#tragic love songs to study to [vol.5]
myflawsburnthrumyskin · 8 months
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You can sleep in my grave, I won't be needing it.
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777durt777 · 1 year
I'll live as long as my little lungs last
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emotranscripple · 1 year
I smell blood on the track
I've been stabbed in the back
Who's gonna clean this mess
I got a gun in my mouth
And all I can think about is how loud it would sound if I let off a round
But I'm dead on the ground
And the ground's stained brown, oh wow
I've been dead for a while now
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katydacherry · 1 year
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putridpride · 1 year
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via @/suicideleopard on instagram
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leviathancries · 1 year
tragic love songs to study to (vol. 5)
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[DUCKBOY] (2023)
Tragic Love Songs To Study To is Ruby da Cherry (from $uicideboy$) newest solo project. Going by the name DUCKBOY for this album adding to his ever-growing list of aliases. Personally something I have been waiting for, for a long fucking time. Ruby (DUCKBOY) managed to tap into his roots in punk and created this mini album. Much to the upset of most of his zoomer iPad baby fanbase who only want KILL MYSELF! DRUGS! SATAN!!! music.
Track 1: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
"You may hang up or press 1 for more options"
To be honest as an intro track I have heard better, It does set a pretty good (dial)tone for the theme of the album. (people bothering him and trying to call him)
Track 2: ROUGAROU (i've become the monster
"Let's pull back the tide and see if the moon is dead!"
ROUGAROU starts off the album strong with that signature 2000's emo pop-punk vibe. I'm a huge fan of Ruby in general but I feel on songs like this his potential as an artist shines best. His style of singing is so suited to this type of song and it's a shame he hasn't made music like this sooner lol. (yeah before you try and be a smart ass I have listened to his punk shit from his old bands, ur not cool for knowing that) Also the hook of the song is so fucking catchy it's been stuck in my head since the album came out. "I HAVE ALL NIGHT TO HUNT, I PROMICE TO PROTECT YOU WITH MY CURSE!" insane.
Track 3: where y'at, duckboy?
"Oh my god, call me ASAP..."
Interesting choice to put an interlude as the 3rd track on the album, but it is only a 7 song album so I guess it is more forgivable. That being said I actually really like this song. It carries on with the theme of people calling Ruby and bothering him. The simple hip-hop trap beat with that smooth bass kinda fucks to be honest.
Track 4: XXL hadron collider
"I ain't crying over spilt milk, but who's gonna clean this mess?"
Track four thrusts us right back in that 2000s emo mindset. Singing about suicide and betrayal has never been so cool to be honest. This is probably my favorite song on the album solely because it has such a nostalgic sound to it. This song just reminds me of being super young watching AMV's on YouTube in 2008. Like listen to this song and tell me this doesn't remind you of that. And again Ruby flexes on us with his talent of writing catchy hooks. Also the vocal style switch up between verse one and two is unmatched.
Track 5: ​my love life needs a lobotomy
"I spent the whole night throwing up your spiiit!"
Track four and five seamlessly flow into one another. I mean the song is only 41 seconds so it's pretty much just verse three of track four separated into it's own track. BUT IT'S A FUCKING GOOD SONG DAMNIT! like really fucking good. Not really much else to say about this one.
Track 6: where y’at, duckboy​?? "Call me back dawg..."
Another interlude. More voicemails. More chill-hop beats. If I had to compare this one to the other interlude I prefer the other one. Although the girl who says "Thank you" at the end sounds cute :3
Track 7: ​after further reasoning, i’m going to bed
"I'll live as long as my little lungs last!"
Last track of the album. Track seven is another pop-punk song, using catchy guitar riffs and upbeat drums. Ruby shows off his versatile voice on this song using different vocal styles and a good variety of pitch. Homeboy went crazy not gonna lie. Another memorable song IMO. Just another thing to add to my long, long list of good Ruby songs and verses.
Overview: tragic love songs to study to (vol. 5)
I know I was essentially throating Ruby in this review but what can I say? I love the dude. He's a huge inspiration for me. Personal opinions aside ill say the good and bad about the album as a whole.
It's fuckin' short. Like short as fuck. Like out of the 7 songs we have an intro and 2 interludes. That only leaves 4 actual songs, one of which is only 41 seconds long. That being said, the full songs on this album are fucking amazing. Like really, really good. If you are into 2000s pop-punk, emo nostalgia shit. Check this out. The songs are super catchy, well produced and well written. This album has been a long time coming since Ruby has hinted at a solo project for years and I'm hoping for more in the future!
Rating: 8/10
If there's any typos or inconsistencies in this review it's because I can't be bothered to proof read it.
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eikelvannu · 1 year
This shit 🔥
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bobdylanrevisited · 4 years
Blood On The Tracks
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Released: 20 January 1975
Rating: 10/10
Often regarded as Dylan’s greatest album, and potentially the greatest album of all time, it’s hard to disagree. Released on Columbia Records following Bob starting a relationship with an employee whilst his marriage to Sara was crumbling following the 1974 tour, the record is actually two different recording sessions. One was in New York, with a much more mellow feel, the other was in Minneapolis with a backing band, following Dylan’s brother stating that the New York songs sounded too similar. Whilst the original recordings are available on the Bootleg Series Vol. 14: More Blood, More Tracks, and are fucking fantastic in their own right, the final product is a thing of inconceivable genius. It’s an album that perfectly captures the turbulence of divorce, love, longing, and self reflection, and is easily the most beautifully written collection of songs ever released.
1) Tangled Up In Blue - Once again, Bob opens the album with one his best ever compositions. A non-linear tale of love and loss which would rival the postmodern writing style of Kerouac and Ginsberg. The story he tells here is both sweet and tragic, filled with nostalgia and longing for a companion. Potentially partially biographical in nature, the lyrics are among his very best, relatively simple at face value, but filled with references and meaning that could take a lifetime to fully digest. His voice continues to sound more mature and even quite commercial, though his brilliant nasal twang is still present, particularly when he hits the title line. This Minneapolis version is astonishing, it may be the perfect song, though the slower and more chilled out New York recording is equally as brilliant. Although for me the defining performance is the one found on his 1984 live album ‘Real Live’, which completely alters most of the lyrics, something Bob carries on doing to this day.
2) Simple Twist Of Fate - A beautiful track about the cruel nature of fate and losing a soul mate. The song talks of the life cycle of a relationship, through metaphor and abstract imagery that wouldn’t be amiss on ‘Blonde On Blonde’, and feels like a dream sequence that ends with waking up alone and confused. The walking bass in the background and soft acoustic strumming create a relaxed and almost floaty tune that only elevates the vivid lyrics. As this is the ‘divorce’ album, the song ends with the lover being gone and Dylan deep in regret, and whilst he says this record is based on the work of Chekhov, I believe this is how Bob viewed and dealt with his separation. Sara came into his life through fate, and he let her slip through his fingers, it’s a moving song that is drenched in a need to understand the confusing and painful side of love.
3) You’re A Big Girl Now - Bob is begging for forgiveness here, promising to change and asking to be taken back as he sings through tears. I do take issue with the idea of Bob saying it pains him to see Sara walking away from him given his infidelity, however he does accept that it is entirely her decision and he is pleading his case. Ultimately, despite the brilliant performance Bob gives of desperation and pain, along with some great piano and guitar playing from his band, I do think this is the weakest song on the album due to the lyrics bordering on self pitying. It’s still a great song, I just don’t think Dylan comes across the best here. The rest of the record focuses on either anger, sadness, or regret, whereas here it seems he’s focusing on himself and almost being absolved of his own wrongdoings.
4) Idiot Wind - Though Bob claims this isn’t about the causes of the breakdown of his marriage, I think we all can take that to mean that it definitely is. It also happens to be the best song on the album, Bob is snarling his way through an epic poem of accusations and falsehoods, betrayal and bitterness. It harks back to his finger pointing songs of 10 years earlier, and it doesn’t hold punches against the press and those who had been circulating rumours about both him and Sara. It’s fucking amazing, Bob sounds genuinely enraged and yet also confused at the exaggerated actions he’s having to defend or downplay. Not only are the lyrics both chaotic and fascinating, the organ playing is superb. Throughout the 7:47 minute song, every time Bob sings ‘Idiot Wind’ it’s like a direct insult to those who meddled in his relationship, as well as another nail in the coffin of his once happy marriage.
5) You’re Gonna Make Me Lonesome When You Go - It’s been argued as to whom was making Bob lonesome, is it Sara or his Columbia girlfriend? Either way, it’s quite a happy sounding song that’s actually a heartbreaking tale of loss and reluctance to accept life moving on. Bob invokes the poets Verlaine and Rimbaud’s turbulent relationship, with Bob very much being the Rimbaud of the 20th Century, to describe the breakdown of love and happiness leading to feeling alone and self-reflection. As with the whole album, the backing band sound great alongside Bob’s relaxed vocal style and joyous harmonica, and the song creates a tragic feeling of putting on a brave, upbeat facade as life goes on. It’s undeniably becoming much sadder and, as the title suggests, much more lonesome, but Bob attempts to carry on and learn from his mistakes. It’s a hard message to convey in under 3 minutes, but Bob’s pained and honest writing from this period manages it perfectly.
6) Meet Me In The Morning - Musically, this is the best song on the album. All the instruments have a brilliant bluesy feel to them, and Dylan’s voice matches this style, with his nasal tone elongating phrases and making him sound like the blues singers of old. From what I can gather, the protagonist of the song is asking his lover to a rendezvous, but waits from dawn to dusk with no appearance from her. Throughout the song he wishes they could be elsewhere, and compares his love and longing to the darkness of the night and the setting of the sun. It’s a difficult song to unpack as Dylan is the master of mysterious and metaphorical storytelling, but understanding every line really doesn’t matter here. The song itself is a joy to listen to, proving that Dylan shouldn’t just be applauded for his lyricism, but also his ability to compose and record with various musicians to achieve a specific and memorable sound.
7) Lily, Rosemary And The Jack Of Hearts - I’ll quickly mention that Dylan and his harmonica sound amazing on this song, as do the backing band who evoke the sound and atmosphere of the cabarets of old. However, it would be impossible to do the lyrics to this song justice in one small paragraph. This song is the ‘Desolation Row’ of the album, a sprawling epic poem featuring a host of characters in various criminal and romantic encounters. It’s an incredible piece of work, more interesting and exciting than most of what we see on the silver screen. I urge you to fully immerse yourself into the world Dylan creates here, as for nearly 9 minutes, he and his band weave a perfect story worthy of Homer.
8) If You See Her, Say Hello - This song reminds me of ‘Girl From The North Country’. It’s about passing on well wishes to a former lover, letting them know you’re still thinking about them, even though they’ve left your life and moved on. The lyrics are heartbreaking, as Bob remarks that the love still burns within him, but he wants to ensure this information isn’t passed on to her. A brilliantly moving and desperate song once again, with another beautiful backing arrangement and a pained voice longing to rekindle what he has lost.
9) Shelter From The Storm - A love song that focuses on being saved, clearly Bob is talking about Sara and his needing to be rescued from the hurricane of fame, drugs, and parting of 1965 when they met. It’s a romantic story featuring religious imagery, showing Bob’s true feelings towards how he viewed himself and the period of life that was now being ripped apart by his actions. The near angelical way he describes Sara, and his ending thoughts on how he still feels about her nurturing and caring personality, are a far cry from some of the earlier tracks on the album, but this feels like perhaps the most personal song on the record. The stripped back instrumentation allow the bittersweet lyrics to take centre stage, with Bob again sounding much more mature and accessible with his relaxed vocal style. Whilst this version is incredible, I’d also recommend the live 1976 recording on ‘Hard Rain’. The song is much rockier, Bob barks the lyrics, and it sounds fucking brilliant.
10) Buckets Of Rain - The album closes with a genuinely lovely track, both simple and sweet as it addresses a lover. The melody is delicate and Dylan’s singing is soft and full of warmth. There’s not much else to say about this beautiful song, other than it feels like Bob showing us that there is light at the end of the tunnel, and that everything will work out in the end.
Verdict: I could happily just listen to this album until the day I die. If Dylan going electric is the most important musical moment of the 1960s, then this release is the 1970s equivalent. It’s pure art, it captures a feeling most struggle to internally process, let alone articulate in such a poetic and moving way at only 33 years old. The lyricism on this one record alone proves Bob is the greatest poet of the 20th Century. Even the outtakes from this album, especially ‘Up To Me’, are better than most artists creative peak. This may be Dylan’s most personal record (despite his insistence that it is not autobiographical), and I imagine it will be studied for centuries to come as his magnum opus. In typical Bob style, he would bizarrely head out on an exhaustive tour called the ‘Rolling Thunder Revue’, playing at small venues with a band that resembled a circus show, whilst his family life continued to disintegrate. But before he managed to capture the spirit of these carnival-esque performances, he gave permission for some mythical recordings from 1967 to finally be released.
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eb-byestelle · 6 years
Ship game
Tagged by @fuzzykiddreamer (Thank you 💖 !!)
Shipping and Fandom Ask
Embrace your inner shipper!  Answer questions about your favorite ships or fandoms. Reblog to participate and let your ship flag fly!
1.What are your top 10 manga/anime ships of all time?
Top 10 anime/manga:
Yuuki x Kaname - Vampire Knight
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Victor x Yuri – Yuri !!! on ice
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Mirai x Akihito - Kyoukai no Kanata
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Izumi x Ryouma - Love Stage!!
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Shiomi x Orina - Psychic Academy (very unpopular but really sweet ship ;3) 
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Emeraude x Zagato - Magic Knight Rayearth
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Okabe x Kurisu - Steins;Gate
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Edgar x Lydia - Hakushaku to Yousei
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Yori x Iku - Boku wa Imouto ni Koi wo Suru
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Valentino x Ranmaru - Ikoku Irokoi Romantan
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I’m not very “shipper type”, but from anime/manga I guess these ten ships are sth I will always remember 💕 💖 💕 💖
2.What gif or screenshot most sums up your ship?
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(I add the links because for some reasons these gifs make that post is not able to be saved)
3. Describe your favorite ship in seven words or less. 
Yume - Passionate, complicated, eternal love, above everything.
Victuuri - Harmonious, colorful, eros, agape, perfect duo,
Mirai x Akihito - Sacrifice, understanding, monsters in love.
Izumi x Ryouma - I love each part of you.
Shiomi x Orina - Innocent, lust, slow exploration.
Emeraude x Zagato - Protect your freedom - everything else can die.
Okabe x Makise - Time and space don’t matter.
Edgar x Lydia - Secrets, courtship, caramel hair.
Yori x Iku - Pure love, dirty love, love forever.
Valentino x Ranmaru - Opposites attract.
When I think which details connect all these ships, I’m gonna say: Romantic, unconventional, imperishable, full of mutual love and acceptation.
4.What’s your go-to episode or scene when you need ship feels?
Generally In this kind of situation I want to watch some moments when the love between couple is the most visible, usually when between the couple there is some intensive moment full of love.
From manga VK: the whole vol 19 (including the cover 💖) - My heart melts when I look at each chapter T_T 💖
From anime VK: VKG - ep 2, 8 (I’ve always been in love with my own brother ;3) and 13 (this last scene T_T 💖 ..........)
Victuuri: the whole ep 10 - I.LOVE.WHOLE.THIS.EP !
Mirai x Akihito ; Shiomi x Orina ; Okabe x Kurisu: first kiss scenes (there is sth really moving in first kiss scenes ;3)
Izumi x Ryouma ; Yori x Iku: first time (both are just amazing...)
Lydia x Edgar: 
Ep 1 and some peculiary scene in ep 9 (bishounen + whiskey Jack Daniels + loved one = have fun! 💀🔥)
Emeraude x Zagato:
Two last eps of season 1 (romantic and horribly tragic at the same time...)
5.What song or songs remind you of your favorite fandom, character or ship?
Seal - Kiss from the rose 💕
It was a song when, while listening to it I read VK for the first time in 2010. In that moment I read first volume and I said: “Wow - This is great!” Later, after many years, after deeper listening, It turned out that the words of this song perfectly suit to the yume ship. From then on, I associate this song with both the first time when I was charmed by this series and with yume pair.
6. If the creators of your favorite fandom asked you to write the ship canon-confirmation episode, what will you write/how will it happen?
VK / Yume: A lot of things have already been said and done. However, I would doubtless make Yuuki and Kaname be together again (in the normal sense, not like now xp) and that Yuuki would say straight what we see while the whole series, but what hasn't been said directly - that Kaname is the love of her life and that she have never loved anyone so much as she loves Kaname. Such an expressions of feelings and the connection of these two after all these things they have survived (like in the case of Okabe x Kurisu or Mirai x Akihito) would be just a wonderful last chapter. In the case of anime series, I admit that I like the ending. And as for the continuation, we both know well how I would do it ^^
7.Do you prefer to indulge in (consume or create) fanart or fanfic of your favorite ship? 
I prefer to indulge in create fanarts and fanfic but usually not related to my favorite ships.
8.Smut or fluff? (VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION xD) 
I like both eqally ;3 Or remix 👀!!
9.What ship are you embarrassed to admit you like?
I guess none.
10.What task are you most likely to procrastinate so you can indulge in your ship or fandom?
Sometimes I’m able to not sleep all night because to the morning I’m talking with fans of sth I love, I’m watching my favorite serieses or watching/reading sth depends on it, don’t mentioning about when I’m writing sth by my own. Then the time doesn’t matter 💀 then anything doesn’t matter. It remind sth like a state of trance. - I recommend! 🔥🔥🔥
11.How many hours of the day do you spend reading fanfic or looking at fanart or other media? 
In case of fanfics and fanarts, none. I choose to look for some nice edits or news about real series. I can spend from few minutes to few hours, but not everyday, only sometimes.
12.How many memorabilia’s do you own of your favorite fandom or ship (clothes, plushies, etc.)? 
VK: The uniform of night class which I was sewing every day for two weeks so it’s really important to me 💖 I also have all 19 volumes, all DVDs, postcards, posters and badges. I will have soon also a fanbook ^^
Death Note: postcards, posters, badges and ofc. death note ;33
I have also a lot of some little details from various another serieses like all volumes of Love Stage. But mostly I focus on VK.
13.If you could own one authentic item from your favorite fandom world, what would it be?
All dragon balls xD or at least Goku’s four-star ball 💖
And the Kaname’s bed - with Kaname in the set! 🥂💕🔥
14.What fandom have you found to be too toxic to deal with?  
Since I have been on Tumblr, I got involved in only one fandom, so tbh, I can't answer it, because I have no comparison with another fandoms. I also don't have an intend to get too involved in other fandoms, at most superficially.
Nevertheless, withouth doubt the continuous ships-war is tiring and ridiculous. I've always wondered, why among zekis the some of them are still such stubborn, that they can't just get over it and admit that Yuuki's first choice was always Kaname, and Zero on the end turned out to be only the "consolation prize". This is a sad truth, but these are the facts. I think that the only way to real, honest coexistence is to accept this truth on the both sides. Just like when yume accepted that zeki is also a canon and Zero to a degree was also loved by Yuuki in a romantic way, though by not as strong love as Kaname.
It's all simple and transparent, it's enough to notice it. 
The answer: "She loves both equally." is no solution ... "She loves one the most." - this is the only acceptable solution in every LT. Even in Arabic harems there is a division on the "first wife" and "next wives". So it's a natural state of things - one the biggest choise. I think that this is the point of attachment and the right, healthy way to resolve this conflict.
It's interesting that when the VK manga was still published, among my native fandom there was also a clear division between yume and zeki. There was no hatred in this. It was just something like a gulf. Then I saw the same for MAL and here. It inspired me to create a theory that this division is not only a division into ships, but also a division based on a systems of views. And in such a situation it's quite difficult to blur the boundaries... That's why I think that determining ONE plot is the most reasonable way. Later we can at most see, how much my theory works in practice, and in how many cases it's jusr an ordinary, superficial choice of a "more cool ship in someone's taste".
15.Do you have or would you consider getting a tattoo depicting your favorite ship or fandom?
I don't think so I would ever have a tattoo, but I for sure wouldn't walk past indifferently next to earrings or necklace with the symbol of Cross Academy ;3 - I love this symbol, it's so beautiful !!
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16.What is the strangest thing you’ve done to honor your favorite fandom, ship or character?
It’s hard tbh... One time I created with my friend some dumb “event” which looked like “A night with Kaname” xD She prefered Kain, but she also liked Kaname so it was no problem to do it with her. All night we created a funny or pervert memes, edits, posts, games, and we came up with that we would print the posters of our fave. As a result we didn’t do it but... when I think about it right now, this wish is still “alive” xD ...
It was also one night, when I wrote some poem about sth like “how it would be, if I would kiss someone like Kaname”. I mean, although I know he’s not real, it can’t be denied that It’s sth really pleasant to imagine that in our world there might exist someone such amazing like Kaname. This poem was sth like a vision of kiss with the potential, “real” Kaname. It’s a bit embarrasing, when I think about it because this erotic was incredibly personal and intimate, showing not just a kiss but some feelings accompanying to kiss the real love. So yeah, it was very personal and some kind of mix my deep symphaty and love to Kaname character + the description of my feelings while a real passionate kiss with someone, when my knees are bending, face is burning etc + the showing an experience of romantic moment with someone I love. So it was about Kaname and not about Kaname, sth between in other words xD
I also love to say about VK and Kaname in some serious discussion on studies. I think it’s nothing weird or embarassing to mentioned about some aspects from mangas on such an discussions. I think this manga are not just vampire and dumb LT thread but there is sth really deep and interesting, forcing as to think and reflect about what is love, sin, desire, death, will of life, etc... I love this in VK.
I’m tagging @eternalyumelove, @astharoshebarvon, @aphrodytevalentine
I know you guys love ships so have fun ! ;3 (If u want ;3)
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patheticphallacy · 5 years
Another month, another wrap up.
My second year of University is finished, basically. I’ve submitted my dissertation proposal, am in the middle of all my essays due end of April/early May, and have a new flat for third year.
How time flies!
And I’m 20 in two months! Yay! Exciting stuff!
After the Rain by Jun Mayuzuki [3.75 stars; I have a review for this one, it has it’s issues but I’m hoping it’ll improve as the series goes on]
The House at Pooh Corner by A.A. Milne [4 stars; A.A. Milne came in to my house and purposefully ripped my heart out of my chest from beyond the grave]
RWBY Volume 1: Red Like Roses by Various [3 stars; this has some ISSUES I’ve had with other RT productions, I still love it despite myself tho ]
The Isle of Pines by Henry Neville [1 star; A lot of uhhhh incest in this one]
I Hear the Sunspot by Yuki Fumino [3 stars; this one was quite disappointing, in all honesty, although it is still a cute read!]
Measure for Measure by William Shakespeare [3 stars; this is my first Shakespeare of the year as I work my towards reading all his plays by 25! I was confused at moments, but the reveals were so satisfying, although the ending….]
Sweet Blue Flowers by Takako Shimura [4.5 stars; this is the lesbian manga I’ve been waiting for all my life, everyone! I wasn’t living until I read this]
My Immortal by Tara [1 star; thank you to my friend Zara for finally getting me to read all of this finally!]
The Man in the Moone by Francis Godwin [1 star; this was boring as HECK]
Belinda Blinked 1 by Rocky Flintstone [1 star; FINALLY finished the first part of the My Dad Wrote a Porno podcast, so I’m marking this one as read]
Labyrinth Coronation #9, #10, #11 by Simon Spurrier [4 stars- nearly at the end now! I’ll miss this series, honestly, it’s been consistently great and it’s been so entertaining]
Sparrowhawk #3 and #4 by Delilah S Dawson [3 stars; not a spectacular series, but only one issue left, so I may as well finish it when #5 comes out!]
The Unsound by Cullen Bunn [4.5 stars; this is very disturbing and graphic in terms of self harm and gore, but I loved it? Apparently my brand is loving all the bizarre and gorey comic series people HATE]
Saban’s Go Go Power Rangers #15-17 by Ryan Parrott [3 stars; would consider giving these issues 4 stars purely for Skull and Kimberly, and also Bulk for how cute he was protecting Skull’s heart from being broken]
The Wall of Winnipeg and Me by Mariana Zapata [3.5 stars; a difficult one to rate, as I loved the first half, but once these characters realise they like each other/the one Mariana Zapata Sex Scene happens that is part of her brand, I just get tired and feel like she should have ended it 50 pages before]
On the Death of Peter Stubbe by Scott Wolf [1.5 stars; read this bad boy for Uni and it was actually bizarre]
The Last of August by Brittany Cavallaro [3 stars; I was… very disappointed with this one. The ending was very rushed and confusing, I had to go back and re-read to understand what had happened, but I still love the characters and look forward to reading book 3 in April]
A Midsummer Night’s Dream by William Shakespeare [3.5 stars; this was a laugh and would have been rated higher, if not for that whole final scene that just felt like Shakespeare was STRETCHING]
Book Scavenger by Jennifer Chambliss Bertman [4 stars; this is SUCH a good first book in a middle grade series that follows a girl who goes on a scavenger hunt after the creator of the hunt is hospitalised! It sounds darker than it is, I swear]
Kulti by Mariana Zapata [3.5 stars; THIS COULD HAVE BEEN A WHOLE ASS 5 STARS  FOR PLOT if Mariana didn’t insist on ending it the way she did, and also didn’t use lesbophobic slurs and weird possessive undertones between the MC and the LI as well as so much girl and slut shaming like… Winnipeg definitely wasn’t this bad]
The Woods Volume 4 by James Tynion IV (4 stars; this series is finally starting to improve for me and I’m so happy!)
Neverworld Wake by Marisha Pessl (5 stars; I loved this book so so much I’m so glad I finally finished it after 2 months of having it on hold)
The Hating Game by Sally Thorne (3 stars; I didn’t really enjoy this much as expected, it definitely has issues that I’m surprised aren’t discussed more like how violent their relationship is before sex ? The MC genuinely thinks she’s going to get murdered by the LI at first)
The Walking Dead Volume 1 by Robert Kirkman (3.5 stars; after putting this down before I’m so happy I ended up enjoying it!)
Wait For It by Mariana Zapata (3 stars; in terms of more problematic material, this is definitely Zapata’s best. I do still think she has pacing issues though, and her sex scenes are so badly written I cringe every time I read one)
Sunstone Volume 1 by Stjepan Šejić (4 stars; another really great read; the art is beautiful, characters are so fleshed out already, and I can’t wait to see where their relationship goes!)
IT ONLY HAPPENS IN THE MOVIES by Holly Bourne! One of the picks Annie made for me in my ‘Best Friend picks my TBR’ post!
Chubby Rat Gets Stuck in a Manhole: this is the only piece of literature that has ever mattered to me
Authors voice alarm after sharp drop in sales of YA fiction: a very solemn and worrying piece, but I’m hoping the conversation this brought up will continue and this is something UKYA publishers and readers alike can work on to improve the sales and keep YA sales in the UK alive!
When words fail: A possible interpretation of Isabella’s silence in Measure for Measure: This is a response to Isabella’s silence at the end of Measure for Measure, which I read this month. I think it has a tragic ending for Isabella, honestly, and this is a really great interpretation of that scene
The Gay Love Stories of Moomin and the Queer Radicality of Tove Jansson: I can’t be the only person to have noticed the sudden influx of Moomin hype on Twitter, and I am digging it. Reading this is fascinating, and I think it’s incredible how much of Jansson’s life and experience as a queer woman can be seen in Moomin!
Openly gay pro strongman Rob Kearney marries his boyfriend: I will love and support gay athletes till the day I die. This article is so cute.
The Night Country: Melissa Albert previews her next Hazel Wood novel: The Hazel Wood was one of my favourite novels of 2018, so the sequel coming out so quickly is an absolute treat. This has the cover release- American, unfortunately, so I still have no clue what the UK cover will bring- but it does have the first chapter! I love and adore Sophia Snow and I cannot wait to have a new book girlfriend!
Ryan Hollinger’s video on the horror of Coraline. Coraline is one of my favourite animated films, I’ve watched it so many times, and I love seeing people’s analysis of it!
I went on a bit of a Ryan Hollinger kick this month and also watched his Texas Chainsaw Massacre video where he analyses the presence of daylight in the film, unconventional in the horror genre
Karate Chopsticks plays a lot of Professor Layton games, so when I have some downtime where I just want to relax I’ve been watching him!
I watched a video on How Guillermo del Toro deals with trauma in his films that I found fascinating! It specifically talks about The Devil’s Backbone and Pan’s Labyrinth 
With my friend Zara, I started the K-Drama BOYS OVER FLOWERS, which I’m honestly loving. It has some issues, but it’s basically a staple k-drama and I’m loving watching it and talking about it with her
Sucker by Jonas Brothers [I never really cared about these guys coming back but I’m glad they did, this is a really neat song]
SOS by Jonas Brothers
Big Time Rush by Big Time Rush [a TUNE]
Just in general I’ve really been enjoying The Band CAMINO, my favourite song by them is definitely Daphne Blue!
In Other Lands
Starry Eyes
Four Film Reviews: The Village, Holes, Stardust, 13 Going on 30
Netflix Thriller Reviews
Three Manga Reviews: After the Rain Vol 1, RWBY Vol 1, Sweet Blue Flowers
Music Monday: Music I’ve Listened to Lately
Graphic Recommendations #1: Contemporary 
Top Ten Tuesday: Standalones that Need a Sequel
Top Ten Tuesday: My Best Friend Picks My Spring TBR!
Top Ten Tuesday: Books that Should be Podcasts
Currently Reading #1
My Study Positive April Announcement!
March Wrap Up & April TBR Jar Pick Another month, another wrap up. My second year of University is finished, basically. I've submitted my dissertation proposal, am in the middle of all my essays due end of April/early May, and have a new flat for third year.
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maafbox · 7 years
by Rachel Brame
Historical Context II
With half of London suffering demolishment from air attacks in the 40’s, the England’s attitude about prospects of the future assaults has been irreversibly impacted. In Strangelove’s closing scene, Vera Lynn’s rendition of “We’ll Meet Again” as bombs explode has proved to be an enduring dark joke which American audiences did not fully grasp initially. Many “were genuinely shaken by Kubrick’s unforgiving ending, and disturbed by the mockery of its accompanying song.”5 While audiences left of the Atlantic might interpret it a lovesick tune marking the tragic end of civilization, the BBC broadcasted it nationally in the 1940’s; having the effect of boosting morale, providing comfort, and creating a sense of ‘Allied togetherness’ for Britain’s countrymen in its perilous moments during the war. American audiences less familiar with this cultural reference are not impacted with the same level of patriotic emotion as their English neighbors.10
Decades after its release it’s become a film referenced endlessly in pop-culture becoming a “metaphor for the deadly consequences of science and government gone awry”.7 In terms of its historical preservation through the ages, and as a testament to its cultural significance, it earned the honor of being added in 1989 to the U.S. National Film Registry. 13 As a tribute to its comedic endurance, the American Film Institute ranked it third in 2000 on the institute’s list of 100 Years…100 Laughs.1 More seriously, Dr. Strangelove continues to be utilized in debate and in academic circles as a “point of reference for the cold war and the nuclear dangers”8 which circumstantially continue to persist now more than ever.
*Author’s note: a good chunk of this review was originally published on my blog of college writing December 11, 2012. http://reelnoodling.blogspot.com/2012/12/dr-strangelove-response-significance.html
“AFI’s 100 Years…100 Laughs”, Accessed on: 2/2/12
Burgess, Jackson, “Film Reviews, Dr. Strangelove” Film Quarterly, Vol. 17, No.3, Spring 1964. Pp.41-42. Acessed:2/2/102
“Detonating Comedy,” Time, Vol. 198, No. 6, February 3, 1964, pg. 69.
“Filmsite Movie Preview; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (1964)”, Accessed on: 2/2/12
Ghamari-Tabrizi, Sharon; “Dr. Strangelove”, excerpt from The Worlds of Herman Kahn; The Intuitive Science of Thermonuclear War, Harvard University Press, 2005.
Knickerbocker, Conrad, “Humor with a Mortal Sting”, NewYork Times Book Review, Sept. 27, 1964, sec.7, pg 3.
Lefcowitz, Eric, “Dr. StrangeloveTurns 30. Can It Still Be Trusted?,” New York Times, January 30, 1994, sect. 2, p. 13.
Lowery, J. Vincent, “A Reel Nightmare Exposed: A Study of the Cultural Significance of Stanley Kubrick’s Dr. Strangelove (1964)”, MA Thesis, UNCW, 2009.
Maland, Charles, “Dr. Strangelove(1964): Nightmare Comedy and the Ideology of Liberal Consensus”,American Quarterly. Vol 31 No. 5, Special Issue: Film and American Studies, 1979 , pp.699-717. Acessed on:2/2/12
Morrison, Steven, “ ‘Are the Russians Involved Sir?’: The British Dimension of Dr. Strangelove”, Cultural Politics, Vol.4, No.3, 2008, pp. 378-385.
Pipolo, Tony, “The modernist and the misanthrope: The cinema of Stanley Kubrick”. Cineaste.27.2 (Spring 2002) p4. Acessed on: 2/2/12
Stillman, Grant B., “Two of the MADdest scientists: where Dr. Strangelove Meets Dr. No; or unexpected roots for Kubrick’s cold war classic”, Film History, Vol. 20, No. 4, 2008.
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777durt777 · 1 year
I'll live as long as my little lungs last
Haunting the depths of the flooded earth
Will be my skull
Found in water bound grass
Will you bring flowers to my grave?
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