouette and hid everything but his eyes. The green orbs held you captive as he watched with a sense of foreboding and the crowd disappeared from your sight. Your mind was perturbed as your muse crossed his arms and you knew his presence was no accident, he had tracked you.
“So I guess I'll go home Into the arms of the girl that I love The only love I haven't screwed up She's so hard to please, but she's a forest fire.”
You felt the urge to end your performance and make your escape while you could but he was firmly placed between you and the door. He was always the one to be in control, the mindset of the prince, and you had foolishly let him have his fun until he was done. You were left on your own, to the solitude of your empty bed and sharp shards of your broken heart. You wanted more than he could give you, you wanted a partner, an equal.
“I do my best to meet her demands, play at romance, we slow dance In the living room, but all that a stranger would see Is one girl swaying alone, stroking her cheek.”
Tearing your eyes away from him you looked at your fingers dancing across the keys before closing them as you remembered his parting words. They had buried themselves into your brain like a parasite, living in your head on repeat as they tormented you, just like his presence tonight. He wasn’t meant to hear these lyrics, he wasn’t meant to hear the words he had told you in private be repeated for everyone to hear.
“They say, "You're a little much for me You're a liability You're a little much for me" So they pull back, make other plans I understand, I'm a liability Get you wild, make you leave I'm a little much for e-a-na-na-na, everyone.”
You could feel the touch of his magic brushing the frequency of your thoughts, tasting your words for resentment and any other emotion he could feed from you. It was as if his already long shadow grew another inch and began to impose even more into the crowd. Daring another peek, you looked up and found the crowd had parted and his languid steps were closing the distance between you.
“The truth is I am a toy that people enjoy 'Til all of the tricks don't work anymore And then they are bored of me I know that it's exciting running through the night, but Every perfect summer's eating me alive until you're gone Better on my own.”
He came to a stop at the edge of the stage, his stature stopping everyone else from filling the space around him. You couldn’t blame them, the power that exuded from him was frightful to most, you found it addictive. You had become addicted and it was your downfall, the need you had for him was more than he had for you. How could a human possibly keep the attention of a god.
“They say, "You're a little much for me You're a liability You're a little much for me" So they pull back, make other plans I understand, I'm a liability Get you wild, make you leave I'm a little much for e-a-na-na-na, everyone.”
Your voice was straining as you tried to ignore the intensity of his stare or the glow of his eyes. The spotlight was creating a halo of light behind his head that both blinded you and left you staring at the angelic image. He was no angel, not with the look he was giving you. He was promising you the sweet burn of his body after the song ended.
“They're gonna watch me disappear into the sun You're all gonna watch me disappear into the sun.”
Your body crashed against the bathroom door and his lips stopped you from forming the thoughts that tell you this was a bad idea. He always knew the sensual spots that would leave your head spinning and your core throbbing. His fingers were already bunching your dress up over your hips and his knee was nudging your legs apart so he could brush your panties aside and tease your folds. Your head thumped against the door as two of his long fingers invaded your body and his name threatened to spill from your lips with a moan.
You could feel his lips smirk against your skin as he felt how wet you were for him, your body betraying your heart as your hips rolled to feel more of him. You promised yourself you were done with him, that you wouldn’t let him back in but that became a past time, a precursor to what you knew would happen. Your fingers were opening his belt and pushing his pants over his narrow hips before you could stop yourself and a whimper escaped as his cock rose up and pressed against your stomach.
In that moment you would have sold your soul to have him fill you but he needed you just as much as his Asgardian strength lifted you off the ground and you wrapped your legs around his waist. Quiet whispers teased your ear but it was a language you couldn’t understand and as his lips made their way back to yours he rolled his hips. His mouth absorbed your cry as his hard length stretched your cunt and his head pressed almost painfully against your cervix.
You were glad a band was playing in the bar as the door banged loudly with every powerful snap of his hips but when he lifted you higher and the angle changed you forgot all else and cried his name for the world to hear. His pelvis bone was hitting your clit perfectly and your legs tightened around him as the warmth in your belly began to spread across your body. His head tipped back in ecstasy as he felt your walls flutter around him and your fingers laced into his long hair, pulling it back so his pale neck was bared for you to mark.
You pulled back with a satisfied moan as the reddening mark bloomed over his almost blue skin along with the spark of annoyance in his green eyes. His teeth gritted as his eyes darkened and you braced yourself for the moment he would take his vengeance out on your pussy. His fingers dug into your hips enough to bruise and he braced you hard against the door before trying to fuck you into it. You couldn’t take anymore, the rough pounding hitting the sweet spot and tipping you over edge, taking him along with you.
“You’re my liability. Do you understand?” He growled in your ear as he eased himself out, the mixture of cum and yours dripping down your thighs. “Mine.”
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I decided to cover this song for no good reason but if anyone is interested in listening to it <and torturing your ears> click here.
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nejislavendereyes · 4 years
Think Things Through [prt. 1]
Hi, you may have seen this story before- maybe on another account, but I promise. T’was me- When I first wrote this, I didn’t have a Naruto Blog, I had a random one. But upon, making a Naruto Blog, I decided to reupload this story, after editing it a bit. So, please do report, or spam the other blog. I promise it’s the same person.
Also, this was really meant to be a one shot, but it turned into a slice of life with a developing plot soooooo- Anyway, Enjoy loves!
“Come on Naruto, you’ve gotta hit me once. At least one time.” Mei rolled her eyes. “This is so boring.”
“Don’t call me boring!” He snapped, hot headed as always.
“Don’t be boring then.” She taunted.
Naruto let out his usual battle cry and created several dozen clones of himself to surround her. She readied herself and closed her eyes. She pulled a kunai from her bag and drew her sign over it.
“Water style; Copy.” Mei leaped up as the Naruto’s tried to charge her.
Kunai of nearly a hundred pierced each and every Naruto to be seen. Except for the one behind her. He kicked her in the back, sending her back toward the ground, which she easily landed on. She dodged the other Naruto that came at her from behind and kicked him into the real Naruto just ahead of her. As they tumbled through the dirt Mei hurled all her shuriken at them, ripping through the clone and pinning Naruto to a tree.
As Naruto realized what had happened he started yelling and making a fuss as usual. Laughter erupted through the training grounds, only pissing Naruto off more. “At least you hit her once, you’re not a failure Naruto!” Kiba chuckled and Akamaru yipped.
“No, he failed still.” Shikamaru corrected. “Just not completely.”
“It’s not fair fighting you!” Naruto yelled struggling against his restraints. “It’s like fighting Neji!”
Neji scoffed, and crossed his arms. “Hardly.”
“One, you beat Neji, once. Remember? And two, Neji, I know you think you’re hot shit and all, but we’re almost the same level.” Mei defended herself.
“Again, hardly.” He narrowed his eyes at her, his arms crossed. “Just because you can pin Naruto to a tree means nothing. You and I are nowhere near each other in strength.”
“Neji.” TenTen tried to scold him.
“Fine. Care to test that theory?” She was suddenly behind him and went to punch him, but of course he caught her fist. He then threw her back to her original spot and restanced himself, appearing bored by her.
“Oh, come of mister ‘I-have-a-stick-up-my-ass-and-I-like-it-there’. If you can’t take me down, I’ll just assume you’re too weak to do so.” She taunted. “And I supposed that would make me better than you, right?”
Really, she’d never in a million years believe she was better than Neji, in any way. But to pass up an opportunity to tease him and possibly end up with him pressing her to something? That wasn’t about to happen.
There was something about his intensity that made her swoon with cliche heart eyes and all. It’s been that way since they were kids, and she’s given up on trying to build up the courage to confess as well as trying to get over him. She was content with being friends and pretending the feelings didn’t exist.
“Please spar with me Neji.” Mei groaned, irritated that she had to resort to begging.
After a moment, he finally stepped forwards and Mei jumped, cheering that she had won him over but then pouted slightly when he didn’t lose his stance. She rolled her eyes and quickly threw two water made kunai towards him making him jump and dodge. She kept throwing the ice at him until he finally spoke up.
“This is why we aren’t nearly equal. You attack head on, even when you know it won’t work.” Neji told her.
She threw more kunai at him and smirked. “And you always think I don’t plan ahead.”
She winked and dropped into the puddle below her, that’s when Neji realized she had backed him into a small puddle. He jumped away, but only a split second late as her hand already wrapped around his ankle and pulled him through. Suddenly, it appeared that they were standing in the same area  just, it seemed duller, the colours were a pastel version of the real world’s and there were no living creatures but themselves.
“You like it?” Mei asked, bringing his attention to herself. “It’s my favourite place to be. No one really knows how to get here.”
“Trapping me here doesn’t secure your victory in this.” Neji said.
“What makes you so sure, Neji?” She smirked. “Look around, there’s nothing but intense chakra here. It’ll be hard for you to tell the difference between mine and this place’s.”
He suddenly jumped out of the way of her water clones trying to pounce on him. And she was right, the place she brought him to was filled with her chakra, it was hard to differentiate anything.
He landed and threw his own shuriken towards her, which she evaded before charging him. She tried to punch him as he did her, but alas neither could land a good enough hit. That is, until Mei managed to duck and strike him in his chest. The blow knocked him off his guard enough for her to kick him to the side.
He rolled along the ground, but easily picked himself up. And found a puddle under his hand, yet he wasn’t falling through. He rolled out of the way of her leg coming down, aimed for his shoulder. “Sorry, not the right water portal. Plus you can’t leave by yourself, I have to pull you through. Without me, you’re stuck.”
He glared at her and swiped at her with his kunai, successfully slicing her thigh as she jumped away.  She landed and hissed and the slight burn from her cut, but nevertheless, she stood ready to attack again.
The sudden use of his visual jutsu threw her off, making her stumble. Mei couldn’t help but stare, the veins bulging around his eyes always held her still. She even remembered telling Sakura it was the most beautiful thing she’d ever seen. Whenever he looked at her with it, it rendered her completely useless.
She could see that he was running towards her, but she stuck. Caught like a stupid fly. She watched him grow closer and yet she didn’t move. He easily tackled her, and to her surprise, through the exit puddle. He must’ve found it with his Byakugan.
Their friends gasped as they flew up from seemingly nowhere, soaking wet. Neji quickly flipped them over and slammed Mei to the ground. She tried to punch him, but he hurriedly caught her wrists and pinned them over her head.
“You move too slow to win this battle Mei, give up.” He stopped using his Byakugan, but still held the stern expression.
“I almost had you there.” She grunted, struggled against his grip while some of their friends tried cheering her on. “So, no. I’m not quitting ‘til I get you pinned.”
He sighed. “Give up, or I will hold you here until you do.”
She really didn’t want to lose, this was the closest she’d ever been to beating him, but she couldn’t figure out a way to get out of his hold… So, she closed her eyes and did the first thing that came to mind, and quite possibly the stupidest. Silence took over the training ground as shock traveled every corner. It seemed the earth itself was surprised as the wind stopped as well.
In the center of the training grounds, still laid Mei and Neji, frozen. Hands pinned to the ground, hair full of dirt, both soaking wet… Lips locked together.
Three full minutes were they still, Mei counted. When he didn’t push her away or pull back, she tested the water and pressed her lips a bit harder to his, which he responded with his own added pressure. She tilted her head to deepen the kiss and slid her wrists from his grasp slowly as to not ruin what she had going.
She pressed her hands to his chest, as if to hold his closer, but in reality- “Water style; transfer.” In the blink of an eye their places were switched and Mei had her kunai pressed against his throat. It took everyone a moment to realize that she had Neji Hyuga pinned.
“I think I’ve won.”
He stared at her, surprised for a moment before an unreadable expression painted his face and just let her sit on his chest. In a bursting moment noise filled the world again, birds chirping, the wind rustling the trees, their friends cheering. Still, he stared at her, this time holding her hostage just with his white orbs only.
Thankfully, Naruto yanked her up and broke the suffocating gaze. Their friends surrounded her, congratulating her for beating Neji. Although, it didn’t cross anybody’s mind that the cheering seemed like a bit much. That is until they realized that Neji was retreating from the training area.
Two months. That’s how long it’s been since Neji and Mei spoke.
A month and four days. That’s how long it’s been since Mei hung out with the group, as she believed that Neji wouldn’t come around if she were there.
Four days. That’s how long it’s been since Sakura told her she’d been selected to run a mission… with Neji.
Three days. That’s how long it’s been since she left the village to go on said mission. For three days, they’ve been tracking a bandit group that’s been tormenting villages. In tense silence. At least silence between Neji and Mei.
Finally Sakura stopped. “I can’t take it anymore!” She turned and glared at Mei and then at Neji. “You two need to get over whatever this bullshit is!”
When neither spoke up, Kiba butted in. “Seriously, you can’t be that butthurt over the fact you lost, right?”
“Yeah, it’s not that big a deal.” Naruto tried.
“I don’t care that I lost!” Neji finally snapped, startling them all. “It’s how.”
“Really?” Mei called. “You’re pissy because I distracted you to win?” She angrily asked.
“No, you kissed me!” He yelled back.
“As a distraction!” She tried.
“Exactly! You don’t kiss your opponent to win the fight!”
“It worked didn’t it!”
“Are you going to kiss each and every person you fight, now!”
“I just might, what would it matter to you!”
Their teammates watched the yelling match with wide eyes. Neji and Mei glared at each other, before turning away from each other, scowls etched on their lips. Now the tension was thicker than it had been before.
“Okay, guys, let’s keep goi-ah!” Sakura suddenly was ripped from the tree branch she was on.
“Sakura!” They all jumped down to where she landed. “You okay?” Mei picked up her friend and cut the string that pulled her down.
“Neji, where are they?” Naruto asked.
“I can’t see them… Wait. Watch out- behind us!” Neji warned.
They all dodged the sharp spears aimed for them. Maybe a dozen pierced the ground where they previously stood. "This is why we don't yell…" Sakura sighed.
"Really not my fault." Mei quickly defended herself as their attackers appeared.
"I don't see how it's not." Neji glared around the bandits.
Before Mei could respond another spear was launched at her. She jumped out of the way but as she landed, she found herself in between two enemies. She dodged the first jabs at her face and turned into water as the second tried to stab her, causing him to stab his comrade.
"Well, damn, did he steal your sandwich? That was just rude." She turned to face the other as she rematerialized. “Now don’t look at me like that. I don’t like ham!”
She ducked past the next stab and barely dodged another. He managed to back her up until she had her back braced against Kiba. They briefly looked over one another’s shoulders before locking onto their opponent again.
Mei quickly drew her sign and grabbed Kiba and they fell through the earth, allowing the enemies to stab each other. As soon as they fell through the puddle, Mei threw Kiba back out another.
“Peekaboo!” Mei reached through a puddle and yanked two through while pulling herself back to the real world. “Oh hello, Sakura. Fancy meeting you here.”
“I will drop kick you in the throat, now is not the time!” Sakura snapped, punching another enemy Mei threw her way.
“So snappy…” Mei grumbled taking her place next to Sakura to fight off enemies from seemingly every which way. “Ah, shit!” Mei yelped, taking a spear to the thigh.
Sakura narrowed her eyes. “Well, if you hadn’t kissed Neji and pissed him off, we’d probably have the upper hand here.”
“Wh-what? You’re saying we don’t have the upper hand?” Mei joked, pulling the spear out and stumbling over her injury.
The group eventually found themselves cutting down the enemies easily. They were beginning to thin out, and before anyone could stop him, Naruto commented on such. But, surprisingly the enemies seemed to stop coming.
Akamaru growled, warning them they still had a few around. “Neji, where are they hiding?” Mei asked. When he didn't answer Mei rolled her eyes. “Neji, come on, be mad at me all you want. But right now we need to work together!”
He sighed. “They keep moving. They are circling us.”
“Kiba.” Naruto called.
“Yeah.” In the blink of an eye they leaped into the trees to try and chase down the enemies, leaving Sakura Neji, and Mei in the clearing. Several smoke bombs flew at them, quickly covering the field and blinding them all. And once again the spears started flying again, much like bobbing for apples except with sharp objects and vital organs.
Uncomfortable with the lack of sight she had, Mei rushed through the smoke towards what she hoped wasn’t an enemy. She made it to the edge of the smoke and coughed turning back to the dark figures she assumed were her teammates.
“Water style; transfer.” Mei placed herself in Sakura’s and Neji’s places, with a clone and herself. Thankfully so, too. Spears tore through her clone and impaled her through her chest. Sakura cried out as Mei was sent flying back into the trees.
“Mei! Mei?” Neji was in front of her in seconds.
Mei wheezed in pain and gagged on her blood. "Don't talk, just breathe!" Sakura dropped to her knees in front of her friend. She tried to breathe through the pain, but breathing only seemed to make it worse. She gripped Neji’s hand and cried while Sakura tried to tell her to relax. The three almost didn’t notice the rest of the team join them.
Sakura tried to give medical aid, but at the moment Sakura couldn’t do much, worried about the enemies rounding them. “We need to get her out of here. How many are left Neji? Kiba?”
Neji looked around and Kiba sniffed the air. “Eight.” They responded quickly.
“Hey, hey! Eyes open, look at me.” Neji ordered Mei, who was slowly losing consciousness.
“Neji, take Mei and get away from here. Go find her some help, we’ll catch up.” Naruto told him.
Neji didn’t argue at all, as he normally would with Naruto’s orders. He simply maneuvered Mei onto his back, wincing when she whined in pain. He rushed off without a second thought, leaving the enemies to his comrades.
For a while it seemed none of them followed him, which yes he found odd, but didn’t waste time to dwell on it. He could feel blood soaking through his shirt at an extreme rate. "You can't die yet, I'm still mad at you, Mei."
She muttered a quite response he didn't catch. “I’ll only forgive you over a bowl of ramen, got it? So you can’t die yet.”
Mei panted and tried to respond, only to choke slightly and drool blood onto his shoulder. “Ramen? To make up for kissing you? Mmm, odd deal…”
“Stop talking, you need to rela-!” Suddenly a paper bomb blew them to the side. He should’ve seen that coming. But instead he was too focused on Mei's bleeding.
Neji pushed himself off a tree he nearly collided with to catch Mei before she hit the ground. Now he could see them, three men circling them. Another smoke bomb exploded in front of him and not a moment later did spears come at him from each direction. He struggled to evade with Mei in his arms but he managed. That is until he stepped into a paper bomb.
"Mei… Mei?"
Neji’s voice pulled her from her sleep, and she was acutely aware of the pain throughout her body. "Relax, I'm not dead yet… Dying yes, but dead. No."
Neji sighed. "Now isn't the time to be funny."
"I'm telling the truth aren't I?" She chuckled, before coughing and groaning.
"They seemed to not want you dead yet, either." Neji noted the wrapping under her shirt. It was a messy wrap but nonetheless, it managed to slow the bleeding.
"How do you feel?" He asked.
For the first time since she woke up, she looked up at him. He was bruised and bloody, no doubt a punching bag for their captors. "I feel like an idiot, Sakura and the boys are out there most likely losing their minds and we're here probably about to die."
"Hey, we're not gonna die. Okay? We'll be fine." Neji quickly hushed her. "They'll find us and we're gonna get out of here and you'll get me that bowl of ramen."
Mei hummed, dizzy. His voice was slowly becoming distant again, and she felt like a nap was definitely in need. But Neji had other ideas. "You shouldn't have taken our places, Mei."
"I panicked…" She understood the underlying problem he was trying to say. "I placed the clone first and then I took the last open space."
"You couldn't have put two clones?" Neji asked.
"I. Got. Scared." She mumbled. "Fuck off."
"You never think anything through, do you?" Neji sighed. "Only favouring water jutsu when fighting, making jokes at the worst times. Replacing people and enduring serious injuries... Kissing me during our spar."
"You always assume that, smarty pants." Mei looked up at her teammate. "I favour water jutsu because there's water everywhere. I make jokes because it distracts everyone even for just a second, you might need that second. I switched places with you guys, cause it was my fault-."
"I yelled too." Neji interrupted her.
"But because I made you upset." Mei added. "And during the sparring, I just wanted to I, uh, just wanted to… kiss you..."
“And you thought training would be the best time to do so?” He narrowed his eyes at her.
“Hey two birds, one stone. Kiss the guy I’ve been crushing on since I was seven and beat him in a match. Hell yeah!” Mei admitted, smiling cheekily before groaning.
The door opened and three men walked in silently. Two stepped next to Neji and Mei while one stood in front of the door. For several minutes they just stood and stared, not even at Mei or Neji, just into the air. Like they were waiting for orders.
“Well, hi, my name is Mei, I’ve been drinking since I was three, family tradition to put sake in the bottles-!” Mei’s joke was cut off as a fist violently introduced itself to her face.
“They don’t talk, and don’t seem to like it when you do.” Neji warned, and just as he said he got elbowed as well.
“Well, that’s boring.” Another punch to the mouth made her whine.
The one standing at the door looked at her. The stare actually made her uncomfortable and squirmed in her seat before she remembered she was tied to a chair. “Many of my men will not come home tonight due to you and your friends.”
Mei raised a brow. “I hope you don’t expect me to say sorry?”
Another blow landed on her cheek. “No, just suffer. But first.” He looked over at Neji and suddenly he was struck in the chest. “You’re friends. Where are they?”
Neji wheezed, but said nothing. He kept his thoughts to himself even as his babysitter continued to beat him senseless. This continued for a few minutes, until finally the one by the door stopped the assault.
“Again I ask. Where are you comrades?” Neji only spit the blood out of his mouth in response. “Fine. Until, he speaks.” He snapped his fingers at Mei and not a second later did an open palm cross her face.
The man left the room, intent on leaving the man to beat Mei for a while. Neji opened his mouth to say something but Mei gave him a hard glare, before her head snapped to the side from the fist bruising her cheek bone. He did his best to keep his mouth closed, and simply shut his eyes to avoid seeing her.
Yet a loud thud made them snap open, to find Mei had been knocked over onto the floor. The man started to kick her in her stomach, her cries of pain had become too much to ignore. The man kicked her onto her back and stomped on her chest, and it seemed like he enjoyed the gurgling sounds Mei made, as she choked on blood.
“I can’t see them!” Neji shouted, halting the abuse. “I can’t see them.”
The man eased off her chest and nodded to Neji’s abuser to go outside and a moment later the other man rejoined them. He looked over at the struggling girl and smirked before looking at Neji. “Well?”
“I can’t see through walls. I couldn’t tell you where they are unless I can see outside. Therefore.” Neji explained.
“You think I’ll just let you walk out there? You could give them a signal to attack.” The man scoffed.
“It’s a risk you’ll have to take if you want to expect their ambush.” Neji tried.
For several minutes, the room was silent, except for the pained wheezing from Mei. Finally the man motioned for Mei to be straightened up and for them both to be untied. “You get three minutes to find them, or she dies.”
They were both pulled from their chairs, Mei with a knife pressed to her throat and Neji’s hands bound. Mei gave him a look, appearing irritated that he was about to give up the team to save her, but Neji only looked at her freed hands. Then she understood.
The men began leading them through a hallway, no doubt towards an exit. The place seemed to be empty except for themselves, thankfully. As they neared a door, Mei made her move.
Mei drew a sign discreetly before she spoke up. “You know, human blood is nearly ninety-two percent water… just a fun fact before I pass out here.” With that she pressed her hands onto the man behind her and whispered her attack. “Water style; possession.”
Mei collapsed to the floor, appearing to have fainted, when really she was kneeling over herself. In the body of the man who was guiding her. She pretended to check her pulse, and looked up to the men ahead of her and shook her head. The leader rolled his eyes, motioned for her to leave the body and continue on.
“Now, you get three minutes or you die.” The man warned Neji who simply glared, yet didn’t try anything.
Not that he would’ve had to, Mei stabbed the man holding Neji and kicked the leader in the face. “Wow, is this what it feels like to be tall?” She gasped, jokingly.
She narrowly avoided a fist to her face by the man that previously held Neji captive. She grabbed his arm and swung him into his leader and yanked Neji away and cut his binds off quickly. He dodged a kunai aimed for his neck and threw two of his own back landing his into the eye of the one she stabbed and into the throat of the leader.
“Being tall isn’t fun anymore.” Mei breathed looking at Neji.
Neji only rolled his eyes and watched as she stabbed her vessel in the chest. She fell to the ground and moments later she gasped and jerked up in her own body again. “Hey, relax.” Neji was quick to grab her.
“I forgot how I felt.” She groaned, all the pain rushing through her at once.
“Come on, let’s get out of here.” Neji sighed.
“Sorry about what I said earlier.” She said as Neji helped her up.
“Oh you mean, telling me you have liked me since we met?” He teased gently.
“Yes, let’s not repeat it. I only said it because I thought we were going to die.” She groaned.
“So you never planned to tell me? Even after the kiss?” He looked down at her and they stepped through the exit. “Were you gonna let me be mad at you forever?”
“Yep. Well, I didn’t think about the forever part, but yeah.” She chuckled, before wincing in pain.
“You never think about things, do you?” He repeated, pulling her up further over his shoulder as she became limper. “What if I shared feelings for you as well? And never told you, because I wasn’t aware of how you felt?” He asked.
“If you never told me, I wouldn’t have guessed.” She mumbled, sleepily. “But, I think you’d tell someone if you liked them. You’re blunt like that mister straight edge.”
“How mistaken you are, Mei…”
In the middle of the training ground, Lee and Neji were sparring and of course Lee wasn’t doing too amazing. Naruto sat on the ground being his loud self trying to cheer Lee on while Kiba and TenTen were doing the opposite. Shikamaru was grumbling about them all being too loud.
Neji managed to knock Lee down for the third time and sighed. “Lee, you’re not beating me. Let’s call it a day.”
“No way! I’ll win!” Lee argued standing back up.
Suddenly a voice no one had heard for the better part of two weeks echoed through the air. “Try kissing him! It worked for me.”
They all turned to find Sakura and Mei standing, grinning. Fight completely forgotten, Neji walked over to her with determination. He stopped in front of her and just stared at her, as if she wasn’t real. But there she was, real as the grass they stood on.
“You just gonna stand there and stare or say someth-!” He cut her off pressing his lips to hers.
“You owe me a bowl of ramen.” He breathed pulling away slightly.
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writteninparables · 6 years
Eidolon: The End of the Olympians
Chapter 4: The Forge's Fire - Zeus
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"The knife of Perseus, armor and shield of Heracles, my Aegis. The chariot of Helios and of Ares, and the eagle that tormented Prometheus." I let off a smile before continuing, "But. How can I not forget? The armor and shield of Achilles, a spear and knife for his father Peleus, and a corselet for Diomedes."
I paused pace in front of the boy, "Tell me Hephaestus, do you take pride in making gods of men?"
"That was a war we all found ourselves involved in, father. You question my loyalty as if I have not done everything you've asked." He snarled, showing much more backbone than I could remember. "Make gods of men? I molded the clay and box that forsakes them 'til this day. That keeps them hindered 'til this day," Hephaestus replied, wiping sweat from his face. I sat on the perimeter of his workspace.
The gods were all at peace, not one quarrel of size as most of them didn't even speak in my sleep. They've all found independence. And yes, the humans were always at war but, as he said, he has no real habit in building heroes. But for some reason, the forge was hot, and the boy finds himself worked. It was something that failed to make any sense.
"Why is the forge hot then? Do you work for no purpose?"
"I work for pleasure, and there is always work to be done." Hephaestus picked up his hammer and slammed it once more on the item on his anvil. He picked up what looked to be a feather, inspecting the edges closely, running his finger across the top, before bending down behind him to attach it to something.
From where I stood, the mess of other creations prevented me from seeing exactly what it was, that is until he rose it from the ground. "My craft still improves. 10,000 feathers, all sharp enough to kill and strong enough survive even your lightning bolt." Hephaestus said equipping the silver-plated wings to his back.
He stepped away from his creations and with one flap propelled himself high into the air. "It is a new age, father. You could not have seen what we can now become."
My stomach boiled as the boy glided back down towards me. Hovering, boasting his "skill" above me. The words echoed in my head. 'A new age.' He speaks of a new age like I do not stand here before him. Like I have passed on.
It happened quickly before I even noticed, I suddenly found myself with my hands gripping under his arms and driving him out the air to the ground. I barely reached his chest with my leap. These wings. They were as impressive and horrific. "So, you make weapons to defeat me now? That is what you look to improve on? Since your last attempt has failed." My fist struck his face reminiscent of his hammer moments ago. "I have seen the cost of ushering in a new age. Tell me what that means to you."
"Father," he yelled as he pushed me off. I grabbed my bolt and sent a stream of lightning his way. His wings closed in an instant and not one did more than give off a sliver of smoke after seconds of shock.
My eyes widened, and heart slowed. "You don't lie." I exhaled.
Hephaestus threw the wings to the ground with anger. "Has your mind really left you?" He said storming towards me. "Don't treat me as your other children, Zeus. I have always served you without question. I, am not one to poison you. I, am not one to destroy you. If anything, I, should be praised for my contributions."
I gripped my bolt tighter, "You are bold to speak my name, boy, and in such a tone..."
"You are bold, Zeus!" he said, reiterating the disrespect. "My forge has always been an extension of your will, yet you come here with accusation and claims of treason. Come to me like you don't know who I am!"
What the boy said spoke to me. It may have been the first time I've been spoken to since I slept. In return, I met him with the most respectful words one could earn from me, "I am sorry, son."
He didn't accept the words nor even acknowledge them. He simply returned to business, "What is it you come for, Father?"
My tone was more mellow, my words more equal. "You are right, it is time for a new age. This age is coming to an end. Abandoned and bastardized, these mortals do well at killing each other below, but the process is slower than I wish it to take. I do not know how I wish to usher in what is next, but I will need something impressive. And you do impress."
"If I could have learned anything from below, it is how small we gods think. Their thoughts, their creativity makes them half as powerful as us alone." His words were exaggerated, but with what I'd seen of them now, true.
Hephaestus equipped his wings once more and flew above his forgery. Ever so elegant, he kept one wing piercing deep into the top of the structure while he swanned around it. Securing the pierced roof with both his hands, he flew up slowly pulling the top off the forge. The fire reached the roof of the sky–a flame the likes of which I had never witnessed in all my time.
"Do you wish to burn all the heavens and below!" I yelled. But as he catapulted the roof away, he flew above the center of the flame and spun–so fast I saw nothing but silver flashes peeking through the flames. The flames were attracted, absorbed by him. That is until he gave one gust that drew the flames irrelevant. I stood recanting ever being known as the God of Fire.
He descended into the center of the forge and walked out with one item in his hand. "The cyclopes have never stopped making lightning since the last time you asked. The dumb beast. You never told them to stop, and your word is the only one greater than mine." What he held was only the size of his palm. Spherical in the middle, but impressions of lightning frozen while escaping in all directions. Dark and black, it confused me. "10 million lightning bolts, compressed and bonded, are now one."
As he dropped it into my hand, I expected it to light, but instead, it stayed dark. "Not even you will be able to light this alone." He continued. "This is, this will need the light from the sky itself to come alive. But that it's with that power it molds."
"What exactly are you say?"
"I'm saying that more than this era needs to end. Every era has worsened. We missed the Golden Age and have seen past the Heroic Age. What ills come from the next? I say this time, don't remake the world in your image, with this, turn the world dark then bring it back with your image. Just as you imagine it in every way."
I laughed, a child truly made in my image. To think this is the product built from the lessons of mankind. At least they are good for one thing. "I appreciate your thinking. The last bolt." I said looking at this creation that sits in my hand.
"The cyclopes may have forged bolts, but what I give you is a star. The last star." I smiled as he spoke it, the sound rang through my ears so euphoric.
"My son, my son, my son," I said grabbing his shoulder. "A better gift I have never received. You have given me much more than I came here for."
"I impress. It's what I must do."
I couldn't take my eyes off the pickled orb. It calls to something deep within me, and that something called back to it. I swear I could see a glimmering spark for a second deep within it.
"I assume you'll be back to continuing your work now?" I said.
"No more work for me. That fire was aged for eons, it may have even been older than you. I will be here waiting for your will and protecting my creations from those who wish to obstruct it."
"A fine mission," I said. "I do have one more favor I must ask though."
"Do not hold back, father."
"Prometheus, have you anything to locate him?"
"Remedial. He keeps that eagle I crafted around like a pet. Forgetting she will always serve her creator. I will call, and she will come to tell."
"Well please do give her a call. Prometheus and I have much to speak about."    
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Innately connected to the latent power of Runeterra, Ahri is a vastaya who can reshape magic into orbs of raw energy. She revels in toying with her prey by manipulating their emotions before devouring their life essence. Despite her predatory nature, Ahri retains a sense of empathy as she receives flashes of memory from each soul she consumes.
Abandoned in the snowy woods of northern Ionia, Ahri knew nothing of her original family save the token they left her: a pair of matching gemstones. She joined a pack of icefoxes as they stalked prey on their morning hunt, and before long they adopted her as one of their own. With no one to teach her the magic of her kind, Ahri instinctively learned to draw it from the world around her, shaping destructive spheres and quickening her reflexes to take down prey. If she was close enough, she could even soothe a deer into a state of tranquility, so much that it remained serene even as she sank her teeth into its flesh.
Ahri first encountered humans when a troop of foreign soldiers camped near her den. Their behaviors were strange to Ahri and, curious to learn more, she watched them from afar. She was especially drawn to a hunter who, unlike his wasteful companions, used every part of the animals he killed, reminding her of her fox family.
When the hunter was wounded by an arrow, Ahri felt his life seeping away. She instinctively devoured the essence leaving his body, and gained brief flashes of his memories - the lover he had lost in battle, his children from a strange land of iron and stone. She found she could push his emotions from fear to sorrow to joy, and charmed him with visions of a sun-soaked meadow as he died.
Euphoric at the rush of absorbing the hunter's life, Ahri felt more alive than ever, and traveled Ionia in search of more victims. She relished toying with her prey, shifting their emotions before consuming their life essence. She alternated between dazzling them with visions of beauty, hallucinations of deep longing, and occasionally dreams colored by raw sorrow.
She grew drunk with memories that were not her own, and exhilarated in the lives of others. Through stolen visions, Ahri watched through their eyes as they pledged fealty to a temple of shadow, sacrificed offerings to a deity of the sun incarnate, encountered an avian tribe of vastaya that spoke only in song, and glimpsed mountainous landscapes unlike any she had seen. She experienced heartbreak and elation in tantalizing flashes that left her craving more, and wept at the massacres of Ionian villagers at the hands of Noxian invaders.
Ahri was surprised when the memories led her to discover the tale of an unearthly fox demon. As she absorbed more life essence, she grew to identify more and more with her victims, and felt guilty at ending so many lives. She feared that the myths about her were true - she was no more than a cruel monster. But whenever too much time passed between feedings, she sensed her own power fade, and could not help but partake once more.
Ahri tested her self-control by consuming small quantities of life essence, enough to absorb a memory or two but not enough to kill. She was successful, for a time, but was tortured by her unending hunger and soon succumbed to temptation, indulging in the dreams of an entire coastal village.
Tormented by her mistake, Ahri could not forgive herself and felt a deep sorrow that forced her to question her own existence. She withdrew to the forest caves, isolating herself in hopes of controlling her relentless desire. Years later she emerged, determined to experience every facet of life through her own eyes. Though she might indulge in occasional essence, she resisted consuming entire lives. With the twin gemstones as the only clue to her origin, Ahri set out in search of others like her. No more would she rely on borrowed memories and unfamiliar dreams.
A Fair Trade
Ahri walks in disguise, but this fortune-teller has her own secret. What are they both hiding?
The market smelled of burning incense and rotting cabbage.
Ahri wrapped her cloak around her nine tails and fiddled with her twin sunstone tokens to distract herself from the stench, rolling them between her fingers and snapping them together. Each one had the shape of a blazing flame, but they were carved in such a way that their sharper edges fit together, forming a perfectly smooth orb. She had carried the golden stones since before she could remember, though she had no knowledge of their origin.
Though Ahri was in a new environment, she was comforted by the latent magic buzzing all around her. She passed a stand with dozens of woven baskets filled to the brim with polished rocks, shells etched with legends from a seafaring tribe, gambling dice carved from bones, and other curious items. Nothing matched the style of Ahri's sculpted tokens.
"Care for a gem to match the blue of the skies?" asked the gray-bearded merchant. "For you, I'll trade a cerulean bauble for the cost of a single cryraven feather, or perhaps the seed of a jubji tree. I'm flexible."
Ahri smiled at him, but shook her head and continued through the market, sunstones in hand. She passed a stand covered in spiky orange vegetables, a child selling fruit that shifted color with the weather, and at least three peddlers swinging tins of incense, each of whom claimed to have discovered the deepest form of meditation.
"Fortunes! Come get your fortunes told!" called a young woman with lavender eyes and a soft jawline. "Find out who you'll fall in love with, or how to avoid unlucky situations with a pinch of burdock root. Or if you'd prefer your future left to the gods, I'll answer a question about your past. Though I do recommend finding out whether or not you're at risk for death by poisoning."
A tall vastaya with feline ears was about to take a bite of a spiced pastry. He froze and stared at the fortune teller in alarm.
"The answer is no, by the way. Yours for free," she said, curtsying at him before turning to Ahri. "Now, you look like you've had a dark and mysterious past. Or at least some tales worth sharing. Any burning questions for me, lady?"
Beneath heavy layers of incense, Ahri paused at the scent of wet fur and spiced leather lingering at the woman's neck.
"Thank you, but no," she replied. "I'm still looking around."
"You won't find any more Ymelo tokens in this market, I'm afraid," the woman said, nodding to Ahri's sunstones. "Like the ones you have."
The back of Ahri's neck prickled and she drew closer to the woman. She would not let her excitement get the better of her. "Do you recognize these? Where do they come from?"
The woman eyed Ahri.
"I think they're Ymelos, anyway," she said. "Never seen a pair in person. He only carved a small number in his time, and many of the sets were separated in the war. Dead rare, those."
Ahri leaned closer with each word.
"I'm Hirin, by the way," the woman said.
"Do you know where I might find this craftsman?" Ahri asked.
Hirin laughed. "No idea. But if you come in, I'll tell you what I know."
Ahri wrapped her cloak around her shoulders and eagerly followed the fortune teller past her booth, and into a caravan decorated wall to wall with animal skins.
"Tea?" Hirin said. "I brewed it this morning."
She poured two cups of liquid the color of plum wine, taking one for herself. The tea tasted of bitter oak bark masked by a cloying dollop of honey. Hirin held out a hand for the stones but Ahri kept them close.
"I'm getting the sense that these are special to you," she said with a wry smile. "Don't worry, I have no interest in peddling stolen sunstones. Bad for a girl's reputation."
"Can you tell me where they come from?" asked Ahri, handing them over gingerly.
Hirin held them up to the light.
"These are beautiful," she said. "I don't know how they fit together so perfectly. I've not seen the like."
Ahri said nothing. She stood frozen with curiosity, and did not take her eyes off the woman.
"Legend says the sculptor known as Ymelo collected fossilized lizard eggs from a thousand thousand years ago that he carved into intricate shapes. These ancient lizards lived long before the Ghetu Sea dried up to a desert, leaving only petrified bones and dust."
Hirin coughed, and Ahri detected a bitter note upon her breath, as if she had been drinking vinegar.
"Ymelo stones are designed as small pieces that fit into a larger sculpture," she continued.
The woman dangled the golden pieces in front of Ahri's face.
"Just as your past has left you with information to be desired, these stones may have many more parts that, when combined, create another shape altogether. Who knows what you'll become when you track down your history. With the missing pieces, you may learn more than you'd like."
"Those are pretty words," Ahri murmured, staring at the woman.
After a moment of silence, Hirin chuckled. "Some threads of truth, threads of my own invention. A fortune teller's weaving must be seamless."
The woman retrieved a hunter's knife from a cabinet.
"I weave in just enough of what you desire to make you stay," she said. "'Til the tea slows your muscles, that is."
A low growl escaped Ahri's lips. She would tear this woman apart. She tried to pounce, but her limbs did not obey. She was rooted in place.
"Oh, there's no need for that, lady. I only need a single tail. Useful for a variety of potions, you see, and extremely valuable. Or so I think. Never seen a vastaya with fox tails before. The tea freezes any pain, along with your... mobility."
Hirin wrapped a bandage around one of Ahri's tails. Ahri tried to resist, but she still could not move.
"You'll wake up tomorrow, good as new!" said the woman. "Well, with one less tail. Do you really use all nine?"
Ahri shut her eyes and reached out to the reservoirs of magic around her. The environment had plenty ripe for the taking, but she was too weakened by the tea to draw them to her. Instead, she reached into Hirin's mind, which was far more malleable, and pushed.
Ahri opened her eyes and stared hard into Hirin's. They deepened from lavender to violet.
"Hirin," she said. "Come closer. I would look into the face of the one who tricked me."
"Of course, lady," Hirin replied, transfixed. The woman's voice sounded hollow, as though it came from the bottom of a well.
She leaned in until her face was only inches away. Ahri inhaled, drawing essences of the woman's life from her breath.
...Hirin was a young girl hiding, hungry and afraid, beneath a market stall. Two men argued above, looking for her. She had nothing but empty coffers to show for her days' work...
Ahri continued to drain Hirin's life, sampling memories of raw emotion. They felt rich in Ahri's mouth, and she relished each unique flavor of emotion.
...Hirin told the fortune of a witch doctor shrouded in veils, receiving a copper for her troubles. She used the coin to buy a piece of bread, which she devoured in seconds...
...In a seedy tavern, a raucous group played cards. A man with eyebrows resembling butterfly wings gambled a golden Ymelo stone while Hirin watched from the shadows...
...Hirin tracked Ahri as she walked through the market. One of her fox tails peeked from beneath her cloak. She drew the vastaya into her caravan---
Ahri stopped, her head spinning with renewed vigor. With each memory she stole from Hirin, she felt energy rush back into her weakened muscles, cleansing them of the poison.
Strengthened once more, she slowly shook her limbs awake and flexed her tails with a shiver. They tingled with pinpricks.
Hirin stood wide-eyed and dazed, still very much alive. It was she that would wake tomorrow, good as new - less a few memories that she would not miss.
With knowledge of the woman's life, Ahri's rage had faded. She brushed her hand against the fortune teller's cheek, then wrapped her cloak tightly around her shoulders and stepped out into the sunlit market.
Hirin would not remember her or their encounter. But Ahri had left the trade with a name to hunt - Ymelo - and the image of the man with soft-winged eyebrows was burned in her mind.
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