#trent monroe mentioned
honey-mother-monroe · 9 months
Hows River and.. whatever the other kids name is?
River is perfect, as always.
Jordan is currently on my shit list, he asked a few too many questions and now Gerald is asking questions.
Trent and Seaton continue to torment little River, but that’s why they’re not my favorites.
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raspberrysmoon · 4 months
is linda in ictd? if yes can i ask abt her 🥹 sorry im. Insane abt her teehee
ehehehe hi zazz hell yes she is. i am so sorry in advance. spoiler alert she dies. im sorry
lindas a... popular face, in hatchetfield. if you don't know linda, you know of linda. and if you dont know of linda, you're lying. she's one of the loudest voices beside solomon lauter, and often argues against him to force the towns views in favor of her.
shes queer. ofc she is. the barnroe fic i wrote for you? canon to ictd. her and gerald have been happily married for.. 15 years, give or take a few, and for 7 of those they've been with gary and becky respectively. as far as they care, all four boys are gerald and garys kids. they dont give a shit who's really related to which kid.
steph's the one to kill her. she doesnt mean to, actually, she doesn't even mean to run into linda that day at all. but she does, and she kills and eats linda in broad daylight, and its the worst thing to happen to the little family the eight of them had built up until now.
post death, linda doesnt do much. i'm sure she'll meet max and ruth and richie, and she might get a moment to speak through a prophet, but otherwise she. shes dead.
gerald, however, has a rough ass time. he takes two full months of grief leave, and ends up having to completely quit working after another month. depression hits him like a fucking train. becky and gary move in and step up to help with the boys, but it only does so much.
to talk about the boys would be a post of its own, so maybe later for them.
linda's a level four pre death. shes off the chart post death, as shes. dead. she's inhuman, but left mainly untouched. she's one of wigglys favorites.
she'll get something else eventually. i want her to have some sort of relationship to solomon, and i want her to grieve for eliza tessburger and grow close with brooke in the process, but im not sure how yet lol
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Loved Sweetly: Chapter 1
inspired by
Summary: The Trent Sweetly fic I said I was going to write!
“This isn’t over,” Zoey comments as her eyes track the young blond teen in the audience making his way out of the theater. “We just need some leverage.”
Sam stares at Zoey as she instructs him on what to do next. He slides his aviators back on before giving her a quick kiss. “Got it, Z.”
Slipping out the stage door, he makes his way out of the theater in the shadows of the walkway closest to the wall. Once he makes it into the lobby, he makes a beeline for the men’s restroom. Taking a deep breath, he steps inside.
Trent Monroe dries his hands with paper towels, barely glancing up when someone else enters. Out of the corner of his eye, he notices the figure doesn’t head to one of the stalls. Crumpling up the used paper towels in his hands, he finally faces the man. “What, did you forget where your dick is?” he asks in a mocking tone.
That gets a surprised laugh out of Sam. “You got moxie, kid, I’ll admit.” In a couple steps, he’s in front of Trent. “But you’re like, what, twelve? Thirteen? What are you doing using language like that?” He grabs him by the arm. “I think that deserves a timeout in the cruiser.”
“Cruis-” Trent’s eyes widen as the realization hits. Tears immediately fill his eyes as Sam guides him out of the bathroom. “No! I can’t get in trouble again! Dad said he’d send me to military school-”
“Kid, relax,” Sam says as he pulls off his aviators with his free hand. “You’re not in trouble.”
That makes Trent calm down enough to get out  the door of the theater without raising any alarms. “...then what are you gonna do to me?” he asks curiously as a few stray tears leak out of his blue eyes.
Sam waits to answer until they’re in the cruiser, Trent safely contained in the back. “I mean, I guess technically this is a kidnapping,” he admits as he texts Zoey that he has the kid. “Using your livelihood to make your mom drop out of the pageant.
“It’s not going to work,” Trent tells him with a scoff. He averts his eyes, staring at the illuminated façade of the Starlight Theater through the heavily tinted window. “Mrs. Monroe doesn’t care about me.”
“Hey, don’t say- wait, why did you call her ‘Mrs. Monroe?’”
Trent looks at Sam,  his face completely serious. “She told me I wasn’t her son anymore cause I wouldn’t stick a fork into the outlet.”
Before Sam can even begin to process that information, he gets a text from Zoey. “Uh, hey kid, what’s your name?”
“Nice to meet you, Trent, I’m Sam.” He sends the name to Zoey. Several moments later, his stomach turns in disgust as he reads the response: She said we can keep him. Use him to draw out his brothers. We’ll find her weakness
After a moment of deliberation, Sam turns off his phone. “I don’t know about you, but I’m tired of this pageant nonsense.”
“Mrs. Monroe told you she doesn’t care, didn’t she?” Trent guesses.
Sam doesn’t answer that. Instead, he responds with his own question. “Wanna go to McDonald’s?”
Trent perks up slightly at the mention. “...can I get a Big Mac?”
“Kid, you can get whatever the hell you want.” Sam climbs out the cruiser to let Trent out of the back. “C’mon, sit up front.”
A small, hesitant grin starts to form on Trent’s face as he clambers into the passenger seat. Once Sam is back in the driver’s spot, he eagerly asks, “Can we put on the siren?”
Sam grins. “Hell yeah! It’ll get us there faster.” As he fastens his seatbelt, he says, “Buckle up, kiddo.” As soon as Trent straps himself in, Sam tears out of the parking lot.
By the time they make it back, it seems that the pageant has concluded. Sam and Trent both climb out of the cruiser, both eating Oreo McFlurries. “Guess we should find your parents,” Sam muses, already looking around.
Frowning around his spoon, Trent glances up at Sam. “Can’t I stay with you?”
That makes Sam’s heart hurt. Before he can try to formulate a response, Zoey storms up to him.
“What the hell, Sam?!” she rasps. Her eyes seem to almost glow in her fury. “Why is your phone off?! Why didn’t you do what I said?! I lost, Sam! How the hell am I supposed to trend now?!”
“You could still play Minecraft in a bikini,” he suggests again.
With something akin to a shriek, she knocks the McFlurry cup out of his hand. Ice cream paints the blacktop of the parking lot. “We’re over, you fucking Hatchet Trash loser!” She screams best she can before stomping away.
“...I’m sorry,” Trent mumbles after Zoey’s a good distance away.
Sam takes a deep breath, glad he’s wearing his aviators. “It’s fine,” he says dismissively, trying his hardest to sound unaffected. “It’s not your fault. Doesn’t matter anyway- I have a wife.”
Opening his mouth to make a comment, Trent pauses. He seems to think better of it and takes a bite of ice cream instead. He looks around with a small frown. “I don’t see my dad’s car.”
“Guess I’m taking you home then. Your home,” Sam quickly corrects when he sees the excited look on Trent’s face. “You know your address?”
Less than ten minutes later, Sam and Trent are standing at the front door of the Monroe house. A couple seconds after Sam rings the doorbell, Gerald answers. “Hello, officer,” he greets cordially before he notices Trent with him. “Oh, there you are.”
“He’s not in any trouble, Dr. Monroe,” Sam assures him, “He just wandered away from the pageant and by the time I found him, you had left.”
“Well that’s good that you found him. Doubt he would have been able to find his way home on his own,” Gerald chuckles, “And he definitely wouldn’t have made it on the streets, even for a night.”
Trent seems to shrink, curling in on himself slightly. He glances up at Sam before pushing past Gerald to run inside.
“Did you happen to see my wife or Roman Murray when you went back to the theater, Sam?” Gerald asks, seemingly unaffected by his eldest son’s behavior. “I know Roman said there was an after party to celebrate the Honey Queen, but he was very cagey about details.”
Sam’s hands clenched into fists for just a moment. “Can’t say I did, Gerald. You all have a good night.” He turns and walks back to the cruiser. He sits in the driver’s seat for a long moment before finally backing out of the drive and heading home himself.
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awigglycultist · 3 years
Okay I might as well post this bc I know I ain't gonna write this as a fic anytime soon cause I'm lazy but anyway I've been thinking about a Hatchetfield swap au. More below cut
Here's whose swapped with who, if there's an arrow in between them (ex: A - B) then those characters both swapped with each other. If there's an equal sign between them (ex: A = B) then the person on the left is becoming/taking the role of the person on the right (ie A = B means A takes the role of B, but B does not also take the role of A) hopefully that makes sense.
*note. I'll mention on several of them that they're aged up or down, but that doesn't necessarily mean that characters that I didn't mention an age change on don't change ages, it's just I forgot to mention it on them or it isn't a huge difference/doesn't really change anything, just assume age changed if it makes more sense
Paul - Emma
Bill - Tom
Alice - Tim (Alice is not aged down & Tim is aged up)
Sylvia - Becky 
Jane - Bill's Ex Wife (Except Jane doesn't cheat on Tom they just fall out of love and get divorced)
Linda = Ted
Gerald = Jenny
River = Peter (River is older in this, but still doesn't get with anyone)
Trent = Max
Jordan = Kyle
Seaton = Jason
(River and the other Monroe boys are still siblings, Monroe boys are all only a year apart from each other in age, at the time of npmd Trent is a senior & 18, Seaton a junior & 17, Jordan a sophomore & 16, River a Freshman & 15)
PJ = Richie
Reese = Ruth
Bob Metzger = Charlotte
Louie Metzger = Sam
(sorta, ofc Bob & Louie aren't in a relationship, that'd be fucking werid, Louie's just in the HFPD & infects Bob, their situation turns into a "my sons never talk to me :(" thing)
Carl & Lars = other HFPD cops
Roman = Hidgens
Trevor (Jon's theatre kid in the bbq monologues bit) = Deb (but also is still there and is himself in NPMD also Tim & him aren't dating, just best friends)
Ted = Lex (aged down to be late 20s in 2018-2020)
Peter = Hannah (aged down to be the 15 in 2020)
Jenny = Ethan (also same age as Ted)
Sofia - Steph (but, as said before, Sofia & River don't get together)
Grace - Daniel
Holloway = MacNamara
MacNamara = Duke
Duke = Wilbur
Wilbur = Holloway
Howie - Xander Lee
Colonel Schaffer - Bob Morris
PEIP Nurse - Secretary of State
Charles = Wallace McNeil (Secretary of Defense)
Wallace McNeil = Joey's PEIP Agent
Detective Shapiro = Freddie Biggs
Freddie Biggs = Dective Malone
Dective Malone = Doug
Doug = Officer Bailey
Officer Bailey = Dective Shapiro
Paul23 - Emdriod
Mr Davidson - Nora
Harmony Jones - Obnoxious Teen
Gary Goldstein - Lucy Stockworth
Barry Swift - Jonathan Brisby
Brooke - Hatchetfield Bee
Lex = Zoey
Zoey = Linda
Sam = Gerald (Sam's still a police officer, just takes on the general role of Gerald in the stories)
Mimaw = Roman
Zach = River
Hailey = Other Monroe boys
(also just to be clear no Zach & Hailey are not Zoey & Sam's kids, Zach & Zoey are still siblings and Hailey is friend of theirs, Zach gets kidnapped and Hailey's a bitch to him)
Ethan = Sam (Ethan's still a mechanic not a cop, just takes on the general role of Sam in Honey Queen spefically)
Hannah = Zach
(except Lex, Ethan & Hannah are all closer than Zoey, Sam & Zach, also Lex & Ethan aren't cheating on each other)
Pamela = Mimaw
Shelia = Bob Metzger
Peanuts - Ezekiel
Squirrels - Nighthawks
Deb = Ziggs (Alice & Deb are still dating)
Sherman = the Metzger Brothers
Max = Otho
Boy Jerry - Dan Reynolds
Girl Jeri - Donna Daggit
Richie & Ruth = Rose
Rose = Kale
Kale = Charles
Frank - Eddie
Hidgens = Sheila
Charlotte = Sherman (Charlotte would Hidgens' niece or something)
Courtney = Thrash
Thrash = Skud
Skud = Courtney
I don't have all the details yet but feel free to ask questions or for clarification or anything if you want
(Courtney, Thrash & Skud are poly, I don't take criticism)
Lumber Axe = Willabella
Willabella = Chumby
Chumby = Lumber Axe
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sonnetthebard · 3 years
👉👈 could you maybe. Do a one-shot of the Linda and Jane switched at birth thing? 0w0
Oh boy, here we go! Thanks for the first request!
Genre: Angst/ Fluff? There's gotta be a subgenre for this but I have no clue what it is.
Words: 999 (no, I'm not joking and no, I'm not adding another word and ruining it
TL;DR: Linda Monroe finds out she was switched at birth with Jane Perkins.
TW: Mentions of Death, Parent Issues
This is also going to feature my "Linda's maiden name is Hidgens" headcanon because we don't have a canon one.
Linda sighed, looking through her parents' financials. What a mess this was. When her parents had died she was sure there would be enough money left for the funeral they planned. But... their funeral fund seemed to be drained. It's not like she didn't know that her parents loved an extravagant lifestyle, but this? This came as a bit of a shock. She was looking to see if she could find something, anything, that she could get reimbursed. Her parents had wanted to go out with a bang, and so help her they would. She had a reputation as a good daughter to maintain. She furrowed her brows, coming across one particularly large transaction.
"One hundred thousand dollars?" Linda muttered. She looked across to see where it had gone to. "Who the fuck is Trent Barker?"
Linda hurriedly took out her parents' financial journal. They always kept one, to make sure they knew exactly where their money was going. It was locked with a code lock as well as a key lock, just in case. There were some shady things in there, for their eyes only. Luckily, Linda had the key and the code. She opened the journal, leafing through it to the right date. She read through the details, her jaw falling slack.
"What the actual fuck..." Linda breathed.
It was a bright and sunny day at St. Damiens. Many families would be out laughing and playing at the park, Trent supposed. But he was not one of those people. Instead... se was surrounding by screaming, and crying. Not the terrible kind. The childbirth kind. He sighed, walking into a room with a blonde woman and her blonde husband, holding a brunette child.
"Mr. and Mrs. Hidgens?" Trent asked, taking a look at the fragile baby in the woman's arms. She was sobbing. "Congratulations."
"Th-thank you..." Mrs. Hidgens sniffed.
"I'm going to take little... Linda, is it?" Trent hummed, taking the child. "She's going to need to spend a little bit of time in an incubator before we can give her back to you."
"Hm?" The mother asked, clearly distracted.
"I said I'm taking your daughter to the incubator for a little bit." Trent repeated. She still seemed dazed, looking past him. "Is everything okay?"
"I want that baby..." The mother breathed.
"I'm sorry. I know separation from your child can be hard, but-" Trent started.
"Not that disgusting little thing!" The mother rolled her eyes. She nodded her head towards the door. "That one. The blonde."
"That disgusting little- Ma'am, baby envy can be a very real thing, but... this little girl came from you! She's full of life. Your life." Trent stumbled, taken aback. He'd heard of mothers not being satisfied, but calling a perfectly beautiful child 'disgusting' was a new level. "You'll learn to love her."
"How much would it take for there to be an... 'accidental switch'?" Mrs. Hidgens asked.
"Um... ma'am, I can't do that." Trent blinked, looking to the father for help. "I'm not allowed, and... it's not right."
"Oh come on, boy!" The father rolled his eyes. Trent's jaw fell slack. "There's a price to everything."
"I'm sorry... that's not your child, and I can't give it to you." Trent stammered.
"A thousand dollars?" The mother tried.
"I can't..." Trent shook his head.
"He's not going to do it for a thousand dollars, Laurel." The father rolled his eyes. "How about one hundred thousand, and we cover any and all legal fees for if you go to court for malpractice? Top lawyers, nothing spared."
"I..." Trent blinked. One hundred thousand... he wouldn't have to worry about his rent for years. And it wasn't like the other mother would know the difference. Blondes could change to brunettes. He didn't mean to say it, but it slipped out. And there was no going back. "Okay."
"And apparently, he took it." Linda sighed, sitting across the table from Gerald. "He took the money. I'm not Linda at all. I'm Jane."
"Linda, honey, you've been Linda for nearly your entire life." Gerald shrugged. "You were Jane for less than a day. And... Jane is dead now. It's not like there's anything you can do."
"I always wondered why I didn't look like them!" Linda thought aloud. "And... I think Jane may have even mentioned to me once how eery it was that I looked like her little sister. This explains so much... except for how perfectly I fit into this lifestyle."
"Doll, stop thinking about it." Gerald soothed her. "You did nothing wrong. If anything... it was your parents who were shady. And we already knew they were shady before."
"Yes, but this is a whole new level, Gerald." Linda huffed. "They bought their perfect baby and gave away their own! I know I'm no saint, but... imagine we had done that with River instead of just bleaching his hair!"
"I know it's upsetting, Linda, but... there;s nothing you can do to fix it." Gerald pointed out. "It's not like you can go and meet your real family now."
"Why not?" Linda asked.
"If this is upsetting for you... think of how overwhelming it would be for them to find out that their dead daughter wasn't even their daughter to begin with." Gerald reasoned. "You just have to keep on living."
"I suppose..." Linda sighed in defeat. "I think I want to at least help the Perkins, though. Get to know them, see what I can do to make their lives easier."
"I suppose you could do that." Gerald relented. "Just don't splurge on them, dear."
"Oh, I won't." Linda scoffed. "They're only my family. I'm not trying to get anything from them."
"Exactly." Gerald chuckled softly. Linda took out her phone.
"Now... let's see what I can find on my little sister, Emma." Linda hummed, opening her Instagram. This was the start of a very, very long- and hopefully fulfilling- journey for Linda. Perhaps through finding her family she would finally find herself.
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andie-cake · 3 years
hi I dont know shit about psychonauts but now im kind of interested in watching a play through or something just to get some background, and I was wondering, just for reference, in your au do the hatchetfield characters translate to any of the specific characters from the game or is the au just sort of a setting thing?
There are quite a few character parallels in the au, yes! Mostly from the first game. The first game does indeed take place in a Summer camp/training facility for young psychics (though the age range of the campers in psnauts 1 is more like 9-12, unlike the 6-17 age range of my au, which was done for the sake of filling the cast), and psnauts 2 does have an intern program for young adult psychics, which is what Ziggs and Ethan are a part of in the au.
Character-wise, Hannah and Lex split the role of Raz, the main character of psnauts, which I guess technically makes Ethan the Lili-equivalent character? MacNamara fills in the role of Coach Oleander. Duke and Miss Holloway are the Sasha Nein and Milla Vodello parallels (girlboss/malewife kinda-couple!!), and they kinda share the role with Paul and Emma. I didn't mention them in the plot summary, but I do want Hidgens and Linda to be a part of this au, and if I can fit them in they'll be the Doctor Loboto and Gloria Von Gouten parallels. Both Hidgens and Loboto are sorta "mad scientist" archetypes on the tumblr sexyman wiki, it was meant to be, and Honey Queen just gave me a lot of ideas for Linda in this AU. And speaking of the Monroes, Trent kinda fills the role of Bobby Zilch, being an irritating but mostly ineffective bully.
But yeah, I greatly encourage watching a playthrough if you're unable to play the games for yourself! It's got three games, Psychonauts, Rhombus of Ruin (which is a VR midquel game meant to bridge the gap between 1 and 2), and of course Psychonauts 2, which only came out back in August. It's a wonderful series, and 2 made me cry, so yeah!
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So I am in the process of posting all of the drabbles I have written (both emoji prompts and Spontaneous Saturday) to Ao3. In this process, I realized I have written 60 drabbles!
So, of course, I wanted to know which Character I had written about the most! The chart isn’t the best quality, but I wanted to give a visual lol (also I’m missing people on it, oops)
Out of 60 drabbles, I have written about 42 canon characters and one OC!
1. John MacNamara - 9/60
2. Sam Sweetly - 7/60
2. Hannah Foster 7/60
2. Paul Matthews - 7/60
3. Emma Perkin - 6/60
4. Duke Keane - 5/10
4. Zoey Chambers - 5/10
4. Tom Houston - 5/10
Honorable mentions!
4 appearances: Lex Foster, Trent Monroe, Tim Houston, Skud (Needy Beast), Rose (Needy Beast), Ethan Green, and Ted Spankoffski
3 appearances: Thrash (Needy Beast), Bill Woodward, Charlotte Sweetly, and Wilbur Cross/Wiley
2 appearances: Mr. MacNamara (unnamed), Pete Spankoffski, Steph Lauter, Becky Barnes, Greenpeace Girl, River Monroe, Courtney (Needy Beast), Deb, Ken Davidson, and Jade Smythe (OC)
1 appearance: Frank Pricely, Ziggs, Seaton Monroe, Jordan Monroe, Linda Monroe, Melissa, Jenny, Carol Davidson, Alice Woodward, Sof, Danny, Ed, Peanuts, and Xander
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