#toruk: the first flight
lesbiankirisully · 1 year
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Ancestors: day five of @womenofpandoraweek
Tsyal, Avatar Wiki | Pandora Rising game artwork | Avatar (2009) | Neytiri, Avatar Wiki
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chaethewriter · 2 years
You're dead to me [6]
dad!Jake Sully x human!daughter!reader
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In which Jake Sully leaves his life on earth to settle down with the Omatikaya people as Toruk Makto. Having a family that consists of four kids with Neytiri, everything seems to work out just fine, but what if the past comes back for him? And his babygirl is right there in front of him?
warning: english isn't my first language, barely proofread, i lowkey don't like this chap but it's cute, fluff and angst, silly siblings, sad Jake.
Word count: 3,1k
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Your flight back to high camp was amazing. Walking through the forest was something enchanting, out of a fairy tale, but the view from above was something so unrealistic. Colors of green, pink, and blue covered the ground beneath you, and the way the animals climbed the trees or flew just under you. You still couldn't believe where you were. You let go of the reins Neteyam told you to hold and you slightly get up from your seat, holding your body up as you tried to get a better view of everything around you. Neteyam frantically holds onto your arm, "sit down! You're going to fall!"
"As if you would let me fall, who will take care of my younger brother then?" You playfully hit him in the chest with your elbow. Lo'ak then came gliding next to the two of you, "bro! Did you already think of the excuse you're giving mom and dad by being late and bringing (Y/N) with us?" Neteyam groans in response, "I will think of something as an excuse. We are going to hide her in high camp until tomorrow morning by then." You huffed at his words, "hide me in high camp? What are you going to put me in? In a fucking woven bag?!" Lo'ak answered your question as a matter of fact, "I mean, you would easily fit in the bag?" You were ready to jump from Neteyam's Ikran right onto Loak's Ikran, ready to pounce on him. He might be your much younger brother, but you weren't afraid to fight the Na'vi right there and then. "Sis please!" Neteyam wraps his arm around your waist to pull you down, keeping you in place. Even though you were older than them, you had childish traits he thought you wouldn't have. Is this the effect of growing up early and finally feeling free? Would he get to experience that too one day?
As they approached high camp, the horns were heard through the night skies to notify the clan of a return, their return. Kiri facepalmed and looked at Neteyam, "well, there goes your plan. Ready to face the wrath?" His spine shuddered at the question, imagining the wrath of his mother if they took their sister to the clan, but they didn't have another choice now, did they? They couldn't leave you alone out in the open and you were supposed to get here tomorrow anyway, so might as well make you settle down, right? The three Ikrans land right at the opening of the mountains and your four Na'vi siblings climb off it with ease, meanwhile you struggle to get off the animal. You never rode a horse before, imagine a banshee ten times the size. Alright, maybe that was an exaggeration, but the banshees were huge compared to your human self. You huffed in embarrassment as you had a hard time getting off. You were one of the finest warriors and embarrassing yourself in front of a whole clan wasn't on your bucket list, definitely not. Neteyam held your legs as helped you down and you silently thanked him for doing so. The clan surrounded the five of you, standing in a half circle as they stared at you, either with curiosity or weariness. You felt watched, but not in a good way. You were a sky human after all, demon blood in their eyes. Neteyam stepped in front of you, half-shielding you from the prying eyes of his clan, "mawey Na'vi, mawey!" His chest puffed out as he spoke, shoulders broad. You watched him in awe. He was still a child, yet a fine warrior and respected by all. He would be such a good Olo'eyktan. The Na'vi made way as the Tsahik and her daughter passed through, moving to the front with ease as the clan parted like the red sea. You moved away from behind Neteyam, now standing right next to him as you brought your hand to your forehead, "Oel Ngati Kameie." You greeted Mo'at and Neytiri with respect once they were right in front of the crowd.
"I already expected your arrival, (Y/N) Sully." You're shocked that the Tsahik herself announced the news, just like that. The clan started whispering amongst themselves at the mention of the Olo'eyktan's last name and you felt yourself crumbling through the ground. Even Neytiri, your stepmother (?), looked surprised. You didn't know if that surprised expression was meant for the fact her mother announced it or the fact you're her mate's daughter. "I'm- thank you for having me." You bowed your head to show your gratitude, then your gaze traveled to Neytiri. She was already looking at you with those yellow eyes that had so much emotion hidden in them. You felt like she had a lot to say and you felt the same. "My people, mawey. Welcome (Y/N) Sully, daughter of the Olo'eyktan like she's one of our people. She's here to protect us from the dangerous sky demons." Mo'at had her back turned to you as she spoke to her people, emphasizing the fact that you're Jake Sully's child. If she did this to keep you safe, you are in debt to her. Yet, wouldn't something like this make it more complicated? Since you emotionally disowned him as your father? You did, right? You're getting pulled out of your thoughts by a hand harshly wrapping around your wrist. Your head turned to the person in front of you, it was Neytiri. She didn't say anything as she pulled you away from the crowd. Your breath hitched in your mask as you grew nervous, but you didn't complain. She didn't rip your head off, so she wanted to talk to you, right? Tuk looked after you as her mother pulled you away. She looked over at her big brother as she tugged his loincloth, "what is happening?" Tuk was still young, she didn't understand anything that was happening. "It's okay, Tuk! Let's get some food" Lo'ak patted her head, his hands running through her locks. Kiri nodded in agreement, taking Tuk's hand and pulling her to the fire to get their dinner. Neteyam looked after you as his mom and his sister entered their pod, hoping things wouldn't turn more complicated for you.
"Ma'am, what did you want to talk about?" You asked politely once you entered the pod, yet still tried to push her to get to the point. You still remembered how she acted when you taunted your father for questioning his parenting. Neytiri closed the flap of the entrance as she turned to you, cautiously walking over to you. Once she was close enough, she got on her knees for the height difference to not be too intimidating as she spoke, "You're my mate's daughter." You didn't know if it was a question or an extra form of confirmation, but you nodded your head yes. "And you're human." You nodded your head again. "I don't like you, you reek of demon blood." You rolled your eyes. You had to see that one coming."But tell me, child." Your head tilted to the side as you watched her in confusion. Tell her? Tell her what exactly? Neytiri could sense your confusion, so she continued explaining, "what happened, child. Tell your part." You knew it was a demand, yet you couldn't sense a lot of grudges. Her tone was stern and demanding, but not hateful. It was the voice of a wise woman, a wise mother. You decided to make yourself comfortable: taking a seat, sitting your butt on the soft woven carpets as you leaned against the wooden wall. "He was an amazing dad. He didn't see himself as it, but he tried. He tried for me and that's what made him amazing." You fiddled with your mask as you didn't know where to keep your hands, obviously nervous about telling Neytiri about all this. She nodded in understanding, taking a seat as well as she kept quiet to let you continue at your own pace. "Then he left so suddenly and he never returned. I had to hear from the people around me where he went. I waited for years and eventually gave up." Your hands were now lying in your lap as you moved your legs in a cross-legged position, much more comfortable than your last one, "until this day, I hold a grudge against him. He abandoned me, so I am giving him a taste of his own medicine." You didn't notice that your eyes were once again welling up with tears. Your left hand moved towards your mask to try and push it closer towards your face in an attempt to hide. Thank Eywa the mask wasn't transparent. Neytiri leaned towards you, even though she was very weary of you, she awkwardly extended her arm towards you to wipe your tears. Only for a few seconds as she pulled her hand away quickly, but your eyes still widened at the gesture, not knowing how to feel about all this, "you're a strong child with a strong heart, for a sky demon." She then got up and out of the pod. Now that you were finally alone, you once again got lost in your thoughts as you thought about your father.
Once Jake left to Eywa-knows-where, she turned to the backdoor of the pod, "I know you're there. All of you." Neteyam was the first to walk out with his ears flat against his head, followed by Lo'ak, Kiri and Tuk. She looked at her children with a sigh as they all held a guilty yet innocent facade up. "If she's dad's daughter, our sister.. would you hate her?" Lo'ak was the first to speak up. Neteyam wanted to honestly hit him on the back of his head for asking questions like that, but he continued, "she's putting her life in danger for us, therefore she's not so bad right? Dad would have wanted you to try if she's his." Those words hit Neytiri like a truck. Even if she hated sky demons, her mate used to be one and he changed a lot in just a few weeks. Why not her? Being the adorable girl that Tuk is, she chimed into the conversation, "Mom I want to meet her! Can I meet her? Another sibling yay!" Neytiri's canines pierced through her bottom lip as she thought. She still disliked you, also because you were a sky demon. She was conflicted with her feelings, but then she thought about Jake's sad expression. She would be willing to try, for him. Just like how he always tried for her.
From the corner of his eye, Lo'ak noticed how his mother left the pod, meaning you were alone now. At the same time, a horn went off, indicating an arrival. All their heads turned to the opening of the mountain, noticing a familiar ikran about to land. Their father. The four siblings exchanged a look and Neteyam spoke up, "Kiri get some fruits for her and get her away from there. Tuk, Lo'ak, and I will take care of dad. Go!" Kiri followed his orders as she ran to get some leftovers for you to eat, meanwhile, Neteyam immediately went to his father. Lo'ak crouched down to his youngest sibling, "Okay, so don't say anything about sis (Y/N) alright? Dad can't know yet, alright?" Tuk didn't really understand what he meant, but she just nodded as a response, "yes!"
"Sister (Y/N)?" You removed your face from your knees as you were sitting with your knees to your chest, "Oh Kiri, what's wrong?" She walked towards you with a bunch of fruits in her arms, "I got these for you." You chuckled at the small gesture, "thank you so much, but I hope you know I can't eat all that." She looked at the fruits in her arms, "I mean, rather too much than not enough, right? Come on, let's go to the Tsahik." It looked like she was in a rush and you raised your eyebrows at her, "Kiri, what's up? You look tense?" You got up from the ground. "Just follow me!" She already walked out before you could answer her, leaving you all confused and lost. But you obeyed her and followed suit after her.
"My children please just let me be for tonight, I'm tired." Jake wanted to be alone right now. His heart ached in his chest and his eyes were bloodshot red as his tears were drying up. He wanted to find Mo'at and talk to her. "We want to show you something, you must come!" Neteyam never asked something like this of his dad, not since he was ten years old. So this made him feel suspicious. "Yes! Tuk made something so beautiful and she wants to show it, right Tuk!" Lo'ak made up the quickest thing he could think of, eyes gazing down at Tuk who didn't know what to say. She glanced at Neteyam who nodded, so she looked into his eyes with determination, "Yes! You must follow us!"
You sat in Mo'at's tent as Kiri cut up some fruit for you. The moment the two of you entered the tent, she knew that you needed a moment for yourself and left the tent in your hands. You sat on one of the mats as Kiri sat next to you, cutting the fruits up for you to eat. You inhaled into your oxygen mask, letting the oxygen flow through your lungs before you removed the mask, took a piece of freshly cut fruit and popped it in your mouth, reattaching the mask to your mouth to gasp. Kiri watched you in awe as you chewed your food, "that's honestly so cool." She quickly finished up and put her hunter's knife back on her hip. "Eat well and rest up, alright? You got a long day ahead of you tomorrow." "Goodnight and thank you" the two of you exchanged a smile as she left the tent. You continued eating your pieces of fruit in peace, listening to the sound of the clan talking as their laughs filled the air. You popped a fruit in your mouth before reattaching your mask, smiling as you knew you made a good decision. They deserved to be protected.
"What is up with the three of you?" Jake grew frustrated at his children. They were standing in the pod for at least twenty minutes as the three rambled about the most bullshit subjects. "Do you know that I made this flower crown?" "Yes, you told me last week, Tuk." He tried once again to exit the pod, but Neteyam jumped in front of it as he scratched the back of his head, looking at Lo'ak for any other excuse. He was the best at pulling bullshit out of his ass after all. But also Lo'ak was quiet as his ears were pressed firmly against his head. "Well then, if you have nothing to say anymore. I have somewhere to be." His two sons stood there in defeat as they let their dad through, but then Tuk grabbed onto her father's hand, "no you can't!! (Y/N) will be upset if we let you go to her!!" Lo'ak immediately put his hand over Tuk's mouth as Neteyam coughed through that sentence, but unfortunately for them Jake already heard it. To check if he indeed heard that correctly, he crouched down to meet Tuk's gaze, "Lo'ak te Suli Tsyeyk'itan, remove that hand from your sister. Tuk, what did you say?" Her eyes were now also pressed against her head, knowing she said the wrong thing while trying to help her brothers, "uhm.. I said.." she felt overwhelmed as her dad continued to pressure her into telling, making her lips quiver. That was the point when Lo'ak had enough, "you are a terrible father you know that?!" The young Na'vi exploded as he yelled into his father's face. "You abandoned (Y/N) in the most terrible way possible! And now you suddenly crave forgiveness?! You need to earn that! You can't just go around yelling your 'sorries' while sobbing and not do anything?!" His fists were balled as his ears perked up, his tail standing tall, "she has a right to be upset and instead of sulking around you need to talk to her without the need to use your excuses!" And off he went. If he was a cartoon, the steam would have been leaving his ears. He needed to cool off. Neteyam watched his dad's expression falter, knowing Lo'ak was right with every word he said. He silently told Tuk to come with him, as he raised Tuk in his arms, holding her against his hip. "Did I do something wrong?" "No sweetheart, this needed to be done." And the two left the pod, leaving Jake all on his own as he stood still like a statue, painful breaths leaving his lips. He thought it was impossible, but more tears rolled down. Then he remembered Tuk's words. You're here, his daughter is here.
And he knew exactly where to check.
Jake moved from healer's tent to healer's tent. He knew that if you were hiding somewhere, it was somewhere in this area, the healing tents. He swiftly moved from tent to tent in search of your small frame. He eventually got to the biggest tent right in the middle, Mo'ats tent. He ripped the flap open and there you were, sleeping peacefully with the mask on your face to keep you alive. The skin under your eyes were stained with dried tears and a sob left his lips. "My baby.." he moved inside and closed to flap. He knew you didn't want to see him, especially if you woke up, but Lo'ak was right. He needed to try with all his might now, not with only his excuses and words, but also with his actions to show you that he cared for you, like a father. He quietly sat down next you, taking your small hand in his. You moved a bit in your sleep, making Jake tense in his movements, but then you stopped as you rolled a bit closer towards him, towards the warmth you felt. A genuine smile finally plastered his face, he felt at peace.
For now, he decided to enjoy this moment,
not knowing if it would be the last or not.
A/N: another update!! Hope you enjoyed!! And thank you so much for the followers, almost at 2k is a huge achievement! Tell me what you thought of this part. <3 now I'm gonna go ahead and work on my novella fr.
Taglist in the comments!!
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tojigasm · 2 years
sam!! what we thinking: mean! dad’s bsf! jake when reader is tsu’tey’s dauther?🤔🙈
Hold up... let her COOK!
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Jake wishes you wouldn't act so naive - so willfully unaware of the way he acts around you. And a part of him thinks that maybe you are just that simple.
The way you stare up at him with dewy eyes, long lashes gracing the plush of your cheeks, your pretty little tail swishing behind you as if he cant see it - as if he cant see the obvious crush you have on him.
He's mean to you, he'll admit.
Purposefully teasing you just to see the way you fluster and squeal, ears falling to your hair bashfully before you scamper away with your friends.
Today was no different. You'd been by yourself amongst other na'vi by the river, collecting pretty stones and basking in the warm light of the forest, resting along a fallen tree, Jake made his way over to you.
"Whatcha' doin' all the way out here, pretty girl?" He stood above you, making note of the multi colored stones you held in your hands.
Jake bent down beside you, pinching your nose when you didn't reply, earning a hiss from your end.
"Where do you go in that little head of yours?" He ruffled the top of your hair before making his way back to the rest of the clan
You still remember when Jake had first arrived to your clan, you hadnt missed the way his eyes would linger on you or the not-so-sly caresses from his tail when he made his way past you.
Your father, Tsu'tey, and Jake had quarled during the hiehgt of the war against the sky people, making your interactions with Jake short to none.
When Jake had been crowned Toruk Makto, the relationship between your father and him shifted.
Suddenly, Jake became a prominent figure in your life, always spending time with your father before and after hunts and during celebrations within the clan.
Your father gradually became more comfortable with you being around Jake - letting him take you on hunts and telling you stories about what life was like on Earth, he even would take you on flights with Toruk.
And it's almost ridiculous how quickly he gets you under him – how soft you are beneath him, the way your breath hitches when his hand cups your pussy.
And yet you still have that doe-eyed look about you – gasping when Jake kisses at your neck and jaw, nipping at your soft skin.
"Oh, don't play dumb with me," he nearly rolls his eyes when you pout, ears flattening to your hair.
Jake grabs your jaw with a large hand as he spreads your legs, "you think I didn't notice the way you smell when I'm around you?" He nearly hisses, pulling back with a smirk when he begins to scissor your cunt, "The way you get all hot'n bothered 'round me,"
You nod at that, mind too hazy as you pout at him
"Think you can be a good girl?" He circles his thumb over your clit once
"Yes, yes!" You nod your head feverishly and he chuckles at you
"Gonna let your dad's best friend fuck your little pussy, sweetheart?"
Your eyes nearly roll to the back of your head at that, arching your back with a hitched whine.
Jake's eyes lid at your cry as he continues to stretch you open, "Jesus christ, you're wet – you goin' into an early heat, huh, pretty thing?" He tilts his head with tease
"Please–!" You sob into the air, grasping at his forearm
"Please, what?" He thumbs over your g-spot
"Please fuck me, Jake," you cover your hot cheeks in embarrassment and Jake basks in it with a hearty chuckle.
He sinks into you slowly, brows furrowing when you squeeze around the girth of him, hissing out a labored "fuck," under his breath.
The girth of him makes your head fuzzy with lust. He sinks to the hilt, heavy balls resting against the slick of your ass.
Jake's pace is brutal as you whine and hiss beneath him, he reaches a hand down to cover your mouth as he settles himself within you again and you cry, thighs squeezing around his waist.
"Keep your legs open," he seethes, pushing the inside of your thigh to the ground, "And don't fuckin' bite me."
you nod against the heat of his palm, tears welling over your cheeks when he begins to thrust into you again - and its hot and brutal the way your ears perk at the sound of his hips hitting the plush of your ass and the way you can feel the cool air on your clammy skin.
it's all too much and when Jake leans down to whisper, "Gonna fill you up and give you a baby," you cum on the spot.
flashes of color rattle your brain as he fills you with a groan, giving a few gentle thrusts before pulling himself from your heat with a hiss.
Jake keeps a hand on your ankle as you catch your breath, watching you amusedly when you turn to smile softly at him.
"What're you smilin' at, kid?"
and you can only sigh into the cool air of the forest and let yourself sink into the soft grass as he presses kisses to your knee gently.
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blue-sadie · 1 year
Tonowari x Reader x Ronal
Prt 1. Prt 2
Summary: based off this post
Warning: none
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Yn/3rd person pov
"Are we there yet" i smiled glancing at tuk as she cuddled into her mother "almost" jake murmured flying slightly closer to his mate and youngest.
"hopefully" lo'ak huffed rolling his eyes "hey lo'ak" I called gaining his and neteyams attention "let's race you to VS me" I laughed "let's go" lo'ak hollered "it's on" neteyam growled.
I quickly sped off with them chasing me as I turned and twisted around the few rocks before gaining altitude flying higher and higher "yn come back" neteyam yelled as they came to a stop just watching me.
I looked down at them "catch me" I whispered to my ikran before unlinking myself and letting go of her falling down "yn" lo'ak and neteyam screamed trying to catch me but I easily maneuvered myself away from them.
I let myself free fall just smiling at lo'ak and neteyam trailing behind me screaming at me to grab their hands, I rolled my eyes turning to the sea calling my ikran that swiftly came to my rescue.
"Such babies" I laughed settling back on to my ikran "oh fuck off" lo'ak muttered as jake and them caught back up to us "don't worry boys she did the same to me" jake grumbled making me stick out my tongue back at him.
The rest of the flight went smoothly as we got closer to the reef tribes "hi" I murmured waving down to the people below "finally we're here" jake smiled back at his family.
We came to a soft landing and I grabbed tuks hand as their started approaching us "no bow" jake hissed to neytiri "come tuk" I murmured slightly tugging her and I put my other hand out so the can see I have no weapon.
The people started to surround us and I watched with careful eyes as the chefs children approached us but my eyes widened as I saw the chef himself on a skimwing in his full glory.
He approached us with ease as we said our greeting my eyes trained to his glistening abs as he stood infront of us neytiri nudged me, I quickly shook off the feeling.
But it immediately returned as his wife ronal approached my breathing hitching as her eyes ran over me 'what am I doing' I turned my gaze to the floor till the interaction was over.
-Next day-
I smiled as I swam next to jake as we neared tonowari and a few of the other hunters my gazing being anywhere but tonowari, last night was hell I couldn't close my eyes because every time I did they were there.
"Maybe you should learn to ride the ilus first" tonowari murmured his voice filled with worry and concern "one thing you should know about toruk makto over here he lives on the line of death" I said teasing.
Jake huffed at me as we approached our untamed skimwings, mine was being held by tonowari and he smiled at me as I slowly climbed on "wrap this around your hand" he instructed "put your legs here" I gasped feeling his hand grab my leg.
"You have to keep this position to stay on" he murmured moving back away from me "let's go" I smiled as me and jake went off we first glided under water before resurfacing, I laughed as some water sprayed into my face.
"This is easy" I screamed but breaking in histerical laughter as jake went in again immediately getting flung off "loser" I murmured steading myself as I went in but did the same thing that jake did.
"Fuck" I cursed looking at my very bloodied hand "grab on" tonowari said as he swam up to me "I don't ne" I screamed as he pulled me onto his skimwing bringing us back to the village "ronal" he called dragging me to their family hut.
"What happened" she muttered grabbing my hand and bringing it to her face "I'm fin-" "no your not" tonowari murmured standing behind me and placing his hands on my hips keeping me still "this should help" ronal said picking up a bowl with a pasty substance.
She came close to me so we were only inches apart "this might sting" she warned looking into my eyes before applying "fuck" I cursed throwing my head back "shh shh" tonowari whispered.
"Here" ronal said wrapping the wound still standing infront of me I looked down at her my heart started racing as they stood in silence "w-we have something to speak with you about" ronal said breaking the silence.
"W-which is" I asked stepping aside to look at both of them "since your arrival we felt strange" tonowari explained "we felt like our bond wasn't full anymore".
"We felt like we were missing something, someone" ronal whispered gently grabbing my hands, blush dusted my cheeks running up to my ears "and that is" I asked my hope getting the best of me.
Ronal gently pecked my lips before tonowari as they stared down at me with love and care in their eyes.
Prt 2
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blehrbie-blog · 2 years
Neteyam x Reader story
Sooo, I haven't written anything in genuine years. But after watching Avatar:TWOW I've become hyperfixated and have been scrolling and refreshing the Neteyam x Reader tag basically since the movie came out. As a consequence I've had this idea in the back of my mind that I thought was very sweet and cute (something we all need after that movie) so I decided to sit down and give it a go and see what comes out of my brain. So here it is. I haven't properly edited it and it's pretty much a 1000 words of word vomit and a bunch of time skips but it made me happy to write so I'm sharing it.
Oh, BTW SPOILERS!! but also I don't stick to the event's of the movie so idk I'm just putting it out there in case someone hasn't watched the trailer.
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So the idea is our girl meets Neteyam informally for the first time when they're 9. She gets cornered in the jungle by a Palulukan and Neteyam helps her run away from it. She had always known who he is being the firstborn son of the Toruk Makto. She remembers her mom telling her about the big ceremony the Tribe had when he was first born. Everyone knew him.
- You shouldn't go into Palulukan territory without being careful - he says, looking a bit unsure about her now that there's no imminent danger.
- I didn't know I was in its territory
 - Don't wander off too far on your own then.
After this meeting, you get closer and become friends, which means as a consequence you occasionally hang out with the rest of Neteyam's family. However, as he gets older and his Dad starts preparing him to be a warrior and later on Lo'ak as well you don't have as much time to spend as you once did laughing and roaming around in the jungle exploring thick forests and shallow pools of water. It's not like you have nothing to do with your life, you do! You've been thinking of taking up lessons from the Tsahik, to see how you can use the spirit of Eywa and nature to help people who are hurting. It just so happens that the Tsahik is Neteyam's grandmother so you sometimes end up seeing him come back from a mission with his father and you share sweet smiles from across the camp.
When the tribe moves to the floating rocks, you are required by the Tsahik to help those injured from the journey and the ones getting used to the new terrain. So you're even more often in the same circles. As you're working one day about to go over to help Ninat with her sprained ankle, someone taps you on the shoulder
-You seem busy with work. - says Neteyam smiling sweetly at you
-Oh! Yes, I was just about to start. How's your training going?
You hadn't spoken in a while, just a quick wave or nod when crossing paths throughout the day. You hadn't noticed but he towers over you by a couple inches now. He nods towards his dad who's speaking with Neytiri at the edge of their tent.
-You know, just the usual responsibilities of carrying on the legacy. - His eyes gaze into you softly, like he's memorizing your face after not seeing it for long. He shakes it off and looks down - Have you got many tasks today?
-Not too much actually, just need to check up on Ninat and prepare some medicinal salves.
- I want to see you later – He looks back up into your eyes and smiles – Maybe we can go on one of our expeditions like before.
You chuckle – Sure, I'd love that.
With a final nod of approval, he stalks away to his parent's side.
When you meet later towards sunset he's waiting patiently with his Ikran by the vines connecting the Hallelujah Mountains to the Jungle below.
-We won't go too far out into the jungle so we have time to come back before sunrise. - He says as he connects his Queue with the Ikran and gazes at you expectantly – Hop on.
Can I trust that I'll come back alive from this flight? - you raise a skeptical eyebrow. He only went through his Iknimaya ritual not too long ago.
He reaches out a hand to help you up onto the animal – I don't think Eywa would forgive me if I wasted you on a simple flight.
You smile warmly into his shoulder as you hold tight onto him feeling the powerful animal shift under you as you fly out.
Roughly 10 years later
When he comes back from the Mitkayina islands. He's taller and broader and his hair is much longer pulled into a loose braid around his Queue. You have a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach when you first see him. He's magnificent and commanding in his presence. The tribe has gathered all around to accept him and Jake back with a warm welcome. And even though you're hidden by your fellow Na'vi, his eyes immediately find you in the crowd and issue an eager and warm smile on his face.
As soon as he has settled the greetings with the current Olo'eyktan and the Tsahik, he finds you – walking to your sleeping pod. You would have gone to say hello and see him up close but, honestly, you were a bit intimidated. What you now knew was a childhood infatuation with him all those years ago still couldn't handle seeing him all of a sudden in all his... perfect glory. You were a little intimidated. But that doesn't stop him from reaching out for you. You see him jog over with a grin. He grabs you by the shoulders about to pull you into a hug but stops himself at the last moment. His eyes roam you over from head to toe and he looks up with glistening eyes -You've grown! - His tone sounds almost unbelieving
-That tends to happen as time passes, yes – you chuckle, hands coming up to hold onto his arms. His strong arms.
-I'm not too sure what I expected you to look like but you're... way beyond any expectation – He sounds so awe-struck as he's still taking you in, that you start to feel a little embarrassed.
-I can say the exact same thing – You say as you meet his gaze again. As you do his face softens and he brings you into his arms finally.
-I missed you, my friend.
Your hand caresses his hair gently – I missed you too.
You break apart and you decide to go for some late food with him abandoning your plans of sleep.
Months later, when they have their first kiss. It's a slow thing. He will say something dry-humoured in his soft voice and she'll forget to laugh too busy staring at him, realizing how in love she is. And has been all these years. And when he notices that she hasn't replied he'll look at her and know immediately. That she's realized, at last. And he'll come to hold her like she's the most precious thing in his world. He'll thread his fingers through her hair bringing her face close to his. Forehead pressed to hers, patiently waiting for her to join him in the reality he has been living. Where they have loved each other for a while, longed and missed unbelievably because of it, and are finally able to bask in it. The warm smiles and looks, the casual closeness that not being apart allows. The things he has been dreaming of. He looks at her lips and back at her eyes, pulling back slightly to give her some space. Maybe she's not entirely understanding his feelings, maybe she's too caught up in her own to recognize his signs, he thinks, ready to give her all the time- When she grabs his neck and drags him back to her. - Neteyam... – her eyes are glossy like she's about to cry. So he caresses her cheeks gently and finally presses their lips sweetly together. And he can not compare it to any other feeling he has ever experienced. It's not like loving her, that's easy and at the same time overwhelming. It has brought him to the point that he is ready to lay down his life and all of his family's expectations to travel back to the tribe just to see her. To be reunited. But this feeling, this kiss is like knowing, that he won't be alone in his love and he can give her his all, his soul. They stay there, lost in the sweetness of being together like never before until the sun has long set and the moon has long risen.
That is it! I do realise I keep skipping between tenses, I apologise if anyone finds it annoying and hope you enjoyed!
Edit: I thought it might be useful to put a link to part 2 down here so: Next
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bumblesimagines · 1 year
Tsireya having a crush on you
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Request: Yes or No
takes place three years after the battle in the way of water
Oesa soared through the salty skies, weaving through clouds and dipping down toward the water. Her (F/C) wings skimmed along the surface before she rose back up high into the air as Awa'atlu came into view. You pressed a gentle hand to the back of her neck, a soft rumble leaving her chest. She slowed down her speed and flapped her large wings, legs expanding downward toward the sandy beach and landing steadily on it.
"Good, Oesa." You murmured softly, pulling your queue from hers and sliding off her back. The ikran shook herself off and pressed her snout against your leg affectionately before flapping her wings and flying back into the sky. You watched her movements until she disappeared between the trees and further into the island.
"She is very gorgeous." You dropped your attention down to Tsireya. Her big turquoise-colored eyes watched you closely, one hand brushing her damp curls over her shoulder. She smiled at you, as sweet as ever, and walked closer.
"How was your flight?" She asked with a tilt of her head. Ever since your arrival with the Sully's, Tsireya had taken an interest in everything you did. She often asked you questions ranging from Oesa to how you slept to what you planned on doing for the day. Her questions seemed to come from a place of curiosity. You looked different from her and your clan had different customs from hers.
"It was fine, Reya." Her smile widened at the use of her nickname. Your gaze flickered over to her mother, Ronal, who watched you intently. She never gave you the same glare and sneer she had reserved for Lo'ak whenever he even breathed in Tsireya's general direction. But she observed your interactions with her daughter a lot.
"That's good to hear." Tsireya beamed and you chuckled, feeling your tail begin to sway from side to side. She cleared her throat and stood a step closer.
"Would you-"
"Tsireya, I believe your father needs you." You nearly flinched at Ronal's familiar authoritative voice. She placed a hand on her daughter's shoulder, gaze softening considerably as she looked upon her daughter. Tsireya bowed her head and casted you one last glance before heading down the beach toward her father. Your posture immediately straightened when Ronal turned her attention back to you and her lips almost pulled into a smirk.
"Tsahìk." You greeted.
"(Y/N), walk with me." Ronal never seemed to ask or suggest things, her words were almost always demands or instructions. But being authoritative came with her job as Tsahìk. The end of your tail curled around around your leg anxiously and you nodded, falling into step with her.
"Do you need something?"
"No, I simply wished to speak with you." Ronal explained, her presence beside you drawing curious eyes. Her steely gaze remained forward. "I've noticed since your arrival here three years ago with Toruk Makto and his family that Tsireya has taken an immense interest in you. I believed she wanted to be welcoming at first but... I have reason to believe she wishes for you to court her when she finishes her iknimaya."
"Ah..." Your ears pressed flat against your head and you averted your gaze. Neytiri had questioned your relationship to Tsireya a year prior, but having someone apart from your adoptive mother asking questions felt... embarrassing.
"I would have nothing against it if you wished to couple with her. You have no demon blood and from what I've heard your father, Tsu'tey, fought bravely as did your mother. You'd be an ideal mate for her." Your skin felt as if someone had set it ablaze. Your tail uncurled from your leg and began waving near your ankles. Ronal seemed rather amused with your embarrassment, a hint of mischief twinkling in her usually narrowed eyes.
"You are giving me your permission?"
"You do not need my nor Tonowari's permission." Ronal replied and stopped, dragging your eyes off the sand and onto her. She tilted her head, an action that made her resemblance to Tsireya noticeable. "I wanted to know if you planned on courting her. It isn't my business but as her mother, I'd like to know."
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whatisthatmae · 2 years
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Neteyam x Vitiligo Metkayina! Reader
Part 1
Authors note: my second post!! Hopefully this doesn’t disappoint! Enjoy!
Pronouns: She/Her
Y/n pov
I was on my way to hunt some fish to eat for dinner when I heard someone blowing the horn for some odd reason. I got up from where I was and then I see people rushing to see what had arrived at our shores. I stop what I’m doing and go see what the commotion is all about. Once I got there I see my parents, Ronal & Tonowari, and my siblings Tsireya & Ao’nung. I had skipped my way over to where all the people from my clan were, swinging my tail a bit side to side,only to see some new comers. They looked like they were from the Omatikaya clan from the forest.
My siblings were beside my parents by the time I arrived. I skimmed my gaze over the new comers only to see what looks like to be their eldest son looking my way. I look at him a bit confused, mostly because he was just..staring at me. Either way I at least tried to give him a small smile. I don’t really like new comers, or anything new that comes to our clan. My attitude is similar to my mothers so at first I don’t really like them,but I at least have some heart to be nice..unlike her.
She had been looking over these new people with a judging look on her face. Even though I wasn’t the one she was looking at, it made me nervous. Her whole gaze, just makes me nervous. My mother, and the boys mother started growling at each other when my mom got to close to what seems like the other woman’s mate I assume. Toruk Maktou has apologized for the woman’s behavior, blaming it on the flight on the way here.
After a while of talking, my father declared that me and my siblings will help the new family learn our ways. I was not really happy about it because I have better things to do, I am the second eldest child in our family. I am training under my mother to become the next Tsahík. “Father, you do know I have other things to do, correct?” I said with a scowl on my face. Me and my father have butt heads a lot ever since I’ve gotten older. “It had already been decided.” He said sternly.
I scoffed and rolled my eyes at him. I told my sister Tsireya to hurry up so we can get this over with. We showed the family to their Marui & I felt the older brothers gaze on me again. I don’t know what exactly he’s looking at me for though. Maybe it’s because my skin is sort of different? I don’t know. But I try to ignore it the best I could until the day was over. After a while their parents went with mine to go learn elsewhere, while me & my sister teach their children.
After their lesson I tried to leave as fast as I could. I honestly like to keep to myself, it just feels better that way to be alone. When I was on the shore I felt someone tap my shoulder for a moment. I turn around & guess who it was. Yup, the older brother who I still don’t know the name of. “ Yes? Do you need something before I leave?” I asked, being as polite as I could. “Yes actually.” He said, I raised and eyebrow for him to continue. “Could you tell me your name? I’d at least like to know the name of the person I’m learning from.” He asked. I sighed and told him what he asked for. “ My name is ____” I said back to him.
“I was wondering if you would like to be friends? The other people I’ve met here are being… should I say, rude?” I hum in acknowledgement and nod my head. “Yes, that’ll be fine, I guess. I really must get going though. My mother would be furious if I’m late.” I said in a hurry. “Oh, we’ll I’ll see you around then?” He asked curiously. “ Yes, you will. Goodbye!” I tried to put a smile on my face that looked at least a bit real. “Bye!” He said back.
It’s been a few weeks since the Sully’s have showed up on our island. Me and Neteyam have been getting to know each other better, and it’s been working. I’ve been opening up to him about this recently, like how I’ve been so stressed to keep up with my mothers expectations. He relates to my struggles too, which makes me feel better to say the least.
Neteyam has been getting better at his lessons too. I’ve taught him very well since he’s learned in such fast time. I’ve taught him every ting I know from riding an ilu, to hunting. I don’t really know what else to do when we “hang out” anymore…if you can even call it that. He says the we “ should hang out outside of the lessons” since their is nothing else that I can teach him.
Neteyam’s pov
Recently, I’ve been hanging out with ____ a lot. I’ve been making excuses to hangout with them or even just for the simplest things. Lo’ak is thinking that I like her, and I’m starting to see it. ____ is very mysterious, and interesting. She doesn’t really like to be out much with other people, and she has this fierce type attitude. Sort of similar to her mothers, just more..dialed back.
Today I made ____ a gift. It’s a bracelet from the shells from the shore that tuk and I found a few days ago. “Who is that for?” Lo’ak asked. “It’s none of your business, Lo’ak” I rolled my eyes at him while walking towards the place where me and ____ are supposed to meet. “ Its fine, I have a pretty good guess on who it’s for” he said. I huffed and kept waking. “Look big bro, someone’s gonna snatch ____ up and take her one day . Might as well and confess soon.” He said. “And why do you say that?” I asked. “ One of her brothers friends mentioned that he had a crush on her yesterday. So I suggest you hurry up and do it while you have the chance.”he shrugged his shoulders and walked away. I sighed and just kept walking until I see ____.
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star-girl69 · 2 years
Keep Me Ablaze
Jake Sully x Neytiri x Fem!Reader
a/n: y’all know what happens next chapter 🤭 i hope you all enjoy!!
warnings: near death experience, mentions of blood, swearing, tell me if i missed anything!!
Chapter Thirteen - Change
Death from above, is what Jake says. He calls the three of you “stone cold aerial hunters” and forces the three of you to come out and fly with him, so he can practice shooting in midair.
Not that you and Neytiri mind, of course. You have grown addicted to that feeling of flying, of being free so high in air you know that you will die if you fall.
But you feel your ikran’s breath beneath you, her wingbeats, her surety. She is sure she can deliver the two of you to wherever or nowhere at all. And you trust her.
The wind in your face, and you grip the hand rest of your ikran tighter, let yourself be free, be in the wind. There is nothing to do, not here. There is nothing but freedom and wind. Here, the sound of fire is drowned out.
Jake sees it’s first. Him and Neytiri exchange cries, and you just barely have time to open your eyes and show up when it is like Eywa herself come down.
“Dive!” Jake shouts, and it is fight or flight, basic functions and the need to breathe. You think dive, and your ikran does so, following Jake’s paths as Toruk chases after you. His roars, are louder, deeper. They are not yours, not your ikran’s.
Jake leads you down and down, until the three of you crash through the forest canopy and start to weave through the trees. Toruk is bigger, you think, he cannot fit in the thick jungle. But his roars only grow louder, wingbeats deafening, the sound of his jaws snapping like death.
Neytiri calls another bird cry, and you swear you are bleeding with how tightly you are wrapped around the hand rest, how tight your thighs are.
“Follow me!” Jake shouts, and you follow him blindly, like he is the only fire in the darkness, and slam through a wall of vines.
Toruk roars, wingbeats so loud you think your brain is rattling, when Neytiri hoots again and you follow her, the danger passed, panting heavily.
Your ikran grips onto the vines covering the tree, and you place your hand against her neck, breathing heavily.
“It’s alright, it’s alright,” you whisper, looking over your shoulder. But the forest is still, besides for the sound of three fires, pants and soft screeches of the ikrans.
Finally, Jake breaks the silence by laughing so loudly, so normally. It’s like this is just a normal day for the three of you- spent together, exhilarating and full of something.
“Shut up,” you mumble as Neytiri joins, adjusting the strap of your top. “We almost died!” you say, but everything about them is contagious and you find yourself laughing as well.
Jake regains himself enough to speak, Neytiri’s head still tipped back.
“That,” he pants, “is what’s fun, sweetheart.”
“We call it a Great Leonopteryx,” Jake says, fingers tracing over the sharp teeth of the ikran skull.
“It is Toruk,” Neytiri says, like she is correcting him. And you cannot help but feel that she is. That their way is the way of doing things. “Last Shadow.”
“Yeah, right. It’s the last one you ever see,” Jake sneers. He steps forward, coming face to face, staring down the skull like it is the jaws of death.
It is the biggest skull of any animal you had ever seen. You cannot imagine how much bigger it would be in your human form.
“My grandfather’s grandfather was Toruk Macto. Rider of Last Shadow,” Neytiri says, fondly, proudly.
“He rode this?” Jake asks as Neytiri crouches next to you, staring up at him and the skull.
“Toruk chose him. It has only happened five times since the time of the First Songs.”
“That’s a long time,” Jake notes, as you smile and sit next to Neytiri. You feel only like a house fire. Not the biggest, not the worst. You are just there.
“Yes. Toruk Makto was mighty. He brought the clans together in a time of great sorrow. All Na’vi people know the story.”
“I remember you telling me,” you say, grabbing Neytiri’s hand.
She hums, strokes the back of your hand with her thumb. “I remember telling you.”
“Jake,” you whine, pushing the plastic cage off of your chest. He always falls asleep before you, and it’s become routine to call for him like this, maybe sure he is there, waiting for you.
“What?” he says, and you can hear the smile in her voice, the wheels of his wheelchair squeaking against the linoleum floor. “I’m not carrying you, you big baby.”
You snort, turning your head to to the side, only to find him parked in front of you. Watching you. “You couldn’t handle it. I’d probably crush you, weakling.”
He only smiles, and you return it, because it’s so normal to do that.
“In this body,” he says, almost like he will carry you- just not like this.
You watch Jake go through the movements of human life, shaving his face, brushing his teeth. The two of you aren’t living like this- you are just getting through the part of your lives until you can get to the part that feels real.
Him and Trudy left early this morning, flying off to the main base. It was weird, having him away from you. It felt weird to go into your Avatar body and know he wouldn’t be waiting for you when you came back.
But Neytiri was waiting for you. Neytiri was there now. And the more and more you think about it, the more it ignites a fire in you. So hot it burns blue. So bright it swallows each speck darkness.
That is how you feel about both of them, like the wavering of a flame, you will always come back to that first place.
You will always come back to them, really.
Her fingers have trailed over your body a thousand times, but it feels different this time. There is a thrum in the air, like at any second it all will burst and the air will light on fire.
You try not to shiver when she touches you, the cool white paste she traces over your chest and arms, back and neck. Finally, she brings it up to your face, circling around your eyes, until all that is left is your lips.
Two fingers, so light, like a feathers touch. Reserved, in a way, like she is holding back. You wish she would touch you how she wants to. You wish she would touch you like a warrior.
She traces them from your cupids bow, down your lips, to your chin.
Then, you watch as she does the same to Jake, movements just as methodical. She touches you like she loves you. She touches him like she touches you. What does that love even mean anymore?
There is something, everywhere all at once, something around the three of you. A circle of fire, a ring of flame, something that is connecting the three of you in a way that is beyond your understanding.
All you know is that it feels good to burn with them.
“You are now a daughter of the Omaticaya.”
Eytukan’s words are like a weight lifted off of your shoulders. You have poured three months of your life into this, and to see it pay off is satisfying.
“You are now a son of the Omaticaya. You are apart of The People.”
It feels so special, so sacred, and you are burning and burning and it hurts so good.
Your back presses against Jake, warm and grounding, and you sink against him when Eytukan presses a hand to each of your shoulders. You shiver when he grabs your hand, when Neytiri places a hand on your stomach.
And suddenly you are smiling so wide, like there is an excess of happiness in your body and you simply have to get rid of it.
Then, more hands, and hands upon them, until it is a circle with you in the middle. It is like you are the fire, and everyone has gathered around for your light and warmth.
But all you care about is how good it feels to burn with them. How much more it can be. How much more you want it to be.
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quaritchsbunny · 1 year
Jake Sully as a Yandere (hc)
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Wc: 1.8k
Warnings/Tags: stalking, obsessive behavior, f!omaticayan reader x olo’ekytan jake, suggestive, yandere behavior, minor power abuse from Jake, slight manipulation, kinda bimbo!reader
A/N: AHHH my first fic/hc ever hope this can be enjoyed by someone, anyone! Leave any comments and requests!
- Extremity Scale : 2/5
- Type of yandere: Impulsive, overprotective, slightly delusional
- He’s been a marine all his human years, trained for self control, cold battlefields, the adrenaline filled tussles for life.
- Even though he’s no longer constantly waking up before the sun rises to serve the country, even though he’s an avatar with a new life, new rules, new responsibility as the olo’ekytan and a new sense of independence with his new legs and much taller frame…
- His heart still craves rushes, highs where he feels the air around him contract and his fingers go numb with fight or flight instincts and his brain go haywire, overwhelmed with emotion in the new world he’s been presented
- But this time, it’s a different kind of adrenaline
- It’s the kind of adrenaline he gets from seeing you.
- At first, it was innocent, you just stood out to him in the clan, your beauty was unmatched and his newly functional blue legs almost trembled when he first saw you.
- At first, it was just a bit of an energy boost, convincing himself it would lift his spirits after a long day, it was enough to see just a glimpse of your swinging tail, and he’d fall asleep happy, his adrenaline cravingss fulfilled for the day
- But gradually, his cravings for you had become more and more frequent. Until it grew into a completely different feeling. Blurring the lines between obsession and addiction as it grew into his own muddled sense of love
- An emotion he had been taught to eliminate to focus on his tasks as a marine, but now? All thoughts are thrown out the window. He immediately pursues you. Although its in his very special, observant way
- It’s not that you guys never talked to each other, or that Jake was shy (it was actually quite the opposite, as jake never had much chances to make a move because you always swilveled your head the other way when the muscular avatar and toruk makto seemed to come your way) but either way, Jake was more of an watcher, much like how he took just the split second to analyze his opponent’s weaknesses before striking on the battle field
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- This observance, wether it was rooted out of trying to know you more, or because he was addicted his bioluminscent spots suddenly felt like radar guns around you, glowing so bright among the stripes of his skin, soon became his way to love you.
- Whether it’s seeing you at the clan dinner, blue skin illuminated by the campfire the Omaticaya huddled around as they ate the fresh hunts, clad next to your friends that sat so close to you while he sat far away, opposite from you in his position as olo’ ekytan, he doesn’t care about the hunt, dinner, or all the chatter going on, the rumbling in his stomach is silence compared to the thumping in his heart and the red in his eyes when he sees your friend offer you fresh fruit.
- It should be him.
- Or maybe the way he oh so accidentally just stumbles upon you every time you take a bath in one of Pandora’s many bioluminiscent rivers, your unknowing form resting beautifully in the clear flow of the water, droplets clinging to your neck as his own drool drips down his.
- He didnt have a second thought before the strewn strings of his loincloth fell to the lush forest floor as well, eyes furrowing in pleasure as he watched you wash yourself, though his pants and touches were not for the purpose of washing his body as he bit intently on his bottom lip, expert at holding back noise from the battle training he had undergone as a human
- And maybe it’s the way you seem to quietly flow throughout the clan, silently helping others with your skill, or the quiet rhythms of your breathing as you insert beads on young children’s hair. Delicate fingers deftly swirling through the scalp and embedding the handmade beads you carved and collected into every adolescent’s head
- Oh he would’ve done absolutely anything, so many times he wanted to push those undeserving children aside and pry his head into your hands, wanting your delicate touch.
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- One fateful morning when he sees that you’re not as tall as many males of the tribe and watches with haltered breath as you tiptoe on a weak bark you’ve climbed up, trying so hard to reach a fruit you’ve been searching for all day along, your calves sour as you huff out, arms nowhere near the plump purple fruit that seemed to taunt you on the tree. (alone? You had thought so, Jake has watched you and trained himself to be quiet for so long now that he has memorized exactly how to follow you)
- It’s at this moment that the muddled ideas of love in his head click into a full picture, he justifies it, how much you need him, a strong mate that can protect you from the many risks you face all day in the forests, being particularly domestic and caring.
- His agile legs take one step after another, the moist morning soil crunching as he approaches you. He thanks eywa for this moment, as if the great mother herself was the one who had put you in such a perfect situation to fall into his arms. She needs me! She’s so helpless, that branch can cut her toe, what if the fruit falls on her, what if a beast was here, oh this is the perfect moment! She needs me!
- You stumble as you hear him approach, losing balance on the flimsy branch you had tiptoed on as your head whips back to see who was there.
- And like the most perfect scene in a human movie, he pulls you into his arms just before your ankle twists out of unbalance and pressure on the branch, and you almost forget where you are as his much more muscular avatar arms embrace you, warm like the sun that shines on the forest ground as his earthy scent embraces you.
- The moment you fall into his arms, everything clicks for jake. Whatever yandere tendencies had been stirring below him now immediately turned full notch as he pulled you away from the tree, your perfect form swallowed in his thick arms. This was perfect, I need her, she needs me
- “Oh sweet, what were you doin hm? Up so high on the branch, what if I wasnt coincidentally strollin here and couldn’t have caught you, hm?”
- You gulp, nervously as his bright dark pupils pierce into you, so dilated the ring of yellow was thinner than a glade of grass as his eyes swallowed you
- You say thanks shyly as he puts you down, getting ready to head off back to the village, embarrassed that of all people, the mighty new unmated toruk makto and olo’ ekytan had seen your scrawny clumsy form try to reach a fruit because you were stubborn and craved it more than what the clan currently had to offer, your embarrassment crawling through. The violet fruit hanging high on the tree seems unimportant compared to the undeniably attractive man towering over you, expectant. 
- “Where ya going? Don’t you want those fruits?” he chuckles, his canines showing as his tail swishes playfully, tilting his head back to the tree
- You swallow thickly and shake your head, the heat rising like bricks of coal in your face as you told him you were fine without the fruit
- Jake laughs, the sound melodic in the air as he effortlessly glides up, not even using the branch as he reaches and pulls down a basket full of the fruits, loading them in your hand woven one, each growing as heavy as his heartbeats around you until it was filled to the brim
- “Now you can hurry home, and I’m escorting you, don’t want you stepping on any flimsy branches again” Jake says smoothly, winking as he takes the heavy basket from you without a word and begins to walk with you back to the village
- In your own flusteredness (and slight gidiness) you dont hear how loud his heart is pounding next to you, how his long legs slow down to match your pace, the very bad guise of him walking you home on one of the safest paths that many dangerous beasts abandoned long ago with absolutely no threats in the daytime, or his fingers nervously fumbling with the edge of your basket, his tail swishing at the speed of light as it drew little infinity signs behind you
- Even when you two make it back to the village, he insists on personally carrying the basket back to your hut to make sure nothing happens (which he pretended skillfully not to know the way to, as if he hadn’t watched you sleep every other night) and you shyly lead the way, as your friends see you and hoot teasingly when they sighted you with the infamous new chief of the clan. 
- He sets the fruits on your table gracefully and says bye as he swings out of the hut, his heart pounding
- Later when you pick one of the many perfectly ripe fruits he had picked, you find a stripe of paper, crumbled and stained with sweat with Jake’s sloppy navi writing
“Ikran riding tomorrow before the eclipse?”
- You giggled playfully as you held the paper close to your chest, unaware that Jake himself was also smiling happily at your reaction from his crouched position just behind your hut, ears pressed to the woven walls.
- It’s not that you could’ve really said no, he knew your schedule was free tomorrow and your friends and any parents who wanted their child’s hair beaded had been so politely asked by the chief of the clan to avoid you all day, so what else could you have done but tell him yes at the clan dinner?
- From then on, it was only natural that you guys became mates, Jake began to escort you everywhere under the excuse of your clumsiness, paranoid as if you were the most fragile navi to exist, until he eventually convinced you that you didn’t need to go out so much, that he could direct others in the tribe to hunt and collect whatever fruit you desired
- This form of protectiveness carried over to whenever your friends asked you to go out at night, as he soon began to sleep early with you in the guise of health to eliminate any inconvenient and “dangerous” outings he couldn’t possibly let happen to his darling
-and the same attitude carried to(god forbid) any males asked you to talk alone.
- His dominating frame slid right in front of yours, chest presented proudly “if it’s that important, let the olo’ekytan know, im sure i can solve any problem you’ve got” he says, the venom behind his words hidden behind the sweet puppy smile he reserved for you
- He smiled happily as he pulled you close in front of the clan, fingers interlacing as he hand fed you the freshest fruits at dinner, body relaxing as he watched you braid the finest of your beads into his hair, bathing with you in the rivers as he called your name for everyone to hear in your throes of passion.
- Who knew that waking up early to harvest all the short fruit trees until they were bare of any fruit within the mile radius of the village that fateful day could’ve led to such a perfect romance?
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lesbiankirisully · 5 months
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The Moon Embraces Us
Avatar: The Way of Water (2022) | Portrait of Lucha Maria, A Girl from Tehuacan by Frida Kahlo, 1942 | “Witches,” Alice Phoebe Lou | The Starry Night by Vincent van Gogh, 1889 | Toruk: The First Flight, Cirque du Soleil show (2015-2019) | “Queendom,” AURORA | Avatar (2009) | Solar Eclipse by Howard Russell Butler, 1925
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nattikay · 7 months
ok, so something I noticed while trying to pick an A1 track for my previous post! Wasn't content with leaving this one as a tag comment, had to make a separate post about it lol
so, this song:
I think it's decently well-known that the assumed "Na'vi lyrics" in this song are not actually Na'vi; they're just random syllables that don't mean anything, chosen mostly to sound pretty and cut through the orchestra. And that's true of the chanting in the fast part of the song! it's just random pretty syllables, not Na'vi words.
BUT!! While listening today I suddenly realized for the first time that the slow part at the end of the track (starting at around 3:40) DOES have real Na'vi lyrics in it!! The pronunciation is pretty slurred, especially on the first line, but it's there! It's the "Tree Song", the same one the clan is singing at Eytukan's funeral in A1 (right before Jake flies in on Toruk). The "Tawkami Clan" track from Toruk: The First Flight (linked in my previous post) also uses lyrics from the Tree Song, and it was the similarity to that one that made me suddenly recognize it here lol.
Here's the lines as they are in this version, if you want to follow along:
Utralä anawm ayrina' lu ayoeng, Utralä anawm ayrina' lu ayoeng, A peyä tìtxur mì hinam awngeyä ...ayoeng (?) We are seeds of the great tree, We are seeds of the great tree, Whose strength is in our legs ...us (sounds like they throw an extra "ayoeng" in at the end there, which doesn't really make sense but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
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marymary-diva17 · 6 months
Will he love me
neteyam x female Ao’nung
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Falling in love is like falling down a hole over and over, thinking it was coming to stop but it didn’t happen. Now a teenage girl was facing that situation when it came, to someone she had fallen in love. She had fallen in love with a boy that seemed to be perfect to be with her, and now she was feel fear and worry that he not see her in the same light and that she was not perfect for him. That her love for him is just a childish crush’s that will be rejected.
angi " ......." angi had been told by her parents one they she will find, the one that perfect for her when the day comes. She had always kept those words true to heart, but she never thought it will be with the eldest son to toruk makto. neteyam is the perfect son and navi he is young warrior, when she first saw him she had started crushing on him and spending time with him she fall deeper in love.
angi ......" Neteyam was perfect and she was not perfect enough to be with him, she had nothing to prove to him and his parents that she perfect like all the other girls. She also had a good friendship with him one wrong move will ruin everything for everyone. Since then she had start keeping some distance from neteyam and his siblings, as she wanted to rid herself of these feelings of love, and just see neteyam as friend.
angi " what I'm going to do every time I see him or near him, my heart starts racing and it become hard for me to breath" angi had placed her face into her palms, she was trying to find a solution and she couldn't get rid of the love she has for neteyam.
ronal " my daughter is everything okay" angi was with her mother today helping in the healer hut and taking care of her brother as well.
angi " oh yes everything is fine mom"
ronal " are you sure you seem out of it"
angi " oh I'm good I was just thinking about it"
mo'at " you shouldn't overwork yourself young lady it not health"
angi " I will make sure that doesn't happen thsaik mo'at"
neteyam " hello"
ronal " oh neteyam hello"
mo'at " hello my grandson it good to see you"
neteyam " hello ronal and grandmother umm ronal I came to see if ... hi angi I was wondering if you will like to hangout right now as I got done with my task and the meetings with my father and tonowari"
angi " helli neteyam I'm helping my mother and taking care of my brother and I ..."
ronal " you should go I can take care of the baby from here, you have done enough here and you need a break and enjoy time off "
angi " okay" angi had passed her baby brother to her mother as she got up and walked towards neteyam.
neteyam " I will make sure to bring her home by supper time ma'am"
ronal " I know you will neteyam you are honest young man that I can trust" neteyam had nodded his head and soon grabbed angi hand, as the pair looked at each other.
neteyam " come let have some time off while we can" neteyam and angi soon started walking away together, as neteyam was leading the way.
angi " neteyam where are we going"
neteyam " well off somewhere to have some fun and make sure you take a break and relax, and don't worry it will be fun"
???? " neteyam there you are I was hoping you could babysit tuk... oh hello angi"
neteyam " hey mom I and angi were going to hangout today"
neytiri " oh yes I remember you mention that don't worry I will have spider or your siblings watched her enjoy your day both of you"
angi " thank you" neteyam and angi soon went back to their walking and soon arrived at the docks.
neteyam " wait here as I call my ikran"
angi " your ikran" neteyam did answer her as he had called his ikran who soon landed, near the two and was now looking at them. Angi had stepped back from neteyam and his ikran.
neteyam " hey it okay she already know about you see" neteyam ikran seem to like angi and was not hissing at her.
neteyam " come let go for a ride"
y/n " a ride"
neteyam " yes I haven't taken you flight on ikran yet and it will be fun, and I know a place we can go to relax and enjoy time together" angi couldn't say anything as neteyam soon grabbed her hand once again, and guide her toward the saddle. He soon got on and soon reach out his hand toward angi.
neteyam " trust me" angi soon grabbed neteyam hand and was soon helped onto the saddle, she had placed his hands on his waist.
neteyam " hold on tight"
angi " okay" soon neteyam had his ikran take off into the skies angi had never been this high before in her life.
neteyam " see I told you it will be fun"
angi " yeah" angi had looked at everything she was amazed by all the beauty she was seeing right now. Neteyam had smiled seeing that angi was having a good time. They had flown a bit more before they landed on beach.
neteyam " we have made it"
angi " wow neteyam this place is beautiful"
neteyam " I'm happy you love it I brought you here in hopes we can have some time together"
angi " well lets have some fun when we are here" neteyam had nodded this head the pair had found some fun actives to do, until they got tried and denied to rest under a plan tree.
angi " thank you for taking me out neteyam"
neteyam " it was nothing I was missing having my friend around and now we are hanging out together"
angi " oh yes"
neteyam " angi since coming here you have been able to make life here fun, and I enjoy my time with you"
angi " really you are not joking with me because it will hurt if you do"
neteyam " no I'm telling the truth I love being with her and I thought us getting away from home will be good, and allow us to have some together"
angi " well you thought right" angi and neteyam soon look at each other and laugh, angi soon laid back against a tree.
angi " maybe this can be our little hideaway"
neteyam " I will love that and maybe we will show the others later on"
angi " sure" angi was swimming in the water as she felt like going for a swim, while neteyam was back on the beach collecting something from the sand. Maybe he was doing something for this family or his human friends, when she went back to where neteyam was sitting at and doing something.
angi " neteyam"
neteyam " oh angi hey how was your swim"
angi " it was good what were you doing while I was here"
neteyam " enjoying the shade and making sure my ikran stays out of trouble" angi soon laughed as the pair had stayed on a beach a bit more until sunset had happened.
neteyam " come on lets get home I made a promise to your father and mother, along with my parents"
angi " sure" The pair had soon left the beach and soon arrived at home, the pair were now walking back to the village.
neteyam " angi there something I wish to give you"
angi " sure" neteyam soon showed a beautiful necklace made with string and some seashells and crystals.
neteyam " I made this for you today on the beach, I want to give you a gift to show how much you mean to me"
angi " aww neteyam it beautiful" neteyam had helped angi put the necklace on, soon the pair were looking at each other. They both were smiling brightly at each other.
neteyam " angi you are a very special girl to me and no one else can compete against you, to me your are perfect and whenever I'm with you I feel happy"
angi " neteyam" neteyam soon kissed angi right check and soon looked at her, the pair were just looking at each other.
neteyam " wow I can't believe I did that I'm sorry if you don't feel the same I ..." angi soon kissed neteyam getting hime off guard but he soon smiled, the pair soon smiled at each other.
angi " I feel the same as well"
neteyam " that makes me happy well now come on let get back home" the pair had walked back together holding hands and talking. The pair had said goodbye to each other as they went to their own homes.
tonowari " welcome home so how was your day with neteyam"
angi " it was good baba we had a great time together"
ronal " that good you are bright red you know"
angi " oh so what for dinner"
rotxo " is that a new necklace"
tsireya " did neteyam give it to you that so nice"
angi " we can talk about it later hold our brother correct rotxo" angi had sat with her siblings, her parents had been smiling brightly they are happy to see their daughter in love and happy. They were not the only parents that are happy about their child finding love during times like these.
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zatrinaxxx · 2 years
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🤍[When Jake Sully arrives in the Omaticaya clan and becomes Toruk Makto it doesn't take long for him to turn heads, but the only look he wants is from a quirky, smiling healer.]🤍
warnings: none just Jake being a big lovesick fool who hurts himself on purpose.
☆[ Friendly reminder: my native language is not English, if you see grammatical errors do not hesitate to say so. As long as they're nice.]☆
As he approaches the healing tent, he crouches slightly covering his side with his hand and walks a bit with a limp.
When you see him you can't help but run towards him with worry painting your features. For a moment, just a millisecond he feels guilty, guilty of using your kind and charitable heart for his selfish actions because just by seeing him you abandon the badly injured Na'vi to attend to him, but after seeing what said Na' ´vi is Untk the little sentiment goes away as fast as it came.
-Jake- you scream worried when you get to where he is- oh for Eywa, darling what happened to you?- his heart races and a slight heat comes to his cheeks and the great Toruk Makto struggles not to smile and continue with his performance.
-Today's flight was not very smooth,- he murmurs with feigned pain, your hands take his and remove them from his stomach where the wound is.
-Oh, my poor warrior- you speak sweetly taking one of his big hands and guiding him to a corner where there are not many healers or patients.- sit here, I'll be back in a moment honey.-
And can you blame him? Who wouldn't do anything to hear those sweet words come out of your mouth? Even the strongest man or Na'vi will throw himself off his ikran only for you to heal him with gentle hands and little warnings.
You return to him as quickly as you promised, bringing with you ointments and sage to heal his wound. You kneel in front of him and ask him to lie down on the hammock to start your work.
When his moans intensify and his abdomen contracts with each touch of your hands on the wound, making it difficult for you to work.
-You know? I've come to think that you do this to yourself on purpose- Jake's lips press into a thin line, his eyes avoiding looking at you.
-Wait, did you hurt yourself on purpose? This must be a joke- you growl taking your hands away from his body, starting to gather your things to leave there.
His hand encircles your wrist, preventing you from walking-Wait!- He stands up abruptly, showing you that his wound is not as painful as you thought- I- I can explain it to you-getting out of his grip with annoyance, you cross your arms.
-Go ahead, I'm listening-
-I'm sorry, that's the first thing- he sighs trying to find the right words for what he's going to say next- the second thing is that I like you and I don't just like you- he takes your hands in his and murmurs slightly having as the only purpose that you are the only listener.
-My blood start to rush when I see you, and my heart beats so fast that I think it will come out of my chest, when you smile I melt like a candle- take a breath to finish saying which was the cloying thing he could have ever said- because your smile illuminates more than the moon, and when I see you laugh I know that everything will be fine, because I want to be me, only me who has the joy of seeing you and making you happy when you open your beautiful eyes in the morning and it will be the last memory of the day when you close it, that's why I did it-
Your eyes sting with unshed tears and you rush to embrace him with happy laughter.- You, great and brave idiot- you reprimand him standing on tiptoe and taking his face in your hands- So many wounds just because you didn't know how to talk?- you deny with head splattering kisses all over her face- silly giant baby-
The smile that crosses Jake's face is unmatched and his tail furiously whips the floor.
-Does that mean you're not angry anymore?- he murmurs, kissing your forehead.
-Of course not- you walk away to hit him on the head and then hug him again- I don't want to see you here in 30 moons Jake, and seriously-
-I think I no longer need that, my love-
🤍[ I hope you liked it, if so please let me know. bye]🤍
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sunsents · 1 year
Jake Sully - For Duty and Heart
Trust Your People Part 2
Here it finally is! I don't know why, but whenever I schedule to write something a big event gets in the way. I literally had my final exams the time I posted trust your people like I swear I don't do it on purpose 😟. Anyways, I really hate how this turned out. I was hoping to add a smut scene and develop their relationship with more depth but I unfortunately didn't have the time nor energy to do so. It's fine since I have more projects planned with Jake so I hope to flourish them.
Read part 1 here
Summary —> After sharing an intimate moment with Toruk Makto under Vitraya Ramonung, you struggle to deal with your boiling feelings.
Pairing: jakesully x fem!reader (no use of y/n)
Words: 6.7k
Warnings: insecurities/jake, again, is too hot/mentions of war and guns/mentions of violence/cursing/kissing
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angtsik - hammerhead titanothere
kali'weya - arachnoid 
Ikran/ikrana - mountain banshee
tewng - loincloth
palulukan - thanator
swotu seyn - sacred place/chair for the clan leader
yomyo lerik - leaf plate
pxen - functional clothing
When you first acknowledged your feelings for JakeSully, your planet shook, heart leapt and hands clammed. 
Almost falling off ikrana did that to a na'vi.
Four moon cycles before the war with the skypeople, you had no choice but to join JakeSully on his iknimaya, as Sa'eyü and Thak, your students, were also in due time. Being followed by the young tawtute warrior was a definite surprise - perhaps impressive since he easily caught your tail on his first flight. His ikrana Bob kept taunting your beautiful boy, and it was all consuming to ignore your feelings of intense wrath. 
It took too much of you to ignore him, but Jake was a stubborn man. You revered your Ikrana's head towards the tawtute, causing a chain of events that involved you and a dream walker to butt horns like two angtsik in all subjects but Eywa's beauty.
And that was saying something, as living in Eywa's beauty was like breathing and eating. 
Now, after the war, after acknowledging your feelings, and after Jake is no longer a young warrior but a mighty one, you watch him claim the title of Olo'eyktan. He wears long garments of silky kali'weya weaving that start from his neck, and pool at his feet. The cloth holds significant meaning due to the hard obtaining process - kali'weya are quite tricky. You remember being bitten by one in your tenth cycle, removing the poison was painful and time-consuming. 
His locks cascade down his back, braids adorned with beads of red and green to signify his stance in the forest - a bringer of peace and harmony. Feathers of white, red and brown protrude from his girthy shoulders, his thick, muscly thighs bulge from the long tewng that sit loosely on his hips, and his arms, legs, feet, and neck are adorned with the most beautiful pieces of jewelry that it's like looking at the eclipse sky. The headpiece that sits proudly on his forehead ignites feelings that prickle your skin and tug at your heart. 
No matter how long you gawk at him, your praises won't do justice at how magnificent he looks. Thank Eywa it is custom to gaze at the Olo'Eyktan as he opens his arm in unity to deliver his speech, because you're sure if this was any other instance, you'd be acclaimed a creep and cast out to live in the palulukan den few walks away from cave Kelkuk'tel. 
Jake announces the celebrations to begin and a chaotic jumble of shouts, cheers and drums erupt around you. You're still staring at him when he sits on his swotu seyn, all the while pretending like you're interested in the conversation around you. It's an obscene scene; watching the new Olo'eyktan while you bring teylu and fruits into your mouth and chew air as the long forgotten pieces fall back on your yomyo lerik. 
You don't know what kind of power it is that lures you towards JakeSully, but you hope it's not Eywa herself that's giving you painful nudges. 
It seems the deity's efforts fall fruitless on you, because when the celebration is finished and you're helping the cleaning process that you feel a tap on your back. You turn back with a grin, expecting one of your family members or a friend - until you realize it's far from the truth. JakeSully stands infront of you with a shy smile, looking comically uncharacteristic in his Olo'Eyktan pxen.
"Olo'Eyktan Jake." you're quick to acknowledge him with two fingers on your forehead, ignoring the rapid thrumming of your heart that make your ears flick and tail swish. 
He returns the gesture, "Please," he snorts, catching your mocking tone. "Drop the theatrics."
You roll your eyes almost instinctively - he had that kind of effect on people. Or maybe it was just you. 
"I do not know this theatrics, but I didn't drop anything of mine." you say, crossing your arms.
Jake gifts you a hearty laugh that bubbles from his throat and kisses your ears. You cannot help but grin widely at his brightened face - feeling embarrassed in his presence for not understanding his alien words. You simply couldn't stop looking at him this eclipse. He was just so...lookable.
"No," a chuckle escapes him once again, then he clears his throat. "It's just an expression..."
You tilt your head in confusion, wanting to run away from this interaction as soon as possible. Now would be a good time...you can take on foot, hide behind a fat treetrunk and wait for his scent to dissolve - because it's clouding your head and dizzying your senses.
He must think you're an idiot for not understanding his language. After all, Grace had taught you, and you've been speaking English since childhood - even after the accident.
"Nevermind." Jake shakes his head after your silence, and you beg Eywa for a palulukan to snatch you away. "I actually wanted to ask you something,"
At that, your eyes shine. Chest bubbling in excitement for a brief moment, you clench your fist to calm yourself down. Guilt washes over you like a tidal wave for entertaining such feelings when the clan was suffering a great loss.
The war with the Skypeople was heartbreaking. The irreplaceable losses and lives still haunt your dreams and weigh on your chest like stones - it falters with your daily routine and you feel guilty. Your dearest brother and sisters joined Eywa in a second life of peace and tranquility but this knowledge did nothing to ease your aching heart. The fact that you partook in the destruction of Eywa's children, even if it was to keep your land safe, burns your entire being. 
Memories of choking on ashes while watching the greenery burst in flames flood your thoughts. The human clunks of metal were ugly, trashing on their strangely hind legs and hysterically causing wreckage on beautiful fauna. Trying to fight one off was even more traumatizing - you still remember a metal arm holding you by your kuru, a part most sacred and sensitive, flailing you around like you were an insignificant bug. 
It was excruciatingly painful and impossible to forget, the memory makes you instinctively move a hand to your kuru and softly rub it. Jake's eye-brow furrow (you were still getting used to them), knowing the scars you've suffered, though he doesn't comment.
You clear your throat, "What is it?"
Jake fidgets, then a look of dawning overcomes his features (you assume that it has something to do with him being Olo'Eyktan and fidgeting like a guilty child). He quickly straightens his posture and squares his shoulder. "I wanted to ask you if you'd take over Takuk's position - be my right hand...woman."
Your eyes widen at his words, feeling inexplainable dread. Tightly hidden insecurities dawn on your entire being, causing you to freeze. Were you strong enough to take on such responsibility? 
Yes, you had fought alongside Toruk Makto, but that was pure adrenaline pumping through your veins. Now, you feel as if you're looking at yourself in third person, viewing your life in scrutiny to nitpick every detail that makes you think you don't deserve this position. The only word you can choke out in this realization is; "Why?"
Jake's ears fold and his tail lowers, "Because you're the strongest warrior I know. You're logical, and have insane knowledge on tactics my thick skull can't understand - I want someone like you on my side."
I want someone like you on my side.
His words echo around your head when you simply nod your head, mind swiveling in all the praise and admiration.
"Of course, this also means we have to get along with each other."
Jake's words cause your tail to coil around your leg. "I thought we were already doing that..." you frown, heart stuttering. 
Had your time in Vitraya Ramonung meant nothing? You distinctly remember comforting Toruk Makto in times of need and forming an unspoken understanding. Was it that you simply drank too much, and fantasized the entirety of the interaction?
After fighting alongside him in a war, spiteful feeling were completely forgotten - at least on your part. Though, as you gaze at him, they forge from entirely different feelings that you won't even dare think. 
"Oh?" Jake smiles, fangs greeting you in mocking. They remind you just how handsome and shiny he is, and then of course, how unreachable he became. "I thought you didn't like me, sweets."
Your head tilts at the unfamiliar yet weirdly intimate nickname. "I don't hate you, JakeSully. It is only that..."
"Yeah, of course." Jake shakes his head, taking a step forward. You still keep an assured distance between your two bodies. "I understand we don't see eye to eye, but we can learn to get along for the sake of the clan."
You hum, for the sake of the people. You shall accept this position for the people and the people only. 
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The people could've looked after themselves just fine.
For the past two months, you have done nothing but train, theorize, plan - repeat. Days are spent tracking new hunting trails, amplifying defenses, aiding to the needs of the people, any many more impossibly dull activities that have you knocked out before your head even hits your nest. Not to mention something you like you like to call, Moat duty.
The name of the activity is much less interesting than the actual occasion. Helping the Tsahik and her herd of healers was heaps fun because they'd let you roam free and touch around the herbs and clutters of equipment - experimenting new medicinal techniques only you could understand since you were barely trained in the art, and only there to deliver supplies. 
This new arrangement meant spending time with Tsakarem, Neytiri. She had staked her claim on Jake quite clearly, and was assured that no one dare challenge her - this applied to you as well. She didn't see your feelings as a threat because she didn't see them at all. 
You had masked your affections towards Jake as distate and dug a grave for them in doing so, burying them alive. Clan members praised you for maturely tolerating Jake's presence and being his trusted aid - it was far from the truth.
You longed for him. The night in Vitraya Ramonung had only amplified your feelings for the man - remembering how ethereal he looked, gazing at you with soft eyes, you were positively giddy at the memory.
This notion had only caused a larger inner-turmoil. Why was it that you tortured yourself, rather than just be out with it? What could go wrong if you marched up to the man, confessed how deeply you crave him, then kissed his incredibly plush-looking ones that probably taste like yovo fruit and love. 
Oh yes, your pride. 
Besides, your relationship was now strictly professional. You didn't have time to prance around in your lovesick ways. You had responsibilities to the clan and to him.
Which is how you and Neytiri formed an unusual friendship. She didn't know your affections for Jake but still approached you with hesitancy. You had to reassure her that Jake would never see you as more than an aid, and that you didn't stand a chance against her anyways. This declaration warmed her right up, chatting with you animatedly about her tsakarem duties each time you visited.
This newfound arrangement with the healers did lessen the dull ache of being consumed in clan duties - but responsibilities always catch up to poke and prod at you, or rather, Jake.
Seated on a plush cushion in the heart of hometree where duties of importance are carried out, you carve a gathering list for the new cycle when a thunk alerts you. A group of younglings are sat around a distant fire, chatting amongst themselves. Gatherers are scattered about, ready to scavenge eclipse specialties. 
You're otherwise alone in kelutral, the orange glow of fire exuding dimly around the vast opening. Notes of evergreen and birch smoke waft across Jake's chest when he sits infront of you, and if you weren't sitting down, you'd probably have toppled over at his scent.
"Whatcha doing?" he asks, nonchalant. This was another issue you had with him, even though he was your leader, he acted way too relaxed around you. At first, clan duty consumed him. He was overpreapered for everything, ensuring protection all across Omaticaya acreage if the Skyepople were to strike again. Though, they never did. 
After the war Jake had ensured they left Eywa's child, never to return. You assured yourself every night that they cannot get you anymore. Living in fear accomplishes nothing, thus, slowly going back to the flow of life was easy for you.
Although, Jake was overworked and over-worried. Tsu'tey vowed his position to Jake as he laid dying - the young warrior was thrusted into a responsibility he wasn't trained for. Jake struggled to keep his promise and it was evident, he was trying his best to live up to Eytukan and Tsu'tey. 
You sat him down one eclipse and told him that over-preparing would be a waste of resources - of course with an intricately crafted, logical explanation to persuade him. Since then, he slowly started to ease, leaning on your support to ground him when he panics. This was why he had chosen you as his aid - you were sent to stabilize his erratic ways, Eywa deemed it so.
Now though, he was finally adjusting to his position. He had grown confident in his abilities to lead, and his presence had grown demanding and mighty. You felt strangely proud, having seen him when he was only a scared vrrtep.
His tail flickers around as you halt your thoughts before they hit territory you do not want to explore, instead focusing on Olo'Eyktan. You merely hum, continuing your carving with the sharpest end of your blade.
"Aight, fine then, you asked for this..." Jake pauses to think, then continues, surely having found something incredibly threatening. "I'll tickle you."
You shake your head in disbelief, glancing at him with an incredulous look before going back to swiping your blade on the piece of wood. Jake knows very well that you're not ticklish.
You see him frown from the corner of your eye, "I get it." he quickly regains his grin. "Our connection is deeper than words."
You can't help the chuckle that escapes you, finally stopping your cross hatching. You hand the wood to Jake, then simply say, "Meal plan, dork."
Jake carefully takes the plate with a wide grin. "I see you have picked up on my lingo."
You frown, crossing your arms. How dare he- "I don't have anything of yours!"
Jake slaps his knee with one hand, laughing loudly. You're quick to sush him, reminding him that the clan is deep in slumber.
"No! God, you kill me sometimes." he chuckles, though quieter this time.
At his words, a look of pure horror flashes your features, which only makes Jake laugh more.
"Jakesooly, if you don't tell me what this lingo means, I shall flail you around with that scrawny tail of yours!"
Jake suddenly shuts up, gulping in terror at the prospect. "Sorry ma'am." he says, tone mock strick. "It just means you're using my alien language - you're gettin' used to hearing it."
"I suppose," you nod, "We don't have many lingo in Na'vi. Your language is funny."
Jake only smiles at your words, looking at you with feelings you can't quite dissect. He looks at you like the way your niece Aëteyna looks at Atokirina, mesmerized - the realization creates a deep, gaping hole in your stomach. You clear your throat, tail thumping once on the ground.
"Speak Na'vi with me, sxkawng." 
Jake's bottom lip curls as he stands up, towering over your relaxed frame. "Don't wanna," he retorts and puts his hands on his hips.
Standing up, you mirror your pose with frustrated sigh. "Wiyah! You are like baby." 
"Only for you," he muses, suddenly switching to Na'vi. 
What he actually means is, he can only be a little shit towards you - his words, not yours - because if he did it to anyone else, they'd probably pluck his eyes out. You, however, are rather amused with his antics (although you'd never admit it). Sadly, it seems the man has discovered your soft spot, and was using it to his benefit.
You're about to smack his hip with your tail when Jake stills. His playful aura completely diminishes, being replaced with something more stoic and professional. His presence overpowers your senses and makes you almost cower at his tall stance but you keep your composure.
"How could I forget..." his jaw clenches, and you take a tentative step backwards to let him think. With a heart sputtering growl, he kneels down next to the fire. You follow suit, suddenly worried.
"Tarsem discovered human machines not far from base. They seem abandoned, but we can't know for sure." 
You nod, careful to approach the subject. You opt to staying silent until he finishes.
"I think we should use it to our benefit - the guns, grenades, resources. It'll strengthen us, give us manpower."
You pause for a moment. What he suggests isn't a bad idea at all, yet using the resources that destroyed your home feels like a betrayal. You're caught between duty and heart, "The people - they won't react well."
Jake nods, "I know, we just gotta get them used to it."
"Jakesooly, this will need new resource planning. The entire plan!" you complain, tiredness seeping out of your eyes and making your head drowsy.
Jake sighs, "I know sweetheart, but if we work together we can do it."
You groan, massaging your temple. Jake frowns, yet he stands unwavering. He's set on this idea, and when he's set on something, he won't stop until he achieves it - you had to learn this the hard way. "Who else have you told?"
"Besides Tarsem, just you. I wanted to hear your thoughts first..." Jake's voice is so soft that you have to lean in closer to hear him. 
You give him a hum of acknowledgment for his wise decision - lest he sprung it upon the people during dinner time, you really would flail him around with his tail. "It is not a bad idea, but..." you trail off, unsure.
Jake puts a reassuring hand on your shoulder and you fight the urge the shiver. Physical contact with Jake is kept to a minimal, almost never occurring. The only time you touched his soft skin was at Vitraya Ramonung, and even that was  a short instance.
"But?" Jake asks.
You turn your gaze to him, "It feels...wrong."
Jake's silence stretches between you two. His tail is flailing around again, indicating that he's deep in thought. After some time, he settles on; "It should feel wrong. It's only natural."
Your ears raise at his words.
"What I mean is," he continues. "The sky-people put you through so much pain, using their equipment would be hard."
You nod, heart fluttering when he softly says your name. He removes his hand from your shoulder and you ache for his warmth. 
"It's the only way we can win against them. They will come back, stronger than ever. If we know what we're up against we could take em' on again. I was a warrior for the jarhead clan, yes, but I'm no scientist. I know nothin' about those clunks of metal."
Jake looks at you with utter desperation, arms open and eyes pleading. Relenting, you let his words sink in. If the skypeople were to come back you don't know how you would cope. The notion is horrifying, so you simply let out a weak, "Okay," before rising to your full height.
Jake follows suit, warmth exuding from his strong body. Your legs feel positively weak under his unrelentless gaze - how were you the strongest warrior when Jake could've easily demolished you with a single touch?
"It is late, Olo'Eyktan Jake. This topic...we will discuss it later on, tomorrow," you say, hoping to escape from his electrifying frame. 
You couldn't think properly about the discovered clunk of metal when his yellow eyes are half lidded, cheeks tinted purple from the fire's warmth, and his soft yet bulky body looks mouth watering. He was burlier than Omaticaya men due to his tawtute origins, and the prospect of such a thick, warm body makes your head spin. You have to pinch your thigh to keep yourself at bay - he was absolutely ravishing. 
"Later?" Jake mumbles, suddenly switching to a playful tone. "That's too long."
You roll your eyes, trying to calm your embarrassingly fast heart. Your stupid feelings were acting quite ravenous today, and you felt nothing but shame. Trying to ease the tension, you joke; "Jakesooly, you are stubborn."
"Exactly how Toruk Makto needs to be." he muses, his hands on his incredibly slim and toned hips again. His v-line portrudes with a small bulge of his lower belly - soft and delicious. You sigh, gaze fluttering, but hide it by clearing your throat at his awful joke.
"We are both tired, we shall retreat and have a clearer mind tomorrow."
Jake takes a step forward, "I'm not talkin' about that, sweetheart."
Your breath hitches, "You are a sxkawng. It will always be a mystery how so many women desire you." 
The moment your lie slips, you wince. Jake, standing before you, was proof in itself why women sought him out. This thought makes your fists clench and teeth grit.
Jake rolls his eyes, "Everyone but you, it seems." he mumbles, frowning. 
He must be teasing you again. You're quick to move the attention from yourself, "Speaking of women, you should mate with someone soon. The clan is without tsahik."
Jake lets out a grunt of disapproval, "Why is it that I have to mate with a healer. The clan already has enough of those, and Moat's got it covered."
You laugh at him, "It is the way, Jake."
"I know I know," he rolls his eyes, head swiveling. "I get enough of this from Tarsem and Takuk. I don't need it from you too."
You tilt your head in a nod that displays your apology, but you're quick to grin. "Neytiri is seeking you out often, hm?" You tilt your head the other way with a teasing smile, taking a step forward with open arms. Your newfound attitude takes you by surprise, but it's the only way you can think of to mask your frustration.
Talking about Neytiri would probably be your end - the thought of them together, mating. Neytiri was kind and a great tsakarem, she would serve the clan well. You can only tease Jake as the aftertaste of this gut wrenching realization settles in.
Jake, however, visibly splutters at your teasing closeness, probably never really experiencing this side of you.
Your grin turns into a smirk, sly and taunting - one of which hides your urge to burst into tears. Jake takes a step backwards as you advance at him, "Look at you, you're blushing!" you shout in Na'vi.
Jake growls, "I'm not blushing because of that."
You scoff, holding a finger up. "Don't try to lie to me Jakesooly, I can see right through you." 
"You-" Jake starts, furious and flustered. "Damn, not as much as you thought then, sweetheart!" 
"What is it that’s making you this color?" You take another big step forward, anticipating his response. He looks all flushed and embarrassed like this, it's adorable. You just want to poke and prod at him until he breaks down.
"Because," he starts, words dying. "Because you-"
He takes another step back, and you take it as your que to follow. "Come on, narlor 'evan. Why are you all shy now?" you say, hoping he still hasn't learnt what narlor means. 
You don't know what keeps fueling this sudden confidence of yours, but perhaps it's the urge to prod into Jake and Neytiri's relationship. If he confirms it himself, assures their courtship and confesses that he's in love with Neytiri, you're certain you'll be able to get over him.
It's a painful but necessary step.
However, Jake's face merely heats more, back hitting the trunk of hometree. You raise your chin at him, arms open and taunting.
"I never knew you were this sly!" he cries out your name in shock, using his hand as a fan to cool his face. 
You laugh at his antics, shrugging. "Come on, don't hold back on me Jake, speak!" you demand, your face closing in on his before you realize how close you are, and step back a little. 
Jake stares at you for a beat, completely frozen. He twitches, then lets out a grunt before suddenly pouncing on you. You don't realize what's happening until JakeSully is hugging you. 
It's his warmth that alerts you, you don't know if it's because he sat by the fire too long, or because he's simply embarrassed to be inflicting such an intimate form of affection, but he's burning. His muscles, all firm yet soft, dig into all the right places; strong biceps pressed to your back, the soft flesh of his chest smothering you to see stars around your eyelids, and his delicious abdomen pressing against your stomach. 
The skin to skin contact makes you dizzy. You've spent nights wondering the differences of his dreamwalker body - it's the strangely soft yet firm. Jake's frame almost consumes you, engulfing you in his scent and protection.
It's hard to keep upright and you're sure your legs stopped working. If it wasn't for his tight hold, your legs would betray you, and you don't even feel mad about it. He presses you into his incredibly delicious chest which causes you to breath him. His hot, plush skin that smells of wind, musk and vetiver - it's enough to make a woman feral. 
Of course, confused is an understatement. You don't know what compelled Jake to plunge you into his body so intimately but you're thanking it. Perhaps it was your merciless teasing which was way past your rank - he's Olo'Eyktan, you scold yourself. The reality of the situation floods in, but theres nothing else you can do other than loop your shaking arms around him, trying to embed his body into your memory. 
"Jake?" your voice comes out as nothing but a pathetic rasp. You can feel Jake's heavy breathing against your skin, his chest rising and falling in deep, labored breaths. He stutters for a moment, and you feel him gulp against your collar. 
He takes a deep, long breath - one that makes you question if you bathed today. You close your eyes, not resisting in the slightest. 
This must be what bliss feels like. This was like meeting Eywa and letting her engulf you in her love - but Jake's embrace was far from Eywa's motherly grasp. He was an intense desire you've been crazing since the moment you set your eyes on him, and supressing this desire had done nothing but enrage it.
Jake's tail trashes, "I-" he starts, voice broken. He quickly removes himself from you, looking at you with wide eyes. "Good night," is all he mutters before quickly walking away.
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It's not until two eclipses later that you see Jake. 
It seems the Olo'Eyktan was busy ignoring you the better half of his days, while the latter was spent reorganizing resource management in awkward silence. You were thankful for Tarsem, Nel'yan and other few clan associates for their involvement in the reiteration plans because the tense air was suffocating. His attitude painfully itched and poked at your poor, shriveled heart. When Jake hugged you he wreaked all the protective barriers you've spent years carefully building, and left you with the all-consuming feeling of worry.
The questions that swarm your head lead to one conclusions; he must regret hugging you. It wasn't the hug, but that he got so close to your kuru. His wandering hands had captured your kuru when they winded around your body and pressed you against his chest. He had rubbed the tightly knit braid that kept the soft skin of your kuru safe, and you could merely let him with buckled knees and ragged breaths.
Your eyes glaze over at the memory, and you don't notice that you and Jake are alone in the small marui this eclipse. You were so caught up over your thoughts that you didn't realize you had finished for the night. A large board of wood lays on the leather mat, cross hatched into an unrecognizable mess to the naked eye. Although, you know the figures by heart, so you merely hum and stand up. Too scared to glance at your Olo'Eyktan, you busy yourself by gathering your materials and putting them back into their respected places. 
"I am finished, Olo'Eyktan."
You hear Jake's breath hitch as your ears flicker. It's soft but effective and your stomach churns. 
"Alright," he replies, not stopping his working hands. You finally find the courage to look at him, but when you suddenly raise your head, Jake is quick to look down. He grunts as he drags his knife on the trunk, leaving wood shavings in his wake.
"I shall take my leave," You quickly stride towards the opening, "Goodni-"
"Wait!" Jake has finally risen from his position, one arm reaching towards your direction.
"Yes?" you raise your head, waiting for your superior's command.
"I need erm," he snaps his four fingered hand once, twice, until he points at you. "More plates. I messed up mine."
Hesitantly, you nod. Jake was more than capable of retrieving the wooden plates himself, as they were only two steps away from his position. Alas, as Olo'Eyktan requests, you reach for a few plates then hand them over.
You quickly mutter a goodnight, ready to leave, when Jake's calling of your name halts you in your step. You turn to ask what it is that he requires now.
"I'm a little hungry," he says, rubbing his belly. "Can you bring me some yovo fruit?"
You can merely give him an incredulous look as you unseath your dagger from your satchel and walk towards the flap of the marui. When you decided to aid Jake in his duties, this was not what you had in mind. You desperately want to object - and perhaps in any other circumstances you would - but going against Jake meant you needed to interact with him longer than ten seconds, which your thumping little heart couldn't take.
You pick a few yovo fruit from the clearing and toss them into the marui. The soft umph sound from Jake makes you smirk, feeling all too prideful for accidentally hitting him. 
Entering the marui again, you finally start to pack up. "Goodnight," you mutter before a hand clasps your arm. 
"Wait," Jake breathes shakily, "Erm, I need a few leaves to wrap around the plates."
You huff in annoyance, ripping your arm around him. "As you wish." you reply, though your tone has venomous undertones ready to burst. He was making you do footwork in a time such as this. 
You grab a few, rather smaller than desirable, kelutral leaves and bunch them together. Fastening your pace, you place them on Jake's side and quickly put away the remaining of your stuff. Jake doesn't interject, but merely watches you with an expression you cannot dissect. 
"If there is nothing else, Jakesooly, I am to leave."  your tone is assured and firm now, giving him a once over. 
Just as you're about to leave, Jake's quick strides catch up to you. His hand stops your shoulder, and you harshly turn, seething. You don't even notice how close you're standing, but surely Jake must have with you letting out gusts of fire through your nose. 
"Enough of this, Jakesooly! If you want someth- umpfh!"
A pair of soft lips; balmy, soft skin that smell of herbs. Your head explodes with senses, eyes blown out, body frozen in time. Jake's hands tightly squeeze your sides as he keeps you in place, lips locked tightly on yours. He doesn't move, and neither do you. You've stopped functioning all together, heart ready to thump out of your chest.
Jake pulls away but keeps his hands on your shoulders. He looks at you with wide eyes, tinted cheeks and a plumped mouth - he was obscenely attractive in his Olo'Eyktan garments. The only sounds in the marui are his braids crinkling together and the crackling of the fire.
"I'm sorry - I should have asked..."
You smash your lips onto his with burning fervor. His arms immediately wrap around you as he kisses you back. His hold is tight and firm, pressing you into his body with intense greed, though it's not needed - you're clutching on him like you've gone mad; like if you were to part from him, this would all become a distant memory. So you don't let go, tangling your fingers into his braids and softly gripping them, angling his face to your liking. 
"F-fuck." he groans out, struggling to catch his breath but hungrily going back in for more wet, peppered kiss. You can merely shiver at his reactions while running your other hand down the expanse of his back, to his small, band adorned waist. The panes of his back are strong with crevices you yearn to explore, and you can feel them gyrate against your fingertips when his wandering hands palm your waist, then the small of your back. His touch is electrifying as he feels your body with great ardour. 
His lips are wet and warm and, Eywa - you can't bring yourself to pull away. His lips taste almost sweet and you feel yourself drowning in him.
Your breath turns into desperate huffs when he opens your mouth with his and slowly licks his way in. The delicious taste of his tounge and yovo fruit buckle your knees, and Jake is quick to catch you. His strong bicep tuck under your bottom and he palms your thigh to keep you tightly against him. His calloused hands are squeezing your thighs and smoothing up and down your back - it's enough to make you completely lose yourself. 
With a deep grumble that bubbles from your throat, you completely push your body against him, trusting him to keep you upright completely. Both his arms close around your bottom, rougly squeezing it against his abdomen. You flinch at his action, his hands are so big and strong as they knead at your skin. It makes your stomach erupt in fireworks, and you hungrily try to kiss him back. 
Unfortunately, it becomes too hard to breath. You pull away to gasp for air but Jake doesn't approve. He closes in on you the moment you put some distance, hungrily chasing your lips with a whine. "No." he croaks, firm. "More..." 
And more you give him. You kiss his lips, softly grazing his tongue with yours, then explore around his mouth with tender kisses. He lowers his head into the crevice of your neck and breathes your skin - you feel his chest expand obscenely. His inhale leads to a guttural groan until he suddenly lets go, almost ripping himself away from you.
You can merely look at him in confusion, dazed. Why had he stopped? Did he not enjoy it? You don't know if you could handle that answer right.
The look of pure desperation Jake gives you makes all your insecurities wash away. "I-" he heaves, closing in on you once again. He doesn't meet your lips but clutches on your body like a young child with their first bow. "I wanna wait 'till tomorrow to mate with you, but I don't think I can. Please..." he whispers your name, and you can see his ears point down and his tail reach around you to wrap around your waist. 
His words completely knock the breath out of you. He wanted you as his mate? How could this possibly- Were you interpreting his actions wrong all this time? 
A wave of hot embarassment passes through you, and you suddenly feel the need to sit down. Of course he was going to be your muntxa, he had to be after kissing you like that.
Jake sits with you, concern written on his face. "You okay, angel?" he grabs his cup of ar'lek tea Moat had brewed him for his headache, and hands it to you. 
It's still fairly hot and you look down at it. The small cup looks minuscule held in his hands, and you gulp, remembering how those hands had cupped such an intimate part of your body. You can feel the flush that kisses your cheeks with the though, and you're quick to turn away the tea.
He softly says your name, "Is it too soon?" he asks, then suddenly retracts. "Oh...son of a bitch, I didn't even ask-" frustrated, he runs a hand through his braids. "I'm such a dumbass, good going Jake!"
He physically deflates, and your heart squeezes. You're quick to put an arm around him and press a kiss to his cheek. Jake drunkenly cups where your lips had once been and gives you a goofy smile. You can't help but chuckle at him. "I want to be your mate Jake. I have wanted it when I first met you."
Jake visibly perks up, "Wha- I thought you hated me!" 
"No, sxkawng!" you huff, "I wanted to have your heart, but you hated me!"
"I could never hate you. I tried, jesus I really did." he groans, and you frown at his words. Flicking his head with your tail, you cross your arms. 
Jake reaches out and uncrosses your arms, then takes your hands in his. His welcoming warmth melts you forward as you lean closer to his body. "You tried to kill me when we first met and I went ahead and fell in love with you." he chuckles lowly.
You guiltily look down with a small smile tugging your lips. What he says is inherently true, but what were you supposed to do? You were confused at why your body was reacting so strangely to a vrrtep.
"Oh, my love," Jake cups your hands and brings them to his mouth. "The past doesn't matter. Just forget about everything. What matters is, do you want me? Because I want you, so much," he whispers, pained. "And if you reject me now, I don't think I'll be able to handle it."
You shake your head, "I want you Jake. I see you,"
The smile that graces Jake's lips is nothing short of beautiful, and you smile with him. He takes a deep, shuddering breath and kisses your knuckles. "I see you," he breathes with a whisper of your name. "We need to mate before Eywa. I want to do this the right way. I want to cherish you."
You nod, heart bursting with joy. You're almost giddy, quivering in your seat to finally have the man you desired for long nights. "Then we mate before Eywa, come." 
You stand up with Jake following behind, then connect your foreheads for a brief moment. "Race you to spirit tree," you laugh, then quickly run out the marui. Jake yells your name with a chuckle and follows. 
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You feel like a changed woman the next breakfast. Sitting with your family and chatting animatedly to everyone, a tap on your shoulder alerts you. You look back to see Neytiri expecting you with a wide smile.
You quickly stand up, ready to apologize but she sushes you. "Sister, I heard." she grins. "Finally! It was getting painful seeing you desire him but saying nothing."
You can merely gape at her words. "But you-"
"What I felt is long gone, do not worry." she says, then pulls you into her warm embrace. "It was getting pathetic watching him fawn over you." 
You smirk at her words as she pulls away. Glancing at the Olo'eyktan, he drops his fruit when he catches your inspecting eyes. After nodding to your family, you let Neytiri drag you to the circle which your friends and Jake have created - surely to discuss clan duty.
As you sit down, Jake cannot take his eyes off of you. His food is long forgotten as his arms stay limp by his sides. Tarsem scoffs at the man, then in oddly pitched voice, "She never looks at me, oh I'm going to die alone and wrinkly! Oh- my poor heart, she just smiled!"
The group around you howls with laughter as Jake huffs, although the small smile on his lips tells you that this isn't the first time they're poking fun at the Olo'eyktan's affections.
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Hi I don’t know if I already requested from you before but if your still taking requests the can I ask for an aged up story about reader x neteyam or Reader x Ao’nung fic where they are in a secret relationship and an altercation happens between their families and during it or after it is revealed that the reader is pregnant (no smut if ur uncomfortable with it) thus revealing their relationship. Plz hurt comfort is my genre as of late.
The reader is a Sully kid if it’s reader x Ao’nung and if it’s x Neteyam then she is Ronal and Tonowari child.
Hello, no you haven’t this is my first request (thank you so much for requesting) I really hope you like it, tell me if there is anything or you want improved. I hope you enjoy <3. Tell me if you don’t like it, I can redo it another way.
Pairings: Neteyam x F!metkayina reader (aged up)
Warnings: Angst, comfort, hurt, pregnancy.
Summary: As the youngest Tonowari kid your parents look out for you a lot, way too much. However, they can’t protect you from your heart that beats for the oldest Sully kid. When Tonowari realises how big the threat is of keeping the Sully’s around he sends them away. In the pain and fights you reveal a secret.  
Word count: 1455
The blossom of a secret.
I was with my sister Tsireya when the Sully’s came to us. Me and my sister quickly went towards the shore. Tsireya was intrigued by the new people while I was particularly interested in the oldest Sully, Neteyam, he seemed so composed and so calm. He was gorgeous.
“My children will show you, our ways.” My father’s voice was strong.
“But fath-“before Aonung could protest me and Tsireya took the Sully’s to their new place.
Tsireya was at the front talking about the village, with the two girls and Jake and Neytiri. I have heard great things about Toruk Makto and his wife.
I stuck at the back with the two brothers.
“So…long flight?” I was feeling awkward with the sudden silence that fell.
“Uh yeah you could say so.” Neteyam smiled at me, and I smiled back.
A few months later
That was mine and Neteyam’s first meeting, I still remember that smile. The same smile that is in front of me right now.
“Come onnn no one will notice.” The boy pouted his lips.
I laughed but shook my head.
“It’s too dangerous, someone might see us.” I cupped his cheek. 
After the first meeting me and Neteyam became really friendly with each other…maybe a bit too much. We started a secret relationship a few months ago. It just happened. It was the day that my brother was bullying Kiri and Lo’ak and got put in his place by Lo’ak and Neteyam.
After hearing about it, I got worried for Neteyam, my brother never teased anyone alone so he must have had a few of his ‘friends’ with him. I walked to do beach far away from the village. I knew I would find Neteyam there, it was our place, we went there whenever we needed space from the expectations put onto us.
As the oldest Sully, he was expected to be responsible, mature, never make mistakes and always look out for everyone else but himself.
And me as the youngest Tonowari, I was always protected, by my parents, my siblings, the whole village. I was supposed to be respectful, obedient. Everyone saw me as weak and fragile because I was the youngest. My parents are very overprotective, if they found out about I and Neteyam’s relationship they would have sent the Sully’s away.
Neteyam understood I was more then a fragile girl, I was a woman, I could hunt and fight I just have never had to but I knew, I taught myself, when everyone slept I would go out and learn to fight and hunt by myself.
Right now, Neteyam wanted for us to go on a late ride while everyone were asleep.
“Why don’t we just hug and look at the stars.” I asked giving him the dog eyes. It has been a long day I had to entertain the potential mates my father wanted for me. I was 18 so I had to start thinking about finding a mate.
I turned all of them of course, I already have found the one that is made for me. Me and Neteyam mated a few months ago. It was amazing.
Neteyam nodded and we cuddled on the sand while looking at the stars.
“When do you think we could tell them?” Neteyam asked, he wanted to make it public, he knew I was being pushed into mating and he was not liking it. Neither was I.
“Not yet, I am scared to. I don’t want them to find out yet, I like the way we are.” I said turning to him and looking into his eyes.
He smiled at me nodding. I cuddled into his chest.
The Next Day
3rd person POV:
It was now morning, Y/N and Neteyam woke up from the screams that could be heard from the village, without thinking both of them ran to see what was happening.
When they arrived they saw Tonowari holding a red object that was very pointy at the top.
“The sky people have attacked again! They have killed a Tulkun!” Tonowari shouted and the how clan erupted.
You quietly gasped, the Tulkuns were amazing creatures they wouldn’t hurt anymore, knowing they haven’t fought back breaks your heart even more.
“It’s the Sully’s fault! They brought war upon us!” Someone from the crowd shouted causing everyone to look at Jake.
“Yeah, we don’t want them here! They don’t belong here!” The whole crowd started agreeing that the Sully’s shouldn’t stay.
“QUIET!” your father shouted, silencing everyone.
He looked at Jake, you knew what he was going to do and it made you hold onto Neteyam’s hand tightly.
“You Jake Sully have brought pain onto us…you and your family are no longer welcomed here.” Your father’s face was low and so was your mother’s. They didn’t want to kick the Sully’s out they grew to like them, even Aonung got close to them and let’s not talk about Tsireya and Lo’ak.
Jake lowered his head as well, Neytiri looked destrested, poor little Tuk was quietly crying while holding onto her mom’s leg, Kiri looked hurt but like she was expecting it and Lo’ak…oh Lo’ak he was hugging Tsireya who was crying and he himself looked like he was about to cry.
“I understand, we will go and pack.” Jake said.
It felt like my whole world crashed down the second the words fell off Jake’s lips.
“NO!” I suddenly shouted. Everyone looked towards my direction and then to the boy next to me. I didn’t even care at this point, they will not leave.
I walked towards my father, still holding Neteyam’s hand, causing him to follow me. We made my way to my father, I stood in front of the Sully’s.
“If they leave, I leave with them.” Everyone was shocked. No one had noticed me and the Sully’s getting closer so it came to a surprise for everyone. The only one who wasn’t so surprised was Neytiri.
“Daughter what is this?” Tonowari’ s voice was strong.
“You cannot send them away, this is not their fault. They came here to protect their family. We can not send them away.” I said matching my father’s tone and stare.
“You will not tell me what to do.” His voice started getting more strong.
“I am not telling you what to do father, I am telling you if they leave I will leave with them.” I stood my ground.
“And why is that, is it because you like this boy?” He pointed towards Neteyam, before I could answer he spoke again.
“I don’t care if you like this boy, you are a Tonowari, you will mate with a strong Metkayina man. End of that.” As he was turning away ready to end this conversation I had to stop this and I had to tell everyone even Neteyam.
“Me and Neteyam have mated.” My father stopped in his tracks.
“And I am with his child.” Everyone and I mean everyone gasped and looked at me.
Neteyam’s face lit up. He suddenly picked me up and twirled me around in the air.
“I will be a father.” He said with tears in his eyes as he put me down.
I smiled at him and we hugged.
I turned towards my father.
“I am sorry if I have disappointed you father but me and Neteyam are in love, and I will not allow my mate to leave without me.” My father moved towards me. My mother rushed to his side saying his name, holding onto his arm. His expression was unreadable she was worried what he might do.
To my shock he hugged me.
“Oh, my daughter, I understand. You are with a child you are not going anywhere, neither are the Sully’s” he went towards Jake, putting out his arm to shake, to symbolise that they are one of us.
Jake smiled and took Tonowari’ s arm.
Me and Neteyam looked at each other and kissed.
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kukuma-kit · 1 year
Holt Summer Waves
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┯━━━━━━━━━━ ●●● ━━━━━━━━━━┯
☆: * parings: Ao'nung x Omatikaya!reader
☆: * characters: Lo'ak, kiri, tuk, neytiri, jake, Tsireya, Tonowari, Ronal, Norm, Max, oc?
☆: * warnings: PROLONG TENSION before meeting Ao'nung, mentions of hunting(very long)
☆: * Na'vi glossary: Tsawksyul- sun lilly(flora), Tsahaylu- bond, siltan-word, Toruk Makto- Rider of last shadow, Marui Pod- huts to the Metkayina, yerik- Hexapede , Tawtsngal- panopyra(flora), Flate Skate Fish- type of fish
☆: * word count: 2280
☆: * Note(s): I have a habit of long intros huh, something I will need to work on lol. Feedback would be helpful!
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☆: * Summary: not being able to go with the sully family, you are stuck back at the Omatikaya clan and continue to enjoy yourself but Kiri has a seziure and now you're off to go with your uncles to see her.
Ze'tey skillfully navigated a sharp turn to avoid colliding with one of the robust rocks of Ayram Alusing otherwise known as the Hallelujah Mountains. The powerful flapping of her wings, combined with your tight grip on the queue harness and swift shifts in weight, made for an exhilarating ride. Looking over your shoulder, you spot Otxä on her ikran struggling to keep up with the vast environment and feel a sense of pride in your own flying skills as a Ikranä Maktoyu.
"you better keep up Otxä!" you shout out to her to which she replies back.
"I'll have you know that I am doing just fine!" she exclaims happily, even knowing that she was struggling somewhat.
As you feel the wind cut through your hair diving through the forest, you expertly maneuver through tight spaces and dodge looming tree trunks. Inside was a nearby clearing, you see a beautiful waterfall and let out a cheerful click. Ze'tey quickly swooped down into the water without hesitation, you lower your stance on Ze'tey's neck and break through the cascading water and into an open cave, expertly guiding Ze'tey through the sharp turns and steep ascents. The rush of the cool mist on your face heightens the experience with the strong huffs that seem to fill the surrounding air. The force of Ze'tey's breathing is so detectable that you can feel it in your own chest, a testament to the great power and energy that Ze'tey emanates.
As Otxä clicked her tongue and her ikran chirped, you instinctively looked behind you, and to your surprise, she was close enough to make you shout out. Feeling the immense force of Ze'tey, you held on tight as her wings gilded gracefully, propelling you both up towards an opening in the cave wall. The light slowly came into view as you scrambled out of the cave and soared above the lush trees. Along the way, you passed a group of Syaksuk, their playful voices echoing through the forest as they swung from the branches. You straightened up with Ze'tey as she cut through the air. Approaching the opening, you hear cheering and see a group of Na'vi pointing at you. Some are jumping with yips and others are on their ikran, perched at the top of the treelines some are even flying high above. The euphoric feeling of freedom and adventure rushes over you, bringing back nostalgic memories of past expeditions.
  Your hold tightens on the queue harness as you catch sight of Otxä, preparing for the impending action. Ze'tey huffs beside you, oozing confidence as she senses your plan formulating. She gracefully narrows her wings and tenses her legs, flapping furiously to ascend to great heights. With a sudden dive, you both vanish into the forest canopy. Otxä seems bewildered by your swift maneuvers, but her eagerness gets the best of her as she charges towards her ikan with a smug grin stretched across her face. "Let's do this!" she cheers, daring anyone to stand in her way. This moment feels reminiscent of the past, as if the memories of your first flight together are being relived one more time.
  the whirl of colors whipping past you as you are unexpectedly thrust out into a radiant clearing. The cheers and excitement of the Na'vi fill the air, the humidity of the dense jungle brimming with palpable energy. You notice a station banner in the distance and watch in awe as Otxä gasps in surprise and takes a nose dive to try and regain control. However, before she can get any closer, you whoop loudly as you soar past the banner and land safely on the other side. Turning to face Otxä, you feel your heart pounding in your chest as the rush of adrenaline and excitement overcomes you.
  Otxä's grin mirrored your own excitement in that moment as she raised your victorious hand up high. "Behold," she roared, "the daring ikran rider reigns supreme once again!" Her voice echoed throughout the clearing and mingled with the chorus of youthful cheers. This was no ordinary tradition; our annual ikran race began as a simple pastime to cure teenage boredom but had since grown into an event of great significance. when you unearthed the bow made from the wood of the late hometree - gifted to you by your uncle Norm, adorned with akula teeth at the ends. Your friends had then decided that the winner would keep the bow as a memento, breaking the Tsaheylu as Ze'tey huffs heavily. You grabbed Ze'tey softly as you spoke "mawey, mawey Ze'tey" quickly giving her some yerik.
Otxä spoke sweetly, her voice full of warmth and love as she expressed how proud she was of you. Throughout your life, she had been a maternal figure, her mother taking you in when your parents died during the Great Battle. As you grew up under Norm's care when Otxä's mother died shortly, you spent countless hours around the lab, absorbing all the knowledge you could. Despite this, nothing prepared you for the rush of emotions you felt every time you raced. With the eclipse looming, you and Otxä decided to race once more to the marui pod, resulting in Otxä's unexpected victory and two sleepy omatiyaka women.
Opening your eyes after inhaling the tantalizing aroma of Max's tsawksyul, you were hanging out with him in the lab, lending a helping hand. You were in the midst of transferring the Tawtsngal to another container, when Max suddenly burst into the room, visibly distressed. "__, hurry! I need you to come with us. Kiri has had a seizure," Max exclaimed in a panic. Without any hesitation, you nodded and hastily made your way out to fetch Ze'tey. But not before making a quick detour to your hut to bid farewell to Otxä, explaining your urgent absence, and collecting some of your most potent herbs and healing tonics, stuffing them into a homemade pouch.
You first met Kiri thanks to Otxä, who brought you both together. Although you never became extremely close, you knew her well enough to appreciate her gentle, yet sassy sarcastic sense of humor. Being with Otxä and Kiri was always fun, as they had a rebellious streak that made every adventure exciting. You even began to feel as if you had two older sisters. Kiri was particularly kind to you, often braiding your hair and bringing little gifts. But what you loved most was when she brought Tuk over, the most adorable girl you had ever seen. Whenever Kiri was around, you could not resist the urge to go on little adventures with Tuk.
As you climb aboard one of the impressive aircrafts, Norm recounts the events that took place as you make your way towards your destination. Little did you know that Ze'tey had tailed you until halfway through, at which point you decided to hop on her. Briskly, you arrived and landed right after them, disconnecting Tsaheylu before quickly following behind Toruk makto and Norm, with Max right by your side. Once you reached the designated spot, you set all the necessary equipment up and inspected the logs to ensure everything was in order. Promptly, you mix together a powerful blend of herbs to help Kiri calm down before whispering softly, "Sìltsan, Sìltsan" as she takes the concoction. Suddenly, the Tsahìk of the Metkayina clan and Tonowari's mate, Ronal, enters the scene as Toruk makto's partner bellows at everyone to leave.
Unsure of what to do, you stick around to help The Tsahìk with requirements she may need. The tension in the air is palpable as the group navigates through this difficult time together.
"__,"  Tsahìk's firm voice broke the painful silence as she skillfully dipped her needle into the small cup of liquid you offereas she did her acupuncture. Tuk leans into your side as she watches her sister, you then get up when Kiri wakes up seeing her family members come in. You didn't want to crowd her any more than she was. You go to the Tsahìk, seeing as she was exhausted and wanting to carry her basket. "Oel ngati kameie, Tsahik"( I see you)
Tsahìk glanced up as you approached her with an offer to carry her basket. She eyed the young one warily, questioning their intentions, but decided to accept their help as she was too exhausted to carry it herself. "That would save me the effort indeed. Go ahead," she replied gruffly. "Why does a young one want to carry my stuff?especially that of omatikaya, do you not wish to see your family?" she questions your intentions. 
"I would like to help the Tsahìk, as I would like to be useful and I am not needed there" you answer back as she hands over the bundle of supplies, Following her out of the marui pod, you catch a glimpse of a breathtaking metkayina girl approaching the Tsahìk. As the Tsahìk takes note of your hunter bow, she inquires, "You have experience as a hunter?'"
not expecting her question you look at her as you hold onto your bow softly. "Yes, I am a hunter with my clan" you reply softly.
"Ah, that is good to see. It is always nice to meet people who are capable of protecting their clan and their people" she replies shortly after, seeing her daughter come into close contact.
"mother, is everything alright?" Immediately recognizing her as Tsireya, you gesture a greeting to which she does back. "Hello sweetheart, She has awoken" Tsahìk replies as they walk beside each other. You just followed silently as you start to arrive main village area. Handing the basket over to Tsireya, you turn to see Tonowari hoping off his skimwing, quickly gesturing respect you go back to see Lo'ak talking with two metkayina boys. "Lo'ak!"
As you sprint towards the group, memories of Lo'ak flood your mind, like the times Tuk spoke passionately about her brother and even invited you to dinner. Unfortunately, Neytiri wasn't too thrilled about your presence since she did not know you. Nevertheless, you approach the group, and Lo'ak greets you with a warm embrace, proceeding to the two captivated young boys gazing at you with wonder. "Who's that?" one of them asks as you join the group - a perfect chance to tell them.
"__ te Raylu'itu and you?" you spoke with a firm voice as you gestured back to them. " Ao'nung te Tskaha, Ronal'itan"introduces briefly looking you over as his friend smiles. "I am Roxto! you are friend of Kiri?" he asks to which you nod.(__ daughter of Raylu, Ao'nung of Tsahik, son of Ronal)
"Indeed, more or less," you reply with a hint of excitement. Kiri found solace in Neytiri’s embrace, while Lo'ak was entrusted with the task of fetching some food. Intrigued by their imminent adventure to the hunting grounds, you eagerly join them on their journey. Lo'ak and Ao'nung go to the edges after grabbing saddles, calling out and clapping their hands. Two Ilu appear, they waste no time strapping on their saddles and leaping onto the creatures' backs. "Makto ko!" Lo'ak exclaims once he's settled, he looks at Ao'nung then you. "You're gonna have to ride with Ao'nung, Ion got room cuz" (let's ride!)
Before Ao'nung could protest, he swims off. "Au! Za'u!" Ao'nung gruffs out in annoyance as he rushes you to get on to which you comply.
Venturing deep into the swampy forest, you've honed the skill of breathing underwater to a tee. That, however, wasn't the main problem as it was a bit hard to stay on the ilu with the water gushing roughly from Ao'nungs Ilu pace. Feeling your unsteady presence behind him, he tenderly secures his grip on your thigh, ensuring you remain firmly in place as your ride swiftly continues through the captivating waters you quickly arrive near an area with a school of Flat Skate Fish. After disembarking, you swim together with your companions behind the vibrant coral reef, and watch intently as Ao'nung and Lo'ak try their hand at spearfishing. After some failed attempts, y'all decide that your catch was enough to feed your families as you head above the surface to breathe, followed by the two.
"latsi, forest girl" Ao'nung tells you as he calls out to his Ilu again, mounting it as you follow in suit. you look at Lo'ak and compliment his useage of the speargun and hunting skills. "Those fish were pretty fast!" Lo'ak laughs as he agrees.(keep up, forest girl).
"of course tho, my hunting skills were no match!"
"quit flirting you too, we need to head back. Makto ko!" Ao'nung impatiently urges you to stop flirting and head back, you quickly grab onto him, eager to return. Lo'ak is close behind, eager to race. Ao'nung agrees and before you know it, you're whizzing past corals and other obstacles, gripping onto Ao'nung for dear life. As you approach Awa'atlu, you burst through the water's surface and take a deep breath. Ao'nung chuckles at the sight of you, "You look like small lips over there," he says. You hop off, Lo'ak following suit. Bewildered, you ask Ao'nung what he means by that.(let's ride)
"He was worse than a Metkayina baby learning our ways, he still swims slow" Lo'ak glared at him, already annoyed that Ao'nung beat him again.You chuckle as you help with the bundle, dropping some off to the sully's before you follow Ao'nung to his Marui pod. "Oel ngati kameie, Ronal, Tonowari" you gesture to them as Ao'nung lets you in, helping you put the fish up and Tsireya drags you away to tell you that the sully's want you so you rush back, seeing Norm and Max you check in with them. "Hey, we're gonna have you stay since you have herbs and medical stuff they'll need help in" Norm tells you as you nod, Max and just came back with your stuff.
"Am I really leaving my friends behind?" you anxiously inquire, but your worries dissipate as Norm nods reassuringly. "Don't worry, kid, it's just for a few months," he gives you a friendly pat on the head before hopping into the aircraft. You watch as he waves goodbye, then make your way to the marui pod, feeling exhausted. You're so tired that you decide to skip dinner and slip away into a peaceful slumber in a spare bed.
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