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Encountering Christ:
A Life Transformed: Mary Magdalene
Today, we have the powerful story of Mary Magdalene — a woman whose life was profoundly changed by encountering Jesus Christ. Her journey from brokenness to redemption is a testament to the transformative love and grace of our Savior.
Mary Magdalene was a woman who had been healed by Jesus, and she became one of his devoted followers. Scripture tells us that she was once afflicted by seven demons, which likely caused immense suffering and torment. But everything changed when Mary encountered Jesus.
In Luke 8:2, we learn that Jesus had cast out these demons from Mary, freeing her from bondage and restoring her to wholeness. This encounter was not just about physical healing; it was about spiritual liberation and a new beginning.
Mary's life was marked by deep devotion to Jesus. She was present at his crucifixion, mourning at the foot of the cross. And then, on that glorious Sunday morning, Mary was among the first witnesses to the empty tomb. Imagine the overwhelming joy and astonishment she must have felt when Jesus appeared to her alive!
In John 20:16-18, we read about Mary's encounter with the risen Christ. At first, she did not recognize him, but when Jesus called her by name, she knew it was him. Jesus entrusted Mary with the incredible news of his resurrection, sending her as a messenger to the disciples.
Mary Magdalene's encounter with Jesus transformed her from a woman plagued by demons to a devoted disciple and herald of the good news. Her story teaches us profound truths about redemption, forgiveness, and the power of encountering Christ.
How does Mary's journey from brokenness to discipleship inspire us to seek healing and restoration in our own lives through encounters with Jesus?
In what ways can we emulate Mary's unwavering devotion and commitment to Jesus, especially in times of trial and uncertainty?
How can Mary Magdalene's role as a witness to the resurrection challenge us to boldly share the life-changing message of Jesus with others?
Let's continue to draw inspiration from the lives of those like her who encountered Jesus and were transformed by his love. May we, too, experience the profound impact of encountering Christ and allow his transformative power to work in us.
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rebeccajordan092 · 1 month
Dive into the inspiring story of one woman's incredible transformation. Through resilience, faith, and determination, she overcame life's toughest challenges and emerged stronger and more empowered. This testimony is a powerful reminder that no matter how difficult the journey, transformation is possible. Join us as we celebrate her courage and the profound changes she made to turn her life around. Let her story inspire you to believe in the possibility of change and the strength within us all…
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protopublishing · 2 months
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“A Christmas Carol” by Charles Dickens exemplifies a timeless classic. The novella was published in 1843 and has captured readers' hearts for generations. The story is so entangled with the winter holidays that it has inspired numerous adaptations on all types of media and has become an integral part of the Western literary canon.
Set in Victorian London, the story revolves around the life of the miserly Ebenezer Scrooge. This man is so heartless and consumed by his greed that he does not comprehend the amount of suffering various people surrounding him endure. On one fateful Christmas Eve, Scrooge is met by the ghost of his late business partner, Jacob Marley, who warns him of his ultimate fate and the arrival of three ghosts: the Ghost of Christmas Past, the Ghost of Christmas Present, and the Ghost of Christmas Yet to Come.
One of the things that makes A Christmas Carol a timeless classic is its multilayered thematic background. The novella is a story of redemption, compassion, and the true spirit of the winter celebration. The book’s central theme revolves around the idea that it is never too late to reform, rekindle old relationships, and allow the sheer warmth of giving to enter one’s life.
Another captivating part of the novella is the word-image of Victorian London. The city, with its grimy streets and impoverished neighbourhoods, is presented vividly through the eyes of the novel’s protagonists. Scrooge’s interactions with Bob Cratchit, Tiny Tim, and the Fezziwig family stress the importance of human connection and love for others regardless of societal discrepancy.
However, the most essential thing in A Christmas Carol is the genuine, multi-faceted, and memorable characters. With his famous catchphrase, “Bah, humbug!” Scrooge has surpassed the barrier between the book’s pages and has become an idiom for many English speakers. Nevertheless, it is not only the comic character that contributes to the novella’s attraction. He is a bonus fide protagonist who changes from the unfeeling older man into the giver. His transformation is the biblical process, symbolised by Marley and the three ghosts that appear to Scrooge. Past takes him down the memory path; Present presents the wonders of Christmas and the importance of family and friends, while Yet to Come is a dark mirror of the future if Scrooge continues his selfish way.
The book is also language-rich and story-rich. Charles Dickens’ elegant prose and brilliant storytelling completely incorporate the reader into the narration's spirit.
A Christmas Carol is still a gem that spins and always hits home. It epitomizes the real meaning of Christmas, encapsulates the need for one another during the celebration, and most profoundly speaks of an individual's capability to reach new extremes of generosity.
PARADOX PARKWAY. https://www.paradoxparkway.com/titles-posts/a-christmas-carol-14960/
Oliveira, C. (2021). Dickens’s Changing Perspective Towards Capitalism and the Bourgeoisie. https://core.ac.uk/download/539377445.pdf
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gulhidayat · 2 months
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harmonyhealinghub · 4 months
Liberation: The Journey of "I Am Set Free" Shaina Tranquilino March 18, 2024
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The quest for liberation and freedom is a common thread that binds us all. The phrase "I Am Set Free" carries profound significance, reflecting a personal and often transformative journey toward emancipation. Whether it be breaking free from societal expectations, personal limitations, or self-imposed constraints, the liberation encapsulated in these words is a celebration of the human spirit's resilience and capacity for growth.
The Path to Liberation:
The journey to uttering "I Am Set Free" is unique for each individual. It may begin with self-reflection, a realization that certain beliefs or behaviours have confined us for far too long. Liberation often demands the courage to confront these constraints head-on, questioning societal norms and challenging the status quo.
One might find themselves shedding the layers of expectations that have been draped upon them by society, family, or even their own fears. This process of self-discovery is akin to peeling away the layers of an onion, revealing the authentic self beneath. It requires a willingness to embrace vulnerability and confront uncomfortable truths, paving the way for true liberation.
Breaking Chains:
"I Am Set Free" often echoes in the moments when individuals break free from the chains of their past, allowing them to step into a new, uncharted territory. This could be leaving a toxic relationship, overcoming a personal trauma, or simply letting go of ingrained beliefs that no longer serve one's growth. Liberation comes in various forms, but the common thread lies in the act of breaking free from what no longer aligns with our true selves.
Embracing Change:
The journey towards freedom is marked by change. As one utters the words "I Am Set Free," they acknowledge the inevitability of change and the necessity of embracing it. Change is the catalyst for personal growth and evolution, and it often requires stepping into the unknown with open arms.
The Power of Authenticity:
"I Am Set Free" is a declaration of authenticity. It signifies the rejection of societal pressures to conform and the embrace of one's true identity. Liberation comes when we let go of the need for external validation and live in alignment with our values and passions.
"I Am Set Free" encapsulates a powerful narrative of personal triumph over adversity. It is a proclamation of autonomy and self-discovery, a testament to the resilience of the human spirit. As we navigate the intricate journey towards liberation, let these words be a mantra that reverberates through the core of our being, inspiring us to break free from the shackles that bind us and embrace the boundless possibilities that lie ahead.
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uncaiged · 6 months
"Breaking Goals into Achievable Steps for an Incredible 2024"
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Hello, amazing souls!
As we dive headfirst into the promise of 2024, let's take a moment to soak in the beauty of the canvas that this year presents. The idea of a supernatural upgrade sounds thrilling, doesn't it? Yet, for some of us, mapping out the entire year might feel a tad overwhelming.
Here's the thing: it's perfectly okay! You're not alone if the thought of planning out the entire year feels like trying to swallow the ocean. Trust me, I've been there. But guess what? There's a superpower in breaking down those big, audacious goals into bite-sized, achievable chunks.
Think of it like this: instead of seeing the year as a marathon, let's turn it into a series of sprints—quarters, months, weeks, each step getting you closer to that finish line of accomplishment.
So, how do we break it down?
Start with the big picture—the yearly goals. Maybe it's that dream project, personal growth milestones, or those ambitions that light up your soul. Then, let's chop those big goals into quarterly targets—bite-sized portions that are easier to digest.
Now comes the magic: monthly goals. These are like stepping stones leading you towards those quarterly milestones. Break it down further into weekly action steps—little pieces of progress that make the big dreams feel within reach.
But hey, here's the secret sauce—give yourself grace. Life has a knack for throwing surprises, and that's okay! If a weekly step turns into a two-week dance, that's all part of the journey. Embrace the detours, learn from them, and keep moving forward.
Remember, each small step is progress. Celebrate those wins, no matter how tiny. They're paving the way for your supernatural, upgraded self.
So, to all my fellow goal-getters, let's start this year not with overwhelming checklists but with a roadmap of achievable steps. One step, one week, one month at a time, we've got this!
With heaps of encouragement and infinite belief,
Caige Phoenix
@caigephoenix @infuencHERlifestyle
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theloulouge · 11 months
Life Lens - Entry 07
My Journey to Respect and Emulate “Fit People” Like an unexpected moment, I stumbled upon a thought-provoking picture in a Facebook Fitness group – Why I Respect “Fit People.” While it wasn’t the reason behind my fitness journey’s inception, it became the catalyst for my reflection on the admiration I hold for those who lead a healthy lifestyle. (This powerful image inspired me to reflect on…
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checkitchurch · 1 month
#shorts #SpiritualJourney #DeliveranceStory #LifeLessons #OvercomingChallenges #TransformationStory #GodsGrace #HealingJourney #FaithInAction #SeekingDeliverance Watch full video on: Youtube: Check It Church Ministries Facebook: Check It Church Ministries International © CHECK IT CHURCH MINISTRIES from CHECK IT CHURCH MINISTRIES https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dg-PaRs5IZA
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beautyrecipesingapore · 3 months
See it to Believe it: Client's Incredible Transformation with Korean Microfocused Ultrasound Facelift! You won't want to miss this! Watch Jessie as she shares the inspiring journey of one of our clients who experienced a remarkable change with our Korean Microfocused Ultrasound facelift treatment. 💪 #BeautyRecipe #KoreanFacelift #TransformationStory"
Visit for more info: https://beautyrecipe.com.sg/micro-focused-ultrasound/
Visit our official website for more info - https://beautyrecipe.com.sg/
Contact us at Lavender MRT 6232 7848
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tmpenterprize · 7 months
How A Fruit Diet Transformed My life | Health Longevity | The Fruit Plug
How A Fruit Diet Transformed My life | Health Longevity | The Fruit Plug
FruitDiet #HealthyLiving #TransformationStory #WellnessJourney #Fruitarian
Watch Full Video Down Below https://youtu.be/Oi7dLFj6Xj0
🍏 Welcome to My Fruitful Journey! 🌱 🍌
In this video, I'm excited to share with you the incredible transformation that occurred in my life when I embraced a fruit-based diet. From increased energy levels to a renewed sense of well-being, this journey has been nothing short of remarkable.
🌈 What to Expect:
✨ Personal Transformation: Discover the positive changes I experienced physically, mentally, and emotionally during my fruit diet journey.
🍎 Nutritional Insights: Learn about the nutritional benefits of a fruit-based diet and how it can contribute to a healthier lifestyle.
🥑 Meal Ideas and Tips: Get practical tips and delicious fruit-centric meal ideas that have been a game-changer for me.
🌟 My Story: Hear my personal story of embracing a fruit diet, the challenges I faced, and the triumphs that kept me going.
🔍 Explore More:
🔗 Connect with the Fruit Diet Community: [Include relevant social media links or groups]
📚 Recommended Reading: [Share any books or resources that influenced your journey]
🤝 Let's Connect: Share your thoughts, questions, or your own transformation stories in the comments below. I'm here to support you on your wellness journey!
👍 If you found this video inspiring or informative, don't forget to give it a thumbs up, subscribe for more content, and hit the notification bell to stay updated on my latest videos!
🙏 Thank you for joining me on this transformative adventure. Let's inspire each other to live our healthiest, happiest lives. 💚
FruitDiet #HealthyLiving #WellnessJourney #VeganLife #Nutrition #HealthAndWellness #SelfCare
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gunjanhospital · 9 months
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Empowering Lives Through Bariatric Surgery in the Battle Against Obesity! Explore the transformative journey of weight loss and improved health with our expert team. Your path to a healthier, happier you starts here!
#BariatricSurgery #ObesityFight #WeightLossJourney #HealthTransformation #LifeChangingSurgery #EmpowerYourself #HealthyChoices #WellnessMatters #MedicalExperts #ObesityTreatment #SurgicalOptions #WeightLossSuccess #HealthRecovery #TransformationStories #SurgeryBenefits #FightObesity #NewBeginning #HealthyLifestyle #WeightLossSupport #MedicalGuidance #PatientSuccess #HealthyLiving
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powerfulmind611 · 1 year
The Buddha's Guidance - The Transformation of a Poor Farmer's Fate
Discover the profound tale of the Buddha and a humble farmer in this captivating video. Join us on a journey of wisdom and transformation as we delve into the power of the Buddha's guidance in shaping the fate of a struggling farmer. Explore the timeless lessons of integrity, repentance, and the avoidance of regrettable actions. Uncover the secrets hidden within the story and be inspired by the transformative impact of the Buddha's teachings. Watch now and let this extraordinary narrative touch your heart and awaken your own inner wisdom.
BuddhaAndFarmer #WisdomTale #TransformationStory #BuddhistTeachings #KarmaLessons #IntegrityandRepentance #AvoidRegret #EnlightenmentStories #BuddhistWisdom #LifeLessons #SpiritualJourney #BuddhistNarrative #InspiringStories #FateandDestiny #GuidancefromBuddha #InnerWisdom #BuddhistPhilosophy #MoralLessons #Mindfulness #SelfDiscovery #SeekingEnlightenment
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indiaobesity · 3 years
We wish all the youths a wonderful transformation this year! May you live a happy and healthy life with your youthful spirit.
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bigleemurali · 6 years
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#transformationstories #transformationthursday #transformationinprogress Meet #doctor Prem Kumar . He came with the goal of getting fit. He has a super buzy schedule of 3-5 surgeries in #Apollo #hospitals and had roughly an hour and half to spend for his health. Like all #teambiglee transformation stories, he followed the diet to the dot. Never missed a workout session. Never backed down from the workout challenge thrown at him. Was punctual on dot. And i got tonnes to say about his good qualities, but #instagram would wordlimit me lol... When he started transforming, just being fit was too little a goal for him. He has lost around 14 kgs in 4 months now. Now we are planning to pack on some muscle ... Part 1 of Dr. Prem #transformation is done... stay tuned for Part 2. Do u wish to be my next transformation story??? Stay tuned @bigleemurali . . . #onlineCoaching #biglee #dumbellwear #teamdumbell #modellife #young #fitness #fitfam #fitspiration #workout #chennaifitness #chennai #nolimit #noexcuse #noexcusesjustresults #bodybuilding #strength #wellness (at Kilpauk)
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spareface · 3 years
Being Chase Pt.1
A story about Bodysuits, Secret Agents and once in a lifetime chance. Feel free to suggest where the story should go next and the photos of hunky dudes that should accompany it 😁 I was sitting at home tucked away in my bedroom. Like every day after work I would come back, kick my boots off and take off the motorbike jacket. Hang away the helmet making sure it can dry up, cause no one like when the helmet gets too smelly. Then I’d take the pants off, heat myself a meal, head to the bedroom and would eat while watching some brainless Netflix show on my tablet.
While watching the show I’ve heard some commotion outside. I live in New York with my bedroom windows looking out into a back alley between two apartment buildings. From the 3rd floor I can still hear what’s happening outside, but fortunately I also get some sunlight and the noise isn’t as terrible as it would be somewhere lower down.
While I’ve looked outside I’ve noticed a well-built, dark haired guy who seemed like he was looking for something, or maybe rather someone. I’ve hid behind the curtain and continued looking. It doesn’t happen often to see a handsome dude in this area. And another biker too. He was holding his helmet in one hand and a duffel bag in another.
While still looking around, he continued walking down the back alley. He must have been walking towards his Ducati which was parked further down the road. To my surprise he stopped along the dumpster bins and threw in the big bag he was holding. I was already wondering how was he planning on taking that on the bike, but this solved that problem. It created another though. Why would he throw away a completely new bag full of stuff? I felt like I needed to investigate it.
I waited for him to mount the motorbike and ride away. I rushed downstairs to see what was in the bag he threw. Once I reached the bins I opened the one where the bag was supposed to be. And there it was, on top of some office papers and other recyclables. Too curious to not check I’ve unzipped the bag and got startled immediately. From the inside there was a handsome face staring at me with the eye sockets completely hollow… on one hand I was terrified, my heart was racing and I started sweating. On another though I got too curious to not look into this deeper I also felt something more that I couldn’t identify yet at that time. I zipped the bag back and rushed all the way to my apartment. It was heavy, almost as heavy as if there was an entire person folded inside….
As I was climbing the stairs my heart was racing. I’ve started to slowly realize what could this thing in the bag be and I felt my crotch starting to swell up. I’ve only seen things like that in movies and now it seems like I was in luck to find one of my own right below my block. I’ve finally reached my apartment, locked the door behind me and went into my room. I threw the duffle bag onto the bed and started staring at it for a good few seconds. I was wondering what was this all about and why did that dude throw away something so valuable.
I decided it’s now or never. I approached the bag and slowly unzipped it. Inside of it was what could only be described as a bodysuit resembling human skin… at this point I wasn’t terrified anymore, instead I was extremely aroused. The skin suit was of a hunky Mediterranean looking guy, with a chiseled strong featured face. His body was ripped and the muscles big. The suit seemed to be slightly thicker than expected and was retaining all the shapes really well. Upon touching the face a bit of air escaped trough the open mouth, nostrils and eyes, the smell was musky but also there was something chemical to it. Reminded me of glue in some ways. The skin was soft, and was bouncing a bit under my fingers touch. The closest material I’ve known that could resemble this was silicone, but this was something else. Softer and more resembling real skin than anything I’ve ever seen.
My dock was definitely enjoying all this as it was has as rock. I laid the suit down on the bed. It seemed to be exactly my height which I considered good luck. The guy definitely had a better physique than I did. I couldn’t wait to become that guy, as I instinctively knew what this bodysuit is for, but upon closer inspection I couldn’t find any zipper or anything that would allow me to enter it. I started looking for any hints inside the bag. Beside of the suit I’ve also found blue contact lenses and dentures which would give me a Hollywood smile. There was also a great looking gray suit, some really nice suede Chelsea boots. A wallet, with all ID’s issued to Chase Warrington, a smartphone, car keys and house keys. Seemed to me like there is a whole life hidden inside this bag but I still didn’t know why, and what for.
When I turned around to go and look at the suit again I’ve heard more noises outside. There was another guy walking out from the same exit. He was similarly built as the previous one except that this guy was blond and maybe a bit taller. He went straight to the bin, opened it froze when he didn’t see there what he was looking for. He started frantically searching the bin but the bag wasn’t there. As he started looking around I quickly hid behind the curtain and continued looking to make sure he leaves.
It was obvious now that the other guy left the bag for this one to pick up. It seems like they were onto something but I’ve foiled their plans. I suddenly started thinking that I might have pulled myself into some shady business and my stomach squeezed in stress. The guy outside took out his phone and started calling someone. He was yelling and gesticulating, after which he angrily hang up and rushed out of the alley. After waiting a bit more to make sure he isn’t coming back I turned around to face the bed.
I had a quick glance to see if I wasn’t maybe hallucinating it all but Chase was still there , waiting for me patiently. My hardon was instantly back as I got closer to the suit. With no more insights on how to put it on I started exploring it more vigorously. The only opening large enough to do anything was the mouth. I tried stretching it and it opened up significantly. I slid my hand into the suit and it was all covered with what seemed like a mix of sweat and slimy like glue. I sniffed what got captured on my hand and the smell was intense but not unpleasant, the suit was still slightly warmer than the ambient temperature so something told me it must have been worn quite recently.
I knew what I needed to do. Without further hesitation I took my clothes of, sat on the bed and put the bodysuit in front of me. I’ve stretched the mouth and put my feet in. The slimy substance inside made it easy to slide them all the way to Chase’s feet. I’ve adjusted my toes to go right into his and wiggled them to test the movement. The suit was still sliding against my skin, and it felt so good to know that I’m slowly disappearing inside this hunky guy.
I’ve pulled the suit up and got my legs fully in. Next to go in will be my cock and ass. Chase definitely didn’t skip any leg days and his quads, calves and ass looked extra perky. His cock was also a thing worth looking at. I’ve never been unhappy with mine, at 8 inches it was more than enough to give pleasure to anyone, but Chase’s was something else. At least 10 inches and extra thick, it felt like holding a pipe. Both the sheath and the balls were hollow inside and just waiting for my cock to invade them. I slowly slid it in feeling how well lubed up it is inside. My cock filled it out perfectly, almost as if the inside was based on a cast of my own.
I grabbed my new rocket and started throbbing it up and down. It seemed like there were some additional groves inside that kept my dick perfectly positioned but also provided additional pleasure. The whole experience was so arousing that I didn’t notice one significant change. I wasn’t able to move Chase’s skin against mine anymore. The glue started working its way and it sealed my legs completely inside of the bodysuit. I’ve looked back into the bag to see if there is any instruction available or any solvent that would allow me to later take it off but there was nothing.
Thinking what I should do, I decided to go ahead with putting the suit on and worry about the consequences later. This was my dream opportunity and I wasn’t going to spoil it by overthinking.
I continued pulling the suit up, the musky smell embracing me with each pull. My dick still extra hard was demanding some more attention. I knew though that this will be more fun after I complete the transformation. I started pushing my arms in, filling his every finger with mine, warm air escaping as I pushed further in. His hands were also bigger than mine, but it felt so natural to have them. The suit was heavy when I was holding it before, but now that it was embracing me and matching my every move I could barely feel its weight. The movement of the suit felt even more natural now, that the glue started setting in. I could feel the outline of all the muscles with my new hands.
I’ve looked at myself in the mirror and what I saw was like if all my wet dreams have combined into one and stood right there in front of me. Except it wasn’t someone else. It was me moving this Greek god-like body. The only thing that wasn’t matching yet was the face. I couldn’t complain about mine, I was attractive enough to be able to get laid with most of the guys I wanted to meet, but I knew that once I take his face on, no one would be able to resist me.
His face was embracing my neck with an unnaturally stretched gin looking like a human face hoodie hanging behind me. At this point I was so turned on I could blow my load any time. The warmth of the suit felt so natural, I thought that with this thickness I wouldn’t be able to feel anything on the inside, but it seems like this cosmic technology material was passing the feeling of touch much more than expected. I started playing with my monster sized cock again and it felt like I’m about to have the best jerk off of my entire life.
With one hand I continued playing with it while with the other I started sliding the slimy face onto mine. Slowly it was coming onto my head, looking like it’s abut devour me. Chase’s face less and less disfigured he started looking like a real person again. And just then with a final snap the face fell into place and I saw how it fits me almost perfectly, looking out his eyes I didn’t see myself anymore, I continued throbbing my cock being on the verge of climax, with final few adjustments the face felt perfectly aligned and as it started setting and gluing into mine I shot the biggest load of my entire life staining the mirror in front of me.
For a moment I completely zoned out, when I opened my eyes again and looked into the mirror, I couldn’t believe again what I’m seeing. The chiseled face, the body of a young Greek god. I smiled and touched my pecks. The confidence was oozing out of me. Still looking at myself I said:
-Hey there Chase, I think we will have some fun together
And to my surprise it wasn’t my voice that came out. It was deeper and more powerful than mine. The surprise quickly disappeared from my… our face, and a confident smirk appeared. One that someone seemed appropriate and matched this face perfectly. This seemed like a start of something great…
To be continued
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jewelsaradia · 5 years
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Our system changes lives! Here are Jesse’s 30 Day results! No, your eyes are not deceiving you, this amazing shape shifter released a pound a day!!!*** But even more than the number on the scale, Jesse is feeling AMAZING! He is reclaiming his health and adding years to his life with amazing nutrition. He now has energy that he hasn’t had in a long time. He is able to help out more around the house and work on projects that had been sitting for a while. He’s gaining self confidence and is feeling more comfortable both physically and socially. His clothes are fitting looser. His memory has improved. He has increased flexibility and stamina. He’s even been getting out for walks and doing some mild exercise! Jesse shares: “[I am] Happy with 30 lb weight loss in the first month. Happier with the way I feel with consistent energy and feeling better overall. Noticing clothes/watch etc. fitting looser and this is just the beginning!” You are absolutely right, buddy. I’m so freaking stoked for you! I can SEE the joy in your eyes! You are CRUSHING this system and I am thrilled to be cheering you on every step of the way on this healthy journey! CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Cheers to the next 30 Days!!! ***Weight-Loss Disclaimer Weight loss should not be considered typical. In a study performed in 2012 by University of Illinois at Chicago researchers, subjects lost an average of 9 pounds with an average of 2 pounds of the loss from visceral fat after 30 days on an Isagenix system. The subjects also had a greater level of adherence and had more consistent weight loss from week to week compared to subjects on a traditional diet. #crushingit #badass #allmyspiritsaresmiling #congratsdude #changinglives #nutritionalrebalancing #weightloss #transformationstories #goalcrusher #friendshelpingfriends #nourishyourself #nutritionalwellness #results (at Reno, Nevada) https://www.instagram.com/p/B2ndqQqH2BP/?igshid=1hqc5l2sts82i
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