#tovia singer
barfouniverse · 7 months
New Testament Concocted Jesus' Virgin Birth and Misquoted Isaiah! Rabbi ...
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torahcoursesfree · 2 years
Jewish Festivals III Rosh Hashanah and the Non-Jew  Lesson 28
Jewish Festivals III Rosh Hashanah and the Non-Jew  Lesson 28 https://ypsnetiv.org
Check out this episode!
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talenlee · 2 years
Decemberween 2022: Rabbi Tovia Singer
New Post has been published on PRESS.exe: Decemberween 2022: Rabbi Tovia Singer
Oh yeah, Decemberween, when I recommend a bunch of free, online content that I find enjoyable so you can partake of it in this period of Everything Being Busy, what kind of fun cool interesting media are we talking about today? Well, extremely deep Tanakh scholarship from what amounts to the internet version of a conservative Jewish call-in show.
Look, when I recommend media, you know I’m not recommending media veganism. I don’t think that Rabbi Singer is in any way going to line up with me on almost any front. I tolerate a pretty high level of what I’d call ‘coot factor’ when it comes to religious scholarship. I imagine, I assume, that say, an Orthodox Jewish Rabbi who lives In Israel probably has some pretty cruddy views about oh, you know, maybe that country they’re living in called Palestine, and I’m not asking you to make exception to that.
Matthew corrupted Jewish Scriptures to craft a preposterous Christmas story - Rabbi Tovia Singer
Watch this video on YouTube
Still, I have been listening to a lot of this guy this year, because of a specific area of scholarship where he’s been working very hard since the 1980s. Singer is an aggressive and constant opponent to the idea of Messianic Judaism.
Messianic Judaism is the idea of Christians trying to convert Jews. This is typically done by claiming that Christianity is compatible with Judaism, or that Judaism has been Christianity all along. There’s also a lot of imagery nonsense, like trying to use The Wordless Book style storytelling over the Seder to show that hey, doesn’t this bread remind you of Jesus?
What I’ve known for a long time is that the gospels are inconsistent, and this should be a problem for people who claim that the gospels represent divine literal truth. What I didn’t know is how much the New Testament is inconsistent with the Old Testament, where phrases that I knew didn’t line up are demonstrated changes in the text, rather than what I, an English language speaker thought growing up, that they were just translated differently.
Immanuel's Mother was No Virgin! Matthew Corrupted Isaiah – Rabbi Tovia Singer
Watch this video on YouTube
Anyway, Rabbi Singer defends his position and his faith and his values, and provides a perspective on Christianity from the position of someone who knows it very well and who knows the faith it claims to own. I find these talks and these long form textual conversations about specific wording changes in the two components of the Christian Bible super interesting. What’s more, they’re just going to come at things on a different footing. Me, an atheist, pointing out how Christianity does feature ritual cannibalism and a human sacrifice, get eyerolls because of course I’d just ‘not get it’ because I’m not religious. But when someone who is religious brings those same ideas to task, that position looks very different.
It’s interesting to me, and Rabbi Singer seems to have an extraordinarily strong grasp of all the concepts. When he talks about Dispensationalism and Evangelical Christianity, his mastery of the topic aligns with what I know, and he justifies what he knows from texts that I can go look up (even if I have to trust others translating Hebrew). Some of it is still Preacher dialogue, and I’m familiar with that, but it’s still really damn interesting to me.
Happy Hanukkah.
Check it out on PRESS.exe to see it with images and links!
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Awakening news updates revealing good, evil, and much more!🔥 Come find my show #SupplementalBroadcast 🎱 #youtuberecommendedchronicles🔮 on YouTube & Rumble! New episodes posted regularly!!! 🧩 #CurrentEvents #Politics #Eschatology #News #History #TheGreatResist #TheGreatAwakening 🙏
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slarty1 · 8 months
You Have No Idea of How WRONG Paul Was! Part 1 | Rabbi Tovia Singer
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ramrodd · 1 year
The New Testament Caught Lying with Rabbi Tovia Singer (Jews Reject Jesus)
Within the context of process theology, Jesus died as atonement for the vanity of God's treatment of Job. The Satan leveraged God's vanity to torment Job and then, when Job took his complaint to Heaven, God jumped into his shit until God realized The Satan had mad God the fool in an object lesson in Free Will.
Free Will is the fundamental element in the faithfulness of God's promise to the integrity of the individual. The practical effect of this faithfulness is that the individual is not required or expected or in any way coerced in seeking a  conscious relationship with God. Dealing with God is an awful experience, which God did not understand of God's own creation until The Statn provided the practical example of Job.
he Book of Job is a farce with GOd as the buffoon. It is the only book in the Bible composed by Godself and intentionally makes God the fool and Job the faithful victim of God's vanity.
I've know for years that the Book of Job was a farce, but I didn't connect with with Free Will until recently, specifically around the issue of Calvinism and the heresy of the TULIP doctrine that Hegel rejects. We are all born atheists and the "Love thy neighbor" clause of the Greatest Commandment is what I call the Socrates Clause, Socrates was an atheist and his submission to the cup of hemlock was a submission to the ethic of his duty to man  and the secular rule of law and NOT to the aesthetic of any duty man may have to the gods, generally, and The One as described in Revelation 4. 2 in particular.
I've never understood why Jesus says this consistently throughout His ministry:
they may be ever seeing but never perceiving, a nd ever hearing but never understanding; ] otherwise they might turn and be forgiven!’ Mark 4L12
I always though it was a little men, consigning people to Hell our of what seems to be purely vindictiveness.
But it has to do with Free Will and the odd Jewish method of Jewish inquiry based on the Thou Shalt Not example of Moses: and the resulting rhetoric. What are all the things God is not. For example, the difference between Hillel's "ILVER RULE:
Hat which is hateful to you, do not to others
In contrast to Jesus's Golden Rule:
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
The two phrases mean exactly the same thing, but Hillel is defined by boundaries and Jesus defines horizons.
Now, in this context, let me pin point exactly the moral arrogance and intellectual vacuum of you and James Tabor and all the mercenary evangelical antitheist in the context of Hegel's critical literary method in contrast to your juvenile dialectic Marxism.
Mark 15:38 And the veil of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom
Now, the conventional wisdom is that this is symbolic of the barrier between Man and God being removed by Jesus's sacrifice, which I generally accept, However, there is a far more compelling purpose of the partying of the veil.
Mark 14"63 At this, the high priest tore his clothes and declared, “Why do we need any more witnesses?…
There are two times when a Hebrew would "rend their garments:" at the outrage over heresy, such as the action of the High Priest's dramatics in the kangaroo court of the Danhedrin and at the sudden grief of the death of a loved one.
God rends his garment, the viel of the Holy of Holies, at the death of Jesus, God's only begotten Son. In this, God fully realizes the effect vanity had on Job and became the God of the Broken Heart of Christianity.
Virtually everything that happens in the Gospels has an antecedent in the Hebrew scriptures and Mark 15:38 is not exception.
2 Samuel  18:33T  King David was shaken. He went up to the room over the gateway and wept. As he went, he said: “O my son Absalom! My son, my son Absalom! If only I had died instead of you—O Absalom, my son, my son!”
This was a king's lament over an faithful and treacherous son. Jesus was without sin and perfectly obedient unto death.
Your atheism is defended by God's faithfulness and validated by the Book of Job. What offends me is the degradation of the literature of the Bible you asshole evangelical anti-theists mercenaries exercise to guarantee your revenue streams. It's a free country and the 1st Amendment and the Book of Job  guarantees your right to publish this moral sewage, but it cannot defend you from the existential testament of moral rot.
The Jews have  Jesus-lite with Hillel, You have nothing.
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mrkilroi · 1 year
Watch "Rabbi Tovia Singer Reveals the True Sign of the Real Messiah; What Does the Bible Really Say?" on YouTube
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the-path-of-zen · 2 years
Youtube blogs on religion that I watch
Youtube is sort of the new University in which a lot of scholars and researchers find an audience and funding to do what they love: research history
These are the blogs on religion I frequently view:
Blogging Theology
Let's Talk Religion
For Christian Bible critique:
Tovia Singer
One thing that you pick up on quickly, is that religion is not as clean as you think. There are a lot of influences and external forces that bend and sway religions down some rather interesting paths. What we have today as Zen is not anything close to what was considered Ch'an in the Song or the Tang dynasties in old China.
We realize that religion is layered on layers of thought and intentions, some of them helpful and others not so much. Though religion often just ask the layman to 'just believe' the question often comes up to believe in what exactly? Because the layers all say different things in a religion, and sometimes quite a contradictory thing.
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tabernacleheart · 2 years
...Immediately after the sin of Adam and Eve is narrated, the Torah declares that man can master his passionate lust for sin. God turns to Cain and warns him, "If you do what is right, will you not be accepted? If, though, you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you shall master over it." (Genesis 4:6-7) For the architects of Christian theology, [who preached a new doctrine of inherent, unconquerable depravity, one wonders if] this [divine] declaration of man’s ability to restrain and govern his lust for sin [would be judged, ironically, as] nothing short of heresy. [On the contrary], the fact that the Torah places the comforting promise immediately following the sin in the Garden of Eden [should be] profoundly [reassuring] for [all who hear it, and celebrated by Christians as well as Jews].
Rabbi Tovia Singer
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jewish-privilege · 3 years
A self-professed "good Jewish boy from New Jersey," Rabbi Michael Elkohen had come a long way.
In the ultra-Orthodox enclave in Jerusalem where Elkohen now lives, he was often called on to perform marriages, circumcisions and other sacred Jewish rituals. He was even hired to write Torah scrolls, handwritten copies of the first five books of the Hebrew Bible, in a task typically reserved for the most devout and highly trained scribes.
But for 15 years, Elkohen was apparently living a lie. The father of five with the black hat, beard and side curls was fluent in Judaic texts and traditions but living a double life: Born Michael Elk in Salem County, he was actually a Christian missionary sent to the Holy Land to convert Jews, according to two anti-missionary groups whose accusations have captivated Israelis in recent days.
Elk's tale has grabbed headlines across the Jewish state, where religious leaders see a growing trend of covert missionary work by evangelical Christians.
Elk "was a clearinghouse for missionary activity," [Rabbi Tovia Singer, director of Outreach Judaism, a counter-missionary group in Jerusalem. ] said in an interview. "He was able to guide missionaries on where to go in Israel. The idea of these messianic groups is to blur distinctions in order to lure Jews who would otherwise resist the Christian message."
The revelations have also raised questions about Elk's late wife, Amanda, who claimed to be the daughter of Holocaust survivors and died of cancer in February. Her ties to the faith also appear to have been faked, meaning her Orthodox funeral in a Jewish cemetery would defy religious law.
Michael and Amanda Elk emigrated to Israel using forged documents and with the help of South Carolina-based Morningstar Missions, according to Beyneynu and Outreach Judaism.
Elk's path to missionary work isn't completely clear, but he appears to have served as a minister for a time in Olympia, Washington, according to Alan Brill, a professor of Jewish-Christian Studies at Seton Hall University. He published an online interview with Elk in 2012.
Michael Elk eventually ran a yeshiva for Messianic Jews and sought to raise his prominence in the Jewish community, said Beyneynu founder Shannon Nuszen. His five children attended ultra-Orthodox schools, and Elk worked as a scribe, rabbi and mohel, performing circumcisions. He claimed to be a "kohen," a descendant of Aaron, the biblical high priest.  
All the while, he was working to coordinate missionary work in Israel, according to the watchdog groups. While living as a rabbi, Elk authored a book and anonymous blog posts about his work as an undercover evangelist, according to the Jerusalem Post.
"He's the leader of this new variety of infiltrators who portray themselves perfectly as very religious Jews," Nuszen said. "He teaches them everything from how to pronounce things correctly, how to dress, to the intricacies of Jewish law .... Michael has students and online followers all over."
She estimates that there are about 30,000 missionaries in Israel, 300 organizations focused on evangelizing Jews and 200 websites dedicated to converting them.
Elk authored a book under the pseudonym "Orthodox Jewish Rabbi" for Morningstar Ministries, based in Fort Mill, South Carolina. In an interview, the group's founder, Rick Joyner, recalled Elk attending Morningstar conferences and praised his "remarkable" religious knowledge.
"When people hear the word 'missionary,' they often think it means someone who is trying to convert them to Christianity, but that was not Michael's intent," Joyner said. "He was in Israel to help and to learn." [Alexis’s note: That’s because that’s LITERALLY the definition of missionary.]
The controversy is likely to set back efforts to build bridges among Jews and Christians in Israel, said Jonathan Feldstein, a former Teaneck resident whose Jerusalem-based Genesis 123 Foundation focuses on such work.
“The deceit of a Christian family living literally in disguise as Orthodox Jews will only serve to highlight the long and sadly very bad history of Christians persecuting and forcefully converting Jews," he said.
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barfouniverse · 2 years
Jesus Appeared to Me and Changed My Life! Rabbi Tovia Singer Responds
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torahcoursesfree · 2 years
Jewish Festivals II and the Non-Jew  Lesson 27
Jewish Festivals II and the Non-Jew  Lesson 27 https://ypsnetiv.org
Check out this episode!
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tamamita · 3 years
The concept of the Trinity is especially blasphemous to Jewish and Muslim people, because it presumes the idea that God is dependent on an aspect to mediate and carry out His holy decree through people who are enjoined in a co-eternal relationship with Him. For God to affix his miracles through an aspect or manifestation denies God's Oneness, which is a fundamental point in Monotheism. God is therefore reduced and brought down in levels, which is not characteristic of Him. This is why Jewish people and Muslims have an issue with it.
For God to assume the position of three aspects or persons, while stressing their importances invites people to assume that God is limited and must establish His dominion through three distinct people, which completely destroys the concept of an absolute and independent God.
We have to confirm the veracity of the NT to the Tanakh to understand whether the Trinity has a basis or not, and Christians can't deny the Tanakh or the OT, because it is the Word of God. Exodus 20:3 Thou shalt have no other gods before Me. Rabbi Tovia Singer assess that the seriousness of the Trinity is unlike that of idol worshipping, because the verse preceeds the verse which prohibits idol worshiping. In Numbers, God further solidifies the idea that he would not be a man, that he would not lie. I mean, the Shema is pretty much a testimony of faith, which foritifies the belief that God is One.
Why must there be a Trinity then? Why does God simply not decree that the Prophet Jesus (a) could perform His divine decrees rather than to establish him as part of a godhood. Furthermore, the Church could not establish a proper definition of the Trinity even if we assume its existence. For example, the concept of the Filioque, which assumes that the Son preceeds the Holy Spirit in pneumatology. Like how do we go from there? Even Christians are in disagreement, because each of the persons are interpreted differently and one single stub on your toe is a heresy. If God has descended through His various prophets, then why could God's divine decree not be deliver in the same medium? Why did God feel the need to break the law to assume His superiority?
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nietp · 3 years
And suddenly, one of those who were with Jesus stretched out his hand and drew his sword, struck the servant of the high priest, and cut off his ear. Then Jesus said to him, “Put your sword in its place, for all who take the sword will perish by the sword. Or do you think that I cannot now pray to My Father, and He will provide Me with more than twelve legions of angels?”
Matthew 26:51–53
Therefore My Father loves Me, because I lay down My life that I may take it again. No one takes it from Me, but I lay it down of Myself. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it again. This command I have received from My Father. 
John 10:17,18
I am poured out like water, and all My bones are out of joint; My heart is like wax; it has melted within Me. My strength is dried up like a potsherd, and My tongue clings to My jaws; You have brought Me to the dust of death. For dogs have surrounded Me; the assembly of the wicked has enclosed Me. They pierced My hands and My feet; I can count all My bones. They look and stare at Me. 
Psalm 22 (King James Version)
I am poured out like water, and all my bones are out of joint; my heart is become like wax; it is melted in mine inmost parts. My strength is dried up like a potsherd; and my tongue cleaveth to my throat; and Thou layest me in the dust of death. For dogs have encompassed me; a company of evil-doers have inclosed me; like a lion, they are at my hands and my feet. I may count all my bones; they look and gloat over me.
Psalm 22 (Jewish Publication Society (JPS), trans. of the Hebrew Bible, 1917)
Notice that the English translation from the original Hebrew does not contain the word “pierced.” The King James version deliberately mistranslated the Hebrew word kaari (כָּאֲרִי) as “pierced,” rather than “like a lion,” thereby drawing the reader to a false conclusion that this Psalm is describing the Crucifixion. The Hebrew word כָּאֲרִי does not mean pierced but plainly means “like a lion. The end of Psalm 22:17, therefore, properly reads “like a lion they are at my hands and my feet.”
Tovia Singer, “A Closer Look at the ‘Crucifixion Psalm’”
Ps 22:17b. is a half-verse that has received considerable attention of late. No less than three recent articles in JBL have presented various solutions to the quandary proposed by the words כָּאֲרִי, יָדַי וְרַגְלָי , literally, “like a lion, my hands and my feet.” […] The first two stichs read: “for dogs surround me, a pack of evildoers encircles me,” after which follows the problematic “like a lion, my hands and my feet.” The absence of a verb indicates the suddenness with which the attack comes. We experience the anguish of the psalmist, he is surrounded by enemies, and suddenly, the pounce, and the immediate cry about hands and feet under attack.
Gary A. Rendsburg, “Hebrew Philological Notes (III)”, Hebrew Studies.
Beck: I am curious about your translation of theos as “daimon” instead of “god.”  Can you describe the process by which you came to this translation?  Did you have a particular use of this word in another ancient source in mind when you were thinking of using “daimon”?
(No response was sent by Carson to this question.)
Melissa Considine Beck, My Pythian Interview with Anne Carson
I stole from you, while you were playing, honey-sweet Iuventius,   a kiss more sweet than sweet ambrosia. Truly I did not lift this unpunished: for such a long hour   I remember that I was crucified on the highest cross, while I purged myself to you, nor was I able to remove   with any tears so small a quantity of your ferocity. For at the same time it was done, you wiped   your lips, having been washed by many tears, with all your fingers, nor did anything having been received from my mouth remain,   just as if it were the filthy spit of a filthy prostitute. Besides this, to hand over lovesick me, you did not hold back   from troubled love, and to torture in every way, with the result that for me that kiss changed from ambrosia   to more bitter than bitter hellebore. Because you put forth such a punishment for miserable love,   I will never steal a kiss after this.
Catullus, Carmen 99
In any case, there is no shortage of scholarship that simply and confidently names Juventius as the lover or boyfriend of Catullus. This paper will contend that the Juventius poems of Catullus have been radically misread and that the poems show no evidence of a reciprocal relationship between the two. [...] To the extent there is a sexual history for Juventius, it is with other people, men he seems to prefer to Catullus. [...] I argue that the most sensible reading of this poem is that Catullus saw flirting where there was none and a close amour whether there was only casual acquaintance.
Catullus and Juventius
Ōdī et amō. Quārē id faciam fortasse requīris.
Nesciŏ, sed fierī sentiō et excrucior.
Catullus, Carmen 85
It is always difficult for me to teacher Catullus Carmen 85 because, as his shortest poem—a mere two lines—the temptation is for students to translate it quickly and move on. But there are so many layers to this deceptively simple poem (translation is my own):
I hate you and I love you.
You may be wondering why I feel this way.
I have no idea.
But that’s how I feel.
And I. am. tortured.
[...] Bidart’s second version is Catullus: Excrucior which shifts focus to the end of Catullus’s Carmen-–that all powerful Latin word, excrucior,  which literally means to be crucified.
Melissa Considine Beck, “Odi et Amo: Half-Light, The collected poems of Frank Bidart“
I hate and love. Ignorant fish, who even
wants the fly while writhing.
Frank Bidart, Catullus: Odi et Amo
I hate and—love.  The sleepless body hammering a nail nails
itself, hanging crucified.
Frank Bidart, Catullus: Excrucior
What I hate I love. Ask the crucified hand that holds
the nail that now is driven into itself, why.
Frank Bidart, Catullus: Id Faciam
But the Psalms are not to be understood as some sort of linguistic valve, rather they address a person opposite: their language is demanding and challenging – and already for that reason it does not want to be matter-of-fact, because it is not a reporting language. That is why the Enemy Psalms with their ‘strong expressions’ are an important impetus for our language of prayer, in which lamenting and shouting out your fear are not exactly forbidden, yet silence under the pretext of trust in God. However, only a powerful language is really strong enough to express our deepest anxieties and carry these to where our hope of salvation lies – to the ear of God.
[...] Of course, salvation and liberation come at a price. They are not available without justice and ‘avengement’; that is, not without real or symbolic compensation. The anger about injustice and injury must be allowed to find expression, along with the desire that violence should be stopped and that the wicked should be called to account. Whoever rashly – perhaps even in the name of Christianity – demands forgiveness and love of enemy wants to take the last before he has taken the second-to-last. The Psalms, especially the Enemy Psalms, keep awake in our midst the awareness of injustice, of threat and violence. They insist that justice is an unrelinquishable postulate. And they live in the hope that things do not have to remain the way they are – even if those hopes contradict what they see in reality.
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lookmanbrand · 3 years
I am fed up with Evangelicals telling me the Christian translation of the Bible is inspired by God and is the Word of God. 
So here is the rebuttal. 
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ramrodd · 1 year
Rabbi Tovia Singer Exposes New Testament Lies’
Rabbi Singer makes exactly the point I am making: The Gospel of Mark is a Greco-Roman perspective: Cornelius, the author of The Gospel of Mark, is a Roman Pagan. All the  miracles and exorcisms are from his Greco-Roman perspective. The Romans had no expectation of Resurrection and he had not real background in Judaism and the Torah beyond what he may have gleaned from the Gentile Court in the Capernaum synagogue he helped finance. Cornelius was a God Fearer as a consequence of his membership in the Roman profession of arms, generally, and in the Italian Cohort as a card-carrying Greco-Roman. There is very little Jewish theology in the Gospel of Mark that is not coincidental and absolutely none in Mark 15, which is distilled Roman testimony.
This is why Cornelius makes the mistake about David and the Shew bread in Mark 2:26 as occurring "In the days of Abiathar the high priest" when is was his father, Ahimelech who was the High Priest who Saul would kill.
Bart Ehrman claims this mistake planted the seed of doubt in his mind regarding the inerrancy of the Gospels, because,, like Rabbi Singer, he assumed the author of Mark was John Mark, a Jew, and would have a firm hold on the details of Samuel. Like Bart Ehrman, it never occurs to Rabbi Singer that the author of The Gospel of Mark is a Greco-Roman soldier.
John Mark, who is the author of The Gospel of John, doesn't write about miracles and exorcism because, well, he's Jewish.  And neither Matthew nor Luke repeat this misstatement, even though Luke is a Gentile and the issue of miracles and exorcism.
The problem Rabbi Singer has is with The Gospel of Matthew, which connects all the theological dots Cornelius misses ls that he, Levi Matthew, was from the same Jewish test tube as Jesus and accepted all the miracles and exorcisms because he was an eye witness to them and learned to do them, himself, as part of his apprenticeship in the servant-leadership paradigm of Jesus . The fact is that the Gospel of Matthew is a polemic composed to support Peter's Judaizing agenda. The Gospel of Matthew is the counter argument to Paul's ministry to the Gentiles.
And it is evident from εὐθὺς in the Greek text of the Gospel of Mark that Matthew had access ot Quelle in his composition of his Gospel.  εὐθὺς is an apparatus of Quelle that designates "Eye Witness Testimony: confirmed or derived from the body of Quelle Cornelius employed to write The Gospel of Mark.
I assume that Rabbi Singer is absolutely correct regarding his observations regarding the discrepancies between Judaism and Christianity, establishing he's supremely prepared for his Bar Mitzvah.
The problem is, Cornelius didn't get the memo.
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