#how to grind a stump
chrisstumps05 · 6 hours
How to get rid of a bunch of small stumps?
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chrisstumpgrinding · 6 months
How to Tell Your Going to Make Money Grinding Stumps on a Saturday
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sydmarch · 1 year
is your last name stump because I need to grind on you
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Me (via text, paraphrasing): hi customer, we're going to be doing stump grinds all through next week, and because we have a ton to catch up on after the grinder was broken down for 2 months, we're going to just give all the work orders to the guys and have them do as many as they can per day until they've done them all. Are you cool with being on their list knowing that I will not be able to give you a time or date that they're coming by?
Customer: yes, just give me a call with the time and date. Thanks!
Me: [benafflecksmoking.jpg]
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stump-grindings · 1 year
Affordable Stump Grinding Cost: Get a Free Quote Today!
Wondering how much does stump grinding cost? Look no further! Our professional team offers affordable and transparent pricing for stump grinding services. We understand the importance of removing unsightly stumps from your property, and our efficient process ensures timely completion. With no hidden fees, we provide accurate quotes tailored to your specific needs. Contact us today for a free quote and let us help you eliminate those stubborn stumps at a cost that fits your budget. No spam, just fair and competitive prices for stump grinding services.
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sweet-as-an-angel · 1 year
Miguel Having A Crush On You Would Include…
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Warnings: Implications of Smut, Obsessive Miguel, Possessive Miguel, Implied Yandere Miguel, Miguel in Love, Vampire Marking, Marking (Kind Of), Fluff, Typical Crush Behaviour, Petnames/Nicknames, No Pronouns used for Reader Except ‘You’.
Him being absolutely OBSESSED with you.
Literally completely feral, down bad, infatuated, etc.
Initially, when he realised he’d started liking you in a romantic sense, he tried pushing you away; tried drowning his feelings in work, missions, Hell – even resolving petty spats between the Spiderpeople at the base. Anything to exorcise this rising feeling of butterflies in his chest whenever you were around. Vulnerability.
However, you were persistent.
You’d bring him lunch whenever you knew it would be a long day in the office for him, telling him that “Even the best superhero needs a sandwich every now and then!”
And by God were your sandwiches phenomenal.
Though he’d never admit it, his heart would skip a beat whenever the door to his office opened, knowing that it could be you paying him a visit with your delectable lunchables, or even just to check in on him. Make him feel special in ways nobody else had or could in years.
Eventually, this turned into a daily affair; one Miguel would watch the clock for, wait for. Long for.
Miguel also tried hiding his feelings when you brought him hand-crafted, love-filled desserts that he just couldn’t bring himself to ignore or throw away. Or, when Miles offered to take them off his hands, let anyone else have.
Eventually, there isn’t a day that goes by where you aren’t with him in some capacity. And it shows.
Whenever you’re late, even only by a few minutes, Miguel can feel his heart spike, asking Lyla where you are, if she can track you, etc.
“Sounds like you liiiike (Y/N)~” Lyla gives Miguel a knowing smile.
Miguel just grunts, ignores her. Though, he can feel the corners of his lips turning up, and hides them behind a well-placed hand, rubbing his temples.
Soft glances whenever you’re in the room, all his attention turning to you and you alone.
He just loves to stare at you. You’re so beautiful that he can’t understand why nobody else passing you has to stitch their dropped jaw back onto their face.
Then again, he is grateful. The fury that bubbles inside him whenever he catches someone glancing at you, gaze lustful, is all-consuming, enough to make his teeth grind, his eyes bleed a light rouge hue, piercing. He makes sure they’ll never cross paths with you again.
Gradually, your warmth and kindness thaws his walls, and, once the floodgates are open, neither you nor he can predict the dark ocean that is to flood your lives.
He doesn’t mean to throw himself full-force into his feelings, but after being so guarded for so long, he just can’t help it.
Becomes overly-concerned with every facet of your life. More so than he already was.
Constantly trying to find out information about you, though being stumped as to how to do so without arousing your suspicion.
Asks Lyla to track you, see what you’re doing, who you’re with, their relation to you.
However, she begins to deny Miguel such luxuries, telling him to “Grow a pair and ask (Y/N) yourself!”
When he realises Lyla is steadfast in her resolve, he does so. Reluctantly.
Though, once he starts, he finds it difficult to stop.
“Where are you going after work?”, “Are you going out tonight with anyone?”, “Who?”
Eventually, you just look up at him, seemingly oblivious to his growing desperation, and say: “Gosh, Miguel, you’re starting to sound like you’re my boyfriend or something!”
His heart stops. His throat dries and he just looks at you, eyes wide.
One second passes. Then two. Then–
“Oh– uh– yeah... I mean, not that that’s weird, right? Unless you think it is weird, then–”
Lyla has to step in and save him from himself, telling him he has ‘urgent business’ in one of the other wings of the facility.
His suit suddenly feels too tight and too hot beneath the collar whenever he has to speak with you alone.
And tight in…other places when his mind wanders to the more intimate aspects of your hypothetical relationship.
Miguel likes to rationalise this as him preparing how best to please you when the time, inevitably, comes for him to claim you, make you his. At least, this staves off the post-nut clarity (guilt) just a little longer when he’s pursuing a release, blasphemous images of you running through his mind.
A good example of this occurs almost nightly, with Miguel thoroughly loving a pillow clad in a shirt he’d lent you once, your scent still woven, though faded, into the fabric.
Many nights, his face is pressed to the cotton of that shirt, muffling his lips and his moans as his teeth sink into your temporary body, extending, marking, hand moving fervently beneath the bed sheets, your name the chant of many a spell of ardour.
You might mistake that red glow on his cheeks for the illumination of the console screens, but anyone who looks close enough knows better.
He loves showing you around the facility. Especially when your eyes light up and you remark how intelligent he is for “Doing this all on your own,”
Any compliment from you makes his heart thrum and his cheeks burn with the urge to smile. And, if it’s only you in his company, he does so.
Maybe even give you a nervous laugh.
You’re the only one he feels comfortable with showing emotion to.
He hopes that his displays aren’t lost on you; that you know him well enough to know that every smile, every laugh, is for you and you only.
And he is determined to, one day, make that smile of yours for him. And only him.
But, for now, he will content himself with daydreams and night ventures into territory not yet known, all the while possessing a seat beside you, being a shoulder for you to cry on, an ear into which you may pour your worries, a hero on whom you can always depend in ways you can’t even begin to imagine.
Reblog for more content like this! It helps creators like myself tremendously and it is greatly appreciated :-)
Masterlist Masterpost
Yandere Masterlist Juicy Original Content <3
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rainrot4me · 2 months
Better Than Him
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Summary: Nina wanted nothing more than to impress Jeff. So, as her best friend, she sought your help on how to get his attention. But when a quick lesson on how to kiss turns intense quickly, you feel it's only right to prove to her she's worth more than him.
Characters: Nina the Killer x Female Reader
TW: Friends with benefits, humiliation, Jeff is a douchebag, inexperienced, teaching, vaginal grinding, tribbing, eating out, overstimulation, first time, revenge, mention of broken bones
Words: 4.3k
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As a creep, you knew all too well the weird tendencies that the other members of the mansion had. 
Especially Nina. But she was your best friend, so of course you let her habits slide more than others. But as she lay in your lap, sobbing about how Jeff brushed her off again, you couldn’t help but roll your eyes. It was exhausting, truly. Her every waking thought and action seemed to revolve around the pale killer, but you could never understand why.
Jeff was ugly as shit, face all mangled and gnarly. His personality was a drainer to be around, always cussing you out or telling you how shit you were at something. But the worst thing about him was the constant stench of rot that came off of him, the aftermath of him murdering some helpless guy and never showering after. He wasn’t pleasant to you, but no guy in the mansion was. The only one you could stand was Jack, his quiet demeanor was his only saving quality.
You rubbed Nina’s back, cooing some bullshit about how he would come around eventually and how he didn’t deserve her. You honestly couldn’t care less about him, but it was anything to get Nina to hush. She finally sat up, holding your hands as her highlighted hair sat dishevelled on her forehead. “You have to help me.” She gasped out, eyes frantic as she gripped your hands tight, her neon press on nails digging into your skin. You stared at her, confused. “Help you how?” She smiled, her gapped teeth shining bright. 
“Jeff doesn’t pay any attention to me.” You knew that, obviously. “So, I have to impress him somehow. Like, with something he likes.” She grinned, waiting for you expectantly. You tried to wrack your brain of all the crap Jeff has mentioned liking before, but all you could think of was the porn magazines he hid not so well under his bed. You had found them by accident after Jeff stole your guns over some petty argument, that being the first place you thought to look but ending with an even bigger argument than before. It ended with you locked out of his room and his reputation amongst the other guys little to none. But at least you found an answer.
“Listen, Nina, I don’t thi-” She brushed her bangs from her face, eyes wide and pleading. “Oh please, I don’t care. Whatever Jeff likes I’ll be sure to like too.” You groaned, letting go of Nina’s hands and laying back on her bed, her dark room comforting you. Nina wasn’t at all the porn star type, especially not what Jeff was after. He was still mentally stumped as a horny teenager, so any girl wasn’t good enough unless her ass and tits stuck out farther than the rest of her two-inch waist. It was sick, but you knew Nina wasn’t at all what he was going for. The crazy don’t go for even crazier. Nina was just out of cards. You grumbled.
“Jeff is a pervert, alright? Like… only goes after girls that look like supermodels type shit.” You groaned, refusing to look her in the face. The silence was awkward, you only glanced up to see her lost in thought, that same look she got every time she was contemplating something. “Nina-” But she was already up, already pulling her closet open and shuffling through her clothes. You sat up, trying to get a look at what she was searching for before she pulled it out.
It was a tiny pleated skirt, black and leather that was way too tiny for your liking. She tugged down her patterned skirt, your eyes flicking towards the ceiling quickly to not stare as she stripped. When she stumbled over to her full-length mirror in the corner of her room, you glanced back down, cheeks flushing red. She turned in the mirror, getting good luck with the short shirt that barely even covered anything. Her ass was practically out, the miniskirt just centimeters away from showing her clothed cunt as well. Her panties were purple and pink striped, but you didn’t even have to guess. “Oh, this has to work.” She giggled, shaking her tiny ass teasingly as you shook your head, standing up to meet her. 
“Listen, Nina-” But she was already rushing towards the door, swinging it open as the skirt swayed against her pale skin. “I’m gonna go look for Jeff. Wish me luck!” Before you could say anything else she was out in the hallway, skipping down the stairs and out of view. Jeff was going to kill her if you didn’t first.
You heard the crying before you even saw her. It hadn’t even been an hour, but you groaned as you sat up on Nina’s bed, already knowing exactly what was coming. You stayed in her room, opting for the comforting space in case something like this did happen. 
Bursting through the door, Nina’s mascara-streaked cheeks were flushed from crying. She fell on top of your lap, you were quick to scoop her up and sit her comfortably against you as she cried into your shoulder. You knew it wasn’t going to work, but you were going to kill Jeff anyway. You rubbed her back, shushing her as she sobbed loudly, her tears soaking into your shirt and making you cringe. It was routine at this point. Nina would storm in crying, come up with some new hope as to how to impress Jeff, and then disappear before starting the whole cycle over. But this time, there were no questions of what she should do or pleas for compliments. She only lay there, face tucked into the crook of your neck and crying softly. You continued to rub her back, wondering what in the world had happened to make Nina, the most talkative girl you knew, stay silent. 
“Nina?” You cooed, pushing her shoulders back to get a look at her face. Her cheeks were flushed, mascara smudged against her eyes and running, her jagged smile anything but happy. “Wanna tell me what happened?” She wiped her eyes, unzipped her jacket and tossed it onto the floor before laying down on the bed, dragging you down to lay next to her. You held her close, the dark room giving a nice blanket of comfort around the two of you.
“Well,” She started, sniffling. “He liked it, I guess.” You were stunned honestly, turning to look at her face as she continued. “He was in the living room with the other guys, so I walked through, hoping I would catch his attention. It did, and he followed me down the hall, pushing me into the bathroom. I kind of panicked, so I asked him to stop. I pushed him off of me, but he kept grabbing me, trying to pull my panties down.” Your blood was boiling, hands already pressed against the couch and ready to storm downstairs and give Jeff a piece of your mind, but Nina held you close, keeping you down. “Eventually, I guess he got tired of me fighting and shoved me off. He told me I was an ugly… an ugly bitch and that I was lucky he didn’t embarrass me in front of everyone.” 
Nina went quiet, holding your waist close as she silently cried. You held her close, staring at the ceiling as anger raged inside of you. You knew Jeff was a prick, but to do this to her was uncalled for. You sat up, brushing Nina off as you stormed to the door, but Nina’s arms quickly wrapped around you, pulling you back to her bed. You groaned, glancing at her as she quietly begged you not to say anything. She didn’t want him more upset than he already was. You wanted to tell her off, but you guessed that was her fangirl talking. But against your better instinct, you sat back down, Nina quick to hold you close again. 
Her crying had subsided, small pitiful whines replacing them as she wiped her mascara. It was breaking your heart. “Nina. You have to understand that Jeff is a sick fuck. If you’re not willing to do whatever he says, you’re no good, alright?” You grumbled, rubbing her smeared eyeshadow off of her eyelid. “But you’re beautiful, gorgeous even. You can’t let a man who’s set in his dumbass ways dictate your feelings.” She nodded quietly, staring anywhere but into your worried eyes. You hoped your words had reached her, but as she sat up, determination in her face, you knew your hopes were already useless. 
“You’re right. Jeff isn’t going to like me if I don’t like what he likes.” You rolled your eyes hard, groaning into your hands. “I have to show him I can do it!” She was hopeless. But at least the girl had determination like nothing you ever saw. Nina turned to you, wrapping her hands around your shoulders, excitement in her eyes. “You have to teach me how to kiss.” 
You were taken back a second, eyes scanning her flushed face for any signs of some joke. But she was dead serious, smile wide and goofy and she held you stiff. “Nina, I-” But she was already pressing closer to you, crisscrossed knees pressed flush against yours. “Listen! You’re my best friend, [Y/N]. I need you to teach me how.” She was pleading, bright eyes begging you. This was becoming awkward, your weight shifting uncomfortably in her hands. But if you knew Nina, she wouldn’t stop, no matter how badly she needed to. 
“Fine.” You gritted, her smile lighting up. “But this is it. I’m done with your dumb Jeff fantasies.” You were stern, but it was the only way you knew she would listen. Nina nodded quickly, her body pressing close eagerly. In truth, you had fucked around with some relationships before becoming a full-fledged creep, but you were no expert in the sport. Nina, on the other hand, was completely clueless. As far as you knew, she was a stone-cold virgin, her obsession with Jeff giving her some fucked up chastity belt for the killer. You figured you would rather her go in somewhat familiar with the whole deal than get laughed out. 
You brushed your hair off your shoulders, focusing in on her as you spoke delicately. “Firstly, just follow me, or, Jeff, I guess. Don’t try to force anything, just let your lips glide with his. He’s probably going to be pretty rough, but I want you to just learn how to go slow first.” It was like teaching someone how to drive, except you were all nervous and hot. Nina didn’t seem fazed as she mentally jotted down what you were telling her, excitement running through her small frame. You smiled nervously, unsure how to initiate the whole thing. “So, I guess just… uhm…” You sat forward, eyes glancing nervously between Nina’s big eyes and her lip-glossed lips, wrapping your hands around her forearms. From this angle, it was almost impossible not to get a full shot of her panties from the tiny skirt she still wore. You blushed, focusing on her before leaning forward, her eyes flicking excitingly at your lips. “Just do what I do…” You mumbled, your lips inches from hers. 
When Nina pressed forward quickly, finally closing the distance, it shocked you. Your heart was pounding in your ears, fingers gripping her arms nervously as you began to slide your lips against her smooth ones. Her lipgloss tasted sweet, both of your eyes fluttering shut as you tried to slowly make out with her. Nina was pressing close, her lips moving just a little too eagerly for your pace, so you had to slow her down. Letting her arms go, you slid your hands on either side of her head, tangling your fingers in her dark hair and angling her head, guiding her lips to move against yours easily. She happily complied, her hands reaching up to cup yours as her lips followed yours nicely. You were making out eagerly, every brush of your lips more electric than you thought it was supposed to be. But you had little time to contemplate your confusion as Nina slid her arms around your neck and swung her leg over your thighs, straddling you as she refused to let off your lips. 
This was quickly spiralling out of control, but when Nina’s little breathy whines broke through every gap in your kissing, your resolve was beginning to melt. Your hands slid to her waist, her thin body pressed close onto yours. You were both breathing heavily, chests pressed against each other as you practically swallowed the other in heavy kisses. This was becoming too much for her, Nina’s whines growing louder as you peeked your eyes open, seeing her brows knitted roughly. You slid your hand against her cheek, pushing her back as you both caught your breath, lips swollen and cheeks red. “Uh-” You panted, quickly becoming aware of the position the two of you were in and growing anxious. Nina only smiled, scanning your face as she caught her breath, wiping her lips off her sweet lipgloss. “I think… I think I need one more example.” She giggled, eyes heavy as she leaned back in slowly. You nodded, unsure of what you were even thinking as you slipped your hand into the back of her hair, fisting it softly. Nina smiled back into the kiss, her lips dancing with yours comfortably. You were just helping her learn. So of course you needed to show her every possible scenario that Jeff was going to throw her way.
At least that’s what you told yourself as you gripped your hands under the thighs, flipping the two of you over and pressing her back into the bed. Nina giggled, her arms gripping your shoulders tight as you pressed against her lips hard, roughly tugging her bottom lip with your teeth. “Jeff’s… probably- ah, probably going to be rough. So you gotta… gotta be ready.” You panted against her lips, placing your arms on either side of her head as you nestled between her legs. She nodded, moving away from your lips to press her swollen lips against the corner of your mouth, pecking slowly down to your neck. You gasped, her sweet chaste kisses sending goosebumps against your skin. “Ah- Nina-”
“It’s okay,” She purred, placing her wet kiss under your chin. “I’m just trying to, ah, see what I should try on Jeff.” You couldn’t protest any logical answer as she slid her hands under your shirt, her cold fingers scratching gently and making you groan. “Yeah… yeah that makes sense…” You whined, Nina’s hands pulling your shirt over your head and tossing it to the side. She pushed your shoulders back, rolling you over so she was straddling your lap again, your back pressed against her bed. “Like, I wonder…” Nina’s face was red as she slid down, her lips pressing sweetly against your chest and down in between your tits. “Would Jeff like this?” You glanced down nervously as she palmed your bra, kneading your tits in her delicate hands. Your face exploded with heat, a small gasp falling from your lips as she pushed your bra up off your tits, letting the mounds fall exposed. You glanced at her nervously, unsure if you should draw a line. This wasn’t a learning experience anymore, this was a horny virgin finally getting to release herself. And who were you, as her best friend, to deny her that feeling?
You let yourself relax, reaching behind your back to unclip your bra and sliding it off your chest, Nina’s eager eyes watching closely. “I don’t know. Maybe try and see if he would…” You purred, Nina leaning down quickly to grip your tit, licking your nipple and sighing at the feeling of the nub on her tongue. “I think Jeff would be sensitive… I would like that…” She cooed, rolling your perky nipples between her cool fingers and purring as you squirmed. She watched you closely, her hips slowly beginning to grind down against your crotch as she took your right tit in her mouth, sucking lazily. You tangled your fingers in her smooth hair, tugging lightly as she sucked and nibbled on your already sensitive flesh. She groaned, brows furrowing as she fought to stay sucking on your tit like a kitten. It was overwhelming, your skin hot and flushed as you squirmed under her. 
When she finally popped off for air, you took your chance and pushed her up, smashing your lips back against her as you tugged on her hoodie, tugging the purple fabric over her head and smiling when she whined. She wasn’t wearing anything underneath, her bare skin and small tits exposed against her pale skin. You leaned forward, her hands pushing on your shoulders as you kissed her chest, pushing her back onto the sheets. Her dark room made her flushed skin look so pretty and supple under your kisses, her skin coming to life with goosebumps as you kissed down further. That stupid miniskirt was riding up, basically covering nothing as you tugged it down her thighs, tossing it to the floor as you spread her knees, her small whines making you blush. The purple and pink panties she wore matched nicely with her thigh-highs, her pale thighs shaking slightly as you smiled at her already evident arousal. “I think,” You cooed, unbuttoning your pants and sliding them down your legs, your dark panties contrasting nicely with hers. “Jeff would enjoy eating you out… Getting you ready before he fucked you…” You grinned, running your thumb along the wet spot on her panties and making her whine behind her hands. She nodded slowly though, letting your hands press her knees apart as you tugged her panties down, careful to keep her thigh-highs rolled up. Your heart was thumping as you nestled between her thighs, Nina’s already dripping cunt pink and cute, just like her. Your own arousal was pounding between your legs, but as a good friend, you had to put her first.
Rubbing your fingers against her clit, you leaned in, teasing her entrance with your tongue. She was already a squirming mess, back arching and knees clasping together as you licked against her folds, tasting her sweet arousal. You rubbed her clit slowly as you dipped your tongue past her entrance, chasing that addicting taste of her. Nina moaned out, her hands tangling in your hair and tugging as you curled against her walls. Her arousal gushed against your tongue, your own pants mixing with her moans as you ate her out eagerly. You couldn’t think straight, Nina’s breathy pleas to go faster making your head spin. It wasn’t long before you were gripping her thighs, nails digging into her pale skin as you tongue-fucked Nina quickly. You moved quickly between flicking your tongue against her sweet clit and dipping past her tight folds back into her warm walls. Her taste was heavenly, your eyes squeezed shut as you begged your tongue to press further, doing anything to hear her sweet moans ring in your head. 
Her hips were bucking, your tongue curling sharply against her tight walls until you felt her cry out, warm arousal rushing against your tongue. You chased her orgasm, lapping up every sweet flavor that danced on your tongue until she was gripping her thighs tightly around your head. You refused to let up, even when her walls clamped so tight you had to move to her clit, you still licked long stripes, relishing in the way her hips bucked against the sensitivity. “[Y/N]! God- please-” She begged, pulling against your hair desperately. But only when you felt like you had tasted every inch of her did you let up, panting heavily as she whined. You slid up her body, wrapping your arm around her waist as you pressed your lips against hers, shoving your tongue into her warm mouth and begging her to taste how sweet she was. “Taste… so good, Nina…” You whined, grinding your clothed cunt down against hers. 
Nina sucked on your tongue, swirling hers into your mouth and swapping spit. You were both groaning, hands rubbing against each other’s bodies until your cunt desperately begged against your panties. You raised up, Nina whining as you let off her mouth but smiling when she saw you sliding your panties off your thighs and onto the floor. “I think…” She panted, tugging you closer to her. “That Jeff would want, uh, a blowjob, right? I think it’s time he got a little rough…” She smiled nervously, tugging you to straddle her face. You smiled eagerly, nodding your approval as you positioned your knees on either side of her head, spreading your throbbing cunt with your fingers and watching as Nina blushed wildly. She was quick to wrap her arms around your thighs and pull you down, shoving her warm tongue against your cunt. You groaned, her tongue sliding against your clit and flicking gently. She tried desperately to mimic your actions, sliding her tongue against your folds before pressing into your entrance, moaning at your taste. Sighing, you sat down further, letting Nina’s tongue lap at your sensitive walls until you were grinding down lowly, hands resting against your thighs to keep yourself steady. Nina was kneading your ass, her nails scratching against your skin as she delved deeper, curling her tongue the best she could. It was heaven, your clit throbbing hard as she moaned against you. 
As much as you would have liked to let her eat you out some more, you needed to feel her, bad. All sense of what Jeff would’ve wanted to be damned, you needed to feel her yourself. Pulling off of her tongue, she whined, chasing your thighs before you laid back against the bed, gripping her arms to straddle your waist. “Need you, Nina… I mean, Jeff- Ah, whatever. I need to feel you.” You groaned, Nina’s heavy eyes watching you carefully as you spread your legs, pushing her hips back until your folds slid against each other. When your clits bumped, Nina moaned, her hands reaching down to grip your tits, rolling the mounds in her hands. You gripped her hips tightly, tugging her hips to rub her sensitive cunt against yours. “Fu- Fuck me… [Y/N], please…” She ground her hips down, riding your cunt easily. You leaned your head back, watching through hooded eyes as Nina pulsed her hips, your clits rubbing against each other roughly until you were both squirming. 
If you had a cock, you’d pound the poor girl, leaving her breathless. But as she stuttered her hips against your soaked cunt, you couldn’t help but push your legs apart further, pressing your hips up against hers. You tugged her hips up off of you, nails gripping her pale skin until you pushed them back down quickly, repeating until you were bounding her hips against yours. Your clits slammed together quickly, both of you crying out at the sensitive impact. You felt her arousal dripping from her cunt, her soaked folds pressing against yours. “Gonna fuck your cute little cunt with mine- Gonna, ah, make you cum way harder than Jeff’s dumb cock could.” You gritted out, every time you pulled her hips down you quickly ground up against her clit, making her cry out. Nina’s fingers fiddled with your nipples, her jaw hanging open as sweet moans spilt from her lips. “Oh, yes- fuck! Make me cum!” She whined, clit bouncing on yours roughly. She was panting hard, her small tits bouncing cutely as she rode your cunt, chasing her orgasm. “Yeah? Go on, Nina. Come on me, let me feel it. Let Jeff know how good it feels.” You coaxed her, teeth gritted as you held her hips down, sensitive nubs rubbing roughly against one another. 
Nina’s eyes rolled hard, her back arching sharply until she was crying out. You felt her warm arousal spill down onto your cunt, her loud moans and whines enough to push you over yourself. Stuttering your hips against hers, you held her tight, arousal crashing into you roughly. You both whined loudly, your grip guiding her hips to slowly grind down against your clit, chasing your orgasm. 
When Nina finally collapsed on top of you, you both breathed heavily, chests heaving as sweat dripped down your cheeks. Nina’s face was flushed and hot, her heavy eyes laying next to yours as you stared at her, admiring her fucked-out expression. You wrapped your arms around her waist, sliding her off of you and to your side, hugging her tightly against your waist. Finally catching your breath, you pressed small kisses against her cheeks, her skin hot under your lips. She smiled softly, heavy eyes evident of her tiredness. You brushed her bangs from her face, tucking her messy hair behind her ear as she snuggled in close to your side, breathing deeply. 
“Get some sleep.” You whispered, pulling the messy sheets over the two of you as your sweaty bodies pressed close. You rubbed her back, sighing as you watched her bright eyes close. Maybe Nina was a hopeless romantic. But as her friend, her best friend, you were always willing to put her first. No matter what. 
Nina wouldn’t realize that you had slipped out of bed hours later, her soft snores making you smile as you redressed yourself. She also wouldn’t realize until she woke that Jeff was screaming in agony a couple of yards from the mansion, arguing with you to let him go. 
But when he returned to the mansion with a couple of broken fingers and a black eye, she wouldn’t have to guess who did it.
This was an anonymous request!
Comments and reblogs are appreciated! 𐚁₊⊹
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blackice-nsfw · 5 months
imagine getting fucked by your pack of werewolves, over a dozen strong, emptying their balls into you over and over again as they pound into you relentlessly chasing their own pleasure but not allowed to knot you. Their dicks are the biggest ones you've ever taken, stretching you to the brink and stretching you even more as they bully themselves inside of you, shoving their knots in and out until you scream for release, to finally have a knot inside of you, but they always stop right as their knots press against you, never pushing further.
Each of them are so thick they grind against all the right stops inside of you, making you moan and wail as they use you, face down and ass up, tied to the tree stump as you are. Even when you slump down in exhaustion their big clawed hands grab your hips hard enough to bruise as they bully their length into you, howling as they bottom out and start a relentless pace. You don't know how long it's been going on, the full moon shining above you as the puddle of cum keeps dripping out of you unto the ground, mixing with your own release as they kept going on and on without rest. You were deep into your orgasm, a knot halfway inside you as an intimating snarl echoed in the clearing.
The werewolf alpha, the biggest one of the whole pack, shoved the lower ranking werewolf off of you, ripping his knot out of you. Your empty hole clenched around nothing, used to the size and shape of them by now, moaning to be filled again. The moment the alpha pressed the head of his cock against you, you knew you were taking in more than you could chew. Just the head felt bigger than the knots that were pressed against your hole all night. He was huge. You wondered if you'd break. But he kept pushing in, pressing himself deeper than you ever thought possible, the cum from all the other making the slide easier.
The alpha growled as his cock hit resistance, pushing you head down unto the tree trunk. "I let all my wolves use you tonight. You will take me to the hilt."
You wailed as he bullied his cock deeper, with stronger thrusts than all the other before. Your hole was stretched beyond what you thought was even possible, clenching around his dick and the small protrusion of his knot. He chuckled slightly, pushing deeper. "There you go. Such a perfect cunt for us. I'm sure you'd like to pleasure us even outside of the full moon. Still so tight, trying to milking my cock."
The alpha pushed you down on the tree trunk, a clawed hand pressing into your skin, threatening to pierce if you moved. The other kept your hips raised as he started a brutal pace, Everytime he thrusted into you, your breath was punched out of you lungs from the savage pressure inside of you. It wasn't long before you wailed on his cock, gripping him in a vice grip as you came, being overstimulated and begging for him to slow down. But he ignored you.
"C'mon, you're our bitch now, we can use you however we want. And right now I want you to milk my knot as much as possible before I fuck you again and again." the alpha said as he thrusted even deeper, making you cry out as you came again, the third time in a handful of minutes on his massive cock.
As he kept pounding into you, releasing pleased grunts into the night, you could feel something change. Everytime he bottomed out, a pressure was pressed against your hole, insistent, constant. You had felt knots from the other werewolves, but nothing like this. It felt so big. So thick. As your insides were bullied into giving you another orgasm you could faintly think of what that would mean.
You only felt fully inflated knots before from all the other werewolves. They were thick and could've slipped right into you as they came over and over again. But this? It felt bigger than a fist, bigger than anything you had ever taken inside of you, and you were just gangbanged by a pack of werewolves. It kept pressing against you with more and more strength, harder thrusts, wanting to bury itself inside you as the alpha panted over your shoulder, repeating how good you are for him, how tight you still are after taking all of his pack.
A last thrust punched all the oxygen out of your lungs as the biggest thing you ever taken was shoved inside you and kept inflating.
You wailed and thrashed as the alpha kept you in place, bullying his knot in and out of your tight hole even as you wailed in pleasure, tears running down your face as hot cum filled the limited remaining space in your hole, the knot so big it was stopping anything from spilling out, no cum would be wasted while you were knotted on the alpha's cock.
He bent down and licked your cheek when the torrent of cum finally stopped, comforting you. "If you think we're done yet, the full moon is not even at half mast in the sky. I'll keep using you until I'm bored, and I'll let the pack use you as they want until I'm ready to go again."
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mercurycft · 8 months
## lucy bronze x reader !!
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Hi all! Enjoy this very very smutty imagine with jealous and top!lucy.. there's also a possibility a part 2 if people want it!? Love always.. RG x
contains: jealous!lucy , top!lucy bottom!reader, fingering, strap-on, mentions of leah williamson, teasing, dirty talk b
1,413 words.
Oh dear this is bad, you thought. It had been months since you had last seen Lucy in this state. Her hair was loosely thrown over her shoulders and cascading down her back, still dressed in her outfit from the party - her white shirt now unbuttoned and exposing her bra as she stood before you.
She was fuming. Not only could you feel it rattling around the room, you could see it. A fire of rage sat heavy behind her deep eyes, jaw clenching periodically as she studied you - her chest heaving as she inhaled and exhaled. You stood like a dear caught in headlights before her, eyes wide and mouth hung slightly agape at the sight of her. You had made it through the door only having it closed for maybe 30 seconds when you heard her voice ring through the room, your shoes were barely off when you turned to follow her voice.
She had gotten home before you, leaving the after-party early and ready to call it a night. The night was still young when she had decided to leave so, you stayed. Draped across your teammates as you collectively laughed, danced and sang horribly through the DJ's playlist of old-school hits.
That was two hours ago now, and after stumbling through the door of your shared apartment as quietly as possible - you were caught.
She wasn't upset you had stayed out, it happened often between you both. She wasn't upset you were dancing on tables in a dress that fit like a glove - clinging to your curves and leaving little to the average imagination. You internally ran through the possible causes of her current situation but were stumped. Then you remembered, the way she had her eyes locked on you from her seat. Your back pressed against Leah's front, bodies swaying to the beat of the song that echoed through the place. Fuck you thought, remembering how she clenched her glass and jaw in unison at the sight of you grinding against your captain.
"Did I stutter? I said, strip." Her voice ripped you from your thoughts, eyes now meeting hers. Noticing how she admired you from across the room, eyes sweeping from your head to your toes - lingering on your chest for almost a second too long.
You remained still for a moment after she spoke, thighs pressed tightly together. Don't push her, you thought. Slowly and carefully lifting your hands to clasp the fabric of your dress, pulling it up and over your head without argument - now exposed to her.
"Bedroom." She whispered, but it wasn't weak, it was strong. A command. An order. You followed it willingly, moving towards your bedroom with her following behind slowly. She couldn't help but watch how your hips moved when you walked, eyes fixated on the way they swayed with each step.
Once you had made it, you stood next to the bed back towards her. Before you had the chance to turn around and speak she had closed the gap between you, her front was pressed against you, her hand up and twisted your hair - pulling you closer against her chest.
She seemed to tower over you, five inches feeling like a foot when the back of your head met with the hot skin of her chest. Her mouth was instantly on your neck, peppering rough and needy kisses below your ear and down the length of your shoulder. Her breath was warm, goosebumps following in her path.
Your eyes were closed tightly, licking your lips as you felt her tongue travel up towards your jaw and stop when her lips pressed against your ear. "Bend over."
You and Lucy had established a long time ago that she liked to be dominant in the bedroom, giving orders and overall giving but it was rare to see her like this. You would be lying if you said it didn't set your body on fire, hairs all standing on end and heart thumping behind its bony cage at the thought of her having her way with you.
You were bent in seconds, weight resting on your hands and head facing down between them - gathering your thoughts and shuddering a deep breath in anticipation. You were left like this for a minute or two. First, there was a shuffling behind you as she searched through the drawers beside her and then silence when she had found what she was looking for. Deep down you knew what it was and the burning in the pit of your stomach increased, sending shockwaves through your lower abdomen and down your legs at the mere thought. Lucy, however, was busy admiring you from behind - on full display for her, clearly enjoying you trying to squeeze your legs together for some form of release.
When she finally caved it was her fingers, tracing through your slick folds methodically. Collecting the wetness on her fingers and circling your sensitive clit. She always knew how to please you, using the perfect amount of pressure with the pads of her fingers. You craved her, whimpering at the feeling of her fingers on you - pushing your hips back to meet her hand, begging for more friction where you needed it most.
You could practically hear her smirk from behind you, moving her fingers to circle your entrance now. Hesitating for a moment before she pulled away completely.
"Lucy, fuck, please.." You pleaded, head lifting in a contest to her actions.
"Get on the bed, on your knees." and you did, scrambling on top of the covers and planting yourself on your knees and elbows, head down facing away from her. You could hear her shuffle again, the sound of her clothes hitting the bedroom floor and her feet navigating their way into something new making your stomach somersault.
She made you wait longer, adjusting herself on the bed behind you. Amused at the way you whined for her, tossing your weight between your knees and squirming for her. Then, you felt it. The tip of her strap caressing you gently. She was gentle, but firm with her actions. Sliding the head between your folds, coating the silicone in your slick before sitting at your entrance once more.
"What's your safeword, baby.." She whispered, breaking character momentarily. It made your heart swell in your chest, perking up to reply.
"Good girl.." She praised lowly, pressing into you. Stretching perfectly until it sat snug between your walls. She waited a minute until she was confident you were ready, bracing her hands on your hips as she began to move.
Her thrusts were calculated. Slow and hard. You whimpered into the sheets, eyes rolling into the back of your head as she filled you perfectly. Pulling out slowly just to force herself back into you, pulling your hips back to meet her halfway. Her pace increased with your volume, moaning out as the harsh slaps resonated through the room.
You could hear her breathing, it was erratic. Low curses under her breath matched her thrusts, watching as she stretched you around her.
"You take me so well, don't you baby?" She queried, voice hoarse.
You nodded below her, scared if you tried to speak you would scream out. Though the sheets did a poor job at muffling your moans when you felt her let out a breathy laugh from behind you. Your sultry noises ignited a wildfire in her veins, her hand moving to grip your hair roughly.
"God don't stop, Luce.." You begged, mouth left agape when she grumbled.
"Could she fuck you like this?" It caught you off guard, and you shivered beneath her. "Could she? Would you let her fuck you like this? Stretching you out? hm?" You knew it was rhetorical, but shook your head furiously. Unable to speak. As if she had snipped your vocal chords and stolen them straight out of your throat.
"That's what you want huh? Do you want her to fuck you? Maybe I'll send her a message... I know you love being used." You blushed at the thought, a deep pink cascading over your face and chest. You had never thought about it before, but the images she was feeding you were filthy and they contorted your stomach as her other hand snaked down to toy with your clit. "You want us both? Want us to take turns hm?"
That was all it took for you, overwhelmed by her thrusts and the images now prominent in your mind, your first orgasm ripped through you harshly. Clenching around her strap-on and crying through the room. she didn't stop though, instead pushing your head down further into the sheets and continuing.
This continued until you were spacey, head filled with the images she was compiling. The filthiest thoughts you can imagine, now after 3 orgasms you lay with her head between your legs. Her tongue grazed your swollen clit, lapping your juices up as you squirmed.
When she pulled away, her lips were red and her chin glistened with you. Smirking as she raised to kiss you passionately, passing your taste on.
She stroked your hair gently as she readjusted you and moved you to lay on the pillows, praising you for taking it so well when your eyes met hers and her shit-eating grin. She made sure you were comfy, kissing you softly in direct contrast to her previous actions.
She went to leave the room, off to grab water for you both and a towel. Though she only made it two steps out the door, poking her head back inside and you couldn't help but laugh when she uttered a low. "Maybe I'll give Leah a text.." fuck.
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radioactiveparker · 1 year
First Time For Everything - Eddie Munson X Fem!Reader (Smut)
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Summary - You and Eddie begin taking the next step in your relationship
Warnings - Insecure Reader / Strong Language / Drugs / Dry Humping / Mention of Sex Toys / Mention of Spanking / Mentions of Breeding / Oral (M & F Receiving) / Throat Fucking / Gagging / Cum Eating / Fingering / Subspace
Word Count - 4.9k
"You're my new pillow."
Eddie chuckled out the last of his smoke, leaning over to his bedside table to stump out your shared blunt. His laugh vibrated straight into your ears as you rested your head on his chest. You had clambered over him, straddling his waist and practically collapsing on top of him as you snuggled up to him in a child's pose.
You and Eddie hadn't been together for very long and the whole relationship thing was new to both of you. Well, it was definitely new to you - you hadn't actually been brave enough to ask Eddie about his experience in all of this. But so far, everything was going swimmingly. The two of you were still very much in the honeymoon phase and anything you did together had your heart pounding with nerves and excitement. You wouldn't be surprised if he could feel your heart pounding in your chest right now because you could certainly hear his. The two of you had cuddled plenty of times, but for some reason, this one felt different. Possibly because you had never cuddled in this position before and, now that you think about it, it was a rather intimate arrangement. The heat of your crotch was directly on top of his and any sudden movement would definitely have them brushing together. 
You would be lying to yourself if you said that you hadn't thought about being ... romantic with Eddie. The thought had crossed your mind numerous times, even at the simplest things he did; when he would stretch and the bottom of his shirt would ride up to expose his happy trail, or when he would place his hand on the back of the passenger seat and look back as he was reversing - it took everything in you not to pounce on him right then and there. It was as if you were a sex fiend. Almost all day, every day you were thinking about him. You'd never known anything like it. You had thought about pleasuring him plenty of times - even dreamt about it. You had dreamt one two many times about him using you how he liked; fucking your throat like a fleshlight, pounding your pussy ridiculously hard, spanking you as he pleased, breeding you. But perhaps that was a bit much for your first time.
You and Eddie hadn't really done anything sexual yet. There was the odd make out session where the two of you go a bit too into it, or when he would trail his hand up your thigh whenever he was sat next to you, but that was about as far as it got. You weren't a prude by any means, but the thought of having sex with someone and letting them see all of you, made you nervous - as it would anyone.  
Perhaps it was from the weed you had smoked together, but you were feeling particularly brave tonight. 
You completely relaxed into him, resting the full weight of your mound on his crotch. Your heart worked double time to catch up with his. Eddie cleared his throat, yet kept his eyes on the movie that was playing on the TV in his room. You could tell he was trying not to give you a reaction. 
But you weren't having any of that. 
You moved against him again, pretending that you were getting yourself in a more comfortable position, and gently rolled your hips over his. Eddie bit his lip to retain his moan but kept his eyes on the screen, looking as though he was staring through it rather than watching it. You rolled your hips again, testing the waters to see if he would stop you.
He didn't.
You continued to grind against him slowly, beginning to feel his boner prod at your clit. You sighed into his chest at the feeling and began to quicken your pace. The two of you were moaning freely now, getting lost in the feeling of each other. Eddie rested his palms on the globes of your naked ass, your shorts haven ridden up to expose your ass cheeks. You moaned again when he gave them a juicy squeeze before using them to guide you back and forth along his stiffness, feeling him become fully hard beneath you. You were completely disconnected from the world around you, focusing on the pleasure you were giving yourself (and Eddie in the process), and you fastened your pace even more to help you reach your climax. But Eddie's climax was quicker approaching than yours and he held your hips to slow you down.
"Sweetheart, you're gonna have to stop before I ruin these pants."
You snap back to reality and stop immediately, lifting your hips with a flushed face. You felt like you had been caught doing something you shouldn't have. Your pussy still throbbed despite suddenly feeling rather shy about the whole thing. Perhaps you weren't as brave as you thought.
"Eddie, I'm so sorry. I don't even know why I started doing that I---"
"Hey, it's okay. Don't worry I enjoyed it too." He laughed.
Your walls fluttered at the sound. Your thighs began aching as you hovered above him and boldly sat back down on top of him as to rest them. He bit his lip in the sexiest way you had ever seen at the feeling. His bulge was still rock hard beneath you. There was no way that was comfortable. 
Your mind began racing. Was it too early in your relationship to take things further? Two months was long enough, right. But now you were thinking that maybe you had waited too long. You'd had friends who had had sex within the first couple weeks, and some even on the first date. Eddie had been an angel letting you wait as long as you'd liked until you were ready. Maybe you weren't ready to go all the way, but it was about time the two of you went a bit further.
"What if I helped you out?"
Eddie blinked in surprise at the suggestion. "What, like jerk me off?"
"Or a blow job if you want." You had spoken before your brain could tell you not to. Perhaps it was your heart speaking its desires. "I mean I've never given a blow job before, but there's a first time for everything, right?"
Eddie perked up a bit. "Only if you're comfortable, Sweetheart. Don't think this is something you have to do,"  he shifted from beneath you, "I can just go to the bathroom and get rid of it myself."
"No!-" You stopped him before he could get up. "I want to."
He paused, his hazy eyes looking deeply into yours. "You're really sure?"
"I am." You spoke confidently. Even if you hadn't been smoking weed that night, you were sure your decision would still have been the same. "I just want to make you feel good."
Eddie beamed at you, relaxing his head back into his pillow and resting his arms behind his head. You almost laughed at how little convincing he needed. You dared to steal a kiss, running your hand up his clothed chest until they reached the soft skin of his cheeks. Eddie kissed back eagerly, almost making it hard for your lips to keep up with how desperately he kissed you. His fingers weaved through your hair to hold you closer, pressing your lips harder into his. He couldn't get enough of you - the softness of your lips, the taste of cherry soda on your tongue. He kissed you like a man starved. You refrained from grinding your hips again, knowing that he was close before. You didn't want this to be over any sooner than it needed to. You pulled away with sore lips , much to Eddie's dismay, and instead latched yourself to his neck like a leech. There was a rumble of a groan when you suckled on the spot just below his ear. His flesh was hot and salty when you soothed your tongue over the fresh bruise. Eddie was far too appetising to be left confided beneath his clothes, and so you made quick work of removing his shirt. You kissed down his body with the same fervour as Eddie had, through the sparse hair on his chest, down his soft tummy, and to his happy trail. You left a litter of hickeys in your wake, taking your time to savour every moan and groan from Eddie's lips. You tongued at the waistband of his sweatpants, eyeing him through your lashes for permission of removal. 
Eddie didn't reply. Instead he lifted his hips and the two of you pulled his sweats and boxers down together before he kicked them off and onto the floor. Your mouth watered at the sight of his cock standing tall and proud. Eddie fisted it out of habit, squeezing his tip to let his pearly arousal leak out. It took everything in you not to just swallow him whole, but you weren't even sure that you could. His cock was thick, and you wondered if you would even be able to fit your lips around it (or your cunt for that matter). You reach out and touched the head of his cock with the delicate tip of your index finger. Eddie hissed at the feeling of your fingers sliding his slick around his shaft. You experimented with a kiss, starting at the base of his shaft and trailing them upwards along the left side of his length. You teased a breath over the tip, but neglected to appease it with your lips, and instead repeated your actions on the right side of his cock. It twitched at your teasing and Eddie's breath hitched in his throat. He was staring at you in anticipation, yearning to feel the warmth of your mouth.
"Didn't take you for such a tease."
You kept your eyes on his as you licked a wet stripe along the underside of his cock, finally reaching his fiery tip to subdue its aching. Eddie's lip caught between his teeth. You did it again, only this time when you reached his tip you softly wrapped your lips around it. You suckled it lightly, rolling the muscle of your tongue along his hot flesh. It was taking everything in Eddie not to buck his hips and force his cock down your throat. Your tongue was swirling around his head, saliva leaking from the suction of you lips and dribbling down his shaft. Eddie groaned at the sight. If there was one thing you knew about Eddie, it was that he liked it messy. You could tell from the way that he kissed you - often with too much tongue and strings of saliva bridging between your lips.
You gently wrapped your hand around his hefty length, collecting the globs of saliva that had escaped your lips, and used it as lubrication to glide it up and down to start jerking him off. The moan he let out went straight to your core and you were eager to hear more. You took him deeper into your mouth, as far as you could go without gagging before pulling back up again. His moan was louder that time and his chest began to heave. You did it once again, going slow as to feel every ridge and vein along your tongue and following your hand up and down to stroke where you couldn't reach. You continued this action, picking up the pace a bit and languidly moving your wrist. His delectable moans and groans reached your ears and scratched at your brain. If ever someone was to find a way to bottle sounds, his moans would most certainly be your favourite memento.
"Watch the teeth, Baby Girl."
"Do that tongue thing again."
"Fuck yeah, just like that."
Once you were finally confident enough that you were doing the right things, you experimented by taking him a little deeper. You went slow again, testing the limits of your gag reflex. You got about 3/4 of the way down before you gagged and immediately removed yourself from him to catch your breath.
"You alright?" He panted. "Take it easy, Baby."
You sniffed and blinked your teary eyes with a nod before going straight back to it. You did it again, stopping just at your reflex so you wouldn't gag and began sweeping your tongue along his shaft, sticking it out so that it just barely touched his balls. Despite his advice, you were definitely not going to take it easy. In fact, it was the last thing you wanted. You bobbed your head, starting with rapid pace. He moaned again, this time he wasn't able to refrain from thrusting his hips and his cock sharply jabbed at the back of your throat. He pulled you off of him when you gagged loudly.
But you'd liked it.
"Shit baby, I'm so sorry I--"
"Do it again." You sniffed your watery eyes away.
Your walls were throbbing at the thought. You had had so many dreams of him using and abusing you. At this moment you wanted nothing more than for those dreams to come true. To please him any way that he wanted. 
He looked at you like you were a mad man. "I don't think-"
"Please." You pouted, slowly starting to guide your hand up and down his cock once more.
Instead of replying, he threaded his hand into your hair and guided your lips back to his cock. You opened them and gladly accepted his length. He started off with slow shallow thrusts, using your hair to guide your head up and down his shaft as he did. He did that for a while before he picked up the pace. You first began hollowing your cheeks to keep him in your mouth, until his cock gradually went deeper and deeper until you were gagging again. Only this time he didn't stop.
"Good fucking girl, taking my cock so well." 
You opened your mouth wider and relaxed your throat to accommodate the rest of his length. Your eyes squeezed shut in concentration, begging yourself to refrain from gagging when he thrusted deep enough to have your nose nuzzled in his bristly pubic hair.  You sputtered and gasped for air every time he his hips drew back. The idea of him using you the way he was had you absolutely soaked. You didn't know that pleasing someone else could make you feel that way.
"Fuck baby, I'm close."
His hips thrusted shallowly again, giving you a chance to catch your breath, and became irregular in his rhythm. He panted and gasped, and his moans became louder and more frequent with every thrust. He soon lost his rhythm completely and resorted to dragging your head up and down on his cock using your hair. 
"Fuck, I'm cumming." He pulled your head off him, to your disappointment.
The first two spurts of cum landed on his stomach, but you couldn't let that delicious cum go to waste. You had been craving the taste of him for so long that you greedily wrapped your lips around the head of his cock, letting the rest of his load shoot down your throat and pool on your tongue. You moaned at the taste - both bitter and sweet. You stayed there until his cock finally stopped twitching and he had finished completely. You swallowed it eagerly, some escaping the corners of your lips as you pulled yourself off his cock. Eddie couldn't believe it as you licked your lips.
"You didn't have to do that you know."
"I know." You gave him a cheeky grin before leaning down to lick the drips of cum that had landed on his stomach, not letting a drop go to waste. "Was I good?"
"Good? Baby, I don't think I've ever cum that hard in my life." Eddie laughed, wiping a dribble of cum from the corner of your mouth that you had missed. "Are you sure that was your first blow job?"
You wrapped your lips around his thumb and licked it clean, nodding your head. You felt his cock twitch beneath you when you swirled your tongue around his digit. 
"Well, you're a natural." He perked himself up. "Let me return the favour."
You froze. Any confidence you had gained from pleasing him had completely left your system at the thought of Eddie possibly seeing you naked. Your insecure little brain didn't know if you were ready for him to see you like that. You removed his thumb from your mouth and stared downwards, shaking your head.
"I don't think I'm ready for that just yet."
His shoulders fell, "I understand." But he paused in thought and his eyes lit up a bright as the lightbulb inside his head. "What if we did some over the clothes stuff"
"Would you let me touch you if I did it over your clothes?"
"Oh, I don't know Eddie."
He pouted, staring at you with those sweet puppy dog eyes of his - your kryptonite. "I just want to make you feel good, Baby."
How could you resist him when he begged at you with those beautiful eyes and played with the ends of your hair, using your own words against you. As insecure as you felt, you knew Eddie wouldn't judge you. Heck, he's probably the least judgemental person you've ever met. Why would the "Town Freak" judge you? He's told you plenty of times how gorgeous you are and how lucky he was to have you. Eddie was your safe space. There was no reason to hide yourself from him. If he could unapologetically be himself, why couldn't you?
You gave one soft nod in agreement, "But how are we--"
He sat up against the headboard eagerly. He seemed to already know how this was going to play out, and you wondered if he had given this some thought before. The idea of him thinking about pleasuring you, the same way you had thought about him, gave you a rush of intrigue and your dripping hole clenched around nothing. He made you rest between his legs with your back to his chest. He wrapped his arms around you and started by pressing soft kisses to your neck. Your head fell to his shoulder at the feeling. With this new display of skin, he began sucking at the junction between your neck and shoulder, causing you to moan aloud. You reached back and tangled your hand in his hair, pulling him closer to you as a sign for him to suck harder. He did so, leaving a trail of purple hickeys as he went. He kept a hand on your hip before trailing the other one up to your breast and squeezing over your t shirt and bra. You sighed in delight. The hand on your hip fiddled with the hem of  your shirt, itching to touch the soft skin beneath. He teased his thumb under it, stroking the soft skin of your stomach. Lost in pleasure, you almost didn't notice this hand easing its way up until it reached the wire of your bra. 
You spoke his name as a warning. 
"What? It's still technically over your clothes." You could feel his smirk against your neck.
You whimpered when he groped your breast, sliding his fingers over your hardened nipple through the thin material of your lace bra. His other hand soon followed, touching your hot skin with desire. It was all too much, yet not enough.
"More." You whispered in his ear.
You felt his softened cock throb against your back. He took his right hand and began trailing it down your stomach until he reached the waistband of your shorts. He paused, and you nodded in consent, expecting his hand to slide over your shorts. But his hands reached in, making sure to stay over your panties and he groaned when he felt how damp they were.
"Sucking me off get you all wet, Sweetheart? You liked it when I used your pretty little throat?" His voice was deep and raspy in your ear as he tickled the tip of his nose up and down the length of your neck to breathe you in.
You moaned a yes when his fingertips found your clit. His touch was light and he was being far too much of a gentleman for your taste. You placed your hand on top of his over your shorts and pushed down on his hand in desperation, making him put more pressure of your clit. You moaned again before guiding his hand to rub tight circles. He was actually perfect. He kept a steady pace and pressure on your clit that had you moaning and sighing his name. He began sucking on your neck again and squeezing your tit with his free hand. The combination of all three had you reaching your climax quicker than you had anticipated. You had never gotten yourself off this quickly before, you didn't think it possible.
"Touch me."
"I am touching you, Baby girl."
"No," You panted, "properly."
Eddie had to stop his eyes from rolling back. He knew exactly what you wanted. He stopped his movements, sliding his palm up your pubic bone until his fingertips brushed the waistband of your panties, torturously snapping them against your hips. He teased his fingertips under there, tickling them along your smooth skin. Your hips thrust upwards in desperation and he finally moved his hand through your soft pubic hair and to your clit. You somehow moaned louder at the rough pads of his fingers. No barriers between you - skin on skin. His fingers slipped through your slick and he continued circling your clit once more. You could've cried, it felt so good. You were panting heavily into his neck, bucking your hips into his palm for more.
"Inside me. Please."
"Yeah? You want to fuck yourself on my fingers?"
You nodded desperately.
His fingers slid downwards to your aching hole and immediately eased two fingers in. You roughly grabbed at his wrist from the unexpectedly quick penetration. You held him inside of you to let your walls accommodate to the stretch his thick fingers gave you. It was no trouble getting them in, seeing as you were practically leaking everywhere, but you weren't expecting to feel so full with just two of his fingers. You couldn't imagine what his cock would feel like. Once you had adjusted, you finally began rolling your hips, feeling his finger slip into you deeper and with ease. You moaned when he curled his fingers inside of you, immediately finding that one spot you had always so desperately tried to reach yourself, but never could.
"Mmm, right there."
"You like my fingers sweetheart?"
"Love them."
His chuckle rumbled against your back. The steady pace of your grinding hips turned sloppy as your high reached nearer. He pushed his fingers deep, allowing the heel of his palm to press against your clit. He moved his hand in time with you, finally thrusting his fingers in and out himself and allowing you grind your clit against his palm. Your head fell back onto his shoulder again, and your nails dug crescent moon into his forearms. Eddie thought he was in heaven - with your head thrown back, eyes squeezed shut and mouth hung open in a silent moan of pleasure - he had never seen you look so beautiful.
When Eddie began quickening his pace you couldn't help but cry out. "Fuck Eddie, your gonna make me cum."
You had stopped thrusting your hips and allowed him to finish you off. His pace remained the same: unrelenting. He worked his wrist to keep his palm rubbing against your clit with every thrust and curl of his lengthy digits. Your walls squeezed them tight.
"That's it, Baby. Be a good girl and cum for me."
His words took you over the edge, and you cried out in pleasure as your orgasm swept over you. His name was released from your lips like a prayer. Eddie could only imagine how you would react if you had cum all over his cock. He practically growled at your moans as you fell apart on his fingers. The way your walls were clenching around them had him growing hard again, imagining how tightly they would squeeze his cock. But you fell back into him in exhaustion, struggling to catch your breath and stop the ringing in your ears. 
A whimper fell from your lips when he removed his fingers, leaving you empty and leaking. Eddie couldn't help himself when he placed a single finger in his mouth, moaning at the sweet taste of your release.
"Wanna taste, Sweetheart?"
He didn't really give you an option when he pressed his middle finger to your lips. You opened them as an automatic response with the absence of all thought. Your tongue licked at his finger as you had his cock moments before, and Eddie groaned at the feeling. He knew you were worn out and tried to stop his cock from growing any harder.
"You taste so good, don't you Baby?"
You moaned around his finger before pulling away with a quiet pop, your eyes blinking slowly. You couldn't tell if it was the weed kicking in, or the amazing orgasm that had made you so drowsy.
"Will you let me taste you for real one day? Let me eat that sweet pussy of yours?"
All inhibitions are controlled by desire.
"Mmmh, you can do it now, if you want." You sighed, euphoric from your latest high.
"Damn Sweetheart, you sure?"
"Please." You languished against his neck, tiredly.
Eddie wasted no time shifting from behind you, gently placing your head on the pillow he had previously been resting on. You snuggled into its warmth as Eddie climbed down your body. He lifted up your shirt, just enough so that it was still covering your tits, and kissed his way down your stomach as you had before. He left you a matching smattering of hickeys for you to wake up to in the morning. He tucked his fingers around the band of both your shorts and panties, looking to you for the heads up before sliding them down your legs. 
You whimpered at his breath on your bare pussy as he spread you folds apart slowly, savouring you entirely. His cock was growing harder by the second just looking at how pretty your pussy was, and he pressed it into the mattress for relief. Your folds glistened in the light of the TV - movie still long forgotten. Slick was still dripping from your hole and he lapped it up before it could drop on the bed sheets. You moaned at the unexpected feeling, raking your hands into his hair to pull him closer for more. He licked another stripe, starting at your hole and ending at your sensitive clit. You shuddered when he wrapped his lips around it and began gently sucking. It was a weird and wonderful sensation of his wet tongue massaging your folds, practically dripping his saliva everywhere. But you loved it just as messy as he did. He moved lower, prodding your entrance with his tongue before finally slipping it in as far as it could go. Your grip tightened on his hair and his nose pushed itself onto your clit. You could've cried when he started fucking you with his tongue, moving his head side to side to stimulate your swollen clit. His hips grinded against the bed in time with his tongue, imagining that they would swap places and he could have you wrapped around his cock. Your juices flooded his mouth when he started moving faster.
Your high was fast approaching thanks to your previous orgasm and Eddie went back to sucking your clit like it produced the elixir of life and he was a dying man. Your nerves were practically screaming and your muscles were tensing so much you thought you were going to cramp. Eddies moans vibrated your poor little clit as his cock slipped and slid over his bed sheets. But even when you began thrashing, Eddie didn't let up until you creamed on his tongue. Any fatigue you had before was long forgotten when you began to buck your hips, grinding yourself against his face until you were seeing stars. Eddie changed the pace of his hips to match yours, forcing himself to catch up with you so you could cum together. With one long moan of his name, you released yourself on his tongue, your entire body shaking and twitching as he continued to lap you up to ride out your high. He moaned into your pussy when he finally spurted ropes of cum onto his sheets.
He caught his breath quicker than you did. "You okay, Sweetheart?"
You lay sweating and breathless, eyes closed and completely absent from reality. Eddie called your name, kissing your cheeks to bring you back to him. You pried your eyes open to see his face in yours.
"You with me?"
"Barely." You joked, closing your eyes again.
"I'll go and get you cleaned up. You want some water?"
"Can you stay with me?" You pulled him back into you before he could climb off the bed, your voice quiet and airy with sleep.
You could feel him chuckle against you, letting him rest his head on your chest as the two of you cuddled. Your body was still tingly and floating, letting Eddie's weight anchor you back down to reality. The warmth of each others skin had you melting into the bed as you both drifted off into a peaceful slumber.
@livsters @sleepy-bunnie @f-me-reid
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chrisstumps05 · 2 days
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chrisstumpgrinding · 6 months
What to expect from Stump Grinding?
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waywardxrhea · 24 days
I wanna hear you - Matt Murdock
pairing: Matt Murdock x fem!reader (no use of y/n)
Matt was always a giver, especially in the bedroom, but tonight you wanted him to let go and enjoy the pleasure you could give him.
word count: 2.6k
content: fluff; smut with plot (18+, MINORS DNI!) - kissing, mutual stripping, grinding, unprotected piv (birth control not mentioned but i'm telling you here she's on it lmao), soft!dom!reader; established relationship; matthew needs to learn to receive!
a/n: this idea just kinda hit me in the outbreak of the fandom all going feral over the 0.2 second shower scene in the Born Again trailer. not shower smut i know but that scene had us all feeling things!
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Matt was always a giver. He gave away his time and skills as a lawyer doing pro-bono work for underprivileged citizens, he gave away his own safety and health nearly every night as Daredevil to keep the streets of Hell’s Kitchen safe, and he gave you all the love he could in your now years long relationship. You were always delighted to come home from a late-running shift at work to your favorite meal, to flowers as an apology after a missed date when something big was going down that Daredevil needed to deal with, and especially the tender yet passionate love-making Matt gave you every chance he could. 
You would be forever grateful to Matt and everything he’s given to you, but tonight you wanted to give to him for a change. Expressing your feelings out loud had never been your strong suit, so you decided that you would just have to show Matt how thankful you were for him. Because of this, you spent the better portion of your day at work distracted while you formulated a plan on how to do just that. 
With those heightened senses of his it would be hard to surprise him, so you were stumped for a little while on how you could manage it when it hit you. Rather than trying to hide what you were doing, you would use his senses to your advantage in your plan! So with that idea in mind, you pivoted and began creating a night you hoped Matt would love when he got home after the conclusion of the case he had been dealing with for weeks on end now. 
Thankfully you got out of work on time today, so you texted Matt to see how long it would take him before he got home that night. A few minutes into your grocery run, he replied that he was working on paperwork to finalize everything from the case, but that he would be going to Josie’s after with Foggy and Karen to celebrate. You politely declined his invitation to go out with them and mentally cheered, knowing that it would give you more time to make things just that much more special for him when he arrived back at your shared apartment that night. So with a full bag of groceries, you made your way home through the cold and crowded New York streets and began making the meal you planned to kick off the night of taking care of Matt. 
While the food began cooking in the pressure cooker, you made your way to the bathroom and washed away the stress of the day along with any hints of strong perfume and lotion you had put on when you got to your building that morning and refreshed throughout the day. In their wake, after shaving you dried off and put on a lightly scented vanilla moisturizer, one you knew Matt loved and always told you wasn’t too overpowering for his senses. That combined with your lavender scented shampoo and conditioner was a winning combination for Matt and you intended on satisfying him in every way possible that evening. 
You shook your head and quickly shut down your impure thoughts of what you planned on doing with him after dinner because the only scent you wanted Matt focused on when he first got home was the meal cooking, not your arousal. Still, you were nervous about the idea you had in mind and were afraid that you would mess it up or it would be too much for him… There was only so much advice you could get from your best friend in the realm of sex, especially sex with Matt, but you hoped that the pep talk she gave you over text that afternoon would boost your confidence enough to pull it off. 
Right as you were releasing the pressure on the pressure cooker, you heard the door down the entry hall opening and Matt calling out his greeting to you as he entered. “Welcome home, love!” you told him fondly after you put down the lid and began making your way over to greet him with a kiss and a hug. You felt Matt’s muscles relax while you embraced him and he softly inhaled the heavenly combination of your shampoo and moisturizer. “How was Josie’s?” you asked, your voice slightly muffled into the fabric of his dress shirt. 
“It was good. Nice to celebrate all the hard work we put into that ca-” Matt started to say, but stopped before he could finish the sentence. 
You couldn’t help your heart dropping the slightest bit when this happened because it usually meant he heard something going on in the city that he needed to handle as Daredevil. Rather than waiting for an answer by means of him running off and suiting up, you tentatively asked, “Is everything okay? Do you need to go?”
“Go? What? No, I just…” he said, loosening his hold on you before taking off his glasses and placing them in their place by the door alongside his white cane. “That smell…what did you make for dinner?”
A light blush creeped up onto your cheeks in response to the question and you began to regret your choice of meal as you replied, “Irish stew. I got the recipe from a friend at work who lived there growing up. Said it’s really good for warming up on a cold night and that it-”
“It reminds me of Dad,” Matt said, interrupting your rambling statement, much to your relief because you felt like you were digging a hole that you didn’t know how to get out of. 
“In a good way I hope. At least…that was the intention,” you said quietly, eyes darting down to the ground as your confidence in the plan began to falter. 
“In the best way,” Matt told you, gently tilting your chin up and kissing you tenderly. When he pulled away, there was a fond smile on his lips as he told you, “When I was growing up Dad didn’t make much, but he always made sure I had food to eat. Irish stew was something he would make a lot because it was easy enough to get the ingredients for cheap and we would have meals for a week sometimes. I haven’t had it since he died, I…” He let out a breath before telling you, “Thank you, sweetheart. This means the world.”
“Yay!” you cheered quietly, a giddy laugh leaving your lips as excitement bubbled up in your chest once again. “I hope it’s a good celebratory meal after that case. You worked so hard on it, I just wanted to give you something to come home to relax with.” 
“It’s perfect, just like you,” he replied, leaning down to kiss you again. When the kiss ended, you ushered Matt over to the small dining table and made him a bowl of stew before making your own and settling into your usual small talk about your days and about what he’s been doing out as Daredevil. 
Upon the conclusion of the meal, you brought Matt over to the leather couch and felt your heart rate and anxiety begin to increase at the thought of what you were about to do with Matt because it was so out of your wheelhouse of what sex with you and Matt was always like. Your most intimate moments usually involved you being a pillow princess while Matt practically worshiped your body and reveled in the sounds you made, but tonight was going to be different. Tonight you planned on taking charge and dragging out every little noise Matt was willing to give you. That was the problem though. Matt was rarely vocal in the bedroom, too consumed with wanting to listen to you that he never really expressed his pleasure out loud. To counter that, you had come up with a reward system that you hoped he would catch on to and finally let loose every little noise and realize how turned on it got you. 
You were torn away from your thoughts when you felt Matt’s arm snake around you and pull you onto his lap so you were straddling him. “What’s on your mind?” he asked as he massaged your hips. 
“You,” you replied honestly. 
Matt let out a quiet chuckle before he squeezed your hips and said, “I think I can guess in what way.”
Remembering the advice your friend gave you earlier, you felt a wave of confidence wash over you, so you kissed Matt deeply for a mere moment and pulled away which had him chasing your lips as you said, “You’d be right.” You brought your lips close to the shell of his ear and placed a father-light kiss there before telling him softly, “But tonight we’re going at my pace. I want to make you feel good.”
“Fuck…” Matt whispered, his eyes fluttering closed as you felt his cock twitch to life underneath you. 
“Eventually,” you promised with a small smirk on your lips as you lifted your top up and over your head before kissing him again. 
The heated make out session only further intensified when you began grinding your hips down onto Matt’s now prominent bulge straining against his slacks. You could tell you were making Matt feel good by the way he was squeezing your hips but he still seemed to be focused on making you feel good as he bucked up to meet you halfway. The pleasure was beginning to mount as he rubbed against your now throbbing clit and you almost lost your resolve until something that sounded somewhat like music hit your ears. When you pulled away to rest your forehead against Matt’s for a moment, a pleasure-filled sigh left his lips as he rutted up into your hips one more time. You gave him a quick and fleeting kiss before your hands reached down and began deftly unbuttoning his dress shirt and running over his abdominal muscles and the scars you always found to be so attractive because they represented his bravery. 
Your bra came off fairly quickly when after you began kissing on Matt’s neck, he let out a soft and unintentional, “Oh…” You knew the pulse point was very sensitive for him and after leaving the beginnings of a love-bite there, you granted him access to one of his favorite parts of you. Matt’s hands were on your breasts in an instant, massaging them and tweaking your now stiff nipples and making you let out sinful little whimpers of pleasure only he could draw out of you. 
When Matt's assault on your breasts stopped for a moment, his hands began exploring your body, tracing patterns that only made sense to him. As his rough and scarred hands slipped past the waistband of your sweatpants and wandered around the sides of your thighs before settling on the curve of your ass, he leaned his head back onto the couch and sounded drunk with pleasure as he mumbled, "Your skin's so soft, angel. Feels so good."
"All for you, love," you told him, leaning back in for a heated kiss as you shifted and allowed Matt to help you out of the pants.
With less of a barrier between your aching center and Matt's stiff member, you began moving your hips against his with fervor, chasing not only Matt's pleasure but your own as you continued lapping into his desperate mouth. A slight bit of shame flitted across your mind because you were sure that you were ruining the slacks, but it left quickly as the pleasure began building into a tight coil in your lower abdomen. Getting lost in the pleasure you were giving each other, you barely noticed when he whispered between panting breaths, “I need you, sweet girl. Please.” 
The vocalization of his wants shocked you, and you felt your cunt clench around nothing as pleasure flooded southward, causing you to let out a quiet moan of your own before untangling yourself from Matt and standing up on unsteady legs. When Matt stood, you kissed him again as you reached down and unbuttoned and unzipped his slacks, helping him out of them before he was pulling you into his arms and toward the bedroom. 
You were further shocked when, as you crossed the threshold of the bedroom, Matt grunted out in broken sentences, “You drive me crazy. Smell so good. I need to-” 
He couldn’t even finish his sentence as you captured his lips in a desperate kiss and turned him around to where his knees hit the side of the bed, causing him to fall backward with you on top of him. You continued to kiss each other passionately, pure need guiding the two of you to the top of the bed before you slid your soaked underwear down your thighs. You pulled away from his mouth for a moment to rid yourself of the fabric and this simple action triggered the most beautiful sound you had ever heard to escape from Matt’s mouth. This was because as the fan you had aptly turned on low before Matt got home blew gently against your back, the scent and taste of your arousal landed on Matt's lips. When he tasted your essence on his lips, in his overstimulated state he couldn't help the guttural moan that left his lips as he rutted his hips up to meet yours again.
With that final sound echoing through your head, you couldn’t hold back anymore. So you quickly rid Matt of his underwear before positioning yourself over him and sinking down impossibly deep, which only earned another beautiful moan from his pretty lips as he clutched the silk sheets in his fists. “That’s it, I wanna hear you, Matty,” you whispered, letting out your own groan of ecstasy as you began bouncing up and down at a steady pace, feeling like you were being split in half in the best possible way. 
“Fuck sweetheart, I-” Matt started to say, but faltered as another string of curses fell from his mouth. You knew ahead of time that he was going to be overly sensitive from all of the teasing you had to do in order for him to finally let go, so you weren’t surprised when he gripped your hips tight and whispered, “I’m close… Oh fuck I’m close!”
The clipped and almost whimpered sentences brought you that much closer to your release, and you unexpectedly felt that coil within your lower abdomen snap when Matt came inside of you, a slurry of groans and curse words and something that sounded like your name flying out of his mouth like a prayer. Your vision whited out for a moment as the most pleasurable orgasm you had ever experienced washed over you as Matt continued to rut up into you to drag out the pleasure as long as possible. His practiced fingers easily found your clit and began rubbing gentle circles on it to pull out some more moans from your lips before you collapsed onto his chest, breathing hard as you recovered from the stimulation. 
With your body naturally gravitating toward its usual place to cuddle Matt in your post-sex bliss, your breathing started to become less ragged as he ran a hand up and down your bare skin in soothing patterns. You felt a chuckle rumble through his chest which prompted you to look up at him in question of what was so funny. “The neighbors are wanting to file a noise complaint,” Matt told you as a wide and boy-ish looking grin broke out onto his lips. 
“Let them,” you told him before leaning in for another kiss. 
As you relaxed into Matt’s embrace once more, he admitted, “I didn’t realize how turned on you would get just from my voice…”
“Matt, you have one of the most beautiful voices I have ever heard, and when-” you couldn’t even finish your sentence as a sigh left your mouth and you felt yourself getting turned on again at the mere memory of the sinful sounds he had made. 
“I think we’re going to get a few noise complaints tonight,” Matt told you. A cocky smirk made its way onto his lips as he pinned you to the mattress and began rubbing your sensitive clit again, a deep moan leaving his throat when he felt his release mixing with your arousal which only turned you on further as you mentally prepared for the onslaught of pleasure you were going to both give and receive the rest of the night. 
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divider by @firefly-graphics
likes and comments are always appreciated!
a/n: this was my first time writing smut for Matt so it may not be the best, but i will get better in time as i write him more!
xo, brooke <3
general taglist: @reidmarieprentiss
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fairlyang · 2 months
Picture Perfect 🏹
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w/c: 1.7K
pairing: kate bishop x plus!sizefem!reader
tags: 18+ smut. teasing kate, pervy kate, she has a strap prepared, referring to said strap as her cock, exhibitionism, photo booth, groping, teasing back, grinding, reverse cowgirl, holding you upright while she fucks you
a/n: this was a wip/idea from May…. Also I am working on a recent Kate request and did write for that one but then remembered I had this beauty….
You laughed as Kate dragged you around the mall after all the teasing you had done to her. Trying on tight tops and showing her how they looked while she had to force herself to not charge into the little changing room and bend you over right then and there.
The final straw was you trying on bras at Victoria’s Secret that just had your tits sitting so perfectly she was genuinely drooling. She only groped them a little bit but how could she be blamed with your tits nearly falling out of it?
Along with that cute little purple skirt that hugged your curves and tummy just right, just how she liked it, she really couldn’t be blamed for groping you as if no one was around.
Only barely having you against the wall with your skirt up to show pretty black panties as she fought the urge to give your round ass some hard smacks and take her cock out.
But a risqué idea came to her mind and it’d also serve as a memory to not fuck with her in public like that again. So her first thought was why not stop by the ole reliable photo booth that was at an empty corner of the mall?
So you were a giggling mess as she held your hand and led you to god knows where because she was dead silent and on a mission. It was growing silent as you got to the empty spot of the mall and you were just curious on what she had in mind.
Because she might be a little exhibitionist but she wouldn’t want to get caught for public indecency, would she?
Your question would soon be answered when you saw the little photo booth and she walked straight to it. “Kate what are you-“
She opened the curtain and went in first then pulled you in before making you sit on her lap. You quickly closed the curtain then gasped when you felt one of her hands go down your thigh. “You think you’re so funny dont you baby?” She whispers in your ear while bringing her other hand to squeezed your left breast.
“Such a fucking tease.” She murmurs and brings her right hand closer to your already soaking pussy.
Your breathing became more rapid and you didn’t even know how to respond because you just love playing games. But this is the first time you get a consequence out of it and you were stumped on what smart words could help.
She started to lift her hips up against you, purposely grinding just so you can feel her strap. Taunting you. Teasing you.
Her left hand went under your shirt and groped your breast while her right drew circles on your thigh. Your poor thighs were shaking and she hasn’t even done anything yet.
She lifted herself up a bit just so she can take her wallet out and handing you her card, “we might as well take some memorable pictures.”
You swipe her card, give it back to her and the old scratched up screen asked how many strips you want then to choose the frame. As you were pushing the button to see all the options, Kate moved her hands to your hips to help you grind against her because she wanted you to be nice and wet for her.
Your eyes fluttered and you tried your best just to focus on choosing a cute frame but grinding right on her strap just felt so good.
“Choose a pretty one baby, with a black and white filter.” She murmurs and you nod.
You got to one that had a bunch of red and pink hearts on them with a black background so you selected it. The next step was the filter so you scrolled until you got to the black and white one when Kate lifted your top over your tits.
You shivered a little but then she started to squeeze them both. You let out a small moan and she squeezed them harder. “Fuck-“
“So fucking perfect.” She whispers and it sent a shiver down your entire body.
“Stand up for a second baby.” She says and you quickly do it.
She unzips her pants and takes her cock out before spitting on it then stroking it. You watched her in awe, eyes filled with desire as you squeezed your thighs together in anticipation. “C’mere baby, take your seat.” She motions for you and you were about to sit on her lap but she clicks her tongue and shakes her head.
“You’re gonna face the camera pretty girl.” She whispers and your eyes widened.
“I want a picture of my pretty girlfriend to keep in my wallet.” She murmurs and turns you around then grabs your hips.
You move your panties to the side then position yourself above her cock then grab it, lining it up to your entrance but swirling it in your wetness first. You bring it back to your entrance and you slowly begin to sit on it, just so you can feel every inch before Kate brings you down all the way.
You whimper and clench against it as she wraps her arms around your waist and kissing your shoulder. “Maybe we can get a couple of these for good measure.” She whispers and sends yet another shiver down your spine.
“Press start my love.” She says and you nod, pressing the bottom and a five second countdown starts.
Without being told you brought your ass up then bounced back down on her. You moaned and did hard thrusts just so you can feel her going deep inside you. Then the first click is heard and the next countdown begins.
“Just keep riding my cock baby.” She moans and you nod.
You bounced up and down on her cock like your life depended on it and you weren’t so surprised you were soaked, that’s usually how Kate had you. You straightened up up and lifted your shirt up, squeezing your tits with your arms right when the second click went off.
“Fucking shit baby.” She groans and grabs you, quickly standing up before having you on your knees on the little bench.
She didn’t waste any time to just mercilessly pound into you with no care in the world of getting caught. She knew you’d be fine.
“You just love being a little horny tease for me don’t you baby?” She murmurs and you nod, holding onto the wall while she grips onto your hips.
“Fuck Katie- please don’t stop!” You cry out and feel your eyes getting glossy.
Her eyes rolled to the back of her head and she continued her pace. At that point your first set of pictures were done and she meant it when she said she wanted multiple.
So she took her card out from her front pocket and swiped it again, choosing the first frame and filter then pressing the start button. She looked down at you, looking so fucking perfect. The way your ass bounced against her made her believe this was heaven on earth.
She groaned and started going harder, then bringing her hands to your shoulders to bring your body up. You straightened up and she wrapped one arm around your stomach and the other gently around your neck. You leaned back into her and she went in to leave sloppy kisses on your neck.
You cried out as she sucked on your skin and her pace became more desperate. You brought a hand down to your clit and start rubbing it, now clenching against her cock. You were already feeling so close and you didn’t think Kate would dent your orgasm from you.
Let alone toy with you.
“Do you think you d-deserve to cum? After h-how you played games with me? Hm do you deserve it baby girl?” She groaned earning herself the sweetest whimpers from you.
“Katie please.” You cried and she chuckles.
“That’s not a response my love.” She murmurs making you whimper.
“I-I- fuck- I promise I w-won’t do it again.” You pleaded and you could just tell she had a nasty smirk on her face.
“Good girl. Always such a good girl for me.” She moaned and started fucking into you deeper.
She somehow was always able to get an orgasm when fucking you and this wasn’t even a double ended dildo. She was always turned on by hearing your moans, seeing how good you took her, and the mess you’d make just for her.
So it was to no surprise when she was getting slower and sloppier, she was right on the edge like you. “You always fuck me so good baby.” You whimper and that was enough for both of you.
She groaned and went as deeply as she could while you both came hard for one another. Your body was shaking and she didn’t let you go, the hand on your neck went to your stomach as she held you gently. She kissed your shoulder and tried to control her breathing because that was such a good orgasm.
“Don’t stop your teasing.” She murmured into your ear making you giggle.
“Thought you didn’t like it?” You teased and she scoffed.
“I don’t…” she lied then continued, “but maybe I’ll just have to carry my strap everywhere.”
You laughed then shook your head in disbelief as Kate smiled. She carefully and slowly slipped out of you and it was times like these she was grateful she doesn’t choose her ejaculating dildos to wear when you’re out and about.
You fix your panties and she fixes your skirt for you. She then helps you off the little bench and fixes your top as well. She opens the curtain and grabs your hand as you excitedly grab your pictures.
The first set were all different, all four pictures of you in a different position which was funny because she really did move you in a desperate attempt to have different positions.
The second set was just hot. The first two pictures were you in doggy and the last two were her holding you up. One with her cock being out of you and the last with it deep inside you.
Picture perfect.
You gave her one of each and she quickly stuffed them into her pocket while you admired how cute they look while the actual pictures were so dirty. “And no one’s around so we gotta do it again.” Kate says and you look at her with a wide grin.
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neonovember · 6 months
Do you have a request WIP we can take a peek at?🫣🤭
oh you know i do
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You aren't jealous.
You have never experienced the slimy green devil in any of your past relationships, so you shouldn't feel it now.
Your mind isn't fond of what it should feel however, and instead, you feel a burning ache begin to burst through your chest as you watch Carmen nod excitedly at Claire in the Beef’s front dining space. It disgusts you, how this feeling wraps around your heart like sludge. You've been trying to focus on prepping for the new menu, gathering different ensembles of compotes and sauces, but your eyes always finds it’s way back to them.
And her.
Claire had burst into Carmen’s life seemingly out of nowhere, and it took one exchange between you both to know it was different. Claire had something you didn't with Carmen, a past, and the discomforting feeling of being on the outside looking in was all that blared in your mind the past few weeks since her appearance.
It wasn’t like Claire was rude, no that would have made this feeling easier to bear. She was nice, for god sake. The only person in Chicago who it seemed had not yet gotten all their goodness sucked out, and she had to have been Carmen's old friend. And a friend was all she was, so why did you- why are you jealous?
She knows him better than you do.
You shake the thought out of your mind so furiously the container in your hand spills onto the cutting board. You weren't going to go there, not when Carmen hadn't done anything wrong. You wanted him to have friends, to broaden his circle from beyond just the Beef and Sugar, who you made sure to point out didn't exactly count. So you should be happy, ecstatic even, that he was able to reconnect with someone that had known him for so long.
But she had known him for so long. 
And you know you're being irrational and hypocritical and you know you can’t own someone else, but maybe there was a part of you that liked that you had him all to yourself.
Carmen was different. To your other relationships, your other friendships, everything. You and Carmen danced around your feelings for so long that when it exploded into heated kisses and confessions of love one night after a dazzling dinner service, it had already felt like you had been with him for years.
And Carmen was devoted to you, he sang it into your skin every chance he got. It was just that those chances had begun to dwindle day after day the more Claire came around, until you had begun to detest the sound of her name leaving his mouth.
The squealed sound of Claire rips you from your reverie, and your eyes shoot up to catch her grip Carmen's shoulder, her head tilted back and eyes squirmed shut in laughter. The ripple of jealous rage that bursts through every limb in your body causes you to drop the knife in your hand and rush through the inquisitive shouts of Richie and Syd, until you hear the slam of the backdoor behind you.
Your leg jitters as you walk around in circles, grinding your jaw as visions of Claire and Carmen flash in your mind. Fisting the washcloth in your hand till your knuckles turn white, you stuff your face into it, masking the scream of festered anger that rips from your throat. 
You’re pathetic, you don't get to feel jealous. Carmen would never even think of it, of betraying you, and yet angry tears gather at your waterline despite. Your heart feels as if it's going to shatter and take you tumbling down with it, when have you ever felt this way?
You hate it, you seethe as you're forced to sit in it and make room for it in your mind. It takes over, overcrowding your mind till you can't hear anything else, where even the buzzing of your phone is unregistered till your thigh begins to itch.
Wiping a hand across your face, you reach down to grasp the metallic slick edges. And the image of Luca flashing across the screen stumps you frozen till it rings out. You hadn't seen him since Denmark, in fact it had been years.
The ping of a text shakes you from the memories of spending months on boats and pastry kitchens in Copenhagen, the gray bubbles appearing on your screen.
“Gonna be in Chicago for a bit, wanna test out if your Mille-Feuille is still up to standard?”
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on-the-clear-blue · 28 days
Batfam playing dnd cus why not
Tim, the dm because fuck Bruce being it: I swear to God Damian, for the fifth time, no you can not be a half Demon half Angle assassin that is 20th level, we are starting at level two and just pick from the common races!
Damian, crossing his arms: than I shall play a 'teefling' and I demand to the Rouge, Drake.
Tim: Well tough shit brat, Steph already chose that, be a paladin so Bruce can't take it.
Damian: Tt I shall kill brown and take my rightful class...but for now I shall play a paladin.
Tim: Cass, honey, darling. Sweet summer child...what?
Cass, grinning ear to ear :roll to seduce dragon?
Cass, playing a bard: ;3
Dick: okay so I hope up on the table, over this guy and then try and hit the big bandit dude?
Tim, questioning God as why he was born: Dick. Your playing a Barbarian. You have a dex bonus of 2.
Jason: Alphandrill the wise will draw her oaken wand, it was taken from the same tree her grand father planted many centuries ago that was stuck by lighting, wielding it with determination, she points it at the bandit leader and shoots out a blast of molten flames! They glimmer with a sparkle of electricity as it strikes out against him!
Jason: does a 12 hit?
Tim, so done with this: no
Bruce: okay so I just roll right? With the...short sword?
Tim: ur actually Batman how is dnd stumping you.
Bruce: I played second edition growing up with Harvey and Ollie, I hardly ever got past the first fight
(Que Bruce having Vietnam flashbacks to his carefully crafted characters dying in the grind stone that was Dnd 2e)
Tim: Thanks for joining Alfred, I know that you probably don't even know how to play but it's making Bruce really happy to have everyone together
Alfred, who was an actor for so many years: worry not master Tim, I think this old dog can show you pups a few tricks~
(Alfred pulls out a pre-made mini, it's made out of bat grade materials, he knows the rules front to back)
Duke: this...is a lot? Tim I have Dm'ed a bit if you want me to...why are you looking at me like that.
Tim, frothing at the mouth: you...you wanna take over? Does this mean...I can play?
Duke, seriously reconditioning becoming apart of the wanye family: y-yes?
Forever Dm Tim: sweet baby Batman your going to get fucked Duke, but thank you so much for this...
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