#tpn nouma
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(Chapter 102)
Rambled about this before on this post, but I really wish they would explained how the search party is able to see out of their masks, even if it was a single panel of Emma pointing out something like nearly imperceptible eye slits.
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(Chapter 147 | Chapter 149 | Chapter 150)
Older, classical masks like those of the elder Bayons (compared to those of Bayon II's wife and children), Yverk, and Geelan's clan incorporate a pair of symmetrical, horizontal, and frequently vacant eye holes among their designs.
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In the chapter 90 bonus sketch, this is mentioned as respecting tradition, which I interpret as a holdover from the days of demons hunting humans, and the intention of that incorporation was to play on pareidolia-enhanced fear among humans who, out of habit, would look toward the horizontal pair of eye holes first when gazing upon demons in combat and would frequently be treated to an unflinching, menacing abyss. It's a good subtle tactic to unnerve them before they take in the rest of the mask.
Once the farm system was instituted and demons weren't regularly warring with humans anymore, it became unnecessary and seemed to fall out of style among the general population who weren't banished like the Geelan clan.
I assume this is the main reason the kids don't opt for horizontal eye holes. There's also the issue of demons potentially catching sight of their human eyes, but there has to be some black cloth to work with in the bunker that could have lined the masks if they couldn't get whatever magic Bayon and Yverk use for no other eyes or skin to show through their horizontal mask sockets.
Either way, it's one less thing to make them stand out from the crowd when they're already contending with their comparatively short statures, human hands and feet, and having to wear perfume.
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chidoroki · 10 months
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December 9th - Paula’s Birthday
(with one Paula from almost every chapter she appears in)
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summerflowers · 2 months
TPN possible goldy pond arc spoilers
(+ tw? it's TPN y'all what do u expect)
cannibalism as a metaphor for love but Nous took it to the next level and did it. LITERALLY.
my guy is unhinged but i kinda get it?? ig???? (i dont)
fuuck this manga has been out for years but im still not over it smh
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graphx · 2 months
Sorryyyyyy I’ve been listening to the TPN S2 OST
I’m not even that much of a sound design enthusiast in general but I’m reading the goldy pond arc and I’m in absolute MOURNING just thinking about what we could have had (DO YOU KNOW HOW BADLY I WANTED TO SEE AN 11 YEAR OLD PUNCH HER FUTURE FATHER FIGURE IN THE BALLS???!?!????!)
Muijika’s theme fits her so perfectly I’m thinking about the other characters having their own
Would Yuugo’s be discordant at the beginning? Would that part play during his mental breakdown and fade out when he passes out? Would it get more orchestral and similar to Emma’s as it goes on? Would it be victorious and notable before you ever see the camera pan up to a smoking rooftop after he breaks leuvis’ds mask? Would it synchronize with Ray because he’s on the rooftop with him??
 Would his theme reference tea parties? Would it get more hopeful by the time it gets back to the bunker?? Symbolising that he accepts his new family??? WOULD IT BE IN TUNE WITH NAT’S COOL KING BALLAD?? WOULD IT PLAY WHEN EMMA WAKES UP FROM HER COMA??
Would it be complementary Lucas’s??Would they harmonize when they finally see each other again???
Would Oliver’s theme be similar to Emma’s to symbolize being leaders of their respective groups? Would it mirror Ray’s when he asks to be left behind???
Would the techno themes be more present whenever minerva is mentioned to foreshadow their technology being more advanced than anything they have had before (like in the testing rooms?)
When Emma throws the axe at Luce would you be able to hear it slice through the air? The billow of Leuvis’s ridiculously dramatic cape? Could you hear the children breathing heavily as they run away? Would you only be able to hear jake, monica and theo’s running because violet and emma are used to hiding their footsteps????
Would Emma and Ray’s footsteps in the forest get softer and softer the more they learn and watch from yuugo?? WOULD THEIR FEET NOT CLICK ON THE CONCRETE??
Would Nous talk in an overlap with Nouma’s voice after he eats her? Would Nous’s scream of outrage be good enough voice acting to rival emma’s iconic scream from the first episode?? Would it sound so viscerally human for a moment you feel bad for them??
Would you hear rustles in the trees despite nous and noma aren’t moving to foreshadow paula and violet getting into sniping position??
Would the snap of the wires they set up for traps sound different when they spring them depending on how dangerous they are?
Would the guns nigel specifically engineered have a different sound compared to regular bullets? Would Emma’s flash bullet have a shrill sound that freezes everything as the bullet hits leuvis in slow motion?
Would the scene when Emma gets stabbed and goes into an underwater dream state have more muffled music (maybe a mix of her own theme, Norman’s and Isabella’s lullaby) that gets louder and clearer the more she regains conciousness?
These are all incredibly specific and unrealistic expectations but I think I deserve to be a little delusional when it comes to this show
I’d love to hear any sounds you also would have loved to hear in tpn Season 2 (done right)!!!!
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The Promised Neverland + Tumblr banned Tags
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friedgoats · 2 years
(Do not repost)
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Goldy Pond demons, but they are a glam rock band in their free time.
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the-silliest-idiot · 4 years
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Anime Goldy Pond
@hevia-tokuni​ yeah that math checks out
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niuniente · 4 years
One of my favorite parts in The Promised Neverland manga was Nous and Nouma. It was the first time we - and the children - got to realize that the demons aren’t just monsters like we thought. Unfortunately anime watchers will not see this so let me recap it
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Siblings Nous and Nouma (from the noble bloodline house of Noum) hunt children in a hunting sport ground made for demons called Goldy Pond, on Lord Bayon’s land. As Bayon owns one of the high level meat farm facilities, he’s able to “illegally” obtain children for Goldy Pond’s sport hunting. After the hunting, the children who are caught are prepared as dinner.
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(Here’s Lord Bayon, sport hunting the children)
To make things more fun and interesting for the demons, Lord Bayon and Grand Duke Leuvis provide children in Goldy Pond medical care and weapons. Some of the children have lived and survived 3 times a week happening sport hunting for years and are now planning an uprising against the hunters; Lord Bayon, Grand Duke Leuvis, Luce, Nous and Nouma.
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As Bayon and Leuvis are one of the most badass of these five demons, the kids go first after Luce and Nous & Nouma.
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They manage to kill Nouma first from the demon siblings. Of course, Nous is nearby and sees it all.
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The kids are absolutely shocked to see Nous cry. Like, you are a demon. You’re not supposed to have feelings or be able to love. You’re not supposed to be anything but a heartless monster and here is Nous, devastated that he has lost his beloved sister Nouma.
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Not to mention Nous goes absolutely ballistic after Nouma’s death and becomes even harder for the kids to kill. He has nothing to lose anymore.
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(Nous calls Nouma his beloved so readers assumed they were a couple, but it was later revealed that they’re siblings. Of course, it was never mentioned whether demons had ancient Egyptian royalty type of marriage arrangement possibility, where siblings married each other, or not. Most likely not)
I’m SO SAD we didn’t get to see this tipping point where the kids and the reader go “....Wait a minute...Can demons love? They aren’t that different from us?”
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TPN Goldy Pond Demon HCs part two !! Also I’ll probably post trans headcanons for the demons soon 👀
<- previous post
Leuvis is a cat person and prefers small, weird animals, while Bayon is a dog person and prefers big ones (his family has two borzois). Leuvis is deathly scared of Bay’s family dogs though, so they settled on a tiny white pomeranian (named Puff) to take care of together. Surprisingly, she gets along with Parvus and Operiu well, despite being the calmer and most peaceful of the three. Luce, Nouma, and Nous favor her over the rest.
Not sure when, but Leuvis gets a black cat (named Tenebra) who looks very…weird, even for demon standards. Everyone’s a bit put off by Tenebra at first, but they soon warm up to him. He’s a really cuddly cat, and gets along with Puff. Can’t say the same for him and the other pets though. They get into lots of (not severe) fights. (If anyone wants an idea of what Tenebra looks like, just search up Jinx cat)
If Leuvis and Bayon are ever late to breakfast (which happens only…sometimes), it’s either they took too long to get out of bed (Leuvis dragging his wife back to the bed for ”just 5 more minutes” of cuddling), or ended up bickering again
Nous and Nouma used to share a room together in the mansion. Keywords used to. They couldn’t stand each other and complained enough that Bayon had to give them different rooms.
Bayon is usually the first to get up in the morning before the rest, quickly followed by Leuvis. By the time the former gets to the kitchen and busies himself with making tea, the Nou twins are up, already racing each other to the dining table. Luce is last to wake up, routinely disturbed by either Tenebra or Operiu if not by a servant knocking on his door.
Food crimes: Luce ate a raw egg before (as a dare. He got salmonella), as well as willingly ate several raw fish (he apparently claimed he liked the taste...and ofc he got sick again). Leuvis has eaten an entire human raw before, some time before The Promise, and was probably urged on by one or two of his older brothers. (It was not a pleasant experience, both the before and aftermath)
On the topic of food, Nous’ favorite meals are generally steaming hot, tender, and juicy. Nouma prefers something sweet but also tangy. Bayon likes light yet filling meals (now that I think about it is that an oxymoron-). Leuvis can eat an ungodly amount of sweets/desserts for someone his age without getting sick (Bayon wishes he could do the same). Luce can be seen eating multitudes of cake anytime of the day. No one knows where he’s getting them from, but the cakes get more and more fancier each time.
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frosteee · 3 years
I've thought about making this for ages but only got down to do it today! This was mostly to show my headcanon voice for Leuvis, but considering the context of the scene I took it from I thought I should add another character in to start off.
The voice comes from a scene in the English dub version of an old Russian adaption of The Jungle Book called The Adventures of Mowgli (you can watch the full length feature here - I saw it as a kid, it's really good!).
The voice I chose for Leuvis comes from the actor who voiced Kaa in this version and I thought it was perfect. I always imagined Leuvis as having a low, menacing voice that showed his age, and Kaa is also an old hunter feared by many, so it fits!!
This voice also inspired my drabble/fic 'Leuvis's Hunting' (named after the chapter 'Kaa's Hunting' in the original Jungle Book novel where he appears. "Good hunting" is a common phrase there, too, and something I thought could be incorporated into the TPN universe, an outdated phrase once spoken by demons before the promise when they hunted wild humans.
Enough nerd rambling, what do you think of this voice?? Is it similar to your headcanons?
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catherine-112 · 4 years
Tpn demon age theory
1-40 = kid     50-90= teenager  100-500 = young adult   600-800 = middle aged   900/1000+= old mf 
This probably isn’t accurate but worth a try 
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chidoroki · 1 year
182 Days of TPN - Day 130
Chapter 130: "Something to Report"
I love how easily Emma can now admit her feelings regarding the annihilation towards her family. From initially hiding her concerns, to opening up to Ray about them and finally admitting them to Norman himself and making her stance against the plan firm.. it's quite the improvement that she can talk freely about her choices without too much worry about how everyone else will react.
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Probably the main reason why I believe that the hatred the GP resistance harbored towards the demons is more justified than the malice the Lambda crew feels. The poachers were all psycho and far from innocent, unlike those demons simply living in actual towns.
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Definitely the best point to bring up in order to get the other thirteen escapees concerned, and I like how it's only them shown to react to the possibility.
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I know it hasn't even been a full ten chapters yet, but it feels as if I haven't seen everyone else in ages. I suppose that's solely a me problem by going through the chapters on a day by day pace. (is Rossi raising his hand?? aww, precious boy has a question!)
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She says it so proudly! And hearing her repeat Ray's advice to her makes me feel so soft. My boy has such intense glare though, as if he's just waiting to see if anyone is gonna really shut down her idea. Dude is giving y'all a warning to not challenge them after Emma's worked so hard to reach this decision.
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Season two saw that comment of Ray's and said "alright, bet."
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It's great that Sandy & Sonya recall that one brief moment with Nous mourning over Nouma, reminding us that even the real terrible demons do have actual feelings.
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Getting the chance to see other people's reactions to this whole mess is definitely something. Gillian doesn't seem too thrilled to admit that last bit though. If I was in their place, I wouldn't know which side I'd be on at the start.
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Oh Don, you wonderful supportive brother you. YES! These kinds of decisions is what Emma is best know for and no matter how risky they might be, the kids were able to come so far by following their highly determined and optimistic leader.
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The advantage of being the main protagonist. Or disadvantage in this case. Take your pick.
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Ahha.. wait til they find out Norman's life is actually in danger due to the Lambda experiments.
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Mhhmm, can't say you're gonna escape with everyone when you let one of your besties go. Granted, they left the children four and younger behind but at least she made the promise to go back for them.
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He said the thing again + double head pats.
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Luckily for Gilda and everyone else, our girl keeps her promises. And remains quite honest throughout the series as well. (she may not tell the whole truth during the most crucial moment of the series but what can ya do.)
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I laser focus on the GP trio every damn time I come across this panel without fail. Idc if they're just standing there, I love them.
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You know Norman is so deep into the WM persona when he doesn't even bother to see RE off before they venture to the Seven Walls, like he knows how risky it would be to go there, if it even exists in the first place, and he just.. straight up lets 'em go without a proper goodbye.
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Favorite panel/moment:
Big sis Paula is back with more hugs.
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But more importantly, there's THIS. Ray calling her crazy and no one disagrees. Also, his comment about him not being able to see her pov is sorta foreshadowing to the Seven Walls and how Emma is able to meet the demon god and not him. Sure Ray might come to understand Emma's reasoning and how her mind works eventually, but not at first, hence why he was booted out of the Seven Walls.
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Plus, I adore that face of hers. I'm very happy such a tiny detail made it into the anime as well.
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I also.. forgot to cross check the anime with this chapter until now. Um, yeah, some stuff remains the same of course. Tons of people missing obviously. How RE invite Don & Gilda to help with their search of Sonju & Mujika is kinda reminiscent of their conversation from ch99 actually with them being thankful to finally help with something. The addition of Emma & Gilda's headbutt is cute.
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I know this is already hella long and parts of this conversation don't even happen within the chapter (or at all in the manga) but screw it, my boy looks so handsome here.
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I've been kinda joking about it with my friend since we're both caught up on the manga, but in your opinion, do you think that Ray or Emma even told Norman about Emma's near death experiences, or even that she actually almost died in Goldy Pond? Because I feel like they should at least tell him what happened there. Me and my friend agreed that they told Norman the extent of what happened, but not EVERYTHING.
Well, I don't think Emma and Ray had a chance to talk to him properly. Looking at the timeline presented, he only spent a single evening with them, and the next day when Emma and Ray tried to talk to him, he was gone already to meet with Giran.
Then he was gone for a couple days, and as soon as he got back Emma and Ray talked to him about Mujika.
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Looking back at chapter 121, it is stated that they talked a lot, but from the looks of it they were talking about happy things...
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I really don't think Norman would have been this happy if he was told Emma almost died at Goldy Pond:
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The last time we saw the subject of Emma being hurt, he was in tatters about it.
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So I think Emma chose to omit some of the more gruesome details for the time being, to not upset Norman. And I think Norman did the exact same thing... which is why he wouldn't talk about his time at lambda... or the demon in the basement.
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They needed this break from their troubles and grief. It helped them recharge their batteries, and I think they felt like they could put off the heavy topics for another day.
This is normal human nature.
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cheapwitch · 7 years
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Today you’re dealing with me
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officersnickers · 3 years
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The Promised Neverland - Text Post Edition Part 29
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