yu-ya · 2 years
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ps1 · 1 year
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not-radioshack · 1 year
Writeup: Forcing Minecraft to play on a Trident Blade 3D.
The first official companion writeup to a video I've put out!
So. Uh, yeah. Trident Blade 3D. If you've seen the video already, it's... not good. Especially in OpenGL.
Let's kick things off with a quick rundown of the specs of the card, according to AIDA64:
Trident Blade 3D - specs
Year released: 1999
Core: 3Dimage 9880, 0.25um (250nm) manufacturing node, 110MHz
Driver version:
Interface: AGP 2x @ 1x speed (wouldn't go above 1x despite driver and BIOS support)
PCI device ID: 1023-9880 / 1023-9880 (Rev 3A)
Mem clock: 110MHz real/effective
Mem bus/type: 8MB 64-bit SDRAM, 880MB/s bandwidth
ROPs/TMUs/Vertex Shaders/Pixel Shaders/T&L hardware: 1/1/0/0/No
DirectX support: DirectX 6
OpenGL support: - 100% (native) OpenGL 1.1 compliant - 25% (native) OpenGL 1.2 compliant - 0% compliant beyond OpenGL 1.2 - Vendor string:
Vendor : Trident Renderer : Blade 3D Version : 1.1.0
And as for the rest of the system:
Windows 98 SE w/KernelEX 2019 updates installed
ECS K7VTA3 3.x
AMD Athlon XP 1900+ @ 1466MHz
512MB DDR PC3200 (single stick of OCZ OCZ400512P3) 3.0-4-4-8 (CL-RCD-RP-RAS)
Hitachi Travelstar DK23AA-51 4200RPM 5GB HDD
IDK what that CPU cooler is but it does the job pretty well
And now, with specs done and out of the way, my notes!
As mentioned earlier, the Trident Blade 3D is mind-numbingly slow when it comes to OpenGL. As in, to the point where at least natively during actual gameplay (Minecraft, because I can), it is absolutely beaten to a pulp using AltOGL, an OpenGL-to-Direct3D6 "wrapper" that translates OpenGL API calls to DirectX ones.
Normally, it can be expected that performance using the wrapper is about equal to native OpenGL, give or take some fps depending on driver optimization, but this card?
The Blade 3D may as well be better off like the S3 ViRGE by having no OpenGL ICD shipped in any driver release, period.
For the purposes of this writeup, I will stick to a very specific version of Minecraft: in-20091223-1459, the very first version of what would soon become Minecraft's "Indev" phase, though this version notably lacks any survival features and aside from the MD3 models present, is indistinguishable from previous versions of Classic. All settings are at their absolute minimum, and the window size is left at default, with a desktop resolution of 1024x768 and 16-bit color depth.
(Also the 1.5-era launcher I use is incapable of launching anything older than this version anyway)
Though known to be unstable (as seen in the full video), gameplay in Minecraft Classic using AltOGL reaches a steady 15 fps, nearly triple that of the native OpenGL ICD that ships with Trident's drivers the card. AltOGL also is known to often have issues with fog rendering on older cards, and the Blade 3D is no exception... though, I believe it may be far more preferable to have no working fog than... well, whatever the heck the Blade 3D is trying to do with its native ICD.
See for yourself: (don't mind the weirdness at the very beginning. OBS had a couple of hiccups)
Later versions of Minecraft were also tested, where I found that the Trident Blade 3D follows the same, as I call them, "version boundaries" as the SiS 315(E) and the ATi Rage 128, both of which being cards that easily run circles around the Blade 3D.
Version ranges mentioned are inclusive of their endpoints.
Infdev 1.136 (inf-20100627) through Beta b1.5_01 exhibit world-load crashes on both the SiS 315(E) and Trident Blade 3D.
Alpha a1.0.4 through Beta b1.3_01/PC-Gamer demo crash on the title screen due to the animated "falling blocks"-style Minecraft logo on both the ATi Rage 128 and Trident Blade 3D.
All the bugginess of two much better cards, and none of the performance that came with those bugs.
Interestingly, versions even up to and including Minecraft release 1.5.2 are able to launch to the main menu, though by then the already-terrible lag present in all prior versions of the game when run on the Blade 3D make it practically impossible to even press the necessary buttons to load into a world in the first place. Though this card is running in AGP 1x mode, I sincerely doubt that running it at its supposedly-supported 2x mode would bring much if any meaningful performance increase.
Lastly, ClassiCube. ClassiCube is a completely open-source reimplementation of Minecraft Classic in C, which allows it to bypass the overhead normally associated with Java's VM platform. However, this does not grant it any escape from the black hole of performance that is the Trident Blade 3D's OpenGL ICD. Not only this, but oddly, the red and blue color channels appear to be switched by the Blade 3D, resulting in a very strange looking game that chugs along at single-digits. As for the game's DirectX-compatible version, the requirement of DirectX 9 support locks out any chance for the Blade 3D to run ClassiCube with any semblance of performance. Also AltOGL is known to crash ClassiCube so hard that a power cycle is required.
Interestingly, a solid half of the accelerated pixel formats supported by the Blade 3D, according to the utility GLInfo, are "render to bitmap" modes, which I'm told is a "render to texture" feature that normally isn't seen on cards as old as the Blade 3D. Or in fact, at least in my experience, any cards outside of the Blade 3D. I've searched through my saved GLInfo reports across many different cards, only to find each one supporting the usual "render to window" pixel format.
And with that, for now, this is the end of the very first post-video writeup on this blog. Thank you for reading if you've made it this far.
I leave you with this delightfully-crunchy clip of the card's native OpenGL ICD running in 256-color mode, which fixes the rendering problems but... uh, yeah. It's a supported accelerated pixel format, but "accelerated" is a stretch like none other. 32-bit color is supported as well, but it performs about identically to the 8-bit color mode--that is, even worse than 16-bit color performs.
At least it fixes the rendering issues I guess.
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wild5safari · 4 months
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lokaleblickecom · 1 year
Neuordnung vereinbart: TUI übernimmt TUI TRAVELStar vollständig und veräußert Beteiligung an RTK
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- Beteiligung von 25,1% an RTK wird veräußert - TUI übernimmt alle Anteile an der TUI TRAVELStar - RTK erhält Rahmenvereinbarung bis 2025 Hannover, 30. August 2023. Nach intensiven Verhandlungen haben sich TUI Deutschland und die RT/Raiffeisen Touristik Group (RTG) über die Grundlagen der Zusammenarbeit verständigt. Unabhängig von der unerlaubten Weitergabe von TUI Buchungsdaten durch die RTK-Zentrale möchte TUI weiterhin mit den in der Kooperation zusammengeschlossen Reisebüros partnerschaftlich zusammenarbeiten. Im Rahmen der Übereinkunft wird TUI den Anteil von 25,1% an der RTK an RTG veräußern. Gleichzeitig übernimmt TUI alle Anteile an der TUI TRAVELStar von RTK. Die Vereinbarung steht noch unter dem Vorbehalt der Zustimmung des Bundeskartellamts. Teil der Verständigung sind außerdem strukturelle und organisatorische Anpassungen bei RTK sowie die Abgabe einer Unterlassungserklärung. RTK verpflichtet sich darin, TUI Buchungsdaten künftig nur noch vertragskonform zu verwenden. TUI erhält im Verlauf der weiteren Aufklärung alle relevanten Informationen zu den Vorgängen rund um die Datenweitergabe. „Es liegen herausfordernde, aber gleichzeitig auch lösungsorientierte Gespräche hinter uns. Dies alles mit dem Ziel, unseren Reisebüropartnern Klarheit zu verschaffen und Planungssicherheit zu geben. Dieses Ziel haben wir erreicht und so auch den Rahmen für die Zusammenarbeit mit der RTK festgelegt. Gleichzeitig werden mit der vollständigen Übernahme die Weichen bei TUI TRAVELStar neu gestellt. Wir freuen uns, die Partnerschaft mit dem Reisevertrieb zu stärken“, sagt Benjamin Jacobi, Geschäftsführer Vertrieb und Marketing der TUI Deutschland GmbH. „Die gute Nachricht gleich zuerst: wir planen keine Veränderungen am erfolgreichen Geschäftsmodell der TUI TRAVELStar. Die Kooperation ist und bleibt die perfekte Heimat für TUI-nahe Reisebüroinhaber mit allen Freiheiten, ihr eigenes Geschäft zu gestalten. Das Interesse von Reisebüroinhabern, sich künftig an TUI TRAVELStar beteiligen zu wollen, ist ein tolles Signal. Gemeinsam mit dem Beirat werden wir prüfen, wie wir das ermöglichen können“, so Peter Wittmann, Direktor Quellmarktvertrieb der TUI Deutschland GmbH. Die bereits im Mai zugesagte Auszahlung der TUI Incentives für das Geschäftsjahr 2022/23 an die Reisebüros wird über die RTK-Zentrale erfolgen. TUI wird der RTK bis zum Ende des touristischen Geschäftsjahres 2025 eine neue Rahmenvereinbarung anbieten – auch um im Interesse der Reisebüros den Blick in die Zukunft zu richten.
Über TUI Deutschland
Die TUI Deutschland GmbH ist der touristische Marktführer im deutschen Reisemarkt und eine 100-prozentige Tochtergesellschaft der TUI Group, einem der weltweit führenden Touristikkonzerne. Neben der Kernmarke TUI gehören zahlreiche andere bekannte Reiseveranstalter und Marken wie airtours im Luxussegment, ltur für Last-Minute-Reisen, Spezialisten wie Gebeco sowie die bekannte Ferienfluggesellschaft TUI fly zur TUI Deutschland. Damit deckt TUI die gesamte Bandbreite an Reisen von Premium über individuell bis günstig ab. Die Reisebüromarken TUI Reise Center, First Reisebüro und Hapag-Lloyd Reisebüro mit rund 900 eigenen TUI- und Franchise-Shops sind ebenso Teil der TUI Deutschland. Auch TLT Urlaubsreisen, die größte mobile Vertriebsorganisation in Deutschland, ist eine 100-prozentige TUI-Tochter. Mit rund 700 mobilen Reiseberaterinnen und -beratern bietet sie persönliche und professionelle Reiseberatung und das unabhängig von Zeit und Ort. Die TUI.com ist zudem das meistbesuchte Veranstalterportal in Deutschland und der zentrale Marktplatz für Reisen mit dem umfassendsten Angebot an Rundreisen, Hotels, Ferienwohnungen, Flügen, Mietwagen, Campern und Ausflügen. Foto: Symbolbild (© 2017 TUI Group) Read the full article
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nahasdyna · 2 years
2009 mac mini ram upgrade
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#2009 mac mini ram upgrade upgrade#
#2009 mac mini ram upgrade pro#
#2009 mac mini ram upgrade plus#
#2009 mac mini ram upgrade mac#
To open the Mini up, you need the stupid putty knife method - the person who designed this case is a complete idiot. Touch some metal objects to discharge any static. Now shutdown the computer and remove all peripherals and power leads. Reboot the machine holding alt (the alt-key on the new keyboard works finally) and make sure you can boot from the external drive. Download Carbon Copy Cloner (CCC) or SuperDuper - I used CCC - and clone your internal onto the external drive. Format the external drive as GUID partition map (important!) and HFS+ Extended Journaled with disk utility. When you get all the parts, put the drive into the enclosure and plug it into your new machine, which you should have setup (don't setup Bootcamp yet though).
#2009 mac mini ram upgrade mac#
I also got a cheap Mac compatible 2.5" SATA enclosure from ebay for under £10: I opted for 4GB RAM (check Crucial for the right kind) and a 250GB 7200rpm Hitachi Travelstar hard drive (they are supposed to be quieter than Seagates and I can verify they are pretty quiet).
#2009 mac mini ram upgrade upgrade#
What you will need to do first of all is buy your upgrade parts.
#2009 mac mini ram upgrade plus#
What I did was upgrade to 4GB Ram and a 250GB 7200rpm drive for £630 plus I can get £50 back, which I'll explain so overall £580 The 4GB Ram upgrade costs £120 and a 250GB 5400rpm drive is £80. The base Mini is 2GHz Core 2 Duo for £499. If you're not sure about it, pay an Apple Certified Tech to do the upgrade for you but then you won't save much money.Īpple's upgrade prices on the Mini are quite expensive so this can save you some money. There are actually no stickers inside that you have to break to change the RAM or HDD and I didn't find it to be all that bad. If you plan on upgrading yourself, doing any damage inside can void your warranty. Learn more about the new iMac on the Apple site.I thought I would provide a few tips for upgrading the 2009 Mac Mini, which some guides don't cover fully. Delivery will begin the second half of May. You'll be able to pre-order the new 24" iMac next Friday at 8 AM EDT. It's an easy decision that will future-proof your system and deliver performance gains as well. For the top-tier iMac, which already has 512GB of storage, that means spending $200 to increase it to 1TB. That's why I recommend you spend your upgrade money on doubling your SSD storage. Also, if your SSD is full, that means your system can't swap out some of that memory to boost performance as needed. Sure, you can plug an external SSD into one of the Thunderbolt ports for fast transfer (and I'll have a list of excellent ones for you in the near future) but it's not as fast as on-chip storage. While upgrading your storage drive was possible (albeit difficult) with previous iMacs, it's impossible to do so with the new M1 chips. Even offloading storage to my iCloud Drive, I've still nearly filled the entirety of my 1TB SSD drive. While you might not need more than 8GB of unified memory in your new iMac there is one thing that you should immediately upgrade when you configure your new machine.Ĭhances are your current system's storage is already bursting with documents, images, movies, and apps. But your money could be spent better elsewhere. If you have the money, there's no reason to not upgrade. For most users 8GB is going to be more than enough for day-to-day computing tasks. With a unified memory upgrade being so cheap, you might wonder why I'd recommend not spending the money. This number is far from the wallet-blistering Apple-tax that upgraders used to pay for factory RAM. You can upgrade to 16GB for a measly $200. However, if you're editing large 4K videos or doing other extremely intensive tasks, you might benefit from additional unified memory in your system.
#2009 mac mini ram upgrade pro#
Reviews of the first M1 systems (the MacBook Pro and Mac Mini) show that Apple has finally been able to create a system with a base of 8GB of RAM that not only performs well but outperforms previous systems with twice as much RAM (also, it's called "unified memory" now). Everything just works together and borrows processing from each other as needed. The CPU and GPU aren't both trying to access data pathways on the logic board. There's no memory swapping or rewriting of data between your RAM and SSD. The M1 chip can dynamically use whatever it needs, from whichever component it needs, instantaneously. Having everything on a single chip changes that fundamentally. RAM is a system's short term memory and having lots of it means you can do more and larger tasks simultaneously without slowing things down. Traditional thinking has always said, add as much RAM as you can afford. But the more I researched the new M1 chip and how it's performed in the new MacBook Pro and Mac Mini, the less concerned I was. As someone who falls into that category, I expected to be more upset at the change.
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pinerever · 2 years
Disk aid 2017
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Disk filters are commonly used in micro-irrigation system for the removal of inorganic and suspended organic particles present in agricultural water. Micro-irrigation system has high initial invest and low energy cost. Keywords: Disk Cross-sections, Disk Filter, Disk Grooves, Head Loss, Micro Irrigation SystemĪbstract. Joseph, Michigan Citation: 2017 ASABE Annual International Meeting 1701568.(doi:10.13031/aim.201701568)Īuthors: Seung-Yeon Jung, Won Choi, Jin-Yong Choi Published by the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers, St. Analysis of Head Loss in Disk Filters Due to Geometry of Disk Filter Media in Drip Irrigation System If you are not an ASABE member or if your employer has not arranged for access to the full-text, Click here for options.
All other trademarks and service marks are the property of their respective owners.Click on “Download PDF” for the PDF version or on the title for the HTML version. Apple, Mac, Mac Pro, Mac Mini, MacBook, MacBook Pro, OS X, and iMac are trademarks or registered trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. Micron, the Micron logo, Crucial, and the Crucial logo are registered trademarks of Micron Technology, Inc. is responsible for omissions or errors in typography or photography. Neither Crucial nor Micron Technology, Inc. Information, products, and/or specifications are subject to change without notice.
F50 (5 August 2014), and Microsoft® Windows® 8.1 Pro 64-bit operating system. Test setup: 1TB Crucial MX200 SSD and 1TB HGST Travelstar® Z5K1000 internal hard drive, both tested on an HP® Elitebook® 8760W laptop, Intel® Core™ i7-2620M 2.70GHz processor, 4GB Crucial DDR3 1333 MT/s memory, BIOS Rev. Actual performance may vary based on individual system configuration. Each task was executed and timed after the system had undergone a fresh boot so that other factors and applications didn’t affect the reported load and boot times. There’s a better, more reliable way to reinvigorate your Mac system that will last: adding more RAM and an SSD.ġ. Performance times based on internal lab testing conducted in August 2015.
It’s wishful thinking that a simple download will fix everything on your computer – don’t fall for a software program whose benefits don’t last and will only leave you more frustrated. Upgrading your hardware addresses the root cause of a slowdown, which is different to solutions offered by third-party downloads that promise to easily fix your system. The problem likely isn’t your Mac, but rather your system’s components, and those are an easy fix. Software feeds on hardware, which is the source of your system’s performance resources, and that’s where your attention should be for making changes. If the problem with your computer is that apps are running out of resources to operate with optimal speed, the prescription is for more resources. Not only are SSDs significantly faster than HDDs, but they’re also inherently more durable, reliable and energy efficient. Most older Mac systems feature the now outdated storage technology of hard drives, but SSDs access data almost instantly, leveraging cutting-edge flash memory rather than relying on small moving parts that are prone to failure and slow performance. 1 Which makes booting up, loading programs, saving data, and transferring files that much faster. Upgrading to an SSD enables you to do everyday tasks, on average, six times faster than on a hard drive. This is a key factor because most Mac systems don’t ship with maxed-out memory, but this can be solved by filling each memory slot in your system with the highest density (in GB) DRAM modules they can hold.
Because nearly every computer operation relies on memory, it’s essential to have as much of it as possible, which is why a memory upgrade is one of the best ways to improve Mac performance. If your Mac system is a 2011 model or newer, check out how much memory it can use or be configured with, according to Apple specifications: iMac ®, Mac Pro ®, MacBook Pro ®, MacBook ®, and Mac mini ®.Ī memory (RAM) upgrade is ideal for improving responsiveness, running apps faster, and multitasking with ease. There is often plenty of room to add gigabytes (GBs) of memory to your Mac system because upgradeable systems often don’t ship with the maximum amount of RAM preinstalled. For example, in OS X El Capitan, the memory you have installed (amount of GB, speed, and level of memory technology supported – i.e., DDR3, DDR2, etc.) will be displayed as part of the Overview pane.
Click the Apple Logo in the Apple menu at the top of your screen.ĭepending on the version of the operating system and model of Mac being used, this step varies.
Here’s how to see how much memory is in your Mac if you’re using OS X ® Sierra:
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travelstarpro-blog · 7 years
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Travelers know this - It's better to watch than to hear about it!
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awwchive · 4 years
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"Adventure shibe reporting for duty" https://www.reddit.com/r/aww/comments/huagpt/adventure_shibe_reporting_for_duty/?utm_source=ifttt
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dakine-world · 7 years
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The Dakine Shelby Backpack will accompany you to the beach. ☀️ 🌊 #summer #sun #beachseason #mallorca #espana #spain #beachtravels #beachparty #dakinebackpack #backpack #beachstyle #summerstyle #summertrend #purple #trendcolor #musthave #travelling #daypack #beachpack #discover #palmtree #sunnyday #instatravel #travelstar #islandtravel #beachday #relax #surfvibes #puravida #goodtimes #holidayseason #summerweekend 📷 by @itiskimber
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oddlysatisfyingbot · 4 years
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This chain of Starburst wrappers via r/oddlysatisfying
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travelstarblog-blog · 7 years
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#travelblogger #jaipur#travelstar#shootingstarsmeme #travellife #fort (at Nahargarh Fort)
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travelstarpro-blog · 7 years
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It looks awesome! Trying to dive into the beauty of Indonesia! A favourite destination for both adventurers and those in need of a little relaxation - your effort will be rewarded with stunning views.
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epsilonpc · 2 years
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esaitechinc · 3 years
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Hitachi 0A73255 Travelstar 7K500 500Gb 7200RPM Serial ATA-3.0Gbps 7-Pin 16Mb Cache 2.5-Inch Internal Hard Drive
Travelstar 7K500 0A73255 Hard Drive Designed to support the high-performance needs of multi-tasking commercial users and consumers on-the-go, Travelstar 7K500 offers speed without sacrificing battery life, capacity or audio quality.
View more: https://esaitech.com/products/hitachi-travelstar-7k500-0a73255-hte725050a9a364-500gb-7200rpm-sata-300-2-5-hard-drive
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ksumukh · 3 years
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