#trilobite cockroach
drhoz · 2 years
#1845 - Laxta rieki - Trilobite Roach
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Banjup, Perth.
Males are winged with a wide thoracic shield, but the females are wingless and can cling very securely to the wood and bark they’re hiding under. The best-known species is L. granicollis, but that’s probably because all but one of the other 13 species were named and described in 1992. 
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bogleech · 7 months
Top ten imaginary bugs?
A tree dwelling cockroach that lights up like a firefly
A big spiny predatory katydid that lights up to lure the cockroaches
A freshwater mantis shrimp I could just find at the average creek like I can crawfish.
A "giant" (like 2 inches) flightless lousefly that can thrive on any vertebrate blood and bites things at night like a vampire bat, wouldn't spread disease or infest homes or even be any more painful than a mosquito but you know it'd freak people out real bad anyways. Just something extra to keep humans on their toes.
A giant (like 1 inch) snout mite because they're really fun carnivorous mites with pointy noses, I wanna be able to keep them as pets too, or an even more giant tick but it's a non-biting scavenger. I want a big friendly tick.
A freshwater goose barnacle that can grow on land and catch insects like a venus flytrap.
A fully terrestrial crab that lives positively everywhere just so we'd have a culture in which crabs have to be recognized as common woodland creatures instead of mainly sea or beach creatures. I just think that would be fun. Might be neat if it's also super spiny all over.
A positively colossal (half an inch) tardigrade. Some tardigrades are predators, it could be one of those. A ferocious mega tardigrade that eats worms and termites and things.
One single small, plain species of trilobite that survived extinction by coming onto land but it's a petty nuisance to us, like it loves to eat stucco or something.
A biting vampire butterfly. Vampire moths exist, but they're rare and nocturnal. The vampire butterfly should be common and act like any other butterfly except that it will bite you if it gets the chance. As with the woodland crab I just wanna see what cultural impact there'd be if one butterfly was scary. It should look really distinct among all butterflies for ease of artistic use. So nobody has to explain what kind of butterfly it is if they got it for a tattoo or put it on an album cover.
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crevicedwelling · 1 year
Might be a silly question, but do all arthropods have a larval stage?
no, arthropods like spiders and centipedes don’t have larvae and hatch directly into juveniles; and while the bulk of insect diversity is made of species that do have larvae, a lot of insects, like mantises, roaches, and grasshoppers, also have no larval stage.
the insects do that have the larva-pupa-adult lifestyle form a monophyletic group, the Endopterygota, which means larval juveniles only evolved once in insects.
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(from Wikipedia)
ancestrally, insects hatched out of the egg looking like a tiny adult, and kept on molting even after becoming adults (today, bristletails and silverfish are the only ones that still develop like this). at some point, the adult stage of some insects evolved wings, which is where molting stops for an individual (pretty much all of the insects you’re familiar with). these insects still had juveniles that resemble adults, like how cockroach nymphs look and live similarly to adults. eventually, the ancestors of the Endopterygota evolved juveniles that didn’t look or act like adults, which allowed the larvae and adults to efficiently make use of different food sources and habitats.
larval instars, or molting stages, are the same instars that non-holometabolous insects go through, but to support the complex development of a very different body plan, the second-to last doesn’t do much moving—it’s a pupa. a hypothetical exopterygote (no larva) might develop like this: egg, i1 (nymph), i2, i3, i4, i5, i6, i7 (adult). meanwhile, a hypothetical endopterygote with the same number of instars would develop like this: egg, i1 (larva), i2, i3, i4, i5, i6 (pupa), i7 (adult). essentially, larvae and pupae are just highly modified nymphal stages!
however, “larva” is a general term for a juvenile stage that’s very different from the adult. many marine arthropods have tiny juveniles that drift as plankton before growing large enough to live on solid ground. many crustaceans, like crabs and shrimp, do this, but chelicerates like sea spiders and horseshoe crabs, and the extinct trilobites, also have or had tiny planktonic larvae. these larvae don’t share a an evolutionary origin with insect larvae though.
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limbus-limousine · 3 months
Ik you're mostly a Sinclair poster (a very good one at that) but do you have any animal associations for Dante? Or any of the other sinners for that matter
I have a list of animal associations for project moon characters in general... I'm still working on it but I eventually want to get to background characters too like the optional ruina receptions etc. But currently these are my thoughts for limbus...
Dante: Merulanella blister/tricolor isopod (a perfect match if you ask me... very expensive collectionist morph too). This might change once we know more about them though!
For Verg and Charon I still have to think some up... But Charon is giving mustelid I must say
Yi Sang: Hooded crow + cicada
Dongbaek: Caramel crow!! (This would be a regular American crow, caramel is a mutation that's still being researched which gives them a creamy brown coloration)
Samjo: Great auk (extinct diver bird/penguin) + Royal tern + otter
Dongrang: African forest buffalo + blue roan shorthorn + Oxpecker + cattle egret
Faust: Rock ptarmigan + wooly aphid (still want to look for more...)
Don Quixote: Quagga + Bearded vulture + Monitor lizard
Ryoshu: Horned owl + Dragontail butterfly + Moth (still need to look into species) + ratsnake/black mamba (reference to Hell Screen)
Meursault: Honestly very hard choice... Mostly for personality reasons, I've been thinking of a Nurse shark + MAYBE badger (noctural + def. want an omnivore in there) + Clam or something
Hong Lu: Mantis shrimp + lemur + Sinosauropteryx (chinese compsognathid with conserved pigments of a ringed tail!)
Heathcliff: Aardwolf + Bronze-tailed peacock-pheasant (want to look for more too...)
Ishmael: Orca (only predator of whales) + kutchicetus (cetacean transitional fossil) + lobster
Ahab: Sperm whale + Narwhal + polar bear
Queequeg: Leopard seal
Rodya: Manul + Cozumel raccoon
Sonya: Leucistic amur leopard + Mediterranean fruit fly
Sinclair (more details...): Eurasian sparrowhawk + indeterminate canine traits. I imagine him as a bilateral gynandromorph (half male/female mutation), inspired by the real recorded specimens of lazuli buntings and canaries.
Demian: Malayan blue coral snake + Boelen's python + Luzon bleeding-heart dove. Pondering on lamb motif + maybe some traces of corvid
Kromer: Mountain lion + Hercules beetle grub + red headed centipede + some mantid perhaps (looking into it)
Outis: Przewalski's horse, or maybe a Mustang (debating, I'm not as informed about equines !) + Harris Hawk + Black headed python
Gregor: Painted trilobite cockroach (infestation) + Ensign wasp (main/original body) + House centipede
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katborg82 · 5 months
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Trilobites (Three Lobes) may not seem like much, but these are some of my favorite prehistoric creatures. These unassuming marine arthropods were like the cockroaches of the sea during the Paleozoic. They first appeared about 521 million years ago and lasted for nearly 300 million years, making them even more successful than the Dinosaurs. This wasn't because they were massive predators, but rather because they were survivors. They had evolved hard shells and were able to curl into a ball for protection like modern armadillos or pill bugs. Over their extensive reign they would adapt all sorts of new shapes and sizes, we'll be exploring these more in the future.
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ivory--raven · 1 month
34. Best extinct aquatic animal?
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They're gorgeous. Very charismatic. I possess two trilobite fossils and I think they're very cool. They remind me in shape of hissing cockroaches - which I am also fond of - making me think that perhaps I have a type. I find that body plan pretty. They're so smooth, y'know?
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jonnysinsectcatalogue · 10 months
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Brazilian Giant Cockroach - Blaberus giganteus
Moving into week two of insect exhibits at the Toronto Zoo, we now come to explore species of a more tropical variety. It will begin with this post and then 2 more to follow over the next few days. And so, behold a Cockroach colony featuring giants among their world! The stature of these Roaches make them among of the largest of their order. For comparison to another tropical specie, a majority of the adult specimens here are around the same length as the Madagascar Hissing Cockroach (reportedly between 5-10cm), while some are even longer and certainly wider. Large as both species are, there are still larger Roaches out there such as those in the genus Megaloblatta (with 'mega' in the name, there's no contest), but today it's all about the Brazilian Giant Cockroaches. Some individuals here are likely to be longer than those I've seen in the ROM's insect exhibits. However, it's hard to judge without a ruler, and more importantly B. giganteus appears more dainty compared to its Madagascar relative, which appears more compact due to the lack of wings. On the subject of wings, the adults in the terrarium are all capable of flight. However, just because they can doesn't mean they have the inclination (it is a small, protected exhibit). Under most conditions, they are reported to be infrequent fliers, only doing so when necessary (for escape and dispersal potentially).
A quick judgment suggests that male Brazilian Giant Roaches are found to be airborne more as females are heavier. Regardless of age, weight or size, sprinting and scurrying is the best option for a Roach, and a flattened body allows an escape beneath a stone, log or into a crack in their environment. Young nymphs learn quickly how fast they can run and the only get better as they molt. I wished I could've glimpsed that among the individuals here, either from an adult or the wingless nymphs. There are many late instars of the latter affixed to their barky decorations, but if you examine closely there are smaller, trilobite-like nymphs hiding about. This begs the question on how many oothecas (egg cases, see the Mantis cases for reference) and fertilized females were and/or are around in this exhibit? Reason being that population dynamics and control are necessary in such a close environment, and once a B. giganteus female is fertilized by a male, she's set for life in terms of offspring! Looking at the undersides of the individuals here, there are likely to be more females in this exhibit (or maybe balanced, hard to tell) than males (males have additional styli appendages at the abdomen's tip), giving them something in common with the next insect I'll be sharing from the Toronto Zoo.
Since the insects belong to the Toronto Zoo, I’ve marked them with the Mantis icon. Pictures were taken August 27, 2023 at the Toronto Zoo with a Google Pixel 4. Please go and visit the animals (insects very much included)
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You already know about fuscia being mantis shrimp, blue/indigo being beetle, and gold being bees. Going from the bottom of the hemospectrum up, the rest of them are as follows:
Rustbloods are flies Bronzebloods are ants Limebloods are trilobites [candy red bloods are horseshoe crabs] Olivebloods are crickets/grasshoppers Jadebloods are mosquitoes Tealbloods are mantises Cerulean/Bluebloods are arachnids Purplebloods are cockroaches
And last but not least, the most heartbreaking in the context of dsmpstuck, violets are lobsters. Specifically because I wanted eridan to have to have a shitty little moustache and be unable to get rid of it.
THAT'S SO COOL. OMG. rustbloods being flies ohhh my god. short lifespans + association with death I LOVE THAT!!!! and limeblood trilobites ahgshagh YEAHAHAHHA!!!! love lobster violetbloods. lobster eret!!!!! oh thats so cool i love it so so so much
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annoyangle · 6 months
whats your favorite earth made natural disaster?
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acesandfairydust · 2 years
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Royal Purple Butterfly caught! Cockroach caught! Trilobite Beetle caught!
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typhlonectes · 5 years
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A Series of Roly Poly Friends
Isopod (”Roly-poly”, Pill bug), Millipede, Cockroach, Beetle, Trilobite
via: Biologgers
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nonotranslates · 3 years
ARB Event Translation: Eccentric Journey ~  The Forest where Dangerous Creatures Lives ~ - Chapter 3
This event heavily relies on sound and visual effects so please enjoy it alongside the game. [Link to gameplay video]
Chapter 3 - Exquisite! Cooking of 'Ancient Creatures'!
Man, I have all these drafts just sitting around waiting to be proofread properly but I'm way too tired and depressed from work... I'm not gonna bother proofreading again for this event since it's just a straightforward event story. Please let me know if there are any mistakes!
Sabertooth tiger: GWAOOOOOOOH!!!
*sound of something being thrown and collapsing*
Sabertooth tiger: Gyao! Gyao!! Gyao!!!
Kuukou: Ah? What the…...?
*sound of footsteps approaching*
Riou: Are you alright?
Jyushi: Y-you’re Yokohama’s……
Riou: Mm…… You guys are Nagoya’s……
Jyushi: Ahem! …...I am the supreme ruler of chaos who creates tranquility, Aimono…… The one known as Aimono Jyushi! You have done well to rush to us in our predicament! The gods who shine radiantly will surely grant you---
Kuukou: Ooh! You really saved us there! We were dangerously close to dying just now!
Riou: No need to thank me. I passed by because I was hunting food ingredients just now.
Kuukou: Huuh, is that so.
Riou: If it’s fine with you guys, you guys should come to my base to rest
Kuukou: My bad! I’ll be taking you up on that then
*Note: i.e., ‘thanks and sorry I’ll be troubling you’
Jyushi: P-Please wait! Please don’t leave me behind!!!
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Jyushi: A roasted whole sabertooth tiger huh… (*Note: something like this)
Kuukou: Ain’t it looks delicious!
Riou: Feel free to eat plenty
Kuukou: Hehe! Thanks man!
Riou: It’s better when there’s more people around the meal table after all
Kuukou: Hehe! If we missed out on this, we’ll likely never get the chance to eat Sabertooth Tiger meat and such ever again! Aren’t we glad, Jyushi!
Jyushi: ...are we really? (*Note: no clue if Kuukou meant ‘Aren’t you glad’ or ‘Aren’t we glad’, I guess it’s the former?)
Riou: Alright, it’s grilled!
Jyushi: (U, uuu……. Can this sort of stuff really be eaten…..?)
Kuukou: Ooh! Ain’t this super duper delicious!!
Riou: Isn’t it? This fellow is characterized by its meat texture and richly flavored fats, yet still tasting refreshing. It’s an exquisite catch. *
Kuukou: It’s seriously superb!
Riou: Here. Aimono, you should eat it while it’s still warm too
Jyushi: (I can’t bring myself to reject his good intentions…..)
Jyushi: I-I’ll be digging in…..
Jyushi: Ah, you’re right! It’s so delicious!!
Kuukou: Right?! Can I have more!?
Jyushi: I want too!
Riou: Sure, eat as much as you want.
Riou: If it’s alright with you guys, have some of this too
Kuukou: Sure! I’ll eat anything!
Jyushi: Thank you so m---
Jyushi: Uuhhhyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
Kuukou: Huh. That’s some dish that I’ve never seen before
Riou: It’s grilled Trilobite and Anomalocaris (*Note: Google the first one if you’re brave, it looks like an ocean centipede cockroach. The second one is just the Pokemon Anorith)
Jyushi: Bug! Huge bugs!! It has so many legs!!
Kuukou: How sumptuous. This is a dish of extinct species too huh!
Riou: Aimono. Have some.
Jyushi: Uhh…….
Riou: …...are you not eating it?
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Jyushi: I’ll eat it! I’m the type who doesn’t leave any leftovers!
*After the meal*
Kuukou: Phew. I’m full! Thanks for the meal!
Jyushi: Thank…… you…..for the…… meal…….
Riou: Mm hmm. You guys eat well. The two of you can become great soldiers.
Kuukou: Fuaa~ I got sleepy after eating. Hey, do you mind letting us stay the night here?
Riou: Sure. No problem.
Jyushi: W-we’re staying overnight here…..? .
Kuukou: It’ll be tiring to go home now, isn’t it? Let’s get a good sleep and go home tomorrow.
Aimono: I-I understand…….
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Jyushi: Wow~ The stars are super beautiful~
Riou: This place is quite a distance from Yokohama’s central area (city). Because the street lights doesn’t reach here, the stars here look beautiful *
Kuukou: Huh~ Well, I don’t see what’s interesting about gazing at stars
Jyushi: What are you saying, Kuukou-san!
Kuukou: Haa?
Jyushi: Stargazing is the best!
Kuukou: All you can see is just some spots of lights, isn’t that boring?
Jyushi: That’s because Kuukou-san doesn’t know anything about stars! Here, please look up at the sky!
Kuukou: What’s it…..
Jyushi: The one you can see over there is the Aquila constellation! And then the one over there is the Cygnus constellation! And then, do you know what that one is!?
Kuukou: I dunno……
Jyushi: Come on! Kuukou-san, please answer!
Kuukou: Aaaa, it’s the Bhaisajyaguru constellation ……. (*Note: it’s the same Medicine King Bhaisajyaguru he mentioned in Hang out!. I love how he just anyhow answers Jyushi something just to please him lol*)
Jyushi: There’s no such constellation, you know!!
Riou: That’s the Lyra constellation, isn’t it.
Jyushi: Correct! Busujima-san!! Those 3 are called the Summer Triangle asterism and consist of the Deneb, Vega, and Altair stars!
Kuukou: Aaagh, yes yes. Not interested. I can’t remember even if you tell me about it anyway.
Jyushi: N-No way…….
Riou: Aimono likes stars, huh
Jyushi: Yes! I like them! Because stars have a sense of romance to them!
Riou: That so…… Have you thought of going straight there to see it?
Jyushi: Well that…… When I was a child, I used to wanted to become an astronaut but…… before I knew it, I’ve given up on it…..
Riou: Then, shall we go?
Jyushi: Eh, go... to where?
Riou: To space, of course. Looking at the stars from the moon is nice too.
Jyushi: (Busujima-san tells jokes too huh…… Going along with him here would be the etiquette of an adult!)
Jyushi: Ahahaha! I’ll go! This way, my dream will be realized!
Riou: Mm hmm. How about Harai?
Kuukou: Is your head alright? How are we gonna go to somewhere like the space?
Riou: When the army was disbanded, I borrowed a rocket as preparation in case of an emergency.
Kuukou: Hah?
Jyushi: Eh?
Riou: Then, let’s get moving immediately
*rocket sounds*
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man, i find Chuuni Jyushi way more difficult to translate than Gentaro... I have no clue what are half of the kanji he uses so I'm really glad he only has one sentence of it here.
Riou being an expert at stars is surprising. I didn't expect such cute interactions and him being this much of a riot...........
I love how these ARB events gives us completely new character dynamics... Things that we would have never seen in the main stories... I mean, Constellation buddies Riou and Jyushi?? and just imagine, what if Dinosaur buddies Gentaro and Kuukou?? (he likes extinct animals so there's no way he doesn't like dinosaurs, the coolest of all extinct animals, too)
Also, the boys didn't faint from eating leggy bugs, so they're officially cooler than Gentaro now. Stan BAT.
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the-toybox-general · 3 years
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Cockroach design !! He’s based on two different types of cockroach! Based on the trilobite cockroach and this sky blue cockroach I actually can’t quite get a species name for?? @__@ But it seems it might be a blue Panchlora Cockroach!
Anyways I originally thought the blue species was a neotropical cockroach because god help me SO. His name is Tropic and I’m not changing it now
EITHER WAY. I’m proud of his design and I love him lots
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snapsicle · 4 years
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what do all of these lovely bugs have in common? yes, they are ALL types of cockroaches! most people imagine creepy crawly pests getting into their food when they picture a cockroach, but the truth is that the family Blattodea includes some really colorful, unique and amazing specimens! 
in order: halloween hissing cockroach, domino cockroach, green banana cockroach, prosoplecta ladybug cockroach, pretty cockroach, painted trilobite cockroach
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scolopendress-tag · 3 years
do cockroaches have any redeeming qualities?
I think they are animals that deserve respect and have a purpose and all that and there are some I like!
Domino roaches and such are quite cute! Metallic emerald roaches, painted trilobite roaches are interesting too, and there's even some that look just like ladybugs!
And of course they're an indispensable part of our ecosystems, can be pollinators and are one of natures most notorious clean up crews.
A huge majority of roaches are also NOT pests, and the amount that are infestation causers can honestly be counted on your hands out of the 4k+ other species which just vibe happily outdoors.
Also bred in captivity some species make very healthy and yummy snacks for centipedes and the like <3
I grew up with a bad phobia that I'm only over enough now that it doesn't technically count as a phobia. The most interaction I will have with them are moving them with tweezers when feeders, and I only keep feeder roaches that don't look overly... Roachy (so I use dubia and not red runners.) If you ask me if I want to handle a roach, I will decline, and these are in fact one of the ONLY bugs I am this way about.
So, there's that.
They're still just animals in any case, and I don't hate them.
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jshoulson · 3 years
Today’s Poem
Our Vanishing --Joyce Peseroff
Thanks, no thanks, to eternal life. What pleasure watching my old house broken-beamed, grey
elephant brought to its knees? White ash—gone the way of trilobites and horsehair fern,
even the nuclear-proof cockroach in deep-freeze. Cueballs knock each other randomly; reverse.
the tape and movement looks the same, illustrating the end of time: things happen, but don't matter.
And if Lethe strips you like a swimmer from his trunks, where will "I" be? If Heaven
without you is Hell, how will I know? A forever of no-never-mind does not appeal, God's heart
a cold, contracting cinder. Give me the white light, the slit of split-second calm, and knowing over is over.
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