#trader joe's peach wine
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Yesterday I had an edit most of the day while Kimmer dealt with our stuff at the house. As in arranging furniture. As in putting everything where it needs to go. As in taking things to storage. As in donating stuff to Value Village.
She was gonna come down to the apartment in the morning... but had quite enough to do.
As for me, this was my almost first commute day to work. This time, Kimmer drove me to about a block from the Transit Center. It was around ten and, because of construction, traffic was pretty jugged up right there.
No worries, though. I walked the remaining block or so, found my stop, waited fifteen minutes and was on my way. Halfway through, I'm off the bus, up the escalator, onto the light rail and BAM. The light rail takes off moments after I take a seat. Near as I can tell, the bus/light rail combo gets me from Lynnwood to the U-district in a little over half an hour.
After the day's edit, four thirty in the afternoon I'm walking down to Hec Ed. Twenty minutes later I'm on Cap Hill for one last walkabout.
One last walkabout?
Sure. You see, when we first moved to Cap Hill, I took all kinds of routes to the light rail station. And each of those routes brought me across all kinds of scenes. So along the way, each time I walked a different path, I'd take photos of whatever caught my eye. That's not super different, of course, from any other day of my life... it's just that there's a lot of uniqueness that abounds on the hill. Especially when you're really looking.
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Tiny figurines placed in a flower bed. Stickers slapped onto the backs of traffic signs. Tucked away corners of life. Architecture. Flowers. Hidden pathways. Statuary. A particular creative vibe that's different. And everywhere. And it seemed a lovely bookend to take one more walk, hit all the highlights of my memory, as it were. I think I spent maybe an hour criss-crossing the neighborhoods between the light rail station and the apartment.
By the time I landed back at the apartment, it was around six in the evening. Also around the time Linzy showed up to do her cleaning magic. And while she was doing that, I got on the phone with Xfinity to untangle some pretty tangled questions. They did very well, by the way. 😊
After that, Linzy 'n I started loading all the small, awkward items Kimmer'd previously lined up in the apartment... out of the apartment, to the elevator, out the elevator, to the minivan, about half the time one at a time.
Because they were small but awkward.
By 'n by, Kimmer joins us with some peach wine and we toast a bunch, and we hang out a bunch and, before Linzy's on her way for the last time, she takes our final family photograph in our apartment, on the glass enclosed balcony with the city behind us.
The rest of the night's more moving of small, awkward stuff, then boxes, and then at some point the super got the building's cart out for us which made the whole endeavor so much easier and faster. Right now there's a couple other's moving out of the building and one of them hit me up for a heads up when we're done with the cart. That never came to pass, though. Before we were close to done for the night, they managed their furniture and stuff out of their place using a kid's wagon. A pretty big and sturdy one. The wagon... not the kid. 😉
Toward the end of the night, we had a futon mattress to load over the top of everything else we loaded into the minivan. It was a completely awkward exercise that's probably best they don't make couples do as proof of their compatibility. At the end of the day. Without a substantial meal in the past six hours.
We did get it all done, though.
By about quarter to midnight.
And when we got to the house coming up on 12:30AM Wednesday morning... we were like NOPE. We'll just leave everything in the cars and go to bed.
Which. We. Did.
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thebreakfastgenie · 3 months
omg wait what brand of peach wine I’m lowkey a connoisseur of cheap fruit wines
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love, olivia it was like 5 or 6 bucks at trader joe's
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i went to trader joes to get my favorite peach wine and other wines and snacks to stock up but i am nearly half way through the bottle and you know what being single is actually great bc i get to spend money on things i like and books i like and not a stinky boys opinions on things
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leafcabbage · 2 years
no really if you are 21+ and have access to trader joes i do recommend their love olivia peach white wine (if you like white wines). its 3.99 and if you drink a whole bottle in one sitting you can get pretty damn drunk.
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sitpwgs · 10 months
Hi! I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving. Did you do anything? We usually don't so it's mostly just chill but we still ate plenty of food. I cannot cook at all though haha. Oh no! I'm sorry you're so sick again. I have been pretty lucky in that way that I haven't been that sick in a while and haven't had to see a doctor or anything. I can relate to that a little but actually I'm more likely to brush any sickness or pain off so idk. I figured you did not have any siblings since you probably would have mentioned it but thought I would ask. I don't think I've ever heard of peach pie wine but it sounds like it could be good and it does fit the season. I ate pumpkin pie today lol. I've never really been to Trader Joe's either. I'm not a big drinker either but I did get Trulys to drink for the weekend but that's mostly all I will drink usually.
Oh okay I guess I was right but that must have been pretty hard to make friends. I always had my sister but it was still pretty hard so I can't imagine that. and yay I still love the video so much and used to watch it all the time. For me, I actually didn't get into all her stuff right away..I never bought her album until Fearless and didn't know which songs were released or unreleased until later. My friend at the time got me more into her and I remember asking her about permanent marker or I heart ? And she had no idea what I was talking about lol. I think I had heard Our Song and Should've said No and Invisible at the time but I wasn't that familiar with the debut album until it was put on streaming..and my sister barely knows it at all. That's another reason I'm excited for the rerecording and I usually never listen to the full album either. I'm familiar with some unreleased songs so I'm curious to see the vault. Like I had already heard We Were Happy and You all over Me and probably Bye Bye Baby before they were on Fearless. But the only ones I know really well are Dark Blue Tennessee, I'd Lie, Permanent Marker, I Heart, I've heard others like South of knowing Why, Diary of Me, Sweet Tea, close to a cowboy Welcome Distraction, This is really happening, and probably more, but I'm not as familiar with those anymore. I wondered if her and Hayley would sing Castles Crumbling at every show too like with Nothing New so I guess we will see. I will share my top songs when the time comes and usually Spotify wrapped helps with that but I like to pick too cuz sometimes I'm not always streaming certain stuff. I'm sorry you couldn't make your concerts..that's such a bummer. I think my favorite Del Water Gap song was Glitter and Honey or All we ever do is talk I think. What about you? I hope you enjoy Cannons or Bad Suns if you get a chance to listen. I loved their last albums so much but need more time with their newer albums.
That makes sense and I know most people are like that but I'm just more of a maybe person and things come up sometimes so I can never be that sure about things, but it also leads to me missing things. I hope you have fun if you plan it. So I saw a clip of Jordan Fisher's Orpheus singing Wait For Me and he sounds so good! What did you think of it? I didn't have a chance to watch any musical parade performances yet but will later.
I will probably see the movie this weekend so I will give you a review then..but I will be interested in your opinion of the book. Some people really don't like it or found it pointless but I think I'm just kinda in the middle and I think the movie will help. Ya for me..I think I will be too busy to focus on any reading for next month. Then I'm working on making some reading goals for next year. Some of that includes continuing the books from the reading challenge that were already on my list. But I'm trying this new thing in the new year where I try to read two books a month as a pair..one that I wanna read and one from my shelf. One example is the night circus and maybe the Starless Sea if I could find it, People We Meet on Vacation and another Emily Henry book..or hopefully read them all. The two twins books I've been talking about for a while..lol. Finishing Business or Pleasure and probably another one of her adult romances..just a few examples. I also wanna finish Daisy Jones and the show finally..maybe with Evelyn Hugo..idk. I also realized that I have the book One Day on my shelf and after I thought about it..it seems pretty similar to Tomorrow Tomorrow Tomorrow so I think it will be a pair, but I'll save it for whenever you wanna come back to it. I have to think about it more though cuz I do have a lot of random books on my shelf. Sorry if this is confusing haha but I think it could motivate me to read more.
I got a new vinyl record player but haven't used it yet lol. Like I said, I don't really play it but I'm hoping that could change in the new year too lol. I think I've played
So you agree that she will focus on the rerecording and not new music then right? I think that's just what makes sense to me. I love the surprise songs pairs but Me and So it Goes didn't really go together lol. Ya I already know Maisie and Taylor are going to be in my top songs and albums lol. Anyway I forgot there is a show tonight so I will just randomly guess surprise songs now. I guess I wasn't that off last time. Maybe I will guess 3 choices cuz there's 3 shows but these are just completely random. The Way I loved you and Closure, Say Don't Go and Forever Winter, and Glitch and Afterglow. This will probably be way off haha. Oh yay that will be nice for you if that happens again..so hopefully it comes true. It's so far away though haha. Omg yes..that is totally us!!! But we are also pretty similar most of the time too and I guess me and you are too. I hope you have a nice weekend and don't worry about replying if you're trying to get better! 🩷
we had a few people over for thanksgiving! thanksgiving at my house was brought to you by a text to speech app, since i still don't have a voice 😵‍💫. i am also terrible at cooking, but i love love love baking! i'm trying to cook more and be a little more adventurous though, definitely a 2024 goal for sure! i just really love how baking seems to be more exact? and cooking is a little more vibey and there's some wiggle room. so i struggle a bit with that! and i just find it very intimidating; a lot of my family (esp. extended family) are very very good at cooking, and well! starting from very basics while everyone else is incredibly good is hard, but that's also the only way you get better!
today is actually my sixth day without a voice which is very, very frustrating and just annoying and i am very much being a baby about the whole thing! i am just tired of constantly being sick, and i'm sure everyone in my life is also tired of hearing about it. but i'm trying to find some humor in the situation! are you a pumpkin pie fan? i'm more of an apple pie girlie — but my preference is actually apple crumble! i used to work right around the corner from a trader joe's, and i live about ~ 15 minutes from a trader joes now (probably the closest grocery store to me that's not safeway)! they have some really good snacks (i loveee their olive oil popcorn; haven't had it in a while but i used to buy bags of it and put them in my work cubicle and have ~ popcorn parties ~ with my coworkers on fridays.) i had a truly once (this year! back in january! at my first kraken game!) and it was fun! but yeah, not a huge drinker over here!
omg i have a huge list of debut vault tracks i want — your face, your anything, you don't have to call me, sweet tea & god's graces, r-e-v-e-n-g-e, smokey black nights, lucky you, what to wear, i'd lie, this is really happening, dark blue tennessee, i heart?, etc! i'm still holding out hope for battle (i'm delusional) and need! i wonder if she'll rerecord beautiful eyes, or if she'll put it on debut tv — and i also wonder if she'll rerecord the holiday album too!
i really love all we ever do is talk too, it's probably my favorite from the new dwg album! i haven't listened to it as much lately, so i'll have to do a relisten! been listening to a lot of the japanese house (and wallowing because i'm quite bummed about missing the concert) this week but i think i'm going to listen to i miss you already + i haven't left yet tonight while i try to read once i finish my audiobook!
i really liked his wait for me, and also his if it's true! i haven't seen a full audio yet, but i saw some clips on tiktok and liked what i heard! i'm curious to see how he'll sound as he settles into his role more! i heard some rumors about a new eurydice stunt cast too, which i don't know how i feel about! i haven't seen any musical parade performances either, but i did finally watch the dwts taylor performances on youtube the other night! have you seen them yet? what are your thoughts?
what other reading goals do you have? i haven't even begun to think about 2024 reads yet, or even my 2024 anticipated releases, but i want to do that! i went into 2023 with "23 books i want to read this year" and i really don't think i made much progress there, so i'll have to revisit/revise that list for next year! you could always do the new emily henry too — funny story! and not confusing at all, all in favor for anything that'll motivate you to read more 🤍
what does your new vinyl player look like? i love talking about vinyls! i'm thinking about maybe buying another vinyl tomorrow — i don't need this one but the design is really pretty, but it's a "surplus sunday" limited sale, so it's really just ... up to fate/luck/etc i think!
and yes, i do think she'll focus on rerecordings first, but i think she's making steady progress with TS11! maisie and taylor are definitely in my top listened to artists!! i've been following along with my apple music replay stats all year, and also airbuds widget stats so that's been very fun! i realized that i've seen all of my top 5 most listened to artists this year live (this year!) which was really cool! i was sure she was going to sing say don't go this weekend, but she sang SAFE AND SOUND AND UNTOUCHABLE INSTEAD??? which was wild to me! it sounded so good!
i hope you have a good weekend! and that you had fun at the movies — can't wait to hear your thoughts! 🤍 hope you're doin well and that you have a gooood week ahead!
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bbyannabeth · 2 years
'cha drinkin?
wine from trader joe’s🫶🏻 i had a grapefruit one, and now i’m on to a peach one😌
ask me thingssss
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damarisbailey · 3 years
location. damaris’ apartment feat. @ellexreynolds​
In truth, this hangout was a long time coming. It seemed like being an adult was just exchanging back and forths of “We should hang out” “Oh yeah we totally should” and then putting it off over and over again because of life. Damaris didn’t understand how parents made time for their kids’ playdates. But it was finally happening! Perhaps Elle and Damaris would be more than just sort of friends. They’d never had a negative interaction but they didn’t quite cross the line into closer friends territory.
Damaris had set out a mini cheese board with four cheeses instead of her extravagant number for party events. Each little cheese staked with a marker that said what kind of cheese it was. On the coffee table were two glasses of wine, one Peach Stella Rosa, and one bottle of Pinot Noir from Trader Joes that was probably equally as inexpensive, but still good. In their own small tumblers were pretzel sticks, baby pickles, and Kalamata olives. No popcorn had been made yet because who wanted room temperature popcorn when watching a show? No, the better host move was to wait until Elle expressed wanting some.
Underneath the table was an organizational container with plenty of different colored nail polishes, cotton pads, q-tips, emory boards, and acetone. Two hydrating sheet face-masks leaned against the carrier. 
The woman, dressed in comfortable athletic wear that was only really used for lounging about the house, had already queued the show up and was waiting patiently on her futon for the knock at the door that had come just in time. She hopped up excitedly and opened the door with a wide smile on her face. 
“Hi! Come in! Make yourself comfortable, please! Do you want anything to drink? Tea, water, wine?” 
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girlrry · 3 years
i always yawn when ppl make “best wine at trader joe’s” lists. it’s literally the peach bellini that’s all u need
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helnjk · 3 years
cym as DRINKS
emily i hope you’ve been drinking water and putting food in ur stomach thanks <3 
you’re a wine cooler 
@animageus - box wine
@ch0colatefr0gs - wine with ice cubes in it 
@lumos-barnes - this 1 specific peach moscato from trader joe’s 
@weelittleweasley - gin and tonic
@harpyloon - bombay sapphire 🤠
join my sleepover!
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wheelsup · 3 years
hi ri before i turned 21 i remember i asked you what some good drinks are and i’m here to tell you that sangria is my favorite
sangria is a fun choice, i love red wine and i love fruit ♥️it’s the perfect summer drink too so that’s a perfect drink of choice! ((if you like fruit with wine you may like the canned peach flavored wine from trader joe’s!))
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harryfeatgaga · 3 years
Wait omg I almost bought those! Update when you try them I'm curious! At mine the wine was in the middle of the isle on like an end cap they. It's by the brand Love, Olivia. They had a peach flavor and a watermelon flavor. The watermelon one doesn't taste like watermelons but it's very good! If you like sweeter wines
Anonymous asked: OMGGGG when I was at Trader Joe’s last week there was a whole ask watermelon DISPLAY of all their watermelon items and I was like .... Harry?? Did he influence this?? But omg anon who had the watermelon wine was it really good???? Because I saw it but didn’t know if it would actually taste good
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iolitewitchcraft · 4 years
I love those aesthetic picnic photos as much as the next person but can we just talk about how improbable and strange some of the picnics actually are?? I've compiled a small list of some of the more out-there Aesthetic Picnics for your enjoyment:
• A fancy glass bottle of water, two loaves of bread, three pecan tarts, and an empty picture frame
• A halved melon, loads of white currants, four lemons (one halved), and white wine
• Three different cocktails and a single slice of bread topped with figs and maybe cream cheese?
• Two mugs (unidentifiable contents) and six (6) large croissants
• Sparkling water, a small heap of spinach, one large slice of bread, two peaches, and a big overflowing bowl of medium-size tomatoes
• A baguette, a bunch of grapes, two grapefruits, and four lemons
• A bottle of Trader Joe's pink lemonade, an entire cantaloupe (halved), one grapefruit (halved), one avocado (halved), two plain bagels, one apple, and two small pears
• Two glasses of rosé wine and what appears to be a massive bowl of meatballs
• A small pitcher of herb-infused water, the largest platter of berries I've ever seen, and a handful of raw olives (PSA don't eat raw olives???? From personal experience they are bitter and horrible and I'm also pretty sure they're at least mildly toxic)
• Rosé wine, strawberries, blueberries, olives, whole mustard, a heap of herbs (perhaps carrot greens?), half a papaya, and two whole uncooked squashes
Basically what I'm taking away from this is that y'all eat a lot more fruit and plain bread than I do and there are actually just people out there eating entire lemons
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thinking about trekking over to Trader Joe’s to get that peach wine so I can get drunk for midnights release (a day later though)
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Today was a rough brain day, I feel like every day I post on here I say that and trust me it’s not every day, but given the world situation + last week of my job + packing up to move BACK across the country/planning that journey, etc. it’s a stressful time and not surprisingly taking a toll on my mental health. It’s okay. Some days suck.
Today I listened to Jenny Jurek on the Running on Om podcast (I love the jurek’s) and something she said that scott tells her which really hit home with me was “train where you are, not where you want to be.” Feel like I really need to engrave that on my soul because I tend to forget it, like, always
Anyways- 5pm looks like reading (almost done with this but wanted to post it for the sake of looking back on later), and wine in the late afternoon sun. Also tip- I love the little four packs of fruity flavored (cans of) wine trader joe’s sells. This glass was the second half of a can of peach wine + a lil just normal white from a bottle. They are super good and sometimes I like them plain but sometimes I like to mix em with other wines since they are sweet but there are no rules do whatever tf your heart desires
....it’s only tuesday 🙃
(but man oh man am I looking forward to friday night once work is all wrapped up officially and the car is packed and house (cottage) is cleaned and we are sitting down to beer and a final deep dish pizza from our favorite place with all of the excitement of a new journey ahead of us)
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dreamlogic · 5 years
[Recipe] Aunt Lana’s Chutney
“...my cherries and wine, rosemary and thyme, and all of my peaches...”
- Lana Del Rey, Cherry
TL;DR joking with a friend about what Lana Del Rey could POSSIBLY be cooking with the combination of ingredients quoted above led to some culinary experimentation resulting in.... whatever this is. Jury’s still out about whether it’s a chutney or a preserve, but regardless of classification, it’s delicious. So far I’ve used it as pie filling, a topping for rolls, pancakes, and cooked meats, mixed with yogurt, and eaten out of the jar with a spoon.
Disclaimer: like most of my recipes, this process is mostly improvised and varies batch to batch. Take these instructions as loose guidelines and have fun making them your own.
1 bag frozen peaches  (or an equivalent amount of fresh fruit)
2 bags frozen cherries (or an equivalent amount of fresh fruit)
(Optional) 1 pomegranate’s amount of seeds or whatever other fruits you feel like tossin’ in the mix
1 bottle dry vermouth or dry wine of your choice
1/3 cup sugar (can be adjusted to taste)
1 tablespoon corn starch
A dash of lemon juice
Some water
Essential spices: rosemary, thyme, nutmeg, cinnamon, clove, ginger
Optional spices: sage, cardamon, basil, lavender (and whatever else tickles your fancy)
Get all your fruit chopped into shapes you wanna put in your mouth, and throw it all in a bowl together. Add your lemon juice (just enough for Citrus Chemistry to happen, you don’t wanna taste it).  Pour your vermouth/wine into the bowl until the fruit is taking a nice boozy bath. Let everything soak for a minimum few hours, ideally overnight.
Once your fruit is nice and hammered, strain out the liquid and throw it in a saucepan over low heat. Add your sugar & corn starch. To keep your corn starch from clumping, mix it with a dash of warm water (no more than ~1/4 cup). A note on sugar: if you’re using this in a dessert, you can bump it all the way up to ~1.5 cups, but the less you use, the more you can taste the fruit and spices and the more versatile it’ll be for use in savory dishes.
Spices! This is where you just gotta... search your feelings and use your nose. Use a mortar & pestle or small dish to mix them before adding to your simmering sauce pan. I suppose for a more Thoroughly Spiced flavor, you could add these in earlier with the booze and let them marinate, but I prefer to add spice as I’m cooking so I can tweak the flavor as I go. Your goal is approximately a palm full of spices total, but the proportions can vary wildly. I usually add ~3 cloves, equal parts thyme, rosemary, and nutmeg, and a smaller but still significant amount of cinnamon & dried or grated ginger. Other spices that have worked well are sage, cardamon (if using whole pods, crack the hulls and just use the seed), basil, lavender, marjoram, and a mysterious red powder that was probably some type of chili once upon a time. Trader Joe’s also makes a Herbs de Provence blend that works very well. You’re going for a blend of savory spices and baking spices that feels... sinful. Like rolling around naked on plum velvet sheets and eating dark chocolate. Like listening to a Lana Del Rey album. 
Once all your ingredients are simmering together, just keep stirring periodically until it thickens up.  This is a perfect thing to cook while doing a bunch of other stuff, cause it’s gonna need to simmer for a whiiiiiile, the longer the better. I usually lose patience around an hour in when the whole house starts to smell like spiced stone fruit, but you could keep it going all afternoon for something closer to a jam. The thickness you’re looking for depends on what you wanna do with the finished result. If using as a pie filling, you want the fruit to still be a bit firm, but not very runny. If you’re gonna drizzle or spread it on something, go for more of a jammy, syrupy consistency. If you’re making PBJs with this, simmer the fuck out of it.
Disclaimer 2: Most of the alcohol cooks off, leaving just the flavor of the vermouth, but I have NO clue whether there’s still a measurable amount of booze in this so.. consume in moderation if you’ve got a low tolerance I guess?
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sailorvinusmoved · 4 years
✨ uh oh! bad ending.
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🌙 ( insert his sultry n sexy character theme song for when you reach his scenes. )
name: virote srisati. their profession: dance instructor, art therapist, local exorcist and spooky fighter by moonlight, fashion killa by daylight! where they can be found: studios, museums, metaphysical shops, parks, wandering the streets at night, cemeteries, art supply stores, trader joe’s, fighting soccer moms at whole foods over the last barley and bean salad, outside 7-eleven crying. or in a bathroom crying. crying somewhere. favourite food type: anything ultra spicy he has no spice limits, thai, chinese, cuban, japanese, will occasionally crave taco bell. that’s a lie… he will often crave junk, but won’t act upon it so he just dies inside. has a sweet tooth for unusual ice cream flavors like jalapeno-pineapple. favourite alcoholic drink: pink and red moscato, tokaji, plum wine, peach bellini, amaretto sour, glitter and trash ( gin, vodka, sprite. ) favourite trait: humor... listen, he loves when a man can make him laugh. first off, he doesnt laugh very much. if you can make him laugh, you’re in. as noted earlier, he doesnt give a shit about having sweet nothings whispered in his ear. tell him some crazy shit! make him crack tf up! also he likes men that can get aggressive and turn a bitch inside-out when needed. tough guys. a man who can hold shit down. who aint afraid to grab someone and break their fucking neck. that’s hot to him, babey! where they would go on a date: anywhere that isn’t uptight! hell, he’d be shocked someone wants to go on a date with him at all. ideal gift: candles, crystals, origami paper, art supplies in general, flowers, his favorite foods. super in luv w. the idea of being given things like handmade soap or jelly / jam from the farmer’s market. would die if he was given a single piece of fruit like a mango. that’s intimacy! and sharing it? bih… tf… that’s sexy to him. if you wanna get him married to you right away just tell him you donated money to a charity or something. if you buy him gucci or louboutin, aka what he considers k-mart for rich people with no taste, he will call the cops on you. when will they drink alcohol: there’s a 30% chance he’s already had two glasses of wine before leaving the house, tbh. not enough to get tipsy or drunk, but enough to just forget he’s had enough of everything. how many dates until they go to bed: depends on the date and who’s his dating partner. he doesn’t think sex is absolutely sacred so it don’t even gotta be a date! you bored? wanna get freaky? he’s game. though, he may wait a bit if he thinks he’s falling in love. also, you think he’s gonna make it to the actual bed? no, he’s sleeping on the floor with a volume of tokyo mew mew on his face. he just rly likes sex... it’s recreational, in his eyes.
✨ TAGGED BY: :) ✨ TAGGED BY: lit’rally.... if u wanna do it then b my Guest,
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