justapillowpetpanda · 10 months
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hunting-songs · 28 days
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The next second a thick, heavy wave of blackness splashed down on the Musician and filled the train- compartment when the lamps aboveher head suddenly went out. From one moment to another the train stopped and Senritsu stumbled out of her seat- which was not as bad as it could have been- but than her suitcase fell out of the net above her head and crushed on the floor a inch beside her- which was as bad as it could have bn and was so loud it was deafening. The poltering sound loud like thunder stabbed into the womans ears of her baggage falling out of the net jined the much too loud cacophony of the other passengers baggage in the other compartments hitting the floor accompanied with suprised yells and loud cussing. The blackness was far from quiet. And between this orchestra of confused voices, cursing, rapid breathing, startled heartbeats and the echo of screeching metal when the train had hit the brakes, something else reached the Musicians ears. Something like a whisper.
But it was black. But it was so black the woman could not see. Tiltining her head to the side like a attentove bird, Senritsu listened into the waves of noises around her- she heard the corridor on the other side of their compartmentdoor flooded with the nervouse footsteps of passangers stepping outside to ask what had happned, she heard scraps of conversations consisting of 'Dark’, 'blackout’, 'stop’; she heard children crying who had woken up from the sudden stop, she heard the tiered moaning of electronics that had a second before still worked but couldn’t start now, she heard the doors of the train opening and the footsteps of the trainconductor stepping on the grass outside. A blackout?, leaving her baggage on the floor the woman stood up, her head still tilted to the side as she listened more swiftly through the wild swirl of voices until she could hear the hasty, nervouse conversation of two trainguards with one of the voices belonging to the trainguards who had an hour before controlled her ticket. It was deep black around her, but the noises reflected from the walls of the train and the luggage on the floor, so she knew perfectly where people and things were located and her steps were sure and without any hestiation. Not even looking back- after all only blackness would look back- the woman opned the door to her compartment and stepped outside on the corridor. Silver moonlight fell through the windows in thin threads on the corridor,dyeing everything around her grey and colourless. Nimbly the short woman stepped around other passangers until she reached one of the trains doors- the one with the hightuned creaking hinges through which she had heard the trainoperator walk outside- and stepped outside. Past the trains metalwalls the traintracks lead through a valley surrounded by high grass that spanned the world past the trainracks like an ocean. And like an ocean the tall grass, taller than Senritsu, taller than the passengers stepping outside behind the woman, the grass swayed in the icy nightbreeze. In the little light of the moon and the stars the grass looked as if drawn with dark ink. Its shadows scampered over the valley of black, grassless earth the traintracks had been build on. The Blackness was far from quiet. Between the voices, different breaths and heartbeats inside the train, between the rustling of the clothes of the other passangers who had left the train and now went along the tracks curiously, between the conductors quiet muttering, between the rustling of the tall grass moving in a barely feelable breeze, there was something else reaching her ears. Something like a whisper. “I am not the only one looking for answers, mhmmmmmmmmmm?”, the woman looked over her shoulder up to whoever was standing behind her: "I think there was a blackout? The electronics of the train had failed." She pointed up to the wires above the rails on whic the train ahd been lead on and which normal buzing that ahd been with her the whole trainride, was now gone. Yet even if that electronic buzzing was gone, the blackness was far from quiet.Between the voices, different breaths and heartbeats inside the train, between the rustling of the clothes of the other passangers who had left the train and now went along the tracks curiously, between the conductors quiet muttering, between the rustling of the tall grass moving in a barely feelable breeze, there was something else reaching her ears. Something like a whisper.
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mariajunia · 5 years
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Jalan-jalan - watercolor on paper . #sketch #urbansketch #watercolor #tokyotrain #trainoperator #japan #setagaya #tokyo #artwork #sketch #sketchwalker #travelsketch #watercolor #town #train #tokyometro #windsorandnewton #summer #sketching #junejunia (at Setagaya, Tokyo) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1VEiItAyCq/?igshid=1h75s0xhbsv7c
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guyanesegirlsrock · 7 years
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"The only way to do great work is to love what you do." ~Steve Job. @blasian_engineer is a proud MTA Train Operator and #SheRocks. #wednesdaywisdom #workingwoman #trainoperator #guyanesegirl #motivation #inspiration #guyanesegirlsrock
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gnarlyjargon · 6 years
The choot choot life. #xavierthetroublemaker #trainconductor #trainoperator #christmas
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ourtelanganajobs · 4 years
via Bharat Recruitments All India Government Job Updates,Job Notifications
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tajakhabrein-blog · 7 years
आखिरी मौका - गुजरात मेट्रो रेल में 606 इंजीनियर, मेंटेनर, ऑपरेटर पदों पर जल्‍दी करें आवेदन
आखिरी मौका - गुजरात मेट्रो रेल में 606 इंजीनियर, मेंटेनर, ऑपरेटर पदों पर जल्‍दी करें आवेदन
#CustomerRelationAssistant, #GujratMetroRailRecruitment, #GujratMetroRecruitment2017, #JuniorEngineer, #Maintainer, #StationController, #StationControllerSalary, #StationControllerSalaryInGujratMetro, #StationControllerVacancyInGujratMetro, #TrainOperator
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