#tree job in Huntsville
chrisstumpgrinding · 6 months
How long will the stump grinding process take?
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chrisstumps05 · 3 days
How two Guys did a Tree and Stump Removal Job
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endlessreruns · 6 months
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(Miles Teller) [The Recovering]. Please welcome [August Leiman (he/him)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [35]-year-old [VISITOR] who lives in [TOWN]. You may see them around working as a [Athletics Coach]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive.
tw: abuse / abuse of a minor, alcoholism, addiction
Never knew his birth father as his mother had broken off their engagement before he was born after his mother discovering that he already had a wife and kids a couple states over.
Mother married his stepfather when he was 11
grew up constantly being belittled and verbally abused by the man. not a day went by that he didn’t hear about how he was worthless, good for nothing, a disappointment, etc. 
not to the same extent as the verbal abuse, he would suffer other more physical forms of abuse at his stepfather’s hand as well. the man claiming that he deserved it and that it was good for him. The amount of this particular type of abuse increasing as August got older because the older he got the more he could take according to his stepfather
As often what happens hurt people hurt people and having no sense of power and control at home, August took to lashing out and bullying kids at school. 
when he was old enough he started trying out for the teams at school, discovering that he was a natural athlete, there wasn’t a team he didn’t get a starting position on that he tried out for. the more time he spent at school the less time he spent at home. He especially excelled in baseball which quickly became his favorite, and where he wound up putting his focus into
No matter how many sports he played or long he had to stay after for practices and games or tried to stay out even longer, eventually he always had to go home. 
August eventually took to using alcohol as a form of escape. Something that was overlooked because when it came to those who knew him at school he was popular, a jock, and went to parties…of course he drank. 
Two days before high school graduation he wound up in a car accident, having wrapped his car around a tree while intoxicated. No one else was in the car and whether or not there had been any specific intentions in getting behind the wheel in that state August still hasn't told anyone. 
The accident left him in a coma for 3 weeks with several shattered bones and permanent damage to his left knee. 
He was eventually able to heal and regain his ability to walk after intensive physical therapy, but he would never fully regain his mobility and his baseball scholarship and dreams of playing professionally one day were lost with it.
In addition to a physical therapist he started to see someone to get help with other parts of his life, and began to work on himself and the process of making amends with those he had hurt. 
While at university he  eventually wound up running into an old schoolmate, Gabi. Despite a rocky past they became friends and eventually started dating.
That is until August discovered he was aromantic and after coming out to Gabi the two broke up, or rather she broke up with him. 
The anger and hurtful things she said caused him to relapse, but with help from those around him he was able to keep from going down that dark path he had in his youth.
After graduating he got a job working as an assistant highschool baseball coach, eventually earning the spot of head coach and then within the past couple years found himself promoted to the school’s athletic director 
August and Gabi came across each other around a decade  after the breakup, and over time got back together and then married. 
August along with Gabi has recently found himself in Huntsville.
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oxtofmydcpth · 1 year
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When family is all you have, what is there left when they are gone?
[jacob scipio] THE FRATERNAL. Please welcome RICARDO ‘RIC’ REIDER (he/him) to Huntsville, WV. They are a 28-year-old VISITOR who lives in TOWN. You may see them around working as a RANGER at the SOUTH STATION. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive.
tw: drug use, alcoholism
It would have been harsh to say that the Reider parents were the absent kind, but there was something of a disconnect between them, and Ricardo and his sister Olivia. One parent would go to work, then head straight to the bars afterwards to unwind, the other would go to work, only to come home and work some more. With that, Ric and Liv built a stronger bond that one would expect, relying on each other in every possible way, bringing each other up when their parents remained too busy to.
Ric loved every second of being the big brother, there was no point denying it: equal parts teacher, shoulder to cry on, fearless protector and instigator of ridiculous ten-minute squabbles. He wouldn't change a minute of it, seeing how other friends of his found their siblings to be nothing more than an nuisance, continuous arguing as opposed to the Reider's few and far between. Even as they grew older and their lives became more their own, new friendships and relationships forming, jobs, social lives, new priorities but their bond remained the same.
They never found out who attacked Liv that night, a night when Ric had decided to go home early and left his sister at the party, but it ate him up every day since, the one time he hadn't been there for her. Surprisingly, at first, she seemed okay, only mildly shaken up with her phone and her money taken, but it was in the weeks following that Ric and their parents started to notice the problem.
Liv seemed to close herself off from Ric, going out by herself more and more, mixing with random people she would meet at the club or party, not coming home for days on end. When confronted about it, she simply shut those criticisms down by saying it was 'her way of coping with a traumatic event', which their parents decided not to question. Ric questioned it alright, and then some, maybe going over the top in his brotherly duties: keeping tabs on her either himself or through other people, making requests to the bars to stop serving her when she got too drunk, anything he could to stop this self-destructive behaviour and get his sister back.
They didn't find out about the drugs until it was too late. Liv had vanished onto another of her four-days worth of a weekend, drinking and partying, and Ric was at a loss as to where to find her by day four. Luckily, one of the friends he'd asked to keep tabs had done the job properly, encouraging Ric to get to their location urgently. He did, arriving to find Liv blacked out, now the only sober one in a room full of ravers who didn't see anything wrong with this picture. The rest of the night remained a blur for Ric, unsure quite how he'd managed to drive her to the hospital, when he'd called his parents and when they had actually arrived, down to how long he'd actually been sat in the waiting room for news.
Rehab was decided by their parents as the best option, perhaps a way for them to push responsibility to someone else. Ric would have helped her out by himself if he could, but he was overruled, giving her a simple kiss on the forehead and the promise that he would see her when she got out. There was nothing more he could do for her now, so, rather than sit at home and dwell on what he should have and could have done, he decided to make moves ready for her return.
The woodland areas of West Virginia is where he travelled, leaving the car and taking his rucksack of camping gear deeper into the trees. He'd find them a nice spot to hike and to rest and to camp, somewhere away from people, away from temptations and distractions, use nature to clear their mind and then things would be back to normal for them.
And then he crossed the line.
Ric wandered innocently into Huntsville, asking about potential camping spots nearby before being hit with the grave reality that he was now here, in town, permanently. It was a struggle to begin with, but now, a few weeks in, Ric has come to terms with his predicament, but still holds out some hope that he'll get back to his sister before she gets home.
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rothjuje · 2 years
The twins turned three on the 11th and I am still having all the emotions. Another year older, they’ve changed so much, my babies are not babies anymore.
I always have a good cry the night before a kids’ birthday, but this is the hardest a birthday has hit me. Three just seems so big kid and they were tiny, soo tiny. And they could be my last babies but that thought destroys me so I’m trying not to go there.
I don’t think that I love my kids more than other people love theirs, but children after infertility struggles are the ultimate gift. I never take their existence for granted, and I thank the universe several times a day that they exist. I love all three of my kids so very much it is hard to put it into words. I love watching them learn and grow and develop interests. Gen is so intense, spicy and hilarious. George has the sweetest, most gentle soul, he’s so observant and affectionate. Alyssa is vibrant, energetic, creative, fun. I am in awe of them every day. Being a mom is all I ever wanted and I am happy, so happy that I get to stay home with them.
Floors are done. And that’s it for home improvement projects. I think we’re going to do a garden and chickens in the spring. A new driveway and fireplace next fall.
George started preschool last week. It’s only 2.5 hours in the am but I’m on edge the entire time he’s gone. He screams and reaches for me at drop off and it shatters me. I know it’s good for him, but the guilt and anxiety still eat me alive every morning. I think he would scream less if Justin dropped him off but he has meetings in the am so it is what it is. Hopefully drop-offs will become easier for him soon.
My dad left today (got here on the twins’ birthday). And Justin, off to Huntsville again. He actually has to travel much more for this job than his old one. Before my dad got here my CA/TX bff was visiting and before that my old neighbor and before that my mom and before that my in-laws. Loved seeing everyone and love love having visitors, but I desperately need to get into some kind of routine here. I need to find places that feel familiar, that I can look forward to visiting. I also need to find some SAH mom friends (if those even exist in our tiny town).
Alyssa lost her third tooth and her fourth is about to fall out. Her four bottom teeth are being replaced by two giant ones. Where are her other teeth going to go?!
Now that the crazy is over, I feel like I have to re-learn how to be a person not in survival mode. Start cooking regularly again. Catch up on the laundry. Conquer potty training, teach Alyssa how to read. I’m not going to miss this summer, but it was pretty exciting.
Now that the excitement is over, I’m slightly panicky. There is some collective impending doom about the upcoming winter. The leaves are raining down from the trees. Everyone has their own life going on out here and although people have been so welcoming I still feel like the newcomer. And everyone has family out here, I hate that we don’t.
Having some regrets about moving so far away from everyone and everything I know and love, I came up with this idea. No 4th child, dive into real estate, save for five years, move back to CA. I excitedly told Justin about my plan and he said he didn’t have any interest in raising a family in that environment of financial stress and having to give up a spacious/nice house and land. And then he reminded me that I basically forced him to move here. So that was a super fun conversation.
I think once I get into a routine and finally finish unpacking and get to decorate our house and make some SAH mom friends, I’ll feel less panicky. Right?
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zeldarowanromero · 1 year
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introducing ; zelda rowan-romero
cliff notes ;
FULL NAME: zelda mae rowan-romero
GENDER: female
PRONOUNS: she/her
AGE: twenty-four
DOB: october 31st
OCCUPATION: cashier @ the food market
RESIDENCE: the commune
HUNTER or GATHERER: n/a - this may change depending on her stay
TITLE: the secret
FACECLAIM: daisy edgar-jones
lets dig a little deeper ;
zelda mae was born in hickory, north carolina on halloween night in 1999. a small town compared to the rest of the state, but a welcoming one nonetheless. her mother alexis had always worked hard to provide zelda with as much as she could, but being a single parent was tough and one paycheque didn't stretch as far as it needed to. the mother and daughter duo persevered. they made do with what they could, living in one of the tiny shotgun houses in the poorest area of hickory. zelda didn't mind, money wasn't the source of happiness - admittedly, it would've helped some times.
growing up had zelda asking her mom why her dad wasn't around, but it wasn't a topic of conversation that alexis was willing to entertain with her daughter, so zelda eventually left the topic alone. it was just her and mom.
life progressed and zelda got older. she graduated with honours in both high school and university. she studied medicine and surgery at her time at university and only was able to do that by winning a full scholarship. she had intended to stay on and progress into biochemistry in order to secure qualification in physical and scientific medicine but her plan was cut short when she had received a call claiming that her mother had passed suddenly.
zelda returned home to sort out the funeral and the family home. it was there that she found a letter on the kitchen table. a letter from her mom explaining that she had ben sick for some time and kept it from zelda to allow her to focus on her studies. if that wasn't enough of a kick when she was down, the letter went onto explain more about her dad. the first time her mom told her about her dad and it was through a letter. a letter. equal parts heartbroken and furious, she packed up and went to where the letter guided her: huntsville.
arriving in huntsville was an experience to say the least. one minute she was diving through, avoiding that wrecked tree and the next she was being dragged into a house and told to keep away from the windows and to not let anyone in. it was an experience. convinced the town was full of crazies, it took some poor soul falling victim to whatever was outside for zelda to believe what was going on.
stunned and hella confused, zelda mindlessly chose to reside in the commune while she gathered her thoughts. she picked up the first job that was handed her way and it's been a numbing cycle for seven days now.
additional information ;
has been in town for literally a week
is going by zelda rowan in the town at the moment, she's hidden the romero part of her name until she finds her dad (aka hawk @crazedhatesoul )
a qualified doctor and surgeon - she will eventually ease into this role but right now she's all over the place.
low-key wants to catch one of the monsters to crack it open and see what she can find - she's a curious cat
is happy to help wherever is needed in the town
halloween baby who hates spooky things - not because she's scared but because she feels like she never gets to celebrate her birthday properly
possible plots ;
tour guide - zelda's been in town for a week, she has no clue where anything is
sharing is caring - being new to the town, zelda has resources like books, fuel, clothes, food, water etc that can be added to the towns inventory
dad? - zelda is on the search for her dad, questions could be asked here
you're a cashier? - someone finds out about zelda's qualifications and is confused to why she took the cashier role.
night one - this person was the person that pulled her into their house on night one and explained what was going on. zelda's thankful she met them, they saved her life.
possible connections ;
new friends
new best friend
family - romero squad unite
customers @ the food market
commune residents
roommate at the commune
opposites attract
will be updated to suit as zelda’s time at huntsville progresses
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exmcrtis · 2 years
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(florence pugh) [THE SKEPTIC]. Please welcome [PRUDENCE ‘PRU’ WHEATON (SHE/HER)] to Huntsville, WV. They are an [TWENTY-SEVEN]-year-old [RESIDENT] who lives in [TOWN]. You may see them around working as a [JOURNALIST AT HUNTSVILLE DAILY]. Poor unfortunate soul. We’ll see if they survive.
TW: death mention
full name: prudence elizabeth wheaton
birthdate: january 3rd, 1996
age: 27
height: 5’3”
sexuality: chaotic bisexual
prudence wheaton has always been a curious child, and that’s not a particularly good thing
the only child to two doting parents, she was left to roam free to take in her surroundings, though her mother kept a watchful eye on her from a distance
she’s always had a curious mind, never afraid to talk to strangers to ask them questions before she was being scolded and pulled away by her mother
some people found this endearing, while some found it incredibly annoying
but her people skills made it easy for her to make friends in school, something that made her parents happy so she would stop trying to make friends with people at the grocery store
she wanted to blame her undying obsession with x-files for her curious and adventurous nature; friday nights the family always sat down to watch a few episodes together, and it quickly became her favorite show
prudence desperately wanted to be just like dana sculley and fox mulder, and her parents always told her she could be whoever she wanted to be, so she was quick to make that her only personality trait
prudence was the type to always stick up for her friends, and even though she was smaller than most of the bullies in her school, she wasn’t scared to get in their faces
her tenacity was admired by everyone, but pru was often sent to the principal’s office for her threats against bullies, though she never got in trouble for it at home
her parents had raised her to stick up for herself and others, and they were proud to watch her do just that
but even though she had a fierce side to her, prudence was also very soft and kind
as she got older and grew into herself a little more, she let her adventures get bigger and bigger
she began wandering into the woods so she could take in everything around her, becoming familiar with the tops of trees as she climbed higher and higher to get a better look at huntsville from above rather than at ground-level
it was around this same time that she got into journalism, purchasing far too many notebooks and pens so she could write down her observations
but when pru was sixteen and the monsters arrived in town, everything took a turn for the worse
she came face-to-face with them the hard way, barely making it into her home before she was almost grabbed and ripped apart
suddenly the fearless girl held a lot of fear, but that didn’t stop her curiosities
she wanted to know where they came from and why they were there to begin with
in true x-files fashion, prudence began her own investigation into the appearance of the monsters, but when she tried to leave huntsville to dig a little deeper, she found herself right back at the town line
of course this made her more curious, but no matter how hard pru tried to get to the bottom of things, she always came up short
things changed around huntsville for the worse, and as soon as pru turned eighteen, she took on a job at the huntsville daily
she started at the bottom but worked her way up quickly, something she equates to the lack of staff to begin with
it was the only job that let her true conspiracy theorist bubble to the surface, and that in and of itself made her love the job even more
however, despite learning the tricks and trade to living in the new huntsville, things took a turn for the worse shortly after her twentieth birthday
her parents were always so careful to get inside before dark, herding their daughter right along despite her tendency to push it until the last minute
but pru had wandered off a little too far, and before she knew it, the sun was beginning to set and she was desperately trying to get to her parents
lucky for her she was able to make it inside, but her parents weren’t so lucky
pru had to listen on the other side of the door as her parents were shredded limb from limb, her own sobs not enough to silence it
it’s been seven years since she lost her parents, and pru is a more hardened version of herself
her grief process involved heavy methods of distraction; she threw herself deep into her work as well as her own research, and it’s made her somewhat of a nuisance
she’s still incredibly social and talkative, but she’s noticing more and more people go out of their way to avoid her
while prudence likes to pretend that it doesn’t bother her, the sad truth is that it hurts, she’s just good at masking it
she’ll still go out of her way to try and befriend you, but her life is extremely lonely, and she has a hard time opening up to people about that
fully believes that the monsters were sent by the government to try and eliminate all of huntsville, though whenever she shares that theory aloud she receives weird looks
luckily owns all of the x-files on DVD and gives them a rewatch yearly as a way to remember her parents
pru has no family left at all, so if you see her outside when the sun is setting, just know that it’s because she doesn’t care about her own well-being
a very repressed sad girl that masks her feelings with being annoying but honestly cannot help it at this point
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ivyroseoberon · 2 years
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the basics;
FULL NAME: Ivy Rose Oberon
GENDER: Female
AGE: Thirty
OCCUPATION: Bartender @ The Sasquatch
TITLE: The Cataclysmic
FACECLAIM: Samara Weaving
the personality;
++ empathetic, generous, open-minded, creative, passionate, idealistic, perceptive, direct
-- stubborn, vengeful, unrealistic, self isolating, unfocused, emotionally fragile, self-critical
tropes - tragic survivor, the crusader, haunted heroine, broken bird
personality type - mediator (INFP) 
the bio;
(death mention tw)
it all started with a dinner. a dinner with a guy that lead to more dates, to a relationship, to moving in together, to an engagement. ivy oberon was a woman who has found her other half in life and couldn't wait to marry him. all she had to do was survive the bachelorette weekend with her friends and then it was the home stretch to the wedding.
packed into a camper van, ivy and her nearest and dearest travelled through the state on their way to their glamping retreat. with the sun set on the day and the moon out in full force, the girls were making good time on the drive while passing through huntsville and they decided to keep driving through the night to their destination. by the time they left the town it was pitch black.
with only the camper van headlights to guide their way, they didn't notice that their surroundings were repeating themselves, nor did they notice the shadows lurking in the trees. by the time they noticed that they weren't any where near where they should be, they pulled over to have a look at their map - a fatal mistake for the bachelorette party. by morning, ivy was the only one left and had stumbled into town after running all night.
since that night, she's never been the same and despite plea's from people around the town, she refuses to talk about what went down in the woods that night. ivy's been left with nothing but grief and rage, and has no where to channel them. something in her mind cracked and the waves of emotions she feels on a daily basis can't be contained. her minds wanders as much as it is in focus and it depends what day you catch ivy on to determine what mindset you'll be met with. on good days, she's chatty and willing to hold conversations. on other days, she's a shell of herself who self-isolates and lets her mind disappear to wherever its easier to be. the worst of it being the bad days. on those days, she's a woman on a mission with a score to settle and a wrath that would make anyone want to crawl under a rock to avoid her.
she's not been in huntsville long, but she's getting her head around it. she couldn't face being a hunter or a gatherer, she feels like she would be more of a hindrance than a help. she got a place in town and managed to score herself a job to keep her brain busy. her home faces the exit from the town, taunting her when the night rolls round, daring her to re-enter the battle arena. for now she watches, she waits.
other notes;
+ ivy is a more recent addition to the town, only being in huntsville for two months
+ she still hasn't got her head around what's going on but she's trying not to freak out about it (she's failing)
+ ptsd in spades
+ has had a fury ignited in her like never before. she's hellbent on making someone or something pay for what happened to her friends and her.
the possible connections;
emotional tether
fiancé (who comes to town looking for ivy)
open to any and all plots/connections & if you'd like to plot with ivy or would even just have a chat, please feel free to drop me a message any time
will add to this as i go along but this is the general outline
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Yes! We clean up after ourselves! All Pro Huntsville Tree Service hauls all their created debris away after tree removal or any other tree service we provide. For all your tree service Huntsville Al needs contact us! We will your job done right!
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chrisstumpgrinding · 7 months
Satisfying Emergency Tree Removal
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chrisstumps05 · 5 days
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pnovick · 1 year
Advanced Nuclear Weapons Safety Specialist - 2023-60867
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Industry: Aerospace / Aviation / National Security Job Category: Engineering - Energy / Nuclear Engineering CLIENT OVERVIEW: Our award-winning client, a leader in the Aerospace and National Security sector, is seeking an Advanced Nuclear Weapons Safety Specialist to join their dynamic team. They are dedicated to ensuring the safety of those who serve and protect our nation, and they achieve this by advancing the technology in defense platforms. Their innovative engineers redefine the boundaries of possibility, while their manufacturing team brings these ideas to life, contributing to the development of cutting-edge systems. Our client takes pride in being a highly sought-after employer, fostering diversity and providing an exciting employee experience that fuels innovation and creates a vibrant community where all individuals are valued and part of something extraordinary. BASIC QUALIFICATIONS: - Bachelor’s degree in Systems Engineering or a relevant Science, Engineering, or Mathematics field. - A minimum of 8 years of relevant work experience, or a Master's degree with at least 6 years of relevant experience. - Familiarity with Agile methodologies is a plus. SECURITY CLEARANCE REQUIREMENTS: - A Department of Defense Top Secret security clearance will be required within a reasonable timeframe. - Selected candidates will undergo a comprehensive U.S. Government security investigation and must meet eligibility criteria for accessing classified information. - Due to the nature of work conducted within their facilities, U.S. citizenship is mandatory. ROLE AND POSITION OBJECTIVES: Our award-winning client is seeking an Advanced Nuclear Weapons Safety Specialist for their National Security programs. In this role, you will be an integral part of a cross-functional team dedicated to ensuring compliance with Nuclear Weapons Safety regulations for the products under development. Additionally, you will analyze and produce Nuclear Weapons Safety documentation as part of the systems engineering process. We strongly encourage individuals with the following preferred qualifications and experiences to apply: - Proficiency in conducting system safety assessments for both hardware and software, including the preparation and updating of safety assessment reports and risk assessment documents. - Experience in employing safety analysis techniques, such as fault tree analyses, failure mode and hazard analyses, and a deep understanding of the safety protocols during product development. - Past involvement in system and/or software design projects with a focus on Nuclear Weapon Safety. Key Attributes Setting You Apart: - Innovative thinker with a proven track record of leading the systems development lifecycle. - A collaborative team player with a passion for providing technical leadership and empowering others to succeed. - A comprehensive understanding of technological trends and a willingness to champion novel concepts and process enhancements. - Strong presentation and communication skills, with a knack for negotiation and a proven ability to meet challenging customer demands with mutually beneficial solutions. - Commitment to continuous professional development, both for yourself and your peers. Our Commitment to You: - An exciting career path with opportunities for ongoing learning and growth. - The chance to work in a research-oriented environment alongside award-winning teams dedicated to crafting practical solutions for our nation's security. - Flexible work schedules, including the option for a 9/80 schedule with every other Friday off. - Competitive benefits, including 401k matching, flexible time off, paid parental leave, healthcare coverage, wellness programs, employee resource groups, and more. Workplace Options: This position is based at our client's facilities. While on-site, you will be located in either the Huntsville, AL, or Dedham, MA area. Key Skills and Requirements: - Nuclear Surety - Software Fault Analysis - Nuclear Weapon Safety - Security Clearance Required: Yes Read the full article
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Tree Removal Services in Huntsville AL
Trees are a major part of any landscape, and proper maintenance is critical to the health and appearance of your property. Whether your trees need trimming, pruning or removal, professional tree services are equipped to handle the task quickly and safely. These professionals are also familiar with the needs of different types of trees and can help you choose the right species for your property. In addition to enhancing the look of your home, well-maintained trees can add value to your property.
Tree service prices vary according to the size of the job and how hard it is to do. The most expensive tree services are those that involve removing large or difficult-to-reach trees, but prices decrease for smaller jobs and easier locations. Many tree service companies offer a free estimate before beginning any work.
It’s important to choose a tree removal Huntsville AL service company that has a good reputation and experience. You should also get quotes from several companies to discover the best price and included services. When comparing quotes, make sure to include things like service fees, timelines, and included services. Also, consider whether the company specializes in residential or commercial work. Commercial tree services may be required to follow different local ordinances than those of residential companies.
All Pro Huntsville Tree Service is a locally owned and operated business in Huntsville, Alabama. The company has been in business for more than a decade and offers a variety of tree services, including trimming, stump grinding, and debris cleanup. They use their own crane and follow thorough cleanup practices to leave your property looking spotless after the work is done. 
There are many tree services in the area, but it’s best to go with a reputable one that is licensed and insured. Check out a company’s website to find reviews and photos of past clients. You can also check out the company’s portfolio to see examples of their work. Many tree services also work in conjunction with landscape professionals to create a seamless design.
The dependable tree trimming contractors at All Pro Huntsville Tree Service are fully licensed and insured, and promise affordable tree trimming or removal. They have years of experience and will keep your trees safe, healthy and attractive. They can even help you trim bushes and other greenery to make your yard look its best. They’re also a great choice for emergency storm damage remediation.
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Residents' Attractions in Huntsville 
Huntsville is a small-town getaway located 70 miles north of Houston, offering a variety of attractions for both locals and visitors. The town's historic downtown provides unique treasures and delicious food, while Oakwood Cemetery is the final resting place of Texas legends, including Sam Houston. The Raven Nest Golf Club, carved through pine trees, offers a challenging 18-hole course that showcases the natural beauty of the Texas Piney Woods. The Sam Houston Memorial Museum offers historical buildings and a museum store, while the Texas Prison Museum houses the Texas State Penitentiary, which has housed generations of Texans. The Blue Lagoon, a Professional Association of Diving Instructors-certified facility, offers scuba diving lessons and a view of the surrounding pine trees. You can do a lot in Huntsville!
Excavating Services in Huntsville
Triple J Land Services is a highly reputable excavation and land-clearing company located in the bustling city of Huntsville, Texas. Its excavating services in Huntsville are the best choice for clients. With an exceptional history spanning over a decade, they pride themselves on providing their clients with top-notch land cleaning services, utilizing only the finest quality equipment available on the market. The team of trained professionals is passionate and committed to delivering tailored solutions that cater to your specific goals, budget, and lifestyle, ensuring that they meet your every need and expectation in a timely, cost-effective, and customer-oriented manner. You can trust them to get the job done safely and efficiently, leaving you with a stunning and functional outdoor area that you can enjoy for years to come. Get a free estimate now by calling (936) 668-2281. 
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Sam Houston Memorial Museum
The Sam Houston Memorial Museum in Huntsville, Texas, offers a fascinating experience for visitors to learn about General Sam Houston's life and legacy. The museum features a collection of artifacts and exhibits that tell the story of Houston's life and the history of Texas. Additionally, visitors can take guided tours given by knowledgeable staff and explore rare artifacts like furniture, clothing, weapons, and documents. The museum also hosts special events, such as lectures, concerts, and festivals, to better understand Houston's contributions to Texas history. The museum is also home to the world's tallest statue of an American hero, the Sam Houston Statue, making it a must-see attraction for any visitor to Huntsville.
The state of Texas executed an inmate
Texas has executed an inmate convicted of the drug-related killings of four people over 30 years ago, including a pregnant woman. Arthur Brown Jr., 52, received a lethal injection at the state penitentiary in Huntsville. Brown was part of a ring that shuttled drugs from Texas to Alabama and had bought drugs from Jose Tovar and his wife, Rachel Tovar. The June 1992 slayings occurred in a Houston home during a drug robbery. The four were tied up and shot in the head. Rachel Tovar and another person were also shot but survived. Brown was the fifth inmate put to death in Texas this year and the ninth in the U.S. Brown was executed as the second of two in Texas this week. Read more. 
Link to maps
Sam Houston Memorial Museum 1836 Sam Houston Ave, Huntsville, TX 77340, United States Head south toward 19th St 33 ft Turn right onto 19th St 0.8 mi Turn right onto N Fwy Service Rd/I-45 Frontage Rd 102 ft Use the left lane to take the ramp onto I-45 N 6.5 mi Take exit 123 for Farm to Market Rd 1696 0.2 mi Turn right onto Pinedale Rd 2.5 mi Triple J Land Services - Dirt Works 407 Pinedale Rd, Huntsville, TX 77320, United States
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Gutter Cleaning Expert Services Near Me - Clean Pro Huntsville
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Gutter cleaning is a task that can be a pain to do. A clogged rain gutter can create water to pool as well as ultimately leak. This can harm the roof, structure, and inside of your residence. Cleaning your rain gutters can save you thousands of bucks in repairs.
Cleaning your gutters is a task that takes skill and also correct equipment. Some individuals prefer to do it themselves, yet there are advantages to employing a professional. You'll save money and time, and you can have a cleaner that knows what they're doing. Plus, you'll have a professional that's covered. If you're seeking somebody to clean your gutters, you can search for business that give free estimates.
The expense of cleaning your gutters depends on the type of home you have as well as the dimension of your roof. Tiny homes with little particles can be cleaned in 60 to 90 minutes, while larger residences can take two hrs or more. Your home's rise, landscape design, and also weather likewise play a part. Houses that have trees or various other obstructions that obstruct access to the rain gutters can likewise include in the moment it takes.
Gutters can end up being chaotic with leaves, twigs, seeds, or other materials. These can all harm your shingles as well as rain gutters. Getting your gutters cleaned is a job that ought to be done a minimum of twice a year. Along with cleaning out clogged gutters, you'll intend to fix any type of seals or bolts that are damaged.
Clean Pro Huntsville can inspect your gutters and also deal with any type of troubles that they locate. They can spot issues prior to they grow even worse as well as you'll have less to stress over. Also, they'll do a much better work than you could. That's why they frequent high need throughout the fall when fallen leave particles is plentiful.
Gutter cleaning is a work that requires a ladder, which might not be a great idea for older home owners. If your residence is built on an incline, it can be hard to access your rain gutters. Additionally, if your roof is made from an unique material such as slate or cedar, your cleaners won't have to walk on it. Nevertheless, if your home is multi-story, they might not be able to reach every one of the rain gutters.
When selecting a gutter cleaning business, ask inquiries about the amount of ride and also time they will certainly require to do the job. Some business will certainly charge added for travel. Others will offer you a fixed price quote. And some will certainly give price cuts for numerous services.
You'll likewise want to inspect that the firm you pick is properly insured and a certified contractor. Having an expert execute your rain gutter cleaning will certainly make certain that you do not make any kind of errors that might harm your house or its worth. It deserves spending the money to have an expert do the help you.
Depending upon your location, gutter cleaning can be a little bit expensive. Typically, labor expenses make up a significant part of the rate. Houses with more roofs, piercing roofs, and also steeply-slanted roofs will be a lot more pricey to tidy. Also, if you live in a remote location, the cost of the service might increase.
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cwenvs3000w23 · 2 years
My Place in Nature
For me, my relationship with nature has never been something I have put much thought into until now. Despite mostly growing up in the suburbs of the GTA, being outdoors and doing outdoor activities has always been a big part of my life. As a child, I grew up playing outside at local parks with friends, and spending a large portion of my summers going camping with my family in the Muskoka area. As a kid nature served as a great avenue for me to go out, and let my curiosity run wild as I always got excited to see the vastness of the forest and the various species that call it home. I also took great enjoyment in learning outdoors activities such as fishing and canoeing, often getting lost on the lake with my brother.
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Little Me Fishing in Halliburton, Ontario at age 7
As I got older, this desire to pursue nature continued to be a big part of my life, and it became a way for me to escape the stresses of life for awhile and enjoy the simplicity and peace of nature. It was for this reason that I began pursuing nature in a more formal sense in my teen years, spending my summers as a camp counsellor, in which I served as the canoeing, and wilderness skills instructor at an overnight camp near Huntsville, Ontario. This pursuit of nature was even further exemplified after I turned 18, and decided to take on the job of being a tree planter in the very far north of Ontario. This became a very challenging job for me in which I experienced a level of closeness to nature that I had never experienced before. It was a job that required me to live solely in a tent for about 3 months in the spring, spending around 8-10 hours of my day alone in the forest trying to plant as many trees as I possibly could. It was in this time that I was able to fully engage myself in nature and experience the many challenges and beauties of the great outdoors such as frequent black bear and moose encounters, the horrors of blackfly season, and the harsh weather conditions that came with being in close proximity to lake superior.
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Me with my Planting Crew in June of 2021 (yes that is snow in early June, lol)
It was through these challenges that I further defined my passion for being in nature and trying to aid in the preservation of nature in whatever small way a 18-20 year old could. After participating in a total of 2 planting seasons in counting and a total of about 5 and a half months living in a tent in the forest I have planted a total of 200,000 pine and spruce trees, which helped replenish parts of forests that were harvested by the logging industry. This is where I can truly say that I felt a "sense of place in nature" as I was apart of a team of like-minded people who shared a similar passion and curiosity toward nature as I did, and I was happy to get to experience the joys and many challenges that came from such a labour intensive, hazardous job with this group of people. Even though I only knew most of my team members for a few months, it felt like a lot longer since we had experienced many struggles together such as getting eaten alive, and planting during harsh thunderstorms and hail storms, as well as 40 degree temperatures in July (how's that for workplace safety?). Through this experience I gained an even greater appreciation for nature than before, and through this I felt the motivation to continue to help preserve the nature that I am so grateful for. This is why I ended up making the choice to pursue the study of the Environment at the University of Guelph, as I am now in my third year of the Environmental Management program. This is also why this course appealed to me, as I hope to continue to challenge myself and continue to learn more about my place in nature and how I can continue to serve in it's preservation.
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