#tressure fluff
bookofmirth · 2 years
Could I just dare to say that Bryathalar became a little not interesting? I'm glad that the CC books don't focus on romantic relationships, have a dual POV and we get to see other relationships develope. I actually quite loved Bryathalar in the first book because that's where they met and their relationship didn't start all sweet. I liked how it developed, how it turned into a friendship and I loved their friendship. I liked that we got to see them fall in love on page. But because we have seen it all in CC1, I didn't really care about that ship anymore in the second book. I still love their banter and that they’re a team, it's just that there wasn't such angst and tension between them. It was basically them bantering, sexy times here and there and solving political problems and secrets. Only in the end of hosab did Bryathalar catch my attention, because chances are that Hunt won't remember Bryce and their times together. With Bryce now in Prythian and Hunt being a slave again and maybe not remembering Bryce, I'm dying to know how it will turn out and them falling in love again is something I'm kinda interested in seeing it.
The reason why I didn't mind Bryathalar in hosab that much was because the focus wasn't on them 24/7. I'm glad that we got to see more of Ithan and him finding a new family. I just loved the friendship between Ruhn, Dec and Flynn. Ruhnlidia?? PERFECTION. Lidia/ agent daybright herself? ALSO PERFECTION. I liked the quite friendship between Hunt and Baxian. Ruhn and Bryce's siblings bond. Also... other ships such as Ariadne and Flynn? Ithan and that wolf? Yeah. There were parts that didn't sit right with me such as Tharion's POV and Danika's secrets again and more, but the good parts overshadow the bad ones for me.
I think that is why I won't be able to ship El/riel. Like ever. It's just because they basically have no tension, they've always been nice and polite to each other and now they’re sexual attracted. I'm just not interest in ships where the couple is already interested in each other. Worst of all is when they don't even banter, or hold a conversation for at least 2 minutes. El/riel bores me. I can't read a book of just them alone, where they only have secret sex until they finally confess their love for each other. I love Gwynriel and the whole "glowing chest" "a thing of secret lovely beauty" because I tressure fluff scenes and meaningful friendships than sexual attraction. I'm interested In Gwynriel because I would like to see them slowly becoming friends, then more than friends without Azriel realizing. I would like to see Azriel not knowing what this glowing thing in his chest is and I want to see the "Oh sh*t" moments when he slowly sees her in a different light.
But Elucien is the most interesting couple and they are the best. They have a whole lot of tension, so much potential for an angsty, slowburn love story. I'm very interested in how Elucien would start, keep the story going and then end it. They have the big potential that Nessian didn't even have.
I'm just not a fan of Love stories where the couple is already interested in one another, That's why I never had a moment of shipping Chaol with Nesryn, or Alina with Mal (I don't ship Darklina). Maybe sometimes there is an exception, but that's not always the case.
Personally, quinlar/brythalar isn't very interesting because I don't like Bryce XD. She is so deeply, deeply unsympathetic to anything he feels of experiences. But I get your thinking! I think I'll have to reread at some point just to refresh my memory before acotar 4.5 I mean CC3 comes out. I do totally agree with you that the narrative being split up so we follow other characters besides Bryce and Hunt was really helpful in keeping my interest, personally.
Totally agree that Ruhn and Lidia are amazing! They stole the show for me. Whenever I reread, it will be for them and them only.
tbh, I think that Az's character is way too interesting - and I say this grudgingly, as someone who isn't his biggest fan - to languish in a relationship that's so... sedate. It would be so one note. They've had two years to explore whatever they wanted to explore, and it was... that??? Really? No thanks.
Elucien tension is so freaking good right now. I am SO CURIOUS what they are thinking, how they are feeling. They are both so fucking polite and I want them to get MAD and say what is on their minds!!! I can't wait until they do.
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qyuoza · 2 years
To Our Last (PJH)
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“The sunset is beautiful isn’t it?”
Genre: Angst, heartbreak
AU: Idol!au
Warnings: none (but ig it’s also a fair warning that i also haven’t edited or proofread this yet) ^^*
Synopsis: He takes you to see the sunset with him because you were always his first, and now you were going to be his last.
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It was your fourth year anniversary with Jihoon when Treasure held their first concert, and to go back in time, you knew you were a constant in his first everything. His first supporter, his best friend, his first kiss, and now, you were his first (and probably last) girlfriend.
“Happy anniversary Ji! And I loved the concert! You all did so well today” you grin widely. The members smiled as Jihoon took you in his arms, giving you a kiss on your cheek in the process.
“Thanks Y/n, that means a lot! Happy anniversary to you both by the way, to more years together” Hyunsuk smiles. Jihoon gazes into your eyes lovingly and drags you away, completely exhausted and wanting to go home after such a long day.
“Happy anniversary Y/n, sorry I couldn’t do anything for our fourth year together. I didn’t realize the concert would fall on the same day, but here we are” he says softly.
“I don’t mind at all, it’s your first concert and we have many other anniversaries so it’s ok for you to enjoy the time you have with your fans” you reply.
The slight glow of the streetlights hit his face and you see Jihoon with a loving look in his eyes. Not a single coherent thought was behind them except you in that very moment.
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After your fourth anniversary, Jihoon had suddenly become distant, but you thought this was completely odd knowing they’d have more free time.
“Hyunsuk? Hello? Is Jihoon at the company with you guys” that day, you gave Hyunsuk a call out of concern. Jihoon came home late the night before and left before you could even wake up.
“Y/n? Hey, uhm he’s not with us right now? We don’t have any work so Yedam and I are really just out shopping. You’re welcome to join us if you’d like” the older male offered. You politely decline and thank him before ending the call.
Then you decided to call Junkyu, the only other person who might be with Jihoon at the moment.
“Hello? Y/n? Jihoon? No he’s not here either. He just came to the dorms and left without a word, said something about going out with a few friends. If you want, I can tell him that you called” Junkyu says from the other line.
You sigh in relief, at least someone was there to give him a heads up on your behalf. He hadn’t replied to any of your calls or texts all morning.
“Thanks Kyu, you’re a lifesaver really! Now I’ve got to go, enjoy your break” you end the call and sigh. Why was he acting so weird? You hated acting like a clingy girlfriend, but at times like these you needed to have a serious talk with your boyfriend.
He wouldn’t just get up and leave like that if he wanted time alone, he’d always let you know. At that moment, the front door opens, breaking your train of thought. It was Jihoon, and he smiled at you with an unreadable glint in his eyes.
“Let’s go to the beach, I have to tell you something” you only nod in reply and go to change into something more comfortable.
You grab your jacket and you both head out of the apartment, awkward tension between you both, something that never happens.
The sun was starting to go down when you both arrive. On the beach, Jihoon places a towel on the sand for the two of you to sit on. Then you turn towards him, taking in the sudden situation.
“Why’d you bring me here Ji?” You ask, before turning to watch the sunset. It was so beautiful and it was everything you needed after a hard week.
Not only with the rough patch in your relationship, but your studies and social life have wormed it’s way into your stress.
“The sunset is beautiful isn’t it?” He says sadly. You abruptly turn to Jihoon and his face is stoic, not a single emotion on it.
“You don’t mean that” you reply frantically, tears threatening to spill from your eyes. It was like a bomb had dropped on you, there was just no way.
“I mean it, and I’m sorry Y/n. I love you, but times have changed”
© qyuoza 2022 -. please refrain from plagiarizing any of my works and do not repost/copy onto any other sites.
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mizukiprsk · 2 years
HELLOOHOHOO!! if you’re ok with it could you do the fluff/cute alphabet with mizuki akiyama? i loveloveLOVE ur works btw they make me smile!!!!
ª, I don't think I can do ALL of it, but I'll pick the letters on Mizuki's name because I think that's funny
Akiyama Mizuki fluff alphabet A, I, K, M, U, Y and Z
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Mizuki loves that you can be so cool, yet so cute at the same time. The ease with which you can switch between the two makes them find you absolutely adorable
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
They met you through mutual friends. An aproached you one day on school to tell you to fix your uniform. You aparently also worked at the library alongside Toya. Mizuki thought that if you were friends with An and Toya, you were probably a nice person
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
Probably you, even though Mizuki would be aching to kiss from a long time ago. They wouldn't want to do anything you didn't like, so resisted their urges. Once you make the first move and reassure them, they would be all over it. Mizuki loves to kiss you anywhere on your face, depending on their mood
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
On the early stages of your relationship, when they were insecure about showing affection to you in public, some school mates were pestering them and you came in, shoved and arm around Mizuki's shoulders and said "They are with me. Is there any problem here?". You are fairly respected in school, so they just left. Mizuki tressures that memory, and makes them feel all fuzzy everytime they remember it
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Any form of skinship. Like stroking each other's arms, cuddling, being hold... Usually while you are watching an anime or film only the two of you. Mizuki would curl up to you like a kitty cat
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
They have thought about it, at times. Mizuki is still really bitter about being left behind, and would try to focus on enjoy the present time they have with you, trying not to think too much about the future
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
Mizuki would be neutral about having a pet. Wouldn't be opposed, but don't crave it, either. But if they had, it will probably be either a cat or a dog, maybe a bird, and they would be 100% prone spoil them, and will love them a lot.
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novasheadcanons · 4 years
The Brothers with a MC who’s presence is calming their sin
TW: None :3    SFW   Fluff
-One word: Denial.
- He was always proud. And he found new pride in being the Avatar he is. He would never allow anything else to happen.
- But you wormed your way almost to easy into the eldest heart.
- You started bringing him tea and a snack in the evening, when the others were getting ready for bed and you knew he was still working. The amount of paperwork seemingly endless.
- He scroffed the first time you did this. He didn’t need a weak human to take care of him.
- He will absolutly deny how quickly he was looking forward to seeing you in the evening, a gentle smile your lips and delicious tea and his favourite cake in your hands.
- You humbled him. Soft whispers of comfort in the night when he was overworked, stressed and trying to ingnore painful memories. He allowes you to care for him when he previously would have strangled anyone who saw him like this. Now he’s questioning what he did to deserve you.
- He leans into your touch and reaches out for you in return.
- What was previously limited to when you two were alone starts to seep into his daily life with the brothers as well.
- He recrognizes his shortcomings and flaws more, but still struggles to act on it. But he becomes more forgiving. His brothers were sure he was deadly ill the first time they noticed.
- Lucifer will always be the embodyment of pride, but he becomes softer around the edges.
- He like to pull you on his lap and stroke over your cheek. It never fails to make him smile when you look at him with so much adoration.
- “You know I can’t let you go just yet, right?”
-He thinks he’s dying. No joke. He has been googling his ‘symtoms’ 6 time now. - But ‘Help I’m the Avatar of Greed but I feel weird!’ doesn’t really bring forth anything useful.
- Mammon’s greed is something he never had any control over, and he still doesn’t. At least no concious control.
- It starts when you two are out and about. He made a new money making sheme and dragged you along, as usual, but now you two were sitting at this fountain for two hours already and he forgot why he dragged you in the first place.
- Mammon watched you laugh over something he said, but it was a nice laugh. A laugh that didn’t sting. You weren’t laughing about him. This was nice. He wanted more of this.
- When he actually managed to make money and he found himself looking for something for you instead of him, it dawned on him. This dork came home with 4 gifts for you and only one cool pair of shades for himself. Pff, he wanted nothing else anyway, why are you looking at him so surprised?
- He still gets the sticky fingers when he sees something he could sell to make money, but more often than not he placed it back after thinking about how you would not like him stealing and getting in trouble again.
- The Avatar of Greed is still well...greedy. But it changes. Mammon feels so fuzzy inside when you're happy, laughing, reaching out towards him. He finally noticed how much more he wants of this. No amount of grimm could outshine your smile when you look at him. You filled the emptiness he tried to stuff with grimm, clothes and jewelry.
- He hugged you close one night, not knowing you were still awake. You had been watching a movie together and decided that you would be sleeping here, to tired to go back to your room.
- He whispers quietly in your hair while pulling you even closer to his chest. “Ya are the biggest tressure I ever held...”
-absolutly oblivious to it. Like, this man does not notice at all.
- It also took a long time. His envy isn’t just jealousy. It is self-deprecation. It is comparing himself to anyone else and always comming to the conclusion that the other person is better.
- It only started when he accepted (for the most part) that you truly were his friend. That you didn’t secretly were planning a long-term joke on him.
- He had been ranting about a new fascination of his for a while now, while you were watching him being so in his element. He looked... happy maybe even a little confident? When he noticed how long he had been talking again he apologized but he didn’t look ashamed like he usually looked. More bashfull, but still smiling. And it didn’t take much convincing to have him continue.
- It was a lot of these little things. But more and more his envy lost it’s sharp edge that used to stab him in the back everytime he so much as thought about being proud of something he achived.
- You helped him becomming more at ease with himself. Your presence reminded him about all the things that were good in this life. Things others didn’t have.
- He realised this when he was complaining about how unfair something was when he looked at you. Patiently sitting there and holding his hand. With this loving look in your eyes.
- The widest smile you’ve ever seen from him streched across his face, lighting up his eyes and he squeezed your hand.
- “What am I doing? How could I complain about something so trivial when I have you by my side?”
- Cue both of you blushing and looking surprised. You couldn’t help but laugh a little when he hid his face in your shoulder when you hugged him. A blushing, blabbering mess
- He may be making progress but he would always be your Levi.
- There will be time where he falls back into his old harmfull thoughts but he knows you will be there to hold his hand. Just like Henry does for the Lord of Shadows!
-He caught on the quickest and welcomed it the slowest.
- Every since you moved in with them he felt weird when you were in the room. Probably because he was so sensitive. Satan picked up on everything in a room, so every little thing could set him off if he hadn’t learned how to quickly escape and rage in the safety of his room.
- But the more time he spend in a room, close to you, the calmer his mind became. He still picked up on everything but when he glanced at you, or when you softly touched his hand because you noticed his eyes tighten a little, a wave of calm washed over him.
- He did not trust it. At all. Were you influencing him with magic? Were you doing it on purpose? But if you were so powerful that you could calm the Avatar of Wrath with a single touch why were you always so close to dying??
- As usual for Satan he spend days researching, trying to find anything. Without success.
- He barged into your room, agitated by the lack of success. Satan had nearly kicked your door open. And froze when he saw you.
- You were laying your back, your legs streched out and propped up on the wall. Your D.D.D making contact with your face when he had barged in. He couldn’d help but to laugh a little. His previous anger forgotten
- Calmly he closed the door and joining you on the bed, where you had just set up and were rubbing your forehead. “The fuck, Satan?”
- He smiled softly, taking your hand in his so he could give the red spot on your forehead a little peck. “Let me make it better.”
- Maybe it wasn’t so important why and how. You calmed his wrath finally making place for something else.
- When his brothers catched on they would practially dump you on top of Satan whenever he worked himself into a rage. Works like a charm.
-He never said anything to you, but you knew. The look in his eyes told you everything.
-For him the transission was so smothly he didn’t notices it for a while. He started complimenting you, without complimenting himself while doing it. He didn’t praise his outer beauty with nearly every single breath anymore. Still alot (Have you seen him?) but less desperatly. Asmo forgot to post his morning selfies twice in a row because he lazed around in bed with you.
- It irretated him to no end for weeks now. Something felt off and he had no clue what it was. It was driving him absolutly insane and his brothers were acting like they knew why, but noone would tell him anything!
- It was the third week now he didn’t feel like going partying to get praised, get eye-fucked by every passing person...
- Instead you two were in his room, wearing soft pjs and laying on his bed, shoulders pressed together
- You had grapped his hand while talking, gestureing wildly exited about something.
- It wasn’t that he didn’t enjoy you talking, or wasn’t interessted but he was to mesmerised by your face, eyes shining with joy.
- Suddenly it just...clicked.
- “It’s you...!”
- He was sitting up, pulling you up with him. You rearly witnessed the Avatar of Lust looking at you so...seriously.
- “Asmo...is everything alright? Did I-“
- He had pulled you on his lap, arm tight around you, just holding you as close as possibly to him. You were all he ever wanted but tried so hard to deny. You loved him. Not the Avatar of Lust, but him!
- “I...I love you more than I love myself.”
-You calmed his desprate desire to be loved. To be seen.
-It started after you made the pact with him, probably because you were spending more time with him now.
- probably the most noticable change out of the brothers.
- It also started of slow. A few less snacks in between classes, not 12 plates of food at breakfeast but 10
- The brothers noticed immediatly but he brushed it off. He was feeling fine. Better than fine actually. Beely felt this warm fuzzy feeling in his stomach. Smiling happily he took another bite, enjoying the taste more than usually before gulfing down more.
- The first time you two fell asleep in a bed together, you had made yourself comftable on top of him, he gently brushed some strands of hair out of your face. You had fallen asleep ontop of him. He was kind of hungry but you looked so blissfully happy...
- In the end he fell asleep, too. And he sleept through the night.
- Imagine his shock when he woke up before you, now really feeling hungry expecting it to be around midnight, as usual, but instead it was time for breakfest... When was the last time he didn’t get up in the night to eat?
- He is still eating an absolutly ungodly amount of food but he doesn’t feel like he is starving nearly every seconds of the day anymore. When he realised it was because of you, he picked you up in a bear-hug. Just holding you close and pressing his face into your neck. You swear you feel your neck getting a bit wet...
- “Thank you...Thank you so much...”
-after being freed from the attic he finally joined the ‘normal’ life in the House of Lamentation again
- the others had already spend a lot of time with you. So they figured it out by now already but they agreed not to tell Belphie for two reasons:
- 1. Nobody wanted him to be dissapointed should it turn out that it doesn’t happen for him.
- 2. They wanted it to be a surprise should it work.
- Belphie felt insecure for a while since all his brothers were already so close to you and he well... He wasn’t exactly starting of a clean plate here...
- So he occupied your time a lot for a while
- He didn’t notices his brothers small changes for that reason
- It started off by being more awake around you when you two had cuddle & nap sessions together. He shrugged it of to just wanting to get to know you more.
- Your presence made him being able to be awake for longer periods of time in the beginning, then when you forced him to participate in activities with Beel and you his energy didn’t drain as quickly as he was used to. When he slept, he didn’t sleep quiet as long but felt so much better after waking up.
- It made him suspicious. So he started watching his brothers more.
- After two month he confronted you at breakfeast.
- “What are you doing to me?” Okay, rude...
- Why were his brothers ginning so stupidly?
- After you spend a while explaining what you and the others figured out he leaned back, taken aback. A soft smile taking over his lips that he could not surpress fast enough.
- Later that night he made himself comtable on top of you, his head on your chest, listening to your heartbeat. He didn’t know what to do, but your lovingly petting his hair made him realise he didn’t need to.
- He still sleeps a lot, often and in the weirdest places, he will always be the Avatar of Sloth but this might not be so bad after all.
Please reblog and like if you liked this! I would love to know what you think of this, so consider leaving a comment. This is my first try on HC for anything :3 My requests are open!
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