#transformers Charlie
kelly-bopbou · 11 months
To any writer that ships mirage and Noah, this is just something off my head. What if we make them spilt up and then years later they have found each other after losing hope in seeing each other again but we put them through the ringer and have angst everywhere .Charlie and Noah meet , they are feral mechanics on a mission. To put some extra spice Bee and Charlie go through feels cause they haven't seen each other in years and Charlie avoids bee to not get attached again. The feral mechanic dou meet Cade Yeager and they respect him yet give him headaches and heart attacks out of love they claim
PS. They are crazy drivers. Charlie , Noah and Cade
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tinydefector · 3 months
Bumblebee, Charlie and Ralph
Request and ask open, read pinned post
Silly little thing that popped up in my head over Raphael from TFP and his ability to understand Bumblebee, and also Charlie from the Bumblebee movie.
It's a little headcannon over how Raph can understand Bumblebee and cybertronian so well, and reason he is so good with technology.
Bumblebee is based 1987
TFP is based 2007
20 years between.
I have a cute little headcanon that Raph is Charlie's son. I like to think after bee left she didn't make alot of good decisions and in 1995 she had Raph, but her partner at the time split with her leaving her trying to raise a baby by herself halfway across the country, and she uses her one emergency call to get in contact with Bumblebee hoping he can just drive her back to California. Bee instead makes it his so mission to look after both Charlie and baby Raph, and they end up in Jasper.
Optimus at first is not very happy about it, for one mirage refuses to leave Brooklyn due to Noah being there, and now Bumblebee shows up at base with the human Optimus made Bumblebee cut contact with. And not only that there was a human baby involved too. But eventually optimus relents, and Bumblebee set Charlie up, she had looked after him and he would do everything to look after her.
Over time Bee becomes the closest thing to a dad Ralph has, and the young Autobot scout adores him so much. And Ralph begins to understand Bumblebee's beeps and chirps outside of the stereo talk. It's a shock to all of them when toddler Ralph begins babbling in small bits of Cybertronian.
Charlie and Bee end up together not as Conjunx officially because both are two shy to ask the other into a relationship but it's very much a stablished that they are Ralph's parent's. And every Autobot on base knows that they are together.
Ralph as a baby adores Ratchet, despite the grumpy medic stating he didn't wish to squish the young boy, poor ratchet unofficially becomes his grandfather, and Ratchet adores sitting there with Raphael as the young boy watches him type away, he ever starts teaching him how to read Cybertronian at the young ages.
And as Ralph gets older, he learns very quickly 'don't talk about home life' and for a long while it's very isolating not having people he can talk to about the bots. Charlie had Noah, Kris and Elena, agent Fowler. But Ralph didn't bave friends he could talk too. That's until Arcee messes up one day and Jack comes into the picture, and Ralph takes to him and then Miko so quickly, he finally has friends who know about the bots, and he can talk to them openly about it. The next generation of humans who knew about the bots.
So, in conclusion, I have a head cannon of Ralph being Charlie and Bumblebee's kid.
@youkaiyume you might like this. (Sweats)
Enjoy my sleep deprived thoughts
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foundfamilyhq · 9 months
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muerder-snail · 11 months
If anyone wants to do a Norage or Charbee or even transformers Oc x Oc rp here or on discord I’m open just be semi-lit and know I do have a life and won’t always be able to reply. Just dm me if your interested after dropping amino I’ve been pretty desperate.
Edit: please don’t just like the post if interested comment or message me please
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dj-baklava · 1 year
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shortkingenjoyer · 3 months
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i was late to the cursed cat alastor party, hope this will suffice
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youkaiyume · 3 months
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I miss these crazy kids. Some Prime!Charlie x Bee. I'm hoping to get back to drawing them more in my fave universes.
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skyacya · 7 months
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At least Heatwave takes care of the grandkids
I have found that my favourite characters tend to be the exasperated parents who need a vacation. Soundwave, Charlie Burns, Dottie, Ultra Magnus, Agent Fowler... what that says about me I'd rather not think about
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tending-the-hearth · 22 days
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*stares at jack darby and miko nakadai and raf esquivel and charlie watson and noah diaz and kris diaz*
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kusakichan15 · 10 months
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Hearts and Sparks Ship Week Day 2: " On the road / Trouble " 🔫🩹
Prompt list here
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raineycloudz · 10 months
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Charlie got a new camera and Bumbleboy is confused Yeah...i ship them, keep scrolling
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gwifirusu · 11 months
Bee and Mirage making Charlie and Noah meet
Human play date /j
Bee at his favorite drive in movie
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arcee is planning her turn to kidnap the human next movie
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qdkdraws · 4 months
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One Hell of a Team
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dj-baklava · 1 year
Transformers: infra-red
Part 1
The match came to a close, bright lights blaring as the announcer called an end. ears ring from the pain of the game as blood and sweat dribbled down to the ring base but something about this blood was metallic.
The brown haired boy in question looked up, his breath shaking just like his body, as a smile crossed his lips he threw his arms in the air with a scream the crowd screaming back at him, his calling card. He was broken, his one eye blackened, bruises all over his body at random spots, his nose bloody and dripping down his face but his opponent was much much worse.
“Got anything to say devil?” The announcer asked, passing the microphone to the boy as he removed his boxing gloves.
“Ya one thing” he took the mic and looked to the crowd “you won’t see me for a bit mom needs help in the shop so sorry but I’ll be gone for a bit.” The crowd wasn’t too happy to hear that and it even saddened devil to be leaving but he always put family first.
After changing into his normal clothes, devil returned to his home in a sneaky manner, the hood of his demon hoodie hiding his face from both the streets and his mother knowing he was back so late.
He lived in the same house his mother grew up in, here in California. The house was now fitted for his mother’s small mechanic business, the old gurage working as her shop. He skated down the driveway, the song dare to be stupid playing in his earbuds, thanks to a bone deformity he couldn’t wear standard headphones. The house was dark, the gurage light on meaning his mom was working and wouldn’t notice him.
At the front door he kicked the wheels off his skates back into the soles of his shoes before entering the house carefully. Keeping an eye on the door to his moms shop he snuck to the kitchen for a quick snack.
“Clifford bee Watson!” He froze the voice of his mom and the sound of the closing door filling him with fear. Clifford turned a pop tart hanging out his mouth.
“Ah hi mom” he said through his teeth and food, his mother sighed shaking her head seeing the dried blood on his nose and his black eye.
“Did you win?” She asked him as she got him an ice pack from the fridge for his eye. Clifford’s right eye was damaged at birth so he wore an eyepatch.
“Heh the devil always does” he answered taking the pop tart from his mouth and the ice pack “oh that feels good” he mumbled the heat of the damaged skin bothering him.
“Let me see your hands” Clifford put the pop tart back in his mouth and let his mother exsament his knuckles. They were red from boxing but thankfully his knuckles were not like the first time he boxed where he burst the skin open.
“You're getting better at this” she let go, letting him eat his snack. His mother fully understood and supported her son’s dream of being a professional boxer but she feared his birth defects may get in his way, his bones were denser than they should’ve been and he only had one eye not to mention the reason they all call him devil, under his hood where two small red horns.
“The light was on, you got a client in the shop?” Cliff asked, taking off his back pack and unzipping it.
“I do he's a friend of me and your father” cliff stopped what he was doing at the mention of his father “his family is in a area for a mission he has a son too maybe you could make a friend”
Clifford looked down thinking, because of being homeschooled and his job as a boxer he didn’t have that many kids to hangout with his age.
“How old is he?”
“He only a bit younger than you”
“Hm I wouldn’t mind meeting him”
“Good because he’s coming over tomorrow to pick up his dad’s car” she undid her bun as she spoke, her long brown hair falling to her back. Cliff went back to looking through his back taking out a box of chocolate one of his fans gave him.
“Wanna share?” He asked holding the box out to his mom, who smiled.
“Sure but your going to bed after this” she scolded getting a chuckle out of the red clad boy
“Yes mom”
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poorchoicesarebettr · 11 months
Humans and their robots💕
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youkaiyume · 11 months
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I desperately need Charlie and Bee to get a reunion. Please Optimus, you wouldn't deny your favorite son who recently just died and came back the one thing he wants more than anything else in the whole world would you????
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