#tr elda
ai-higurashi · 4 months
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I finally got the book of Nakatani Yukiko's Precure Works 2 and why didn't anyone tell me this picture existed, LOOK AT THEMMMMMM
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zukoromantic · 6 months
The entirety of Tropical Rouge! Pretty Cure, but only the Witch's staff and Witch's scenes
(time stamps for the episodes and characters are in the description of the video!)
Started the precure franchise with tropical rouge and were so instantly captivated by these depressed sea creatures. They are so GOOD and UNDERRATED. Infinite joy. I miss them.
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"Your love pervades my body / As wine pervades water when / Wine and water mingle."
"More Love Lyrics" from Love Poems of Ancient Egypt, tr. by Ezra pound and Noel Stock
I take in the rain with all its little moments as my breath struggles to escape my chest turning into a dove, flying into the mist. I drink up whatever wine is fermented up in the sky, to taste the fresh berries and dried strawberries for the only time in my life.
In your hand, I cling onto a sliver warmth, even if I have a worn leather jacket covering my trembling skin. Sliding across your palm, I note the drops of blood splattered across your arm, following back to your pulverized heart.
You pervade me, for one last minute-- a vein connects us despite the trappings outside made of food's gold and rusted iron. The artillery fire rings out like calls to prayer-- and the bells ring despite the rain. We lie alone despite the people running, running, scurrying, retreating, advancing snipers playing chess on a labyrinthine board.
And all the while, I find myself limp, aloof, dissolving into a virulent sky... --Elda Mengisto
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midnightsorrowsworld · 2 months
Rab, 13 mar 2024 01.41
Dream journal
Aku kebangun dr tidurku, kayanya aku bari tidur bentar. Aku mimpi jelek banget, sampe sesak nafas. Aku beneran kudu duduk dam ngatur nafasku, bolak balik kebangun mimpinya lanjut akhirnya aku mutusin buat nulis ini.
Aku mimpi nyelinap di kamar kosmu, aku kaya nyari sesuatu tapi ga pasti apa. Ada penjaga kos cowo tp dia biarin aku masuk kosmu. Aku nemu hp kamu yg lama, aku buka langsung ke kontaknya trs ada kontak elda yg km kasih nama pakai emoticon hati dan kupu2. Aku berusaha buat foto jelas kontaknya. Terus aku baca sms km sama dia, itu obrolan yg sangat panjang, aku lgsg scroll dr awal kalian chatan. Aku tapi berenti d tanggal 3 maret 2023 tahun lalu, kalian udah pergi keluar bareng aku berusaha buat ngatir emosiku. Karna aku d kejar waktu, dan jam udah nunjukin jam 16.30 bentar lagi km plg kerja.
Aku scroll percakapan kamu sambil nahan nangis sampai akhirnya km pulang ke kosan. Kesan mukamu waktu pertama kali liat aku datar ga menyenangkan, tapi aku sibuk but nyari sesuatu bukti gatau apa. Sampai akhirnya kita duduk berdua dibawah lantai, aku sambil terisak2 bilang ke kamu kalo km jahat, km dulu selingkuhin aku karna kalian uda keluar berdua waktu aku umroh. Terus km deketin ke aku nenangin aku sambil peluk aku, tp aku nvehindar dan bilang km jahat. Di mimpi aku berusaha biar ga kontak fisik sm km, tp tiba2 km ndusel kepalamu ke aku trs mau ucuk2 hidungku (dan ini aku gabisa hindarin banget) aku kangen kamu sambil nangis aku ucuk2 hidumg sampe hampir kita mau kissing tp aku ngejauh dr kamu. Karna aku tau itu cm akal2anmu biar ak g marah2. Terus hpku tbtb bunyi aku dpt telpon dr nomor ga d kenal (spt biasa dr kode negara lain) trs aku jelasin ke km kalo no.orku kayanya ada yg nyebar dan aku takut. Jujur itu aku aslinya nyindir kamu karna aku naruh curiga ke kamu dan pacarmu buat neror aku. Tapi terus km dg entangnya jawab buat nyuruh aku ganti nomor.
Terus aku lupa , detail selanjutnya gimana. Seingetku aku kebangun trs nyoba tidur lagi abis gitu tbtb pacarmu dateng terus nantangin aku maen gatau apa tp disana aku kayak dibodohi sm kalian. Punggungku disayat pake pisau sama pacarmu yg d bantu km buat bodohin aku. Ini kayak game simulasi gitu, jd taruhanny nyawa jd aku haru selamat dan keluar dr sana. Babak selanjutnya aku harus ngikutin penari cewek india buat ambil air dr tangan trs diminum selma 3x tp muter tangannya. Aku ikutin dan aku berhasil. Waktu aku lari ke babak selanjutnya, aku letemu juri pak tua pakai baju china kesakitan sambil megangin perutnya. Aku bigung kudu gimana alhirny aku temeni beliau sambil buka hp lamamu trs scroll chatmu dr awal bnget, aku gatau apa karna hpmu tusam tp trrnyata km ida kena lama bgt sm elda (6 tahunan) dan intense chatan padahal wkt itu km masoh pacarku.
Sampe aku baca isi chat dia, yg bilang godain km dulu bilang "kalo ga ketemu ga seru" trs ada chat kalian uda tidur bareng, trs ada chatbdianyg ngaduin aku ke km perkara twitter trs dibawahnya dia kirim 2 video durasi 1 menitan ke km. Pas nunggu donload selesai, aku cek pak tua itu ternyta perutnya berdarah (kayak abis d tebas pisau) sm kyk yg elda dan km laluin ke aku. Akhirnya ak fokus nolongin pak itu. Dan aku bangun ketakutan karena ngerasa nyawaku diancem. Aku berdoa biar ga mimpi gini lagi
Aku kangen kamu jujur ak kangen bgt sm kamu, tp aku takut apalagi d kehidupan nyata aku abis ada yg ngancem entah itu siapa, biar ga gangguin kamu sambil ngirim gmbarnsantet serem. Ku takut
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lightmaiiden · 5 years
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Soft beatboxing in the distance
here’s some useless info that I feel like it’s not important enough to make a huge post on.
You may have noticed this in some of my threads (2) but whenever she goes out Zel wheres a dark cloak in order to blend in with the populace, this lessens the risks of not only be recognized and brought back to the castle but also kidnapped since that’s a thing that can happen to her again by those who still align themselves with G.anon who wishes to revive him through sacrificing Zel... much like T.winrova had attempted to do. When wearing this cloak you can only see the top half of her face. That said it’s easy to tell that it’s Z//elda if you look at the back of her right hand, where the tr//iforce of wisdom is located. Of course, she tries to hide this but there’s not much she can do aside from wearing gloves but I’m pretty sure that the lower/ middle-class people did not wear gloves in the “ye olde times”. She doesn’t really wear gloves anyway so UH
There are different accents that vary from each province and Zel’s accent is one that is old as time itself, most people who live in the Lan...ayru region have this lilt and it’s considered to be one of the older and more sophisticated when compared to other province or regions outside of H..yrule. No, it’s nothing close to the typical English accent. 
I’ve mentioned that she has some sort of form of anemia as well as poor sleeping habits and while anemia is mostly genetics her sleeping habits come from overworking herself and spending nights reading whatever she could find in the archives: usually historical texts. She’s known to be slightly sickly because of this therefore guards and nursemaids(I.mpa being the most trusted one) are around her at all times, this heightened protection would only grow worse after the events of the Oracle series and while she understands their reasonings she finds it suffocating hence why she sneaks out of the castle from time to time. 
She mostly likes apples from Link’s apple farm and frequents visits to his farm whenever they are in season. 
She’s able to read in ancient hyl///lian yet not so much in speaking it. She can, however, sign in the more modern H///ylian. She has a very formal way of speaking.
She’s learning how to play the flute (o//carina) since Link sorta inspired her to learn how to play it. She’s terrible at it but Zel can play a mean lyre(harp) solo. 
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reviewserum247-blog · 4 years
serum trị thâm mụn giá bình dân dưới 500k hiệu quả nhất
REVIEW TOP LOẠI SERUM TRỊ THÂM MỤN DƯỚI 500K HIỆU QUẢ NHẤT 1. Bielenda Dr Medica Dermatological Anti Acne Face Serum Bielenda là một công ty mỹ phẩm gia đình tại Ba Lan được thành lập từ năm 1990. Bielenda Dr Medica Dermatological Anti Acne Face Serum là sản phẩm được phát triển đặc biệt theo công thức TR-T 70mg/1g bao gồm nhiều hoạt chất mạnh có tác dụng trực tiếp lên các vết mụn trứng cá trên da.
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Công dụng chính của Serum Bielenda Dr Medica Dermatological Anti Acne Face:
- Bình thường hóa hoạt động của tuyến bã nhờn.
- Làm giảm mụn trứng cá cũng như ức chế sự hình thành của các tổn thương mới
- Giảm độ dầu trên da.
- Se khít lỗ chân lông
- Làm sáng da.
- Giữ ẩm và làm dịu da.
Thành phần chính của em Serum trị mụn thâm này gồm:
- Mandelic acid 3%: kháng khuẩn, tấy tế bào chết nhẹ nhàng, tránh bít tắc lcl
- Azelaic acid 3% nhẹ nhàng tẩy tế bào chết cho da, kích thích các cơ chế sửa chữa của da, làm mịn và giữ ẩm.
- Niacinamide 3% ngăn ngừa melanin, sáng và làm khỏe da, tăng khả năng chống lại tổn thương.
Với mình thì đây là loại serum mình có hiệu quả khá tốt, giúp làm sạch bề mặt da, loại bỏ dần nhân mụn trứng cá giúp khô và rơi ra sau khi rửa mặt, hạn chế và làm mờ vết thâm 1 cách nhẹ nhàng nhưng hiệu quả dễ thấy sau 1 tháng.
Đặc biệt thiết kế của em í khá ngộ nghĩnh và ấn tượng.
Tổng kết: 9/10đ
Loại da: da dầu, mụn.
2. Serum trị thâm mụn the Inkey List Vitamin C 30% The Inkey List là thương hiệu mỹ phẩm đến từ Anh với các sản phẩm an toàn, lành tính và sử dụng được cho tất cả mọi người. Hãng cam kết sử dụng thành phần sản phẩm có tỉ lệ tối ưu khi tác động lên da, không thử nghiệm trên động vật, phù hợp với tiêu chuẩn của EU. Đặc biệt, các bao bì sản phẩm của The Inkey List rất thân thiện với môi trường khi có thể tái chế tới 91%, hãng cam kết tới cuối năm 2020 sẽ cải tiến để tất cả bao bì sản phẩm của mình 100% có thể tái chế được.
Về thiết kế bao bì, hãng sử dụng màu chủ đạo là trắng - đen nên trông rất giản dị và sang trọng. Tuy nhiên em này có dạng tuýt nắp xoáy nên mở ra hơi mất công.
Xem thêm serum eldas https://reviewserum247.tumblr.com/post/627406471418855424/serum-t%E1%BA%BF-b%C3%A0o-g%E1%BB%91c-eldas-aura-coreana-shine-gold
Còn về thành phần, đúng như tên gọi thì em ý có thành phần chính là Vitamin C với nồng độ tận 30% (nồng độ rất cao, trong khi đa số các hãng chỉ làm đến tối đa 25% là cao lắm rồi). Vitamin C là một thành phần chống oxy hóa mạnh mẽ, đa chức năng và còn giúp làm sáng da. Nó giúp khắc phục sự xuất hiện của thâm nám, xỉn màu và cả nếp nhăn. Dạng Vitamin C mà hãng sử dụng là L-ascorbic Acid (dạng Vitamin C đem lại hiệu quả nhất).
Em Vitamin C của The Inkey List này là dạng kem dưỡng chứ không phải serum như bạn nghĩ đâu nha, chất kem màu trắng tinh và khá đặc, tuy nhiên không vì thế mà khó thấm, em ý giúp da bạn mịn màng tức thì. Thành phần 30% Vitamin C ở dạng Ascorbic Acid giúp sản phẩm đạt hiệu quả nhanh, mạnh mẽ, chỉ sau vài lần sử dụng. Nghiên cứu cho thấy rằng nồng độ axit ascorbic cao có thể mang lại vô số lợi ích, bao gồm làm mờ dần melanin, làm sáng tông màu da xỉn màu, và làm giảm sự xuất hiện của nếp nhăn. Nó cũng có thể giúp ngăn chặn thiệt hại gốc tự do gây ra bởi các yếu tố môi trường. Tất cả điều này giúp làn da khỏe mạnh, trẻ trung hơn.
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anyathebloodshell · 7 years
Okay... I have opened my Tumbrl after my weekend of intense study and...
What the hell just happened?!
Some rambling annoying reboot lovers that attack us Core Design lovers? Just if Crystal Dynamics is their oxygen and we cannot say OUR Opinion on the Saga right now.
I say my opinion: Tomb Raider now is shit, for me it ended with Angel of Darkness and Lara Croft died in 2003 and she will forever be dead to me.
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But The Memory of HER, Lara Croft of Core Design, will live forever, I don’t care about many philosophical phrases the new Lara will say in the next Tomb Raider games. That Lara is not Lara.
Accept That, But I see that you’re too blinded by the graphics or the realisim of those games, I cannot help but be dissapointed by the fandom, the Tomb Raider fandom is a shitty fandom, let me be blunt. But some people are not that shitty.
Some people don’t spread shit on people who love Angel of Darkness and also some people don’t spread shit on people who loved Core Design’s TR.
Crystal Dynamics is not your oxygen that resurrected Lara Croft from the “dissapointing” Angel of Darkness. The real dissapointment is not AoD. The Disappointment is those fans who wanted nothing more than realisim.
Some people said to me, An hardcore classic and AoD Fan, that the Reboot is a lot better, a lot emotional than the classics and AoD ones...
Let me be blunt;
-I Cry everytime at AoD’s Ending.
-I cry everytime Kurtis get stabbed in the chest.
-I get emotional when I play The Lost Valley on Tomb Raider I or The Great Wall on Tomb Raider II
-I get emotional when I finish Madubu’s Gorge after suffering hell in Tomb Raider III
Giving emotions is not only through Cutscenes and voices... Believe me, I study theatre, diction and singing... and even the unsaid words, the body language, the facial expressions, the locations can give anything.
On Tomb Raider 2013 and Rise of the Tomb Raider (As well as the LAU Trilogy) I didn’t feel that, It felt to monotonus.. blank. Expecially the voice acting.
I didn’t liked Keeley Hawes perfomaces TBH (Even through in the Italian ones, Elda Olivieri, Lara’s Voice in all Tomb Raiders except Tomb Raider 2013 and Rise of The Tomb Raider witch is dubbed by Benedetta Ponticelli who is far better than Camilla Luddington TBH), I prefer Jonell Elliot because she gave (expecially in AoD) the perfect Lara in my opinion, I felt her personality on my skin with her when I listened to the English version the first time.
Okay I’ve added my two cents, Anons if you want to attack me go on! I’m not butthurt, you will not break me because I’m strong, You will not shatter me in billions of pieces. I don’t give anything but a fuck of your ramblings through US Core Design followers.
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With that said, I’m out. Thank you for reading me through xD
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ai-higurashi · 1 year
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Happy Monopoly Mermaid Monday, have something that's almost a year old but I still love.
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“She had the sea within her soul, continuously.” — Salvatore Quasimodo, tr. by Manolis Aligizakis, from “The Tall Schooner,” (via violentwavesofemotion)
"Coraline is longing for the sea, but is afraid of the water And maybe the sea is inside her" -- "Coraline", Maneskin
In her dreams she hears seagulls, calling her name.
Her friends only listen to drum and bass with nostalgic synthesizers playing to attract them to a sinking city, lit up by neon lights. Under them a jaundiced girl sleepwalks, dreaming not to land in another person's arms, but in the gelid waves, where they only break in rhythm, not when she's writhing as she's tied with live wires and trying to escape the memories which besiege her.
A languid cloud colors her reality; acid rain tarnishes her painted face, revealing a crescent moon on her left side. It doesn't shine for her; instead, it marks the wounds God opened to teach her patience--instead, she cuts them open to gain a slither of beauty.
In her dreams she sleeps in frothy clouds, with nobody to find her in the vines.
As the temperatures rise, and the swamps catch fire, her friends flee towards the mountains to find solace or salvation. She stands alone with the waves tickling her ankles, the seaweed wrapping around her legs like tentacles waiting for its prey and to throw her into the depths as if she were Persephone's sister gone astray.
Yet it's not the kraken which scares her
.It's the shells which want her to keep shut and make her into a prize to be won by filthy hands and women who want to emerge out of them fully anew. The milk which feeds the girl grows sour as the sun dawns with a lime green cast, and she awakens with the sea salt carting her back to the rocks, tormented and scarred, scared of how the day swallows her in their orbit. --Elda Mengisto
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midnightsorrowsworld · 6 months
Dream Journal 5/11/23
Last night i got a fuzzy dream with a lot if scene but im sure if those scene were linked each other.
First scene, out of the blue i was spooning with willy. I lay my head on his chest, we make out, kissing and hugging. I miss him so much and he looks like the same, we talked about what happened and saling meminta maaf. He told me about his girl friend and he said "Let's book a room at batu tonight and spent a quality time together" and i noded and kiss him softly. After that he asked my parents (my dad still alive) permission to go out. I bit confused in this part because im not sure, we will heading to school /campus or we will go hiking (at night?)
Long story short, we were arrived at campus /acara. It kinda fuzzy, but as i remember i kept holding willy's gand and wont away from him. I looking at him smile, laughed happily with his friends. I miss him so much i guess. He wore green army shirt(kotak2) with his favourite hat. The next it kinda blurry but i will wrote it right away yah.. while willy having fun with his friends, i wandering arround and suddenly the scenery were i on the queue line to shake hands with some officers. And i got a lot of envelopes (you know lah isinya apa, kayanya ak keinget pas lagi kerja di mabes) then i go back to willy and beforeni met him i on a queuenline again to grab us some water. Blurry blurry blurry and then we decided to go home. We holding hand to parking lot, we have quick kisses and hug a lot while we walked, we were so in love and miss each other.
The scenery when we heading to parking lot like we're in forest, the path were tanah ters jalannya ga rata. Wildan kesusahan buat keluarin motor karena jalannya naik turun dan motor dia vespa putih gading, tukang parkirnya nyuruh dia mundur biar pas turun ke jalan gampang(motornya madep depan, ga jalan mundur) karena emang jlannya sempit. Terus wildan nyerah karna gabisa keluarin motor, terus aku nyabar2in dia dan bantuin dia buat keluarin motornya dan berhasil. Pas mau jalan, tukang parkirny nhingetin buat belok knanjangan ke kiri kalo mau kenarah hotel kita, karena jalannya lagi apaa gitu. Tp jalan yg di kasih tau pak parkir itu muter, akhirnya kita decided buat belok kanan aja.. di scene itu aku pake baju sabrina putihku, rada dingin tapi aku bilang ke wildan kalo aku bawa jaket .. jadi gausa khawatir.
Pas mau ke hotel tiba2 tidurku keganggun, karna tiba2 jendela kamarku ada yg gedor dongg pas ak cek jam 3.30 , aku ga takut tapi bete asli soalnya ganggu mimpi:") akhirnya ak tidur lagi berharap mimpinya lanjut.
Tapi the next scenery was aku d gangguin sekuin buat diajakin maen terus :'3 akhirnya ak maen sama dia while wildan hang out sama temennya, tp ak madih keliatan dia jadi kita literally gamau kepisah jauh
Blur lagi scene nya karna jam 6 kebangun ganti pembalut lol, aku lanjutin mimpinya berharap ketemu willy lagi:") tp scene nya ganti, mimpi della punya laptop baru bagus, tpuch screen trs dia cerita kalo dia minta tolong ke baharudin buat buka pdf dia (yg isinya penting) karna ada kodenya, trs kayanya mereka balikan tp ak diem aja dan bilang haruse baharudin gabolehbtau passcode pdfnya, abis itu kl ada della berarti ya stalking :') aku mimpi bobol masuk twitternya willy pake email dia dan passwotnya ternyata kaya yg dulu , rada takut.. pas aku liat twitternya isinya normal gaada tweet sama si elda itu (asli aku deg2an banget dan takut banget) ga ngerti aku cari apa tapi twitternya normal.
Akhirnya aku bangun karna ketakutan.
Oh allah i wish this dream come true, i wish he heading back to me, we will together and marry. We may be seperate but when we togehter we being the best version of us to love each other more better. I hold him so tight because i know i only could hug him by dreaming:(
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ai-higurashi · 2 years
I love Numeri's design so much it's unreal so... Sketch time >:3
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+ bonus warm up sketches bc Elda is a very good girl and deserves all the headpats and candy in the world
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