#treadmill models along
liesmyth · 7 months
I want to start running...any tips?
I WAS BORN TO ANSWER THIS QUESTION. Thank you so much for asking! Unfortunately, I am a nerd about my hobbies so this got quite long.
Keep it simple ✨
Running is easy to get into; our bodies are built for it. Don’t stress over technicalities and just do what feels natural to you. My local races are full of 70-something white-haired pensioners who are kicking ass at it. Don’t let anyone tell you that running is meant to feel like dying, that’ll harm your knees, or that you absolutely need to have that specific smartwatch model to get into it. All you need is a solid pair of shoes, everything else is optional.
Medium effort is the way to go
The ideal aerobic running pace is a speed at which you’re able to hold a conversation, even if a bit winded. NO faster. If you’re able to sing along to your playlist or chat with a friend, that’s your ideal running pace. If you’re gasping or wheezing, slow down! You’ll get a bit faster as your lung capacity gets better, but that shouldn’t be a priority unless you want to train for a race. You get most of the health benefits of running just by keeping up a steady, sustainable, conversational pace.
Walking breaks are fine, actually
That’s the reason why I don’t love C25K as a beginner program — the way it’s structured sort of implies that walking breaks are something you should grow out of to become a more experienced runner. If you need to walk for a bit, go ahead.
If possible, jogging is preferable, just because the mechanics of even a glacial-pace jog are more similar to running than those of a faster power walk, so you might try switching to a jog after a bit of a walking interval. But walking is not a failure; there are serious marathon training plans out there that use walk/run intervals as a viable strategy.
(Related: picking up speed helps you keep going! If you feel like you are completely drained, try speeding up for a very short interval, then slowing back down. It’ll often give you an energy boost to keep going)
Run for time, not distance ⌚
Especially for beginners, I find that getting fixated on numbers can be counter productive, and the most important thing is to listen to your body. If you’re aiming to hit a certain mileage, you might get the urge to speed up at the end to get done faster. Instead, set yourself time-based goals and end every run with a cool down jog or walk.
Good running shoes are essential, and pretty much the only fitness-related purchase on which I’ll always support dropping money. If you get to the point where you’re consistently running 10 km (6 miles) each week, you’ll want to go to a running store — the kind of place where you’ll get fitted, and they’ll have you try on models and jog on a treadmill to evaluate your gait and let you know which characteristics your ideal shoe needs. I can’t stress enough how useful running store staff can be. They’re all running club nerds who LOVE getting new people into running, and they really want to help you find your ideal fit. Also get good running socks while you’re at it.
Be prepared to drop at least 100€ (or equivalent currency) but they usually have a great return policy if the model isn’t a good fit for you. Take care of your running shoes — maintenance, wearing them only for running, gentle cleansing etc — and the cushioning will last for quite a while (600km / 370miles at least). If you decide that you hate running, they’re still great for walking around. Once you find your ideal shoe model, it gets a lot easier to shop for it during end-of-season sales, or looking for online bargains etc. I love stocking on end-of-series shoes and rotating them so they’ll last even longer, and I buy online quite often! Just make sure your FIRST pair is fitted, for ideal injury prevention and joint health.
Injury prevention 💪
I’d love to still be running 10k races when I’m 70, but it takes some care to get there. When you run, you’re slamming your body weight up and down with every stride, and that might be hard on your joints if you’re not used to it. If you’re completely new to running, cap your runs at 15/20 minutes every other day. Do that even if you feel like you could keep going! If you have a good aerobic base already, you need to give your joints time to catch up with you lung capacity, and give your body time to recover. Do bodyweight exercises like lunges and planks and glute bridges to strengthen your core, legs, and hips. Dynamic stretches are great for warmups, and static stretches are better for cooling down. If you have the option, running on softer surface like grass or dirt is better than asphalt, which is better than concrete and pavements.
(If nothing of what I’ve said here makes sense to you, shoot me another ask, or look at some of the resources I’ve linked down below!)
Don't get bored! 🎶
I love running in groups. Running clubs are great. You can learn so much in a hands-on way from seriously experienced people, you can chat about gossip over a running job, and you can make some interesting friends. If you don’t have access to a running community, then personally I love just chilling on a run by myself listening to an audiobook or podcast or exploring a certain area.
Running form❓
Don’t stress about it. Just go out and move your body. Attempting to modify your ‘running form’ too quickly can do more harm than good. There ARE a few things you could pay attention to — I recommend trying to focus on one of these at a time for a minute or so, and alternate between them. After a while, it’ll start to feel natural to keep track of all of them:
1. Don’t slouch! But a slight lean forward is great.
2. Keep your shoulders pulled down and your upper back tense.
3. Swinging your arms in a way that helps with your stride is good, but I shouldn’t feel forced.
4. Even breaths, inhaling through your mouth and expiring through your nose.
5. Take turns to check with every part of your body, and relax them in turn: are your jaw and neck too tense? Are your fists tight?
6. Don’t overstride! shorter strides with quicker leg turnover are better than huge strides that feel awkward to you.
7. Use your glutes to drive up the motion of your legs, not just your quads. This can take a while to get used to, but it’s a game-changer.
8. ENGAGE YOUR CORE. This is a great skill to develop whether you work out or are just existing in the world — basically, let your inner abdominal muscles help you carry your weight forward. This is VERY intuitive once you know how to do it, but it’s hard to get a grasp of it if you don’t know what it means, so here are some resources about it.
an extremely fucking comprehensive article that improved my life and eased my big-boobs back pain
similar content but in video form
a running-specific form video
Personally, learning to do this made me feel like I unlocked a superpower. Go forth and brace.
Accessories and tips 🤓
Like I said above, the only thing I really suggest spending money on for real is running shoes. Everything else is details! However, I’m nothing if not wordy I have Thoughts about those details, too.
Run tracking: I suggest downloading Runkeeper if you want to keep track of your runs — it’s free, intuitive, and solid! If you decide to get into wearables, a low-level Garmin >>>>> anything else.
Self-care: use sunscreen and/or thick face cream as needed. Stop to sip at a public fountain if needed. Get a small fanny pack to hold your phone, keys, or lip balm if needed. If chafing is an issue, anti-glide gel is relatively affordable.
Outfits etc: I get all my running gear and clothes from Decathlon — they are in most countries and ship worldwide. I especially love this thermal shirt for colder weather
Safety: if you’re running on the road, make sure to run in the opposite direction from traffic and to wear something bright. If you run with headphones near traffic, keep the volume down, or get over-the-ear conductor headsets. I love shokz, they're fantastic.
Post-run snack: eating something small and carb-heavy within 30 mins of a workout is great for kickstarting recovery. I love dried fruit personally.
Various resources 📝
Routine basics: check out the r/running order of operations, which is a great “how to” guide to building a basic running routine. I also recommend that subreddit's wiki! Running programming gets exponentially more involved the more advanced you get, etc — if you ever have any questions, hit me up!
Dynamic stretching warmup: a quick leg swing workout to get your legs ready to go. If you’re feeling overachieving, here’s a lunge warmup routine and a how-to bodyweight squat video.
Cooldown routine! Check out Strength and Mobility, a great post-run quick cooldown routine that includes some bodyweight exercises to strengthen your hips and core. Video included.
that's all, folks! 🏃‍♀️
Sorry I got carried away! I love running. I love getting people into running. My mental health, cardiovascular system and my popping quads also love running. But FYI, some people hate running and that's also fine! If you decide it’s not for you, find something you like more. There are a lot of misconceptions out there and a lot of guilt-tripping and body shame-y rhetoric around exercising, especially aimed at women, and I want to make clear it’s all bullshit. Just have fun <3
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my favorite headcanon to ponder is that as soon as they enter the Champions League - and it becomes official that this level of cardiovascular training is going to become Jamie's new longterm normal - Roy immediately bans him from running on pavement (so that he'll still have cartilage in his knees by age 60, and because no trainer ever cared enough to do that for Roy and he's gonna do better by Jamie if it kills him).
--they can't limit all his running to a treadmill or track either, because that's a GREAT way to get hurt when he's on the pitch. 
Cue a hilarious montage of Jamie biking to some park, folding the bike to carry over a shoulder while running through said park, hopping back on the bike once he reaches the road, biking until he reaches a grass/dirt track along the river, running until the dirt track runs out, biking again, etc.
Cut to a shot of Roy frowning studiously because This Isn't Working Out, before he turns to Jamie and dead-serious, he asks, "Can you run the pavement on your hands?"
And Jamie is 😭😭😭 on the inside but verbally he's just "uh....yeah! Yeah sure I mean yeah no don't think so but yeah sure yeah why not I'll give it a go?"
Cut to Jamie managing seven whole haphazard steps in a handstand before, "aiyeeee..." and a close-up of Roy cringing with his fists over his mouth. 
Cut to Roy frowning studiously again. This time Jamie's got a big abrasion on his cheek. Again, deadly serious-
"Could you cartwheel the asphalt bits?"
Cut to Jamie cartwheeling over and over and over like. well, like a wheel, making good speed...
in a very much NOT straight line, until he cartwheels right into a bush.
"Well." Roy's got his studious frown, Jamie's got his scraped cheek and leaves in his hair. "I think we're out of options."
And Jamie's face falls. "Coach no. Please I can figure it out. Just need to keep trying things don't I?"
But Roy's shaking his head. 
And Jamie just looks sadder and sadder, and he starts to look a little scared. "Coach really I can just run the pavement like I used to it's f-"
"Nope. I'm calling it."
We linger on Jamie's devastated face. 
Quick cut to Jamie's torso. He's running on the road. He reaches the park. He runs through the park and reaches pavement again. He runs the pavement until he reaches the dirt track by the river. He runs the dirt track until it ends, transitioning straight onto the road once again. Scene cuts to him panting at Richmond Green once he's all done. He slowly straightens up, turning to Roy (who it's revealed bicycled the whole way with him) with the angriest, most murderous glare we've ever seen cross Jamie's face.
Roy breaks into his first grin of the entire montage. 
We finally pan down to Jamie's feet
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--clad in every runner's favorite pseudo-orthopedic clown shoes. They let you run on a beautiful, cartilage-preserving cloud (edit: ASSUMING you don't immediately let your stride get sloppy, which people often do! that's important, can't believe i didn't say it initially!) and not even Jamie can make them look slick. 
*This post dedicated to my own hoka-related humiliations. They're lovely at what they're designed for but oyyyye. tbf hoka does make slightly less gigantic, less hideous models (ones that visually limit themselves to the type of loud garishness that Jamie would actually probably adore). But also tbf, you KNOW Roy would insist on Jamie cycling through the dumbest, ugliest, most embarrassing, "it's yer fuckin knees, Tartt come on!" models he could find. 
(Bonus: Practically overnight, Jamie suddenly becomes an expert in every dirt, grass, and otherwise natural running trail in all of London because as long as there's no concrete or asphalt anywhere on his run, he can go back to his normal low drop shoes.) (Edit: which, to reiterate, is a much better choice for both your joints and feet, than running pavement in hokas!)
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fraddit · 2 years
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This is a new post in my series of three four about Eddie’s house on 9-1-1.
part one, part two, part three | Buck’s loft
Since 5b blessed us with lots of looks at Eddie’s room (finally!!), I wanted to do an update to my model of Eddie's house.  Rather than alter my original post, I’m just making a new one to tack on.  So, let’s get started.
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Here’s the floor plan view.  They changed the door into the room from both the S2 House and from what we saw a glimpse of in S3.  So the door now swings inward.  They also removed a window and moved the closet from right by the door into the room to over on the other side of Chris’s closet, which makes the room bigger (And also leaves a weird empty space hiding in the walls, but it's fine. I'm fine.).
And Eddie has used his new bigger room to fit his new treadmill.
More views and details under the cut!
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The furniture is all pretty similar to what we saw in S2 but not exactly the same.  He’s got a contemporary, metal bed frame that’s either a queen or a full.  There’s a very low headboard.  The bedspread is blue and white plaid.  The two matching end tables are wood with similar metal frames to the bed.  There’s two matching lamps with sort of beige ceramic bases and kind of dark muted mauve lampshades.  On the table next to Eddie’s side of the bed, closest to the door, is an analogue alarm clock and a tray to hold what I’m guessing are his pocket items like keys and wallet.
Under the bed is a large woven rug in a muted green color. And above the bed is a ceiling fan.
Across from the bed, between the door into the room and the closet door is a mid century style wood dresser.  Sitting on top of this dresser is another ceramic lamp, this time in a blue color with white or beige shade.  Next to that is the only visible photo in the room.  It’s of Eddie and Chris hugging Shannon on Christmas in S2.  In front of that is Eddie’s Silver Star.  And next to that is a low profile decorative wooden box.
There’s a piece of art hanging on the wall above this dresser, but the only glimpse of it I could get was enough to know that there’s a white matte and the lower right corner is some shade of brownish.  So, I’ve taken the liberty of choosing a desert art print to match the other desert art in his room.  I’m pretty confident that it is actually some sort of nature art, because all of the art in Eddie’s house is nature art.  The living room is tree/forest stuff with one water fall.  The dining room and hallway are ocean and water.  Chris has his own stuff, but there’s also the Redwood poster and he has a lot of animals.  And Eddie’s room seems to be desert themed, which is why I stuck with desert for this mystery art.
Along the far wall is the treadmill.  It faces the closet door.  We never got to see this wall pre destruction, so I don’t know if the destroyed frame we see in the aftermath was on this wall or was the piece from over the dresser I just discussed.  So, this wall could be blank or not.  There’s no telling.
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Behind the treadmill, in the corner, is another taller and narrower wood dresser. It’s got a nice bonsai tree sitting on it that looks to be a jade tree.
In shots of Eddie’s destroyed room when Buck breaks down the door, there’s a floor lamp next to this dresser that is not visible in any of the shots from 5x11, so I didn’t add it here.  My take is that that lamp was added specifically in that scene for lighting and effect.  There’s also a wicker basket that I assume is for laundry next to Eddie when he’s crying with the bat, but I’m not sure where in the room it normally lives.
Next to the dresser is the only window in the room, which is centered on the wall.  There are some light brown/beige blackout curtains and also mini blinds for window treatment. There's vegetation visible outside the window.
On the other side of the window is a small piece of art.  It’s a pretty desert scene in blues and pinks with saguaro cacti at either sunrise or sunset.
And there you have it.  Eddie’s room!
If you got this far, thanks for reading all of this.  I hope this is helpful or at least interesting. 💕
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sorrelpaws · 8 months
Sorrel imma listen to each song and the playlist and give my take! I wanna see how close or off or just any feedback tbh! For funzies! LMAO The first song is JUST THE VIIIBE FOR THE SHOW OVERALL <33
arrival - totally for the vibe. Just sounds like them to me daydream in blue - originally this was more so about rick/diane and how rick (badly)copes with her loss. BUT HONESTLY your interpretations centering morty's disillusionment ARE ALSO REALLY NEAT and i cant believe i didnt think of that sooner hehe i think it might be hell - YUP!!! mostly rick song but also has some lines that work for morty them changes - ALSO WORKS FOR BOTH OF THEM!! but personally i think of it more as a rick song snake eyes - I'LL ADMIT THAT THIS is half here for the vibe, BUT ALSO yeah definitely morty at a breaking point toy plane - YESSS EXACTLY!!!! i've been plugging this as a morty song basically since i found it. Very much about the dynamic between him and rick. TO BE HONEST i've never even thought about the "though this house is unchanged" LINES BUT YOU'RE SO RIGHT. RICK POTION #9. found god in a tomato - YUPPP very much their vibe. also makes me think very much about rick and just The way he is. his whole "i'm better than everyone" shtick just - YESSS EXACTLY THIS IS LITERALLY JUST rick being an asshole 180db_[130] - YUP just here for the vibe B) everything hurts - YEAH YEAH YEAH just completely rick's angsty sad miserable life no need for a leader - actually this for me is very much an evil morty song. specifically s3e7's whole plot starstruck - YUP MORTY SONG!!! for all his hurt feelings and protests, morty still obviously looks up to rick A Lot, so while he may be mad about something, he'll still go along with whatever rick wants fifteen minutes - THEM BOTH YEAH. here for the vibe cadence - this one is just kind of Rick and Morty to me. i dont even know how to explain it, just has their vibe. BUT I LIKE your interpretation a lot!! about how morty is aware of rick's self loathing and trying to kind of help him in his own way i'm your dog - YEAH. this is the most morty song ever to me. he really wants to act like he doesnt need rick, but he's also disgustingly codependent so the moment rick needs him, he comes running back. in the yard - YES!!! huge morty song. kind of has rick potion #9 vibes again, BUT I REALLY like the idea that there's some pressure to never mess up around rick, and feeling like his family prefers each other over him who is she ? - YEAH kind of here for the vibes, but also a bit for rick and diane! i don't know, i just feel like after searching for her killer for a couple of decades she might morph into less of a person and more of just an idea running on a treadmill - HEHE YESSSS morty doing everything for ricks approval to the point he sacrifices his own comfrot barbarism begins at home - YES about rick and morty's weird abusive relationship. morty not being "good enough", rick being a terrible role model/adult presence and not knowing how to be Nice call this # now - JUST FOR THE VIBES!!!! money - THIS ONE to me is about rick wanting to be better for morty, but having a really hard time stepping out of his nihilistic-asshole comfort zone. he knows he sucks, he acknowledges it, and he really wants to be better kiss me, son of god - very much a rick song hehe. specifically im imagining him in the era where he's contributing to the citadel's creation, but there's a line here that also make me think a bit about his relationship with prime (i destroyed the bond of friendship and respect between the only people left who'd even look me in the eye) birdhouse in your soul - just Rick and Morty and their relationship dungen - another Just for The Vibe song, BUT YEAH works well as a "throwback to the "good" ol' days" interpretation too drunk to come - YEPPPP RICK SONG ALL THE WAY BABY nugget killer - i'll be honest i also have no idea what this song says or means But it just Feels like rick and morty to me. i can feel it in my bones glue - YUHHHH MORTY ABOUT RICK YEOP YEP YEP YEOP oulala - YEP rick and his whole attachment and substance abuse issues two weeks - YEAH. their whole relationship
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the-starry-seas · 10 months
thinking about two more Transformers OCs somehow
Voltcast: a Dinobot and former Decepticon partially modeled after a Utahraptor. He's five feet tall at the shoulders and twenty feet long including tail, with 9.5" claws on every toe. He has two-foot-long feathers at the end of his tail and along his forearms from wrist to shoulder. Each of these feathers is independently attached, and can be electrified and used as projectile weapons. His tail is flexible with a full range of motion, which allows him to flick it forward over his body to throw feathers in front of him. His wrists have a full 360-degree range of motion, and each claw-tipped finger has three joints like a human finger, so he can catch and hold nearly anything. He is fully capable of speaking, and very well-spoken, but generally prefers to communicate through hissing, biting, and a sharp barking sound.
He was the sole survivor of an Autobot-Decepticon fight. He was alone for two hundred years after that, and with so much alone time to think, he decided that all that faction and fighting shit is stupid. He's avoided interacting with any bots he's seen since then, and has been having a great time doing his own thing and not bothering to take sides any more. If they want to kill themselves off, they can do that just fine without his involvement. He's having a great time on his own in the woods, occasionally scaring the shit out of random hikers. Somehow he's made friends with a few outdoorsmen? It's a mystery to all involved, bu they haven't ratted him out, so that's nice. It would be a huge pain in the ass if he had to go find them and kill them.
Button: with a mint green mechanical keyboard as its alt form, and a small size comparable to a housecat, underestimating it would be easy... except it's hopeless in combat. It has no real skill or knowledge of tactics, and one small gun that can't damage more than a sparrow. It's aligned with the Autobots wholeheartedly, but it's not going to be fighting for them any time soon, when any other bot in existence could kill it by just stepping on it. It's always liked experiencing the human world more than it wants to fight anything, unless it's threatened somehow.
Despite its lax loyalty to the Autobots, it's a wonderful friend to its human! It's offered to give her computer a boost several times, since she's a gamer, but she always turns it down since she wants to be able to say she accomplished everything on her own. When she's streaming, it hangs out in the rest of her apartment so it stays away from her camera. It has a cat tree and treadmill that helps keep it entertained, plus free use of her phone and all the games on it. It loves helping her put away groceries every week and seeing all the different things she gets, and regularly does maintenance on her computer. It's very happy with the life it has and wouldn't change a single thing about it.
Its existence is considered a mistake by both the Decepticons and the Autobots, but neither side pays any attention to it, so it doesn't really mind. Originally it was just a regular keyboard, but in a battle of the bots, a bot's shard was injured. The energon from this shard came into contact with the keyboard, and a new bot was created in an instant. Terrified by the battle of giants raging all around it, it ran off immediately to hide. It was found in a cardboard box in an alley two days later by the human it's lived with since. She's made sure to keep it a complete secret, worried some random government agency might take it away if it's ever discovered.
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meera000 · 11 months
Come on barbie let's go barbie
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My friend Tayla asked me to help her out with a shoot-- i thought she meant like assisting or styling since that's what i usually do, but she wanted me to model! Barbie-themed. I was one of the fashion dolls along with my new friend Yen, who already knew tay and who i met a couple days ago at the bar. there were figure skaters businesswomen rollerskaters. so refreshing to be on set again. we were shooting in tay's mom's salon, using her dad's lights, and her sister was doing makeup. so sweet !
she wanted us to pose like dolls. i was so stiff: pointed my hands outwards and bent my wrists as close to a right angle as possible. hung purse in the bend of my elbow and looked at the camera with major vacancy . i've gotten good at it over the years.
again making me aware of my body and mobility and how i use my body to express myself. more importantly how it makes meaning i guess. i had this same feeling a couple weeks ago after the pedestrian movement workshop that Maya curated. afterwards i felt so in touch with my body and how i move around a space and exist in relation to everyone else and everything. im a piece in the greater puzzle whether i like it or not. my movements are based off of my surroundings, and they move based off of what i do, too. a smile can be a forward movement but it's more in the eyes. otherwise that's not real
last week my friends and i went to a pride event and danced for hours. last summer i would go dancing every weekend and it made me so tired but i was so happy despite feeling like my life was falling apart at that point. it was basically a workout routine: friday saturday sunday nights we go out and we dance. we are a little drunk and dancing. same as a gym membership, yk? more fun than a treadmill. i'm laughing with my friends jumping up and down and the music is so good. bass could kill me. i am part of something
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couldntbedamned · 10 months
Feels So Right, Can’t Be Wrong - Blue Salvia
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The setting: Sanctum General Hospital in Sanctum Heights, New Amsterdam
Starring: Sharon Carter - former Central Security Bureau operative, Selecting Spouse in a horrifically failed Bureau of Civic Spousal Selections marriage, patient AND Anthony Edward "Tony" Stark - owner and CEO of Stark Industries, Futurist determined to rebuild a world his father built weapons to destroy, love interest
With Appearances by: Nurse Wong, Orderly Rintrah, and Billy the Admin
And Featuring Doctor Stephen Strange as "the Surgeon"
Or, "Five Dates Tony and Sharon Had in Her Hospital Room and One They Had After She Was Discharged"
AO3 Tags/Warnings: Alternate Universe, Alternate Universe - 1950s, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Marriage of Convenience, Past Sharon Carter/Steve Rogers, Getting to Know Each Other, Dating, Past Domestic Violence, 5 Times, Annoyed Stephen Strange, Tony Stark Has A Heart, Sharon Carter Deserves the World
Author’s Note: So this kind of just popped up as I was kicking around thoughts of just how Tony and Sharon met and eventually fell in love as mentioned in my fic Goodbye Grey Sky, Hello Blue, so this takes place well before the events of and can be read independently of that story.
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Blue Salvia
Sharon had never been so happy to finish physical therapy in her life.
"You're a sadist," she told Rintrah as he handed her a towel so she could wipe away the sweat.
The large man didn't deny it. "You're making progress."
"Doesn't feel like it," she lamented. Her mile used to be six minutes and twenty-two seconds. Now she doubted she'd be able to run a mile for a few months, if walking a moderate incline on the treadmill was this hard.
"You don't see it because you judge yourself more harshly than anyone else," Rintrah said. "But I've seen the progress you've made since you were cleared for PT. Just be patient."
She supposed he was right. And it wasn't like she had an SO breathing down her neck like she had when in the CSB. Lord, Fury had been a nightmare but Hand? Hand had been so much worse.
"We'll finish up with some foam rolling and stretching and then I'll get you back up to your room, okay?"
Sharon groaned but knew there was nothing she could do but go along with the Orderly's plans.
The last thing she wanted was for Rintrah or Wong to decide she wasn't up for another date night in her room with Tony.
God, she was going to have another date with Tony Stark! What was her life?
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"Pizza tonight? My treat."
Tony looked over at Stephen. "Can't. I have plans for dinner, I'm afraid."
Stephen raised a brow. "Oh?"
"Yes, indeed." He checked his watch, an elegant Kang model. "In fact, I have to go if I don't want to be late." He studied the kitchen. "We'll start installing the appliances tomorrow."
"I really do appreciate this, Tony."
Tony waved Stephen off. "Hey, even if you weren't paying me I'd be happy to help. Not as happy, of course. Maybe like, twelve percent less happy. Anyways, I have to go get ready."
"What's her name?" Stephen asked with a knowing smirk.
Tony made a gesture of zipping his lips. "A gentleman doesn't tell."
Stephen scoffed. "Since when are you a gentleman?"
"Bye now!"
As he hastened to his rented Alfa Romeo - which looked decidedly out place among the various Buicks and Lincolns - he checked his mobile to ensure his "out of office" status had gone through. The last thing he wanted was for work to interrupt his date.
He'd been looking forward to it since before he even left the hospital the previous night.
Sharon was... she was special. He liked her humor and appreciated her biting wit. She wasn't afraid to speak her mind and if there was something she didn't want to discuss, she kindly but firmly let him know. That was refreshing to a man like him.
He'd started strong the previous night with Italian. He hoped Mediterranean would be just as successful.
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Sharon rolled her eyes but let Tony blindfold her so he could "get the mood right."
When he took the blindfold off, the make-shift dinner table was back and he'd set up another vase, this time with a single Blue Salvia.
"Any guesses as to the cuisine we're having tonight?" Tony asked.
"French?" she tried. "I'll just go ahead and tell you I'm not eating snails."
Tony laughed. "It's not French, no, and I'll definitely keep that in mind."
He lifted up the dome on her plate to reveal the dish: triangles of spanakopita. She could smell the feta, garlic, and spinach and her mouth began to water.
"Mediterranean. I am again, impressed. I didn't think there was a place in town."
"There's not," Tony confirmed. "But, I wanted the best and it was worth having dinner catered from Baxterville."
"So," Tony said as they ate their appetizers, along with lamb and rice wrapped in grape leaves and a small assortment of olives. "Ask away."
Sharon took a minute to savor the explosion of garlicky spinach, creamy feta, and flaky buttery phyllo dough before swallowing. "Another bold move," she teased.
"Like I've said, fortune favors the bold."
"If you weren't head of Stark Industries, what would you do with your life?"
His brows raised. "That's a good question," he said. He ate a few triangles of the spanakopita as he thought about his answer. "I'd probably still want to be an engineer. I love building and fixing things. The money that comes with SI is just a bonus."
"You have some impressive creations," Sharon said. "The energy saving appliances are getting rave reviews, as do the medical devices you've started designing and testing."
"I just felt like I had to do something," Tony admitted. "Howard - Dad - spent his whole damn life building bigger, more lethal weapons. The least I can do is try and create things to help fix that he's destroyed."
"That's a noble cause, even if it's not your responsibility."
"It might not be my responsibility, but I benefitted from his warmongering so I might as well work against that."
The next course was moussaka - "with lamb, because again, I prefer the best" - with a medley of roasted yellow squash, zucchini, and colorful bell peppers as a side.
"Someone's making sure I get my vegetables," Sharon said. "Good call."
"I may or may not have been threatened with bodily harm by Nurse Wong if I didn't provide adequate nutrition," Tony said. "I don't like my chances going up against that man."
"You wouldn't stand a chance," Sharon confirmed. The roasted vegetables were incredible. "Orderly Rintrah's almost as fierce. My old SO could have learned a thing or two from Wong and Rintrah."
"How did PT go today?"
"I was told it went well, but I'm impatient so I don't really see it." She couldn't help but let out a small moan as she tasted the moussaka. It was amazing and perfectly seasoned. "I'm not used to being so inactive. Even when I was married I still went for runs and worked out."
"Even with the bruising?" Tony asked quietly.
"I wore long-sleeves and jogging pants when I went outside," she admitted. "I had a small collection of weights in the spare bedroom where I started sleeping and I'd do body-weight exercises."
"I can't tell you how sorry I am that you went through that," Tony said. "I hate that there was nothing you could do to defend yourself."
"In a way the running was a defense," Sharon said. "As was sleeping in the spare bedroom. It locked, you see." She ate some more. "Steve didn't like that; he thought that locked doors made a home dishonest but there wasn't much he could do about it."
"Did he ever try to break in?"
"The door was reinforced," Sharon said in answer. "All of the doors were. I had them all installed when I bought that house, since old habits die hard."
"I'm sorry to bring it all up," Tony said. "Well, you brought it up, technically, but I didn't change the subject and that's on me." He motioned to the vegetables. "These are so good."
"They are," she agreed.
Conversation turned lighter as they finished their entrees and Sharon eyed the dome-covered desert dishes expectantly.
"How's our Surgeon's kitchen coming along?"
"Oh, the wiring is all done. We'll start installing appliances tomorrow."
"He still doesn't know about this, right?"
Tony winced. "I'm doing my best to keep this hush-hush. I'm pretty sure Wong and Rintrah roped in his admin to keep it under wraps."
Sharon laughed. "Look at you, planning a stealth operation."
"You're worth it," he said.
She blushed furiously at that, inwardly astonished. She couldn't remember the last time she'd been so affected. Even when she'd had her initial meetings with Steve, who'd at first been so sweet and earnest, she'd been somewhat aloof.
Dessert was a small plate with a sampler trio of sokolatopita, loukoumades, and baklava. Normally a chocolate gal, Sharon found herself preferring the loukoumades - tiny fried balls of dough dripping with honey. It was all delicious but the loukoumades was in a class all its own.
"Any ideas on what radio show to listen to?" Tony asked as he cleaned up and pushed the cart and dishes outside. "Or would you prefer something else?"
Sharon thought. "Would you think I'm a dreadful bore if I suggested listening to The Lawrence Welk Radio Hour?"
"Definitely not," Tony said with a smile. "One of my friends, Rhodey, is a huge fan. I've listened to that show many a time."
"Then tune the radio to Station KPBS," Sharon urged. "We should be able to catch the opening song."
Like the night before they sat close to the radio and when Tony took her hand in his, it felt so natural her heart skipped a beat.
"Maybe one day we can dance to this music," Sharon mused when a dreamy ballad played, complemented by a harp and oboe. "I've always loved dancing."
"One day," Tony agreed, enjoying the music but enjoying his evening with her so much more.
This time before he left, he added the blue salvia to the vase on her nightstand with the yellow tulip and took the vase with him, but not before again pressing a kiss to her hand.
"I had a wonderful evening," he told her.
"I did too," Sharon said as he helped her to bed. "Tony, this was so nice."
Wong knocked on the door and gave Tony a pointed look. He watched carefully as Tony took his remaining gear and left.
"He was wonderful, really," Sharon told Wong. "You don't have to worry about him, I promise."
"It's you I worry about," Wong said as he dispensed her medication. "I don't want to see you get hurt."
"And that means more to me than you know," she assured him, taking her pills. "You're pretty wonderful yourself."
Wong smiled, told her she wasn't getting out of tomorrow's physical therapy, and wished her a good night.
Sharon snuggled back into the hospital bed. If her feet slightly swayed in the count of a waltz, that was her business. She dreamed of dancing and twirling around in Tony's arms.
Author's Notes (again): Blue Salvia - connected to healing; represents wisdom, a long life and good health. It's common for those recovering from an ailment to receive this plant.
Also, some of my favorite memories of my grandparents are times I sat with them some evenings while the Lawrence Welk Show reruns played on PBS. I figured this AU had to have something similar for a radio show.
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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USAF tests a laser weapon in F-15 fighter in wind tunnel
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 10/30/22 - 4:00 p.m. in Armaments, Military
A simulated color schlieren image shows the extensive flow disturbances around an F-15 Eagle model with laser pod.
On October 28, the U.S. Air Force released an interesting image of the wind tunnel model of an F-15 fighter with a laser gun pod mounted at its central station
Extensive flow disturbances around an F-15 Eagle with a pod can be seen in a simulated schlieren color image published by the service.
As weapons system designers continue to innovate for defense, the U.S. Air Force Testing Center must improve the available testing capabilities to develop and prove the superiority of these systems necessary to meet the demands of the U.S. National Defense Strategy.
Members of the 716th Test Squadron and the Integrated Analysis Branch of the 804th Test Group of the Arnold Engineering Development Complex (AEDC) did exactly this with the help of an industry partner through the Commercial Readiness and Innovation Research Pilot programs for Small Businesses. In March, a new aero-optic test capability was transferred to the 716o TS after a successful demonstration of the technology.
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Simulations of computational fluid dynamics for a directed energy pod, showing the pressure load in the pod and airflow resources under supersonic conditions. (Photo: MZA Associates Corp)
AEDC has hired MZA Associated Corp. through the SBIR and CRP programs to develop a system that can accurately obtain wavefront information anywhere around aircraft models in transonic and supersonic wind tunnels.
“This final demonstration was the culmination of many years of development and testing in an effort to create an aero-optical testing capability in the AEDC wind tunnels,” said Dr. Rich Roberts, flight commander of Store Separation Flight, of the 716th TS. "The ability to obtain this data will be useful for defense programs that will need to transmit laser-directed energy."
Using the new system, the Integrated Directed Energy Aero-optical Surrogate, or IDEAS, combined with the Captive Trajectory Omni-directional Reflector, or CapTOR, will allow test personnel to characterize how the laser beam will behave and, if necessary, how to precondition this.
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Laser-directed energy pod being tested in the wind tunnel.
“ IDEAS brings together MZA’s aero-optical diagnostic sensors along with our gimbal control and tracking software to provide complete reference field wave front measurements,” said Dr. Matt Whiteley, vice president and senior scientist at MZA. " IDEAS allows measurement geometries that are difficult to obtain using tunnel windows, including on the deep treadmill of the aircraft. It provides the complete image of the environment in which a laser should operate."
The IDEAS and CapTOR systems are based on a test carried out last year of a part of the system called the Aero-Isolation Measurement Sensor, or AIMS.
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AIMS used a miniaturized optical bench and a laser directed through a window on the tunnel wall. IDEAS used in conjunction with CapTOR allows the instrumentation of the system, including a target for tracking, to be contained within the tunnel, which allows greater accuracy and efficiency. The tracking capability allows test personnel to simulate laser sources or destination locations.
"This diagnostic tool will allow efficient and accurate tests," said Taylor Swanson, Integrated Analysis Branch and manager of the targeted energy development effort. "It is a great example of the ability of small companies to develop capabilities for the Air Force and the Technology Branch working with small companies to make the transition of this capacity to the test branches."
Tags: armamentsMilitary AviationLaserUSAF - United States Air Force / US Air Force
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Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. It has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work in the world of aviation.
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dawsonbjerre48 · 28 days
Why Treadmill Shop Near Me Could Be Your Next Big Obsession?
Treadmill Shop Near Me Treadmills are an excellent way to exercise safely and effectively. They let you walk, jog or run at your own pace. They can be easily adjusted with simple controls. If space is a problem, check out models that fold up and down. Also, look for a sturdy frame and motor that will help you workout. What to Look for When shopping for a treadmill, consider your goals for fitness and your lifestyle. If entertainment features are important to you, then you may prefer an exercise machine with built-in speakers. If you are a part of a specific training regimen, select one that comes with built-in training zones as well as automatic programs. Also, consider the number of people using the treadmill, if you want to ensure that it can handle multiple users. If you intend to use your treadmill year-round an efficient motor is essential. Consider whether you want one that comes with an app that can provide classes in virtual reality, or one that connects via Bluetooth to your smartphone so that you can listen to music while working out. Some treadmills have an emergency key that which you can clip onto your clothes or other accessories. The key is released from the back of the machine and will trigger an emergency stop if you fall off the treadmill or lose control during your run. Some treadmills feature a curved belt that matches the natural gait of your stride, which can help you run faster than you would on straight belts. If noise is a problem there are treadmills that are specifically designed for ultra-quiet operation, allowing you to exercise early in the morning or at night without disturbing other family members or your neighbors. There are home gym which can be folded at the touch of the button. This makes them easy to store if you have small space. This makes them a great option for spaces that are tight in which you can still get an effective exercise. Many retailers provide expert assembly for cost. This will save you a lot of time and effort when setting up your new treadmill. Special Features It's clear that having a treadmill at your home is a great idea. You can exercise in any weather, and you don't need to worry about getting to the gym on time. However, it is important to search for a machine that is well-equipped and suited to your fitness requirements, whether you're a runner or walker or who would like to try walking at a high incline percentage. Based on the way you like to exercise, you might also consider an app that is touchscreen or a touchscreen that can track your progress and encourage you to meet your goals. Some machines come with preset programs that can eliminate the need to develop your own workouts. Be aware that these programs come at cost, and you should factor them into your budget. If you're looking for the ability to follow live classes and on-demand ones look for treadmills that work with apps such as iFIT. Some, like the ProForm Carbon T10, come with a 10-inch display that allows you to access both live and on-demand content. Other treadmills, like the Horizon EX7i, are more traditional and come with a huge LCD display and a tablet holder. If you're looking for space, you might want to consider the possibility of folding a treadmill. They are ideal for people who live in apartments and rent and might move in the near future They usually come with the same features as a non-foldable model however they can be easily moved. The Sole F63, for example comes with a variety of features, including a huge LCD display screen and Bluetooth compatibility, but it folds into its frame to make it easier to put away. It also has an extremely quiet 3.0 continuous horsepower motor, as well as a whisper deck that can help reduce the impact on joints. Motor/Horsepower Treadmills are powered by electrical motors that generate the energy required to move your treadmill's belt and propel you along. Most manufacturers will list the energy source in terms of "horsepower", or more specifically continuous duty horsepower (CHP). You may have noticed that the treadmills are more expensive if the CHP is higher. This is due to a variety of factors, such as the amount work that goes to make the motor as well as the components that make the treadmill function. It's not the most efficient utilization of your fitness equipment budget to select a treadmill based solely on its motor's power. Just as it would be delusional to buy a truck with a high towing capacity if you only need to haul a couple of boxes, purchasing a treadmill with a higher-than-necessary motor power is often a waste of money. If you intend to use your treadmill only for short jogs or walks or for HIIT workouts and HIIT exercises, a treadmill with 2.5 CHP may be enough. If you're training for a marathon, you'll need an exercise machine that has a continuous duty rating of at least 3 CHP. Most commercial treadmills are equipped with AC motors since they tend to run cooler and last longer. They're also more reliable and are better suited for commercial usage, where treadmills are used throughout the day. AC motors come with a built-in cooling fan, which eliminates the requirement for a separate cooling device. This makes them more environmentally more eco-friendly than DC motors, which require an additional cooling fan to disperse heat. The only drawback of AC motors is that they take longer than DC motors to get warm. You can generally avoid this problem by buying a surge protector, and leaving your treadmill plugged into the outlet when not being used. Space/Location The treadmill is an excellent method to work out every day without leaving the comfort of your home. It lets you work out at any time of day and without worrying about the weather or wait for the gym to open. You are more likely to use a treadmill if you have one at your home. This will help you reach your fitness goals quicker. It is important to consider the primary purpose of the treadmill before purchasing one. This will allow you to narrow down the options and choose those that best suit your requirements. For example, if you intend to jog and walk on the treadmill, a higher top speed is likely to be needed than if you just want to perform light cardio workouts. Be aware of the incline percentages available because they can make your workouts more challenging and efficient. Once you have a clear idea of what your treadmill is going to be used for, you can start shopping around for treadmills that will satisfy your specific requirements. Keep in mind that the most expensive treadmills tend to feature a more robust construction and a bigger motor. This can be an important aspect to consider if you're looking for a high quality model that will last for a long time. Make sure you check the dimensions of your new treadmill. The treadmill will have to fit in the space you have at home. So, you'll need measure carefully before you purchase. To protect yourself, you should also leave at least five feet of space behind your treadmill when it's in use.
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The Right to Rent When looking for treadmills make sure to check out the warranty offered by each manufacturer. Treadmill warranties are usually broken down into three categories: frame motor, and parts/electronics. A good frame warranty will be around 10 years. The motor is what is driving the belt of the treadmill and it is a crucial element in determining the price of a treadmill. A treadmill that isn't expensive is likely to have a motor that is less efficient and is burning out more quickly. A good warranty on the motor will be at least 10 years long and some will even offer an unlimited warranty. You should also consider the incline and speed percentages when choosing the right treadmill. If you're a runner then you should consider a treadmill with an adjustable incline. This will allow you to adjust the intensity of your workout and will also aid in preventing injury. Additionally, a lot of treadmills have special features like built-in speakers and fans. Some treadmills can be linked to your smartphone to use workout apps and keep you engaged. Some even have water bottle holders, and some can be folded up for storage. Some come with a one year iFit membership which can be extremely beneficial. It is best to choose one that has a strong motor, a long warranty, and is constructed from top-quality components. This will ensure that you get an item that will last for an extended time and will not require to be maintained often. If you have any problems with your treadmill, make sure to follow the maintenance guidelines in the owner's guide and contact your dealer if needed. If your machine is under warranty the dealer will be able to give you troubleshooting suggestions and help to resolve any issues you might have.
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crest-fitness · 1 month
How Treadmill Training Can Elevate Your Gym Routine
In the realm of gym workouts, the treadmill stands as a quintessential piece of equipment. Whether you're a beginner looking to kickstart your fitness journey or a seasoned athlete aiming to enhance performance, incorporating treadmill training into your gym routine can yield remarkable benefits. This blog delves into the myriad advantages of treadmill workouts, explores the significance of commercial treadmills like the innovative Curved treadmill price, and offers insights into maximizing your gym experience with equipment such as the stair climber and stair master, with special emphasis on Crest Fitness products.
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The Power of Treadmill Training:
Treadmill training offers a dynamic cardiovascular workout that caters to individuals of all fitness levels. Whether you prefer brisk walking, jogging, or high-intensity sprints, the treadmill for gym provides a versatile platform to customize your workout regimen. Unlike outdoor running, treadmill workouts offer controlled environments, allowing you to adjust speed, incline, and intensity according to your preferences and fitness goals. This controlled setting is particularly advantageous for individuals seeking to monitor and track their progress over time.
Commercial Treadmills: Unleashing Performance Potential:
Investing in a commercial treadmill can revolutionize your gym experience. These top-of-the-line machines are engineered to withstand rigorous use in busy gym environments while delivering unparalleled performance and durability. One notable innovation in the realm of Commercial treadmill is the curved treadmill, which offers a unique running experience by promoting a more natural stride and engaging additional muscle groups. While the curved treadmill price may initially seem higher than traditional models, the long-term benefits in terms of performance enhancement and injury prevention make it a worthwhile investment for fitness enthusiasts and gym owners alike.
Exploring Crest Fitness Equipment:
Among the array of gym equipment available, Crest Fitness stands out for its commitment to quality, innovation, and user satisfaction. Their range of products, including the stair climber and stair master, exemplify excellence in design and functionality. The stair climber provides an effective lower body workout, targeting muscles such as the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, while the stair master offers a challenging cardiovascular workout that improves endurance and stamina. Both machines are recommended by fitness experts for their efficacy in achieving results and enhancing overall fitness levels.
Maximizing Your Gym Experience:
To fully leverage the benefits of treadmill training and other gym equipment, it's essential to approach your workouts with intentionality and consistency. Start by setting clear fitness goals and designing a tailored workout plan that incorporates a variety of exercises, including treadmill intervals, strength training, and flexibility exercises. Prioritize proper form and technique to prevent injuries and optimize performance. Additionally, don't hesitate to seek guidance from certified fitness professionals or personal trainers who can provide expert advice and support along your fitness journey.
Incorporating treadmill training into your gym routine has the potential to elevate your fitness journey to new heights. Whether you're aiming to improve cardiovascular health, build endurance, or enhance athletic performance, the treadmill offers a versatile platform for achieving your goals. By investing in quality equipment such as commercial treadmills and Crest Fitness products, and adopting a strategic approach to your workouts, you can unlock your full fitness potential and enjoy a rewarding gym experience that yields lasting results.
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fitnessjourney22 · 2 months
Luxury Gym Equipment
One of the greatest pleasures in life is being able to afford beautiful things. Are you more interested in art or luxury watches or cars? But what about high-end exercise gear? Is there such a thing as decadence? Naturally, it does! Additionally, if you're an avid fitness enthusiast with the means to upgrade your gym's aesthetic, this shopping list could be the highlight of your year.
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Luxury gym equipment isn’t just the inclusion of a big price tag; the design is essential. These Hock Loft Dumbbell rack are another delightful example of what can be created using wood and steel. More industrial looking than the Pent Lova Kettlebells, these weights are made using polished and oiled nutwood and come with their own rack made from finely ground oiled solid walnut. They are available in a number of different sets from three to five weights weighing between 1kg and 6kg. These are most suitable for light weight training and are perfect for muscle strengthening and toning.
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Rowing machine is a fantastic activity, and the WaterRower S1 will provide you with a luxurious, stainless steel workout. Crafted in Germany, this apparatus exemplifies the skill of the renowned collaboration between Water rowing machine & NOHrD. The S1 rowing machine, like all of their models, features a proprietary "water wheel" that provides natural resistance that gets stronger the faster you row. With workout programs that can be adjusted by time, distance, or distance intervals, as well as statistics on your speed, distance, and stroke rate, the S4 Performance monitor will keep you informed about your progress.
Technogym Run Personal-Treadmills
This elegantly proportioned device skillfully blends design and utility. The high-end home treadmill from Technogym is not only gorgeous to look at, but it also has unmatched quality and technology. The largest touchscreen available for HD viewing is seen on the UNITY console. The high-tech screen is 19 inches wide and composed of toughened glass. There are countless entertainment options available to consumers, along with a wide selection of well-known apps like Facebook and Netflix. Even more entertainment options on the Technogym UNITY console include a selection of games and the option to make Skype calls while working out! Technogym wellness keys, smartphones, or Apple watches can be used to log into the console and track workouts. Fitness tech enthusiasts can also observe progress.
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Versatility is a crucial feature to search for in your machines when choosing upscale exercise equipment. You've probably got color schemes in mind if you're spending this much money on your gym, and generic stock colors won't do. Step forth, NOHrD Slimbeam. In addition to looking like a work of art in and of itself, this multi-gym may be customized in any color. Some people want their gold leaf wallpaper to contrast with their gym equipment, while others want it to match their drapes. Regardless of your preferences, Slimbeam allows you to easily match your home style.
There is no need to introduce the Pent Lova Kettlebells. These weight sets are the height of elegance, made of stainless steel and wood, and they will definitely add a little more flair to your swings. They come in four different wood types: walnut, sycamore, oak, and elm, since you should never be stuck with only one choice. All that's left to do is decide whether you want something airy and cheerful or gloomy and enigmatic.
Depending on the necessary weight, there are two sets of these kettlebells available. The four kg, six kg, eight kg, and ten kg kettlebells make up the "light" set. However, weights of 8 kg, 12 kg, 16 kg, and 20 kg are included in the "medium." Additionally, both include the exquisitely designed Pent rack.
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kevinszabojrplumbing · 3 months
What to Include Within Your New Luxury Home
A luxury home refers to a residence that goes above and beyond standard homes in terms of amenities, finishes, technology, and overall custom design. Rather than focusing merely on essential living spaces, luxury homes prioritize comfort, convenience, entertainment options, and impressiveness with extravagant features most households would consider unnecessary indulgences. Here are some things to include when building your new luxury estate.
Outdoor Kitchen
An outdoor kitchen transforms simple backyard barbecuing into a gourmet culinary experience right within your own outdoor paradise. Designed for seamless indoor/outdoor entertaining, an outdoor kitchen features built-in high-end appliances like a grill, pizza oven, under-counter refrigerator, sink, and even televisions. With covered seating and overhead fans for optimal comfort, an outdoor kitchen provides a luxe gathering place encouraging you to fully utilize your property’s exterior possibilities when the weather allows.
Exercise Room
Rather than heading to an overcrowded gym, bring comprehensive fitness amenities right into your home through a dedicated exercise room outfitted just as impressively as commercial facilities. Invest in top-of-the-line equipment like Peloton bikes and NordicTrack treadmills along with weight systems, yoga gear, and accessory items so the entire household can break a sweat conveniently without leaving your property.
Spa Bathroom 
Pamper yourself in your own private in-house spa sanctuary modeled after luxury resorts and featuring similar upscale amenities for total relaxation. This special bathroom goes beyond tubs and showers to incorporate features like multi-head walk-in showers, heated stone floors, aromatherapy, mood lighting, built-in music, towel warmers, and even fireplaces or saunas for the ultimate daily escape.
Even in today’s digital era, a designated library room still offers an irresistible old-world charm perfect for a luxury estate. Outfit intricate built-in bookshelves with rolling ladders to access your collection in style. Include plush reading nooks, a stately desk, fireplace, and all the fixings of a classic gentleman’s lounge to provide household members a refined literary retreat.
Architectural Details
Rather than boxy builds, customize your luxury home through special architectural detailing that impresses guests with distinct character. Incorporate custom crown moldings, accent ceilings with beams or intricate designs, stone or brick façades, and specialty windows like arched transoms or curved shapes making ordinary homes appear one-dimensional.
Impressively Sized Spaces
A luxury home should impress immediately through the sheer magnitude of the living area complete with extraordinarily lofty ceilings maximizing volume and airflow. For special event hosting, include a grand two-story foyer, a great room with soaring heights, eight-plus person dining room, an oversized island kitchen, and sprawling bedrooms bigger than average apartments.
Advanced Smart Technology and Security
Integrate exclusive smart home automation allowing you to fully customize, control, and monitor your property's systems, appliances, utility security, and more from handheld devices both onsite and remotely. Invest in premium brands like Control4, Crestron, and Savant tailored specifically for luxury dwellings rather than budget options with limited capabilities. Only best-in-class setups will suffice.
Dressing Rooms Worthy of Royalty
Rather than modest closets, outfit your luxury master suite with dual decadent dressing rooms for both you and your partner complete with custom storage systems, accessory displays, upholstered seating, fine finishes, and designer lighting transforming getting dressed into a grand affair. Add special touches like jewelry drawers, lighted mirrors, and television so you never want to leave.
Indoor Air Quality Systems
Protect everyone’s long-term health through medical-grade air purification technology cleansing your interior environment without compromising luxury aesthetics. Strategically install top HVAC filters backed by air quality monitoring technology automatically adjusting settings for maximum pollutant removal from indoor air to uphold purity standards.
Tennis Court
Diehard tennis fans will adore an in-house regulation tennis court letting you volley in style without leaving home. Construct a tournament-level surface, fencing, and lighting system to practice serves or enjoy friendly matches. Add seating and prep areas for extended sessions or spectators. Mandatory for athletic aficionados requiring on-demand access to sports.
Video Game Lounge
Dedicate an entire section of the house into a decked-out video game lounge perfect for both kids and adults featuring arcade games, home theatre, and every hot gaming console with extensive libraries. Install tiered stadium seating and ambient lighting setting the immersive scene. When not entertaining, enjoy competing against other household members in style. The tech-loving will adore their own indoor eSports arena encouraging gaming marathons.
Ultimately, luxury homes cater specifically to owners embracing the “go big or go home” mindset who prioritize impressing themselves and guests through sheer indulgence. If your budget accommodates, don’t hold back investing in features transforming basic abodes into extraordinary estates reflecting your exquisite taste and lifestyle vision. The sky's the limit.
  Written by Taylor McKnight, Author for Hearthside Homes, Inc.
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nickgerlich · 3 months
The DTC Blues
I remember the 1990s, when the internet was the wild, wild west. Entrepreneurs, flush with tech know-how and investor money, but not a whole lot of marketing sense, launched a wide variety of dotcoms. The common thinking was that virtually anything could be sold online, from furniture to 50-pound bags of dog food, wheelbarrows, and potting soil.
Why not? Folks had seen Amazon take off in the virtual world, and they wanted a piece of the action, too.
The dotcom bubble burst around the turn of the century, and many of those start-ups crashed and burned. The lesson learned was that, just be cause you can, doesn’t always mean you should.Skip forward to the last few years, when COVID found all of us shopping from home, and a new wave of dotcom darlings started to flourish. These were different from the 1990s start-ups, though, in that they were DTC—Direct To Consumer—brands that sold only via their website. These corporate verticals did everything from manufacturing to marketing and retailing.
The problem is that it is very hard to establish a brand in the virtual space these days. Yes, Amazon did it, as have others. But Amazon is selling other people’s products, complemented by its own private label merch. Today’s DTCs face the uphill battle of entering consumer choice sets, remaining top-of-mind, and then making the sale.
No small task, and last year saw many DTCs file for bankruptcy. The outlook for 2024 is not good either.
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Perhaps the best chance a DTC has of survival is to add BAM locations, but that takes money and management skills, something they are often lacking. Inventories must be held at each location, further increasing the costs of doing business.
But those storefronts may be the only way to build brand recognition. Retail is a crowded space on a good day, and if you reside only behind the invisible wall of the internet, even the best laid SEO and keyword buys can still fall short.
Eyewear seller Warby Parker has found success by adding stores. In the process, though, price savings to customers have shrunk. But the company is still around. It’s better than facing a protracted death scene like Peloton is enduring.
Peloton, the maker of expensive stationary bikes and treadmills, scored high during COVID. We couldn’t go to the gym, so we bought our own equipment. But with COVID restrictions behind us, the market for home exercise equipment has cratered. To the company’s credit, they retooled and started focusing more on workout software subscriptions, distribution through Dick’s Sporting Goods and Amazon, and product placement in every Hilton hotel property. But it most likely still will not be enough.
Never mind that home exercise equipment is, for most people, just an aspirational purchase. They wind up being covered in clothes or dust.
The DTC that gets discussed the most is Wayfair, the online home goods retailer. Even though they have been around since 2002, they have showed many signs of being vulnerable. And with 14 million different products, they might just collapse under the weight of their inventory.
The Wayfair business model is a classic. Basically, by being available only online, they could afford to sell at much cheaper prices. Stir in their own private label goods, and you have something that, on paper at least, looks and smells a lot like Amazon. But no matter how much advertising Wayfair has done in the last few years, they are still having trouble attaining top-of-mind status.
It is when you read the dire reports of DTCs that you begin to appreciate just how fortunate Amazon is. Jeff Bezos built a brand name from scratch, the same thing all these DTCs are trying to do. It’s just that he did it early enough in the internet era that it caught everyone’s attention. Launch a new DTC today and watch the people yawn. It’s not buzz worthy these days.
Of course, this doesn’t mean there won’t be successes in the years ahead. Someone will come along and show us how to be a DTC darling, how to break through the clutter and become a household word, how to make money at every step along the way. It won’t be easy, though.
Meanwhile, hope springs eternal in the human breast, and we will continue to see entrepreneurs willing to give it a go anyway, caution be damned. Because if you can survive long enough to pass through these choppy waters, there’s gold on the other side. Just don’t bet the farm on it too early, though.
Dr “Back To The Future” Gerlich
Audio Blog
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joulupuuro · 3 months
The internet has made it so that no matter who you are or what you do — from nine-to-five middle managers to astronauts to house cleaners — you cannot escape the tyranny of the personal brand.
While Big Tech sites like Spotify claim they’re “democratizing” culture, they instead demand artists engage in double the labor to make a fraction of what they would have made under the old model. That labor amounts to constant self-promotion in the form of cheap trend-following, ever-changing posting strategies, and the nagging feeling that what you are really doing with your time is marketing, not art.
Because self-promotion sucks. It is actually very boring and not that fun to produce TikTok videos or to learn email marketing for this purpose.
The labor of self-promotion or platform-building or audience-growing or whatever our tech overlords want us to call it is uncomfortable; it is by no means guaranteed to be effective; and it is inescapable unless you are very, very lucky.
If there was a decade defined by its obsession with authenticity and artistic purity, it’s the 90s, an era where trying too hard or caring too much about anything was embarrassing, where “selling out” was the ultimate sin.
the term “sellout” not as someone who sells something in order to get rich, but someone who compromises their values to do so.
The problem is that America more or less runs on the concept of selling out. The stigma — if it ever meaningfully existed
Even for those who never wanted to become entrepreneurs, larger economic shifts have forced them to act as though they are.
Instead of discovering books or music from the press or radio play, fans are finding them on algorithmic platforms like TikTok, where a single video or trend can skyrocket a title to the top of the charts. There are trade-offs to this system: while it’s more difficult to create mainstream consensus on something, theoretically, anyone can go viral and bypass the traditional gatekeepers of creative success.
we’re losing smart, well-edited and fact-checked criticism (and, crucially, the ability for those people to make a living off of writing it). Even before mass layoffs, the professional critic lost some relevancy:
a loose collection of YouTubers and influencers who feed slop to their younger audiences, and fan communities that engage with music solely through their obsession with a particular pop act. This has all helped produce a mass of music fans who don’t understand the value of criticism and outright detest being told the things they like might suck.
Before the internet came along, artists not only could let their companies worry about the money, but they actually didn’t have a choice. The companies didn’t let them
That was until social media, where every single person with an account plays both author and publisher. Under the model of “artist as business manager,” the people who can do both well are the ones who end up succeeding.
yet what they best represent is the current state of art, where artists must skillfully package themselves as products for buyers to consume.
even when you land the record deal or have a few hit songs, you’re still stuck on the treadmill of constant self-promotion
The system works great for record labels or publishing houses, who can hand over the burden of marketing to the artists themselves.
The labor of making TikToks requires both tedium and skill.
you’ve got to actually spend your time doing this stuff on the off chance that the algorithm picks it up and people care about what you have to say.
You’ve got to offer your content to the hellish, overstuffed, harassment-laden, uber-competitive attention economy because otherwise no one will know who you are.
neoliberalism has created so much precarity that the commodification of the self is now seen as the only route to any kind of economic security. Plus social media has given us the tools to market ourselves nonstop
the barriers are much more hidden: You have to know how to present yourself and how to create visuals that are appealing.” Not only that, but by doing so, you’re exposing yourself to harassment and ridicule.
You’ve also got to do it despite the many mea culpas from influencers who say influencing sort of ruined their lives.
It’s probable that due to the inescapability of social media and advertising, young people aren’t as allergic to self-promotion as older folks were at their age.
The only thing that matters now, she says, are streaming numbers, and if a record flops, the artist gets blamed for not promoting it enough.
A society made up of human beings who have turned themselves into small businesses is basically the logical endpoint of free market capitalism, anyway.
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thursdaygarbageday · 5 months
A Librarian and Financial Analyst
Once upon a time, in the bustling city of New York, there lived two unlikely friends, James and Richard. James, a 65-year-old white man with a kind heart and a mischievous sense of humor, had spent his entire life working as a librarian. Richard, on the other hand, was a 48-year-old white man who worked as a financial analyst, but secretly harbored dreams of becoming a stand-up comedian.
Despite their differences in age and profession, James and Richard shared a common love for laughter and the joy it brought to their lives. They believed that humor had the power to bridge gaps, break down barriers, and bring people together. It was this shared belief that led them to form an unbreakable bond that extended beyond societal norms and expectations.
Every morning, James and Richard would meet at the local gym for their daily workout routine. As they lifted weights and ran on the treadmill, they cracked jokes, exchanged witty one-liners, and turned their exercise sessions into laughter-filled adventures. Their infectious laughter echoed through the gym, bringing smiles to the faces of those around them.
After their workouts, James and Richard would head to the nearby grocery store to pick up their weekly supplies. As they navigated through the aisles, they would engage in playful banter, amusing not only themselves but also the store clerks and fellow shoppers. Their light-hearted interactions created a warm and welcoming atmosphere amidst the hustle and bustle of the store.
In the evenings, James and Richard would often indulge in a guilty pleasure - fast food. They would visit their favorite local fast-food joint, where they became regulars known for their witty remarks and friendly conversations. Their presence in the restaurant brought a refreshing break from the mundane for both the staff and customers, turning their fast-food outings into unforgettable experiences.
Back at home, James and Richard shared an apartment, where they continued their daily routine of laughter and shared moments. They would sit in their cozy living room, surrounded by books and memorabilia, and exchange jokes and quotes they had come across during the day. Their evenings were filled with uproarious laughter and hilarious storytelling, creating a sanctuary of joy and friendship within the walls of their home.
Word of James and Richard's unique friendship soon spread throughout their community. People marveled at the genuine bond they had formed, breaking stereotypes and norms with their lighthearted approach to life. Inspired by their example, others began to embrace the power of humor, realizing that it could bridge gaps and foster unity in even the most diverse of relationships.
James and Richard's story taught everyone that age, profession, and societal expectations need not define friendships. Laughter, jokes, and the ability to find humor in everyday life were the true ingredients for harmony and joy. Their unwavering belief in the power of laughter made them role models for those around them, proving that humor was indeed a universal language that transcended boundaries.
And so, in a society filled with division and tension, James and Richard stood as beacons of hope, reminding us all to find laughter in the simplest of moments and cherish the connections we form along the way. Their story served as a reminder that, in the end, what truly matters is not our differences, but the laughter we share and the love that binds us together.
#powerpittsburgh #pittsburghpower
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jayanthitbrc · 7 months
Global Fitness Equipment Market Report 2023: Market Size, Top Segments And Key Trends
The Fitness Equipment Global Market Report 2023, provides comprehensive information on the fitness equipment market across 60+ geographies in the seven regions - Asia-Pacific, Western Europe, Eastern Europe, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa for the 27 major global industries. The report covers a ten year historic period – 2010-2021, and a ten year forecast period – 2023-2032.
Learn More On The Fitness Equipment Market’s Growth:
The global fitness equipment market size is expected to grow from $13.39 billion in 2022 to $13.89 billion in 2023 at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3.8%. The Russia-Ukraine war disrupted the chances of global economic recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic, at least in the short term. The war between these two countries has led to economic sanctions on multiple countries, a surge in commodity prices and supply chain disruptions, causing inflation across goods and services and affecting many markets across the globe. The global fitness equipment market size is expected to reach $16.20 billion in 2027 at a CAGR of 3.9%.
Get A Free Sample Of The Report (Includes Graphs And Tables):
Product innovation has emerged as the key trend gaining popularity in the fitness equipment market. Major companies operating in the fitness equipment market are developing innovative products to strengthen their position in the market. For instance, in September 2022, Nautilus Inc., a US-based fitness equipment manufacturer, launched the Bowflex BXT8J treadmill with JRNY adaptive fitness app. It is featured with SoftDrop folding system and transport wheels, a crystal clear DualTrack LCD display comes with 26 built-in workout programs.
The fitness equipment market is segmented:
1) By Type: Cardiovascular Training Equipment, Strength Training Equipment, Other Equipment
2) By Gender: Male, Female
3) By Buyer Type: Individual, Institution, Other Buyer Types
4) By Application: Weight Loss, Body Building, Physical Fitness, Mental Fitness, Other Applications
5) By End User: Health Clubs Or Gyms, Home Consumer, Hotels, Corporates, Hospital And Medical Centers, Public Institutions
North America was the largest region in the fitness equipment market in 2022.
The table of contents in TBRC’s animal feed testing service market report includes:
1. Executive Summary
2. Market Characteristics
3. Market Trends And Strategies
4. Impact Of COVID-19
5. Market Size And Growth
6. Segmentation
7. Regional And Country Analysis
27. Competitive Landscape And Company Profiles
28. Key Mergers And Acquisitions
29. Future Outlook and Potential Analysis
Learn About Us:  The Business Research Company is a market intelligence firm that pioneers in market, company, and consumer research. TBRC’s specialist consultants are located globally and are experts in a wide range of industries that include healthcare, manufacturing, financial services, chemicals, and technology. The firm has offices located in the UK, the US, and India, along with a network of proficient researchers in 28 countries. Through the report businesses can gain a thorough understanding of the market’s size, growth rate, major drivers and leading players.
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