#tragger x oc
Dirty, Dirty Doctor 1 (One Shot) Richard Tragger X OC Marie (Outlast)
[Hello My Sexy Readers, before I get into the story new rule if you want a one shot please make it OC like this one. If not well most likely wont get done, sorry that is just the case the OCS are Michelle, Mark, and Marie. Marie is this oc one and this was Requested off of Wattpad By: tdickens22 we hope you all enjoy this filthy filthy oneshot! Now you have all be worn that this will be dirty!]
(Marie's pov)
I let out a soft groan as I rolled over on my cot. I wanted so desperately to sleep. I was tired, Eddie Next door wouldn't let me sleep he kept trying to talk to me so I talked to him through the wall all night. Only issue was,my mania has ran it's course and now I'm left ready to fall asleep, only it's the morning now.
"Hey there girl, hope you don't mind me taking you for an examination." I hear and turn around and see Tragger.
"O-Oh.. Y-Ye--" I was cut off with with a yawn.
"OH don't worry you can sleep through it. I'll wake you up when you need to be awake. Don't worry buddy." He said walking in and helping me up and putting me in the wheel chair as I yawned. The quiet clanking of the wheels and the humming of Tragger causing my head to lawl to the side.
When I awoke I felt my back on a cot..and hands on my head. "Ohh you're awake that's great buddy." He said as I went to sit up as I see my pants and shirt on the ground as his hands trailed down.
I was naked with him. My face went bright red and I tried to cover myself but my arms were strapped down.
(Yes readers not only will this be a dirty fic but very dark as well, you been warned again.)
"What are you doing? You're scaring me, please don't hurt me. Please." "No..no no, I'm not going to hurt you." He said as I looked at him. "No, no more than what you'll find pleasurable." He said as I tried to struggle out of the binds. I was terrified.
"It's OK, no one knows we are here. I wouldn't be that cruel. " he said as his hands start stroking my calves, my back pressed against the cot from the restraints.
"I-I don't think I like this treatment doctor."
(..call him doctor again, OK no xD jk
"Don't worry you will, I have something that will make you feel very good~" He said in a tone I did not like.
He grabbed a syringe and got it ready.
I started to struggle . "No ..N-No N-No I-I don't like syringes!" I said shaking as I managed to struggle enough to get my foot strap loose as I kicked him when he came near, dropping the syringe as he stopped.. falling silent as I did the same.
"I... I-I'm I'm s-sorry doctor I-I was just ..I was just scared."
He grinned. "It is alright." He says and strokes my foot. (creep) "But you do need these meds or else you will be more scared."
I was scared, not so much of the needle..but of him. I've never seen this side to him. It scared me...
"I-I dint want more medicine doctor.." "I know but it will be just fine." He said picking up another. "But it will take half an hour to work. But I'll..examine you, while we wait." He said as I waited for him to put it in my arm only for him to go between my legs and inject my mound as I cried out as tears fell. That really hurt..
"It is okay, it works faster here." He tells me and rubs it and it did help sooth it.
However his hand trailed down as I started shaming in fear. I didn't like this..
"Oh look at that, that's a cute little clit you have..~"
(Yeah....women have em doc)
"It is so cute and adorable, it look even better bigger~"
(K uh.. I humbly disagree)
My eyes widen. "N-No, N-No that's fine I like it the way it is!"
"We will talk about that later. First I have to examine your hymen." He says and snaps on a glove.
(Can I please have a lady doctor you know one that is not a sexual deviant and one who is not a yandere?)
My heart stopped as I tried to struggle but he just spread my legs on the cot, crouching between my leg. One hand on my.foot again as I had to hold down a laugh.
(Oh. Oh no..nows not the time to be ticklish.
(Tickle rape is a thing and he be into it)
He seemed to notice and started tickling my foot.”are you ticklish buddy?”
(Oh God xD)
I tried not to laugh as I couldn't help it as I struggled to get free. He started to finger me and I let out a moan and laugh at the same time. It was uncomfortable as I squirm around. He grins and continues to tickle me and massage my clit and I started to get wet. I moaned as I couldn't help laughing but jolted when his fingers hit the hymen tissue.
He did not push further. "Oh someone has a double uterus~" He purrs. "That is hot."
I blushed darkly as I turned my head away embarrassed. He grins and stops tickling me. Next thing I know he pulls out his cock.
My face went red as I wanted to look away as I couldn't. He put it between my lower lips and started thrusting as if my lips were a bun. I closed my eyes as a burning filled my body.
"I-It hurts. .it really itches"
"That means it is feeling good~" He purrs.
I struggle more as he stopped. "You know. ..women need rectal exams like men." He said suddenly
I stared at him shocked and he spread my ass cheeks. He then pulled away as he untied me.as I was going to run as he pushed me.back down this time in my stomach as I hear the snap of his gloves.
"that wasn't nice buddy~"
I stare at him with wide eyes. I was so scared. I hear a bottle being squeezed as I felt something between my ass.
"D-Doctor..I-I...I really don't think this is an exam." I said realizing what was happening.
(Meanwhile he like "role play, love jt)
“Don’t worry it is, just have to check~.” He purrs and slowly pushes a finger in.
I let out a strangled gasp. "D-Doctor I-I dont-- ah- th-think I need thi-oh! Need this!" I insisted yet my core felt like it was twitching before a sudden wave rushed me as I had to regather myself. What just..happened?
(Well...you came from just a finger inside)
“Looks like everything is working~” he purrs now the real fun begins~
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wayward-mikaelson · 4 years
I Still Want You, I Still Need You--VII. A Chance (NSFW)
Word Count: 4510
About: A few years have passed and you have adjusted to motherhood. Steve and Tony pay you a visit. You and Steve talk about a moment you guys had.
Characters: Okoye, Olivia (OC), Steve, Tony, Pepper (Mentioned), M’Baku (Mentioned), Bucky (Implied Return) 
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Warnings/Tragger Warnings: Language, Sexual Content (Unprotected-Wrap it before you tap it, Oral-F Receiving)
A/N: This part is bit long cause it’s full of details. Also who knew that about Steve?! 
*This contains content meant for the 18 and up crowd. Read at your own discretion 
**Please do not copy and paste my work anywhere. Reblogs and sharing the link is just fine.
***This work is posted on other sites
****Go follow my other accounts. Links can be found in the pinned post on my profile.
*****Currently NOT taking requests
******Feedback is welcomed!!
Forever Tags: @hobby27 @donnaintx @myinconnelly1 @elansaidaris @magssteenkamp @440mxs-wife
Marvel Tags: OPEN
Story Tags: @cspr-2 @mysticalfestivalkoala @tanyaherondale @lilithknight1111 @lpzallana @snlsamantha @tomisagod @gloriouspersonbanditrascal @buckysgirl101
Bucky/Sebastian Tags: OPEN
Marvel Masterlist
I Still Want You, I Still Need You Masterlist
VI. Hello, Sweet
Favorite Fics Masterlist
Four years came and went.
You fell naturally into motherhood. Olivia was a good baby. She slept well during the night unless she had been teething up a storm. Those days you drank all the coffee you could. There were days you had a hard time but Okoye was there to help out and so did Steve whenever he came by. Steve and you grew closer as he helped you with Olivia. You called him super Uncle. The love and adoration that was always on Steve’s face, made you feel like you can almost move on. But the idea always scared you.
Olivia was a smart kid. She was a Stark to a T. She got her hands on just about anything and would make things. And for an almost four year old, it was extremely impressive. Impressive that Tony would sent little building kits for her and she would get them done in a few days with your help. She had the attitude of a Stark but she had the heart of a Barnes. Just like Steve predicted.
Your daughter’s facial expressions were one hundred percent Bucky’s. The way smiles played on the corner of her little lips down to the way she expressed herself with her eyes. Her long hair remained dark as well as her blue eyes. She was a miniature version of Bucky. Steve even said that each time he came back to visit, Olivia looked more and more like him.
Olivia was the calm to the the storm you had been through.
She kept you from falling apart.
She kept you whole.
But yet, you never moved on from losing Bucky.
You walked into the lab to find Olivia in the same place you had left her. She obsessed over the erector set Tony sent her. Tony loved to spoil his niece, just like you loved to spoil yours. A few months after Tony and Peppers wedding, Pepper had become pregnant and shortly after Olivia was born, so was Morgan. Whenever you went to visit them, which was the only time you left Wakanda, the two girls were inseparable. It killed you and Tony to see them have to part ways.
“What are you building this time, bug?” you asked as you sat next to her. Her dark hair hung around her face. She had always refused to where hair bands unless it was to bed.
“A rower coatter,” Olivia’s face popped through the hair, a huge smile on her face. The smile took your breath away. “Can you picture it to Unca Twony?” She loved it when you sent her completed works to Tony. And Tony loved it too.
“Sure thing,” you leaned forward and kissed the top of her head. “How about this weekend we go see them? I’m sure Morgan and you can find something in Uncle Tony’s workshop.” Olivia’s eyes lit up when you said Morgan and workshop. When the two of you would visit, Tony and you would find the girls in Tony’s workshop. You had to convince him to make a small space for the girls since they were always found there.
You sat down at your work table and began to fumble with the scrap metal in front of you. You made it your mission to get cleaner and better filtered water to the Border Tribe after discovering their wells were either running dry or had harmful bacteria in them. It took you a week and a lot of using that Stark charm to get M’Baku to agree to your aqueduct like creation.
“All I need to do is come up with good design,” you whispered to yourself.
After an hour of fumbling and putting pieces together. You finally came up with the perfect example. Now, all you need to do is email Tony what you need.
After hitting send on your email, you looked up to see Okoye walk into the lab. Over the last few years, the two of you have grown closer and could count on each other. You trusted her with yours and Olivia’s life.
“Okie,” Olivia shouted and ran to the woman. Okoye knelt down and let Olivia jump into her arms. Okoye had grown so fond of Olivia that she would take her out with the other members of the guard to show her what they were doing. Olivia loved it.
“How are you little Tiger?” Okoye kept the little nickname for Olivia from when she was in the womb. She has proven to be just that too.
“Good,” then off Olivia went back to her little work table. A true Stark never fully leaving their work undone.
“I see you got your aqueduct done,” Okoye came over to you. “When will we be able to get this done?”
“As soon as Tony can send me what I need, we will be able to get it up and running.” You pushed back from the table. “How’s the guard doing? Were they able to get the barrels of water out there?”
Since finding out about the water situation, you and Okoye decided it would be best to send water until you figured out what you needed to do. So Tony sent twelve barrels to fill with water, even though you asked for six. Tony somehow knew you would need more. Once a week Okoye and the guard would swap out six for six new ones. It was a good process.
“They did,” Okoye crossed her arms and watched Olivia. “This water should last more than a week. They had two barrels still full.”
“Good, that gives us enough time to get this thing built and get them water,” You stood up and made your way around the table.
“I haven’t seen Steve around these last few weeks,” Okoye gave you a side eye and smirk.
“I may have made our friendship awkward,” you said walking to get water. You slightly cringe at the last conversation the two of you had about a month ago. Since then Steve only called or texted you. Making the conversations brief.
“How could you make it awkward? It’s not like you two slept together…”Okoye’s chuckle died as she saw your face. “You slept with him, didn’t you?”
You pressed your lips into a thin line. Did you regret it? Nope, it was the first time in years you could let yourself just go like that. Was it the right time for something like that? Nope, but you thought it was and the next morning you had to tell Steve that.
“I did and it was great,” you closed your eyes as you remembered that night. “Then when morning came, some switch flipped and I just couldn’t do it. I wasn’t ready.” Your voice began to shake as you remembered the exact moment you knew you weren’t ready to move on.
Okoye reached out and touched your shoulder. “It’s okay. Someday you will. Tiger will need a father figure to look up to. Steve Rogers is that kind of man.”
Okoye was right. Steve was the right kind of man and you knew deep down you should maybe at least give him a chance. “I’ll call him this evening when I’m settled down for the night.” Then you replayed that night in your head.
The tension.
The kiss.
The feeling of his skin on yours.
The warmth of his breath on your bare skin.
You sat on the couch mindlessly flipping through a magazine, while you sipped on your beer. You rarely drank so you always wanted to keep it light. Steve was putting Olivia to bed and seemingly, it sounded like it was going well. She normally tries every kind of tactic to stay up later. When a door opened, you looked up to see Steve walking your way.
“Asleep already?” you asked setting the magazine on the coffee table. “You didn’t drug her did you?”
Steve laughed and sat on the couch next to you. He cracked open a beer and took a long drink. “Nope, she just wanted four stories and by the time I got through the third one, she was out.”
You leaned over and rested your head on Steve’s shoulder. You swore you felt his muscles tense for split second. “You are a life saver!”
Steve gave a light chuckle. “Tell me whats new? How’s Tony and them doing?”
“Still won’t talk to you huh?” you leaned away. You saw the hardness in those blue eyes. Tony still held some feelings towards Steve. You tried a few times to get Tony to just move on and forgive him for whatever it was. But Tony was a Stark.
“Nope,” Steve emphasized the P in nope.
“Well, they're doing good, Liv and I are going to see them next weekend,” you poked your finger into Steve’s arm. “You can come, you know? He’s asks about you too.”
Steve leaned forward and folded his hands. “I can’t,” he said not making eye contact. “I have that group i’ve been leading.”
You stood up with a huff and walked to the small kitchen. “You and your fucking excuses Steve Rogers. You and Tony are like freaking teenage girls who had a stupid fight and wont talk to each other.” You turned to see that Steve had gotten up and had his hands on his hips. “I’m just saying,”  you turned to wash the few dishes in the sink. “You guys were the best of friends. You guys hung out almost all the time.”
You didn’t hear Steve come up beside you. You jumped a little but realized he was helping by drying the dishes. “That’s not why I hung out with him. People just assumed that, I just wanted to be closer to you and for the fucking life of me, I couldn’t man up and ask you out.” You rarely ever heard Steve swear. It surprised you each time.
But that wasn’t what made you drop the plate. You looked towards Olivia room and hoped that she didn’t wake up. You were in the clear.
“For years,” Steve continued as he turned to you. You just stood there and stared at the plate in the sink. The water spilling from the faucet, splashing water droplets around the sink. “I watched you with guy after guy. Almost dying in New York and then almost dying in Sokovia. I wouldn’t know what I would have done if you had.” Steve turned you with his hands. You kept your eyes on the ground. “The that day when Bucky went back on ice, that smile you two exchanged, I knew it was too late. I couldn’t be mad. The two you were perfect for each other.”
“Steve…” you stared to say but he shushed you.
“Then you lost Bucky and that literally almost killed.” Steve took his free hand and lifted your face to meet his eyes. They were soft and you saw just about every emotion he was felling. “Seeing you on that building ledge, I didn’t just pull you back for Bucky’s sake. I pulled you back for mine.”
Whatever happened next, it was beyond you. You didn’t know how it happened, but you found yourself closing the gap between you and Steve and pressing your lips firmly to his. His lips were soft and gentle. It was like something took possession of you body. Steve placed both hands on the side of your face and pulled away.
“You’re not kissing me because I told you how felt?” Steve asked resting his forehead on yours.
“I don’t know.” you answered honestly. Your eyes were closed and you were breathing hard. You really weren’t certain why you kissed Steve. He was never more than just a friend. But these last few years he’s been there for you and Olivia. “Just roll with it.”
And Steve did.
Steve pressed his lips back to yours and deepened it. One of his hands slowly makes its way to the back your neck, while the other goes down to you waist. It grips firmly as he backs you into the living room.Your arms instinctively wrapped around his neck. Steve’s tongue slid across your bottom one, causing you to groan.
“Not here,” you slightly pulled away. “My room.”
Steve’s hand left your neck and shot down your waist. Without any effort, he picked up. You wrapped your legs around his waist as he wrapped his strong arms around you. Steve started towards your room. You buried your face into his neck and felt his body tense up and him suck in a breath.
Once in the room and the door closed, Steve had your back pressed to the door. His breath was by your ear. Sending chills down your back and making you ache for him between your legs. “I am going to take my time with you,” he whispered in your ear, sending yet another chill down your back.
“Show you me what you got, Captain,” you rolled your hips into his already hard erection. Even thorough your cotton pajama shorts, you could feel his cock straining against his jeans as it twitched.
Steve’s eyes grew dark as he spun the two of you around and dropped you on the bed. He bent down and pulled your bottoms and underwear. He saw how wet you were without even having to look at your underwear.
“Someone’s excited,” he teased as he tossed the clothes to the side.
You pushed up on your elbows and gave him a smirk. “I can say the same about you.”
Steve smirked and rose an eyebrow before pulling you legs and placing them over his shoulder. “Let’s see if you taste better than you look.” Without another word, you watched as Steve dove in. His lips meeting your clit and his tongue shooting right inside you.
With a gasp, you shoot a hand to push his face further. The way he licked, sucked, and flicked his tongue around, had you shaking and breathing hard. You couldn’t stop whimpering his name as you felt yourself quickly getting towards that edged.
“Steve,” you whimpered. Your legs pulled him closer and you could feel him hum against your clit as his tongue fucked you. The vibration of his hum was what sent you over the edge. You cried out and both your hands and legs pushed Steve further, if that were possible, into you. Your body shook as your orgasm rocked through your body. And Steve still ate at you until your back fell onto the bed.
You lifted your head up to see Steve stand up and discard his clothes. When his cock sprung free, it had you drooling and you wanted it all inside of you. Steve made his way between your legs and looked at your shirt, with his bare hands, he ripped the fabric off your body throwing it behind him. Looking into his eyes, you could see the hunger and lust. He dipped down and kissed you, tasting your release on his lips. He gripped your hands in his and placed them above your head.
“I want to hear you say it again,” Steve mumbled against your lips. You felt himself line up with your entrance.
You know what he meant. “Fuck me, Captain.”
With that, Steve slipped inside you effortlessly. A soft moan escaped your lips letting Steve’s tongue shoot into your mouth. Once he was fully inside you, he waited until you were adjusted before he started to move in and out of you slow. You slowly lifted your hips but Steve used a hand to pin them back.
“I don’t think so, sweetheart,” he hummed as he peppered kisses to your jawline.
“Well,” you wrapped your legs around his waist. “If you don’t do anything about that slow movement, I will have no choice but to take control.”
Steve pulled out all the way and then slammed right back into you. You cried and moaned as he grunted as the pleasurable action was repeated. His cock slid against your wall in the most beautiful way. You arched your back into his chest each time his cock hit your cervix. His pelvic bone rubbed your clit perfectly, making you moaning, whimpering mess under him. The pressure on you hands and hip being pinned, added to the mess you already were in.
Begging him not to stop.
Pleading him to keep going.
Calling him things, you never thought you would call him before.
It all was bringing you closer to the edge.
Soon, Steve’s thrusting slowed but they were still hard and deep. His grunt were deeper, inside his chest. He let go of your hands and hip and wrapped his arms around you. You did the same. You knew you were at the edge and you knew that Steve was close too. You pushed his face up and see could see the love he had in that moment in his eyes. It was all for you.
“Cum for me,” you whispered.
With one hard thrust, Steve spilled right into you and triggered your orgasm. Your bodies shook together and your breaths were still uneven as the both of you came down. Steve pushed himself up and cupped your face with hand. He leaned down and kissed you slowly. There was no hunger behind it. Just love and passion. Then he rolled over and pulled you into his arms before the two of you fell asleep.
In that moment, everything felt right.
Morning came when Steve gently woke you up. He sat on the side of the bed and brushed back some hair. “Hey,” his voice was gentle. “Breakfast is ready and Liv wanted to show you the pancake we made you.”
You sat up and stretched. “What time is it?”
“Eight, you deserved a morning to sleep in. Especially after last night.” Steve leaned in and brushed his lips against yours. “I’ll let you get ready.”
Once you were alone, you slid out of bed and went to the closet. When you turned the light on, your eyes landed on a box that was labeled BUCKY.
You were putting things away as you thought about that morning. You had just told Olivia to pick up her space for the day when you turned around and froze. There stood Steve and Tony. Their faces told you that they meant business.
Olivia squealed when she saw the two men and ran towards them. Steve hugged her while he made eye contact with you. Then Olivia jumped into Tony’s arms. He picked her up and he had the biggest smile on his face. She pointed towards her project and mumbled something. Tony’s face just lit up.
“I guess while I’m here, we can get you something else,” He told her as she wiggled out of his arms. “Sorry, dear,” he said as he and Steve approached. “We would have called but what we have to tell you has to be said in person.”
You gulped. Tony’s tone had you wondering what he needed to say. Steve just stood to the side and had his hands on his hips. His eyebrows furrowed. Taking a deep breath you turned to a random guard that was placed there to watch over you guys. “Can you take her to Okoye?”
The woman took Olivia’s hand and walked out with her. You turned to the two men but it was Steve you addressed. “What’s going on?”
“You may want to sit down for this,” Steve said.
You looked to Tony and he nodded. “Okay,” you sat in your chair. “What is it?”
“We may have found a way to bring everyone back.”
You froze. Coolness filled your body and in the wake of it washing over you, goosebumps followed. Your breathing got stuck in  your throat as and you grabbed your water and chugged the rest of it. Your ears were ringing and couldn’t hear what was being said by Steve or Tony.
“Let her breath, Rogers,” Tony’s hand was instantly on your back. “Gosh! We said we would ease her into this. Not dump it on her all at once.”
“How?” you choked out.
“Time travel,” Tony gently said as he sat on your table. “Do you remember Scott Lang? Well he helped me make it possible.”
Then you laughed. You laughed so hard that nearly fell out of your chair. “Time travel?” you asked trying to catch your breath. “You guys are going to go back into time and stop Thanos? What would that mean for us? I wouldn’t get Bucky back. 2018 me would still have Bucky and raise a child with him.”
Tony shushed you with his finger on your mouth. “Slow down, little sister. We are going back to get the stones and bring them to our time. Hoping it’ll work.”
You leaned back in your chair and folded your arms across your chest. You stared at Steve, who couldn’t take his eyes off you. “Do you think this will work?” You asked them both.
“We have to try, right?” Steve responded. “We owe it to those we lost. If not, then we just go on with life.”
You took a deep breath and just stared into space. You thought deeply about what was being said. You could get your husband back. Olivia could have her father. But what happens if this doesn’t work? Then you’re heartbroken all over again. You didn’t have the stomach to have such hope that they were serving to you on a silver plater. But yet, here you were taking it. Because that’s that just who you were.
“Okay,” you stood up. “Then I’m coming with you guys.”
“Nope, thats a huge ass pile of nope,” Tony said standing up too. “You missy, are staying here.”
“I agree,” Steve said.
“You have Olivia to care for,” Tony started to say.
“And you have Morgan,” you pointed out.
“She has two parents,” Tony said taking your shoulders in his hands. “Olivia only has one. For now. And if this were to go sideways and something happens to me, I need you there for Pepper.”
You took another deep breath. Tony was right. “Okay.”
“Perfect,” Tony said letting you go. “Now, I am going to go look for my darling niece and buy her something extravagant.” Tony walked out of the lab leaving you and Steve looking at each other.
The tension in the air was almost suffocating. You knew Steve didn’t want to look at you, he kept darting his eyes away from your each time you looked towards him. It wasn’t that the morning after sleeping with him was bad. There wasn’t even an argument. You just simply told him as you held one of Bucky’s shirts with a few tears in eyes that you couldn’t. That you needed some time.
Well, if this time travel thing works, then there goes the time you needed.
“You know,” you walked over to Steve. “I’m getting the feeling that you are partly on board with this.”
Steve looked down at the ground and then back at you. “What makes you say that?”
You made a face at him. “One, I’ve known you for over a decade. Two, you’re looking at me like you want to throw me on something and have your way with me. But you can’t because you’re best friend, also my husband could be coming back.”
Steve cracked a smile that disappeared just as fast. “It’s just horrible timing on my end. I’m fully on board with this.”
“Good,” you started to leave and turned back to Steve. “If this doesn’t work out, I’ll give us a shot. See where us goes.”
“And if Bucky comes back and he finds out about that night?”
“Then I tell him the truth,” you shrugged your shoulders. “In fact, I will just tell him. He’s been gone for five years. He would have expected me to move on. Now, let’s find my brother before he buys Liv something that’s too big to fit in my apartment.”
A few days have went by. Tony had sent the stuff you needed to get water to the Border Tribe. You and some volunteers set to work on getting it all started. It was hard long work that you decided to stay in your old house with Olivia. It made it easier to wake up and get to work and let Olivia play with the other children.
On the fourth day, you were ready to break ground when you noticed a change in the air. The same kind of change five years ago. You shook your head and passed it of as just thinking too much into it. You were too tired, you could barely sleep in that house still. You stayed up most nights as your mind raced with memories. And emotions.
“Let’s take a few hours,” you said to the others as you got up. You could barely concentrate. Today was the day that you brother and friends went on that time travel mission. You couldn’t help but worry about it going wrong. You were waiting for word about if it worked or not.
Olivia ran up to you and jumped into your arms. She nuzzled her face into your neck and you let out a soft sigh. She always knew when you needed hugs the most. She pulled back and took your face in her tiny, little hands. Her clear blue eyes stared deep into yours. She didn’t have to say anything to tell you that everything will be fine no matter what happened.
“I wuv you, Mommy,” she said.
“I love you, too, Tiger,” you gave her little butterfly kisses and set her down. “Can you take her back to the lab? I’m gong to take a few minutes and catch up later.”
“Yes, Missus Barnes,” the guard said taking your daughters hand in theirs.
When you alone you started to stare at the supplies in front of you. You wondered if this was actually enough. You wanted this to work so bad, you almost didn’t hear the snap of a twig behind you. You snapped your head up to listen for it again. Taking a deep breath you shook you head and went back to shuffling through the metal before you.
A twig snapped again.
You picked up a thin, but long piece of metal. “Whoever you are, you may want to think twice about who you sneak up on.”
You spun around, swinging the metal as you went. Something, well more like someone stopped your swing. You froze when you realized who had stopped your swing. A chill ran through your body. You know the color drained from your face. Those blue eyes were just as surprised as you were. They searched yours for some kind of answer.
Your hands fell and so did the metal. You took a step back only to lose your footing. He stepped forwards and grabbed your arms pulling you back towards him.
“Careful there, Doll.”
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Dirty, Dirty Doctor 2 (One Shot) Richard Tragger X OC Marie
(Traders pov)
"Work... what do you mean ...work?" She asked as she was still trying to fight how she felt, but her body wasn't lying. Bit she was so deluded in her delusions that she wasn't aroused by this.
"Why, the medication I gave you, it just relaxes you. So my little patient..do you want the doctor to look at that sweet untouched cunt of yours..or maybe we start with your anu--"
"n-neither doctor I want to go! I-I'll.. I-I'll tell Mr. Blaire!" She said as I look at her and smile.
"So electroshock therapy was scheduled today..but I told them you shouldn't have that pretty little head shocked.. but ..other parts..~"
(Uh I'll take tickle rape instead)
(XD Please back to tickle rape XD)
Her eyes widen and he attached one to my clit. "We will start with the clit~" I purr and charge up the device on low. Her eyes widen as she was about to speak before I shoved the gag in her mouth as it powered up sending a very dull shock so she wouldn't be really hurt. I hear her let out a loud groan beneath the gag as her eyes rolled back. I smirked and let it go up one notch. She started fighting, or.trying. so I turned it up another notch as she screamed from under the gag as drool dripped down the sides off her mouth.
"Plsh. Sshtop!" She tried to speak from beneath the gag as her legs shook before I noticed water leaking. .no not water. Dirty girl~
"You naughty girl~" I purr and lean down sucking on the pee she leaked out.
She muffled something again as I kicked up her thighs, the salty taste filling my mouth as I shudder before pulling back when she had nothing else to give only to be shot in the face with her squirting as a smirk great, wider this time as I turned it off looking at her red, stiff little clit
"Peeing on your doctor..bad girl~" I said flicking it causing a strained moan as I removed the gag
"I think you need to be punished~ how about that clit enlargement~" I say.
(Sick sicko that is sick)
(Says the dude who just drank her pee and liked it That's a reward right there xD but that's trager)
She was too out of it to rely deny as I grabbed the syringe really all it would do is increase blood flow. But if I don't love an enlarged clit~
I inserted it as she snapped out of her state screaming before I pull away and kiss it. I still worry about her.
"Now while that takes effect..let the doctor tell you what he has plannedm" I said strapping her hands down so she'd be forced to listen to ever degrading thing I was going to have her do. I didn't want her covering her ears. "But first say you want to know."
"then I'll give you another dose--"
"OK! OK. ..do-doctor..what are you going to do to me?"
"Now that is the spirit Buddy!" I say. "Well I am going to enlarge your clit, then maybe enlarge your breasts or maybe just your nipples. The breasts are already so big. Then I am going to tease you and then I am going to pop your cherry. That was you always know you are mine and mine alone then I am going to fuck your ass over and over and over until you are a nice creamy cream pie. Then I am going to give you a breast milk enema and if you are good I will not give you a cock and balls ...maybe."
(So......be bad? XD
(Jk xD)
(XD For Marie For us it is tweedleing taco time XD)
She looked at me as she looked away. "...." "what? Don't get moody--" "are you...going to throw me away after doctor?" She asked.
(Attachment issues. And deception. But no unfortunately you're his)
"Nope! Your mine for life even if I have to cut your leg off so you dont leave me!" I say cheerfully.
"But... you won't. ..bore of me? Replace me with.. with another?" She asked as my smile faded.
"Hey buddy what's with ya?"
"..." she went quiet not wanting to talk. Was..she confessing her-- oh! Her clit~
"OH my look at it buddy isn't it--" I stopped when her hands grabbed my head pushing my face between her legs.
"I-I'm sorry doctor I-I couldn't-- I-I didn't mean to!"
"No I like it~" I say grinning. "Use me like the dirty doctor I am~"
(XD No think Mark with Tragger XD That be something XD)
She looked at me as her hands slowly gripped my head as she would purposefully thrust against my cheek for me. I smirked and let her do just that as I suck on her two inch clit. She moaned as she was still fighting with herself as she would try and push me away every now and then before she would start moaning again and pulling me closer. I could feel the blood pumping under my tongue as my lust for her grew as I felt around the table without turning my head until I grabbed the syringe,but didn't let her see it. Don't need her kicking me again. I trailed up her body before pushing the syringe in the sides of her breasts as she cried out pulling away from me, rubbing the now bleeding spot.
"Don't worry buddy it will feel amazing~~~."
She looked at me as I lay her down again as I strapped.her back down and cupped her breasts as I kissed her neck before stopping and kissing her on the lips for the first time. She gasped in shock and stared at me in even more shock. This moment was perfect~ Our first kiss~ I feel her slowly start to kiss back as a smile broke out on my face. She slipped her tongue against my lips. It was inexperienced but that made me feel even better.
I loved it we made out as her breasts slowly expand. I pull away as I gave her breasts a few squeezes as I push against her hole.
"N-No wait, wait doctor." She said. She was a tease
I stopped and looked at her. "Yes?"
"...h-hold my hand while you do it?" She asked looking at me scared.
(Great she like "this is gonna happen no matter what..at least be gentle..at first)
I nod my head and kiss her head and and take her hand kissing it.
I enjoyed being the one in control but I enjoy a little loving. "Sure buddy." I said as I push into her
She gasped and arched but did her best to relax. I could feel myself pressing against her hymn. I was going to be the one to break it~ I take a deep thrust and she screamed in pain gripping my hand hard. I gripped it back as I felt light headed. Of God she was so tight~ I sink rest of the way in and then still letting her adjust as I kiss her face all over and hold her hand tight. Yes, I had dreamed of this moment for months, saiting my lust until the ferret moment and now she was all mine..~
She panted as she tried to get used to the feeling as I kiss her breasts, licking her nipple.before taking it in my mouth, hand still locked in hers.
(OH God imagine the twins dear Lord who's worse the twins..or trager)
She moaned and arched her chest into my mouth as I suck. I could.feel her tighten even more around me as something entered my mouth. I moaned as I realize it was sweet sweet breast milk. I was unaware of her lactation~ But I did not mind it~ In fact I love it~ I moaned as I couldn't hold back from thrusting my hips up into her. She moans and starts to move her hips with me.
"It feels good doesn't it~?" I purr.
She nods her head. "Yes doctor~"
"Good~"I purr as I grip her thighs as she moaned loudly
I continue to thrust in and out and was already so close. She cried out thrusting again up into me. I smirked and we find a very nice Rhythm. Her body was shaking as she came around me. It pushed me over the edge. I came inside of her as she panted coming down from her own orgasm. She is now mine and I am never letting her go.
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Outlast Gang Bang 1 (One Shot) Various X OC Sissy Mark
(marks pov)
I cover my ears the sirens blaring as the lights flash.. patients ran around as I try to find someone I knew. The priest most likely, Dr. tragger. maybe Christ. He must be scared. Then the twins, then..then Frank and then Eddie.
I walk through the halls calling their names, desperate to find them as I continue to call out for them, going into room after room as I see the priest as I ran over. "father, father your okay!"
"Mark, Mark come with me. It's dangerous."
"No I have to find the others, my patients and Dr. Tragger. I cannot and will not leave them to suffer." I say. "Do you know where they are? I need to make sure they are all okay."
(Ooofff poor mark has no idea what is about to happen XD)
"come, they are in the chapel." He said as he lead me to it, and he was telling the truth they were all there, however he shut the door suddenly
"What are you doing?" I ask confused as he locked the chapel doors.
He didn't speak as tragger suddenly walked up and grabbed me. His one hand on my waist...the other one on my legs.
"He's just ensuring you can't run anymore buddy." He said, a smirk on his face
"Run? Why would I run? I am just helping patients." I say confused.
However his hands suddenly trailed up. "You've been running away from us since the start buddy, you think I didn't notice that you'd ask to change shifts?"
"That was so I could sleep in." I say. "Why does it matter?"
I suddenly jerk as his hand went down my shrubs pants
"Wh-What are you doing!?!" I demand to know scared as he jerks my cock making it stir.
I felt odd, I was scared as I tried to back away but Father Martin held me steady.
(Man he's not beating around the bush ..but he is beating marks Meat)
I groaned and felt him jerk me off to full hardness. I still tried to get away but their grips only tightened more when I did that. I groaned and then he moved his hand down and slip a finger over my clit. I groaned and shudder.
"So your file was right you have a cunt to~" He says grinning.
My eyes widen. "Please--" I was cut off when he pushed a finger between my lips, not deep but still was uncomfortable.
I whine softly and tried to pull away
He didn't enter any further as he pulled away, but his hands suddenly move to my chest.
"I wonder, are you more feminine or masculine under here?" He said.
"G-Guys.." I moan out.
"Tragger stop hogging her." I hear Chris say and I look at him shocked
He... wasn't going to try and save me?
"I'm not just.. examining her~" he said as he pulled my scrub shirt off as I went red in the face.
For a girl I was small.. but I'm not a girl, I'm a boy, and yes, I grew some breast tissue. Maybe a small B cup..
"Nice cut little breasts~" He says and leans down taking off the wrapping I had on them.
The wrapping fell to the ground as I blushed darkly only to cry out as he pinched the nipple. I cried out as my chest was always sensitive.
"don't you think her chest is nice...Eddie~?" Trager asked as I tried to get out of their grips as Eddie walked up.
"A bit small, but nice and perky~" He says and licks my other nipple. "They will get bigger when she is filled with my seed~"
I shudder at that knowing this was wrong and yet..
"Well don't worry Eddie buddy, her toys were an a when she came last year, and I've got some special medications of course." Tragger asaod as Eddie smirked.
"T-They aren't small.." I mutter, why that was the point that annoyed me, I don't know. A b cup isn't that small..
"They are adorable though just like my darling~" he says smiling at me it made me feel warm
However I tried to cut that thought out of my head as his hands grazed against the nipple causing me to let out a surprised jerk
"And oh so sensitive~" He purrs twisting it gently.
I let out another jerky spasm as he pulled down my pants, completely ignoring my cock as he rubbed my lips, his lips biting on my nipples. "Perhaps one day we can experiment with some nipple rings for you~" he said as I feel Mattson let go of me. I could run..but I didn't..as Christ came up behind me, I feel his large hands suddenly grasp my ass. They weren't fucking me...they were just teasing me both with their grasps and their words.
(Because you're a slut that gets off being talked dirty to and told your a whore, and that's what they are gonna do, Gott loosen you ;))
(XD Mark is a sissy slut XD)
Chris gripped my ass with one hand and my chest with the other massaging both. I couldn't help it the loan I tried to desperately to hold back came out, I've never felt more powerless..or this good. He smirked and started to kiss down my neck and bit my shoulder. I cried out and with Eddie fingering came hard from both my cock and woman hood.
He pulled away slow looking at his hands. "I'm not one for men." He said. "But I am one for making you cum~" he said as suddenly the others walked over.
"Alright alright two to start to not overwhelm him." Trager said. They weren't serious..
"We need our turn first." One twin said. Tom the one with the hair says.
"Yes we do." Tim adds
"the others don't know him as well as we do."
"Yes." Tim agree. "We known him the most and longest
They suddenly move forward as I they smirked at me. Tom bent me on my hands and knees and Tim kisses me my first kiss. I feel him grip the side of my face. The kiss was hot, passionate, and messy as he looked at me as I panted, drool still connecting our mouths.
"Mm... think I know.how to make this better." He said as he grabbed my bag as I was confused, his brother just smirking as he walked over.. with my makeup bag, roughly grabbing my face as he took out my lipsticks he seemed to be stuck between the hot pink and bright red.
They went with the bright red and he had me put it on as well as my mascare and eyeliner. After that was done I see Tim had removed his pants and tom stuck his tongue in my ass.
I let out a shocked cry as my legs try to kick him away. "g-get off!"
Tim looked at me and smirked. "Why don't you put on a show for us~? And them? If you do, we'll go as easy on you as you need." (Don't trust him) he whispered in my ear.
"L-Like what?" I moaned. back as he placed a finger on my bottom lip.
"Oh..a sultry, sexy professional who is a total sissy slut but poorly hides it." He whispered as I looked confused but I already had agreed when I humored the idea.
"O-ok--oh! N-No stop! T-That's the wr-oo~" A genuine moan slipped out as I gather my nerves once more."th-the wrong hole! T-This is unacceptable behavior towards your h-head nurse!" I snap. And part of it was how I truly felt but something in me..felt excited.
"We do what we want with sissy sluts like you~" Tim says and rubs his cock against my lips I could tell he was going to take it slow. "Now lick my cock like a lollipop head nurse~"
I almost did.. bit I stop myself.
"T-There's no way I'd lick that.. that thing." I said and I wasn't lying. "I wouldn't ever want to lick that dirty, disgusting ..huge.. thick ..cock.."
"Then we will just have to punish you~" Tom says and bites my ass and I yelp.
Tim starts to jerk off his cock occasionally smacking it against my cheeks and I moaned as he did and soon he came thick ropes of cum on my face and smearing it into my cheeks.
I let out a moan as he suddenly pushed it against my face once more.
"Come on you sissy, look at it. This is what a real man's cock is like. get a good look,because your cock will never be like this." He said smearing it against my cheek as my body suddenly shuddered, my cock and womanhood feeling weird..
"T-That's s-so cruel to say to your superior.." I said trying to not let my voice change.
(Oof mark being a superior. The only thing he's superior at is being a masochist who can cum while only sucking a cock)
"You better star licking it or my brother here will fuck you senseless without any lube~" He orders and that made me shudder more.
"F-Fine you disgusting man~!" I say.
I look at the cock as I give a kiss to the head before licking up the shaft as I let out a moan when he brother would roll his tongue inside of mebefore he suddenly retracted as I ha e a confused look.
"Look at you, being a good slut." "You call yourself our superior, you're supposed to watch us and make sure we are safe, and here you are, taking orders from us. It's rather pathetic isn't it Tim? No wonder she dresses like a girl, she's not a man at all" he states as I kept licking the shaft as I actually shudder at the insult.
It was turning me on so damn much and I could feel my cock ache. "Her big cock is a lie to what she really is a sissy slut begging to be teased." Tom says.
I moaned as I was closer than ever.
However I tried to keep in the role but it was so hard..
"I think she's actually getting off to it and she hasn't even put your cock in her mouth."
I glared at him. "That is enough Ti-"
He cuts me off shoving his cock in my mouth. I let out a choked gag as he gripped my hair.
"sissy sex toys don't speak." He said.
"I think underneath all this is a whore who can't wait to be fucked up the ass, in nice frilly outfits, we'll even set some new rules what do you think Tom?"
"Oh I know she was born an anal slut. I agree though Tim. No standing to pee being one of them, with supervised bathroom trips just to make sure." He said as my fave burned red as I let out a whine. To have no control of how I went to the bathroom..to be told that they'd be making sure, taking any masculinity I had from me..it somehow aroused me as I only realized I was bucking my hips forward
"I think he finally wants something in her slutty ass~" Tim says.
"I agree~" Tom says with a smirk. "Ready for my cock you nasty slut~"
I look back at Tom as I couldn't help but pull from Tim's cock, giving a lick to it before answering.
"G-Give it to.me~.dont hold back~" I moan
He smirked and thrust in hard I cried out and Tim thrusts in my mouth again. They were now spit roasting me. I let out a loud moan into their crotch. Spit hung out the corners of my mouth as he would thrust in when Tim would thrust out, never lea I g me empty.
"Look at her, she's a total natural~"
"what about her sweet little bussy."
"Mmmphh,", I try to tell them no but it just came as a moan
"Nice a tight~ fits like a damn glove two sizes to small~" he moans. "Can't wait to fill it up~"
I felt so full..and it was just two fingers inside of me. I let out a loud moan pulling away from his cock as I rub my cheek against the dripping, slimey member, moaning at the feeling of being less than.
I almost could take it I needed to cum so bad~! It was all I wanted right now~
"Hm? What's this?" He asked a smirk on his face as I moan.
"I-I-I love your cock." I said as I kissed it as he smirked.
"do you think a sissy like you deserves to have such a nice cock ramming into her nasty slutty mouth?" He asked his tone making me shudder and clench around Tom.
"No but please! Give it to me! So me how much of a cock sleeve I am~!" I beg
He looked at me for a moment as he kissed me again. And although it seemed rough..it was so gentle. . Like he was making sure I didn't actually think that low of my self. He slowly pulled away only to lay his heavy, hot, twitching cock on my forehead.
"Well get to making yourself worthy." He said as I knew what he was implying he wanted me to do. "And don't forget to worship them, letting everyone hear how much you love them."
I started to lick his balls and mentally gaged I did not even kick my own balls. Why would I want to suck his but that is exactly what I did taking both into my mouth. I suck on him, feeling Tim's hand push against my clit as I moaned as I kiss and lick him before pulling up to the base, kissing, licking, biting at the shaft, smearing my lipstick.
He groaned and Then pulled back cumming on my face and I feel Tom cum on my ass I was drench in cum. "Who is next?" Tim asks and I fall to the floor they could not be serious.
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Yandere Outlast: Various Yandere Outlast Headcanons/Scenarios/Possible Oneshots Rules And Request Open
Here is what you can Request and the rules.
1: Rules No Sexual Relations with anyone 15 and younger (Has To be at least 16)
2: Reader can be any gender, gender identity, sexuality, and other things like (Chubby, curvy, blind)
For Example
Can I have a Eddie Gluskin X Transgender (Male To Female), Bisexual, Chubby Reader
Walrider X Non Binary, Pansexual, blind Reader
3: You can also ask for OCS, being only mine and my co author OCS, my co author, Marie Or her Genderbent Mark
Mine, Michelle or the genderbent Michael
4: You can ask for headcanons, scenarios, and I will rarely do oneshots but maybe, and questions like
Who would be the most like to be aggressive with their darling compared to gentle of the yandere from outlast whistleblower
The Twins
Jeremy Blaire
Richard Tragger
Father Martin
Chris Walker
5: What type of yanderes?
The yanderes can be anyone from anyone of the Disney Characters to you the Reader (Though this is rare) and the genderbent characters like
Female Eddie Gluskin X Reader
6: You can do also any version of the Characters like here is some versions of Eddie Gluskin
Sane (Sort of) Eddie Gluskin
Priest Eddie Gluskin
Father Eddie Gluskin
Mother Eddie Gluskin
and so much more
7: You can also do Characters X Characters
Yandere Chris Walker X Miles Upshur
8: Be patient as this is at least my 9th oneshot series and yes another one for historical figures is on the way XD So I may be slow to doing request but I will do them.
9: the yanderes can share, fight over you are be in a poly relationship where they date each other and you
10: Stay Sexy!
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