#totally not ace noooooo-
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''Nervously laughs''
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sadsoftserve · 6 months
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Pov: You gave her butter water
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illamda-spaminations · 3 months
Screenshots I took when playing Ace Attorney Investigations :D [Part 4]
turnabout reminiscences screenshots weeeeee
Spoilers incoming btw!!
Part 1/2
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Beautiful victim name
AA never disappoints!!!!
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"Ouch my right shoulder"
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Also little Kay looks SO CUTE I CAN'T-
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*proceeds to yell*
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It's been one minute and I love her already
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Live laugh love von Karma sibling moments
I love these two SO much it's insane
Detective Badd being their babysitter is also just *chef's kiss*
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I like it when AA throws random details like this around. My inner analyst cries from joy lol
Anyway, Bratworth hc: he's attention starved [I am totally not projecting]
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Gotta commend Edgeworth for pointing out the obvious
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..Aren't you a defense attorney??
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The way he said it so slowly.. Honey you're traumatized get help
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"You're not the clown, you're the entire circus." ahh comment
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Idk why but this scene strikes me as pretty ooc of Manfred, like he's not the type to directly go and say stuff to people's faces like that, at least any one that isn't a defense attorney. I think it would be more accurate to say "It's worthless to work on a case like this" or smth like that. Maybe it's because I'm working with the anime's version of Manfred who knows
Franzy defending Miles is really cute I love that
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New hc: Callisto Yew's coping mechanism is laughing
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Aaaaanndddd that's about the first part of this post :D I'm actually having fun?? Whoa.
I love Callisto Yew she's soooo much fun, I too love bullying Bratworth. Detective Badd is also pretty neat I really like his vibes, his theme is so nice. I hope I get to see little Kay more she's so adorableeee I can't- Franzy is also so cute, she was almost exactly how I thought she would be lol. The Judge was stupid as always and overall the case is good [so far at least]
Anyway, I need to advance more in the case I'll see ya later >:] *disappears into thin air*
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unfunnyaceartist · 6 months
I'm gonna draw so much Ace x Jax when I get home
Like a fuck ton of it
I'm very sorry for being jealous when you get simp stuff, you're totally right that I usually have more than you.
I'll make it up to you
Thanks for letting me know, now I can try to be better 💜
Yayyyy communication
I love you so, so much, you're my best friend.
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iamdefinitelyreal · 7 months
Chronicles of watching Hazbin Hotel with my chaotic bisexual bestie
Ep. 1
When alastor first came on screen, she said "[other best friend who's been simping over Alastor] was right, he is fine!"
"Wait. Are Vaggie and Charlie...you know...roomates???"
"Why is Doctor Faciller a cat"
"Why is the cat an alcoholic"
"Why is the cat kinda fine"
Ep. 2
"Why is purple guy bald. Vox can do better."
Ep. 3
*singing along to respectless*
"Velvette's right tho, why does gun mommy not want to fight if she sells guns?"
"Damnnnnnn, gun mommy can sing!"
"Wait, are Zestiel and Carmella married?"
"Is Vaggie Carmella's daughter? It would explain why they're both SO hot."
Ep. 4
"Why is Angel tied up"
"No Charlie don't make it worse"
*started crying so hard during Poison that she needed a hug*
*through tears* "[Angel dust] is trying so hard, he just needs to be loved"
"No baby don't ruin yourself!"
*got teary during Loser Baby*
"Husk is so sweet, he really does love Angel"
Ep. 5
"Fire duck! Fire duck! Fire duck! Fire duck!
"Y'all can't like Lucifer. Lucifer is for the short people. Only I (she's 5"2) and [friend who's 5"3] can like him. You (I'm 5"6), [other best friend who's 5"9], and [friend who's 5"7] can have the tall people, I get Lucifer and Husk."
*started sobbing during More Than Anything*
*again through tears* "He loves his daughter so much they are so healthy"
Ep. 6
"Why did they make that Angel a twink"
"Oh fuck Adam."
"Oml I ship Cherri Bomb and Sir Pentious so much"
"Why is Sera kinda fine tho"
"Huskerdust forever omllll"
"The animation in You Didn't Know is PEAK"
Ep. 7
"Alastor is a girl's girl we love him"
"I'm so dissapointed in Alastor."
"Why is Rosie such a slay????"
"They (Rosie and Alastor) are married for tax benefits"
"Omg SUSAN?"
Ep. 8
"Huskerdust is love huskerdust is life"
"Shit why is Adam kinda fine"
I'm showing her good omens soon, I'm scared
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wyrmskulls · 1 year
I havnt recovered from the Caz fight yet. BUT
here are some genuine thoughts on Astarion from my- knew nothing of baldurs gate before playing run: (from me the Ace with no sense of self preservation)
"Oh great a sexy vamp man- bet friend XYX is all over that, they are romanceable, right? like dragon age?"🧛‍♂️
".... that 'don't touch me' sounded too real.... hope im wrong"
" I mean if we are cool with Shar worshippers and devil pacts why not a vamp, join the club buddy."
"he is a cagey little fuck I think I'll go after him this play through love his little faces"
"I'm not into pain, thinking this was a bad choice" chains and whips to not excite Tav XD
"I mean maybe it's the years of slavery and not sexual trauma???" 🙏
"noooo, I mean of course the sexy vamp wants to fuck, I probly have to- to get more of his story...." proceed to worry stupidly about unskippable sex scenes and noises for no reason (you can press x any time to get to the next thing / dialog)
get propositioned again at party.... "maybe this relationship won't work out, he's way to thirsty least there wasn't another sex scene lol dun worry buddy, I'll help you murder that guy that hurt you, just can't keep up with the horny XD"
"so I just feed him bad guys and tell him he is pretty? yup that checks out"
act 2
Start working on wyll, he seems like a cool guy... "whoa bud, is this you first romance scene.... by saying yes to a dance... feels icky cause I know sex happens at some point, like some entitled jerk at a bar, least astarion was real upfront about it" ( in hind sight this was unfair to wyll, but everyone was being so horny and the only scene I had was astarions so I drew some incorrect conclusions with wyll being a 'good guy' asshole)
"I mean we has evidence that deals with devils are bad.... or is it demons... anyways I support you in a friend way, getting raphel to Facebook stalk your abuser to make sure he not still pineing after you is OK with me."
Got his Act 2 scene "OHNooooooo I was right it was a sexual trauma 'don't touch me....' ohhhh noooooo. he didn't wanna fuck either????? baby boy, you never gotta sex again if you dun wanna, we can hug forever!" cried a while ngl
"look here blood witch- no means no, if your house wasn't destroyed, I'd destroy it myself."😈
"i mean he said he kills kids, so it's ok to kill him, then raphy boy will tell us if you back is bad news or really bad news <3"
"It's really bad news..... so no big astarion lover of cuddles l, will help you kill the guy who ruined your life. that's what romantic partners do. we kiss and nothing else and I will murder people to keep doing that <3" pondering an evil play through honesly
"he was so upset when Tav died in battle.... like doesn't he know rez scrolls are a thing? it's ok Tavs gonna live forever.... not sure how we will figuer that out" researches dnd lore to find several solutions XD
"Gale bud. friend. pal. I care about you and your life. your ex is shitty for asking you to do this, but also if you do blow up you'll take us all with you.... and even if you don't, #1 priority over there will be back under vamp thrall so this is a no go, put your shirt back on."🙃
act 3
found a cliff in the camp before act 3 with a song that made me cry again it is for sure astarions "wtf dude I was emotionally stable now what have you done"
"circus lady, here are all my loves deepest secrets- oh no she's a shapeshifter???? oops, it's ok love we will kill her too why not" No one can know how hurt you are but meeeeeee 😋
"a statue of my boyfriend in camp don't mind if I do~☆ aww now he has a halo so everyone can see he is a good boy who totally doesn't cause me to murder people and would never murder anyone himself" 😇
"Astarion NO, we are not gonna kill a bunch of other spawn just cause you are scared. I get it, and you don't have time for therapy but trust me that not gonna feel great in a few hundred years"
"ooooo blood bitch is back and you fucked up. look at this boy standing up for himself - yes that's right take us to your private house so we can kill you at our leisure.... man oh man I used to have morals now I got Astarion."
and now I'm tired XD
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samioli · 1 year
Is anyone allowed to use your stories as a gift for you (like if i wanted to write something for the dragon phoenix au that included later characters) or would you rather full disclosure of what the fic would entail and explicit permission? (Totally not asking because of that aforementioned possible fic idea whaaaat?? noooooo)
I love your stories and have been a big lurker on ao3, and i just wanna say that I adore them and you’re one of my favourite writers in the ace attorney fandom!!
YEAH of course!! I mean I would Love to hear about your ideas but you don't have to tell me beforehand if you don't want to!! I only ask you to tell me/tag me when it's done because I would love to see it!!!!
And AAAAAAAA thank you so much!!! I'm glad you enjoy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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maccca-chino · 10 months
Fanfiction Q&A
tagged by @thepagemistress , thank youuuuu! <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
a whopping 4 can you tell I don't write fics often!
though there actually used to be a few more short oneshots, but when I fell rather violently out of love with SPN, which they were for I just. couldn't stand to see them in there anymore (and I didn't like the writing itself anymore either) and I ended up deleting them... ^^"
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
41,198 (and the deleted fics would only have added around maybe 1000 words? 2k max but I don't even think they added up to that much)
3. What fandoms do you write for?
the only fics left are for DBH now, I have considered writing for Sandman, but tbh. there's sooooo many good writers in this fandom, anything I want to exist as fics is pretty much already there or in progress of being made and so I'm rather content to focus on art, slow at it though I may be :'D
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
er, well since there's only 4 of em:
1. no one can tell where your heart is (885, still in progress. and has been for a while I am so sorry)
2. lay bare the fire in me (328, .....the same as above. but I do have outlines for both fics, they WILL get finished dammit :'D)
3. and I don’t dance, but here I am (87, ...which is the sequel to 1 I couldn't wait to write even though the main fic isn't done yet xD)
4. freedom is a length of rope (34)
also yes, I am indeed very fond of the lower case titles
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I usually do or try to, even if it's just a short answer, because I love engaging with people over things that are important to me (and with comments I don't have to start the conversdation so to speak).
I do however have a few comments left in my inbox that I have not answered due to the crushing guilt of not having updated in so long.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
freedom is a length of rope (technically also in progress to have a more hopeful ending added, but the longer it exists, the more I want to. keep the angsty ending it has. also guess where that title is from lmao)
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
and I don’t dance, but here I am though the in progress fics will likely end on the same level of everything is good and nothing hurts
8. Do you get hate on fics?
no, people have been very nice and also so infinitely patient with me! TAT
While not hostile, the weirdest I got was someone trying to convince me to let them sort of cowrite the fic with me? I respectfully declined because I did (I do TAT) have the general story outlined.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
...haven't yet, but the two fics in progres will have it. We'll find out h kind then I suppose.
No sure I'd ever be confident enough for pwp.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I have not and don't know if I would? If I did I'd probably only very loosely do it, because I am not confident I could do each included world/fandom justice. That's easier with art for me than writing.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge, but with barely any existing and only half of em finished I would be surprised :'D
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I.. don't think so.
13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
no, and tbh I'd probably be very intimidated to try.
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
....ohhhhh noooooo, I hate picking favorites :'D
but I think one that's been with me since forEVER is Ace Attorney's Wrightworth (or NaruMitsu as I got to know it hehe).
In newer terms I think Dreamling will stick with me too.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
freedom is a length of rope like I said, the more I think about "fixing" what happened in chapter 1 in an additional chapter, the more I find myself leanign towards "no. this works better as an angsty oneshot"
maybe one day.
16. What are your writing strengths?
hmmm, not sure I write enough to really find em. minimalism? Shorter stories in a more minimal style I'd say.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
hilariously, I think that's also minimalism. because writing longer overarcing storylines when this is your go to becomes difficult.
Or maybe that's just "long interesting storylines that aren't super predictable or cliché"
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic.
well, I am German, so if the opportunity presented itself for a character where it works I could.
as far as writing in general in English goes. idk, I spent a lot of my time conversing and writing in English even outside the internet, and it's hard for me to judge how well lI'm doing in terms of er. written eloquence? I try my best and that's all I can do really.
For languages I don't know, I'd probably try to find someone who knows them or make really sure I've got it correct, I don't trust google translate enough :'D
19. First fandom you wrote for?
unless we count the NaruMitsu proposal RP I wrote with a friend in ICQ, but that was never published outside that chatroom xD
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
no one can tell where your heart is
as far behind as I am with updating it and as much as I feel like I bit off a bit more than I should've with it, it's my baby ;w;
Offering this up for anyone who feels so inclined to answer and tagging @wizardofgoodfortune , @wordsinhaled and @academicblorbo but no pressure! <3
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teotalksaboutstuff · 2 years
Danganronpa Despair Time Chapter 2: Episodes 6 and 7
yall r getting a spoiler cuff this time bc someone dies here
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Episode 6
-so ace has got nico’s secret. oh fuck.
-did we just have a nico evil sprite
-i am going to go fucking feral
-diversity win, the nonbinary cat person is a lil evil, and i will allow it as a treat
-dogboy levi. that is all.
-what j attempted with teruko there is actually pretty sound advice for people being in danger. unfortunately, she chose to try it on teruko. and got a knife pulled on her because teruko’s paranoia is making her act unreasonable.
-changing clothes being a big deal is going to be... a thing in this game, calling it now
-or not since ace isn’t actually dead
-or maybe nico was trying to stop ace from offing himself? yass nico
-yeah i get why levi wouldn’t wanna bother with this
Episode 7
-that opening scene is so me
-at least they didn’t just leave him there?
-god fucking damnit teruko i actually wanted to see this argument to its conclusion
-monotv was a youtube pooper in a past life, calling it now
-rose fails at a pullup lol
-no, i don’t believe her either
-nico did you make ace huff paint?
-ok teruko that was a little bit uncalled for
-oh wait that’s par for the course for teruko at this point
-why do i feel like rose is only going to end up blaming herself for whoever dies?
-teruko going off on monotv, iconic as always
-danganronpa despair time, now featuring dora the explorer
-also yeah ‘we got chemistry’ was my first guess too
-chiteruko ftw
-yes i ship charles whit and teruko all together what about it
-eggs and vitamin, the strangest dinner
-iconic thumbnail drop except this time teruko slapping her was reasonable
-veronika is trying to kin assign teruko some protag and i need to know which one
-ummm veronika’s resemblance of tsumugi shirogane and junko enoshima is highly fucking concerning and im almost certain she’s the mastermind
-thanks for pointing out why the let’s be boring as hell plan is going to fail
-figures teruko has enough secrets to not know which one is hers
-monotv is a colossal failgirl and i love him for that
-ok they didn’t play music here which makes me think she may have offed herself.
-but then they did for the nico-ace incident and no one died there so wtf is going on
-i was super confident that hu was going to be our culprit until literally right now
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caramelmochacrow · 3 months
you know. i wanna write a fic abt my aro ibuki and ace saki headcanons that are totally not an excuse for me to explore my feelings over romance and sex...... noooooo.,............. :x
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stargazerlillian · 2 years
50 Things About: Arnold Deacon
The OC survey sequel that nobody asked for~
I did one for Bibiana, so of course I had to do one for her neighbor and dear friend, Arnold.
Questions came from this post.
1. What is their name, and how does this fit their character?
Arnold. It’s a name of German and English origins that means “strong ruler” or “eagle power”. In a way, it works, as the eagle often represents honesty, loyalty, and wisdom, and Arnold is certainly a strong believer in those values. He had those values instilled in him from a young age courtesy of his father, and they have served as his guide throughout all his relationships. Truth, trust, and an endless thirst for knowledge became his main formula for an enjoyable journey through life. Sadly, he’s had his formula messed with more than once by friends and lovers alike, and while his yearning for wisdom persists, he now has issues being honest about his emotions and trusting new people.
2. Last name?
3. Do they have a middle name?
He has two - Chesley and Maxwell, respectfully. His father, Walter, wanted Chesley, after his favorite painter, Chesley Bonestell. His mother, Ramona, wanted Maxwell, after Maxwell Smart, the main character of “Get Smart”, the first American TV show she loved after immigrating to the U.S. in the 1960′s. They ultimately compromised and decided to give him two middle names, since it wasn’t too unusual of a concept. The way they settled on the order of the names? A coin toss right on the day of the birth. Walter won and got his chosen middle name to go first. Ramona wanted to slap him silly in that moment.
4. Name a song that describes them.
“La Migliore Offerta” by Ennio Morricone. It’s a song without lyrics, yet it describes so much about Arnold. It paints a portrait of isolation, distrust, resentment, and a pinch of yearning. A spark of hope still remains within him, but it is fighting to stay alive. Is he truly alone? Or is he just waiting for someone to find him?
5. What are their pronouns?
6. Gender and sexuality?
Cisgender man, asexual (closeted/unaware).
7. Do they like someone romantically?
No. He hasn’t liked anyone romantically for over 17 years. 
8. List five words to describe them.
Studious, intelligent, dedicated, reserved, and modest.
9. What about five dialogue tags to use consistently on this character?
Observed, hypothesized, grumbled, complained, retorted.
10. What is their motivation?
To become more involved with the people that visit the museum (namely through coordinating educational and public outreach programs, such as tours), instead of being stuck down in the archives all day. He wants so much to show his boss that he deserves better than what he’s been stuck with.
11. Do they consider themselves a good person?
He’d like to think so, but his boss’s constant criticism has him always questioning himself.
12. Color that describes their personality.
Brown. Reliable, honest, and even warm if given the chance, but mostly seen by others as dull, rugged, and isolated.
13. MBTI type.
ISTJ/The Logistician.
14. Enneagram type.
Type 5/The Investigator.
15. Character they’re based on.
Harry Plummer from “The Banger Sisters” and Virgil Oldman from “The Best Offer” come to mind in regard to inspiration. 
Like Harry, Arnold is a little neurotic, somewhat socially awkward and ace-coded, or rather I should say explicitly asexual. No, I’m not still mad at the writers for making Harry’s ace-codedness a wasted opportunity or anything, noooooo-
Like Virgil, Arnold is an academic expert, but in natural history instead of fine art, and is a rather isolated and judgmental individual. He also buries himself in his work when stressed, a common unhealthy habit for far too many people.
16. Person they would bring down whilst dying.
His boss, Mr. Hirschfeld.
17. Person they would kill if they had the chance.
Again, Mr. Hirschfeld. He’s not one for murder at ALL, but if he were, he’d totally go after him. There have been more than a few occasions where he had a seething desire to, such as the time Mr. Hirschfeld forced Arnold to cover another archivist’s work while they were out sick. It’s one thing being forced to cover another worker’s shift/workload when they are absent, but it’s another thing entirely when you’re told to do this literally 30 minutes before closing. Arnold ended up stuck there until 1 A.M. and was still supposed to return back to work at the usual time later in the morning (8 A.M.). Needless to say, that was one of the most tiring days of his career. He felt like dropping dead - and he was also wishing that Mr. Hirschfeld would drop dead.
18. Character they would get along with if they were in the same universe.
Herman from “Hometown”. Both are avid readers, have a wide variety of interests (especially in branches of science and history), are asexual (although Arnold is not aware of this fact himself), and have had their trust absolutely shattered by at least one former love. They’d have a lot to talk about, to say the least.
19. Character they would hate if they were in the same universe.
Elora’s cheating stalker ex-boyfriend from “Aerial Bridge Over Troubled Water”. As someone who’s been betrayed by two exes himself in the past, Arnold knows more than enough about the everlasting pain and mental effects heartbreak can do to someone. After all, it’s mainly because of them that he is the way he is with people by the time his story begins. Elora may be a complete stranger, and he may not want to hang around for too long, but damn if he wouldn’t feel some kind of pain if he heard her story.
20. Artist they would listen to.
Blur. He was a real big fan back in their heyday (1990s). He still occasionally listens and hums along to “Blue Jeans” when getting ready in the morning.
21. Artist they would hate.
Any artist whose songs are being blasted at maximum volume within close proximity to his house, especially when he’s working late.
22. Give them a theme song.
“Helplessness Blues” by Fleet Foxes. It perfectly tells the story of a hopeful, creative and trusting boy who grew into an overworked, overlooked, and untrusting man who can’t imagine going through everyday life without overthinking every little detail - in other words, Arnold. He doesn’t know who to believe. He’s being worked to the bone and having to fake being cordial to his boss while also hiding his resentment. He doesn’t see the point in speaking his emotions or waiting for someone else to see his issues because he feels nobody will understand/help him. But there is one person whose golden hair catches in the sunlight who - much to his surprise and confusion - is becoming his light in the dawn. Considering I searched long and hard for ANY songs that would even come close to working for a man with a story like Arnold’s, I’d say this is a fairly solid choice. If this song were slower and more sad in tone, then it would be just about perfect.
23. Make them a playlist!
Maybe later. I don’t have the energy or patience for that right now, LOL.
24. Make them a mood board.
25. Assign them an aesthetic.
Curly hair forcefully straightened, deep-set stress lines, wiry glasses often slid down to the tip of his nose, rolled up sleeves, books left open everywhere, aged veiny hands that seem to gesticulate in their own language, turning of pages, constant clearing of the throat, brown corduroy, well-worn Oxford shoes, the occasional hum of a tune from happier days lost to time, lingering hope for a better future.
26. What are their strengths?
Very responsible, practical in most times of stress, direct with his words, dutiful in his work, intelligent in many subjects, and loyal to a fault (with those he trusts enough anyway).
27. What about fatal weaknesses?
Stubborn, distrustful, overly judgmental, often blames himself unreasonably (such as if something is not his fault), sometimes comes off as callous/insensitive, and is inflexible in an unstructured environment.
28. The one person who can convince them to do something they’re stubbornly against.
Sadly, Mr. Hirschfeld. It’s either his way or the highway, and Arnold has to go along with it, or lose his only stable job. He’s been overworked far too many times to count as a result of this.
29. Who would they kill for?
Nobody. To him, nobody is really worth killing for, even if they hung the sun, moon, and stars in his mind.
30. What tropes do they fall into?
I don’t know exactly what this question means by “tropes”, but if we’re talking common character tropes, then I guess he’s a more low-key take on the “neurotic” character.
31. Fatal weakness (food edition).
Cucumber sandwiches. For Arnold, something so simple shouldn’t be so delicious, and yet the humble cucumber sandwich always delivers.
32. Book they would definitely read.
“The Birds of America” by John James Audobon. While many of the natural history books he reads consist mostly of words, he also deeply enjoys illustrated ones - especially those with illustration works made by the greats (Charles R. Knight, Heinrich Harder, George Edwards, etc.). So obviously the works of John James Audobon would be on his bookshelf. 
33. Language besides their mother tongue they would (have) learned.
French and/or Italian. For a man who isn’t seen as a romantic, he sure does like Romantic languages.
34. Murder accomplice.
Nobody. Like I said before, he is not one for murder. He’d like to keep himself employed and in proper society if he can help it.
35. Thing that makes them go weak at the knees.
A beautifully remastered copy of the 1925 paleo-documentary, “Fifty Million Years Ago”. Not much blows Arnold’s mind at his age, but even he can’t help but be amazed at what people knew about Earth’s past almost 100 years ago. Sure, compared to the paleo-documentaries of today, it lacks plenty in terms of accuracy, but to him, it still possesses great artistic value - especially with the practical effects used at the time.
36. Most obscure thing they HATE.
People who mockingly imitate the way he moves his hands when talking about the things he likes, or worse - people who criticize or outright try to physically grab/restrain his hands. To Arnold, the way he gesticulates is a unique part of who he is - one that dates back to childhood. Other people may not like it, but it’s his way of expressing excitement. If he wasn’t so afraid of any and all possible repercussions, he would slap the crap out of them.
37. While we’re there, biggest phobia.
Pistanthrophobia - the fear of betrayal.
38. Are they (would they be) a book or movie person?
Book person, without a doubt. The bookshelf in his office room is almost overflowing with books (most of which he’s read all the way through) on the various subjects he’s interested in. Natural history (his main field of study), biogeography, neontology, paleontology, etc. Plus, one of his favorite leisure activities is cracking open a new science book and absorbing even more information on a quiet evening.
39. Are they a romantic?
Only with people he has formed a super strong connection with over a long period of time (usually months to years). This has only successfully happened twice – and both times ended in heartbreak. Otherwise, no.
 40. Childhood experience that defines an aspect of their life.
When Arnold was 16, a massive blowout occurred on the oil rig his father was working on out in the Gulf of Mexico. The fire grew so large and intense that Walter, along with most of the other men, had no choice but to jump off the platform into the water. Thankfully they were saved by incoming helicopters and rescue ships. When Walter was finally brought home, Ramona and Arnold seemed to hold him close for hours, letting out all their pent-up fear and relief in the form of grateful tears. It was in those days that Arnold learned how to appreciate every moment he has with the people closest to him, as they can be easily taken away from him at any given moment.
41. What is their age?
53 at the start of the story.
42. Birth sign? / Zodiac?
43. What constellation would they be?
Aquila/The Thunderbolt Eagle. Not only because his name partially means “eagle” but also because he serves the beck and call of Mr. Hirschfeld the same way Aquila does with delivering Zeus’s lightning bolts to Earth and bringing Ganymede to the heavens.
44. Name a famous myth where they would have been the main character.
Prometheus and the Theft of Fire. Much like how Prometheus wanted to give humans the gift of fire because Zeus didn’t care much for them, Arnold has a hidden desire to share his knowledge and enthusiasm of natural history to the people who visit the museum. But much like how Zeus punished Prometheus with physical restraint and torture at the beak of a hungry raven, Mr. Hirschfeld more often than not forces Arnold to stay hidden away in the archives most of the time, not really allowing him to leave unless it’s his scheduled break time or all his work for the day is done. 
45. Old or new soul?
Old soul for sure. Inquisitive, sees the big picture, often feels like an outsider, prefers his inner world than the outer world he lives in, often needs to mentally/emotionally recharge, likes to think things through before diving into a new project, values deep connections, etc.
46. Assign them a smell.
Old books and earthy aftershave.
47. Assign them a smell they like.
Woodsy scents, like sandalwood or balsam.
48. Can they swim?
Yes. He used to be afraid of swimming in the deep end as a child, to the point where he would get stomachaches at even the thought of it. But over the years, he became more and more acquainted with the deep end, until he became brave enough to perform high dives into it. He even owns a backyard pool now, surrounded by the many flowering plants he proudly placed there himself.
49. Street smarts or brain smarts?
Brain smarts. If Bibiana or anyone else has a question or a logical problem, Arnold is the guy to ask (especially if it involves natural history, biogeography, or even some neontology and paleontology).
50. What is this character’s purpose to the plot?
To provide Bibiana - a wide-eyed newcomer - with some much-needed guidance and stability in her new town, along with possible friendly companionship.
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twstedstoryshop · 3 years
Dire Crowley With A Bird-of-Prey Wife
Doing something a little different here. Wanted to have a break in the requests to do something very self-indulgent. Hope you all don’t mind as I rant and rave about this idea that stuck in my brain for a long while. -Shopkeep
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So picture this, it’s a normal day at NRC. Boys are milling about, minding their own business then a couple start to notice, hey something is circling in the sky. At first, everyone writes it off as some bird just hanging around. Then the bird shape starts to get bigger and bigger… Oh my god, is it actually casting a shadow?
The small group of students that notice this grows and everyone starts to panic a bit. Is some creature coming in to attack!? Crowley happens to be out around the same time and notices the commotion. One of the students, probably Ace or Grim, is screeching for the Headmage to do something. This thing is moving way too fast for even a student to take aim and cast magic at it.
Then suddenly, Crowley is rushing forward and spreads his arms out towards the beast. Everyone is shocked. Is their Headmage being a hero!? Is he going to selflessly put himself between danger and his beloved students!? The students cry out dramatically. “Headmage noooooo…!” “Oooooh~! It’s my wife!!!” A beat of silence to digest. “YOUR WHAT!?!”
(More headcanons under cut)
Crowley is literally knocked off his feet as this massive bird tackles him to the ground, hat flying off, and winds whipping everywhere. A crowd of students are gawking as Crowley is laughing with this bird churring and preening him. 
For reference, I shamelessly imagine her looking like Marahaute from Rescuers Down Under because c’mon. Tiny blackbird husband with a huge golden majestic eagle wife. I’m deceased.
So anyway, student population right now is thinking, “Oh god, our Headmage is legit married to a big bird… He’s actually insane…” But then things start to shift. Winds pick up again, a flurry of golden feathers and light, and there is a woman now holding Crowley like he weighs nothing.
Wife is BUILT like an Amazon. I’m talking nearly on the cusp of being 7’00” tall, solid abs, and biceps that look like they can crush an apple. Everyone has to catch themselves again from the shock. She also has a mask similar to Crowley but it’s shaped to be an eagle of course.
“I didn’t know you were visiting! You should have messaged me!” “Haha! Sorry, my love. I really wanted to surprise you!”
Sets him down gently, dusts off his hat, and happily puts it back on him. Crowley is all sunshine and flowers while everyone is still in silence. He’d proudly show off the students who were present and Mrs. Crowley is so happy to meet them.
Course, she gets whisked away as Crowley pretty much acts like an excitable bird, strutting his stuff, and showing off his school to the wifey. This is one of the few times Crowley is super on his best behavior.
Even the staff are flabbergasted because they had NO idea that Crowley was married in the first place. Much less even capable of getting hitched.
Absolutely act like an annoying pair of lovebirds that won’t stop cooing over each other and being lovey-dovey. Every time Mrs. Crowley compliments him, he’s puffing his feathers out and grows energetic. Like: “Ahh~ My husband is so kind and generous. What a dashing headmaster!” “Fufu! You flatter me too much!” Acts cute but is totally fishing for more compliments.
Over the top nicknames that make you gag. Honeyfeathers, Dire Darling, Birdy, etc, etc. But that’s usually for private or whispered between each other if in public.
Crowley and Mrs. Crowley are opposites in every way from stature to personality. While Crowley is eccentric and mysterious, Mrs. Crowley is warm and easy to approach. Surprisingly, they both compliment each other in that Mrs. Crowley has a keen eye in seeing past Crowley’s bravado and discovering how much work he puts into his job. Meanwhile, Crowley offers a new perspective to Mrs. Crowley on various topics and reminds her to be open-minded to the people in the shadows.
After all, they’re still a couple made up of a “villain” and a “hero”. They offer very different visions for one another and it helps them mature in their long lives. How long have they known each other? Weeeeell, hard to say when you’re both strange fae bird people.
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schnees-and-schnugs · 2 years
Noooooo you can't hate RT's token group of POC consisting of White guy with Japanese surname, angry Black woman 1 and 2, Asian quiet monk stereotype 2 electric boogaloo and DogTM. They are totally developed and well-rounded characters and not caricatures. You are racist if you hate them. :( /j The writing with the Ace Ops and Harriet is so fucking weird, because they expect us to care about Harriet crying over Clover or whatever but at the same time spent the last two volumes shitting on him and telling us how much of bad bootlicker he is or whatever. RT wants us to hate Clover and James but love Harriet even though all of her actions have been because of her loyalty to them. It doesn't work. I'm supposed to care about that bitch? I don't.
I'm not touching the race stuff with a 10 ft poll because I'm not getting involved in that discourse but it makes me mad knowing that mkek somehow put more energy into badly fleshing out Harriet (and the rest of the ace ops) than they did in giving Weiss and Whitley anything resembling complex emotions in their subplot. after. Four. Volumes.
And it's a clear double standard where ironwoods disabilities (PTSD and physical) were used to demonize him to the point where he was no longer the character his fans even knew him as while Harriet gets off scott free- from doing exactly what we condemn ironwood for (a complete casual disregard for human life) - because of grief for a character we're not even supposed to like. Like seriously?
Ironwood losing his arm and getting this black grimm looking prosthetic is blantently him "losing his humanity" and is now irredeemable but Harriet also tries to murder a whole city of people and it's a whoopsie daisy oopsie!! She won't try to commit mass murder again now, she's learned how to properly express her emotions through friendship 🥺
Lmao why does a 14 year old (male) abuse victim have to do more in the narrative to be given the benefit of the doubt by the other characters and the audience than an unhinged (female) cop who was LITERALLY 2 inches away from actually murdering people. The only reason the bomb wasn't dropped was because of sheer. Freaking. Luck.
I'm convinced 95% of v8 was just a massive psychological study on how much writers can get away with through the sheer power of parasocial relationships and a fandom already primed to digest all the bullshit fed to them.
I really do hope they do better in v9 with a smaller already established cast because my god none of these new characters make me feel anything other than contempt. At least they did the HH right? Robyn was pretty present but the rest of them were fine characters while not hogging so much time to themselves.
But they'll probably introduce 10 more new characters in vacuo who am I kidding
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For those of you who are not into Ace Attorney I need you to understand. That Van Zieks’ backstory is
His brother Klint was a wealthy English lawyer who realized that the law couldn’t touch members of the upper class who were committing crimes so he decided to just become a serial killer who trained the family dog to murder people. But Klint was kind of a pussy and not very good at covering his tracks so when the chief justice was like “Yo I know you’ve been murdering people and if you don’t start doing the murders I want you to do then I’m gonna tell your wife and your brother” so he became a puppet of the very thing he’d sworn to fight against (you know by being a serial killer apparently). Then Klint’s bestie Genshin Asogi (a Japanese exchange student) found out and was like “Hey man I know you’re a serial killer being manipulated by the very thing you swore to fight against” and Klint was like “Yeah can you do me a favor and kill me but like make sure my wife and unborn child are safe” and Asogi was like sure. And so he gave the kid to a DIFFERENT Japanese exchange student but he was busy so he in turn gave the kid to Sherlock Holmes who raised her to believe that Watson was her biological dad and not serial killer lawyer Klint van Zieks
Anyway so then (Barok) van Zieks was like “omg the serial killer got my brother noooooo who did this” and the chief justice was like “It was Genshin Asogi, who has totally been the serial killer this whole time. We’re going to have him executed in secret btw” and van Zieks was like “Oh shit omg. I hate THE ENTIRE NATION OF JAPAN NOW” and became like the most racist guy in all of England (which is saying something). Then the chief justice kept killing people and when everyone was like “Omg who killed that guy” he was like “It was the grim reaper. Who is Barok van Zieks btw” and for some reason van Zieks just kinda let him do this
And THEN Genshin Asogi’s son Kazuma decided to come to England to avenge his father but he got almost assassinated on the boat so Sholmes helped him fake his death and escape to Hong Kong but he got amnesia and somehow managed to find his way to England with 0 memories of like, anything other than law. And the chief justice found him and slapped a mask on him and was like “Van Zieks this is your apprentice now. He doesn’t have a name and he doesn’t talk and you’re not allowed to see his face but don’t worry about it.” and van Zieks was like. sure I guess. Then ANOTHER Japanese guy who was Kazuma’s bestie who stowed away on the boat and decided to spend a single month studying law from a textbook absolutely destroyed the entire English justice system (Sholmes livestreamed it to the Queen and testified via hologram btw) and brought out the truth about Klint and Genshin and van Zieks was like damn... sorry about the racism bro... This btw was after van Zieks had accused well known historical figure and famous author Natsume Soseki of murder twice
Anyway so what I’m sayin is. absolutely none of this explains why he dresses like a vampire and throws wine bottles in court
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ratsoh-writes · 4 years
So I’m screwing around and I suddenly remember that the hunger games simulator exists! Well guess who put all the boys in it ;). My money is on either sugar or honey. It’s always the shy ones.
Day 1
Alright so far the cornucopia is full of cowards. Not a single death and everyone is just running for thier lives. Although sans, papyrus and star did team up which was pretty cool.
FKN PEACHES KILLED OAK IN HIS SLEEP?!!? peaches how could you 😭😭
Also I love how willow, edge, mutt and papyrus band together to steal all of ranchers stuff
Looks like oak is the only casualty. Poor baby. Looks like his narcolepsy did him in
Day 2
WILLOW CRIES HIMSELF TO SLEEP. Looks like someone found his brother
Also mutt decided to go for the baddest mafia man and kills butch but leaves heavily injured. I’m not suprised mutt went for him tbh
Friggin peaches is on a massacre. He teamed up with mal to kill off papyrus this time.
Also sans and Jupiter are holding hands and sugar convinced snipe to cuddle with him lol. Sugar must’ve had his charm turned up to 100
Hold up, cash made a bomb and killed willow sansn and coffee. Holy heck. Dammit cash.
And rancher is playing mind games here. He’s trying to force slim to kill either noir or gaster. Of course slim doesn’t want to kill anyone, SO RANCHER KILLS HIM IN COLD BLOOD what is with these farm boys?!??
So that’s 7 deaths: G, butch, papyrus, willow, sans, coffee and slim :(
Day 3
Oh shoot guys, somebody gave peaches a bomb. Better run
Also snipe killed mal with a hatchet. Tbh I’m not suprised.
And wine set LORD on fire?!?? WINE NO THATS YOUR BEST FRIEND why wine whyyyy
Basil repeatedly stabbed pop to death and probably puked right after
And cash you dumb*ss. He fell in a hole. The ultimate prankster dies from a hole. This is not the swapfell bros day
Now basil is questioning his sanity gee I wonder why
Honey accidentally set off a bomb. If anyone was wondering, he failed chemistry
And uh, so bruiser and wine are patching each other up. I guess in the hunger games your enemy is your friend lol
Total deaths 7: mal, lord, pop, edge, mutt, cash and honey
Day 4
Oh look at that, Star stabbed red this time like the little psycho he is
Green over here just humming out some tunes as the world burns around him
Basil and peaches are calling a truce. It’s because they can see the murder in each other’s eyes
And then basil dies from the cold like a pussy.
Oop, looks like peaches carnage is over. Wine pushed him off a cliff. Now wine is the baddest boy
Total deaths 3: red, basil, peaches
Day 5
Noooooo. So sugar was picking a fight with Jupiter, and friggin ace swoops in and is all “THATS MY ENEMY B*TCH” and beheads sugar.
Boss singing himself to sleep 🥺
Wine is climbing trees while he plans everyone’s murders
Wine is going even higher. He’s heading for the sky baby. He’s going to steamroll his way into heaven.
Oh shoot, three way fight between star snipe and rust. Rust won.
And rythm took out bad dad gaster in the most bad*ss way. Death by gladiator sword
Total deaths 4: sugar, star, snipe, gaster
Day 6
Noir over worked himself and passed out again. This is like the third time noir calm down
Fkn wine takes out rancher and Jupiter at the same time. He literally got both farmtale brothers. Gotta catch them all
Shoot, we just lost another mafia boy. Lilac strangled boss.
And now the feast: bruiser lilac and ace vs green Pluto and wine. Unfortunately wines geek squad was unable to stand up the the mafia brothers and a feral lilac so they had to go.
Also charm must’ve pissed rythm off because he couldn’t convince him to not kill him lol
Ace be picking flowers after his massacre
And rythm drowns. Oops
That’s 8 deaths this time: rancher, Jupiter, boss, green, Pluto, wine, charm and rhythm
Day 7
Yup, ace nailed noir right in the stomach. I knew noir wouldn’t make it. His chronic pain is too much of a hindrance
Just noir dying this time
Day 8
BRUISER KILLED ACE??!? And friggin rust climbed up a tree and watched like a little creep
And lilac decided to be a genius and jump in a frozen lake. Play stupid games win stupid prizes
2 deaths: ace and lilac
Day 9
alright this is it the final showdown. Who will win?? We’ve got:
Rust: with incredible physical strength, size and wilderness survival on his side
Bruiser: a trained mafia fighter, extensive experience and knowledge in weapons, and his only strategy is to fight dirty
............... and despite all that bruiser takes the same path as his moron best friend and falls into a hole
Rust wins by default lol
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quemirabobo · 3 years
Yu, happy Bi visibility day 💖💜💙
How are you? How end everything with the person who invited you a drink?
Talking about our Bi disaster Dean Winchester, have you read this fic?
It's called 'Dear Virgo' and it's amazing, funny au about horoscopes ft. Asexual Cas! 💪🥰
Te estarás preguntando por qué es que te estoy mandando esto de la nada y más cuando todavía no contesté tu ask (Vivo en vergüenza por eso)
Es porque no he podido dejar de pensar en los signos zodiacales. En todas partes me lo recuerdan y hoy en la clase de inglés estuvimos hablando sobre los estereotipos de nuestro signo con los que coincidimos y no dejé de pensar en esta historia y en vos con tu Leo vibes! ✨💁 Que son iguales a Percy Jackson 💪 y con razón (esto me hace acordar a la escena del último libro de los héroes del olimpo cuando Percy dice que es de Leo y Leo le contesta que no sea tonto, que él es Leo 🤣🤣🤣).
Además quise leerlo antes de que termine el signo Virgo y la realidad me golpeó de lleno con la novedad de que hoy comienza libra 😐 F.
Well. Thank you for reading this.
Love you 💜💚
I'm fiiiine, in class (as usual) and kinda excited about today because just like a month or two ago I realized I'm bi so yeeeey, fucking finally my stupid ass has a label🥳
And about the guy everything turned out fine! He totally understood and was cool so I'm in peace now(? But honestly I feel so stupid for how much I freaked out 😅
Noooooo I haven't!! Thanks for sharing it's been soooo long since I read a spn fic? Shame on me and my cow! I'll die for ace Cas any day 🙌
AJAJAJJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJAJ No te preocupes por el ask, son para hacerte reír, contesta cuando quieras (o no, leelo y reite de mi estupidez tranquila, cualquiera sirve)
Amoooo los signos, es todo tan divertido, y en mi opinión una de las mejores cosas es molestar a alguien que no cree o no le gustan tipo "típico de sagitario🙄" o "aiiii eso es taaaaaan capricornio"🤣 Contame más sobre vos y tu signo! Cuáles estereotipos cumplís y cuáles nada que ver. Adoro cuando Percy se pone en full modo leo, es todo lo que está bien🤣 (otro ícono bi btw) No te puedo explicar lo que me reí con esa parte, creo que la releí mil veces porque es lo más ajajajajaj
F en el chat por Helenaaaaaaaa y su lectura en libra y no virgo
I love you too🥰💚
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