lifewithcasti · 2 years
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Noooo but really, Imagine having Eloy & I as your parents?!?😝 : : : : #familygroupchat #weirdparentsclub #tripletparents #momslife #trainingmontage #thecornierthebetter #humorme #thisisme #lovethislife #beyou #goatsofinstagram #goats https://www.instagram.com/p/CpnbFEkOSJf/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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traintrainingmontage · 3 months
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Welcome to the Training Yard
Header (by @/shikariiin)
Profile Pic (by @/rouxipanda)
Pinned Post Art (by @/maxwellscorner)
Terrible puns aside, my name is Te, and this is my TTTE sideblog! I also go by TrainingMontage on Ao3!
I am 25+ years old, she/her, and proudly queer. This is an LGBTQ+ positive, inclusive, and safe blog, so no NSFW, but you may see some swearing and vaguely suggestive content.
My writing and analysis will primarily be based on the Railway Series and Model Series seasons 1-5, as that's what I'm most familiar with, but once in a while I'll reference other TTTE media.
The Skarloey Railway engines, and Skarloey himself in particular, are my favorites, but I also love Edward, James, Percy, Donald, and Douglas very much.
Please do not ask me to commission you.
My askbox is open; please feel free to ask me my opinions on any character or any episode/story. I'll do my best, but I tend to have more to say about RWS and Model Series characters than CGI era originals.
Tag list + featured posts under the cut!
Tag List:
#te writes trains: all of my original writing pieces, including both fanfics and essays
Featured Pieces:
So the Story Goes
Skarloey Appreciation Essay
Friends and Family
It's Love that Sits at the Heart of Violence
#te talks trains: all of my various thoughts about the characters in TTTE
Featured Pieces:
Edward and Henry (and its follow-up, James and Henry)
Skarloey and the Stock Market (and its companion/prequel, While You're Here, You're Family)
Stanley, Duke, and Second Chances
Percy's "Obscure Antecedents"
TTTE Cafe/Bar AU
Sapient Vehicles and Engine Relationships
#te answers questions: for any asks that I may receive
#ttte analysis: where my and other people's wonderful analyses and essays about TTTE end up
#ttte fanfic: the self-explanatory fanfic catch-all tag
#ttte art: ...there's a lot of it
#ttte irl: for photos of real trains and places
#ttte-adjacent: for posts that I personally think are relevant/related to TTTE but aren't directly tagged as or stated to be such
#good ttte takes: this fandom has lots of opinions and these are my favorites. Other people's headcanons that I'm a fan of also go here
#ttte textposts: just what it says on the tag
#ttte shipping: for everyone who likes making the trains kiss
Posts are also tagged by character/ship!
Please enjoy, and thanks for checking out the blog! 💖
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richardsphere · 1 year
Lets watch Ice Queendom cause i got a month of Crunchy-Blog S1E3
Ok before i start the episode, I hope this is where the timelines start to diverge. because duck fammit everything so far has been a rethread. ---- First thing in the episode “redecorating complete”. If i remember right that means we’re probably not diverging stories yet because of course we need the port classroom scene that happens imediatly afterwards. I dont remember ML!Port’s speech, but my gut says there might be a tiny rewrite to hint at things that have since been written into the series lore in more recent seasons. That RT probably didnt have defined in S1 yet. But also his speech is generic enough i might just be imagining it. (that is not a put-down. Generic is not always the same as bad.) Ports face is a lot more angular then i remember. the boarbatusk battle is pretty much identical,  Weiss sees herself.
Im betting that there must at one point have been some of those “Yang is a bad sister” types complaining ML!Yang didnt interfere, and thats why IQ!Blake tells her this is something Ruby has to do herself. Is it me or is the size disparity between IQ! Rose-pin bigger then the ML! equivalent? Could be trying to emphasize Ruby’s youth.  The Port and Ozpin scenes are both still not that great. IQ!Cardins eyebrows are really unsettlingly thick. IQ! Jaune has a neckscar matching Weiss. the Cardin V Jaune scene is entirely offscreen, focussing on the teammates in the stands with some generic “sword vs sword” sounds. (presumeably to save on budget). Personally i think they could have thrown in a few “dustsplosion” sounds to sell the weight of Cardins Mace offscreen. The Pyrha unlocks Jaune’s aura scene is moved to the rooftop where she accidentally told him to “do a flip”. this scene happens AFTER aforementioned Cardin fight. Which features Aurameters that imply its already been unlocked.  Unlocking increases Scarsize. IQ!Weiss is secretly watching Pyrrha and Jaunes rooftop gettogethers. IQ!Weiss takes more then just Port talk to decide to be a good teammate, and instead decides “well if my girlcrush can support the inadequate noodleboy, clearly its a secret test by the school that awards extra credit and Pyrha realised this before I did”. As a result IQ!Weiss attempts to be a good teammate feel somewhat hollow. (also on a note, the whimsical life-threatening bunkbeds remain unchanged) I’ll be honest, im not entirely certain i remember what JNPR’s room normally looks like, but the presence of a dividing curtain in IQ! has been noted. (i dont remember seeing it in cannon, but also it could just be peeled out the way when everyone is awake) We didnt get the sleepover, but the BunnyJamas are here! (also Jaune wont wake up after GhostJaune brambletangled him) Turns out scars are more like Bramble-tattoos.  Only “closest friends” can enter the dream. Presumably because IQ!Jaune and IQ! ruby never had the “first friends” scene, IQ!ruby doesnt go and its IQ!NPR only. Nightmare environment has Carrot-lance wielding bunny-knight statues with the Rabbit logo on the shield. Because IQ was released after S4 and they dont need to hide Jaune’s “true symbol”. Tiny todling Jaune with rabbitears, Im still annoyed they didnt go for “Jaune ascenscion shows his true leporine symbols” in the V9 climax. This was only yesterday so i cant NOT make note that they ACTUALLY MADE HIM A RABBITFAUNUS IN THE SPINOFF.  VINDICATION. if only for this one dreamscene. There’s a dreamphone. Bunny Jaunes ears wilt when sad. We need more Bunny!Jaune. (if only because, having only 1 of the 8 “core” ensemble castmembers be a faunus always felt like a fantasy tokenism-thing) IQ!Glynda mentions that jaune’s aura is underdeveloped This is not a change in the series. (cannonically aura regeneration can be trained, such as shown by them mentioning him starting to regenerate quicker during an Atlas Arc Trainingmontage), but i suspect some people might have thought it goes counter to Pyrrha claiming Jaune has a naturally large aura.  Oh no, time to see if this spin-off treats the “Weiss is racist against faunus in general, then Sun in specific then continues to equate all faunus with the White Fang and never apologises for it, instead expecting Blake to apologise for getting angry at her racism and cannon treats this like an apology”-arc better then ML! did. PENNY! *sobs in five languages* The one thing about this arc i hope they dont change, is Penny being Penny. Ghost weiss is looming I get they’re using that line about “the nightmare grimm gets stronger the more stressed you are” to justify including this arc at all.  Teleporting Penny! you know, rewatching this scene now, it becomes rather obvious that they probably didnt have the finer details of Blake’s backstory worked out yet, because otherwise Penny (who probably has a database of political VIP’s) wouldnt have felt the need to verify that “blake” was “the faunus girl” as she’d have recognised her as being basically a princess of a foreign kingdom. IQ!Penny “saw her without it” and doesnt hiccup. whereas ML!Penny just has the detailed cameras and processing power to identify them beneath the bow. Dockyard battle happens entirely off-screen (for budget reasons presumeably) and the conclusion of this arc is still dissapointing and still includes no apologies. Just a “dont run away in the future” with a non-specific implication she’ll try to be less racist in the future and a total unwillingness from Weiss to admit she commited any wrongs during this storyarc. IQ!Ruby wants blake to “give her those kitty ears”, i dont know enough about fantasy catgirls but that feels like something you cant demand, catgirls have a right to consent too you know. Oh ok, so not only is the ending of this arc still as bad as it was before, with refusal to acknowledge past wrongdoing. IQ!Weiss is also lying about her intentions to become less of a racist person in the future. Thanks for confirming that Ghost!Weiss.  ------- I can barely believe it myself. But they somehow managed to take, what was already widely recognised as some of the worst dissapointing characterwriting in RWBY’s history and managed to make it worse in this adaptation. Congratulations!
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proudheron · 6 years
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my swen & my boss's swan. someday i will be refined! #wonkybutwellintentioned #woknyswen #trainingmontage
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fugandhi · 4 years
The OTHER-Other Rocky Training Montage
Duuuuude... Totally hypin’ THE PUMP!
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alydawilliamswingy · 4 years
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Happy star wars day!! May the force be with you!!! My Rey training tribute to Luke's training montage 😁 good old times with my friend @akinsalver when I used to live in Mexico. #starwarsday #maythe4thbewithyou #starwarsfans #reyskywalker #reycosplay #starwarscosplay #trainingmontage https://www.instagram.com/p/B_xu5jbj6XY/?igshid=chqxjc9fu54h
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scarlettohairdye · 7 years
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We can work out, I guess. Whatever. #seabq #circus #costuming #trainingmontage #bitchpony
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mkbosworth · 3 years
Some Thoughts on Gwyn - Part 2
Gwyn as a LightSinger 
-  1000%. yes. 
- I think Gwyn’s grandma wasn’t a River Nymph but a LightSinger.   I think Gwyn doesn’t know what her true heritage or powers are.  I think she honestly believes that she’s a quarter Nymph - because that’s what she was told.  
-  LightSingers are Beautiful and Ethereal and find people who are feeling Lost.  This is a really accurate description of Gwyn.  Nesta describes her as being one of the most beautiful females she’s ever seen.  She’s also described as being tall, lean, and lithe -  which is what we envision as ethereal.  And lastly Gwyn found Nesta, when she was feeling at her most lost.  
-  Gwyn’s singing is described as “drawing you in” or “pulling you in.”  She also “glows” with “light” , “rays”, and “sunshine” when she sings.  This sounds very on-brand for a LightSinger.  I feel like LightSinger’s powers are similar to that of a Sirens - who could enchant and hypnotize people with their voice.  I think we see Gwyn showcase these powers, especially when Nesta goes into the trance that leads her to the Harp, while listening to Gwyn’s voice.  
Gwyn as Evil: 
- Egh.  I hope not.  I really, really hope that Gwyn hasn’t befriended Nesta as a manipulative plot. That would be so heartbreaking.  
- I know that Cass says that LightSinger’s are baddies - but I wonder if that’s not entirely true.  I wonder if they just get a bad rap because their powers can be used for evil: essentially they can brainwash you.  I think it could be like ShadowSingers - who are also feared for their powers, and what they can do as, assassins and spies.  I know we all love Az - but that’s because he is a good guy.  So I’d like to think that being a LightSinger (or a ShadowSinger) isn’t inherently good or bad - I think it’s based more on the person and how they choose to wield their power.   
-  I think Gwyn’s only a quarter LightSinger - so maybe that means whatever the “darker” and more “monstrous” traits of a LightSingers have been water-down.  Or maybe she had the full powers but it’s a choice?  Like, maybe she can shift, into her beast form (like Rhys can), but only when and if she chooses.  Again, being able to do this doesn’t necessary make her evil.  It’s just another power, a weapon -  and she chooses how/when to yield it, for good or for bad.  
-  I  love the idea of Gwyn getting some page time that is about her discovering her ancestry and coming into her power. I could see there being a storyline in which the IC decides that Gwyn needs to train - either to further develop her LightSinger powers, or more important learn to control them so she doesn’t unintentional hurt someone.  Personally, with training, I think she’d make a badass Assassin for the IC.   She’s already trained in physical combat, and now as a LightSinger, she could learn how to reel in her marks. They wouldn’t even know what hit them, till she landed the knife in their gut!  With training, she might also make a really good interrogator.  Unlike Az who uses torture, she might be able to get info out of people by just using her voice to bewitch them into confessing what they know.  If either of these things are true, I’d imagine that the IC would select Az as the one to train her.   This would give us a good master-apprentice story-arc, which we all know is one of SMJ’s favorite tropes.  #trainingmontage.  
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quietlysatan · 5 years
Happy Holidays Volume 2. Chapter 27.
Link: Here!!
Rating: T
Pairing(s): N/A, Yamamoto Genryuusai & Kurosaki Ichigo, Abarai Renji & Kurosaki Ichigo, Sado "Chad" Yasutora & Kurosaki Ichigo
Warning(s): Ichigo is essentially made a child warrior but like, it’s not very addressed?? You gotta read it man
Gif Aesthetic: Very much so a #trainingmontage, but with feelings
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megahammer-blog1 · 6 years
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Flesh and Steel lyrics. Bigger photo in the Facebook profile. Now you can sing along, in the night without pity #megahammer #synthwave #aor #hardrock #synth #cockrock #rock #80s #motivationalmusic #workout #trainingmontage
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actionactress · 6 years
AERIAL BUDDY APPRECIATION - 🔊 sound on ~ Loving my #aerialbuddies with their moral support, enthusiasm, and "oh no, you go first" attitude 😉 without them, I couldn't share these fun times... literally! - 👏🏽 @sophielouisetrapeze @ruthie_pops @yogawithdrlyanh @italipina @ultimate_body_sculpting + others I haven't found on Instagram #aerialaddict #aerialhoop #lyra #trapeze #statictrapeze #sittingsuicide #suicideroll #notbendy #happydays #happydance #lotusleggings #trainingmontage #journeysofar #iwasinverted
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titanpt · 6 years
My Monday morning ritual, watch this and then listen to #trainingmontage on repeat on the way to work 💪🏾😄 #dontquit #mondaymotivation #monday #physicaltherapy #physio #titanpt #titanfit #betterfasterpt #rocky #🥊 rockybalboa🎥 (at Inglewood, California)
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worksbyahurst · 7 years
As a welder some days are harder than others. Even if it is your 4th sequil and the old training scenes are all wore out you sill have to be a champion dime stacker! Take a lesson from @mariowned on how best to prep for fight of your life! 🔥😭 . . #welding #wildlife #trainingmontage #ivandrago #adobepremierepro
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bighayko · 7 years
#connormcgregor #floydmayweather #training #dance #dancing #mgmgrand #mgm #trainingcamp #trainingmontage #meme #dankmemes #dankmeme #memes #memesdaily
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greeneyedguide · 7 years
PARK WORKOUT (+ bonus gymnastics fun) 45 sec work, 15 sec rest, 2-3 rounds. 🤸‍♀️ THIS IS WHAT HAPPENS WHEN I GET LOST DURING A RUN. I was jogging along, all turned around in a new neighborhood and then OOH! A PARK WITH A WALL/BEAM! It's fun working out outside, like I am taking advantage of the season. 🤓💚🌞🤸‍♀️ . #workoutoutside #outdoors #sunshineworkout #gymnastics #likeagymnast #park #parkworkout #cartwheel #handstand #training #montage #figurecompetitior #figureprep #vacationworkout #makeshiftbalancebeam #trainingmontage #funworkout (at Chicory Meadow Park)
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fugandhi · 6 years
I LOVE this training montage! Rocky is one of my favorite movies of all time. It’s one of the best modern-day examples of an underdog overcoming the odds. I could write extensively on my love for the Rocky franchise - hey who knows maybe one day I will. Either way - God love Sylvester Stallone for writing the story and acting in his finest performance ever. This one is for the everyday kid in the neighborhood who kept fightin’ for their dreams to become true. 
“Eye of the Tiger”, babaayyy!
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