#tractor merchandise
selenakim · 1 year
Why is Merchandising Important?
Merchandising affects so many different aspects of your retail operations that it could make or break your business. Merchandising a product is becoming increasingly necessary where there are more products than ever. The advertising also creates a lot of noise that a brand has to sieve through to reach customers. Therefore, working at the first step, where they buy the merchandise from is the right way. But let’s be specific, here are a few reasons why merchandising is important.
It can also lead to improved exposure- Usually, the brand spends a lot of money on advertisements or posters, that customers barely notice. It is merchandising activities of giving discounted goods, promotional samples, and combo offers that stick with them. Merchandise with your logo will create better recall in their minds, and you might end up with loyal customers.
Increasing brand recognition- Frequent merchandising activities will not only make your customers look forward to such activities, but also come back to you looking for more. For them, the brand value and product value is enhanced if they are given offers and incentive to buy your products. More importantly, you might also get a lot of word-of-mouth advertisements from your customers if they are happy with you.
Low-cost and effective marketing- When your customers know your brand from the performance of the product, and they are more likely to come back. For them, if the product works, the brand becomes a favorite. This is why merchandising is extremely effective and low-cost.
Merchandising the right way helps with increased sales, better customer satisfaction, more time in-store, faster-moving inventory, increased customer loyalty, better brand recognition, more effective promotions and increased employee productivity. Online stores like TAFE TRIBE have the best merchandising strategy, if you are looking for tractor merchandise, check out the website and enjoy the shopping experience of tractor merchandise products. It is by far the most helpful and organized tractor merchandise store India.
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signykim · 2 years
Why is Merchandising Important?
Merchandising affects so many different aspects of your retail operations that it could make or break your business. Merchandising a product is becoming increasingly necessary where there are more products than ever. The advertising also creates a lot of noise that a brand has to sieve through to reach customers. Therefore, working at the first step, where they buy the merchandise from is the right way. But let’s be specific, here are a few reasons why merchandising is important.
It can also lead to improved exposure- Usually, the brand spends a lot of money on advertisements or posters, that customers barely notice. It is merchandising activities of giving discounted goods, promotional samples, and combo offers that stick with them. Merchandise with your logo will create better recall in their minds, and you might end up with loyal customers.
Increasing brand recognition- Frequent merchandising activities will not only make your customers look forward to such activities, but also come back to you looking for more. For them, the brand value and product value is enhanced if they are given offers and incentive to buy your products. More importantly, you might also get a lot of word-of-mouth advertisements from your customers if they are happy with you.
Low-cost and effective marketing-When your customers know your brand from the performance of the product, and they are more likely to come back. For them, if the product works, the brand becomes a favourite. This is why merchandising is extremely effective and low-cost.
Merchandising the right way helps with increased sales, better customer satisfaction, more time in-store, faster-moving inventory, increased customer loyalty, better brand recognition, more effective promotions and increased employee productivity. Online stores like TAFE TRIBE have the best merchandising strategy, if you are looking for tractor merchandise, check out the website and enjoy the shopping experience of tractor merchandise products. It is by far the most helpful and organized tractor merchandise store India.
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midn310 · 2 years
Make it hurt
Thomas Hewitt x reader
*edited english version*
It was a hot Saturday afternoon
The 3:00 pm sun was shining brightly, but occasionally the bright light was mercifully blocked by dark, dense clouds. It would rain soon.
Thomas was in charge of cleaning out the Hewitts' neglected old barn. Just one of the many tasks the family gave him to burden him. Luda Mae was back for her shift at the decrepit gas station, Hoyt was probably driving his stolen cruiser around, intimidating unsuspecting teenagers. And Monty was watching reruns of soap operas, as usual.
You were on the porch, brooding in thought as you shamelessly watched Thomas work. But you couldn't look away.
His toned muscles glistened with sweat and grime, his torso, bare to withstand the Texan heat, rising and falling rapidly as he heaved from the exertion. You watched him, his massive, massive body supporting the weight of a giant tire, which then dropped into the rubble pile with a loud thud. The mere thought of Thomas made your body tingle.
You mentally beat yourself up
Do you remember: Thomas and you are enemies
Ever since that day you first met the Hewitts, when they slaughtered your "friends" (who were more like idiotic traveling companions). You, unlike your peers, took advantage of your good manners early on, managing to ingratiate yourself with Luda Mae and sparing your life.
But then there was Thomas.
It was he who first caught your eye while visiting the station.
You were holding a basket with some produce in it, fanning yourself with your other hand in a fruitless attempt to relieve the heat. Luda Mae watched intently as your rowdy colleagues carelessly grabbed a few items from the sparse shelves. The commotion in the shop seemed to bother the old lady, who regarded them with disdain.
You, a shy and polite young woman, greeted the woman with a sweet smile and placed the remaining items on the counter. Ears burning with embarrassment.
"Sorry about the mess ma'am, I swear we'll clean it up before we leave."
"Are these your friends?" She asked sniffing at the young people at the back of the store.
You considered the question for a few seconds. "No, just college buddies. I needed a ride to Louisiana to do some research work."
She stared at you for a long time. Shit, you struggled to maintain eye contact. She had that strict mother vibe, the look over her round glasses almost made you cringe.
"Well, I'm kind of paying for the ride, so it's not exactly a ride."
She looked at you for a few more seconds and smiled "Well, that explains how a nice young lady like you ended up here with these...children".
"E-er. Yes. Well, where's my education, my name is y/n."
"Luda Mae." She greeted with a grandmotherly smile.
"Ah, sorry to bother you again, but do you have mineral water?"
"Oh yes. We're restocking. I'll have my son bring them over.
"Fine, thanks." You smiled.
"Tommy, dear, bring the crates from the warehouse."
A few moments of silence passed before you heard a distant thump.
Footsteps echoed like an earthquake through the room, and from the back room, a huge man in a stained dress shirt and apron emerged with packages piled high in his strong arms.
Jesus Christ.
The man was built like a tractor.
Luda Mae referred to him as a child, but there was nothing childish about his composition.
You stared at him mesmerized. His unruly dark curls surrounded his strong, masculine face and fell over his massive shoulders. Until he turned to his mother. So you saw it.
There was a dark, thick mask that covered the lower part of his face. It piqued his curiosity and somehow made his figure more attractive and mysterious.
"This here is my son Thomas, he's a sweetheart, he's not very talkative, but he can take care of you just fine anyway. Thomas take care of the lady and her….friends. I need to make a call to your uncle" . She said casting one last look at you.
Your mouth was dry. The man unloaded the merchandise onto the counter, then turned to you, waiting. A few moments passed as you unconsciously studied his face, until he narrowed those blue eyes at you. You chastised yourself for the invasive action and pulled yourself together.
"Oh yes, it's nice to meet you Thomas." You stared at the linoleum floor in embarrassment. He must have misinterpreted your curiosity. You were stuck with his lack of reaction and his intimidating aura.
Yes, a love, for sure.
"I just need one of those mineral water packs…..please," you added nervously.
At a practiced pace, Thomas reached for one of the packages and cradled it for you. The rumble of your colleagues' voices ceased for a moment, until you turned and noticed their glances and whispers directed at the brute of a man at the register.
Thomas seemed to be purposely ignoring them in favor of finishing serving you as soon as possible so you could leave the store soon. But soon one of them, John, spoke up:
"Hey man, what's wrong with your face?"
"Is this thing to cover your giant nose or something?" Said another with a shit-eating grin. His girlfriend let out a nasal laugh.
Thomas stiffened but remained silent.
"Come on, you think you're too good to talk to us?"
Crushing silence took over the place.
Thomas had his head down, trying to calmly organize the rest of his shopping into bags.
"Animal". John finished
Thomas clenched his fists. He was holding back, you saw, the fury in his red face obscured by his unruly hair. It was better to step in before something happened.
"Can you stop? What's your problem?"
"Oh come on kitten." John looped his arm around your shoulders. "Don't tell me you're going to side with that thing over us. We're partners, aren't we?" You shuddered with revulsion.
You looked at Thomas wordlessly, he looked into your startled eyes, before lowering his head again.
You were about to answer when someone interrupted.
"Well, what do we have here?"
It was a sheriff, the name "Hoyt" written on his name tag. His smile was sallow and forced as he assessed the young people in front of him.
"Who does that car parked outside belong to?"
"It's mine". Evan spoke up.
"We're taking a college trip, sheriff." Completed John
"Ah, so you can explain that to me." He held out a small package in the air.
"Damn it, Evan." The girl, Cindy, murmured to her boyfriend.
"We don't know how that got in the car, Sheriff." They looked at each other nervously.
"Well, they should know since there's weed all over the damn car." He grunted. "You guys come with me." He sucked his teeth in arrogance.
"Wait, we can't get arrested, yeah....
Hoyt pulled a gun on Evan, interrupting his plea.
"Want me to blow your brains out boy?" Evan shook his head. "Better get going then."
You risked one last guilty look at Thomas before you left, but he was gone. He must have been really upset with you.
You were escorted by Hoyt to your squad car. The discomfort of being crammed into a car like a can of sardines, suffocating you, but no one said a word the entire trip.
But instead of a police station, you were taken to the big house in a deserted area. Hoyt threw you out of the car. Before anyone could protest, the noise of a chainsaw cut through the silence, and suddenly, a tall figure approached the car.
The sound of chains cutting through human flesh was disturbing. You watched him brutally murder every one of them. You saw him approaching his helpless figure. And suddenly, darkness.
You remember the dark, dank basement you were kept in for days, you remember recognizing Luda Mae when you were called to join a "family" dinner.
That was it, wasn't it? You were considered part of the family now.
Except for Thomas.
He still had that distrust and recent fondness for you from that day in Luda Mae's little shop.
Speaking of her, another point aroused Thomas' resentment: Luda mentioned how she would like to have a "daughter". So since you were just polite and kind to the family, she saw that role as a perfect fit for you. It didn't help that you were always disciplined and helped Luda with the housework.
A golden girl, she said.
She spoiled you, offered you dresses and treats she got in the store.
Thomas was furious.
How could they believe you so blindly? You were just like those pieces of shit that came with you. The mere mention of his name made him grind his teeth.
Over time you adapted. You learned the family routine and how to communicate with Thomas. You would watch him signing or gesturing to his mother when she asked him something. He had different ways of talking, so you understood.
You tried to approach him several times, but he snubbed you. It was just acting, he thought, you'd hope to gain the family's trust enough to run away and call the police.
You had no right to invade their lives and establish yourself as their preferred daughter. It was his home, his life, his mother.
He hated you, but he couldn't even lay his hands on you like he did the victims he took. The last time he reacted to your gentle advances with rudeness, his mother scolded him and sent him to his room.
What the fuck. He was not a child. He should NOT be treated like a bratty, insolent child. It was your fault.
In the end, you got tired too.
Tired of treating him with kindness and kindness only to be ignored and stepped on. You was tired of getting disapproving looks and snarls when you went out of your way to do something to please him. You got tired of him.
So you matched your behavior to his. Yes, it was childish. But as long as Thomas treated you with disgust and unjust hatred, you would reciprocate in kind.
It became a game between you. You two beings refused to falter around each other and give in to defeat.
Your pride and stubbornness as high as his. Neither of them would back down.
But still, there was something growing, something the two of you denied sharing.
The way Thomas looked fondly at his mother made your heart ache, the diligence he took with his work aroused your admiration, his concern for his family's welfare made you believe he was something more than a brute no compassion. His sassy way when he looked at you defiantly.
But……there was something more carnal as well. A raw and unbridled feeling that built up in you day after day. You stared at his hands and imagined how they would feel on your body, you thought of his huge body on top of your much smaller figure, his cruel and intense blue eyes focused on you with genuine interest. It made your core vibrate.
It was wrong. Outside the terms established between you.
You were upset that, without even trying, Thomas was making you lose.
The only way you've found to ease your thoughts is in your bed at night with your fingers buried in your pussy. It didn't seem like enough, but you'd have to make do. Guilt welled up as your chased your orgasm, trying to think of anything, anything other than Thomas Hewitt, but it was inevitable.
Thomas wasn't any better either. He was confused and outraged by the seething feeling you aroused in him.
He became increasingly interested in your quirks and quirky behaviors. You would be rude to him too, but never the way others have been. The slights from you would never be because of his appearance, he realized.
"Thomas let me out." He pushed you and blocked the door. "I need my things that are in the car, Luda Mae said I could get them." "No". He grunted. "Seriously, Thomas. I'm not running away even if I wanted to. The car won't work since Hoyt screwed it up." He didn't move out of the way. You snorted and suppressed a frustrated cry. The day had been stressful enough, its time of the month had made you more sensitive and emotional. You weren't going to cry, were you?
"Damn, Thomas, you're so…"
He raised his eyebrows daring you to continue. So what? Ugly? A disgusting, scary monster? He wanted you to say, wanted you to get past that barrier so he would have a reason to…
"Irritating". You completed with a sigh. You give up your quest and turn upstairs, leaving Thomas standing in the doorway.
Sometimes he would catch himself looking at you, immediately condemning himself for the act. He would watch your face closely when you were distracted or focused on some task, your pleasant smile directed at someone other than him. He would stare at your tiny little hands getting all over the cutlery during dinner, imagining how they would feel wrapped up in something else…
Fuck. It was too much.
Often he would have to retreat from the same room you were in just to hide his growing erection. Making you imagine it was just a reaction to the revulsion he felt for you, something you were used to, but it still hurt.
Constantly he would have to seclude himself in his room, hand wrapped around his cock, masturbating at a frantic pace until the only thing on his mind was the post-orgasm haze.
In the end, the two of you carried so much guilt around that you couldn't even face each other for days.
You weren't aware of the effect you had on each other. For you Thomas still hated you with a passion, for Thomas you couldn't even bear to spare a look at his face like you did before.
Little did you know that the two lost.
You took one last peek at Thomas before stepping off the porch, heading straight into the kitchen to pour yourself two glasses of juice.
You left the house, heading towards the barn. You approached him and when you spotted Thomas and considered him for a moment.
His heavy breathing revealed how much the accumulated work of the day had exhausted him. The barn wasn't even partially empty, he wasn't going to be finished anytime soon.
You felt that twinge of pity rising in your chest. Thomas worked like a workhorse and wasn't even recognized for it.
An idea came to you.
Come on y/n, erase that thought, you're like arch enemies. You shouldn't even have come to talk to him in the first plac-
"Here". You understood one of the glasses to Thomas, who turned to you and, with a brief moment of reluctance, accepted your offering.
"It's not poisoned, if that's what you're thinking"
He growled and fixed his eyes on you just in case.
"Come on big guy, don't I get a thank you?"
He snorted again with disdain, then gulped down the cold drink greedily. You greedily watched his Adam's apple bob with every sip he took. A treacherous drop trickled down his chin, leaving a wet trail in its wake.
He was so sweaty. A few damp curls swayed heavily while others clung to his forehead and all over his warm skin. His fingers itched to pull his hair out of his face. Would he let you pull your hair back and tie it up?
Obviously not, behave y/n!
Thomas sighed with contentment and relief. But then he noticed your thoughtful expression and your eyes fixed on his face. He glared back and soon you tried to disguise the situation with a petulant look.
It was even funny. That audacious look of yours didn't suit you, your tiny size reminded him of an enraged kitten. You constantly battled your own shyness just to challenge him. Cute.
"Aren't you finished yet?"
"What do you think?"He gestured.
"Well, it would be good to finish soon." Damn, you couldn't just say what you wanted, could you?
He narrowed his eyes at you.
"Come on, I just came to offer help, don't be so proud."
He snorted in mockery.
"Look, two people are better than one at speeding up the work. I'm just trying to take a load off your ass."
"Why?"He raised one of his eyebrows in question.
"Well, because.... It's going to rain soon and Hoyt would hate to see those things soaked through when he gets back. And you know he's a pain in the ass with everyone when he gets mad."
You've always been terrible at making excuses.
He didn't insist though, just crossed his arms and shook his head.
"No?". You kind of already expected this answer. "Okay. But who said I asked your permission?"
You set the glass aside on a closer surface and brushed past Thomas before he reacted.
You started by selecting a few pieces and soon you were removing some items from the barn. Thomas sighed impatiently, knowing it was no use pushing someone as stubborn as you. So, with your help, he began to collect the materials and select those that would be stored in a shed, safe from water.
2 more hours of work and that's it. The barn was nearly empty except for a few bales of hay and a rake, which would remain in place. He had to admit, your help saved a good deal of effort and a few extra hours of work.
But of course he wouldn't admit it to you.
He hasn't heard a word from you since you started on your mission to help him.
He walked back to the barn, eyes scanning around.
Until he felt your small figure hit his bare chest.
You blushed and tried to frown
"What's your problem, you didn't see me here?"
He tried to retort with a tease (something about your small stature), but soon noticed your red face and labored breathing. You were overheating, but it wasn't from the heat.
He did not understand. Thomas pulled you by the arm and made you sit on the hay ignoring your protests. Quickly he went to the mansion in search of water, returning in a minute with a full glass of liquid and delivering it in your hand.
"Hu-m thanks". You drink the contents of the glass, totally self-conscious under Thomas' intense gaze.
You finish your drink and soon an uncomfortable silence settles between you. And now?
"I told you it was better to have accepted my help from the beginning." You change the subject.
He ignores your comment, realizing that you're probably fine again.
"A thank you would be appreciated"
He grunts in disagreement rolling his eyes.
"Why do you have to be like this?" You sigh, "Can't you be nice even once?."
He shoots you a scathing look.
"I'm just saying, you should try to at least be gratefu-"
He doesn't give you a chance to finish before he approaches you, pulls you and pushes you hard against a wall.
He used only one of his giant hands to hold both your wrists together above your head.
Now his face is inches from yours, his hot breath making you cringe. Cerulean blues staring deep into theirs with unbridled fury.
He's asking you a question, you see.
"Who should I thank? You?".
"What the fuck is your problem, Thomas?"
The grip on your hand tightened and you writhed in pain. Your wrists would be bruised tomorrow for sure.
His patience was at an end. You, little minx, would get what you deserve.
He squeezes your throat tightly, squeezing most of the air out of your lungs.
Is this where you die?
Would you die in an old barn on some off-the-map property, at the hand of the only man you ever loved in your entire life, the one who always hated you in return for your kindnesses?
Whatever, but you're not going to die without telling the truth, without throwing it all in his goddamn face. You wanted it to hurt him like it hurt you, you wanted him to toss and turn at night thinking about how he ended the life of the only person, besides his family, who showed him compassion in life, that he had a chance to be loved, but threw it all away.
Well fuck it, here it goes
"I tried Thomas." you suffocated
"You know I tried. I-I, ?I tried to be nice to everyone, even f-for you-u." He dares you to keep going, even as his grip tightens on your windpipe.
“I've tried, hu-ghh, t-tried to get his attention, ever since I met you. He's in shock. The tightness in your throat eases and you suck in a breath.
"But you... You cough. "You hurt me the whole time." Damn it, why did you have to start crying so easily? You hated that he was watching you break down.
You were weak, weak and pathetic.
"It's no use trying to be nice to you when you act like a jerk to me, I hate that I still try to help you because I still have feelings for you, I hate the fact that you're always trying to make me unhappy when all I feel for you is admiration". He was staring at you mortified, but you're not done yet.
"I hate having to put up with this damn feeling I feel when all I wanted was to hate you completely. I don't want to feel so confused. I don't want to feel attracted to you. But I do." You sob.
"I don't want to still have to wish you around when you're just mean to me. I hate myself even more for imagining you in my bed at night. But fuck you, because you were never there."
You couldn't just shut up, the turmoil of things inside you making it all come out all at once.
"So if you want Thomas, you can kill me now, it would do me a favor t-
The brutal kiss interrupts you. Needy and hungry tongue invading your mouth aggressively. You mind's confusion and surprise melts into a puddle. You do not understand.
The reality of the situation slowly dawning on you.
You recover from the momentary shock. You successfully try to keep pace with Thomas with the mask on the way, but he is the one who dominates the kiss.
Soon the oxygen disappears from your lungs, forcing you to separate. Lips swollen and wet with need.
Thomas's hungry gaze on you is almost animalistic. A wolf staring at its prey. And you're just a little bunny about to be eaten.
Your dress is the first to come off, buttons and seams straining in Thomas's rush to undress you. Your bra is pulled down carelessly by one of his hands. He looks away from your newly exposed breasts, one of your nipples is quickly taken by his mouth, sucking with will and sloppiness. The other neglected breast is massaged by his free hand, drawing a wave of sighs from you, encouraging him to continue his ministrations.
Your knees were weak and Thomas, observant as ever, guided you back to one of the haystacks beside you.
He spread your legs and pressed himself against you, coming into heat against your clothed pussy. His hands moved forward, but he held back and kept them there, hovering over your panties. He looked at you in question.
You waved as you whined
"Please Tommy, fuck me. You moaned
That was the last straw for Thomas. Impatience got the better of him, so he grabbed the waistband of your panties with both hands and ripped them, throwing them somewhere in the barn. The sick sting in your skin reminded you who was on top of you.
A beast of a man, a brute, whose strength excited you enough to make the insides of your thighs wet.
Now stark naked, every inch of skin was vulnerable to Thomas's ravenous gaze. The rare shyness you had around him was back in full force, making you close your legs to hide.
But he wouldn't have that.
He grabbed both your knees and forced them open, revealing your wet pussy to him.
The sight made his cock so hard it hurt. He wanted to know how it would fit, you were so small compared to him. The fit would be too tight perhaps.
But he wanted to taste you first, suck the essence of your pussy like he always fantasized about when he was alone.
He remembered something, then nervously gestured to your eyes.
Was he going to take off his mask?
"Please, Tommy, let me see you, please".
He hesitated.
It was too delicate for him.
Regret overwhelmed you and you felt you were asking too much. "Fine, I won't force you if you don't want to." You gave him an understandable look.
It was the bare minimum.
You were always so good. It was the least he could do for you after everything he put you through.
He grabbed the mask strings behind his head and pulled.
And by god.
It was the most beautiful face you've ever seen. The strong jaw, the scars scattered across his skin, red and full lips, thick eyebrows that seemed to be permanently furrowed, the deteriorated nose, pale cheeks contrasting with the sun-bleached forehead.
He looks nervously at you, waiting for your reaction. When he seems to have no answer he decides enough is enough, his eyes disappointed, like that day at Luda's shop......
He was ready to get up and go, but you stop Thomas. You cup his face and pull the sweaty hair off his forehead.
"Idiot. You had no right to hide such a beautiful face from me."
He blushes. It's the first time you've seen him so vulnerable. And he's so cute when he's embarrassed.
He plants a kiss on your hands, before remembering what he was doing earlier.
His face moves closer until it's just inches from your sodden pussy, studying with curiosity and excitement every slippery patch of pink flesh that only he has the right to look at.
Just him.
You were his from the start, you were always his. Emotion consumed his chest and soon his eager mouth was on you and he moaned at the taste. You groan at the unfamiliar sensation, all blood rushing south.
Thomas' lack of practice was made up for by his enthusiasm. His heated tongue ran up and down you slit, as if he was curious to learn but he didn't know where to start. His jagged teeth nudging you added a twinge of pleasure, his tongue briefly circled your clit and you moaned.
Thomas seemed to notice, because a moment later he began to press his tongue harder on the area, full lips closed around the bud and sucked.
"Fu-uuck". Shit, that felt so good. "T-Tho-mas, use your fingers." You moan.
He ponders. You grab Thomas's hand and hold one of his fingers against your entrance. "Like this, right here."
You guide his finger inside your tight pussy. The feel of your walls squeezing his finger made him wonder what his cock would feel like inside you.
You moaned. Damn the feel of his big finger is good enough to put your tiny little ones to shame.
Thomas began pulling his finger back and forth, testing its limits. He sucks you while pumping his finger at an increasing pace. You sigh.
Her hips shook with pleasure. Thomas put an arm across your stomach, holding you firmly in place. He gave you just one look: "be quiet".
The heat in your core only increased.
At that moment he was a starving man trying to enjoy his feast. No one would stop him, not even you.
His mouth is immediately back on your pussy, sucking wildly, as if the nectar of your arousal is nirvana on Earth.
He suckles on your pussy as if he can't get enough to drink, as if he wants to swallow you all at once, consume you whole and yet he won't get enough of you. you see stars dancing in your head as your orgasm approaches faster and faster. You cover your mouth with one hand to contain your moaning, your other hand grips his hair, the long, greasy strands between your fingers pulled hard, making Thomas moan.
With a loud moan, you come hard. Your vision turns white. You throb around Thomas's finger, convulsing as you tries to withstand the heavy orgasm that hits you.
You groan from overstimulation and try to warn Thomas.
"Thommy, not anymore. I can't." you tried to pull his head away from you.
Despite his desperate pleas, he doesn't stop. He vigorously sucks on your swollen pussy, trying to get more and more of your honey.
He adds one more finger and pumps hard. His sling circles all he can reach of your throbbing pussy.
Soon you are close to cumming again. You lifts your head back, eyes narrowed and mouth open in searing pleasure.
You come with a squirt all over Thomas's mouth, his face, his dripping hand.
He happily licks his sweet prize.
You're finished, bare skin coated in a fine sheen of sweat. And he's not even done with you yet.
He stood up and faced your boneless form. You were like a goddess under him, rosy cheeks, disheveled hair, heaving chest. It was the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
You were barely recovering and already wanted more, you pulled the waist of his pants down in weak movements, in an attempt to encourage him to take them off. Thomas got the message, and soon he was stripping off the last few pieces of clothing, freeing his heavy cock from its restraints.
you choked
His dick was thick, huge. A few veins stood out along its absurd length. The purple head drooled a drop of pre-cum. He was hard, swollen and angry.
You played. Your hand wrapped around his length. Fuck, your fingers couldn't even touch, the girth too big to fit in his fist. You had to wrap both hands around it to make up for the lack of space. Thomas moaned at your touch, thrusting his hips into your hands.
Thomas wanted to fuck you, he wanted to deflower your pussy until you screamed and screamed in pleasure, moaning his name so everyone could hear who you belonged to.
He broke away from your touch and gently pushed you so that you were left. Thomas positioned himself between your legs and brought his cock closer to your dripping slit, wetting it with his arousal.
He would tear you apart. Your flower untouched by another man, she didn't have the training or experience to bear it.
As soon as he managed to find your little orifice, you stopped him. He looked at you expectantly, eyes hazy with dark pleasure.
"Er-m Thomas I-I never d-did that I want it so bad, but I don't know if I can… you know, you're so big and and I…” You stammered quickly.
He pales. So you never… he thought that…
Were you… virgin?
He hadn't been with anyone else either, he knew sex only from Hoyt and the bullshit he spouted about the female victims that passed through the property, the filthy magazines he forced Thomas to look at. The things he saw on the internet, on a victim's cell phone that he stole and learned to use by himself.
Other than that, he had never had sexual contact with anyone. He has never been attracted to anyone but you and no one would ever feel that way for him.
Nobody wanted to touch a freak, a disfigured monster.
But you? You were beautiful in his eyes, a muse, an immaculate and perfect goddess that only the most worthy should look up to. Not him. You should have several men chasing after your attention.
But he was the one you chose, the one who would mark you and taste you first.
You were a rare creature, an innocent soul he would gladly take.
And your delicious pussy saved just for him...
His eyes darkened with desire and unbridled need. He had to hold back. You needed him to be careful.
He soothed you, cupped your chin and lifted your sheepish gaze back to him. His eyes were like a blue, black ocean, the pupil covering most of the iris. He was trying to put self control over his desire. He would be careful for you
He needed self control not to hurt you. Despite the urgency to be inside you killing it.
He looked at you fondly. A soft smile on his face.
"Don't worry"
You sighed and shook your head.
"It's okay, I trust you"
He nodded gratefully.
Thomas forced the head of his cock into your entrance, pushing in slowly, stopping occasionally to let you recover.
Gradually more than half of its length entered your pussy. He wanted to maintain control. But it was so much to bear.
Your pussy was so, so tight. He felt like he was going to come just from the feel of the resistance of your velvety walls around him.
You took gulps of air in an attempt to keep your heart rate steady. He wasn't even fully inside and you were already feeling overwhelmed, having to stretch your thighs to the fullest to support his waist circumference. As soon as you adjusted, that spark of courage appeared."
"Thomas, move please."
You didn't have to ask twice.
His languid rhythm against you allowed you to adjust to the pain, which was soon replaced by rising pleasure. He sped up. The cock deeper and deeper, until he was buried in you. Hips pressed against yours. He licked the seam of your neck and sucked on a small area that made you tingle, the pleasure of it adding more heat to your burning body.
The cream of your pussy eased the slide of his cock into your pussy. Thomas was hitting you with speed. He looked down at your face contorted with pleasure and stained with tears. His cock throbbed.
"Faster, Tommy. More, more, more". You cried deliriously.
The pace he set was brutal. You grabbed him, ankles dug into his back, hand behind his head, face buried in his neck. He fucked you mercilessly. You screamed as loud as a cheap porn star. If it weren't for the rain that was already pouring down outside, Monty would certainly have heard you.
Fat tears spilled down your heated cheeks.
He growled muffled sounds in your ear.
His moans of pleasure mingled with yours. A symphony the two of you shared in each other's ears.
"This whole time you wanted to fuck me big man, hmm?" You moaned in his ear. "Wanna ram that thick cock into my pussy until I couldn't walk?
Shit... Did you know how to talk dirty? The polite, innocent girl Luda Mae bragged about? If she heard those words coming out of your pretty little mouth…. Oh no, she would have a fit.
He moans. He would fuck you like the whore you are. You sassy, y/n.
He puts out full power. His hips were like pistons, unbridled and powerful.
You saw stars, before you felt your third orgasm approaching. He didn't stop, the sensation of your pussy chewing was too much for him. He felt like he was going to come any minute.
He put his mouth over your ear and growled.
"MINE!" Your eyes widened. You had never heard him speak, and now he was saying it. Only for you.
You felt the coil tighten. In a desperate act, you bit the crook of Thomas's neck. He moaned hard. Fuck you were going to cum all over his cock.
His thick, rumbling voice rumbled like an earthquake in his chest: "CUM, Y/N!".
With one last heated look from Thomas, you came.
Your climax hit like a train. Your eyes rolled back behind your lids, head thrown back in ecstasy.
Your orgasm ripped Thomas's. Pussy milking him fervently. Thick ropes of cum shooting inside you in absurd amounts that couldn't fit inside and overflowed with every thrust. His hips stuttered on his last thrusts. Until he landed on top of you, your forearms braced to keep from throwing all of his body weight into your smaller form.
You stayed there, enjoying each other's warmth and the pleasant post-sex haze.
Minutes passed and soon you broke the silence
He looked up. What were you apologizing for?
"I shouldn't have been so reckless, I should have said something that day at the station. I should have defended you from those idiots, but I acted like a coward."
You weren't to blame for anything, the only one who should be apologizing and begging for your forgiveness was him.
He looked at you with determination
"Not- you"he tried again
"I'm s-orry, y/n". I was mean, not you." He said with watery eyes. You rated him, did it hurt to talk? He was torturing himself just to apologize to you.
"Thomas, stop". He looked at you with regret. Sad, guilty eyes staring into yours reluctantly.
"What happened doesn't matter now, okay? You messed up, I messed up, we were two idiots fighting over something useless. The only thing I want right now is for you and me to try to get to know each other, okay. I want to touch you and be able to talk to you you without all that rancor. I want you to touch me and be closer to me, don't run away like you used to. I want to be friends before anything. I want to be your girlfriend, lover, whatever you want. If you want wants."
He considered you for a moment, his expression one of pure surprise and delight. He nodded in affirmation.
Yes, y/n! He would be everything you asked for. He didn't want to love you in secret anymore, he wanted to be able to touch your face, your hair, he wanted to wake up and find you in his bed with messy hair and sleepy eyes. He wanted to have those soft teasing moments, wanted to be able to openly watch your smile without having to watch you from a distance, wanted to sweep you in his arms and kiss you…..
Yes, yes and yes.
He wanted to make up for that pang of guilt by suffering for all the times he hurt you. He would try to compensate with every gesture of love he could give you. He would give his life for you.
You smiled and pecked all over his face, the forehead, the eyelids, the scarred cheeks, the damaged nose, and finally his mouth. He held your face in this position and stole your lips in a slow and deep kiss.
You broke away and rested your forehead against his with a happy sigh.
But then you felt the dry straw of hay prickling your back uncomfortably.
"So. How about a run home in the rain? His head shook in denial."
"Well, I was going to say that you could take a shower together when we get there, but if you don't want…"
He lifted his head and opened his eyes. You looked at him boldly.
Naughty girl.
He gave you a peck.
"Oh, so that's a yes?" He chuckled, but nodded, matching your amusement.
"I love you Thomas"
He touched your lower lip with his thumb, kissed your cheek and whispered into the shell of your ear.
"I love you too Y/N"
This is my first story, so I don't know if it will be good. Too many words here, sorry I got carried away 👉👈
Sorry for any spelling errors, I'm from another country so English is not my native language.
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shadowbrightshine · 9 months
I'm at an old closed Christmas shop. It's got a beautiful organ that's been in the shop since 1960 and it's only open for about a week of the year. Pictures and more will be at the end.
I made friends with a woman, asked them to sing happy birthday for a random stranger at request, met the Nora town cat, and more. Stories below
The town, or the town sign says population 5.
This is a tiny town seemingly that consists of only the people who live in this shop.
I think the shop itself is the town. The shop-town-place of Nora. Population 5+ the Nora cat.
And once for a week every year the shop opens and they play the organ. The building is under federal/government protection apparently. It's old and so cool.
It's beautiful. Here's a little bit of the organ playing. I'll be rebloging this with a video so it isn't hidden from me.
The man who plays the organ and owns the shop is very funny. He's been doing this yearly thing for 35 years. The shop closed down years ago. You can't buy any merchandise of the event either. Memories have to do.
And he holds this for free.
I love living in the small town area of my state. My own town is only about 10k people, but it's bigger than some.
This is a beautiful thing.
Thank you tiny towns.
I just sang the highest notes I ever have for "O Holy Night" and I didn't choke once. If I had a recording I would keep it forever because I haven't felt that proud of myself singing in a long time. This place feels like a dream.
Like the movies, when you're in a beautiful little town and surrounded by strangers but you leave as friends.
A little boy in a rainbow striped jacket spilled water all over my jacket and I just sent him to go get his mom because he also spilled it on his monkey plush that according to him has no name. I'm alright, it's fleece it doesn't really absorb water.
We ran out of chairs so families are standing by us at the snack table, I made friends with a mom whose two year old keeps kicking me and dropped his stuff on my feet. It's ok, he's just a toddler.
I gave my book of songs to the standing family. Most of the pages are falling out from years of use.
I've been using a big bell ringer and I love it.
I've never felt closer to God here with all these people singing to an old organ in the middle of nowhere, all crowded together in a tiny closed down store.
I made friends with the woman standing next to me. Her name is Kendal, and her son is 2 years old and loves tractors.
Kendal asked me to call out a request for happy birthday for a woman named Donna. I'm not sure how they were related but I loudly called out the request for her.
She told me I had a beautiful voice, and then the woman in front of us turned around and agreed! I added both to my list of kind things people have said to me.
We exchanged phone numbers. Now we're friends and she's told me we're going to exchange cat photos.
My mom in the car told me I kept good time on the bells and asked why I never went into percussion. The drums were too loud, but she said since I'll be heading to college soon, I might be able to play the bells there. I hope so. I adore Bella. I even collect them, old vintage dinner bells and normal bells and bells a ringing!
I gave what money was in my bag to the man running the event, I hope he can keep it open. I'll be wanting to come back every year I can from now on.
This is the cat, the store, the sign, and blurry pictures of some pretty Christmas lights I passed.
I love Christmas.
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thesoftboiledegg · 1 year
I went to a rural fair today. When I say "rural," I mean this fair was out in the middle of nowhere: tiny main street, fast food and dollar stores, "LET'S GO BRANDON" merchandise, MLM booths, live country music blaring over the crowd--and yet, in the middle of MAGA country, I saw a girl walking around in a Rick and Morty shirt.
Clearly, that was a sign that it was time for the
🌽 Rural Fair Roundup ✨
Despite taking place in a right-wing area, the fair had a weird culture clash. Weed has gone mainstream, and I even found some LGBT merchandise. I guess smoking a little jazz cabbage isn't a sin anymore?
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The fair had about five different booths selling tumblers with stolen artwork. I kept an eye out, and sure enough, one booth in particular had some familiar faces:
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Next, I saw a stickers booth, and I knew what that meant.
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All the classics are here: "YOUR OPINION MEANS VERY LITTLE TO ME," "I'M NOT ARGUING I'M JUST EXPLAINING WHY I'M RIGHT," Rick and Morty flipping you off.
I wanted to open the package and see all the designs so badly, but I didn't want to pay for stickers I won't use. It's all stolen from the Internet anyway.
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And I found a Loki sticker a few booths away!
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I missed the county fairs this year, but I want to go again, and maybe even visit the state fair if I'm willing to drive three hours away. County fairs are so old-fashioned that you're surprised they still exist. Livestock auctions, tractor pulls, horseback riding shows--they even still have contests for the biggest squash.
But no squash today. Instead, I went to McDonald's and got the Loki meal 🍗
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The Rick and Morty fan in me wanted to yell at the employees, jump on the counter and scream "ALLIGATOR LOKI!!!", grab sauce out of people's hands, say "Your opinion means very little to me," say "I'm not arguing, I'm explaining why I'm right," and flip people off until management throws me out...but somehow, I held back.
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sunder-the-gold · 2 years
Transformers idea: the Anti-Swindle
Swindle of the Combaticon combiner/gestalt team is the quintessential unscrupulous merchant and it makes sense that the Decepticons have someone like him, just like they have a spymaster like Soundwave.
But the Autobots have Blaster as a counterpart to Soundwave, so the Autobots should have a counterpart to Swindle.
Let’s call him Haggle.
He doesn’t need to be a member of a gestalt team, and probably shouldn’t. Because he’s not reliably sound in a medical sense. And possibly also a mental sense.
Haggle will sell you parts of his own body, if necessary to secure the resources needed by the struggling Autobot cause (or by his latest charity case having nothing to do with the Cybertronian war).
At first, it was a joke by a local despot who didn’t actually think the Autobot merchant would sell his own face. Then it became a sort of running joke in the neutral, off-world Cybertronian community, to see what sort of self-mutilation they could bargain him into. For some, the joke grew old, but others are amused to join the “I own a piece of Haggle” club.
Haggle replaces these parts, of course, but due to his self-effacing nature, he rarely affords himself replacements of equal quality to the ones he lost. He’d rather spend the profit on others. Thus his appearance has become extremely patchwork and rundown, over the years.
This causes a lot of concern among his fellow Autobots, and they also try to pressure him into taking better care of himself because they need to be able to rely on his efforts as the Aubobot quartermaster. The bot who can keep track of exactly what material resources the Autobots have on hand, knows what resources they’re going to need in the future, and can figure out where to find more.
Haggle’s other duties as quartermaster involve maintaining a commerce network within the Autobot ranks. Finding Autobots who have constructive hobbies and getting them in touch with other Autobots who would be willing to trade for their services. Ratchet and Wheeljack are thankful for the help in finding and recruiting new assistants and associates they don’t always have the time to look for themselves.
For an alternative mode, I think Haggle should transform into a truck, possibly a tractor-trailer, to better haul around his merchandise or possibly even to sell his services as a transporter.
If a tractor-trailer, he could be the same basic size as Optimus Prime, but with nowhere near the same combat strength or firepower. He might be carrying weapons in his trailer, but not reliably so, and the trailer is more specialized for transportation than even Optimus’, let alone specialized for combat like Ultra Magnus’.
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ts1989fanatic · 1 year
First on CNN: Taylor Swift’s ‘Eras’ tour could break $2 billion in North American ticket sales alone
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Taylor Swift’s era-defining “Eras” tour is flying like a jet stream, high above the music scene — by billions of dollars.
The tour could gross $2.2 billion in North American ticket sales alone, according to August survey data from research firm QuestionPro provided to CNN exclusively. That unprecedented total represents primary ticket sales for the US shows that Swift just concluded in Los Angeles, plus a second North American leg coming next year.
The estimated totals are the latest example of the incredible demand for entertainment and experiences that has helped boost the economy, and more specifically, is a staggering show of Swift’s star power and influence on local US economies.
The average price of pre-sale and first sale tickets was $455.78, and Swift has 68 shows total in North America. The survey did not take into account whether respondents bought one ticket or multiple tickets.
The average attendance per show was 72,459, accounting for closed off areas and floor seats, according to QuestionPro data.
That comes to $2.2 billion — and that would make “Eras” the highest-grossing tour ever. Elton John’s “Farewell Yellow Brick Road” tour was the previous record holder, grossing over $887 million from 2018 to 2023, according to Larry Miller, director of the music business program at New York University Steinhardt.
“We’re talking about a global pop artist who faces virtually infinite demand for those tickets,” said Miller of Swift.
“Eras” has become one of the biggest social events of the year, with concertgoers doling out thousands of dollars on tickets, outfits, transportation and travel accommodations. Concertgoers participating in a QuestionPro poll of 862 people who say they attended at least one “Eras” concert said they spent an average of $291.62 each on their outfits, $214.80 on merchandise and $131.48 for food and drinks.
‘An economic phenomenon’
“Taylor Swift’s ‘Eras’ tour is rewriting the playbook of entertainment economics,” said Chris Leyden, director of growth marketing at SeatGeek. “She’s not just a performer — she’s an economic phenomenon.”
The average resale price of an “Eras” ticket was $1,607, SeatGeek told CNN. That’s up 741% from her “Reputation” tour in 2018, during which the average resale ticket price was $191.
A representative for Swift did not respond to CNN’s requests for comment.
Swift finished her last US “Eras” show of this year in Los Angeles in August — but not without adding international tour dates, another North American leg of the tour, announcing re-recordings of her albums “1989” and “Speak Now” and releasing the latter album. She kicks off the Latin American leg of her tour later this month.
So far, the economic impact of Swift’s blockbuster tour has been wide-ranging.
Earlier this month, truckers for the tour were given $100,000 checks each, which one trucking company head called “life-changing.”
Food banks across the country in the communities where she has performed have said they received hefty donations from Swift, allowing pantries to replenish their inventories. One food bank network in Arizona said Swift’s donation allowed it to send several tractor-trailers filled with 40,000 pounds of fresh produce to its member food banks.
“Taylor Swift’s donation certainly helped at a time when we’re seeing the need climb and climb and climb,” Terri Shoemaker, a spokesperson at Arizona Food Bank Network, told CNN.
Retailers have also seen a boost from concertgoers looking for clothes that match the theme of Swift’s “eras.” Shops are marketing outfits featuring everything from sundresses and metallic boots to romantic, breezy long dresses and daring red gowns to Swifites shopping for concert looks.
Swift even earned a nod in the Federal Reserve’s Beige Book, a collection of survey responses from businesses around the country. According to one business, “May was the strongest month for hotel revenue in Philadelphia since the onset of the pandemic, in large part due to an influx of guests for the Taylor Swift concerts in the city,” Fed officials wrote.
Swift kicked off the highly-anticipated “Eras” — her first tour since her “Reputation” stadium tour in 2018 — in March. The show features an expansive, roughly three-hour long set list that spans 14 years of her career.
The Ticketmaster meltdown
Hell was the journey for Swifties who sought tickets, though it brought those who secured them heaven. The heavy demand snarled Ticketmaster’s website last November, when pre-sale tickets first went live, leaving some verified fans locked out even with access codes. That spurred some Swifties to file a lawsuit against Ticketmaster and lawmakers to grill a top executive from parent-company Live Nation Entertainment during a three-hour hearing.
Ticketmaster did not respond to CNN’s requests for comment.
Fans who couldn’t secure tickets weren’t deterred from heading to concert venue parking lots to listen from there, according to data analytics platform Placer.ai.
During the three nights of the tour’s stop in Nashville, Tennessee, about 33% of the Nissan Stadium’s total crowd during the concerts stood outside the venue in parking lots to tailgate. Groups also gathered at stops in Philadelphia and Arlington, Texas.
“We’ve never seen anything like this,” said Ethan Chernofsky, senior vice president of marketing at Placer.ai, noting that the phenomenon is reminiscent of die-hard sports fans tailgating outside stadiums. “That’s just not concert behavior.”
Swift’s tour is slated to conclude in late 2024, provided she doesn’t extend the tour yet again. Miller says that while it’s tough to imagine another musical artist beating her “Eras” record, it’s not impossible to see Swift topping it herself.
“When it comes to Taylor, I’ve learned to never say never,” he said.
ts1989fanatic holy shit potentially 2.2 BILLION just from North America, what the fuck does it look like when you add in the rest of the International dates.
She’s setting the bar so high others are going to need jet packs to clear it.
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cars-au · 2 years
No more John Madden! No more aeiou. No more ?!?!?!?!. No more of all the ebrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbrbr that it fuels. Meandering through the 999999999 of burnt out excess. Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu and mark! hair, foraging through nostalgic snake! snake? SNAAAAAAKEEEEEE, a lumbering 999999999999, void of holla holla get $. aeiou. aeiou. aeiou. The rest had been John Madden!
No more Cars! No more Lightning Mcqueen. No more Tow Mater. No more of all the merchandising that it fuels. Meandering through the racetracks of burnt out vehicles. Planes and bug cars, foraging through nostalgic DVDs, a lumbering tractor, void of pistachio ice cream. Kachow. Kachow. Kachow. The rest had been Piston Cup.
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zoomlift · 16 days
Why Invest in an Agricultural Tractor in Dubai?
For together small and large-scale farming enterprises, buying an agricultural tractor in Dubai has several compensations. Modern tractors increase productivity by mechanizing labor-intensive processes like planting, harvesting, and plowing, which is helpful for Dubai's fast expanding agricultural sector. In addition, a tractor lowers the need for human labor, which consequences in lower costs and higher output. Tractors are an invaluable instrument for cumulative production and guaranteeing long-term sustainability since of their sophisticated features, which include GPS and precision farming equipment that further enhance crop management.
Using Electric Forklifts in Dubai to Increase Productivity
Electric forklifts are now vital for effective material handling in Dubai's fast-paced industrial sector. Trades that value cost-effectiveness and sustainability must have this equipment. In addition to being less damaging to the environment, electric forklifts are more reasonable to operate than their conservative fuel-powered counterparts are. These forklifts deliver reliable performance though transporting goods inside warehouses, construction sites, and distribution centers—vital in a city like Dubai where competence is paramount. Electric Forklift in Dubai are the best option for interior and urban settings due to their compact design and reduced noise pollution.
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Lifting Materials in Dubai: The Appropriate Tools for the Task
Possessing the appropriate tools is essential while lifting goods in Dubai. To handle big loads and guarantee the safe transportation of goods, the region's construction and logistics sectors need sturdy and dependable equipment. These jobs are a good fit for electric forklifts because of their sophisticated characteristics. Their swift and effective lifting and material-moving abilities minimize downtime and boost output. Electric forklifts are a useful tool for companies trying to improve efficiency, whether they are used for industrial supplies, building materials, or pallets of merchandise.
Heavy Machinery in Dubai: An Essential Resource for Industry and Construction
In Dubai, the growth of the industrial and infrastructural sectors depends heavily on heavy machinery. From material transportation to earthmoving, these machines are built to do even the most taxing jobs. The obtainability of dependable Heavy Equipment Dubai is essential to behind the growth and development momentum in a city famous for its ambitious construction projects. Purchasing heavy machinery is a intelligent strategic move that can have a big long-term impact for companies in the industrial, construction, or logistics sectors.
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Flexible Machines in Dubai: Fulfilling Various Sector Requirements
Beyond logistics and construction, Dubai has a broad need for adaptable machinery. Modern machinery is also essential to the efficiency and productivity of sectors including industry, agriculture, and transportation. Having the appropriate equipment is essential for preserving competitiveness in various industries, from CNC machines to automated manufacturing lines. Dubai's varied economy need a broad variety of machines that can adjust to various uses, guaranteeing that companies can satisfy their particular needs without sacrificing quality.
Using Agricultural Tractor Dubai to Increase Farming Productivity
Modern farming methods and increased crop yields in Dubai need the use of agricultural tractors. Having the appropriate equipment can make a big difference in an area where agricultural is difficult because of the severe climate. Farmers can carry out operations like planting, harvesting, and plowing more effectively thanks to tractors fitted with cutting-edge technology. In addition to saving time, this lowers labor expenses and raises farming operations' total output. The agricultural growth of the region is facilitated by these machines, which also help to maximize land utilization and guarantee continuous production.
0 notes
miss-sapphicana · 21 days
First on CNN: Taylor Swift’s Eras tour could become the highest grossing tour of all time
Posted August 17, 2023 - CNN
New York (CNN Business) — Taylor Swift’s era-defining “Eras” tour is flying like a jet stream, high above the music scene — by billions of dollars.
The tour could gross $2.2 billion in North American ticket sales alone, according to August survey data from research firm QuestionPro provided to CNN exclusively. That unprecedented total represents primary ticket sales for the US shows that Swift just concluded in Los Angeles, plus a second North American leg coming next year.
The estimated totals are the latest example of the incredible demand for entertainment and experiences that has helped boost the economy, and more specifically, is a staggering show of Swift’s star power and influence on local US economies.
The average price of pre-sale and first sale tickets was $455.78, and Swift has 68 shows total in North America. The survey did not take into account whether respondents bought one ticket or multiple tickets.
The average attendance per show was 72,459, accounting for closed off areas and floor seats, according to QuestionPro data.
That comes to $2.2 billion — and that would make “Eras” the highest-grossing tour ever. Elton John’s “Farewell Yellow Brick Road” tour was the previous record holder, grossing over $887 million from 2018 to 2023, according to Larry Miller, director of the music business program at New York University Steinhardt.
“We’re talking about a global pop artist who faces virtually infinite demand for those tickets,” said Miller of Swift.
“Eras” has become one of the biggest social events of the year, with concertgoers doling out thousands of dollars on tickets, outfits, transportation and travel accommodations. Concertgoers participating in a QuestionPro poll of 862 people who say they attended at least one “Eras” concert said they spent an average of $291.62 each on their outfits, $214.80 on merchandise and $131.48 for food and drinks.
‘An economic phenomenon’
“Taylor Swift’s ‘Eras’ tour is rewriting the playbook of entertainment economics,” said Chris Leyden, director of growth marketing at SeatGeek. “She’s not just a performer — she’s an economic phenomenon.”
The average resale price of an “Eras” ticket was $1,607, SeatGeek told CNN. That’s up 741% from her “Reputation” tour in 2018, during which the average resale ticket price was $191.
A representative for Swift did not respond to CNN’s requests for comment.
Swift finished her last US “Eras” show of this year in Los Angeles in August — but not without adding international tour dates, another North American leg of the tour, announcing re-recordings of her albums “1989” and “Speak Now” and releasing the latter album. She kicks off the Latin American leg of her tour later this month.
So far, the economic impact of Swift’s blockbuster tour has been wide-ranging.
Earlier this month, truckers for the tour were given $100,000 checks each, which one trucking company head called “life-changing.”
Food banks across the country in the communities where she has performed have said they received hefty donations from Swift, allowing pantries to replenish their inventories. One food bank network in Arizona said Swift’s donation allowed it to send several tractor-trailers filled with 40,000 pounds of fresh produce to its member food banks.
“Taylor Swift’s donation certainly helped at a time when we’re seeing the need climb and climb and climb,” Terri Shoemaker, a spokesperson at Arizona Food Bank Network, told CNN.
Retailers have also seen a boost from concertgoers looking for clothes that match the theme of Swift’s “eras.” Shops are marketing outfits featuring everything from sundresses and metallic boots to romantic, breezy long dresses and daring red gowns to Swifites shopping for concert looks.
Swift even earned a nod in the Federal Reserve’s Beige Book, a collection of survey responses from businesses around the country. According to one business, “May was the strongest month for hotel revenue in Philadelphia since the onset of the pandemic, in large part due to an influx of guests for the Taylor Swift concerts in the city,” Fed officials wrote.
Swift kicked off the highly-anticipated “Eras” — her first tour since her “Reputation” stadium tour in 2018 — in March. The show features an expansive, roughly three-hour long set list that spans 14 years of her career.
The Ticketmaster meltdown
Hell was the journey for Swifties who sought tickets, though it brought those who secured them heaven. The heavy demand snarled Ticketmaster’s website last November, when pre-sale tickets first went live, leaving some verified fans locked out even with access codes. That spurred some Swifties to file a lawsuit against Ticketmaster and lawmakers to grill a top executive from parent-company Live Nation Entertainment during a three-hour hearing.
Ticketmaster did not respond to CNN’s requests for comment.
Fans who couldn’t secure tickets weren’t deterred from heading to concert venue parking lots to listen from there, according to data analytics platform Placer.ai.
During the three nights of the tour’s stop in Nashville, Tennessee, about 33% of the Nissan Stadium’s total crowd during the concerts stood outside the venue in parking lots to tailgate. Groups also gathered at stops in Philadelphia and Arlington, Texas.
“We’ve never seen anything like this,” said Ethan Chernofsky, senior vice president of marketing at Placer.ai, noting that the phenomenon is reminiscent of die-hard sports fans tailgating outside stadiums. “That’s just not concert behavior.”
Swift’s tour is slated to conclude in late 2024, provided she doesn’t extend the tour yet again. Miller says that while it’s tough to imagine another musical artist beating her “Eras” record, it’s not impossible to see Swift topping it herself.
“When it comes to Taylor, I’ve learned to never say never,” he said.
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sociomi · 2 months
Tips & Tricks to Buy a Tractor
Purchasing a tractor is certainly not an ordinary choice for any rancher. A choice incredibly impacts cultivating effectiveness, efficiency, and productivity. With such countless brands and models accessible, picking the right tractor can overpower. Indo Ranch, perceived as one of India's best tractor organizations, comprehends the intricacies engaged with this choice. Here are the main five hints and deceives to direct you through purchasing a tractor in India, guaranteeing you settle on a very much educated and gainful decision.
Survey Your Cultivating Needs
The initial step to purchasing a tractor is appropriately investigating your cultivating needs. All that will rely upon the size of your homestead, the sort of harvests you develop, and the errands you believe the tractor should perform.
Ranch Size: For the most part, little homesteads can deal with tractors of more modest strength, like 20-30 HP. Bigger homesteads might require tractors of no less than 50-70 HP to proficiently perform extensive tasks.
Crop Type: Various harvests have changed necessities. For example, paddy fields might require more force for crashing through wet soil, while plantations could require smaller tractors for simple mobility.
Assignments: Decide the fundamental undertakings the tractor will perform — furrowing, plowing, planting, reaping, or moving merchandise. A few tractors can convey various connections, while others are worked for explicit tasks.
Indo Ranch offers a great many tractors custom-made to different cultivating purposes. By understanding your requirements obviously, you can pick a model that best accommodates your functional requests. Check out tractor blog.
Strength and Motor Limit
Torque and motor limit are basic elements deciding a tractor's exhibition, eco-friendliness, and efficiency.
Pull: Tractors are sectioned in light of strength. Low HP (20-30 HP) tractors are reasonable for cutting and light furrowing. Medium HP (30-50 HP) tractors handle weighty furrowing, plowing, and transportation. High HP tractors are utilized for enormous scope cultivating activities and can uphold various carries out.
Motor Limit: Communicated in cubic centimeters, motor limit directs the power result and effectiveness of the tractor. Higher motor limit implies more power, in spite of the fact that it somewhat increments fuel utilization. Balance the requirement for power and efficiency.
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creativeusart-svg · 5 months
Great Farmer Mom Gift Tractor Farm Mom Arable Farming SVG PNG Digital Cutting Files
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taylorswiftinfluence · 10 months
Economic Impact
The Eras Tour had a projected gross of $2.2 billion in North American ticket sales alone, and hundreds of millions of streams, reaching about an 80% spike in those listening to her music in the weeks after the tour started.
Over the summer, Taylor gave truckers for the tour $100,000 bonus checks each, which Michael Scherkenbach, trucking company CEO, called “life-changing."
Food banks across the country in the communities where she has performed have said they received hefty donations from Swift. One food bank network in Arizona said Swift’s donation allowed it to send several tractor-trailers filled with 40,000 pounds of fresh produce to its member food banks.
Retailers have also seen a boost from concertgoers looking for clothes that match the theme of Swift’s “eras.” Shops are marketing outfits featuring everything that may resemble Taylor Swift in any way possible.
Federal Reserve officials noted that for some businesses, “May was the strongest month for hotel revenue in Philadelphia since the onset of the pandemic, in large part due to an influx of guests for the Taylor Swift concerts in the city,” 
Analysts estimate that the Eras Tour will likely surpass the $1 Billion mark while Swift is touring internationally. If this turns out to be true, she will achieve the milestone of the biggest tour in music history, surpassing Elton John’s multi-year farewell tour, which holds the current record of $939 million.
The Eras Tour is projected to generate close to $5 billion in consumer spending in the United States alone. Dan Fleetwood, President of QuestionPro Research and Insights, stated that,
“If Taylor Swift were an economy, she’d be bigger than 50 countries."
On the opening night in Glendale, Ariz., the concert brought in more revenue for local businesses than Super Bowl LVII, which was held in February in the same stadium. To use that as a comparison, Swift has been performing the equivalent of two to three Super Bowls every weekend for the past five months.
Typically, every $100 spent on live performances generates an estimated $300 in local spending on things like hotels, food and transportation. But for the Eras Tour, Swifties are dropping an estimated $1,300-$1,500 on things like outfits and costumes, merchandise, dining, and travel. This has boosted local economies by hundreds of millions of dollars in one weekend.
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rebrebarandsteel · 10 months
The Most Effective Tractor Tools
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We have the most effective tractor products and this is robust and versatile farm tractor merchandise that can help farmers nurture optimum crop yields year after year. If you want tractor merchandise that may do hundreds of jobs, this could be the selection for you. Now let’s explore a few of the greatest farm tractor models produced by highlighting their distinctive options and performance capabilities. Whether you’re a small-scale farmer or managing giant fields, these farm tractors are designed to supply exceptional efficiency, effectiveness, and luxury. Farm tractors can often be fitted with equipment corresponding to tillers, back blades, and snow blowers – farm tractor
With the possibility to add attachments that can help with more industrial tasks corresponding to trenching, dozing, and breaking, the utility tractor is taken into account the jack-of-all-trades of farming tractors. Utility tractors are maybe the most common sort of agricultural tractor. They are relatively small in size in comparison with some of the different tractors on this listing. Still, they're a popular selection amongst farmers due to their wide service.  
For those who work within the farming business, tractors are half of everyday life. Whether they're used for cultivating soil, managing livestock, or hauling other heavy machinery, these tractors can be used to execute any of those duties with ease. Farm tractor products are the mechanical gear that is used to satisfy the agricultural wants of all - rebar
The major distinction between garden and backyard tractors is that farm tractors are predominately used for chopping grass, whereas farm tractors can cut and complete numerous other tasks. Designed for use with performance in mind, these tractors have a special construct in comparability with most tractors. For more information, please visit our website https://www.rebrebarandsteel.com/
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cheryindustrialstore · 11 months
The Versatility of the 9ft Small Cubic Shipping Container
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Shipping containers, once confined to the realm of global logistics, have found new life in various industries and applications. The 9ft Small Cubic Shipping Container, a compact and highly adaptable cousin of the standard container, is at the forefront of this transformation. In this blog, we'll delve into the functions and locations where the 9ft Small Cubic Shipping Container shines, showcasing its versatility and innovative use cases.
The 9ft Small Cubic Shipping Container: A Compact Powerhouse
Before we explore its applications, let's get acquainted with the 9ft Small Cubic Shipping Container's specifications:
Dimensions: At 9 feet in length, this container is significantly more compact than its larger counterparts, making it an ideal choice for limited-space situations.
Cubic Design: The container's cubic design maximizes interior space, ensuring that every inch counts.
Durability: Built from high-quality steel, these containers are robust, weather-resistant, and designed to withstand the rigors of transportation.
Customizable: Their compact size allows for easy customization, making them ideal for a wide range of uses.
Now, let's explore the diverse range of functions and locations where the 9ft Small Cubic Shipping Container proves its mettle.
**1. Portable Storage Solutions:
One of the most common applications for the 9ft Small Cubic Shipping Container is as a portable storage solution. These containers are perfect for:
Construction Sites: Storing tools, equipment, and materials in a secure and weatherproof environment.
Retail Businesses: Managing excess inventory, seasonal items, and display materials.
Home Renovations: Safely storing furniture and belongings during remodeling.
**2. Micro-Retail Outlets:
Their compact size makes these containers a viable option for micro-retail outlets. Entrepreneurs can convert them into:
Pop-Up Shops: Showcasing products in high-traffic areas like city centers or festivals.
Cafés and Kiosks: Serving coffee, snacks, or merchandise at outdoor events.
Ticket Booths: Selling event tickets or merchandise at sporting events, concerts, and more.
**3. Innovative Food and Beverage Spaces:
The 9ft Small Cubic Shipping Container's adaptability shines in the food and beverage industry:
Food Trucks: Converted containers serve as mobile kitchens for street food vendors.
Coffee Stands: Perfect for setting up compact coffee shops in urban environments.
Microbreweries: Creating intimate spaces for craft brewing.
**4. Secure Document Storage:
For businesses in need of secure and climate-controlled document storage, these containers offer a cost-effective solution. They are ideal for:
Medical Records: Safeguarding patient records in healthcare facilities.
Legal Firms: Storing sensitive legal documents and archives.
Government Offices: Protecting vital records and historical documents.
**5. Compact Living Spaces:
With creative design and thoughtful planning, these containers can be converted into comfortable living spaces for:
Tiny Homes: Offering an eco-friendly and minimalist lifestyle.
Student Housing: Providing affordable housing options on college campuses.
Remote Accommodations: Serving as off-grid cabins in natural or remote settings.
**6. Agricultural Storage:
In the agricultural sector, the 9ft Small Cubic Shipping Container proves its worth by:
Storing Farm Equipment: Safeguarding tractors, tools, and supplies.
Crop Storage: Protecting grains, seeds, and feed from pests and weather.
Livestock Shelter: Creating compact shelters for animals or poultry.
**7. Artistic Installations:
Artists and creative minds can transform these containers into unique installations:
Art Galleries: Showcasing artwork in a controlled environment.
Public Art Spaces: Creating interactive exhibits in urban settings.
Performance Stages: Hosting small-scale performances and events.
**8. Mobile Workspaces:
These containers serve as mobile workspaces for various professions, including:
Construction Office: Providing a secure and on-site workspace for contractors.
Mobile Labs: Accommodating research and scientific fieldwork.
Vendor Booths: Offering vendors a secure and weatherproof selling space at fairs and markets.
**9. Emergency Response Units:
Their durability and mobility make them suitable for emergency response:
Medical Clinics: Providing medical care in disaster-stricken areas.
Mobile Offices: Setting up temporary command centers during emergencies.
Equipment Storage: Storing emergency supplies and equipment.
In conclusion, the 9ft Small Cubic Shipping Container is a versatile and innovative solution that adapts to a wide range of functions and locations. Whether it's serving as portable storage, a micro-retail outlet, a compact living space, or a mobile workspace, these containers are transforming the way we think about space utilization. Their adaptability, durability, and customizable features open the door to a world of possibilities in various industries and creative endeavors.
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aslaymavens · 1 year
Understanding American Agriculture: Locating IH Tractor Parts Online
International Harvester (IH) tractors have long been part of American agriculture history. RedRunRite serves as an online marketplace where IH parts can be easily acquired for purchase, making this digital age age even easier!
IH is at the Heart of American Farming
IH tractors evoke nostalgia across America and serve as testament to an era when robustness and reliability were valued highly. But like any machinery, these beloved beasts of old are subject to wear-and-tear; to ensure these metal titans continue purring across American fields they require genuine IH tractor parts replacement to keep functioning optimally.
The Digital Marketplace as an Alternative Source for IH Enthusiasts
Brick-and-mortar stores once played an essential role in IH parts ecosystem. But since its introduction, digital commerce has transformed this landscape and one no longer needs to go store to store searching for that hard-to-find part; with platforms like RedRunRite providing virtual repositories of IH related merchandise.
RedRunRite offers an incredible variety of IH parts. Ranging from bolts and washers to larger components, every component imaginable has been catalogued for your viewing pleasure - an absolute feast for IH enthusiasts!
Online Purchasing Advantages of IH Parts Online
1. Convenience: Gone are the days of laboriously flipping through catalogs or haggling with store clerks for your shopping needs; today's digital marketplace provides an easy shopping experience.
2. Variety: With limited space restrictions at traditional stores, virtual stores often boast an expansive inventory.
3. Competitive Pricing: Due to reduced overhead costs associated with physical outlets, virtual ones often provide more favourable pricing for customers.
Ensuring Authenticity in a Digital Era
However, online shopping does require due diligence as counterfeit products may pose as genuine IH parts in the marketplace. Therefore, one should opt for reliable platforms, like RedRunRite that have proven themselves capable of providing genuine IH tractor parts.
IH Supports the American Dream
As waves of grain sway to the musicality of IH tractors, one is reminded of their iconic status within American agriculture. Maintaining these machines using genuine parts is not simply maintenance - it is an act of respect to an era, quality assurance and American promise!
At RedRunRite, modern farmers or IH enthusiasts are fortunate enough to benefit from online platforms that bridge the gap between needs and solutions. As we advance further into this digital era, RedRunRite plays an integral part in upholding International Harvester's legacy as one of America's defining agricultural brands.
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