mleighsquickspot 1 year
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Alright, it's the week of Christmas my friends. I hope you and yours have been enjoying the holiday season; are looking forward to a Merry Christmas or Happy Holiday, and are looking to close out 2022 on a good note.
If you haven't yet, please use the link below to find me on my other social's. Mainly my Patreon and my YouTube channel. I'd still like to reach my goal of ten patrons, I'm currently at 2. Also, I'd love to reach 300 subscribers on my channel. You can also find me on TikTok, Instagram, and Twitter I post something new each day. I'd love to see you there.
Here are my thoughts on last week's questions...
Tuesday, Quick Shot...
I was so sad to hear of Jason David Frank's passing. As a kid, I didn't get into Power Rangers much but my brother did so I like many knew who the character of "Tommy Oliver" was. I have kept up with the show in later years as well as his roles as different rangers and always enjoyed seeing him among the cast. Knowing now the way he passed makes it that much sadder and my heart goes out to his family and friends.
Thursday, Midweek Melody...
The new Whitney Houston film looks interesting. Much like the film made about the life of Tina Turner, I most likely will be checking it out. No matter the personal struggles she faced; no one can say she wasn't a talented artist that was lost far too soon.
Sunday, Totally Random Thought...
So Unorthodox Jukebox just turned ten recently. I鈥檓 a huge Bruno Mars fan and it's crazy to think he's already been around for as long as he has. In recent months I'm glad his dude has come out of retirement and is back on stage with him and I look forward to more from this amazing artist.
Have a blessed day and week my friends 鉂勨泟.
Stay safe and well my friends 馃崅.
Click on this link and join me on all of my social media https://linktr.ee/Mleighqs
Check out my YouTube Channel and become a $1 patron and support my work
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andreasneed83 7 years
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Do you ever see a bird flying overhead and wonder what they are thinking? Like "Look at those silly humans walking around on their 2 legs!! They don't know the feeling of truly being free!!" #totallyrandomthought #flyingbirds #freedom #peaceandlove #positivevibes
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mleighsquickspot 1 year
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It turned ten InterWorld... So Bruno Mars album Unorthodox Jukebox just hit a decade old, are you still a fan of those songs? Do you remember where you were when you first listened to the album? What is your favorite song from the album?
Keep on singing my friends 馃槑.
Stay safe and well my friends 馃崅.
Click on this link and join me on all of my social media https://linktr.ee/Mleighqs
Check out my YouTube Channel and become a $1 patron and support my work
Message me at [email protected] if you are in need of a proofreader/editor
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mleighsquickspot 2 years
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It鈥檚 a new day and the start if a new month my friends. I hope you and yours are safe and well.
Do me a favor and use the link below and check out my YouTube and Patreon. Also if you or anyone you know is looking for a proofreader/editor than message me. I'm accepting clients.
Here are my thoughts on last week's questions...
Tuesday, Name the Movie
1. Friday
2. A Few Good Men
3. Fight Club
4. The Devil Wears Prada
5. Spiderman
Thursday, Totally Random Thought
I know there are huge things that I could say for people to stop doing that would truly make the world better. Yet, for me one main thing that I think would really help out the world in a lot of everyday situations; would be for people to really leave people alone. Unless it鈥檚 life or death or a really dangerous or bad situation. Folks really need to leave each other alone nowadays.
Sunday, Thought Provoking Questions
26. What I'd like to change about myself is my fear of rejection which keeps me from trying things.
27. To answer the number of people I love depends on the nature of the relationship. I love my family, and my friends. Outside of this numbers vary.
28. The best decision I've ever made I think is coming to the realization that I want to be a writer, mainly after spending a lot of time claiming I wasn't sure what I wanted to do.
29. My favorite true story I love sharing with others is when I tried to teach my brother how to ride a bike lol.
30. At this moment what I want right now is French Fries lol.
Have a great day my Lovelies 馃崯.
Stay safe and well InterWorld 馃挆.
Click on this link and join me on all of my social media https://linktr.ee/Mleighqs
Check out my YouTube Channel and become a $1 patron and support my work
Message me at [email protected] if you are in need of a proofreader/editor
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mleighsquickspot 2 years
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Have you or how often does this come to mind InterWorld... If there was something you could stop others from doing what would it be? Would it be something minor like an everyday annoyance, or would it be something major for the benefit of the world?
Let me know my friends 馃挍.
Stay safe and well InterWorld 馃挆.
Click on this link and join me on all of my social media https://linktr.ee/Mleighqs
Check out my YouTube Channel and become a $1 patron and support my work
Message me at [email protected] if you are in need of a proofreader/editor
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mleighsquickspot 2 years
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Welcome my friends, and thank you for stopping by. I hope you and yours are safe and well. Stay hydrated and check on the young, the elderly, and your pets during these warm Summer days.
If you'd be so kind; as to use the link below and check out my YouTube channel and my TikTok account. I post on them daily.
Also, tell me about your Summer Dreams and I'll write about them for you over on my Patreon. Become a $1.00 patron, your support is greatly appreciated.
Now, here are my thoughts on last week's questions...
Tuesday, Thought Provoking Questions
16. If I has to move 3000 miles away from my current home I think I'd miss simply knowing my surroundings. Yes, I know I would just need to learn the new ones, but I would still miss the place I've always known.
17. What worries me about the future is people's lack of communication and the ability to now settle every dispute with a violent outcome.
18. The need and want I will strive to achieve in the next 12 months is getting a proper job.
19. There are a few, but the main life lesson I really had to learn by experiencing it was making and retaining money. It just leaves so fast.
20. I like the city I live in. It's cool and has some decent places both within its limits and just outside of it that I find fun and interesting to visit.
Thursday, Name the Story
1. Les Miserables
2. Nineteen-Eighty Four
3. Invisible Man
4. Rebecca
5. Pride & Prejudice
Maybe it's just me but I find stretching in the early morning to be very satisfying. Just the release of tension from your muscles and having that I need to curl back up feeling makes me happy when starting my day.
Have a great day my lovelies.
Stay safe and well InterWorld 馃挆.
Click on this link and join me on all of my social media https://linktr.ee/Mleighqs
Check out my YouTube Channel and become a $1 patron and support my work
Message me at [email protected] if you are in need of a proofreader/editor
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mleighsquickspot 1 year
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Happy New Year tumblebumbles 馃帀. I hope you have ended 2022 on a good note and are ready to take on the challenges as well as accept all the good you and yours deserve in 2023.
I thank you all for your much love and support last year and I hope you will still extend such positivity this year. Use the link below and join me on my other socials, I look forward to seeing you there.
So, here are my thoughts on the last questions of 2022...
Tuesday, Quick Shot...
So I know fans have been in an uproar but it looks like the actors are roaring back. It鈥檚 so cool how Henry Cavil has taken the reins on a cool new project. How the Rock just said bump you to James Gunn and Warner Bros. Also, how now even the fans of the DCEU have had enough and are jumping ship. In my opinion, the DCEU has needed to scrap itself and really reboot with fresh material and better supervision anyway.
Thursday, Totally Random Thought...
A new guilty pleasure of mine to watch now are shows like Road Wars, Customer Wars, and Court Cam. I just find these shows interesting and crazy to see. Court Cam is my favorite.
Sunday, Quick Shot...
To be honest I really wasn't up on the trends of 2022 so I'm not sure what we should leave behind and what we should bring into this year. All I can say is I bet what we keep and what we let go of will make 2023 all the more interesting lol.
Have a great day my friends 馃槉.
Stay safe and well my friends 馃崅.
Click on this link and join me on all of my social media https://linktr.ee/Mleighqs
Check out my YouTube Channel and become a $1 patron and support my work
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mleighsquickspot 1 year
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Tell me about those media guilty pleasures InterWorld... What is a current guilty pleasure you enjoy watching at the moment? Are they shows you try to avoid but just keep coming back to? Or do you just give in and actively watch while telling others to do the same?
Let me know my friends 馃槑.
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mleighsquickspot 2 years
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Here's a good one for ya InterWorld... What things do you do (clean things) that you find very satisfying? Is what you deem satisfying seem odd to other's around you or not so much?
Have fun my lovelies 馃槝.
Stay safe and well InterWorld 馃挆.
Click on this link and join me on all of my social media https://linktr.ee/Mleighqs
Check out my YouTube Channel and become a $1 patron and support my work
Message me at [email protected] if you are in need of a proofreader/editor
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mleighsquickspot 2 years
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Hello lovelies, I hope you and yours are doing well. I hope your weekend was recharging and may your week treat you well.
Do me a favor and use the link below and join me on my other social's. Mainly my Patreon and my YouTube channel. I'm still working to reach my goal of 10 patrons and need your support to do it. Also, I'd love you to enjoy my daily posts on my channel.
So, let's get into my thoughts on last week's questions...
Tuesday, so Jim Carry is going to retire from Hollywood. Me personally I'm going to miss him. I love his work and I kind of feel bad that his last project seems to be Sonic 2. I wish it was at least one of his dramatic roles, but it is what it is.
Thursday, so I didn't watch the recent Grammys, but I've seen many posts on who all won awards. Lol, can someone tell me why Anderson Paak is wearing a Ike Turner style wig recently? I know Silk Sonic has a theme going right now, but I think he really looks goofy.
Sunday, so with so many comments going around on the Will Smith slap, I happened to see a post on a video saying "I now think differently on those who support Smith". I think this was an interesting thought in that really, folks are going to take their distain on outward to even those who came to Smiths aid. Like I said I feel bad for the whole situation more so where it took place, not actually what happened. But if folks are really going to go that far then good grief.
Have a good day my friends.
Stay safe and well Inter World 馃挆.
Click on this link and join me on all of my social media鈥檚 https://linktr.ee/Mleighqs
Check out my YouTube Channel and become a $1 patron and support my work
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mleighsquickspot 2 years
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Hey there lovelies, how are we all doing today? I hope you can say you're safe and well. Last week was a bummer for me. I was so sick with a stomach bug that I got very little work done. This week is going to consist of more of my "MeMe" comics if that's okay 馃槉. I do hope to be back totally up an running with my writing next week. On the bright side my comic is about to reach its 100th story so that's pretty cool.
If you could be so kind my loves as to join me on my other social's, mainly Patreon and YouTube. I'd very much like to see more growth on both of these platforms. If you follow me on either on already than please do share the word and have your friends and those you know check out my work. I would be so grateful. The link as always will be down below.
Now, here are my thoughts on last week's questions...
Tuesday, so they're making a Second Sonic film. I have to say I haven't seen the first. I'm not really that into Sonic like I was when I was a kid. For all who are fans of Sonic and all his forms that awesome, you rock; it's just not my thing.
Thursday, I asked the question about current celeb couples because I've just noticed an influx of seeing them on my Instagram feed. Of the one's I asked about like Tom and Zendaya I love them their so cute. Rob and Zoe to me look good together for the Batman movie but I don't know about as a real life couple. And sorry but I think Pete and Kim are just having fun, I don't see them hanging on long term. Especially if Kanye keeps butting in.
Sunday, I asked about lost social media and what brought this on was recently my TikTok was hacked and so I had to let go of it. I do miss watching those on it that I liked but luckily I've found many of them elsewhere, so I guess no big loss. Also I do miss making videos a bit more easily on there, but again I've managed to carry on with other methods so still no big loss. After some time, I guess if I really want TikTok back I'll set up a new account and hopefully do more to make it more secure; but for now I'm good.
Have a great day everyone.
Stay safe and well Inter World 馃挆.
Click on this link and join me on all of my social media鈥檚 https://linktr.ee/Mleighqs
Check out my YouTube Channel and become a $1 patron and support my work
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mleighsquickspot 2 years
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What if you lost it InterWorld... Has there been a form of social media or media type that you've lost access to that you wished you hadn't? Can you or did you every get access back or did you decide to just leave it alone and move on?
Keep being social my friends.
Stay safe and well Inter World 馃挆.
Click on this link and join me on all of my social media鈥檚 https://linktr.ee/Mleighqs
Check out my YouTube Channel and become a $1 patron and support my work
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mleighsquickspot 2 years
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Welcome back my InterWorld Lovelies. I hope your day is safe and well on this last day of February. Didn't this month feel some how long for being so short, or is I just me? Anyway I hope your weekend was awesome and I hope your week ahead is awesome to.
Join me on my Patreon by becoming a $1.00 patron and check out my YouTube channel; subscribe, like, share and hit the bell icon for notifications. Use the link below to find me and say hi.
Now, here are my thoughts on last weeks questions...
Tuesday, so Rihanna is having a baby, that鈥檚 cool. Yet, I saw some reports if folks saying stuff about how it was bad somehow and her boyfriend weren't married and how her age had something to do with things and blah blah. I really didn't and don't understand why anyone was in any way treating her having a baby as a negative event. She a grown woman, she's totally able to care for her child, enough said. I have no idea why this was even a thing for a moment.
Thursday, so Masked Singer season 7 is is coming up March 9th I believe. Honestly last season I just checked at the end of the night to see who was unmasked and listened to the singing while muting the rest. I do still somewhat like the show, so I will tune in. But i think as of now this is my current level of interest with said show.
Sunday, so this month I focused very much on it being Black History Month I think truly for the first time in a very long time. I felt that due to events in the last few years centering on treatment of people if color as well all other's; I was simply compelled to do so.
Have a blessed day my friends.
Stay safe and well Inter World 馃挆.
Click on this link and join me on all of my social media鈥檚 https://linktr.ee/Mleighqs
Check out my YouTube Channel and become a $1 patron and support my work
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mleighsquickspot 2 years
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Hey there InterWorld Happy New Year, it's a new day in a new year and my first M'L Answer's of 2022 馃帀. I hope you and yours got to enjoy some fun New Year's celebrations and merriment. I hope this year treats us all very well. Remember to stay safe and do all you can to stay well my friends.
I have good news, I'm pack to posting on my YouTube channel again thanks to the YouTube shorts feature. I hope to get back to longer vids again in the future, but for now I'm glad to be sharing with you all on that platform again. If you haven't seen my recent vids please check them out 馃槉. I hope you enjoy them. The link as always will be down below.
Also, I've changed up the tiers on my Patreon as well as what they're called. I would love for you all to stop on by and check them out, maybe even become a $1.00 patron if you'd be so kind. Your support does make all the difference. Well with no further a due, here are my thoughts on last week's questions... Also Happy Birthday to all my fellow January Babes 馃槝馃挏馃帀.
Tuesday, I just keep laughing at the idea of the film Pups Alone. It just makes me think of course of Home Alone. This franchise really needs to quit like yesterday in my opinion lol.
Thursday, so season 6 of the Masked Singer ended and I'm not going to lie I really wanted the Bull to win. I'm kind of disappointed lol. I do have to say that im to the point of not really watching the show but just listening to the performances and then waiting for the unmasking at the end of each show.
Sunday, feeling hopeful for 2022. I do feel hopeful for this year. I know I need to put in some hard work in certain places and I'm feeling like I really will do it this year and am looking forward to see what results I can get. Not only in my writing but in my health situation to.
Have a blessed day my friends 馃挏
Stay well and safe Inter World 馃挆.
Click on my new Link Tree link to find all of my social media https://linktr.ee/Mleighqs
Check out my YouTube Channel and become a $1 patron and support my work
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mleighsquickspot 2 years
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It's a New Year InterWorld... How are you feeling today? Are you hopeful for 2022 or nit so much? Do you have any ideas on how you would like this year for you to go for you and yours?
Let me know what you think and pass the thought along 馃挏
Stay well and safe Inter World 馃挆.
Click on my new Link Tree link to find all of my social media https://linktr.ee/Mleighqs
Check out my YouTube Channel and become a $1 patron and support my work
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mleighsquickspot 2 years
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Here we are again my friends, welcome or welcome back InterWorld lovelies. Is a new day and we're going to make the most of it.
Do my a favor and check out my YouTube channel, I'm posting new short vids each day; also become a $1.00 patron on my Patreon and get full access to all my work on the site. Use the link at the bottom to find me on my socials and show me some muchlove my friends 馃挆.
Now, here are my thoughts on last week's questions...
Tuesday, I asked about Zootopia 2. To be honest I didn't even know it was a thing until I started looking up possible sequels to recent 3D films. I have seen and love the first film and hope the second is just as entertaining.
Thursday, I asked about a possible Coco 2. Now I have only seen pits and pieces of this film. The funniest clip I watched was the bell scene lol. I made me think of Taco Bell and also the bell tower scene in the 90's Batman movie. So, coming from me if they make a sequel to this film; once again I hope its as entertaining as the first film.
Sunday, I asked about certain franchises appealing to certain folks. Now I don't mean a target audience, I mean those outside of the target audience. I guess like with most things it simple draws on something within us. I know for me I'm drawn to horror franchises even though I can barely stand to do scary things now lol.
Have a great day and week my friends.
Stay safe and well Inter World 馃挆.
Click on this link and join me on all of my social media鈥檚 https://linktr.ee/Mleighqs
Check out my YouTube Channel and become a $1 patron and support my work
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