#transfemme Steve harrington
withacapitalp · 1 year
Trust Me
Read it on AO3 instead here. Special thanks to @riality-check for betaing for me!!! I love me some genderfluid Steve Harrington, and writing this was so much fun!! TW: internalized homophobia, internalized transphobia, and a couple f slurs
It started with the long navy skirt that Carol’s mother got her for her thirteenth birthday. 
Well, maybe it started a lot earlier. Maybe it started with Steve being both Tommy and Carol’s first kiss, or maybe it started with Steve always wanting to play house, or maybe it never really ‘started’ in the first place. Maybe this was just always who he was. 
But Carol thinks it really started with that long navy skirt. 
It wasn’t really Carol’s style. It was floor length and just a bit too long. When she tried it on, the bottom pooled around her on the floor like a rushing river. Her mom promised to get it tailored and told her to hang it up in her closet. 
Carol, in a hurry to get dressed before Steve and Tommy, left it on her desk instead. 
Her thirteenth birthday was perfect. Just her and her boys doing whatever she wanted. They went to Enzo’s for a fancy Italian dinner, watched a romance movie that Tommy pretended to hate, and got two scoops of cotton candy ice cream afterward to split. Her parents even let the boys sleep over in her bedroom as long as they all promised that Tommy and Steve were going to stay on the floor. 
They broke that promise pretty much the second the door was shut, but what her mom and dad didn’t know wouldn’t hurt them. 
Carol fell asleep squished between her two favorite people, snuggled in warm and safe. 
She woke up half cold. 
Tommy was still curled up on her left side, snoring and dead to the world, but her right side was chilly, and when she spread her fingers out searching, only the blankets greeted her. 
Steve wasn’t there. 
Carol cracked one eye open, looking past the empty bed and towards the clock on her bedside table. 3:48 am. 
Way too early to be awake, even for an early bird like their Stevie. If it was Tommy, she would’ve just rolled over and went back to bed, assuming he was just getting up to pee or something. That was probably what Steve was doing. Carol didn’t need to worry. 
But…but it was Steve, and Steve had a tendency to get himself into trouble. The little voice in the back of Carol’s head that sounded like her mother was nagging at her, telling her to check on him, telling her to make sure, just make sure. 
So, with a heaving sigh, Carol untangled herself from Tommy’s octopus grip and pushed herself out of bed, shivering slightly when her bare feet touched the freezing cold floor. She scurried over to where her slippers were, jamming them on and walking out the door yawning. 
She was too busy rubbing at her sleep filled eyes to notice the skirt that had been on her desk was missing. 
Light spilled into the hallway from down the stairs, directing Carol to where she would find her missing boy. She decided to slide down the banister to avoid the creaky steps, smothering a giggle and keeping quiet. Steve was probably just getting a midnight snack and watching one of her VHS tapes. Maybe she would join him, and they could watch Robin Hood or Mary Poppins and fall asleep on the couch together like they did sometimes. 
But when Carol finally peeked into the living room, she stopped short.
Steve wasn’t sitting on the couch munching on chips or drinking a soda, and the television was dark. He wasn’t sitting at all, actually. Stevie was standing by the big accent mirror her mother put in the corner of the room, looking at his reflection as he idly twirled back and forth. 
That wasn’t the part that made Carol freeze in place. 
She froze because he was wearing her new skirt. 
It looked like it fit him wonderfully, actually. Steve had shot up like a weed last year, growing practically a foot in height, so the maxi length reached almost exactly halfway down his calves. His waist, which had always been tiny, looked positively perfect. If it was another girl trying it on, Carol would already be gushing about how cute it was. 
But it wasn’t another girl.
It was Steve. 
Her Steve. One of her boys. One of her boys was wearing a skirt, and it was a definitive fact that boys did not wear skirts. She would’ve figured it was just a joke, something stupid to make her and Tommy laugh, but then why would Steve do this in the middle of the night when they wouldn’t be awake to tease him? Why would he come downstairs when everyone else was asleep?
Why did Steve look like he was about to cry? 
Any thoughts Carol had about poking fun at him disappeared. Steve never cried. Never ever. She hadn’t even seen him cry when he broke his wrist falling out of the tree in his backyard. The only time she had ever seen Steve cry was the first time his parents had missed one of his basketball games, and she hadn’t even ‘seen’ that, just heard it through his locked bedroom door. 
(She didn’t like to remember that day. He had been crying so loudly it carried through his whole house. Carol guessed Steve never learned how to do that quietly, considering there was no need. His parents weren’t there.)
Sure, they liked to mess with each other, and Carol was never afraid of saying something that other people might be too sensitive about because she knew Steve could take it, but something about this just felt…different. 
“Stevie?” Carol called, stepping into the room. He immediately stiffened up, the soft slope of his shoulders growing rigid with fear. Steve looked at her from the reflection of the mirror, not turning to face her properly. 
He looked completely terrified, and that just wouldn’t do. She didn’t know what to say or think about a boy wearing a skirt, but she did know how to deal with Steve. 
“It looks pretty,” Carol said with false lightness, walking into the room and standing behind Steve in the mirror. She tried to catch his eye and give him one of her sweetest smiles, but it fell when Steve avoided her gaze. 
“It doesn’t,” Steve muttered, curling in on himself and grabbing at the hem of the old t-shirt he was wearing as pajamas, “I look silly.” 
“I think it’s pretty,” she argued back.
Yes, he did look kind of silly, but she couldn’t stand seeing him make himself small like that. Steve did that whenever he was talking to his mom and dad, he would hide himself away and try to take up less space, but he never did that with her and Tommy. Carol wasn’t going to let him start now. Not because of this. 
“It is really pretty, Stevie,” Carol added on, reaching out to put her hand on his shoulder, “The cut is nice, and it makes your waist look so small. I wish mine looked like that! Plus the color compliments your-”
“I look ridiculous, Carrie,” Steve interrupted harshly, jerking away from her before she could touch him and squeezing his eyes shut tight, “Like a fag, a sick freak.” 
Carol left her hand hovering in the air, her stomach disappearing. Those weren’t Steve’s words. Steve would never say something that mean. 
Carol knew she could be mean sometimes, and she knew Tommy could be even meaner other times, but that was only to people who deserved it. Steve was never mean, even to people who deserved it. He was a total sweetheart, soft and gentle, and he needed her and Tommy to protect those soft gentle parts of him.
The parts that would hurt if he heard things like that. The parts that would hold onto words like those, waiting for the perfect moment to turn them inward and hurt himself. 
He had gotten those words from somewhere, and Carol was pretty sure she knew where. But no matter who had said them or about what, she knew she needed to make them go away. 
“Well, it does look a little weird,” Carol started, quickly continuing when she saw Steve’s lip starting to wobble, “But not because it’s you wearing it! Just… that skirt really doesn’t work with your PJs. Wait, wait right here, I have an idea. Trust me.” 
She scampered up the stairs, practically flying into her room and rooting around in her closet, throwing things left and right. When she found what she was looking for she gasped in delight, a sound that was just loud enough to make Tommy snuffle slightly away. 
“Go back to sleep,” Carol said in a soft sing-song voice, pausing briefly in her mission to skip over and press a quick kiss to Tommy’s cheek. 
She loved Tommy, and she knew Steve loved Tommy, and she knew that Tommy loved both of them, but this still didn’t feel like something that they needed to share with him. At least, not just yet. 
Luckily, Tommy hummed happily and turned over, going back to his snoring. She chuckled quietly to herself and began to walk out, grabbing the big jewelry box from the top of her dresser as an afterthought. 
Steve was still standing exactly where she had left him, looking out of place and uncomfortable in his body. The words ‘sick freak’ were still burning in her chest, and she could see them written on his features. 
The other word was there too, but Carol couldn’t think about that word. She used it, and Tommy used it, but never for real. Steve had said it for real, stamping himself with a label that didn’t fit right. 
Yeah, he and Tommy had kissed a couple times, but Steve had also kissed her a few times, and she kissed Tommy all the time. It was just something they had as friends, practice for when they got real boyfriends and girlfriends. That didn’t make them fags. That just…it made her boys her boys. That was all. 
No matter what, Steve wasn’t a freak, and he definitely wasn’t sick. He was the coolest boy in school, her very best friend. He was soft and gentle where she and Tommy were hard and biting, and the three of them worked perfectly. Everyone looked up to them, everyone wanted to be them. Anything he wanted to do was right.
So if Steve wanted to wear something pretty, then Carol was going to make sure it was absolutely perfect. 
“Here,” Carol said, handing over the sweater she had been looking for. 
It was cashmere, soft and buttery to the touch, with a cream and dark blue striped pattern. Her uncle had gotten it for her in Paris, but he always got things way too big. It was ‘so she could grow into it’, but Carol really hoped she would never grow into an extra extra large. 
Steve took the sweater from here, but didn’t move to put it on. He just held it, rubbing his thumb along the fabric and staring down at it with a strange longing. 
“Go on. It’ll match way better,” Carol urged, nudging his shoulder with her own and stepping back. He stayed still. 
“Trust me,” Carol repeated, keeping her face open and honest. 
Steve tossed her an unsure look but did as he was told, hesitantly pulling his t-shirt off and slipping into the sweater. Without the pajamas clashing, the skirt looked even better, and Steve was even starting to cautiously admire his reflection again. 
“Now let’s tuck it in,” Carol said, pushing away any lingering confusion and moving straight into business mode. She didn't have to think about whether it was right for Steve to want to wear a skirt, she just had to make sure that it looked good. 
She pulled Steve so he was back directly in front of the mirror, standing behind him and reaching around. She tucked the bottom of the sweater into his skirt, fussing for a second to make sure it wasn’t bunched up anywhere and smoothing down the creases where his broad shoulders didn’t quite match up to the way the sweater was cut. 
“Give me a twirl,” Carol ordered, spinning her finger the way her mother always did when she had Carol try on something new. 
“Twirl?” Steve questioned, standing awkwardly. 
Carol nodded eagerly, sitting on the coffee table and putting her jewelry box down next to her. She never really liked it when her mom made her do this, but it was enjoyable to watch someone else. Carol had always wanted a sister to play dress up with, and while this wasn’t exactly the same, it was still pretty fun. 
Now that she was getting into it, it didn’t really seem all that strange to her, and the longer she looked at Steve in her clothes, the more normal it all seemed. It was just dress up, just something fun to do with her very best friend. Didn’t best friends try on each other’s clothes all the time? Tommy and Steve practically shared one wardrobe. 
This wasn’t that weird. Just dress up. 
Steve continued to just stand there for a minute before taking a deep breath and spinning in the smallest fastest circle she had ever seen. His face was beet red and he was staring down at his feet, but Carol could see the smile starting to grow on his face. 
She made another teasing circle with her finger and Steve twirled around for her again, bigger this time. She giggled, and he answered with his own quiet laugh. The air in the room was growing bright and warm and Carol hopped up from her spot, grabbing Steve’s hand and tugging him over to the couch. 
“Time for accessories,” She declared, dragging her box over and opening it. It was stuffed to the bursting with tons of different bits and baubles, and Carol began to root through it, picking out a few things she thought would match. 
“Do I need these?” Steve wondered aloud, looking wide eyed at all the different options. 
“Accessories make an outfit, Stevie,” Carol said, parroting the words her mother always said to her. 
She put a bunch of her silver bangles around one of his wrists, and her favorite blue and white polka dot scrunchie around the other. None of her rings would fit Steve’s fingers, and his hair was too short for his hair was too short for any of her ribbons or to make a braid, but she did find a few star and moon barrettes to clip in that looked nice. 
Carol pulled back to look at the whole outfit, tapping her lip with the tip of her finger. There was still something missing, something not quite right. 
“Oh!” Carol said, realizing what was wrong. She reached up behind her own head, undoing the clasp and reaching up to put it around Steve’s neck instead. 
“Wait, what are you-”
“Trust me,” Carol crooned, continuing to put the necklace around Steve’s neck. When the clasp was locked in place, she fixed the chain, arranging it exactly as she wanted. 
“There, that’s better,” She said with a satisfied smile. 
The locket was gold, which didn’t exactly match what she was trying to do with his ensemble, but it was the thing that was missing. Steve and Tommy had gotten it for her for her tenth birthday, and both of their pictures were inside, along with one of her baby teeth.  
It was cheap, and her mother didn’t like it very much, but they had saved all of their pocket money to get it for her, and it was Carol’s prized possession. She never let anyone else touch it, and the only time she took it off was to take a bath or grab a shower. 
She could feel its absence now, the lack of weight that was usually there on her neck, but the sensation didn’t fill her with the usual anxiety it caused. She knew it was in safe hands. 
Out of the three of them, Steve was always the gentlest.
Steve looked lost again, reaching up to touch the locket in silent wonder. The bracelets around his wrist jangled against each other, and he almost startled at the sound, unused to wearing any jewelry. She snickered, opening up one of the other drawers in her box. 
“Do you want some makeup?” Carol whispered conspiratorially, pulling out her secret eyeshadow and mascara, “My mom doesn’t know I have these, but I swiped them from the department store a couple months ago,”
Steve quickly shook his head, staying uncharacteristically silent. Carol could tell he wanted to say yes, and she really wanted to try and see if she could do a better job on him than she did on herself when she tried to put it on, but she held back. Steve was brand new to pretty clothes, and doing too much at once would probably be overwhelming. 
He already looked pretty shocked as it was. 
“Okay. Now let’s look properly,” Carol said, clapping her hands and pulling them both out of their thoughts. 
She held out her hand and Steve took it, interlocking their fingers. Carol passively thought about different nail polish colors she could try on Steve as she walked them both towards the mirror. He probably wouldn’t like pink, but maybe baby blue? Or white with little stickers. That could look nice. 
Or maybe this was a one time thing. Maybe Steve would look at his reflection and totally hate it and never want to try again. 
That’s what Carol should want, right? It wasn’t normal for boys to want to put on pretty clothes, and it would be better if Steve decided he didn’t like it. 
So why was she so hopeful that Steve would like how he looked as much as she did? 
“How do you feel?” Carol asked as they reached the mirror, looking anxiously at their reflections. 
Steve looked like himself still, but changed, evolved. It was like those soft parts of him- the gentle ones he kept hidden just for Tommy and Carol- were finally on full display, and the result was gorgeous.  
The lean muscles that were starting to develop on Steve’s arms from swimming practice were hidden under cashmere stripes, and the barely there baby fat that was starting to fade made her want to squeeze his cheeks. He had a sweet smile on his face and he kept glancing shyly from the mirror down to his hands and back up to the mirror. It was like he was scared to see himself, but couldn’t look away. 
“Pretty,” He whispered, his voice filled with awe, making Carol’s chest brim with light, “I feel pretty.” 
“No,” She whispered back, leaning her head against his upper arm and beaming, “Trust me. You’re beautiful.” 
“Beautiful,” He repeated, holding the word reverently on his tongue. Carol stood on her tip toes and kissed Steve’s cheek, wrapping her arms around his bicep and going back to looking at their reflections. 
Carol’s mom never ended up getting that navy skirt tailored, because she never saw it again. When she asked her daughter, Carol played dumb, telling her it was in the laundry or missing somewhere in the house. 
Her mother never found out that the skirt and the sweater that had never fit Carol now lived in the back of Steve Harrington’s closet, hidden inside a fabric bag behind a box of old baby clothes. 
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roosterbox · 7 months
Hey, want another of my so-called thinky thoughts? This one was inspired by something on the discord. This one also goes under a cut because my hand slipped and I accidentally wrote too much, lol. But anyway.
Alternate universe. Steve and Eddie have been dating for a while, and it's not a secret. All their friends and family know and are supportive. Nancy works as a server in a fancy restaurant. An uneventful job, until she sees Eddie there, seemingly on a very romantic date with... a mystery woman?
What? She's not their server, and hasn't seen the woman's face yet (which will be important later, of course), but WHAT???
She's confused at first, but that confusion quickly gives way to anger. Anger mostly on Steve's behalf. Because she may have broken up with Steve when they were young, but he's still her friend, damnit, and he doesn't deserve this. And the longer the anger stews, the more furious Nancy becomes.
Finally, after one sappy unbroken romantic gaze and delicate hand kiss too many, Nancy storms over. Risking her job to defend the honor of her friend.
"What the actual hell, Munson?!"
Eddie startles, but doesn't let go of his date's hand.
"Oh hey Wheeler! Didn't know you were working tonight." The asshole doesn't seem nervous or worried about being caught. He even smiles at her. The prick.
"Don't you 'hey Wheeler' me, you cheating jerk!"
That finally gets Eddie's attention. His face turns serious, though a bit confused. "What? I'd never cheat on Stevie! Why would you even think that?"
There's a faint chuckling from the other side of the table. Nancy ignores her for now, focusing on Eddie.
"I oughtta punch you in the balls for that, Munson. For lying right to my face. And for what you're doing to Steve."
Eddie's confusion seems to evaporate as he realizes something. "Ah, well. You see Wheeler, the thing is-"
The quiet laughter of Eddie's date becomes too hard to ignore. Nancy spins on her heel, ready to confront this giggling floozy.
"Listen here, you little slut-"
She immediately stops short.
Eddie's date. It's... Steve. But also... not Steve?
"Ah," Eddie says again, a bit sheepish. He's still holding Steve's (?) hand. "You haven't been to one of our group get-togethers in a while.” He clears his throat before continuing. “Nancy, I'd like you to meet my girlfriend, Stevie."
With her flowing chestnut locks, subtle makeup, and sparkling red dress, Stevie Harrington is absolutely stunning. And she looks more at ease and comfortable in her own skin than ‘Steve’ Harrington ever did. Nancy is entirely taken aback. Stevie's still smiling, but her smile falters a bit at Nancy's silence.
"Nance? You, uh, you okay?" She asks.
Eddie recognizes the fearful undertones of Stevie's question, and gently squeezes her hand. Letting her know that, whatever Nancy's eventual reaction is, he's here for her, always.
Nancy finally blinks, brain having restarted from one of the biggest surprises of her life. "Wuh?"
Oh yeah, real intelligent there, Nancy.
Oh come on, this is just embarrassing.
She gathers her thoughts, wrestling with them as one might while trying to fold a fitted sheet, keenly aware of the look on Stevie's face. Her friend was growing more and more nervous, and seemed to be bracing herself for something. After a moment, Nancy realizes why this is, and pulls herself together.
"I really haven't been around enough, have I?" She lets her lips curve into a small smile. Stevie relaxes a bit, but still seems guarded.
Nancy's expression softens completely. "It's nice to meet you, Stevie. The real you."
Stevie's smile is so big it must hurt her cheeks, and she looks as if she might cry. "You too, Nancy."
Nancy's expression shifts, turning to shock and embarrassment. "Oh God, I called you a- Jesus, Stevie, I'm so- You're not-" She babbles, face turning red. "Oh god," she says again, hiding her face in her hands. The soft laughter of her friends is simultaneously nice and yet mortifying. Truly this is one of the most embarrassing days of her life.
Gentle hands encircle her wrists. They don't pull, or force her face out into the open. Instead, they just hold, rubbing against her skin. The soothing motion coaxes her into lowering them, and opening her eyes. Stevie's eyes are still watery, but kind. So kind. She's holding Nancy's hands in both of hers.
"It's okay, Nance. Really. You didn't know."
"'Still' nothing. You didn't know. You've been busy. It's not like I couldn't have called you myself, right? That street goes both ways. Besides," She smirks, "the fact that you were so willing and ready to go to bat for me speaks volumes."
"I was two seconds away from punching your boyfriend right in the dick," Nancy reminds her.
"Balls, actually," Eddie mutters, remembering all too well. He shifts his legs under the table. Stevie throws back her head in laughter, drawing a few looks from other patrons. The few that weren't watching the dramatic encounter already, at least. The three friends pay the onlookers no mind.
"I should get back to-"
"Oh!" She lets go. Nancy misses the warmth immediately. "Oh, I'm sorry. We'll let you get back to w-"
Nancy bends and hugs Stevie, who's still sitting at her table. The positioning is awkward, but even so the other woman doesn't hesitate to return the embrace. "We'll talk later, okay?"
Stevie sniffs, holding back her tears valiantly. "Okay."
"And I am NOT missing another family party ever again. Who knows what might happen next time? For all I know, Mike and Will will have hooked up by then."
Her friend giggles in her arms, and she misses the knowing look that passes between Stevie and her boyfriend. Eddie hides his smile with a lock of hair.
She pulls back. Stevie smiles at her, makeup holding strong despite the lone tear that manages to escape. Nancy reaches over and wipes it away. "You look beautiful tonight, Stevie."
She blushes. "Thank you."
"But I really do have to get back. I'll see you two soon. Have fun on your date!" With one final wave, and a smile, she heads back into the kitchen. Every so often, she glances back, seeing them exchange flirty looks, gentle touches, and once, a kiss across the table. It's lovely, and everything she knows Stevie deserves.
On one of these glances, Stevie actually looks her way. She smiles. Nancy smiles back. And wonders, for the dozenth time that evening, what other big developments she might have missed happening in her little group of friends.
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italiansteebie · 11 months
steve hummed as he rummaged around the kitchen, brushing the hair out of his eyes. "you're so pretty, stevie."
"hm? oh, thanks robbie."
"no, like. i really mean it. and, yknow if you wanted... i could do your makeup sometime..."
steve's head snapped up, eyes shining. he had only mentioned it in passing, but robin noticed, of course she did. "i, uh. that'd be... nice," he said nervously, smiling at his best friend.
it was quiet after that, as steve continued to do the dishes. "hey, robbie?"
"yeah, steve?"
"do you think, well, maybe-" steve sighed, shaking his head, "never mind."
"what? tell me," robin encouraged, moving closer to him."
"could you call me stevie? not- not just steve? like, all the time?" he whispered, ducking his head.
"of course, stevie," she beamed, "wanna steal your moms make up and do make overs?" she asked, trying to lift the somber mood, silently cheering when stevie looked up with a smiling, "yeah," they said, before running up the stairs to the make up cabinet.
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metalscoops · 11 months
International Girlfriends Day
It's international girlfriends day so here's some billie/transfemme!stevie intercrural sex I wrote in my wifes dms earlier ehehehe
NSFW thread//
Stevie eats Billie out until she's come so many times she's lost count, and she's shivery and whining and pushing Stevie away. Then she pushes in to Billie's hot, dripping, soft pussy and fucks her so hard the bed is slamming into the wall until Billie comes again, shaking and sobbing. She squirts and completely drenches both their thighs.
Billie is too sensitive and pushing her away but they're both still horny. So, Stevie slides up close behind her, wraps her arm over her body, presses her large hand to Billie's stomach to pull her back into her, tits pressing against Billie's back.
Stevie slides herself, hard and throbbing, between Billie's thick thighs, and they're so fucking wet because Billie's come so many times so the slide is so slick and easy.
Her dick sliding along between Billie's puffy pussy lips, catching on her tingling, sensitive clit on each thrust. Billie's twitching and moaning in Stevie's hold, whimpering and shaking barely able to do anything except let Stevie just take control and boy does she.
She fucks Billie's thighs so fucking soft and slow, teasing them both with the possibility of more.
Stevie moves the hand on Billie's stomach down lower, slowly rubbing her long fingers down Billie's labia either side of where her dicks keeps peeking out. She uses them to spread Billie's pussy lips better, so her cock drags perfectly along every inch. They get soaked by how wet Billie is, hole dripping, clit twitching when Stevie gives her a little pinch and rubs the head of her cock hard against her.
Stevie gets her other hand under Billie so she can reach around and pull and pinch at her nipples, cupping her fucking perfect handfuls of tits in her hands. She fondles Billie's nipples until they're puffy and standing out hard.
Stevie gets her mouth on Billie's neck, sucking and biting a bruise into the skin there while she fucks her thighs. God, Billie's thighs are trembling and shaking around Stevie, whole body twitching each time the head of Stevie's dick hits her clit perfectly.
She's still so oversensitive. Her clit is so swollen, just the lightest touch has her shivering and moaning because of the oversensitivity and then Stevie just rubbing the whole length of her dick between her labia and brushing against her clit.
They both need it so bad they don't care about the little shivers of pain mixed in with the pleasure. When Billie comes and Stevie is so close, she just slips the tip of her dick in so easily cos Billie's so wet.
Billie's still clenching and pulsing with her orgasm and that's enough to send Stevie over the edge, sinks her teeth into Billie's throat as she comes in her, hand clenching tight on Billie's tit - probably going to leave bruises.
Billie's pussy is so sensitive and completely sloppy by the time Stevie is done with her.
Billie out of it and trembling with aftershocks as Stevie carries her to the bath and lays her down in the hot water while she changes the sheets on the bed.
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maybe steve harrington likes to be called good girl in bed and who am i to deny her. it's very mean to him if i do.
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Transfem!Steve Harrington ❤️‍🔥
Tumblr media
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dartlekey · 10 months
"So," she murmurs, voice dropping low in a way that always makes Steve's toes curl. "What's my reward?"
"Your - reward?"
Eddie's grin widens. "For defeating you in this wrestling match. Or for helping you with your shot, take your pick."
Steve huffs out an exasperated breath. "Again, you barely did anything. If anything, I deserve a reward for putting up with you."
Eddie leans down, pressing their foreheads together, and Steve's eyelids flutter shut in anticipation. He can feel her breath on his lips, fresh and minty instead of the usual mixture of ash and spit - she was planning this, he realizes with a small thrill, and his forearms involuntarily flex beneath her grip.
"I'm sure we can find something that will leave us both satisfied," Eddie murmurs against his lips, and he angles his face up to kiss her.
You like T4T Steddie? Tooth rotting fluff? Smut as character exploration? Read "You reflect in this heart of mine" on Ao3
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Here me out
Steve - Cami
Eddie - Rex (literally perfect)
Robin - Amalia
Chrissy - Florian
Tommy - Jack
Max - Luisa
Oc/Jonathan (not opposed to stonothan) - Paul
Obviously ends in steddie Endgame
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highsteddie · 1 year
I'm not one of those people who ship Robin and transfemme Steve BUT imagine if in the bathroom scene Robin came out as liking girls and Steve came out as a girl just like that one Reddit post but gender flipped.
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truckeeriverkiller · 7 months
the things i will accept as canon if an artist draws it pretty enough
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withacapitalp · 1 year
Companion to this
“Hey Steve, what’s this?” Robin called from the back of his closet, holding up an old fabric bag that he instantly recognized. 
“It’s nothing!” Steve yelped, snatching it away, immediately wincing at how suspicious that was. If Robin wasn’t curious before, she sure would be now. 
When she had suggested they raid his closet and look for more things to donate, Steve had assumed they would find things that would bring up memories, but he was not ready to talk about that with anyone. Not even Robin. 
His best friend raised a brow, giving Steve a deadpan look. 
“Is there a non-weird reason you are trying to hide the fact that you have clothes that are clearly for a teenage girl hidden away in the back of your closet?” 
“It’s….they’re Carol’s clothes,” Steve explained, letting his shoulders slump. 
“Carol’s? Why do you still have them?” Robin asked, disgust coloring her tone at the mention of his former best friend. 
Steve loosened the drawstring, looking inside. He already knew what he would find inside- a navy blue skirt, a striped sweater, two tubes of lip gloss, and a couple satin ribbons- but even just seeing them was enough to make his breath catch. 
“Give me a twirl,”
The first spin had felt ridiculous, but the second had made his heart feel light, reminding him of the time his parents brought him whale watching in Cape Cod. Wearing the skirt felt just like leaning over the edge of the boat and letting the cool ocean breeze dance along his cheeks. 
“She wanted me to have them,” Steve shrugged, carefully redoing the knot, hiding the clothes once more. 
“Well, put them in the donate box I guess,” Robin said, already disappearing back into his closet, “Unless you just want to throw them away! Good riddance,” 
“Yeah, good riddance,” Steve echoed, waiting until he was sure Robin wouldn’t see before sneaking over to his bed and stowing the bag under his bed where he hoped she would never find it. They didn't fit anymore, but they were his first, and he wasn't ready to give them up just yet. 
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roosterbox · 5 months
Fic Rec Friday 1/26/2024
Title: The Skirt
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: M/M
Fandom: Stranger Things (TV 2016)
Relationships: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley & Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley & Steve Harrington
Characters: Steve Harrington, Eddie Munson, Robin Buckley
Additional Tags: Trans Steve Harrington, Coming Out, Internalized Transphobia, Implied/Referenced Cheating, no actual cheating though dw, Hurt/Comfort, Gender Dysphoria, author is trans but in a different direction, Hurt Steve Harrington, Hurt Eddie Munson, Trans Female Character, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, no beta we die like steve’s manhood
Summary: Steve didn’t know what to say. How could he explain that Steve Harrington, the guy with the nail bat, a jock with too-broad shoulders and hair on his chest, who was narrow in the hips and had fat in all the wrong places, wore skirts in secret? An unexplainable embarrassment washed over him, feeling like a little kid that got caught raiding his mom’s closet. Something crumbled inside him. He couldn’t tell his boyfriend that no matter how hard he tried, he’d never be the man Eddie wanted.
Today’s menu: angst and gender fuckery. Two things that go very well together!
I love overall how the Steddie fandom plays with gender. There are popular headcanons and fics of either Eddie or Steve (or both!) being something other than cisgender boys, and I always enjoy seeing them. This particular one is centered on Steve. On their tentative steps into the feminine, and on Eddie’s initial (unfortunate) reaction. To be fair to Eddie, he came to an extremely incorrect opinion when he found the titular object. And they eventually work through the misunderstanding. But man, that first scene? Ugh. Hurts so bad, but also so good. And that hurt makes the eventual apology and discussion (the comfort, if you will) even sweeter.
Robin remains the real MVP. I adore the idea of Steve being trans (or just, y’know, questioning certain things) and confiding in her. Because they would. Absolutely. Platonic soulmates and all. And she has their back completely, even to the point of reading Eddie the riot act over his reaction. Sometimes, silly ‘boys’ need their lesbian bestie to knock their heads together.
Also, the moment Steve’s pronouns shift in the narration? Beautiful. This story is beautiful.
(also also I didn’t plan this to be a Steddie rec on this particular day, knowing what it was, other than a Friday, lol. Happy 30th birthday to Joseph Quinn! I hope his day is a good one, and is as relaxing or as exciting as he prefers it to be ❤️)
Next Week: Hannigram. Sweet, sweet Hannigram.
Features include: post fall, escaping the FBI, angst, smut, and a lovely transmasc Will Graham. Plenty of good ingredients for a delicious dish.
See you soon!
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italiansteebie · 1 year
They’d been drinking. 
They’d been drinking and it was that point in the night where everything got a little fuzzy and a little too funny. 
Robin peered up at Steve from where she was laying against his chest. She giggled, causing Steve to laugh along with her. “What’s so funny?” He said in between giggles. “Nothin’, nothin’, you’re just.” She paused to laugh, “You’re just so pretty, Stevie,” 
Steve let out a small laugh, suddenly sober, “Really?” there was an insecurity to his voice. Robin’s face softened, “Yeah, Stevie.” She reached and brushed a strand of his hair behind his ear. “You’re the prettiest friend I’ve ever had…” The softness was gone, and the giggles came back. 
And he laughed with her, but… But he was deep in his thoughts. Was he- she? Could she really be that pretty?
Steve had receded into himself after that, the conversation still floating around her brain. 
Robin hadn’t seen him in weeks, and she was getting scared. So when she showed up at Steve’s house unannounced, she was in for a ride.
The door was unlocked, first of all, second of all, there was music floating throughout the house, but no Steve to be found. “Steve?” She called out. Wandering around the house, pausing when she walked passed his parents downstairs bedroom, seeing the bathroom light on. “Steve?” She walked into the bathroom slowly, only to find Steve passed out with a champagne glass in his hand, and red lipstick smeared across his lips. “Oh, Stevie.” If she wasn’t so scared, the sight would have been funny, but under the circumstances, it was worrying. 
She shook his shoulders. “Wake up, Stevie.” She said softly, patting his cheek lightly. His eyes fluttered, “Rob?” it came out muffled, and slurred. “Yeah, Stevie, I’m here. Wanna tell me what happened?” She whispered. Tears pricked his eyes, lips wobbling, “Rob… I-” And the dam broke. His face crumpled and his shoulders shook heavily as he sobbed. 
She pulled Steve into her arms, rubbing their back. “It’s okay, Stevie… Just let it out.” She soothed. After they were a bit calmer, and their breathing returned to normal, they let out a shuddering breath. “I- I’m not a boy, Rob… I-” Their voice cracked, and they sniffled. “I- I just wanna be pretty.” Her lips wobbled again, and Robin resumed the soothing movement up and down her back. “Stevie, you are pretty. So pretty. I mean it. You’re the prettiest friend I’ve ever had.” She assured, and her voice was honest. 
A few weeks had passed, and Stevie was coming into her own. She used Robin’s old makeup, the colorful palettes that she didn’t touch anymore, and the makeup her mother left in their too large bathroom. 
Robin was there through it all, the dysphoria, the euphoria, the dress shopping. All of it, and she held Stevie’s hand the whole time. And she found herself wanting to spend all of her time with Stevie. 
The closeness they had, had only gotten closer, and now… Now that Stevie was… Stevie, and her soft eyes caught Robin’s, pink, plush lips spreading into a smile, Robin couldn’t help but think about her. 
Stevie was her best friend, just two girls, taking on the world.  
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metalscoops · 10 months
Praying to Her Body
transfemme vampire/werewolf smutty oneshot (an AU of the main AU that me and @vampiyahs are writing but haven't posted yet hahaha)
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90's Transfem!Steve
Stevie is living it up in San Francisco with Robin and Eddie.
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bttmbunk · 2 years
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some transfemme Steddie for the soul
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