#totem animals
nikki-tine · 2 months
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A couple Totem Animal sketches between commissions and other things.
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starzpsychics · 9 months
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Has an animal been repeatedly popping up in your dreams? And are you wondering why?
All animals in dreams bring a spiritual message!
If you are wondering why a certain animal is appearing during your sleep time, know it is for a reason. Dreams about animals talk to you about your deepest desires and emotions. If you keep dreaming of animals over and over, it can imply you have a connection with nature.
It is also important when dreaming about animals to make a note of your surroundings because this can also be significant.
Dreaming about animals can have various meanings, some positive while others not so positive depending on the details of the dream, and the type of animal you have dreamt about. It can be an indication that you have suppressed, or not acknowledged your own feelings during the day.
If you are seeing a domesticated animal in your dream for example a dog or cat and so on this can mean you are fully aware of your responsibilities but can find them a little bit overwhelming at times.
Dreaming of wild animals can be a sign you are repressing your feelings, and need to therefore express yourself more, say what you feel and need, you may even find this liberating!
If you dream you are fighting with an animal, this can be a signal you are rejecting or trying to deny some part of yourself in your subconscious mind. If you are being attacked this is a sign that you are being forced to stay quite and not being given the time and space to express yourself, which can lead to outbursts!
If the animals in your dream talk to you, this can be a representation of some sort of superior knowledge and can mean wisdom. However if it is you doing the talking and the animal is listening this means you are trying to be the best that you can be
When you save the life of an animal, this can mean you are acknowledging certain characteristics that this animal represents within you. This dream can also mean you are feeling overwhelmed or inadequate in some way.
To dream that there is an animal in your house could indicate that you may be feeling a bit lost and need comfort, and direction.  This dream can also be a sign that you are tolerating someone’s behavior. To see a large animal in your house such as a giraffe or elephant can mean you have hidden potential that is being tapped into and that your life may have become humdrum.
To truly understand the true meaning of your dream, you will need to try and recall all the dream, so keep a dream journal by your bedside and write down all the details of your dream immediately you wake up, before you start your day, because it is very easy to forget details.
Was the animal was wild or tame? What color was it, what was it eating, was the animal walking, running, standing, or seated, was it slow or fast in its movement? Where was the animal, what was the environment like, was it day or night, were there other people around or animals?
Here is just a small selection of some of the commonly occurring animals in dreams:
•           To dream of an alligator, unless you kill it, is unfavorable to all persons connected with the dream.  It is a dream of caution.
•           This dream brings humiliation and disease to some dear friend.
•           To see a small ape cling to a tree, warns the dreamer to beware; a false person is close to you and will cause unpleasantness in your circle.
Deceit goes with this dream.
There is a problem which you are trying to avoid.
A sleeping bear can mean think before sharing your ideas.
A standing bear means you need to defend your beliefs and opinions.
•           To dream of seeing them on your person, denotes poverty and small ills.
•           To kill them is good.
•           To see a butterfly among flowers and green grasses indicates prosperity and fair attainments.
•           To see them flying about, denotes news from absent friends by letter, or from someone who has seen them.  To a young woman, a happy love culminating in a life union.
•           To dream of seeing wild ducks on a clear stream of water, signifies fortunate journeys, perhaps across the sea.
•           White ducks around a farm indicate thrift and a fine harvest.
•           To hunt ducks, denotes displacement in employment.
•           To see them shot signifies that enemies are meddling with your private affairs.
•           To see them flying, foretells a brighter future for you. It also denotes marriage, and children in the new home.
A jumping frog is a sign that, your biggest wish is likely to come true!
If the frog is in water, it can mean you are having emotional issues, that can be overcome easily.
To learn more about animals in your dreams and power totem animals please visit our blog at: https://starzpsychics.com/blog
Or alternatively chat with one of our online psychics https://starzpsychics.com
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Only Nathan can make his room romantic enough to be fit for a first date. They are already above cloud nine. Especially Pickles, being held so close in Nathan's big arms...
Originally I planned on having half the height of this painting, but then I saw Nathan's room. So now we have the octopus decoration, the whiskey glasses (kinda hidden), the cinnamon bun, and the already gone drinks with candlelight.
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anyaboz · 7 months
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Spice Shukat Room Guardian
They go live in my shop this Sunday 11/12 at 12pm EST.
The Spice Shukat has a rose quartz crystal heart. It stands about 10 inches tall and it has a coat of high quality faux fur that is very soft. The head and feet are cast in resin from an original sculpt. The hands are sculpted out of a flexible clay that does not break when bent. The neck, legs, and tail have a fully posable plastic ball and socket armature inside that will not wear out over time. The arms have a posable wire armature inside.
See how they were made in my Patreon.
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lesickun · 6 days
A little observation.
Lucifer's totemic animal is a duck. He compares himself to this animal (which makes sense because we all know the story of the ugly duckling).
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Although Lucifer looks more like a snake (especially with his tongue).
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At the same time, Lilith is associated with an owl. This is due to the fact that the name of Lilith herself is translated in many languages as "night bird" (and the most famous night bird is the owl).
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At the same time, Lilith herself looks like a goat with her horns going back (I bet that Charlie inherited hooves from her mother).
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Charlie outwardly also has goat-like features in appearance. I wonder which animal is her totem animal? Maybe a duck too?
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syrosaur · 3 months
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yebreed · 3 months
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Bird, Tiger, Serpents and a Pair of Antlers: Warring States Art Device
Another remarkable sur of the pre-Taoist period.
The sculptural group is dominated by a mighty Bird, whose wings are complemented by antlers. Some have rashly classified it as the Phoenix, according to another version it is a Crane. However, I would warn against light-minded ornithological typing. The thumbnail Tiger serves as a pedestal for the Bird, pressing two serpentine bodies with its paws. The coiled snakes are devouring a pair of fliers.
The artifact may turn out to be a drum stand common at the time. Other figurines of antlered birds standing on tigers are known. This common motif unites the spiritual animals of the Lower and Upper Worlds. The amalgamous zoomorphic imagery is probably of shamanic origin.
Antlered and winged beings were also a widespread pattern in depiction of the zhenmushou (鎮墓獸), tomb guardians. The solemn or ferocious creatures served as the owner's spiritual animals in the afterlife and guides on the ascent to Heavens.
The entire lacquered wood sculpture group is painted black with subtle gold and red ornamentation. The object was unearthed from the Tomb No. 1 in Jiuliandun (九連墩1號墓), Zaoyang, Hubei. Now it is in Hubei Provincial Museum (湖北省族館).
Photo: ©湖北省族館
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hyydraworks · 11 months
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Swapped from bright gold luster to premium gold on this latest batch of rabbits. Needless to say they’re pleased as punch about it.
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crown-ov-horns · 23 days
How Lottie appears:
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Lottie actually:
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The Wilderness prophet must be feared and revered, you can't convince me otherwise
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thelittlememebitch · 3 months
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tribalanimalart · 4 months
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Bear | Tribal Art
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menphinaswhitemage · 1 month
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I'm so sick and tired of farming Hades EX, I just want the mount
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nikki-tine · 1 month
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Totem animal art I don't think I've posted here!
I have Co-Chief totems, but I haven't drawn the other one (a Panther) in a while - I'll post her whenever I get to that. C:
Until then, have Nicolai (Co-chief Totem #1, Fennec Kitsune), Celeste (Eastern Dragon), My Tiger totems (they're a fused pair - their colors shift back and forth, hence the appearance) and Esfir/Essie (Lynx)!
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kdmatheson · 7 months
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"CORVUS". kd matheson, 2023
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Thrill of the Hunt🐯The steadfast elk, fierce wolf, swift eagle, tenacious tiger, and brawny bear.
A totem barbarian inspired series~ Which is your spirit animal? This is my first time trying clear charms with red foil accents and I feel like the result is just delightful🤩
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figdays · 7 months
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bear, owl, mouse totem, animal // stackDustyRoseDesigns
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