12345jisooooya · 2 years
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This is the dress you are wearing. Fancy, ain't it~?
"Dear, passengers' we're on our final destination! Welcome, everyone! Tooooo! Jasper, Nevada!"
"Omg! It's Y/N L/N!!!"
Suddenly a bunch of fans started to run towards her with tons of gifts and stuff animals. But got stopped by the bodyguards
"Annyeonghaseyo!" Y/N said with a happy smile to her fans
"Omg!!! We're your biggest fans EVER!!" One of the fans yelled out
"Yeah, I can see that very clearly." Y/N nervously said and later she saw a man ripping his shirt off and showing her his tattoo of her
"Mah goodness..." Y/N said getting shocked by her fans
"I'm going out...."
And then all bodyguards guarded her from the crowd that are trying surround her.
"Can I have an autograph???!!!"
"Sure..." Y/N gave a forceful smile to that fan and gave her iconic signature
"THANK YOUUU!!!" The fan said as her eyes were sparkling like stars
"Bye! Mwah!" Y/N then gave everyone flying kiss making half of the crowd faint
Y/N chuckled and got inside the car and opened the car window to wave at her fans bye.
"See you, everyone! See you later, everyone at the concert!" Y/N said and bid them goodbye
"My....., the car is filled with gifts already...damn!" Y/N mumbled
"So, how is your mother?" An unknown stranger asked her with a kind voice then she looks at that person and saw it wasn't her bodyguard
"Ummm..........who the hell are? Did I by mistakenly came inside the wrong car?" Y/N asked: now, getting scared
"No, but there's no need to be scared, dear. Your mother didn't tell you about me?" The unknown person asked her
"I-i.....uh...she did told me that I'll be meeting one of her friend....so, let me guess you're her friend, right?"
"Yes, I'm Agent William Fowler. I work for the government police and so your mother too when wasn't married." He said to her with a warm smile and looks behind her with bunch of gifts
"Dang! You got so many gifts." Fowler chuckled and started the car
"So, where are we going?" Y/N curiously asked Fowler
"Well, we're going to the secret base." He replied
"Whoa! Are you a spy?" Y/N asked filled
"You can ask me later on the base." He said
Y/N was silent and stayed looking outside the car's window.
"Miko! Stop messing around!" Ratchet angrily said to the pink bang girl
"Or what?" She blantly replied the white and orange mech
Ratchet twitchs his one optic and sighed loudly and gave up.
While the other kids were watching TV and saw the new of [you] and was shock to hear it.
"Miko, look [Y/N] [L/N] is in Jasper for the comeback." Jack said making Miko look at them shock
"Are you serious?" Miko said with a disbelieve look
"Yeah." Raf said and kept on watching the news
Not until they heard the alarm and saw the elevator door open.
And saw
Agent Fowler and Y/N.
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dragonridernoobie · 5 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOUR LIL BABYYY!!! I love snakes and I was honestly surprised you had one!!
Speaking of snakesss, can I request TFP Optimus, Ratchet, Wheeljack, and Megatron with a female reader (human or cybertronian is fine) who owns a snake?? Any kind of snake is ok!! Tyyyy!!!<333
And happy birthday again!!🥳🥳
Sure, thank you for saying Happy birthday to my snake! She is very happy and mad since she had to go to the vet XD
Also, sorry this came out so late, work has been a bitch.
Optimus went to go pick up (Y/N)
(Y/N) told him that they where bring their snake since miko asked to see it.
He has never seen a snake up close so he is excited.
When he pulls up to (Y/N)s house and (Y/N) was there waiting.
Optimus sees them holding a container.
When they get since, he asked what is inside of the container.
Reader pulls out their snake.
Snake v
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Optimus was very surprised.
Once back at base, he happily holds the snake and listens to (Y/N) talk about them.
Optimus is definitely writing this down since his old orion self is coming out.
Ratchet was at base.
(Y/N) was with him, on his shoulder on their phone.
While they just relaxed, ratchrt suddenly moved and made a wierd noise.
When reader looks at the screen and dosent see anything they are confused.
Intel they noticed somthing moving on the keyboard.
They see a guarding snake.
Before ratchet can hurt the snake, (Y/N) picks up the snake and takes it out of the base.
(Y/N) is making fun of ratchet for being scared of a snake.
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Wheeljack was working in the jackhammer.
(Y/N) was with him, helijg him organized his ship.
While they clean it out, wheeljack yellow about somthing coil.
When (Y/N) goes to see what's so cool, they see wheeljack holding a cotton mouth snake.
Poking at it and saying it's so cute.
(While the snake is fucming horrified and tries to scare wheeljack off by striking it.)
(Y/N) tells wheeljack that what he has is one of the most poisonous snakes in the world and he should put it outside.
Wheeljack does that, but he makes sure to name it.
He named it "doom fanger"
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Megatron was on his warship, telling his men what to do.
(Y/N) was a human who has gained his respect and (Y/N) was on his shoulder.
While (Y/N) was on their phone, looking for snakes to buy, megatron saw this.
He tells (Y/N) they should get a powerful snake.
When (Y/N) said that snake is to dangerous, he was surprised that there was an actal snake like that.
He asked about it and (Y/N) told then about the king cobra.
Megatron soon gets a King cobra on the ship so he has a pet who is like him.
(He made sure to keep it away from (Y/N))
Snake v
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thatdorkyauthor · 2 years
What about Megatron Bumblebee, Breakdown Knockout and predaking Ratchet with a s/o who had a rough fight with their family and asks them to come pick them up since they're actually running away from home because some of the things said where actually unforgivable. Request on a former request, hope this is alright  Bumblebee
He’d be on his way instantly, well after Ratchet was able to make out what he was saying.
“Bumblebee, calm down what are you saying?” Ratchet looked at Raf for help but he shrugged, staring at his friend with worry. 
The second Ratchet understood what he said, and activated the ground bridge, he was gone.
Speed limits, never heard of em’, resulting in Fowler getting multiple tickets... again. 
He still drives carefully though. 
Nearly shaking on his wheels as he stops next to you. 
Let the interrogation begin, by switching stations he starts to question you.
“Are you alright? What can I do for you? Want me to tak-.”
Takes you on a long drive, listening to you and trying to calm you down the best he can.
He’d be shocked, and worried the second you explain what happened. 
Without realizing it, he quickly moved to the control panel and activated a ground bridge to your location, his body on autopilot.
The second he enters the ground bridge his worry, chances into anger, not at you of course , but at your family for treating you that way.
Might have passed a few speed limits
Stops carefully next to you, and opens the door for you. A quiet invitation for you to get in.
Won’t question you immediately, but waits for you to speak first.
If you don’t then he’ll speak up calmly and softly. “Would you like to talk about it?” 
He’ll listen to you as long as you need him too.
No matter what he was doing, he would drop it the minute he heard your story.
Rushes over to Soundwave, literally dropping whatever he was holding, it could wait or be fixed later, you are more important to him.
Demands a ground bridge to your location.
The second he spots you, he calms down in the slightest.
Stops next to you, not removing his glance from you as you near his alt mode.
Waits until you’re buckled up before speeding off, to the place where he knew he could get your comfort food from.
Allows you for once to eat in his alt mode, if you wanted to. 
Drives to a calm spot before he starts to question you.
Remains quiet as you talk, well excluding the scoffs that escape often.
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12345jisooooya · 2 years
So, I'm kinda shy to write, but it's my very first time to write it on Tumblr, so yeah my very first one-shot of transformers...yeah...LOL
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"Ms. Y/N?"
"Yes, Mrs. Jeon?"
"Your, boss wants you to come to his office immediately."
Y/N sighed looks at her private secretary and her secretary just looks at her with a 'are you coming' look.
Y/N the most famous Kpop Solo singer of South Korea and was loved by everyone. Her fans her boss, and other kpop groups she was very well-mannered woman and the youngest kpop idol also, if someone messes with her she'll kick their ass and she had those beautiful (E/C) and long/short (H/C) and get shipped by many kpop idols, but she hated it and tells her fans not to, she loves them as her brothers and sisters. She works at (Your any favorite Kpop Band Entertainment) and she has lots of bodyguards around that's why it was hard for the saesangs to get to her.
"Why does he wants to me at his office?" Y/N groaned loudly as she was sitting in her favorite couch watching songs
"It's....urgent, Ms. L/N..." She nervously said
"Fine..." Y/N said and gets up from the couch lazily and went towards the office
"So, Boss....? Hehe...ya called me?" Y/N said
"Yes, indeed, Y/N." Her boss said with a smirk and looks at her
"Is...is everything okay, Boss?" Y/N nervously asked when she saw his Boss smirking without no reason
"You remember that comback?" Her Boss said
Y/N nodded slowly and looks at him confusingly
"So...., what?"
"Well, that comeback became very successful and right now in Jasper....Millions of people watched and wants a concert. So,"
"So, your going to Jasper for the next concert." He said casually
"But, it isn't suppose to be in Japan?" Y/N said
"Yes! But in next year, dear. For now-"
"You. Get ready for Jasper, dear." He said and takes her towards office front door
"But-but-but you said I'll be goi-"
"Now, I changed my mind. So, get ready. Go, go." He said and gives her a warm smile and closes the door
"You got to be fragging kidding me..." Y/N said
"So, exicted for the journey." Y/N's mother smiled at her daughter and on the other side Y/N was literally making her room into a mess
"No! I am not! It's just I always wanted to go Japan, it was my dream....But, Boss he....UGH!!"
"I understand, Y/N, but sometimes you need to let go of that dream and should be happy of what you get." Her mother said and sat beside her
"I know...."
"Well, I did heard thatJasper is a very pretty place for the sunset view." When Y/N's mother said Y/N looked at her with a bright smile
"Really!! That is so great! I'll gonna click tons of picture and post it to my Instagram!!" Y/N squealed with happiness
"I know you always loved to watch sunset, so yeah....and oh! You'll be able to meet my friend too!"
"Yes, love. But, before leaving clean your room...."
Y/N looks around her room and it was looking really messy and chuckled lightly and nodded to her mother. With that her mother left her room and Y/N gets ready for her flight.
"Jasper! I'm coming!" Y/N smiled and got out from her house telling goodbye to her mother then she went inside her Lamborghini and the driver drove to the airport.
She saw tons of fans waiting for her already and was literally yelling her name out and she could just look at the crowd with an awe and saw them giving her lots and lots of gifts.
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dragonridernoobie · 5 months
Can I request TFP decepticons with a fem reader who has anger issues??? Ty!
Sure! I will try my best!
I'm gonna make them cybertronian since you dident say if reader was human or not. I hope you are ok with this!!!
I think reader. Would has been with the decpticons for a while, and everyone knows she has a shorter fuse than megatron.
And that's saying somthing.
I think megatron would actally try to tred carefully around reader
Since she is the only cybertronian (besides optimus and predaking) that can hurt him
When she does get angry, megatron will tell reader to go calm down.
Rip starscream if he is caught by her
Starscream would actally fear reader.
Just because she reminds him of megatron.
He would ster clear of reader at any cause.
Unless he is paired with her.
If he is, he will try everything to stay on her good side.
He will remmber his place if he pisses her off.
Rip starscream 2x.
He will know how to help reader.
He will tell reader ways to help her calm down.
Reader will probably go to him and breakdown to calm down.
Best friends.
They would still walk carefully around her though.
They ain't Immune to readers rage.
They throw starscream underneath the buss.
Rip starscream 3x
Same thing with knockout.
But instead of self care, he would help reader get rid of rage thru fighting and training.
Breakdown now has a spar buddy.
He will keep his distant if reader is upset since he knows he can be thrown around.
He throws starscream underneath the bus to.
Rip starscream 4x
He doesn't talk so he can't get reader mad.
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thatdorkyauthor · 2 years
Helloo! Can I request a (scenario/ short story..etc, is up to you) tfp optimus with a human charge reader who has control over time ? She trapped herself in a time loop trying to save optimus multiple times but each time she fails, she witnesses his death and resets to the start from when optimus was kneeling in front of her introducing himself and the autobots, and the cycle begins. Each time reader grows more tired and anguished until finally after staying stuck in the time loop for two years, she interrupts optimus mid introduction after another failed loop and starts tiredly crying in grief and overwhelming hopelessness.
"We are autonomous-"
"This is the 191,702 time..I can't save you...no matter how hard I try...why can't I save you?"
Hope it's not too detailed 😅
Sorry that this one took longer to be uploaded, I had to go to an event for my internship, which took a toll on my mental health, but I am back now. Words: 1672 Did some research for this one and holy damn, Hasbro really has something with killing him off, only for him to come back some way, holy fuck. XD. !This doesn't follow the series. And be prepared for a long one. Found this one in drafts from a little ago, I'm so sorry for not uploading this earlier, I just had to change a lot. Hope you'll enjoy it?
“Hey Optimus?” The bots were preparing for another battle against some decepticons as they were located near a new energon mine, at least that was what they had told you. The mentioned bot turned around, his blue optics landing on you. With curiosity evident in his optics he slid his battle mask down. “Yes (Y/n).” He didn’t have much time to waste, he was aware of that, his team was already waiting before entering through the ground bridge. Ratchet turned to the two of you briefly only to shake his helm as he turned back to the monitor. “Be safe alright, don’t make me c-.” Miko wrapped an arm over your shoulder. “Us come to kick some decepticon afts.” Bulkhead facepalmed, shaking his helm. Optimus nodded, the slightest hint of a smile on his face plates. “We shall be fine, little ones.” “Promise?” Optimus turned to you, hesitation in his optics and voice. “I promise.” He turned back, facing his team again and pulled his battle mask back on. “Autobots, roll out!” He couldn’t stick to his promise. Unlike other times you four weren’t allowed to watch the scene unfold, this time Ratchet was watching it unfold on a pad. “Ratchet what’s going on.” Everything went downhill incredibly quickly, worrying the older medic. “Frag.” He turned to the monitor, turning everything on. Miko looked at the stats of the bots in worry and gasped. You followed her gaze, dropping to the ground. “Arcee, what happened?” Worry laced Ratchet’s voice as he tried desperately to find an error in the system. “Optimus, he.” She didn’t continue, the base became quiet, only the sounds of the battle going on echoed through the building. Miko placed a hand on your shoulder. The comms turned off, the connection gone. Ratchet sighed, turning his attention to the medical status of the bots, ready to jump into battle if needed. “What happened?” He turned around, his optics somewhat softening as he spotted you on the ground. With a sigh of defeat, and grief as well as sorrow in his optics he tried to form a sentence. “Optimus, he.” He couldn’t bring himself to continue as it didn’t feel right to him, especially as he watched you curl up, sobbing and screaming in grief. He didn’t like humans much, but you four, excluding June, had a special place in his spark. He wasn’t sure how, if he could help, so he turned back to the panel trying to reconnect with the other bots. Jack placed a hand on your shoulder, tears forming his eyes as well. Miko dropped down, engulfing you in a hug as she cried with you. Raf joined your side but before he could do anything a bright light came from your hands. Ratchet noticed the lights reflecting on the monitor screen and turned around. You looked up at him, determination and grief filling your eyes. “This won’t be his ending.” Miko looked around as everything started to spin. “What’s happening?” Ratchet glanced at everything moving. “What are you doi-.” He never got to finish his sentence
The doors of the camaro opened, allowing you and Raf to get out. Ratchet turned to look at you and the other three, as Bulkhead entered the room. Both Arcee and Bumblebee transformed as soon as everyone had left their alt modes. “I thought there were two.” You turned to Ratchet, remembering your first encounter with him. “Haven’t you heard, humans multiply.” Arcee said before walking to her comrades. “I’m Raf.” “I’m Miko.” Miko ran towards the bots, as Raf introduced himself calmly from his position. “Who are you?” She questioned the Bulkhead, who stared warily at the girl. “Bulkhead.” “Are you a car, I bet you’re a truck, a monster truck.” The orange bot stared at you as you shook your head in amusement. Something felt off, he just couldn’t pin down what. “Do you like heavy metal? How much do you weigh? Ever used a wrecking ball as a punching bag?”  He clearly didn’t know what to do with the overly extroverted girl. “So if you guys are robots who made you?” Raf asked, making the medic scoff. “Puh Lease.” Optimus entered the room, making me turn around with a smile. Optimus crouched down. "We are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet Cybertron, autobots for short." He stood back up, looking down on you and the other three. "I am Optimus Prime." You and Optimus bonded quite quickly, it was however difficult to act as if you had never seen the bot. However, the new peace didn’t last long, instead of two months the leader passed away after two, this time you were there. “Give me the kids.” Starscream screeched as he attacked Optimus from the front, distracting him.  Jack pulled you to the side, preventing you from being crushed underneath some pedes. “Over my dead body.” Optimus shot back, raising his battle mask. The team was scattered over the battlefield, Bumblebee was busy fighting Knockout, Bulkhead was battling Breakdown, as Arcee was keeping herself busy with slaying some other cons. “If you insist.” Megatron said from behind, pushing his sword through Optimus’ chassis before he had the chance to defend him. Megatron pushed the sword deeper before taking it out, using his canon to shoot in the hole, expanding the wound.“NO!” Starscream turned towards you, a smirk displayed on his faceplates as he spotted the four of you. “Like Prime insisted.” He sneered before walking towards you. Miko held you close, noticing the tears falling down. “Fuck you.” A light, similar to the first one appeared, and time reversed again. 
He stood back up, looking down on you four. “I am Optimus Prime, leader of the autobots.” He mentioned the orange and white bot. “Our medical officer, Ratchet. Our wrecker Bulkhead. Our scout, Bumblebee, and Arcee our warrior.” Jack locked eyes with the blue femme, raising an eyebrow. “So now what, are you going to keep us here, preventing us from seeing anyone to keep your secret safe?” You shook your head with a soft smile, elbowing Jack not too hard. “No, that would be against our, and I assume your morals.” Optimus said before looking at the other bots. “But for your own safety, we must keep an eye on you four.” Five days, all went well for five days. “They say the third time’s the charm.” Miko said, running through the ground bridge. She said pulling you through the bridge. However, as soon as you entered the bridge, you felt like throwing up. “Optimus, watch out.” “NO!.” Arcee turned to you in shock. “Bulkhead, get the girls out of here.” Optimus laid motionless on the ground, after getting multiple shots to the chest and another blade in the back. Another white light blinded the teens, and it all went back to that moment. Five months, one week, two days, the exact same day. It wouldn’t stop and it was starting to take a toll on your mental and physical health. With each time you couldn’t, correction wouldn’t, let your guardian go.  You counted each and every time that you had to reset time, by now knowing the introduction by heart and being able to repeat it in your mind, no matter where you were or what you were doing.
“191, 701.” You muttered, feeling exhausted by using your powers so often. The great leader looked at you in confusion, and curiosity. You didn’t look scared or excited at all, it seemed like you were extremely exhausted. He didn’t notice the tears you were holding back, but Ratchet did. He noticed something weird on his monitors the second you stepped out of that car, something that shouldn’t be happening to a human. He didn’t say anything, but he was definitely going to ask you later. “My name is Optimus Prime, we are autonomous robotic organism-.” The bot stopped in the middle of his sentence, making you look up at him weirdly. He dropped down, making Miko shriek as she grabbed your arm and pulled you away. A flat lining was heard from the monitor behind the medic. Ratchet turned to the monitor before putting Optimus on a medbay bed with Bulkhead’s help. “Spark attack” He muttered a little too loud. “This is the 191 701th time, and he doesn’t even last five fucking minutes. It’s a new record.” The bots looked at you in confusion, not even able to process anything before a bright light blinded them all.
“My name is Optimus Prime, we are autonomous robotic organisms from the planet-.” It was too much. Everyone’s attention turned towards you, as you collapsed to the ground. Miko looked at you in worry before crouching down and rubbing you back soothingly. “Hey, I’m sure they won’t hu-.” She didn’t get to finish her sentence. The leader was confused to say at least when you looked up at him with tears in your eyes. “This is the 191 702th time.”  Ratchet tilted his head as he looked at Optimus before turning back to you. Optimus glanced at you with worry and confusion, he couldn’t see your expression anymore as you dropped your head, staring at your hands. “I can’t save you, I tried so many times.” They all listened carefully to what you had to say.  “But no matter what I do, you always.” You didn’t get to finish your sentence as memories flooded through your mind, and started to sob. Optimus crouched down, leaning on one of his knee plates as he came closer. “Why can’t I save you?” It came as a choked back whisper, but every bot had heard it. The gears in Ratchet's helm clicked. “You time traveled?” Optimus glanced at Ratchet before turning to you. “Some things are bound to happen, I’m honored you went back to me so many times. Yet sometimes you have to let others go.” He explained, knowing from experience death was inevitable.  “Besides, as long as you remember me, I will never leave your side.”
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