#torrance tree removal
Lawn Landscaping Wonders: Unveil the Beauty with DreamWork Landscape
DreamWork Landscape specializes in turning ordinary lawns into exceptional canvases of beauty. Our Lawn Landscaping services blend creativity with precision, resulting in manicured lawns that are as functional as they are stunning.
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kileyrose-2003 · 5 years
Dan Torrance x Fem! Reader: Intro
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A/N: Hello lovelies! This is the beginning of the fic I posted about earlier during the week that is going to be revolved alot around Rose. How many parts It'll turn out being, I don't know. Most of this fic, I'm doing in pretty big detail and I've never written anything like this before.
I am going on a date on Valentine's Day to most likely see Birds of Prey and from what I've heard about it, my sappy Bisexual heart already has a soft spot for Harley Quinn and Roman Sionis so I probably will begin accepting request for them as well as the Dr. Sleep characters I already write for. (Doctor Sleep Request are still open) I do have 2 Rose the Hat request am I working on rn. Anyways, Criticism is welcome on this one. I hope you enjoy and all is well.
Warnings: Child abuse, sexual tension, mentioned violence against children, gore, kidnapping, the usual.
Key: Dragă is the equivalent to sweetheart in Romanian
SNAP! Rose the Hat removed the top from one of their many full cannisters. "Eat well, live long," She whispered amorously before members of The True pushed her out of the way to get a whiff of their freshest thing of steam.
She stepped back, crossing her arms as she watched The True feast. This one's name was Anthony and she could remember juiceness in the taste of his steam. Yet, she didn't want him.
She missed the feel of the hunt and seeing the steamheads squirm underneath her. Rose felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist and she smiled at Crow, kissing the crook of his neck. "Aren't we quite frisky?"
"Just in love with you." He kissed her cheek and rubbed up and down her sides. "Crow.." Her eyes rolled into the back of her head. "I want you Rosie..only if you're okay with it, of course."
"You idiot, you already know the answer to that question." She smashed her lips against his and the two of them stepped into her trailers.
The noises coming from her RV were not unfamiliar to anyone who belonged to The Knot. When all was said and done, the two laid in each other's arms. Having their typically late night talks.
"There's not as much steam." Rose rolled her eyes into the back of her head. "Oh please don't be daft." She rolled over and buried her head in his bare chest. "We have three empty cannisters, not a big deal."
"It is a big deal. That's all time low for us and the kids now are being taught the whole stranger danger things. It's not as easy to lure them in."
"Well then what do you suppose we do about it? Without turning anyone." Rose looked him in the eye.
"Well, I've been thinking about it for a while...I have an idea but I don't know if you're going to want to hear it. It's a little..unorthodox." Rose raised a brow and chuckled. "Oh? Do tell because now I'm curious.
"You're going to think I'm insane, Rosie." She rolled her eyes. "Oh please, you of all people know I've seen it all. Just be honest and tell me."
"What if we got a baby or a kid?" He fiddled around with his hat. Rose had to fight the urge to laugh. "A baby? What the fuck would we both do with a baby?"
"Well not exactly a baby but look, I was thinking most rube children typically tend to relate to other rube children better than adults."
"And what if we got a child, a particularly steamy one, to help us get what we need?" Rose thought about it for a moment. "That beats the whole point of not turning anyone though. Because I know you well enough to know that eventually you will get attached to it and you'll end up wanting to turn it."
"Rosie, they wouldn't be an it. They would be family. By the time they would be old enough to be turned the cannisters would be full and she-"
"She?" Rose questioned. "Assuming it's a girl. They don't have be a girl but anyways, by that point all the cannisters would be full because we'd have them to help us find the steamheads and it wouldn't be an issue turning them because we'd have such an easier time finding steam."
Rose sighed rubbed her face. "I don't know..it's just- Crow, I'm not fit, no- we're not fit to raise children. We kill them, Crow!"
"I know but we have everything to gain and nothing to lose. Worse case we wipe the kid's mind and everything goes back to normal or we kill 'em."
Rose stared deeply into Crow's eyes and pulled his face close to her's. "I'll think about it." She kissed the top of his head and looked up at the clock on the wall. "The rubes are probably wondering when they'll hear from you. Time you get ready to get on the road, big man."
"I know," He groaned and stood up, kissing the top of her. "Just think about it?" Rose made a humming noise and kissed his hand before watching him walk away.
Rose actually did think about it for a while before bringing up the matter with the Grampa Flick while Crow was away on business and the others were asleep.
"Well..it could be worth a shot. It's really up to you though, Rosie." She took a sip of her tea. "I'm not asking for pros and cons. I want to know what you think I should do."
He gripped his cane in his hand and sighed. "I think it's worth a shot. Even if it doesn't work out, we still do end up with extra steam and it's not like we hurt for money, Rosie."
"You're sure?" Rose held her hands in his. "I'm positive." She looked him up and down as if she was analyzing him. "Okay." She stood up from the lawn chair and kissed the top of Flick's head. "You won't mention anything to Crow when he comes back and make sure the rest of the family doesn't either?"
"Not a word," He coughed. "Not a word." She nodded and smirked as she walked away.
About two days after that conversation, Rose began her search for the perfect fit for The Knot. The first two weeks she hit nothing but finally she found something.
Just outside of a resort area in Colorado, Rose discovered a small row of cookie cutter homes located on the beginnings of a mountain. While she thought the houses were very rube like, she paid them no mind. What interested her more was what laid beyond those homes.
Farther up the road if you made a left, there was a long dirt driveway that after about a mile or two, lead up to a large cabin.
At first the house seemed like nothing but ordinary at first glance but to people who shined the way The True Knot did, it was a light shining to the moths searching meaninglessly in the dark.
Hardly anyone ever came in and out of the house and took Rose over a week to actually pin you as the steamhead in the house since you did have an older brother.
You were different from the rest of your family. "Special," Rose heard your mother mutter to you one night as she tucked you though she didn't have to be in her head to know special was not the word she was actually thinking of.
She was scared of you. Your whole family was scared of you and Rose couldn't understand why. You never were particularly domineering with your gifts and you always obeyed everything they asked of you. Even staying out of there heads when they felt their minds going adrift yet, they were terrified of you.
Rose watched you for weeks, constantly consulting back and forth with Grampa Flick about whether you'd be a good fit for a group. You didn't seem to notice though, as you were preoccupied with other things in your home life and wanted nothing but to hear from at least either of your parents that they loved you.
The one night in particular, Rose got to have a front row seat on your pain. She sat up on a tree branch, swinging her legs back and forth as she stared intensely at your bedroom window. The rest of the house was dark but your room was lit up like a Christmas tree.
"Now do you see why we're so stressed out?!" Your silhouette came into view from the light colored curtains shrouding your window and Rose could make out the outline of a male much taller than standing across from you.
"I-i'm sorry, daddy!" You screamed, terror brimming from everything to your voice to your posture. "I-i can't help...I wanna be normal!" You sobbed hysterically. "Come on, dad. She can't help she is, the way she is."
"Quiet, son!" Rose shook her head, still keeping her eyes fixed you. "Fucking rubes," She muttered under her breath.
Your father's fiery gaze turned back to you. "Then why can't you be normal?!!" Rose could see him gripping your wrist and closed her eyes as she heard the sound of a hand smacking against flesh followed by a scream. "Dad!" She heard your brother yell followed by another hit, except this time a male cry radiated through the house.
Rose could take no more and began her way back to the jeep as she seen your mother's figure enter view. "What the hell is going on in here?" She could hear from the distance, the further Rose went the more she blocked out the noise.
She got in the car and watched your house for a few moments. The light went out in your room and Rose could hear no more screams. She admitted a sigh of relief and covered her face. She knew it was unhealthy to feel so attached to you. She didn't even know you but that insecurness in your voice reminded her so much of yourself and how lonely she felt when she was younger. Rose had to have you. There was no option.
When Rose shared the news with the rest of The Knot, there was hesitance at first but eventually they gave in. Knowing that she was their leader and they'd do as she intended anyways.
The next couple of days were spent carefully meditating in her RV away from the rest of The Knot and planting little worms your head. While Rose didn't think you would give her much trouble leaving home once she got in your head, she was taking no chances.
The night before she planned on taking you, Crow finally came back from business and Rose still had no intentions of telling him what she was doing. Besides an extra add on steam, she figured she could also use you as sort of a gift to Crow. An 'I'm sorry I don't listen to you and here's me making up for it.'
He knew something up when she refused to speak anyone in The Knot but didn't question it. He figured she was going through one of her moods and decided it was probably best not to say anything to her at all.
The next morning when you woke up, you felt an almost magnetic pull on your body like something or someone wanted your attention from outside. It wasn't a scary pull like the ones from whatever stray lost souls were around. This pull felt warm and safe.
You unbraided your long, Y/c/h and threw on the first dress you seen in your closet before skipping downstairs. "Where do you think you're going?" Your mother called out from the kitchen. "Just to pick some flowers." You made up.
"Don't wander to far, please." You slipped on a pair of sneakers. "I won't. I promise. I'll see you soon, mama." You blew her kiss, hoping she'd return the gesture but the older woman refused to even look at you and you stepped onto your porch dejectedly.
You closed your eyes and focused your attention to the direction of the pull. It came from the woods and you hesitated, thinking of all the ghostie people you seen come from there yet something kept telling you to just go for it.
You walked off towards the edge of the woods, letting your shine be your guide. Even though it was still day, everything was so dark and desolate around you. You felt chills on your arms the further you went and just as you were about to turn around you felt the pull grow stronger, horribly strong.
"Well, hi there!" You jumped at the unexpected voice and spun around to look at Rose. You squeezed your eyes shut, expecting her to morph into one of the ghostie people but she didn't. Rose chuckled and you blushed. "..Hi." You toddled over to the much the taller woman, staring deeply into her gray eyes before she pulled you into a small hug.
The gesture was surprising but it didn't bother you. It was her aura that bothered you. Something was off about her. "I was wondering when you were going to get here." She smiled and held out a flower in her left hand. "Do you want one?"
"Yes please," You hummed in the cutest little voice, getting the feeling that this was a person you didn't want to mess with yet you thought the top hat lady in front of you had to be probably the prettiest person you'd ever seen in your short existence.
Rose smiled and slipped the flower in your hand, but not before taking it gently in her own for a second. "There you are, Y/n." Your eyes widened and Rose chuckled. "What's the matter?"
"You know my name?" Rose smirked self assuredly and ran an empty hand through your hair. "Of course I do! I know everything about you. How else did you think I was able to get you here?" Her tone was questioning but hinted on a doting nature.
You pulled away from her, still a little frightened but Rose gently gripped your wrist. "There's no need to be scared, honey. I'm special, like you." You shook your head, thinking back to what your dad said the other week and looked down a little ashamed. "Oh...I-I'm not special." You tried to deny. "Oh yes, you are. You are a very talented little girl."
(You can hear me can't you, sweetie?)
At first a feeling of panic arose inside you but it sooned bubbled over with excitement.
(I thought I was the only one!)
Rose thought about scolding you over how loud your thought came out but let it go because she too knew how happy she felt the first she knew she wasn't alone.
(You are far from the only one, Y/n. There are alot of other special people out there.)
"My friends..my very, very best friends, they're all special like us. I bet you must have friends who are so magical like you." You shook your head. "No?"
"I don't have alot of friends and my family doesn't think I'm special," You pouted. "That's because they're jealous because not all people can be special like us. Besides, I wouldn't worry about them."
"Why?" You asked sweetly. "Because I'm here to take you away from all that. I'm here to give you a family. Don't you want a family, Y/n?"
"I-i already have a family." The look in Rose's eyes scared you. It was possessive and determined. "But they're not really family though. Tell me dear, when the last time you've heard either of your parents say they love you?" You felt a pang of sadness ringing through you. "I-i should get back to my mom." Rose gripped at your wrist again, this time enough to hurt. "No, no..stay a while. See more magic."
You shook your head and struggled. "Just a fresh new start with your real family. You don't remember me and your daddy?" She held your tiny hand in her's. "No.." You said softly but now you started to question yourself. Maybe you did. Pictures of a man with black hair flashed infront of your eyes. "He loves you so much. We love you so much and we want you to come home with us. You want to come home with." For a moment you found yourself taken back by the warmth and you thought maybe it wouldn't be so bad to go with her.
"N-no! I can't. I won't-" Rose shushed you, sending you calming waves that started to make you feel tired and sluggish. "Or maybe I-i do wanna go home." You mumbled hesitantly, still trying to keep some grip on reality. "You do want to go home. You're happy to come home."
Every piece of control you had began to fade and your mind went blank. "I-I'm happy." Your mind finally caved and Rose held her arms open to you and you stepped into them. "Good girl. Sleep well, Y/n.." You went limp in her arms and everything went black around you.
By the next hour, any memories you had of your family would be gone and everything you ever knew would be fabrications Rose made up in your head.
Part 1: The True Knot
The fire at The Knot's campground burned bright in the mix of the setting sun when Rose arrived back at home. She stepped out of the Jeep, slinging your stirring form over her shoulder. "Mhh..wha-what's happening?" Rose shushed you and walked down hill with you. "Nothing. We just got home." There was a pause. "Do you know who I am?"
You had to think about it for a moment. "M-mama?" You asked hesitantly. "Yes," Rose hummed and pressed a kiss to your temple.
You heard the crunching of leaves and turned to see people walking towards you. "Mommy?" You whispered nervously and held onto Rose's floral patterned shirt tightly, still feeling some of the residual emptiness from your true upbringing.
"Shh..it's okay, my sweet. They're family and they're just going to watch you for a few minutes. Mommy has someone she has to address in conversation and then I'll come get you. Okay?"
"O-okay." You nodded and let her hand you off to Silent Sarey as she walked off not to far in the distance to one of the larger size trailers, knocking on it before stepping inside.
"Crow?" He looked up from his copy of 'A Clockwork Orange' with a smile. "Yes, Rosie?" She plopped down in his lap. "I missed you." She kissed his ear, nipping at the cartilage. "How the business deal?"
"A waste of my time." He kissed her forehead. "Well, you were out I didn't waste my time." He raised a brow. "What are you playing at?" She smirked and turned her gaze in the opposite direction. "You can let her in now," She called out loudly.
The door to his trailer swung open and shut and you stepped inside. Crow's face went blank and he put a hand up to his chin. "Rosie, what the hell did you-"
Rose grinned and knelt down to your level. "Come here, Y/n. There's someone important I want you to meet."
You obeyed and approached Rose, letting her scoop you up in her arms. The two lovers exchanged glances but nothing was spoken out loud. "This is your daddy, Y/n."
"Hi." You smiled sweetly and Crow cracked a large grin. "Hi honey...Rosie, can I-" Rose nodded and shifted you over to Crow.
At first you tensed up but the closer you snuggled up to him, the more you relaxed. "My little darling." Rose smiled softly as he kissed the top of your head and rocked you in his arms. "I love you so much."
"I love you too daddy." Crow held you in silence for a few more minutes until he attempted to hand you off to Rose. You gripped onto his shirt tightly and buried your head in his chest. "Don't let me go," You begged. You were still so touch starved and he just felt so warm and kind.
Rose was slightly taken aback. You knew her more than Crow yet you were already attached to him. "I won't, I promise." He maneuvered you that way he was cradling you and he rocked you back and forth.
She felt a pang of jealousy growing inside her, feeling slightly threatened that you seemed to like Crow more than her but she didn't let it bother her too much. She had a feeling you were going to be a mommy's and daddy's girl.
It didn't take long for you to fall asleep, feeling soothed by Crow's presence. "So..are you happy?" Rose asked lowly.
"Very...Rosie?" She made a slight humming noise. "Where'd you find her?" He asked hesitantly. "A little outside the more touristy area of Colorado. The rubes she belonged to are nothing worth writing home about if you catch my drift."
He nodded solemnly. "How-what did you to her to make her-" Her warm grey eyes interlocked with his. "Do you care?" He decided he didn't. Sometimes it was best to not know anything at all.
Part 2: Danny
Your presence in The True Knot did not bring in that much of an increase in steam but you made it much easier to find steamheads which was extremely helpful to Crow in the long run.
No longer did he have to take an extra cannister for himself to find far away steamheads because all he'd have to do is ask you if you felt someone 'special like you,' close by and without knowing any better, you'd always say yes and immediately pointed him in the right direction.
Neither him or Rose let you near the rubes anymore, though. Not that long after Rose brought you home she had you try to lure a little girl over to her but the girl's parents, both big steamheads, knew better.
For you to be gone for a half an hour was normal, maybe even forty five minutes since you were a child after all and barely ever got to see kids your age, let alone like you but an hour was way too long.
What the rubes said or did to you neither Rose or Crow could figure out but the both of them agreed they didn't like the mortified expression on your face or the tears that stained your cheeks afterwards.
The two of them took turns securing their food, that way you wouldn't ever see what exactly it was that they did to your newly made friend but if Crow was being honest with himself, he probably would of admitted somewhere deep down he knew you probably knew the truth of what they did way before he would of liked you to know.
While Rose secured their meal he tried asking you alot of different ways what it was that they said or did to you but you wouldn't say. He let it slide for a while and settled on just comforting you for a while but made sure to bring up again later on when everything was all said and done with their hunt.
"You got to talk to me, Y/n," He tried his hardest to not sound like he was begging as he pulled the covers over your tiny. Rose stood in the corner of the RV and stared as if she was examining everything you said and did.
You shook your head avidly and nuzzled closely to his form. "I can't." He ran his fingers through your hair. "Why not? Honey, you know we're not mad and you're not in trouble."
"Because it would make you and mommy sad and I don't want to make either of you sad." Rose bit down on her lip as Crow thought of a reply. "Baby, you could never-"
"Leave her be, Crow," Rose interrupted. "She's had a long enough of a day and she doesn't need either of us interrogating her. When she's ready to talk about it, she will."
Crow let out a sigh and nodded. "Okay." He shut the light off above your bed and kissed both your cheeks. "Goodnight, sweetheart."
"Night daddy." He ran fingers through your hair one last time before stepping away.
The next morning when you woke up Rose sat across from you on your bed, lazily sipping on her tea. "Good morning, my sweet."
"Morning mommy." She plopped a kiss sloppily into your hair and handed you a cup of tea. "Can I have a little talk with you?" You nodded and set your cup of tea down on the ledge of the window.
You looked Rose deeply in the eyes and she took your tiny hands in her's. "I know you don't want to talk about what happened yesterday but I want you to know that not everything everyone says is necessarily true. You're understanding what I'm getting at?"
You nodded and Rose smiled. "Just know that no matter what, none of us would ever hurt you and we love you. Alright?"
"Okay." Rose reached inside the pocket of her jeans and pulled a necklace with a little crystal obelisk hanging from it. "This was given to me by someone very special a long time ago. You probably wouldn't know, but at one point I felt lonely like you. Maybe a little scared so they gave me this, along with my hat. My hat will always stay with me I think you need this more than I do."
She placed the necklace in your hand. "Whenever you feel, lost, scared, whatever. You squeeze that stone, and that stone will keep you safe. Got it?" You placed the necklace around your neck and nodded. "Thanks mommy." You hugged Rose tightly. "You're welcome, my dearest..I love you so much." She kissed your cheek. "I love you too, mama."
In that moment, Rose didn't care whether you even brought in steam or not. She truly just enjoyed you. It was the first time she could truly say she loved you. The whole Knot really did love you. They would do it all over again with raising you if they could and not change a thing about you or that entire duration of time. Except when they brought you to Florida.
December, 1980:
"Y/n, my love. It's morning." Rose gently shook your shoulders and you groaned. "Why are you all up so early?" You sat up and stretched. "We're going to move camp today." You raised a brow. "This early? I feel like we just got here," You whined sleepily.
"I know but daddy and I have some business to attend to." She ran her fingers through your hair. "You'll like the next place better. It has a pretty lake overlooking it and trees. There's lots of flowers there too." She paused and ran a thumb across your cheek. "We can pick some later if you want." You smiled softly. "I like flowers."
"I know you do, my sweet girl." Rose pulled you into her arms and held you for a few moments, kissing the top of your head. "Go get dressed and say good morning to daddy. He'll get aggravated if I keep asking him if we're ready to move."
You giggled and slid out of her lap. "Okay mama." You placed a tiny kiss on her cheek and picked out a bohemian dress from your dresser that Apron Annie sowed you once Rose gave her word you were the one.
"I don't think daddy could ever get mad at you." You mumbled as you slid the dress over your head. "He loves you alot. He doesn't even have to say it. I can see it in his mind." Rose smiled softly. "Daddy is a very loving man. He loves you alot too." You could tell she was trying to hide something from you and you attempted to get inside her head to figure out what she was thinking but she immediately shut you out.
"Mommy!" You whined. "Sorry sweetie. You're just not old enough yet." Rose ran a quick brush through your hair. "And then when you're old enough, you're not going to want to know." She plopped a kiss on the top of your head. "Now go on."
"Okay," You pouted and stepped outside. You seen Grampa Flick sitting outside on his lawn chair and waved. "Good morning, Grampa."
"Morning, dragă." He held his arms out to give you a hug which you immediately gave him. "Have you seen, papa?"
"His trailer." He pointed to the left. "Thanks Grampa." You kissed his cheeks and walked off in the other direction. You watched Crow fiddle a few of the bottom conpartments on his trailer before saying anything.
"Hi daddy!" Crow turned to look at you and smiled, stopping whatever he was doin. "Hey babe." He scooped you up in his arms and kissed your cheeks, his mustache tickling you slightly. "How'd you sleep?"
"Good. Mama and I cuddled last night so she kept me warm." You smiled happily. "She gives good cuddles, right?"
"The best!" You smiled and nuzzled closely to him. "Daddy, what's that for?" He turned his head to the side. "What's what for, sweetie?"
"That." You pointed to the rope by his feet and he kicked it aside quickly. "Oh..nothing you have to worry about." You furrowed your little brows curiously and he smiled gamely.
Was he trying to trick you or something? Crow chuckled and kissed your cheeks. "I don't have to be in your mind to know what you're thinking." He gently set you down on your feet and knelt down to your level. "We'll tell you when you're older, okay?"
"Okay, daddy." He placed a kiss on your forehead. "Good girl. Anyways-" He ran his fingers through your hair. "What do you need?"
"Mommy wanted to know if we were ready to go. She sent me because she was afraid to ask you. I don't know why though." Crow chuckled and shook his head. "You can tell mommy, I'll be ready in about thirty minutes. Got it?"
"Got it." You skipped away and Crow let out sigh, wondering just how much longer they could hide all this from you til you got too curious for your own good.
The ride to Florida was long and didn't have that much interesting scenery. The roads were long and straight and it didn't take you long to fall asleep in the passenger seat of Rose's colossal RV.
That whole time while she knew you were fast asleep, Rose used her radio system to formulate a plan on how they were going to trap Violet. Normally one of them would stay with you while other went with the rest of the group but this time they couldn't afford to have one of them stay. From what Rose could tell at the time, this kid was big steam all though it wouldn't be til years later it was in fact the wrong child she chose to take within just a few mile radius of each other.
Once you reached the campsite Rose quickly woke you up and informed you she had some business to attend to with Crow. "Y/n, stay inside while I'm out." You let out a groan. "But mama-"
"No buts." Rose knelt down to your level and ran her fingers through your hair. "It won't be that long."
"I don't like being by myself in here though. It's scary," You whined and nuzzled into her. You pointed to the cabinet she kept all the cannisters in. "I hear things in there and it makes me feel small and it's scary."
'And see things too.' You thought but wouldn't dare say outloud. You curled into Rose and she kissed the top of your head. "Hey, it's okay..Nothing can make you feel small unless you really feel small and tell me, what are you Y/n?"
"Tiny but mighty." Rose grinned proudly. "Exactly, so no. You are not afraid. Because I know whatever you hear coming from that cabinet, you can deal with. Right?" You nodded and she ran a hand through your hair. "You still have the necklace I gave you?"
"Yes mama." You squeezed the pendant hanging from your neck. "Good, that'll keep you nice and safe." You nodded and she pressed a kiss against your head, handing you her TV remote. "I'll be back, my flower."
She gave you a slight wave before slamming the door shut behind her. You quickly ran over to her bed and buried yourself under the covers as you turned the TV on.
'Snow White' was playing on one of those channels you were scrolling through and you settled down, snuggling into the blankets. You didn't know how long the movie was on when you felt a cold hand lace their hand on top of yours.
Your blood ran cold and you squeezed your eyes as your open hand squeezed the necklace your mother gave you. "You know, this movie used to be my favorite too when I was a little girl."
You seen the face of a bloodied and clearly beaten woman infront of you and you fell backwards off of Rose's bed. "When I was alive, I thought you were a freak but now I know you're special and I never got the chance to appreciate you, my special girl."
"Please..please, go away." You squeezed the necklace as hard as you could. If you weren't in Rose's possession, you would of known who the woman standing infront of you was automatically but now you hadn't a clue. "Stay safe, my little one." Your real mother bent down to kiss your head and you let out a scream before running as far as you could. "MAMA!!" You shrieked.
Not even 15 minutes later you were farther from Rose than you even were before and The True arrived back to where a majority of their trailers were parked with a hysterical Violet in tow.
"Please let me go! My mommy will be so worried about me. Please, please, please!" She begged. None of them paid her any mind though as they began to bound her. They were so used to the screams and begs by now, it didn't bother them.
"So where are we going after this?" Crow asked, as he threw a couple of items that they would need later to various unoccupied members of The True.
"I don't know. I was thinking maybe Massachusetts, because you know how Y/n loves the snow.." Rose continued to talk as Crow zoned out, putting the left over rope in the storage compartment of his RV. "..She is in your trailer, right?" Rose closed the door to her RV.
Crow furrowed his brows. "Who?" Rose sighed inwardly. "Y/n, Crow Daddy. She is in your trailer, I hope. Because she's not in mine." He closed the compartment and unlocked the door to the trailer. "Let me see."
He walked inside and shut the door behind him, examining the space for you. "Crow, she's there right?" You weren't. A spike of panic rised in him and he ran his fingers through his hair in a frustrated manner, unlocking an almost unconfident reserve on his face. "Uh, yeah..she's in there," He lied through his teeth, desperate to save him and you from Rose's wrath. "Rosie, is it okay if I stop with her really quick to get some fresh air?" He asked. "I don't care what you do. You'll be able to find your way back?"
"Sure." He smiled through gritted teeth even though Rose couldn't see him and silently cursed you underneath his breath. "Okay..tell Y/n, I love her." Rose began to walk off to her RV after making sure Barry had everything with Violet handled.
"I will.." He watched the rest of the caravan leave before getting behind the wheel and closing his eye. "Alright Y/n, let's hope my instincts are good enough."
Meanwhile a few minutes away in driving distance, as you passed the lakeside view Rose told you about, you heard noise coming from the distance and jumped back.
The more you listened though, the more you realized there was mostly children there. You walked up the small hill and watched them for a second. "So many rubes.' You thought to yourself. 'None of them like well..or not?'
You began to feel that same magnetic pull you felt from Rose the first time you encountered her and you found your eyes fixated on a boy sitting by himself.
You felt attached to your family but never did you feel such a connection strangers and you didn't know why. It wouldn't be until years later, you would put two and two together and realize the person infront of you was in fact your soulmate.
Despite your fear of all the rubes around you carefully approached the stranger sitting on the bench, not daring to put your guard down.
"You mind if I sit next to you?" The little boy shook his head and you sat down next to him. "What's your name?"
"..Danny." You smiled. "That's a nice name. I'm Y/n, it's nice to meet you." He didn't say anything back but you didn't mind. Your parents were both mostly laid back but if there was a thing they were big on, it was respect.
"..nice to meet you too. Sorry, I'm just having an off day." You shrugged. "I'm okay. Do you want to talk about it?"
"No..you wouldn't understand." The more you looked at him the more, the more you could tell he wasn't exactly so rube like.
(Is it because of this?)
The boy sitting next to you looked at you blankly. "Danny, I know you can hear me," You said softly. "No..not because of that. Well..maybe a little. She'll just keep coming until she gets me. I don't care what Dick says."
"Who will come and get you?" You asked then blushed. "Sorry, I shouldn't of pried." Dan shrugged dismissively and looked up towards his apartment building and pointed to the bathroom. "The lady in the bathroom."
A decaying woman flashed infront of your eyes and your posture stiffened. "You can see her, right?"
"Yeah, I see her..If it makes you feel better, I see scary things too sometimes." You took his hand in your equally tiny ones. Dan felt the urge to pull away from you but there was this warm element to you that made him feel comforted by you.
"Really?" You nodded solemnly and moved your hand away from his to take a necklace of your neck. It had a little crystal obelisk hanging from the bottom if it. "My mommy gave this to me for when I get scared. If you squeeze the crystal, it's supposed to make you feel safe." He said nothing and you put the obelisk in his hand. "I think you need it more than I do."
"You're sure?" You nodded and for the first time in a while, Danny Torrance actually gave a hint of a smile.
(Thanks, Y/n.)
(You're welcome.)
"Y/n?" You could hear someone calling your name and you turned around. "Y/n, honey?" You looked at Dan. "That's my daddy. I have to go before I get in trouble. Bye Danny."
"Bye." He was a person of very few words but it didn't bother you in the slightest. All you knew was you didn't want your dad to see him. You didn't know what was going on but you knew something wasn't right.
"Y/n?" You sprinted towards him. "Daddy!" You exclaimed. Crow's eyes went wide with relief. "Y/n." Your father pulled you close to him. "Don't you run off like that EVER again. You understand me?" You could see his infrequent temper in his eyes and you were quick to nod. "What the hell were you thinking?"
"I-i-" Crow didn't bother to wait for a response from you before he continued speaking.
"People out here are bad, Y/n. They'd hurt you in a heartbeat." He cupped the sides of your face. "Do you know or did you even think about how upset your mother and I would be if you just disappeared?"
You felt your heart sink and your lips trembled. You knew there was a possibility they might do bad things but that didn't mean you didn't love them because of it. You felt so selfish and cruel. "I-i didn't think about it. I'm sorry daddy.." Your eyes watered as you looked down at the ground and he sighed. "Just don't do it again, got it?" He wiped one of your tears away. "Yes daddy. Y-you're not going to tell mommy, are you?"
Crow kissed your cheeks gently. "No, I won't tell her. I think this can be our little secret. What do you think?" You let out a giggle and Crow smiled. "That's my girl. Come on, let's get you back to the caravan before mom notices we're gone because you know how she gets."
You nodded and held your arms out to Crow who immediately scooped you up. You wrapped your tiny arms around his neck and nuzzled closely to him as he carried you away.
You smiled softly as you felt that little ping in your head.
(Yeah, Danny?)
(Am I ever going to see you again?)
You paused before responding.
(Maybe. I hope so because I like you Danny.)
(Me too, Y/n.)
You felt one of Crow's finger poking your shoulder and you pulled yourself out of your thoughts. "Yes, daddy?" You asked. "Did you feel someone steamy?" He whispered in your ear.
You thought about telling the truth but thought of Danny. You only just met him but something deep down told you, you couldn't let him get hurt. Maybe..just maybe, all rubes weren't so bad after all. "No, daddy," You lied.
"You're sure?" He pressed. "I'm sure." Crow sighed and patted your back. It would of been nice to have double the amount of steamheads but he supposed Violet would be enough to sustain them for a while. Besides, beggars couldn't be choosers and he trusted you enough to think you wouldn't lie to him. "Okay, honey.."
The next time you would see Danny Torrance after that fateful December day, would be 26 years later and by that time any bridge you had built with The True Knot would be burned.
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a-simple-imagine · 5 years
Baby, It’s Cold Outside
Requested by anonymous: “Could I request a Dan x female!reader that’s full of a bunch of cuddles and softness and Dan being so happy because he’s finally in a stable relationship with someone he loves”
Pairing: Danny Torrance x fem!reader
Words: 1.7k
A/N - kinda sad that doctor sleep isn’t in cinemas here anymore... I miss my baby rose
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An empty bed always feels worse when you’re left wondering if he's ducked out. It wouldn't bother you normally. Not every relationship was meant to be but this time was different and not to mention this was definitely more than a one night stand or a fling. You thought you actually had something; He made you happy and you thought you did the same for him. You toss over in bed staring out the door you could have sworn you closed; last line or security after all. He must have left it open. You sigh to yourself As you let your eyes flutter closed.
"How are you still tired?" You groan at the question burying your face further into the pillow. "Never met someone who can sleep so much."
Looking up, you spy none other than Dan Torrance leaning against the doorframe in a pair of grey boxers. A smile on his lips; a tray held comfortably between his hands. You were glad he was still here.
"You wore me out," You joke, a lazy smile spreading over your lips. "For a second I thought you had run out on me... again."
"Are you still hung up on that," Dan walked into the room, sitting down on the edge of the bed and placing the tray beside you. Glancing towards the tray, it holds a plate of chocolate chip pancakes in the middle. A glass of orange juice to the right. A bottle of syrup to the left.
"It was a one-time thing- promise, I even made you breakfast in bed to make up for it."
"Oooh look at you," you tease, pushing yourself upright so you back was against the headboard. "Thank you."
He kicks his legs up onto the bed, getting comfortable beside you. Taking the tray, you place it in your lip, picking up the cutlery that had slid out from under the side of the plate. "What do you want to do today?" He asks as the blade cuts through the surface of the fluffy pancake. You shrug, offering him the piece. He leans in to take but not before you can pull it just out of reach. An amused smile on your lips as you hold it out for him again. He's cautious but takes it into his mouth.
"Honestly? Sleep," You suggest, cutting a piece for yourself.
"I figured you'd say that," he started, placing his hand on your leg which was covered by the duvet. "But- and hear me out here. How about we- I don't know, go outside?" You glance to him briefly before turning back to your food. "We could have lunch, maybe watch a movie?"
"Or," you drag the word out for emphasis. "We could stay in bed and order in food. Plenty of viable movie options on Netflix."
The man just shakes his head. "How about we go out for lunch and then return, much later, to watch a movie. Cuddling could be on the table but only if we take a walk after said lunch."
"But it's so cold outside." You groan but it's mixed with a chuckle. He was determined to get you out of bed and so you decide to compromise. It's only fair. "How about we go for a reasonable length walk, then takeaway and movie back here? Final offer- take it or leave it, babe."
You watch him contemplate the offer. "Fine," he nods once. "It's a deal."
You hold your hand out which he gladly shakes. "Pleasure doing business with you, Torrance."
You finish your breakfast relatively slowly in hopes of putting off going for a walk. It's past one by the time you're finally ready to leave the house. Dan still insists it will be 'fun' and you don't question it. You could do with the fresh air; you have nothing against walking it's just when winter comes around you're reluctant to face the icy tundra. Wrapped up in the winter coat you bought no more than two weeks ago, a matching hat, gloves, and scarf set you're ushered out of your apartment. You let Dan decide where to go, which isn't far. There is a park fifteen minutes from your building. It's not all that big so it doesn't get mass amounts of visitors but it's kept fairly tidy and in the summer, there's a little local fair with games and food. But it wasn't summer so the park was pretty much empty except for the odd dog walker who probably wouldn't be out here if it weren't for the dog. You're kind of glad for the dogs though, they're adorable and make the park worth the trip. Dan squeezes you're gloved hand almost every time you spot another dog which brightens your smile. But none of its enough to make you forget just how cold you are. The man beside you puts on a brave face, insisting alongside every groan that it isn't that cold but you know he's lying. You can tell by the pink of his cheeks and ears. It takes a lot of nagging for him to finally submit, practically dragging him all the way back and through the door into your only slightly less cold living room. You tried to keep your use of the heating to a minimum; money doesn't grow on trees but right now was an emergency.
"I've never been so cold in my life" You shiver as you strip of your gloves, scarf and hat. Throwing them into the bowl you keep by the door where you like to keep your keys; when you actually remember to use it that is.
"What should we do for dinner?" Dan asks ignoring your cold comment. "Chinese?"
"Pizza." You reply; fiddling with the buttons to switch on the heating. It'd take a while to get comfortably warm. Shitty radiators.
"Pizza it is. I'm gonna run to the store first."
"Aye aye captain." You give him a three-fingered but lazy salute.
"Do you want anything?" You think about it for a second before shrugging. Dan disappears back out into the cold. Slipping into the bedroom, trading your clothes for sweats, you dive into bed. Drowning yourself in the warmth of the duvet. Pulling out your phone to waste the time. When he returns you're two lives deep into candy crush.
"Thought you were putting in a movie." He comments as you swipe on the screen. Matching the colourful candy in a line of three.
"You're not gonna leave that bed again are you?" You glance to him from the comfort of your duvet cocoon, shaking your head a little. "Not unless I have to." You flash a bright smile. Bracing the cold, you remove your arm to pay the space next to you. It had warmed up a little but just a little. He makes sure to grab the remotes before climbing under the covers. Placing them ever so carefully into your lap.
"What should we watch?"
"Something... Christmasy maybe? Elf." You lock your phone and shuffle a little closer to the man.
"A little early for Christmas, don't you think?"
"Never." You insist, laying your head against him. He doesn't argue, putting on the movie you requested. Settled in, he puts his arms around you. Holding you close. The pizza is ordered shortly after thanks to the rumble of your stomach; you paid but Dan is the one to get up when it arrives at the door. The pizza doesn't last all that long nor do the wedges they came alongside it. That was to be expected.
With the pizza box pushed to the side and something mindless now playing in the background, you're rested comfortably against his chest as he runs his hand through your hair; gentle to the touch. "What's on your mind?"
He stops his motion for a moment before continuing. "Nothing really,"
You nudge him softly. "Tell me."
"Just thinking about you."
"All good things I hope."
"Hey," you huff. Dan chuckles lightly, placing a gentle kiss on the top of your head.
"Nothing bad I swear. You're just a very happy presence and I'm grateful for that."
You glance up at him but he seems to be in a world all his own. This happened more often than not. When you first started seeing him, Dan had explained about his 'shine' as part of his total honesty rule. You took his words with a grain of salt, somethings were to be believed others seemed utterly impossible. For the most part, you don't bring it up unless he does. It's hard to gauge how he feels about the shinning as a whole so you don't want to upset him by bringing it up all the time. There were things he hadn't told you and that was fine too;  they were probably things you didn't want to know anyway. “Please don't tell me there are ghosts in here, not sure I could handle the stress."
"No, it's nothing like that." He reassures you. "Stop worrying."
"I constantly worry about you, you're like a McDonald's for spirits." You joke playfully, hoping he saw the funny side.
"Let's not." His voice is firm but in no way aggressive so you just let it go. Spinning around so your body was facing him, you wrap your arms tightly around the man.
"You know what I want?" You mumble against his chest.
"Ice cream." He didn't pose it as a question but a fact and he was right.
"How'd you know?"
"Lucky guess." He shrugs and you feel his whole body move in your grip. "Good thing I bought some earlier."
"You're too good to me. Cookie dough?"
"Obviously." You pull back and briefly connect your lips.
"I'll go get it since you've been so nice today."
You slip out of bed to collect the pint of ice cream in question. The apartment is considerably warmer now as you saunter over to the tiny freezer above your fridge. Grabbing two spoons, you return to the comfort of your bed. Handing the boyfriend a spoon as you settle in again. Dan Torrance was an unexpected but interesting addition to your life. He was all kinds of weird but that was what you liked about him. He was so unapologetically himself.
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cajunkremoval-blog · 5 years
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Welcome to CA Junk Removal, your premier junk, tree, and debris removal company serving in and around Torrance, CA. We provide a wide array of convenient services, including trash removal, post construction cleanup, tree removal, and more, all for an unbeatable price. We additionally perform demolitions for properties that are in need of complete takedown. We have the skill and experience necessary to serve as your full-service hauling company, offering the highest quality of workmanship and customer care in Torrance and the surrounding areas.
I offer respect, trust, and a commitment to exceeding the expectations of my customers. I strive to deliver complete customer satisfaction for each and every junk removal services, providing fast and thorough hauling, affordable pricing, and excellent customer service. For further convenience, make myself available for assistance 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
From garbage removal to weed removal, I go above and beyond to exceed your expectations by walking you through each and every step of the process, making sure that your property is clean and spotless in no time. Big or small, I can haul it all! If you are interested in acquiring my exceptional services or if you would like to learn more about what I can offer you, go ahead and call me at CA Junk Removal today for more information.
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penniesforthestorm · 6 years
Castle Rock, Part 2
“Be Your Own Hero!”
  Episode 4: “The Box” Episode 5: “Harvest” Episode 6: “Filter”
Hello, and welcome to the second part of my Castle Rock coverage! Now that the major expository groundwork has been laid, I want to spend a little time talking about the characters. Let’s start with Dennis Zalewski, the Shawshank guard who discovered The Kid. Zalewski, who has a pregnant wife to support, is unhappy in his job, lamenting to Henry Deaver in a previous episode, “Do you think I’d be working here if there was a Wal-Mart within sixty miles?” At the beginning of Episode 4, “The Box”, we see Zalewski arriving for another day on the job, accompanied by the gritty strains of Tom Waits’ “Clap Hands”. Every time one of the prison’s doors shuts behind him, we realize that he feels just as trapped as the men he’s guarding. Zalewski’s coworkers don’t seem to share his distaste. An oily representative of Shawshank’s new corporate owners pays The Kid a visit, and describes, with relish, how he and his Army buddies tortured an Iraqi prisoner who wouldn’t give up his name. In response, The Kid intones a passage from the Book of Revelations: “He has a name written on him, which no one knows except himself. He is clothed in a robe dipped in blood and his name is called The Word of God.” The Kid stands up as he speaks, looming forbiddingly over the other man.
And what’s Henry Deaver up to? First of all, he and Alan Pangborn go up to Bangor, to make arrangements for Matthew Deaver’s coffin to be delivered back to Castle Rock. Henry, hunting for more clues, stumbles across a name in an old news article about his own disappearance—a man called Desjardins, who lived just a mile from the lake. He decides to pay a call on Desjardins, and finds a whole lot more than he bargained for. The house is in utter disrepair—an old piano has crashed through the kitchen ceiling, and there are broken boards everywhere. Its elderly inhabitant, Joseph Desjardins, seems oddly delighted to see Henry. He brings Henry back to his bedroom and digs out a water-stained cardboard box containing Henry’s police file. It’s a relief when Henry leaves unscathed, goes to visit Molly, and ends up spending the night with her. The next morning, though, Henry calls Zalewski and says that he’s leaving Castle Rock. Zalewski had agreed to be deposed at a hearing regarding The Kid, and earlier in the episode, he stopped by The Kid’s cell and promised him that soon, they’d both be free. He even offered The Kid a friendly fist-bump. Now, after listening to Henry’s voicemail, Zalewski goes into his office. He removes his pistol from the safe, climbs the stairs, and shoots his way up to the warden’s office, as Roy Orbison’s “Crying” (another aria, of sorts) swoons over the soundtrack. Henry is there waiting, and Zalewski manages to say, “I want to testify”, before a smoke-bomb goes off behind him and he is shot down by another officer.
Episode 5, “Harvest”, opens with Henry at a clinic in Texas, undergoing a cognitive exam. He is asked to repeat five words, which he does: “Boat, white, church, dog, family.” It’s about the mysterious ringing in his ears that’s plagued him since he was young. We see him cringing in the aftermath of Zalewski’s shooting spree; clearly, having a gun go off right by him hasn’t helped. Back at Shawshank, Warden Porter is getting chastised by her boss. She sighs about being ‘thrown under the bus’; it’s the second time this idiom has been used in her presence. The first time was in conversation with Henry, regarding the late Warden Lacy, when she sneered, “That’s where you throw dead perverts”. Speaking of Warden Lacy, we get a flashback of him and The Kid together down in the cage. Lacy admits that he has always felt some doubt about what he’s done, even though God told him The Kid would ‘drag evil behind him everywhere you went’. He touches The Kid’s hand, then his face, with a gentle, sad expression. In the present, The Kid is released. He undergoes a similar exam to the one Henry had; his five words are, “Face, velvet, red, church, family.” Henry and Molly put him up at Molly’s office, and instruct him to stay hidden. That night, The Kid slips out. He finds a boy's birthday party in progress, and sneaks in to watch, but as he lingers in the shadows, the party devolves into a screaming match between the parents, and a baby wails inconsolably. The Kid retreats into the night, pensive and alone. Now it's time to talk about Alan Pangborn and Ruth Deaver. Scott Glenn and Sissy Spacek have wonderful chemistry on screen—you fully believe that these people are used to each other's rhythms. Alan grouses about having to attend a bridge-dedication ceremony in his honor, and Ruth teases him, her blue eyes full of mischief. At the ceremony, Alan begins a laconic speech, mentioning that he wanted to be a magician, but was hampered by the necessity of 'telling a story' to distract his audience. But he's interrupted by the barking of a large dog, and the sudden realization that Ruth is not in her seat. She's up on the railing of the bridge, and then aloft, heading straight for the river. Henry rushes over and jumps in to save her. And this brings me to the other major character I haven't yet discussed: Jackie Torrance (Jane Levy)—assistant to Molly Strand, sardonic expert in Castle Rock lore. When Jackie heads to Molly's office, she discovers The Kid lurking upstairs, sans clothing. Jackie takes this entirely in stride, rustling up some hand-me-downs and bringing The Kid up to speed on Castle Rock's historically bad luck. She even drops a reference to her uncle, who tried to ax-murder his family, back in the rad, bad old '80s (yes, that Torrance). This spooks The Kid, who flees to the nearest convenient rooftop, and Jackie calls Molly for help. Molly tries to console The Kid, but he tells her mournfully, "I shouldn't be here." The echoes of human misery in The Kid's (and Molly's) mind reach a crescendo. So Molly takes him to the Deaver house that evening, and Henry reluctantly leads him out to the old workshop in the backyard. Inside, on a dusty piano, The Kid suddenly picks out the classic hymn, "O God Our Help in Ages Past". "I remember…" he murmurs. Henry nods in approval and bids him goodnight. But our Kid has other ideas. He wanders out to the woods, and finds himself in direct confrontation with Alan Pangborn. Alan remembers him from the night Lacy claimed to have trapped the Devil in his trunk. Awed and frightened, Alan declares, "I can't remember my own dead wife's face, but I never forgot yours. 27 years, and you haven't aged one day." This seems to spark something in The Kid. He tells Alan he can help Ruth, and then says, "You have no idea what's going here, do you?"
In Episode 6, "Filter", The Kid sends Alan on a mysterious errand to Syracuse. He also continues to explore the environs of the Deaver house, clothing himself in a shabby grey suit and putting on a record. (Keen listeners will notice that when The Kid walks, he's frequently accompanied by the fwip, fwip of a record skipping.) Perhaps most intriguingly, he finds a repository of video tapes featuring Henry as a child out in the woods, clearly filmed by Matthew Deaver. Henry, for his part, has called for his teenage son Wendell (Chosen Jacobs) to come up from Boston, to see his grandmother. Wendell comes off the bus absorbed in his phone, but he's polite and amiable, particularly to Ruth. The three of them are making lunch when Ruth stares out the kitchen window in shock. The Kid is out there, in his grey suit. Something seems to pass between him and Ruth, even through the glass and the distance. In a panic, Henry runs out and whisks The Kid into the car, carting him off to the nearby psychiatric facility. Later that night, Wendell asks Henry why Ruth and Matthew adopted him. Henry mentions that they lost a child some years before, but insists that they are his "real parents". The next day, Henry goes marching off into the woods with the old camera, queuing up the footage of his younger self to see if he can discover what, exactly, Matthew was directing him to do out there. Ruth and Wendell sit down for a game of chess, with Ruth's copy of the famous Lewis chess set—a gift from Alan. (The original pieces, carved from walrus ivory by Vikings sometime in the 12th Century, currently reside at the British Museum.) Wendell notices that some of the pieces are missing, and Ruth relates a significant secret. She believes that she has become unstuck in time. "This conversation—we've been here before. We'll be here again." The chess pieces, scattered through the house, are her way of anchoring herself to the present—her breadcrumb trail. Henry could have used a breadcrumb trail of his own; as the dusk gathers in the woods, the camera's battery dies, and Henry gets lost. He finally discovers a campfire, guarded by another soft-spoken young man with wild eyes. An older gentleman comes out of the trees, and begins signing rapidly, while the young man translates. His name is Odin Branch (Ruth's Norse-mythology expertise would come in handy here), and his jumpy companion is Willie. Odin explains that he knew Matthew Deaver, and that the two of them shared an interest in what used to be called 'the music of the spheres'—a vast, universal sound, that some people hear and others do not. The theory is that the sound is the multiverse trying to reconcile itself—other realities knocking against each other like thunderclouds. Before Matthew's death, he had made a blueprint for a chamber he called 'The Filter'—a noise-proof room where the sound, which Odin calls the Schisma, might be observed in pristine condition. Odin has built a replica in his trailer, and, somewhat less than cordially, he invites Henry to observe for himself, slamming the door after him. The episode ends with Alan returning from Syracuse, to find The Kid sitting on the front steps of the Deaver house. The object Alan was seeking was Warden Lacy's car, and he has arranged for it to be brought down. Then Alan notices that The Kid is bleeding. "There will be a monument,"The Kid proclaims through clenched teeth, "to Warden Lacy, and to all who helped put me in there. Why did you do it, Alan?" Alan rushes past The Kid, up to the house, calling for Ruth. Whatever he finds there, we have the distinct feeling it won't be good.
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bestrooferabq505 · 3 years
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Storm damage can cause a range of problems for homeowners. One of the most common forms of damage storms cause is roof damage. Unfortunately, roof damage needs to be dealt with quickly—otherwise, further issues may arise.
With so many roofing contractors in Albuquerque Rio Rancho New Mexico, it’s easy to pick an underqualified team. If you don’t choose the right contractor, you may end up with even more problems. At Roofing Services of Albuquerque, our team of roofing experts can repair your home quickly and affordably. We’re the best in the industry.
GET A FREE INSPECTION Types of Storm Damage Unfortunately, storms bring various dangerous components to the table. Many different types of storm damage may impact your roof and its ability to keep your home safe and structurally sound. Some of the most common forms of roof storm damage that impact Albuquerque Rio Rancho New Mexico residents include:
Hail Damage Unfortunately, Albuquerque Rio Rancho New Mexico’s climate means that it is ripe for hail storms. Many people don’t understand the severe consequences that hail can have for their roofs. Even a small amount of hail can cause significant damage to many common roofing materials.
Depending on the type of roofing that is present on your home, hail damage may cause splits or cracks that reduce the protective nature of your roofing. Water may be able to seep through and cause further damage to your home. Also, UV exposure to some of the underlying roofing components may reduce the lifespan of your roofing material.
For these reasons, it’s essential to deal with hail damage to your roof quickly. We’ve worked with countless hail damage victims to find timely and affordable solutions to their hail damage problems.
Wind Damage Severe winds can also create a series of problems for homeowners. If wind rips shingles or roofing components off your home, you may be exposed to further weather problems. It’s not uncommon for wind damage to impact Albuquerque Rio Rancho New Mexico homes. If there has been a recent storm, it’s essential to ensure that your home’s roofing hasn’t experienced wind damage.
Debris Lastly, debris that arises as a result of storms can significantly impact your home’s roofing. Whether it be branches or other debris, impact with your roof can cause severe damage. In fact, there are instances where debris damage may require immediate repair. If a tree or other large object falls onto your roof, you’ll need to speak to a construction specialist immediately to prevent further issues.
Potential Consequences Unfortunately, if you experience any of the above forms of damage, the problems don’t stop at your roof. The reason your roof is so important is that it protects other components of your home. Not dealing with a roofing issue may result in a series of other problems that have expansive costs.
For one, roof damage means that your home will be exposed to the weather. This exposure can cause dangerous water intake which can leak throughout your house. Water leaks can build up and create harmful molds and growths that may impact your home. In other instances, you may also find that persistent water exposure warps wood and damages critical components of your home causing permanent structural issues.
Also, roof damage leaves you open to debris entering your home or animals entering your property. As you can imagine, this can create a range of problems and cost serious time and money to fix!
Roofing Services of Albuquerque’s Storm Damage Services Roof storm damage is never ideal but using a professional to resolve the issue can help you return your life to normal. If you want to prevent the potential consequences mentioned above, it’s critical to get in touch with a professional team like Roofing Services of Albuquerque. We offer a full spectrum of services designed to meet the needs of storm victims.
Roof Storm Damage Repair At Roofing Services of Albuquerque, we offer comprehensive storm damage roofing repair that helps you fix problems quickly. We understand the importance of ensuring your roof is completely repaired before further problems occur. We’re happy to come and assess your roof for damage prior to undergoing any repair work.
Whether you have severe damage from debris or minor hail damage, we can work with you to find an affordable and practical solution for your roofing damage.
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It’s essential to have proper documentation if you want to make a successful insurance claim against a large insurance company. We’re happy to work with you and your insurance provider to work through the process. This can help you speed up the claim and avoid any nasty surprises. It’s always a good idea to work with a roof repairing company that understands the insurance industry!
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Ponderosa, Pueblo of Sandia Village, Regina, Rio Communities North, Rio Communities, San Felipe Pueblo, Santa Ana Pueblo, Santo Domingo Pueblo, South Valley, Tajique, Tome-Adelino, Torreon (Sandoval County), Torreon (Torrance County), Valencia, Zia Pueblo New Mexico
Zip Codes: 87101, 87102, 87103, 87104, 87105, 87106, 87107, 87108, 87109, 87110, 87111, 87112, 87113, 87114, 87116, 87119, 87120, 87121, 87122, 87123, 87125, 87131, 87153, 87154, 87158, 87176, 87181, 87187, 87190, 87191, 87192, 87193, 87194, 87196, 87197, 87198, 87199.
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ABQ HAULING JUNK & MOVING CALL TODAY LOCATED IN ALBUQUERQUE NM BEST SCRAP WOOD REMOVAL COMPANY IN ALBUQUERQUE NM! CONTACT: ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving CALL (505) 225 3810 CLEANING CALL (505) 570 4605 JUNK REMOVAL CALL (505) 850 3570 MOVING Best Junk Removal Hauling Company in Albuquerque NM Open Monday to Sunday 7:00 am – 11:00 pm Located in Albuquerque NM 87120 Website: http://www.albuquerquejunkremovalhaulingmovers.org/ http://www.serviceabq.com/ SERVICE AREA: Albuquerque Metropolitan Area: Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance, Valencia Counties NM, Albuquerque, Belen, Moriarty, Rio Communities, Rio Rancho, Bernalillo, Estancia, Mountainair, Peralta, Bosque Farms, Corrales, Cuba, Encino, Jemez Springs, Los Lunas, Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, San Ysidro, Tijeras, Willard, Algodones, Carnuel, Casa Colorada, Cedar Crest, Chilili, Cochiti, El Cerro-Monterey Park, Isleta Village Proper, Jarales, Jemez Pueblo, La Jara, Los Chavez, Los Trujillos-Gabaldon, Manzano, Meadow Lake, North Valley, Paradise Hills, Pena Blanca, Placitas
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Randy Steven Kraft (1945-?) PART TWO
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By January 1975 a total of 14 victims had been found, their bodies discarded across 4 separate counties within the previous 3 years. They had all been linked to the same killer. All the victims were Caucasian males with similar physical features. On January 24, homicide investigators from different jurisdictions across southern California met in Orange county to discuss progress in the manhunt for this unknown killer. An FBI profile was read to investigators, describing the killer as a methodical, organised lust killer of above average intelligence who showed an indifference to the “interests and welfare of society”. Some of the investigators thought the murders were the work of more than 1 person, 1 or more of which had a military background because 2 victims’ bodies had tissue paper residue on their noses, similar to a known military procedure to stop the bodies from purging after death. The act of placing socks inside the victims’ rectums was also believed to be a method the killer used to prevent purging as the body was driven to the dump site. At this point, there were no solid suspects in the investigation.
On the evening of March 29, 1975, Kraft lured 2 boys – Keith Crotwell and Kent May – from a Long Beach parking lot into his Ford Mustang. They were plied with beer and Valium as Kraft drove in a seemingly aimless manner around Belmont Shore and Seal Beach. May later recalled feeling catatonic because of the Valium and alcohol he had taken before he passed out. In the parking lot where the 2 boys had last been seen, 2 friends of the boys had seen a distinctive black and white Ford Mustang rapidly drive in and stop before the driver leaned across, opened the passenger door and pushed the unconscious but unharmed Kent May from the back seat onto the ground. The driver then sped away. As he did, the friends of Crotwell and May saw Crotwell slumped against the driver’s shoulder. On May 8, Keith Crotwell’s skull was found in a jetty near the Long Beach Marina, and the rest of his remains were found 6 months later. When the 2 friends heard the news, and suspecting that Crotwell’s murderer was a patron of a Belmont Shore gay bar, they began searching the neighbourhood  for the Ford Mustang they had seen. When they found the vehicle, less than 1 mile from their home, they wrote down the licence plate number and gave the information to police. The registration of the vehicle told them that it belonged to Randy Steven Kraft. The Long Beach Police questioned Kraft about Crotwell’s murder on May 19, 1975. At first, Kraft denied having ever met Crotwell or May. The police, however, were not convinced, and summoned him to the police station for further questioning. Whilst there, Kraft admitted that on or around March 29 he had met 2 youths in the Long Beach parking lot in question and had invited them to drink alcohol and take Valium with him as he drove around. He claimed to have taken May back to the parking lot and driven with Crotwell to a side road near the El Toro offramp, where his car got embedded on an embankment. He then claimed to have walked to a gas station to call a tow truck to free his vehicle from the embankment, leaving Crotwell to stay with the vehicle. When he got back to his car, Kraft said that Crotwell had disappeared. Despite the fact that Kraft’s roommate verified his story that Kraft had called him on the date of Crotwell’s disappearance telling him that his car was stuck on an embankment, detectives were not convinced that Kraft was telling the truth. The next week, 2 detectives tried to file murder charges against Kraft, but the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office dismissed the detectives’ request, citing the coroner’s conclusion from the autopsy of Crotwell’s remains thus far found (only the skull) that the boy had died of accidental drowning. Maybe because of the police questioning about Crotwell’s death, and maybe because of turmoil in his personal life in the summer of 1975, Kraft is not known to have killed again until December 31, when he abducted 22-year-old Mark Hall in San Juan Capistrano. This murder was later described by prosecutors as “the worst” of all the known murders committed by Kraft. Hall was driven to a remote canyon where he was tied to a tree. The autopsy reported listed the cause of death as asphyxiation caused by leaves and dirt that were found lodged deep into Hall’s trachea. The autopsy also revealed that Hall had been sodomised and emasculated – his severed genitals had been inserted into his rectum. His chest, testicles, nose and cheeks had been burned with a car cigarette lighter and his eyes had been destroyed by the same object. Hall’s legs had numerous cuts from a broken bottle and forensic experts deduced that he had been alive for most of his ordeal.
By 1976, Kraft’s relationship with Jeff Graves had ended and it wasn’t long until he began a new relationship with 19-year-old baker’s apprentice Jeff Seelig. The couple moved to Laguna Hills. Neither man was used to monogamy, but the couple did consider their relationship to be permanent. Seelig later told investigators that he and Kraft would often pick up and proposition hitchhikers who would accompany them to their apartment for a threesome. Seelig, however, was adamant that Kraft had never been violent towards him and said he had never seen him display any violent tendencies.  Kraft’s relationship with Seelig is believed to be a contributing factor in the lull in the murders he is known to have committed. He is not known to have killed again until December 10, 1976. The body of 19-year-old Paul Fuchs has never been discovered, but his name is clearly listed on Kraft’s scorecard. Following the December 1976 murder of Paul Fuchs Kraft is not known to have killed any more victims for 16 months. On January 3, 1978, homicide investigators met again to discuss progress in the investigation and the manhunt for the perpetrator of the freeway murders. By this stage, investigators knew  that there was more than 1 murderer at large – the previous July, Patrick Kearney was arrested and subsequently confessed to the murders of 28 boys and men, many of whom he dissected and dumped in trash bags beside freeways in southern California. Although Kraft, too, had dismembered some of his victims’ bodies, he never killed his victims by shooting them in the head, as Kearney did. Kearney was not known to have tortured any of his victims; his MO differed greatly to Kraft’s and investigators were certain that a completely separate killer was still in charge.
On April 16, 1978, Kraft abducted 18-year-old Marine Scott Michael Hughes. Hughes was plied with Valium before Kraft slit his scrotum open and removed one of his testicles before strangling him to death with a ligature. He discarded Hughes’ fully clothed body, minus shoelaces, beside a freeway onramp in Anaheim. 2 months later, on June 11, the body of 23-year-old Roland Young was found near a San Diego freeway. Young had been emasculated before being stabbed to death. Abrasions on his body showed that he had been thrown from a vehicle travelling at high speed. 8 days later, the body of 20-year-old Camp Pendleton Marine Richard Keith was found dumped beside a road in Moulton Parkway. Welts on Keith’s wrists showed he had been bound before being strangled with a ligature. Froth in Keith’s throat showed that the youth was also drowning as a result of Flurazepam and alcohol he had consumed around the same time as he was strangled. 3 weeks after Richard Keith’s murder, on July 6, Kraft killed 23-year-old Keith Klingbeil. Klingbeil had ingested massive amounts of paracetamol and alcohol before being strangled with his own shoelace. His body was dumped beside the Interstate 5 freeway. Although Klingbeil was still alive when he was discovered, he died shortly after his arrival at the Mission Community Hospital. An autopsy showed that, prior to Klingbeil’s strangulation his left nipple had been seared with an car cigarette lighter. 2 months later, on September 29, the body of 20-year-old Richard Crosby was found 200 yards north of Highway 71 in San Bernardino County. Crosby had disappeared the day before as he was hitchhiking home from a theatre in Torrance. He had died of suffocation, and his left nipple had also been mutilated with an car cigarette lighter. The last known victim claimed by Kraft  in 1978 was 21-year-old Long Beach truck driver Michael Inderbieten, whose emasculated body was found next to the San Diego freeway on November 18, 1978. As well as having been castrated, Inderbieten had been violated with a foreign object and had suffered burn wounds similar to those found on victim Mark Hall 2 year earlier. The cause of death was officially listed as suffocation.
Kraft is not known to have killed again until June 16, 1979, when he abducted 20-year-old Marine Donald Crisel. His body was thrown from a moving car onto the 405 Freeway. The cause of death was listed as acute alcohol poisoning, although rope and burn marks indicated that he had been bound and tortured prior to his body being dumped. 2 months later, on August 29, the dismembered body of an unidentified youth estimated to be between 18-30 was found in 2 trash bags behind a Union 76 gas station in Long Beach. The entry on Kraft’s scorecard said “76” and is believed to refer to this victim. Although only the head, torso and left leg of this victim were ever found, this victim had a sock placed inside his rectum. 2 weeks later, on September 14, the body of 20-year-old Gregory Wallace Jolley was found in Lake Arrowhead. He had been emasculated and his head and legs were severed after death. His personal possessions were later found at Kraft’s home. On November 24, 1979, 15-year-old Santa Ana youth Jeffrey Sayre is believed to have been abducted and murdered  by Kraft. Sayre was last seen at a bus stop in Westminster as he was on his way home from a date with his girlfriend. The entry “Westminster Date” on Kraft’s scorecard is believed to refer to Sayre. On February 18, 1980, the headless body of 19-year-old Marine Mark Alan Marsh was found near the Templin Highway. Marsh was last seen hitchhiking towards Buena Park. His hands had also been severed from his body after death.
In the summer of 1980 Kraft travelled to the state of Oregon as part of a work contract. While there, Kraft lived in a town near Portland. Before returning to California in August, Kraft is believed to have killed 2 more victims – both of them listed on his scorecard with references including the word “Portland”. The first victim, 17-year-old Denver youth Michael O’Fallon, was killed on July 17. He had been hitchhiking across American and Canada prior to enrolling in college at the time of his death. He was plied with alcohol and Valium before being strangled to death. His naked, hogtied body was dumped 10 miles south of Salem. O’Fallon was listen on Kraft’s scorecard was “Portland Denver”. The next day, Kraft is believed to have killed a man estimated to be between 35-45. His body was found beside a freeway in Woodburn. This victim, listed as “Portland Elk” on Kraft’s scorecard, had ingested a lethal level of Valium and Tylenol before being strangled to death with a ligature. On September 3, 1980, 1 month after returning to California from Oregon, the tied up body of 19-year-old Marine Robert Loggins was found dumped in a trash bag near the El Toro Marine Air base. Loggins was last seen by 2 fellow Marines near the Pacific Coast Highway on August 23. Photographs and the negatives found in Kraft’s possession depict Loggins in Kraft’s living room, slumped fully clothed on his sofa, apparently intoxicated, and in various naked, pornographic pictures. All of these pictures show Loggins with his eyes closed and it isn’t known whether or not Loggins was alive at the time these pictures were taken.
On April 10, 1981, the body of 17-year-old Michael Cluck was found next to the Interstate 5 freeway near the community of Goshen, Oregon. Cluck had been abducted as he was hitchhiking from Kent, Washington, to Bakersfield, California, the day before his body was discovered. He had been killed by 31 blows to the head, each made by a blunt object which had destroyed the back of his skull. Cluck had been sodomised and his body had been savagely beaten, kicked and scoured. He is believed to be recorded on Kraft’s scorecard as “Portland Blood”, due to the massive amounts of blood and debris found at the murder scene. At the time of Cluck’s murder, Kraft is known to have been deployed back to Oregon by his employers. The day Cluck’s body was discovered, Kraft is also known to have visited a Lane County hospital to receive treatment for a bruised foot. 4 months after Cluck’s murder, on August 20, 1981, the partially clothed body of 17-year-old male prostitute Christopher Allen Williams was found in the San Bernardino Mountains. He had been plied with Phenobarbital and benzodiazepine and was found with tissue paper lodged in his nostrils, causing him to choke to death on his own mucus.
By early 1982, Kraft and Seelig’s relationship was deteriorating. They were constantly arguing and there were frequent episodes of temporary separation. In an attempt to try and solve their differences and maintain their relationship the couple began attending counselling sessions every week in Huntington Beach, beginning on June 22, 1982. After complaints from residents of Echo Park about a foul odour coming from the direction of the Hollywood Freeway on July 29, 1982, a Cal Trans employee found the decomposing body of 14-year-old Pittsburg youth Raymond Davis dumped next to the Rampart Boulevard offramp. Some efforts had been made to conceal the body underneath leaves and soil. Davis was last seen alive in Echo Park on June 17, looking for his lost dog. His wrists had been tied behind his back in the same was as Michael O’Fallon’s were 2 years earlier, and he had been strangled to death with his own shoelace. The entry on Kraft’s scorecard reading “Dog” is believed to refer to Davis. Just 40 feet from the body of Raymond Davis, the same Cal Trans crew discovered the body of 16-year-old Robert Avila, who had been missing since July 21, although his body was also badly decomposed. He had been strangled to death with a length of stereo speaker wire.
Kraft is not known to have killed again until November 1, 1982, when he abducted and murdered 24-year-old Modesto resident Arne Mikeal Laine. Laine was last seen hitchhiking towards Orange County looking for work. His body was not found until January 1984, dumped on a hill close to Ramona. 4 weeks after the murder of Laine, the half naked body of 26-year-old Brian Whitcher was dumped out of a moving car next to the Interstate 5 freeway, close to the city of Wilsonville, Oregon. Whitcher had ingested high levels of alcohol and Valium, but he died of asphyxiation. On December 3, 1982, 29-year-old carpenter Anthony Jose Silveira disappeared hitchhiking towards Medford. His body was discovered 2 weeks later, having been strangled, sodomise and violated with foreign objects prior to death. At the time of the murders of both Whitcher and Silveira, Kraft was again known to have been in Oregon for a business trip, which ended the day of Silveira’s murder. On December 4, Kraft drove from Portland to Seattle to visit friends. Throughout the short visit, he was seen wearing a military jacket inscribed with the name “Silveira”. The next day, Kraft flew from Seattle to Grand Rapids, Michigan, on business. 2 days after arriving in Grand Rapids, Kraft met 2 cousins called Dennis Alt and Christopher Schoenborn at a seminar in the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel. Kraft was seen talking to the pair in the reception of the hotel just before midnight. The bodies of the 2 men were found on December 9 in a field close to the Amway hotel. Both victims had been plied with alcohol and Valium prior to being sodomised and murdered. The bodies had been arranged in sexually suggestive positions. Alt, 24, had died of asphyxiation, whereas Schoenborn, 20, had been strangled to death with his own belt. In addition to strangulation, a ballpoint pen had been interested into Schoenborn’s urethra prior to his murder. Both men were recorded upon Kraft’s scorecard in 1 entry reading “GR2”. A set of keys belonging to Schoenborn, plus the military jacket belonging to Silveira, were left in the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel by Kraft, who had stayed there throughout his whole stay in Grand Rapids.
On December 8, Kraft travelled from Michigan to Portland. Less than 24 hours after his arrival, he had killed 19-year-old hitchhiker Lance Taggs. Taggs had last been seen hitchhiking from Tigard to the home of a relatives in Los Angeles on December 8. His body was found the next day, dumped next to a rural road in Clackamas County, near where Brian Whitcher’s body had been found 2 weeks earlier. As with Alt and Schoenborn, Taggs had been plied with alcohol and Valium before his murder, although Taggs had died of suffocation caused by a sock stuffed into his trachea. Noting the periods of time between periods of activity when bodies of young men had been found discarded near mass transportation with alcohol and/or pharmaceuticals in their system in Oregon, investigators in that state and struck in Oregon only when there on business. After the murders of Silveira, Whitcher and Taggs, investigators in Oregon gave details of the killings to the police in other states, describing the MO of the killer they were looking for and requested feedback from any police force who had unsolved murders of young men on their files with similarities to the killings in Oregon. A response from southern California counties was quick – the pattern of killings was identical to victims linked to the unknown killer in California. The 6 Oregon murders committed by Kraft were linked to the murders he had committed in California.
Kraft did not kill again until January 27, 1983, when he abducted 21-year-old hitchhiker Eric Church. Church was last seen alive hitchhiking from Orange County to Sacramento the day before his murder. His body was found dumped alongside I-605. An autopsy concluded that he had ingested high levels of alcohol and Valium and had been sodomised. Rope marks on Church’s wrists suggested he had struggled against restraints before he died of a combination of ligature strangulation and numerous blows to the side of his skull from a blunt instrument. On February 12, Kraft killed 2 Buena Park men. The first was 18-year-old Geoffrey Nelson and the second was 20-year-old Rodger DeVaul. They were last seen outside the house of their friend, Bryce Wilson, just after midnight, telling Wilson they were going to buy something to eat. Nelson’s naked body was found next to an offramp close to the Garden Grove Freeway several hours after he and DeVaul were last seen. He had been emasculated, strangled and thrown from a moving vehicle. DeVaul’s body was discovered the next day, dumped down a mountainside near Mount Baldy in San Bernardino County. DeVaul had been bound, sodomised and strangled with a cord. As with Nelson, DeVaul had ingested both alcohol and propranolol before his murder. Both victims had ingested potato skins and grapes just before their murder.
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 Albuquerque Metropolitan Area: Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance, Valencia Counties NM, Albuquerque, Belen, Moriarty, Rio Communities, Rio Rancho, Bernalillo, Estancia, Mountainair, Peralta, Bosque Farms, Corrales, Cuba, Encino, Jemez Springs, Los Lunas, Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, San Ysidro, Tijeras, Willard, Algodones, Carnuel, Casa Colorada, Cedar Crest, Chilili, Cochiti, El Cerro-Monterey Park, Isleta Village Proper, Jarales, Jemez Pueblo, La Jara, Los Chavez, Los Trujillos-Gabaldon, Manzano, Meadow Lake, North Valley, Paradise Hills, Pena Blanca, Placitas
Ponderosa, Pueblo of Sandia Village, Regina, Rio Communities North, Rio Communities, San Felipe Pueblo, Santa Ana Pueblo, Santo Domingo Pueblo, South Valley, Tajique, Tome-Adelino, Torreon (Sandoval County), Torreon (Torrance County), Valencia, Zia Pueblo New Mexico
 Zip Codes: 87101, 87102, 87103, 87104, 87105, 87106, 87107, 87108, 87109, 87110, 87111, 87112, 87113, 87114, 87116, 87119, 87120, 87121, 87122, 87123, 87125, 87131, 87153, 87154, 87158, 87176, 87181, 87187, 87190, 87191, 87192, 87193, 87194, 87196, 87197, 87198, 87199
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jacewilliams1 · 5 years
Aircraft building—a journey
To clip a lyric from the Talking Heads, “…and you may ask yourself, well, how did I get here…” Well, here’s my answer and I’m sticking to it.
That first flight set the hook.
I went flying for the first time in the early 1970s at an airport (Spring Valley Airport, New York—RIP) that was just a couple of miles from my house. After that I was hooked. I went flying many more times there (sometimes with a CFI who was an F-105 Thunderchief pilot who flew in Vietnam—he let me do most of the flying ) before heading off to college.
But, like many pilot stories, life got in the way and I didn’t end up getting my license until 2012 (although I did solo in gliders in the 90s in Salem, New Hampshire).
After achieving that, I knew I wanted to have my own plane, but I wasn’t sure which path to follow to achieve that goal. One option I considered was to buy a mid-70s Cessna 172 and upgrade the heck out of it. But I also considered building a plane because I felt I could do it and would end up with a thoroughly modern airplane for much less money than an equivalent new certified one.
So, it was off to Oshkosh to start drooling over all the options—and there were many!
Without getting into each aircraft I considered (pretty much all the well-known models), I realized I needed to define my mission in order to narrow down the options. I knew that I wanted to travel distances at a reasonable speed, with good economy, in an IFR-capable aircraft. I also decided I wanted a four-seater since I wanted to be able travel with a passenger, luggage (including two folding bikes), and full fuel.
That quickly narrowed down the choices. And it was around that time (2013) that I started reading about the Sling aircraft from The Airplane Factory in South Africa. They had a two-seat model already and the four-seater was just coming out. It was getting very positive reviews and it was gorgeous.
I was on a business trip to San Diego around that time and arranged to go to Torrance, California, after to fly a Sling (that’s where the US rep is located). There were no Sling 4s yet in the US, so I flew a Sling 2 (two-seat version) for an hour with their resident CFI.
Flying the Sling proved it was the right option.
I loved how it flew. I loved the stick, the view, the handling—other than the rudder, it’s pushrod, so it was a nice and tight control feel. I was sold!
I contemplated it for a few more months—mostly deluding myself about the cost and wondering whether I had the chops to do it—and put in my order around December of 2013. It was the first Sling 4 kit ordered in the US. I know, that’s probably nuts. But, I had found out about two neighboring 747 captains in Australia that were already building a Sling 2 and 4, so I figured if it passed their muster (I contacted them and have been in touch ever since), it was probably good to go.
The first sub-kit (the empennage) arrived in May of 2014 and the adventure began…
When I built that easily, my confidence also started to build that I could do it.
Building the empennage kit was a major confidence booster.
I was planning to work 10 hours per week, and with that I figured it would take me three and half years. Well, at least that was the plan.
Diligently updating my blog and logging my time, I was making decent progress. As I was finishing up my empennage, the wing and fuselage kits arrived, and I started working on the wings.
The wings seemed to go reasonably quickly (if you consider a year quick…) but doing the fuel tanks was stressful for me because of the critical nature of them and the huge sticky mess they are to construct.
It was about the two year mark when I finished the wings, so I was starting to wonder about the three and a half year goal, though I still thought it was possible. Building an airplane requires constant self-delusion.
Then it was on to the fuselage. I took one look at the huge number of parts in that kit and I knew it wasn’t going to be a three and a half year project. But I soldiered on, prepping, deburring, and priming part after part.
The fuselage kit was a much longer job than anticipated.
Time was ticking by, but I kept making steady progress, so I kept the pace up. Except that the pace was somewhat slow. It seemed I was only averaging about five hours per week.
I did find that the manual for the fuselage wasn’t as detailed as the prior manuals, so that also slowed things down because I had to check in with my airline pilot friends (in Australia and the US) to confirm what the right next steps were.
Still, I plowed ahead. 3 years. 4 years. But, still, it was looking more and more like an airplane, so I stayed motivated.
Installing the massive fiberglass landing gear was difficult, but I was able to put it on its wheels, which was a huge milestone.
Soon after that I installed the canopy and that wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be. I should note that at this point my friend Kerry Lynn started helping me as my drive after nearly five years was getting drained and I knew I needed someone to help motivate me. Thanks to Kerry for being the person to offer their valuable time to keep it moving and help me stay focused.
It’s finally starting to look like an airplane—after five years.
With the canopy on and the dash positioned, it was nearly an airplane. Lots of work on the interior and then the firewall (charging/starting circuits) was done at that point and then it was time to install the engine. I rented a ridiculously oversized engine lift and it went on without much difficulty.
One question you get constantly when building an airplane is “when will it be done?” At five years in I stopped answering that question because I discovered that I constantly thought I was six to nine months away. Then the six months would come and go, and I was still six to nine months from the finish.
I must admit that after five years I was starting to get down that it was never going to be done. My task list seemed to be getting longer, not shorter. The tasks were getting smaller and more numerous—it basically started to feel endless.
Then one day in late August I noticed a large pine tree on my property that seemed to be leaning more than I had ever noticed before. I knew this wasn’t good and called a tree removal company immediately since it was leaning somewhat toward the garage. The very next day, the tree guy came over and we made plans to remove it as soon as possible.
That night I was working in my garage until 9:00 (I was going to work until 9:30 but decided to quit early). At 9:20 I was in my house right next to the garage when I heard (and felt) a loud boom come from the garage. I knew instantly that the tree had fallen, and it hit the garage. Panic. I ran in there with my wife and it looked like a bomb had exploded in there. Debris everywhere. A quick run around the plane and I could see that there wasn’t any damage, though lots of wood pieces had fallen on the engine.
A tree falling on the garage is not something you plan for when building an airplane.
Twenty minutes earlier, I was working right under where it fell.
It was incredibly traumatic for me. It took a few weeks for it to sink in how traumatic it was.
After the tree was removed from the garage and the plane was safe, a friendly neighbor offered to keep it in their garage while mine was fixed. It was there for over six weeks.
After the trauma of my plane (and possibly me) nearly meeting its demise, and the layoff from working on it, whatever drive I had remaining was totally drained. After five and half years and 1500 hours of work, I needed help. People said to me that it seemed I was so close to finishing—but it didn’t feel that way and I was very down.
I got in touch with Mike Black, who had recently started a new Sling dealership in Oklahoma (Sling Central). We were “friends” on Facebook, and he was very active in the Sling Builders Facebook group, of which I’m the co-administrator. He seemed super knowledgeable (he’s an aeronautical engineer) and very friendly, so I was hoping he would offer some good, objective advice on how to move forward.
He started by suggesting I find an A&P locally that could help, but I wasn’t keen on that approach for several reasons. Basically, I was hoping he’d suggest that he could finish it and I tried to move the conversation in that direction. By the end of our phone conversation he offered to finish the plane for me, so I asked him to come up with a cost and time estimate and he came back with that a couple of days later. The time estimate was right around what I thought it would take and the cost per week was also very good.
Finally, it looks like it might be ready to fly.
It was a go! We arranged for he and a partner of his to fly up commercially in a few weeks and rent a big truck to carefully take it back to Oklahoma. The whole plan went off without a single hitch!
After several weeks of work on the engine, panel wiring, cowling, etc., it was really starting to look ready to fly.
I’m having it painted down there too by Luke Nicholson of Painting Planes. A painted wing looking great!:
The paint scheme was done by Craig Barnett at Scheme Designers:
The plane will be named after my maternal grandmother, Sadie, who I never got to meet because she passed away before I was born. My mother always considered her to be her guardian angel, so it was fitting that the plane be named after her.
The plan is that I’ll go down for the FAA sign-off and first flight, which should be in early to mid-April. They’re doing the first flight and I’ll possibly fly chase in their Sling 2. Once that’s done, I return home while they fly off all 40 hours of the Phase 1 flight testing. Then I’ll return to fly it home! I won’t fly home alone as a friend of mine, Bob Zaleski, who is a retired American Airlines captain in Florida, offered to meet me there and fly back with me. He finished his Sling 2 less than two years ago and already has over 500 hours on it. He’s the perfect person to fly back with me.
I can’t wait!
The post Aircraft building—a journey appeared first on Air Facts Journal.
from Engineering Blog https://airfactsjournal.com/2020/03/aircraft-building-a-journey/
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gyrlversion · 6 years
Homeowner who says his trees are a landmark wins neighbour row
Homeowner who says the 90ft conifer trees in his garden are local ‘landmark’ wins battle to stop his neighbours getting them cut down
Neil Torrance from Glasgow says the conifers may have been planted in 1928
But neighbours Robert and Vivien Alexander say the trees cast large shadows
They appealed to the government but authorities sided with Mr Torrance
By Jack Newman For Mailonline
Published: 09:49 EDT, 22 March 2019 | Updated: 11:32 EDT, 22 March 2019
A homeowner who claimed the 90ft trees in his garden were a ‘landmark’ has won a battle to stop his neighbours having them cut down.
Neil Torrance, from Glasgow, had been locked in a dispute with Robert and Vivien Alexander who claimed the massive conifers left their garden in shadow and were ‘overwhelming’.
The couple failed to reach agreement with Mr Torrance and their previous neighbour over the ongoing row.
Neighbours in Glasgow have had a row over four 90ft conifers which the owner (right house) claims are a ‘landmark’ but Robert and Vivien Alexander next door (left house) say they cast a shadow over their garden and obstruct their views
The argument over Neil Torrance’s trees went to the Scottish Parliament who sided with the owner
They used high hedge laws to try and have Glasgow City Council enforce a reduction in the height of the trees but officials ruled against them.
They turned to the Scottish government in a last attempt to win their fight but it has now emerged a report ruled the trees did not form a hedge under high hedge legislation.
Mr Torrance had asked the government to uphold the original decision and refuse the appeal.
He said: ‘The buildings on our property date back to 1928 and it is likely that the pine trees being challenged were planted at the time of the construction of the property.
‘They are magnificent trees clearly visible and a landmark in the district.
‘They would have been substantial long before the appellant bought their property and as such should have been accepted as a part of the beauty of the properties in the area.
Robert Alexander and his wife Vivien believe the trees obscure their views of the sunset
Mr and Mrs Alexander say the lawn of their Glasgow home has suffered from the trees’ shadows 
Mr Torrance says: ‘The buildings on our property date back to 1928 and it is likely that the pine trees being challenged were planted at the time of the construction of the property’
‘Unfortunately they seem determined to take a law introduced for other purposes and bend it in a way that satisfies their desire to see a number of significant trees removed from the neighbourhood.
‘I sincerely trust that the above points will be given serious consideration and the original decision upheld.’
The Alexanders claimed the trees blocked their views of sunsets and stopped grass from growing properly on their lawn.
They said: ‘The hedge cuts out light to our own garden.
‘The grass isn’t growing and it blocks the sun all summer in the afternoon when we come home from work.
‘We used to have open south-west views and great sunsets.’
Council bosses have also asked for the decision to stay and claim a 12ft hedge on the Alexanders’ own property may contribute to shadows.
They said: ‘It is considered that the shadow cast over the course of the day on the spring equinox exclusively by the potential high hedge does not have a significant detrimental impact upon the levels of sunlight into garden and does not cause significant overshadowing of the garden ground during the day.
Mr and Mrs Alexander say: ‘The grass isn’t growing and it blocks the sun all summer in the afternoon when we come home from work’
Council and government bosses sided with Mr Torrance as the trees do not constitute a hedge and therefore cannot meet the criteria under hedge legislation 
‘Another consideration which has been taken into account is that the applicant/appellant has a leylandii hedge at approximately 3.5 metres high which runs the full length of the side boundary and also a laburnum tree approximately 4 metres high which contributes to this overshadowing.
‘It is not considered that this overshadowing affects the enjoyment of the property which the applicant could reasonably expect to have.’
Reporter Sinead Lynch issued a written judgement saying the trees can stay.
She said: ‘I find that of the trees which are the subject of this appeal, only the four conifers can be considered to form a row and only those four trees could constitute a high hedge for the purposes of the Act.
‘I find that those four trees are over two metres in height above ground level, meeting that test. However, I find that the four conifers are not a barrier to light.
‘Therefore, the high hedge fails to meet all of the tests set out in the Act. It follows that as all tests must be met, the four conifers would not comprise a high hedge and therefore the Act does not apply.’
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cajunkremoval-blog · 5 years
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Tree Cutting Service
If you have trees that you would like to have maintained or removed, CA Junk Removal delivers the tree cutting and tree removal services you need. I will remove the tree or trees in question to whatever extent you prefer, including complete extraction. From tree trimming to weed removal, whatever your needs and preferences may be, I can do it all! If you would like to take advantage of my fast and thorough tree services, reach me at CA Junk Removal today.
Torrance Debris Removal | Trash Removal | Tree Trimming Torrance
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jakehglover · 6 years
Avoiding the Top Freak Accidents
By Dr. Mercola
Motor vehicle accidents once held the top spot for accidental deaths in the U.S., but in 2016 more Americans died from accidental drug overdoses than from car accidents.1 Car accidents aren't the only accidents taking lives. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), there were 146,000 unintentional deaths due to injury. More than 33,000 fell to their death in 2014.2
The CDC ranked unintentional poisonings as the highest number of unintentional injury deaths in 2015, followed closely by falls and over 6,000 individuals who died in an unspecified accident.3 Many of these unspecified accidental deaths fall into a category of freak accidents, some of which can occur in your own backyard.
Accidental Death and Injury Rates Are Rising
The rates of accidental deaths, not including overdoses, appear to be rising each year. In a report from the National Safety Council (NSC), more than 136,000 Americans died accidentally in 2014.4 This number rose to just over 161,000 in 2016, or 18 deaths every hour.5 This NSC video is a short demonstration of the numbers of people who experience accidents and injuries at home, work, in public or in their cars. As Ken Kolosh, the National Safety Council statistical manager, points out,6 “Every accident is preventable.”
Although many believe murder is a big risk in America, there are nearly eight accidental deaths for every homicide. Previously accidents ranked as low as the seventh leading killer of Americans, but a combination of slowly reducing and preventing illnesses and rising rates of overdoses has raised the rank of accidental deaths to the third leading killer, beating out stroke, Alzheimer's, diabetes and suicide.7
While the death statistics are staggering, there are also nearly 46 million injuries8 and 7 million disabling injuries each year following accidents.9 Despite these statistics, more than half of surveyed American adults said they could not think of anything they should or would do to prevent an accident at home. The cost of accidental injuries are not always obvious. A series of costly accidents to an employer can reduce profits, and even less obvious are indirect costs, which are usually uninsured.
WCF Mutual Insurance10 compares the cost of accidents to an iceberg, as the costs above the surface are a far smaller, direct portion of the total cost, while what lies beneath the surface are often uncovered, indirect costs to families, employers and communities. According to the NSC,11 the average direct cost of a motor vehicle crash resulting in death is slightly above $10,000 per person and the average direct cost of a fatal or nonfatal injury at home is over $3,000 per person.
Challenges in Your Lawn and Garden
Cutting down trees in the backyard presents a unique challenge, especially when the tree is already leaning or has a poor root system. Lumberjacks call this effect a “barber chair,”12 as demonstrated in this short video. This means when a leaning tree falls too fast the trunk does not make a clean break. Instead the tree splits and the rear half snaps backward, sometimes crushing the person cutting the tree.
The Telegraph reported 87,000 people required hospital treatment in Great Britain after being injured in their gardens.13 According to Amputee Coalition,14 lawn mower accidents cause mower-related amputations in 600 children every year. One of the most common ways this happens is when a riding mower tips as the result of mowing a hill from side to side instead of properly going up and down. In some cases, it crushes the driver while in others a foot or leg may be traumatically amputated.15
Falls are the leading cause of injury mortality nationwide, and 43 percent of those falls involve a ladder.16 In one study,17 data revealed over 258,000 annual accidents resulted in injury and 700 deaths related to ladder use.18 The majority of injuries following ladder accidents were found in middle-aged men requiring a median hospital stay of one week and disability up to six weeks.19
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration reports falls from portable ladders are one of the leading causes of occupational fatalities and injuries. In their guide to safe use20 they recommend avoiding electrical hazards, maintaining a three-point contact on the ladder, never using the top step or rung of a ladder and only using appropriate accessories for their designed purposes.
Portable gas generators emit a lot of carbon monoxide, an invisible, odorless killer. A press release from the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)21 revealed portable generators were involved in the majority of carbon monoxide deaths between 1999 and 2012, finding they were linked to more than 85 percent of non-fire carbon monoxide deaths associated with engine tools during the 14-year period.
After Hurricane Sandy, many left their generators running overnight to maintain refrigerators and electrical equipment. This allowed odorless carbon monoxide gas to seep into their homes, inducing dizziness, headaches, nausea and shortness of breath.22 The CPSC recommends familiarizing yourself with the symptoms of carbon monoxide poisoning, which include vomiting, loss of consciousness and mental confusion.23
Recommendations also include having your home heating system inspected and serviced annually and never using portable generators inside your home or garage, even when leaving the doors and windows open. Portable generators should be run as far away from the home as possible. Install a battery-operated carbon monoxide alarm or an alarm with battery backup in your home outside of each sleeping area if you plan on using one.
Water Packs a Punch
You float on it, bathe in it and dive through it — but water is more dangerous than you might imagine. The No. 1 cause of death in U.S. National Parks is not an attack by wildlife, but drowning.24 According to the National Park Service,25 water is more powerful than the strongest swimmer and is also deceptively dangerous. Even wading in shallow water can pull you off your feet, and a heavy backpack can weigh you down.
When crossing a stream, first toss a stick into the current; if it’s moving faster than you're walking, don't cross.26 Watch for floating debris and look for wider areas where the current is not as strong.27 Loosen your backpack before entering the stream in case you need to remove it quickly.
If you fall, your pack will get soaked and become heavy very quickly, dragging you away by the current. As you enter the stream, slide your feet in a forward direction but walk diagonally toward the flow, while moving toward the opposite bank.28 Use a trekking pole to steady yourself. If you're crossing with a group, you'll enjoy additional stability by holding arms and moving together.
Kyle Richard McGonigle was a young man of 36 who died unexpectedly in 201329 when he attempted to rescue one of his dogs who became distressed in a lake.30 Deputy coroner Howard Tomes reported, “They had been swimming in the water, the dog let out a yelp, and went under.” Both McGonigle and the dog died from low-voltage electrocution according to the autopsy report.
Power cords, present on the docks for the houseboat, had been spliced and were in poor condition. One of those cords, plugged into an outlet, had slipped into the water and electrified it. While the number of annual deaths from electric shock drowning are unknown, the anecdotal evidence indicates it may be widespread.31
If you feel a tingle or numbness while swimming near a boating marina, get out of the water immediately. Learn to recognize signs someone is drowning,32 including signs of panic, head tilted back, floating face-down or arms moving downward, as someone is instinctively trying to push off against something that isn't there.
Camping and Recreational Vehicles Present Unique Hazards
Americans are camping in greater numbers every year. More than 1 million new households started camping each year since 2014.33 Kampgrounds of America (KOA) chief franchise operations officer Toby O'Rourke attributes this growth in popularity to more Americans taking more frequent trips each year and enjoying the ability to relax, spend time with family and friends and be active while camping.
American national parks are some of the more popular places bringing families together to hike and enjoy nature. Although the National Park Services report the number of deaths from wildlife exposure are the lowest ranking number of deaths within the parks,34 attacks by grizzly bears are not unheard of. Brian Matayoshi and his wife Marylyn, of Torrance, California, were hiking in Yellowstone National Park when they accidently startled a mother grizzly and her cubs.35
Based on the account by Marylyn Matayoshi, rangers believe the grizzly was instinctively protecting her young. Matayoshi was the first fatal grizzly attack inside the park in 25 years, but the third in the Yellowstone region in just over a year. According to experts, Matayoshi’s fatal mistake was in running from the bear, while his wife reported she dialed 911 from her cellphone. When the bear attacked her, she dropped to the ground. The grizzly lifted her by her day pack and then dropped her and left.
Marylyn Matayoshi escaped with scrapes and bruising, but her husband died at the scene.36 Grizzly bears are omnivorous animals, eating berries and wildlife. Park rangers routinely urge visitors to take specific precautions, including carrying bear spray, hiking in groups of three or more, staying on designated trails and making noises where grizzly bears may be lurking to ensure the bears are not taken by surprise, which increases the risk of an attack.
All-terrain vehicles (ATVs), are four-wheeled recreational vehicles whose popularity has contributed to the number of injuries and fatalities from accidents. Annual ATV related-injuries increased from 10,000 in 1982 to 150,000 in 2007.37 The number of fatalities have also increased from 29 in 1982 to 766 in 2007, declining slightly to 670 in 2014.38
States with the highest number of ATV-related deaths include Texas, California, Florida, Pennsylvania and West Virginia.39 Many of these deaths are attributed to driving an ATV on paved roads. The vehicles have tires designed for uneven ground and behave unpredictably on pavement.
Bob Adler, a commissioner with CPSC, the federal agency tasked with ensuring ATV safety, commented,40 “There are just too many accidents. These things are simply not designed to be ridden on paved and public roads. They're just not maneuverable on paved roads. They're very prone to flip over.”
Common Kitchen and Home Accidents Can Claim Life and Limb
Your kitchen may be the center of your home, but it is also home to a number of different pieces of equipment capable of causing significant injury. According to Consumer Reports, these are some of the scariest kitchen accidents occurring at home.41
• Cooking fires
Nearly 2 out of every 5 fires reported at home involve cooking equipment. Half of these are ignited by fat, grease or oils, according to the National Fire Protection Association. You can reduce your risk by staying in the kitchen while cooking, setting a timer as a reminder and keeping anything capable of catching fire away from the stove, such as pot holders, towels or food packaging.
While cooking, it's important to keep a lid handy to smother small grease fires by sliding the lid over the top of the pan and turning off the burner. Keep a fire extinguisher with a minimum of 5:B-C rating on hand at all times. Anytime a fire gets out of hand, don’t try to fight it, but leave the house and call your local emergency number.
• Range tip overs
Unsupervised children are especially at risk as they may climb on an open door and cause the range to flip. Install an anti-tip bracket on the range and anchor it to the wall to keep it securely in place. Never place anything on the oven door when it’s open.
• Food processors and blenders
Although incredibly popular to use, food processors and blenders cause nearly 30,000 injuries combined. To prevent cuts from the blades or other accidents and injuries, don't leave the motorized appliance on for long periods as they can overheat, and never reach inside while the machine is plugged in.
Many of the parts of a food processor are dishwasher safe, including the blades, so there's no need to subject your fingers to injury. While immersion blenders are wonderful for making soups and sauces, it is important to remember to unplug the appliance before rinsing.
• Knife cuts
Lacerations and deep cuts from kitchen knives are more likely with a dull knife as they require more pressure to use. Knives pointed up in the dishwasher also present a hazard. While visiting a friend in Airdrie in Lanarkshire, England, Jane McDonald died after slipping on a wet floor and falling over the dishwasher, impaling herself with a knife pointing upright.42
In the kitchen, keep your knives sharpened, cut food away from your body with the fingers holding the food curled toward your palm, and store your knives in a block, not in the drawer where they can easily slice your fingers.
• Shattered cookware
Hot handles can burn your hands and glass cookware may sometimes shatter. Remember to never take a dish from the freezer and place it directly in the oven or vice versa; do not place glass cookware directly on a burner or under the broiler and don't add liquid to a hot dish or put a hot dish on a cold, damp surface.
First Aid and CPR Saves Lives
Your knowledge of first aid and CPR may save a life. Understanding when and if to perform CPR, how to treat sharp force trauma and the do’s and don’ts of simple injuries is important knowledge for you and your family. You’ll discover how to perform CPR, when to perform it, how to recognize a stroke and what to do in case of sharp force trauma in my previous article, “How to Save a Life.”
Learning the skills required for CPR are easily accomplished in a short community class, often available through the Red Cross or your local fire department. First aid measures you perform on the scene of an accident may make a significant difference in the lives of those in an accident. Avoid these 10 first aid mistakes.
from HealthyLife via Jake Glover on Inoreader https://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2018/04/11/avoiding-freak-accidents.aspx
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bestrooferabq505 · 3 years
Best Metal Roofing Service in Albuquerque Rio Rancho New Mexico | Roofing Services of Albuquerque More information is at: https://roofingservicesofalbuquerque.com/metal-roofing-near-me/ Are you searching for Metal Roofing Service in Albuquerque Rio Rancho New Mexico?  Roofing Services of Albuquerque is offering high quality as it is the best Metal Roofing Service in Albuquerque Rio Rancho New Mexico. Our clients are always happy with our friendly staff and services offered by them. During their cleaning process, you need not do anything as entire cleaning will be done by us only. Best for Metal Roofing Service of Albuquerque! Free estimates. Feel Free to Call us now or book online quickly!
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The Top Metal Roofing Experts Serving Albuquerque Rio Rancho New Mexico
Metal roofs have many distinct advantages over other roofing materials. They are durable, lightweight, easy to install and are fireproof. With a wide variety of colors and styles to choose from, Roofing Services of Albuquerque can achieve virtually any look you want for your home.
Types of Metal Roofing There are many types of metal roof materials used today. These can include steel, granite, copper, and aluminum. That said said, there are three main types of metal roofs that stand apart from each other:
Standing seam panel: These use flat sheets of metal like copper & aluminum adjoined with raised seams. The joints are locked together, and the edges are folded back over, which creates a watertight seal. The metal comes in rolled form and cut to the measurements of the roof. Standing seam is one of the oldest roofing systems in use today, and its installation requires the skills of extremely professional roofing companies. Corrugated Metal Roof: This consists of flat panels of corrugated metal. Although this is not a system that traditionally appears in residential areas, technology has led to the production of panels that have greater curb appeal and are suited to urban living. Historically, the panels are made of galvanized steel, but other metals are coming into favor. Metal shingles: These are shingles designed to replicate the look of shingles made from other materials such as wood, cedar, slate or ceramic shingles. They also can paint the shingles to suit your design and color preferences. Advantages to Metal Roofs While metal roofing is right for some purposes and people, it’s not always right for all. Knowing some of the best reasons to choose metal for your residential or commercial roof can help you determine if it’s something you should choose.
Long-lasting Metal roofing lasts for decades. It’s not uncommon to see a metal roof last for sixty years or longer if it’s maintained properly. For your life in the home, you may never have to replace the roof if you choose metal materials.
Durable Metal roofing holds up well against all types of dangerous weather anomalies. Even debris and animals don’t seem to faze it. The impact of extreme weather in the Albuquerque Rio Rancho New Mexico area makes metal roofing a durable choice.
Easy to Maintain Maintenance on a metal roof is so easy that you can nearly install it and forget about it. Sure, regular maintenance will always be a factor, but the upkeep on a metal roof is so limited, that compared to other solutions like shingles, concrete, or tile, you’ll hardly need to complain about it.
Eco-Friendly Metal roofing is recyclable, making it environmentally friendly. If parts of your roof need to be replaced, metal roofing specialists will tear off the old pieces and use the scraps for other projects. In fact, your brand-new metal roof may already be made from recycled materials.
Most metals are found naturally in the earth, so while it’s recyclable, it’s also more economical to source more materials from our planet without damaging the resources. It doesn’t involve unhealthy practices like cutting down trees.
Great Value While your metal roof will cost more up front to install, it will cost less over its lifetime. You’re making a 60+ year investment instead of purchasing something that will only last 20 years. The metal roof cost is well worth it compared to paying for asphalt shingles three times in the same period.
Metal roof warranties also tend to be exceptional. Check with a local metal roof contractor for the options near you, but you’re likely to find that you can cover your metal roof for all kinds of things like leaks, damage, and more.
The Durability of Metal Roofs As we stated earlier, a metal roof is one of the must durable materials you can install on your home.  Some metal roofs can withstand hurricane force winds well over 100 miles per hour. Metal does not corrode or break down over time due to the beating it takes as well. Some metal materials are also impact resistant — meaning they won’t get damaged from the likes of hail storms or other falling objects.
Metal roofs also do not need high cost maintenance through out the year like other roofing materials. While metal roof maintenance is minimal, it’s important to conduct regular inspections to ensure there’s no damage or to see if you need to repair or replace it. Twice a year, you should inspect your metal roof by:
Cleaning off dirt and stains that the rain didn’t wash away Cleaning drains and gutters Removing any branches or other objects that may be caught in the roof Checking for scratches, chipping, or fading
Get a Free Quote Today Before Making Your Decision Our Albuquerque Rio Rancho New Mexico metal roofing experts can offer inspections, free quotes, and many different installation and repair services that will help you maintain your metal roof. If you’re looking for a high-quality, eco- friendly, cost-effective metal roofing services, call Roofing Services of Albuquerque today at (505) 348-9780.
CONTACT DETAILS Roofing Services of Albuquerque Best roofing contractor in Albuquerque! Phone no.: (505) 348-9780 Website : https://roofingservicesofalbuquerque.com Monday to Sunday 7 am – 11 pm
SERVICE AREA Albuquerque Metropolitan Area: Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance, Valencia Counties NM, Albuquerque, Belen, Moriarty, Rio Communities, Rio Rancho, Bernalillo, Estancia, Mountainair, Peralta, Bosque Farms, Corrales, Cuba, Encino, Jemez Springs, Los Lunas, Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, San Ysidro, Tijeras, Willard, Algodones, Carnuel, Casa Colorada, Cedar Crest, Chilili, Cochiti, El Cerro-Monterey Park, Isleta Village Proper, Jarales, Jemez Pueblo, La Jara, Los Chavez, Los Trujillos-Gabaldon, Manzano, Meadow Lake, North Valley, Paradise Hills, Pena Blanca, Placitas
Ponderosa, Pueblo of Sandia Village, Regina, Rio Communities North, Rio Communities, San Felipe Pueblo, Santa Ana Pueblo, Santo Domingo Pueblo, South Valley, Tajique, Tome-Adelino, Torreon (Sandoval County), Torreon (Torrance County), Valencia, Zia Pueblo New Mexico
Zip Codes: 87101, 87102, 87103, 87104, 87105, 87106, 87107, 87108, 87109, 87110, 87111, 87112, 87113, 87114, 87116, 87119, 87120, 87121, 87122, 87123, 87125, 87131, 87153, 87154, 87158, 87176, 87181, 87187, 87190, 87191, 87192, 87193, 87194, 87196, 87197, 87198, 87199.
ABQ HOUSEHOLD SERVICES (505) 225 3810 http://www.serviceabq.com/ ABQ JANITORIAL SERVICES (505) 404-3120 http://commercialcleaningalbuquerque.com/ ALBUQUERQUE ROOFING COMPANY (505) 404-3068 http://roofingalbuquerque.org/ HANDYMAN SERVICES OF ALBUQUERQUE (505) 404-7167 http://www.handymanservicesofalbuquerque.com/ BEST ALBUQUERQUE HANDYMAN & REMODELING (505) 859-3902 http://handymanalbuquerque.org/ ABQ HAULING JUNK & MOVING (505) 355-4605 http://albuquerquejunkremovalhaulingmovers.org/ ALBUQUERQUE JUNK REMOVAL & HAULING (505) 355-3860 http://junkremovalalbuquerque.org/ A1 JUNK REMOVAL OF ALBUQUERQUE (505) 431-5048 http://a1junkremovalofalbuquerque.com ABQ CLEANING COMPANY (505) 365-4780 http://albuquerquecleaningcompany.com UNM CLEANING ALBUQUERQUE (505) 365-4781 http://bestmaidservicealbuquerque.com AONE CLEANING ALBUQUERQUE (505) 365-4782 http://albuquerquecleaningcontractor.com PRICE CLEANING SERVICES ALBUQUERQUE (505) 365-4783 http://albuquerquehousekeeping.com
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the-abqhauler505nm · 3 years
Tree Removal Junk Tree Yard Waste Removal Debris Tree Wood Removal Hauling Pick Up Service And Cost | Albuquerque NM | ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving More information is at: https://albuquerquejunkremovalhaulingmovers.org/tree-removal-near-me/
Looking for a tree removal company in Albuquerque NM? Did you have a recent storm that left huge tree branches strewn across your yard? Have you recently undertaken a gardening or landscaping project that’s left dirt and debris everywhere? Do you simply have a bunch of junk and clutter in your yard that you haven’t had time to clean up? ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving provides an efficient, safe and eco-friendly tree wood lumber deck yard waste removal service so you don’t need to worry about the pick up or disposal of your yard debris. Cost Of Tree Removal? Free Estimates! Call Today Or Schedule Tree Removal Online Fast!
ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving Tree Removal
Tree junk wood yard waste can come in many forms. Did you have a recent storm that left huge tree branches strewn across your yard? Have you recently undertaken a gardening or landscaping project that’s left dirt and debris everywhere? Do you simply have a bunch of junk and clutter in your yard that you haven’t had time to clean up?
ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving provides an efficient, safe and eco-friendly yard waste removal service so you don’t need to worry about the pick up or disposal of your yard debris. Our experienced debris removal team will break down and haul off any types of yard waste you have. Unlike the backseat of your car, our junk removal trucks are made to handle those dirty yard debris items.
Ready to get rid of your yard waste? It’s as simple as 1, 2, 3. You make an appointment by booking online above or by calling ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving. Our professional and insured yard waste removal team will show up at your home or office; we call 15 minutes before we arrive on site and we’ll give you a free estimate based on how much room your junk takes up in our truck. You point and we haul the debris into our junk removal trucks, with no hidden fees.
We remove almost all types of yard debris, including:
• Branches • Clippings • Stumps • Soil • Sod • Landscaping Debris • Fencing • Firewood • Lumber • Old Timber • Plasterboard • Frames • Windows • Shingles • Corrugated Iron
Not only are we pros in yard waste disposal, we specialize in all sorts of junk removal including:
• Appliance Removal • Furniture Removal • Hot Tub Removal • Trash Removal • Mattress Disposal • Television Disposal & Recycling • Refrigerator Disposal & Recycling • Construction Waste Removal • E-Waste Disposal • Foreclosure Cleanouts • Garbage Removal • Dumpster Rental Alternative • And just about anything else you don't want!
CALL ABQ HAULING JUNK & MOVING LOCATED IN ALBUQUERQUE NMBRASKA BEST TREE REMOVAL COMPANY IN ALBUQUERQUE NM! CONTACT: ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving CALL (505) 225 3810 CLEANING CALL (505) 570 4605 JUNK REMOVAL CALL (505) 850 3570 MOVING Best Junk Removal Hauling Company in Albuquerque NM Open Monday to Sunday 7:00 am – 11:00 pm Located in Albuquerque NM 87120 Website: http://www.albuquerquejunkremovalhaulingmovers.org/ http://www.serviceabq.com/ SERVICE AREA: Albuquerque Metropolitan Area: Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance, Valencia Counties NM, Albuquerque, Belen, Moriarty, Rio Communities, Rio Rancho, Bernalillo, Estancia, Mountainair, Peralta, Bosque Farms, Corrales, Cuba, Encino, Jemez Springs, Los Lunas, Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, San Ysidro, Tijeras, Willard, Algodones, Carnuel, Casa Colorada, Cedar Crest, Chilili, Cochiti, El Cerro-Monterey Park, Isleta Village Proper, Jarales, Jemez Pueblo, La Jara, Los Chavez, Los Trujillos-Gabaldon, Manzano, Meadow Lake, North Valley, Paradise Hills, Pena Blanca, Placitas Ponderosa, Pueblo of Sandia Village, Regina, Rio Communities North, Rio Communities, San Felipe Pueblo, Santa Ana Pueblo, Santo Domingo Pueblo, South Valley, Tajique, Tome-Adelino, Torreon (Sandoval County), Torreon (Torrance County), Valencia, Zia Pueblo New Mexico #junkremoval #hauling #moving #trashremoval #cleaning #newmexico #Albuquerque
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