alien-slushie · 15 days
I don't think Birth of a Hero Ron and Beacrox get enough criticism.
Beacrox, a 30 year old man, stood by and watched as an 18 year old child got the shit beaten out of him, and instead of putting a stop to it, he marvled at Choi Han's strength and then dipped. Yes, Beacrox's job was just to be a chef, yes what Cale said was horrendous, but he was the adult in the situation, and he watched a child get his ass beat without stepping in.
Ron, the one consistant person in Cale's life, left. Yes, Ron was looking after his son, yes Ron could have left in attempt to protect the Henituse family, the mother fucker could have left a fucking note. He admits himself that he was around long enough to change Cale dipers when he was a baby, and he just leaves without any explanation. Just poof, while Cale is recovering from a serious beatdown. He didn't even leave a postit note sized message that said goodbye!
And okay, you can chalk it up to "Well, they were servants to the Henituse County, they weren't really required to do this or that because it wasn't their job!" And, okay, sure if that's how you want to view it, but then don't turn around and say "Oh Ron sees Cale as a second son." TCF!Ron sees KRS!Cale as a son, the original obvious had much more complicated feelings.
And I'm sorry, the "super observant assassin" didn't notice that the child he was been tasked with caring for for 18 fucking years was acting?! He didn't try at all to, sign Cale up for therapy or maybe, I don't know, talk to Deruth, his boss, about Cale? Ron is a father himself, obviously a good one since Beacrox holds him in such high regard, and yet he did nothing when 8yo Cale showed obvious signs of something going on.
Also, Beacrox was 20 years old when Cale started acting out, he was an adult through Cale's entire start of being "Trash", and he also didn't notice anything. And if he did, he didn't do anything about it.
Completely related, am I the only one that wishes we had the original BOAH to read, to get a better understanding of the backstory and timeline of the original novel?
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wombywoo · 2 months
Not me thinking about Quinn's throat injury, and how he might have had to relearn how to speak. Does he know sign language? I wonder how he feels when he loses his voice, especially when sick. Does Vincent know what happened to him? How do they deal during times when Quinn can't speak? Poor guy, he really needs all the love.
muahaha I have thoughts about this as well 🥰 I <3 suffering
(tw medical stuff) After the injury, he was treated in the hospital with an emergency tracheotomy and put on a ventilator because he couldn't breathe on his own. There were further complications with the surgery due to air trapped around his lungs, so he was kept there for over 3 months. Even after being discharged, he maintained the trach tube at home for about half a year further. It had been just at the start of autumn term, so he was homeschooled for that period and required constant visits to the pediatric hospital (yeah...btw he was 13 🙃)
In that time, he had to relearn how to speak, which was especially difficult because he refused to try in the beginning :( He had a long period of deliberate silence, and only communicated via a dry-erase board, and even that was rare. His father had been diligently taking care of him at the time and did his best to encourage him to speak, but it was...it was difficult for a while. Eventually, Quinn did make small attempts to speak aloud, his voice evidently weak and damaged from both the injury and the tracheostomy. The speaking valve made his voice sound weird, so that took getting used to, and when the tube was finally removed, he required further speech therapy. He was embarrassed about it, and still is, because his voice never recovered fully enough to sound entirely normal again.
When he notices it flagging as an adult, he tends to revert back to silence out of habit; if he has to talk in that condition, it'll be quiet and barely audible. While he never actively learned sign language, there are military hand signals he incorporates if he needs to address something and can't speak. It gets particularly bad when he's sick, so he tends to shut himself away so others don't hear how pathetic (his words) he sounds. He also prefers not to shout often, as it can crack if he raises it to a certain volume. It's a touchy subject for him, so if people point it out, he feels even more ashamed and embarrassed :((
Vincent has taken note of it, and in the beginning, was considerate enough not to comment. They do address all the trauma surrounding it eventually, and Vincent tries not to treat him too differently because of it. But he's sensitive to his moods, so he knows how to manage it more effectively than Quinn does. If he notices Quinn's voice is getting weak, he'll usually step up and talk for him; they have enough telepathic understanding of each other by this point, lol. During the times when he can't speak at all, he'll set him up with a notebook or a board and try to keep him isolated until it passes. They develop a system, and Quinn hasn't felt this reassured about his condition since..probably ever 🥺
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redrobin-detective · 1 month
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Some girls never grow up from playing with dolls ❤️
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hollowboobtheory · 7 months
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got the tube out of my neck I'm okay now
oh and I got to see my left arm and the scar is gonna be NARSTY but my little guy tattoo made it through
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d-e-w-p · 1 month
Low key thinking about team rocket
They're in trouble. It's not just double or triple.oh no they are. In deep deeeep waters this time.
All their pokemon are koed. Jessie and James are barely if at all conscious. And meowth is the last one standing.
Hes not strong enough to get them out of here. Not strong by enough. As a Meowth.
Can you imagine meowth forcing himself to evolve to save Jessie amd James.
Potentially losing his ability to speak human in yhe process, let alone walk Like them.
He gives it up for his buddies, his pals, his Dumb and Dumber.
Because they're team rocket, and they'll stick togetjer no matter what!
(....right? They won't ditch meowth because he can't talk no more. Because he looks like any old Kantonian Persian out there. He's gotta believe that. They won't-
They wouldn't do that.right?)
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papihomo · 1 month
So, we got Eli Kopter, we got Amit Nakesh
But now, we need to add another character in the Eli Kopter cinematic universe
I'm talking about
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Eli's Ashke musical theater obsessed drag queen roommate who serves cunt because ofc she does, she's my drag daughter/j
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For a page that has the word "pulp" in it they have the most swagless merch
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thisisthevoice · 5 months
i think one of the most frustrating things about american healthcare is how afraid americans are of death. no, your husband who has had a massive intracranial hemorrhage and has likely lost the overwhelming majority of his brain function is not going to have "a miracle" and recover. at best (?), he is going to be sent to a trach/vent/peg tube farm to get pressure injuries and suffer for a prolonged period of time
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basilpaste · 5 months
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'fantasy' is a very loose word but i mean it in the sense of like. disabilities not really portrayed as disabilities??? weh.
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enkisstories · 3 months
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Rose was one of the few people in the world who actually liked Hux' hairstyle and could apprecciate the effort it took to maintain. She also thought that blue looked good on her fiance, but there was a minor detail that disturbed the impression:
Rose: "What are you doing with your fingers?"
Armitage: "Isn't that how one is to look when meditating?"
Rose: "You... finished meditating and are practising a pose now?!"
Rose (internally): How come everything that made him menacing as an enemy, makes him utterly adorable in private?
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Armitage: "Not practising, putting it to effect. Look to your right - we have visitors!"
Rose: "Friends of yours?"
Armitage: "Trach is my scanner officer. He's dependable in his role, but can't be trusted to actually be loyal to my person. Kandia, too, is loyal to the First Order as a whole, not to an individual leader. I respect her work ethic a lot."
Rose: "Sounds like they're as close to being your friends as you allow anybody to come."
Armitage: "I do find them pleasant to have around. Griss, however, is firmly in Pryde's camp. He resents me having climbed through the ranks at my age already."
Rose: “He does seem to be in an awkward spot, being too young to have served in the Empire already, but too old to connect to your generation.”
Armitage: Precious Rose! You’d even find something nice to say about the Emperor, would you?
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Frantis: "So, this is awkward, General. We set off to rescue you, but as you can see, uh... Tell him, Commander!"
Masir: "We got outmatched and after concluding that there was nothing to be gained for the First Order by our deaths, we surrendered."
Frantis: "We're prisoners like you now, but we managed to put the Resistance under the impression that they can "heal" us, so they granted us a limited free range."
Armitage: "I'm not a prisoner. This is simply a convenient place to wait for the Republic Remnant to make up their mind. About pretty much anything."
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Tishra: "Yes, I can see you're not wearing a tracker."
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Tishra: "We not just failed to rescue Hux, he wasn’t even captured in the first place? Looks like we made fools of ourselves."
Rose: "Let's talk about something NEW instead!"
Frantis: "Ouch. But deserved in this case."
Armitage actually is wearing a tracker, too, he just isn't aware of it. It's hidden in the armband Rose gifted him and Rose additionally installed a shock/stun function that she can activate with a command word.
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theriverbeyond · 2 years
still have to do the face but 😭 her hair turned out so cute.... i am manifesting this for alecto 🤞
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also help me out:
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valezy · 1 year
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Ramala, once known as Golemancer Rann - an ex-inquest, now captain of pirate ship. I used to draw him so uwu, but as he is an 40+ asura pirate, he should be a bit more... hm, rough? xD
Created this at work 🙈
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woahpip · 7 months
god if anything tragic happens to me please don't let my momma and daddy take pictures of me fucked up in the hospital to post daily about jesus saving me
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citronaut69 · 3 days
Hmm actually this month's fellows and residents are really cool and I'm enjoying their presence on the unit
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I claimed Suburban Legends before 1989 TV release and damn i was RIGHT
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dumbbullet · 2 months
May I ask what Big Shit is going on in your life rn?
edit: putting this under the readmore
Yeah I've been kinda vague about it but my mom was in a pretty bad wreck at the beginning of June. Thankfully it wasn't nearly as bad as it could've been (the other driver was perfectly fine), but it did involve a brain injury and a 2 week stint in the icu (Worst week of sleep in my life) which was pretty scary for a while there. But today we played catch and crosswords, she's been talking for about a week, and her attitude is the same as before. Our biggest complaint right now is she's BORED.
I got designated the Descision Maker on day 1 and have been running off of spite since. So on top of the layoff/job hunting + figuring out where to live thing I've been dealing with insurance and disability and suddenly being a caretaker (even though shes in LTC atm) and it's been! Alot! But we've hit an upswing and the momentum has been picking up. Our next goals are to get her trach capped off and eventually removed and then get her steady enough to transfer to a wheelchair for short periods so we can LEAVE THE ROOM.
Anyways, to lighten the mood, here's a meme a friend of mine made about me trying to explain the plot of Outer wilds to my mom, and some responses to her getting ankle weights during physical therapy
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