ridetheduck · 1 year
How to Attach a Tow Rope to a Boat Safety? – 4 Detailed Steps
Tying a tow rope in the wrong spot increases the risk of boat damage and jacks up the threat to skiers and wakeboarders if it comes undone. Do not worry if you are clueless about attaching tow rope to boat units because we will guide you every step of the way.
Read more: https://www.ridetheducksofseattle.com/attach-a-tow-rope-to-a-boat/
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malpractice-morale · 2 years
you know green thumbs? And how people who are shit with plants have black thumbs? I am that but for cars….
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We need to talk about this
Can we pls take a moment to pause here and talk about this scene?
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Because i really think it has not been given credit enough. Everybody is going on about Aziraphale lying to save the children of Job. And how important that step was to him.
But no-one seems to talk about Crowley here.
Because the thing is: Aziraphale expected to fall. I am not certain he thought that the present angels would have noticed his lie, but MAYBE Heaven/Her and MAYBE Hell/Him would somehow have gotten to know. Maybe he thinks somewhere is an alarm going off everytime an angels lies. Maybe he expects Her to see everything. He expected to fall.
But the undeniable truth is: there is only ONE beeing to know for certain that Aziraphale lied. And that is Crowley.
He could have taken Aziraphale to hell. Going down with an Angel in a towrope, telling Satan he had a special present for him. That he did an extraordinary deed. That he made an angel fall. It would probably have made him a Duke, gotten him some further promotion.
And maybe - only maybe - would have gotten him a lifetime with a demon-friend and companion on his side. Because Aziraphale expected to fall. He wouldnt have blamed Crowley for taking him to hell.
So this also was Crowleys chance to make a lifetime with Aziraphale by his side.
And he chose not to do it.
Because Aziraphale would not have liked it.
And that is, why this scene is so important. And really this image here is my point of view on this. What Crowley is doing here. ❤️
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And I really think this is so important when thousands of years later, Aziraphale asks Crowley to come to heaven with him. Because Crowley chose Aziraphale as what he is - millenia ago. He could have made them an "us" ages ago and chose not to.
And whatever the story behind Aziraphales offer* is, THIS is the moment it should be compared to. The moment when Crowley refuses to take his angel to hell, because he wouldnt have liked it there.
Crowley wouldnt have liked heaven. ❤️
Thank you for reading - its been bothering me.
*(whether he really believed the Metatron and wanted Crowley to come with him, whether he was afraid and knew his offer would drive Crowley away, ... i know there are strong opinions on that, but only Neil will tell us in S3)
PS: the first pic i got in a FB-Group, i dont know who to credit for. the second pic is available on etsy as a print
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emilykat-artblog18 · 11 months
Tillie’s Travels: Far From Port
(chapter 4)
.:: Tug O’ War ::.
Petra looked up at Tillie’s stack and saw that a lot of steam was dispersing from it. Rather concerned, she asked, “Your stack’s smoking up a lot, is your engine overheating?”
Tillie immediately pulled herself to a halt. “Huh, oh that? It’s nothing to worry about Petra, whenever us steam tugs move fast, a lot of steam puffs out of our stacks. It’s normal.” Tillie explained.
"Ah, I thought it was smoke! The tugboats around here don't blow smog that much, it’s an… interesting feature you have I suppose."
Petra replied, relieved that nothing was wrong about Tillie but wasn’t sure if she’d get used to it, "Anyways, what are you going to do now that you're fixed up, Tillie?"
Tillie pondered for a moment, "I was thinking of going home but… come to think of it… I have no idea how far my home is. If I go out in the open ocean again I might end up getting lost out there.” As much as she wanted to go back to Bigg City Port she had absolutely no idea how she’d get back.
"Oh… well, where is your home located? I can look it up and then send you directions on how to get there." Petra offered, rather a little disappointed to hear that Tillie wanted to leave so soon.
"I said before that I'm from Bigg City Port, I believe it’s down south from here." Tillie responded.
"Alright, I'll go talk to the HarborMaster." Petra said as her radio signals beeped for communication.
"Hello!" Hank suddenly came over after his first job and wanted to see what the two boats were up to.
"How's it going? I see that Tillie is back in the water from repairs!" He beamed.
"Wanna join me and Theodore in a game of Tug O’ War?!"
"I’m afraid Tillie hasn’t the time to play Tug O’ War, Hank. She’s about to be leaving back to her home soon." Petra explained as she waited for the Harbor Master to respond. Hank was disappointed.
"Aw, so soon? But you haven't seen all of The Big Harbor yet!" Hank whined as he looked towards Tillie.
"Well Hank, Tillie has a place to return to. Besides, it's not like she's leaving forever, maybe she’ll come back and play with you two then." Petra replied as she looked at him from the corner of her eye.
"Tug O’ War?" Tillie queried, "Is that a game?"
"It’s a fun game! Ever heard of it?" Hank smiled.
"I’ve never heard of it until now. How do you play it?"
"You just take your tow rope, attach it to the other tug, use a buoy to mark the middle of the rope-me and Theodore usually use Bedford, and then you try to pull the other tug past the buoy! It’s great fun." Hank explained as he puffed rings of smoke from his stack in excitement.
"It does certainly sound like fun, I would like to have a go at it." Tillie cheered enthusiastically.
As much as she wanted to go back to Bigg City Port, Tillie figured she could hang out at the Big Harbor for just a little longer.
“Great, let's go out to Bedford, I can race you there.” And with that, Hank sped away startling Tillie, “Wait for me!” she called and chased after Hank.
Before Petra could stop her, finally the Harbor Master picked up. “Hello? Yes, can you send me directions on how to get to Bigg City Port?”
Meanwhile, Hank and Tillie were racing all the way to Bedford Buoy, Theodore was already there, ready and raring to play Tug O’ War.
Hank and Tillie rushed over to Theodore, he was glad to see them.
“I was wondering if she was able to play with us, what took you guys so long?” asked Theodore, waiting patiently for them.
“Hank was just explaining to me the rules of Tug O War.” replied Tillie feeling very excited about this.
“Ah so you have the jist for how to play Tug O’ war?” Theodore asked,
“I believe it’s about having to tie a towrope on your end, attach it to another tug, look for a marker to spot in the middle and then try to pull past the marker spot to win!” answered Tillie.
“Yup, that’s correct! So shall we play?” Inquired Hank looking to Tillie’s direction
“Let’s play!”
“Wonderful!” exclaimed Theodore. Tillie was very eager to play so she went first to go against Theodore.
Bedford and Hank watched on in anticipation as the two began tying their towropes to each other.
“Are we ready?” shouted Hank
“Ready!” Theodore and Tillie called out.
Hank blew his horn and the two proceeded to pull against each other.
Tillie was taken aback, she wasn’t expecting Theodore to pull so hard but she kept her composure, tugging as hard as she could determined not to lose, “If I can pull barges, this shouldn’t be any different” she thought to herself, Theodore however had nearly pulled her past Benford Buoy.
“Come on Tillie, you can pull harder than that!” Hank cheered on
Tillie’s cheeks were nearly as red as Theodore’s cap as she put on full steam. Tillie huffed and puffed as hard as she could, Hank and Bedford watched on, amazed at how much steam was billowing out of Tillie’s smokestack as she began to pull Theodore back.
Theodore wasn’t giving up however and revved his engines as hard as he could, kicking up smoke from his stack, both tugs were now straining against each other.
Hank was worried as he saw sparks fly from Tillie’s stack.
“Take it easy on her, Theodore” called Hank
“I don’t need a handicap, Hank. I can win on my own.” Tillie wheezed.
“I really think you two should take it down a notch” Hank said worriedly.
Suddenly Tillie and Theodore shot away from each other. A shower of sparks had flown from Tillie’s smokestack causing the towlines between the two to snap.
Both were surprised, Tillie could only feel she had done something terribly wrong.
“What happened?” Hank got closer to see what happened.
“I think my towline broke.” Said Theodore worryingly.
Petra, having heard the snap, rushed over to the scene.
“Theodore, Hank what on earth happened here?” Petra asked.
“Tillie and I were playing Tug O’ War, it was going alright and then my towline snapped.” Theodore explained
“I saw Tillie’s smokestack emit sparks when it happened” Hank added
“I didn’t mean to, this hasn't ever happened to me before…”
“It’s not your fault Tillie,” Petra comforted,
Petra then went over to inspect Theodore’s towline.
“Oh dear… This is bad, Theodore I’m afraid your towline is going to need replacing. We’ll have to tell The Dispatcher about this.” Petra advised
“The Dispatcher?”
“He’s the one in charge of giving us our work orders at our dock.” Hank explained.
“Indeed, Tillie, Hank, I suggest you both come along as well to explain to the Dispatcher about the situation. Although, he won’t be happy about this.” Petra remakered as she led the tugs over to The Great Ocean Tug and Salvage Company dock.
Tillie then remembered something, and hooted her whistle to get Petra’s attention. “Petra, wait! Have you gotten any news about how to get home?”
Petra stopped and turned to face Tillie, she had an unsure look on her face and said solemnly “I'll tell you after you, Hank, and Theodore speak with the dispatcher, Tillie, Now we better keep going” responded Petra as she continued leading both tugs to the Dispatcher.
Soon enough they arrived at The Great Ocean Tug and Salvage Company dock. Tillie still felt terrible after that accident, she never meant to break Theodore’s towline, she just wanted to play a game for the first time before she left back for Bigg City Port, but even then she was still not sure if she could return.
She wasn’t prepared for what awaited her at the The Great Ocean Tug and Salvage Company dock, instead of a megaphone poking out of the building on the dock, the building actually rotated, revealing a face in front of it, this was The Dispatcher.
He looked at Theodore, Hank, Petra and… He paused when he spotted Tillie already noting how vastly different this tug is compared to all the tugboats of this harbor, He knew something’s wrong.
“Petra, what has happened? Who is this new tugboat?” The Dispatcher asked with a serious tone in his voice.
“Dispatcher, This is Tillie. She was swept into the Harbor from the storm last night. She’s from Bigg City Port.”
“I see, any particular reason why you brought her to the dock?” The Dispatcher inquired
“Well you see-” started Hank,
“I… uh burnt part of Theodore’s towline while we were playing Tug O’ War,” Tillie said hesitantly.
The look on the Dispatcher’s face seemed to drop at this, before he could say anything, Theodore decided to cut in, “It wasn’t her fault, Mr. Dispatcher… sir. Honest, I must’ve been pulling too hard and-”
“Say no more, you’re not in trouble, neither are you Tillie,” The Dispatcher said reassuringly.
Tillie and Theodore heaved a sigh of relief at this.
“However,” boomed the Dispatcher, “I’m afraid there aren't any spare tow ropes for Theodore, and with what the storm brought about I needed Theodore’s help immensely.”
“I can do Theodore’s work” Hank offered,
“I had assigned work for you, Emily, George and Foduck already though, Hank. I don't think you’d be able to handle his work on your own,” The Dispatcher said doubtfully.
Tillie then decided to pluck up courage, “I can take Theodore’s place!” Tillie blurted out
All the tugs looked at Tillie; they were all at a loss for words. The Dispatcher then turned to face Tillie.
“What makes you think you can do Theodore’s jobs?” The Dispatcher asked with uncertainty.
“Mister Dispatcher, I’ve done all kinds of work back at Bigg City Port, so I know I’m capable of doing Theodore’s work, and besides… Since I broke his towline, it’s the least I can do to make up for my mistake.” Tillie explained timidly to The Dispatcher.
The Dispatcher thought for a moment, he turned away from the tugboats, when he turned back around, he had made his decision.
“I’ve come to a conclusion, Tillie has my permission to do Theodore's work for the time being while she’s here. However, it'll be under two conditions.”
“What kind of conditions?” Tillie asked curiously
“Firstly, you’ll have to work while being looked after by Foduck, our safety tug of the Big Harbor, since you’re a steam tug I’m afraid you’re considered a fire hazard, if anything catches fire, he’ll be there to put you out. Secondly you’ll be equipped with a radio for if you find yourself in danger you can contact me or one of the pilot boats, and so that we can keep in contact with you. Did you understand all of that?”
“Uh… Y-Yes I understood all of that Mister Dispatcher!”
“Good, also there’s no need to call me mister, Tillie, you can call me The Dispatcher or Sir.”
“Okay Sir!”
“Alright you’re all dismissed for now, Petra, take Tillie to drydock where she can get a radio installed. Hank, resume your usual duties, as for you Theodore, you’re in charge of showing Tillie how to do your work.” The Dispatcher ordered.
Everyone blew their horns in acknowledgement and departed from the The Great Ocean Tug and Salvage Company dock.
On their way over to drydock, Tillie asked Petra once again about if she could return back to Bigg City Port, Petra’s answer however wasn’t what she was expecting.
“Tillie… I'm sorry to say this but unfortunately they weren’t able to make contact with your port, I can only imagine that communication services back at your port are down. I’m afraid that your stay here at the Big Harbor may be a long one.”
Tillie wasn’t pleased with the revelation, her eyes began to fill with tears, but she knew she had to make up for her mistake somehow.
“Are you okay Tillie?” Petra asked worriedly.
“I’ll be fine… let’s just… get a move on so I can get to doing Theodore’s work.” Tillie said, trying to sound positive.
“Well if you say so, and I agree, let’s get going.”
And so, Petra and Tillie continued on their way. Tillie however still couldn’t help but feel sad; The storm took her far away from her home all because of her curiosity.
She hoped though that everyone back in Bigg City Port were all okay despite the storm.
[End of Chapter 4]
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sportsmarine2022 · 2 years
How to Pull a Tube Behind a Boat Safely
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Riding an inflatable tube behind a boat is, without a doubt, one of the most exciting water sports activities for people of all ages. However, towing and balancing the inflatable tube safely can be quite challenging, frustrating, and in some cases, deadly if you do not know how to pull a tube behind a boat. You should, therefore, learn how to pull a tube behind a boat correctly and it will be a super fun and safe way to enjoy yourself.
When it comes to having fun on the water, there are actually very few activities that are more enjoyable and inclusive than having your boat pull an inflatable tube. An age-friendly activity, pulling a tube behind a boat is a straightforward activity that can be done on any style of a power boat such as an Arvor boat. Whether on a river, a lake, or an ocean, pulling a tube behind a boat is a sure way of making your water adventures more enjoyable for both kids and adults. Even though this may seem like a normal water activity, especially for those who grew up around the waters, it's easier said than done. As such, it's essential to know how to pull a tube behind a boat.
Guide on Pulling a Tube Behind a Boat
Inflate the Tube
Besides having the boat ready for the adventure, the most important thing to do is to ensure that the tube is also ready. This means that it should be well-inflated at the right pressure so that the pressure doesn't drop while you're already underway. You have to make sure that there are no holes in the tube, the valve is properly working, and it can hold the pressure for the entire duration. In short, make sure that there's no malfunction on the tube.
Again, you have to know the maximum weight limit of the tube, the number of people on the tube, and the age recommendation for the tube. You should avoid pulling more than one tube at the same time. This is because balancing more than one tube can be quite challenging for most of us.
Tie the Towrope Properly and Securely
While there are a variety of knots that can be used to tie the towrope to the boat, the slip knot is probably the best. At the boat's end, make a slip knot using the towrope. But before doing that, make sure that the bar is stable to ensure that the cord doesn't move while the boat is moving. On the tube's end, make sure that the tow rope is hooked up properly and securely.
It's important to ensure that the rope doesn't have knots, is not improvised, or is damaged. Again, it shouldn't come into contact with any object such as the propeller or even the body of a rider. You certainly do not want an accident to occur just because you used a bad tow rope. You can purchase a tow rope in marine shops.
Follow the Boat's Manual
Every boat has a manual revolving around how it should be operated. Make sure that you follow the laid-out instructions on how the boat should be operated in terms of making turns and other things such as speed. You should ensure that all the emergency buttons are properly working before getting aboard. You should also have a map of the area and the course that you're planning to follow. In essence, the skipper is in full control of this entire activity and he/she should follow the boat's instructions while ensuring that everybody involved in the activity is safe at all times.
Make Sure that Everybody Wear Life Jackets and Helmets
Make sure that everybody including you, the spotter, and the riders wear life jackets and helmets properly. It doesn't whether you know how to swim or not, wearing a life jacket is precautionary and will help you from drowning. This is a safety rule and regulation that must be adhered to by everybody.
Start the Activity Only When the Riders are Ready
Before riding away, makes sure that the riders are all ready to begin the tubing activity. They must have their life jackets and helmets on and alert them that you're now starting the ride. In other words, do not start the activity when the riders are not ready. The best thing to do is to communicate through verbal gestures and cues. With proper communication between the skipper and the riders, various accidents can be avoided and this is why a spotter plays an essential role in relaying messages between the skipper and the riders.
Enjoy the Ride
Pulling a tube behind a tube is unquestionably a fun activity. It's essential to make sure that everybody aboard is having the time of their life. As the skipper, you have to drive responsibly and make sure that everybody is enjoying the ride. The speed should not exceed 20 miles per hour and all the riders should adhere to every rule and regulation set in place by the authorities.
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goprotimhumphreys · 4 years
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Riding on a TowPro while filming with a GoPro 🏂 🏂 📈 @towprolifts #towpro @shredwise @sp0nzo @gopro #privateskiresort #snowboarding #personalchairlift #ropetow #backyardpark #towrope #hotlaps https://www.instagram.com/p/CLviE9dsUR9/?igshid=36m33yp3jotv
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ditchthediy · 5 years
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Our Kelowna Manager @mbchrisp pulling a little double duty yesterday pulling this pour soul out after sliding down into a tree. We help people #ditchthediy in all sorts of situations, but we prefer to stick to Home Improvement Services! Stay warm Alberta! (403)254-4726 #community #stuck #winter #towrope #snow #totherescue #rescue #gmc #warden #kelowna #lakecountrybc #kelownawinters #hardingsapproved #justtryingtohelp #yyc #calgary #airdrie #chestermere #cochrane #okotoks #deepfreeze #painting #handyman #homeimprovement #homemaintenance #towtruck https://www.instagram.com/p/B7QvTf0hvG1/?igshid=1wvgr6jp5kskz
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movie--posters · 2 years
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hclib · 3 years
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Snowless Skiing...Summer's Newest Thrill
Water skiing got its start in Minnesota in 1922, when Ralph Samuelson used a pair of boards as skis and a clothesline as a towrope, pulled behind a boat on Lake Pepin. But before water skiing, there was snowless ski jumping! Daring bathers were elevated to a platform, slipped their feet into leather-banded skis, and shot down a 75-100 ft. slide which projected the skier into space, making them airborne briefly before they "settled down for a dip." Straps were made loose enough that the skier could easily kick their feet free from the skis upon landing in the water. The sport paired well with newly fashioned one-piece bathing suits of the time.
At the Olympics: Water skiing was one of two demonstration sports (along with Badminton) at the 1972 Summer Olympics in Munich, Germany. It was the only time that the sport was demonstrated at any Olympic Games. Demonstration sports simply promote a sport and are not a part of standard medal competition
Photos from the Minneapolis Newspaper Photograph Collection in the Hennepin County Library Digital Collections. Above, Al Lindley, George Pillsbury, and Louise Piper practice for the 1939 speedboat show. Top: P47242, bottom: P47241. Snowless Skiing advertisement from the Minneapolis Tribune, May 2, 1920.
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lebensmoode · 2 years
🍀 Today's Words
(adj.) Spicy; hot; bitter; burning; corrosive; sarcastic
e.g. She looks carefree despite all the caustic comment about her.
(v.) Drag; pull (between vehicles); delay
e.g. My car was towed to the service station.
(n.) The act of pulling a vehicle; coupling; sidecar; pull; towrope
e.g. The truck got a tow from a tank.
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Zirgariak / Towropers
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Zirgariak - literally, towropers - was the name given to the people who used to tow boats from the sea up the Nerbioi river until reaching Bilbo. They were essential because the river bed had very big sandy areas where boats couldn’t navigate and needed towing.
At first, each crew was in charge of towing their boat, but soon the Bilbo council saw a business opportunity and regulated the towing, that had permanent workers and salaries. Women had the job banned because of the bad conditions and boats were towed by oxen.
But when the Carlist wars started in 1833 and men went to battle, women left alone to provide for the family, many of them asked to be zirgariak and it became a women’s work. In pairs, with the towrope around their chests, they would tow boats so the trading would keep on going.
When steam engines were invented, two steam boats were bought by the council and the work of zirgariak was thought to end soon. However, boats had to reserve the steam boats prior to their arrival and, since there were only two, the waiting list was too long. So zirgariak were still needed, but their salaries had deteriorated so much by then that by the beginning of the 20th century these women worked just in exchange of their daily bread.
May this post be a little homage to these hard working women capable of being as strong as an ox and that endured towing boats everyday to feed their families with little to no recognition.
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Safety Tips for Towing a Car
Breaking down is a real nuisance so it's good to be ready with information on the best way to tow a vehicle. It might appear to be somewhat overwhelming right away so perused our aide on the most proficient method to tow a vehicle securely for some accommodating counsel in Glendale. 
Prior to towing a vehicle 
An 'On Tow' sign should be shown at the back of the vehicle being towed. Also, you'll be satisfied to realize that all Glendale tow ropes and towing posts are provided with an 'On Tow' sign that you can utilize. 
Investigate the tow rope or towing post for any harm, imperfections, or scraped area before you use it. Try not to utilize a harmed tow rope or towing post. 
On the towed vehicle, pass on the start switch in the 'on' position to withdraw the guiding lock. Vehicles with power guiding as well as force helped brakes (most current vehicles) will require substantially more strength and work to work when being towed if the motor isn't running. 
The most effective method to tow a vehicle securely 
The driver towing must: 
Drive with outrageous consideration, keeping speed directly down to a limit of 15 mph. This limits the powers created and gives the driver being towed more opportunity to respond to what in particular is going on. 
Cautiously utilize the clasp to pull away tenderly, to forestall any 'grabbing' of the rope, which can bring about the towed vehicle being yanked advances abruptly. This isn't just awkward for the driver, yet is the primary justification for tow ropes breaking. 
Attempt to keep away from any unexpected slowing down. In the event that is conceivable, press gently on the brake pedal ahead of really slowing down. This enlightens your brake lights and gives a lot of caution to the driver being towed. Keep in mind, towing shafts are not intended to go about as a brake for the towed vehicle. 
While towing a vehicle, demonstrate in a lot of time ahead of any move, to admonish the driver being towed and any remaining traffic. 
Stay away from any abrupt shifts in a course or extreme moves, as the driver being towed will see it difficult to control and brake when the motor in their vehicle isn't running. 
The driver being towed must: 
Cautiously watch the brake lights and markers of the vehicle that is towing, for the most extreme notification of any impending moves. 
Effectively steer and brake your vehicle in a joint effort with the vehicle that is towing. 
Attempt to keep some strain in the towrope or towing shaft consistently, which will limit any shock. This can be accomplished by applying light slowing down pressure while being towed. When utilizing a tow rope, this will take up any leeway and help to broaden the rope's life by keeping it beyond the reach of the street surface. 
Vehicle towing pack from Halfords 
It's a smart thought to keep your tow rope or towing post in the boot of your vehicle with other breakdown fundamentals, for example, bounce leads and a petroleum can, so you have everything helpful for when you need it in Glendale. Glendale Towing company you can count on 24/7.
Glendale Tow Truck Company ​ (602) 932-2503 Glendale, Arizona
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dzamie-oc · 4 years
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Kinktober / Voretober Day 29 - Noncon / Breathing
“Let’s go play in the slime,” they said. “It’ll be fun,” they said. Surely they’ll be back with that towrope soon...
There’s a small fic in the desc on my Furaffinity, so make sure to go check that out! Link in the notes, or to my profile in my pinned post!
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Man with Barge Towrope, Abraham Rutgers, 1690, Harvard Art Museums: Drawings
The Maida and George Abrams Collection, Fogg Art Museum, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, Promised Gift Size: 11.1 x 20.5 cm (4 3/8 x 8 1/16 in.) Medium: Brown ink and brown wash over graphite on cream antique laid paper, framing lines in brown ink and graphite
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fardell24b · 4 years
Lawndale in the Air
Lawndale in the Air
The blue plane flew along the skyway. “Girls, I just want you to know your mother and I realize it's not easy moving to a whole new town -- especially for you, Daria, right?” Jake Morgendorffer said.
 “Did we move?” His daughter, Daria said, as she looked out at the floating buildings that the plane was passing.
 “I'm just saying you don't make friends as easily as... uh, some people,” Jake said.
 Daria’s younger sister, Quinn, turned the radio up.
 “Quinn, for instance.”
 “That's not what I meant... necessarily,” Jake said as he turned the radio off. “The point is, the first day at a new school is bound to be difficult...”
 Daria leaned forward and turned the radio back on and cranked it up. “Speak up Dad! Can’t hear you!”
 “Uh, where was I?” Jake turned the radio off. He saw the school ahead. “Ready girls?” he asked.
 “Certainly, Daddy,” Quinn said.
 “Here, we go!” Jake said, as the plane approached the school, Jake leaned the controls backwards, making the plane fly upwards, above the school’s landing deck.
 “Bye, Daddy,” Quinn said, as she opened the starboard door and jumped out.
 “I'll try to help her through this difficult period of adjustment,” Daria said, as she got ready to follow her sister.
 “That's my girl! Wait a minute..”
 “See you, Dad,” Daria said as she jumped out.
  As soon as she cleared the plane, Daria pulled her chute cord, slowing her rate of descent. She looked and saw her father bringing the plane level and heading in the direction of his new workplace. She looked down towards the school that she would be going to for the next few years and saw Quinn deploy her pink chute, rather close to the landing deck. ‘She always was a daredevil,’ she thought.
 She saw her sister land (roughly) in the midst of a group of teens. ‘Looks like she has made an impression already,’ she thought.
 As she descended, Daria ensured that she would land as close to the School’s entrance as possible, thereby not encountering as many of her fellow students that she would have encountered further away.
As soon as she had landed and retracted the chute, she dashed into the school’s internal corridors.
  Quinn landed in the midst of a group of fellow students. She immediately pulled the chute retraction cord and pushed her goggles up above her hairline. “Who are you?” asked an impressed sounding brunette with her hair in two pigtails.
 “Quinn Morgendorffer.”
 “Cool name,” added another brunette with wavy hair.
 “Will you go out with me?” a boy up.
 Quinn chuckled. “Maybe,” she said, playfully.
 “Sandi Griffin,” the wavy haired brunette said, indicating herself. “Your aviatrix outfit is very fashionable.”
 “Thanks,” Quinn said.
 “It’s not a complement,” Sandi said.
 “Oh?” Quinn glared at Sandi, her eyes burning with annoyance.
 Sandi quickly recovered “It’s an invitation. Would you like to join the Fashion Club?”
 “There is a Vice-Presidential position available,” the pigtailed brunette said.
 “Stacy is the Secretary,” Sandi said, indicating the pigtailed brunette.
 Quinn thought for a moment. ‘What’s that old saying? Keep your friends close and your enemies closer, or something.’ She was interested in Fashion, it just wasn’t her only interest. ‘This Sandi seems like someone who I would like to keep an eye on.’ “Sure,” she finally said, as the school bell rang.
  The next day, Daria and the girl whom she met in the Self Esteem Class, Jane Lane, were flying to Jane’s house on their skyboards.
 “Come on Daria, we’re going too slow, we’re dropping into the lower levels. My house is at a middle level,” Jane said.
 Daria looked downwards. She could see few airship-houses blocking the view of Old Lawndale and its surrounding farmland and forests below. “Sorry, Highland was much closer together. Lawndale is more spread out.” She indicated a nearby landing platform, attached to one of the mooring poles, to which some of the airbuildings were attached.
 Jane nodded and so they made to land on it.
 Daria breathed deeply for a few seconds then said. “So you were saying?”
 “So, then, after the role-playing, next class they put the girls and the guys in separate rooms and a female counselor talks to us about body image,”
 “What do they talk to the boy’s about?”
 Jane and Daria looked at each other. “Nocturnal emissions.”
 “I don't get it, Jane. You've got the entire course memorized. How come you can't pass the test to get out?”
 “I could pass the test, but I like having low self-esteem. It makes me feel special,” Jane said. She stepped off her skyboard and pressed the button to collapse it. She indicated a ladder leading up the mooring pole. “Up about sixty to seventy meters and then another block, we’ll be at my house,” she said.
 Daria collapsed her skyboard and looked up. “It’s going to be a long climb,” she said.
  As they approached Casa Lane (as Jane called her house) they noticed a small helicopter parked on the front landing platform. “Uh, oh!” Jane said.
 “What?” Daria asked.
 “The Bank, they’re trying to foreclose! We have to hurry!” Jane said. She clipped a towrope to her skyboard and threw the other end to Daria.
 “What are we doing?” Daria asked.
 A couple of (aftermarket) rockets ignited beneath Jane’s skyboard, causing the new pair of friends to accelerate towards the possibly soon-to-be-foreclosed airship-house...
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Automobile Towing Tips Everyone Need To Know
When your automobile breaks down and also there is no auto mechanic onsite you should obtain someone to tow the car. For your vehicle to be securely lugged you require to think about a number of pointers. These suggestions consist of:
Have All The Required Items
You require to have the required things for your vehicle to be securely hauled. One of the important things you need to have is a towrope. The rope is typically cheap as well as you can quickly get it from your regional store or a gas station. You can additionally make use of a chain if you have it. You must prevent making use of poor quality ropes as they can conveniently damage putting you at the danger of causing a crash. After you have actually obtained the rope you should affix it on the hauling eyes of your auto.
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When affixing the cars, you ought to leave a distance of 4.5 meters in between the automobiles. If you leave a distance that goes beyond 1.5 the rope must be clearly visible for the other roadway customers. This requires you to stay clear of making use of a rope that coincides color as the tarmac.
The various other point you need is a sign. All you need to do is write on a paper, "ON TOW" or "BEING TOWED" in capital letters and position the sign in the back home window of your car. The function of the indicator is to allow various other drivers know that you are being towed so that they do not ask yourself why you are driving also gradually.
Tips For The Pulling Chauffeur
If you are the one pulling the automobile you need to be cautious that you don't cause damages to the autos. When starting off, you need to start carefully and make sure that you don't pull the rope which would certainly trigger it to damage. When altering instructions, do it carefully and always warn the other chauffeur regarding it. It's common for the tow rope to damage. If it breaks or you see any other issue, you need to stop quickly.
Tips If You Are The One Getting Hauled
Obtaining hauled does not mean you should not have control of your cars and truck. Before the towing starts you must switch on the ignition to ensure that you launch the steering lock. This is to make it easy for you to steer the cars and truck. While when traveling, pay close attention to the driver pulling you. You must steer and brake your car in synchronization with the driver hauling you.
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You should preserve stress in the lugging rope by using light brakes. This is to decrease jolting. If the guiding or brakes aren't working you need to avoid getting towed as you can't control the auto. In such a situation you must call an expert pulling firm that will certainly tow the car even in your lack. The business use specific lorries that are able to relocate the auto without calling for a 2nd driver.
Final thought
These are ideas to consider when pulling your auto. To stay clear of accidents, you ought to never ever tow or obtain hauled with the auto facing in reverse. Check out our website to know more about Towing Service.
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